Golf Players

The Opening Drive – April 24th, 2024

00:00 – Cardinals-1 Diamondbacks-14 — How did the Cardinals manage to break Zach Thompson? — NHL Playoffs — NBA Playoffs

17:42 – Ask Uncle Randy!

39:27 – How much do we miss the NFL draft in St. Louis?


1:12:27 – Fresh Take: What is the Cardinals issue with talent development?

1:25:35 – What’s your most interesting trend in the last week of baseball?

1:38:39 – The Fight

1:53:20 – Rory McIlroy is going to return to the PGA policy board. He’s been quite vocal about have golf morph to a World Tour. How might this affect the PGA tour in the USA, and the PGA Tour’s relationship with LIV?

2:08:00 – Rush Hour Reset

2:20:30 – Cardinal pitcher Kyle Gibson joins the show before his start tonight vs. Arizona

2:43:05 – Where is your worry level for the 2024 Cardinals?

2:53:05 – Rocc and Roll

field Studio this is the opening drive
on 101
ESPN good morning everyone and happy
hump day from the opening drive on 101
ESPN in St Louis where it’s 7:00 your
time check brought to you by Clark from
Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex
Jeweler Brook rley is here Dan mclin is
here Matthew Rocko is here I’m Randy
carer and it is great to have you with
us on a beautiful beautiful Wednesday
morning in St Louis Missour well it is
beautiful outside Brandy but 12:15 game
today for the cards I’m going yeah uh I
think tickets are going to be available
if you want to head on down to the
ballpark today and at 12:15 today kids
it is going to be a glorious 65 degrees
during the game it’ll get up to 69 70
degrees where you sitting do you know
your seats in the seats yeah I don’t
know where okay I figured it was in the
seats in the sunshine it’s going to be
in the sunshine I guarantee you that it
depends on what side you’re on and what
time of day to make sure that you get
the sunshine that you want Dan I think
I’ll be able to move around and find
seats that Su probably probably if last
night was any indication I’ll be able
just to move around didn’t they say that
it was 30,000 but then that’s tickets
sold yeah tickets sold tickets sold how
many in the stands
well by the end of the game not many no
14 to one the final and uh they lost 14
to one not not one of the best outings
by the birds last night I I pointed out
that during the Aran Fisher days there
were a lot of occasions in which St
Louis trailed Arizona by 13 late true
true especially in the Kurt Warner days
when Kurt was part of Arizona yes
exactly yeah it happened yeah it was U
it it was not great the Cardinals
usually when they score first they’re
pretty good but they they did Score
first not yesterday yeah they get a home
run in the bottom of the first and then
all of a sudden it’s uh it’s 4-1 after
three and then uh the Cardinals allowed
six in the fifth and it was kind of over
by then based on the Cardinal offense
this season you think they’re probably
not coming back from a 10-1 deficit and
they did not and they lost 14 to1 no
then the biggest story here is that
you’re you had Stephen matz and Zack
Thompson each allowing seven runs and
that was a big part of it right there so
even though you didn’t have things going
offensively Stephen matz getting banged
around was not ideal in that situation
but you had two pitchers allow seven
runs each two pitch two separate
pitchers allow seven runs each that’s
pretty amazing I wonder if that’s ever
happened before it has happened before
Brady I sent you the SAT last night
would you would you like to share it
yeah the last time this happened I think
was 07 yeah it was 07 the year after the
Cardinals won the World Series the year
that they did not have Chris Carpenter
and there was a game let me get to the
statistic here there was a game in which
uh the Cardinals had two pitchers both l
seven runs damn one of those was Mike
maroth uh remember him oh do I ever he
came over from Detroit I believe did he
he might be still the last guy to lose
20 games last time before last night
this is from Jeff Jones of the
Belleville news democrat last time
before last night the Cardinal had two
pitchers allow at least seven earned
runs in the same game Braden Looper and
Mike Baro in Pittsburgh on August 1st
2007 actually remember that game and
basically what they did was they said
we’re out of it and we’re going to have
somebody just wear it and that’s what
happened last night with Zack Thompson
unfortunately for him I’m not sure
what’s happened to him because the
velocity is way down his breaking stuff
is not nearly as sharp and I don’t know
if it’s a question of whether or not he
has been swinging from the bullpen to
the starting rotation and gone back and
forth but clearly he is not as effective
as he has been in the past and was not
effective last night I have a scary and
alarming thought about what might have
happened to him
he’s a young Cardinal
pitcher what Young Cardinal pitcher does
this not happen to I I would say that
they have developed well I I think they
get it to the majors they get it to the
majors and then once they get to the
majors you know there’s been some trades
that’s not necessarily on the Cardinals
I know we’re going to dive into this but
you know it’s about evaluating the
talent once you get to the major leagues
not only evaluating but nurturing and
developing and getting guys to be better
why is it the last year with matth
Matthew Liberator was going down to
Memphis he was from 9697 he’d come up
here and he’s 92 93 why is Zack Thompson
effective when he gets right back here
from the miners and then all of a sudden
he falls off why does this happen on
such a consistent basis why were the
Cardinals not able not that Johan oo is
going to win any Sai Youngs but why did
Pittsburgh get out of Johan oo last year
what the Cardinals couldn’t the year
before I just don’t understand why the
Cardinals aren’t able to get young
pitchers to advance at the major league
level it’s starting to be an alarming
trim but going back to Steven matz
that’s another concerning Trend because
in his last three starts he’s given up
16 runs 13 earned on 21 hits in 14
Innings and here’s olar Maul after the
game about what he had to say about sta
Matt’s outing I actually thought it was
one of his better outings to be quite
honest with you um the line doesn’t show
that but from a pitch standpoint Belo
was there um walking the nine hole in
that inning that kind of led to some
runs wasn’t ideal
but uh Walker took a good swing off of
him but for the most part I thought he
actually did a a pretty decent job um
didn’t go away I think what he’s
referring to is the first inning in the
first inning he hit 96 he was sitting
around 95 but then after that the wheels
came off 71 pitches through three
Innings not ideal he gave up four runs
but the first inning I that’s my
assumption is what Ali’s trying to say
and if you’re waking up and wanted him
to throw him under the bus it’s just not
going to happen he’s not going to wake
up and throw his guy or say it after the
game last night he’s not going to just
throw his players under the bus as much
as a fan may want to hear that it’s just
not going to happen but would it be
throwing him under the bus if he would
simply now there’s a different way to
count right not insult the intelligence
of the people who watched and are fans
of your game and say he just didn’t have
it tonight yeah that’s I would have gone
that direction and and so I would have
couched it differently and just said hey
good first inning liked what I saw after
that the wheels came off a little bit
we’re gonna have to get that rectified
as we move forward well and also the
other part of it where he said Walker
took a good swing at him Stephen matz
left a change up right over the heart of
the plate and that was just not good
whatsoever so I think that it’s not the
thing that people want to hear of course
and no matter what he says I think to
your point Dan he’s going to get
crucified for it either way but when you
hear that that he thought that it was
good outing and then it’s more about
process right now over results I think
that’s the part that maybe is bothering
Cardinals fans the most because people
will understand that there’s a process
but they also want a sense of urgency
with what you’re seeing right now you
had the greatest game that we’ve seen so
far this season for the Cardinals when
you have that walk-off winner everything
was clicking it felt like it wasn’t 2023
and then you had a game like last night
where they weren’t able to carry over
the momentum by the way the pitcher that
they were facing did not have a good
erra going into that game I believe it
was like a 6.87 erra going into the game
that was a huge opportunity for them to
take advantage of him Brooke young Lefty
that they hadn’t seen before
is that why is that a thing I don’t know
problem you know what it’s been that way
forever with it was that way under
Whitey yeah uh it’s a weird thing but
for the Cardinals it’s always been that
way I don’t know why they can’t get to
these guys it it wasn’t just Matts which
wasn’t a good start but the base running
mistake that was a problem early on they
had a defensive misc and the offense
again non-existent the bullpen with Zack
Thompson in effective you know you look
at Goldie and win they had strikeouts
with two men on that was a key spot in
the game you know a lot of the the the
focus has been on the big guys in the
middle of the lineup as it should be but
you need to get on in front of him
Brendan Donovan is struggling right now
he’s two for his last 20 hitting just
205 on the season so when you look at
the offense it’s not where it needs to
be and and mats was not where he needed
to be last night pitching there’s just
no other way to put it and with Zach
Thompson too would you be surprised if
he get sent down to the miners here soon
I would not probably not because Palante
is coming well is pante coming back I
don’t know the question would be what
and I don’t even haven’t even really
thought or looked close enough at
Memphis I don’t know if CD ROM comes
back I don’t I don’t know who you
replace him with but sometime at some
point they’ve got to make him right I I
agree and at this point he’s not and you
know in terms of Palante they sent him
down to work on things and it’s only
been you know since the weekend that he
had to wear it for the bullpen and wear
it for the pitching staff going into the
future games that they had the immediate
games that they had so you know Palante
is working on some different things he
talked about that in the offseason I’m
not sure he’d be the right guy that you
bring up right away by the way it’s our
our buddy Ken Dy is probably listening
who was a great Cardinal I I would argue
that Ken Dy was the Cardinal’s best
player of the 25 man roster best player
in the 1985 playoffs but when Ken Daly
got traded here in 1984 started a game
at Montreal he faced 15 hitters he
allowed seven hits and walked three of
them and Whitey Herzog simply said after
the game he didn’t miss many bats
yeah and I think you can say it a little
different than Ali did last night and
he’s going to get crucified for it what
he said for sure I mean I I just I’m
going to go back to this he’s not going
to throw his guy under the bus but you
can couch it a little bit differently 14
to1 was the final last night Cardinals
lose to the Dbacks and rubber game today
Brook that’s great it’s fantastic by the
way you were asking for an update on CD
ROM who is Drew ROM by the way because
that’s what you like to nickname him is
CD ROM I like nicknames things are still
not working shocking I Know Dan tell
well I had to think about it cuz I
haven’t been on the air with you guys
when CD ROM was pitching so I was like
wait a minute Ron John okay got it
you’re like I’m missing somebody here CD
where did he come from uh things are
still not going well for him currently
Jeff Jones and the B bille news democrat
tweeted out recently that he was
visiting another doctor at as opposed to
being on the move up which that is
something that is not ideal for this
team right now no so the Cardinals fall
and uh this is just it’s not pretty and
we’re going to
be remember when I used to go on the
road with the Rams when they were
terrible and they’d lose like eight in a
row and Dan would be hosting back at GX
in the studio and uh Dan had always
introduced me by saying Randy it wasn’t
pretty it wasn’t pretty so I’ll do that
right now Randy it wasn’t pretty it was
not 141 Cardinals will try to get the uh
rubber game today and Jordan Montgomery
is pitching on the bound at Bush Stadium
for the Diamond Backs think you had a
little extra motivation today thinking
there might be some yeah yeah Derek gold
of the post dispatch has an article out
right now where he talked to Jordan
Montgomery and he says he’s excited to
face his former team that’s terrifying
because what is he going to go out and
do today guys if you just had to guess
be motivated yeah motivated yes well but
let’s be realistic here these days if
you’re a pitcher you’re excited to face
the Cardinals aren’t you he was asked by
the way Montgomery was asked about um
whether or not the Cardinals approached
him in the off season and he declined to
to address that he just said I’m moving
on and if you look at Montgomery as
compared to snell the two guys had
signed late Montgomery is outperformed
him by Leaps and Bounds he’s he’s had a
good start right now for Arizona he has
NHL playoffs last night Rangers over the
Caps 4 to3 Rangers lead that series two
nothing the Panthers get an overtime
goal there’s Matthew kachuck in the
crease at the end of the game when the
winning goal is scor isn’t it I watched
that game Tampa Bay
goenda in that game I mean it was it was
incredible he made one save where it was
blind and and went to his glove hand he
was all turned around he was out of
position it was just an incredible
hockey game and Matthew kachuck right in
the middle of things no surprise there
if if we watched Azie with the backand a
good that’s exactly what vasileski did
so the lightning uh Trail in that series
to the Panthers two games to nil
Avalanche over the Jets 52 so that
series even at a game a piece and the
Predators knock off the Canucks 4-1 and
that series is tied at one a piece NBA
playoffs t-wolves man the Suns I don’t
know how they fix that situation they’re
old and they are not going to win in the
playoffs with this group of players
t-wolves lead the Suns 105 or two
nothing after winning 10593 last night
Pacers even up their series with the
bucks at a game a piece and the
Mavericks win at La over the Clippers
and series is even at a game of piece as
well we’re off and running here on the
opening drive on 101 espm we’re going to
talk to Kyle Gibson later in the show
but next up it is Wednesday it is hump
day it is ask Uncle Randy day get your
text in to the Air Comfort Service text
line 314 39996 46314 399 yo ho y there
it is get it out of the way early okay
here don’t leave me hanging here we got
to do a fist oh yeah there my fault uh
so we want you test texts for ask Uncle
Randy next on 101
e e
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Uncle Randy let him dive into his
infinite well filled with wisdom to find
you answers text 314 399
9646 it’s ask Uncle Randy on 101 ESPN
all right here we are we’re headed into
the summer in a couple of weeks it’ll be
May next week it’ll be May kids it’s
April 24th today so uh warm weather uh
young romance is in the air golf is in
the air trips are in the air summertime
is in the air and if you would like to
uh get a little Direction little
guidance in your life ask Uncle Randy
right now you can text 314 399 9646 314
399 yo yes Matthew did you want to add
something there yeah your JT impression
needs a little work J Justin Timberlake
yeah what they do I mean just you yeah
you just said it’s going to be may
I you need to work on that’s better see
we’re working on it all right thank you
by the way you’re welcome for catching
on to that one ’90s kids over here yeah
thanks for the help I I do greatly
appreciate it all right one of my first
concerts I remember every moment oh God
that Cisco was the opener remember
Cisco song The Thong Song Thong Song
there you go went open for concert a lot
of screaming young ladies at the Justin
Timberlake concert oh yeah well that was
back in the Instinct days so yes and I
was one of them days I bet all right
what do we got Big Boy de Uncle Randy
I’m getting married in October and my
fiance wants to go to Disneyland for our
honeymoon but I would like to go in an
all-inclusive resort of some kind how do
we compromise on this well because
you’re getting married quickly uh
there’s a couple of things that you need
to keep in mind uh number one October is
great time for
Disneyland and Disneyland is what it
said right mhm uh so you can do SoCal
and Disneyland is basically a one day
thing and then do some other SoCal
things and then maybe your oneyear
anniversary trip you can do the
all-inclusive play the long game here
and it the long game the long game is is
a good game to play and make her happy
by doing the Disneyland thing you’re not
going to do Disneyland for more than a
day until you have kids so my suggestion
would be and I think it’s a great play
is to do Disneyland and then take
advantage of Southern California you can
head over maybe go uh down to San Diego
do la Hoya go up and see some of the
sites in LA and check out Southern
California and then the next year first
uh for her first anniversary present
it’s an all-inclusive I think that’s a
great idea Randy happy wife happy life
that is the key there there and there is
some compromising there as you mentioned
you can do some other things I’ve never
been to Disneyland before I’ve been to
Disney World so I don’t know exactly
what the difference is uh Disney World
is much bigger because Disneyland is
kind of landlocked they can’t expand
Disney World they can just keep growing
and growing and growing Disneyland is
it’s much more finite um
maybe you go maybe you well you could
definitely go see we’ll have to wait you
might be able to set this up to so you
can go see the blues and the ducks in
October here’s the big difference
between Disneyland and Disney World if
you want to like the scope Disneyland
Disney Disneyland can fit into the
corner of one of Disney World’s parking
lots yeah there you go oh wow that’s the
scope oh okay I took my kids there and U
it wasn’t so much about watching the
other kids they were loving it my kids
loved it I loved it but the other
parents looked miserable yeah I think
you have to go in with it you have to go
in with the mindset that you’re going to
enjoy you can’t go in with the the you
cannot go in thinking oh this is going
to be miserable because then you’re
going to be miserable exactly you have
to go into it with childlike wonder I
remember going to Disney World when I
was younger and my dad had a blast but
that’s because we both like to eat a lot
of food and so we went to Epcot and we
had food at every single stop and I just
Googled this because I wanted to see
Disneyland does have all-inclusive deals
so maybe there’s a little bit of
compromise is Disney food cheap I I seem
to recall the food at Disney being
reasonable maybe BK can text us BK BK
and his bride do Disney uh so and or
Joey V somebody text us and tell us if
food at Disney is reasonable I think it
might have used to think about Disney
that’ll never stop it and and I went
there like 15 years ago this might have
changed that it it they had carts around
the park that had hot dogs and
McDonald’s fries there you go nothing
wrong and just I just love that they
were like let’s just take the one thing
you guys do well we’re just going to put
it everywhere it’s like kids fun on
steroids it is so and it’s crazy and by
the time like 6 or 7:00 rolls around if
you have young kids they gas it’s over
there’s nothing left in the gas tank
they got to take some naps along the way
and you’ll have fun they they got like a
Chris Long motor for doubt yeah they
just they go until they’re out of gas
dear Uncle Randy I need you to settle a
debate between me and my buddy we are
we’re having a friendly argument on
which record will stand forever Cal
ripken’s Iron Man or tati’s two grand
slams okay they’re both going to stand
forever and I think this is a good fun
argument to have now here’s the
thing nobody will ever hit three grand
slams in an inning there’s no way
another pitcher will be allowed to even
allow two so that one won’t be broken
but neither will Ripkin
because let’s look at load management
yeah but rather than Ripken the ripken’s
record was there were some things that
happened during ripken’s pursuit of that
record allegedly mythically allegedly
Randall yeah uh that you know the power
goes out somehow it uh if you just want
to Google the power going out at Camden
Yards when during Ripken streak you can
do that but uh or just Google R and
cner it’s alleged but here’s the alleged
Randall that’s why I say Google it I’m
not saying okay uh but there was not
saying that Cal Ripken utilize the
benefits but there was no amphetamine
testing during Cal ripken’s career and
you don’t play 2500 games in a row
generally without a helper 162 over 6
months it’s really really difficult to
do nobody will ever do that again but
nobody will hit three Grand Slams so I
it’s hard to settle your your
debate I do think though that it’s more
likely that somebody actually breaks
ripken’s record than breaks tati’s
record I don’t agree with that I think
you could get to two grand slams in one
inning I don’t think you’d ever see it
off the same pitcher right which was the
chano park was the same pitcher so I
could see two grand slams you know paven
Smith is killing the Cardinals right now
he’s got three games three home runs and
driven in 11 in three games so I can see
where you’re keeping a guy in there
let’s just for argument sake let’s say
it’s the seventh or eighth inning and
you’ve gone to a position player because
you don’t want to wear out your Bullpen
and it the game is just so lopsided that
he comes up again with a chance to hit a
grand slam but here’s the thing Dan to
break the record you have to hit three
grand slams in oh that was the would
somebody break no I don’t see that
happening one bit I can see two though
and I there’s no way that someone breaks
Cal ripken’s record no no that’s why
it’s a great debate to have but I think
neither is probably the likelihood if
you’re just going to think about stats
four players last year played all 162
yeah a lot more teams batted around the
order in one inning than four times last
I I don’t have that number in front of
me but I’m very confident it’s much
higher than four and so just taking
those two numbers it seems like there’s
a much better chance something crazy
happens in one inning as opposed to four
players doing that for how many years in
a row do you have to do it to beat the
record 16 no I think it’s even more than
that maybe really more oh my God that’s
insane I think I I could be wrong I’m
not doing my vion math off the top of my
head it’s never going down uh Randy my
my wife’s birthday is coming up I asked
her what she would like for her birthday
she gave me a couple options one’s a
piece of exercise equipment and one’s a
ring from a fancy Jeweler I’m stumped
you are not
stumped uh you are buying a ring and a
piece of exercise equipment my man both
wow Randy Randy is working for the wives
this morning no that’s that’s the play
now if you have an anniversary or a
because we’re past Christmas if you if
you have the anniversary in the birthday
within close proximity or if you have
kids Mother’s Day is coming up as well
uh but now you have two things put them
both in the phone just so that you have
that list in your phone you don’t have
to buy both at once but now she’s
getting both at some point I like that
idea Randy for many different reasons
but yes I like that idea great advice I
have nothing else to add there other
than that is really good advice that’s
why we call it ask Uncle Randy simply
put yep do you have more Matthew I
actually do somebody says dear dear
Uncle Randy have you ever tried a maple
bacon caramel Long
John I believe I there’s a picture of it
on the text line yeah I I believe let’s
check the text line I believe I
have I don’t know if I had the bacon let
me check the text line here with all due
respect Randall yes I would uh bet the
ranch that you’ve had at you you’re a
guy that will try a lot of sugary
substances so I’m going to put that out
there so one time October Fest was you
love bacon I do one time October Fest
was coming up and we were fast we were
going to broadcast out at October Fest
out in St Charles and somebody brought
in chocolate covered bacon and you
wouldn’t think it would be unbelievable
it was truly
unbelievable uh so yeah I I
definitely I’d like to know where we got
this Maple Bak
chocolate long john that’s what it looks
like yes yeah um I would like to know
where it was from because it feels like
maybe I had oneac it looks
familiar H best donuts in town everybody
go ahead and
share well the best bakery in town is at
schnooks if you go into schnooks early
in the morning I I’m I’m being totally
here the best yep best donuts are in
town are sh so they are Dan you brought
where where are the donuts from that you
you have brought in oh I don’t schnooks
sure I bounce around there’s some great
places in South St Louis that I’ll go to
Matthew what’s the U it’s that little
tiny white building Donut Drive-in yeah
that’s that’s pretty good owned by our
own Tim mcc’s brother oh is that right I
didn’t know that it is by the way um
pulled it completely out of nowhere uh
16 and a quarter Seasons to beat Cal
Ripkin record if you go 162 games just
over 16 just over 16 16.24 seasons is
what the uh 2632 divided by 162 breaks
down and you got to have a little luck
along the way you know guy sliding in
and breaks your thumb wild pitch hits
your hand it’s amazing little help
strike short in season makes mean you
only have to play 114 one year or
whatever it is sure you know that’s
right there at the end of his career and
it kind of and and he gets another three
full seasons after that yeah hey Brooke
yes I want to make you happy
okay thank you I was wondering what you
were up to over there so you said that
was at schnooks oh yeah sure yeah yeah
best best best B time we’re getting
great Texs so Donut Drive-in was one of
them that was brought up on the text
line strange Donuts strange Donuts is
great right over here Donuts uh there’s
a couple of places there’s one and
actually there’s two locations for
Tony’s Donuts one at uh Dorset and it’s
on Dorset where the old quick trip was
and then there’s also one in North
County Tony’s Donuts is good and there’s
a place I think there’s also one in Wing
Haven uh and there’s one in St an called
uh The Sweet Spot and they have really
good Donuts too F fit oldtime Donuts got
to check that out okay I’m taking
pictures of this whole list I’m getting
hungry now I know you guys go down that
food Road in this uh early segment with
ask Uncle Randy and I get hungry yeah it
happens it does and that’s fine it’s a
you know we all love uh occasionally
about once a month we get a a first
watch delivery in here and it’s just
delicious it’s great mat you got one
more no there’s a text here it says
Danny Mack what you’re thinking of is a
building in South County and I’m like
listen here buddy I know exactly what
damn building Danny Mack was thinking of
all right to drive in right Lou thank
you very much it is it is you guys okay
we we’ve got we’ve got two minutes here
uh I I want you no I’m just going to
give two minutes I I
want I I want something that Dan and
Matthew who are both South City guys
okay I want you guys to bond here for 2
minutes over South City so what do you
got for me Dan grade school or something
like that give it to us St Gabriel St
gabes okay what what makes St gab’s
cool uh the fact that I actually got
through it mhm yeah it was kind of
shocking yeah good Matthew I mean I I
don’t know I mean it’s it’s there’s
there’s a weird sense of community
that’s kind of old school around St
Louis and some people might call
parochial and it can get like that but I
mean like the school picnic is a huge
thing every summer like that was that
was something I looked forward to
literally the day after it ended I was
like okay 365 until the next year’s
school picnic and like there’s so and
and you got the park and the
neighborhood around it so I mean it’s
just it’s a great neighborhood to live
around there’s restaurants everywhere
you can walk to a lot of things and
that’s something that you you don’t
always have in this city it’s not a very
walkable City and St Louis Hills is is a
great neighborhood for that tendr Ted oh
we didn’t have that at at Craig school
right here on Craig Road in the Parkway
School District we didn’t we didn’t have
that sort of bonding
ability well you could have uh gotten
into car with your parents and head down
to Ted Drew’s maybe taking a school trip
down there that would have been great
there’s a lot of schools that do that
they take a school trip to Ted ruz I got
in trouble one time cuz I was taking my
I was a driver for uh uh at the the
lamented now departed St Richard’s
school I was a driver for a field trip
and took my carload of kids in my big
old Ford remember my Ford Expedition
I took like five or six kids because I
had the third row seat and everything
probably took seven kids to uh to Ted
Drews we the the field trip was to
Forest Park and then we were supposed to
go right back to school I said to hell
with this we’re going to Ted Drew we’re
going to Ted
Drew those kids loved me and the
principal hated me the crazy thing is I
I’ve eaten Ted Drew more probably in the
last five years than I did in the first
16 years I lived at home theity I never
went there and all a sudden as soon as I
like I got older I was like I need to go
here all the time I forgot how great
this is you take it for granted I was a
few blocks away and my brother and I
would occasionally walk up there but we
would walk up there in our high school
years as opposed to when we were in
grade school I I don’t know why that was
cuz you can and you have money you have
money in your pocket that’s probably
true our parents are trying not to give
us ice cream every day I guess good job
I love Ted Drews right now we’re still
living with our in-laws right now as
we’re working on Renovations at our
house and just about every single week
now it’s becoming multiple times a week
David’s dad is like anybody want to go
to Ted drwes anybody love that and it’s
hard cuz I’m trying not to right next
time you go though they have a new
concrete this year with a carrot cake
from MacArthur’s a carrot cake concrete
and it is
unbelievable I uh I I will throw your
carrot cake against anybody Randy I’m
dead serious it’s not even close but Ted
didn’t come to me and say hey you want
to do a carrot cake he should well he
went said no there’s they that’s a big
hit with MacArthur’s MacArthur’s car
cake I I could eat a whole one well
there’s not many things that they missed
at tedu they missed on your carot cake I
appreciate that Daniel no problem uh
thank you very much for your text to ask
Uncle Randy here on 101 espm we do
appreciate them next up this week our
hearts are kind of hollow because we
miss something so dearly we’re going to
tell you about it next on 101
e e
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this is Rocky with your sports center
update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet
and Johnny LOL Autoplex the Cardinals
will try to salvage the series against
the Diamondbacks after getting blasted
14 to1 yesterday they have a 1215 first
pitch today it’ll be the former Cardinal
Jordan Montgomery the Lefty facing off
against Kyle Gibson for the St Louis
Cardinal Kyle Gibson by the way joins
the opening drive later on today 9:15
you can hear the show live and if you
can’t hear it live you can always
podcast on our dobs Ty a podcast on 101 and last night in the NHL
playoffs the Rangers take a 2 lead with
a 4-3 win over the capitals the Panthers
survived the lightning and overtime to
take a two lead in their series and
there’s two other series tied as the ABS
beat up on the Jets 5-2 and the predator
take down the Canucks 4 to1 that is your
sports center update driven by Johnny
LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex
see them at Chevy together we
drive are you kidding me
Brook Dan and Randy the last winning
season the St Louis Rams had was 2003
they finished 8 and 8 in 2004 uh 2005
they finished 5- 11 2006 they finished 8
and8 and then they started off 0 and8 in
2007 and then they didn’t even have a
winning record in 2008 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 so what happened was especially over
the time that from 2007 8 9 101 they win
15 and 65 still the worst 5-year record
in the history of the National Football
League uh during that time the draft
became my Super Bowl I started scouting
college players in October because the
Rams were terrible so the second month
of the season I was getting ready for
the draft so I watched a lot of college
football back in those days and like
Matthew Rocko I would watch the combine
and I would just totally consume what
the colleges were delivering to the NFL
and I’ve admitted this before I was with
the Rams I worked for the station that
carried the Rams and I did the pregame
show thank God I didn’t do the postgame
show like Stalter and Carri Davis did
but I was driving past Rams Park the
very first time I ever went past Rams
Park after they left was a year later
and I looked at it and I realized that I
had Stockholm syndrome that I was
sympathizing with my C
and it was a weird feeling to know that
I didn’t have to be beholden to that
building anymore but the one thing I did
enjoy and Rick ventu was a big part of
the reason for my enjoyment is that the
draft was cool and I do really miss this
week especially draft week because it
was very special to me not only from a
professional standpoint but from a
personal standpoint I just thought it
was cool it’s so exciting just to be
able to see the new players that you’ll
be bringing now can you guys take me
back to it’s been 10 years since the St
Louis Rams make sure I’m emphasizing
that St Louis Rams drafted Aaron Donald
the future Hall of Famer slipped down to
the number 13 picked and at that time
the defensive line was pretty solid
already so what was the feeling like
when Aaron Donald was brought into the
organization I knew Aaron Donald was
good but I got a text from a friend who
attended Notre Dame and they had played
pit and he said I’ve seen Aaron Donald
for the last couple years he’s a problem
and so I started paying attention going
back and watching more Aaron Donald tape
and you see you can see oh man he’s a
problem when we asked last week the
battle Hawks tackle about what he was
even as a freshman how good he was
remember they took Greg Robinson with
the second pick that year the Rams
didn’t have any idea how good Aaron
Donald was they took him with a 13th
pick but once you started paying
attention you got a little bit excited
and then you wondered when fiser didn’t
start him for the first five games of
his rookie year you wonder what is Jeff
fiser not seeing and the fact was that
Fischer was trying to get the franchise
moved and he didn’t want quality on the
field that’s what it turned out to be I
think it’s a matter of you you talked
about missing the dra I miss it it CU it
was a a sense of Promise excitement new
talent coming in maybe you can turn this
thing around I would watch it now Randy
I think you need to get a life and Rocko
watching tape of college football yeah
yeah no doubt get a life oh yeah I have
since okay yeah now you still watch the
combine nope
no I need to get a life I watch I watch
more of the combine than you guys Dan
Dan I’m with you I watch the combine as
well now how it has been a little less
exciting when you don’t have some of the
bigger names participating as much
anymore but still I watch the combine I
find it interesting I I only know the
quarterbacks and receivers in the draft
I and they I don’t really know the
tackles I should uh there is a an edge
rusher named chop Robinson and I like
him because he’s got a fun name chop
Robinson chop Robinson where’s he from
any idea uh Alabama I believe so yeah
there’s nothing better than a player who
uh does what their name says in their
position okay so growing up whatever
your team was and Brooke you grew up as
a a fan of the Titans your the most
exciting draft choice cuz I got to tell
you my most exciting draft choice was
when the Rams had the number one and
they took Sam and I thought Sam had had
that unbelievable workout people said
after lway it was the best quarterback
workout they had ever seen he had all
the talent he was a gym rat he just
loved it and he didn’t get the tools to
succeed but that was my favorite pick
and I got to tell you when they took
Holton Blye I wanted them to take a wide
receiver uh well I wanted him to take a
running back until they traded for
Marshall a couple of days but I wanted
and this is how stupid I was I wanted
them to take Champ Bailey with their
first pick which would not have been bad
and then Dwayne Bates wde big wide
receiver from Northwestern with their
second pick they wound up getting Tory
Holt and Dre BL so they they wound up
Charlie Army was smarter at football
than I was can I go back to just Donald
for one second from the 314 I remember
being so upset that the Rams drafted
Donald I wanted obj who went to New York
at 12 crazy how wrong people can be with
the new draft picks it is how about you
Matthew did you have a favorite pick in
your Rams fandom I I mean I was I was
absolutely giddy about the Donald pick I
can’t even lie I was I was obsessed with
Donald that year but the one I was the
most happy about was I had been a huge
fan of Robert Quinn for two years um at
UNC and I was like this guy’s going to
go top three Rams are probably have a
good shot at him cuz they suck um and
then they ended up having like the 13th
pick that year yeah I was jumping around
my room as he was falling down the board
to the Rams and when they actually got
Robert Quinn I was so damn happy that
was the one I was the most happy about I
didn’t mean to skip over your question
but I think a couple of them and they
were quarterbacks for whatever reason
it’s the Steve McNair curse right we’ve
been searching for another Steve McNair
in the Titans Organization for a long
time Vince Young I think there was a lot
of Promise surrounding that and even I
was excited about Marcus Mariota when he
came into the organization where it’s
like okay here’s this young promising
quarterback that was able to come in and
that was another thing that didn’t pan
out well for the Titans right this is
interesting uh Adam schfer tweeted this
out this morning now they calculated the
percentage of first round picks that hit
or miss and that’s what makes this fun I
think in the the retrospective of it do
you do you hit with a pick or do you
miss with it and this is based upon
whether the players signed a second
contract with the team that drafted him
this is incompass seeing the 20 drafts
spanning 2000 through 2019 what do you
think that percentage is of guys that
get that second contract it’s
interesting I’m going to say I’m going
to say 38% pretty close really 43% wow
really so under half so you’re getting a
lot of hit and misses as you go
throughout this the top position was
Center and that was 92% in terms of uh
QBs it was half so half make it half
don’t in terms of that second contract
the wide receivers was only
27% and that was the lowest of all the
positions we’re talking Center offensive
tackle guard linebacker QB Edge rusher
defensive tackle cornerback running back
safety tight end wide receiver was the
lowest of those that get that second
contract with a team interesting that is
really interesting by the way uh over
that stretch let me just give you and
you could always look this up at pro
football reference but it’s it’s fun and
interesting not it is now it was then
but uh first round draft choice in 2006
was Ty Hill out of the league within
three years first round draft choice in
‘ 07 was cousin Adam Adam carrier who I
liked but they took him he was a
defensive end and they took him to play
defensive tackle so that was kind of a
stupid pick and he was gone within three
years didn’t play for Washington for a
while then you had Chris Long who had a
really good career uh number one in 2008
2009 Jason Smith who they decided on
their first day of mini camp couldn’t
play left tackle kind of a mistake and
then Sam and 2010 Robert Quinn in 2011
rockers in 2012 wound up being an okay
pick uh Tavon in 2013 Greg Robinson in
2014 he was more of an entrepreneur than
a left tackle uh and then Gurley was
their their last pick in the first round
as St Louis Rams mine was Orlando Pace
was my favorite pick I I watched him so
much at Ohio State he was so dominant
and when they would on draft day break
down the tape or leading into the draft
it was incredible how many pancakes he
had and just how he never got beat and
he thought man you need a Blindside guy
and he was it Orlando Pace probably
listening now still lives here in town
Orlando Pace was akin to Tiger Woods and
Michael Jordan the people it’s the rare
athlete that has that combination of
incredible skill that you saw the
ability to Pancake and the desire here’s
an offensive tackle dominant player in
high school and in college but he’s 40
yards downfield BL downfield blocking
for people he could run his feet were
incredible he just did not get beat and
he worked his butt off yes he did had a
little mean streak to him too which
always helped he was tough he was
everything he wanted yeah we we we got
to get somebody on someday to tell the
the story about Joe Smith the defensive
end from Atlanta we’ll we’ll get
somebody on to tell that story someday
but that’s fun it’s fun to look back at
the draft even though it was kind of
dismal sometimes coming up we’ve got
take it or leave it get your text in to
the Air Comfort Service text line 314
399 9646 314 399 yo
take it or leave it as next
time thank you thank you
e e
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take it if you don’t set it right back
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us your take it or leave it brought to
you by Gloria Lou realy visit Gloria
hasthe and start p in that’s
my final author take it or leave
it Brook D Matthew and Randy take it or
leave it on 101 ESP and guys take it or
leave it the Cardinals would be better
served and Steven matz would be better
served if he were a relief pitcher oh
I’m going to take it Randy that was
exactly going to be my ticket or leave
it today because it makes you think or
wonder we were discussing this I
understand that the contract and you
want to see what you have with him as a
starter to get the most out of that but
don’t you kind of wish that maybe he
would have just been in the bullpen to
start the season or they would have went
ahead and transitioned that who you guys
are going to replace him with I I’ll fix
up Zack Thompson I’ll fix up Liberator
I’ll get Palante stretched out I think
that Steven mets’ stuff plays better in
the bullpen and statistically he was
really good in the bullpen when he came
back last year and people talk about the
contract well and we’ve mentioned this
before they were paying Andrew Miller
$11 million a year to be a reliever so
that shouldn’t be a factor at all I uh I
go back to his first inning last night
sitting at 95 hit 96 and I I’ve been
saying since spring training I would
love to see step mats in the bullpen now
who does that come at the cost of I
don’t want to move Liberator I like
Liberator and the bullpen same kind of
thing airs it out seems like he gets
better now they are stretching out
Palante but my understanding it’s more
about working on things but as as you
build up Innings and if he’s effective
maybe that’s one of the guys that goes
in that role and some guys just aren’t
as good out of the bullpen maybe Zack
Thompson is one of those guys he was
good last year uh down the stretch he
had let’s see nine starts last year an
earned run average of 4.48 33 earned
runs in 66 in the third Innings and he’s
young and he should get better remember
you know what’s weird about Zack
Thompson remember last year when he said
that he was watching a lot of Clayton
Kershaw tape and trying to emulate the
approach of Kershaw I’m not seeing that
this year I don’t know why well I I
don’t see the velocity I mean you got to
have stuff too yeah and that’s something
that the Cardinals should be able to
work on and I have no idea remember
distinctly Adam way coming on last year
we were asked him about he was down
making a rehab start in Memphis and he
was down there the night before and
Liberator was thrown he Liberator was
throwing 9798 then Liberator gets here
and he’s throwing 9495 I just don’t get
it why pitchers have better V down
maybe the guns are different down in the
miners than they do here and here’s the
thing too is that I think that they were
hoping that either Zach Thompson or
Matthew Liberator would have emerged as
one of those other starter options for
them and that just isn’t the case at
this point and it makes you wonder about
some of the development there but this
is the position you’re in so I’m going
to switch around my take it or leave it
take it or leave it Zack Thompson will
get sent down to the miners now the
corresponding move we were trying to
figured that earlier uh figured that out
earlier during the break I don’t know
what that corresponding move will be
because you called up Nick Robertson the
other day Sim robers MH well done maybe
he could but I don’t know if he’s ready
just yet that might be pushing it a
little bit too much we talked about
pushing your younger players a little
too early or sooner than they probably
should be who else do you have option
wise that you could call up well I think
right now for the immediate they’re
covered in their Bullpen because and you
let him you know if you weren’t covered
with Innings then I think then you’d
have to go get a fresh arm which they
may have to do today I don’t think that
they will that’s the immediate and if
you’re talking about trying to fix him
then maybe you go down into the minor
leagues and and dip into that talent
pool that you may have but at this point
you know you got to get him right one
way or another you got to get them right
so here’s our take it to leave it for me
can I throw another name yeah go ahead
Conor Thomas is off to a good start of
Memphis they’ve liked him not liked him
liked him again maybe he’s a guy that
gets a chance could yeah makes sense
Pablo Tor finds out podcast in which an
NFL scout is quoted worrying about Caleb
Williams crying after a loss last year
quote raw emotion is great but Caleb’s
thing that was ridiculous to me that
threw up major red flags I will tell you
he scares the bleep out of me and a lot
of NFL teams too take it or leave it can
we just stop with that I’m going to I’ll
take that I mean stop breaking down
everything yeah the guy had a little
emotional situation where I think it may
have been his last game too and they
were losing they were getting thumped is
that a reason why you wouldn’t take a
kid overthinking it absolutely they are
that and then also the nail polish just
the overanalyzing some of the off the-
field stuff is a little much there too
much too much for me if you can play you
can play and big guy can clearly play
Matthew what do you got for us we have
uh Jim or John excuse me on the YouTube
chat says take your leave at St Louis
professional football Mike just had the
worst NFL drafts from 75 to 2016 two
kickers a QB who couldn’t see a wide
receiver who couldn’t catch my God they
drafted a girl yeah all of that that’s
my favorite quote of all time in St
Louis Sports history oh my God they
drafted a girl oh my God they drafted a
girl you’re just shaking your head with
your head down can’t see it on the radio
he just so you’re just you’re just done
it was unbelievable and they took Kelly
stoffer they could have taken Chris
Miller who was pretty good fond of being
pretty just yeah the Cardinal what did
Chris Miller ever it was man he was in
St Louis for a brief amount of time he
was he was the first St Louis Rams
starting quarterback Vincent Smith of
the Jets knocks him out he dealt with a
lot of concussions a lot of concussions
he back in La he couldn’t remember his
way home he had to call his wife for
directions to to their house but uh he
he gets hit by Vincent Smith of the Jets
concussed and Mark rippen bless his soul
comes into the Huddle and he says we’re
going to knock that blanker knees out
later but right now we’re going to go
score a touchdown yeah and then they go
three and out my was uh he’s classy when
he got to St Louis I thought rip is
great yeah yeah but when you 9s NFL the
amount of times two dudes just
completely just slam heads like face
masks together it it’s like it jumps out
to me now when I watch those old
highlights how often it happens it’s
honestly insane how about Iron Head
Hayward when he was here yeah he let it
rip a little bit he did yeah he’s a guy
that is underutilized on U Immaculate
grid by the way Iron had played for a
few teams uh take at uh sh twins a
tournament game within his first two
seasons over skins yes Randy that was
just the best take it or leave it ever
I’m going tourn take it I’m going to
take it yeah didn’t you already do that
one last week Matthew with shirts and
skins yes that’s that’s what he’s
referring to is that is that Tak yes
slooh Al Cinder is going to lead them to
a tournament Victory there we go okay
let’s get this out of the way now slel
Cinder Larry blur Larry nerd blurry
cream Abdul Jabar Steph blurry out of
those five names what are we going with
I like slooh elinder
favorite is creem Abdul abdar you think
I’ve gotten better I’m just watching
Indiana State Sycamore tape now oh my
god oh man and it’s Robbie Aila by the
way that’s the correct pronunciation
Robbie Aila and they just had another
commitment to point guard coming in
underscore yeah they got they got Isaiah
Swope from um the Sor then yesterday
they actually got uh danler who was a a
young um transfer from Katon he was the
uh a couple years ago he was the best
play high school player in Nebraska went
to Katon and now he’s transferring to uh
to slooh uh take it or leave it the
Cardinal will have a starting pitcher
who gives up more home runs than the
Cardinals leader in home runs hit I’m
going to take
that I’m going to go ahead and leave
that I think that’s pretty easy really
you think how many did Lynn give up last
year 44 uh let’s see that a very very
high amount let’s see Lyn gave up 40
plus I I’m if I was going to make that
bet I would say it would be Lance Lenn
cuz he’s going to give his fair share a
give up his fair share of home runs and
he pounds a strike zone and it’s fast
balls and sinkers and you know you know
what you’re getting with Lance ly not R
yeah uh Zack Thompson’s given up six so
far this year the Cardinal leader has
not six
right uh four I believe from Nolan
Gorman miles and Gibby have both given
up five In fairness to Lance Lynn his
home run percentage that’s uh last year
was 5.5% it is down to 3.5% this season
okay I’m going to take this guys I’m
going to take it thank you Matthew one
more take it or leave the Cardinals
score more than one run today take it
take it I’ll take it you
optimists I don’t know is as hot as
Goldie is now
Randy feeling hot hot hot we got one
more Robbie AA nickname which I haven’t
seen yet uh somebody says the Gateway
starch starch I kind of like that too
that’s good I like it pretty good
can’t oh
no there we go just don’t look at what
he did yesterday it wasn’t hot who oh
Goldie oh I’m looking at two nights ago
oh yeah I kind of checked out last night
I was watching other stuff got to 101
and I checked out yeah there’s
basketball playoffs there’s hockey
playoffs there’s other stuff to see I’m
embarrassed to say I’ve never seen Band
of Brothers what uhhuh yeah I’m
embarrassed to say that and I watch all
kinds of different movies on you know
World War I World World War II
Vietnam um and I had not seen that and I
don’t know how I have not seen that but
I started that last night after it went
to 10: to1 and I’m uh I’m sucked in it’s
incredible I I don’t think I’ve watched
it either you haven’t seen it I don’t
think it’s great start it and you’ll be
you’ll be sucked in okay I’ll put that
on my list show ruined David shmmer for
me I hated him by the end of that show I
can understand why yeah for sure who’s
uh who else is in there in the cast oh
who the big name uh the big one of the
big names was from the Showtime series
billions uh the main character in
billions I can’t remember his name but
there’s there’s a good cast of
characters it’s good yeah check it out
have you seen it Randy I never have no
oh it’s awesome okay check out Damen
Lewis and Scott
Grimes former
Rams no different different Dam
different Damen Lewis um he’s he’s one
of the main characters Donnie Wahlberg’s
in there as well oh okay Donnie wallberg
was at the Celtics game the other day no
yeah Damen Lewis was another one of
those picks by the Rams by the way
didn’t quite work out did it not quite
three three first rounders in one year
really really jump started the uh the
program can I give you 30 seconds on how
cool Charlie Army was I’m going to tell
you right now Randy you you can have two
minutes oh I’m running the board okay
good compl so yeah one year Charlie Army
uh allowed me I was working for Charter
at the time and he allowed me in their
uh war room like three days before he
did the same thing with me was awesome
and I so I go in and I’ve got video the
whole war room so I’m working for 550 at
the time and I knew they were going to
take Damen Lewis that’s why they made
the trade and so they take Lewis and
then uh had the idea that because Marts
had fallen in love with Adam archeleta
so I I go on and I say you know look for
the Rams to look for the safety from
Arizona State here then they wind up
taking arch L I have no idea what
they’re going to do with a third pick at
that point and I come up with a sporting
news and I come up and I sit at the
table at the after Charlie finished his
press conference and he opens up the
sporting news and points to the name of
Ryan picket uh oh and I I go back to my
to analyze the Archer letter pick I said
hey uh just remember this name when the
Rams pick with their next pick Ryan
picket a defensive tackle from Ohio
State sure enough that’s who they took
it was great and Charlie just fed it to
me it was awesome and Charlie he showed
us the entire board Brook of scenarios
too of where they had rankings for their
guys then it was the rankings of what
they thought other teams may look at
because of needs and then they did
scenarios of what they would happen if
this you know unfolded at pick 16 can
they move up can they move down okay
that changes what we’re going to do it’s
it is fascinating to see how they do it
the football side of that organization
at that time with vermil and army had no
paranoia whatsoever they were just
awesome yep it was fun it was neat then
he took us out to lunch yeah oh that was
the best part he yeah he took and he
liked his Lun Lombardo yeah over by the
airport yep pretty cool all right coming
up next year on 101 ESPN we want to hear
from you guys uh in regards
to the way things went last night oi’s
reaction to Steven mat’s performance we
got a lot of texts earlier and we just
want to revisit that and give you an
opportunity with the fresh take next on
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a fresh perspective on the day’s top
stories it’s the opening dries fresh
T I actually thought it was one of his
better outings to be quite honest with
you um the line doesn’t show that but
from a pitch standpoint Bel was there um
um walking the nine hole in that inning
that kind of led to some runs wasn’t
ideal but uh Walker took a good swing
off of him for the most part I thought
he actually did a a pretty decent job um
didn’t go our way 812 813 now in St
Louis time check brought to you by
Clarkson Jewelers an officially licensed
Rolex Jeweler that was Cardinal Skipper
Ali maral after the 4-1 loss to the
Diamondbacks last night referencing the
outing of Steven matz the Cardinals with
the loss in last place in their division
in the National League central they’re
10 and 14 five games behind the
Milwaukee Brewers and a lot of reaction
not just to the loss but to all’s
reaction to Matt’s last night on the
text line and it is open 314 399 9646
314 399 Yoo there is nothing good to say
after you lose a game by a score of 14
to1 and it’s just it it’s bothersome to
me this is a fan base that understands
baseball I know that there’s a lot of
impatience now because the Cardinals
haven’t been to a World Series since
2013 and there’s this sense that well we
should go to the World Series every
three years or something like that
that’s not reality but I do think when
you have a well educated group of fans
and that’s what everybody says why do
players like St Louis because their fans
are smart and knowledgeable well don’t
tell us that Steven matz had his best he
did have his best outing but don’t tell
us Steven matz was was good last night
we love the guy stepen m is a friend of
the show but I think he would tell you
that that was not a good outing no and
he didn’t and he was very frustrated
with it with it afterwards but he
allowed a three-run homer to Christian
Walker the sixth three-run Homer by the
way Allowed by the Cardinals this season
and to me when you hear olly say about
Walker took a good swing at him it
really wasn’t he just left a change up
right over the heart of the plate there
location is one thing but really it was
just not even a good pitch to use in
that moment I think that the biggest
takeaway I have with what Olie was
saying is I understand I think a lot of
fans understand that there is a process
to this but where is the sense of
urgency and sometimes that’s what you
want to hear in those postgame comments
you know they talked about being
fundamentally sound going into the
season and I do think they’ve played way
better defense than they did a year ago
the bullpen has been way better than it
was a year ago but last night you got a
bad start there’s no other way to look
at it it was not a good start for Steven
mats they had a base running Mistake by
Nolan Gorman he had a defensive misc you
also had a miscue in which there was a
base hit run scored uh runner at first
goes to Third and the the batter goes to
Second you miss the proper cut I mean
little things like that offense was
non-existent and the bullpen was
ineffective with Zack Thompson so it
adds up to a bad loss and looking at
Jordan Montgomery today you know you
could have one win on the home stand and
we’ve talked about the fact that they
have to be much better at home right now
the Cardinals since the beginning of
last year are 39 and 53 and that’s a 425
winning percentage now at home they’re
4- seven and they’re 4- 10 against teams
above 500 or better at 500 or better so
you know some of those Trends are early
for the Cardinals that need to change
and um just not a good night at the
Ballpark last night there’s no other way
to say it uh here’s a text from the 314
it says the Cardinals organization got
credit for Dave Duncan and lusa’s Big
League development used to be excited
about getting other teams pitchers now
dreading our pitchers going elsewhere
and succeeding and guys it doesn’t seem
like that was just with pitchers either
it and we’re talking about a Hall of
Fame manager and a guy that should be a
Hall of Fame pitching coach and that
staff was generally a Hall of Fame staff
when you had people like Dave McKay and
Jose okendo was a fantastic staff but it
was interesting that in those days when
players came to St Louis and left St
Louis the best baseball that they played
was in St
Louis and you look at a guy like Jimmy
Edmonds who was a granted he played his
his best years here and that was during
the prime of his career but Maguire
after a great run in Oakland comes here
and plays his best baseball guy like
Tony wack had his best year here in St
Louis I was just thinking about him
yesterday used to play a lot of golf
with I don’t know why I was thinking
that but I was he’s a good golfer but
just think about the guys Ria who
started off in uh Miami was was pretty
good came here was great leave St Louis
and not as great Woody Williams there
you go the pitchers I mean when you’re
talking about Woody when you’re talking
about suom when you’re talking about
Joel Pinero when you’re talking about
wellam when you’re talking about Kent
Bottenfield I mean it’s unbelievable how
every pitcher every single pitcher Kyle
was better under these guys and in this
organization than they were anywhere
else I think what’s frustrating for fans
right now is seeing Zach gingo and and
have success alcantra Randy Rosara doas
Garcia Tyler O’Neal now which I had no
problem with the way that that unfolded
it just wasn’t going to work here Marco
Gonzalez another one that was part of
the O’Neal deal some of these guys have
gone other places and I I don’t think
it’s about a lack of development in the
minor leagues or drafting I mean look at
the the team that they’re putting out
there for the most part good or bad has
been brought in by the draft um or
through the international market and
then they they leave St Louis and so
it’s evaluating the talent you have once
they’re here that I think is Up For
Debate evaluating and developing and
sure Dan I know this was the case last
year and I don’t know if it’s still the
case but there was a point last year and
the year before where the St Louis
Cardinals had drafted and brought up
more major league players than any other
organization the the teams around Major
League Baseball had more people that
started their Pro careers with the
Cardinals than any other organization
and that’s what I’m talking about under
your watch under your roof mhm and
that’s why I think Heim Bloom comes in
or some others that have that outside
perspective to say you may be missing
something on this guy we like this guy
and I’ll tell you why when we were at
Boston or wherever team that you were
with we evaluated him this way and I I
do think that it it’s good to get
another set of eyes on what you have
just a matter if you keep him or not and
continue to develop them at the major
league level yeah Jordan Hicks is
another name of course we’re looking at
him right now wondering why did work out
in St Louis and the Cardinals did give
him opportunities but for whatever
reason it didn’t pan out here why do you
guys think that it didn’t work out in St
Louis but it’s currently working out and
it’s early on in the season with the
Giants Well it’s unfortunate reality and
you hate to say that we just aren’t as
good at coaching as other teams but the
reality of the situation is it appears
we aren’t as good at coaching at the
major league level as other teams are of
of determining what what a pitcher or a
player does best and then getting them
to do that I I would look at this
stretch of games coming up as being very
important because there’s some there’s
some signs like you saw on Saturday and
there’s signs like last night where you
feel like if you fall behind and they
were up one nothing in that game but
then it became a game that was two runs
three runs five runs that you’re not
going to come back in you got to get the
momentum Shifting the other way you need
to pull out some games like they did two
nights ago just to say get that bad
taste out of last year out of your mouth
and not have that momentum coming into
the early portion of the season I think
that’s very important cards and
Diamondbacks rubber game of the series
today at the Ballpark Jordan Montgomery
will start against the Cardinals and
it’ll be Kyle Gibson going for the red
birds in the 1215 game that is today’s
fresh take coming up there’s a lot going
on in Major League Baseball outside of
the Cardinals and we’re going to give
you some of our Major League Baseball
Trends next on 101
e e
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some interesting stories going on in
Major League Baseball outside of St
Louis and we’ve got some early season
trends for you here on the opening drive
on 101 ESPN Brook Grimsley what are you
looking at right no what I’m looking at
right now is Big hitters with cold bats
we’ve talked a lot about Paul goldshmid
obviously and his struggles to start the
season and hasn’t been fun to watch but
he’s not the only veteran big hitter
that is currently going through this
have you guys seen what’s happening with
Aaron judge now last night he has he did
show just a few signs that he’s able to
really bust out of this season long Funk
he was able to double and square up a
few other balls and the Yankees 4 to3
win over the A’s last night but judge
entered the game in a major slot he was
sporting a 174 batting average with 18
strikeouts in his past eight games
despite this the Yankees are still off
to a 16 and8 start so that is a plus
side for them but when do you start to
get concerned about veteran big hitters
and their performance is April 2 soon is
Aaron judge a good example of this of
course we’ll have to judge it by the end
of the season to see the full scope of
his performance but is April really a
fair time to judge especially for a
veteran big hitter how they’re
performing if you’re in New York it is
they booed him the other day they boo
him the other day yeah day one in New
York it starts you have a tough day on
opening day you’re getting booed um I I
don’t think it is Brooke to answer your
question I I think his track record is
there he’ll hit a bunch of home runs and
by the end of the season they’ll be
chanting his name and love him out in
the Outfield and you know I it just I
kind of feel the same way with Goldie
and I hope I’m right and for Cardinal
fans they need that to happen and you
know there’re just certain guys that are
off to your point a slow start so far
all right do you want me to go go ahead
all right I’m going show he Otani now
this is not like breaking news but you
think about him moving to a new
organization he had UCL UCL surgery he
signs the biggest contract in North
American Sports history so he’s got
pressure he got married and oh by the
way he’s rehabbing his arm to prepare to
pitch in 2015 and then was the victim of
massive theft so you had all that going
on and yet here he is at the top of the
lineup for the Dodgers both Betts and
Otani are over a th in Ops Otani with 17
extra base hits and this is the best
start to his career and he’s already
been an MVP multiple times so watch out
for sh Otani one of the early Trends is
that he still is awesome leading the
majors in batting average and Ops it’s
incredible he’s just he’s just a
freaking nature man he’s a unicorn I
don’t think that we will will you say
that we will never see another player
like Sho Otani I think it’s safe to say
that we never will I think at some point
you might but it’s going to be a long
time yeah maybe you guys not me Randy
why you always do that you’re not going
anywhere guys if you uh just hyperfocus
on the Cardinals it’s easy to not look
at some of the things that we’re talking
about with Otani and with Aaron judge
the team with the best record in Major
League Baseball is the Cleveland
Guardians they’re 17 and six the 739
winning percentage they’re game and a
half clear of the Yankees who have the
second best record in baseball and it’s
not just the fact that it is the
guardians but it’s the Guardians with
first year manager Steven vote they lose
Terry Frank cona they lose Shane Bieber
uh their number one starting pitcher
after after two starts right now their
starting rotation in Cleveland is Logan
Allen Tanner BBY Ben Lively Carlos
Carrasco and Tristan McKenzie nobody
that’s really done it at the Major
League level it’s amazing to look at
their lineup because it’s not a lineup
That is loaded with classic names this
is certainly not the mid90s uh Indians
with the Guardians having uh B Naylor
behind the plate Josh Naylor his brother
at first base Andres Jimenez is their
second baseman Jose Ramirez is their
shortstop Matthew’s brother Brian Rocko
is their short stop we’re going to get
that pronunciation right and their
Outfield is Steven Quan Tyler Freeman
and laurano with Will Brennan The
Immortal will Brennan as their DH kids
and by the way I’m annual Class A who
might be the best closer in baseball is
their closer but the Cleveland Guardians
are 17- six with the best record in
baseball you know when you talk about
the division that they play in and that
can’t be an excuse anymore you say well
you beat up on your own division you got
to go outside your division too which is
something to keep in mind can I throw
another one out there sure go ahead he
is uh I think my favorite player to
watch in an early trend here is Ellie De
La Cruz yes from the Cincinnati Reds
he’s had 77 at BS okay this year seven
home runs he’s driven in 17 he has
stolen 12 and he’s got 22 runs scored so
in the National League when you think
about bets or Otani or some of the other
players that you could make a case for
for MVP if he keeps this kind of thing
up and gets the Reds into the playoffs
he’ll be in that conversation he is he’s
a freak of nature too as tall as he is
the way that he Glides when he runs he’s
so fast um I just love watching him I
think he’s a great player I don’t like
the Reds having nice things but he is
really exciting to watch and you can’t
hate that because we talk about it all
the time it’s great for Major League
Baseball to have a young player like
that who’s fiery the competitive nature
that he shows night and day in and night
out I think that’s something that every
single team wants and you’re starting to
see that they’re pushing him out there
more and more as one of the younger
faces of Major League Baseball and I
could see the Reds to me they’re the one
team in this division that have enough
starting pitchers if they’re healthy to
go on a run because we kind of know what
the Cardinal pitchers are they they have
their history I think the Cubs have some
good guys at the top and imaga has been
great so far and Justin steel was great
last year won 16 games but I think
they’re Limited at the bottom of their
rotation Pittsburgh is going to be
limited although they’re going to bring
SK up and probably be why isn’t he here
already right but when you and I I still
think Milwaukee doesn’t have enough
starting pitching but hunter green has a
ton of ability Andrew has a ton of
ability ldo is what he is Nick Martinez
we’ve seen it with him and Graham
Ashcraft we saw it last year I think the
one team in this division that could go
on a run because of what you’re talking
about with young players like Del La
Cruz and steel is great they they’
they’ve got a lot of really good parts
there I think Cincinnati is the one that
could go on a run as tough as it is
right now to be a Cardinal fan and wake
up this morning and you’re out of first
place by five games and saw them lose 14
to1 last night you could be the White
oh yeah they are 3 and 20 they’ve been
shut out eight times in their 23 games
they have the fourth fewest run scored
through 23 games in major league history
The Run differential is minus 80 I mean
you’re only in the first three weeks of
the Season not good so you could be
three and 20 and realize that you may
not get to 60 wins this year another
thing and I know we got to get out of
here but just real quick the Orioles the
amount of young players that they have
brought up how many homegrown hitters
they have now that they’re actually
using I know that there was a lot of
tanking that was involved leading up to
this point but still that’s a testament
to what they’re able to go out there and
get and also develop the Orioles have
hit 35 home runs in 22 games the white
socks have scored 46 runs in 22 games
yep and to your point Brooke the Orioles
have enough hitting so that if they want
to go out and add to Corbin Burns in
their rotation they can do it they’re
loaded with especially middle infielders
they’ve got like 10 of them that are are
really really good yes uh one other note
about the Reds Chris Encarnacion strand
do you think you’ll be able to read his
autograph when you get it who is it
Chris Encarnacion strand is there enough
spots or enough uh room on the baseball
put that on there yeah now think about
his jersey too right now smaller
lettering now so you might be able to
you know put the arch around the number
kind of thing very Arch it’s going to
turn into a circle at one point coming
up Dan is it Dan that’s going for the h
today I remember remember his name I do
now yeah uh by the way uh somebody text
or sent an email yesterday to our
program director because they thought
that we couldn’t remember the the name
of our last Hall of Famer we all
remember the name of our last Hall of
Famer uh we just couldn’t remember when
he won so but some his brother to his
credit texted in and said yeah I know
who the last Hall of Famer was it was my
was it his brother Matthew his brother
his brother yeah so congratulations to
the last guy who won the Hall of Fame
was it Bob Steve Jim Keith Keith Keith
okay Keith congratulations from
Belleville Keith from Belleville you
tried to forget about him Randy I know
I’ve repressed I have the fight is
coming your way on 101
e e
this is Rocky with your sports center
update brought to you by salga Heating
and Cooling the Cardinals with a bad
loss yesterday 14 to1 as both Steven
matz and Zack Thompson get tagged for
seven earned runs a piece Cardinals will
look to get back in the wind column in
Salvage of Series against the
Diamondbacks with a 1215 first pitch
it’ll be Jordan Montgomery the former
Cardinal the Lefty one and0 on the
season with a 1.50 erra across just six
Innings pitch facing off against Kyle
Gibson Gibby on the season 1 and two
with a 5.04 ra last night a big night in
the playoffs as the Suns fall the
Timberwolves to the Timberwolves taking
a two- nothing lead in that series
Pacers over the Bucks to tie that one up
at one a piece and Mavs over the
Clippers to also tie their series at one
a piece through two games that is Sport
Center update brought to you by
SGA Heating and Cooling an independent
meret and heating air conditioning
dealer welcome to the fight in the Red
Corner Average Joe listner and in the
blue Corner the Undisputed king of
morning drive please welcome Ren
character welcome back to the opening
drive Brook D Mac Rock here and it is
time for the fight and we bring back Dan
Dan welcome back today is a big day for
you because if you win today then you
make it to the Hall of Fame round how
are you
feeling uh great I didn’t realize this
such a big
deal it’s a big deal Dan it doesn’t
happen we’ve only had we’ve only had two
people reach the or one person reach the
Hall of Fame in the over two years that
I’ve been writing the fight questions
and we’ve only have I think like nine or
10 people actually reach a day three to
even go for a Hall of Fame so you’re in
you’re in uh you’re in uh pretty
impressive company right now wow wow
well I was lucky last two days but well
we’ve been talking about it all show
long about how amazing this run has been
so let’s get to it you’re ready to go
yeah let’s go all right all right
question number one Dan which team did
Carlos beltron hit the most home runs in
his career was it the Royals the Mets or
Astros I think it’s the Mets I go final
Mets question two who is the only
Cardinal to win the second base Silver
Slugger Colton Wong Tony wac or Matt
Carpenter uh Matt Carpenter I know I’m
not final
answer question three who is the blu’s
career playoff leader and wins for a
goalie with 20 is it Greg Millan Jordan
Bennington or jacqu plant
sh okay since the addition of another
round in 1994 no ml team MLB team has
gone undefeated in the playoffs so which
NL Club is the last World Series winner
to go undefeated in the playoffs was it
the Reds the Mets or the
Cardinals red final all right Dan let me
go grab Randall and uh how you feeling
about the fight so
far uh not too good no well you said
that the past two days and here you are
here on a Wednesday Dan that’s true oh
here comes Randy he’s very chipper
walking in here no grapes he’s already
demolished them all business all
business today and he’s getting his
headphones we’re doing play byplay and
the headphones are on Randy say hi to
Dan again Dan again good morning how you
doing good Randy you getting sick of me
yet no never get sick of you
brother love having you with us thank
you thanks for listening thanks for
playing good luck today hey thank you
you too all right question number one
Randy are you ready ready which team did
Carlos beltron hit the most home runs in
in his
career I believe that uh it
wasn’t Houston I think it was the
Mets where he played like seven years
I’m going to go with the uh New York
Mets the metropolitans here Randall yeah
all right question two you ready ready
who is the only Cardinal to win the
second base Silver Slugger second base
um okay let’s uh go through the uh the
second baseman in history here uh I
don’t think they had the Silver Slugger
I knew you were going to go
when so uh let’s move on probably Silver
Slugger started after the redhead red
shanin Julian
uh uh we’re talking Ted seore Mike
Tyson obviously uh man we went through a
lot of second basem when we uh when we
had Tony here didn’t we uh sure
did Tommy didn’t win one because Brian
Samberg one every year whether he
deserved it or
not you know what though
855 hit over 300 with 110
RB I’m going to I’m going to roll the
dice on Tommy H in 1985 Big Boy okay
Final Answer yeah on to question three
we go who is the blues career playoff
leader and wins for a goalie with 20 20
victories for a
goaler um I Brooke am going to go with
won Jordan
Bennington had 16 in 2019 that’s a good
start well you’re right about that yeah
are you ready for question four I am
since the addition of another round in
1994 no major league baseball team has
gone undefeated in the playoffs so which
NL Club is the last World Series winner
to go undefeated in the playoffs last NL
club and it hasn’t happened since 1994
with the expansion actually we didn’t
have a World Series in
um it was not 93 it was not
92 uh it was not 91
90 um H oh I’m going to uh do I get the
teams here or just the ears I’ll I’ll do
the lifeline Dan okay Reds Mets
Cardinals okay the
Cardinals boy uh they would have had to
sweep the World Series cuz they never
did it in the playoffs
Reds Mets didn’t do
it unless it was 1973 or
69 uh which I don’t think they did so I
think I’m just going to go with u the
process of elimination here I’m going to
go with the Cincinnati red legs so
you’re going Big Red Machine hey yeah
okay I am Matthew please you got to be
freaking kidding me we have a tie and so
we have to go to the tie breaker for
this third fight and so if Dan is in the
Hall of fameo I love he’ll do it by
winning three different tiebreakers
across potentially four different
tiebreaking questions so Dan you know
the rules but for everybody else I’m
going to read out the question we’re
going to give Randy ker a moment to
write down his answer after he has
written down his answer Dan gives his
answer audibly and Randy carer shows the
entire listening audience whether it be
audibly or on the camera Dan do you in
those rules yes all right Randy do you
have a piece of paper I do a big piece
of paper all right so it’s Carlos
beltran’s birthday we asked a question
earlier about which team he hit the most
home runs with the answer wasn’t the
Cardinals it wasn’t even an option so my
question for you is in two seasons and
almost 300 games played with the
Cardinals how many home runs did Carlos
Beltran hit with the birds on the bat in
his two seasons in almost 300 games 296
played with the Cardinals how many home
runs did Carlos beltron hit Randy carer
has his
guess Dan what is your guess
sir I’m going go
45 all right Dan went 45 Randy carer how
many did you go with I said it was 43
Matthew all right I got to do a little
math here cuz this one’s another close
fight so Dan is trying to go for a Hall
of Fame entry with a third straight
tiebreaker Victory Randy carer trying
try to Stave off another Hall of Fame
challenge the last one got through
almost exactly a year ago April 12th
2023 a year later does it happen he’s
Dan the next Hall of Famer ring that
Bell the winner and still champion of
the fight Average Joe listener the fight
is presented by Golf Discount of St
Louis with the most experienced Club
fitters in town why shop anywhere else
congratulations mus finally there it is
Congratulations by the skin of your
teeth you did it again in two seasons
Carlos Beltran hit 56 home runs for the
St Louis Cardinals almost exactly
identical to his Mets uh excuse me from
his Astros total from also uh or Yankees
total I should say from two years as
well his Astros total was only 37 uh in
in those two years so a win for Dan in
the fight and Dan you are a Hall of
Famer in the fight congratulations ation
sir wow thank you good job nicely done
how about how about that good job Dan
congratulations I need to to do a speech
thank everybody responsible for making
happen so you were awesome great job
incredible job Dan and of course we will
get in contact with you because you have
to come uh to the station and and pick
up your signed Randy carer baseball get
your little trophy get a picture and
you’ll be up on the website in
perpetuity forever a legend status
always on the 101 ESPN website as a
fight Hall of Famer congratulations Dan
wow than I’m not even from here either
there you go well hey com to St Louis
and and walk with the Championships and
of course you will join us tomorrow for
another edition of the fight and from
here on out you got to do it Randy Style
no options
sir okay all right d we’ll talk to you
later let’s go through those questions
and answers today it was in fact the
Mets that beltron hit his most home runs
of his career 149 across his seven years
he also did a little Steven mats Zack
Thompson special seven years with the
Royals seven years with the Mets he hit
23 with the Royals 149 with the Mets the
only Cardinal to win the second base
Silver Slugger in 2013 was Matt
Carpenter only second base Silver
Slugger for the Cardinals in their
history Blues clearer playoff leader in
wins for a goalie is in fact Jordan
Bennington with 20 Greg Millan is tied
with Glenn hall for second with 17 which
shocked the hell out of me and not not
since 1994 when they added that third
round has a team gone undefeated in the
Major League Baseball playoffs it was in
fact the 1976 Cincinnati Reds the last
team to sweep both rounds of of the
playoffs in Major League Baseball it was
a 3-3 tie and then it took us to two
seasons in almost 300 games played for
the Cardinals Carlos Beltran hit 56 home
runs congratulations to Dan we’ll talk
to him again tomorrow good job by Dan in
winning the fight and uh making the Hall
of Fame cool for him coming up Rory mroy
is going to return to the PGA policy
board will that change the vibe and the
look of golf that’s next on 101
e e
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lurray mway is heavily involved with the
management of golf and he’s according to
ESPN poised to return to the PGA Tours
policy board pending a vote by that
board and one of the things that since
he changed his mind on live that mroy
has been a big advocate of is bringing
golf back together with a world tour as
we know most of the PG tour takes place
in the United States they start in
Hawaii in January and then they have a
couple of tournaments one in Mexico one
in Canada during the course of the uh
season but most of the tour is played
here in the United States mroy wants
golf to be a World Tour where they have
uh tournaments in India they have
tournaments in Dubai they’ll have
tournaments in Saudi Arabia he wants to
take some of the tournaments away from
the United States and develop a complete
World Tour is that something that’ll
work I think it’s the only way that they
come together when we talk about Live
players and the PGA Tour and the other
thing by the way that came out this
morning was that Greg Norman who is the
CEO of live golf said that they need to
go to 72 hole format which is typically
what you would see on a uh PGA Tour stop
but to the original question Randy I I
think there’s got to be give and take on
both sides that’s how I’m reading this
by the way I’m Rory maroy I’m out I’m
I’m done with the PGA Tour policy board
I the way that he’s been treated in this
and he was so vocal against Liv and was
kind of the face of being vocal against
it I’d be frustrated but yet everybody
turns to him for an opinion and he’s got
one and uh if this is the way that you
have to get if this is the way that
you’re going to get the big names back
together as much as I can’t stand
certain things about live and there’s
some things I don’t like about the PGA
Tour but if this is how it’s got to come
together then I’m all in let’s if you
have to eliminate some events in the
United States then you’re going to have
to do that but I I want to see the best
players competing on the same stage and
I want to see the merger happen but how
they get this done is going to be the
biggest part here because Rory also
squashed the rumors that there people
are thinking okay maybe he might want to
join forces with Liv or might want to
join the Liv tour and he put that to bed
he does not want to do that but what
exactly will this merger look like where
you can get everybody happy on the same
page here because as we know with
everything that’s happened you had the
guys that stuck with the PGA Tour who
felt like they were doing the right
thing and then you have the guys going
to the other side with Liv taking the
money how do you make everybody happy in
this situation I think one of the things
is that you have to make the guys that
did not leave the PGA Tour somehow whole
You’ve got to they didn’t take the money
and they’re going to say now wait a
minute these guys took the money they
went to live and now they can have their
ke cake and eat it too I I don’t see how
that happens because you’re going to
have to Randy make the PGA tour players
whole in some way now what’s the
equation to do that I have no idea but
with the influx of money that they’ve
had into the PGA tour with the endless
amounts of money they have at live if
they come together you would think that
would be something they could work out
and I if they do like you say come back
together then who is it that makes Rory
mroy whole or uh right now Scotty
sheffler who where do well that’s what I
mean I live has got a step up and then
the PGA tour’s got a step up PF and I
wonder because here’s what mroy said he
said his dream scenario is a world tour
with the Proviso that Corporate America
has to remain a big part of it so
Corporate America finances a tour where
they have the Irish open the Scottish
open the Australian Open and the South
African open all Marquee events well if
you are and by the way corporate
America’s already checking out of the
the PGA Tour but let’s just put yourself
in the shoes of Honda of America they
they they’re out of the uh the tour
right now but if you’re Honda America
why do you want to support or sponsor
the Scottish open why not have Scottish
companies or Irish companies or
Australian companies or South Afric
African companies uh Finance those
events or the pif and here’s the other
question I have how many Americans if it
is an american-based tour how many
Americans are going to wake up at 1: in
the morning to watch the Australian Open
not many yeah not many I mean Brooke you
you love uh you love tennis do you stay
up late or get up early in the morning
to watch the Australian Open if it’s a
certain player a bigname player
specifically then I will but very rarely
will I just do that casually I just
don’t know if they can make it all work
um and I go back to the original point I
was saying is making these players that
jumped uh making the ones that did not
jump making them whole I I think with
the endless amounts of money though that
the Saudis have in this thing Randy when
you talk
about who supports it who sponsors it I
really don’t worry about that because if
if this means that they come together
and this is what yaser wanted you know
he wanted to get his piece of of the pie
with this they’ve got endless amounts of
money to to fund this thing if they want
to do and so you lose some sponsors but
then these guys step up and pay for it
and long term the Strategic Sports group
of billionaires that has put a lot of
money into the PGA Tour number one
they’re going to be they’re spending
money too they want to be happy with
what they’ve got and I would guess that
they want it to be a more American
Centric to
so clearly the the PF money is going to
win out but is the best thing for and
we’re jingoistic here right is the best
thing for golf to leave
America probably not uh depends on how
many events though for me it would be
now I’m in the Weeds on this stuff and I
love golf could I stand it to miss a PGA
Tour event on a weekend I would not like
that but I’d understand it I mean I do
it with the British Open I have to to
get up early to watch that or to see my
favorite players so I I think you could
stomach it for a handful of events could
you stomach it though where it’s half
and half absolutely not then I think
you’re doing your fans a disservice and
Brooke just one note because mooy has I
mentioned Irish Scottish Australian
South African by the way he wants the
Australian to be the fifth major and I
kind of like that idea uh that that
would be interesting but what’s the
point of having the PGA TOUR
Championship then I was going to say
that that would also be my I’d do like
six Majors you could you could do that
just to elevate it to get more fan
interest in the game yep then he wants
to you’re losing it right now you are
big time he wants to do South Africa
Singapore Hong Kong Japan so that’s at
least eight tournaments that are
happening in America now that wouldn’t
anymore would that bother you yeah in
just because it’s not here and you can’t
watch it or because they’re taking
potential business outside the United
States why is the PG tour what it is why
is World Golf what it is because of the
the foundation being built here part of
it I I European Golf is pretty big
though too it is so you have to have
them Step Up PGA Tour yeah it’s it’s
based here I mean primarily for space
here and I think that’s a big part about
why Rory wants to return to the PJ
policy board after stepping away from it
is because he believes that golf’s
reputation has been damaged throughout
this process and it has to be fixed but
here’s the thing is will live play ball
with the PGA tour through this process I
know that they say they will but they
have the money and when you have the
money you have the full control in power
right we’re talking about a merger here
the golden rule applies here right he
who has the gold rules yeah yeah and
you’re right that’s that’s what’s going
to happen but I don’t the I’m speaking
as an American here it’s not worth it
for me to irreparably harm American Gulf
and by the way they’ll make more money
going International there’s no doubt
about it if you’re in India if you’re in
uh South Africa if you’re in uh South
Korea not North maybe North Korea I
don’t know but uh a world tour is going
to make more money but you’re also going
to lose a large portion of the American
Golf audience I wonder if five years
this is all done that it’s together you
you get parts of live you get parts of
the PGA Tour the players come together
and this is all for notd I mean it’s
Greg Norman you know what he read the
room right he disrupted golf to the
point that you had these players I I
never thought John ROM would leave the
PGA Tour I never thought that that would
be a day that that would happen and and
I think John ROM when he jumped for the
money that he did I think his point was
I’m going to get other players to jump
and when we get all these players to
jump it’s going to force again it’s
going to P back the PGA Tour into a
corner where they’re they have to do
business with Liv and I think he has
some regrets now I I thought a lot about
the LI players during the Masters where
you know Bryson dambo let’s say who is
in contention and he looks around and
there’s people that are in the crowd 15
20 deep following him and now he’s got
to go to a live event where he just has
a handful of people watching him I mean
the emotion the adrenaline that they get
out of that the agulation I mean it has
to be such a let down for these players
to go back to live and deal with now the
wouldn’t be bad on the 15th and the 30th
when they get paid but you know dealing
with the the fans or lack thereof would
be tough well and here’s the other part
of this from their standpoint people are
actually paying money to be at the
master big money to be at the master I
don’t think Liv sells any tickets I
think they give away every ticket that
they give that that people have it’s an
exhibition too I mean there’s no Cuts I
I watched it on TV I know you have I’ve
watched it on TV it’s if you want to be
on the front of the ropes to see really
good golfers you can can you follow the
team format no I find that a little
tough I think that’s one thing that they
would take from live though and try to
make it for the PGA Tour and do some
type of Team format and they’re doing
that tiger just finished off his team by
adding Max H right but it’s going to be
an exhibition it’s going to be in
February right so it’s not going to be a
big deal coming up next year on 101 ESPN
we’ve got the rush hour reset we’ve got
I think a few mic drops to get to don’t
we Matthew and some texts about what’s
going on with the Cardinals next on 101
e e
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I hope MO is happy with this team I hope
DT is so proud to see all the empty
seats it doesn’t hurt him at all he’s
still making his money he that’s all he
cares about is the
money Matt’s should
and how he should have been released
last year when he didn’t prove that he
didn’t really want to
pitch um as far as olly olly is toned
deaf to the fans
and I had his back last year last year
wasn’t his fault this
year the coaching staff is
garbage I mean what are you going to do
with Blake Lively
and and
uh you know turn coat Ward
so that’s
Aaron what a hot shake that was worded M
dropn wow amazing love
Aaron yeah so don on Blake
Lively go ahead Randy you can respond to
the uh mic drop unless we have more oh
we do have more mic drops and we do have
more texts people are reasonably and
fairly upset after a 141 loss to Arizona
last night the Cardinals are in last
place they’re five games out of first in
their division and it does look at least
from a one loss perspective like it did
last year now are you losing because of
different reasons yes but last year the
the pitching was horrendous in the early
going and the Cardinals had their excuse
right it was the World Baseball Classic
this year the offense isn’t there uh we
haven’t heard the excuses yet but the
record is the same and you have to be
concerned I know the Cardinals say it’s
early and the players say it’s early and
it is early but are we getting
indications that this is going to turn
around and be better that’s the question
that I have I’m not I’m not seeing any
any indications I’m Gorman hit the home
run the other night okay good uh do am I
seeing things that I like from Jordan
Walker not really I’m not loving it I I
need to get more production from my
Outfield I I just need more runs I think
that it’s the sense of urgency that a
lot of people have frustration with
because you have a great game that
walkoff winner where everything was just
working for the Cardinals in that game
the other night and then you are able to
carry that momentum into the game we saw
last night where it felt like 2023 all
over again and it is early and it is a
process but I think the sense of urgency
is the biggest issue here and sometimes
that what that’s what you don’t feel and
I think that’s what fans are feeling
currently okay I want to ask you guys I
I took logic at Lindenwood did you have
a logic class at Lindenwood Danny
remember probably okay so uh like I’d
remember okay yeah right how
do the Cardinals make money at Ballpark
Village by winning and getting fans in
there by getting fans in there how do
you get fans to Ballpark Village winning
getting him into the ballpark right so
if all you care about is money and
you’re sitting in Cincinnati and you’re
Bill dit Jr and you’re seeing empty
stands how how are you proud and happy
that no fans are in the stands not none
but fans aren’t in the stands and they
aren’t going to Ballpark Village how how
do you and you’re by the way you’ve got
the ninth highest payroll in baseball
I’m having trouble reconciling that of
course and I think that’s fans showing
their frustrations this is something
that of course comes from last season
but I think that a lot of f fans have
felt like this is something that’s been
growing over the past few years some of
their frustrations coming to light and
what you had last year was the
culmination of that and then you have
people who are still hesitant I think
people are in their wait and see mode
maybe the fans are practicing patience
right now because they’re waiting to see
what exactly this team will look like
before they fully buy back in and I know
that there’s tickets sold we see that
where it’s 30,000 you look during the
games it doesn’t look like 30,000 people
and I don’t know what it looked like
when the game was 10 to one but I think
a lot of people turned off their TVs and
I think a lot of people exited the game
early after that last night I think
Brooke is right it’s wait and see you
know after last year and it was such a
frustrating year and the manner in which
they lost games I mean getting blown out
my my concern would be and I’ve
mentioned this a couple of times this
morning is just the momentum momentum
can be good and bad the momentum of a
couple losses that they’ve had I mean
that that’s a problem when you did that
on Saturday and you had the game like
last night where fans are like uhoh here
we go again and I understand that um I
also understand it is early whether fans
want to hear that or not but there’s
concerns with the team and until they
turn it around then I think fans Buy in
so that is I think a true statement by
Brooke I think a lot of fans are kind of
just waiting and see right now 30 teams
of Major League Baseball and only six
have a worse record than the Cardinals
let’s hear from Jason on 101 ESPN the 14
runs didn’t really affect me one way or
the other it’s unfortunate but that
happens from time to time and all in all
the pitching staff has been pretty good
this year
okay yeah he kind of sounded like Derek
Gould a little bit I don’t know why but
he kind of sounded like Derek g a little
bit he did did he you know it’s Cadence
and just the tone of his voice Derek are
you for the mic drop
dere let’s get one from John as well on
101 ESPN last night Oliver maral told us
that the Diamondbacks hit left-handers
really well what I would like someone to
explain to me is why did he bring and
Thompson to replace mattz if they hit
left-handers really well does that make
sense to
anyone I think he felt that potentially
the game could get out of reach and it
was Out Of Reach I think that’s why
Thompson was exactly and that’s why he
went in that direction um and I think
you know with the offense not clicking
at this point you have to have a
realistic Viewpoint if you’re the
manager and say I’m not sure we’re
getting in back in this game and with a
day game coming tomorrow meaning today
do I want to burn through guys in in my
pen and I again we talk about it all the
time you manage to win the game but you
also manage with an eye towards tomorrow
and the next day the Diamondbacks are an
interesting team they’re 12 and 13 this
year with a run differential of plus 39
it’s the second best run differential
through 25 games in major league history
for a team with a losing record so
they’re not nearly as bad as the record
May indicate and I’m not giving the
Cardinals any excuses I just thought
that’s interesting looking at how the
Diamondbacks have started their season
coming up we had a chance yesterday to
talk to Kyle Gibson who’s getting the
start today and Gibby will be with us
next here on the opening drive on 101
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welcome back to the opening drive Brook
and Randy with you and joining us is
Cardinal right-hander Kyle Gibson who
pitches today in the finale against the
Diamondbacks Kyle good morning how you
doing hey good morning y’ how are you
guys doing good is there a difference
for you Kyle pitching in a Day game
versus a night
game um not really uh I think as it gets
warmer in the summer there’s probably a
little difference you know just In the
Heat of the middle of the day um but I
think early in the season it’s it can be
kind of nice because and you get uh
probably loose a little bit earlier a
little bit quicker um you know but I
think you know yes as the heat gets gets
uh a little warmer in places it changes
things so does your preparation change
based off the temperature
um no not like I wouldn’t say you know
the pregame work uh sometimes it can
take a little bit less time to get loose
um but inside my stuff stays the same
and then when I get outside you know
sometimes I just have to shorten it up a
little bit just because I I’m able to
get loose faster but um you know you
definitely have to be you know more
aware of drinking more fluids and
staying hydrated um you know not only
during the game but the day before Kyle
I want to go back to Monday’s exciting
come from behind victory of course Paul
Goldman and Nolan Gorman hitting clutch
home runs of course for Gorman that
walk-off winner first of his career just
talk about that moment because that was
just so exciting and thrilling to see
especially for an offense that’s been
scuffling yeah you know it’s uh it’s
something that we’ve talked about in the
locker room and and I’m sure people in
the media and fans really get tired of
it but um I mean we we really do know
that this is a good offense and we’re
really not worried about the offense
coming through and and doing what they
need to do um you know sometimes it’s it
looks obviously a lot worse when you
have you know multiple of your hitters
that are very good hitters and they
might be struggling um and then it
obviously as that hitter feels too it
feels like they’re always the one coming
up in the in the big spot and it’s just
not working out but um you know for
Goldie and Gorman to do that on Monday
man they uh they really clicked we were
rewatching That Swing of Goldies on the
iPad multiple times there just Innings
later because it was just you know
vintage Goldie going to right center and
and hitting it deep up into the
bleachers but um and then Gorman you
know what a swing by him you know to go
up there against a tough Lefty and and
be looking for his pitch um and that’s
something that I’ve seen Gorman do when
he gets his pitch uh you know he puts
good swings and doesn’t miss it well I
want to go back to to Goldie for a
second because you’ve faced him pretty
much when he is on he seems from fans
perspective to be like he’s almost
impossible to get out is that the case
when you’re when you’re pitching to him
that can be the feeling that’s for sure
um you know especially when he’s when
he’s going good and clicking because one
thing that he does uh really well is he
knows his strengths obviously you know
with his long career but he he very
rarely gets off his strengths I feel
like as a pitcher right you know maybe
he would say something different but
when I’m facing him I feel like um I no
matter matter how much I do work in one
location I feel like that should open up
inside or outside and it just does it
most of the time you know I I feel like
I’ve had him set up in my head I’ve had
him set up for a sinker inside and every
time he just pulls his hands in and hits
a line drive to left field um and it’s
just like that’s just something he does
really well so when he’s clicking um you
know he takes advantage of pitcher
mistakes really really well and we’re
going to make mistakes you know that’s
that’s the thing that’s why sticking to
your strengths is a is a something
veteran hitters do really well because
at some point a pitcher is going to make
a mistake and if you stay on your
strength then you’re going to be ready
for it Kyle Gibson with us on 101 ESPN
Kyle I want to go back to preparation
here’s how long I’ve been in this
business I interviewed Nolan Ryan one
time a long interview about warming up
he had a video out about how to warm up
properly and he was bothered by Young
picturers that he saw that didn’t warm
up properly you’ve been around a while
what are the keys for any athlete but
especially if a young pitcher is
listening right now what are your keys
to warming up properly oh wow um you
know I think I think one thing that
really intrigues me about baseball is
how people go about what they do
differently I love watching people throw
bullpens and and do that and even warm
up um because it’s it’s just cool to see
how people do it differently um you know
I never knew that Adam way W didn’t
throw on the field until he did that you
know fox interview pregame and he just
goes straight to the bullpen and plays
catch that blew my mind because I
couldn’t even fa them not playing catch
in the Outfield before going to the
mound um but I was a guy early in my
career that um threw a lot of pitches
off the mound and without even realizing
it I would throw 45 50 pitches sometimes
and I was always throwing at a high
intensity and uh I want to say it was
sometime in 2017 or so um I was just
really tired in the third fourth fifth
inning and um our Bullpen coach said hey
do you realize how many pitches you
threw warming up today I said no I don’t
know 30 he goes no you threw like 52 so
at pitch 52 in the game I was
essentially at pitch 100 already um and
that’s kind of when I realized all right
what am I doing down here in the bullpen
I’m warming up so let’s do what I need
to do to warm up I’m not honing in
pitches at this point it’s probably too
late I am warming up for the game
uh so I I now cut my warm-up down by a
lot I throw 24 25 pitches and that’s it
um so I think it’s important for kids
and college players or professionals to
realize like you’re warming up that’s
the name of the game here let’s get our
arm loose let’s get our body loose for
the game you know let’s not wear
ourselves out before we get there Kyle
how much confidence do you and the other
starters have right now with the bullpen
that’s able to come in right after you
guys and what they’re able to do here
lately U Bullpen is so deep right now um
it’s it’s really really good um you know
I think it’s Bullpen is one of those
things that uh I know we were kind of
joking here before the before we started
talking about maybe people behind the
scenes but you know Bullpen is one of
those that group of people that when
they do their job uh nobody really wants
to talk to them and then we wait until
they don’t do their job to talk to them
in the media um so they just kind of
like these unsung heroes and then they
take the follow lot it’s like it’s not
fair really but um a good Bullpen uh is
some is a group of people that just they
do their business so quietly and then
you see it in a big spot where like man
that buin did a good job tonight and
then you look back oh wow for two weeks
here theyd given up four runs um you
know that’s that’s the kind of Bullpen
we have and I think we’ve seen people
like you know Fernandez Step Up in big
spots and he’s somebody that um is going
to contribute big big Innings and
sometimes in Leverage spots where you
know people might not expect it and it’s
because just the growth process of these
guys has been really really good and I
think you know when we get Middleton
back uh and we’re fully healthy you know
we were talking about this about a week
ago I think we almost have you know six
to seven guys where we can say hey uh
tonight we’ve got our 1A Squad G to go
the sixth seventh eighth inning what
however much we need and then tomorrow
we’re going to go the 1B Squad and you
guys got the seventh eighth and Ninth
and you know this is how it’s a luxur to
have that many guys that you trust in
the late Innings Kyle I I clamored for a
guy like kitridge throughout the
offseason because I think it’s so
important down there with all the
pressure that are on relief pitchers to
have a guy that’s been around the block
and he seems to be that kind of guy
where if there is a young reliever that
maybe is just finding his way kitridge
seems to be a guy to lean on for advice
yeah he he reminds me a lot of Danny
kulum and what Danny kulum brought to
the Baltimore Bullpen last year just
somebody who like you said has a lot of
experience uh he’s done it with Tampa
Bay in big spots for for many years um
he’s gone through an injury now uh and I
know that’s not something that we want
to like pound our chest about but going
through adversity and going through
something like that gives you an ability
to even speak to that type of that side
of things even if it’s somebody who
comes up with a an arm that’s barking a
little bit and maybe you can you know
help him through that um yeah it’s it’s
big to have that type of experience down
there and to go with Hesley and Gio all
these guys that have now been around for
a few years or for four or five years um
you know it’s it’s a big thing to have
down there and when Middleton’s back
he’s going to bring you know even more
of it as well um there there’s down
there in the bullpen like it’s got to be
almost a no Panic Zone because you’re
going to be coming into the fire a lot
and if you’re coming into the fire and
and you’re running around like your hair
is already on fire uh that’s kind of an
issue so it’s it’s got to be kind of a
calming uh no Panic down there I don’t
know if you’ve ever heard this one but
when Adam took over as the closer
entering the 2006 postseason Jason is
ringus gave him the most simple piece of
advice ever don’t forget to
breathe and it sounds simple but it’s
pretty important isn’t it it is uh it’s
amazing what you know if people are
listening you’ve heard you know
breathing specialist how however they’re
called but you take five deep breaths
it’s amazing how much more relaxed you
feel um and it’s easy to be out there
and I I’ve I’ve done it right like
you’re out there and you’re just
naturally tense you know maybe your
elbows are sticking to your side your
hand is naturally in a fist um you know
you’re squeezing the ball in your hand
your glove whatever it is it’s it’s easy
to be tense because a lot of these
moments get tense they get you know uh
they get intense you know and and um
it’s it’s easy to forget to breathe and
and relax out there KY I want to get
your thoughts on this because we were
discussing this the other day and I
would love to have a players perspective
the balance schedule what are your
thoughts on it what are you hearing from
other guys around the league as well um
I like it uh I think I think it’s
important as you um expand playoffs as
we did I think it’s important that if
you’re going to have possibly four teams
from One Division be in the
playoffs um it needs to be as even of a
schedule as possible so that you know
the teams that are in other divisions
can fairly compete against those teams
um you know that’s really to me what it
boiled down to you know if you just have
division winners and one wild card I
don’t think it’s as important because
winning the division is premium um but
as you’ve now expanded to to three wild
cards um you want to have everybody
playing as close to the same schedule as
possible um and I think that even
account it should account for home and
road so I think there’s more that we can
do there to make it more even but um on
the player side I think that’s important
on the fan side I think it’s awesome
because you know you get to watch your
team play everybody maybe it’s not at
your home place every time but you get
to watch your team play everybody every
year so you’re never missing out on some
of the biggest stars of the game and I
think that’s I think that’s important
and I think it’s I hope that fans see
that side of it and and really enjoy it
we’re going to talk about what’s going
on at Big League in one
second but one other baseball question
for you and Kyle as you probably know it
especially with social media there is
negativity surrounding every sports team
that gets off to a rough start or not as
expected start and there are some people
that are inherently positive I think
Brook and I generally are inherently
positive but you can give us a clear-cut
example because two years ago you were
with the Phillies and I know you had the
managerial change but there were other
things that led to that team that didn’t
get off to a good start going to the
World Series but the point being that it
is a long season right and players
understand that yeah that that’s really
kind of you to say that we didn’t get
off to a good start because I would say
we got off to a terrible start uh that
was uh that was a befuddling case for us
because we were trying to really figured
out but um yeah I I think it’s in these
situations context is very important and
and how you’ve gotten to where you’ve
gotten is really important and uh yeah
remembering it’s 162 yes but I think
everybody would agree that around a 90
win team you’re either a guaranteed lock
in the playoffs or you’re you’re
fighting for that last spot or you’re
normally fighting for a division well to
go 90 and 72 18 games over 500 you need
each month to be about three games over
500 that if you ask everybody if your
team is going to go 17 and 14 in a month
you’re like oh I guess I mean that’s
kind of good but if you do that six
months in a row you’re gonna win 90
games like I know that kind of sounds
you know maybe a little out of touch but
uh that really is what it is it’s about
winning two out of three as much as
possible it’s about you know being 500
on the road when you can be and win your
games at home um and and I don’t think
anybody would expect the Brewers to go
14- six in 20 games now if they do
they’re going to be hard to beat because
going 14 and six and 20 games is really
tough to do um but I I think that’s
probably why you know maybe fans get
tired of the the player reaction and
stuff like that is because you really
can’t Panic you can’t if you believe in
your process and you believe in your
team and that in our Squad in our locker
room then we have to do what we’re doing
we have to stay on the process and keep
playing good baseball because even
though we’ve lost really close games
we’ve played pretty good baseball for
the most part I think we were the last
team to make an air maybe uh we haven’t
really beat ourselves very often and
we’ve only had a few big Innings one I’m
responsible for that have really kind of
gotten the game out of hand um and I
know that probably doesn’t doesn’t help
out a whole lot but I think for players
in that locker room it reminds us that
you know we’re a couple Innings here
there a couple games here there from
being you know four games over 500 and
right where we want to be what of the
events that we love is swinging for
impact with big league impact and it’s
going to happen May 19th at the
Chesterfield Top Golf and I know that
some of your teammates are coming out
it’s always a fun time isn’t it yeah it
is and and one thing I was uh hearing
from somebody uh yesterday was that you
know Cardinal Top Golf events and c and
Cardinal territory are different right
you know um we didn’t have too many
alumni at the last event in Baltimore
but I’ve heard that you know alumni come
out to this event as well and make it
even more special so we’re going to have
some Cardinals alumni as well I’m
looking forward to talk to and and
meeting some of them um but you know
there’s going to be at least eight to 10
maybe more Cardinals players out there
and um raising money for Big League
impact and raising money for uh other
Charities around uh the St Louis area
but then around the country that big
league impact does work with um so I
think it’s going to be it’s always a
special event you guys know that um but
I think if Cardinal fans have enjoyed it
in the past you know come back out and
let’s have some fun if you’ve never been
there um go to big and and
check it out because you know if top
golf for me is like bowling right you
don’t have to be good at golf to go to
Top Golf because you don’t have to be
good at bowling to go bowling you just
go out and swing a club and eat some
food and have some fun it will be a
great time May 19th and you can get more
information at Big League
Kyle thanks so much for the time and go
get them against the Diamondbacks today
and hopefully the Cardinals Can Come
Away with another Victory thank you all
appreciate it thank you that is Kyle
Gibson and again you can go to Big
League if you want to hang
with the Cardinals at swinging for
impact at Chesterfield’s Top Golf on May
19th and we will be there as the MC’s of
that fine event coming up do you have
any confidence any optimism about the
Cardinals we want you to text us 314 399
9646 314 399 Yoo as we head down the
stretch here on 101
e e
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this is Rocky with your sports center
update driven by Johnny L Chevrolet and
Johnny L Autoplex the Cardinals
yesterday trounced by the Diamondbacks
14 to1 they’ll try to salvage this
series with a win with a 1215 game today
against the Diamondbacks it’ll be the
former Cardinal Lefty Jordan Montgomery
facing off against Kyle Gibson Gibson on
the season 1 and two with a 504 ER
Montgomery threw his one start six
Innings pitched five or excuse me six
Innings pitched one win in a 1.5 ER also
if you want to hear our interview with
Kyle Gibson before it start today you
can go back to do a center’s podcast and
listen to that interview as well as all
our other interviews and last night in
the NBA Playoffs the suns are struggling
they are fall 10593 to the t-wolves
they’re down 2 in that series and then
there’s two other series that are noted
up at one game a piece Pacers 125 over
the Bucks 108 and the Mavs over the
Clippers 96 to 93 that it is your sports
center update driven by Johnny La
Chevrolet and Johnny laof Autoplex see
them at Chevy together we drive
are you kidding
me we get this text from the 314 only
confidence that I have about the
Cardinals is that I see a lot of fan
base money not being made made and it
makes me understand why the dits are
begging for $600 million for Bush
Renovations I have not seen that story
I’ve not heard that so if you could give
us a little bit of info a little insight
into the the DTs begging for $600
million I would like to see that story I
think they’re basing this off the
Riverfront Times article which there’s
more to the just the headline of that
story because I believe based on what I
was able to read there they aren’t even
asking for that there’s nothing
confirmed in that and that’s even within
the story but Brooke the uh the text
said they’re begging for $600 million oh
somehow I missed that love them just
standing outside with the collection
bucket okay bu stum the wide conjecture
and then let’s just grab let’s just grab
headlines and then throw them back out
there as our opinions they didn’t even
get the number right the headline was
500 like we’re just we’re just pulling
things out of thin air but rock you read
the article that’s what basically is
going on there yeah I mean they had they
had uh build with the third is quoted in
there the actual SCE of the article and
he he pretty much says like I can’t be
asking for 500 million because I don’t
know what we need right now in in the
way of like the actual finances of the
of the potential upgrades I don’t think
I don’t think they even have like a
slideshow of what the upgrades would be
right now so I mean it’s it’s a pretty
far away thing and so it was the the
headline was a grabber but if you
actually the actual Source in the in the
article it it the the the headlines put
in the car before the horse ooh I am
already coming up with an early sick of
B it for tomorrow headlines putting the
car before the horse no or just just
reacting to headlines of stories without
reading the full story why have we
gotten to this point as a society
because I mean we’re we’re lazy when it
comes to reading stuff I mean headlines
have always been a thing there’s nothing
wrong with a headline writer saying he’s
the story come read it it’s it’s you
know that’s the they only got so much
space to bring our eyes in but I’m
saying haven’t you noticed that there’s
a lot more people who just react to
headlines without even opening the story
anymore oh that happens yes okay uh this
from the the 618 I wish I could say yes
I’m confident but I still think we’re
are best the third best team in the
division and maybe fourth when I texted
in and said that their failure to
improve the team around Goldie and arado
and that we would lose 90 games again
this year and Ali and mo will be gone I
almost got laughed off the air I’m not
looking so incorrect yet congratulations
on being correct yeah I think the thing
that is concerning for me and and I like
the bullpen I think the starters will
have their bumps in the road like
yesterday and like on Saturday and then
you’ll get another timeout and all of a
sudden Steven matz gives you your five
or six Innings and Michaelis will do the
same but the lack of offense yes I just
didn’t see this coming I thought the
offense would be better I did mention
earlier in the year that they were 19th
or 20th in total offense last year but I
did anticipate Goldie with a bounce back
I did anticipate arnado with a bounce
back a healthy Brendan Ryan who’s
hovering around 200 he’s excuse me
Brendan Donovan and he’s two for his
last 20 on the home stand yeah I I just
didn’t see that coming and I think it’s
reasonable to ask and you guys
can join with me here is Paul goldshmid
a bad offensive player no is Brendon
Donovan no is conteras no is ronado is
Mason win we seen that is nudar by the
way he’s exceeded my expect Mason win
yeah me too uh nudar is he he he’s not
great but he’s not terrible Jordan
Walker shouldn’t be this bad right so
you have and Gorman H 27 home runs last
year you you should have eight of your
nine hitters I if they’re going be
reasonably good the problem is is that
you’ve got good hitters that aren’t
hitting and the the average to good
hitters that aren’t hitting and I would
say too going into the season was that
anticipated games in which they’re going
to allow let’s say three to five runs
but would be able to slug some of these
teams and that just hasn’t happened yeah
the home runs have not for whatever
reason what what do you think that that
even is the home runs just not working
out home Run’s not working out for the
Cardinals this year so far well they’re
hitting 200 yeah so I mean guys are
hitting 200 guys are hitting 180 170 you
know they’re just not hitting across the
board whether it’s home runs or driving
the baseball they’re at the bottom half
bottom five of a lot of offensive
categories not just in the National
League but in all the baseball so to me
it’s it’s just they’re not hitting
period anding position yeah that’s a
real big problem and it’s all come at
the same time normally if you have a
player that’s not hitting it can get
overlooked because the other guys are
picking you up you get out of your slump
all of a sudden you get back to where
you were and we’re not seeing that right
now collectively as a group they’re just
not hitting period it’s like what we
were talking about earlier with Aaron
judge not off to a great start but the
Yankees are and so then it kind of gets
buried a little bit in that other than
the fans booing him the other day but
you know Aaron judge is not going to
what what we’re going to see at the end
is not going to be indicative of what
we’re seeing here in April better not be
and if it is it’s going to be a really
long year yeah and hopefully the
Cardinals some some years you’re just
not good and you can have a year where
everybody has the ability to be good but
they just aren’t and that’s happened to
the Cardinals before happened kind of in
03 uh definitely happened 1985 the
Cardinals led the league in runs 1986
Jack Clark got hurt and they were but
they were ter terrible before Clark got
hurt they were terrible the next year
they led the league in runs again same
group of guys and sometimes you just
have those years hopefully this is a
year where once the weather gets warm
they’ll get rolling I’m not predicting
that but hopefully that would be the
case we got a text here and I want to
hear you guys reaction to it because we
get this narrative a lot and I I don’t
agree with it personally I think it just
comes down to that we’re only trying to
hit home runs and that’s why the offense
sucks that’s not I’m not seeing that as
the is as the issue with this team at
all I see guys pressing and White
Knuckles yeah I mean it’s collectively
guys pressing and they even indicated
that after the game on Sunday you know
if you read between the lines on some of
the postgame comments you know guys are
talking about without saying they’re
pressing they’re pressing and I think
some of that is happening right now yep
coming up next we’re going to head down
the stretch with rock and roll here on
e e
hey if you’re looking for a great lunch
today great place to watch the Cardinal
game this afternoon head on over to the
Fenton bar grill at Rudder Road in
Fenton it’s 2 minutes from the soccer
park if you just go to the soccer park
you can follow ruter road to the Fenton
Bar and Grill they have an absolutely
magnificent pth Pao what a great day
today will be out on the will be to be
out on the patio you can go watch the
game there have a great WAP or sandwich
or burger or salad and you’ll really
enjoy the atmosphere and the people over
at the Fenton Barn Grill Alicia will be
over there today stop by and say hi to
Kelly or Megan and the whole crew and
enjoy the other people that are going to
be there they’re sports fans like you
they’re going to be talking Sports and
you’re going to have a great time and
when you go tell them Randy sent you you
can see their whole menu you can see
everything about Fenton bar grill at
Fenton bar and as you go
through the weekend if you got a big
crew that you want to take over to the
Fenton Barn Grill just call ahead and
they’ll take care of you great place to
go for lunch maybe after golf maybe for
a happy hour or dinner it’s the Fenton
Bar and Grill on Rudder Road when you go
tell them Randy sent
you e
I want a
rock en
roll let’s Rock Let’s Rock
today all right it’s time for rock and
roll here on 101 ESPN Matthew what do
you got for us we got a really short
rock and roll today so I’m going to I’m
going to pull a little niche topic here
that I want to talk about the last
couple Rock and rolls but we had other
stuff to to mention so uh and it worked
out today perfectly because we had a
fight um Hall of Famer Dan entered the
fight fight Hall of Fame and obviously
the fight’s a lot of fun I love sports
trivia and one of the reasons I love
sports trivia is cuz every day when I
went home from school when I was a
little kid and I after I turned about 12
we got cable I turned on would turned on
ESPN and my sports fandom was I I don’t
like I’m not over exaggerating here like
awoken by stump the Schwab on ESPN how
Schwab passed away over the weekend and
a lot of ESPN people gave some really
beautiful eulogies and the fact that we
do trivia and I and I have to go
searching for trivia questions every day
I think about that that show stump the
Schwab almost every single day that I go
to do my job and like or man 2000 ESPN
just molded me as a person in so many
ways NFL Network I watched a ton of that
too but man stum the Schwab was the best
and getting to new trivia that’s what
makes like sports trivia is just so much
fun I know some some people don’t like
it but we do it on this show every day
and so there was just one thing I just
wanted to get out there because like I’m
not I’m not here if stump the Schwab
isn’t a thing and I had no idea until I
read these eulogies how important ho
Schwab was to the actual like creation
of ESPN as what it is now which is he
they were doing the trivia show because
he was the one who had ESPN create their
research Department
which is insane to me I had no idea that
was a thing and so to take the the fun
part of trivia and to give us honestly
one of the best outlets for sports
information over the last 30 years which
has been ESPN sports and information and
all the stats they put out I mean the
guys mark on sports information and
sports media will be forever he was the
goat Sports Trivia Goat no doubt about
it oh I think Dave Strauss was Mr trivia
came X sports Trivia Goat I’m saying
Sports Trivia Goat too he was pretty
damn good at that too he was really good
so what we’re talking about Randy and I
worked with a guy this is pre- internet
and he come in with a stack of books
about a foot foot and a half high and if
he didn’t know the answer he’d go to the
books but you’d be producing for him and
uh literally there was 10 lines that
people could call in it would be packed
from the beginning of his hour to the
very end and he would fly through um the
trivia questions and it was he was
called Mr trivia rarely did he go to the
books Brooke yeah Matthew but he knew
everything it was one of the most
amazing things I have ever and I mean
this sincerely I’ve ever seen in my life
yeah he was incredible he was amazing Mr
trivia people with encyclopedic
knowledge is is like you’ll meet those
people in life and they they never see
cease to amaze me because I guess he had
a photographic memory he had to have I
had I had a teacher like that too like
in high school you could you ask him
literally any piece of information about
American history it was just like he had
a register in his brain where he was
just like going through the files and
that’s kind of what people with identic
m say that they can do it’s like they go
in their brain and they just open a file
and then it’s everything they have ever
seen about that topic and they can just
rattle it off their brain it’s
incredible we’re sitting with one here
in the studio right
Ian go your little file cabinet the mind
what it is do you have a photographic
memory about sports yeah do you guys
remember um the the slide projectors did
you guys have those in school it was
like a it was a a doughnut shaped thing
and then a slide to pop up that’s what I
liken it to is it it just kind of spins
around and then just you the the picture
then eventually will just pop up for you
so do you read a lot or is it from you
watching oh totally reading a lot yeah
yeah or making it up oh Sporting
News everything I was we we we thanks BR
si uh Sporting News Sports Illustrated
Sport magazine baseball digest football
digest uh there there were eight or nine
of them it was inside Sports remember
that oh yeah they were and then morning
and afternoon newspapers the globe in
the morning the post in the afternoon so
yeah a lot of lot of reading and then I
would go get the uh go up to world news
there was a world news at Westport and
get the Boston Globe on Sunday with
pet it was gammons and will MCD I mean
it had all of the people with all of the
notes it was pretty cool Bob Nill does
that on USA Today on the web version on
Sundays he’s got the MLB note uh
notebook uh notebook I like reading that
it just keeps you up to dat with certain
things I missed that aspect of things I
mean we talked about ESPN even on TV
some of the personalities the big
journalists that I grew up watching and
you guys of course got to know well as
well just those guys leaving the
organization and then you have writers
it seems like just everything is
changing so much Sports Illustrated
we’ve seen how that’s changing I hate
seeing all that happening I do too and
we’ve lost so many people retired Chris
mortson losing an Insider and somebody
who’s as knowledgeable as that we’ve
lost so many good people over the years
too RP how Schwab absolutely thank you
Matthew you job today by our producer
audio video engineer pleas one the only
Matthew Rocko uh Brooke did you have fun
today yes good we like to hear it y yes
we do why did you do
the you’re just staring into my soul
over herey to Danny this was awesome
brother great job as always Randall and
Brooke and we thank you for tuning in
texting in and being a part of the show
we’ve got a balloon party with T-Mac and
Ajax coming up and then bkm ferrario
followed by the fast Lane and for all of
us until tomorrow morning at 7:00 have a
great hump day St Louis that’s
right the most important thing in
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