Golf Players

Geno Bonnalie’s Application For The Job Of Joel Dahmen’s Caddie Got Stuck In Joel’s Email

Geno Bonnalie famously sent Joel Dahmen a letter, applying for the job of Joel Dahmen’s caddie. But it wasn’t that simple. Joel didn’t check his email for weeks and Geno eventually had to nudge Joel toward checking it. And even then, Joel didn’t give Geno a straight answer.

there was no listing for the job of Joel
Damon’s caddy you essentially created
the job offering yep uh the letter has
become something of golf folklore over
the last few years how much can you
almost recite the whole thing at this
point what do you remember from it yeah
well I remember I was sitting in my
cubicle when I wrote it and I just I
just wrote everything that I was
thinking and feeling and when I got done
I read it and I was like yeah that’s
perfect like I think you’ll hire me just
as long as he reads it so I I waited
until the last event when he officially
locked up the money money list and I
sent it to him and then like two weeks
goes by but I don’t hear anything from
him like man I don’t know what this
means so I was like hey if you I send
him a message have you checked your
email in the last couple weeks he’s like
no like oh could you and so I remember
he called and we talked about he’s like
I don’t I don’t think this is something
that you want to do you’re not going to
make any money like I know I realize
that but it’s it is something I want to
explore and he never really told me yes
or no he came back and we went out and
played golf and we’re on the very first
hole and he had like a it was a windy
day and he hit like a seven iron from
150 yards this little chippy one in
there and I was like man I was like I
never thought you’d pull seven and he
was like well if you’re going to caddy
for me you need to you know let’s get on
the same page and at this time he still
hadn’t told me whether or not he was
going to hire me so I’m like well is
that a yes because the first
tournament’s in like two weeks and I
have to quit my job so he was like oh
yeah if you want to I’m well damn do you
remember what your boss said I actually
uh I had I was supposed to go to Germany
to visit a customer like this same week
and she was like I’m so glad you told me
because if you would have went to
Germany came back and then quit I would
have killed you so uh thank you for
saying something that’s awesome give it
a try and if you ever needed anything
that she was great if you never ever
need anything let us know so it worked
out wonderfully I’m glad to hear Idaho
is doing a lot of business overseas all
the way in Germany it was a ammunition
manufacturing company so I transitioned
to a logistics person shipping ammo to
Germany I’ve been all over the place
with my jobs

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