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Brad Richardson on the Flames and Canucks Brawl | Missin Curfew

Brad Richardson joins Shane O’Brien and Scottie Upshall to talk about the Flames Canucks brawl in 2014




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whatever year anniversary of that stupid
[ __ ] brawl we had and uh not only do
I I gotta relive it the rest of my life
of just how I wasn’t even on the ice for
the brawl and how like Bush League of a
move it was but I guess I’ve never asked
you on air but like from your
perspective you guys were first in the
Pacific at the time yeah like we talk me
through it from your perspective from
our perspective it was a joke Harley was
being a [ __ ] tool and S out the be
big boys well for us I mean we you know
you don’t know what’s going on all of a
sudden torz comes in he’s like [ __ ] boys
I’m sorry I gota I can’t start the
Twinkies the twins tonight because this
is their [ __ ] lineup so he had to put
on this you know all these guys and that
are in a fight or be able to at least
handle themselves so and that one poor
kid that lane kid is first ever he had
one game in the NHL and it was one shift
and he was never played another game
that was his whole career that was it he
should be able to sue he fought he
fought Kevin westg grath oh my oh God
Kevin westcar and that was you know that
was his shift I don’t think he ever
played another game you could look him
up but um so he Paul like torts
apologized to this kid he’s like that
was it so yeah that game was I hate Bob
Harley is just that was classless to me
and you know whatever but that changed
our season though cuz torz got got
suspended for 10 games and we missed the
playoffs after being first and that was
after Christmas you guys were huming at
that point so that really changed and
that just shows you how good torz was
and how much we needed him but um yeah
that was kind of a turning point for our
season few Reas what an insight there I
I wish I would have been on that brawl
because I stayed out I was literally
playing six minutes a night for Calgary
and the night before the game I went out
with gurges till yell toown till you
name it I think I got home at like 3
4:00 I think you started I think start
at my house I I went to your house the
next night I went to your house the next
night I went to your house the next
night and uh I get to the rink in the
morning and the Big Ear he’s he’s got a
like a twinkle in his eye that I haven’t
seen since I’ve been to Calgary flam and
and I come over I have a shower a coffee
heat pack F like big boy what’s going on
he goes we’re starting tonight and it’s
on I go what what do you mean it’s on
he’s like we’re starting a brawl Bob
just pulled me out so I was like all
right I go back on my pregame app I’m
like at least all I got to do is fight
probably Bea and my night’s over show up
to the rank I’m not even starting I go
to [ __ ] Marty xala I go are you
kidding me Marty like I don’t care how
bad this guy hates me you you got to put
me on there over a lot of flat Schmid
and Chris I was going to say he had
shmid out there I’m like I know he he
can handle his own but I mean and who
Butler Butler Butler he does anybody
like I play with him in St Louis so then
those two guys get punted we go down to
4D I’m having slept all night and
[ __ ] the little the little French
coach uh jacqu what’s his name Lam Coco
he’s a pigeon too he’s like you can’t
he’s like you got to you got to stay in
the game I’m like all right then cassan
comes over to me me and him get a 10
then comes down the hallway and I got to
play 25 minutes the last two periods I’m
like what what happened here how did
this all happen to me what a blood bath
so anyways anytime I see the anniversary
I think of you because I know you’re on
that team and I remember yelled at torch
he they got him over the glove dryer and
I’m going torch there’s a hockey night
cat at camera right there yeah this is
not going to be good for you yeah he
goes I don’t care OBS I told you I was
coming but I’m not lying boys if if big
ground if big ER doesn’t grab him I got
front row heartley and torz in the
vising that would have been the best
thing of all time I wasn’t getting in I
might have gave heartley one on the
ground torch
triple know that would have been all
time but I respect Tor the hell of torch
though he sticks up for his teammates I
love his team that’s he cares so much
that what other coach would go down and
try to fight the other coach in the NHL
this isn’t cober cougars versus the
Bellington Dukes you know what I mean
like The Old Duke
don’t and there’s there’s not a lot of
coaches where where other coaches want
to kick his ass so bad but I feel like
that heartley had a taret and the fact
that he wouldn’t even look at torts on
the bench too like he wouldn’t like and
she’s like oh I’m going to you know
torch kept yelling how do you play for
this guy Obie how do you play for him I
don’t even like him T I don’t even want
to play for him you get me in the van I
give me anything yeah um yeah Rich you I
know you like your time in van it’s good
to see torch doing well here but


  1. Love your podcast guys 👍
    I vividly remember that game but I never understood what was the backstory to why Hartley wanted to start with a brawl?

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