Golf Players

Predicting what Chargers, Rams do in NFL draft; Marvin Harrison Jr. too good to pass on

The Compas welcome USA Today reporter Tyler Dragon to talk all things NFL Draft. Where will each quarterback go? Will four be drafted in a row? What will the Los Angeles Rams do? What will the Los Angeles Chargers do? Also, what are the best comparisons for the three top receivers of the NFL? Dragon has all the answers to that and more, so don’t miss this episode.




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I love the match in La hats there you go
we’re perfect so I’m G start with the
Rams and whenever Fran comes back he’s
gonna ask you about the Chargers so Rams
pick at number 19 first round pick for
the first time since 2016 right Jared G
number one pick I guess I’ll start with
that you think they keep the pick and
then if they do what did they go replace
Aaron Donald maybe a Barron Murphy the
second from Texas maybe they keep adding
to the secondary maybe they go offense
because Shawn McBay hasn’t had a first
round pick in the LA era so what do you
kind of expect from the Rams there yeah
uh for the Rams sake and their fans sake
I certainly hope they keep the pick as
you just said they haven’t had a first
round pick since Jared G in 2016 I
actually interviewed Jared G last week
and he was even surprised that he was
the last Rams first round pick so I
would expect uh them to uh finally break
the streak and draft in the first round
and I really do like uh m
um the Rams certainly need a defensive
tackle to fill the void left by Aaron
Donald and really the Rams defense was
built around Aaron Donald and his
disruptiveness in the interior and
without him that is a huge void
especially the Rams don’t have a lot of
edge uh productive Edge rushers I should
say because they were all dependent on
Aaron Donald and how he was able to U
create Havoc uh the middle in the
interior so I do expect the Rams to
address that KNE early on in the draft
and I would not be surprised if they did
it as early as round one and if I was
the GM if I was Les sne I would
definitely pick a defensive tackle in
round one you know the conversation
people always say it’s either like tight
end or defensive tackle you don’t draft
those guys very high well Aaron Donald
was number 13 and it it worked out
pretty well so I like R got I remember
the Rams got crapped on when they
selected and people were like uh I don’t
know said number two but that’s a
story but and then I guess if you pair
him with Kobe Turner I like that that
makes a lot of sense to me especially
you got to build that defense because
they FOC they focus on the secondary and
in free agency got cam curl uh Darius
Williams and they got travius white so
they seem okay I think maybe get a
little younger doesn’t hurt either but
you could rely on a Kobe Durant and guys
like that but how about Edge rusher like
I know you mentioned these guys create a
push and they can help you out but you
know Byron young was okay you know
Michael hasn’t really worked out what if
you get like a from UCLA or maybe one of
the guys like I don’t think Dallas
Turner will drop but maybe like a Jared
verse or chop Robinson do you think that
could be another alternate route for
them for the Rams so I have um a Dallas
Turner being in the top 10 I would not
be surprised if he went eight to Atlanta
Falcons lot to’s that’s a huge question
mark to me he might be in the teens U
maybe as early as 13 14 maybe even 15 um
if you dro the uh to the Rams uh I would
like that addition but that still leaves
a massive void in the interior um but it
would not be a bad pick latu of course
UCL a product I love my Bruins latu was
one of the best players in that team
last year so he would be a good pick for
the LA Rams especially because to me I
get as long as they pick somebody that
can rush the passer whether that’s in
the interior or on the outside at Edge
rusher I think it’s a good pick because
that’s really the weakness of of their
defense and it really was the weakness
of their defense last year with Aaron
Donal Aaron Donal was getting double
team sometimes triple teamed and there
was no beneficiary under Rams defense
and that was a huge huge problem and
it’s really been a problem uh since the
departure of Leonard F Floyd and Von
Miller from the Rams Jor is asking
what’s going on with L’s medical do you
know anything about that Tyler yeah he
has an extensive injury history uh he
was at Washington prior to uh trans for
in UCLA and he has some net concerns and
really uh his football career was deemed
to be over but he got a medical pass
from UCLA and UCLA played him and he
really blossomed on Westwood with the
Bruins and created himself into a first
round pick Prospect but his injury
concerns that those are real but that’s
the thing about the NFL combine and
these 30 for3 visits you get with team’s
medical staffs you get with their
doctors and they really examine these
players thoroughly so teams have to be
very comfortable with players like lotu
players like Michael pennix Jr players
with extensive injury histories before
they draft them so it’s up to them to do
their due diligence but but I’m hearing
that teams are fine with his uh previous
medical history because he checks out
well now well real quick Delbert uh says
I hope the Rams build a defense as
schula envisions a system his start of
his tenure is key that’s very true um
Gilbert I know I’m supposed to ask Tyler
about the Chargers uh that’s what we had
agreed on that’s not what I’m going to
be doing uh I want to ask about the team
before right because Tyler Tyler’s been
poking at me the La the last time I saw
him we were kind of going back and forth
uh but we were talking about what the
Cardinals are going to do and I told
Tyler look I think they’re gonna trade
out I think somebody’s gonna make manafa
they can’t refuse and they’re going to
take it and he tells me Marvin Harrison
Jr sitting right there they’re not going
to pass on him Tyler it has been two
weeks since we last had that
conversation what is your feeling on
what the Arizona Cardinals are going to
do so it’s funny Fernando I I have a
friend who covers the Cardinals and I
literally you and him I send you guys
the exact same text I just changed teams
I Chang it to Cardinals for him and
chargers for you I should put you two in
a group uh text his name is Tyler to
Tyler Drake by the way shout out to him
we’ll have on the show one day talk
Cardinals yeah so I he is able to
believe that the Cardinals keep the pick
okay and trade their P I think they have
what the 26 pick if I’m not mistaken 2
yeah it’s in the 20s he’s of the mindset
the Cardinals keep the number four pick
and then they trade that pick in the
late 20s and their second round or third
round pick to move up again in the first
round get quarterback yeah well no not a
quarterback to get somebody on the
defensive side of the football maybe get
another uh Dr offensive line some more
or get you know another you know Edge
rusher because the Cardinals need Edge
rushing he maybe lot to uh so I I kind
of like his idea because when I look at
the Cardinals receiving corpse they’re
worse than the Chargers yeah they are by
far and there’s not many receiving Corps
worse than the LA Chargers but the
Cardinals they are so if you add Marvin
Harrison Jr to that mix they got
something going they got a a I mean he
easily their best receiver they still KN
need maybe a number two maybe even
number three type of white out but they
have something to work with something to
build on and somebody for kylo Murray to
throw the football to so I don’t if it
were me I would not trade that pick I
would not trade that pick if I’m the
Cardinals but if they do trade the pick
for a quarterback needy team if I’m Joe
Ortiz and the Chargers I am running to
the board to draft Marvin Harrison Jr I
got an answer for you real quick Tyler
about the worst receiving corpse in the
NFL how about the Patriots can they take
Marvin hamon Jr at number
three the the Patriots are pretty bad
too but I would still rather have their
receiving corpse over the Cardinals all
right at least you have J Smith yeah if
he can still play I don’t know I’m not
even sure I don’t know but yeah they’re
both bad you know what H has a good one
for you would Quinton Johnson be the
theal number one
receiver Michael Wilson I I I think so
that’s how bad it is now Quinton Johnson
can catch the ball but if you Quinton
Johnson in his role as like running like
you know shallow routes maybe some jet
sweeps Slants those are digs those are
type of routes that he’s comfortable
with the Chargers put him in the Mike
Williams role and that’s not his
expertise he can’t at all especially as
a rookie not a Tracker of the football
now he can develop into that role but
he’s the type of receiver that needs to
see the ball in his hands like you have
to throw the ball when he’s facing the
ball that’s unfortunate for a receiver
of his caliber NFL receiver but his
rookie ear should displayed that he said
it’s bad they’re staying in drafting
a uh Tyler when and then obviously uh
going off of that though see this is my
question because there’s been there’s
been rumors that have come out that
Larry fitgerald was not happy with Kyler
Murray and all that stuff in the past
does Marvin Harrison Senor get on the
phone and ask him Larry what tell me
about this kid do I want my son down
there playing with him that’s my
question because I mean we all know
Marvin and Senior he a real one so I
mean that’s my question
like that that’s why I’m kind of
wondering like would Marvin Harrison
Senior and Junior the back say Cardinals
we don’t want to play for you guys but
doing it quietly obviously and be like
pass on us we’re we’re good go do
something else so that that’s kind of my
thing because I remember Larry and him
did not get along and there’s been a lot
man Larry’s a likable guy we all know
Larry Larry’s a guy that gets along with
everybody so that’s kind of my and then
there’s also question marks about
Kyler’s dedication and everything so I
don’t know I I just don’t see because we
all know Marvin Harrison senr played
with one of the most ready quarterbacks
of all time he knows what it’s like to
play with a guy like that so that’s kind
of where my headp space has been at the
last three weeks when I wonder what the
Cardinals are going to do with that pick
so I don’t know maybe I’m off so he did
take a 30 for30 visit over there yeah
and he could have turned that right
Chicago and that that we know of but he
could he could have turned that down and
to me I I get I get what you’re saying
and if I was Marvin Harrison Jr and
especially his dad that I would want to
go to the Chargers you have Justin
Herbert and you have a readymade
quarterback and you have Jim Harbaugh
coach who you know from playing at Ohio
State playing against it but the
Cardinals aren’t all that bad either
they just don’t have a really good
roster around kylo Murray and maybe even
a Marvin Harrison Jr they have a their
defense is sub mediocre they have a very
new coaching regime that’s still
learning the ropes uh but it’s still a
growing franchise and I I do think
they’re on the up and up and you look
around the Phoenix area the Tempe area
it’s like Marvin Harrison Mania over
there they really do want him so if they
put a card in and it’s somebody other
than him though those fans they’re
probably gonna Boo at their Cardinal
draft party because they really want
Marvin Harrison J now if they down yeah
it’s like in the movie Draft Day when
the the guy was not going to get the
quarterback the Seahawks guy people were
like hey with pitchforks and stuff
outside the building no I and I
completely understand that I was just
what I mean and and and that’s kind of
my thing because I feel like Marvin
Harrison Senor would do something like
that like where he’d be
like I don’t know but no I Marvin
Harrison Senor right you listen to what
got I’m just saying like he’s a real one
for a reason like I I’ve heard some
stories and I’m just saying like yeah
you better listen to what he has to say
but T tou yeah exactly uh this is the
last one for me well last one for right
now and then Gilbert can go uh so okay
let’s just say Marvin Harrison Jr is off
the board what do you what do you think
you you are Joe uh hortiz I was gonna
alt uh you’re Joe hortiz and you’re Jim
Harbaugh what are you doing if Marvin
Harrison Jr’s off the board and it’s
been three quarterbacks the phone rings
it’s Minnesota saying hey we’ll give you
11 and 23 and maybe a first next year or
maybe a second round or something like
that what what are you kind of doing
there if Minnesota offers
1123 and a first next year I’m
probably taking that trade I’m GNA
surprise you with that but it has to be
three first round picks wow now he said
he wants to be blown away by it yeah you
got to be blown away by it because to me
the Chargers like we just said they
don’t really have a number one or maybe
even number two receiver Josh PA is he a
number two I think he’s a really good
number three he’s a number two a decent
number two but you probably want him
best at you he’s a number two when you
have a Keenan Allen who can play in the
slot and can do what he does yes but
exactly no but in the Fig figuratively
he’s a number three now the thing is so
the question is a doomday neighbors if
they’re on the board or Joe all those
are like three players or Trey down now
I’m almost see I I’m the neighbor’s
question this is going to surprise you
because I was purely on the neighbor’s
bandwagon a few weeks ago he’s not on it
anymore I’m still on it but when I look
at the way neighbors plays it’s he’s a
better Quenton
Johnson he runs the same type of routes
as Quenton Johnson he’s quicker more
agile but he’s kind of like a slot is he
a true X receiver that’s what the
Chargers need is an X re receiver can
you put them on the outside and say okay
run this post run this curl run this dig
I’m not sure that’s his game yet is he a
refined route Runner now he’s one of the
most athletic physical freaks in the
draft especially at receiver but can you
refine that and be a exceptional route
run because there’s a whole bunch of
physical athletic freaks in NFL yeah so
then adun on the other hand he’s an ex
receiver but he doesn’t separate at the
same level as Neighbors in Harrison so
that’s the question where I’m asking you
know going back and forth now if the
Vikings only offer two first round picks
I’m taking probably neighbors even
though I don’t truly believe he’s that
prototypical X receiver you might be
able I’m just banking on the fact that
he can blossom into one and then I’m
just praying that my receiving corpse
works out because I have a quarterback
like Justin Herbert but it’s a big if
it’s a big if I would not have traded
Keenan Allen to the to the Bears to be
quite Frank but hey they don’t pay me
the big bucks to make the decisions hey
but you’re teaching us a thing or two
here I gonna say you’re you’re
describing a Dun like a Keenan Allen
like maybe you kind of want that no no a
Dun is like a Larry fist jail to me oh
wow okay D is an ex receiver kind of a
big body receiver can bully you it’s
still fast still athletic but he doesn’t
separate like the other guys and like
the Marvin Harrison like the Neighbors
in this tra because he’s not as quick
and he’s like a kind of a bully as a
receiver but he’s an athlete too and so
when I see him when I saw him at
Washington when I see tape of him I see
a receiver that kind of is like a Larry
Fitzgerald kind of like a Hines Ward but
a better athlete at this point this I I
can I won’t say better athlete than
Larry Fitzgerald because Larry fer was a
really good athlete at the start of his
career but when I see Neighbors I kind
of see like
another Quenton Johnson but with hands
that can catch better doesn’t sound as
good actually he’s
probably I would say a Jamar Chase type
because is Jamar chase a true
receiver like I don’t know if he’s
a receiver but but he’s the number one
option and he can play on the outside
but he can play on the inside too and
the Bengals make it work because they
have Joe burrow and their connection is
one of the best Connections in all
football but that’s what the Chargers I
believe that they’re missing a true guy
on the outside that can go beat you Any
Given Sunday so you okay my bad real
quick gber so Marvin Harrison Jr is like
Marvin Harrison Senior Odun is like
larar and then neighbors is more like a
Jamar Chase kind of Jamar Chase okay
okay would you did you think that Odell
was a true
ex or was he more of this sty so it’s an
LSU thing I guess yeah wow well we’ll
we’ll see Brian Thomas is he I believe
he’s an ex but he’s only ran like four
or five routes hell sh yeah and that’s
the problem yeah you have to you’re
going to have to basically teach these
guys how to do all that stuff Gilbert
sorry go go ahead no this is this is
high price for his wide receivers so
like you mentioned T it better be a good
offer you’re gon to trade back from
number five three first round picks
sounds right so say they do trade down
to maybe 11 with the Vikings like what
do you see at that point like is is
Brock Bowers like people describe him
like a legit number one wide receiver
but he plays tight end do you like a
brock Bowers May they go Bowers 11 and
then they get 23 they go get Brian
Thomas Jr you mentioned I don’t know
what the CH for the Char doing that
that’ be pretty nice but when you say
lar Fitzgerald comparisons and then Mar
Harrison seniors that’s hard to do but
if they go to 11 with the Vikings what
do you see the charers could he has
questions about Brian Thomas I just saw
it in his face right now so if the
Chargers do trade down and go to 11 I’m
not doing Brock balers the charg is what
they signed two tight ends this off
season this is this isn’t uh Los Angeles
tight ends I I I you can’t just keep on
adding to the tight end room I I feel
like that they go tackle at 11 if they
end up trading down and then at 23 I
would probably go with Mitchell the
receiver out of Texas wow and so he can
you would hope that he can turn into
your number one receiver he’s to me he’s
not as good of a prospect as the other
three white outs but he’s probably
four or five along with Brian Thomas has his comparison
as who Mitchell George
Pickins yeah and see that’s the number
one option in Pittsburg and George
pickings is a good receiver with pretty
much nobody throwing him to football for
the past few
years Gilbert go ahead sorry yeah no
Tyler I’m I’m really I don’t believe
this I’ll just say is my I’ll give you
my opinion right here but do you think
for well you actually you not you don’t
believe in this either because you got
Mar Harron J going number four but I
guess for you talking for people around
the league four quarterbacks out the
gate one two three four Caleb Williams
uh jayen Daniels Drake M JJ McCarthy do
you see that or what do you see McCarthy
falling is it Drake May that slides
usually one of these guys tends to slide
in the
draft I could see four backs going one 2
3 4 it’s never happened in NFL history
but it would not Shock me if it did
happen but
to me I feel like the Cardinals are
going to keep that pick because when I
look at their roster they have a glaring
need at why receiver the quarterback
that falls to
me man I really I mean is JJ McCarthy
going in a top 10 falling I I guess you
can say that um I just did a mock draft
today and I have Michael penck Jr going
13 to the Las Vegas Raiders so that’s
not I have as many as six quarterback
going in first round which would tie
where did you have B Knicks going um
where did I have Bo Knicks going I think
the Broncos I think the I had the
Broncos trading up again in the first
round even though they barely have any
picks to get uh the quarterback and they
got a new quarterback today by the way
they they do but
come yeah I called him the M the
Manhattan mil Hunter and now I call him
the Miles City High mil Hunter so there
you go that’s he’s getting uh yeah so he
he’s he’s gonna go kill it in Denver I
I’m pretty sure he’s Clos maybe you can
stay in Russell Wilson and Sierra’s old
house there you go I don’t know if he
can afford that damn house yeah I I
don’t know if he can afford that house
he can’t afford it all well okay I don’t
even know if he can the pool house in
the back like it’s a rookie contract
still that’s why yeah that’s true that’s
true it is a rookie contract he ain’t
making Russell Wilson Tight money not
though get out of here yeah not yet keep
up alive Z yeah exactly um what so
obviously when when you’re looking at
the draft what because I expect kind of
Madness like I kind of did a mock draft
the other day and I showed it to Gilbert
I I had uh San Francisco jumping up to
20 not jumping up they traded Brandon
auk to the Steelers for number 20 and
they came up and drafted a receiver just
do you think we’ll get anything like
that any M any massive trades anything
that you’re going to get like something
that you’re going to be like oh my like
a couple years ago we got AJ Green
getting traded the uh to the Tennessee
Titans I remember Rael was pissed um I
heard he had to hit the gym that night
because he was so angry but uh but what
what what do you think do you think uh
anything like that happens well Brandon
auk is a a hot name but that I would
have to call John Lynch a liar because
he just said today that the team wants
to keep Brandon iuk for the long call
for the rest of his career now to keep
the theme of this show I would love if
the Chargers said the Vikings I don’t
want number 11 I want 23 and Justin
Jefferson hey you said something you
said something big so you give me a
future first round pick 23 and Justin
Jefferson but you just got rid of Keenan
who made like well and and obviously
it’s completely different obviously
Keenan and Justin are completely
different two different do you think
Justin fits in that mold of uh of those
guys of of Odell Jamar like is he like
that he seems more like a traditional X
to me yeah well see the thing with J he
can play in the slot and on the outside
but okay yo J he’s arguably the best
receiver in the
NFL I’m sure hert would pick up at the
airport but I just don’t know if they I
just don’t know if they’re gonna like in
a sense kind of blow their their whole
cap not their whole cap like what they
have remaining on them I I mean hell I
think Justin with her Justin and Justin
I mean that that the publicity sells
itself when it comes to those two guys
and then on top of that Jim Harbaugh
like I mean that’s killer but I just
don’t know you said you said say
something that blows you away didn’t I
just say something that blows you away
believe it my bad I just I I wasn’t
expecting that so yeah that’s that’s
actually uh pretty interesting right
there M and hey I I think it fits for
both sides if the Vikings you get to
keep some of your draft capital and
you’re starting over essentially if
you’re the Vikings and you’re starting
you already you already have what Jordan
Addison at receiver and you can probably
build through another receiver maybe
next year’s draft or later in the second
round because this is a deep draft class
and the Chargers get what they want I
hey I I need more Superstars here in
that so when I go to Rams and Chargers
games it’s more interesting know this
year the Rams have a better schule like
a better home like last year the
Chargers had the really good home
schedule where a lot of really good
teams came in and fun teams now this
year it’s the Rams that have the fun
schedule coming in and and all that so
but my bad go go ahead Gilbert Tyler you
mentioned you know John Lyn saying
they’re gonna keep Brandon auk but I
wonder how they’re gonna make it all
work obviously you can move around money
salary cap doesn’t really matter but you
think maybe they trade a dbo Samuel to
make G the number one feature because I
feel like he he gets hurt a lot it’s
hard to give him the ball but I get that
him being so versatile and explosive SE
separates his offense from everybody
else and gets K shanan more pieces to
work with all the creativity all that
but he just to me I feel like auka is
better what’s going on with dbo you feel
like could it be an option so it depends
how you define better because Debo it
he’s uh better at getting Yak yards and
when you can line up Debo anywhere in
the football field you give a hand in
the football and he could be an
explosive playmaker and a pinch you can
probably have Debo as a punt returner if
you really need a like so it depend like
Debo can do more now as a pure receiver
as a pure route Runner if you’re telling
me Go beat this cornerback oneon-one we
need 10 yards auk is better at that
correct but more valuable to the 49ers
and the Heart and Soul probably the
49ers offense is probably Debo now if
I’m the 49ers they I try to Massage
Brandon iuk for this season hope he you
know stay on the Straight Arrow and be
I I mean come on come on Fernando you
know what I mean I’s ego thinking about
Cleveland for some reason yeah yeah’s
going way elsewhere now
what is this this is
Friday exactly you don’t trade oh wow
that’s my favorite movie by the way so
that’s one of the greatest movies I ever
I love that movie nice nice so yeah I
try to say tell Brandon auk We’re not
gonna pay you this year but next year
we’re going to take care of you and the
49ers they have a lot of decisions to
make not this season but next
season they got Fred Warner coming up
they got a lot of really good players
that they either need to pay need to cut
do something with so this season needs
to be their figure out okay we’re gonna
go For Broke right here and yeah and try
to win a Super Bowl and the next year
we’re going to try to figure it out we
we we got to get in the War Room AR
brass and figure out which players are
essential to Our Success we already know
we got to probably keep Brock pie and we
got to pay him so do are we going to pay
two receivers we proven last year and
years before that paying two receivers
is probably not a winning formula the
Bengals are finding out the hard way
right now because T Higgins is
disgruntled and next year he’s gonna be
out the door probably for free I got one
for you go ahead I would trade T Higgins
for a top 10 pick to one of those teams
for a top 10 pick and draft Romeo Odun
for the Cincinnati
Bengals is T hickens worth a top 10 pick
you got him in a second round oh no my
bad okay okay my bad I’ll trade my pick
my first round draft pick with uh with
him and I would try and move up in the
draft and maybe trade some other Pi
whatever I would just try and get in
that top 10 and I would get Romeo dun
he’s cheaper he like you said he’s an X
he’s a guy that could do some stuff and
I mean t hins you’re not going to pay
him let’s be honest you haven’t even
paid jar Chase
no they are GNA pay him but they haven’t
exactly they haven’t paid him yet so I
would just get T Higgins out of here
like I I would be like all right T
Higgins has been real but uh screw you
Gilbert for putting that one on and you
and you would ask for a top 10
pick not for T Higgins just T Higgins
but another first- round draft pick and
then possibly like a two next year
whatever and I try and jump on there and
get like the 10th pick or the ninth pick
or or something like that so yeah I
would do something like that give you
get a young receiver for cheap while
you’re paying Jamar Chase and then once
Jamar chase you see what you have in the
next four five years whatever however
long you have control of them because
I’ve seen a lot of teams start doing
that three-year deal now where they get
they extend him for three years or for
three uh for uh three years or whatever
so I I I mean why are you gonna like you
said why are you gonna let him walk for
free why don’t you get something out of
him somebody like new well New England’s
not going to give up the third overall
pick for t Higgins but I mean like some
team is going to be like you know what
why not do it we need receiver the new
the Giants hell they need a receiver why
well need a quarterback too well well
man I remember when you got all that
hate Gilbert and you predicted that he
was gonna make 40 million a year and
people got pissed at you and they said
what do you know but uh but yeah my bad
but I don’t know what that’s that’s kind
of my wow or something like that but I
agree with Gilbert also on the sense of
dbo Samuel that’s another thing that you
would need to see because deo’s always
getting hurt towards the end of the year
and he’s always missing games I know his
style is kind of like he plays like a
pinball um so I’m just wondering what
what’s gonna happen there Nancy’s
laughing at the Broncos trading for Zack
Wilson that’s funny yeah I know I’m sure
you’re not the only one Nancy that’s
laughing at that but uh hilarious but I
don’t know that’s just mine I don’t
know I mean that I
didn’t but I mean I mean that’s a good
one I’m hearing the Bengals really like
Brock Bowers and they um like JC leam
but I’m not sure that they’re gonna fall
to I believe the Bengals draft 19 do you
think the Bronco do you think he makes
it past the
Jets I don’t believe so okay that’s what
I’m saying I I don’t think either of
them make it to where the Bengals pick
which is 19 I believe yeah yeah but
that’s what I was saying you you package
up 19 with ro with uh T Higgins and then
you try and jump up to the top 10 no
that’s giving up too much because T
Higgins is pro T Higgins might be more
productive this season than any of of
those players a Dun or a brock
especially Brock Bowers now maybe a Dun
I mean maybe you’re trading for the
future but yeah I I don’t think so
because you can still get a receiver a
pretty good receiver at number 18 where
the Bangals are at all right Tyler I got
one more question and we’ll get you out
of here we appreciate the time but you
know I’m curious about the number two
quarterback to be obviously Kayla
Williams out of usfc is number one a lot
of a lot of love for Jaden Daniels The
highman Trophy winner from LSU to me I
will bet on the on the elite trades that
Drake May has I he hasn’t put it
together in college football but Josh
Allen Herbert guys like that they figure
it out after a while who’s the number
two quarterback for you right now Jaden
Daniels is pretty much not close I I
don’t even have Drake May in my top
three really I have Michael pennick at
three and then Drake May and then JJ
McCarthy now I think Drake mayate yes he
has the physical traits a lot of people
say he’s kind of like a Josh Allen or
Justin Herbert but he had a lot of
turnovers um I think his foot feet work
AR aren’t all that polished yet um and
then when I look at him I feel
like him in the nation’s capital you
already just let go of a UNCC
quarterback who’s good friends with him
and they need a whole new fresh start
and then especially when I look at how
the offense is going to run Cliff
kingsberry is the OC you have uh Jaden
Daniels who’s a mobile type quarterback
can play similar Styles as Kyler
Murray I I really do like him with the
Washington Commander so I do think he’s
gonna be number one a number two overall
pick what have you made of of the noise
of uh everything that’s been going on
with uh with that supposedly he didn’t
like the because I saw that supposedly
they had a speed date like lined up
where they brought in like 20 prospects
they took him out to Top Golf to dinner
all that crap uh they whed and dined
them um but what what did you make like
do you feel like that noise is legit or
no this is a whole lot of smoke because
the Raiders want Jaden Daniels I can
tell you that right
now Antonio Pierce recruited Jaden
Daniels to Arizona State and the Raiders
would love to draft him they know they
can’t probably get up to two they
probably can’t get up to three they
might be able to get in the top five
maybe but they want Jaden Daniels and
it’s pretty much not a secret they’ve
told a lot of people behind closed doors
however it’s likely not going to happen
because they’re sitting there at 13 and
they don’t have the ammunition to get up
to inside that top three but that’s
pretty much where it’s coming from uh
last one for me and then we’ll let you
go uh Dak Prescott what what do you
think happens with the Cowboys I I I
have to ask you a Cowboys question
before you leave uh they have to pay um
Micah Parsons Mah Parsons was taking
body shots with a damn boxer the other
day I’m like what are you doing dude
like how are you doing that I don’t know
if you saw that video Tyler um I I did
not see the video but it sounds like
Michael Carson yeah so um so you have
michah Parsons you have CD lamb you have
those guy like I guess my question is
what what do you think ends up happening
with uh with uh those guys and Tyler
just to show you I am a great friend I
have the video pulled up for you this is
what uh this is what happened right here
look at this watch
this oh I don’t want to get copyrighted
look at
o he what if he broke a rib right there
that’s what I’m saying like that guy was
not phased that never judge a book by
its cover folks look Micah punches him
the Kai’s like okay what ever this guy
then the little flea the little guy just
goes bang and look at Micah Micah was
not ready for that so uh but yeah I
think that’s that’s idiotic that he did
that but whatever I’m not the GM of well
nobody’s a GM of the the Cowboys except
for Jerry Jones but what do you think
happens there do you think they let Dak
walk do they sign the other the young
kids what what what do you make of
that this is a very tough question
because the Cowboys have put themselves
in a very peculiar predicament
because Dak Prescott if you sign him
right now and give him an extension he
actually won’t count against your salary
cap as much as he counts right now right
now he absorbs like over 60 million or
now I believe once it’s all said and
done the Cowboys extend deck probably
next year it’s not going to happen this
year though and somebody’s going to have
to take a team-friendly deal whether
cidd or Micah Parsons they’re G to be I
know I know the salary Cap’s going to go
up next year so that that’s a positive
news for the Cowboys sake but somebody’s
gonna have to take A Team friendly deal
and it may be Dak it may be D because
when you sometimes quarterbacks do it
Patrick momes has a Team friendly deal
even though it doesn’t look like it on
paper when you see that $500 million but
he justs every two years that’s what I
saying that’s the way they’re going to
play it they’re just going to re up him
every two years yeah and I mean
so I I do think he stays in Dallas
because they don’t have an insurance
plan I mean
Lynch I
mean they have a former number three
overall pick t n come on
man come on I mean unless Tre Lance uh
improves dramatically uh and surprises
us all just don’t see it happening to me
they have to take care of their three
players because if you don’t take care
of the three of them the Cowboys they’re
going to be rebuilding because those are
their three pillars and easily their
three most indispensable players when
you look at their entire roster you
can’t lose Michael Parson because in
your defense probably goes to below
average and if you don’t have Dak who’s
throwing the football and michah Parsons
is clearly your number one receiver
because you just lost your number two
you fire Mike McCarthy you draft shador
Sanders all let’s get out Sanders as the
head coach next year I would love that
that’ll create headlines you see that I
would love that will create headlines
it’s not gonna happen it’s not GNA
happen but I would love that

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