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CATCH & COOK – TASTE TEST Pike, Perch & Zander

Three of the most common species in Sweden, pike, perch and zander are easy to tell apart. But which one tastes the best? And can you even tell them apart just by the taste? Tobias sets Sara up for a test, this after they go through tough days fishing in cold water.

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#teamgalant #predatorfishing #catchandcook

the 3 most common species in
Swedish lakes are
You’ve always heard that zander is
the best fish to eat amongst these 3
Perch is so tasty on sandwich
and pike is so much bone in it
but you can eat it with horseradish
Sara and I will fish in a regular
Swedish lake
and catch those 3 species and then we’ll
do a tasting test
Is it possible, by cook them the same way,
feel a difference in taste
Not only a challenge to see if they
taste different
The big challenge will be to catch
these 3 speicies
It’s early spring, cold in the water
You can’t count on the fish to be active
But the things we do to see if it’s
actually any difference in taste
In lakes this early in the spring,
the perch can often be found in deep holes
or on the edges,
pressed against the bottom
The pike is where the bait fish is
The zander can be tricky but you often
find them on a shallow
There is one lure that can catch
all 3 species
And that is flatnose mini
Flatnose mini is a well known lure
which we fished with a lot
And most often it has been the
key to success
Let’s hope it’s the same this time
But first we’ll read some of your comments
First comment is from Grisfeber
and he wonder why
I turn to a Skåning when I say toad
as I did in the latest video
A toooaad
A real toooaaad
A toooaaad perch
And the reason is that I fished bream with
Alexander Björk a few years back
He’s from Skåne and say tooaaad
to al the big breams
This was a toooaaad, it was
It sounded so funny so I started
to say that aswell
toooaaad to all big perch or fish
or whatever
We’ve got a comment from Frejsan14
who wants us to say hello to her mother
So hello mother and Frejsan 14
So fun you watch our videos together
HolyN-Evil wonders if we will fish
at the west coast this summer
We’ve actually planned that out, Me and
Edvin will go there and try som sea fishing
after a vary of species, and you don’t
want to miss out on that
Dick Löfrgren says that we gilding his
sundays, so thank you
I hope you keep on watching now
cause me and Tobbe is about to catch some
A good start to the day
It’s stormy weather
Not that easy to ramp the boat
when the water is pushed straight in
task number 1 today is to get the boat
in the water, there are a lot of stones
I don’t want to scrape it all up
The idea is for us to start fishing for perch
but it’s hard to even feel the strikes
it wont be easy, but on the bright side
we have no rain
If i push the boat that way, it will just
blow straight back
we need to push it alongside the shore
and then jump in the boat out there
come on Sara, let’s start pushing
– No stones please
– easy to say Tobbe
push Sara!
No need to worry, this was easy
You don’t want to rig the rods in the
storm on this lake
with really clear water
Therefore we’ll go in there where we
can have som shelter from the wind
behind this point it looks perfect
we will catch perch, pike and zander
In this small forest lake only holds
perch and pike
so the zander we’ll have to catch later
on another lake
I want the perch and pike to get the best
chance to taste as good as possible
If we where to fish perch and pike in a
small muddy lake
The risk is for them to taste a bit muddy
This lake has very clear water
and the quality of the water i good
It’s much of sand an stones on the bottom
And then you know the perch and pike
get the best chance to taste good
flatnose mini is the lure I fished
with the most
Edvin designed it for 10-15 years ago
what’s great about this softlure
you can catch big perch….
big pike…
and even big zander
flatnose mini isn’t only good for big fish
it works great if you want a lot of fish
today we’re after fish to cook and don’t
want to spend to much time catching them
so flatnose mini is a safe bet
you can find flatnose mini in photofish
where you can design your own colours
and we also got some brand new
standard colours
I’m so stoked to try out this new colour
fantasy which is blue/red
I think it will be hot in this clear water
I want the best chance to catch a big per.
Not a big perch but catch one fast
I usually want big fish
So therefore I’ll try this new colour
Sara brought today, Ultimate Silver!
It looks like a cool silver fish
The perch can’t resist it, even the pikes
The plan is to catch both perch and pike
in this water
and the pike will be like a bonus fish
when we try for perch
It’s time to start, I’m feeling hungry
Let’s see if the perch or pike will
be the first fish
When you try to catch fish to cook
it’s so much more on stake
We want to avoid being hungry
so we must deliver
Sooner or later we’ll find them
I got one! got one!
I told you we’ll find them sooner or later
– It was sooner rather than later
– yeah like 2 seconds after
I don’t know if it’s a pike or a perch
but I think it’s a pike
It may be a good fish to cook,
It’s a pike
Is it big enough to eat?
there’s a lot of bones in the pike
so it’s a lot easier with a bigger pike
But I don’t want to take home those
big pikes
It’s okey to take this small pike
It’s a test and not supposedt o get full
so this small pike will be enough
This pike really wanted that flatnose mini
It’ll work great for our taste test
We’ll prep it for the soup
There’s 2 ways to put the pike to death
One thing is to strike something hard
in it’s head
The other thing is to use a knife
through it’s brain
I don’t have anything that hard
in the boat so I’ll use the knife
It’s important to let it bleed out
otherwise it may taste a bit blood
and iron
I’ll make a cut through the neck of it
– here you go Tobbe
– thanks
Check on the pike, let’s catch a perch
in this lake
I’ve googled a good recipe on a fish soup
I can’t wait to try it out
I believe it’ll taste good
So it’s time to catch that perch to cook
This wind is brutal, It’s like a wind from
the North pole has reach Sweden
and made chaos on this lake, It’s not that
easy to fish if I’m being honest
It’s hard to feel the lure, you’ll really
have to concentrate
It’s positive that you can cast really far
It’s a deep edge where we fish right now
I’ve seen some perch earlier on the sonar
It’s important in this wind that you either
fish against the wind
Or with the wind, otherwise you’ll
not feel the strike
if you fish from the side wind the line
is like a bow
and you can’t even feel if there’s a perch
a good tip, just hope we’ll catch one soon
I’ve got a bad feeling with this lake
I don’t think the perch will strike
often in clear water lake there are
not so much perch
But they are often bigger and should
taste better
If we don’t catch one it’ll be hard to
do a tasting test
We’ll have to go to a more muddy lake
a little bit darker water but more perch
This is our last try, we don’t have
much time at this lake
It’s bigger, muddier but not
super muddy
It’s kind of ok clear water
I’ll cross my fingers that we can catch
a perch to cook
It wont be to much to ask for
nothing else to do than to get going
I’ve not given up on this fantasy, let’s
see if it can give us a half muddy perch
Then I know when I taste, if it tastes
a bit muddy it’s probably perh
we’ll see, now let’s catch a perch
It would be nice if you get
a strike at least
well at least something, a nibble or so
– It’s totally dead now
– feels like you fish for nothing
hello!, where are you perch?
– really
– that’s perch, if they’re not up for it
Pikes you can always trigger to strike
but perch like "I wont eat today"
The perch refuse to strike today
Me and Sara are on land and there’s
only one thing to do until tomorrow
and we can hope for both perch
and zander to be willing to strike
and that is to clean out this pike
Pike is a really hard fish to clean out
It got a lot of bones
and the bones are in strange places
compared to other species
I’ll do my best to show you how to
clean out a pike, bone free
You don’t want bone from a pike
in your soup
You’ll start with a angled cut
and turn the fish around
and then a angled cut from tail fin
When I feel the bone I get the knife
straight and cut alongside the spine
all the way until it stops
there we go
we have the filet
this is how it looks, pretty big when you
think how small that pike was
next step is to remove the skin
and also a similar piece on the other side
Look at that
You can see that the pike recently ate
a roach
I’ve never seen that before
I can feel that there’s another fish in
there aswell
always fun when you clean out a fish to
see what’s in it’s stomach
You can learn a lot from that, we’ll
have a closer look at the roach
cut it off an press out the fish
one roach, and another one
2 roach was the diet for this pike
What you reckon Sara? shall we try roach
instead of perch in the soup?
We can’t catch a perch
I’ve tried roach one time before and that
was not good, so a big NO for me
I’ll rather jump in the water and
swim for 3 days
both sides are gone, and right here there
are a lot of foxes and pigs
I’ll do what the old men used to do with
the pike, throw it to the fox
It doesn’t look that tasty right now
but we’ll fix that
I’ll start to cut off the meat from the skin
same here, just angle the knife
and follow the skin
it’s easier when you’re indoors in a
kitchen with a bigger cutting board
But when you’re outdoors this will do
Not full chaos but nos as good as
if you are indoors
press the knife against the cutting board
and just pull
a nice piece of skin, throw that to the fox
and to exactly the same on the other
filet bit
This pike may have been a tad to small
to take home and eat
I think you should release all big pikes
I wouldn’t take home a pike over 75 cm
and absolutely not over 90 cm
They don’t taste good and they are super
important for the eco system
A good pike to eat is around 60-75 cm
A fish filet has 2 bits, the spine
and the rear part
which is always bone free, you can
feel alongside the spine
There the bones end, so just cut if off
and you have a bone free bit
Not the biggest bit, I’ve seen bigger
but it’s bone free so it’ll do
for our small test
we don’t need soup for a whole
school class
here you have the ribs,
so I’ll cut that off
they are very shallow so just cut
Now we are at the hardest part
to cut out the bones in the middle
The pike has got Y-shaped bones
You need to cut at a very special way
You feel all the bones with your fingers
Here’s the back filet, I’ll cut straight
with the bones
until you feel the bones
after that you angle the knife outwards
and cut around the bones
This is hard to make sure you get as
much meat as possible
down with the knife and then angle it
and cut outwards
I actually think this will be ok
I’m impressed by myself, It would’ve been
easier with a big pike
But I managed to cut out some meat
for us to use for the soup
I’ll cut off the last part which is
totally bone free
I’ll cut off much meat because it’s hard
to be picky with the bones
pay attention, here’s the row of bones
and I’ll make a cut right here
A lot of meat goes to waste but it’ll
be worth it on this pike
this is all bone free
and this one’s full of bones
This one we’ll throw to the fox
And this bone free we save
and the pike is done
There is some light left of the day and
sometimes the perch is willing to strike
when the sun is about to set, so it’ll
be worth trying to catch one
even the sun has appeared
or at least you see it far away
It may be a hot period for perch now
We’ll cross our fingers that it can deliver
– are you ready?
– I am ready
When i fish with this flatnose mini, the
first thing I do is just cast it out
and let it sink to the bottom, you want
the lure to bounce on the bottom
I can see it reached the bottom when the
line stops going out from the reel
and then I pull up the rod and keep
doing small twitches
at the same time I’m retrieving the line
and keep it tense all the time
no matter the season the perch are
often very picky
and you don’t want to miss out when
the perch of your dream strikes
In every video, someone always comments
and wonder what gear we’re using
I have a Abu Garcia Zenon reel 2500 size
2500 is the most common size for perch,
and works best according to me
This Zenon reel that I have is one of
Abus most expensive reels
and a really good reel if you want to
indulge yourself great fishing gear
But there isn’t always a need for the most
expensive gear for good fishing
a reel between 1000-2000:- is absolutely
enough for fun perch fishing
The braid I’m using is rated at 5kg
and comes from Stroft
between 5-8kg will be great for perch
the rod I’m using a Sweet stick from
Bite of Bleak
there are a lot of good rods out there
this one is 5-20g
and around 7 foot is good, this one is 7,6
to be able to cast a good distance
I had one!
I couldn’t believe my ears, my sight
my feel or anything
from nowhere a strike
And offcourse I missed it
That might have been the one chance today
Tobbe just stands there with his expensive
reel, I thought he was a pro
apparently not, he need to hook that fish
What are you doing Tobbe?
I cant take it, I’ve given up
It kills me
Now I’ve done the last cast for today
I’m tired and we need to reload
for tomorrow
Because it’s so much at stake tomorrow
It’s enough, only one thing to do
Go home and drown our sorrows
with some pizza
Tobbe!, I got some pizza for us
We’re here in a nice little cabin we rented
there’s Sara with the pizza
We have a good plan for tomorrow
I both like it and not
The thing I like is that we probably will
have great fishing
what I don’t like is that we need to get
out of bed super early
04:30 because it will be super windy
around noon
I’ve had enough of that wind
I’m gonna hear the wind in my head
and dream about me blowing away
we’ll have another go, I’m ready to smash
this pizza and then go to bed
and wake up in a few hours again
Can you hear that Sara? Instead of hearing
the wind and storm
You can hear the birds chirping
and seagulls
– It’s winderful isn’t it?
– it is, can’t ask for more
now it’s "only" zander and perch
that we are missing
this was a beautiful lake, like a
mirror in the morning
Who would’ve thought that?
The boat is in the water and it’s time
for the zander to jump in the boat
I saw a small problem
at the sign over there
It’s not that you cannot dive from the
bridge over there
It is that the zander must be at least
And thinking about the bad luck we had
I would be glad if we just caugh a zander
but 50cm is resonable
you should not take home to
small zanders anyhow
Let’s hope we have more luck
than yesterday
Let’s go to the first spot
One thing I’ve learnt is that zander
like bright colours
I found this flatnose mini that
Tobbe has designed in photofish
I really think it will deliver
a zander today, It’ll have to
I’ll try a bright coloured flatnose mini
designed in photofish
but now let’s do the first cast
Let’s see if the morning zander
is awake
– You know what they say?
– what do they say?
The early bird catches the zander
I’ve never heard that one before
sounds resonable
it was a long time ago you felt somet…
I think I had one
I think I had one
Let’s see if there’s any bite marks?
It’s sliced
We’ve hade contact
I think I have to change lure, It’s sliced
all over
now we know there’s a zander down there
But most often they strike really hard
I almost didn’t felt that strike, and that’s
not a good sign
But still there’s hope
here’s my flatnose mini box, and this one
I’ve made in photofish and it delivered
It’s usually a killer when it comes to
zander in this lake
Both pike and perch we fished at a
deep edge
It’s a bit different
when you fish for zander
the water is not so clear because the
zander doesn’t like it
but also we are at a shallow part
It’s pretty deep around here, like 20m
But right here it’s 6-9m deep
I’ve never caught a big zander here but
a lot of small zander
all we have to do is manage to hook them
And I know that when we fished for zander
at this place we got a lot of bonus perch
with a little bit of luck we can get
a perch aswell here
I got one! NO NO, I had one
I had another one, first cast after the last
and missed it again
Look what it dit to my flatnose
pulled it out from the jig head
I can’t get my head around what the
zanders are up to
I don’t know what to do
sometime someone has to strike
we know we’re at the right place
they are here
There! NO!
Missed it again
look, look at the flatnose
How’s it even possible?
I’ve done some tricks which I never
had to do before
I’ve tied a stinger to a flatnose mini
I can’t miss more fish
I’ve put on a UV-hook, a really small
one, if they only bite the tail
I’ll probably be able to hook them
I got one! got one!
YES, Tobbe!
I got one when I, It might be a perch
here it comes, let’s see what it is
It is a …..
– what is it?
– what is it?
– what did the sign said?
– 50 cm I believe
This one’s like 20 cm
But you caught one at least Tobbe
First cast with the stinger and a fish
I can even bass land this zander
This one is not approved according
to the minimum lenght
This small zander will go back
See how it took? It’s the stinger
without it I might have lost it
Not only did it take on the stinger
It’s also furthest out in the mouth
It didn’t swallow it at all
a bad zander to eat so it’ll go back
At least some light in the darkness
We might found the solution with
a stinger
Yes! Nooo it’s so sick
That was a strike but
so annoyed
YES! now I got it
– It’s bigger
– yeah it’s better
I wonder what it is? it feels like a..
It’s a nice zander!
– the net Sara
– the net
take it
This was well earnt
We’ve fought so hard for this zander
Finally, oh my god
That zander is definitly over 50 cm
a great zander to eat, not to big
same as pikes, you don’t want to take
home to big zanders
We’ll have a look at it and then
it’s all about the perch
Look at this zander
so perfect
It really put on a fight, I felt it wanna
run away
really really nice, I’m so happy
we’ve fought so hard, got out of bed in
the middle of the night
unhook it, and NOT release it
It was close,
by default I just release them
Then Tobbe would’ve thrown me in aswell
Here’s the knife Sara
I love knifes
I shall stab the zander
I sound like a sadist
This poor zander will pay cause
his friends didn’t strike earlier
– here’s the bag Sara
– you’re the best Tobbe
Will be yummy, I’m stoked
Then there’s only perch left
There are plenty of perch in this lake
but this spot isn’t the best for perch
So we’ll start the boat and go to
an island over there
sound like a plan
we’ve reach a few islands here and one
advantage is that it’s not so windy
It’s a lot of stones, shallows and other
that perch really like
Hopefully they are in the the mood today
This water is very cloudy, so I’ll continue
with this bright flatnose mini
And hope that the perch want it
The species there are most of in the lake
of the predators is perch
It shouldn’t be that hard to catch one
let’s go
I got one, got one!
I got it, NO!
No it let go
what the?
It let go, but what a hard strike
I don’t think it was a perch
that was a zander
that was a zander
There I got it!
I got it
It might be a perch
It might be a perch actually
It feels like a perch
It is…
It is a…
It’s a zander
It was a zander
I thought we finally have cleared the
challenge to catch all 3 species
But it was a zander and I think this one
is approved
and we could’ve taken this one aswell
one zander is enough for the soup
It’s fun that it started to strike anyhow
much better than yesterday
Here we have the zander, a pretty
decent zander to catch
It seems like there’s a lot of zander here
The first strike I got was a zander
it was so hard
this one is maybe 50-52 cm
I didn’t need that extra treble hook on
this one
It really bit on the jighead
we keep going, I do believe there’s
a few perch here aswell
This flatnose mini in this bright colour
is really a zander magnet
I’ve got so many small zanders
before on this lure
There I got it!
I got one
It feels like a perch
It might be a perch
It feels like it
It’s another zander
Why didn’t we go here for zander fishing?
We would’ve catch so many
No complaint from me, atleast we got fish
This zander should get som stripes
and change name to perch
This one is not aproved
for the taste test
off it goes and we hope for a perch
It’s a stone shallow up there, and I think
the zanders are there
I don’t think, they are there 100%
It should be some perch there aswell
among these zanders
There I got one
what? no? no it’s a perch
I can’t believe my eyes, it’s a perch
I was like "it’s a zander"
and it was a perch
When you least expect it to happen
it happens
Look at this, not the biggest perch
and not the best to cook
But I take what i can get, it’s just
some small bits of soup
This one will be food
we passed the challenge!
– well done Tobbe!
– thank you
flatnose mini does it again
delivers all 3 species on the same lure
different colours but hey
Now we finally have all 3 species so
we can do our tasting test
It wasn’t easy and we’ve fought hard for it
but it was fun, now I’m so stoked to see
if there are any difference in taste or not
welcome to Tobbes school of cleaning fish
we are here at Solgen at Åsas Fiskegård
and they have a big cuttning board here
It will make life so much easier for
my school of cleaning out fish
We’ll start with the perch
we’ll pant it up
at first you do exactly the same on both
the perch and zander
as I did on the pike, with both sides
you do an angled cut towards the head
and then you do the same as with the pike
cut from the tail towards the middle
an angled cut and then follow the spine
try not to saw and do an even cut
there goes the perch
just grab it and continue
all the way and cut like this
to get the whole filet
cut off the side part
the bigger the fish are, the easier it is
to get a nice filet
these small ones are pretty hard
here we have one filet
next step is to cut off the skin
An angled cut and follow the skin
all the way
there is some bones here I have to cut off
If I had a bigger perch I would be able
to pant the perch
and you get more meat
this one is to small to do it
I’ll just cut off a row of bone
Here’s bone free, and here
and here’s a row of bones
I’ll cut off this small bit of bones
This is a bone free bit of perch
here’s all the meat I got from that perch
Not much to cheer for but would’ve been
great on a sandwich
It will be enough for this tasting test
while Tobias prepare the last with the fish
I’ll prepare our soup
I’ll start with chopping up fennel,
onion and carrot
Next step is to fry all the vegetables
in some oil for a minute
This is so scary
It get hot so fast
pour some olive oil
and all the vegetables
this will fry for about a minute
we’ve done so much cooking in our
videos so I’ve become a pro chef
you may not think that, but I do
i have become much better
This is almost done, looking good
We’ll pour over some water and freshly
squeezed lemon
It’s important not to get any seeds
in the soup
You don’t want to chew on them
I was about to forget something,
fish stock
I’ll crumble it and cook it
Now it will cook for about 5 minutes
It’s time for this nice big fish
to be cleaned out
This zander is worth a lot of money
zander filet is expensive
I will take care of all meat I can
Same here, an angled cut
there broke the swim bladder
fasten with a knife
cut inwards
and follow the spine
This looks great, I can tell
here’s a stop
I’ll start to cut from the back, to get
as much meat as possible
just small cuts along the spine
just drag the knife along
you see that?, it just opens up
keep working my way down
all the way
and here you can cut
there you go
a lot more meat on this one,
and much nicer filet
so much easier with a bigger fish
such nice filets,
look at them
Now we’ll cut away the skin
just as the other fishes, start here
and cut all the way
It takes som time to learn how to
clean out fish
It’s very hard the first times
You’ll do mistakes but just continue
to learn and you’ll get better
I learned a lot when I was in Norway fishing
on 40-50 k gco
we just had a few hours to clean them out
We did wrong at first but I got better
and better
The perch should have a few bones here
if I did it correct
but the zander does not, so I’ll just cut
away these "ribs"
and then we’ll have a 100% bone free filet
like this
here’s the zander filet
look how much meat we got
out of that zander
And how nice, It could’nt be better
Not much more time left now
we’ll add some cream
we take the whole pack
some fine chopped dill
of course we need some salt and pepper
the last step is the fish and let it
cook for a minute or 2
because I’m about to blind test this
Tobbe will do that part
Now the soups are ready
I’ll end with some garnish
for the looks
with som shrimp and a bransch of dill
wow wow wow, doesn’t it look amazing?
I cant’ wait to try this out,
but first it’s Sara
Now we’ve reach the moment of truth,
it will be interesting to see
– what do you think Sara?
– I don’t know, I think it will be hard
to actually taste the difference, I’m
excited and nerbous
It’s time for you to start, I’m the only
one who know which is what
Do you think Sara will make the
correct guesses?, leave a comment
let’s start the test
This soup looks so good, as usual
when we cook nowadays
You can’t actually see any difference on
the meat itself
I can’t wait, I need to start
I’ll start with this one
we’ll focus mostly on the meat
– mmh, I’ll try all of them first
– you can make a guess now Sara
ok wait, I’ll have some more
– what’s you first thought?
– I think this one is perch
don’t ask me why, just a thought
I may change later on
next one
the taste is almost the same, but
the meat was like more rubbery
the other was more tender
I think this one is the pike
and now the last one
oh my god this is so hard, I don’t
think you understand
I think my guesses are correct
perch, pike and zander
– what do I get if I’m correct?
– You can have 100 000:-
You didn’t have them all correct
you had, drumroll………
1 out of 3
1 out of 3, above my expectations
– which one was the correct one?
– the pike?
Yeah the pike was correct, but you
mixed up perch and zander
pretty resonable
the first one was zander
the one in the middle was pike and
the last was perch
I was surprised though, they tasted more
similar than I thought
the pike was really good
– but the texture was different?
– yeah the other ones was more tender
It was kinda like I thought
Great news, Team Galant will feature
on Dalaranas hunting and fishing fair
in Smedjebacken Sunday 19:th of May
bring a friend, come hang with us
and I hope I’ll see you there
more info on the link in description
Now we’ve tested this
we fought hard, It was tough at the start
and in the middle
But in the end we came through
Conclusion is that fish is both good
and healthy
don’t bring home too small or too big
don’t forget to like and subscribe and
we’ll see you in the next video
– Bye
– Bye
Subtitles by A. Eriksson


  1. Hej kan jag få en hälsning från min mamma som fyller år idag😊🎉älskar er teamgalant❤

  2. Hej 👋. Jag undrar om ni har några tips vad man ska göra för att inte fastna i stenar på botten och om man gör det vad har ni för tips att komma loss (fiskar på land)

  3. your guys content is so inspiring and basically got me thinking to use bigger lures if the small ones dont work and ive learned a lot and i would really like to see u guys test minnow spoons oh boy that would be frustrating and fun at the same time if u get it what i mean but your content is so lovely that makes me wanna make a trip to sweden and try fishing there. keep up the awesome content u guys do, love from finland <3

  4. Själv tycker jag gös o abborre smakar samma typ bara att gös filer är större så de är ju bättre att äta men båda är väldigt goda

  5. Kan ni snälla hälsa till min mamma.hon och jag brukar vara ute och fiska på sommarn men får aldrig 😂😅

  6. Jättebra film jag älskar er haha. För nått år sen frågade jag om ni hade en kniv med er ute på era äfentyr, det hade ni minsann inte men nu, nu har ni en stor jäkla kökskniv med er?? Tips köp en victorinox outrider. Bra till det mesta.

  7. Tjena! Kan inte ni, fiskare med stil, fixa en schysst blandpåse på Flatnose-mini? En påse med olika färger på jiggarna?

    Keep rocking'!

  8. Hej!
    Har Pontus och Mille slutat på Kanal Gratis? Det var väldigt länge sedan man såg en film med dessa två.

  9. Du måste byxa gösen också, precis som abborren. Annars blir det inte en benfri filé.

  10. Fiske efter havsöring på västkusten hade varit riktigt kul att se! Catch and cook insjö, jag rekommenderar – 1. Brax, jättegod matfisk! 2. Rökt sutare. Skitfiske på er!

  11. Fortsätt med det ni gör. Jag har precis köpt en Flatnose shad bass av er hoppas man drar gris med den. Kan ni visa lite mer för drag ni använder när ni fiskar

  12. Tobbes största styrka är nog inte att filea fisk men till sin ursäkt hör till saken att han mest kör catch and release. Med det sagt är han klart inte sämst heller. Hur som helst är er fiske kanal lätt den bästa i Sverige. Väldigt underhållande.

  13. 5-10 sekundmeter tycker ni är storm? Skulle vilja säga att det är nästan vindstilla när man bor vid kusten i Skåne haha!

  14. Kan ni snälla fiska krabba längtar o tror du att ni gör det i sommar jag älskar och kolla på när ni fiskar💯😊

  15. Kan ni göra en challenge där ni åker til xxl och köper fiskesaker det skulle varit en bra video vill gärna ha en hälsning från edvin ochså (:

  16. Ärade Team Galant , testa o rök gädda och marinera den med grillolja o lite örter så blir det kanon gott hälsar Mr Huggpuls

  17. Kan inte ni komma och fiska i Skedvisjön vid Västra Skedvi/ Alvesta Alvik? Skulle vara kul och se hur stora fiskar det egentligen finns i min hemsjö

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