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LATEST NFL Draft Rumors – Talkin Jets

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let go somewhere else I can’t take this
nonsense anymore how you going to blame
the defense I got the pouch screw green
bean damn it but once you get to the
sausage I feel like we’re doing
something go
Jets and that’s the other part of is
that people are insanely jealous of this
show this show gets the best best and it
does a different way with
positivity he
scores my head come on come on come on
come on why would you give up to see a
jet Super Bowl all of my friends and
family hit those milk thumbs boys and
girls freeze run
J hold on to your underwear ladies and
stand by [ย __ย ] it’s now time for
talking jets with your hosts Matt Ryan
and green
bean welcome to rocket Jets my name is
Ryan and I’ll be your pilot tonight I am
joined alongside my co-pilots I have Mr
Green Bean to my this way I got Mr Matt
o ly to of that way green bean how you
doing tonight dude I’m so happy tonight
I really am this is going to be the best
and I love you guys oh ly how you doing
I am doing well inching that much closer
to the NFL D like we’re in the te’s
range it’s it’s not close enough to
where you have like that I don’t know
kid on Christmas Eve excitement but it’s
it’s close enough you could almost taste
it so I feel like it’s a big tease right
now but I’m ready for this draft I am
getting so amped up for this draft Jets
have the number 10 overall pick there’s
going to be four quarterbacks that
likely go before us which means the Jets
are getting a top six player in this
draft I’m really really pumped about
this if you guys want to come hang out
with us we still got tickets on sale
talking first day of the NFL
draft the last day to buy him is going
to be next Tuesday so if you want to
come out with us we have to let the main
event know exactly how many people we’re
bringing so next Tuesday is going to be
the final day for ticket sales I am
rounding out the uh if if you guys
haven’t checked your email check your
email for anyone who did buy a ticket
I’m trying to get the final shirt sizes
for some of you guys uh because I do
want to send the shirts out uh as soon
as I can I’m hoping they get there by
the draft I think they will we got like
two and a half weeks at this point so I
think we’re we’re pretty good um but
yeah very much excited for this I green
beam how pumped are you to be with all
these fans
watching us get Romo dun or Brock Bowers
or maybe Jo Al Falls to us who knows
dude I’ll tell you what number one I’m
just so excited to come up and hang out
with you guys I can’t wait to [ย __ย ]
eat some New York food and kind of watch
Jeremy get fatter and fatter before our
eyes that’s one of my favorite things to
do is just watch that happen so I’m
excited for that but I’m gonna also say
I am just so incredibly excited that we
have crowd cams in
this at this draft party so when people
naturally we’re going to get some sort
we’re GNA have the ability to pick if
somebody has a sour reaction or whatever
we’re not going to be the only ones that
can get caught with our pants down
anymore I I think that’s the mo how many
times has it been brought back up you
know it’s like you know it’s hard to you
know in that first second when you hear
the pick
it’s hard to like control your reaction
right whatever it is sometimes you kind
of know like we all knew Zach Wilson was
going to happen when it’s official it’s
official but you know but like look at
the year with s Gardner G we had no idea
I mean it’s you thought we were going to
take sauce I was convinced they were
going to take Tibido um I couldn’t
believe it when they took sauce Gard so
you know it’s like it’s going to be
really cool I’m just so happy that we’re
kind of adding people to that party a
recognition of how you really felt the
second the name was called Misery Loves
Company maybe I don’t know it’s going to
be the [ย __ย ] best man I just can’t
wait to be there with you guys in Long
Island in the epicenter of jets country
and uh it I mean I I can’t wait I wish
it was tomorrow yeah you you you bring
up the whole oh we get caught with our
pants down because of our facial
reactions all those people that go to
the draft that get caught with their
pants down when they pan to the jet fans
we want you guys to be in that highlight
reel that we use for next year’s promo
and all that good stuff right and uh
yeah then we can throw it back in your
faces how many times are we tagged and
like you know oh I can’t believe they
thought that sorry that’s what I was
feeling you’re gonna get the
authenticity of our actual reactions at
the time it’s happening Matt what are
your thoughts yeah I was gonna say one
like if there wasn’t if it hasn’t been
evident in the years we’ve been doing
this it’s our genuine raw reaction no
faking you can’t fake all all three of
our reaction to the Will McDonald pick
there is no scripting that from last
year that is just cinematic gold so I’m
so glad that that happens uh I can’t
wait for it this this year I I may make
a request though I want to get your guys
thoughts I I I’m not usually a big rules
guy but I think we should make a rule at
the NFL draft party and I think our rule
should be that you can’t check your
phone and spoil the pick cuz my fear is
that someone’s G to go on Twitter and be
like come up to this be like hey Conor
Hughes said they’re drafting insert name
here before it gets you know uh
announced on the so I don’t know how we
police that but we gotta make sure that
we’re all reacting together because
that’s the that’s the whole point of it
maybe we put them all in a room and
Robert Sola their asses and take all
their cell
phones maybe we do that everyone’s got
to turn it off we get one of those
little like uh things you get at work
that like shut off cell
signal yeah they do it when I went to
The Comedy Store uh they put our phones
in bags like I I haven’t been there in
many years right so I went back and when
you go in now I guess people are it was
a problem I guess people are on their
phones and they take it and they put it
in the bag they zip it up they seal it
and you can’t open it until you leave
and I like that so maybe we’ll do that
and then we got to find out who the leak
is if anybody knows anything who’s the
leak and then we’ll fire you like Rex
Hogan will [ย __ย ] belt loop you to the
door it’s GNA be
Jeremy I know God damn it if it’s Jeremy
I will I’m giving us the green light to
crack eggs on egghead’s head I think
that’s the what has to happen sorry you
gotta you got to show the new eggh head
logo new Egghead logo
yeah it
yeah it was tweeted out also I could
send you the link because it I want to
see I I saw
like we swapped out his logo originally
but that’s not the new logo I guess
newer one it’s 10 times it’s 10 times
better please hold oh this is man this
is the
one all right it’s in the private chat
do is in the chat by the way and he is
the master behind there’s no words you
just have to see it
oh my God okay we’re gonna show this
now is that not Jeremy oh my God come on
everybody that’s
incredible Jeremy we love you yeah it’s
the best [ย __ย ] eggh
head that’s ridiculous Dan you’re absurd
I love it do won our putter at the draft
party last year so we got to decide what
we want to give away if we want to do a
putter you know maybe do something
different this year uh but last year we
got like his his name etched into it and
it says I think it says Jets on it as
well like custom green spider putter
very very cool very neat really oh yeah
nice hey I want to make mention our old
buddy Frankie from Flatbush is in the is
in the chat everybody oh hell yeah
what’s up Frankie what up Frankie good
to see Frankie hanging around these days
I guess the draft he can’t help yeah
he’s [ย __ย ] fired up man I love Fired
Up Frankie
boys and girls make sure you hit that
like button on the way in uh if you want
to get into our Jersey t-shirt mug
pillow hat giveaway at the end of the
show all you got to do is hit that like
button every 25 likes we get on this
video we’re going to pick a t-shirt
qualifier at the end of uh during the
show and then we’ll pick someone at the
end of the show to win the prize and
then if you’re watching after the fact
all you got to do is leave a timestamp
comment down below of your favorite
moments and you’ll be entered into next
week’s giveaway as
well and uh yeah we got a whole lot to
talk about tonight we can kind of leave
it as like an open Panel thoughts and
discussions of what you guys want to
talk about in the chat if you have
particular players you want us to
discuss things of that nature uh let’s
go through a few of the the super chats
real quick and then I want to go back to
some like real world stuff that happened
because I panicked the heck out of
Friday and I want to hear your guys
reactions on it too uh Crossfire says
let’s go thank you so much Crossfire for
the 20 spot he also drops in 10 talking
Jets memberships I know it looks like
five cuz I put two of them up but it’s
five and five thank you so much
Crossfire you are a gentleman and a
scholar Matthew Zucker thank you so much
for the Super Chat says let’s go boys
couple of week uh draft in a couple
weeks game days and times in about a
month playoff home game a home playoff
game in eight months and Matt Isles up
three nothing in the first Jets let’s go
LGI baby
wow zyber comes and says are we getting
or drafting a quarterback Zack is qb3
and it’s possibly we still get some
starts with him since A-Rod is old and
Tyrod is injury-prone there is no way in
my opinion that Zack Wilson will be on
the opening day roster of this team I am
of the opinion that I think the Jets
should hold on to him until they can get
a trade they deem fair I don’t think
they should cut him until the last
possible moment if they’re going to make
that decision I would rather wait till
an injury happens and someone’s like ah
now we got to make a move for Zack we’ll
throw a late round pick whatever it is I
like the the idea that green bean had
brought up uh to I don’t know if it was
two weeks two or three weeks ago now um
of if we trade down with say like the
Broncos or something along those lines
some part of that package that is dealt
with is Zach Wilson going over there I
think that is the most logical outcome I
don’t think Zack plans to be here if
he’s putting his house on the market and
I don’t think the Jets necessarily want
to have quarterback three be a guy
that’s going to have his contract run
out anyway at the end of the season uh I
think we are going to draft a
quarterback I think it’s probably going
to be around the fourth round if I had
to guess um so no I do not think Zack
takes another snap regardless of how old
A-Rod is and how injury-prone Tyrod is
Matt I’ll throw it to you first yeah
it’s over um there’s I don’t know what
else to possibly say like I don’t know
how many times we could play this game
of well this or that like I feel bad
that it’s been three years and it hasn’t
worked he was supposed to sit this year
Jets effed it up but he’s going into the
last year of his deal as you said he’s
not getting a second contract with New
York Jets I think it’s better for all
parties to just move on at this point
and you know I don’t have a ton of faith
in him being able to revive his career
somewhere else I think you know him not
being traded kind of speaks you know at
least for right now kind of speaks to
how the league feels about him um it’s
it’s just the unfortunate reality and I
think eventually you might have to cut
him but like it’s okay to swallow your
pride and admit your mistake you don’t
need to quadruple down on it at this
point green bean what about about you
what do you think about Zack Wilson and
the potential of him maybe being on the
opening day
roster you know I will tell you um
I don’t want to cut him I don’t I just
it’s like I think that um you know
what’s gonna happen here’s what’s GNA
happen Joe Douglas is gonna hold on to
him and if that draft day trade doesn’t
happen which I think would be great if
we could just kind of you know tack him
onto a draft day Trade It bumps it up a
little bit and you know whatever it
might be and it just kind of cleans out
some cap and Zach goes somewhere with
and that situation would be really I
think advantageous for him because pton
is a is a Bonafide coach you know what I
mean offensive mind and respected and
and all that I think it would be a good
situation for Zach Wilson but if that
doesn’t happen I say you still hold on
to him and in training camp when the
invariable injuries start to happen even
if it’s just like quarterback two or
whatever somebody blows their knee out
or whatever Joe Douglas is going to get
better then no I’m not talking about a
first round pick but he’s goingon to get
better than M Jones and Justin fields
and all those guys who got traded for a
sixth and had to give a seventh so it’s
like M Jones in his seventh for a six
kind of a thing whatever that was um Joe
Douglas is gonna get a straight up Fifth
for uh for Zack Wilson and he will once
again Rule the Day with the trade market
I think that’s the way to do it just sit
tight patience is a virtue just wait it
out somebody’s going to go down I I
don’t want I don’t wish that on anybody
of course but it happens every year and
let Zach be the top dog even the Wes and
flos and all those guys are already
signed there’s nobody out there man you
want Zack
Wilson yeah I do want someone to get
hurt I don’t know who it is but I want I
want someone going down I think it’s
going to happen and then uh hopefully Z
winds up getting trade cuz I agree I
think we will get better value for him
then than what we are currently looking
to potentially get now a move at this
point would purely be to say oh we’re
clearing the air we’re hitting that
reset we don’t want the overshadowing of
training camp or whatever um hopefully
it happens during the draft and we can
just be done with this that would be
kind of nice UK Lake comes in says Isles
winning talking Jets on so hard right
now there you go
Kuka how do you get in my head I love it
I love it uh Crossfire says this is
strictly for green bean beard Matt’s
headphones and the mic and also Ryan’s
glasses thank you that’s greatly
appreciated Crossfire good
man Jason comes in says the Zach ship
officially sailed the game against the
Chargers can’t wait for the draft and
next week’s Jersey reveal yeah that’s
right we get our jerseys they’re saying
the 15th I think we’re going to find out
on like Thursday or Friday there’s going
to be some type of leak someone’s going
to you know drop the ball and we’re not
actually going to find out on the day
they want us to find out I think uh I’m
excited though looking forward to it we
did get to see the uh Jets draft hat the
uh Fanatics accidentally leaked that on
the team website I believe whoops but
very very excited Matt what are your
thoughts on the Jersey
reveal yeah I am excited for this jersey
reveal it’s a long time coming uh I hate
that the Jets are dragging it out and
just like for whatever reason refuse to
announce what day they’re going to
release it I don’t know why but it’s
going to be nice I I am looking forward
to it the last jersey reveal did not go
that great and the era the five years
after did not go so good either so uh
you know it’s kind of a a deep a deep
cleanse right now that last jersey
reveal was so cringy it was so bad the
the the stage Jamal Adams like go back
literally everyone on that entire stage
was like gone within I think two years
the Jersey release it was absolutely JB
smooth y y I like I like JB smooth well
enough but it was like it was just so
cringy everything about it sucked Jamal
Jamal Adams showing the player they had
the camera like inside the box or
whatever when they opened the box for
the first time Jamal Adams is almost
incapable of like pretending about what
his feelings are he’s a child so he
can’t do that and he was like trying so
hard to be like this is great but you
could see it all over his face this is
some lame ass [ย __ย ] and it was just
terrible man uh you know what you know
what you know what the delay is Matt
they’ve decided last minute they’ve
decided you know what white helmet is
the way to go I knew it I knew he was
gonna say that I know you know because I
don’t shut
up that would be didn’t we just see the
green logo was coming back so that would
imply white helmet I would
think well yeah yeah that’s interesting
because the old logo was always white
mhm it was always white so that would be
really neat man if uh if dude I’m tell
see look you know I I said this on my
podcast this week the Jets if the Jets
have given me anything they’ve given me
an incredible lesson on like accepting
like of not getting everything I want
you know what I mean like the Jets are
always like it’s like the best I can get
ah they they didn’t take the guy I want
but this is the right position or he’s
not the position he’s a good player I
know like it’s never like nailed down
like I want this guy in this spot and
they do it like it’s just so incredibly
rare so even right now like I’m very
happy to go back to that old word Mark
best one we’ve ever had as far as just
the word Mark itself it’s the sleekest
it’s it’s got a jet on it it’s it’s cool
man it’s it looks good but if they but
um I know I’m not going to get the green
helmet but if they did drop that bomb on
us that the helmet’s white white and
then a black alternate or whatever or
even green for that matter I would lose
my [ย __ย ] that would finally make me happy
because it’s exactly what I want think
about the all whites with a white helmet
dude oh come on nice yeah now we’re yeah
I was gonna say are they able like so
Black’s gonna be our
alternate and right now it’s the white
like on the side if they were to go to a
white Helmet Green logo can they do a
different color jet logo or is that like
something weird that like you wouldn’t
be able to do cuz obviously it was white
on the green helmet white on the black
helmet I would I don’t know I I I don’t
actually know like would we have to go
green on the black helmet then I feel
like you wouldn’t see it as much yes
green well on they did green on the
black helmet last year or was it white I
thought it was white maybe yeah it was
the same the same logo it was the yeah
yeah no the helmet was no no no we’re
saying the black helmet with the logo I
think it was
white hold on am i c here see if the
chat’s letting us know they green on a
black helmet oh okay it had the white
outline Ah that’s what it was okay I’m
an idiot sorry that’s exctly Ryan it was
very hard to remember I I couldn’t
remember either even though I was
right I see some people saying uh oh
it’s just Dave I guess black is a
horrible color for this team I I wish it
wasn’t black I wish it was like a
fighter jet gray yeah I feel like that
would be a cool color way that would be
neat but I I don’t hate the black you
know the black black is tough dude like
I got into this whole debate you know
what it was I think it was might have
been remember you know War fish on jet
Nation Ryan sure I do yeah right I I
believe it was him I was arguing with
about this that you know somebody’s
tough or they’re not it doesn’t matter
if they’re wearing black and I said I
hear you I I don’t disagree like in the
real world if a guy goes [ย __ย ] walk
around with a [ย __ย ] black STS and hat
on you know you don’t have to do that
I’m tough and you have your your your
Spurs as you walk you don’t need that to
be tough but there’s a reason why every
villain and black is is is except in
Batman uh black is notoriously like it’s
a it’s a tough it could be villainous
but it’s like it it’s a mean color so
why not two games a year with black I
agree if they went with like some sort
of gunmetal uh gray something like that
that would be neat and I would prefer
that but I don’t hate the black some
people hate it like it’s Terri like even
that like it’s terrible I don’t know if
it’s terrible I think it’s I think it’s
sharp man I think it looks neat I’m a
I’m a fan Oreo comes in says any players
you wish we would have kept like Hardy
so I really like Hardy I understand like
why the Jets decided to let him go I
think Isaiah Oliver is supposed to be a
two bird one stone type player where he
kind of fulfills the uh Javelin gidry
backup slot roll and the Gunner roll on
special teams at the same time and you
save a roster spot by doing that and for
a team that wants to have an extra
offensive lineman if the thought is hey
we’re going to carry three quarterbacks
this year because we’re going to draft
one and we’re maybe not able to IR this
particular player or stash him on the
practice squad
then you need to find that extra roster
Spot somewhere and it makes sense for it
to be a special team/ backup slot guy
that’s my opinion on it um as far as any
other players I wish we kept you know I
I wish we had kept Huff but getting reic
for the price that we’re getting him for
and two years of backto back what I
think are going to be back toback I
don’t think we’re going to extend him I
think it’s going to be a one-year deal
this year a franchise tag for another
year next year so he’s going to have to
as good as possible each of these next
two years to get the contract that he’s
hoping to get after that um I think
that’s better than paying Huff for where
we hope he’s going to project to go even
though I I obviously wish we we had held
on to him but I think getting reic kind
of Less in the blow of Huff for me so I
don’t know if there’s a player that I’m
really like bummed about Jefferson to
some degree because that was a weird
funky situation of like oh we didn’t
answer our text back were you trying to
FaceTime him he was sitting at Aaron
Rogers house and you weren’t able to
FaceTime I don’t know Matt what do you
think any players wish we had held on to
cob definitely I was going to say he
didn’t sign anywhere right like I’m not
crazy on this no he didn’t he didn’t
okay um as you said the the Huff blow is
lessened by the Hassan reic trade so I
don’t want to use that one even though
yes like Bryce Huff was someone that I
really wanted the Jets to keep but to go
a different direction than the Hardy I
think um Jefferson on the line is the
the answer there because uh maybe it
works with Javon kinlaw like he was
healthy last year and he had his best
season but if you ask me about like just
their body of work in general and who I
would trust more I think it would be
Quinton Jefferson over Javon kinlaw even
though you know former first round pick
um really athletic like all that stuff I
get it but my preference would have been
Quinton Jefferson of the two green bean
what about you anyone you wish we would
have held on to I was going to say Brett
rippen but I feel like everybody’s going
to say that one so I’m going to say uh
Bryce Hall
everybody that’s the guy I didn’t want
to lose I wanted to see Bryce Hall but I
know I just know he’s not gonna he’s a
starter in the NFL and or should at
least get the opportunity to prove that
he is right I think he’s earned that um
so it’s it makes a bunch of sense but
man I would have loved to see the Jets
choose him over Brandon Eckles I know
Brandon Eckles is cheap on a contract
and they prefer him I mean that’s been
made very very clear um for what you
know whatever the specific reason is uh
they like Brandon Eckles so but me
personally I think Bryce Hall is a
better quarterback than Brandon Eckles a
more versatile quarterback uh than
Brandon Eckles and I would have
preferred that they keep him so that one
hurts a little bit for me but I’m
rooting for him for now as soon as he
makes one pick I’m gonna go that guy’s a
piece of garbage so now though I I wish
he was a jet hype dropping a Super Chat
thank you so much he says swap firsts
and jfm with Atlanta and the Jets uh
seventh for Atlanta’s sixth so that
would be a really interesting way to
Leap Frog the Bears and almost guarantee
you get wide receiver three in this
draft uh hype brought this up last night
I don’t know if it was during the draft
show with dom or my call-in show after
that and we were kind of going back and
forth we’re like wait was Raheem Morris
the defensive coordinator in La when jfm
was there and we started going back into
it it was not the case they were not
they did not overlap there but Atlanta
wanting to revitalize that defense
getting a really good versatile piece in
jfm to fall back two picks if they like
maybe two defensive players in this
draft because I think there’s a real
good shot the Bears take a defensive
player whether it’s verse or Dallas
Turner as long as Atlanta’s fine with
getting one of those two guys then I
think that would make a ton of sense for
them they could extend jfm and now
you’ve added two good defensive players
on your team for not a a terrible uh
price here with jfm I don’t think he’s
on this roster for his current cap hit
right now he’s either going to
restructure or we are going to release
him probably post June 1st so I would
love to see him utilized in a maneuver
to get us higher in the draft whether
that’s first round or third coming into
the second or something along those
lines Matt have you given any thought to
maybe moving jfm for a draft pick in
this year’s draft this is the DJ Reed
conversation all over we just did this a
few weeks ago but but Reed makes like I
feel like Reed is more critical to our
team as opposed to
jfm like because of the depth on the
dline verse like Reed is like the the
fullon starter opposite sauce I think we
can afford to maybe lose a jfm when
maybe we might not be able to lose a DJ
re I think it would have a bigger imp on
losing Reed I don’t think this defense
could afford to lose either of those
guys I think jfm is going to be on the
roster the next two years in this wi now
window with Aaron roders um I would
rather give up the lottery ticket than
the very good defensive player um in a
window where you’re really trying to go
for it so I’m not interested in in
giving up John Franklin Myers to bump up
a couple of spots if you have to give up
a second round pick next year I’d rather
give up that second round pick next year
because you have no idea what that
pick’s going to be uh but you know what
jfm is going to be for you green bean
would you consider moving jfm to get a
draft pick or get a better draft pick in
conjunction with you know a pick from
one of the other rounds well in this
exact scenario my favorite part is that
we trade a seventh for a six that’s the
goods that’s what I like here hype uh
I’m not even truth is I’m almost not
kidding but I’m like okay all right that
makes sense uh but uh yeah I would be
willing to you you know you dump the
contract and then you just you know you
use your you know that that sixth round
you know fourth to sixth I would say
sixth round and you go defensive tackle
there you know um I like like I’ve said
a million times I mean I’m a big
believer that you can I think our
defensive ends it’s crowded right you
got you got reick you got JJ you got
Will McDonald you got Michael Clemens
who by the way I think should be
defensive end not defensive tackle we
tried the experiment last year we saw
him you know he still played defensive
end but we saw the whole weight gain for
defensive tackle I think he should be
slimming down at least some portion of
that weight to get back to the effective
uh level that he was the year but you
know just kind of get back I don’t think
he’s ever going to be a a premier pass
rusher or anything like that but he did
play a very very nice role uh but any
any who I like jfm on the inside and I
think I like jfm plenty don’t don’t get
me wrong but I think he can be replaced
uh and like you said Ryan you that money
being kind of re you know um reallocated
to a DJ Reed makes so like if I had to
choose I’m I’m choosing DJ Reid every
day of the week not that I don’t agree
with Matt that I don’t want to lose jfm
but if you have the opportunity if
you’re eyeballing let’s say alt is your
guy or neighbors is your guy and they’re
there you know what I mean and you want
to do that and all you’re going to lose
is jfm and on top of it for a little bit
of gravy on your on your pot roast you
get a one of your sevenths turns into a
sixth uh I say I say you do it all day
because you can use that six on Justin
Rogers and he’s gonna plug that middle
and give you what you want your
defensive end room is fine uh so yeah I
would consider it but it wouldn’t be
something that I’m trying to do but if
if that’s what’ll get it done sure thing
man I’m all about it Oreo asking any of
you guys like the gold alternate
uniforms he likes them I will say no I
do not like the Titans jerseys and it’s
because I view the Jets as the Jets I
don’t I don’t know the Titans for me it
doesn’t doesn’t hit home the the navy
and gold it’s not a bad color way it
just growing up it it didn’t make any
sense to me why that was such like a
drastic change but I don’t know I I
don’t particularly like the the Titans
uniforms Matt what are your thoughts on
the Titans uniforms uh I liked them at
the time but I kind of want those to
stick with those that like 2008 to20 era
Jets and kind of just like let that live
in that St in that like era I’m not
necessarily looking to revive that I am
much more excited about the 80s 90s
Revival with the logo the Legacy logo
that they’re going back to it’s you know
it kind of is what it if they’re going
to have an alternate if they could find
a way to do the like 98 to
2018 jerseys the right way um I just did
never liked those uniforms after they
went to Nike in 2012 like the Reebok
ones just looked so much better I don’t
know why just the Nike ones just never
looked right to me uh if they could get
that as an alternate I’d be more
interested in that than doing the blue
and yellow oh
yeah all day I’ll tell you what number
one I don’t like the gold I don’t like
gold anything and it probably comes from
I I chose to wear a gold tie at my
wedding and I regretted it I’ve
regretted it every day since I got
married in 2008 I think about that
[ย __ย ] tie all the time I’m like I
don’t wear I gold tie what the hell so I
don’t know I’m looking at the uniforms
now I don’t like it I it doesn’t make
sense to me um I’m a team I’m a Believer
in team colors remember like I don’t
know maybe 10 years ago 15 years ago
whatever it was all of a sudden maybe it
was like 20 years ago all of the sudden
there would be all these Yankee hats in
like green
and red and it says Yankees like all the
different colors because people want to
match it to their outfit or whatever I’m
adamantly against that I think hey you
want to wear red then you like a red
team like or don’t wear a hat like
that’s what I just how I see it like a
baseball cap or you know whatever uh for
your team it’s got to be team colors if
it’s got to be one variation of it or it
can be a Basse color like let’s say
you’re a you know you’re a or whatever a
ners fan and it’s white or not you know
I mean black or white is always cool
because then you can have your logo on
it because it’s a base color but uh I
agree with Matt you know I didn’t like
the you know and and I and I hope you’re
talking about the the Box Matt wasn’t
that the Nike had like the weird box
thing here right what was that I don’t
know it just looked off it was like very
it like a shield or something it was
weird I didn’t like that either so I’ve
been saying for a long time that while
even while we wore the white you know
the that Jersey and we would go to our
alternates it would be Titans like why
aren’t we going back to the 80s 90s that
should be our alternate I don’t
understand you know like or or the
classic jersey I never understood the
Titan thing I don’t like blue on the
Jets I know there are people remember on
on on uh April fools the Jets just put
that in their Avatar and everybody went
nuts like nobody first of all nobody
remembers that it’s April fools every
April fools which blows my doors off um
but the idea that people were like hell
yeah this is what I can’t even imagine
rooting for the Jets to change their
colors to blue and yellow I just it
doesn’t compute to me um so I wish that
the Titan uniform would go away
forever and that if we have an alternate
now it’s to those 68 to
2010 kind of
era you know Jersey well like Matt said
to 98 really the rebok Ravens ever wear
like the Browns old jerseys or anything
like like that like it would be just as
weird I feel
like yeah right it’s a different team
different owner it was Harry Wismer
owned the uh owned the owned the Titans
you remember you know why he named the
team the Titans remember this is it
started all the way back then everybody
this is how stupid the Jets he said they
said why’ you name the team that Titans
there the the Giants already in New York
he said I Nam the team the Titans
because Titans are bigger than Giants
that’s what he said it’s so petty I
guess it’s not billionaires fighting
over it but it’s just like yeah right
but the billion day right but it’s like
I mean that just shows like that’s the
level of thought we have like no you
can’t find I’d I’d rather be the you
know the the New Jersey gold finches
than you know than the Titans because
they’re bigger than the Giants does it
make sense I mean it makes sense but
it’s just it’s so silly it’s so dumb but
anyway I just uh I wish the Titan Jersey
would go away if we’re gonna have that
classic you know throwback I guess we
call it I would like to see those those
even if they just pulled out the Rex Ry
any variation of that Jersey that
uniform I should say is uh is okay with
me that would be really cool I would
love to see that Jersey come back as the
alternate I think that would be a lot of
fun or not the alternate but the
throwback jersey that you you see once a
year do do we have a different color
Rush uniform too then like do they still
do the color rush they better not I
hated that ugly as hell yeah that that’s
stunk not a
fan uh Oreo comes and says I’m gonna
need to see a wedding pick Green
Bean I’ll show you a wedding pick I had
a ponytail too dude no way you’re hell
yeah oh for a long time Andre comes in
thank you for the Super Chat says how
many Prime Time games San Francisco
Buffalo who else I we talked about this
last week a little bit I think the Jets
are going to end up with five Standalone
games I think one is going to be a
London game that’s at 9:00 in the
morning I think one is going to be the
Black Friday game which I think was a
three o’clock kickoff if I remember
correctly yes is that right um so then I
think we have three other Prime Time
games I could see a rematch with Buffalo
uh I could see I’m trying to think who
we’re playing next year it’s this is it
the South do we play the Texans next
year I think we do I know we play the
Titans yeah wait let me see um yeah I
don’t know I think it’s it’s gonna be
five Standalone games I’m gonna say
three prime time though I don’t think
the the NFL wants to get screwed the
same way they got screwed this past year
with Rogers Matt your thoughts yeah I
they’ll play more than what we’re used
to but I don’t think it’s going to be as
many as what we saw saw last year I’ll
say like three or four Prime Time games
for the Jets Green be what do you think
how many Prime Time games of Jets
get I do agree that we’re going to see
the London game which by the way are we
gonna go or what so I I did reup my
passport we got Ren a passport Becca and
Shay’s passports are both good so we are
prepared in the event it does happen or
when it does happen um I really wanted
to do the Tennessee game pending weather
like what time of year that is I feel
like Nashville would be a lot of fun and
it’s probably just a little bit easier
with two really young kids there’s some
logistical hurdles I’d have to try and
figure out with London but I mean when’s
the next time we’re going to see a
really good jet team in London I feel
like with Aaron Rogers would be
something special as well yeah and we’ll
play the Jaguars or something because
we’re playing them this year yeah it’s
the Jags or Minnesota it’s one of those
two i z goes to for some stupid reason
it’s gonna be Jets vers Zack Wilson in
London like that’s what it’s gonna be
dude could you imagine I I mean look I
got to shake this the world is designed
to hurt us thing it’s hard to do but if
the if Sam darnold is a starting
quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings
and we’re playing them in London I’m not
going just telling you right now man
it’s I don’t need to fly a thousand
whatever miles to across the pond to
watch the Jets lose to our former
quarterback I don’t need to see that
that’s what would happen if I flew all
the way out
there yeah I know but I tell you what I
do want to go I would probably make a
whole vacation out of it I wouldn’t just
go yeah for like you know the weekend I
would go to like a couple theme parks
I’d go to Abby Road I’ll go to the Tower
of London you all that kind of stuff if
you go man we’ll we’ll do a whole thing
yeah for sure that that’s what we were
kind of talking about because when we
had Ren last summer we were supposed to
go to Ireland the week we actually had
Ren we wound up getting pregnant with
Ren like four months after we booked the
tickets to go to Ireland so we weren’t
able to actually go so this would kind
of be our chance to go across the pond
because I’ve never been like overseas
I’ve been to Canada I’ve been to Mexico
but that’s the extent of my uh
travel huh yeah Matt you gonna go I
might I’ve never left the country that’d
be my first time leaving the country if
I did so um I I I would definitely think
about it that sounds like it would be a
really fun trip talking Jets takes over
across the pond baby hell yeah oh that
be so good incredible I want to meet all
our UK fans too that are out there like
just there’s so many Jet fans that we
get that you know that call into the
shows and you know we we wind up knowing
them you know by username um but it
would be cool to put a face to the name
as well yeah Phil Adams I’m sorry Phil
Adams lives right next to Alton Towers
which is like one of my bucket list
theme parks to go
to that’s cool oh yeah oh yeah Phil I
told Phil he’s gonna get on a roller
coaster he said he what do he say he
hasn’t been to all Towers since the SE
1971 when he got uh caught stealing a
seal what like a seal to a door or like
the animal no like a a
seal like you know like a stuff seal or
like a live like Arf Arf kind of seal
what the way I understood it the way I
understood it was it was Al live or or
you know bounc the ball their nose seal
it’s like Peter Griffin not being
allowed back at SeaWorld that kind of a
thing way to go yeah something like that
Peter S comes in with Super Chat says
since safety is still in need take Tyler
nuben Jaden Hicks Cole bishop or want
someone else depending upon other needs
already being met so I do like the idea
of drafting a safety and having the
cheap contract it’s clear to me that
over the last bunch of years the Jets
regime Joe Douglas Salah whoever it is
they don’t really believe in having a
high investment in that position and I
feel like going with the four-year cheap
contract makes a whole heck of a lot of
sense I’m looking at
DC’s uh list of players that we have met
with and Jaden Hicks is on there we met
with him in a private workout and at the
Senior Bowl and we met with Evan
Williams at his pro day and at the
Senior Bowl and those are the only two
safeties that we have met with now maybe
there’s some cornerbacks in here that
might be able to transition to safety or
something along those lines that I’m
just not taking into account but those
are the only two safeties that I’m aware
of that the Jets have met with currently
but I would like to draft a safety at
some point I just don’t know when that
is it might be you could Pro if you
trade down from 10 I would go as early
as the third round I I could get on
board with that if you you know fell in
love with someone um but without having
that second round pick I feel like
fourth round at the earliest is what I
would consider uh safety matt’ll throw
to you first then green bean
yeah so I had someone um say I found
they sent me a message they said I found
the asht and Davis
replacement uh and what they did was
they sent me Cooper dein and I said you
want to spend the first round pick out
safety uh I’m not I’m not quite I’m not
quite there although I I think he’s
going to be he’s a really fun Prospect
he had a great R for and like really
really athletic but a safety that I like
is Cole Bishop uh out of Utah probably
fit I would say mo most likely fourth
round so kind of fits that role with
what you were just saying there I think
the Jets need a third safety I don’t
think they necessarily need a starting
caliber safety so I don’t want to use a
first or second round in a tradeback um
on that
position green bean what about you how
do you feel about safety and should the
Jets add one I guess either via free
agency or the draft what are your
feelings on it I don’t think
I mean we could be proven wrong right
but I don’t think that the Jets have the
money that they’re like the guys that
are out there whether it be Diggs is he
quandre digs still out there I believe
he is Simmons whoever um I don’t think
that’re they’re going to be willing to
pay the money that it cost to get one of
those guys now when you look at the Jets
depth chart there’s one clear hole on
the defense and it is at safety Tony
Adams while penil Den starter he’s fine
he’s you know he’s maybe he’s going to
continue to get better and all that but
he can totally be upgraded and at
minimum should have legitimate
competition at the position if he wins
he wins it’s great but and then Chuck
Clark while we’re all high on him and if
he plays great is a question mark right
and then we have no one behind them we
have jerck Bernard Converse who’s a
cornerback co uh
converted uh to safety we have no idea
what he is no we we do not know what
he’s is going to be uh so it is a it is
the hole on defense outside of you know
Def One defensive line
rotation uh you can I mean that’s it man
that our defense is stacked and so I
think that they’re going to use a draft
pick I think it might be a little higher
than people are thinking um it could be
especially if we trade back and we pick
up a second or another third I would not
be surprised to see them use a third on
a safe
the uh people seem to forget though you
know Joe Douglas doesn’t use a lot of
picks on safety right but he does
convert people to Safety in the fourth
fifth round right that or I think uh
yeah pinnick was a fourth I believe and
then he took Ashton Davis in the third
so it’s not like he won’t do it he’s not
you know so he’s done it before it’s the
hole on the team I think this is my this
is what I really want to see happen um
I think Cameron kinchin is the most
exciting player in that range at safety
his Ras score was abysmal his 40 time
485 um I mean it was brutal right but
the guy is a baller he’s a ball Hawk and
I think that’s that’s what this defense
is like missing that that safety that
can just [ย __ย ] find nose for the ball
find the angle pluck it out of the air
like that kind of a thing he had 11
picks uh in the last two years or
whatever it was um so somebody like that
now if we’re going to wait a little bit
fourth round maybe even in the third
Cole Bishop uh Jaden hicka was mentioned
fantastic additions I would be happy
with that but I think people might be
surprised with how how early the Jets go
safety I think they’re going to want
someone who’s not a project somebody
that they think can at least come in and
compete with Tony Adams or be a viable
backup poten St starter should should
Chuck Clark uh his run of jets luck uh
continues I think they’re going to want
somebody that they feel comfortable
actually starting as opposed to somebody
they’re putting on the back burner to
work on for a little while one thing we
can keep an eye out for too and maybe
I’m mistaken in this but because we are
the 10th overall pick heading into the
season we should have the 10th claim on
the waiver wire it doesn’t reset with
preseason or anything does it it’s it’s
you know up till week one so we will be
10th on the waiver wire so there’s going
to be some good teams that let some
players go on cutdown day and the Jets
are uniquely in an interesting position
uh to be able to pick up some of those
guys early on compared to some of the
playoff teams that are going to be
sitting behind us so I think that’s
another potential outlet that we could
go but I agree I think third round is is
entirely possible if we slide back in
the first or find a way to get you know
third round
pick Gang Green yeah comes in the Super
Chat says food in England sucks fun trip
otherwise yeah I’ve never heard great
things I I guess about the food over
there it’s like all uh like beef and
potatoes I guess it’s like yeah you got
you got to know what you where you are
you got to get what you don’t go to
Japan and Order cheeseburgers you know
what I mean like you go to London you
get fish and chips now I haven’t been to
London in many years but you get fish
and chips I don’t even like fish but I
like fish and chips in London explain it
away I don’t know how but they serve it
in the newspaper they just give you a
slice of newspaper they wrap it up you
dump vinegar all over your fries and
it’s an amazing experience you get
shepherd’s pie and you get stew go there
and you get hey YouTu B baby get beef
stew pot roast that’s what you get in
London hype says I remember Bean had the
international streams yeah Bean used to
do the international uh streams yeah
that’s right yeah that was Jets
worldwide I stopped doing that because
you want to know what was it I think it
was that no one watched them I think
that’s what it
was there there’s got to be some degree
of interest to Warrant putting the time
and energy into making a Content they
were fun though we interviewed lots of
guys from around the world we had like
New Zealand we had Australia we had
Ireland couple England I think there was
Brazil um so real cool man yeah neat but
didn’t work
nobody cared I was curious I wanted to
go back and uh look so I went back on
your channel and checked on like your
oldest live streams one of your oldest
streams the title of this stream is all
capitals Adam gase fired chat let’s make
out and
stuff that was because SEO that’s right
make out was coming in really high with
an SEO score I guess I don’t know that’s
amazing that’s hilarious I I can’t even
imagine doing something like
that Jose comes in says I was just in
Nashville it was awesome I will
definitely be there for the Jets game if
there’s one game I want to go to in the
states for sure it’s it’s Nashville and
if I could find a way to swing both that
and London it would be awesome I don’t
know if that’s realistic or not but I uh
I completely agree with you Jose uh
Blitz crew dropping in with the Super
Chat says sounds like if you are looking
for big playability need to just resign
Ashton Davis thought Jared Bernard
Converse was a safety in college uh was
safety in college all but his last year
um I forget what they listed him as
initially he was like I think he was
playing safety and they showed him like
his his position as a corner um the same
way like they listed Will McDonald as a
linebacker instead of like an edge
rusher um um look I agree I think Ashton
Davis I want him back I feel like it
makes the most sense for both sides and
I think the Jets are probably hoping
they get him back if they don’t have him
back by the draft though I think you you
have to at least pivot and consider
safety like green bean said you know
possibly the third round if you have
that extra pick there um green bean what
are your thoughts on Ashton Davis and do
you think he ultimately comes
back well I I will say I thought that
they would have signed him already I I
think that they
should um I mean dude the guy it’s like
you it’s one of those guys that you kind
of weather all the all the rough times
and he seems to be coming into his own
and you’re like ah we don’t need him and
he goes somewhere and kind of has a
solid career like we did that with James
frier who was fine with us but he was
really good with the Steelers you know
what I mean he kind of he was about to
come into His Zone and we just let him
go and and all that uh who’s the other
one Demario Davis you know we he was
fine for a couple years with us and then
he we goes to uh the Browns I believe it
was we trade for him back he has his
best year his best year in his career
and we don’t even try to resign him he
said openly I was thought I was gonna
resign with the Jets they just didn’t
show any interest and he goes and he
becomes an allpro you know what I mean
so Jonathan Goodwin there’s lots of guys
uh out there so I think Ashton Davis
Falls in that in that category I think
he’s right about ready to have himself a
real career um now that said I thought
he would be resigned somewhere but if
not with us so the fact that he’s not
maybe that leads to the idea that we may
bring him back I think if we can we
should but um it’s it’s weird it’s a
weird one I I honestly thought he’d be
resigned already Matt what are your
thoughts on Ashton Davis yeah so um by
the way I was curious so I went back and
looked at Bernard Converses snaps over
his career another Joe Douglas Trend he
loves the day three guys who were in
college forever because Jared Bernard
Converse uh was a freshman in 2018 um
and yeah it was so 18 19 20 21 2 yeah
five years uh in college he played
mostly slot Corner in 2018 and then 112
snaps at free safety and then
2019 was 445 snaps at slot corner and
209 at free safety and then his final
couple years were mostly outside but
earlier in his career his first two uh
about half decade ago he was playing he
was playing slot Corner uh and free
safety but Blitz screw brings up a good
point with the big playability and
Ashton Davis like he kind of carved out
that nice little role for himself as a
special teamer and someone who just
finds the football even earlier in his
career his first three years in the
league he took some uh how do I say this
nicely very question a Pursuit angles uh
in both coverage and tackling in the in
the Run game but that kind of went away
his fourth year and the uh turnovers
stayed so maybe the football IQ was
finally catching up to his athleticism
because no one could ever deny it like
his athletic ability was off the charts
that’s why he was drafted in the third
round but it seemed to have take him a
little bit to learn the position and I
would like to bring him back uh I don’t
know if he does come back back I think
he’s probably looking to start somewhere
but if the market doesn’t materialize
for him bring him back I feel like he
might be an interesting player to have
on special teams particularly on the
kickoff not necessarily returning the
kicks but could be one of those like
guys just in front of whoever is
returning and if you wanted to get some
trickery involved I feel like he’s a fun
asset to have there I like Ashton Davis
a lot I very much want to bring him back
Crossfire comes in with the Super Chat
thank you so much says for a country
that took over others with spices the
British don’t know how to use them uh
only know how to trade
it I saw something the other day I was
like uh congratulations Britain you are
single-handedly responsible for the most
Independence days around the
world yeah there you go it’s like oh
that makes me chuckle they were
basically only looking for pepper though
that’s all they wanted was pepper you
know pepper corns that’s all they were
really looking for Fross fire so there
you go but he’s got a point man Bland
Bland uh guys if you don’t know already
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and I got to click through every email
and say unsubscribe unsubscribe
unsubscribe unsubscribe now if there’s
things you have signed up for of course
that’s going to happen but getting your
data sold and having it peppered with
all these you know ridiculous BS things
uh drove me up a wall so Aura thank you
so much for uh for supporting us here uh
I I mentioned it earlier in the show and
I thought I was going to get back to it
uh relatively quickly it want I’m not
we’re in the second hour of the show now
where were you guys when like the
earthquake happened now green bean I’m
assuming you probably didn’t feel it
down in Virginia but man I’m sitting in
my house I’m about to go live and this
like the house starts shaking and like
you know if it’s you know a second or so
I wouldn’t have cared but it kept going
and now it’s panic mode it’s like I’m
not thinking earthquake I’m thinking
like [ย __ย ] my furnace just exploded I was
like I got to get the I Sprint into
Ren’s room I pull the baby out of the
crib Becca grabs the dog we run out of
the house we’re freaking out we’re
walking around the house trying to see
if the foundation cracked in any like
any capacity and then our neighbor comes
out they like holy [ย __ย ] did you feel
that like okay good it’s not just my
house like that makes me feel a lot
better but holy smoke dude I was
panicked for a solid like probably 30
seconds of just I don’t know what’s
going on Matt where were you yeah I was
right here where I am right now and so
on brand I was doing a mock drift I
thought I was going to go out I wasn’t
like live streaming or recording I wish
I got my like Rea to it like I was just
I was just [ย __ย ] around I did a two
round MO two round mock draft like I
picked for all 32 teams because I was
really bored the other day um and I I’m
sitting my desk starts going you felt it
like in your feet first and then like it
kind of went up through your like what
the hell is that because sometimes I
live not too far from like a relatively
main road so if like a big truck goes by
like you feel that for a second and I’m
like that’s not it so then I ran uh to
the window I’m like looking at outside
he’s like what’s happening and then my
dad called me he’s like you did you feel
that like yeah he’s like I think we had
an earthquake I’m like no way and then I
look on Twitter and everyone’s like I
think we just had an earthquake here
dude it was absolutely Bonkers because
we like I as I go outside there’s this
jersey Power and Light like vehicle
coming by and I used to live in like
this condo complex you know a few years
ago and there was a quarry behind us and
they would do blasting during the day
where everyone’s normally out at work
I’m in golf so in the winter I’m laid
off and I’m just like sitting there
middle of the day and the house start
like the whole like four story building
start shaking I was like what is that
and then it made sense you know they’re
blasting back there that’s what I
thought was going on so when I saw the
Jersey Power and Light van come by I’m
like oh this this goon just blew
something up down the road that’s what
happened nope and actually if you guys
want to see my actual reaction I went
live right after it and it was like cuz
I I was planning to go live at 10:30 and
I think the earthquake happened at 10:24
was like the the time frame and just
like the total bewilderment of everyone
in the chat just saying where they felt
it from were guys in Connecticut that
felt it and South Jersey and
Pennsylvania and then we had some people
up in Rochester and it was just bizarre
bizarre feeling for sure green bean I’m
assuming in Virginia you probably didn’t
feel anything down that way I felt
sympathy that’s what I
felt I didn’t feel anything I made a
have you ever had an earthquake like
have you ever like felt an earthquake
before yeah in New Jersey interestingly
enough uh see I grew up in a house where
uh we always lots of ghosts and [ย __ย ]
like so we we’re ghost people right so I
grew up in a very ghosty everything’s
ghosts and spirits and leaving [ย __ย ]
around and um so when my bed shook it
was like 19 probably like
83 uh my bed I was laying in my bed and
it shook and I went out to my mother and
I said I think there’s a ghost in my
room she said yeah there’s one she said
there’s one in here too uh it was like
like just three or 4 seconds and then
then in the paper the next day back when
newspapers were we didn’t have internet
we just sat at home and waited for news
to come to the door um but that’s how we
did it uh but so it said that there was
an earthquake in New Jersey so I did
feel that but uh you know I’m it’s not
any claim of uh Strife or anything like
that but yeah that’s about it man I feel
fortun I’ve been in lots of hurricanes
but no earthquakes really Ryan in the
chat uh says my dad was on the roof of
the NorthShore Hospital on an eyebeam he
safely scaled down the building after
surprisingly not [ย __ย ] himself I
would have needed to make sure I wore my
brown pants to work cuz there is no way
I’m standing on an ibeam and trying to
scaled down that after an earthquake
that is terrifying I’m glad your dad is
safe holy smokes that’s my God that is
absolutely insane could you imagine holy
[ย __ย ] jingle dubs uh comes in says we
felt in my classroom all the glass beers
in my storage cabinet were shaking and
rattling I had to review earthquakes
after that good times for an earth
science teacher yeah so Becca works at
the uh the environmental science uh
campus for Columbia University and she
was like working from home that day and
all like the Geeks and the Nerds over in
the the university were like oh my God
it was 4.8 and they’re like shooting off
emails and everything so her inbox just
exploded so they were having it was like
Christmas for them over there so I can
imagine uh how you were feeling jingle
dubs very uh very
funny uh let’s see what other ones were
in here infrared says you’re right Ryan
1024 I’m a supervisor for security at
our trauma center and I had to mark down
the time in the log book yeah I guess
that makes sense right oh speaking of
other like worldly events where were you
did you guys look up and burn your
retinas uh for the eclipse at all I did
did I was at work it was cloudy and I
was like oh I’m gonna like cloudy squint
a little bit I I got a picture I thought
it was pretty cool this Samsung phone uh
has like a 100 times Zoom which is like
Bonkers but I have let me see if I could
show it this is the like you texted to
an iPhone and it’s blurry yeah I know
it’s so crazy yeah it’s wild yeah every
time I text a message to like Becca
Becca’s like when are you gonna get an
iPhone I’m sick of seeing green text I’m
sick I’m sick of them downgrading the
pictures I was like my camera’s perfect
but I can’t send it to anyone cuz they
make it
stupid let me show you a good picture
from bearded bearded vti who I don’t
know if he’s in here sent one in the
bean bag or Discord he had
100% um coverage where he was so
awesome whoa that’s nuts those those are
his pictures that’s insane that is a
great picture
yeah that’s I wish we had like so one of
the ladies in the office has had the uh
the glasses but it was so cloudy as soon
as you put them on you couldn’t see
anything like at all you couldn’t see
the sun uh yeah it was brutal I drove I
drove all the way to my wife’s job to
like watch it with her she had the
glasses and we got there and the clouds
rolled in about 10 minutes before it got
you know before it happened we were
going to get like 90 plus percent so it
was going to be cool we weren’t going to
get that Crescent whatever they call it
the what do they call it um there’s a
word for it
anyway we weren’t GNA get don’t know
yeah yeah okay we weren’t going to get
that but we were gonna it was going to
be cool and the cloud the clouds rolled
in 10 minutes before it and they left
seven minutes after Corona
Corona my
Corona thank you Florida Jet van I
didn’t see [ย __ย ] that’s what it boil what
about you uh I was driving while while
it happened the one thing like I kept
all for like a week or so if uh I don’t
know if where you guys are if they had
it too but uh along Island on the
Southern State Parkway anytime I drive
on the parkway the signs would come up
be like Monday April 8th uh advisory
like take mass transit like why do you
have to take mass transit for because of
an eclipse like come on what are we
doing but it wasn’t it wasn’t bad it was
fine driving it I was wearing my
sunglasses it wasn’t like I was staring
up into the thing so I was I was fine
but Taylor my fiance was all nervous
about she’s a nervous Nelly she was like
I you’re going to look too long and
you’re going to be blind tonight and I
don’t know what to do so um yeah that
that was fun but no we were we were good
we were we were out doing some errands
yesterday while it was
happening dude like yeah did you hear
about the world everybody thought the
world was gonna end all that kind of
[ย __ย ] it’s like I you know what it’s
funny remember the movie
um uh with Mel Mel Gibson he made it
about like the Mayans what the what was
that called oh um
yeah it’s so they were G yeah I want to
say Ario but that AR it’s not it it’s um
Apocalypto there it is yep uh so the
that movie End like it ended kind of
with uh an eclipse they were going to
sacrifice this guy our main character
guy I’m sorry for spoilers everybody for
this one um but they were going to
sacrifice him then the eclipse happened
they thought it was a sign so they
didn’t Eclipse they didn’t kill him but
it’s like is that who we are as a
society like we know it’s the moon in
front of the sun I understand all the
stuff about Flat Earth and it’s not and
it’s the black sun and I I get I listen
to all I get it but can we just stop
it’s the moon going in front of the sun
we’ve known this for a while now
thousands of years like like they know
like down to the day when it’s gon to
happen right it’s like it’s crazy and
like here we are and we’re still
reacting like the Mayan medicine man you
know what I mean like w like we’re
freaking I don’t as a society I don’t I
can’t deal with who we are anymore I
just I I don’t get
it everybody we’re here Ryan we made it
Abbott comes in says the eclipse is the
most overblown event since Rogers Jets
debut on Monday Night Football it wasn’t
overblown he just got hurt and it was
very disappointing
um we won I shouldn’t even say
disappoint we won so there’s that um
yeah look the eclipse is like it’s one
of those things that’s it’s cool but it
h it does happen twice a year if I’m not
mistaken it just doesn’t happen in the
US a lot of times it’s over water and
like this was one of the longer
stretches like I think we’re not
supposed to get another one like that
till 2044 so I guess that’s like the um
the little bit of like ah yes that’s
like really cool and probably as close
as I’ll probably be to one I think the
last one went like across the southern
part of the country um yeah I don’t know
I wasn’t driving anywhere I heard like
some of the rooms in Buffalo were like
$700 for the night like that’s Bonkers
wild so I like the pictures that were
online that was really cool of course so
remember in 2012 when the world was
supposed to end do you remember that one
oh yeah I was ready for it 2002 the the
light at my my uncle’s fish tank went
off and I was like
Y2K yeah Y2K was a big one remember Matt
you remember why the world was going to
end in
2012 the Mayan calendar right yeah yeah
because the Mayans 4,000 years ago made
a calendar and it ended in 2012 so that
must mean we’re all dead so uh so shout
out uh my high school’s broadcasting
morning announcement team uh I of course
was a part of that uh but we made a a
joke about it and like we did the
weather and like we had a green screen
and there was like just flames in the
background like the guy was like in the
depths of Hell doing the broadcast and
like it’s like Tuesday’s temperature
like 6,000 degrees or something we got
in a lot of trouble principal did not
think that was very funny h no calling
up no there the principal was like I had
I had Parents calling up you know saying
their kid were scared to come to school
today and you guys are making jokes like
I don’t know we we we laughing in the
control room we thought it was kind of
cool oh they got to soften up funny
that’s ridiculous that’s great that’s
that’s grade a humor yeah we thought
so Blitz crew says best sacrifice for
God movie Joe vers the volcano I have
not seen it I have not seen it that’s
what Tom Hanks I don’t even I don’t
remember that I I’ve watched it I don’t
remember how that went Blitz crew I
don’t think there’s a sacrifice but
Dogma is one of my favorite like oh the
best almost like ridiculous ones with
Jay and Silent Bob and Chris Rock oh
it’s such a
classic yeah that’s
great George Carlin oh yeah he’s
incredible well was
incredible all
right yeah yeah his stuff aged super
well too like he he would be I wish he
was alive today because that that had to
be 15 years ago he was like mid 2000s I
think is when he died yep let me see uh
I think that’s when it was my final uh
video in films like school was like a
voice over of him like monologuing and
then I like threw a bunch of like clips
of like current event type stuff on it
that would have been 2012 or
13 whoa he died in 2008 yeah whoa
Allison oh drops a 50
spot see if we can read it
is that rumor or facts I seen it on
Google that he asked like he lost
interest in the Jets and had a Packer
shirt on like he was going to play for
them and doesn’t even care if hacket is
there or if the Jets 17 is there nice
interest and don’t
care I’m not sure I’m who who we talking
about Aaron
Rogers I think so uh Alison could you
clarify just who you’re talking about I
that’s I think that’s what he’s talking
about she’s talking about Rogers is what
wm’s saying I didn’t hear this
no like he lost interest in the Jets and
had a Packer shirt on I mean he played
for the Packers for asking he’s asking
if she’s talking about Rogers there’s a
question mark there
oh who’s number
17 wil
or Devonte Adams in the event he were to
come over maybe that I don’t
know is this is that rumors are
facts I love how it’s facts
FX yeah but for that as the opening
sentence of the whole paragraph just
it well I gota say though I’m sorry go
on Matt please no I I was just I was
trying to do the my my green bean of
really like breaking it down like
sentence and by sentence
starting it with a question with no
context is is hard to to figure out it
is but that all considered this is one
of Allison’s truly greatest I mean
purest like easiest to read we don’t
know what it is still again but this has
to be typed there’s no way this was like
uh like a talk to text what’s the obj
stuff you see that yeah I do and I’m not
sure it might be an emoji that’s not
recognized by YouTube like if it’s on a
phone yeah
obj what what could that
mean I obj had his own emojis maybe she
downloaded those orange banana maybe
she’s talking about obj orange banana
juice right orange banana juice which is
not bad if you’ve ever had it which I
have um so maybe it’s orange banana
juice but maybe she’s talking about ah
object says Crossfire that probably
makes a lot more
sense so there was some type of object
there it’s probably an emoji that like
YouTube doesn’t recognize that would be
guess object but I don’t know why you
would throw those at those particular
spots oh why would you start with a
question with no context there’s a lot
of why why is care capitalized at the
end very be play for them probably had a
is it important maybe it was like one of
these guys it’s one of those nichas cage
like swirly bird things I love how she
just drops the comment and then doesn’t
respond back in the chat come on
Alison we’re talking to you no I know
where do you go you got to help us like
we’re she’s like I’m gonna throw a hand
grenade into this it’s G to be great and
I’m gonna walk away she loves it she’s
the best dude I I I missed Allison
actually I was going to say we haven’t
really like had a had a good like
Allison comment in a while this one yeah
love she’s really big on the typos so do
we think she meant to send
$4.99 and she does talk to text a lot
yeah no she but this looks like it’s too
well written to be a talk to text I
think this definitely I feel like
there’s just some context missing here
oh Frankie said Frankie says maybe it’s
one of those C riddles where you have to
take every fifth letter to form I said
that I was like one those Nicholas Cage
like Cypher things where like yeah why’
you say Nicholas Cage you never seen
Treasure oh yeah wow okay or Da Vinci
Code I guess that’s not Nicholas go the
D Vinci Code I would have more yeah yeah
yeah I I got you I’m sorry that’s my bad
I see it decipher yeah okay the chat
seems equally as con as is confused Greg
says Allison is the
Riddler followed by John saying Alison
The Riddler I think we’re
close who Rogers related right that’s
only hopefully maybe it’s Alan Lazard
how about that want to go back to Green
Bay good send him oh he’s dunzo I think
it’s Reggie Cobb may he maybe it’s Bak
tiari you think Bak tiari comes that’s
an interesting question there are people
that in the in the in the Twitter verse
M that say the Jets aren’t taking a
tackle in the first because we already
have a handshake deal with Bak tiari the
interesting next layer of that is when
you say how do you know that they don’t
talk to you anymore dude I’ve been
saying this for a month I’ve been saying
McGovern and bakari are coming in after
the draft and they’re just trying to
hide their hand the same reason why they
have not restructured Conlin so that way
they try to get someone to either take
Bowers in front of us I think they’re
going for Odun I think that’s that’s the
the player they want and I think them
not restructuring conin plays into the
Bowers hand and I think them having a
handshake agreement with like aakari or
M McGovern allows them to maybe omit
offensive line at number 10 when
everyone else thinks we need to go
offensive line and I I think that’s the
little chess match that’s going on so
I’m in full agreement with whoever
thinks that bakar is coming
here yeah but and all right that’s fine
and that all can happen and it’s not
beyond the realm of possibility right
that makes sense cuz Bak tiari not com
to like OTAs and that that’s you know it
makes perfect sense but if he’s signed
and doesn’t come then it’s a story and
all that other [ย __ย ] and it could show
that it could tip the Jet’s hand right
like we’re talking about but there’s
still no proof of it sure you know what
I mean there there’s not even a real R
Flat Earth hollow Moon the pyramids are
power plants chem Trails all that stuff
and you don’t buy in on the bakari
conspiracy come on I was just going to
say everything you said except Flat
Earth is real I you know after our
conversation I looked up my YouTube now
has Chemtrails all over it because I was
like okay what’s this what’s green be
talking about like I didn’t hear about
these Chemtrails and it’s it’s it’s uh
it’s like cloud seeding it’s a totally
different thing than what they’re
talking about but uh it’s not though no
you’re you’re buying into the [ย __ย ]
they I looked at what cloud seating is
it’s like done in hyper like it has to
be immediate it’s done in Texas where
they like have rainstorms and they’re
like okay we gotta that’s what they’re
saying now Ryan up till about five years
ago whenever you talked about that they
said that it was your imagination it was
something called a contrail which is
people talking about it coming out the
back of jets I am talking about it
coming out of the back well do but
they’re not flares they’re they’re it’s
iodine it’s I yeah they’re iodine flares
that’s what uh cloud seeding is and the
the iodine condenses the water molecules
in the CL this when did they pass any
laws about we’re going to start seeding
clouds but there’s not I mean if there’s
nothing what do you need a law if
something’s like you spray [ย __ย ] all over
the air I mean crop dusters do it in
like the the black dirt Fields by me all
the time yeah and that’s closer to chem
speciic law there’s specific laws
governing what they can and can’t do
where they can do it all those kinds of
things this is something that up until a
few years ago they were denying
vehemently there is nothing we are
spraying into the clouds that is
condensation when it became people
started testing the air and SL you know
they would put up um so when I look back
at the videos that were like when I look
back at the videos that were like oh
these are chemtrails like all this stuff
the the videos they’re showing are the
like the um like the air flying over the
tips of the wings of planes that are
high up the the contrails are what they
were showing as opposed to like what
this actually like I never saw a video
of what cloud seating was in any of
those old videos of quote unquote
Chemtrails yeah listen it’s real all
right there wouldn’t be numerous States
enacting laws right now that they don’t
want it happening over their stat if it
wasn’t happening there’s there are
chemicals that they’re spraying into the
air uh they’re saying now it’s weather
modification Biden said something
recently about it uh they can uh cool
the Earth all kinds of stuff like
they’re now they’re now they’re all talk
five years ago they were denying it up
and down the street they said it’s not
real so anyway it’s a whole different
thing box it was really cool to go into
though so it’s like it creates like a 1%
chance of rain more like or it’s going
to rain 1% more than it would have and
there’s a little bit of like like making
it rain earlier and like making it not
rain somewhere else so that was like a
little bit of like a conflict maybe of
like hey you like preventing rainfall in
a different area by making it rain
earlier there they do it on the ground
too I saw one where they they did like a
test flare and it’s like just on the top
of a hill so you need like the wind
blowing the right way and like you know
a high percentage chance of of humidity
and stuff it’s interesting but that’s
what I did two nights
yeah big fella says Allison’s talking
about Devonte
Adams uh so Devon Adams I think there is
renewed interest in Devonte Adams
because Devonte Adams has been preaching
that he wants Jaden Daniels as his
quarterback and if they’re not going to
get a quarterback that can get him the
ball it doesn’t make sense for him to be
there so I think there is some level of
interest in could Devonte become
available at some point if he really
wants to win and what do the Raiders do
like the the connection is obviously
Antonio Pierce coaching or or coaching
alongside uh Jaden Daniels at ASU and
then them wanting to come up and get him
it’s just a monster Hall of picks and
where does Jaden Daniels ultimately go
does he go two I think three is the
highest some team is going to be able to
get up to so if he’s there maybe they
they try to make a move up that high but
there are some comments from Devonte
Adams that are like that’s my guy uh is
is Jaden Daniel so maybe if they don’t
get him and they is he okay with Gardner
muu and okay with aen no Connell I’m not
so sure it’s
interesting force him out
third that’s right I’ll be right back I
just have to answer all these cloud
seating comments in the chat real
quick I I’m like I’m sort of looking I
need to like I want to go back and like
see this I’m curious what other people
are saying we should hang out for a few
hours one weekend I’ll show you all
kinds of [ย __ย ] oh dude I could go down
rabbit holes for days it’s so much fun
Hollow moon great power plant pyramids
great Li people let’s
go I’m all about
it uh Gator comes in with a super chat
says if the Jets pickle sent Ricky does
mama fast dog face to the banana patch
see this is this is like gator
mcclusky’s best impersonation of Allison
so Gator I I expect to see an Allison I
mean I guess this is all we know because
we don’t know what Allison actually
looks like but this is great let’s see
if we can make sense of this can we I
Wonder is he talking about pickle Rick
like uh like uh Rick and mor pickle Rick
hell yeah pickle Rick pickle Rick right
on man uh does
mama fast dog face to the banana
patch he’s just screw with us now he’s
trolling I would love to know whatever
this is I need to decipher it I need
help I need an adult Jay-Z comes in with
his member Super Chat thank you so much
says we need a 2-hour show on conspiracy
theories hosted by you guys oh yeah go
Jets LOL dude we could totally do
something like that maybe we’ll do like
a members only like down the RIT members
Ryan and green bean do conspiracies for
two hours I don’t know I’m not a
conspiracy guy I don’t know enough to to
chime in on that unfortunately oh dude
you got I’ll send you a video after this
just just watch it for the sake of
watching it it like it’ll get your mind
spinning like oh boy you know what’s
crazy you know it’s crazy you know Ryan
was just talking about his YouTube feed
I go on to my YouTube feed I I had like
I noticed it a couple weeks back me a
month ago whatever I’m like I don’t even
have any Jets on my like where’s all the
jet [ย __ย ] I have to search it I’m like
wow I’ve really been digging into this
pyramid [ย __ย ] a long time I’m reading the
green tablet The Emerald Tablets anybody
know recognize fire emojis if you know
about the Emerald Tablets everybody I do
not know about this but I will be goog
dude I love the whole pyramid thing I
love the whole like it’s fascinating to
see like if if JP Morgan didn’t back
Edison and he backed Tesla instead and
you like that like where the world would
have been with wireless electricity as
opposed to like you know the electricity
you can actually sell and make a profit
on because JP Morgan pulled funding from
from Tesla there there’s so much fun
stuff that you go they ruined Tesla dude
they ruined oh destroyed
him the main catch s
yeah Main Catch comes in says I live in
Maine where the skies are clear and
beautiful green bean is not wrong
Chemtrails are real man government is
faulty gojets
um yeah I I don’t cloud seating is real
I don’t know if like if you want to call
Cloud seed in Chemtrails then okay fine
I feel like we’re splitting hairs uh
Crossfire says I’m a Freemason don’t
believe everything you hear about us I I
don’t hear anything about you you guys
just hide stuff on the back of dollar
bills and things like that you guys are
crazy right I love it I have friends
that are free I was actually asked to
join the freem mations I said uh
no that happened to my buddy’s my
buddy’s father was a 32nd
degree what does it mean to like become
a Freemason like what do you have is
there like an initiation or like yeah
there’s some stuff I I mean I you know
truth is I don’t know here’s the thing
once you become a Freemason
at least this is what it was explained
to me like there’s a lot of watching you
to make in the beginning to like make
sure that you are what you say you are
all that kind of stuff um I did that’s
where I was like I just I’m too I’m too
freaky for that dude yeah I don’t want
you guys put my stuff on the internet
multiple times a day or multiple times a
week that would be weird especially if
it was about one of my hobbies that’s
right I don’t want you guys knowing my
hobbies um I know I think you get a
secret ring and you show it at traffic
stops you put your hand on the window
and they go thank you
sir I want a Secret Ring that’s so cool
yo make me Freemason let me know send me
a thing application I want to know where
National Treasure is Jason Edwards comes
in the Super Chat says the Jets are the
definition of Murphy’s Law please draft
a tackle in round one the need to
protect Aaron slightly outweighs our
need for a wide receiver so that is the
PTSD side of of Jet fans for sure
because when when I look at how our
offensive line has performed and been
injured the last few years it has been a
statistical anomaly and is this just
going to continue to be a statistical
anomaly year-over-year right now we have
a left tackle who hasn’t played a full
season since 2015 but in the seven
playoff appearances that the Cowboys
have made Tyron Smith has played in
every single game so he has been healthy
when it matters most on the other side
you got Morgan Moses who has been
healthy 95% of every single season up
until last year where he played 76 or
73% of the games I think is what it was
and he played through like a torn PE the
entire year like the dude’s an Iron Man
like if you’re talking about like
feeling kind of comfortable with your
offensive line like this should be kind
of it and then Carter Warren you you
know they like him they thought he could
have been drafted higher were it not for
the injury and for me Carter Warren in
spot fill in opportunities for Tyron
Smith if it’s three four games
throughout the course of a season
sprinkled in I’m okay with that I could
totally live with that on that side but
it’s the what does avt look like after
the Achilles yeah does Tyron Smith go
down in a critical moment can this guard
tackle maybe it’s a fought new can he
push Morgan Moses to be a better starter
or supplant him it’s only A5 a half
million dollar contract for Moses could
John Simpson be pushed harder at left
guard or could fought new play left
guard instead so there like there is a
ton of things that make sense for
offensive line in this draft you can say
hey if someone gets hurt at least like
if God forbid Bree gets hurt you still
need to keep Aaron Rogers upright even
more so without a running game so like I
get the idea with the tackle I just want
to go weapon I’m Odun all the way if I
can get him if Odun is there at 10 I’m
running the card up to the to the table
and I won’t even think twice about it
Matt what are your thoughts has it
changed at all offensive lineman in the
first no I think you can make a very
strong case to go offensive line in the
first round and if it’s you know fanu
who you mentioned like I think he could
play over Simpson honestly I really do
um I think he would fight for that spot
at left guard and then kick out to
tackle when Tyron Smith gets hurt
because it’s unfortunate like he he is
going to he gets hurt every single year
you’re probably happy if he plays 13
games which yeah I’ll take 13 games from
Tyron Smith but um you need to have a
really good backup plan it depends on
how they feel about Carter Warren they
may very you know they they might like
him a lot seems like they do uh it’d be
nice to see him have like a full off
season in a training camp and not be
injured but I I get those who are
nervous about the offensive line health
and W to go offensive line in the first
round I think it’s it’s a logical choice
just as much as a weapon is also a
logical choice I think you can make a
really good argument for either one of
those so as long as they’re coming away
with something on offense I think I’ll
be pretty happy on draft night green
bean what about you how are you feeling
about offensive line in the first round
um I’m not going to be upset if they go
like if Odun is there if they say we
can’t pass up on o okay I’m fine with
that I’m excited I’m in uh technically
speaking as it stands right now wide
receiver is a greater need need than
offensive line uh the problem I have
with that is that the offensive line
ability you know the positionally the
ability to get a guy that’s going to
come in and be able to start in the
event something happens that’s very jets
likee in the first quarter of the season
um is is really diminished after that
first group of tackles go so we’re
getting our choice of one of the top
tackles or or you know if um Odun really
Brian Thomas Jr is or you can make a
case for ad Mitchell
um that’s kind of the end of that top
tier of wide receivers but when you
start looking in the third round the
wide receivers that you can get there
are much more likely to come in and make
an immediate impact than the tackles
that are going to be there so it’s
concerning to me I’m with Jason I think
if I have to if I have to put my money
on something helping the team this year
looking at our history over the past
decade and seeing what our issue is and
then taking an objective look at who we
have while on paper if healthy best
offensive line we’ve had in a long time
problem is uh three of them have been
injured sign you know well tip in a
couple games but ABT significant we lost
him for the last two seasons as we know
Tyron Smith averages eight games over
the past nine or 10 years uh Morgan
Moses has had just had shoulder surgery
so like we’re really messing around I
say what is the most important thing to
this team this year it’s Aaron Rogers
the most important aspect of Aaron
Rogers to do anything is he’s got to be
on his feet and not running around for
his life the receivers he can make good
he could make good receivers look great
Conlin Garrett Wilson Brie Hall uh Mike
Williams if we get a Malik Washington or
uh or you know Malachi Corley one of
those guys we’re going to be fine
whereas if we don’t draft a tackle in
the first and we take Odun we’re waiting
till the third and we’re getting uh
what’s the kid from Notre Dame I just
his name isake
fer yeah like somebody like that who I
think is GNA have himself a good career
I think first year is not the year that
you want to be depending on him uh to
keep Aaron roggers standing on his feet
so like I just think it’s too risky job
one is Aaron Rodgers priority is Aron
Rogers all of our eggs are in the Aon
roders basket the number one thing that
has to happen he’s got to be able to
drop back and and release the ball
without getting killed and uh in order
to do that we need to put all of our
resources into that job which is
offensive line so that’s the way I got
that’s the way I would
lean so there it is so according to domc
Amad the tackle from me however you say
his last name uh has a top 30 visit with
the New York Jets and right now across
his big board rankings rattle these off
PFF has him at 57 draft Tech 61
63 draft Buzz 65 the athletic
65 uh DB uh sorry MD DB has him 74 draft
net 82 ESPN 90 NBC Sports 94 Fox Sports
96 so if I’m looking at top 30 visits
that kind of perk or Peak my interest
it’s 100% % that particular tackle out
of Yale and that tells me that the Jets
are poking around and think he’s a
little bit more interesting I believe
zier Barnes according to domc
and JBC were both top 30 visits last
year as
well so something to keep in mind yeah
Jet’s doing some Recon in some of the
mid round they also got Brendan rice and
uh sure and
Roman there’s Max Melton talking about
that range you know what I mean like
we’re talking about the 60s to 70s you
got Roman Wilson you got uh Brendan rice
who else we got here for wide receiver
okay Odun he’s
gonna Malik no Troy Franklin’s gonna go
earlier go earlier right so what we have
I think there’s pivot options I think
that’s what it is like if Odun is not
there maybe they go o line early and
then they pivot to a Brandon rice if
they go OD dun early they might pivot to
a Kiran amage however you say name I
think that’s kind of what I’m looking
at yeah we’ve got the
response Allison thank you so much for
the Super
Chat Allison says yeah I’m talking Aaron
roders Aaron roders we had a
Packers regret not talking to him when
he left talking about Aaron roders I
wish we could get Max
cros Max Crosby yeah yeah his nickname I
like to call him Killer we need David
from the Raiders so he’s saying uh okay
from David me Devonte Adams from the
Raiders and then he like she likes Max
Crosby yeah who does that’s I’m reading
that he’s
killer he’s one of the best edges in the
game let’s break this down okay so she’s
talking about Armon Rogers so that
clarifies some things so she said is it
a rumor or facts that Aaron roders is
not interested in being a jet rumor we
had Packers regret not talking to him
when he left talking about Aaron Rodgers
so so Packers players were saying they
regretted not talking to him when he
left the Packers I wish we could I know
when he was on McAfee at the end of
January he had said something along the
of the the Packers are having
discussions without me and that’s really
weird I don’t understand that and then
he comes out of the darkness and he
pretends like that conversation didn’t
happen and he didn’t know it it was a
really weird scenario if you kind of
look at the timeline of what he was
saying throughout that whole part so
like I don’t think he I never bought
into the whole like retirement side of
things but maybe he’s talking about
maybe she’s saying the Packers regret
not talking to him at that point earlier
in January and then that conversation
that he had on McAfee was like hey it’s
weird that they’re having discussions
without me they’re clearly talking about
moving me and I think Salah said as much
too they said like right after the
season they thought it could be
something that might materialize so
clearly there were discussions to some
happening um
I I don’t know um I mean look I heard
him on Rogan very recently he was
talking about the Jets and our team and
our guys and and all that kind of stuff
I don’t think there’s
any I mean what are we doing what
changed for him except that we got him
an offensive line and some more
weapons you I me I don’t know it doesn’t
seem like what would Inspire him to all
of the sudden not want to make good on
all of his claims and boasts and
contracts and all what what could have
happened yeah I feel like the guy taking
a $35 million pay cut was proof positive
enough that he very much wants to be
here and he very much wants us to build
around him like I feel like this was
where he wanted to be for sure Matt
anything else you want to throw on to
this yeah no I don’t know I it to me
doesn’t pass the sniff test of the rumor
being true right like because what he he
never really got that shot unfortunately
he never got because he went down four
plays in so I think he wants to to prove
people wrong I really believe that
Allison you’re incredible thank thank
Alison uh ulake comes in says being a
Freemason before or after Yankey
doodle oh after dude nobody’s hiring
Yankee Doodle or hiring nobody wants him
to be a
Freemason guy was a
mess that guy was a mess Yankee Doodle
was on a lot of crystal methamphetamine
Yuga oh
no big fella comes in with a super chat
says wide receiver has the same amount
of need as running back if Garrick gets
hurt we are screwed but if Breeze gets
hurt we have no backup Izzy showed
nothing draft offensive line so I have
an answer to both these and I I’m
probably going to do a mock draft I
don’t know if it’s tonight after this
and I’ll like actually put it out
tomorrow but I very much want to address
wide receiver and I want just running
back in some capacity in this draft
doesn’t necessarily have to be crazy
crazy high but Odun is one I really like
in the first round and Braden Allen the
kid from
Wisconsin really good dude he’s gonna be
20 years old the entirety of the Season
he doesn’t turn 21 until January 20th
young be our Target dude I really like
him if you
can yeah he’s the perfect compliment to
Bree Hall if you can get him if he’s
there in the fourth I would I would make
that pick over the quarterback and I
would hope the quarterback falls to the
pick yeah I I don’t I don’t agree with
the big Fell’s comment about running
back being just as big of a need as wide
receiver though because of like the
positional value I I I think you can get
we’ve see teams get by more often with
injuries to the running it would suck to
lose Bree I I I want him to play all 17
I think he has a stellar season if they
do but uh
yeah I’m at this point I think it’s not
really comparable if you ask me gream
mean what are your thoughts on wide
receiver running back you know if either
one gets screwed um you know we should
go offensive
line well let me say this though
um I don’t think that running back is as
big a need only in the sense that in
this like so you got to look at what’s
before you right so like yes we have I
mean I did a little stream on it last
night just do we think Izzy is a viable
number to most people don’t feel very
comfortable with that idea right so we
need to bring in a running back so it’s
definitely a need but this particular
draft the top running backs are not
going to be taken in the first round the
most of them won’t even be taken in the
second round so in the third round
fourth round you’re going to be getting
last year’s second and third round picks
right so like the same year with like
Bree Hall like we got the top running
back in the class
in the second round now it was the early
second round first couple picks we even
traded up a little bit um to make sure
that we got him but uh that was an
interesting year because you know look
at last year we had what was it two
running backs went in the first so this
year the need might be right there with
it because look we do have Garrett
Wilson we do have Mike Williams albeit
that he’s a little injured we still have
Gibson and we have Lazard with Rogers
which is different than Lazard with Zach
Wilson we know this because we saw four
years of it uh in Green Bay and it while
he’s not a wide receiver one or anything
like that he can be a serviceable three
uh with Aaron roggers we know that
already because he did it so we’re in a
better situation that wide receiver than
we are especially when you real when you
think we still have Conlin and Rucker
and and uh you know and even yaboa for
that matter uh coming in at tight end to
kind of supplement in the passing game
and running back it’s
he goes down we got Izzy and that other
guy what’s his name again uh Vance
holiday or some [ย __ย ] like that isn’t
that something something weird like that
hold on I gotta I gotta say uh depth all
so um I gotta see his name right now
hold on a running back valade zavan or
zaz Z zachan zavien valade so that’s
crazy town then we got Jac Jac
Patrick I had no idea who anyone was
past Izzy I’m thinking like nobody do
die or something like I don’t have no
idea who’s back there yeah did you guys
see who the third uh weak side
linebacker is no Marcelino mccar ball
everybody oh yeah him of course that guy
yeah so but it’s like so technically
speaking running back could be
considered a greater need but like Matt
said you can get away especially in this
particular draft waiting until the
fourth round and taking one of like
brailen Allen uh audri EST like one of
those guys are gonna be there for you
and and and I believe that the Jets
should be looking for that skill set the
bigger bodied guy get you the hard yards
don’t start you know we don’t need to
run brief Hall into the pile to get you
know to get a yard when you have when
you can have a big body guy that’s just
going to plow over everybody that’s
don’t waste you know Bree’s mileage that
way in my opinion you know um so yeah I
think we’re going to draft the running
back Joe Douglas if he didn’t it’ be the
first year that he didn’t I think the
fourth round is our sweet spot uh for
that and uh and I think we’ll get a good
one so the need is right there I I agree
with the big fow but how we’re going to
address it and and address it
successfully doesn’t necessarily require
the same attention that wide receiver
may this year so brayan Allen I think I
said Braden Allen before brayan Allen 6
foot2 245 pounds perfect compliment to
Bree hallc uh the last three years this
past year had
982 yards on the ground 5.4 yards a
carry 12 touchdowns year before 12200
yards year before that 1,200 yards as
well uh I did not look up what was his
receiving yards just curious to see if
anything uh there so not much in the way
of receiving yards 130 439 the last
three years so mainly just a bruising
type back that I think look I I very
much would be on board with like a Zeke
Elliot or some type of bruising Veteran
running back but if you’re telling me I
could get fresh legs with what this kid
appears to be able to do I would be
ecstatic I would be I would be pumped if
we were able to get that uh EV Zone says
I’ve got nothing to say thank youzone
for the $5 Super Chat and that creepy
terrifying Easter Bunny you got in your
profile picture or maybe it’s not an
Easter Bunny Bunny and you’re just a
furry that’s okay too I won’t judge you
it is okay not gonna King Shame uh green
bean uh green bean burner says got my
tickets for the draft show let’s
go there you go dude I can’t wait you
mean I get to meet green beans burner
absolutely green beans burner Matt I
don’t know if you heard us but green
beans burner just uh got tickets to the
Jets draft show talking Jets draft show
so we’ll throw this up here again boys
and girls if you have not done so
already and you want to join us night
one of the NFL draft three-hour open bar
Buffet Raffles crowd Camp fan reaction
with us it’s talking tickets
are on sale until Tuesday next week
we’re going to do the final call Tuesday
during the show after the show ends it’s
all over so you got to get your tickets
now so that way we can let the main
event know but green bean burner we are
very very excited to meet you brother uh
Peter comes in with Super Chat says then
draft malikai Corley convert uh wide
receiver converted from running back I
mean you could do that right like maybe
you have that slot guy that’s also like
your backup running back in some
capacity that would be a weird move to
make I like the player but I like adding
a running back and adding a wide
receiver as opposed to adding a guy that
can do both I feel like you’re you’re in
like half steps then Matt what are your
thoughts on uh maybe liking Malachi
Corley as the receiver but then also
potentially liking him as a running back
as well well he’s basically Poor Man’s
Debo so that you could use him like how
San Francisco uses Debo Samuel if you
want to do that like that like how we
call Brock Bowers a weapon Malachi
Corley is a weapon for the same reasons
is he gonna be there in the third I
thought he was a little bit higher I
thought he was like second round pick
kind of guy maybe I’m wrong on that
Fringe second early third would be my
projection for him but you never know
it’s the NFL draft okay okay green be
what are your thoughts about taking a
receiver that might be able to play that
running back type role that could be our
Debo Samuel yeah I I don’t know I don’t
think if you draft malikai Corley he’s
going to be playing running back now if
everybody’s dead and he we and we don’t
have any running backs and he we yes he
can play running back but I think if we
draft Malachi Corley Peter I think he’s
going to be a wide receiver I would be
delighted if they came away with Malachi
Corley if he makes it to 72 and that’s
the grab I’m going to be psyched about
it what is he called the the yak King
now there’s a rumor that he may have
made that up himself similar to the pre
but doesn’t
matter one of those but uh I saw an
interview with him uh with Steve Smith
it was great great interview man very
seems like a very humble humble guy um
so and he did I I watched a lot of his
uh tape and I love Malak
Corley Allison uh be had a a comment up
here said I said sauce and the Jets 17
they want to play with Aaron roders so I
guess she’s talking about uh Garrett
Wilson at the time yeah uh play with
Aaron Rogers don’t get to play with him
because he got injured last
year that but that doesn’t sound like
what you said Allison at all Actually I
don’t even remember seeing sa I gota go
back to this no I do remember jet 17
either way that’s good that’s another
point and I agree I mean remember when
Allison remember when uh uh gett Wilson
went to check on Aaron Rogers at
halftime and he said I’m sorry kid oh
broke my terrible
oh yeah I don’t see sauce in here Alison
I see jet
17 but either way Allison you’re awesome
clarifying and uh thank you for the
super chats too man no joke oh yeah I
want to throw this comment up here too
from her uh why were we going to get rid
of Zack that is just a young player but
if someone gets hurt he’s there to help
try to look for one when Zach is there
um I think the plan was always to move
off of Zach Wilson I think my
interpretation or or thought process
when they were talking to Aaron Rogers
and the Jets knew they were going to
have to give up you know something of of
strong value especially if it was going
to get done before the draft they told
Rogers we need more than onee commitment
out of you he probably said I’m looking
to play three years let’s play it off as
one year we’re going to train Zach as
best we can Zach is a lost cause right
now but maybe we could fluff his trade
value in preseason which is what we
tried to do we saw all the hype around
Zack in training camp which we did like
and the whole point was for him to sit
for an entire year then Aaron Rogers
comes out at the end of the season which
he did and say I’m going to continue to
play more games and then that’s when the
Jets could have flipped the script and
said oh we’re not trading Zack Wilson
because he’s bad we’re trading Zack
Wilson because we have a commitment from
Aaron Rogers so I think the Jets have
probably been off Zack since the Jaguars
game two years ago um when everything
fell apart and this was kind of their
offramp to be able to to do it in a in a
clean fashion for Zach and for the whole
team and then it just got screwed up
when Aaron went down um but I I would
say his time’s probably done in New York
Allison yeah but if they were going to
do that whole plan why didn’t they ever
sign a backup period we never signed one
because I I think they they gambled on
Rogers playing every snap like he’s
always done that like the same thing
with Derek Carr Derek Carr plays every
snap and I think either way you were
going to try and do the same thing Aaron
was just clearly the better option to do
that with and it just bit him in the ass
like I I was very Pro two quarterbacks
going into the season I’m very Pro two
quarterbacks going into the season this
year as well I think having that extra
roster spot if you have to get down to
quarterback three it’s not going to
matter like I mean except for the fact
of like okay if Aaron has the ability to
come back which is crazy that he
actually had that potential last year
but like I feel like Tyrod and then if
you get to quarterback three regardless
of who it is it’s just turn around hand
the ball off to to Bree Hall and just
hope we get a win with our defense and
him like I I I’m I like going into the
season last year with two quarterbacks
it just sucks that we had to use Zach as
backup Zach is so bad yeah I know why
why are we gonna get Zach because he’s
not good unfortunately wish that’s the
answer uh evone oh Matt can you go over
to last week’s stream green bean uh make
sure you hit that like button boys and
girls for every 25 likes we get on this
video we’re going to pick a t-shirt
qualifier like right now uh and we’re
only one like away from getting another
one so you guys can you know get us over
that 200 Mark two you get two more uh
evzone says clearing myself of the furry
allegations the bunny was my gamer
picture on Xbox 360 and comes from the
video game amped 3 okay Eon that’s fine
that’s all right you don’t have to
justify your furriness to me that’s
okay it’s all good cake says Allison
sounds like a Yan sounds like Yankee
no I think Allison sounds a little
better than that I do
too yeah I mean I think Yankee Doodle is
a great name like a great porn name it’s
fantastic yeah it was noodle is like
that should have been the sequel that
was going to be my yeah my uh when I
find when I earned my own flick you know
what’s funny I could have written myself
into because I was the pro I was the
production manager I could have
literally wrote myself into any scene I
wanted with any of those girls I had to
hire somebody I just had to put a name
in there it could have been NY doodle YY
doodle but I had a
girlfriend I mean how in depth do you
get into like the the script of these
things like okay yeah no ring the
doorbell twice yeah okay pizza box
there’s a hole in the pizza box let’s
figure it out well ours was a comedy
adult film so we actually had a quite
you know we we had a script and the
girls did I mean you’d be surprised how
well they did with with certain stuff um
but yeah so you know they had lied a
little bit you know they did stuff but
yeah it was all by Design we had whole
sets we had the mating games we had like
three bachelors and the whole thing we
had a whole looked like a game show we
had a whole thing it’s crazy I love it
that’s like you know what’s funny when
you see like those B- rate movies and
I’m like sitting there watching like
Mega Shark vers giant octopus shark NATO
croctopus all those like ridiculous ones
I’m like man these guys look familiar
where did I see them like Ah that’s
where I saw them that’s the type of
acting you’re getting out of those
movies but I’ve seen better acting in
some of those types of movies than than
the B yeah it’s it’s pretty bad I didn’t
expect much but uh Crossfire says porn
bloopers are hilarious I don’t think
I’ve ever tried to look up porn bloopers
now that’s GNA be a thing I’m gonna my
whole [ย __ย ] oh I got to see I guess I
can’t have an algorithm on YouTube like
that that probably doesn’t work you want
to stay away from that yeah no for sure
browser yeah little
mode all right all right what do you got
there L was there a
fluffer no I that was one of the first
questions I asked when I got out there
and I was told that’s one of the biggest
uh myths in porn that’s not
true really remember being like in
Middle School being like wow that’s got
to be the best job ever you guys want to
hear something yes I mean it’s pretty
it’s pretty it’s pretty interesting but
it’s pretty rough you want to hear
it rough in a bad way rough in like a I
mean rough in a not rough is probably
the wrong word it’s
risque okay let’s roll with it all right
so D on my movie so we had one of the
guys that I had um in one of the films
couldn’t com he couldn’t do the job okay
so he just couldn’t do it he
couldn’t end the scene
okay couldn’t do it and it was with
Michelle Michaels who at the time
beautiful very very very very attractive
young lady but um so what we had to do
is something called uh think of the male
chicken right what that word is but
stunt before it there’s actually a term
they said oh we got to use a
stunt and I was like what is happening
so what happened is my director Mickey G
just stepped in and he’s a
professional so he stepped in they
filmed the scene then they they cut they
filmed just him alone doing
that cut it and then went back put her
near the other guy and they pretended
that it was him ah interesting movie
Magic movie Magic right so if there was
fluffer we would have been we would have
we would have been able to take care of
that so no fluffers
everybody what’s the isn’t there another
turn yeah no that is right well I
wouldn’t want to be the fluffer I’d want
to be the I guess the person that got
fluffed right like that’s the you don’t
want to be the fluffer Ryan I mean some
you might but you know it’s all right
whatever all right a lot talking Jets by
way things get sidetracked day three of
the draft baby can’t wait for that what’
you say Matt what was we have a lot of
time stamps from last week’s show to at
oh okay time stamp time let’s go time
stamp all right let’s do it the
gagny oh gregster all right Frank the
north oh wait I got an idea hold on
before you go any further anyone who
wants to get entered into next week’s
giveaway along with a time stamp give us
your best porn name I would love to see
that in the comments I would I maybe
that’s not allowed or whatever but I
think that would be be hysterical cuz
I’m seeing some pop up in the chat right
now booby
magic long booby
magic long duck
dong oh all right what else you got
there Matt sorry Stacks
max7 sax Max uh
yeah Andrew granka is next
good guy yeah dude he made a did I tell
you guys this he made a pizza on the
Appalachian Trail on a rock yes yeah
wild cool
stuff he was up looking at the eclipse
too Eric Craig
Bean Eric Craig all
right Gang
Green uh uh Joey Jets
okay James
Falls I hope he’s all right what a guy
what a guy yeah
uh Gang Green
4496 a different
one or 4494 whatever um uh I just want
to make sure that we get everyone Pure
Imagination Poker Face did you see that
poker face is a good
name that’s really good
actually that’s great donker slute is
there Don
that’s I was gonna say that is his real
yeah uh Patrick Sullivan
Long Dong
Silver oh I shouldn’t be allowed to have
microphone Peter Peter that’s a good one
what’s that dick chimney was a funny one
yeah yeah what’ you say Matt Peter La
Fontaine I got that one okay uh
evzone I was going to say big fow you
you had the it was right there for you
you had the the name and everything and
then green beans burner fixed it with
KD and then the last one green bean is
Peter from Hudson
Peter all right how many people we got
57 tonight love it all right random
number spin wheel 55 who’s 55 oo holy
[ย __ย ] that would be Peter La Fontaine
from the uh from the O list oo see all
you guys got to do leave a time stamp
comment you get this is like at least
the like fourth time this has
happened yeah so right Peter La Fontaine
he’s not in the chat tonight but you won
nonetheless so when you’re listening
back and you’re timestamping you’re the
congrats let’s see what we got SP wheel
Jersey Jersey
pillow you get to cry into our pillow
when everything goes the wrong way or
you get to cry into our pillow when
everything’s really great who said that
last week they’re gonna sit on Matt’s
face oh so funny I think it was Kuka
Lake Kuka yeah yeah Kuka is a runchy
dude that’s funny
man love it whatever that name is I
forget the name reach out to me just
talk 247 or talking jet show get shipping information we’ll
send you out a pillow courtesy of the
talking Jets
panel we have reached the end of our
show boys and girls green bean any last
words for our panel uh just uh green
bean Jets pot is out now take a listen
nobody’s listening to this one for some
reason so go ahead and check it out
[ย __ย ] doing terrible I don’t know why
uh but uh yeah tomorrow night man
hanging out with too for armchair GM I’m
excited about it 800m right here on
talking Jets
Channel oi what you got going
on lot of jets coverage for you coming
up through the NFL draft me and Jeremy
will be going at it on Thursday
afternoon so make sure to tune in to
that and get your tickets for the
talking Jets draft party tickets on sale
through next Tuesday April
16th boys and girls make sure you
subscribe to the channel half the people
watching this show are not subscribed
and that’s very disappointing for us
we’re trying to get this thing going as
fast as we
can greatly appreciate boys and girls
make sure you hit that like button on
the way out leave a time stamp comment
down below along with your favorite name
of whatever you think is is correct down
there whatever all right boys and girls
we will talk to you guys next
week Tuesday 8 o’clock 10 o’clock this
is talk Jets signing off J TS
just go somewhere else I can’t take this
nonsense anymore how are you going to
blame the defense I got the P scw Green
Bean damn it but once you get to the
sausage I feel like we’re doing
something go
Jets and that’s the other part of Vis
the people are insanely jealous of this
show this show gets the best of the best
and it does a different way with
he scor ow my head it oh no come on come
on come on come on why would you give up
to see a jet Super Bowl all of my
friends and family hit those milk thumbs
boys and girls freeze
run hold on to your underwear ladies and
stand by [ย __ย ] it’s now time for
talking jets with your hosts Matt Ryan
and green bean


  1. Jets need to upgrade their offensive line and qb room badly. Offensive line a qb our both our most unreliable positions. I would draft offensive line 1st round, trade down a couple slots if possible. Offensive line 3rd round. Qb 4th. Jets need to sign Corey Davis and draft wr in the 5th and call it a day!!!!!

  2. 26:32 spot on, matt. jfm is sneaky good for us. he does a lot of heavy lifting behind the scenes. we canโ€™t afford to lose him. heโ€™s a huge piece of our d-line. also, why would we move off a sure thing just for a younger contract? thereโ€™s no guarantee theyโ€™ll give half the production of jfm. makes no sense to make that move in an โ€œall inโ€ year.

  3. As a Brit, iv got to defend the culinary reputation of my country. We can do food as well as anywhere in the world. Our traditonal foods though are more comfort foods. Whats wrong with beef an potatoes? Roast potatoes, roast beef and Yorkshire puddings are a classic. Fish an chips on a beach, delicious. Cottage pie is warming comfort food for the soul on a cold Guy Fawkes night. Delicious Apple Pie, Eton Mess, amazing. An particularly in London now, we are such a diverse nation, you can eat anything you want. You dont need to touch a bite of traditional british food.
    Greenbean if you do travel round and come anywhere near the Midlands (where Alton Towers is), il tell you some the best places to go if you want to learn about the area.

  4. @0:02:30 Im sad I cant make it to the draft party. seems like its going to be a real blast. Cant wait to watch the draft stream. You guys are killin it as always!

  5. I donโ€™t think Ryan was denying chem trails,just saying that something they showed in a video doesnโ€™t represent it accuratelyโ€ฆlol I think GB is defending something heโ€™s not being pressed on lol

  6. Allison saying about the Packers regretting not talking to Aaron Rodgers was complete FALSE! The Packers had to do business and that the team was very young, he didnโ€™t want to be with very young receivers! GB is already well moved on and we have ourselves a QB. End of story ๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. Are people saying the Jets need to draft a safety forgetting about the guy the team drafted a year ago.

  8. 1:56:54 Porn Name
    True Storyโ€ฆ Growing up I had a friend in High School whose real name was Richard Sickles โ€ฆ He used to Brag that if he ever got into Porn he would use the name

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