Golf Players

Legendary Coach Of Sir Nick Faldo Shares Best Way To Start The Golf Swing

In this video, Forbes-Featured Instructor Eric Cogorno is joined by legendary coach to 7 former world number ones, including Sir Nick Faldo, Ernie Els, and Nick Price – DAVID LEADBETTER!

They discuss the most important move of your golf swing – your FIRST move…

And show you how to start and FINISH your swing on rails for consistent, flush, effortless contact.

Get the StraightAway by David Leadbetter. Just Simply… CLIP IT… AND RIP IT!

Join Erika and Learn the #1 swing-fix sequence…That turns your forced, unnatural swing…Into an effortless, automatic, true-swinging motion…

Get Instant Access To Rick Smith’s Perfect Impact Protocols. Inside, you’ll discover the “Y To Y” Technique Rick Smith learned from Jack Nicklaus… that fixes amateur impact issues and permanently eliminates mis-hits:

Pure Impact Program

Get 2024’s Best New Wedge For Amateur Golfers… the ONE Wedge, a High-Performance wedge from Golf Digest’s Top 7 Coach, Martin Chuck, that fixes the root cause of mis-hit pitch shots… from ANY LIE on the golf course.

ONE Wedge

Fix Your Contact with Martin Chuck and the Simple Strike Sequence:

Simple Strike Sequence

Cure Your Slice Once and For All with Hank Haney and the One Shot Slice Fix:

One Shot Slice Fix

Flush it with Rocco Mediate and the Brand NEW Straight Stick:

The Straight Stick

Download the Performance Golf AI Swing Fix from the App Store for Immediate Golf Swing Analysis and Coaching:

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okay Mr David So continuing on from our
previous video obviously guys we
introduced the straightaway in the last
video if you didn’t see that would go
check that out my first time using it I
like it a lot not just because you’re
right in front of me um I think you guys
will benefit a lot from it as well and
in this video I’d like to talk a little
bit more about um some drills and feels
and some really practical take-homes for
them if they want to get that swing
started correctly to set themselves up
for Success later and for me to hit some
go through because I struggle with this
area myself and just kind of correlate
some of those those feels for them right
right so let’s say a player gets this
they have it and they’re okay I’m kind
of at home I’m I’m working on this I get
the general concept that I’m trying to
move this early are there any other
feels or drills or things I should be
trying to do well with the straightaway
itself one of the best drills we found
and honestly we’ve got people playing
this way okay so take your dress there
okay so relax those arms keep a little
connection with your left arm and your
chest okay so move it back to the
takeaway spot shall we say okay you can
see and you can check it I mean hey if
you have to do it two or three times if
it’s not right just make sure make sure
it is right there you go perfect that
whole deal now you look back at the ball
okay you get the club setting complete
your rotation and hit it in other words
you’re starting your swing from here
you’re eliminating the takeaway okay so
it’s it’s really a case of you know I
mean I say the the famous Canadian
professional obviously Mo Norman who who
was one of the straightest hitters in
history of the game M uh that he started
you know a good 2T behind the ball you
know they asked him mo why do you do
that and he said no need for a takeaway
no need for a takeaway he said
everything twice you know but he was a
great guy but um so the thing is um if
you actually learn okay just have a
couple of practice Wings just starting
from there just just move back here just
there you go right now just start from
there just check it keep those arms nice
and soft right I finish your stop there
check it okay a complete your backp and
good do that once more and then we’ll
hit a shot and David as I’m doing this
as and we can go into details obviously
as we go right in the simplest terms
like from this to the top of my back
swing right all I’m really trying to do
is just finish my turn yeah you’re
finishing your turn and especially if
you have a case of you know somebody
gets a club behind them okay your visual
you could actually in a rehearsal make
sure this red have a look at the red
arrow it stays more in front of you can
you see that so if you had a laser here
it would look somewhere between your
feet and the ball say okay so especially
for somebody who does this that’s why
the reason I like this because you can
tailor it to the individual you know
somebody has a a pretty good-looking
move here then you wouldn’t mention it
but for you it’s like okay I would say
with a tendency having to get the club
Behind you that at this point where the
club feels a little bit lighter at this
point okay here it’s a little bit
heavier right y okay so I would just
keep the red arrow in front without
getting too specific okay I just want
that c this a little more up towards the
sky exactly and then we’ll get into the
details yeah okay so you’ve got another
little way of being able to assist if
you’re in the right position okay well I
got to move my weight finish my turn and
then I would go from there right okay
and if you’re using your core correctly
here’s another little juicy bit okay
yeah I’m going to put my foot on your on
your lead foot here as you Mo move it
back feel how the pressure builds up in
that front foot as you do that do you
feel that see so many people have heard
about okay well I got to move my weight
so they start to shift early right but
you can see this really gets your
obliques working feel that yeah there’s
no sway off the ball there do you feel
that pressure there so if anything your
left knee if anything is not moving in
you know we saw the old swings of You
Know Jack Nicholas years ago and pain
stew and so on but what we see now with
players like Justin rows at times you
can see watch watch his foot it actually
does this so the pressure is still on
the front of the foot even though you’re
you’re loading into your right side have
some pressure on this front foot and
that means you’re you’re engaging your
core let me try one with that drill
David and then would like to um talk
through some other feels and drills and
things that I’ve seen you do let me just
do one more practice so I’m here I also
like gosh I see that I mean just those
little subtle things you’re saying of
the arm the arm being connected here
early all these things just stack on top
of themselves to to start the swing
correctly so many thoughts out there and
a lot of them are very very true and
it’s like okay well why do these things
happen that’s I think that’s the biggest
thing yeah okay so I’m going to pause
you I’m going to pause there and then
hit from that spot exactly all right so
you can check it I say if it’s not right
just do it again yes keep the arms
normal good there
good turn and hit and so the whole goal
there I’m assuming is like if I start
from a good spot I’ve removed so many
potential earlier issues that I can just
let myself react and I’m going to get
some good things coming down correct
exactly let’s talk body motions for a
second okay can we can we let’s let’s
remove the straight away yeah sure okay
yep we go we cuzz i’ I’ve seen you do
some things with the spiraling and some
of the body motion drills that I think
would be would be very effective as well
yeah I mean well the turn really is I
mean if you want to call it a turn it’s
a spiral movement right it’s almost like
a uncorking a wine bottle you know
it’s it’s not just I’m not making just
like a level turn yeah back there was I
mean for many years it was like turn
level I me which I think if somebody had
a reverse pivot I mean you know some of
these things are used sort of
willy-nilly okay so it’s like oh well he
he she teach
turn level well maybe they did for this
player but not necessar if you listen to
them teaching somebody else I mean it’s
horses for courses so to speak so the
first thing is here’s a little very
simple I mean cuz I think posture is so
vital to get your balance right to start
with so just get the club and pull it
onto your quads all right so what I want
you to do I want you to feel that you’re
actually pulling back with the shoulders
and pushing forward with the pelvis
there you go so a little less knee Flex
maybe just a touch there you go okay
right so you you should really feel the
weight sort of right in the middle of
the shoelaces here okay right in that
the middle part of the foot shall we say
can you feel that a that’s a very
athletic position so you know we I mean
obviously look if you’ve got somebody
sitting back on the heels where’s the
club likely to go if they’re forward on
the toes where’s the club light you go
so that balance is important so that’s
just a nice little checkpoint here where
you’re you’re pulling back with this and
you can see pushing forward with your
pelvis and now you’re in a position
where you you’re you’ve got your lines
corrected to dress and so what I do take
your dress let go of the club y so this
is a little checkpoint I use if I drop a
line down from the middle of your hip
pretty much goes through okay straighten
KN just a hair there there we go so it
pretty much goes through the back of
your knee down through into the almost
the back of your ankle here okay okay if
your tailbone is sort of stuck behind
your heel then you can probably assume
you’ve got too much weight certainly
your lower body too far back then maybe
you compensate by having your upper body
too far forward you know so so getting
that sort of nice that sort of balance
where you feel like you know it’s a like
if you’re receiving servant tennis or
you’re bouncing a basket board you know
that’s that sort of athletic position
okay okay so now right so let’s talk
about the pivot motion now because I
think this is the the engine of the
Swing if you will and I like this little
exercise so you put your left hand on
your left thigh your right hand on your
right and you just get a little tilt
here so the left the left handsets a
little higher than the right now your
goal is now to move from here and to
feel that that the hand swap position so
the left gets lower the right gets moves
up and you can feel it feel like this is
coming down you feel the left knee say
it’s not popping in that much but it’s
the fact of the matter is it’s like you
can feel this is almost hiking up
slightly CU a slight straightening of
that right leg and we can see that the
left shoulder’s down now say I like to
call it a CO a new word called a tilt
okay a tilt is a cross between a tilt
and a turn how do you spell that how get
t r l t okay I like I’m going to use
that I like that TT okay you’re tilting
well okay so now we can see from here
like that as you start to move now we
can start to sort of compress we can see
almost like the left side gets lower
it’s almost like a action reaction now
from here just unwind boom boom yeah
perect okay so I’m here at set up normal
okay so this okay so I’m setting my
tilted set up a little bit left hand
okay got it left hand goes down right
hand goes up that’s it and I turn back
right now from here move forward so you
move to the front of your front foot
here hold that there great now we can
see at this point you feel very closed
right y okay now open up I mean I tell
you I think the greatest player who ever
one of the greatest ball Strikers ever
was obviously Ben Hogan and if you look
where he is halfway down Nick price and
I used to look at this all the time I
mean he is so closed at halfway down
Point yeah where the hips are closed the
shoulders are closed from here though
the thing just I mean it’s amazing I
mean like unwinds to a point where you
had tremendous shoulder speed and it’s
not that the power comes from there but
what it does it just keeps everything
online you know CU we know the power is
already dissipated from the hips going
down finally into the hands ultimately
but the body has to keep moving because
the swing is on a circle right it’s not
a straight line okay so so your body has
to keep rotating and moving and I think
it’s interesting a lot of these things a
lot of these things come back to doing
things better and more correctly earlier
100% yeah okay yeah absolutely
absolutely so if I had to clubb in with
that and I was feeling that same motion
here yeah how do you say that word a
tilt TT turt I got to work on that a a
turl okay so I’m turning and tilting
yeah okay as I go back really got really
my core early man I don’t I do not do
that right now from here we can see it’s
not so I can go down you can see you see
how you’re compressing your left side
now now from here this is where you
really open up
perfect so I think most players that we
would see and if you’re watching this
most amateur golfers would lack probably
both of those words they probably a lot
of them lose their inclination to the
ground a lot of them don’t turn quite
enough on the way back and I think
that’s a pretty simple way to feel that
is there what about is there one you did
with the club Behind yeah you can I mean
there’s variations of this pivot drill
you can I mean for some people this is
actually really good too because you can
especially if you stick this a little
further out you you can actually watch
the end of the grip almost watch here so
I’m going like that you go now from here
look where the grip comes as you start
forward there you go now go so I’m I’m
I’m almost with this I’m getting the
grip like to the ball yes ex okay okay
exactly and then I’m forward of it and
around yeah great great warm-up exercise
that’s it yeah I like I like this a lot
you know the interesting thing is too
Eric is that if you get into a really
wound up position going back it doesn’t
take a whole lot okay it’s almost like
you know a batter stepping into it right
from there now okay now now go boom boom
perfect so can I can I hit one with that
David I want to hit one with that F
absolutely with that seven and I’m going
to go with that same flag okay so just
rehearse that little move away there
right there there you go cuz that even
that club that club behind my back that
forces that forces that core to turn
early and Lead the Way That is a piece
that I do not
feel a lot with my normal I mean that’s
such a distinct difference I think for
the amateur golfer to feel what it feels
like to get the body moving early to
lead the way is so key here that’s why
I’m a big believer in drills because you
have to get the feel it’s no good just
thinking way through this okay it’s like
you know cuz you’re not likely to hit a
good shot a great shot well highly
unlikely I mean so you’ve got to get
this feel going I mean if you do that
sort of exercise do it you know you do
it for do it 20 times a day for for a
week and still see how much better you
start to feel there you go good I like
that and you still feel pressure in your
right heel correct yep and you feel a
little pressure here too right yep right
feel very good and powerful and okay now
I’m going to put my fist here and you’re
going to move you’re going to push me
push push there you go right now unwind
now I can go around that’s it that’s it
I like that that club that club behind
my back feel like gosh I feel like I
could I could do that forever I think
one of the things you say too that’s
important here is that like concept
visual visual feel right understand what
you’re trying to do have a visual for it
like with the straightaway or a drill
like that and then what is the feel
you’re not taking a thought like you say
it’s not a thought when you’re going to
play it’s a feel when you’re going to to
play big difference between the two yeah
you know one’s subconscious right
subliminal the other’s very much in your
frontal cortex okay do this this this
this and this we know that’s a
disastrous way to play golf and I can
tell you that pivot looks great but it
will never happen if the first move is
wrong it’ll never happen to that same
extent I mean you can at work at it you
can do drills but it’s like hey the
horse is already bolted by the time you
close the door so good we could
literally we got to get you in a podcast
for like an hour because there’s so many
good things here for the sake of time
we’re going to call that a video David
thank you very much for being out here
hopefully you guys learned some things
from there any questions on the pivot or
anything else obviously you want to grab
a straightaway any David’s programs we
put them link down below appreciate you
guys watching


  1. I can do a drill all day long but put a club in my hand and ask me to get the same feeling, no chance

  2. Eric, doesn't this conflict the instructions with Erica? It seems that it would be hard to have that complete loosy goosy feeling starting with the club that way. You're getting that into position with shoulders first correct? This is what confuses golfers I would say.

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