Golf Players

Adam Hadwin and Nick Taylor Friday Flash Interview 2024 Zurich Classic of New Orleans © PGA Tour

Adam Hadwin and Nick Taylor Friday Flash Interview 2024 Zurich Classic of New Orleans © PGA Tour

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all right guys great round today just
give me a recap of what went well yeah
we got off to a really nice start which
was I think pretty key in in the wind um
you know there’s there I expected Bogies
out there with the difficulty of the
wind so you know I was maybe a little
cautious in the part 3es they can kind
of bite you in this format and so uh
Adam did a good job when I kind of got
us out of position on those part Theses
and we were able save a couple pars but
I felt like we took advantage of a lot
of the wedge holes when we had had those
shots in and and rolled some nice butts
in so overall it was a really good day
and you did have a couple hiccups on
this back nine here so how did you get
that momentum back I mean they’re
they’re difficult holes um they’re not
easy I would have loved to hit a couple
better chip shots there that was
um not giving him an easy puff for par
but um he uh I hadit a I hit a what I
thought was a good shot on five it just
took off as a flyer and and went over
but his short game has been uh one of
the better ones I’ve seen over the last
couple years and uh he chipped it to tap
in there on five to kind of settle I
think it’s kind of settled us down a
little bit there I hit a good drive on
six and um and then yeah picking up two
on seven and eight was big and so to my
understanding you guys have known each
other since you’re 12 years old you
teamed up for the first time last year
so how did this team come about and how
did we pair up again for this year you
know we we played together at the World
Cup in 2018 I believe um and did well in
Australia I think we finished TI for
fourth um I feel like the first five or
six years when this event had changed
you know some our schedule was kind of
didn’t really line up a couple years you
know I remember I had a really good
Friend’s Wedding so I couldn’t come to
this event but um came together last
year and we played great so we decided
to run it back was fun and how would you
say that this format is complimentary to
your games well I I think that you know
Nick and I play very similar games
um keep it in play hit lots of greens
we’re both very good putters
um and
so uh yeah best ball format we have
usually two balls in play and two
chances for birdie every hole which I
think um takes pressure off one guy and
um and then in this alternate uh shot
format we just again we we keep it in
play nothing too crazy um limit mistakes
um if we are out of position we’re uh
very smart about the next shot and and
trying to set up a chance to get up and
down so um yeah hopefully we got two
more days um we got a chance yeah yeah
you guys were in contention last year so
what does this do for your confidence
heading into the weekend yeah a lot you
know I think we kind of Rod the momentum
after probably Sunday’s round last year
we we were a little behind starting
Sunday and and made a great push there
so you know after two days we’re
obiously in better position so the
forecast has for a lot of wind which it
kind of was today so I guess we’ll be
used to it but it’ll be a little bit
tougher so hopefully tomorrow we can get
a good one there and and uh and hold on
for dear life I guess Sunday and given
the win for tomorrow do you guys talk
strategy throughout are you going to
meet tonight to talk about it what’s
that like uh we’ll meet tonight but I
don’t think we’ll be concerned with what
happens tomorrow um uh we’ll watch a
hockey game tonight just hang out have
some fun um we’ll see what tomorrow
brings uh you know we got two cracks at
every hole um yeah just keep getting
ourselves birdie chances again I love
our games in this alternate shot format
um just steady don’t make a lot of
mistakes both PP very well um and so
yeah just I think tomorrow is more of a
let’s make sure we’re in a position that
we’re we’re right there and if if we are
I mean I like our chances yeah awesome
thanks guys you

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