Golf Players

챔스 MOM 받은 김민재를 평가하는 감독과 팀원들.. 출연 라인업 보소ㄷㄷ [맨인유럽 EP6-1]

뮐러 투헬 사네 김민재 레쓰고


– 본편은 U+모바일tv 앱에서 무료로, 통신사 상관없이 ‘매주 수, 목 00:00시’
– 유튜브는 ‘매주 목, 금 18:00시’ 에 하이라이트가 업로드
– 채널A에서도 ‘매주 토 21:00’ 에 방영됩니다…! (해외에 계신 분들도 채널A 홈페이지에서 온에어 시간에 무료로 본방 보실 수 있습니다 !!)

( 6-1회 풀버전 보러가기👉


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영상 및 캡쳐 이미지의 상업적 용도의 활용은 불가능합니다.
비상업적 용도의 경우에는 영상의 출처와 링크를 본문, 고정댓글에 꼭 적어주세요!

an you are you one one yeah he’s tough
I’m scar
Warrior Man United
Truck jingler bell jingler bell jingler
all the way
go thanks for coming thank you how are
you good BR yeah nice to see
you hi are you want something to drink
uh we have a menu right here okay Jes
says a lot of people love Korean special
coffee misar is a multi-grain drink
patrice’s favorite I would try the come
on we take the vitamin C okay vamin you
just what’s exactly your pral your name
because in Korean people just
confus is or
S okay okay
hello United Food
Truck we have the coach here we
come yeah from man united to here to the
coffee welcome in the
summer never come again in the
winter the
legend man united
Tru I have a ginger tea please ginger
tea ginger tea yeah how’s doing the M
very good yeah getting better and better
most very well of Korean players
Pak yeah inmany of course of course good
good team players because of their
discipline so always for the team
always Cal
humble easy to work with yeah he’s at a
good footstep J yeah yeah yeah good
footstep he was a machine he was the
role model for all of them but every
Club so gong and Patrice we’ve been
touring around Europe every club we
visited the next game they won yeah when
we met a Korean striker in Denmark he
scor right away so you think Kim will
score yeah in the set play Let’s see
never know corner
corner another one another one oh one
another one because we say it’s free
that’s why that’s
why was it
good look at the famous Korean players
like in in
Tottenham it’s
crazy now K so yeah would always love to
play with a Korean guy no like you said
you always put him in the team you
always love can always trust them always
finally the legend himself
wow yeah a lot as a person yeah Kim is
not because he’s here I really love the
way you you play so for me he play as a
center back like he was like 33 or 35
like like real Fair dinner but it’s only
27 it’s amazing keep doing what you’re
doing bring
the see you later see you later see you
later only C I think King want to see me
but a
okay is free players they all loved it
okay but they all
liar I’m
straight I like ginger oh you like
ginger okay Ginger make him a ginger
te let’s see let’s see what king going
say he doesn’t lie it’s
good say it’s good and it’s good yeah
it’s really good it’s really good as to
every player uh what do you think of Kim
the person he really feel good into the
the team he have a really good spirit
like wild spirit and he’s like so
respectful yeah I love it not like
you you can see the difference between
and hey thanks for coming down yeah they
learn you don’t need to do dribble the
coffee shop today relax control your
legs control your legs control your legs
what do you want what would you
recommend do you like sweet do you like
sweet yeah sweet okay let’s go for the
ginger thank you very much
thank good do you go against Kim in the
training yeah we against each other just
now yeah like one V one yeah he’s tough
I’m scared of him so we call him
monster Warrior Warrior nice against
good so we have one kft for you guys
thank you and I have to explain to you
what this is this I don’t get involved
this is this is voodoo voodo voodoo
voodo my dad told me to stay away from
these kind of exactly well done your dad
is really clever
was nice and keep doing what you’re
respect I think he was good is the
favorite is the Kim is good I really
like him oh hello hi hello my
friends thas the best nice to meet you
how are you I brought a good Cofe for
you no we are the one giving you the cof
not you in Korea yeah this is to show
support to my friends so that’s very
positive by mja is a very good guy so he
it original Korean coffe truck or is the
car is from
Germany so if you’re a Cofe person mix
coffee that’s is sweeter than the normal
coffee yeah I Tred that but I tried to
the as well the Korean plum
okay so what do you think Thomas about
the adaptation of uh Kim I can answer
after the
tea cuz when the tea tastes not that
good maybe my critique is more negative
exactly thas as a player hey he scored
against us he scor against but we lost
we lost I
I can answer after the
tea oh very sweet very sweet so Kim is a
very good very good player to score a
little bit more but he’s Defender
he’s and then actually we came from sart
yeah you know the the Korean guy who
Chong who play for here yeah yeah for
sure I trained with him when he was when
he was a young guy he tell us that you
take care of him yeah I like him I like
him we also have some
gift that’s perfect inside what that so
inside you see this we call this a
fortune bag there’s a a small mask it’s
supposed to always bring luck smile on
your face what happens when I have
already a smile on my face exactly
you’ll have more smile more smile more
smile thank you very much thank you very
much and I hope good luck you again take
care of yourself too much don’t sh me
you too


  1. 운동하고있는선수들좀 운동하게 예능프로그램 출연좀 하지마라 아시안게임. 앞두고 유럽선수들 훈련보도 예능출연했다

  2. 뮐러가 되게 인상적이네요…여유가 있으면서도 멘탈도 좋아보이고, 독일인치고는 최고 웃긴 듯 ㅎㅎㅎ

  3. 사네가 주급이야기 나오는거 계산하니 얼추 1년연봉이 얼추 300억정도 되겠네… 물론 인센티브나 승리수당도 따로 있겠지…

  4. 슛포러브다녀간선수들 지금잘하는선수들잇냐 조규성김민재황희찬 셀틱트리오 ..어떻게된거야 ㅎ

  5. 우리는 몰랐다 이때까지만해도…. 김민재가 다이어한테 주전 경쟁에서 밀릴꺼라고는….😢

  6. Dang can i get some subtitles of the Korean in English please king so i can enjoy all the little korean stuff 🙂

  7. 그래둨ㅋㅋ 뮌헨은 그냥 2등이여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    차범근 선생님이랑 손흥미니의 전 팀 레버쿠젠은 1등이요!! 이번 시즌에 게임을 하나도 지지 않았거든요

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