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Things Take a Turn for the Worse for Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers is continuing to tank his legacy and potentially the remainder of his NFL career by leaning full-force into the conspiracy theories that have rotted his brain. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

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I got a platform to speak some people
hate it some people want to shut me up I
mean I got mentioned as a finalist to be
uh you know vice president on a ticket
and they attacked me well let’s hang on
a second Cen is learning tonight that in
private conversations Rogers has shared
conspiracy theories falsely claiming the
2012 Sandy Hook shooting was not real
back in 2013 when CNN’s Pamela Brown was
covering the Kentucky Derby she met
Aaron Rogers and Brown says in
conversations with him Rogers attacked
the news media claiming important
stories were being covered up he then
brought up the Sandy Hook shoot and said
the media was intentionally ignoring
that the shooting was he claimed an
inside job by the government after all
that I think about this is the guy who
said we need to eliminate off field
distractions Aaron roders is the same
human being who had those words exit his
mouth and now to be the first athlete in
history to mount a presidential vice
presidential campaign is just one of
those on the- noose things that you
would laugh at if you also didn’t worry
about what it says about I don’t know uh
democracy and ourselves now when Brown
asked for evidence he shared conspiracy
theories that had been disproven Rogers
falsy claimed to Brown that there were
Men In Black in the Woods by the school
and asked if she thought that was odd I
mean this is Alex Jones stuff C has also
spoken to another source who would like
to remain anonymous in order to avoid
harassment they had a similar encounter
with Aaron Rogers this person said
Rogers claimed that quote Sandy Hook
never happened Rogers is ticked he got
called out they’re terrified they’re
terrified of people that think for
themselves that aren’t controlled I’m
not beholding anybody I have a contract
that can get cut at any point I have
very few sponsors now they’re all people
that I really believe in that there’s
some sort of equity investment uh in it
but I’m not controlled nobody controls
my messaging nobody controls my social
media nobody can control me you know I
think for myself I speak for
myself and that’s dangerous to
establishment that wants more power
control and obedience and me personally
I’m not seeding any of those to people
who don’t have my best interest at heart
oh really let’s delve deeper it is the
most loathsome conspiracy theory out
there and if he believes it then he’s a
loathsome human being he also we know
from his former teammates who have said
told people that he would float 911
conspiracy theorist too that he believes
December 11 was an inside job so that
might be the second worst conspiracy
theory in American society and that’s
just a sample of rogers’s scrambled
brain well there were a lot of really
really courageous people yeah who lost
their jobs lost their livelihoods lost
businesses uh got kicked off of social
media I mean Bobby got kicked off social
media um he’s a hero you know he stood
up time and time again RFK Jr the same
man who has come out as a staunch
anti-vaccine candidate and so right now
the way that I see it and you know
things I guess will change over time
because you do have to only pick one
candidate at the end of the day but the
Kennedy voter and the Trump voter the
enemy our mutual enemy is Biden 270 wins
the election if you don’t get to 270 if
nobody gets to 270 then Congress picks
the President right right now we have a
majority of republicans in Congress so
who are they going to pick who are they
going to pick if it’s a republican
Congress they’ll pick Trump so we’re rid
of Biden either way VIA his own staff
like Rita Palma seen here the now former
member of his team in New York they are
intentionally playing spoiler changes
your whole perspective on everything and
Bobby to his credit wrote this expose on
fouchi who’s been like he’s the highest
paid government
official been in government forever for
all these pandemics and he’s been in
charge never held accountable never held
accountable but everything the Bobby say
in the book If you read the book
wild it is wild crazy information that
makes you sick to your stomach has them
been sued why it’s probably all
true otherwise he be suit yeah it’s like
what are we even talking about here
don’t know if you caught it but he put
pandemic in quotes which in my view is a
sign he still goes on these shows and
gives those signs that he does not
believe in its authenticity it’s flat
out Madness again there’s a group of
that don’t want you to have life liberty
and pursuit happiness they don’t want
you to be healthy wealthy and wise
wealthy not just I’m talking about
monetary sense but just like a love of
life and community and all the things
that we’ve talked about today
and at the same time there’s a lot of
people a lot of people waking up there
is yeah as I watch these clips of Rogers
over and over again all I can think of
is how I understand why he and his
family have such an intensely strained
relationship he cannot help himself it’s
a bummer he’s continually encouraged by
folks like this before we get into it if
you can please do become a channel
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the join button and or if you want to
support the network as a whole go to
jooin and my social media follow me on
Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok let’s get
into this all right cuz it’s not like
they’re weren’t countless
gems of an idiotic approach to society
in this
show on this
podcast it seems Rogers is desperate to
get his luny out at
anyone who will platform him and throw a
microphone in their
face here was another part transcribed
by the folks at AA we need somebody
who’s willing to lay it all in the line
said Rogers that’s what I love about RFK
think about it they killed his uncle
they killed his dad we know the CIA was
involved I mean they can’t declassify it
because it was so damning we know the
FBI was involved Jay Edgar Hoover hated
the kennedies they hated them Ellen
doues was fired as the director of the
CIA after he botched the Bay of Pigs and
tried to get operation Northwoods to
happen to really start World War II and
invade Cuba he was fired he was a blank
Warren he was on blank Warren Commission
excuse me as was Gerald Ford who was the
right-hand man of J Edgar Hoover who
hated the kennedies we know they’re
involved so Bobby loses his uncle John F
Kennedy and his father RFK his cousin
JFK Jr dies in a plane crash when he was
running against Hillary Clinton I’m not
saying that was a conspiracy but it’s
kind of a weird coincidence Bobby’s in
danger he’s putting himself in the line
why because he blank believes in this
country no he believes in the good in
people no and he’s willing to make a
difference that’s somebody I can get
behind who’s willing to lay it on the
lne because that is like I said earlier
the archetype of everything we love
about Luke
Skywalker and Han
Solo everything we love it just lists so
more and he also mentions Chris Pratt’s
character which is interesting these
people they believe in something
sometimes I can’t even expl expl it
explain this why did RFK Jr put out
anti-semitic comments when it comes to
jewishness ashkanazi Jews to be exact
and the Corona virus why Aaron did RFK
Jr have an Alex Jones style
approach to trans people saying there’s
stuff in the water that’s turning people
why why is he a guy
since you’re so
critical of how the NFL tested players
in the beginning which fine
fine and
they wanted to separate the non-va from
vaxed why haven’t you gone as hard at
RFK Jr when he
hosted fundraisers and parties via the
reporting on the subject
and demanded those in attendance show
their vaccine
cards well that’s pretty interesting
it I look at all these and by the way
kudos to uh 702 gaming for sending this
to me I I told them I don’t even know
how much I can research this guy because
it just crushes me with the heel turn
he’s taken but shout out to him for
referring the
story I just look at Aaron rers and I
think of
someone who so
badly wants to be taken
because unfortunately there is a part of
growing and evolving as a human being
and even as an adult that’s called
humility he doesn’t have
it instead of admitting that he may be
wrong he pivots to well I read a lot
instead of saying hey maybe what I said
on the Pat McAfee show was
awful he continues to attack falsehoods
that did not happen we covered it with
Tosh when Rogers was like oh the beaches
were closed they closed down everything
TSH was like you know what I did I went
on the beach and so did a ton of other
people but I just look at at a man who
will never admit that he doesn’t have
answers and as meaes
noted when one were to look into the
people that he
cites you know the Brett Weinstein the
Joe Rogan’s and the the books like ion
Rand it’s a tell it’s a tell he will
cling and attach his name to
anything any
anything that will support his
conspiracies that is what it comes down
to at the end of the day and as I stated
previously in this piece it does not
Shock me that so many people have a
strained relationship with this
man the the blueprint the game plan was
made in the 80s create a pandemic you
know with a virus that’s going wild
right uh only you know he was given foui
was given like over $350 million to
researches to come up with drugs new or
repurposed to handle the AIDS pandemic
and all they came up with a was a Aaron
rogers’s melted Facebook brain is back
again with more hard-hitting analysis
and if you do any even the smidge of
research and I know I’m not a you know
epidemiologist I’m not a doctor I’m not
an immunologist whatever I can read
though right let’s revisit Daniel TSH on
this subject he’s like I know it’s a
novel concept but but I like to
you you oh you like to read and you’ve
done all this research so you know every
you know who else likes to read tons and
tons of Catholic priests who have
molested boys so maybe reading’s not so
great maybe a little less time reading
more time scrolling Instagram and
jerking off and the world would be a
better place thanks Daniel he had
another snippet that was so on the nose
we have to play it by the way I don’t
have a problem with him if he would just
come out and be like hey this is what I
think but it’s when you start saying
stuff like this is this is what happened
and F
is a murderer and he wants everyone dead
it’s like couldn’t couldn’t you be wrong
I’m not going to be like oh I my wife
and my kids died oh my goodness H how
did they die well uh I I listen to my
award-winning doctors from Beverly Hills
uh instead of uh instead of the
quarterback for the
Jets Zach Wilson no
not Zack Wilson the other one that reads
glorious absolutely glorious now more
from the Babbling buffoon and and and I
can learn and look things up just like
any normal person you know I can do my
own research which was so vilified it’s
vilified because you vilified it Aaron
where you know to even question
authority but that was the game plan
back then create an environment where
only one thing works back then a now REM
Des REM Desir until we get a vaccine
which by the way Anthony fou had St in
the madna vaccine and we know fizer is
one of the most criminally corrupt
organizations ever the fine they paid
was the biggest in the history of the
doj in 2009 like what are we talking
about we’re going to put our full trust
in science that can’t be questioned
there to begin lot to get to here on a
podcast called look into it with Eddie
Rogers who represents the New York Jets
would suggest the HIV AIDS epidemic of
the 80s was engineered by the director
of the National Institute of allergy and
infectious diseases with help from the
federal government to be clear Dr
Anthony fouchy was instrumental in
developing treatments that enable people
with HIV to live long lives but in the
80s he was criticized for the
government’s response to the the AIDS
epidemic additionally under the
administrations of Donald Trump and Joe
Biden Dr fouchy oversaw the US response
to the Corona virus pandemic which
Rogers has frequently
criticized and also
downplayed Rogers would not give any
evidence at all of Dr Anthony fouchy
owning a plethora of shares in madna he
would imply though that the United
States government created
HIV this is where we are at with one of
the faces of the most powerful Sports
league in the
world parting these controversial
conspiratorial no nothing lines and
maybe we know the origin of some of
these I will share that in just a moment
pink Villa wouldn’t let us forget that
Aaron Rogers claimed Joe Biden is using
a body double a magga conspiracy staple
that our own Michael Sher heard on the
trail when interviewing Trump supporters
Rogers would say and I quote Joe Biden
is really not Joe Biden hard-hitting
stuff now this guy Mark Poly moropoulos
is a former CIA uh excuse me senior
intelligence officer he saw the Rogers
HIV video and believes he found what
Rogers is is reading rather where his
research came from you know the do your
own research crowd he’d write on Twitter
Aaron Rogers is paring a Soviet
intelligence active measures campaign
from the 80s see Pages 244 to 245 of The
Sword and the shield so would you like
me to read it cuz I mean I can here we
go probably the most successful
anti-American active measure of the
Gorbachev era promoted by a mixture of
overt propag Ganda and covert action by
service a was the story that the AIDS
virus had been manufactured by American
biological warfare specialists at Fort
detri in Maryland an East German Russian
born physicist Professor Jacob Sagal
claimed on the basis of circumstantial
evidence later wholly discredited that
aids had been artificially synthesized
at Fort Dietrich from two two natural
viruses thus fortified by spirous
scientific jargon the AIDS fabrication
not merely swept through the third world
but took in some of the western media as
well in October 1986 the conservative
British Sunday Express made its made it
its main front page
story during the first 6 months of 1987
alone the story received major news
coverage in over 43r world countries at
the very height of its success however
the AIDS fabrication was compromised by
a combination of Western protest and new
thinking in Soviet foreign policy we
tell the truth and nothing but the truth
Gorbachev proudly proclaimed at a Moscow
press conference in July 1987 faced with
official American protests and the
repudiation of the aid Story by the
international scientific Community the
Kremlin for the first time showed signs
of embarrassment at a successful active
measures campaign in August 1987 us
officials in Moscow were form that the
story was officially disowned and Soviet
media coverage of it came to an abrupt
halt there is more here it’s a little
hard to see but if you’d like to see it
check out Mark
polymeropoulos Twitter page
additionally a writer from Out Sports
whose name is Jim bazinsky would add the
following which is important context
that’s all nuts and not true a is not
the only treatment for HIV AIDS and has
proved so successful that it’s still in
use today as for the rest there’s no
point in stating facts to a conspiracy
theorist like Rogers but suffice it to
say AIDS was not some government plot
hatched some 40 years later big farman
fou you could profit from another
epidemic for a long time we wrote about
Rogers after he denied rumors he was gay
and later when he was critical of fans
yelling homophobic slurs and celebrated
the coming out of a gay former teammate
that was the Rogers who was easy to
cheer for or not the guy who has fallen
for wacky conspiracy theories that come
across as so unhinge you wonder how it
came to
this uh the Democrats said please don’t
call them animals they’re humans I said
no they’re not humans they’re not humans
they’re animals when you think that
they’re allowing millions and millions
of people into our country many coming
from jails and me institutions and
terrorists and everything else drug
dealers and they just walked right into
our country our country is being
poisoned they’re not sending their best
they’re not sending you they’re not
sending you when it comes to Donald
Trump and respecting the humanity of
others just so we’re clear Trump is
talking about white people here and
signaling to his bigoted base that he’s
their guy they’re bringing drugs they’re
bringing crime they’re rapists Donald J
Trump is calling for a total and
complete shutdown of Muslims entering
the United States until our country’s
Representatives can figure out what the
hell is going on it’s going to get worse
and worse you’re going to have more
World Trade Centers it’s going to get
worse and worse folks we can be
politically correct and we can be stupid
but it’s going to get worse and worse
they don’t want our
system they don’t want our
system and have no sense of re reason or
respect for human life they have no
respect for human life this rhetoric has
been Trump’s bread and butter ever since
the Obama birtherism lie gained
mainstream prominence which he helped
fuel but we’ve always known this guy is
a bigot to his core and he’s ramping up
his hatred of anyone who is in a white
Christian American now that election
season is ramping up their police force
is being diverted from traffic stops
it’s a migrant crime our favorite new
term migrant crime it’s a new category
of crime we will stop the plunder rape
Slaughter and destruction of our
American suburb cities and towns this is
country changing it’s country
threatening and it’s country wrecking
they have wrecked our country it’s
disgusting to see white supremacy like
this unfold display with so many members
of law enforcement and other community
leaders backing this depravity which is
where this demon comes in Ander Woody
Johnson chairman of the New York Jets
billionaire heir to the Johnson and
Johnson fortune and well their business
Empire as well as being the former
ambassador to the United Kingdom under
Donald Trump possessing ungodly amounts
of wealth and power Woody sat down with
Fox News frat boy Jesse Waters and he
recently talked about his experience at
Trump’s fundraiser down in Palm Beach
people don’t know that he’s extremely
funny I think people are starting to
appreciate his sense of
humor and uh he just impressed all of us
once again and I think yeah the
overwhelming thought was yeah this is
just the beginning for us everybody in
that room was ready to step up hard but
it was really an
appreciation good that’s uh that’s
seeing a billionaire like this talking
about how his fellow billionaires and
other Ultra rich friends were so inabber
and impressed with Trump is terrifying
and should raise massive alarms for the
upcoming election campaigns are and lost
with money and the legalized bribery
enabled by our country and Johnson is
signaling that the upper 1% is ganging
up to support their class interests just
like they always do and when it comes to
judges of character Woody Johnson isn’t
the best Arbiter of morality considering
he was under investigation by the state
department back during his time serving
as an ambassador for allegedly making
racist and derogatory comments like
questioning why black Americans want to
celebrate Black History Month and that
the quote real challenge black Americans
are facing is their father staying with
the family and that’s not even
scratching the surface about his
attitude towards women where he
frequently made sexist remarks about
women’s appearances and boasted about
being able to pay women less than men
for doing even more work and if that’s
not cringeworthy enough Embassy staffers
allegedly struggled to get Johnson to
agree to participate in an international
Women’s Day celebration at the embassy
dragging his feet before before
eventually conceding to recognize the
holiday Johnson also reportedly dragged
his feet and refused to attend an event
to prevent violence against women
because he’s quote not a woman all this
baggage didn’t stop him from trying to
give Trump’s golf resort in Scotland
some business by lobbying to hold the
open tournament there in 2018 this is
exactly the type of person Trump wants
to surround himself with highlighting
the intimate connections between sports
and politics if there are any stories we
missed if there are any that you the
viewer would like to submit get at me
and follow me on Twitter Instagram Tik
Tok DMS are open support the Channel all
of our content is free it’s the least
you could do become a paid Channel
member and or go to jooin to
support the network as a whole thank you
so much have a great day


  1. McAfee made him way more likeable and instead of building on that and start being normal and just shut up but no. Dude needs a friend to tell him yo shutup and nipo he's been deceived by idiots thaf are not smart like Rogan and Jones.

  2. Will we need a test for people to be allowed to broadcast?? I mean honestly, i studied history and i had to quote my sources in an specific way, so why somebody making thousands speaking lies shouod be allowed?

  3. YOU ARE IN A CULT!! I can listen to George Carlin and say, wow! That man is smart, yet he was a comedian..You sound stupid!

  4. If rodgers was a child or mentally ill, id feel bad for him, but i dont think he's either so i do not feel bad for him believing the lies he is spreading in an effort to topple our democracy.

  5. Yes, "there are a lot of mysterious people out there" – like Rodgers, who believes mass school shootings are faked and the Alex Jones stuff that he has been successfully sued for. Maybe Dr. Fauci should sue him and not let him get away with it.

  6. Dude you claimed the Sandy Hook massacre was an inside job? Inside a grade school no less, that's messed up. MTG and Alex Jones stalked survivors of Majorie Stoneman shootings were also staged. How unhinged do you have to be to torture parents and family of those slain children by mocking them, stalking them, the political right has lost it's mind,

  7. “There is a somewhat equity investment. (In my sponsors) but I’m not beholden to anyone” – even his excuse is a dumb attempt at victimhood

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