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DRAFT EXTRAVAGANZA | Between Two Beards Ep.151

Its our 3rd annual NFL Draft Watch Along plus with the WWE Draft set the next day we will making up our own Mock Draft for each brand.






hello hello hello love
wrestling it’s Thursday night it’s 8:00
p.m. and you know what that
means it’s another new episode of
Between Two Beards
I only drink with my the biggest news of
the week the r
lost if you got the budget I’ve got the
time there he is
boss the man with the finest beard on
screen shut shut the hell up let me talk
you see the RADS are resourceful when I
got beef with somebody I can find a way
to talk to
them and listen between
down hello hello hello love wrestling it
is Thursday night it is 800
p.m. and you all know what that means
what does it mean tell them tell them
all I don’t think so I think there’s
some people that still don’t know no
yeah I think it’s another new 151 of
these things I think people are confused
it’s true another new episode of between
two beers and not just any episode plugo
tonight is the third annual Between Two
Beards dra
Extravaganza we are here the NFL draft
is started we are going to be watching
along to the whole first round you gotta
say it you gotta say it was
Extravaganza Extravaganza ah you gotta
get some inant to it I got a I got a
Nifty green screen background to the
draft do we what claudo do we know you
should know by now you should know
claudo by you should cul what’s going on
Sir Scott welcome in I saw today he’s
doing really well after his surgery
looks good he’s married now he’s getting
there he’s recovering fast he’s here for
the jpj downfall I mean there is a
downfall of foot yeah earliest draft
pick of my lifetime pluger quick yeah
and Scott good evening good evening
earliest draft pick of my
lifetime I you know I don’t believe in
any of the people that are going to be
there any of
them uh
anyone at three not one person Marvin
Harrison Jr We’re not gonna take him but
you said at three you don’t believe in
anybody but he’s there at three theor
We’re not gonna take him but if you you
if would you anybody that the Patriots
are gonna take it three I don’t believe
strange I don’t believe I here’s my
thing I think Caleb Williams will be
legit the rest of
them I don’t know so that’s kind of
where we’re at uh cul I was saying
before we came on I said we need to save
it for the
draft I am expecting the New England
Patriots to take whoever is there
Sullivan possible I am yeah solivan if
you’re free brother come hang out Philly
oh yeah dude yeah yeah if you want to
pop in for this if you want the link hit
me message me
brother okay we need some more Philly
Fanatics in this in this stream as
Lawrence Lawrence will be joining us our
B2 be fantasy football champion soon
he’s having some difficulties he will uh
so my thing right is i b I talked myself
into Jaden Daniels first because when
this whole thing started he was rumored
to be the third best guy and Drake May
was too right so
then so
then oh the
Sixers well you don’t have embiid right
out you’re embiid out
uh now does that mean does that mean
you’ll join if they lose or if they win
or if you’re just like oh and Beads out
so I’m gonna join the Beards Fair which
one is
it oh bellich with the pink tie that’s
like the best dressed b b ever seen life
pocket square yeah he’s looking good and
he’s talking a lot he was just glowingly
talking about Tom Brady during our intro
and I was like did you see the news
before we dive into why people actually
show up here that Tom Brady did that
autograph signing and gave people just
absolute dog crap sorry kiss it’s early
dog crap autographs for
$3500 what do you mean they were bad
autographs they were just awful
autographs he like barely scribbled it
doesn’t even look like his autograph
really and yeah dude look it up I saw
some some dude was on the news he was
like I spent
$14,000 on Tom Brady autographs and he
ruined all my property this is
destruction of property and I was like
14 Grand listen I would take I would
take a bullet for Tom Brady I ain’t
paying 14 Grand for
anybody autograph but no it was like it
was it was it started at like 3500 a pop
so you got like he one one guy had like
per item yeah per item so like had some
shoes and then he had like a chair and
the autograph is just like one big nasty
swoosh on the
chair and the guy’s like has that has
that always been his
autograph if you were do we have other
like I’m just asking like has that
always been his autograph
though like I’d have to look it up
because I don’t know but I could tell
you like there’s no tb12 on any of it it
looks it is Sly
of but anyway it all depends on if the
game is close Ryan you could have a
meltdown here live on Between Two Beards
we’re okay with that we’re g I’m going
to when it gets to the Patriots pick I’m
gonna be losing if we take JJ I was
telling plugo off the
air I said I I think what I think
they’re gonna do is they’re gonna take
whoever’s there Jaden Daniels or Drake
May whoever’s there I think they’re
gonna take them what I think they’re
hoping is that at the when they’re on
the clock some team panics and gives
them a Godfather offer and they go all
right cool and they amass some picks
that’s what I think they want to happen
refuse if we take JJ M there better be a
guest here Sullivan better be here or
Lawrence better be
here take
J my night is ending early my night is
ending early I’m gonna be gone for a
certain I don’t even know but I’m going
to be gone for a little bit of time
because I’m GNA need to calm
down calm
also Boo this man oh no that’s Eminem
don’t boo Eminem I was like who are you
booing what are you watching wish I’m
watching the McAfee on YouTube special I
am too yeah they’re showing Roger
Goodell Roger Goodell is out there
um um claudo I’m looking it up as we
speak to get more more uh in analysis on
it but it’s bad it is it
is Detroit what Detroit what I got a
couple people I work job that are
actually there right now by the way so
shout Roger
Goodell they did this thing with Eminem
on purpose so Roger Goodell wouldn’t get
booed that’s the only thing they did
they go hey Roger gell gets booed every
time he comes out here during this draft
how do we get him not to to be booed oh
we’ll put him out there with Eminem in
Detroit come
on come on oh jarro go there I’m on St
this is it okay all right there’s one
thing we need to talk about in the
wrestling thing as well I mean we’re
gonna be having we’re also during this
Calvin Johnson’s there goddamn Megatron
Megatron yeah he’s there to watch the
next Megatron get drafted Mariners
Marvin Harrison granted Marvin
Harrison’s not the physical specimen
that is Megatron but you know ALS Al
tonight we’re GNA talk WWE draft which
will be oh yeah start tomorrow it’s our
draft isaga for a reason we’re gonna be
doing a mock
draft it’s gonna be happening bro
there’s a lot of stuff you know what we
need to talk about though right off the
Jump Tony
Khan Tony Khan Tony Khan got his and
dynamite last night wait for it wait for
it wait for
it oh they are they are literally
chanting Jared name are they and here he
comes you know what good for Jared gof
huh good for Jared
G there he is he’s there people were
writing off uh claudo not a good word my
friend do not use that um you are
welcome in our chat not when you talk
like that my friend yes sir that’s
that’s the one
warning uh so my thing is Tony Khan
didn’t Tony Khan recently come out and
say that he was never going to use him
uh he would never put himself in an
angle wasn’t that a thing that I saw
that I read some yeah but but guys but
guys friends Pals he’s said a lot of
things that he’s gone back on but yet
again but I will say this so has every
wrestling promoter in the history of
wrestling has gone back on their word a
time or two and uh
yeah um I uh you know I’m just throwing
that out there but yeah this was this
definitely this was definitely something
so he got a melt he took a Meltzer
driver he took a first of all he took a
microphone to the stomach and he fell to
the ground like he got shot like it
wasn’t even a proper but he just
immediately just D crumpled to the
ground then
it’s him and Jack Perry they’re doing
thing all right the Draft is officially
underway if you’re not the on the clock
this is what I hate about this thing is
they’re gonna waste that entire 10
minutes just sitting
and I I they know who they want they
know who they want oh yeah and just do
it already that’s what I say uh claudo
will say this we don’t use those words
here on this show so whether it’s
whether that’s how you feel or not
that’s not the chat that we want
so that’s that man yeah B2B champ baby
yo I’m trying to find I’m trying to find
why are there two Eagles fans here this
is [ __ ] bizarre how how better how
it’s because the Nicks are gonna house
your exactly Sixers Ryan what’s up Ryan
uh it’s it’s quite possible
Su I was having so many technical
difficulties I was so angry we saw you
back there we saw you you didn’t look
thrilled you didn’t look thrilled
exactly we saw you I I downloaded this
Tik Tok of this Tom Brady Fiasco of this
news report so I’m trying to pull it up
so you guys could see what I’m talking
about I did you see this did you guys
see this yeah I heard about this what
the NFL no the Tom just all over these
the NFL keep that up go Birds okay so
what happened was I’m not keeping that
up get the hell off of my [ __ ] screen
uh brother I swear to God I will Bo
people out of here I
go bellich just Hamming it up over here
on the on the McAfee show this is the
most I’ve heard him talk in 10 years
unbelievable yeah it’s
unbelievable why are the Bears taking
any amount of
time I I have a conspiracy theory
that’ll probably never be confirmed that
the league asked them to do this well
yeah that they ask all the all the
number one picks to take time so that
they don’t have they can talk yeah yeah
that’s exactly like we we’re not
starting our broadcast H eight so please
take your full time so we can do our
full introduction yeah that’s fair I’m
ready I’m ready for the Drake May era
I’m ready for the Drake May era in uh in
New England I think that’s I think
that’s what’s happening I swear to
Christ if it is the JJ McCarthy era I’m
gonna burn my house down I’m gonna burn
my house down hope I hope he proves me
wrong I hope he proves me wrong if
that’s the thing I will burn my house
down I
hope I told I swear to God I
told up we were chatting up about how
feeling because I’ve been
like I’ve been like say burn it down
I’ve been like low key stressful today
because I’m like hopefully they do the
right thing because JJ McCarthy’s the
thing and either Jaden Daniels and Drake
May or trading out is the right thing
that’s probably what we should do I love
Marvin Harrison Jr but I don’t think you
can justify taking him
third when we we you need we need a lot
of things we need a lot of things we
need a quarterback back we need an
offensive line and we need a wide
receiver that’s what we need those are
our things we need you know who you know
who has all of that the Philadelphia
Eagles and just locking up AJ Brown
after locking up Devonte Smith after
locking up saquin Barkley all had great
deals by the
way cap Friendly
Deals my thing is I
I don’t know I’m not against building
the team up before you take the
quarterback I’m not against that because
I think even if we take a like we take a
quarterback at three right now we’re
still gonna be bad next year if we take
Drake May he’s not even gonna play next
year jacobe brassette is gonna be our
starting quarter we’re gonna be bad next
year so why don’t you use f your GNA
You’re Gonna Be Tom Brady autograph bad
this trip if I knew that I was going to
get a crap autograph these autographs
from Brady on four separate items
costing him more than
$14,000 there’s nothing resembling a TB
he now believes are ruined this is
property this
has I we want to a resolution and it’s
not just getting our money back the DI
hard sports fan hoping to salvage his
prized possessions and it’s
like you know what can you do what can
you do I’m hoping we get a resolution
you ain’t getting a resolution that Tom
Brady probably already spent that money
bro this is Def facing
property there you know I spent
$14,000 on Tom Brady’s
autograph his kids aren’t going to
college that’s my thing that like don’t
get me wrong could the autograph have
been better Tom Tom Brady could have
done better Tom Brady could have done
better there but at the end of the day
like you spent
$14,000 anybody’s autograph imagine
$14,000 and not having health
insurance dud spent 14 Grand on Brady
autographs and has that haircut I’m just
saying they interview him he’s wearing a
fing maram College zip
up zip up whatever Marc college is a
great school it’s about the only a great
school but it’s like bro there was like
you if you if you’re spending 14 Grand
on autographs when they interview you
you better be wearing a frakin suit you
better be hi Mrs plugo I didn’t see you
sneak in there hi Honey hi sweetie pie
thanks for the cool pick us in guys it’s
my birthday tomorrow she got me Johnny
Knoxville wrestling action figures like
a like a child that I am that’s
wonderful the pick is in guys Caleb
Williams H am I a little behind uh
sometimes each stream you watch
depending on where you’re watching it’s
gonna be I got M thing is I’m watching
ESPN and McAfee going but ESPN it says
the pick is in but we’re still talking
to somebody in the in the room in the
Green Room the pick is in get on the
stage and say the pick yeah who do you
think the pick Caleb yeah I just got
yeah they
got the Bears also have nine right they
also have the ninth pick which is their
own pick this pick is the Panthers pick
yep good job Panther I’m a 38-year-old
man tomorrow and this is the stuff I get
for my birthday hell yeah damn right oh
that’s awesome though I knowy old man so
what and I got she
got as well see when they show the
Jaguars pick is when they show the
Jaguar show this war room if Tony Khan I
tweeted about it last night if Tony Khan
is not in a neck brace in the war room
it’ll be one of the biggest blunders in
aw history yeah in aew history fer poed
Doom he better be in a neck brace just
sitting in the corner a
neck yeah no I love i l everybody like
like critiquing his selling ability I’m
like the man has never done this no no
also but also he’s just like sort of
like he’s awkward in his movements as a
general when he walks yeah he’s just not
built for taking
bumps I mean In fairness though PCH to
him a punch to the stomach would just
drop him yeah the way he just died for a
second then just died on the oh here it
is you’re getting now lawence you way
behind did somebody just say I’m like
I’m like a solid 30 seconds behind Fair
because I’m in Canada so I’ve got we’re
starting to get close we’re starting to
get close here oh the pick I already got
the pick but I will tell you this hate
this part I hate the most this 25 minute
this under see him do the the big hug
with Goodell and he’s not no it’s just
long he’s not Roman Reigns it shouldn’t
be 15 minutes from the Green Room to the
stage oh I like that yell though I’m
just Dad gamer says he’s just here to
see jpj cry
with the third overall pick for a slew
second bich ain’t there anymore man
literally about to say that ain’t there
anymore man it’d be like draft day when
he like he picks on the the Jaguars guy
like Hey listen I know you’re panicking
why don’t you just give me your pick and
I’ll give you a bunch of seconds and
Gerard Ma’s like yeah yeah
dude oh boy I think we’re gonna on
Twitter what is
it I know who does it for the NBA who
breaks the picks on Twitter for the N
Albert Breer is one of them he does that
um is it
sheer sheer I also got sher’s usually
good about it and he doesn’t do it di
Rini does it Albert Breer does
it Mayo is a bich disciple but um Elliot
wolf who’s the guy that’s making the
picks he’s not he’s a Green Bay Packer
disciple and Green Bay Packers usually
aass pick or they trade up for people so
I I’m interested to see
what they’re doing but I do think the
crafts are going to get involved and
probably mess it up because the crafts
are awful I just so I just love that the
Bears rolled out this absolute red
carpet of an offense for Caleb Williams
and we’re like hey Justin suck
it he couldn’t do it he well they gave
him Keenan Allen this year they gave him
single ter for this year and then they
didn’t do that for Justin Fields no
that’s what I’m saying yeah they they
they’re like oh like they I don’t know
and now they have I think they have
eight or nine and they’re probably going
to take a wide receiver there this is
what all day I’ve been I’ve been seeing
people talk about how they should do
what the Texans said last year and just
go all in move up get themselves Marvin
Harrison on top of it and just go
big I’d be here for
that I’m here for
chaos no so am I that’s my what listen
and the Sixers are going to be
eliminated from the playoffs I’m going
to have to go for
chaos did by the way how did that uh
go you didn’t you guys didn’t Nick nurse
was protesting the game game two oh I
mean he was given they said he was
right but doesn’t change the stat yeah
well the only thing it did tonight is
embiid probably should have been hit
with a flagrant two and was only given a
flagrant one so there was probably that
they’re even
now Bears first round picks in the last
eight years Mitchell trisi second
overall Justin Fields 11th overall and
Caleb Williams that’s my one worry is
the Patriots can’t become that
team I hope they do and that’s when you
get up to this level now where you’re
top five Patriots are
smart I hope Patriots are smart they
draft a line they’re not going to take
an offensive line if they take an
offensive lineman at three absolutely
not l no they’re yes they have I want to
say they have they have a pick in every
round but they have a late either a
fifth or sixth where they have a couple
they have good a good amount of picks
they’re going to
address the offensive line probably
multiple times I think they’ll try to
find a receiver late but my thing is
they’re they have to take a quarterback
at three unless they’re trading out they
to like that’s where again I don’t want
them to I would rather them build the
roster and then take the quarterback
because like I said we’re going to be
bad next year too so why not you know
yeah I don’t think we have to rush you
take Drake May at three which I don’t
mind that at all like I think he could
be good you take him at three he’s not
playing next year so what the hell does
matter dad then I would trade I would
trade the three then and that’s I would
build all the the well this interior and
roles first because that’s what the
Eagles did for Herz and it worked out
much better this is what the Patriots
should do and I’ve been saying this
since the early NFL season is that
Harrison Jr should be the guy because we
do not have a good wide receiver at all
all is that a dude dress like
Kyper on the MCA panel I think he’s
trying to be the M hyper of the panel I
I’m a bigger fan though of getting the
wide receiver last so so Jack Perry huh
hell yeah dude I’m gonna be honest with
guys looking at it now in
hindsight I think the angle with the
footage worked son of a [ __ ] I wasn’t
against it son of a
[ __ ] at first I was like they didn’t
need to do that that didn’t matter and
now I’m like that worked that worked
damn it anyway
I’m watching I’m I’m watching so many
screens now it’s just not right
yeah oh boy all right it looks like the
pick is in for the commanders we assume
it’ll be Jaden
Daniels you’re a trash organization hey
now when I was Helm under the helm at
the Washington commanders in the Madden
24 franchise I took them Bab
to the NFC Championship Game heck yeah
brother plugo was slinging it I was
definitely a gunslinger I had quite a
few intercept there was a lot of games
where like please don’t throw an
interception but I’d still figure out a
way to throw for five touchdowns there
are a lot figure out a way to throw an
interception there are a lot of people
at that draft yeah yeah um Detroit stand
up is a j I would like there was a rum
yeah this is gonna be Jaden Daniels it
has to be Jaden
Daniels brother oh you guys were behind
they already did the pick yeah they did
just did it for me Jaden Daniels is a
Washington Commander that makes sense
you better not spoil the Patriots pick
for me I will kill you it’s gonna be me
I’m gonna get drafted to the Patriots
it’s finally
happening 20 years of Eligibility Marco
quarterback New England patri
rots Jaden Daniels interesting if I’m
the Patriots I wor about a wide receiver
last see that’s what yeah you can’t I
don’t think they would I don’t think
they would be able to
justify taking a wide receiver three
they’re they’re gonna draft Drake May
right here I think that’s what they’re
gonna do they’re taking Drake
may I mean I know they can’t get the
line but there’s other I hope I hope sit
there and you take Drake may I hope they
just draft I hope they just trade down
trade down I’m not against them trading
down though but if they trade out of
this pick they should be getting
multiple first round picks we want them
to trade down for like only third
rounders that’s Bill’s not here Dan
Smith by Bill is talking right now on
the Pat McAfee show right
now that is probably true oh my God the
the dude playing Kyper on the McAfee
feed I’m listening to it goes Ryan Kelly
that’s a that’s a crazy mother [ __ ] he
turns red be yelling in people’s faces
Jade McDaniels he’ll be fine in the
NFL they’re drafting Drake and all his
crappy Music’s Got said yeah I tell you
what he’s got a lot of people watching
him I know he’s a he’s a he’s a Jugger
331,000 people if I’m if I’m the
Patriots I take McCarthy right here and
just shut this down why would you take
McCarthy though because I’m here for the
chaos and I’m here to see you but my
thing is the people that are picking
making this pick their jobs are on the
line you got to take somebody that like
Drake May buys you time if you take
Drake may you know he’s not starting
year one so you’re not gonna lose your
job until you find out about Drake May
you’re TI this you say like JJ McCarthy
same thing you take him JJ McCarthy and
Drake No JJ McCarthy stinks bro yeah
he’s not starting year one either so
Lawrence he is legal legal speak this
I I I I want to see JJ McCarthy could
drafted now I dog in this fight gross
yeah go Michigan look at
my here’s my thing here’s my thing most
likely most likely no matter who we take
here we’re gonna be end up in this same
position in two or three years doing
this again most likely but I think
there’s less of a chance of that
happening if we take Drake
May if we take JJ McCarthy we will be
back in this position maybe even next
but within the next two
years dad that is true and that’s been
that’s been the rumor on the on the
Boston uh radio shows today was that Tom
Brady himself has told the crafts that
he should take JJ McCarthy because he’s
a quarterback for M God I I hope
I oh that’s just you what is Tom Brady
doing anyway he they kicked his ass to
the curb Bill Bill they blamed it on
Bill he’s like I got I know what to do
blamed everything I’ll tell them JJ’s
the second coming of me I’ll really
screw him yeah they literally blamed
everything on built and then I’m gonna
write these really awful squiggly lines
of people in no one spoil anything until
I have the reaction wait how do we put
him on full
screen give him the full screen I don’t
know how to do son of a b oh damn
iten how to do
it I’m taking off my head they’re
goingon to take a left tackle Joe Al
they’re gonna take an edge take Joe Al
and I’m gonna be like it’s happening Joe
Al’s a badass dude he is he is but again
you got to build the trenches man
disagree but we can get a good left
tackle at 34 we have the third pick in
the second round too you can get a good
left tackle there you who you GNA get
for a quarterback then we we have to
take a quarterback this draft Spencer
Rattler maybe I’d be okay with that oh
dude these are still in the mix the the
New England Patriots select Tony
perk I forgot those are still in here I
just want them to do the right and I I
think the right thing is taking Drake
May okay they’re they haven’t made the
pick yet then on your end because not on
my end I gotta know I gotta know I
J it says the pick is in though please
fight it says the pick is in I’m not I’m
not looking at the chat I’m not doing
[ __ ] off foring I’m about to minimize
this window Patrick Ramsey Jason
Campbell Robert Griffin Dwayne H Haskins
and Jaden McDaniels goddamn that is a
lot of quarterbacks the the uh
commanders run yeah it’s
brutal RG3 should have been
good we
go wolf smiling oh God it’s gonna be JJ
mccy Ryan you’re too loud
I’m sick to my stomach I’m not looking
you oh they’re showing Drake May on
espnl sweet God sweet God help me take
Drake oh I I got it I got it I don’t I
don’t want to see it I don’t want to see
it I don’t want to see it I’m the
furthest behind because I’m in Canada I
don’t want to see it the pick is in the
CFL doesn’t act like this do do they God
what a terrible shitty [ __ ]
owner come on give me Drake May oh look
at me I’m Robert CRA give me Drake May
why am I so far
behind what if you never found out so
far behind come
on get your ass out there I know you
just you died and this is your
hell never getting to know the
pick I had a heart attack before the
earliest breake me baby all right let’s
go all right all right darn it show’s
over breath I can breathe all right
let’s go May big [ __ ] tease this was the
Drake may I believe in Drake may I
believe in Drake May Drake Maya let me
see if I can just watch is
here Drake May looks more like Tom Brady
than JJ McCarthy damn right look at him
he’s happy smiling he’s like hell yeah
interesting look at his shoes he’s got
nice shoes on his
snakers hell
yeah all right
jpj this is your moment he’s not going
to play and we’re gonna go five and
[ __ ] 12 and that’s what’s gonna
happen and we’re gonna have a top 10
pick next year and there’ll be a better
quarterback in the draft and you’ll be
like what the hell do we do Jaden Jaden
MCD Daniels is gonna be Rookie of the
Year throw for 40
touchdowns two interceptions rush for
three three how dare dare you Dad how
dare you Dad gamer how dare you oh yeah
true I mean he’s not listen let’s be
honest listen dad’s not wrong here I
mean Tris solid how solid Drake B come
man I do think the only I I will say
this I will say this I think the only
reason that the Bears didn’t even
consider Drake May was because of
probably Scott say the trash starts now
at four I mean it kind of does yeah
because they kind of knew these were the
top three picks we’ve known this for a
while right so I do feel like Arizona
you would expect is going to take Marvin
Harrison Jr and I think they’re going to
go I think they will go all the way down
to the clock because they know what
they’ve got yeah hey fish Giants fan he
might get JJ McCarthy today my QB’s name
is Drake baby yeah started from the
bottom now win that hotline bling n
started from the bottom now we’re here
started from the bottom now we five and
12 listen here’s my thing okay we’ve
identified that this guy we’re going to
try to be the quarterback great all
right let’s follow the process see if he
can be good who is he throwing the ball
to because our best receiver is like the
fourth best receiver on half the teams
in the league yeah we just we just
traded for your receiver for like uh oh
wa no we picked him in free agency he’s
like our third or fourth receiver yeah
what’s his face yeah n kill ha no who
no didn’t we get a receiver off you guys
off the we resign Kendrick borne we have
de Mario Douglas but like we’re
not I’m listening to the Drake may talk
right now though I’m falling in love he
is uh I would say incredibly white I was
watching that highlight film that was a
very very like playing pickle ball and
golf in like the C oh yeah you got guju
did you get gu guu
is that who it was Lawrence ju remember
no I don’t think so we have Juju
yeah Juju Smith
Shuster all right now what that was all
the fun right there man yeah stream’s
over stream’s over go home now I want
see Patriots get get crazy and trade
back into the first
room ah gonna go completely top we we
need a top tackle we need a top tackle
and we need a receiver but I but I think
we can get Drake May looks like a
generic starting place for every Creator
wrestler you know
what Devonte Parker oh yeah he’s a bum
well like no because he was he was like
your one or two receiver but he was our
number one receiver last year yeah he
was your number one yeah the but like
he’s going to play better in like the
third role where he’s not getting double
and thing where he’s like he’s going to
be the four actually fourth because it’s
going to be like Dallas Gard
Devonte then than him all he has to do
is be able to catch a ball when he’s
wide open because everyone else is
covered so every time somebody posts a
comment that says the pick is in it
remind you guys remember a few years
back when they did the the pick is in
graphics and the Jets one the logo cut
off the bottom of the piece so it looked
like it said the dick is
in no no all right we’ll find
it I have uh are um may or may not used
to send that to
people after certain
activities it’s how Mr love with you yep
yck yep
go in who’s going in there was like a
giant wasp in
here who’s got a giant wasp I’m trying
to find this
image here who’s B been up right now is
it still in
here Lou is trying to join the draft
party but he’s I mean King Marvin Harris
J King Lou think of uh Drake
B he’s on board I think hey that was
that was the the most uh slam D
happening all right I would have I would
have threw the
farm at as we continue to watch the
draft now that uh my stress levels are
to normal now and it doesn’t feel like
I’m a I’m having a heart attack
uh what was your favorite match on AW
Dynasty Ryan this one oh see why are the
Jets because the way the football logo
goes they put it in the center and it
perfectly cut off the bottom of the
P that made me laugh okay so you can
imagine I’m sending that to my best
friend every
time oh I’m telling stories here you
should tell telling people things should
be telling people the best match on the
card was obviously Osprey versus Daniel
I love swear winning though so there was
how dare you how dare you think will
Osprey is a good wrestler you piece of
[ __ ]
Ryan that’s all I hear every time I say
oh my God that Osprey match was
incredible people go every match he has
is incredible you say it about all of
them yeah because he’s the best wrestler
on the planet thank you for coming to my
Talk sorry go on right joining your Ted
Talk you came on my stream this is my
TED Talk yeah but it wasn’t supposed to
be a TED Talk it was supposed to see jpj
losing his mind I know and it didn’t
happen so now we have to come up with
material we’ll see we got a long night
ahead of us you know what else we’re
doing tonight guys we’re having our our
WWE mock draft Yeah because tomorrow
night is the WWE fun of
WWE why are we making fun of WWE it’s a
mock draft oh get it I got it I got it
no that’s good that’s good that’s good I
hate you
Ryan what you look it don’t hate damn it
do I respect you don’t hate the play I
hate the game ha the game I hate you Ron
but damn it do I respect you do I
you I’m not even mad I’m just
impressed jpj will you get a drake May
Jersey throwback wants to know no I
don’t buy jerseys no you don’t own a
single football jersey I do not
interesting Lawrence do you own a
football jersey I don’t own a single
Jersey of any sport Lawrence you don’t
you don’t buy football jerseys to you
that’s not because like I don’t I don’t
think they’re like that I it’s just not
usually something I do I like hats I’m a
hat guy so I’ll buy like the team’s hat
and [ __ ] but that I don’t usually does r
Ryan do you own a shirt that’s not a
T-shirt well yes because the white
t-shirts go under my dress shirts which
is why you often see me on streams of
them because it take off the dress shirt
he just comes home rips off the dress
one of them fancy jobs he needs to wear
a dress shirt to work oo fancy guy but I
uh I have a bunch of different color
plain t-shirts there you go here we go
okay playing like playing white te’s
like hey there
Delila thank you Dad uh yes exactly
that’s a good cat he dad’s a good cat I
have shirt I have flyer shirt I have a
Eagle shirt I have a Philly shirt and I
have jerseys I have an eagles Jersey
Sixers jersey and a Flyers jersey nice
very cool Lawrence what about you I have
I have like legitimately two jerseys
from fictional
teams which
uh the AFC
Richmond and uh the Dylan Panthers I
used I I used to have the eastan
Panthers jersey Marvin Harris is gonna
be very good he’s gonna be very
nice uh he is a
cornerback he is a cornerback Mike fish
from the University of Alabama and that
is correct his name is Kool-Aid mckin
Street wouldn’t it be funny if he mry
what if he what if he drank flavor world
the Patriots would trade back up to
draft Kool-Aid McKenry because he would
immediately be my favorite play I’m
waiting for notification to come across
that the pat have traded Drake May for
what I would trade Drake May right now
to the Vikings for Justin Jefferson 11
and 23 no no no no you’re not gonna hear
me out it’s gonna be to whoever picks JJ
McCarthy so they’ll get him and some
additional third round picks you know oh
[ __ ] like hey you guys take May at three
we’ll take McCarthy at five make a
trade not tonight
y’all t that Ryan I like that better
than your dad
joke I’m just
here um to see J jpj lose his mind
because you need an emotional support
buddy when the Sixers go oh down
03 nah I’ve seen it it is what it is
blow the team up do you think all right
two years you think embiid’s gonna be
there yes see the problem the Sixers
have is depth and they’re going to free
up a whole lot of cap space because the
weight Le of space that is Tobias Harris
is on the contract makes a lot of money
he makes a lot of money that Tobias
Harris yeah so as soon as he’s gone they
actually have money to spend on some
people and then you’d have Maxi embiid
and if you can get a third or fourth you
might you for the longest time I thought
Tyrese sorry I thought Tobias Harris and
Chris Middleton were the same
guy I was like that’s the same player
right it’s the same person I always got
those two conf contribute as much to the
Sixers right one of is
signed if the Chargers keep this pick I
think harbs may take JC leam cornerback
out of Alabama the best corner in the
draft and then he trades Justin Herbert
to take to take McCarthy at
six well the Giants are at six the
Giants are probably gonna take McCarthy
mcarthy think they they want to develop
a quarterback so if the if the Chargers
are staying at this
pick they don’t they’re not going to
take a quarterback they’re going to
probably do a they’re probably going to
do what Scott said he’s the best corner
they need Corners although they need
wide receivers too though could they
take Malik neighbors right here they
just let they traded Keenan Allen they
let Mike Williams go so Herbert has who
the who the frig is Herbert throwing to
he’s gonna be throwing to Justin
Jefferson in Minnesota
maybe but if that trade’s going to
happen it better be happening now there
two minutes left on the clock Anything
Can Happen dude you’re you’re getting
impatient calm down the the the need
some fireworks man the T the calming
blue tones of your background really
bring out the red in your face right now
it matches my
hat really my great hat this I need you
to stick around for a little while can’t
have you popping no blood vessels here
dude relax oh I wish dude
bro because if Lawrence and I took over
this show it would just be absolute
utter chaos
and we get kicked off the air almost
immediately I think they’re taking
either Malik neighbors or JC light them
Brock could they could take Joe all too
because Herbert needs protection as
well then buy some condoms he’ll be fine
what you said he needs some protection
buy some condoms you didn’t like my dad
okay kind of show we trying to be over
here I don’t know I don’t know we’re
watching the we’re watching the NFL
draft on a wrestling Channel you tell me
know it’s the crossover appeal
everyone’s looking for yeah right we
bring we bring in the fans where’re the
oh Joe Al my
dude go w
baby I thought they might take a tackle
let’s go I just said Joe Al could be an
opportunity but is he as overrated as
program it’s true though what the did
you just say wait did you you can’t you
can’t sit up there and pretend that you
guys when was the last time you won I
didn’t say I listen I don’t think we’re
overrated I think we’re properly rated
we’re the most hated if you were not
Notre Dame if you were not Notre Dame
but we are you if like the way that you
guys perform you don’t have a hard
schedule but if you weren’t the New
England Patriots like that we think we
had the third pick in the draft that’s
different I know I’m just saying though
no I’m saying Notre Dame is in the
playoffs every year they weren’t last
year okay but they’re in the playoffs
almost every year because they’re the
Dame and then they just no show every
time and if they weren’t Notre Dame if
it was if that if the same was happening
to the University of Louisana
Lafayette they wouldn’t be sniffing the
playoffs but because it’s not Dame they
get in the playoffs and then they lose
by 30 they’re not in the same we lose by
30 but we’re it’s not because we’re
Dame it’s because we’re good team
there’s two things you you get good
offensive lineman and you get good tight
ends you don’t even watch college
football I don’t know you have no idea
honestly uh the northeast or at least
where I’m from Massachusetts we don’t
give a [ __ ] yeah because you’re under
name safety school if they Boston
College there it is we we do we do have
good linebackers and good uh offensive
lineman that’s what we bring to the
league Luke Keeley oh BC Baby BC
baby yeah buddy Notre Dames turning into
offensive also uh Matt Ryan Boston
College yeah he’s trash we were number
two in the country the year that he was
a senior we were number two in the
country at one point and that’s when
everyone around here was like oh [ __ ]
Boston College is number two in the
country football
huh the hell’s that
about I mean it’s more that we have pro
teams worth watching plugo but you know
I think that’s I think that’s part of it
like usually I’m in the mecca dude I’m
in the midwest I’ve got everything I
could possibly want in sports who’s your
pro teams who are your pro teams I don’t
have a football team yeah he he doesn’t
he he owns a piece of clothing of every
sports franchise that’s ever existed so
I don’t think he has has a sports
loyalty Notre Dame I think is the
closest thing to a sports loyalty he has
Cubs Cubs my baseball team uh know
what’s up uh you know basketball I’m a
Houston Rockets
fan gonna be okay though you got a the
coach that we need if we had and then
football I don’t have a team I should
pick one this year probably soon I
should I say that but it’s kind of nice
and then hockey I grew up at penguins
fan but I don’t really I don’t really
watch hockey dude dude yogger and
Lemieux ruled all right shut your mouth
was a bruin for a while yo was cool sh
yeah that’s what I’m
saying Mario also very good but like the
was gross then we had then we had M and
then we had Crosby dude badass
bro badass there was a third one I’m
forgetting they had a big
three I don’t remember imag
imagine imagine you’re a big when when
was this big three when they had malan
and Crosby they had a third guy that
yeah there you go yeah that guy L Laten
right Chris Laten yeah lat Tang was her
third how many minutes of hockey I
watched this year like four um I mean
you should cheer for the P Penguins the
NHL rig the draft to get
Crosby yeah also great player [ __ ] but
uh great player though great player
would have loved him on thein [ __ ] and
totally rigged the
drift but they do that in all leagues
yeah yeah the Penguins had just gotten
malcin then there’s a lockout and the
penguins are threatening to move
suddenly they get Crosby to reinvigorate
the fan base because they had no fans at
the time do what you gotta do man then
wasn’t Jim ball silly trying to buy the
Penguins too for a bit to move them to
Canada it was like like there was like
Jim ball silly kept trying to buy teams
and failed and eventually the NHL like
banned him from ever trying
again because I think he lied to the NHL
too and said he wasn’t going to move a
team when he was very what are the
Giants doing by the way I think they
take a wide receiver or JJ McCarthy no
there this pick feels like 20 minutes
long but yeah I don’t remember any of
that man my favorite hockey team is the
Disney Mighty
ducks quack quack quack Mr ducksworth
yeah yeah that’s shout to them to
putting the Trinidad and Tobago hockey
team on the cover of the [ __ ] that is
true Scott is correct the Red Sox owners
own the Pittsburgh Penguins currently no
that’s funny though like they all they
could have put Gunner stall the Iceland
fate they’re like that Trin van Tobago
team that we smoked nine to
one shout out representation baby and
and then of times I see trines in movies
and then the one goal they scored Jesse
Hall’s a dick about it it’s like bro
you’re up nine nothing settle down oh
yeah they when the roosters are crown
and the cows are spinning circles in the
pasture dogs fly
yeah JJ McCarthy is dropping that
McCarthy is
dropping who who do they yeah surprised
neighbors went to the Giants yeah I’m
surprised the Giants have in their QB
room right now
Daniel 40 milon they still have Daniel
Jones Danny DS baby I thought that would
have been a perfect scenario for JJ
McCarthy because Danny Jon Daniel Jones
can still play for a year or two while
mcth figures it out went on the rich I
and podcast and be like yeah I feel like
I’m gonna go to New York here I think
they’re gonna take
me [ __ ] where does JJ McCarthy go now
though because I don’t care he’s from
Michigan he can go in the seventh round
isn’t gonna take another quarterback
Atlanta isn’t they just signed Kurt
Cousins Atlanta said they might still
take a quarterback even though they
signed Kurt to Dev so maybe they take
him there sit under do the Aaron Rogers
thing where you sit him for like two
years three years let him develop and
then there you
go Danny dimes
baby I don’t know how Mike fish feels
about that but could be worse the milk
hyper guy on uh Pat magae just said ah
Daniel Jones you can’t sugarcoat a turd
am I right
hilarious hilarious that would be
incredible if J.J McCarthy ended up
falling to Minnesota at 11 because they
were GNA trade up to try to get him and
if they ended up getting him at
11 that would be pretty wild cardd said
JJ McCarthy gives him big backwards hat
Vibes yeah Ryan yeah Ryan you got that
backwards hat energy dude what are you
doing there what are you doing there
you’re not you’re not ready to Le you’re
not ready to lead an NFL franchise into
the promised land because your Hat’s on
the wrong way because that’s how that
yeah get him
coward oh boy Washington
commanders um why is McAfee so red he’s
like red red maybe it’s the Canadian tux
but I think he’s probably
cold yeah he’s in Detroit I can’t
imagine Detroit’s warm it’s uh it’s not
terrible today but it isn’t great
probably now up there yeah it was it was
decent during uh t-ball
practice you play t-ball that’s sweet I
do play t-ball
nice that’s right I didn’t know they did
that for adults I hit
dingers smashing dingers bro that’s what
it’s about that’s what it’s about
smashing dingers if you want to know
know how my my son is doing in
t-ball he uh stepped up to the plate
they put the ball on the T he swung it
the first one missed oh boy gets back
into his batting stance leaves the
batter box walks back into the Dugout
the coach goes what are you doing he
goes I’m cold I’m putting my coat
on walks back takes 30 seconds to put a
coat on walks back to the duck out walks
back to the B box smacks himself an
infield single stands on first base
makes a pile of dirt I like all right
Fair showman showman spot what’s good
brother dingers you damn right man tight
spots Playhouse I only hit dingers
baby all right when do we want to start
uh WWE mock
draft never
fine whatever the hell with you
then never I probably should load up
huh if you wanted tight spot we
appreciate you stopping by saying hi
we’re watching the draft we got a couple
visitors here Lawrence and Ryan from
Mark order
pod speaking of uh people jpj loves
Bailey pointed at Owen
sign oh yeah first wrestling show over
the weekend yeah and she she pointed him
out called him out on a sign CU yeah he
was loving it what did the sign say his
first WWE event oh okay first WWE show e
jpj and D’s like
yeah I
just I would have had to
retire hey Lawrence do you realize that
your uh your lower thing just says in
how we trust
Lawrence said I don’t give a [ __ ] what
you’re asking me every Everything
Lawrence does is
calculated I don’t think that’s
true what that lawen rosters are uh The
rosters are going to lock what in the
beginning of May something like that
with the with the WWE Draft
rules they say that every year though
yeah I know but we I think we I think we
honestly got to give Triple H a chance
to see if he actually holds true to the
draft I don’t believe they
will well let’s see I believe he’ll go
in with the best of intentions and then
the real world gets in the
way and you’re like I I I have to bring
this guy here I have to do this person
here so how do you want to do this plugo
do we flip a coin and then someone gets
choose their
brand there’s four of us here but do we
want to I mean we can’t have four I was
going to say if we we could draft in
teams Lawrence is not drafting is that
what he said yeah I’m gonna like after
the Eagles pick I’m gonna go to bed wow
up early unbelievable what are the
aren’t they they pick late second oh
yeah so you’re gonna be here for the
duration unless they move up imagine
they did unless they move up talking
about to move up to get better Corner
because they didn’t they am I so they
released some
pages Pages they released some pictures
of who’s available in the drafts each
night and stuff like that I thought that
the report C I thought a report came out
last week or a little bit longer than
that that said that NXT was going to be
involved in the draft like people from
NXT will be involved which they always
are but they said that people from the
main roster will end up going to
NXT but NXT is not making any picks
yeah I think they they can pick from NXT
and like I have a feeling it’s going to
be like a that’s the only place where
they’re at least saying that they’re
allowed some lateral movement like some
some of the main roster guys can go back
still I have a feeling like they’re
still GNA allow that
yeah but I think NXT is just like it’s
back to being de Developmental and
they’re just getting you know picked
so how many
rounds where did you see that Scott
because in the things that I saw
released it said nothing about NXT
drafting M uh I don’t see it no NXT is
not on there yeah there’s nothing about
that it says that there’s certain rounds
on Friday with his with a certain amount
of wrestlers and there’s certain rounds
on Monday with more wrestlers but I
didn’t see anything about it saying NXT
was drafting anywhere
on the pictures it says NXT Superstars
included or something like that in small
writing but I I oh no no they are NXT
Superstars will be eligible to be
drafted yeah okay that’s fine but is NXT
drafting NXT is not drafting no they’re
just pick from but was there not a was
there not a report that came out a
little while ago that said that main
roster people can end up in NXT I I
think they’re probably going to move
back there yeah I think they’re just
going to like allow
them yeah I don’t
know I don’t think NXT is
drafting I’m looking at the rules of the
draft and they’re not yeah so it’s just
gonna be Ron and
but what the that’s not fun I’m just
kidding I know right in a coup NXT takes
Cody rhods Roman
Reigns oh my
God what is it Champs are not eligible
to Champs are locked so Cody’s locked to
SmackDown now we doing our mock draft
with these
rules so Cody is locked to
SmackDown but the Tag Team Champions
that’s a real bummer wom’s tag team just
the women’s oh yeah because the men have
each show yeah okay so Cody is locked to
SmackDown Damen priest is locked to Raw
Becky Lynch is locked to Raw Sami Zayn
is locked to
raw and the awesome truth are locked to
Raw yeah what’s weird is like they made
the titles less like brand colored like
things so like they would have been
easier to move this time and they would
have to do that awkward title change
where like the
yeah although like it also makes it less
predictable because like the second you
see like the Intercontinental Champion
gets drafted you know the United States
Champion is gonna get drafted on the
next one on the next show you guys have
a do you have your do you have like a
graphic you’re gonna put up or something
where you know your
teams uh well I think Lawrence said he’s
gonna help us keep track oh right I
volunteered for
this you can see he remembered I he’s
like oh yeah I forgot I said I’d do that
I’m looking at it I’m looking at a uh a
tier a you graphico you have a tear
maker how does that help
us can you make your own are you serious
oh Ryan’s doing it Ryan’s doing it are
you serious all you do is you put up the
tier Maker list and then you put the
graphics in the spots and it keeps track
for you but Ryan said what do you got
what do you
do an Excel spreadsheet oh hell yeah
Ryan that is the nerdiest thing that’s
ever been said on this show because how
do how does your tier list work when you
have two different guys yeah what are
you talking about look discuss hold on
hold on hold on show me how you’re gonna
do this oh
boy I’ve done teer maker lists on this
all the
time it’s not
difficult this
there’s raw there’s well there’s NXT on
this one but
look there’s all these
people it’s a lot of
people hey look byon
Saxton oh CU you’re yeah Ryan Ryan yeah
we don’t have it yet though no it’s not
loaded yet though okay so all right so
this is this is
everybody there’s people on there I
don’t see people I don’t even know I
yeah there is this one is rough there’s
Bubba dud Bubba R Dudley’s on this one
this one’s bad no I think we just
draft God so many people have been
released yeah like there’s so many
people I know look there’s Jinger Mahal
one Jer Mahal’s there bro there’s Jerry
The King Lawler was was he on there I
know yeah he was on
there Jerry The King Lawler bunch
there’s a couple of them on there but
that’s the one and I was like in they’re
excited the Falcons pick us in they’re
excited BJ so I wonder how many teams
like actually like in the like countdown
like the eight minutes they have are
still deciding their pick it’s true like
it seems like unnecessary I feel like
you’ve had months of like analytics and
like I guess some stuff really depends
on what the other but like you know what
the other teams are taking by that point
like a lot of this is pretty predictable
how many rounds are we doing plugo or R
how many rounds do we think we should do
we’re scraping the bottom Barrel D I
want to be drafting
Axiom all right so like we’re going
we’re going here we’re drafting full
rosters I think I found a good one
though should there is there a limit of
NXT people we can draft per per
roster like are we capping it at like
five NXT people or three free like are
we should we do that or is it like full
full on if you want to have a dozen NXT
people on your roster cool it’s your
show dude you do what you want to do man
first I’m asking the
consensus I don’t see anything and I
guess uh hold on I guess by the
rules it takes a second this’s got a
good good number of people on
it yeah trick Williams is also locked in
I guess he is Trick Williams is locked
NXT so trick Williams is undraftable
who’s the North American champion
currently uh
Oba obafemi is
undraftable and who are the NXT Tag
currently the wargs wait a minute how
does that work a and Frasier
dude wait what what did they yeah yes do
you not watch the and then you’re an a
mark That’s why you don’t watch the you
don’t pay attention to NXT because all
you’re doing is taking too much time
hanging out with Tony Khan my my boss is
a m massive oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] on wait
don’t say anything don’t I don’t have it
I don’t have it
yet oh [ __ ] are they gonna shock the
world and take JJ McCarthy right they
didn’t I didn’t see this one coming this
Michel Michael
Penn go other Birds go oh my goodness I
did not have Michael pennx as the fourth
quarterback I like
that I was
like like I my boss is a massive Anan I
was talking to
him I like I think he’s fine with
Michael pen like one de brought up that
like would go later
cousins I sure they did for $40
million well was like with the oh the
Kyper the Kyper impersonator like I
think this is pretty idiotic
actually I like Michael penck a player I
don’t know if I like him at nine though
yeah wow that’s the first shocker of the
draft well luckily they drafted him at
eight oh that was eight holy [ __ ] that’s
worse wow eight feeling it today my word
all right wait are we capping NXT picks
what do we do why are you trying to put
a restriction on this thing because I
want this to be legitimate I don’t want
you taking what show are you
on we do this all the time it’s like I
want this to be legit I want this to be
straight do you have your shell sheet up
are you ready to go do you think I’m
really going to sit there and dive deep
into the NXT
roster I’m well same amount that they do
yeah the rules again this has like a big
like mean the amount of yeah let’s do
the amount of rounds let’s add them
together those will be our rounds
Michael Pedic Jr H this feels like when
although not nearly as bad when the
Eagles draft they do 10 rounds two picks
per round when they still had uh wz yeah
I remember that they’re like Jay the
Eagles got him the second round yeah
that’s a little bit easier to sting yeah
but you can take groups like The
Bloodline are together
right who’s in the bloodline
tatanga yeah but is it tatanga and solo
and Jimmy and
R all the Jimm’s
te let me real quick I’ll go over this
for you I need you to put youre back on
they still have Alpha Academy together
okay Otis Akira and Max still are
together well I’m just saying uh the
bloodline of Roman solo Tama and Paul
Heyman okay the OC Luke Galls Carl
Anderson and michan that’s still a group
uh Cedric and ashant are uh Ashante
Theodis are are together Alba Alba fire
and IA Dawn so tag teams are staying
together I’m not going to go through all
the tag teams okay the Creed Brothers
with Ivy Nile as a group okay damag
Karl okay final
Testament do we do you guys still want
together I mean after Monday night can
we is it still I’m pretty much in the
camp that Giovanni Vinci’s little punk
[ __ ] no I’m just kidding wow well they
you know what they have the Imperium
only as Gunther and Ludwick I mean after
after Monday I think that’s yeah he’s up
yeah out Judgment Day I’m nervous what’s
gonna happen with Vinci now because he’s
gonna be stuck in the No Man’s Land yeah
you think I think Ilia I think Ilia get
trapped in and is probably involved you
think they releas they put I think they
put him in no I hope not I hope not
either but the way that they’ve kind of
like stagnated some of these releases
like you just had him like get his ass
kicked the only thing we know him for is
this group is do you see a singles run
for Vinci any you know what I mean I’m
not trying to be that guy
yeah if you want a serious show jpj
that’s me saying like it could
happen I don’t want it to happen I don’t
like releases but they do
happen you know and and Tony Khan needs
to start assembling some Avengers to
take down the evil EVPs that are you
know the new
Elite does Jacksonville does have a
first round pick right I hope so he
better be wearing a neck price bro I
don’t know
he better not be he either better be not
in the War Room selling it or in a neck
brace if he’s jumping around shaking
hand whe I’m like godamn it
Tony you know better shad’s feeding him
like applesauce yes I want him just
drinking a smoothie out of a
straw sell that [ __ ]
Tony sell it I want an IV in him I want
I just want him just you know no the
thing about that I thought about that
all day today right imagine they show
the war room and he’s in the corner with
a and an IV just kind of right but this
is how I Envision it oh my God it would
be amazing and then poor Shad Khan is
having to explain to all of his NFL
buddies that probably do two shits about
wrestling going oh it’s an angle for my
son’s like yeah the NFL released
a I but that doesn’t mean that all these
people in NFL circles know what aew is
and they’re like he’s playing up a
storyline it’s weird I we just let him
do his thing can we just not look over
there Shad is just like I’m trying to
run this billionaires Club draft he’s
gonna inherit all this the second I’m
gone this is gonna be your new boss
soon sh they’re like did we see you on
TV last night after Tony got his ass
yeah no I
I he’s my
son you know I I love amazing that they
got him to get in the ring like that and
that one wrestlers when he looks over
sees him he goes oh and he’s like oh
[ __ ] the boss is here how many times do
you think in an NFL Circle shad’s
talking about Tony KH and Jerry Jones is
like wrestling like that like that fake
fighting stuff
yeah Hulk Hogan still do that what the
hell are you talking about shad oh so
good so he’s just in the corner seizing
up because of the convulsions from the
injury Minnesota traded up here did
Minnesota trade up to 10 here Tony we
yes they got ONN has Minnesota with 10
and 11 they went up to they’re getting
10 while the Jets are getting 1129 11
okay but yeah Chad’s like Tony the
they’re taking JJ McCarthy right now
they’re gonna take JJ McCarthy
okay so yeah jets are getting 11 129 and
157 and the Vikings are getting 10 and
203 who did the so the Vikings are GNA
take JJ McCarthy right here they have
but who took who went at
nine uh the wide receiver for to the
Bears roma roma adun from Washington
that guy’s a stud it’s not bad that guy
all three of those receivers Marvin
Harrison neighbors and him all studs
if Tony really wants to take it a step
further he has the Young Buck sit in for
him the TR imagine oh we’re making the
pick they were in the wall room instead
yeah they just s the background like
yeah just shaking hands of random people
yeah s Jacksonville Okat is your
quarterback Now suck it Trevor
Lawrence I still the still the greatest
thing that Urban Meyer ever did in
Jacksonville Jaguars his would show up
on AW oh yeah the stadium Stampede yeah
that’s the best thing he ever did in
Jacksonville the pick is in for
Minnesota gotta be JJ right gotta
yep back if he just said yep it’s JJ
McCarthy at
10 what a
bum go
Irish I hate those jerseys man they’re
the worst I hate the Jets Maze and blue
what theck hell grow up JJ
McCarthy I you think they got nervous
when uh thing just took Michael penx oh
they had to have when the Giants didn’t
take they knew the Bears weren’t taking
a quarterback so they didn’t have to do
that right yeah yeah they knew at nine
you were set but I think with the Jets
even though they have Aaron roders they
they just traded Zack Wilson so you
could maybe fathom the Jets finding the
succession plan oh [ __ ] for Aon so
they were like that dumb dip
[ __ ]
like he’s the like most offensive kind
of stupid that like reads three articles
and thinks they’re smart like hey hey
hey like half the world
yeah like half the world like yeah I
know what I’m talking about I mean look
us he he’s like the like I’ve said this
for years that he’s like uh the straight
up like sat smart where he can just
resuscitate information but doesn’t
comprehend any of it like he can do he
tests well but the second he like you
have a conversation with him like this
dude’s a [ __ ]
idiot like the second he’s actually push
back on anything I saw this on this
website one time yeah just the guy that
dropped out of high school who’s now my
mechanic so showed me a YouTube video
that said that this happened so I
believe this now okay okay
but definitely he legitimately was on a
show I saw like like well yeah I’m the
same as a microbiologist because I read
the like I I also read all these
articles online I’m like yes that’s the
same as going through years and years of
intensive school and doing intensive
research you [ __ ]
idiot I watch uh I watch House on H from
the doctor
bro H that’s good stuff so who has first
pick I was gonna say who has raw and who
has SmackDown I watch Brooklyn 99 I’m
essentially a cop oh I love Brooklyn 99
rip has plugo has Smackdown he’s in blue
okay so he has been so he has Cody
rhods Logan Paul something Cody rhod
Austin Theory and grayon Walla and
Bailey those are his locked in Champions
now I’m not I’m not tracking who’s
locked in I’m only tracking who’s
available okay so but we can’t draft
those people those those are locked in
for plugo and then I have d priest Becky
Lynch Sami
Zayn and the awesome truth I get Logan
Paul too great Prime yeah I get the
prime uh Mike fish has a question plug
yes by the way for the record which team
are you supporting this year plugo uh I
haven’t decided yet we should do that we
should make a I’ve always said we should
put it to a vote on socials and I’ll
yeah we’ll narrow it down to like four
put it on so plugo a Smackdown I am raw
who has first pick well the Draft starts
on Smackdown so I guess plugo has first
pick so we have 10 rounds two picks per
round yes so 20 pick whoever I want
whoever you want except the Champions
that are lost hold on hold on hold on
you can’t take Cody you already have
Cody oh do you have look in the chat I
literally just ran through them bro no I
know who I have but I’m saying I can
pick whoever I want on yeah but put in
the the the chat the article that
article rules has not just the rules it
has the full list of who WWE considers
eligible okay are we now are we going
through hold on we should have thought
this through no we’re fine we’re fine we
got the list I got the list I’m good I’m
good I’m good all right Friday’s
available draft pool so I have the first
I don’t think it mat I don’t think it
matters by the night right we can just
take any no they’re just saying that’s
who’s available from Smackdown to oh you
know for them it matters for the night
for us it doesn’t we’re not so everybody
on these lists including NXT people
besides the NXT Champions so no trick
Williams no axium and Nathan Frasier and
no who the hell is the north americ oh
obafemi obafemi and who’s the Women’s
Champion roxan Perez yeah
yeah you gotta plug are you in are we in
he’s got a he’s got to get we in the
same wavelength here I think so what do
I need what do I need to get to you plug
over oh no I was just saying I think uh
jpj’s been getting that aw money he’s
forgetting about little NXT Champions
there well I mean if I can if if I could
do whatever I
want I’m taking the
bloodline okay that’s your first the
blood yeah I get Roman I get solo
because I love I get Tom I get Paul hey
I get all of it I’ll tell you that
okay I
win Lawrence I need you to over ACC
celbrate my
picks yeah you
yeah now you get now you get a second
pick plugo wait they we’re doing two in
a row oh are we two in a row that’s how
they do it we don’t do every other don’t
they do two in a row I thought they do
every other but it’s like two pick
there’s two picks per round but it’s
every other yeah you might want to gos
you might want to go they’ve
you might want to let him do every other
cuz I’ll just run through this thing
we’ll get we’ll get every other until we
get 20 pick St make sense deal deal all
right who you got
jpj I mean I gotta do it he said I gotta
do it Odyssey J I’m gonna take him as a
group I’m gonna take I’m gonna take him
as a group because technically is a
group but I want my first pick to be
Guna so I’m going to take
Imperium to ensure that I have
G how dare
you that’s not bad that’s a hot start
the Jets pick is on the clock who do
they take they need a quarterback of the
future just kidding your turn pluggo
your your uh second pick in the first
round oh okay okay wait I have to go by
this list don’t I
yes you damnn but you can’t take NXT
people no there’s just a certain there’s
a certain group of people that have been
wrestling together a lot but they’re not
really a group
damn would have been a good Scoop
here give
me Bianca Bair number
two I wanted to take all three of them
Naomi Jade and Bianca but I don’t think
that that counts yeah yeah but they have
been wrestling together they did the
House show that I was at they’ve been
wrestling as the big three that would
have like sealed it man I’d have locked
that [ __ ] down yeah I’d had would have
had a problem with that you’re yeah but
what you gonna step in and slap me or
something yes oh
really all right I am going to take
he always makes it so dramatic I’m G
take uh I’m doing it guys CM
Punk I mean cool man he’ll wrestle five
minutes a year for you whatever don’t
matter yeah yeah okay
okay all right all right now I should
get first pick in this
round oh is that how you yeah back back
snake round right yeah yeah that makes
that’s fine that’s fair it’s
justifiable then I am going to
grab Seth
freaking ah well done that’s was that
was gonna be my
pick my fish coming in
hot well okay
what’s Mike saying here
I’m injured his elbow again just by jpj
picking him yeah dude whatever man he’ll
be on your bench and you got Seth he’s
out right now your roster
sucks well who’s who’s your next give me
La night
yeah I’m gonna put a strap on him too I
ain’t gonna do this [ __ ] where they
just I’m going to take Jade Cargill
oh you sneaky sneaky that was gonna be
my next pick I was gonna do it but I
needed do technically now you get two in
a row you get the last pick of the
second round and then the first pick of
the third round perfect uh no no oh yeah
yeah yeah you’re right you’re right yeah
now I have to go basically I have to go
off this list right I can’t throw
curveball in there and take Marcos not
just kidding correct okay I would put in
their wasted
pick yeah maybe for you buddy all right
go there’s some interesting stuff here
let me
have the new day
oh and Tiffany Stratton you son of a
[ __ ] I was taking Tiffany with my next
pick you
[ __ ] oh it’s Tiffany time
Tiffy time versus Bianca Bair Bailey’s
in the mix that’s a deadly that’s a
deadly women’s division Lawrence get
hyped go
Birds L is like I hate
you so I’m gonna say I just realized
something we did that wrong what do you
mean no no no we didn’t no no never mind
my number was off sorry I did I’m
tracking not only am I tracking who you
pick but the what order everyone went at
oh okay all right I’m I’m gonna I’m
going to grab damage control right here
oh that’s oh that sucks because the
Women’s Champion they got the tag titles
don’t they so you can’t yeah they
weren’t like locked in that’s a good
pickup that’s good but now I have the
women’s tag titles and now I have Becky
Dakota and the Kabuki warrios and IO
that’s a nice that’s a nice
base okay it’s my my turn yes give me
Braun bra Aker good pick wow we’re going
to we’re going to go we’re going a
little young here we’re going a little
we got our stab we’re going to have some
why you taking all these injured
wrestlers that’s what the Red Sox
to about the whole it’s about the whole
trajectory that the best comment of the
night Scott let me tell you let me tell
you he sits there complains on a weekly
basis about Red Sox are on
a unbelievable pace for injuries
unbelievable McIntyre It’s usually the
other way around I’m the one getting
flamed I will take Drew
McIntyre oh there’s a lot of
uh now this is your snake pick or is
my this is my oh so I have another Pi
you get one more yeah that’s what I
thought I was I was about to spill my
beans here and I was like I don’t want
to do that I don’t want you to
be boy all right hold on
now dude listening to Bill bich talk
unbelievable isn’t it you know what I’m
taking all right I’m taking Kevin
Owens that’s a good one now I got Kevin
and KO and Sammy back baby that’s
good all
right Jay Uso
and then I’m gonna probably put him in
bloodline at least you have there to
Feud with
him I got some I will take sorry go
ahead because I get a girl with this
group I will take the
Creeds that’s a great pick and I get Ivy
Nile to add to my women’s division as
Beauty so is this the backtack pick is
that how the scor yeah then okay I think
I’m I think I’m picking it up all right
we’re going to get a little interesting
here I’m going to take the alpha
Academy and then I’m gonna take Chelsea
Green and Piper Nan
nice nice I left a name I left the name
on there I’m I’m I’m kind of surprised
he’s still there but we’ll see what
happens here at this
round I’m I’m looking for Value Lawrence
I’m going value picks here fair I’m
locking in some quantity I got some
things to play with I get Chelsea Green
who rules she sure does I think I grab
Reed now how close do you actually think
the draft will
go yeah Ryan’s in the house saying what
in the world are the Falcons doing
please help me understand that is
definitely the Shocker of the draft
sorry name is Ryan cul cul Sports Corner
my dude swago swags he looks like horn
swaggle only a little bit more handsome
so now it’s plugo and then I get the
back and I’m gonna take Randall Orton
off is that the name that was the name
you were talking about yeah yeah I can’t
believe he’s still there we’re like 10
picks in and Randy Orton the Viper is I
get the Cody rhods Randy Orton story
it’s SummerSlam baby let me technically
I think we should keep going so I’m not
going to say this we are at with jpj’s
pick would be 20 wow not enough yeah we
did this we did the same thing last year
like 20 is pretty solid and then we
realized there was like 50 people that
we’re like we could take yeah so just
keep going I’ll tell you when I’m closed
out of people
yeah uh he is not available on the list
Mike Mike I I tried to take Marco stunt
they wouldn’t let me Lawrence got back
to back picks here I’m gonna take my
first NXT
pick Carmelo Hayes I thought you
couldn’t take NXT people no no we can
right oh [ __ ] yeah can’t their Champs
he’s not aamp that’s fair it to the guy
who wasn’t listening to
us that’s fair that’s a good pick that’s
a good pick take I’m gonna take Carmelo
Hayes did I freeze
am I Frozen yes my camera is my can you
hear me though I can hear you what the
hell hold on
okay what the hell is going on here Time
camera okay that makes sense now I’m
sitting here so while he figures that
out so it’s my pick no it’s my pick no
it’s his pick pick and then it’s mine he
gets the back to back I’m G try to leave
and come back hold on
okay so in true show form whenever I get
booted out of our stream he runs his
mouth and says what a how dare he so
unprofessional what a piece of [ __ ] this
is my how that yeah he’s like goddamn
pluggo what an
[ __ ] I don’t know what the hell
happened there wait you you calling me
that yeah how dare you all right I don’t
know listen I’ve watched plenty of
streams back where I got booted where
you’re like this unprofessional piece of
[ __ ] it is what it
is I’m not you you really screwed me
with that fing Tiffany shren pick you
dick that’s that’s how I roll bro I I go
big or go home there’s a lot of solid
people right here dude I
know uh you know what I’m gonna do it I
am GNA take
DIY o o
mean regeneration x no
DIY god dude grow up what’s going on
with Denver why are they taking so long
dude Tanner shout out to Tanner Lee
hopefully they take B Knicks here for
him there are two like fairly decent
value picks left oh yeah got NXT too man
we’re chilling
yeah Y and know I am sitting here B knck
did they really yeah they
de all
right all right is it my pick I have to
do it I can’t believe AJ Styles is still
there right hold on I don’t hear
anything right now oh why
not AJ Styles is still
there yeah jpj’s killed I can’t hear jpj
no I’m here I’m chilling I’m G just open
now I now I can hear opening something
my head died without warning who’d you
plugo what warning he he took AJ Styles
AJ Styles he’s available my my headphone
died without telling me it was going to
die oh oh usually he tells
you all right and Liv and Liv Morgan is
available is this my backtack pick right
a snake pick this a snake pick for him
yeah yeah it’s I can take Liv
Morgan okay no no it’s not his snake
pick that’s no [ __ ] that’s what I
thought all yours if you want I’m not
taking her I’m not taking her I’m not
taking her all right you can I don’t
really I know I can I know I can you
don’t she’s the tough Zigler of the
women’s division maybe
maybe she’s consistent I was gonna take
a woman but I wasn’t gonna take Li
Morgan I am gonna take Nia
Jax oh I like that uh Aaron Rogers with
his mustache is on the McAfee show right
now oh Christ on a CRA hey you know the
draft’s going really well but hey fizer
what a
scam you know I’m going to go home and
just drink my tequila so now is it my
snake pick yes well then give me
and oh
damn oh this is tough give
me Legato Del fantasm
yeah CU I want Santos dude Santos is
bomb and now I’ve got some ideas I can’t
believe Odyssey Jones is on this list by
the way his draft’s position last year
he’s doing Stellar
things sometimes the draft makes or
breaks a guy sometimes you don’t even
get to perform did he ever wrestle once
under the raw Banner no no I don’t
believe so that’s what I thought uh I am
going to take Candace Laray and indy
solid that’s a
great well not even favor because he has
DIY so it works well
with this is true that is a great
pickup all right is it my
turn uh yeah uh the pride please I’ll
take Bobby Lashley and the street
oh and then I’m ready for my snake pick
ready I got options Lawrence I know you
do but I’m ready for I got options I’m
about to just like I I get the snake
pick right now I know but I’m just
saying I’m ready for my when I get it
we’re gonna care about tag team
wrestling over here at Raw I’m gonna
take two tag teams right now oh yeah yep
I’m gonna take pretty
deadly good call and the new catch
Republic gross I’m just kidding those
are good picks those are really good
picks all right my next
pick Zoe Stark it’s a good one I like
Zoe Stark and now it’s your pick
jpj right is pick then I get two yep yep
it got it
I will take
Andrade God I’m just listening to Aaron
Rogers Tribble on and on and on and on
about you know you know talking about
the Jets so I personally don’t give a
[ __ ]
Jets uh I’m gonna go I’m gonna go
uh s Ruka you son of a [ __ ] I was gonna
take her are you are you [ __ ] kidding
me are you kidding me like literally she
was my next pick I have the next two
picks how is she your next pick you’re
not making any sense you’re on a drake
May high right now you need to come what
do you mean cuz I have this snake right
now no you do not can you pay attention
to what we’re do I just had the snake
you don’t get the snake directly I just
snaked your pick boom you did you did
that was literally my next
pick no jpj he has the snake that’s I
know I’m right yeah and I literally just
took two picks then you took who all
hold on who did I take after the two tag
teams nobody tag teams that I went
and then it’s me and then you get the
snake yeah either way what either way
you got the you got the pick I was
taking you don’t have the snake right
now oh right I took the two tag teams
and then you just took Sol
correct was there another round I missed
I think I think uh hold on a second I
got all confused here because you guys
went off list so was not named in one of
the things I had so I had to go look and
Ryan’s like I don’t know what’s going on
here you guys are ridic here’s the thing
so I have I have jpj taking his two tag
teams boom then I plugo taking Zoe Stark
boom yep and then you went who did I
take you took Andrade that’s right you
do see I was right I I thought that was
last so I was I was uh following
properly okay all right so then you do
get another pick
then yeah give me
oh that’s a good one uh be B Priestly as
well be a Priestly of
NXT she’s awesome Y is all right jpj
it’s your pick you only get one all
right I will take
Naomi that’s a
solid and then I get one and I will take
King Ricochet hold on give me one second
here it’s not going to head a
Ry who you take jpj I took uh
Naomi yeah you guys like I said go going
into NXT it’s a hit or miss whether I
have them pre-written or not got it all
right now who you taking
plugo be a Priestly no I already got
that who’d you take oh oh Ricochet
Ricochet he’s still on list he’s on the
list he is
yes and then
yeah no this is jpj’s
double you know what I’m gonna take the
Day are they here yeah Finn Balor
Dominic and JD MCD baby I was looking I
must have I already have Damen priest as
my Champion I was overl I guess I was
over look at it because I was like where
are they I don’t even see it on my list
oh yeah they’re there yeah I see it now
now I will take them and then uh that’s
just a huge oversight on my
part to be
ohy huh what’s that there’s a depth pick
that everyone’s missing this driving me
nuts and and the fact that you haven’t
texted me and told me what it
is I think there is you’re saying
there’s like a no-brainer pick that we
missed so far yeah when at this point
that would be good for depth for there’s
definitely one two there’s two picks I’m
staring at right now that I can’t
believe made yet you know what’s funny
is I think we’re thinking the same thing
because i’ I’ve just thought that I was
like I can’t believe these people are
available still but I had to I had to
piss jpj off and steal some younger
talent I mean
jpj is gonna take Ronda Ry no
no there’s a group
here that has like six people a part of
it so I could be a dick uh and just take
like but I don’t really care for
literally any of
them um well if you don’t care about
them it’s going to show in your
television program and people are not
watch right Ryan it’s fair
you got to care about your talent or
they won’t care about you I’m not saying
you’re wrong dude I’m not saying you’re
wrong um I am going to take man I don’t
like anybody else really on this list
that much I think you do and I think
that’s what’s funny right I sit here
like how could you tell me there’s no
one left on this list that you don’t
like I mean I do like people that’s a
but o I’m listening hold on I’m trying
to remember everybody who was taken I
don’t have the list of the draft in
front of me yet you know trying to
remember off the top of my brain man I
just thought of another steal if you
guys think of
it I also don’t have a list of NXT
people up in front of me which is just
that’s why we should have did this in
teams oh we could have done
that I see I think I’m seeing a lot of
value here because I remember who’s been
picked my there are there are 16 main
roster people left when that goes I
think that’ll be as long as you guys are
even in people that’ll be the end of the
dra Brock Bowers I’m gonna take I’m
gonna take
Sheamus there you
go burger after burger after Burger
unbelievable I’m shocked he sat that
long he’d been there for a while
yeah all right so it’s my pick yep all
give me shinsuke
Nakamura that’s another one that I was
sitting there thinking how the hell is
this guy just sitting there is that who
you’re thinking about
Lawrence no jpj mentioned it I was like
buil like solely for roster build like
the lwo still sitting there yeah it’s a
good it’s a good vibe
likeo tag team you get three solo guys
and a female yeah
give me shanea
Bas love that he Hypes it up and then
goes all right but go with the other way
yeah I already feel like I have a lot of
group like all right is it my turn yeah
is it my Snake Turn he’s taking he’s
gonna take them right now I’m gonna take
the final Testament and the
lwo there’s still one other one there is
there is but I just got 10 people
yeah that I could do so much with
I’m gonna have to make some roster Cuts
day one true you ever do that and like
Madden you sign a bunch of people and
you’re like I got to cut some people all
the time I just signed 15
guys is it me yeah I say guy
Jack hey listen I have it on good
authority that he’s a no selling
developmental Talent okay no psych get
ratioed plugo huh you’re gonna get
ratioed Hey listen I that’s what I heard
I saw the
clip that’s all I know right yep
plugo all
right you know
what I need some tried and
true just Next Level talent I need
Natalia I need that future NXT Women’s
Champion on my
yeah got a lot of young Talent she needs
to work
with Okay believe this is a double pick
double not for me no for jpj so yeah he
got there’s an opport there’s some
opportunity e well I’m gonna take
another NXT person because I’m GNA take
Ilia dragon off that’s who was driving
me nuts that no one was taking him like
he lost the belt yeah I’m gonna take IL
Dragon a great that’s a great scoop
that’s a good Scoop and then you know
what give me Caden Carter and Katana
chance give me this plugo thanks honey
happy early birthday plug thanks thanks
babe where the Saints just took uh the
offensive tackle faga
wag as you can tell my full force has
been on this draft that I am trying to
dominate are there many people
left of the main roster there are 10 is
is is Fatu
available is that allowed he’s not he’s
signed Odyssey Jones is available I know
he is dude I kinda I mean I think I’ve
already won this draft so what okay give
me Alba fire and is isodon
dude yeah I think I won this thing all
right we’ll
see oh boy you know what he’s still
there I’m not a huge fan of him but the
fans are a huge fan of him give me Braun
strowman yeah that’s a good one this
late this late you giving me Braun
strowman that Crowd Goes Nuts when they
hear that train
whistle in 2016
well still
bro this is your double plugo double
plug Alo is gonna go with the
OC and the family Tony De and stacks
nice nice I got me a little Tag Division
watch that’s a nice one I got I gotta do
something there’s still some people on
this list though yeah couple couple yeah
it’s it’s getting slim
pick who is it oh okay I think I see the
one and then
yeah like there’s one there’s one main
roster and one
XT uh I will grab because he’s a local
guy and I think he’s been killing it I’m
gonna take Ivar
did you said there’s one NXT guy that
you think we’re
forgetting yeah or you might have picked
and I just didn’t pay attention I
honestly obviously he’s talking about
Kemp why on get a full roster of NX are we
to are we allowed to break up factions
just do we have to take him as a
hole that I will leave to the group I’m
gonna say to take him as a hole because
WWE put him up as a whole and I don’t
feel like splitting
up but it’s an NXT oh if it’s NXT that’s
fair okay you can do it I want Char I
want Charlie Dempsey dude nice
dude and then he’s still there is is it
no it’s not I don’t have a double pick
here but no you don’t no but if I
did you know you know dude they got like
The Mentalist guy on predicting draft
picks right now on McAfee and that dude
McAfee’s like you witch how did you do
that all right j p
it’s very odd to hear them just swearing
openly like I feel like I’m watching TV
but we’re just dropping F bombs yeah no
I want I want to draft who’s that new
kid that just debuted on
NXT come
on Javon
Evans is that who is he was the one
getting all the the crap online why is
it getting crap online well no one dude
online was just yeah one dude was just
being ass
yeah you know
what I know I’m gon I’m gonna take
another injured person oh with my last
NXT with my last NXT pick I’m gonna take
Cory Jade I’m gonna take Cory
interesting with your last NXT pick with
Captain no but I just I don’t think I’m
he’s like I’m done well I double it is a
double you got one
more oh there’s there’s a big one
sitting there on the NXT that I’m
surprised we
didn’t nobody picked up
yet there’s somebody else I want but
he’s also injured I can’t have all
injured people ah
we got in his head I got in his head now
he’s like oh I have to start picking
people that actually wrestle once in a
while you’re gon to have a show of just
no no I’m gonna have a show of a bunch
of people sitting a cater you know what
I’m gonna do give me Odyssey
Jones give him to me are you gonna show
the WWE what to do with Odyssey Jones
yep him vers him and Bronson Reed are
going to be the new the natural
disasters natural disasters right
now uh
53 wow you have three there’s four more
uh main level uh wrestlers that you
could pick from and NXT so I would
encourage trying to pick from the main
level you have Apollo crew Cedric
Alexander and Asante Giovani and TGA
Knox are your main level ones all right
get okay
damn all right and
you this is my pick and then jpj and
then or no I it back U jpj and then W
okay give
me Chase
you with this Who Who Are You including
in chase you who’s Cynthia in chase you
get uh what’s his name the big guy Duke
Hudson and I get why am I why am I
blanking on his no the ha is not in
chase you anymore no why not when did
that happen I do not believe she’s they
were they were just at they have their
own separate thing her and the girl they
broke away oh the girls I thought it was
just Duke Hudson and him now yeah Duke
Hudson and no still in there is the
still yeah they were there why am I
blanking on the leader Chase you’s name
though that’s really killing Andre Andre
Chase what’s wrong with
me and then I got I got you Ryan I know
what I’m
when you go groups that aren’t on my
list I have to verify you’re making
you’re making Ryan’s life harder plugo
Hey listen it’s I’m not gonna apologize
for crafting the perfect
roster I’m just not gonna do it I have I
have Gunther and I have Ludwig kaisa so
it only makes sense that I continue the
storyline and I will take Giovani
venci oh and I’ll take
uh give me Cedric Alexander and Shanti
the Adonis and
tanox and then what I have a snake right
now to end it uh hold on let me see
where we’re at
because we point be leaving Cedric yeah
you do you have one pick left so if
you’re taking Cedric I have one pick
left or is J J plugo plugo just took
andry Apollo
yeah and then I take Tegan and then he
has one no no no you you took your two
there’s one person to make it an even
number and that I took my two I thought
they were together aren’t they okay I’m
talking to make sure everyone has an
even number of PS
even gotcha so T KNX get left off this
board she’s a free agent because uh
sadly I’m gonna take tan Knox and I’ll
leave Apollo Cruz no you pluggo had a
double you have to take poers oh that oh
I get it all right yeah that’s fine I’ll
we went the long way to I thought I had
the choice of both but I don’t mind that
won that’s it you guys have the same
amount of picks was 58 picks
done who who did we
snub control pick damage control got
picked got picked they are picked by uh
we think Lyla valkyria got snubbed was
Corbin Baron Corbin got snubbed uh yeah
jpj took ha okay Diana Rini
tweeted the Falcons called kurk cousins
when they were on the clock to let him
know from what I learned cousins
understood a QB would be considered but
he did not believe his successor would
be taken in the first round I’m told
he’s a bit
stunned oh gez guys I’ve been kind of a
mediocre quarterback back for all
telling them when they’re on the clock
is Dirty Work man Hey listen we got like
30 seconds to go how do you feel about
this so sorry got to go yeah wrap it up
literally we’re picking somebody else
by enjoy your oneyear contract CU we’re
cutting you
yeah easy way to present this who do you
think won Ryan all right after after
Seattle Jacksonville next then I’m oh
Tony Khan let’s go dude do not let me
down Tony KH
oh selling it or not in the room and of
course McAfee is on this call and McAfee
is a aw hater of course so he’s yeah
that piece of [ __ ] Tony KH got his ass
kicked waiting for
that go
bird so are you guys ready pretty good
because it’s 10 o’clock and they are
exact halfway through the draft all
right and they us burn the yeah the
later picks uh are you guys not over the
Eagles season by the way I love you guys
that was it’s kind of rough I mean it
sucked but like I mean and a little bit
of the offseason sucked but like
I lately things have been looking up I
hope I would say they they’ve made some
really good moves locking up star
players bringing in sequan
on like yeah changes that
coach how do you feel about like how
does that work when you got a guy that
you’ve rooted against for so many years
I’m fine now he’s one of us now that’s
all that matters yeah what do I care
yeah it’s that line from uh Major League
where he’s like it’s you know a new
uniform can really change a guy still a
dick still a dick he’s still a dick like
I can’t I can’t wait till the day mik
Parsons is an
eagle yeah that’ be dope oh
man let me football’s probably different
because it’s everybody changes so
often oh McAfee just goes I don’t
understand why they brought it me either
but you’re in a good spot Michael
Pennock and super funny listening to uh
Bill bellich talk about the Atlanta
Falcons pick knowing that the Atlanta
Falcons needed a second interview to
confirm if Bill Bell’s a good coach or
not and he was
not yeah they’re like I don’t think you
got enough credentials
dude listen we’re not quite sure if we
want to bring you in if you could bring
some references
Tom Brady sounds like a madeup
name like I was going to mention earlier
when you talking about the dude who
played $14,000 for the Brady autograph
was uh they like released the limited
edition Tom Brady Montreal expose card
yeah and they like I think it sold like
was selling for like a few thousand
dollars oh yeah they they they released
him in the Bowman draft picks yeah um
yeah the like oneof one refractor sold
for stupid amounts of money yeah like
they although the commercial they shot
with it was just like super cool what up
Josh Josh Robinson hi Josh you wna come
talk dra for Patriots yes Drake May
Drake Drake may effect in New England
Drake B
baby love to see it love to see Drake
may love to see him get intercepted
and then three months from now why the
[ __ ] did we draft this guy we should
have gotten JJ McCarthy I said this
entire time we should have definitely
drafted JJ
McCarthy Scott’s calling you out dude
said Josh jvj took all these injured
wrestlers in
the look at the way that I’m looking at
it is the draft is just everybody’s
we’re good to go clean slate right right
no your roster would be good in six to
months by the time you’re on Netflix
listen I got you right now I got you
right now what I drafted for I didn’t
draft for the rest of this year on USA
that’s your channel [ __ ] USA I drafted
Netflix I drafted for Netflix baby if we
clip that out of
context no I would agree with that
statement out of context as well yeah
it’s true it’s true truly agree with
that statement out of cont yeah this
pris is going to be a mess oh oh
God if there was if I could fly to the
moon for the month of uh September
October November I would let me tell you
yeah so fun fact I’ve been I’ve been
like watching old snls just for like
just something to have on in the
background and like the bush remember
like the bush John carry debates yeah I
can’t I can’t imagine what’s going to
happen this year it’s going to be
nuts oh I mean Canada can’t even talk
[ __ ] anymore either we’re about to elect
a goddamn bigot whenever the elections
called yeah like we’re definitely
electing that can through of [ __ ] I
don’t know if you were in yet Laur you
want to see the want to see the haul I
got from the wife each for my birthday I
I saw one of them I she got me the
Johnny Knoxville Funko WWE
and then she got me the Cody rhods with
the torn peek oh [ __ ] torn Peck Cody
rhods yeah I said I had let see got the
oh [ __ ] wow that’s crazy yeah that’s I
was like I have to have that one and
then yeah she got me the Johnny
Knoxville Jesus Christ Seattle make the
pick so we can see busted up Tony
KH all I need to see is Tony KH in a
neck brace I damn it I want to see if
kayfabe is still alive damn it I swear
we are ending this draft
Extravaganza if he is not in a neck
brace because that will be a damn it by
it’ll be a huge blunder in a history if
he is not and a neck brace I’ll be there
sorry I’m just gonna do my own thing
tonight um yeah though Seattle’s like
listen we got nobody really truly cares
about our franchise outside box no oh
there’s a it came with a case but it had
like a film on it so so you can actually
kind of see see how clear it is now that
was the best match of that whole wrestl
right so I have this weird I I guess it
works out to my benefit because like I
have this weirdo habit of like oh I
would love to buy that and then I just
never buy anything and then this is
plugo like oh birthday here’s all the
stuff you mentioned over the last six
months that you didn’t buy
so big screen
TV autograph tonyc neck
braces they make a
killing all right here Here Comes
Goodell the Seahawks pick is in while
they make the pick and we get to sonyc
con what do you guys actually
think this people are saying that that
was the NWO moment for aw which means
it’s GNA Spark something big or do you
think they’re gonna fumble this bag and
in like two months we’re gonna be like
what the hell was that no I I I I’m so
far trusting where they’re going with
this like I want to see next week how
Kenny Omega plays him I don’t think he’s
gonna bump so I think he’s still he
mentioned that he’s either he was
working us or on his stream he legit
said like he’s still a while away from
being well like he can’t do
anything but like I I look forward to
his promo in wooden peg next week
Vikings just traded back up to 17 here
for 23 167 and a third and a fourth next
year to take oh God damn it they took
pick oh damn it where’s Jacksonville Now
23 son of a
[ __ ] Tony Tony’s like Dad Dad I’m not
ready yet get Myck price Dad Dad I gotta
get my neck price trade down you bum or
I or you don’t love
me how many times
like did you not see me come out to the
ring last night son right right did you
not see me out there dad you just don’t
understand love you okay it’s called
kayfabe it means I have to it’s a story
Dad it’s a
story how does that
look hold on let me you should close
some of those tabs Ry ah I’m just
kidding gotcha made you
look I was like how do I have tabs open
on an Excel sheet
oh all right so I broke dude yeah Josh
he stole Nia Jax that was a great that
was a great scoop I didn’t think he’d
take her that
early I like that it’s because you took
Tiffany Stratton from me you took Soul
Ruka for me I took Liv as well yeah son
of a bee and don’t worry I I got Liv so
I’ll be able to sign Ria Ripley when
she’s healthy and back what that’s gonna
be a bidden war bro I’ll be able to sign
her because she want bid but I’ve got
what she wants I would have taken her
first overall I don’t know if you would
have with the first pick but I would
have taken her first overall with my
first choice if she was available I
think she would have yeah if I after if
I can if I take the whole bloodline then
I’m taking Ria as well well she wouldn’t
I would have taken Ria next
saying uh Chelsea Green is on team plugo
yes Chelsea Green is team plugo I think
it’s team plugo if I’m reading that
right so the vi who are the Vikings
taking here Crow up what are the the
Vikings need Dallas Dallas Turner Edge
Edge oh that’s nice yeah he’s a good
player all so as we can see in this
draft Josh that is that is Ryan’s fault
he wouldn’t let us go too crazy off the
board so Josh you’re you’re like
drafting The Rock Stone Cold bred Hart
all at the same time all in their Prime
I I I couldn’t give someone that he
doesn’t like bred Hart though you if you
would have said Shawn Michaels you would
have had him I’m a sexy boy too so I’m
I’m with him on that one but
so we can see first of all that plugo uh
went heavy on the factions yes he did
yeah faction Warfare dude however I I
believe pretty much after the pride I
think the family’s pretty good but after
the pride they start to fall
off yeah they do yeah they do listen I’m
not I’m not proud of it but I also will
defend the the the final Testament
pickup I I actually enjoy carrying cross
I don’t think they know what to do with
him so I could see some Splitsville
happening aop if they went back to not
paying people over whatever that’s fine
if I release them and they go do their
thing but I get Bobby Lashley and the
street profits so I’ve got options
bro with that I’m jpj comes out ahead
I’m gonna head out all right I’ve got to
go sleep no love to See’s pick but I got
[ __ ] over [ __ ] you Tony you your make
it your own team’s pick trade back I’m
happy I’m happy the elite pile drived
you melter drived you
wow Elite I’m really the
scapegoat bye
bye all right what were you gonna say uh
Ryan I think you gonna say that I won I
think you have the superior individual
men’s uh
lineup I know you could throw Roman
Reigns over into the men because he
wrestles as an individual but overall CM
Punk Seth Rollins Drew Kevin Owens
Carmelo Hayes I think
that that is the better men side Drew
not sign CM Punk barely
wrestles if we’re going with women
though I actually think plugo might have
one oh yeah oh I have ITA Tiffany
Chelsea live Zoe soul I think that’s a
of it’s a tough call I think we’re going
to have to put it out I think I’ll have
to make a graphic up and let you guys
put it out to the people um yeah I think
the people are gonna have and I got
Priestley and I
got I who else I take Tegan poor tan
Knox I don’t remember I also have you’re
not you didn’t even mention gther he’s
not going to be a team with Imperium
there was a singy of course you would
Josh of course you
would kidding no jpj’s roster is pretty
good like I ain’t gonna lie I I have a
lot of options I like options I like to
be able to play with some things but you
know I get I get me chin I got you know
I got Maxine D I have we’re not even
including like you also have Cody rhods
yeah I got Cody I I got got Bailey you
have Cody rhods you have Logan Paul you
have Grayson Waller and Austin Theory I
have Damen priest with the Judgment Day
yeah I got
Sam Pick I should have took that well I
needed to do the damage control pick
because you took bloodline first so you
automatically put me in a
hole you have Becky yeah I have Becky
it’s true so when you say my women’s
roster is weak maybe yeah compared I
mean you got Bianca Tiffany right off
the jump those two are that’s just two
legendary I got Becky I got Jade I got
Asuka IO Dakota I could use all four of
those as singles people if I
wanted then I got IV d a nice steal how
about this how in there as well just for
funsie in 20 years whose career are we
gonna be talking about more Jade or
career Tiffany I would say Tiff as well
think so long like longevity wise it’ll
Tiffany okay I’m I’ve been you know you
know I’ve been on the Tiffy so you would
do D Jade for Tiffany straight up if
that was it just if you offered me the
trade right now yes okay interesting
that was my pick no I know I’m just
asking when you because I was debating
those two myself because I think I had
the should have took Jade because I took
belir first that was a great pick with
my first women’s pick I took I took B
and then I was like do I go get Jade to
but cuz that’s where I’m at like I was
thinking long term Tiffy
time oh is that sea Payton that
bum stop sharing the screen now so I
gotta figure out how to make this a
graphic look at him look at look at Ryan
he’s on as a guest and he’s doing work
dude Ryan we love you I’m learning a
skill here because I’m not much of a
graphics guy so this is all our
well yeah I’ll take this guy number one
overall you know what guys I think I
need to use the
restroom fair I’m just GNA [ __ ] talk you
while you’re taking a pee that’s fair
it’s look at
it long it’s the longest episode of the
year so we’re usually off air by now and
I can go to that yeah no you’re good no
I think that that I think we split that
pretty solid I think that’s gonna be a
fair vote once we can get that out there
I think it’s going to be a fair
boat make a bunch of fake accounts and
I’m like just Landslide win why is it
why is it plug one plug 2 plugo three PL
four all I’m like guys I don’t know
coincidence there is the reason my
handle on Twitter is plugo underscore is
because like 15 years ago some person
made a plugo
account and like tweeted like four times
and then stopped and I was like you son
of a [ __ ]
so maybe maybe that guy
voted yeah no I think
it I feel like I feel like we missed
some people in NXT though like you said
he definitely did but that but we we
covered all the majors sounds like
Corbin said he’s he’s anticipating going
back to the main
roster like he’s gonna get if you guys
have anything to say about it well no
not if we have anything to say about it
because to be honest I forgot all about
him which is funny to say and I don’t
mean it like a like any kind of dig I
actually think the stuff he was doing
with breaker was some of the best stuff
he’s done like I actually enjoyed it
quite a bit um so do we do one graphic
or two graphics and then a vote what do
you mean I don’t know i’ have to say it
looks it depends on where I think it’s
gonna be tough to fit all those names
into one
picture to make it look good you’d have
to send it to me
send it to me in a DM and I’ll look at
it and then I’ll tell you what I think I
know saying I I’m the graphics guy on
Between Two Beards okay so I have an eye
for this thing even though not really
Zach does all this stuff but so you just
lied to me but when I put when I
Photoshop jpj’s face onto things that’s
me Fair that’s very
fair Sometimes some of the graphics I do
I do like the social but like the the
show Show graphics that’s all Zack he k
it but anything else is usually me just
messing around with like some collage
maker and edit like tool
honestly yeah I mean that’s what I have
my Jack my Jack my Jack Perry meme that
I made this morning I thought was really
good I have to go look for that I don’t
think I saw it it’s on my Facebook
the it’s the 13 Reasons Why over she
goes all this trouble started with that
damn smile and he’s hugging Tony like
that and she goes that
damn that Jack Perry smile is like
etched into my brain as I don’t think
I’ll honestly loved everything they’ve
done oh they’ve nailed it everything
they’ve done with Jack Perry or
everything in general the way that
they’ve handled it since like the last
you know little
bit I do I will say this I mean
obviously they can just come out and
they could say hey it was a storyline
we’ve been running we’ve been working
you this whole time I did think it was
pretty shoddy that I I sympathize with
Jack Perry I’m like I lost eight months
of my career because of
that like so you kind of have this
moment where it’s like [ __ ] he’s kind of
a sympathetic baby face to an extent and
then he beat the crap out of the guy
that the internet trolls hate already
like are we supposed to be booing Jack
Perry because I I felt myself kind of
being like hell yeah get him yep not
that I hate Tony Khan I’m not one of
those guys but I’m just saying like I
was like yeah dude you took almost a
year of my career for the other
guy the other guy the other guy because
we don’t want to say his name on TV
because people will be
mad how dare you how dare you take shots
you know we should start taking shots at
like the mark order and then maybe get a
bunch of people being like worry about
your own show
how dare you take shots at another show
don’t bring me into this I don’t need
life how dare you come after ran and
Kate and Aunt Jesus an Asian Joe worry
about your own show beards guys and I’m
like they started
it it’s their fault yeah it’s their
fault they go they can go cry me a river
on you said the Rams are on the clock
I’ve got the Bengals on the clock bro
bro that pick was already made
bro I got Payton still on the
screen hi Amanda welcome in you’re I
know you like you are like us you are
anient an what anxiously and patiently
waiting to see if Tony KH is selling the
Beatdown from last night and he’s in
he’s in an neck brace or an ID sitting
in the corner Monday night besties is
garbage just kidding I am a delight I
agree I would say that hello I’m on neck
brace watch we are also on neck brace
watch it got so bad Lawrence had to
leave the stream because the Jaguars
traded down to get out of a p now now
that’s it’s at least five picks away
which is unfortunate because we are also
on neck brace watchat we are on full we
want him in like electric wheelchair
like I want him I said I want him in the
corner in a neck brace with an IV I want
him George castanza at play now with
like a they make the pick and he’s just
away from everybody just like yeah yeah
just on an IV just [ __ ] in a neck
brace that’s what I want that’s what I
want I went on record last night on on
the Twitter and on the but I said is on
the Twitter the way you say that he is
in that war room and he is not in a neck
brace or selling that injury it’ll be a
one of the biggest blunders in aw
history in aw history
I’m watching the
wrong I’m I’m not watching the normal
feed but my buddy just sent me the new
the new updated version of uh the pck is
in I’ll have to I’ll have to download it
but yeah the Falcons they screwed it up
too that’s
awesome oh NFL you Wy bastards
I believe this is the first first round
pick for the for the Rams since like
2018 or something like that 2019
something yeah because they kept didn’t
they they traded away so much draft cath
yep yeah they they kept trading away but
it worked out they won a Super Bowl man
I can’t knock them it’s not like
yeah Sixers won did
they we got a series
now how does that make you feel do you
think you got a chance or this is just
like you had to get one I mean I don’t
know embiid scored 50 and oh embiid’s
already playing again I thought there
was rumor that he was gonna miss the
fraking all
right I mean
the Sixers are tougher than your soft
ass Celtics BR dude brutal brutal it is
incredible how much the Miami Heat are
in their heads they live free there now
spola is a great coach a great coach and
Missoula is
but bro here’s my thing at the end of
the day I do think we win the series
relatively easily like I I I think in
five six Max they they broke the record
for most threes they’ve hit a Fran like
a franchise record like they hit like 26
threes they’re not going to do that
so but it is clear though that jayen
Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum who I like
a lot and I think they are two Bonafide
stars in this league if you want to end
the perception of you being soft then
guess what when you’re in tight games in
the playoffs stop playing like you’re
soft and that’s how you end
that I told him at the beginning of the
season I thought the Celtics team was
soft they went and won 64 games so in
the league but now they’re like oh yeah
well but this is but what they did in
the regular season even though they were
great and they were fun to watch like
that didn’t matter what matters is how
they do now and guess what what happened
last night was the same [ __ ] that’s been
happening for three years so either you
get past it eventually and you get over
the hump because I do believe this is a
team that if they win once we’re going
win like I think once like if we were to
win the championship this year let’s
just say we we we we win the
championship I think once they win
they’re gonna win a couple are we on
some weird NFL draft break I got like
some I got I have the it tells me that
the Rams pick is in and I’ve got I’ve
got McAfee hanging out at the college
he’s got a cowboy hat on Pat McAfee when
I’m watching yeah I don’t know what
happened there hey all right Ryan you’ve
been looking over our rosters all for a
while there fig but I was going to ask
you this if you could
throw like one chaos pick into each one
of the
rosters who would it be what do you mean
by chaos pick like just like Off the
Wall out of the blue like I mean yeah if
you just had one Rams pick us in baby
whoever you
Goodell’s huh
good my problem here is that you guys
have like already picked everyone so
it’s really hard for me to find anyone
good as a chaos however if I were to
want to mess things up for each of you
there you go see now you’re thinking I
this I would take Seth Rollins from jpj
and I would take Bianca from pluga I was
messing it up for you guys oh
interesting like a little swap skis
there a little trade yeah I think you
guys that a tra you just remove them
removing oh I don’t get Seth Rollins I
would just get no I just again we’re not
doing that but that was
just guys interesting see look at you
you sneaky sneaky
devil oh the Pittsburgh Steelers are on
the clock
gross but I still don’t even know who
got I’m still with this mcae GED verse
what is this crap defensive end from
Florida State I’m about I I love McAfee
but I’m about to try to go no I have it
up I’m so yeah I’m watching the I have
ESPN and McAfee both up I’m listening to
McAfee but I’m watching but mcafe he
ain’t doing [ __ ] no he ain’t right now
that’s all I’m saying you know what I’m
saying we need to we need to do a show
with you just call it Ryan’s world where
you just give us the most off-the-wall
things think of and then we just have to
discuss not even like a quiz show but
you just ask us like yeah you’re just
like I was thinking about this random
ass questions Sports wrestling think you
know the trouble you’d be in if you let
me no I would be ready for it I would
want to think and answer maybe that can
be a patreon plug on I are thinking
about making a Between Two Beards
patreon don’t tell anybody tell the 200
people that are watching yeah why not
[ __ ] it nobody nobody say anything hey
don’t be don’t be that guy or girl or in
between don’t be that person I just
person I could just see Ryan showing up
to something like that being like guys I
was thinking about it today we could do
a weekly patreon show where it’s like
Ryan’s 10 questions and we just show up
we don’t know what the questions are
they could be wrestling related sports
related life related that doesn’t matter
and he just has to ask us 10 questions
and we need to answer it honestly and
that’s the show then he picks who he
thought answered it better or something
I’m just saying I think of some really
random [ __ ] that’s fine that’s what
we’re talking about that’s what we’re
talking about that’s what we want we
want the random [ __ ] I don’t want you to
be like questions you could think of the
name it’s your thing but you could do
like you know yeah 10 questions with
Ryan or whatever yeah dude all right all
right we’re making mirac we could film
you could you could record like four of
those in one day and then you have a
month set and you don’t have to worry
about it like it take two hours already
tell you I mean I’ll give you a little
in little preview there you go
yeah good movies plugo hasn’t seen oh
Jesus Christ all gonna be a lot I
think or how about or how about this you
that’s a good St Steelers fans bums but
you should go with like good movies that
plugo should
see and then you guys be like you have
to see
this or we could do Ryan picks one movie
for plugo to
watch a week and I review
it I feel like you would send me into
some weird [ __ ] though oh you have no
idea where I’d send you it’ be it’ be
the worst thing in the world for you
actually that’s fine because it’s
actually quite it’s kind of funny when
I’m like Mrs plug like why are you
watching that like was Ryan said it was
really good I don’t know like some very
bad movies I like has anybody reported
that um Tony Khan is wearning neck
brace I can’t even find the draft dude
I’m having troubles man I lost my Mac a
few is any reporting that Tony KH is a
neck brace
on are they are they at
at the uh Jaguars headquarters yet is
that no I believe they have picked 23
now so they
are four pick away yeah dude I’m I’m in
like the highlights of the Mac like he’s
on a break or
something he is yeah like yeah they’re
just showing highlights like hey I gotta
go to I gotta go to the bathroom guys
like sorry party full you’re like what
are you doing
mcae yeah dude
I think that that’s a great
idea watch M that Ryan gives me to watch
but first we’re gonna have to cover the
list of like I’ll go I’ll make a list of
like all these amazing movies and then
you’re gonna have to didn’t see it
didn’t see it didn’t we got throwback
coming in here with the Super Chat
throwback the eagles need oine help with
Kelsey retiring Pats need Michael Thomas
Jr or a cornerback to match with
Gonzalez one tight end in the first
round the penck pick was insane you
really got your Eagles cover we’re going
to see we’re going to see what the
Patriots do at they’re going to have the
third pick in the second round I assume
they’ll either go offensive tackle or
receiver but we’ll see we’ll see what
they do but they got the quarterback I
don’t expect him to start at
all um but thank you for that Super Chat
you don’t think they’re gonna start
Drake start Drake May at all I don’t
think that’s not right away maybe not at
all maybe that’s a strong statement but
not right away week eight who’s your guy
who’s your other guy G be Jobe
brette yeah he’ll be starting don’t
worry yeah no he will well listen here’s
the thing Drake may could show up a
training camp what if Drake May shows up
at training camp and he’s [ __ ] lights
out that’s what I’m saying I don’t think
he will be I don’t think he will be I
think he’s a little bit I I don’t think
he’s like a far project but you know him
sitting a year will go well will go
well yeah but yeah it’s most likely I
don’t know I he might even be the third
guy if we keep bayy zappy I could see
them going brette brette as the starter
then zappy and then Drake May and they
just have may sit the whole year and
then we’ll be bad again we’ll probably
have a top 10 pick next year yeah and
then we get the wide receiver or you get
an whatever you need to build the Rost
because we need to build the roster like
the team wasn’t four and 13 just because
we didn’t we had a bad quarterback last
year the team was four and 13 because we
had no
talent and AAR well yeah we had a bad
quarterback but we had
like if we didn’t have Tom Brady if we
didn’t have Tom Brady back then Tom
Brady would have went 12 and five with
that team or 11 and six with that team
but anybody besides Tom Brady was
getting four five six what happened so
that’s just oh I’m just laughing at you
been like it wasn’t the quarterback it
might have been no I don’t like it
substitute any quarterback in the league
besides like Patrick Mahomes and I think
we’re not a playoff team
no you guys are in a playoff team but
it’s just funny to say it that
way look at these Steeler bums you see
this guy I like his hat but I like this
hat what do you had against the Steelers
they suck that’s what I have against
them what did they ever do to you uh
talk crap all the time Joey Porter dirty
player Hines Ward dirty
player F like no no
no okay sorry I know I know
you’re not you look that just goes to
prove that nobody’s perfect nobody Mrs
pluggo is perfect you watch she’s as
close as can be if she’s saying that she
ain’t that’s why she’s with me because
she’s perfect she’s
perfect Ryan’s perfect I don’t you know
what I’m saying I agree completely yeah
yeah did they just stop doing the draft
on the pat MC that’s that’s what I’m
saying that for the last like swap on
over for the last like 20 minutes it’s
been just highlights and I’m like I’d
like to watch it cam Hayward for the
Steelers out here to announce this pick
he was the oh Walter pton Man of the
Year good on
him Bon who are they going to
take Steelers always take some Rando so
it’ll be they always find a wide
receiver knowing that maybe they’ll take
a quarterback Russell Wilson Justin
Fields air parent maybe they’ll take uh
you know
what I don’t need to hear your speech
cam Hayward just announce the [ __ ]
pick Jesus
Christ wait did he win the Walter pton
man of the year though is that why he’s
talking because that’s actually wood is
why did I jum the gun that’s actually
really funny if that’s what it is yeah
dude he just ch is like I don’t give a
[ __ ] what you did in the community I
honestly don’t like I’m glad you’re a
good man in the community but like okay
so they took Troy
fanu a guard from Washington I wonder if
they could take the
bloodline oh I love I love seeing these
big guys just cry because they’re like
I’m a millionaire I’m a
millionaire he said oh you won the Walt
man Walter Payton Man of the Year award
[ __ ] you
well I all of a sudden I turned the
volume up a smidge because I couldn’t
hear it because I was listening to
McAfee and that there’s nothing going on
and I just hear everybody in this league
knows that you gota blah blah blah and
I’m like I don’t need to hear your
dumbass speech I would imagine wait he
won the Walter Pon man of the year he
probably it’s a good speech for good
reason I would imagine the McAfee
probably maybe they had some technical
issues or something because there’s not
a chance they would just be
like here go to the Highlight rail guys
good old Patty Mack H
yeah remember that time that the Drake
era can’t wait till we’re draft in the
top five and three is again
oh hell yeah wait a minute wait a minute
hell he was all excited about it
he was the best guy there at the pick I
don’t I don’t necessarily think he’s
going to end up being anything special I
hope he does the guy can’t read a
[ __ ] defense and and now he’s like
we’ll be back here in three years
yeah listen if they don’t give him
anybody to throw to it ain’t gonna
matter the crafts are cheap they are
everyone thinks you
know they’re just they’re cheap they
don’t spend money on I’m saying is make
it make sense everyone blamed Bill
everyone blamed bill for all this
stuff and guess what Bill’s gone now
Tom’s gone now and now we’re finding out
who the real problem was the real
problem was it’s was craft because craft
we have we’ve spent the least amount of
money in the last decade of any team but
we won the most championships because we
had the best player to ever play
football as our quarterback do you think
Robert Kraft spent more money on
massages yes or receivers
massages I thought you were gonna say
the football team in general cu was
still say massagers all right mca’s back
on the B we’re back in business I was
wonder what the Dolphins are on the
clock the Dolphins are on the clock and
then we got the Eagles for
Ryan and then we got Tony Khan in a
[ __ ] neck brace that’s what we
should be getting that’s what we should
getting I could just Envision Lawrence
is at home right now with like one eye
open going I must sleep with this NE
race shot I need to see it worth it
worth it
oh my gosh I will tell you this
almost such a
blunder I will I will just need a
picture of I will need someone to snap a
picture of the Jacksonville Jaguars war
room and if Tony Khan is not in a neck
brace I am tweeting it and I’m tagging
Tony and I’m calling his ass out calling
his ass out I have to I I bet you
anything there’s a mandate from somebody
think the NFL sent him a thing and they
were like you are not don’t don’t do it
yeah the NFL I got to pull up the
statement and read it because the NFL
literally released the statement about
this I laughed for 20
minutes that the NFL
honestly they ran the story on NFL
Network or that he got
be damn right they did hold on let me
find it it was so if anything they
didn’t get any viewers last night they
actually had record almost a record low
viewership for Dynamite really yeah well
they they they were live I was gonna ask
yeah they were live in the west coast
but I was also gonna ask did anybody
else have audio trouble brutal
everyone like I’m I’m not trying to sit
here and be that aw apologist I do love
the product but I also I found it hard
to watch because I was just like if I’m
a guy that’s just clicking it on and I’m
a casual who does watch on a regular
basis I would be like it doesn’t sound
great I’m gonna watch something else so
that if you had um but they were
live in
um on the west coast which they’re not
normally which is a different yeah it’s
like it’d be like five o’clock there
yeah and apparently it does like eat up
your your viewership so this is on did they decide to do that
then don’t that I can’t answer you
interesting right
now Jaguars Tony Khan takes punch pile
driver on AW Dynamite show Punch pile D
way punch pile dver Tony K’s St this is
on by the way I love it ponycon
status for the Jacksonville Jaguars 2024
NFL draft oblig could be
questionable he’s the Jags Chief
football strategy officer and the
founder owner and Booker of all elite
wrestling took a punch to the gut and a
melter driver pile driver Wednesday
Night Live on AW dynamite in
Florida rad Khan Tony’s father and the
owner of the Jaguars took to the ring to
check on his son in the aftermath of the
drama looking like George castanza or
angle ready for this it’s part of an
parenthesis professional wrestling
storyline and parenthesis that’s funny
of course but it was shocking
nonetheless as Tony Khan has never been
physically involved blah blah blah that
was on NFL Network and Scott say recap
the end
Dynamite uh Scott they’ve ran DA’s place
before that’s the worst I’ve ever heard
it also had problems with DA’s place
before for yeah yeah no yeah he’s not
wrong I’m that definitely is a great
shout like it was outside so it doesn’t
help in the amphitheater but that is it
was pretty bad oh yeah no no he’s but
they seem to not understand how to
handle but they’re saying it was TBS
yeah of course a and Tony Khan came out
publicly and said it was a on a TBS side
issue well fans kind of confirmed it too
though because they said if you watch
like if you’re watching on um fight
because you know the international that
there was no issue at all
interesting Dolphins pick us in
guys they take Tony con and a neck brace
Dolphins pick is in Here Comes Here
Goodell how do you guys feel about the
Dolphins over there at the you know the
Eagles and the Patriots
fans wouldn’t care less oh I like this
guy from Penn State shop
Robinson I like him where where’s
Kool-Aid mckinstry dude
hopefully getting drafted by the
Patriots with that third pick in the
second R that’s what that’s what I’m all
with yeah I like chop Robinson see now
the Patriots are not going to trade back
up into the first round because they’re
not going to give up a bunch of future
assets I wish they would but they’re not
going to because they
know they need a lot of
things you are Scott I think it’s okay
though for the most part yeah I’m not
I’m not losing sleep knowing that you
guys are 30 seconds ahead on draft pick
on draft night on teams I don’t have any
Ryan do you think the o line for the
Eagles or do they or do they go defense
they they need to fix their cornerback
but I would could they take Kool-Aid
now they they could that’d be dope could
they take but they have a they have a is
there any Georgia Bulldog defensive
players also that Cooper that I think
that Cooper dejon guy is the best
available but I’d like for them to take
cornerback over line but they definitely
need to address both
but I think you can get better line
players later yeah you’re not I think
wide receiver in line is you can get
those guys in later rounds because it’s
deep the Patriots the only team that’s
like I’ll take a random third round tra
trade back to get a [ __ ] third round
evaluated guard with the [ __ ] 27th
pick in the draft yeah that’s a patriot
staple Patriots go what is this what do
we have Pick 10
oh we have how many needs seven all
right let’s trade back all right we got
a second we got a second rounder next
year and uh we’re at 26 now what do we
need seven positions all right there’s
first round Talent available I’m gonna
take this guy that I like from uh
Delaware hi I’m in Del they go hey Bill
we well he’s evaluated as a fifth round
pick yeah I know oh you want to take him
at 26 though yeah
yeah yeah I like my guy from
Delaware hi I’m in Delaware
hey Roger can you stop uh shuming it up
with the fans there with the sombreros
and make the fraking pick yeah see this
is where I get like all right like I
love now we don’t need we don’t need the
pump in circumstance like let’s fire
rapid fire here guys nobody gives a [ __ ]
about the 23rd pick in the draft unless
you root for that team Ryan this is Ryan
team and I don’t
care logo I’m sending you my graphic
but you’ll get the idea of what I wanted
to do so you can then just go do
it I love though the you just missed
like he goes I don’t even care and you
look so [ __ ] sad dude I
mean I’m very upset by how I couldn’t
make the graphic work the way I
wanted Mr
Bri yeah okay that’s what they’re
playing on on the ESPN feed right now
that’s all right guys it’s time it’s
Jacksonville time right after this pick
here who the Eagles Take I they’re they
look like they’re call it looks like the
GM is on you have to send me the list
I’m going to okay okay I see what you’re
going for I think I know what you’re
yeah I think I got it honestly part of
my limitation was I don’t have like the
individual picture so I was taking oh
but no that yeah you had the right idea
for sure sure you would just what you
would do is just make two separate ones
I got
you well I had asked about that because
I was like do I do two separate do I
yeah no but I I get what you’re saying
then you can yeah I got you do you have
a do you have Excel
plugo sure no probably
not all right hold on I I don’t think
PLO in Microsoft Office type not on my
phone dude I had one job where I had to
work like like with Excel a lot and I
hated it I did not like like using I
just because I couldn’t figure out all
the tricks and the and how the boxes
would yeah I use Excel quite often and
Have excel’s Not My Bag baby for most of
my adult life
team team I’m team Smackdown jpj’s team
raw and I think I whooped his ass
go damn it who’s it gonna
be they’re gonna go with a corner maybe
a fast one yeah you think that’s
probably the goal I would guess nope I’m
gonna go ahead and take the slowest
Corner available on the board in the
first round I really like his
upside who said
that I don’t know if somebody else said
it and McAfee just reiterated it but I
definitely heard McAfee say it and I was
like yeah if they’re going to go Corner
they definitely want somebody fast good
call he’s been watching too much too
much wrestling put your in the private
chat put your
email oh you’re gonna email this thing
to me holy it’s probably the easiest way
to get it to you this is official we’ll
make it official then now you’ll have my
yeah watch out dude because you know me
I’m a big email Guy are you no I am but
I have to be yeah no like I for like
work I yeah I get it
but yeah there you go I sent it to I
think that’s right
yeah yeah yeah yeah no but no that
that’s cool though that that’s the right
idea you have the the right
idea I have the pictures and everything
so I can make it
perfect I have to make it
before tomorrow draft and then be like
we did better we went a little different
we went rogue
though all right here we go Goodell
coming out for the Eagles but I wish
they would do something like this for
the for the WWE just do it I want them
to take seriously tomorrow and like make
it more sport Centric do it like a
special have everybody there make pck
and then because the top two needs are
cornerback and offensive
line have somebody pay for it that’s why
they do the two nights here we
go isn’t that why they do it the way
they do it because both networks don’t
want to
who I don’t know they’re talking about
they’re gonna play games in Brazil they
made the pick the Toledo guy the guy out
of Toledo OH the quarterback Mitchell
I’ll take up oh here we go the Jaguars
on the clock baby I need to see it I
need to see it D Ro it’s wake your ass
up I need to see it but no I I I do I I
think they should they should be if USA
or peacock we’ll put it on peacock if
fox wants it you have a separate show
and you do this draft and that way you
don’t have to worry about like this
pools this night and that pools that
night because I fell victim a couple
times to going how in the hell did so
and so get drafted before so and
so and then I always have that one
awesome person in my socials going
because they’re not in the straft pool
that’s the next night and I go oh yeah I
guess you’re right
whoops so yeah make it one night big
deal yeah all right Ryan your Eagles got
a corner I’m very happy about that that
was their number one need so he didn’t
go to Georgia it really was their number
one lead that’s their number one
lead throwback saying the Prime Minister
of England said something about have
WrestleMania in London and Triple H
reply talk yeah absolutely that would be
but even this like even that going down
that little tan little rabbit hole like
WrestleMania is cool and all yeah of
course you’d want to WrestleMania but
couldn’t you ask London just be like hey
we want to put on a kickass event come
to our city we’ll pay
you big money we can have our own
WrestleMania maybe they’ll do two you
know what I mean not like wrestle you
know what I’m saying like all in also
just WrestleMania one o’clock would be
interesting yeah it would that’d be
awesome though like you could do that on
a Sunday one day at one
o’clock but why would you if you’re
London why are you paying to have
WrestleMania there when you’re getting
Allin for free and it’s the same amount
of well I guess technically there’ll be
more because Allin WrestleMania is two
nights but per sitting it’s more to have
all in so like it just doesn’t make
makes sense to
me to it comes there free yeah you take
it I did see some graphic today that WWE
rued like a billion
dollars they they bring but don’t they
but but but don’t they bring in
more more fanf fair more business more
those Studies have never been is I’m
just I’m yeah I don’t know you’re you’re
you’re talking to a guy does not use
Excel so I’m literally just asking I
don’t I don’t know no don’t yell at me
because they’ve done those studies for
for WrestleMania they done they’ve done
them for the Super Bowl they’ve done
them for all of them but they’re
very there’s a lot of assumptions made
those okay and so I know that’s what you
hear like oh cities want the WWE to
bring their product to their town it’s a
big deal for the economy it’s a big big
time Big exposure things like that but I
think you can get just the same like you
said with a pi Us in I haven’t seen the
War Room sh it what if they don’t you
don’t think they show the W room at
all I wonder I wonder since the NFL
Network or ran it I wonder if
the NFL Network feed got it you’ll have
to check Twitter you know what I mean
like they might show it because they ran
the story and they might be like we’re
looking for Tony
KH so you want to hear something wild I
always W the real woe so this is him
just tweeted that ESPN sources Sixers
star Joel embiid had been treated for
mild case of Bell’s paly for the past
week really condition began during the
playing victory over Miami but he’s
wanted to keep it quiet to avoid
distractions really holy [ __ ] that’s D
Dro 50 with Bell’s pausy I’ll give some
there it’s like when that’s like when
Kenny omega’s like I’ve been wrestling
these five star bangers with fertigo
it’s like how do you guys do this I get
a hangnail and I’m just done for like
the the rest of the day
these guys don’t understand the vertico
how how he pulled that off yeah and be’s
like I have bills I have bills poliy for
the last week and I’m out here dropping
50 like what the
what has Tony KH shown up at all no no
I’m on the macafee feed so I don’t think
we’re gonna see it I’m on ESPN checking
as well like I said maybe the NFL
Network got the and I’m listening
intently McAfee hasn’t said anything
about Tony
on know that Dominic Mysterio wrestling
for that other company in front of 600
people it’s
true do you think we’re gonna see a
scenario where Dominic
Mysterio ends up with li Morgan and it’s
be only because Liv is trying to get
back at gonna take everything away from
Ria is D about to is D about to be the
what is that what is that like where
like the uh this you know that your
enemy has like an ugly dude but so you
go get the ugly dude because just
because so
much Do’s about to fall ass backwards
into two of two of wrestling stands
ladies the IWC you don’t go after Liv
Morgan in the wrestling Community they
they’ll get
you oh they took B Thomas Jr they took
the wide receiver from LSU you’re new
TBS Champion yeah TK yep so Trevor
Lawrence has another weapon they still
have not shown any Jacksonville Jaguar
War Room footage ESPN might right
now he was a first round Talent how much
know Patriots you should know the
Patriots they’re not trading back up oh
my God oh my God what he’s wearing it no
he’s no he showing it where’s it at no
that’s not true I they haven’t shown it
yet is it true it’s on Twitter I’m
telling you right now no is that real is
that fake go Twitter yeah no M Jeremy
it oh okay all right he is wearing a
[ __ ] neck brace oh my God yes way to
go Tony
Khan oh what a genius
hell yeah they haven’t shown it yet they
haven’t shown it yet he said Jeremy
tweeted it oh well Jeremy tweeted he’s
wearing it but there different pictures
with different
angles I gotta get ready I gotta get
ready to snap this
picture I gotta get ready show me the
War Room damn it if you go to russle
purus they have a picture of it okay I
wanna I want to pull that up NFL network
is the one that had it okay that makes
sense yep called it called it
dude what a legend Tony
Khan and I said this earlier when they
when when a a neck brace photo was Flo
around for those that don’t think Tony
Khan respects the business you haters
explain this dude’s working dude’s
working right now I love so much my guy
Tony Khan out there working fools
like he’s like Dad I have to I have to
do it oh sh okay
that’s this is [ __ ] incredible that
oh that is [ __ ] amazing
he is literally in the in the [ __ ]
neck brace and it’s the old school neck
brace oh a Pros Pro he’s out there
working hurt
oh God
Almighty what a time then that the
broadcast even addressed it guys Oh no I
got a green screen no I gotta take the
green screen off hold on the broadcast
two seconds for two seconds they they
mentioned him taking a pile
driver look at
that look at that amazing everyone look
at that look at that individual right
ah what a Time best best day ever that
is incredible that that happened that’s
great I am so happy I taking a pile
driver I am so happy he’s just
I am so that’s all I needed in my life
again again all the people in that room
that are like what are you doing what
are you talking
what oh my oh [ __ ] Ma’s talking about
him he’s like oh he’s battling through
with a broken
neck and he goes and he literally just
said Doug Peterson sitting three feet
away from Tony Khan going what the [ __ ]
is going on like M’s going that is so
fake Mell GH stop twisted your neck
around looking around like nothing’s
going on you stick to the
gimmick oh baby what a time Tony Khan
Khan Tony Khan just took over the NFL
draft Tony con just
just like he just he did won for us
there that was him doing that for us he
did that for us well Joey Janel tweeted
spending much time with Tony Khan I know
this is his dream so maybe he
didn’t and then Matt oh my God I I I’m
on the Matthew and Nicholas Jackson
tweeted this photo damn it of him
sipping coffee just in the neck bra
oh oh man so
good oh
wrestling has mainstream try yeah good
luck getting that Happ
WWE oh my
God thank you Tony Tony Tony KH
committed to the bit committed to the
oh so you know Lawrence is gonna up
tomorrow go what the [ __ ] did I miss for
this just everyone on Twitter just blow
it just going
nuts about Tony
Khan oh that is he wore the old school
wrestling neck bra yes he did yes he did
for those that are watching I’m gonna
I’ll see if I can put it up on the full
here that’s awesome that’s the best
Cowboys are on the
clock and people are like the Cowboys
are trading down yeah the lion just
traded up to take the Cowboys pick here
Detroit who’s a who do they need who do
want I’m over it Tony Khan take him he
plays hurt he plays tough I don’t know
if I can pull this up or not me
see oh man that is so
good so good
I just wanted to I I would I want to be
a fly on the wall for that conversation
like Hey Dad I Gotta Wear this neck
brace in the War Room no like the whole
lead up to it like Hey Dad listen I have
idea I know that the NFL is like super
serious business and all but like what
do you think about you know he’s like I
care oh the LI that is the that is the
funniest thing I think I’ve ever seen
like that is so good that he [ __ ] did
that just having the time of his life
there’s a video of him just sipping
coffee in the neck brace just
just wear in the neck
unbelievable I don’t want to be the guy
but you know Warner has to love this
he’s getting referenced on his wrestling
product is getting referenced on
networks yeah let’s say what you want
man it it it gets people talking I know
everybody that hates the product will
look at the viewership and go they don’t
draw any viewers but didn’t they just
get evaluated at two billion dollar yeah
the quot the quote on the NFL uh
broadcast when they showed him the quote
was Tony Tony Khan becomes the first n
NFL executive in a draft room shaking
off the effects of a pile
driver that’s amazing oh no too good you
can see Shad con sitting right behind
him too just looking at him laughing
just going now you [ __ ] me dude like
just looking at him like what the H you
know Shad KH is like I’m just gonna go
make my money oh that is so good man
that made my night that made my night
Tony Tony KH draft trade though uh draft
grade A+ that’s an A+ draft grade for uh
Tonica oh that is so
good I’m gonna talk about that for
days I’m gonna talk about that for
days that’s now the whole basis of this
show is that for days just that is so
incredible oh now they’re talking about
well yeah so yeah I think Scott’s right
I think Dall uh Detroit’s gonna take the
Cooper dejon guy from Iowa I should get
Cooper Deon
yeah I think Scott nailed it right here
he said Detroit’s gonna he they jumped
over Green Bay who needs a cornerback
who’s in their division to grab a
cornerback I think they said nope we’re
getting them and
leaped hi bud
hi that’s funny that’s
ridiculous I love it I love it
I think he you think he’s a little
disappointed in his dad that they traded
down the pick so he couldn’t do that
little more in prime
time oh no I think he’s getting
everything he wants out of it right now
he knows yeah it’s 11 it’s 11 o’clock
going off it’s 11 o’clock like we could
have done this in the nine o’clock hour
it was so good man that’s
awesome oh man that is
see like we don’t need to like I get it
like this is a good fun hey these kids
are great blah blah blah blah blah blah
like I just need the picks I just need
picks I will say
this before all the uh I can’t believe
he would do such a thing blah blah blah
blah making a mockery the business Logan
Paul did the exact same thing oh yeah he
wore a neck brace after getting his ass
kicked and said you know this shit’s
real oh she’s making
the all right Alabama Arnold the
cornerback so they didn’t take Cooper
dejan so Green Bay will should if they
thr back saying SRS is going live on his
football channel he’s he’s
us how dare he shout out to SRS he’s
Bengal specific yeah do your damn
thing hearon bellich talk about all
these drafty though is just wild that’s
just wild he’s auditioning for his next
head coaching job dude
man well I mean for me let me tell you
this was such a success of a draft night
we got we got our Drake
may we got our Drake May and then Tony
Khan doing one for the boys doing one
for the boys then working dude’s working
dude working at all times living in
commun Tony Khan out here working
you’re all talking about how he
disrespects the business and he he’s a
buffoon he’s a he’s working us right now
he’s putting in the work he’s living the
gimmick oh man hater’s Gonna
Hate oh
man somebody just put bless you Tony KH
just just bless bless you bless you Tony
literally the dialogue all day it was
like he better
I tweeted that [ __ ] last night if he is
not wearing a neck brace in that war
room I swear to God oh that’s so good yo
look at the suit on this guy dude this
guy’s wearing this is a nice
suit is that his mother is that his
mother wow all
right that is a nice suit on this
gentleman I like this guy’s suit I could
never do it I could never do it but I
like this guy’s suit
oh man what a
time all right there fellas I think
that’s my night oh wow he said we got
picks I I gotta get up early and I need
to get sleep he’s sick of you yelling
about and the greatest moment in the
history of professional wrestling that
we saw
tonight the greatest
normal I’d be fine but these six PS will
take like two hours I don’t know how do
I don’t know why it’s unbelievable all
right thank you for keeping track of our
mock draft thank you for sending the
graphical we’ll get that out so people
can vote all right enjoy the rest of
your evening plug plugo and I will be
chugging along for these last six picks
and then we’ll get out of here all right
guys have some f brother brother all
right later Packers pick is in bro bye
Ryan the pack is
in Kool-Aid
kry is that who they took no I don’t
know I’m just I I just want that name to
drafted I wish they still had haha
Clinton Dicks and then you had Kool-Aid
M oh that’d be dope see I’m all about
that all about the name
value Tony C is so good man that is so
he’s out there
so oh man that is just as good as a gets
that’s as good as it gets right there
can the Patriots all of a sudden out of
nowhere just be like oh the Patriots
have traded up to the
26th did they no I would love it though
this guy that is like the mil hyper
guy F bombs he’s going bananas I know
and they’re just it’s on YouTube so it’s
whatever I wonder how that deal got
out well if I’m not mistaken McAfee
essentially is licensing his brand to
ESPN not so much that they bought it and
it’s theirs and they can it’s his brand
his they are basically saying we want
entertainment so he gets to like he gets
a little bit more leeway that’s why it
pisses people off at ESPN because he
kind of does his own thing but I mean
[ __ ]
works I say he’s got 21,000 people
watching his YouTube
stream oh man
what are you doing dud k no no no no no
no no
no just make the pic
and the and the thing too is there’s not
like some dude sitting in the Green Room
like remember Lamar Jackson I think that
was the first one we did the Lamar
Jackson draft right yes uh no no no that
was a long time ago but it feels like he
was the one where they’re like oh I was
I remember I was watching that on Fox
and I was like oh this is I’m staying up
because I want to see him get picked and
somebody Baltimore traded back in to get
him there ain’t nobody there ain’t
nobody like that sitting in the Green
Room there’s no real
like moment of oh my go Kurt cousin
isn’t happy with the Falcons I wouldn’t
be happy with the Falcons either if I’m
Kurt cousin I mean how could he
be I mean I get it plenty of times in RA
in in football history there’s been like
like the Bears did that with trabis when
they signed Kyle or not Kyle Orton was
it Kyle Orton no it was fos they signed
fos to all that money and then they go
get trabis at two and then or Glennon
was Mike Glennon D there’s so many bad
Bears so many bad Bears quarterbacks but
either way yeah but again they sign they
signed cousins like a lot like this
wasn’t like oh he’s definitely our
Bridge quarterback they’re like he’s our
guy and then they take pennic and don’t
really talk to him about it first I
don’t know if he would have ass signed
there maybe he doesn’t sign in Atlanta
true if he’s green just took who I don’t
know but there’s also the you got a
factor in like you take the best
available and If you think penx is that
good you can but yeah I don’t know
pissing off Kurt Cousins is the right
move so you just went from a situation
that they didn’t want to pay you yep to
another situation now they don’t they
don’t see you as the actual future they
see penx as the future you don’t take a
quarterback at nine if you
don’t I don’t know man unless they plan
on doing something crazy
yeah but you’re not trading I can only
imagine that they probably yeah like you
said they didn’t share that they didn’t
go hey we’re gonna sign you to this
hundred million doll contract but we’re
taking a quarterback in the first round
just so you know
yeah like feel good about
that yeah we’re taking uh we’re taking
your your air
parent hell if I’m penx Jr I’m like you
just you’re just throw me into the the
fire with this pissed off hurt cousins
guy he’s not GNA devel he’s not gonna
develop me he’s worried about himself
yeah I don’t know man that was
interesting oh man what a
uh oh Kevin oconnell is joining
really so you guys now are uh JJ
McCarthy you guys had kurk cousins
pretty much the same guy
literally how do you think this is gonna
pan out well Pat let me tell
you that is you know what’s you know
what’s crazy is we’ve been sitting here
all night trashing JJ McCarthy but he
might turn out to be a [ __ ] stud
imagine it’s crazy man it [ __ ] happens I
respect let me tell you I respect the uh
Packers and I respect the Buccaneers for
not wasting any time with these getting
these picks in they are just like let’s
go yeah let’s F go D what are we still
here for like I got they’re like I got
work in the morning they’re like I gotta
go to bed too that’s
fun because yeah because what do they do
the second and third round are tomorrow
night right yeah and then four through
seven is like Saturday afternoon yeah
yep and that’s what it gets that’s like
if you’re a DI hard draft fan and you
like it like I used to be like where I W
I’d watch it all Saturday Sunday I would
do yeah both days like get get hyped
about it but like the way they’ve
staggered it now like s Friday night’s
much more fun in my opinion
because they end up they bring out like
Legends bring out third round so like
you still get really don’t get me wrong
you can get steals later on in the draft
and like Tom Brady six round pick Brock
py Mr Elvin but like the second and
third rounds are still really good
football players like they’re still
really good
players yeah yeah we should have called
should hit him up that would have been a
good idea maybe next year we’ll try to
you get people in for every team every
team like hey come in for your pick come
in for your pick oh your pick got traded
outweight that’d be interesting we could
pull it off but yeah no I I don’t know I
don’t know man I like night two because
it’s just
wild it’s a wild scene and then like day
day three you’re kind of already like uh
you know I’ve already sat through this
and half the picks they don’t even show
because they just analys and boom boom
boom and but this year’s Mr irrelevance
going to be a big deal Brock
pry the next Brock
yeah do you think the Buccaneers come
and take a quarterback they just paid
Baker I don’t think they would like hey
we got that what’s that Milton out of
available got he’s got an arm oh yeah
yeah yeah Milton I don’t remember his
first name well Spencer Rattler is still
there rattler
dude Kevin oconnell is kind of boring to
listen to
talk learn from Bill right hey you know
this is just like what it’s shut up
dude he seems to be a pretty decent
coach though yeah he’s not
bad don’t get me I mean he did a lot in
Minnesota he you think Justin
Jefferson’s going to be happy with a
quarterback uh I don’t think so you
don’t think
oh you know who’s happy with rookie
quarterbacks tight
ends that is
true it’s winning football
bro winning
football intangibles
Integrity so a lady I work with went to
the draft she’s a Chiefs fan how Bumm do
you think she’s going to be when the
Chiefs trade out of their first round
pick at 32 imagine waiting all night for
your team
what up King
Krab yeah uh hawin will love him yeah
that’s what I’m saying I’m saying like
Diva wide receivers and I’m not saying
he’s like I don’t mean that in like I
don’t think Jefferson has shown to be a
diva yet he’s got a personality he wants
ball he’s he’s you know the big number
one receiver I don’t mean that like yeah
like he’s I’m just saying like that type
of receiver number one receiver yeah to
want the ball and McCarthy’s going to
struggle man he he will every rookie
quarterback for the most part struggles
outside of like Patrick
momes right well he sat a year though
because they had Alex Smith so he didn’t
need to play his whole first year so
Mahomes just sat there and learned right
and they already were a good team they
made the playoffs with Alex Smith they
were already a good team and then they
were like holy [ __ ] this kid is
good to learn under Sam
darnold it’s okay Dr Drake May has to
learn underneath jacobe brassette
oh that’ be that’d be a good deal that
would if you’re if you’re ciny you do
that in a heartbeat because you get well
yeah you you do that in a heartbeat
Jefferson Chase burrow watch out but I
will say The Bangles just but they just
so maybe they will trade him we’ll
see my problems with and it could be
just because he’s he’s sharing a lot of
the workload with Chase but like he’s
very sometime he’s very streaky Mr
Higgins yep he’s either boom or bust if
you’re looking at it from a fantasy
standpoint which I do often because yeah
obviously dude Kevin McConnell shut o
shut on ESPN Goodell’s out there
announcing the Buccaneers pick this dude
is just like
McCarthy dude sorry I don’t Graham
Barton the center from duke Tampa
Bay somebody I posted on Facebook like
Tony KH out here working h a Pros Pro
and somebody goes the fact that he wore
two different neck braces today
that’s classic Tony Khan my
guy Graham
Bon if if aw ends
today they’re done they’re
out that is an iconic moment in aw
history yeah he ended with a bang he was
at the NFL draft on all of the networks
in a net
price h that is just
wild like and he had McAfee talking
about it had NFL Network talking about
it ESP that so ESPN and NFL Network are
talking about
aw like Ryan said Warner Brothers is
probably stoked about that I mean all it
not we shall see yep let me tell you if
it translates into ratings or for more
interest but I always look at it like
this too like impact’s been around for
20 plus years and they don’t do nearly
the numbers that a does yep they figured
out there’s a they’ll find a home aw
will find a home even Arizona Cardinals
are already right back I’m listening go
ahead say even if Tony Khan decided he
wanted out and he was like I’m watching
my hands this I’m selling
it it’s worth2 billion do somebody will
buy it he’ll make a profit and then that
person will want to you know run it so
it’ll have legs for a long time people
will be like five years this company
will be dead it be impr impressive if I
would be shocked because I’d be like how
did they how’ they pull it off they
couldn’t find somebody to take this on
unless he wanted to just completely
close it that’s the only thing Tony KH
goes I’m just done but why would you do
that why would you take A2 billion
evaluated asset and go H just going to
close it not sell it that’d be silly
yeah wow Vince Russo coming out on
Twitter he put a picture of Tony KH in
the neck brace and he said this is Vince
Russo now yeah he said this may be the
single most greatest picture I’ve ever
seen in my life bro as the great Raven
would say dot dot dot
tremendous bro so he love yeah bro no
not one bro in that tweet not one bro in
that tweet so you know it’sit you know
you know if Vince r so saying positive
stuff like that about wrestling and
stuff like that that he that but is he
saying it positively he being sarcastic
no no I don’t think so I think that was
legitimate I think that Vince Russo saw
that and laughed his ass off and said
that is
incredible I would think too if Vince
Russo was being honest with himself he
would have loved the publicity of
ESPN and the NFL network two juggernauts
over a wrestling angle that you’re
writing so crab uh Krabby
I they got they lost Gabe Davis they
lost Diggs so they definitely need a
wide receiver they definitely need a
wide receiver because Josh Allen is
still there um I think the top four or
five wide receivers have been the top
four wide receivers have been taken you
could get one later there is still a lot
of them out there that it is a deep
class I feel like the Raven I feel like
the sorry the bills got rid of a bunch
of people they got rid of mikah high
they got rid of a bunch of people yeah
they did so they have a lot of holes now
to be honest oh shoot Barry Sanders is
here on McAfee what up
Barry oh look at bill bill is pumped
Bill’s like now this like [ __ ] yeah dude
I get this is a football
player 275
th000 people showed up for this
thing so yeah
275,000 people showed up how many more
people are watching Tony Khan’s like yep
neck brace
baby that’s crazy that’s crazy yeah I
think if anything Buffalo needs to
draft somebody that’s fast dude okay
from kurk cut two minutes ago from Mike
gal from Kirk Cousins agent Mike
McCartney on the Falcons selecting
pennis penx sorry yes it was a big
surprise we had no idea this was coming
the truth is the whole league had no
idea this was coming we got no heads up
Kirk got a call from the Falcons when
they were on the clock that was the
first we heard it never came up in any
conversations oh bills just
traded bills just traded out to the
Chiefs the Chiefs traded up oh hey shout
the Chiefs traded up here my work friend
there she she get a Jordan I am a New
England Patriots fan so my my draft was
over early on thank you for popping in
Jordan I don’t have a team so my draft
is going strong I again we need to
figure that we should do that we’ll do
that we’ll make that a thing we’ll make
that a segment I think I think the I we
know Scott we said
that um I think uh Jordan
the thing we were rooting for the most
tonight was that Tony Khan was
wearing yeah dude I’m here for that war
room that’s what we were here for I
gotta be honest though this year I did I
I think it’s been a couple years since I
denounced my BR Browns fandom I
denounced my Bengals fandom way back in
the day it was nice watching football
this year without really a dog in the
fight but that’s you know there still
fun to have a squad so maybe I’ll be a
Falcons fan dude all this drama maybe so
the the are going to
get the Chiefs
get 28 133 and 248 and
248 so the bills I got you Scott the
bills are gonna yeah the Chiefs are
getting 28 133 and 248 and the bills are
getting 3295 and
okay and Adam schfer just tweeted Chiefs
who need a wide receiver traded up to
Buffalo spot at number 28 where some
thought the bills would take a wide
receiver so who’s who’s GNA be a new
man oh man all the Swift and all the
swifties are watching Tony KH in a neck
brace this is
just the NL the Chiefs are probably
going to take a wide yeah they’re going
to take a wide receiver right here you
think Xavier worthy
maybe or about Xavier Legette he’s good
right that’s why I want the patri I want
the Patriots to get one of those guys
with a third pick in the second round I
want like look don’t get me wrong
they’re winning Super Bowls and things
of this nature but they thought rhe rash
rice or Rashid rice was going to be the
next Tyreek Hill and then he’s obviously
got some problems he’s going to be
dealing with so they’re gonna go for
some speed man they miss
Tyreek you know Patty Mahomes misses
Tyreek so they’ll get him a Tyreek type
speed so whichever one of those ran a
better 40 they do have Hollywood now but
I don’t think Hollywood is M if anything
Mahomes I don’t think Hollywood’s like
if Hollywood was the game changer
Baltimore you know what I mean yeah but
I think Mahomes if anybody’s gonna make
him one it will be Mahomes yeah don’t
get me wrong this is like the rich
becoming richer they’re not the void of
any there’s a reason they’re did you see
that today what or yesterday Jerry Jones
was like we’re the 24th team in the
league that’s why we’re 24th best team
in the league that’s why we’re picking
oh yes yes yes I saw
that and I was like not that’s your no
bill or or Jerry no you’re what’s wrong
with you
man no you’re picking 24th because
good is they need weapons for M homes I
know they I know they still won the
Super Bowl this year uh but they have no
no weapons and Kelsey is older well like
I said rice rice ain’t gonna be there
for a little bit probably because he’s
an idiot yeah he fleed the scene of that
accident so he’ll definitely have to
have some legal on ESPN right now 25
drops was the most in the NFL
29 dude they have cadus Tony
baby I lik cadarius Tony a lot by the
way that was one of those people I was
super high on and then when he went to
Kansas City was like oh [ __ ] he’s about
to pop
off and then he became just a
oh bill is gushing over Barry Sanders
right now as he should but he’s like it
was an honor covering you in the top H
Barry no one was hard Bill loves talking
about old school football players so
when he knew Barry was coming on he was
probably pants like no one’s Harder Than
You bar nobody probably harder than bill
when he heard Barry was coming on the
set yeah dude Bill he’s probably like
what can you still you still to Bill hey
you still want to
play Oh brick fingers Tony that’s right
King crap Old Brick fingers Tony Sky
Moore I thought he’s yeah I thought I
think what we do with the Chiefs though
it’s kind of
like trying to think of a good anal it
was kind of like with the Patriots for a
while where was like oh they were a
former Patriot or oh the Patriots got
them they got to be on to something so
sometimes I think we maybe overvalue
Kansas City players but I did really
think highly of Tony when he was in New
York and then I thought skymore would be
pretty good some of these pieces just
ain’t panned out it’s hard to catch
lightning in a bottle so the fact that
they’re going for a three Pat this year
nuts but we’ll see it’s Patrick Mahomes
dude he can make he can make chicken
[ __ ] or chicken salad out of chicken
[ __ ] anytime he wants
D I think Barry is just infatuated with
Bill is Bill is with Barry right now I
think there’s like a a real Bromance
happening right now on the MCA
show thank you for those words I
appreciate you
Bill like everybody but McAfee is
sitting down and Bill and Barry are
standing up talking to each other yeah
this is like a this is
definitely oh I love you you’re the
best well he just said one of the
biggest fights that him and parcel’s
ever got into was
Barry check you’re strong you broke
tackles Barry yeah yeah
Bill yep they took the receiver
worthy cousins left
stunned mean oh what a weapon for momes
dude he’s the fastest receiver in the
draft record speed he has told you I
told you hey I have I have Patrick
Mahomes in my Dynasty fantasy football
league so fine all day every day they’re
looking for the next Tyreek see like
okay so okay
the Patriots are in rebuild mode but
like the Patriots never do [ __ ] now
imagine you’re this wide receiver and
you get a call from the Chiefs and
you’re like hey uh we’re gonna draft you
here are you’re gonna go play with
Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid and Travis
Kelsey you’re
okay yeah at that point and Scott come
on Buffalo deserves to lose to Kansas
City this year too come on Scott they
they traded him the pick how many times
are you going to be Buffalo and trade
Kansas City a pick where they get a Hall
Famer but maybe they you know who traded
the pick that got Patrick Mahomes to
Kansas City
Buffalo was it yeah yeah yeah yeah it
was Buffalo that’s right that’s right I
always forget about because it was
always he went like third 10th or 10th
right yeah 10th that was the Tris
DeShaun Watson oh yeah that’s always
Bears bring that up all the time Bears
fans are
miserable although to be fair if Patrick
r got drafted but that bears regime I
don’t think he’d be that great because
it’s the
Bears they have a tough time developing
quarterbacks because they would have
played them right
away hey Bill belich and I are thinking
the same thing he goes he goes yeah they
drafted the guy with the 421 speed to
replicate Tyreek Hill I’m essentially
Bill bellich only better
looking let’s be
honest Barry’s like all right you guys
aren’t talking now you got you got
Hollywood Brown who is fast he might I’m
not sure he’s a great receiver but he’s
fast now you got this guy who’s even
faster you got Kelsey there who’s again
older but he’s going to get you the the
the big time plays the big time
possession yards they will get get rice
back at some point after some sort I
would hope they get the opportunity on
to stretch the field and run some deeper
routes and open up some more things
underneath for Kelce so it all works out
know takes pressure off of Kelce if you
got a guy that’s got 42 speed that could
just run a 60 yard streak and score T
you know what I’m saying perfect so now
we got Dallas on the clock then we got
Buffalo I’m sorry then we get Baltimore
San Fran and then Buffalo will round it
out because Buffalo now has the last
and the look at this guy with his helmet
though what a helmet that is that guy’s
Jesus oh you know that I’m Barry
Sanders back goes Barry how many here
should play 10 how many pro bowls he
goes 10 he goes that’s pretty good it’s
good oh dude the Cowboys have already Pi
we got three more picks man their pick
is already in it’s coming now and then
like yeah we got well it’s already it’s
already on the we it’s already on the
website CU I was
checking like hasn’t announced it yet do
is like we got
you yep offensive tackle from
Oklahoma yeah bar
Sanders according to this thing on ESPN
it already says the Ravens pick is
already in too I love this can I tell
you how dope this thing is it’s Johnny
Knoxville yeah you showed me it like
times it says the Knoxville strong boy
pulled out all the stops to De beat Sami
Zayn and a hij Jin fied anything goes
38 wait yeah that was the best what do
you think says oh it’s got his stats
says what what do you think his uh
listed weight is
and I’ll say
18190 nope it says two cheeseburgers
away from
175 all right and you know what his
finisher is the giant mouse trap it’s
fair that’s so
cool I’m I’m an adult I promise I have
adult problems with adult
do you think they do you think Tony Khan
right now is still wearing the neck
brace or you think he took it
off if you’re being
honest because he’s done the draft War I
think he took it off War room’s over
shad’s like bro we got they’re done
night because they don’t come back until
next next you know although if he’s
getting interviewed for like local press
he better be wearing it needs to be
wearing yeah shad’s like Ravens the pick
is in so the Ravens know what they’re
doing Mel Kyper seems to think they’re
going to go cornerback
here so maybe dejon is a top guy and
that wigin character Nate Wiggins he’s
the guy the patri that Patriots is it
Wiggins with an a though right Nate
desan and Nate won yeah I don’t know Co
oh oh it’s Cooper dein not dejon I guess
I’ve been saying that wrong Cooper dein
and Nate Wiggins those are the two best
cornerbacks don’t worry Kool-Aid is also
there as well Kool-Aid to me dude
I would assume that Baltimore here needs
to go defense they got a good offense
they need somebody need Corner they need
to stop somebody yeah yeah yeah so they
got Derrik Henry in the off season so I
mean [ __ ] you got Lamar what does San
Fran need TR nothing besides a new coach
quarterback no no they they can’t draft
coaches the only reason they haven’t won
yet but no here’s the thing I actually
just I don’t even
think they I think the team is top to
bottom still one of the best in the
league I I think they’re the most
talented I think they are the best I
think they I think what happened let’s
be honest experience got them in the
fact they know yeah the Chiefs have been
there the they
got they just ran out of gas they had
them they had them for most of the game
and then the Chiefs just chipped away
chipped away it wasn’t like the Chiefs
ran away with this thing like we look
back on it we think oh my God you know
the Chiefs Dynasty yeah they won but
they were down for a good portion of
that game so I think it was just
experience man but yeah Shanahan is a
bum he be Scott said he’d be dancing if
they take Dee here is that Cooper is
that the is that the Cooper de is that
the K out of Iowa the the only the only
white the white cornerback yeah very
rare it’s like a unicorn you get a white
Corner since Jason once every 20 years
horn that’s the name they took Nate
Wiggins they didn’t take dein I I swear
to God you know what Koopa dein why
don’t you drop all the way back to the
Patriots at 34 babe we’ll take you at 34
we’ll take you at 34 put him aside put
him on across from uh Gonzalez let’s go
dude wow this guy’s only 20 he doesn’t
turn 21 until August oh nice
so they went with Wiggins over dee de I
don’t think Dee is gonna make it to the
Patriots but we do need
Corners that would be amazing if he
somehow dropped to us and we grabbed him
with that second even though I’d like
him to take a a
receiver but so yeah he went to Clemson
yeah he’s very lean but he’s fast Pat
bill I think Cooper Dee now is he he
might drop out of the first round
although the bills could take him at 32
because they need a
corner who’s the corners in San
Francisco they got a good guy they got a
main good guy there you can always get
two though yeah I don’t know what’s they
at does San Fran need a better defense I
mean if I’m San Fran honest saying FR
right now I’m taking
calls you want you’re in the I would
take a wide receiver no I’m just saying
like I I would be willing to tr I’d be
willing to wants to get out of there I
heard that they were shopping Debo as
well maybe but but receivers are a
diamond doesn’t dude you could drop down
out to the first round here Elite
receivers are not a diamond doesn’t they
have two Elite guys in Debo and I but
they’re not gonna get they’re not gonna
get rid of both of them they’re gonna
get rid of one though so you’ll need
somebody here right if you grab one of
them do you need two Elite wide
receivers to be successful JJ if you’re
the Patriots do you trade I mean if
that’s all it takes yes but you’ll need
to resign T Higgins and I don’t think I
don’t think Rob Robert crap will do that
because he’s a cheap
[ __ ] I also don’t think the Bengals
would take 36 no I don’t I don’t think
36 is enough it would be that plus other
things yeah they would need a little bit
more but if you’re I I would feel more
comfortable I think are you talking
about 34 I think we have 34 but feel
Robert give us 36 we’ll give you Higgins
I think the
Patriots need to sign Higgins though
yeah wow crab coming in hun that’s what
I mean Hey listen listen Brock pie say
what you want about him he wins games
made it to the NFC championship game
Bowl he played well in the Super Bowl
too if the 49ers were to won he was
probably the
MVP yeah I don’t know what you do like
either you either could take a a wide
receiver here sure some more def my
thing is it seems like they’re not GNA
be able to keep everybody and they’re
not gonna be able to keep auk and Debo
so why not just draft a young wide
now and then you have the young guy for
four years under contract you don’t got
worry about this year yeah and then you
add a rookie into the and then and then
when one of them leaves you got the
replacement right there because I assume
this year they’re still trying to win
the Super Bowl that’s what they’re built
for but what I’m saying like why you
don’t need to take a rookie wide
receiver right now if you’re GNA keep
both those guys this year then next year
you could find somebody
else I don’t know we’ll see it’s
interesting it’s not a bad it’s not a
play but if you’re Allin this year maybe
go audri estimate my dude out Notre day
the 49ers are still on the clock though
so maybe they are waiting for somebody
to offer them a pick they’re saying hey
be like the Patriots traded up to 31 be
like oh sweet Jesus all right all right
that’s you just the pick is in ESPN just
said the pick is in so they make they’re
making the pick so they’re keeping it
Taylor Swift there’s some Talent out
there man they’re like we’re taking
Taylor Swift and
the when does the first running back go
that’s a good question grabby who is the
top running
back all right the number one best
available players is
deene yep
um Kool-Aid still there let’s see we I’m
looking for running back the best
Avail Jonathan Brooks out of
Texas he’s the best he’s the best one
available on the board right
now okay where is it’s not it’s not a
very deep not a big running back class
no it’s really
oh my boy my boy audri EST is in the mix
Irish Coleman is good
yeah I’m just going based off of what
ESPN has for their best available their
best available running back is Jonathan
Brooks out of Texas then it goes to Trey
Benson Florida State Blake Crum
Michigan Marshon Lloyd Jaylen Wright Ray
Davis yeah yeah and then yeah that’s
really will Shipley that guy is like 47
old Spencer rers available quarterback
left in this draft according to this
Spencer Rattler yeah yeah that’s about
right Sam Hartman seventh dude Sam
Hartman’s getting drafted where is do
they have Jordan Travis on that
list yeah he’s fourth I like Jordan
Travis fourth best available quarterback
and then Joe
Milton all right here we go the ners who
what are they doing they doing defense
or they or
they I don’t understand why the bills
would trade that pick to the
Chiefs like that’s your main rival in
the AFC why are you making them
better but they got but they have to
they think they won the trade they don’t
make the trade unless they think they
have they got more assets
and they
what all right they took this wide
receiver this a white guy they took a
white guy they took a white
guy they took a white guy who’d they
take Ricky piol never heard of him never
heard Florida apparently he’s a white
guy it looks like he’s white not that
that’s a bad
thing but like Xavier G what Xavier
Legette still out there Coleman’s out
there there’s better wide receivers than
this guy out there first of all I don’t
anybody do he fit the scheme we’re
trying to run JP I I don’t trust any
wide receivers from Arizona State nil
[ __ ] anyway I know he technically
was in Florida but he started in Arizona
I feel like I feel like this was yeah
they maybe they were trying to trade
back because they likeed this guy and
wanted him later and then they were like
damn it we still got to take
them take who you know all right so now
Buffalo you said they were gonna take a
receiver so I mean you’re technically
right there you go so now Buffalo has
the last pick in the draft and then the
Patriots will have the second pick
tomorrow and that’s all she wrote for
the B2B draft exagon
all right plugo why don’t we
uh oh Buffalo Bills just traded the pick
to the Panthers the Panthers so the
Panthers moved up shout out Andy my guy
all right so the Panthers moved up to
the last pick in the first round so now
Buffalo will have the first pick next
tomorrow right before the
pass wow they must really want a guy
that if they have the first pick
tomorrow you just got to hope that well
the bills are it’s probably that I bet
you it’s
uh that wide receiver you just mentioned
Legette you’re going to get some help
weapons you’re gonna get some weapons
for Bryce young but you get some weapons
for Bryce young but the bills definitely
need weapons too so you’re saying well I
now want to pick who of the best
available wide receivers I don’t want
you to take my guy that’s what they’re
doing book it because I’m assuming the
bills probably just got more multiple
obviously yeah and they’re building up
draft Capital because actually yeah no
so Buffalo so Carolina gets 32 and 200
and the bills get 33 and
141 they’re building up that they’re
rebuilding that roster around Josh Allen
slowly but
surely I don’t know if they’re going
full rebuild but they’re definitely
retooling it
all right well since we’re on the last
pick the pick is in plugo why don’t we
do our stuff why don’t you let the
people know where they can find you you
find me at plugo there is something
happening tomorrow night here on love
wrestling oh yeah love wrestling 25
tomorrow night 900 PM recck room elment
in Alberta Gana 9:00 P p.m. Eastern 7
p.m. mountain time yeah lpw 25 it’s
going to be huge going be iwtv I’m going
be watching I’m going be in the chat
hanging out well there’s no chat on iwtv
but we’ll be tweeting about it partan so
check it out and then you can find me
plugo on all social medias you can find
at B2 beards on all social medias to
know what we’re doing who we got going
on we got a killer guest next week I
just confirmed it’s locked in stay tuned
to socials to find out
who you love it man and then Saturday
morning 10 o’clock four exposure with BL
Chico gra maker pie we’re going to be
breaking down lpw 25 hell yeah you all
know where you can find me at jpj loves
gaming on all social media platforms
including the twitch uh and over on
YouTube as well you can find me Sunday
mornings 10 amm this Sunday Drew and I
will be diving into aw Dynasty as well
as the week of aew programs and here
every beard what the Epic neck brace
moment yes oh we will be talking about
that for sure uh and then uh you can
find me here every every Thursday at 8
o’clock pm. usually not going for four
hours we usually go for two uh doing
Between Two Beards with my boy plugo so
uh next week be on I believe Josh next
Wednesday two hours before Dynamite I’ll
be doing my sim with Josh for backlash
Parry yeah but all right the pick is in
let’s go
here they better not take a xavia
Legette I need xavia Legette to last two
more picks to the New England
Patriots Bill’s out here spitting facts
dude always one of the smartest men to
ever live they why they’re like why
would you make that trade with chees
he’s like he’s they’re doing what’s best
for Buffalo you can’t worry about the
other team you got to worry about what’s
best for you and do your
thing he goes did you hear you’re old
ass because you’re old ass is it yeah we
got better this year you know why cuz
your old ass is here
yeah yeah they took
Legette did
they look get to the Panthers
there we go that’s the end of the first
round the end of the third annual
B2B draft Extravaganza we want to thank
Lawrence for joining us earlier we want
to thank Ryan for joining us earlier and
keeping track of our WWE mock draft
which we will put up on social medias
here in the next couple days the
Panthers traded up to get Xavier Legette
that’s a good pick by them give some
weapons Legette baby there it is I would
love the r The Patriot to take a wide
receiver with this next pick tomorrow in
a couple picks but we’ll see but
appreciate everybody hanging in for an
extra long extra super sized Edition
with our draft
Extravaganza um we will see you guys
here next week 8 PM for another new
episode of Between Two Beards but make
sure you tune in tomorrow night lpw 25
900 PM Eastern Standard Time 7 PM
Mountain Time iwtv Al cat in the
building Aly cat is in the building
tomorrow Aly catch it should be a good
one her and Stephen Crow are gonna beat
the crap out of each other it’s going to
be amazing um but other than that thank
you all for hanging in for the for the
uh B2B draft Extravaganza and you guys
know the drill it’s time for Sue hey Sue
say hi to Sue until next
time peace out hey there plugo and
jpj it’s Trent moms Sue
and I have a bone to pick with you
so I understand that you guys are being
real idiots and spending your entire
monthly budget you’ve got to be kidding
me this is not the way to be when you’re
trying to uh run a business your boss
Spencer is really pissed off at you I’m
pissed off at you you have some nerve um
know get a
you you have to control yourself you
can’t just go out and spend all the
money that you’re making you Two Beards
guys two beard oh no this is coming out
so stupid
anyway behave yourselves or I’m going to
cut you off from watching
aw you’re no longer going to get to know
uh be able to meet my
son what or me I’m sorry this is
like I don’t know anyway thanks so much
for being fans watch yourself

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