Hunting HUNDREDS of golf balls!!!!! – golf ball hunting

Searching, hunting and finding 400 golf balls in bushes on a top 100 golf course.

I’m back sorry it’s been a while but I
back golf ball hunting at courses so
let’s get straight into it first spot of
the day just off the right of the t- box
and uh yeah was a pretty good spot this
actually um not too bad no no Brown
balls no nothing like that so it’s
pretty good started off with a few
colored balls this nice orange Callaway
with moss still growing around it that
was that was pretty cool find colored
balls are always so nice to find cuz
they just stand out so well and like
these white ones which I just had to dig
out of this IV was been embedded there
for quite a while but now we get into
the brambles and the Nestles a little
bit more uh just moved further along the
hedg line and uh yeah the the Bramble
started to kick in and my hand started
to get torn up luckily I’m searching in
the winter so the brown balls aren’t
that thick um but if I was coming the
summer I would not see any of these
balls which is probably why they’re
still here cuz it’s a pretty obvious
place where they all are and they’re not
very embedded very well
but now we move out of the hedges and
into this field just to the left of the
green which was such a nice change it
was just easy pickings to be honest um
it’s quite hidden away and the the
access point to this Field’s pretty
hidden oh nice tp5 picks there um so
yeah it was so much nicer punting
here just speeding a few bits up here so
you know kind of what I do and just
Chuck them into a pile um and then it’s
easy picking some there I can just
gather them all up in one go and this
was a pretty cool find this old
Slazenger was pretty cool with different
logo and uh yeah it was seriously old
the dimples were completely different um
but now on to a new spot down kind of
right by the T box here down to the left
of it um and it was looking kind of bare
as we are in the winter now so there’s
no brambles here so those quite nice
easy pickings for me I pink ball here
which stood out really
well I’ve searched in this area quite a
few times before and it’s always pretty
fruitful so I was hoping that today
would be the
same there are actually loads of roots
in this area so getting balls out like
this one was a bit challenging trying to
unpick it from out of the undergrowth
and the same with these two which were
pretty well stuck in the ground covered
in Moss but got there in the end
nice prie one here covered by the leaf
so you can’t really see it properly but
nice find I love finding PR
ones comment down below if you prefer me
not talking over these and just leaving
you to it or if you prefer commentary um
I’m very easy to change and trying to
get back into this YouTube thing
not too disappointed with this spot
about 25 in total normally it’s a bit
better but I’ll take it um it’s always
harder searching in the winter cuz there
just left golf is playing on the course
to be honest on to the next spot just
along with the green in these evergreen
trees normally looking for golf balls
behind greens or around greens isn’t
that great because people are more
accurate with Ires really um compared to
T’s where drivers can go anywhere really
so yeah it’s not great but this spot was
pretty good actually um quite a few Pro
ones here and nice colored brand new
titless here tour speed which are good
balls nice yellow tailor May tp5 there
which I’ll keep in my back pocket for
next round I play although I’ll probably
stick in a lake so better off taking a
pinnacle to be honest anyway new spot
now to the right of the Fairway these
clips now are actually quite a way away
from the Fairway so these must have been
some horrible Shanks but there three
balls at the end of the day so keep
shanking them please and to be honest
half those probably mine with my slice
it goes 40 yards right but this was uh
this wasn’t mine cuz this is a lovely
golf ball this tailor made with the
yellow stripe down it love balls like
that cuz they really like passing right
so these are all the balls from the day
um um quite a few I think it was about
100 in the end it’s not too many but
it’s good
enough but I’ll now add balls that I got
from the day before quite a few more
this was about 200 or so but that’s it
for the video thanks for watching sorry
it’s been a bit late from the previous
upload but subscribe if you think it was
good and I’ll see you next time on
another goall Finding video cheers for


  1. That's a good course what was your percentage of provs and Callaways with the soccer ball patterns? 30-40%?? ,from what I see it's a really good spot brother !,happy hunting ,and hope you make good money keep up the good work ,Iv been doing something new that was taught to me by a friend who is now my boss ,my boss has contracts for golf courses around the DFW area of Texas and we put on wet suits and work the sides of ponds as deep as we can go and pick balls up with are feet and grab them with are hands from there ,..we just take our time and take across the muddy floor of the ponds with our feet to find the balls until we worked the whole pond then move on to the next 🤙good luck to u

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