Golf Stance – How to Position your Feet at Address

Golf Stance – Complete Guide to The Perfect Golf Setup – Part 2

A golf stance is made up of several elements — the right width of stance, the right amount of knee flex, the angle of the feet and overall posture.

A stance that is too narrow will prevent you from generating a lot of power in your golf swing. It will also make it difficult to keep your balance — which can severely compromise your ball striking.

If your stance is too wide, you’ll find it difficult to shift your body weight during the swing (essential for power, timing and ball striking) and if you do, it will be more of a sway (something we want to avoid).

Golf Stance Tips – Video Summary

– For full swings, the distance between your feet should match the width of your shoulders. Precisely, the distance between the insides of your feet should line up with your shoulders. For shorter swing or for swings using shorter clubs it is ok to narrow this default stance width.

– Your back – right – foot should be perpendicular to the target line.

– Your front – left – foot should also be parallel to the target line. However, as an option it is ok to flare that foot if you find it more comfortable to do so. Flaring involves pivoting the foot to the outside, in this case towards the target. But the right foot should not be flared in most every circumstances.

– The weight of your body should be split 50/50 among your two feet at address, and be placed towards the center, inside your feet.

– Finally, your knees should be bent slightly.

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