Golf Players

W2S, Theo Baker & Chris MD vs Seb on Golf 3 vs 1 Match! YTGG S5

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Theo Baker, Harry W2S Wroetoshaw and Chris and vs Seb on Golf in the third episode of YouTuber’s Go Golfing Season 5.

Thanks so much to Jameson Golf Links Portmarnock for hosting us, lots more content coming from this trip soon! Check out their amazing venue here-


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Video editing by Craig Salter-

this is it it’s all come down to this
YouTubers go golfing season five season
five I tell you what boys I’m calling it
in oh what a shot by the way oh you
absolute Dirty Dog you know what Theo
you can have that he’s given him that so
this is it make this part and you you’ve
har the match up that’s not very good
we’ come all the way from mini golf to
Top Golf to pitch and Putt to right now
Port maruk Jameson Golf Links absolutely
beautiful golf course this series was
all about me getting into some of the
YouTube guys I know who don’t play golf
well guess what now you bloody all play
golf here we s if you throw it back a
few years I think you shall remember
that I actually beat you one of the
first people ever to beat me on the
series at PK I believe oh wow P
specialty but now he’s all grown up now
he’s got some Big Boy golf clubs today
new series we’re mixing things up the
questions are gone the questions are out
mixed up today this is one of the few
people to ever be on for a rematch I
want revenge today but these boys are
involved here’s how it’s going to work
you get to call them both in to do a
scramble format for one shot one shot
only right and you also have got one
hole of the three you’re going to get to
pick two shots on a shot a hole one hole
even two shots on question yes can I
call them in after I’ve taken like a
shot that’s exactly the point yeah oh
so if I mess up my first te I can call
them in for help you can bail it out for
help exactly right you’ve got a bit of
safety BL so me just give you a little
bit of information before you want to
make your decision we’ve got stroke
index 5 par four stroke index 15 par
three you can’t have two shots on a par
three that’s embarrassing even for your
standards if you call that in right then
a par five right yeah I feel like it
might be this t- shot but we’ll see what
I want you to come now which hold you
want three two shots on you can’t pick
later two shots I won on the par five I
thought that’s a good decision my job to
not get there I want to win this two up
and get him out of here right Theo after
you please actually we’re going have
this team yeah okay forward team before
we do that quick chat boys what what’s
going on like 12 months ago this was
what’s happened we’re all playing golf
now yeah I don’t even know to be hon I
I’ve played a bit before you wouldn’t
know it but by the way swing Chris is a
12 handicap you know 12 handicap one
time were you not true okay it’s another
life the I don’t know it’s an addictive
game man so let’s talk about handicaps
here because Theo you are you’re
claiming a 20 I’m not you’re you’re
claiming me I’m 36 handic you’re not 36
hand we just filed a video this morning
on the front line here there’s I don’t
know if I’m going to put this in the
video or not but there’s a new Golf
Channel just released don’t if you heard
about it Harry and Theo go golfing is
that what we’re calling we are going
golfing is it Harry and Theo or Theo and
Harry Harry and Theo
Harry what you how dare you make sure
you check that out um but yes so Chris
has got some experience Harry hits a
very good ball had a couple gross
birdies earlier I think there’s no way
you’re getting two shots Theo you’ve got
soft hands what does that mean means
you’re very good around the greens your
body is Supple what would you say is
your strength come
on H I would say he’s trying to find a
sport I would say a sand wedge sand Wich
or sandwich sand Wich okay well let’s
try and see if we can see some sandwi I
got a bad hit remember I
don’t in each video Theo’s in there’s a
counter in the top corner it’s when is
the hip going to get mentioned first
today’s winner 12 seconds I have
actually just taken ibuprofen so we will
watch out right Theo’s going to go first
he’s got one shot on this heart we’s got
these two to call in Theo what’s the
plan there’s a there’s a pole you can
see down there that’s what I’m aiming we
got the big wind off the left so aim for
that pole okay let’s see
it oh yeah we’ll take right here
wow nice shot mate so you’re there for
none wow wow Baker I’m pretty impressed
myself actually why can I do that on the
old go golfers Channel off the left hand
side I want to start strong here out the
toe a little bit fight the wind down the
left hand side no
Oh drawn it
Seb does it open up over there we don’t
know we’ll have to find out we find out
w’t we we will find out got be happy
with that you I’m buzzing if I’m being
honest that’s my probably my best driver
of the whole day yeah it was a really
nice you got a little left to right
shape in you but that one was like sort
of a nice power fade you know I mean it
was power I hope I haven’t hit it too
far that it’s like gone off the back of
the whole car I think you’re going to be
right I’m actually starting to worry
about mine mate yours little bit left
than I wanted it to be to be honest
yours might be in a bunker or maybe on
the beach yeah I’ve got a bit of a lie
above your feet here so it’s going to
want to go to the left Aim to the left
oh aim to the right it’s going to go to
the left a bit Yeah okay come on for
let’s get through
it that’s not very good that is how’s it
even done that that it might get cold
early might be happening are you calling
them in how is that was bad man how have
I how have I done that I don’t know how
you’ve done that I tell you what boys
I’m calling it in calling in the
TRU how have I done that how have I done
that how far is it it’s 105 yards
playing about 135 I think so now so now
the rules are that Theo has called in
Harry and Chris are both going to get to
play and he can take the best one but
then that’s it they’re out then I’m I
want to do this for you I want to do my
oh what a shot by the way draw him back
in you’re a bit long off the back right
though oh it looks it looked good but it
was too
much how oh it’s
actually Ming moving I’m not joking take
mine even take
bro up to it you’re fine the wind has
definitely picked up from earlier it was
uh pretty soft on the front n growing
his teeth Theo do you know what you’re
taking you’re going to take Harry you
think I don’t know yet I haven’t seen it
remember mind you’ve got a shot on this
hole I do so you are there where you are
for one same as me so we’re lying level
it’s big shot here tough shot this mate
is a tough shot sitting down pretty
horrible to be honest it’s 93 yards just
going to try and trap it a bit into that
wind oh that looks good Seb can’t see it
it might be short but it looks
good you’re on the Green come on okay
we’ll take it I’ve got my work up
against me Chris you’ve been selected I
feel like I should P this I was going to
say to you but I’m being really honest
if I was cading for you here I would
honestly consider putting it really
simple if you a bad chip do you know
where the ball ends up mil right here
yeah you a bad part you’re 10t from the
hole it I would put it it I got to get
it up the hill Seb this is this is just
going to go horribly wrong there’s no
way this goes
well oh my God he’s wigged it the man
you told me to hit it hard it’s off the
back of the green some respect you L
told me to hit it hard we are we are
still Level though right Theo look if
you hold it you’re in a really good
place but what I would advise is just
you want to just give this a little lag
P he’s not messing around the boy it’s
not going to move that
much oh it is oh Fair Play N you know we
har on that yeah sorry you know what
sorry yeah you can have that I he’s
given him that wow wait so what is this
for this was for bogy that is for bogy
you got five net four so which mean I’ve
got this for the hole or two and we have
it off the right hand side down the hill
then up the hill foot
past a yeah yeah I’ll give you that Seb
thanks Theo right so he tied the hole
all Square PA three to come Theo gets
one shot on this one but then on the
final hole he has got two
shots one of the few people to beat you
on this series I am not letting it
happen again funny because got to beat
you for the second time that’ll be that
would be outrageous right really quick
break from today’s video want to give
you a bit of a life update for myself
bear with me for about 50 seconds cuz
recently I have been going on a massive
Health Journey something that’s really
really important to me I’ve been looking
at my diet I’ve really been looking at
my diet I’ve been trying some fasting
some two days some one day fast some
intermittent fasting I’ve had DNA Gene
tests I’ve got dialed into my
supplements I’m all about just trying to
feel better U I’ve also been looking at
things like my sleep recovery but also
my mindset and that is where I can bring
this back directly to golf cuz look you
guys know I don’t have the most textbook
golf swing I don’t hit it that far so
using my mind in course management and
sort of being switched on and
concentrating and getting the best from
my game has always been very important
to me now on this I have found a new
toour a new platform that I want to tell
you guys a little bit about and it uses
strategies implemented by Tiger Woods
himself so what is it well it is called
revery and revery is a self hypnosis app
now wait wait I know what you’re
thinking I don’t believe in all that and
let me tell you honestly at first I
didn’t either but what we’re talking
about here is a neuroscience app that is
backed up and proven by actual clinical
data it’s from Stanford psychiatrist Dr
David Spiegel and what his mission has
all been about is bringing the power of
hypnosis to the masses and he’s doing
pretty well so far cuz the platform’s
already been downloaded by over 500,000
people the platform allows you to take
short self hypnosis sessions Guided by
Dr David himself and can help you on a
huge range of topics from helping you
commit to new habits like exercise and
diet as I said for myself stop any old
habits like smoking if you’re a smoker
or most relevant for golf work on your
focus your concentration on the golf
course now for the best bit Ry have
given me an exclusive code to give you
guys to download the app completely for
free and try out for two whole weeks you
can see if there’s anything in there
that’s going to give you some benefits
so if you think that could help you
absolutely nothing to lose link is Down
Below download it have a play around use
that code to get two weeks free let me
know how you get on right what’s the
number here oh I’m going back to the
golf bag is 144 yards up here Theo yeah
I’ve got 147 and 126 carry 144 yards
going with the nine you know the real
number this is one thing I’ll just step
in a minute if I want to genely try and
help you the one thing people do on
these par 3s is they think about the
whole number way too much cuz if you
land this by the hole it’s gone off the
back so the real number is to get to get
over the bunker which is 126 so you need
to make sure you cover that number with
enough room for the wind and then play
aggressive I think you’ve got the club
for that I calculate all of that in my
head when I when I play the golf nice
nice oh that’s a good hit it’s a bit
left keep an eye on
that okay it’s pin high but I’m going to
play right the left hand side it leak
back a little
bit that is so good such a oh look at it
leak a little bit in the bunker oh
that’s not back no it’s not it’s off the
back back is it it’s off the back of
course it’s off the
back that’s a good shot mate closer
actually I I can see it it’s not oh yeah
I don’t think it is off the back yes it
is it’s not that went miles off the back
I’m telling you I’ve I’ve genuinely got
good ice at that went miles off the back
okay so just someone must have left the
ball in the middle of the green then not
bad actually mate I’ll take it not bad
at all I will take that okay so this is
like a yeah hard shot you see where you
want to land this yeah come know come
and stand here please do me a favor just
stand here and just look
see that Hill see where it lands it’s
going to just go whoosh yeah you got end
it left you know what I mean
soft soft this is like a nice little
delicate outside of the boot chip over
the defensive line you
know you know what it’s got an amazing
bounce for you you know what you don’t
deserve that on the green you’re on the
green I don’t know how I’ve done that I
will take that
that right this is going to come down
the hill break to the left I just just
need to Cozy it up and ask the question
of Theo cuz he’s there on the green for
two net one so cozy this up take my
three ask the question come on sebie tap
her out
there sit sit sit sit oo bit of on that
bone Sebastian what are you seeing here
mate left to right left to right quite
far left right
okay oh it’s a nice part roll out roll
out I think’s good I think it’s going to
bit too nice now look if it was a
friendly game we’d say good good there
but no you wouldn’t I’m not sure it is
is it Theo Theo’s first big part this
Theo if you make this Theo you make my
life very difficult not going to lie to
you there’s a moment you want to have a
real chance at doing the uh double on me
this is it double double double ow and
coil won the
double good
pot you can have that one you can have
that one did
me which means this part to go one up
okay seie no pressure straight away I’m
so tempted to do a no look but I haven’t
got the guts and he’s standing behind me
isn’t it means I’ve gone one up with one
I missed that because there was too many
beans on it I’m one up and it’s a par
five par five Theo you have got two
shots on this house it’s a p s for me
it’s a it’s basically a par seven wow we
what more do you want all I’ve got to do
though is not lose the hole that’s all I
got to do right dead straight bunker in
the distance put some heat on the
boy oh you absolute dirty dog man a
lovely sound isn’t it yeah that’s nice
well in take it what up mate thank you
mate all come on Baker come on Baker Boy
big hit got this one to you
unfortunate you know what it’s loads of
room over there though it’s another
Fairway yeah it’s not bad actually it’s
F the Fairway oh oh oh I think you’re
all right yeah I don’t know over you
should be sound wa think you’re found
you’re fine you actually cut the corner
if anything I’m play my own he’s tried
to I think he might have actually found
a shortcut right there let’s talk about
what’s the plan new channel new golfing
Channel yeah go golfers it’s coming it
might might be out you never know might
be out I might hold this one back until
it’s ready I need to uh
I need to improve I even on this episode
I started off well you did and it went
downhill thing is you’ve got all the
shots I’ve seen you hit good drives I’ve
seen you hit good irons I’ve seen you
hit great chips and I’ve seen you make
putts it’s all there just need to be
consistent that’s the issue but let’s go
that is go that will never change
either that’s what all the people see
that’s golf he’s cut the corner he’s
made this a short hole got 207 though
207 207 which is in range for a par five
yeah it is I don’t think I’m going to
have much less than him in to be honest
if not at all but mate if you look over
the hill here look yeah that’s a that’s
a tough shot come and get a look at this
CG see what he’s playing that’s I got to
I got to I might even take like a seven
and try and get it on the we’ve got to
wait for them I might F seven and into
the Fairway get over there it’s not it’s
not a bad decision to be honest remember
remember you got two shots here yeah I
might play the safer option start
dialing in your course management here
cuz if you if he hits this up to the
right he might never find it again if he
just PLS one in the Fairway he’s
technically there for none
yeah that’s the move that’s I think
that’s a play you’re thinking now Theo
thinking yeah smart play Theo as long as
it misses the bunker which it has you’re
in back in play well done back in
business very good course Management’s
coming along nicely very happy with that
one mate very happy okay I have got 246
yards which is probably too far for my
3-wood huge this shot s this is it’s a
bit more than I really can handle but
you have played two but you’ve basically
played none so you’re teeing off On a
par five basically 150 yards ahead of me
I’ve got 250 yards it’s on the edge
thing is look at this slope if you if I
miss this right it’s like Mordor se but
you are Seb on go oh here we go here we
go this is you this is your bread and
butter I’m just going at it that’s what
I’m doing I’m fear on football I’m Fe on
Triathlon come sebie h a good
one a all the well the wind might be
pushing that little
fellow soft yeah I mean good here thank
you thank you what are you thinking the
I’m thinking cuz it’s uphill pitch and
wedge was 100 yards yeah I like that the
only thing here is one of them shots
where you just can’t really be short
I’ll go I’ll go pitch just see what
happens he’s confident man he knows what
he wants right knows what he wants it is
115 what can he pull off oh you know
what it’s a great strike just be up go
on get up get up it is stay there stay
there wait wait
the no stay up scare you a little bit I
money today I saved everything for the
final H sa you know what he’s that he’s
there for one on a par five is just
ridiculous just ridiculous isn’t it it’s
pathetic I have to up and down this for
a four and then you’ve got to well you
played actually three shots I played
three shots yeah yeah I mean it’s in
trouble it’s going to be looking like a
this your third shot this is my third
shot not not too far off each other I’ve
got to get it really tight here I’ve got
to get really Zippy you got to nail it
I’ve got to nail it it’s got to be a big
one okay here go
sebie oh it looks good looks very good
Seb yeah lovely stuff bit
big big it’s only what what more could
you want it’s all right that is pretty
darn good that chances I’ve I’m
basically aiming left to right hope for
the best over the hill below the hill
hope for the
best oh that’s
pretty rolled on you know
oh golly gosh that was close you played
Four actual shots right so that’s for a
five net three yeah wow so you’re
probably going to miss it that’s going
to be six net for means you’re going to
win the ho maybe right to left a little
bit really give it beans though for you
you think right to left yeah
okay he’s got it he’s got it oh there’s
a bit on that as well wo whoo whoo how
on Earth has that not gone in one to
there two that was three there four
there five that’s for a six net four
yeah so if I make this and you miss it’s
over my huge how has that gone that far
it went over the hole I tell you what
can you move your Shadow please mate
this is just to all the bicker in it
doesn’t really matter this goes in then
I’ve done it I’ve got my revenge got
what I came for and it’s on to the next
one right off the left hand side
right that’s it mate you can have the
holes I can have the hole no cuz you’ve
got you got to two up from there right
even if you miss it so that’s going to
be a seven net five so we’ve no hang on
yeah go on sorry sorry stop stop stop
stop stop so you need this part to win
the hole yes I thought yeah okay sorry
apologies it’s okay man so this is it
this is yeah don’t miss this one Baker
make this part and and you’ve you’ve
hared the match up on the last
oh he’s done it he’s done it right that
means very very quick playoff we’re
going to try and keep away from the
groups here we’re going to go top of
this hill nearest the pin from here boys
you pick us a spot let’s go here here
right now Theo the big question do you
want to go first or second I’m going
first you want to go first do we have a
flag in or flag out I reckon just leave
it out we can see it nearest the PIN for
the win actually said I’ll let you go
oh now that is him learning he’s now
going to see line yeah he’s getting he’s
getting there Bo like I don’t know where
to I think I’ve got to get this to the
top of that hill and the the rest is
done for me playoff I do not want to
lose two in a row to
Theo oh
no come on Theo oh my God see now I want
Theo to do it oh my God now I want Theo
to do it there’s no way he doesn’t get
inside that ball so wide open here oh my
doesn’t even have to be that
good oh my God no hang on oh no sure he
done it he has even made the hill he has
go on he has he’s done it has he he’s
done it he’s done it he’s done it it
he’s done it oh oh have I done that he’s
done it Well Done Right Theo I mean I’m
not going to lie I’ve had an absolute
shock of it beat him again how’s he done
it how’s he done it I’m actually not too
sure how I’ve won that but I take it I
don’t I’m really upset so you’ve never
beaten me at golf
yeah well you know what that sets up for
though doesn’t it SE the the end of the
trilogy trilogy trilogy we’re going to
have to do it if you are new to the
channel make sure you subscribe if for
any silly Reason Not sub to these guys
get that done as well and we’ll see you
very shortly for another one of season
five of YouTubers go golfing thanks for
coming SE see you later I’m fuman never
going hear the end of that


  1. Saw on Randys vlogs that lots of you were out on a golf trip somewhere, were any of these filmed for full videos? Keep it up💪💪

  2. Glad to see hypnosis working out well with a golfer like yourself Seb! If Tiger does it, surely you can't go wrong…!

  3. I feel like the concept is good, but for a video, Theo should be able to bring in the boys more often than once the whole video. People wanna see the boys play as well

  4. damn the go golfers need a nice graphic like yours on the side, makes it so much more easy to understand where the shot went

  5. So close but so far! Better luck next time Seb! Get on with Reveri for a few weeks and you'll come out on top next time! Loved the shoutout!

  6. Amazing match, Seb! Loved the unique format and the great camaraderie among all the players. It’s incredible to see how everyone’s skills have improved over the seasons. Theo’s strategic use of his shots added an extra layer of excitement to the game. Can’t wait for more episodes from YTGG S5—this series has become a highlight for golf and YouTube fans alike! Keep up the great work! 👍⛳

  7. I don't watch Seb I don't really play golf either. But I know that you do not walk over someone's line, and Seb constantly walking over Theo's line but gets annoyed when other people are in his. Yikes.

  8. would love to see a sidemen sunday where there is a bad golf course team and then a good golf course team with couches and everything and have the worse scorer have a forfeit

  9. The camera work was poor, especially at the end when you and theo were playing the settler. The camera was just panned at all of you watching it. It was quite frustrating, nothing personal.

  10. Can anyone explain to me why when they tee off does the map always show the ball going off to the left or right, right at the end?

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