Golf Players

2024 MONTANA’S BRIER: Pool Play Day Three (Part Two)

After a memorable stop in Calgary for the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, the Season of Champions rolls on to Regina for the 2024 Montana’s Brier. The last team standing will represent Canada at the World Men’s Curling Championship.

rer and uh today was all about koola as
we play the first of a three draw day
and from Northern Ontario the Fort
William Trevor Bano in 10 against New
Finland and Labrador hey this Bano knows
how to win as he picks up a second Stak
yes here are all the scores from this
morning’s draw botcher wins got couple
of Threes to beat Yukon in their
opener it was a win by KS on a measure
in an extra and
dunstone by three over
BC so top of the table in p a you’ve got
botcher KS and Bono while we’ll focus
today on pool B and we’ll look at the
and on this Sunday afternoon we do say
hello Canada welcome back our continuing
coverage the Montana’s Brier Joe’s here
Russ is here we’ll hear from Kathy
momentarily so Saskatchewan against
Alberta and Mike McKuen makes the move
now from a Manitoba to Ontario and now
to here says he’s as happy as he’s ever
been in the game to paraphrase a happy
skip a happy team it’s the green and
white that’s what it is be it’s all
about the writers uh Magic Mike he’s
back I don’t know what that’s the colors
what it is the crowd he’s making
everything and we T Joan talk talked
about it on the way over he’s seeing it
he’s getting the room in the right spot
he’s got that confidence some of the
other skips don’t that’s the difference
as for Kevin Koy um he’s been so so so
far and maybe he just needs a little
help from his friends on the team yeah
there’s suppos to been moments where he
hasn’t been seeing it not quite sure
about the line not quite sure about the
weight when that happens to your Skipper
you need the other three on the team to
weigh in to step up and to support them
he needs more from his team today so Ki
trying to hand Mike mchu in a first loss
that is our feature on this Sunday
afternoon from
RI Kevin KO is one of the most dynamic
players in Canadian history his ceiling
is astronomical and he has a a way of
elevating his game in Canadian
championships so yeah he can be a oneman
cre I think they’re playing as well as
they have they’ll obviously have the
extra energy they’ll be the Hometown
Favorites they’re a really good team and
I think they’re getting better so
that’ll be a fun
the 2024 Montana’s Brier is proudly
presented by Montana’s barbecue and bar
Canada’s home for barbecue by points bet
the official Sports gaming partner of
curling Canada by New Holland proud
sponsor of curling Canada and by bkt
tires growing
together well it’s all about cool be on
this Sunday afternoon only Tyler Smith
from Pei does not play and in fact they
don’t play it all today with the preview
here’s chat well for Brad gushu and his
team they did not look to be on the same
page last night you can expect they will
come out a much different team and that
could be trouble for Julian trbl and his
team from Quebec Jamie Koy did lose to
his big brother last night but in both
of their outings the team from the north
has looked very strong they’ll take on
Matthew Manuel from Nova Scotia still
looking for his first win and on sheet D
Aaron slinsky after a big win on Friday
night sat idle all day yesterday because
of the buy he’ll be glad to get back on
the ice and he takes on Shane ladimer
and the team from
Nuno so it’s aatan against Alberto Koy
time to meet the teams now brought to
you by Home Hardware here’s how
Saskatchewan Champions hail from the new
Tana curling glov and Saskatoon skipped
by Mike mchu and backed up by the marsh
Brothers Daniel and Kevin and Colton
flash at third Colton will brush into
Kevin will hold the brush on the skip
stones Kevin KY and his team hail from
the Glenco Club in Calgary skipped by
the 49-year-old Kevin kui and yes a
younger team in front of him with Carri
Martin J goce is the newcomer this year
and Tyler tardy at
third Al saskat and green out but they
will be throwing the red stones it means
that Alberta has won the draw to the
button and quite comfortably you can see
by the numbers so it will be albertus
kui with the
hammer playing the yellow stones and to
get us underway the Saskatchewan lead is
Marsh and we make the point as we saw
last week at the Scotty all those pretty
good little draws to the button all
those numbers will be added up might
come down it might come and then they’ll
take the two first and they’ll throw
them away and if need be a position
could be decided on your draws to the
button as we did see with Caitlyn laws
winning a five team tiebreaker last week
to get into the final three yeah and as
the team as you’re doing your draw for
Hammer throughout the week if you have
one or two values early that are far
from the pin it really puts a lot of
pressure on you moving
forward keeps getting so good at that
draw the button too you can go like side
of the button side of the button and not
get hammer and as you say you can’t have
too many really
bad so Center goes up and right around
they’re trying to come now with car
Martin something’s going to take
off side and they’ll get half a stone
underneath keys to the game now we will
start with so Scot one hold it well
ignore the stats so far Kevin kooy’s
worst shot if you look through the data
is his out turn hits uh be very careful
what you wish for with his out turn hits
and in turns Force Tyler the Lefty to
follow with his out
clean Tyler tardy throwing the third
Stone just one of two leanders in the
field Mark Kennedy the other playing for
Brendan boder let’s take a look now the
keys for Alberta yeah for the team Ki
they need to make sure they’re
communicating out there having a little
bit of trouble putting the Brom in the
right spot reading the speed need to
share all the information and front end
setup we saw Mike mchu and Colton flash
they were outstanding last night against
Canada got to try to go after their
front end keys to the game are brought
to you by Scotty’s facial tissue unleash
Scotty I wonder
if Alberta and KY May well not I’m just
answering my own question uh may be a
little tentative here Russ and in terms
of the Skip’s not feeling it right right
now or he’s been so so do we just take
the pedal off in this first You could
argue that’s a way to do it but this
guy’s been around so much nothing is
going to phas Kevin Koy it’s the old
like uh Stephan Curry the gold State
Warriors you Miss 103 Porters
three-pointers in a row what do you do
you throw up a three-pointer he he’s
been in and out of great shot making
routes and uh he’ll be
around he’s going to play the scoreboard
he’s going to play what dictates the end
yeah think so now what does this tell
you Joe happy with that first and blank
anytime you got Hammer if you can run
away with a blank in that first end
you’re going to take it save a bit of
time on the
clock so here’s the newcomer Jo go is he
replaces Brad
th five Rock Rule 10 ends 38 minutes
thinking time just 160c timeout which
puts us in line with the world curling
rules and the Olympic rules and the no
tick rule of course put that on the uh
Center Line and you have to wait until
the fifth St be able to remove
it have to go to get this in I
think running F don’t worry about that
just get it in
148 took that straight did that ever run
straight wow my first one was quite
heavy keep an eye on it here it’s it’s
such a balancing act for the ice crew
you’re you’re sanding the rocks in this
case they profiled around spun them
around to get the edges off then you’ve
got to changed the pebble then youve got
to changed the water temperature then
you’ve got to clip more or less it’s
never going to be identical no it’s a
it’s a real art to ice making and out
there it is a living breathing thing I’m
thinking about all the snow we now have
outside that might affect air
temperatures humidity so many factors
involved that’s why the teams the first
one to read it and see it often has such
advantage so he’s playing his former
skip his cold flash you saw that 33%
number for Hammer efficiency that is
scoring two or more with last Rock he’d
like to be up in around that
18 and 19 there’s also a third Canadian
championship in there he’s really did
dominate the Juniors 17 18 and 19 Tyler
tardy swe but that’s where the key is
probably going to be and it’s his
relationship uh with Kevin C I and as
you say uh trying to come out of his
shell really and and speak a little bit
more Ki even said you know last year or
the year before people talk too much and
then he rebuilt his team and he he was
uh he got three Marcel maros I mean it
was became a it became a little too
quiet and now with the addition of Ja go
he’s looking for a little bit more
talk yeah the hard part I would believe
is you know there’s such an age
difference and Kevin K is like a legend
he’s on Mount Rushmore for curling do
you have the confidence to go Hey Kevin
you should do this a little bit of an
age difference in here too
now who is mercel
marovic frantically Googling over here
right yeah goodness it’s a quiet end
what’s goog up to
speed looking it up in your roll of
decks it’s funny though you talk about
the bonds and creating teams and you
know they got the front end connection
the back end connection the middle two
there’s all these little nuances that
take years to build and often see that
with back Enders figuring out what each
other needs when they’re struggling and
especially for Tyler a self-proclaimed
introvert skips his whole Junior career
where you just stand at the other end
and you do your thing so huge adjustment
for him not only in the shot making the
sweeping but also in that relationship
with the
Skip and you’re asking him to do that
make that adjustment at the Canadian
men’s Girling Championship you know it’s
it’s it’s tough tough to
normal clean good normal yep also has a
of world championships one in 10 and one
16 of course Olympian and
same but he likes some others KY Russ
you can speak to this
obviously you know when he wanted to he
wasn’t ready to go and take
three real
novices he wanted to rebuild his team
but he wanted some experience and even
at this age you know you got two 25s and
a 33 with lots of experience yes uh so
that he was willing to do that but
beyond that I’m not out there he’s this
is he’s past that yeah same thing
happened to me I was lucky enough to
pick up uh Wayne mad Pete corner and not
only were they brilliant shot makers
brilliant athletic Crushers but they
knew the game so well and as opposed to
spending three years trying to
teach go and away it goes first blank of
the event for kuie comes here in the
first on a Sunday afternoon in richardo
our focus on this Sunday afternoon at
the Brier is teams in pool B only Tyler
Smith from the cppo curly Club in Prince
Island as the uh afternoon off currently
at 1 And1 our features to scatch when
two straight wins Mike mchan from the
nutana in Saskatoon now one and one
Kevin kuy at the Glenco Club number
three ranked team in the
country and after the blank in one kui
once again does have the last Rock has
the hammer playing the yellow
Stones thought it was interesting in
pregame comments
uh Russ that Ki didn’t think his team
really would be one of the favorites he
thought he might be in the top fiveish
as he said uh almost didn’t have
necessar the best B Spiel season right
and and still as we say the addition of
Jac go getting used to him so still
trying to figure things out hard hard
hard Kathy pointed out before the event
that they did not do well in the grand
slams but they played in a couple spiels
that led to Grand Slams with the same
type of fields and did very well so they
not it might not get as many points type
thing but
uh it’s it’s one of those guys you can’t
count Kevin kuyo cuz it’s the and that’s
when he tends to show up game one he
didn’t yeah anytime you’re playing
against one of the greats even if they
have a bit of a stagger step to start
you know that the greatness is in there
so as soon as they get a read and start
to feel it watch out well in two of
those events that you’re talking about
with the slams they lost on a tie by
three of a millimeter in the draw of the
button and that was something that they
worked very hard at before they came
here realizing it was a weak
and the draw of the button today was
huge for
koi yeah yeah you really break it down
you got two great teams in this case Ki
gets the hammer on the draw the button
skill grabs a two somewhere now McAn you
know with maybe eight seven six ends to
go has to win by three to catch up right
it’s so
important second prior for Jac goer is
he skipped last year in British Columbia
they went three and five in London
Ontario and that team has been taken
over by Catlin Schneider who used to
play with this Saskatchewan side
so all right Kathy let’s get him
underway let’s update KY against Manuel
territories Nova Scotia well Jamie koi
made a really nice double on his first
to live five and then the attempted
freeze by m Manuel bounced off and
that’s why it is five that Matt faces
now Matt Manuel out of the Halifax
Curling Club trying to win the first
Nova Scotia Championship since Mark
Daisy back in 2004 straight straight
straight straight straight
straight and hang it there move it far
enough oh and just
does that team is better than their
record second straight prior
appears three and five in
London real nice
speed you know this is just to our point
about back here’s goer skipped last year
skip himself and Junior those two alone
would know what in effect koie needs to
hear what he wants to hear and he would
think they would be able to provide that
information oh yeah and it’s you look
more and more at teams they’ve got
people that played backend third or Skip
and then all a sudden they’re playing
front end and it makes the team so much
better because they have all that IQ
knowing the strategy the tolerance plan
A B C D and E in some cases is it’s just
a matter of finding your footing and and
where to contribute and how exactly to
support shock with a couple heavy misses
there this spot is really fast I had a
153 on the saskat stone that stopped top
eight it’s not not moving like crazy
here so a little less curl sometimes you
see it really
carry there’s been some
straigh good guys got to
go hard line hard line
hard line keep going K keep going keep
going and the two Mar brothers drag it
right down to the face Nice
Shot going for distance Here style of
brush might look a little bit awkward
but you see the the brush going north
south right in front of the face of the
rock that’s called a snow plow so that’s
going to get the maximum distance on
that rock
it’s inter I mean listen the brushing
rules have changed yes remember I mean
you couldn’t do that kind of thing uh
you would be certainly penalized if you
lifted that brush yeah dumping yeah oh
and you still will be you can’t you
can’t lift your brush mid stroke and
ever but I I agree with Joan’s comments
you know if car just leans on that he’s
he’s basically
pushing the nap of the ice pretend it’s
grass toward and get it to go a little
keep going get in there take a shot
okay the Alberta Champions Aon slinsky
on the ice against the team from mowt
well he’s facing two but there is a
double opportunity here for
two coming off that opening draw win
over Kevin Koy in the all Alberta battle
there it is and he can’t can’t hold that
shooter and so it’ll be
one one R
linski beating kui twice in the
provincials and then beat him on Friday
herey hold if it’s
heavy down trying to Corner freeze Shot
Rock top four foot
here don’t bounce and that little rubb
and roll off
looks like they just may be shot
Rock nice throw it’s really hard to
blame the brushers on that that you know
they had to get it by 4 in heavy Joan
was just about glued R perfect yellow
shot like six feet
slower on this one it’s not
bad give it
to really shrinking Kevin’s scoring area
here how is
those Reds buried at the top 8ot or go
directly onto Kevin’s
yellow now those Reds aren’t going
anywhere glued to each
other like broom out under the 12T so
more curl on this side compared to the
one the which is opposite to BC back
button get off it then it’s really close
wait’s close it’s still there don’t want
to move it if you don’t Line’s good it’s
got a cur though no no no no no no
always guys you’re here I’m not it’s not
there I know I just you don’t need to
move it don’t need to
shots Team Canada trying to bounce back
against Quebec Kathy well Brad duu has
been facing two on both of his shots and
you can see that not able to remove both
this is an open hit for two
back skipped by Julian
drumbl julan made a wonderful soft
weight shot on his first on an almost
buried guu
Stone both teams you see it one and one
and that will be a one and a one for a
two qu
back give the chase on that yeah all
rookie team you’re guarding yeah from
Quebec why yeah so it doesn’t have to be
that high then you can almost guard the
run and
that probably go here yeah I don’t think
so but we need to go high guard he’s
just going to chase this he’s running
this what’s he worried about high
guard’s dangerous though man then I got
to get it over on the a center red into
the yellow but I mean you can guard both
oh you thinking High guard here yeah you
like that Kev
take he’s to run probably takes a free
Croc at
it the only shot I see is me
playing control weight on the nose
yeah right
here on the nose be a really good
outcome if he could make it a great
result but could open it
yeah that exactly I think you’re right
Jen it’s dangerous they they’d like to
do that and that just leaves that one
lonely yellow but the yellow’s in such a
good spot they’re Shot Rock now that
freeze ta control weight on the nose
just slightly low guard’s not a bad I I
like this what’s he doing maybe guard
your first yeah I like that take a crack
at it on your second I I think we got a
guard guys
okay we’re playing the out turn
M this
is it’s moving more this
way for
sure I can play the it probably gives me
more options sorry what maybe the end
the call here talk about
Precision a draw from Tyler T that
freeze on the left hand side of the
screen there like so perfect but tap
them an inch if you don’t move it you’re
still shot if you’re
Alta probably a different different call
for Saskatchewan if if they’re not shot
true all right aiming for the high one
or high seen a ton of curl here that’s a
that’s a lot of ice they’re trying to be
well off the center line so that they
block the chase just almost above the
end in Mont hit it early yep good high
hi yep first skip keep it out there
light’s good make sure no hole keep it
out there that’s good Mike McAn hi
pretty much to your broom right
there a bit who who who easy W who yep
curl curl
good just get it a mimet high
Saskatchewan Champions Mike mchan with a
win over Ryan CER in their Championship
final went perfect through their uh play
out of the new Tana curling clev and SAS
2 yeah just that little tap on that uh
freeze makes them Shot Rock Su
skatch double peely just plays that soft
rolls a hair and I don’t think we have a
score I think the guard’s helping us a
little bit yeah this has got to get
under though right or else it it goes
under for sure
yes like right like I’m
worried like if it just plants there he
just rips that well it’s going to be way
under if it plants oh I like that you
mean I see like he just cuz mine will
we’ll play it low side if we whiff It
and Roll to block his run then you know
what I mean how does how does this get
under it’s got to be right right into
here gu I’ve always got this
like you’re thinking throw it
hardal over thinking
this I don’t see much else yeah I think
you have to play this Joan and if to
Tyler’s point if Kevin can hit the right
side of that yellow and have the yellow
underneath ideally move the red one a
bit tough very tough shot but what else
do you do
you see anything else no I mean if this
was last rock you might see just a try
draw and nibble the side of the button
for your one but I think you got to take
a run at this High there is no hole
there between those no
okay other thing that can happen here is
you can end up running those two buried
Reds in and taking out your own if it’s
just a hair highight K his first trying
to run back that long guard just
throwing up by m trying to run straight
back if you can here we go is it going
to touch anything no and he also will
leave that shooter out there still in
exchange of
stones well this is you know we talked
earlier about his tour and couple of
wins his win percentage 62% went 43 and
23 three on tour this year Kevin
KY and a Tyler yell whoa it curled just
barely missed it yeah cuz that guard’s
been moved
over looks good yeah they didn’t whip it
down the sheet not wanting to spill
everything too much but just caught that
little extra curl less
Nuno under some pressure here but a
chance it looks like they could score uh
two maybe three maybe even four it’s
hard to tell those three on the left
hand side Aon slinsky just throwing a
couple of ston off that day away from
the ice may have hurt this is an open
hit and then you’ll count them up Shane
ladimer out of London Ontario is their
import he’s the coach curling coach at
the University of Western Ontario
there’s one there’s two and and three
and let’s
see it’s those three on the left I’m not
sure four it
is make a very good point KY that day
off little different surface especially
so early in the
week they picked up their first win
nunut did a year ago in London first
time since they joined the Brier in 2016
yeah you’re right cack a four
sure okay it’s 3/4 a little thinner than
that no I don’t think it’s
thinner close okay it’s going to drag a
little this way okay the old short raise
very long raise raise again score two
extremely tough uh your draw though is
it still there to just catch a piece to
the button Joe it’s really hard I I
think I mean play the shot for two we
could have played our run at that point
right final St red yellow yellow red
two go go the bees the bees the bees and
he’ll drive it by and it will be a steel
one Saskatchewan here in the
sukatan with a steel of one a very
complicated end led to some
frustration from Kevin
Ki he’s not uh I don’t know if it’s he’s
still not feeling it uh at this moment
or he’s just the team got into a
situation where they maybe they didn’t
have to get into but it resulted in the
steel of one as we welcome you back on
this Sunday afternoon to the Montana’s
Brier and here in three once again koi
and the team from the Glen coill Club in
Calgary do have the hammer the last Rock
Yellowstone just a little circumstantial
there I think Joan you know Kevin called
for a freeze now freeze is going be
pretty precise and all the way down he
kept saying you don’t have to bump it
you don’t have to and they bumped at
that silly millimeter that left mchan
shot and then Kevin’s last one was
ridiculously hard and he almost made it
he’s got to be thinking wow
why so the frustration for him Joe would
be what the fact they actually tapped
him up for shot when he was in fact shot
but that the frustration is that you
think that’s it yeah maybe I also I mean
the run back were both close the first
one curled up a little bit more than you
expect so sometimes you know you throw
the rock exactly how you wanted to and
you just don’t quite get the results and
for a team like Alberta right now they
could use some momentum they could use a
big shot so that was definitely an
opportunity to get that that was three
point swing if he executes a extremely
tough shot pretty good Cur hair heavy
really got to curl just just a hair hot
Cur curl curl
Cur yeah
right it’s not
brutal too much ice was
perfect back down by two and guu has a
chance for a midf well he certainly does
a chance for four for julan TR faced
four on his first wasn’t able to get
more than one Brad replaced it julan
tried again only able to get one and
rolled out and so that is why draw full
12 is all he
needs five time winner out of the Remax
Center the St John’s Curling
143 and a little dust and that will get
you four so that’s the first time
scoring more than a deuce in the
event ja
oh yep y
yep to
go to it right to it right to
it good shot
okay he kicked it a little too
far they’re hoping to just keep that
left hand side yellow kind of Edge on
edge so there wouldn’t be a back
under it didn’t it didn’t kick like it
was hard it
felt Nova Scotia has picked up a steel
of one in the second and they lead
pretty Jamie got a Yellow Knife by a
couple got to go Kevin Marsh oh then
it’ll just crash on that Center Line
guard move in
over now that red yellow combination
down the center lines
open lot of yellow in
there it should be open if yeah we’re
for enough guys just that the back
yellow yeah not looking to remove the
red red will be shot after this but
it’ll be surrounded by a wall of yellows
in front of it that’s the key in front
of it got to get to the nose though he
wait I hear a
light Tyler back four curl C now helping
it curled helping it over good chance
got to get to the line curl he goes
away and rolling it over and still
leaves KY and Alberta sitting one back
button wide on the first
count it just looked
hard Tyler just jumped on that right out
of his hand and it didn’t curl now with
bullet weight that’s pretty simple and
you can probably if you get it thick
enough kick that over there at least get
it out in the open change the end around
completely here and this is the guy that
can do it yeah shooter will be behind
cover too
Flash no all on it own bang bang and
he’ll get rid of only one but he rolls
over to get to that Center Line Shot
Rock remains KY back button a
professional Miss shot make he’s trying
to hit it Center and do what we called
but uh right underneath
I like that on your next one I think I
think I also have it this way Kev I
can’t hear you I also have this
side yeah I know but I got more of the
yellow what are you trying to do just
here yeah and roll it off to the side
like you don’t want to make this you
just okay I kind of like this back
lineer this Rock’s in a good spot I like
boths just pointing it out
red I’m with Kevin on this one Joan yeah
I think for Tyler though just kind of
reminding he is that Lefty so he’s got
the other hack it’s his intern so he has
more of it than Kevin will get it so
it’s not lined perfectly up this a
play just have seen this side of the
sheet coming into the house doesn’t seem
to move a lot so those finesse weight
tops are really tough this proba looks
hard it looks not natural
yeah but I mean if you make this yeah
like you’re going to roll into
this he can’t really afford to draw here
cuz I mean unless he lines them all up I
don’t mind that at all like this guy’s
in a good spot yeah and I mean you’ve
got a catcher here so you probably need
like board to get this guy going I don’t
mind just playing it to go into that I’m
never killing it with hack I don’t think
forward weight okay yeah you can throw
it hard too and play it across the top
like we watched Scotty Howard win a game
and maybe your shooter might stick on
the corner
one Budd third with board okay try to
use that side window okay so make the
double and roll your stone over to the
yellow on the left hand
side I think they’re just trying to make
the single now I don’t think they’re
going across the
top more it’s about the right ice for
both going at the end
okay good weight speed here little
stiffer than the wide draw but
close they just trying to jam it Vic
save the throne Rock oh curl close curl
go angle it back oh and they’ll roll it
kind of lined up that yellow raise
they great throw sweet little unlucky
with the angle but going to be good no
okay oh yeah then he’s coming off he’s
ready not a triple is there thin off of
it is there a thin
triple do you play this thin
yeah pretty good look at that
yeah oh yeah it is a little small
quarter they’re worried about playing
the easy straight back double because it
would leave a red one here and you know
what team K is going to do played that
pretty easy red double so they’re going
to go the other way with Colton’s
upweight ability try to go across the
top if he does that 90° rule kind of
gets him kind of gets him into this area
here looking to get all three Colton
Flash it’s close to being lined up oh
late brush here we go stay with it what
do we got flash boom oh and no bang but
he’s sitting The Shot Rock on the lid
watch you’re hovering your room I can’t
see the rock like you’re hovering it’s
like this okay beautiful it kind of kind
of wasn’t quite there for the three this
was a better way to get the double miss
that one get the important one that’s
interesting the brushers were there
covering the stone with their brushes
and Mike was saying when you do that I
can’t see the rock yeah h a little
they’re there for a reason when it’s
coming that hard they can’t be too far
away mine curled a bit okay you like
that me again probably get up again Joan
I don’t think the red doubles there off
this raise think you can play a jam it
though and then the red will be exposed
this be the third or fourth time they’ve
jammed it good yep who easy wait good
whoa clean clean
yep Cur Cur angle it back and we’ll jam
underneath and will it come back not
quite so they’re sitting two three
Alberto with last
drop it’s pretty tall like T tough for
him to get enough on this yeah I don’t
want to
do this roll under rely to there yeah I
think that’s a smart shot
y the only other shot is draw right
here I don’t love that click off’s
really bad let’s make this just a pound
heavier and they didn’t quite see that
all the way down they wanted to hang a
tardy shot on the corner there sit
second third
that’s control weight board weights
everybody not all the shots but most of
the shots this week are missed on the
high side yeah not quite getting the
Finish they expect at the
end roll here yeah dead on might leave a
double right for
koi Kathy what a mess
yes Aaron slinsky
that’s the red stone that he tried to
play the tap he is not shot so he’s
trying to play the in on for two maybe
for three
C oh goodness
wow and now who’s the shot it looks like
yellow that would be
n here we go coming rolling over rolling
over and they’ll sit
two heavy
one is eight yeah should go for fun
yeah even if we just nudge it open
eh yeah when they’re side by side like
that it looks impossible but always
remember but at contact that rocks up
here it’s 11 in higher so now you take
across that type of angle it’s going to
run into the backs side of that kind of
like that and he should be able to
certainly Joan kick it out of there yeah
even even if you don’t kill it from the
Rings you’re going to push it into the
open and the shooter will be behind
cover yeah Miss is thick
right yeah just get it out of the for
foot and you’re sitting
too his first as he got the double stay
with it here we go kick it and move it
and right out to sit the
two perfect needs something to to jump
start his game I
good extremely accurate with that
speed done it for two
decades if I don’t like it I won’t P it
think that you might not like
it I mean after watching last night Mike
was so dialed into his draw that freeze
looks pretty
juicy but there’s no there’s risk
involved you miss your freeze you’re
giving up three it’s not not a juicy
look I think I draw this for the run
it’s either the run you can play the
hack weight Chase on the inter turn or
the draw two or the
freeze I think he’ll end up playing the
run back thinking the slash look too
hard I it’s either that the run or the
freeze it looks like you got just squeak
the guard to make that yeah i’ probably
rather throw the Run B yeah sure you can
get them both that way oh
yeah this doesn’t look good throw the
low what’s that run
low feel we
yep these got to just got to get 78 low
type of inserts with any any speed you
know maybe at 8 seconds or higher 7 six
it it virtually doesn’t go anywhere and
Mike skill set he loves the outturn if
he gets the BR in the right spot he
should make some noise on one of them
and it’s at most a two Ender and there’s
a chance he can make the raise double
here I like this
call Kevin Marsh in the house with
brother Daniel Colton flash on the
final ston Su scat went here in the
third got to run that red back and
across the nose to drive it back the
other way here we go one and he’ll run
it by and so it will
be an open Draw for two for Alberta and
right away yeah I had to hook it a
little in order for it to actually
C I think
it’s your release and Mike’s out just
track a little bit it’s not forgiving
here you could hear the disagreement
online I don’t know that Kevin probably
didn’t see saw him fix it a little bit
and thought it would curl but that’s
just Mike knowing his own throw still a
new team you have to
remember just his first draw of the game
after his draw to the button pretty good
guys 25 cm away from the
pin down Brom down wait
shot and that’ll be good for
two KY and
Alberta Take the Lead through three on
this Sunday
I really think we need to just not get
ahead of ourselves this year it really
feels like we’re you know a little bit
more than the some of our parts we’re
playing well we’re having a pile of fun
and that’s been translating to a good
season that team is so consistent one
key Miss and and that’s what SEALs up
the win for them so we have to bring our
aame to beat these teams and hopefully
we can be in the top two or three in ail
at the end of the
week that will be our feature when we
join you tonight make a note 8:00 p.m.
eastern time it’ll be Ontario against
Brendan boner wins two straight Howard
wins yesterday loses this morning on a
measure to Reed
kurs as we feature tonight teams from p
a here at the brand
Center on this third day of coverage
Montana’s Brier from
Regina we go to the fourth and
Saskatchewan and mchan from the Newan
and Saskatoon will have the hammer
they’ll have the last Rock for the first
time in the game playing the red stones
here in four wait only wait
only really patient end from Kevin koie
I thought they kept having the angles
were never good they kept having to jam
to only get one scatching rock at a time
they had to do that four times and made
the bullet double to set up the
two keep going keep going keep
shot the
corner the
corner P it just chip this
here you’re looking at kind of backy
tough shot and just just hit like a
quarter here sets up a double also he
can’t hit
ours is this ever precise here Russ yeah
quarter of the rock back OT we notice
they switched the big horse onto the H
side to stop this from Wrecking Colton
yes wait good hard wa good
hard roll the Sho bit unlock some things
move it around very nice that’s a really
well thrown Stone well managed all right
Kathy what’s going on here I see One Two
Reds do I yeah I think you do this is a
really tough shot Quebec has been
chasing this entire end Brad capped off
the side and so for Julian just just
trying to get to the inside of the red
to push it onto the yellow to maybe cut
guu down to
one guu scoring a four in the
second as we look at ja go uhoh uhoh
that’s not good and they’ll push up a
third and so that’s a steel of three for
great special shot making here
B really nice touch there to rearrange
and get underneath talk about both teams
in the race to figure out where to put
the broom and I think they’re both
they’re both there now
h no okay sure
you roll
here he’s sping
that like if you’re here yeah if you
roll right over you’re okay as low as
you can I like the call use your corner
this might be the shot sure so often you
see the play get pulled into the middle
early and then that corner never gets
at two nothing Nova Scotia leads and
lots of pressure now again on Jamie Koy
out of Yellow Knife well he is facing
ing three he tried to bury facing two on
his first but he just ticked off and
Matthew was able to hit that that’s why
he faces three there is no draw so he’s
trying to go through a port with about
ha weight and catch enough of the Nova
Scotia Stone to roll to the
for watching Kevin Marsh as well coming
through there’s good going to roll in
and that’s a great shot very nice Jamie
Koy to the back edge of the four for a
single it’s a very tough
shot I mean soft Run’s the best shot
probably right I don’t hate that I don’t
hate that we should be able to hold it
too you know Kathy was just seeing Tyler
throwing the thir
Stone we were
chading yeah
Johnny before the game and he was saying
that they’re having a tough time some of
these tour teams who play on the Grand
Slam circuit adjusting to this ice he
did absolutely say that you know even on
the tour he has found that the Canadian
teams have not done so well but the
teams that have played on that almost
extensively are really struggling with
this he is finding that this ice this
week so far is straighter it’s not
getting the Finish and also that the
hits they are used to them curling a
little bit and they’re anticipating that
it will and it’s not and it’s catching
most of the teams at least till this
point yeah no questions very Rel
sensitive which you could argue is a
good thing and depends on how your
releas is well let’s go back now we saw
slinsky throw it through the the hole
give up the steel of one 51 Nuno and
getting ready for the uh the final Stone
again of the Alberta champions from Air
Dre and Aaron
slinsky Aaron has the opportunity for
three in this end it has been a little
bit more what you would expect of this
slinsky team I think that day off came
in a little bit wound tight and nunit
did not give them a whole lot of breaks
but there’s three and you put yourself
right back in the
unforced error on our sheet Colton flash
Playing the C around just heavy and if
if that even stops in the in the eight
foot in his third
shot I don’t know if we would have seen
K play this
guard speed
up I mean it’s it’s sped up a little but
you’re going pretty wide like it’s still
a little
yeah angle is nice for teams of scotch
when with that Red Rock on the corner
cor of shot Stone top four so trying to
this I got no I got heavy easy not too
tight then
tight we half clean just above the
mon a bit of stagger on this that’s good
up does it take away the the red yellow
Rays I think yeah I think so make
this more is there a hole with the
out a what no I don’t think you need to
do that you’re just talking about this
double right dou my thought as You’ play
this try top 12 one if you hit the guard
you get the guard you might even get
this this is a problem flash isn’t all
this Stu in the middle not the one he
just thre it’s a shot
regardless you could even get under a
red and still yeah my thought was the
one he just put there I can get the
double peel or the top 12 one or a
red yeah I have three
off yeah I make that double it’s that
comes back into
Play Can’t you make the double this way
though on the well I think if you make
this I’m not sure what he
does what you like we got we got open
you make it though it it misses that
it’s coming here okay whatever you like
it don’t on don’t
peel changed it up they’re going to go
double down the middle to open up the
shot Rock but it also opens up the red
one and Ki might hit it so now they’re
going to
go Corner guard under the center it’s
it’s a little more dangerous if you
don’t make contact with the center
Colton Flash in a seventh Bri appearance
run it back bang bang and at least they
looks like they may have now opened up
that red
yellow yeah but maybe for Koy too also
on the way by Colton took out his
Nibbler at the
back you got room you got room I don’t
see anything else we manage it perfect
you can hu that thing in there for
sure looking for any kind of a spark to
his game and this may just have provided
it no question you know he makes these
look easy but the leg Drive the back
swing the speed that this is coming out
dead where he wants to hit him just as
good as you can make it and that led to
a deuce to give them the lead the keyot
brought to you by bkt tires growing
together seen some nice finesse weight
hits in this line this end they need
another one here
just try to get as much as they can see
of the top red can’t be
wide really got to go really got to go
really got to go Martin really got to go
really got to go really got to go really
got to go to save the yellow go go go go
go on the
red out now and they are going to lose
that their Stone in the back shot Rock
now belongs to
Saskatchewan I didn’t I hate
is what Kathy talked about uh maybe in a
grand slam that was an outward motion
big time but if your weight’s soft
enough you carve it soon enough you
might get away with it with a different
ice surface not to make an excuse for
Kevin that was just a bad throw but you
punished when you pop it like
that here I thought it didn’t curl much
for you though either I think when you
get inside the lines there where did
yours get to for line I over curled like
I would have been tight I think if I had
the right weight yeah did
like I was like almost wide open back
here Bo didn’t see that com a bit
more yeah I agree okay so what dead even
know that one y top four L more how’s
that that looks better this is a 15
field spot here M yeah it looks
fast looking to be dead even with their
red that’s biting the top of the 4 foot
here any kind of stagger they’re a
little heavy you worry about leaving a
double for Kevin Koy back Mike MCU first
skip Stone Saskatchewan as we play here
in four it’s not bad it’s not bad it’s
coming down good coming down as one
sitting top edge of the four still there
line trying to go behind their Corner
line got a stop no down no down no down
no down no
down and it will settle in behind
to is there a double there I think there
is yeah that’s
yeah can you make this hard and
just got enough room around that
I’ve got about to there so okay too
much is tight
though okay I like it okay another
option you could just hit and roll to
the center line try to get under cover
there the chase is not
easy look DIY they’re Double C no you
got room okay oh yeah it’s three
quarters okay let’s gool
it I love that from y Go Just Enough by
the guard to
do he can’t kill it I don’t think well
even mchan says he’s just got enough
room to get by that Center guard will
find out right now looking for the
double Saskatchewan is sitting two Mark
help but got now here he comes over here
he comes over oh and that is Koy like to
sit to
Pera so
out just the accuracy is so
incredible how
good oh that good who
knows you never know if he’s made or
missed a
shot Magic Mike’s going to take this on
you know think I throw this like a e at
this obviously some risk if he misses
this double
but he feels it’s worth
it fir this is a big momentum swing make
miss all right let’s go Mike can’t see
this doing anything that should be
pretty close just a hair just a hair
yeah I would think this will curl a
bit Kevin
Marsh is in the house
McAn nothing yet flash is ready flash
has got
him staying with it flash has got him
here we go coming across one kick it oh
here we go Magic Mike Magic Mike for
avoids the jam and pushes it
through he wears the green and white
well they’ve one two straight so far
Saskatchewan and Mike mchan under of the
Newan Club in sason
we all know trying to win Saskatchewan’s
first Canadian men’s curling
Championship since Rick Hulk back in
1980 while Alberta and Kevin Koy trying
to win the first for
the province of Alberta since Brendan
botcher in
21 as we welcome you back on this Sunday
afternoon 3-2 Saskatchewan and it is Cy
out of the gleno club in Calvary with
last Rock has the hammer playing the
Stones so we said yesterday he just he
feeds off
it Mike mchan and felt no more nervous
playing here for sukatan at home and he
did has an any other Brier that’s the
that’s what interests me the fact that
he’s not more nervous
here yeah that was quite the comment I
didn’t think uh been lucky enough to
play in a her three home briers and I
found if you started slow it was so much
pressure and if you got on a roll like
he is it was it just it’s like you had
that fifth man in the crowd well you
remember that maybe in recent memory the
the best example of that was Brad guu
and 17 in St John’s I think they
remember they went one and three and
then they sat down and they had a
meeting and they said fellas let’s
Embrace this we have this whole building
mile one cheering for us and they they
basically were able to throw off the
pressure and they went on to win
it and a turning point for that team in
my opinion it was Brad’s maybe 13th try
at winning somewhere in there you got
close all of a sudden he wins and now
the floodgates have opened up good felt
less less pressure to win as soon as he
had one under his belt
well and Vic don’t forget that when we
talked to Colton before the game I said
you know I was recalling a player that
had once said that they wanted to get
the crowd into it I said would you ever
call a shot that would really get the
crowd motivated and he said absolutely
not we’re out here and we love the crowd
but we’re going to play the right shot
for the game and not to get a
reaction talk about the drought since
1980 but you know Pat Simmons uh
Saskatchewan resid won Colton’s won Ben
Hebert’s won there’s been some
individuals from saskat that have
won all right let’s go over and checking
on nut up by one now over Alberta and
Aaron slinsky well Aaron hit and rolled
underneath just that little bit too far
but it is a challenge for Shane he’s got
to get by the guard and tap the stone
back in order to score clean clean clean
clean nicely done boy from the aalow
curling club they held their uh
playdowns back in uh December you’ll
know they remember they there were no
there was no Nuno women’s team at the
Scotties because they had last lost
their uh arena for a a film shoot up in
a cowt so they couldn’t have a
provincial or a territorial
clean little
more little heavy y got to
go C clean CLE yep yep yep yep
good well we saw the uh four by guou
then that little bit of a bad break
certainly as they punched in a third
Stone steel a three now it’s the Quebec
skip Julian trbl trying to rebound well
he has an opportunity for two because of
a call he made on his first one he
elected to play a corner freeze on a
gushu stone guu hit the open one and
rolled towards where his Stone was but
it did leave one kobak stone in the
house and so this is now an open hit for
hard and there is a couple get him a
little closer guu will have the hammer
five imagine Mike’s going to stay away
from that corner guard
here yeah even try to roll to the other
side of the house cuz you know Kevin K
is going to try to use it roll over
there if he
y i a
jam hang it
control all Kathy all the time as we go
back to Nova Scotia and the territories
welcome facing to Jamie Koy and his team
I talked about it in the opening we
talked about matchups was
90% last night coming into the game
really putting a lot of pressure against
Nova Scotia and so for Matt no way to
score two needs to draw full 8ot for the
S out of the Halifax Curling
Club they beat Owen Purcell in their
Championship 8
to2 good sweep guys as I mentioned I
think yesterday that they really believe
that last year they were a nervous
team the pressure and playing in front
of the crowd in London yeah and this
year they’ve just reached another level
played a couple more events on tour went
26 and
17 in
preparation took team guu right to the
limit in draw
one yeah it’s a zero and two team on the
record books but they are not to or
should not be taken
lightly Kevin nearly made that roll
Corner guard’s a bit of a nuisance Mike
talked about uh playing the run
back which I would think it be harder
than this I believe he has almost all of
this rock
available his
last trying to help it over Daniel
Marsh and right there and they’ll roll
it towards the middle leaves it on the
edge of the eight let’s try to climb a
hill Ki will try to look for the blank
we opened with a blank in the
throw yep yep yep yep yep y yep quick
pick up for car Martin yep yep yep yep
yep and away they go so we’ll put a
blank B on the board here in five we’ll
go to the
break saskatch one leads it by
one the 2024 Montana’s Brier is proudly
presented by Montana’s barbecue and bar
Canada’s home for barbecue by Home
Hardware here’s how by Scotty’s facial
tissue unleash the Scotties and by New
Holland proud sponsor of curling Canada
nice to be back in Regina last time we
were here for the Brier was 18 and guu
winner this is got you in capital let’s
check the numbers after five Joe yeah
for both teams the skips getting their
TW and three and four que made a
beautiful double had the open Draw in
three and mchan with a highlight reel
Rock double for his two bu skips reading
the ice quite well to start here just
that finesse weight hitting is the
difference and koi will have the hammer
when we pick up play in six the numbers
after five are brought to you by points
bet the official Sports gaming partner
of curling Canada as we wake our way
through the souvenir area here on The
Concourse for the brand Center in
well one of the uh displays here at the
brand Center this week is part of
the Montana’s Brier is the Saskatchewan
Sports Hall of Fame and of course
there’s a very large display on curling
it is the official
sport of province of saskat we saw great
Ernie Richardson there it was nice to
see him here Rick folk of course oh my
gosh that lastek win in 1980 and then he
followed it up he went to BC and won
there too so it’s a a great opportunity
when you’re here to relive some of the
history of the game here in Saskatchewan
at this year’s Montana’s
R and everyone wearing their uh r or
green as mentioned the brand new season
it won’t be long in CFL camps will be
opening probably I think middle
May early May May and then of course a
new season kicks off in
June and Mosaic will be busy as we
welcome you back on this Sunday
afternoon to the Montana’s Brier that
blank in five means that Alberta and
Kevin Koy once again have the last Rock
they have the hammer playing the yellow
Stones here in
six it’s an interesting sequence of
events to start off last and
we saw saskat put up a tight Center Line
guard Alberta went around it and then
saskat elected to try the run back
runback was missed so the Winger was
supposed to be thrown went through and
then we had a blank end that was
it even end though now so kui and
Alberto will be looking to get that
multiple score here with hammer so
Corner guard goes
up all right Kathy all the games have
reached the Midway Point bring us up to
date please well we know about our
feature game for sure the rising to the
occasion by Mike mchu and the big
weights by kui for team guu they’re
fighting back after last night and
Quebec means that they have to chase
Jamie koie I’ve talked about how well
they’re playing 94% as a team and that
pushes Matt Manuel’s team at 89%
trailing by two and Aaron slinsky is now
settling in after that three and four
but it was a good start for
Nuno trying to win their second game
ever the team from mowt
just a shade deep in that c
around carck Martin in an e Brier
appearance back Dr
tapping back tapping a little not quite
back eight
for back for hanging on back coming up
really off off just wait only you’re
here you’re all
here shot good job you skip as long as
Kevin Koy you kind of know coming over
the hog line where that thing’s going to
stop yeah funny you’re in juniors it’s
people really
Hammer sweepers call the weight person
in the house calls the line don’t do
each other’s jobs but there’s all that
information out there and if you watch
every single Rock coming at you all game
and see something say something it’s no
question that’s a good point you can get
very good at it same as the sweepers you
can watch where that rock is you can see
it break and be involved in that line as
well nice very nice great sweep
run is my first
thought see in the run so it’s the sixth
Joe and all important even and you’re
going as hard as you can K do you
think just uh just fir I think so I mean
just you don’t want to give up a steal
here so I thought you might see them
throw one more in the Rings and and try
to generate something there I’d assume
they’re trying to keep the blank alive
now if they’re playing the run back yeah
try to try to open theid maybe get to
use the corner
later decent chance your yellow KY Rock
will stay here just firm no
more I always think hitting rolls are so
precise got to get the perfect weight
perfect line the peeling roll in my mind
is extremely difficult controlling that
roll with
speed curl and we’ll get them and leave
his uh Koy Stone partially covered tline
edge of the
button Nice Shot jock it it uh it also
gets that red one is over in the corner
freezable now for a good freeze huh a
good freeze yeah the corner yeah yeah
that that that one behind the corner
moved to like a perfect shot
he you can see that red one Vic a yellow
freeze and it’ be almost impossible to
get it out if it’s made
properly easy ha whoa whoa
hack hack
Cur really got a
curl oh I wh it come Daniel picking up
his brother
Kevin make sure that goes make sure it
goes Buddy
yeah is going to have enough top it
through yeah
easily seeing a little bit more uh
action on the stones too now on this
day yeah they wanted to keep the throne
Rock shot closer to the center line and
not allow for this freeze to be made
lock this right on the side and Alberto
will be shot under cover right now you
can go light’s good weight’s good C left
run up four
Martin right it’s all on its own so far
always tie always
tie always
tie close TI oh it’s short taking its
time get in there get in there and
doesn’t get
there listen from
my you had to know it was going to grab
and I’m just wondering if could they not
have brushed it earlier to try and get
it over there try oh he’s TI have to
wait as long as they did they were
waiting as long as they could for line
here I think they stopped a little bit
earlier than they wanted it to but if
you sweep it now or earlier and you end
up putting it right beside it they’re
kind of caught in between there they
just needed a little less line and then
they could have swept that for weight
yeah died in a hurry yeah In fairness
the sweepers were never calling top
eight there they thought they were all
there it’s a little bit straighter than
uh the start of the week these inside
outs you’re almost getting to uh w a bit
of a dish situation where this this will
not do muchl
in and he’s going to bounce it off that
stone and it will hang around Kathy
Colton Flash and I don’t know it was you
and I chatted to him about rebuilding
this team and I found it interesting was
like applying for a job he knew that
Catelyn Schneider would not be back and
then decided okay who’s available out
there well we knew that Mike mchan was
we knew that John eing team was going
different directions uh even Braden mcow
was available again and they had Zoom
calls with each of them to talk about
the direction they wanted to take the
team well and it’s critical because a
team like this Colton flash knows all
those players they know how they play
but what he was more interested and the
marsh brothers were interested in is
what was their philosophy what was
important what did they want to work on
everybody can say they want to win but
it was Mike’s commitment to technical
that really swayed the difference they
all wanted to focus on that uh Colton
will be the first to admit he’s more of
a touch field player than technical but
they know that to win at the highest
level you have to have good
technical so after the interview process
the job went to Mike
mck and now they work for
him and this guy works boy if it’s we
talk about the Amos mazers and all the
top brushers in the world this uh this
guy right here Colton flash is one of
them well the remarkable part is almost
always he’s the guy taking the rock so
he’s holding that line he’s sweeping a
lot yeah he’ll actually pivot around and
take the other side straight straight
and quite content in doing that and he
said to Mike and to uh to the others
whatever you want me to do I’m going to
do and you want me to BR throw second or
brush and throw third Stones that’s fine
it works the first one Cur so far it’s
worked here that goes deeper right the
we’ be sitting too at least Y his nose
bad all right let’s go over to unut and
slinsky what can he get back here couple
well it’s hard to tell on his final
Stone Shane ladimer went around he
actually went around on both those are
his yellow stones in a row it’s a little
bit deep so he can come to the face I
think though if he Taps it Vic it will
not out count the top one he’s playing
the in off coming off his own yester
yeah I think so this might be for a
couple and that depends where that
yellow is the back coming across move it
and not far enough but he’ll get his
single you thought it was straight draw
I thought it was he was short on the
first one and it was the same path it
was the same ice they used for the
sh really
good throw hard I think uh would you
ever try to go with after this double
jeez what am I throwing I don’t
know like
slat I I no I think we make
this but then peel weight
okay wa peel weight shade low
the angle so good you you’d like to hit
and roll kind of in this way but then
it’s a automatic Jam then you’re in
trouble with Ki having Hammer here I
think he’s going to try to throw a
bullet Joanne and kind of sneak it off
of this know yeah he’s going to draw
then then he can roll in draw somebody
offered up the feather double but like
deined if he can make this roll even
even get
half under that chase is hard they’re
not seeing a ton of finish with the with
the Finesse weight those hacks those
boards so there’s a little bit of space
to roll to
here just want to avoid that jam
though no no no
excellent game for both teams both of
them curling 91% flash you got to go you
got to go you got it sure enough do and
well you going to spill that one oh
that’s a key if you can get rid of that
and will not easy so it will hang around
easy double there at least that was the
danger oh that was yeah you heard Flash
say yeah there’s a double left kind of
half we haven’t seen too many uh hits
over curl and it just curled that extra
quarter inch than more than expected but
maybe we get a
blank I don’t think you want to roll
behind the guess you could roll behind
the button and we play that yeah yeah
as long as we don’t leave him a triple
think it’s good
yep oh I like board it’s kind of what I
threw here two ends ago I was trying not
dig it under and I was a little full too
it was a little heavy but yeah I think
that a rock should be good no yeah I
think so I think best spot is probably
Edge Edge with the
guard yeah that’d be good
or a long roll yeah just don’t want to
get stuck here I don’t hate the out I
mean we saw him throw that double yeah
whatever you
like it’s probably easier for you to
call like you thrown that in so I know
what Happ we’ve seen both whatever
feeling Bard
e Kevin yeah I’m not going to be heavy
okay badly in this area by popping one
out a little bit or maybe a hair heavy I
heard him say might have bit a
combination of both so they you can’t
noses obviously kind of where I threw a
little wider where I threw that chase
yeah and now it’s probably hard hack
well that’s what I’m trying to throw now
perfect you just has to get to the
inside here I mean I was a shade full
but I mean I didn’t even get to nose so
y you like this I
hard ha for almost
yep go
shape staying with it now Martin as well
with the carry can you get that roll can
you get that roll and roll it away and
they will to the back
Edge oh but
listen is there something sitting there
is there anything there you think they
haven’t looked at it might be there at
that million miles hour triple but the
Double’s so easy
too might be too flat Joe I think it’s
that looks really flat to me and the
double is just a much easier yeah shot
you go after the triple and if you don’t
kill two then you’re giving up three
exactly there it’s definitely there he
says do you try it it’s pretty tough I’m
not sure I would have enough though
it I mean if you come off that yellow
right into the the pocket
yes I think it’s worth it Kev I’m
killing one
right Mike has been feeling it though
going after the quarter Rock double yeah
for they two in the fourth
end like this at
all yeah it’s
debatably only you can get rid of all
three no it’s it’s borderline there for
me w play it then yeah I I don’t think
it’s going to have enough juice to well
one of the things that Colton flash said
is that when they asked Mike he made a
conscious decision that he would not
interfere unless he really felt that
there was a decision that was being made
that might not be the best and we heard
Mike say this is definitely a triple but
maybe not for me and Colton flash knows
Mike and suggesting the smarter shot and
the other thing as you mentioned earlier
they they could easily try a shot that
blows the roof off this place
but that’s not the smart
shot I’m going to throw the
out I’m throwing a lot of on stranger
things too just this is a for this
caliber of player it’s a shot he’s going
to make 92 times out of 100 then Kevin
can’t roll very far it’s good for
him now he’s inch and a half wide or
something it’s a
final Stone looking for the
double no no no no no no no
no not a lick yet c c not a lick yet
here we go help it over oh and he’ll get
them both it came up just at the right
time I got
it yeah you’re right big at the last
second it came
up I know exactly where that throw is
going every time
yeah you’re perfect board like your draw
didn’t do much in here no no he’s
taking with normal yeah I don’t see this
going crazy no this is borderline Max
but I I don’t like any L yeah nice board
Kev what was that there board board we y
that was board
we you like the way he they framed it
for him there yeah that was perfect how
it’s going to run and exactly the weight
he needs fin St looking for
two clean
it go girl easy please easy easy
and that is good for a
couple so games are running into uh
running into shape here for koi picks up
a couple to retake the
if you miss this you’re giving up too
run it back WIS can you hold it got it
you bet you do and stuffs it underneath
home her last going after second shot
run it back B oh and oh
goodness wow needs it here as the crowd
now starts to
applaud and it’ll come to a crescendo
now so much
pressure has to be the shot Stone FG l
the crowd responding have to get it by
oh it rops and rolls with a curling
enough no it will not Rachel hman is
going to win a fourth Canadian
championship and now Rachel Holman and
the team from the Ottawa Curling Club
put on the maple leaf for the world
Women’s Championship he played starting
the 16th in Sydney Nova Scotia and some
familiar names there on that right hand
side of course with syvan tanon and
Tabitha Peterson Anna hasselberg is back
it’s going to be an interesting field
lots of experience there internationally
as Rachel Holman returns to the world
Championship welcome back on this Sunday
afternoon day three of our coverage the
Montana’s Bri from
Vina KY gets his Deuce we go to
seven and Saskatchewan with the hammer
they have the last Rock playing the red
stones couple of Center Line guards to
around yeah interesting how they end up
being Center guards the very first rock
was nibbling the Rings actually had to
measure to see it was
in M qan hit it dead on and Ki to being
the veteran guarded it to give you the
two guards go replies with a nice
split he threw the guard trying to get a
here guu bouncing back nicely it appears
up 84 against Quebec well what really
sticks out for me with this Quebec team
is the real Misfortune they had in the
steel of three because otherwise Julian
TR and his team have made some wonderful
shots in this end Brad gushu faced two
on his final Stone no chance of a double
and so it is the open stone that
Julian’s facing chance for
two yeah that was the difference four
for guu in the second then that bad
break really punched in the extra for a
stolen third there’s two so yeah making
it a lot closer here against guu
three Deuces for
Quebec their uh conversion rate at right
now at 50% Quebec so that’s right where
you want to be running two or more when
you have the hammer curling
now we’re just to the just behind the T
behind two rocks behind the T okay two
back good good shot
good updating now the territories and
Nova Scotia territories with the last
dra well Matt Manuel played an upweight
shot on his final Stone and it couldn’t
have worked out worse he scattered
stones but he left his throne Stone in
the open a chance for Jamie Koy it’s a
hit for
huran wow there you go three they are
92 per as a team Jamie
KY and have played well in all of their
games they went one and seven last year
in uh London all right let’s keep it
going over to sheet D now and Alberta
against nut well Aaron slinsky hit on
his final Stone but they are grouped and
so there is an opportunity here for the
double for two for Shane
ladimer one two and away they go
wow a
shot took a little risk there there was
a port to go through it was looking like
he was going to find it for a there was
no talking halfway
down they beat Wade Kingdon in the
December final and as we mentioned last
year won their very first game so trying
to win one here too and they’re they’re
leading Kathy’s out of
breath I’ll find some okay
broom slam on our sheet the scotch when
rolled out on their nose hit attempt on
the wings on the other side they had a
simple two
setup you work so hard to score those M
multipoles and every once in a while you
you get really big separation and it’s
just simply making those nose hits and
how often do you see a roll out R just
set yeah it’s you know we talk about
these striking bands being so Lively you
can make all these shots while they roll
outs a shot you can make too just a hair
highight to just take
samean I think we getting a habit of
throwing like a 10-second hit at some of
these and when you have to hang around
in that case to control your dece Maybe
give it to the brushard still more like
an 11 or a
102 well the world wheelchair
Championship going on in Korea as Canada
picks up a win so they’re off to a great
start three straight looking for a
fourth world title but it is the
Chinese that are uh the dominant country
right now in wheelchair curling they
have won three straight worlds so we
wish all all the best to Mark
Idis Gil Dash AA Forest John thiren and
mulard almost normal normal clean wait
stick gu we’re not
really same way as me going
board yeah what would Mike have done if
that had rolled out think he would have
gone around the center top eight or does
he play the blank
coat yeah I think at this point I mean
pretty happy with the blank take the
hammer into the eighth end you’ve got
two hammers to there one
probably yep yep yep yep yep clean C yep
clean y
y clean yep yep clean yep yep yep
yep nice weight you can’t roll anywhere
not much Cur air nice weight or just
like good normal no matter what you’ll
have a flank have a good go a little
less yeah they’ll go for the roll to the
center line
now guard is so high there might be a
blank attempt anyways even if this gets
under but it makes it a lot more
challenging oh yeah that’s good
throw and we’ll roll it to the edge of
the eight so looking for the
blank and then take the hammer to the
all important even eight
nice seems to be getting a little bit
straighter no oh easy clean yep clean
yep yep yep yep yep flash will nurse it
down we’ll put a blank on the board
first blank for
Saskatchewan in the
event 4 three
car Martin throwing the lead stones for
the Berta team of Kevin K GL Club in
Calgary as they place the catchin Mike
mchan from the Nana in Saskatoon on this
Sunday afternoon day three coverage of
the Montana’s Bri to go to the eighth
and after the blank and seven it is
Saskatchewan that does have the last
Rock they have the hammer here in eight
playing the red
stones bold move here I think from Mike
mchan Kevin K’s you know he’s been there
done that he through that second Rock in
the Rings here for a
reason but K’s going to throw up the
second Corner guard which you could
argue how many Corner guards you need to
score a two that’s what he’s looking
for now You’ got one in the button one
top 12 team Alberta will throw a center
guard and’s going to have to make a
couple doubles here to open up these
Corners I’m guessing it’s all about it’s
the eighth right I really want that
multiple and the problem with with only
one corner guard is if they would have
addressed these rocks in the Rings
instead of throwing up the second one
all of a sudden one miss and then all
the rocks are gone and it’s another
blank end so I don’t mind it and
especially might might be okay with
taking the one here if he can open up
the front two looks heavy yeah it it’s
tight it’s
wow we sweeping that’ll help uh that the
two Corner guard idea
did they hit that early with the brush
just for a millisecond I think at the
start soon as he let it go k seems to be
suggesting that they may have killed it
early even control does
it control but is down
normal down normal okay yep One Missed
guard and now uh mchu has his out here
yeah he do just said I I was questioning
is the two guards a good idea now I’m
loving the two guards because that’s
deep yeah if that guard is 6 ft lighter
there’s a lot of work to do for Sask ton
of work
yep Kevin
Marsh what do you got here we go one two
and we’ll get rid of two of them and
then leave their Stone out in front just
off center line so that control zone is
being controlled right now by
Saskatchewan out looks like third third
should run right where you throw it half
Rock double here try to get rid of both
Corners girl
girl watch go and he will make the
double as we check in on the territories
in Nova Scotia well Nova Scotia being
forced in this end you can see it is
three that currently he
faces four foot is needed Matt Manuel
that was still there though rank the
number 30 team 30th on the Canadian team
ranking system out of the Halifax
curling club stre guys you’re on the
back he’s had his draw weight Kathy 95%
on his draw so
far well this is not a Nova Scotia team
that is struggling they probably
wondering what they have to do
mhm even it up at four
yeah shot good nice and rolls it over to
the edge of the eight I got a 157 on his
maybe showing on that wide outturn
side h
this going to move not too much a little
I see a little I see a little Ty more
Tyler’s in turn it should uh help a
little bit on this shot get a little bit
finish coming from everybody talks about
well you can change your delivery to
match up with a righty but you’re coming
out of a different hack that’s part of
the problem there’s a different angle to
with clean well we know that
it’s girl yep no no Kennedy worked very
to be more adaptable right so he looked
almost like a right-hander coming out
that’s what he tried to do
yeah I you play this sure okay let’s do
it hack solid
hack okay he just threw down here he was
pretty gentle here blank in seven means
that team Canada and guu do have the
hammer playing nine and up by two
solid no it’s good good good whoa right
off right off right
off good weight’s
goodl Daniel
Mar and gets to the nose was
this couldn’t get across the
nose outst standing games for both Flash
and I think a little fooled by the
Lefty here cuz all the way down you
could tell by the brushing call they
thought they had it and it just did
nothing pretty hard yeah an inter turn
will always curl a little bit more than
an out turn
just not as sharp of an angle as the
outturn especially nowadays where a lot
of the curlers will pop it a bit to keep
it on
cross the nose this time no sits right
too W this is going begging
here going to get the r wondering if
you’d ever see Mike mchan just call the
draw around and you got a little bit of
room to work with you’ll be difficult to
remove even if it’s just a piece buried
if it’s above the T line I agree two
Corner guards for reason all of a sudden
he’s trying to blank easy h i me make
the roll it’s a great result but easy
draw there maybe now maybe now can they
they have to get sneaking can you roll
this underneath oh finally somebody does
and Colton flash makes the roll there
go really nice
easy this is what this team is doing
really well they’re just learning from
and just a handle on the ice they might
one but then they make the next one they
don’t continue to and and they share
information they’re doing so well right
now yeah I can’t agree more that’s all
these teams are really good I mean the
worst is going to figure out out first
throwing this and this not going right
yeah or the freeze but still it does
whatever I play I got to make
I mean I don’t have to throw a gun but
you see the outturn peel don’t you it’s
Kevin Koy I know he struggled with the
outturn so far every you want to throw
it I’m okay with the freeze too
but yeah I like this the problem with
the corner freeze around a guard it’s
literally only one spot that rock can be
perfect line perfect weight run back’s
not easy either
no oh the other thing too he’s only
thrown the one
draw right it was very early was good
draw it was perfect but he’s only thrown
one yeah at Day end did the inter draw
would be coming through the slide path
is it slowing down a foot or two who
knows it’s a bit more of a guess I would
think this is his better chance albe it
difficult skip
stones here an
eight yes yes yes yes yes Hardy calling
line help this over here we go got it
and it will
spill couple licks of the ground too
soon I guess good shot though you trying
to roll it like big or well I want to
get this to here here we go another
split y can’t
sweep it’s
tough not back
up yeah back line okay you have to
understand whoever’s throwing there the
person’s release how hard it’s coming
down it’s so straight now you and I have
talked about getting maybe even
straighter I think Tyler just had to
stay off that second longer it’s one of
those things where a fixs of sweeping
can back it up it’s amazing you never
know how much it’s going to back up when
you call the sweeping really well played
game by uh both teams both thirds both
skips and it’s a 4-3 lead Alberta on the
board player numbers brought to you by
New Holland proud sponsor of curling
Canada I see the split being made but
can you stop a
double he’s going to try to get maximum
separation here not hard to get both
rocks on the Rings but you want to push
the guard as far over as you can and
roll your shooter as far over how do you
like that
89 and a 90 and now 93% for Mike
m that’s great Cur curan
straight they hold this now here we go
one goes there and the other one goes
there and D you sit
think just kind of jumped over on him I
mean it’s a nice spot to be in when
you’re trying to perfect that way should
he had to in that spot oh yeah no I
wasn’t going to flare it
yeah I know the other skips feeling it
when they’re mad that they made the shot
but could have made the double even
harder right yeah
exactly this is not a gimme here
so the risk is giving up two anyway why
would you not play the one edge of the
in the foreground
edge of the eight and try to roll it
over and in behind here is that not a
play yeah I guess it’s safer that way
but he just doesn’t want to give up too
and all right here we go final Stone Koy
very very thin got to come across here
quarter of a stone they were talking one
have you got it no it’ll slide across
top Kevin likes to play the outturn and
those it would have been an easier shot
with the inter turn hit a lower you hit
it exactly the same spot with the intern
you would have made that a 20% different
angle wow should I go wide or is that
good I think that’s no that’s
good when you’re C just personally when
you’re crossing a rock and you’re
already aiming at an inch or so it’s
hard to be
narrow just seen it on his run back so
he probably had a good idea of how it
was going to run but right that higher
roll when you come across the face like
that he literally hit it in the right
spot if that was an
inter good good Stone here listen to the
now good here we go open drawn each
Line’s good piece of the paint for
two Line’s good 148 we
Saskatchewan and M huan I going to put
that on the pick up two more I I just
need to know for later yeah yeah that
Alberta down by one Kevin K and the team
from the L club and Cal trailing saskat
back and as we see it is how you see it
at home here from the bran Center in
Regina Tonight third day of coverage
Montana’s FR so Kevin koi with the
hammer we go to nine playing the yellow
storms car
Martin it’s that classic situation now
for the team with hammer you either want
two or you want a blank get that single
and tied up without coming home
home not the situation you want to be in
but often times you see the team go so
hard they’re two sometimes they end up
giving up the steel yeah no or or the
opposite where this case mchan tries so
hard to force he forces them to three
okay yeah yeah it’s it’s a it’s the
perfect scenario for for the fans not
them when does
uh when does kui maybe uh decide not to
go hard here and go for the blank what
do what would you be looking for yeah
you looked for um for the cleanup shot
the run in the middle to open it up try
bail go come on lean on it come on they
have to make that call pretty early
usually get it yep yep good so at this
point in time they’re committed to it do
you think the play uh for the deuce Russ
I think it’s it could still change yet
all right let’s drop in on Alberta and
nunuk Cy well there were no good angles
for Shane Latimer on his final Stone he
faced three in the four foot he tried to
play the slash sideways he did get rid
of one but left Aaron slinsky lying two
and so this is a draw for
three out of the air Dre Curling Club
the Alberta
Champions yes mentioned they beat good
good koie in the provincial final and
there’s your three and they fought their
way back after giving up an early four a
steel of one from 51 down to tie it now
eight oh my
God it’s not uh it’s not getting any
swing here right seems to he
missed like high guard guarding the
guard rock is put there okay well it
gives him a little you can show him a
piece but ideally you don’t
goine pretty situation for
M go get over lot of work to do to blank
good I don’t see a two at the moment
it’s over it’s over guys you can curl
this can definitely curl it wa good hard
hard down hard good hard just leave it
leave it that’s good okay good good
spot double a great spot kind of forc
to Make Some
Noise he looking at one or maybe getting
them both try for
both slight angle will
ja go go here we
go and we’ll make a lot of
noise makes a lot of noise gets
everything out of the Rings leaves up a
center of card belonging to a scat one
leaves up a corner belonging to
Alberta almost saved their own rock
too now blank in play yeah yeah it it is
but you know there’s still a couple
guards that mchu can hide behind I think
uh to your point that’s K flipped the
switch I think he’s thinking blank now I
got damn close it can change again right
it’s like there’s rocks that can help
either team here it’s good I think with
this scotman Center Line guard it’s so
tight to the Rings If this is made I I’d
expect to see a run
back good top four good Line’s good top
four top top top
P shot yeah just top of the button just
not quite to the pin
hole SE it this way but talk so much
about Colton Flash and his hitting
ability his draw weight been really
strong got all three games too love he’s
played very
yes yes yes C’s first and he’ll get two
and another Corner up
KI boy that’s a goes without saying it’s
a great weapon and I mean just what you
can bail to the amount of trouble you
can get out of Jo a shot like that yeah
and those run backs are hard you’re
running back the opposition Stone so
usually in a run back you’re just happy
to connect but you have to connect and
spill everything it’s so precise and now
the advantage is if this gets buried
you’re running back your own color yeah
and the shooter rolled off the center
line too so there’s some space to work
with for
Te top four got to go top four got to
go t like good t
T back four back four okay back four is
not the end of the world that’s okay
leave it just leave it it’s definitely
buried and buried it is but it slides
back the 8
fo that’s a nice
position draw stra it might Force kui to
change gears I’ll be just the free
Mike think we can chase it wide but just
killing weight I guess he’s still
anyway yeah there’s no I
mean the only other thing is that but I
mean unless you stick it he’s going to
be even if you stick it he’s still
drawing he’s going to draw on us SE yeah
eventually yeah but
I mean we don’t make some noise here
it’s is this
splitable I think that’s the hardest
shot and we’re not even
sure think you got to play the come on
somewhere Joe change gears again if you
make a good draw four four as they play
in eight and I see a lot of yellow in
there that belongs to Nova scoa well the
two stones are a problem for Jamie koi
because even if he comes down to the
face of the stone that is biting the top
of the 4ot thrown by Matthew Emanuel he
will not outcount the stone at the back
so electing to ignore both of them
trying to Lop around he needs full four
to score 91% on his draw so far Jamie KY
so going with the percentages possibly
here unless they try to drag this in
they need a full four though full
four oh that is just
enough wow for the single goodness great
throw he’s playing so well this
year three runs in a row you
mean freeze
you I don’t love the freeze if you’re if
you’re drawing you might as well try and
bury it just shot top I’m fine with that
too yeah I think that might be our shot
back just get like just full he what
does he do probably freezes back Freez
hards I mean if he ever if he’s ever
heavy we make the double and roll he’s
just giving us two right that’s probably
our shot we’re we’re we’re having a play
make everything real hard just to get a
blank right now like it’s either the run
or the chase personally they talked
about chasing that one I think that’s
very hard they talked about running it
back but you almost have to stick it and
even if you did even if you did you’re
going to see mchan do that so why not
just beat them in and either put one
here or put one there on your
oppa that
right whatever you like if you like
this yeah I don’t think Tyler liked the
no interesting remembering that Tyler as
a very successful Junior used the bullet
almost exclusively he shied away from
the draw and that is his strength
however M sometimes
dot dot
dot and interesting too because he has
been good on his draws 100% on three of
them and did it no know he just did he
just touched it on the way by and just
maybe it’s a little more buried now just
such a low percentage shot I don’t care
how good you are good try you can tell
halfway down they liked it and still
it blank
now just kisses the red on the way by
it kick so far right when he hit it yeah
just a little
smooch I’m surprised he wasn’t overruled
though I mean I’m surprised koi didn’t
say this is what I want I am too I am
you know you bury it m it’s got to play
Yellow on yellow then we can freeze it
what if he just go right here then he
freezes yep yeah you have to make it
above the te right here then he’s got to
hit and roll and then we can freeze I
think this is the call or this is the
call we could be wide open this work to
hit and roll hit and roll not really I
guess he’s it’s a high guard he’s going
to have a bit of a Chase I’d rather him
play a hit and roll than a Chase or then
freeze like if you’re if you’re behind
this guard he’s got to be so perfect on
the hit and roll it’s really a question
of Are We drawing here yeah or are we
drawing here what about like right here
well that’s what I was H yeah got to
make a perfect hit and roll hit and roll
again it does hardest shot right here
okay let’s do it easier than a freeze
that’s buried we can ask Brent if you
want now we got another end to go here I
think this is a great spot right here
full eight
and we for sure don’t want to go around
this one guys well I think that forces
his hand obviously he’s going to do that
that forces his hand to make that you
got to take that out of play
Dan right here right there Mike 100% I
think you go around the left guard K’s
playing the run back have you ever
successful with the run back double now
the blank end still available I think
this makes so much more sense to to go
buried around the right hand corner
blank seven blank eight and Team Canada
continues to lead there by two with last
against talked about coming around but
staying open not burying yeah
interesting I kind of like getting
buried there you know he’s probably
going to be chasing
anyways it’s Kevin can make the hit and
roll look how steep that double is still
it’s still Steep and if he makes
it if we if we bite the T line it’s
perfect isn’t it full four full four
okay full
four full four
fo yeah I like that okay this spot here
FL you through this draw yeah it’s not
it’s it’s not it’s like this is that
lightning stuff it’s a little less than
yeah how’s that ice I think you could
for that’s good that’ll never
okay not quite as fast as the out not
correct skip stones and
nine 54 Saskatchewan leads it Mike mchan
and his first Easy Take a Look Down Easy
guys it’s running running yep running
okay L’s good he line to we to the T oh
W then just T that’s not great I know we
let itust off let’s it looks pretty good
good it’s good yep y full four is what
they got so you wanted it
it is kind of odd to me anyway why you
wouldn’t play behind the the tighter
guard I adamant that the hit rolls very
hard and it is but maybe if they buried
it and they were light it’s just really
another guard or if they’re a little
heavy it’s buried bad too so I think I
think there’s a little less chance of Ki
getting two this way but there’s still a
chance ultra thin I don’t know how he
sticks it but
yeah throw but then then I go around
he’s got a free Crocket the Run blank so
yeah I think it’s
okay little
good it was an early loss of course that
first draw slinsky
straight he’s going to have to run the
table from here
and now where are you going to go sit
down and will it it does they are shot
rock is it open on that inter side
though no it’s not but it’s behind the T
line but Kevin couldn’t do too much
better than that beautiful
throw think back to the previous call
for M huan he’s now made his is last
shot harder yeah I mean it is behind the
T line so a little bit of room to work
with for this come
around got to be buried in shot doesn’t
necessarily have to be glued to it right
be quick
here Mike mchan and his
last you want to be down
want to be right on the corner of
it right on the
flash pretty good too
there beside
him clean it clean
it oh it’s starting to bust really
quickly get by that guard and now put it
on that corner how’s that what do you
think of that oh how do you like me
now Mike the Qing
hello there clean
it really well managed sweepers know
exactly where that’s
going perfect line what a
shot time out time out’s been
it’s hard to get behind any guards out
here yeah like I think you’re better off
to get two good guards and get around it
and getting around corner
guards can’t invent the shot a this
never touches a no I don’t think
so you think it does well if we’re not
not trying to take one I might as well
try it I guess I can hit it high side
and be bad I don’t think it ever hits it
I don’t think it does I think the guard
would have to be over
here well what do you guys want to be
what do you think
Kev I don’t mind down two I don’t like
our chances of getting three I think
they’re too good well I don’t either but
I don’t mind the ice the double peels
too so it’s kind of just picked your
poison oh we’re going to we’re playing
it that way
this will essentially be an exr right
it’s whatever you think I’m I’m I’m on
board with whatever you like it’s like
our odds are getting two at least I
can’t do this I can’t do
this that’s probably just there yeah you
might still just get one out of that I
don’t know if you can spin the spin the
eight might as well just hit what you
see but it’s just for one right that’s
just for one you can’t see any okay
whatever you like Kev what do you think
I don’t think the run’s doing anything
for us I can’t hear you I just don’t
think the run’s the shot it’s either
draw or Chuck it through the draw for
one has to be the play does it not first
of all you heard Kevin a real key thing
is Kevin said it’s hard to get around
the corners so if you don’t have hammer
and you’re trying to get three how are
you going to get around the corners
where you get to throw two centers it
could I know it’s Mike beIN but two
centers you can definitely get to the
middle 14 y so
Line’s good well he went through all the
options this is just a second draw of
the game comes here in nine uh he didn’t
like his chances of getting three if you
Chuck it through and give him one right
so this is you give them you get your
single go to uh 10 and you look to steal
and that was what they’ll try and do
now get the single tie it at five but
saskat when mchan will have the last
draw coming
home now sitting shot rock at the back
Edge that uh appears to be quette it is
shot Stone and so for Brad gushu trying
to make the double tap to get to that
stone tap it back for multiple
points leading
86 y against Quebec and Julian
hard Walker now help it over here we go
one two and no and it will be that one
steela one
so here we go on this Sunday
afternoon our coverage of The Montanas
Bri a 55 tie and Saskatchewan looking to
win their third in a row do have the
last Rock coming home playing the red
stones against Alberta and Kevin CP
same I like Kevin’s concept that he was
saying it’s going to be hard to score
three if we give one away because it’s
hard to get around the corner guards
it’s very difficult so he’s playing the
surface that’s a brilliant veteran move
in this case he he said let we can throw
up two guards and get around outside in
but they only threw up one guard they
decided have car come in play a freeze
meaning there’s only one Alberta guardo
there and then cark was a fraction heavy
not a lot to work with
for mine’s
good St from CH
enough shot stone for the moment perfect
throw what a great sweep
149 10th end down the middle that’s nice
speed a good throw by jacqu you want to
use your sweep it’s better to be a foot
light than a foot heavy really smart
throw yep oh great
job just paper thins that Center
guard that mq and red is in a wonderful
spot to come in off of there’s enough
room past the guard you can throw pretty
good speed and come off that if you have
to more kick
no button good keep it out there keep it
out there hard
line maybe a touch more
go again with a big car go go go keep
going all you got all you got all you
got all you got
and all they caught was to the top
eight Center PATH
huh yeah I think I think joed through
the exact right weight but maybe it was
a hair narrower and got into that slower
area hair
sooner still great there it’s just uh
maybe a foot or so 54 territories
leading Nova scoia well it’s he’s in
tough again Jamie kuy hit on his final
Stone and lie those two I think he’s
trying to get through the hole of which
it is very small maybe just a little
rubb and roll in or just a straight draw
do you think if he can get through the
hole that’s ideal but he does have the
room if he is close VI to come off the
outside Matt Manuel and the team from
the Halifax Curling Club down by one
still looking for win number
one okay so
Mah Nick s Luke
Saunders calling the line in the house
straight as they put up the going Center
guard little rub little roll and not
there and it’s going to be one for sure
one for sure thank you I think
it’s and I think it is just a single
first glance here we go
Flash and he rips that
it’s looks red to me yeah it
does put a stick on it if you want yeah
so they’ll do a measure and we’ll update
you one for sure stolen point for the
territories Tyler
tardy’s good easy just clean they’ve
conceded the they have two then stolen
two for K and
N with the yep get across yep yep yep
yep yep
get really good
perfect sweet great pair bud great
all right Russ play us through what’s
going on here well Kevin I think has to
guard in this case they they wanted to
be shot Rock but they they managed to
get a Buri so he’s going to guard this
the first time
assuming like Peels and that’s a bit of
an assumption I think it well you you
have to move that red one just maybe
knows it pretty similar to what it’s
been it’s no different than the
draw and Shane Shane laimer have picked
up two in nine to lead Alberta and
slinsky but the Alberta skip from the
air Dre Curling Club does have the
hammer coming
home skip stones here in this
10th he light I didn’t have light
okay halfway tight two3 line
two3 halfway halfway
halfway go not a lot of speed they got
to get this to
curl need to fully cross the line here
not to
good now you can see a corner Joe do you
go after the uh the Koy Stone on the
eight I think you the chase is there I
don’t know if you have to play it though
if you’re
mnan you peel this guard like Russ was
saying you know you’ll see Kevin que
probably knows the red on the outside
and then you’ve got the 4 foot for the
wi and that’s all you can ask for as a
skip that’s right might see Ki could
play a little tap on his yellow tap it
to the button but they always have that
red to come off of that red was put in a
good spot right at the start of the end
yeah you chase that yellow top eight
foot then Ki can make a better one
around the guard that’s the most
complicated end result so rip this
Mike MC and
hisan and we’ll rip that
c we got our time out right yeah take
it so two skips who have found their
game and but it was those late ends
mchan with a wonderful
freeze the
force kuy to a
single we’re sitting here at 55 and the
game really now is in mcan’s hands he
does have the last Rock game story
brought to you by Montana’s barbecue and
bar Canada’s home for
barbecue going to see Kevin maybe maybe
get it into that type of area kind of an
edge on edge I I think I’d
rather if I’m Kevin I I don’t want to
roll to there and make it a nose hit if
you could just get it into this
situation and then Mike’s got to play
maybe an
outturn and stay and you know how things
run so straight he could draw too but if
just tease him on the out turn because
it’s a very straight spot we’ve watched
so many Rocks Under
curl Brad Jacobs nearly gave up a game
in this similar types of
CL 5 Seconds as he crosses the T
line final stone for
koian help it over now carry it Martin
what a managed Stone this is my gosh and
he got that little Roll Just To The Top
pretty nice he can’t nose it now though
maybe rolled a little too far timeout
been called by
saskat all right let’s go over to uh
final Stone coming up here Kathy Canada
looking to go two and one well that
stone that you see that is shot that was
Julian tr’s final Stone and it is good
enough for the tie unless Brad gushu can
get to the forfoot
83% on his draw so far in this game and
needing some fight of the
red leading by
187 the five-time winner
good and it will settle down for one
more and Team Canada will win it make
the final 9 to7 to improve their record
to two and one and quec and Julian TR BL
now one and
two and feeling better about their game
it looks like it wasn’t curling there at
the hog line I was like
it good with the draw though
too I don’t mind
it doesn’t look that
enticing I like it
yeah this is what Kevin was hoping for
they’re they’ve got to throw some weight
here is they cannot they knows this they
lose so they have to get to the inside
kick it over here and try to kick that
over leaving the red one a little bit
closer and as I said before Mike’s tuck
delivery a little in out motion which
he’s done all his life he’ll know that
but you can’t tick the top one you could
easily see Mike missing this high side I
thought they’d draw this is a really
precise hit my only thought is just we
haven’t seen a lot of draws on that
other side of the sheet on the right on
the left hand side as you look at it
it’s a bit of space here but boy he’s
thrown seven draws and he’s been perfect
on everyone he’s 100% on his draws made
the perfect freeze yeah I know I I’d be
I’d be tempted to
drop dealer’s choice
right where did everybody go it’s gotten
really quiet in here in a 55 tie right
now it is ky sitting
two now flash has got him here we go
flash has got him what do you got flash
has got him here we go you got it oh no
it’s got to spin a little more spin a
little more is it coming back no it’ll
be a win s catcha oh oh oh you actually
wrecked and got away with
da out OFA make the final 65 three
straight wins for
Saskatchewan nearly impossible that
weight to hit that yellow and not have
the yellow
one and two now for the four-time winner
kuing as we go over quickly last now
slinsky down by two Kathy well a flash
by Shane ladimer to light two and his
first one has really switched this
around just needs to make it go away and
away it goes and there they are the
points hit the guard four of them in 10
slinsky battles back after being down
51 to pick up the win
1210 so they go the two
and0 L windless now in
two the 2024 Montana’s Brier is proudly
presented by Montana’s barbecue and bar
Canada’s home for barbecue by suar
products the softest and strongest
supporters for over 40 years by bkt
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the official Sports gaming partner of
Manuel and here we are
74 and we’re playing in 10 and Manuel
does have the last Rock playing the
yellow Stones SC well he went around the
guard and it is buried and so for Jamie
and his team they took a timeout
concerned about the number of yellow
Stones building up and have elected to
remove the stone at the back of the
house that is open
timeout being called by Nova
Scotia they’ve got two left and they’ve
got to make him
count yeah I was thinking that
too make it hard to get out after I’m
just not sure how it helps that’ll be
something I want aood like that got
people do you think you got people
thinking maybe just
maybe a first win since folk off to a
great start three straights this
one the only other shots the long hit
and roll but but it he’ll still just be
playing the same shot for to give me
nothing it’s just the same thing he’s
just drawn there so I feel like I’m
going going there and hoping for a Miss
is honestly the best
Fair okay Kim with all those years of
course with Colleen Jones also one a
Canadian and World
senior just kind trying to do this maybe
I need a little harder n and a half n
and a half so you’re just playing it
straight Matt yeah okay let’s go nine I
think you play the C around if this
double is makeable and you can hang on
and I’m not sure you can Joan I think
you might roll over to this type of area
because if you sync one Ki doesn’t get
it out of there then you’ve got the
double for the three to to tie the game
but can you make that double and stay
it’s too hard to keep your shooter maybe
with lightweight but you got to spill
both rocks so well thought out y it’s a
long roll it’s not easy but I think it’s
the only option the only other thing
would be a perfect
freeze going to roll this
buried second
appearance at the Brier last year they
went three and five in
London Zer
Nick and then Matt Meer will roll it
over on top and now Ki make one
disappear ought to wait for that roll
they protected a bit so got it to
curl it’s pretty good
throw I mean if you need get it off that
it’s going into that going right there
let’s go
B can peel this either way if you throw
the outturn and you miss the red one you
might jam on that right hand red so kind
of forces Jamie to go in turn peel and
it will be a peel go over the top
too just one win in London a year ago
you have to go back
to yep 2012 for a 2 and one start for
koi got to go got to go with it where’s
it going to go and oh oh oh goodness is
this going to hang around sure enough it
wow kidding me seen this a couple times
I think the speed should be the same
W no kidding tried to throw it so hard
when he when he shoved it he shoved it
tight and so now the draw is here for
three yeah only
need oh
yeah the Lun noers
have a chance to tie
it Glen Kennedy throwing the third
stones for the team from Yellow
Knife Line’s good that was
Max Line’s good run in the L
Line’s good it’s full
151 big clean down guys big clean down
Luke Saunders calling line and there it
wow to score
three means we’re going to go one more
KY and
I really think we need to just not get
ahead of ourselves this year it really
feels like we’re know a little bit more
than the sum of our parts we’re playing
well we’re having a pile of fun and
that’s been translating to a good
season that team is so consistent one
key Miss and and that’s what SEALs up
the win for them so we have to bring our
aame to beat these teams and hopefully
we can be in the top two or three in her
pool at the end of the
so we’ll see Brendan botcher tonight
against Scott Howard skipping the
Ontario team with his dad of course out
with knee
injuries when we join you again 8:00
p.m. eastern time it is Ontario against
Watcher that will be all the teams from
p a and the only team not playing
tonight will be Matt dunstone
from Manitoba at 1 and one so we go to
an extra now in this
one we’ve got the territories the team
from yellow KN skipped by Jamie Koy
throwing the redstones record of 1 and
one against Nova Scotia Matt Manuel from
the Halifax Curling Club still looking
for a first win 0 and2 coming
in and it is after that three to tie it
at seven territories and Ki with last
Rock playing the Redstone careful look
here Jamie’s got an extremely straight
arm when he kicks out on those Peels and
he bit of a shoulder rotation there so I
think he might have slid close to the
broom but his shoulders were aiming
tight and when he shoved it it was
starting to go
third appearance for sadra looks like
more to
me right it starting a curl the
territory’s club champion played in the
Everest Club Championship back in 18 in
Mai whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa just
got a
yeah t line I don’t mind that when it’s
a little higher would have been nice but
I don’t mind when it’s open like that
because if it’s buried and the other
team managed to somehow get around and
top it behind the T line and they’re
buried that’s that’s an inof shot
possible for koi if he has to yeah you
like almost just got a quarter buried so
they can’t get under and then you can
use it a little higher in the house like
a top eight yeah that would have been
spot Jeff Maher
Cur okay good and just unlocks
it nice line on the center line guards
they’re directly stacked on top of each
other just a little bit closer together
than Nova Scotia
wanted worth it to take a run at this
double whoa whoa got one stuffed it and
will unlock everything okay still leaves
the two centers up Shot Rock does belong
to the territories Center Line back
eight two guards
though hard part about taking a run at
that double peel is you’re pretty close
to making it but it’s almost the worst
way to miss it you feel so bad for the
players cuz that’s
what 3/4 of an inch for perfect good A
little light you can go L’s okay
good got to go Jeff Mar former under 18
Canadian Champion uh T line T
line top eight get separation this is
good shot come on keep
moving okay it’s not bad there guys it’s
not bad it’s fine and not quite enough
to be shot in in hair
High you like the out hair low
oh co Parsons ah straight
straight who one more time and they’ll
open it up roll that shooter over covers
the 4 foot
nice high
40 Luke
Saunders little bit of
room okay Line’s
goodl Line’s good curl a
little looks
deep okay okay curl curl curl you got to
line these Jeff curl needs to be dra
line little angle not
much guys
y just a lot deeper than they wanted it
wanted about
halfway this is Glenn Kennedy his
brother Mark plays with Brendon boner
will see Mark tonight as play
remember and get it and roll that
shooter and get spill and both really
nice still have some rocks to work with
for team Nova Scotia there’s the high
guard when the the double peel was made
the shooter didn’t roll that far so put
a tight one right around it
would you want to be shot go right back
to the four foot they’re just looking
for a guard right
now line pretty good assume that Jamie
koi will just rip the the high one and
then they can come around and sit prob
full four maybe nibble the
button too far off center
line the Rings down a little
bit little more little more little more
little more job
that good spot there got I got about a
third let’s try it wow they it like here
uh or normal be on a small side of big
third yeah oh my gosh half one of those
games where it looks easy I mean the
thing is you you you run flash this and
you’re killing your own at the back
right play it cautious play it tight to
the top one
yep yep Glen
Kennedy yep yep hard get that other one
oh he’s got it oh well thrown beautiful
throw cut it in we want to make sure we
get this
a oh Panic here really well thrown rock
just gets
yeah same thing gu he going guard again
try to do that guard again last ice so
we’ll try to get a little bit more curl
here so that this the peel on the tight
one isn’t
available not
ideal could see who we change gears if
this is buried throw the draw yeah he
okay Line’s good
good little bit of room but Line’s good
good where are you Line’s good guys
might need to curl a little Line’s good
bar Line’s
good curl curl curl distance curl C curl
keep going
Jacky attempting to change
great it’s just over buried an inch it’s
nice shut Matt
go a time if you want to take it
sure we’re drawing us just where do you
want us
right go
here couple options you could you could
kind of go in there but you know that
kind of leaves your other team can do
that you could maybe even go this type
of thing don’t go here because there’s
and off that would allow Nova coach to
be buried in front of the T line so
maybe maybe what do you think of that
Joe yeah I don’t mind that or a little
tighter to the center
maybe that’s obviously a good spot
there’s there’s risk little deep little
high I don’t think you even want to be
fully buried I like that wide open it
makes some sense
that looks good yeah you just I I just
don’t think you want to be like fully
buried makes it tougher for us right
yeah just like a quarter buried you
could peel too yep peel that high one
and the best Nova Scotia can do is kind
of full for foot around their
guard yeah this has to be pretty precise
a little deep that’ll
give chance for manual to make freeze if
you’re ever deep here little light that
knocks us a
guard you may remember that was the
great run by Jamie because he ended up
playing his brother in the three four
game that year remember
that a great
run top eight for sure guys shadrock
shadrock where is
it whoa whoa whoa whoa where is it
just go here just
here who whoa that’s good okay wow I
think that’s a great spot yeah and the
nice part about that is if the hit and
roll is need he just threw it
yeah and the hit and roll has to be
made time’s been called
yeah okay let’s go there Luke hack
be a foot higher you got Matt throw this
soft enough you can get pretty close to
dline Kim Kelly not coming out just is
just a byy a little time to
settle in a 7 s tie Nova Scotia looking
to win their first but will have to
just an inch more Luke
yeah rolls it over and
underneath four time Nova Scotia Junior
Champion Matt
Manuel okay close out of Dy University
where he wore a US sport silver medal
now looking for the hit and roll
can you roll this underneath can you get
it underneath oh how nice is
that beautiful
shot it’s perfect cuz you can see enough
to make Ki think about it but you’ve
Shrunk the scoring area as much as
possible without leaving it
open Nice
Shot back to KO if he had been a foot
higher little more r with
yeah so full four he’s thrown 11
draws Jamie koi 93% on those draws full
four is what he
needs to go two and one first time since
2012 a year ago just one win in
London easy
I got easy
Kennedy Cole Parson really good shadra
McLoud full four Line’s goodine
easy all on its own now full four is
what he needs easy who whoa whoa whoa
whoa no no no no full four is what he
needs where’s this going to go stop at
the back of the four for the
win and has had that draw weight the
entire game to pick up the win in the
extra make the final 8 to7 so as we say
first time since 2012 a two- one start
koie and Nova Scotia winless now in
three so top of the table in pool B
there they are mchu and slinsky so far
undefeated then you got a couple now at
two and one remembering again just the
top three will advance if it was over
right now in pool a botcher CRS and Bono
from Thunder Bay would be your top teams
and that’s where our Focus will be
tonight on P A and it will be Scott
Howard Ontario against Brendan botcher
botcher looking to win three straight
pool a is what we’re focusing on tonight
what an
afternoon what a big win for
Saskatchewan three straight handing a
second loss to Kevin cou
okay we’ll take a short break now just
over 90 minutes before we draw you again
from here in Reina the Montana’s Brier
on Canada Sports
leader magic mik

1 Comment

  1. Thank you so very much for posting these videos. It is impossible to see the Brier in South Africa without them.

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