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UFC 300 Reaction: I will never underestimate Alex Pereira again! – Bisping | UFC Post Show

On the UFC 300 Post Show, Brendan Fitzgerald, Anthony Smith, Chael Sonnen and Michael Bisping react to Alex Pereira’s first-round knockout of Jamahal Hill to retain the light heavyweight title and debate what should be next for “Poatan.”

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Alex P is that guy in just eight UFC
fights incredible what he’s done Brandon
I don’t I don’t know that I know what
I’m talking about because we try to
predict all these fights hey the
prediction game is tough and tonight was
absolutely crazy and and it it started
about the way that I thought it was
going to they were going to play that
lead leg kicking game there was a lot of
hand fighting going on and figuring out
who was going to lead that dance uh and
Jamal knew exactly what he had to deal
with he had to deal with the lead leg
kick he had to deal with the inside leg
kick at times and he was going to have
to deal with that nasty left hook the
difference on this left hook was Alex
Pereira changed the angle typically he
goes High elbow High elbow Knuckles up
right that’s usually how he throws that
big nasty left hook and he closes the
distance this one he loaded up big like
he was throwing right hand and he it was
like a uppercut a upper a shovel hook so
he just changed the angle Jamal he’s
seen the H like the lead hand coming but
when he went to cover it just came right
up in front of him and and and he went
down he’s got crazy power in his
anybody’s going to have a hard time
absorbing that shot Anthony don’t feel
bad I do believe it was a clean sweep we
all said that Jamal Hill was going to
win this fight we all said that he was
going to knock him out of course he was
the one that got knocked out listen Alex
Pereira I will never underestimate this
man ever again that was one of the
cleanest shots all right he didn’t knock
him out call but that shovel uppercut
you’re absolutely right and a great
description by the way so much power we
know the power’s on display but against
a light heavyweight the size of Jamal
Hill chel a man that that can take shots
a man that’s extremely dangerous himself
super impressive where is his confidence
coming from two different weight classes
less than 10 walks now he’s calling up
Tom Aspen of which he’s not joking by
the way he would really take that
opportunity how is he walking somebody
uh like Jamal Hill down how is he
walking somebody like AOS Sonia down how
is he not afraid to take on Uncle live
which he truly is not I mean I’m just
sharing Michael he didn’t know this kind
of experience this guy never won a
wrestling match he never Abu Dhabi how
is he so good I was going to say he’s
booking the trend okay wrestling is the
best background you need to have
wrestling he’s never Wrestled a day in
his life he’s beating Champions left
right and center and by the way the
coolest celebration ever knocks out
Jamal Hill and just I did this look
there it is guys and then he saers off
doesn’t say anything no trash talk takes
his belt sh and did you hear the crowd
tonight though for the first time ever
that crowd he got the loudest pop of the
night he came through last but that
crowd when his music hit he came out and
he was doing his thing you know nobody’s
a star until they’re a star his moment
was tonight the broadcast crew was
mentioning cha that there was a a point
in that first round where it flipped and
Alex P said I’m going to walk him down
now I don’t respect him anymore is that
what you saw I most definitely did and
if I if I could jump up and I had a
little bit of room I could show you
Jamal felt it go if we yeah but if we
talk to Jamal he’ll tell you he felt it
like some of those techniques that he
was do they were just a little bit off
he was doing everything he wanted to but
he was seeing and feeling something and
they were getting a little timid
whenever you get a little timid that’s
what slows you down and when we slow you
down that’s what get get you caught well
and that Jamal Hills team had not
planned on being walked down that was
not their idea the idea was to not let
Alex Pereira get settled and and be able
to kind of look at a mirror and React to
what you’re doing you have to back that
guy up you can’t let him get settled and
you damn sure can’t let him walk you
down where you’re trying to fight going
backwards you absolutely cannot do that
they knew that Jamal knew that and
there’s nothing he could he could do
about it when it when when it came time
to fight it’s all well and good oozing
confidence at the press conference and
at the Ws and when you speak to
reporters but when you’re in there with
somebody like Alex Pereira and it’s
showtime it’s a very different thing to
do it to go forward I believed him I saw
them at the Apex he was kind of big
brothering him I thought he’s not
intimidated I’m not saying he was
intimidated but he was definitely aware
of the threat that Pereira possessed
because he did his key to victory was
put Pereira on the back foot he doesn’t
fight well on the back for he didn’t do
that he allowed himself to get backed up
against defense pereira’s the man he is
he can we also talk about Alex Pereira
having the confidence to walk down a guy
with the power of Jamal Hill after being
knocked out before by middleweight a lot
of times those knockout losses will kind
of they’ll I don’t know they’ll stay
with you for a little while yeah they’ll
haunt you a little bit and change the
way you fight for a little while it’s
like it never happen to him he I
middleweight knocked me out I’ll walk
down a light heavyweight and still not
care that and how about the Swarm how
about the Swarm by the way I mean you
got have confidence in your conditioning
Mike mikee Tyson talked about if you
ever look for the Finish you won’t win a
decision he went on a Sprint I mean he
had to get him out of there when he came
on top and I’m just sharing guys with
seven with eight fights they don’t know
to do that and by the way we all picked
Jamal to win and so did Israel adisan
which was very humble of him because you
usually when you beat a fighter you all
or you lose to a fighter regardless you
always pick them to win because only I
can beat him or nobody can beat this guy
Israel said no no Jamal Hill is going to
knock out Alex Pereira as well so we
were all fooled we were all wrong and it
just shows again Alex Pereira is legit
to your uh Point collectively some
thought he would be susceptible against
a guy as powerful as Jamal Hill because
of how he carries that left hand a
little bit low if Jamal was able to land
Alex Pera is your light heavyweight
champion and still tonight in the main
event at UFC 300 but CH it’s not just
about wins and losses it’s about
storylines right so now we go to who’s
next which is brought to you by quvo and
we’re wondering Alex peda he says Tom
Aspen in less than a month in Rio I’d
say that’s unlikely what do you think’s
next for P okay I I am very light on
that idea but I will share with you I
don’t know that it’s going to Uncle liia
as much as Uncle believes that it is
look I don’t know nobody’s really uh
gotten into a title fight in about two
years if you don’t go through yon bovich
and uncle had a draw now that doesn’t
disqualify him I think if raic would
have won tonight I think raic could be
massively in the conversation I think
one of the Great Performances tonight
was Yuri perasa but the UFC is going to
be looking for some parody and that is
where somebody like lionhardt or
somebody like Uncle does start to come
in and yes I know he’s busy I know he’s
busy but he’s only a couple away I’m not
taking conversation I will I never take
Anthony about the conversation I I do
believe it’s probably anleia and well
well Anthony’s going to be there will
you’re going to be in Brazil will be in
Brazil because I think Pereira is going
to be in Brazil as well I 100% think
three weeks time I mean look at the pop
he got tonight as you say the man is a
star bring him down to Brazil putting
main event at UFC 301 against maget and
C why don’t you like that ch have an
alternate oh I do love they’ll turn him
around and he asked for it he has not
asked for much he will turn it around
and he made that statement by the way
when he said I want this spot and I
don’t care if it’s with Izzy I don’t
care if I go to a go I don’t care if you
bring a guy off off the shelf when he
said that I feel that then buys him the
right to ask for a favor and if all he’s
asking us to get a fight at home we got
to give it to him Alex Pereira barely
broke a sweat okay he can fight in three
weeks that’s a fact we cut you off what
were you saying we were sitting there
talking how wonderful how wonderful you
are I I I Uncle I deserves it I and as
much as a lot of times we don’t like to
watch it he’s winning and he’s doing
well and and those guys haven’t seen
each other I don’t know if I like it for
Alex Pereira in three weeks it anle life
might be the worst matchup in the
division not just for not just for Alex
Pereira but for everybody else in the
division anv is a terrible matchup
stylistically with the wrestling but if
he’s a bad matchup what is Tom aspin all
he can wrestle he’s gigantic he’s got
knockout power and the man can wrestle
you guys at least admit for me even in
defeat raic who’s been out raic looked
good tonight can we admit that I he got
beat thought he looked I know he did I
know he can’t go in for a contender ship
braas just got beat of Pereira but it
was two versus six and I do I don’t
think Ric loses that spot I think he’s
still right in the mix it but he’s got
to win one understand I’m not talking
next I’m not talking next I’m just
saying can we admit that he looked good
raikit look Rage part of me he got me
saying raage sorry he looked phenomenal
he really did w


  1. Lion heart is very on point here, ankaliev is a bad match up short notice for Pareira.
    He needs a full camp to prepare for a gruelling style like his. Especially when his strength fits so will to his weakness

  2. Smith really has CTE. People out here saying he’s so new to mma. The reality is Pereira has been in mix martial arts since 2015.

    Sure majority of that has been focused on Kickboxing tournaments, but he’s been training MMA since 2015. Imagine how much a person can learn in 9 years. Now imagine that same person fully devoting themselves to mma in the last 4 years.

    These guys sound jealous, envious, and out of touch on how the sport keeps evolving. Alex Periera is not James Toney.

  3. Alex power is insane.
    He barely put anything into the punch, grazed his head, then Jamahal looked like he was hit by a bullet train.

  4. Chael salty a dude with no wrestling did what he never accomplished, and Izzy KOd happened because of the rough weight cut

  5. I can't believe I went in knowing that Pereira was going to win and the entire UFC was wrong. Literally watching this now, had no idea there was this much doubt about Alex.

  6. So wild to me how all these pros got it so wrong. I've kickboxed for 20 years and could clearly see Alex is a different level of striker. Jamal has crazy cardio but is very awkward. Feel like his coaches need to be more blunt in where he needs to improve if they're the ones also saying Jamal is the best striker in the UFC…on a card with Max Holloway and Alex Perrieria

  7. It's too bad Jones moved up from LHW because him and Periera would be a good fight (though I'd still have Jones winning).

  8. Anthony Smith is the worst commentator ever, he talks down every fighters game so much, especially when hes tryin to convince himself that someone isnt really skilled

  9. Anthony Smith and this whole panell is crazy for thinking that he gets another titleshot. Every single fighter in the Top 5 right now murders Smith, he is just not on that level, and never was. There is no shame in that, to be just "good".

  10. You all picked Jamahal because YOU WANTED HIM TO WIN NOT BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO WIN!!!
    And Alex had a broken toe too.
    And knocked Jamahal Hill's Spirit out of his body with his pinky finger!!! 💥😂🔥💥

  11. I never understood how these ‘experts’ picked Jamal hill over Alex. Jamal hill is a street boxer lmao. He throws some of the sloppiest strikes against a glory hall of famer.

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