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Detroit Lions SCHEMING For A MASSIVE Draft Day TRADE?

Brad Holmes could make this his most memorable draft yet!

#detroitlions #onepride #nfldraft

with the NFL draft literally about a
week away it seems as if Brad Holmes
could be making ready for a move that
could really spice up the draft this
year hope youall got your popcorn ready
cuz it’s about to get
fun what are we what makes us what we
are and what we’re going to be it’s grit
it’s what we started with last year guys
doesn’t matter if you have one ass cheek
and three toes I will beat your ass can
definitely compete with with the big
dogs headone touchdown Detroit
Lions you guys you guys are unbelievable
man I’m telling
you we
are driven by
Detroit hello all lions fans and welcome
on back to yet another episode of MCM
Motor City Mania I’m your host David T
Pike and as always we’re diving on in
here’s the thing folks when it comes to
the NFL
draft for us Lions fans this draft right
now is probably the biggest draft that
we’ve had since the previous one because
every single draft that we have had with
Brad Holmes always has the ability to be
something that is going to be big it’s
going to be something that’s going to be
spectacular it’s got potential to really
be something of a very important crucial
and exciting nature however though as we
already know the draft this year being
in Detroit adds yet another layer of
excitement adds yet another layer of
anxiety and I’m not talking like bad
anxiety I’m talking about Good anxiety
because it’s like hey there’s just so
many things that are going on with the
draft this year that it’s like hey we’re
ready we are excited we’re we wanting
this thing to get going as soon as
possible however though there’s always
something else you can add to this
conversation that definitely makes it
yet a more intriguing a more exciting
prospect and what could possibly make
the draft more exciting than the
potential of Trades and I’m telling you
this right now if there is one guy in
the NFL that you definitely need to be
on your toes with when it comes to the
NFL draft and when it comes to trades it
is definitely Brad Holmes Brad Holmes
every single year that he has been the
the GM of the Detroit Lions has made
trades whether up whether down and I’m
going to say this right now most of the
trades that he is pulled off in the
draft have almost always worked out
beautifully not only for him in terms of
player acquisition but also for him and
how it has worked to set up moves later
on down the road whatever the case might
be point of the matter is is that the
conversation of Trades of itself are
awesome the rumors of Trades are awesome
but when you’re combining that with the
draft in it of itself and the draft
being such an unpredictable I would just
say machine of what it is it makes it
just a very tantalizing conversation to
have so that’s what we’re going to talk
about here because I fully 100% down to
my core believe that Brad Holmes is
going to make a trade or two sometime
during this NFL draft I just believe it
again he’s done it every other year I
don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t do
it this year but the trades that I have
got on my mind again this is not coming
from Insider sources this has not got
anything to do with what I’m just this
is just me spitballing this is just me
saying hey I’m looking at situations
from where I’m sitting as a as what
people would call it an arm share GM and
I’m like okay here these are potential
moves that I think the Lions could have
emphasis on the word could be interested
in making depending upon one the price
depending upon what’s going on in the
draft so on and so forth so that’s where
the nature of this conversation is
coming from again I’m not saying that
I’ve got somebody that’s telling me this
I’m not saying anything I’m just simply
saying hey based upon what I’m seeing
based upon what I’ve read based upon
what I’ve heard these make sense to me
so without further Ado let’s get into
them really
quickly when it comes to the NFL draft
this year we already know as lions fans
that there are certain positions that
the Lions desperately would like to add
more talent to not necessarily that it
is an allout need like they have to do
this or they’re going to be considered a
failure for the draft but it’s like
listen there are certain positions where
there is a much higher precedence of
getting a more Talent talented player
added or adding more talent to the
overall mixture of what they already
have now depending upon who you talk to
that position could be Edge rusher or it
could be cornerback because again that
is right there primarily the two top
positions that most people are looking
at when it comes to the Detroit Lines
I’ve talked about it several several
times on my channel however if I was the
one being asked I would say that
cornerback is a much higher area of
Precedence because it’s like listen we
showed last year at least with Aiden
Hutchinson that we can get consistent
pressure at least from him and we’ve
also added guys in the offseason through
free agency we went out we got Matthew
uh Betts from the CFL I’m looking
forward to seeing what he has to offer
and that doesn’t necessarily mean that
we can’t add another Edge rusher
sometime later in the draft also
potentially as well I just think that if
you’re trying to make a high if you’re
trying to make a priority list about
who’s the more of a precedent need I
think that the cornerback position is
probably of a much High one than the
edge rusher at least at this
point now I have talked about good Lord
multiple different types of cornerbacks
over the course of this offseason
several of them I’ve talked about Kyrie
Jackson I’ve talked about uh you know
Koolaid kinstry I’ve talked about Mike
sanr still I have talked about quite a
number of different cornerbacks that the
Lions have either been connected to or
that I think the Lions could really be
interested in I’ve also talked about TJ
Tampa these are all guys that people
have had some sort of Conversation Piece
when it comes to the lions in terms of
cornerbacks however though I also know
this about Brad Holmes and again I don’t
know if it was said about him or he said
it himself all I do know is that it was
said somewhere that Brad Holmes is a
snob when it comes to cornerbacks he is
very very particular he is very pnic
about what he is looking for when it
comes to cornerback play well here’s
what I also know for a fact quarterback
is one of the most difficult positions
to transition from in the college ranks
as far as being successful there to
being successful in the NFL ranks well
here’s what I’m saying here what’s the
potential likelihood that Brad Holm
tries to circumnavigate that issue and
says okay instead of taking a cornerback
with my top pick in the NFL draft at
pick number 29 which I know some Lions
fans are very keen about not wanting to
have happen what if I circumnavigate
that problem and I go out and I trade
for yet another veteran Corner that is
on the market as a potential trade
option not something that is necessarily
out of the realm of possibility and it’s
definitely not something that I wouldn’t
you know put it past Brad Holmes to do
if he doesn’t like anybody in the draft
as much as I do because again even
though I’m saying I like certain guys
I’m not the guy in the chair that’s
making the calls in freaking Ford you
know in uh Allan Parker right there in
freaking you know where they’re doing
the draft I’m not the guy doing that so
I was like okay here let’s say Brad
Holmes decides to you know draft an edge
rusher at pick number 29 which he might
very well do anyway well who’s a good
cornerback that’s currently available on
the market that you know the Lions could
go after that wouldn’t necessarily break
the bank but at the same time would
still add more talent to a cornerback
room that was def desperately in need of
infusion of said talent in this off
season and for that we’re going to go
right back to the same well that has
been talked about before and that’s
that’s cornerback of the Cleveland
Browns Greg Nome II again this is a name
that has been popped up several several
times by lions podcasters in the past
and for me there’s a lot of good reason
as to why that’s the case because Greg
Nome is a guy that is starting to come
into his own as a cornerback first and
foremost we have to understand something
about this he does play with the Browns
and the Browns last year had one of the
best defensive secondary units and
honestly one of the best defensive units
is total when it came to the NFL so it’s
like okay we clearly know that Greg Nome
can at least ball if put in the right
situation but on an individual level if
you take a look at PFF last year Greg
Nome actually played very very well as a
cornerback both as a man cover corner
and as a Zone cover Corner if I recall
correctly according to his NFL passer
ratings I think that his man coverage uh
passer rating out of old quarterbacks
that were graded was rate 32 out of like
some 100 plus whatever quarterback so
again pretty solid and I think it was
like in the low 70s as far as the
overall rating the Zone coverage pretty
much the same thing it was a little bit
better the Zone coverage was a little
bit better both in terms of the NFL
rating and in terms of the ranking in
regards to other quarterbacks so it’s
like hey you have a solid guy who can be
both solid in man cover Corner as as as
as well in you know Zone cover corner so
it’s like okay you were to if you were
to potentially get Greg Nome and pair
him with Carlton Davis that would
arguably in my opinion at least be the
best cornerback tandem that the Lions
have had in Detroit for a long time and
again that’s not necessarily saying that
we still couldn’t put still couldn’t
potentially see something out of Emanuel
Mosley because we know that he’s still
on the roster we just haven’t really
seen anything about him because of his
injury and we also have guys like
Gilmore Gilmore’s brother we still have
Steven Gilmore on the roster who could
potentially blossom into something all
I’m simply saying is this if Brad Holmes
is not potentially wanting to wait for a
cornerback to develop which I don’t
think that’s necessarily likely because
if we know one thing about Brad Holmes
he has no problem developing people but
if he’s looking for something that has
more of an immediate impact going out
and getting Greg Nome and pairing him
opposite of Carlton Davis definitely
fits the bill and it’s definitely going
to take care of that problem so that’s
trade option number one that I could
potentially see that I’m potentially
proposing now trade option number two
some people might think I’d probably
propose an edge rusher here because that
is another that is the other position of
top priority in my opinion for the lions
in this draft however though I don’t
think that that is going to happen
because typically when a trade is on the
case when you’re talking about this for
the draft it usually means that the
draft class that you have has a high
amount of possible players that you
could use to plug in somewhere well the
cornerback class this year is
particularly deep The Edge rushing class
is not so I don’t really think the Lions
would be able to find a whole lot of
suitors or even decent enough players at
the edge rushing position from other
teams in the NFL that would be willing
to deal in the first place so I’m not
going with Edge rusher as my second
proposed trade my second proposed trade
is actually for a wide receiver now I
already know this for a fact there are
some Lions fans that are not going to
want to hear this but we already know
this for a fact the lions are probably
going to add yet another wide receiver
because since Josh Reynolds left in free
agency he’s now with the Denver Broncos
the Lions kind of need another wide
receiver in that core to add to it not
to necessarily say they don’t have
talent in that core they do they’ve got
Alan Ross St Brown they’ve got Jameson
Williams they’ve got Donovan peoples
Jones they’ve got khif Raymond they’ve
got talent in the core but we also know
that it’s usually a good idea to have
about five wide receivers that you can
rely on at any given moment well
currently the Lions only really have
four I know there’s other ones like
Kennedy and green that we also have but
those are guys that I only want to see
if we’re in a dire straight kind of an
emergency and that’s not a place I want
to be
so let’s think about it here could the
Lions draft a wide receiver this year
yep could possibly happen too and I
think that out of the possibility of
drafting a wide receiver and trying to
have an immediate Impact versus a
quarterback and having an immediate
impact is much more likely I mean crying
out loud we just did it two three years
ago with Alan Ross St Brown what’s to
say it couldn’t happen right now with
somebody else that we could pick up in
the draft and again much like cornerback
I’ve talked about several guys such as
Luke mcaffrey uh such as Brendan rice
such as devontes Walker these are all
guys I’ve talked about as potential you
know players that have some sort of tie
or some sort of interest that the Lions
could potentially go after but again
let’s just say potentially that Brad
Holmes wants to be frugal and doesn’t
necessarily want to spend a top end uh
top end pick necessarily for some of
these guys Luke mcaffrey maybe not so
much but it’s like rice Walker those are
guys that are considered second round
third round picks maybe he doesn’t want
to spend that much on them maybe he
wants to find someone that’s a little
bit more frugal but could still
potentially have an
impact and for that I introduced to you
this guy who was a former first round
pick that the Lions had connections to
when he came out of college two years
ago on a top 30 visit and that is trayon
Burks of the Titans now again I already
know for a lot of lions fans they don’t
want to hear this guy’s name because
this guy has been an injury-prone
machine ever since he got into the NFL
ranks the first two years that he’s been
in the NFL he has had nothing but injury
but we have to understand something here
this is the kind of a deal that Brad
Holmes looks for he’s looking for guys
that he knows are talented regardless of
whatever else you want to say about
Burks Burks is talented he’s big bodied
he’s fast he has the ability to make
Dynamic catches the problem with Burks
is his ability to stay on the field
which maybe what he needs is a change of
scenery maybe what he needs is a change
of role rather than being a potential
top number one option or number two
option being something closer to like a
number three option because again we
already know that Jason Jameson Williams
and Amar Ro St Brown are number one
number two so what if we take Burks and
we just use him as a big body number
three option that might be the change of
role in scenery that could get Burks a
much more healthier amount of not only
receptions and production but it might
also take some of that pressure off of
him having to perform right away it’s
just a potential idea folks because
again from what I’ve been hearing the
Titans are looking to potentially move
off of Burks and it might not cost that
much there’s there’s a lot of
speculation that maybe the Titans might
move off of him for a day three pick
because he’s been like I said largely
underwhelming he’s been largely a
disappointment for the Titans at this
point and they would probably want to
get something rather than nothing out of
him yet
again so that’s trade option number two
now trade option number three this is
the one that really really intrigues me
the most this is the one that I think
could really have some potential for
fireworks to really get people
interested in the Lions yet again for
this draft more so than what they
already are an inner trade like swapping
of draft picks this is what I know Brad
Holmes does very very very well when it
comes to this kind of moves now the
Lions currently this year have eight
draft picks but to be realistically
honest they don’t have a draft pick in
the fourth round this year and they
really have a huge gap between their
third round draft pick at pick number 73
and their next round their next draft
pick in the fifth round at pick 164
so how could the lies potentially either
one add more of what I would call um
juice more of meat in the middle of the
draft or potentially try and get more
volume well there’s only really one way
you can do that that’s by trading down
you have to add more volume or more meat
by trying to trade down somewhere and
for this I propose this trade again this
is a proposal it’s not something I’ve
read anywhere at least as far as I know
of but it’s one that I have definitely
been using in mock draft simulators and
when I took a look at the trade value
charts it’s definitely very applicable
here’s the proposed trade the proposed
trade is this the Lions take pick number
73 they also P pick they take pick
number 201 or 205 that pretty much has
the same value no matter what chart
you’re using and then they take one of
the fourth round draft picks that they
have next year and they trade with the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers to get the 80 what
is it yes the 89th overall pick and the
92nd overall pick so what the Lions
would be in essence doing is they would
be trading a third their third round
pick that they have remaining this year
they would be trading one of their sixth
round draft picks and then they’ll be
trading a fourth round draft pick next
year to get two third round draft picks
now granted those two third round draft
picks are a little bit later in the
third round but if there’s one thing I
know about Brad Holmes is that it
doesn’t necessarily matter how far back
you got to go for this kind of stuff you
can definitely make this crap work if
you just know what you’re doing and if I
know this Brad Holmes could take two
draft picks in the third round at picks
number 89 and 92 and make that work for
the Lions benefit because we kind of
already saw him do it in 2021 when he
drafted back toback in the fourth round
this would be just the same thing but
just one one round earlier that to me is
a very intriguing Prospect because at
that point then now you have the
potential to get a first round draft
pick you have the potential to get a
second round draft pick and then you
have the potential to get two third
round draft picks again I go back to
last year in 2023 is draft Brad Holmes
got four immediate starters in his first
four picks imagine if Brad Holmes could
do that exact same thing again and
really the only thing he’s giving up is
a sixth round draft pick on top of what
on top of the third round that he’s
trading down and a fourth round draft
pick next year which we already have an
extra fourth round draft pick that to me
makes a hell of a lot of sense in my
opinion if I can get another four
immediate starters or four really good
players and all I’m really giving up is
a sixth and a fourth round draft pick
for next year sign me up baby I’ll go
for that all day that’s just my personal
opinion right there but anyway my whole
point is this you can use any one of
these trades and Brad Holmes could use
them to find ways to improve the roster
whether it is as I said going and
getting Greg new and pairing him
opposite of Carlton Davis whether it’s
out and getting Trum Burks and using him
as more of like a number three wide
receiver opposite of Jameson Williams
and Aman R st brown or Brad Holmes going
all in and saying hey I want to get more
draft capital in the middle of the draft
where I can really bulk up this roster
maybe get some more immediate starting
Talent OR players that I can plug in
immediately that can use I can use as
role players that aren’t necessarily
starters but they have still a high
impact volume that’s what I’m talking
about all of these trades in my opinions
my opinion my opinion have the ability
to have an impact that could make an
immediate you know some sort of I would
say ability for the Lions to yet again
take another step forward the question
is one whether or not Brad Holmes is
going to make one of these trades which
I can’t say for certain but also number
two if Brad Holmes is even interested in
potential trades like this again I’m not
certain but it’s definitely something
that I wouldn’t put past Brad Holmes
doing because Brad Holmes has shown a
tendency to want to trade in the past
but anyway I figured I just put this
episode together really quickly it’s
something that’s been on that’s been on
my brain the last couple of days and the
closer we get to the draft the more and
more I’m thinking about it but anyway
folks I I decided to put together I’ve
reached the conclusion of the segment so
I’m going to say now thank you all for
watching yet another episode of MCM
Motor City Mania if you like what you
saw by all means I highly encourage you
all to watch the next episode also
encourage yall please to do one of these
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folks I just want to say to everybody
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smile and I hope you all are having a
great day hope you enjoyed the content
as well and with that God bless to you
one and all and until the next time we
meet I’ll see you all in the next


  1. I love how The Villian just gives a 🖕to conventional/popular draft theories, & does what’s needed to get WHO he wants regardless of round & projections, and still gets more picks at the same time 😈

  2. I like those ideas. Newsome would be a smart pick up. You can never have enough CB's. Because CB's sometimes get hurt and we need, next man up!

  3. Lions can do anything they want sitting perfectly at #29 in such a strange QB & WR heavy draft. Packaging many of the picks to go after a few specific players they want makes sense especially with Lions being so talented and on another Super Bowl run.

  4. We both have seen it happen I'm sure Brad Holmes is going to make a trade this year we only need a couple of more players specialized players good stuff today go lions

  5. The Lions have a Top 18ish pick if u as me! If we don't want a QB or a WR in the 1st Rd and 10 go in the top 28… then our 29th pick is really an 17-18th pick 🎉🎉😊😊

  6. I like the idea of trading up giving up 2nd round this year and next year to move up and get lunch- Kool-aid and Chop

  7. Man wish I could subscribe more then once for you tried had to unsubscibe to resubcribe that dont really help. But on the brighr side I always like and often share. Keep up the great work unfortunately no debate to agree 100 again.

  8. But if Brand Holme is not picking for positions, so who's the 29 best player on his board,, What position does he play.

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