Golf Players

Matt Rempe Match Penalty against Nathan Bastian

2023 – 2024 Season
New York Rangers vs. New Jersey Devils

This is my second channel that will focus only on NHL content. My main channel is over here.

that’s what he’s done at age 30 and uh
to get this new contract so uh just a
real great representative for young
players trying to make it in this league
Rangers have the line of goodro Ry with
a big hit Bastion went down and there’s
a penalty up coming on Ry Ry and seen
ther challenged Ry and punches were
thrown right now Bastion is in tough
shape well well well Ry was coming off
bench and Bastion didn’t see him coming
he was playing a playing the puck as it
came around the
boards and there you can see he’s in
shape Bastion
is and getting
some getting some help bastion’s a tough
he a hard-nosed
player was with this organization they
lost him to Seattle and then here here’s
the play
play yeah he was coming in with a lot of
speed and and Bastion was kind of bent
over playing the
puck it’s a tough hit to watch yes he
hit he hit him hard it looked to me like
he did keep his sck there are multiple
penalties on the play a major penalty
will also be
reviewed all right they’re going to
review major yeah they call it a major
so they can review it now Jo
yeah ped lulet looking at the video
tablet on the
bench okay so he just he just called it
a a major penalty we’re not sure for
what yet they’re just reviewing
it now he might now Zelo might have made
contact you see bash he’s kind of bent
over and there he hit him he hit him you
know he hit him right in the head with
his shoulder you know it was a straight
it was a straight head shot with the
shoulder and then then seen ther goes
after him but Sean ther you know does it
to be a good teammate didn’t really want
to fight Ry not many
do but he want to jump in and help out
Michael marovic and franois Sado Are the
referees again I think what they’re what
they’re looking at and why it’s taking a
while is because Bastion was bent over
so Ry didn’t have to bring up his arms
or his gloves or anything else he’s just
he’s six seven SK skated right through
him watch how he stays
down but he does he does catch him in
the head it looked like with his with
his right
shoulder we are 2 minutes 25 seconds
into the
and we’ll see what the decision of the
officials are they’re in touch with the
Situation Room in
Toronto now we’ve talked about this
before there is a
rule that allows head contact if they
are if they rule that you’re going
through the
body and in that case it’s not a penalty
even if there is head
contact so now it’s being explained to
trouba New York number 73 has a match
penalty for head
contact also a 2-minute minor for
roughing New Jersey 71 has a 2-minute
minor for roughing 5 minutes will go on
the clock power play for New
all right so match
penalty for Ry he is done for the game
and that will be uh reviewed by the


  1. I get that people are arguing about charging or head contact. Maybe Bastian had his head down and Rempe had time to slow down. These are all somewhat debatable opinions, but to all of you arguing for elbowing; what the f are you talking about. 2:00 we clearly see the elbow tucked in as much as you physically can. You need to come back down on Earth and stop being delusional wops, even if your team is on the receiving end.

  2. When a player takes a cheapshot, he's expected to answer the bell later – he has to fight someone. Who on the Devils would challenge Rempe? No matter who he fights, Rempe isn't going to be taught a lesson by anyone. He'll get away with it and do it again.

  3. Une Grosses criss de pâte molles qui va surement se faire défoncé d'ici peu tellement que il manque de talent , a un moment y va trouver sont homme … j'aimerait le voir contre Xekhaj voir

  4. Amazing a veteran clean defenceman in Reilly gets 5 games for a cross check (where his stick came out of his hands aka he let go when he realized where he hit him to lower impact and not injure the player) Rempe has 10 games, 5 injuries and 5 fights responding to questionable hits.

    Reilly doesn't injure anyone for 10 years, gets up high once and gets 5 games lol.

    Get this guy under control before he puts someone in a coma. He's a rookie playing the brand of hockey the league says they don't want but clearly it's getting views so they won't care I guess.

    Parts of me love watching it but parts of me wonder what a hit like that on Bedard would look like for his health…. Imagine taking that guy out of the league with a hit from a 6'7 psycho path that'll never leave a mark on hockey other than injuring people and getting beat up by real fighters.

    It'll get worse come playoffs….

  5. I don't know why everybody has this issue with the kid he is living in his dream seriously I remember watching a video at the beginning of the season looch saying he wishes there was 21 year old kids going at him the way he did when he entered the League no different than Reaves or any other tough guy but because he's fighting so much it's taboo omg it's taboo it's hockey people not soccer I believe the world cup is coming up if you enjoy that more 😂

  6. So dumb dude. It happened so fast- tell those damn officials to look around more they’ll find a real elbow call

  7. Okay so if you put your head down and stare at the puck, nobody over 6' tall can hit you?? Keep your head up! Just because it was nasty, doesn't mean it was dirty.

  8. It's great when a bender who possesses zero skill and will play three minutes a night can knock a top 4 defenseman out, shorten his career possibly cost him the season. Why do rangers fans, players and organization just want to be the biggest scum bags possible. Maybe that's why they've won a single Stanley cup in modern hockey. Great all but one cup was before pearl harbor ffs. What a joke of an organization

  9. Ive read numerous reasons why fighting might be making a comeback, relative to the game and rules and so forth. But part of me has to wonder if there is any incentive for the NHL to slowly allow it to come back because that is part of what the fans want. Hockey may be safer without fighting but it certainly is not as entertaining. I grew up in the 80s and 90s and saw a lot of fighting in the minors and majors and sometimes I wonder whether all the crackdowns actually negatively impacted hockey's interest levels. Not to mention the fact that fighting existed because guys were going after the star players and they needed to stick up for them lest they lose them to injuries. Avid fan and former player here myself. I don't think fighting came out of a vacuum. I get why they came down on fighting what with how it caused issues for the enforcers, and I also get why it would easily see a comeback. Just a thought. And I'm not too surprised to see a kid like Rempe with these stats because I think it's been coming.

  10. Spicy buffalo chicken wing….AGAIN
    Edit : possibly the forearm shiver
    Edit : he is 7’3” with skates on lol. He woulda been the perfect player in the 90s. Time to settle him down boys

  11. I hate rempee for 3 reasons btw I’m a HUGE islander fan💙🧡
    1. He’s a terrible person
    2.Hes a ranger (again I’m a huge isles fan)
    3. He beat up one of the isles and mad them miss half the game

  12. I get it was kind of a dirty hit. But the NHL needs more players like Rempe. I personally like the kid. And there should be more guys in the league that Rempe needs to answer to. And guys like him are fine with that. That’s the way it used to be. The game self-policed itself. You wanna take a run at a guy be prepared to answer the bell. There would fewer guys who can’t, and won’t fight dishing out dangerous, nasty hits if they new they were going to have to answer the bell. Also, keep your head up.

  13. The devils organization is the biggest loser franchise of all time. They play the goodbye song when Rempe gets tossed yet Scott Stevens made a living on the same hits that butt hurt devils fans are complaining about. Devils fans also like the chant the words “hey, you suck” when they score a goal acting like they never scored a goal before. Newsflash Devils fans “YOU SUCK”! Have fun being irrelevant for the next two decades losers

  14. This needed to be done to tell these guys “this league might be “men”, but I’m not scared of man”

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