Golf Players

2024 U.S. Open Stepladder Finals | Full PBA on FOX Telecast

The stepladder finals of the 2024 U.S. Open feature Anthony Simonsen, Jason Belmonte, Kyle Troup, EJ Tackett and Bill O’Neill.

Originally aired live on FOX February 4, 2024 from Royal Pin Woodland in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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could you write the history of bowling
without this tournament the game’s
greatest test an event that has lit up
the lanes decade after
decade congratulations get the title
what a great moment carved out Legacy
after Legacy at the highest peak wins
here they’re kept alive forever this
might be the best title of my life what
about these five
Bowlers you won’t find A Cinderella
Story here tack it a triple crowd winner
their names etched in every title
written in every record
book today the sports most coveted major
out does itself five heavyweight
champions doing what they do best making
history one once again the 2024 PV US
Open Starts Now on
Fox and we welcome you inside passionate
Royal Pinn Woodland just outside of
Indianapolis for bowling’s toughest test
the US Open and man is it ever but it
can also yield some incredible results
match number one features the defending
Champion match number two a man is
looking for his first US Open that guy
is number two and then maybe the best of
them all at the moment Anthony Simonson
as the number one
seed absolutely unreal along with Hall
of Famer Randy Peterson and Kimberly
presler I’m Dave Lamont partner I I
started watching when Christen Bo were
doing it I’ve never seen anything like
it have you no arguably the best lineup
ever in the history of the United States
open four pass Champions Kyle troop
runner up last year all five of these
players are major championship winners
all five are headed for the Hall of Fame
one day listen guys if you like bowling
if you like sports there’s no place
you’d rather be than right here right
now yeah this is a perfect five bowling
fans around the nation are so excited
and here’s another reason why 24 of the
last 44 Majors that counts today 73 in
the top five 22 top seas and only eight
top fives without one of them but Randy
if there’s a guy with a Target on his
back it’s going to be this guy and Sim
absolutely D 2022 US Open
champ the youngest player ever to
capture a major he did it not once but
five times here he is winning his third
Masters and what a season
he had in 2023 if it wasn’t for one guy
by the name of EJ tacket he would have
won player of the year three titles one
major and was never out of the top 10
the entire season and he will be the
closing act of our show but you know
what we’re going to make him open it too
he’s standing by with Kimberly Pressler
thank you so Anthony we just saw a few
memorable moments for your young career
but you’ve been doing so well that even
Rolling Stone magazine has taken notice
of you comparing you to Steph Curry so
how have you been able to manage your
fast rise to stardom as one of the best
Bowlers in the world um you know I try
to keep it simple uh it’s just bowling
it’s another day um week to week I just
try to get a little bit better and uh
just take things how they come well
let’s talk a little bit about bowling
because last year you were in this
building on these Lanes same pattern
same type of oil you were fourth in the
US Open today you’re sitting at the
number one seed what’s difference um you
know I think one of the big differences
this week uh was the 49t pattern I
bowled like 100 60 or 170 pins better um
and that was enough to secure the top
seed for me uh so we were able to just
ride that wave through match play well
we will be seeing you in the title match
good luck
today and we got to wait a little bit
first because how about this for an
opening match EJ tacket the defending
champion and at home against Bill O’Neal
to get things started the winner to take
on Kyle troop a spectacular five you’ve
got to be here don’t go
anywhere promise is going to be great
the PBA on Fox is sponsored by Bolero
the number one place to Bowl party and
play with over 340 locations nationwide
head to today to find a center
you and by the United States Bowling
Congress the USBC is working together to
build a future for for the sport of
bowling at all levels visit
today to find out
more the time for talking is done Randy
let’s get to work here with EJ tet and
Bill O’Neal EJ has Lane Choice here in
this four versus five battle two past US
Open champions winners in this building
EJ this a home game for him and it was
interesting we asked bill you got
anybody here today he goes no but he’s
okay with that he feels like it’s okay
if his family and friends are watching
television and you can see the seven pin
is toppled at the last second this clean
start for
Bill beautiful opening shot by the
manipulator Bill O’Neal he’s so good
with his hand he does so many great
things at the bottom of the swing and at
the release point he’s got great
touch and interestingly at an age where
some guys are backing off a little bit
he seems to be getting stronger yeah no
doubt I mean he just won another major a
ago speaking of okay wow I was about to
say speaking of strength there’s EJ t
and he gets a gigantic break to open
things up not today 710 not today
hopefully not at
all grueling US Open tournament as
always 56 games four different oil
patterns not just the physical stress
which I think everybody knows but it’s
the mental stress that wears these guys
out I was just going to say that not
only tests your physicality but it also
tests your sanity yeah
take a look at EJ tacket Arsenal using a
Venom shock which is what I believed he
used last year to win here at Woodland
same oil pattern same amount of
milliliters same exact
oil but a different EJ tacka now that he
is a father as of December 13th
and so a slightly different person but
still incredible
bowler yeah and he didn’t like this one
as soon as it left his hand he knew it
was left of Target looks over at the
monitor where the players can actually
see strike
track which gives them basically a print
out of every shot they thr got to be
careful there you’ve got to get that 36
pocket and EJ failed to do
so and the first error of
this match is is tacket first time he
has missed that particular spare this
week and what was the message in
interviewing all five players what did
they all say you cannot afford any
errors to win this event y you have to
attack they all talked about playing
offense not
defense so an early break here for
Bill and he knows how to take advantage
of it this is a guy you were talking to
him said bill you were left for dead
in qualify uh yeah I
mean he barely made it through the
qualifier and then just started eing his
way up the ladder had a couple of really
nice rounds in match play but beautiful
game here I love it because it’s old
school and then that hand and wrist
opening up keeping that elbow inside and
then the beautiful
rotation look at that eight pin I don’t
if we’re going to have an historic day
we got to have a classic
as we take a look at Bill O’Neal’s
Arsenal theorum is what he’s going
with and a front three is what he’s
going with as
well so
O’Neal making EJ tacket pay early for
the 3610 mistake for tacket and putting
some pressure right on the shoulders of
EJ that’s just over fourth arrow and the
players are pretty deep and it’s just
game one it’s one of the issues that
bill O’Neal actually brought up he says
man if I get too deep too early if I do
climb the ladder where do I go to going
to run out of Lane attacking again his
body language immediately showing you
that he hated the shot and he has the
same shot he missed on the previous Lane
so where where’s he going wrong looks a
little grabby at the bottom of the swing
and when that happens especially when
you have the power of EJ attack it the
ball’s going to go
and that is your textbook
coverage what are we playing on here
well it’s pattern number four remember
four oil patterns used throughout this
event this is 41 ft in length the exact
oil pattern that we used last year and
it’s interesting that when I asked EJ
hey how did this year’s pattern play
versus last year’s he said completely
different when I asked Kyle troop the
same question Kyle said they played
exactly the same this this sport you
think you know but you don’t know and
you never will as Jim Mora once
said that’s much better that’s an attack
the pocket shot for tacking 19.2 mph and
you can see it was a couple boards right
of the last two that he’s thrown and it
feeds perfectly into the pocket but this
looks perfect out of his
hand pound-for-pound
probably the
strongest strike ball out on the PBA
tour from a player that uses his
thumb he’s quite an athlete see him hit
a golf ball I’ve heard I’ve heard rumors
impressive and Bill is four for four he
looks like he’s in complete control
right now he won this event before in
2010 in this building which is hosted so
many US
opens qualified is the number two seed
and face Mike Scroggins in the
championship match and bill went the
back 10 to win by 60 pins for his first
career Major and second career PBA tour
title that’s the other thing that
impresses me Randy this is 14 years
later and he’s still relevant
it’s hard to do that very much
so five for
five check out these numbers right
here and this is how accurate he is at
arrows that’s tenth of an
inch remember he talked to us earlier
about how keeping his hands soft was key
and what that does it allows his ball to
get through the front part of the
lane and then react down Lane tet
looking for his fifth
major and he seems to have recovered but
is it too late
already anytime you have RPMs over 500
you you’re really putting some good
stuff on a bowling
ball and just south of 20
mph see the strike percentages tack at
third best in the field Bill top 12
of course the other thing it’s obvious
but we’ll say it anyway sometimes you
win these Majors with your spare
shooting as much as your
power wow he’s found
it but the problem is the guy he’s
bowling against has the front five in
this Opening match in Bowlings US Open
here at Royal pin Woodland just outside
indianap it’s Billy o the real deal is
so far just that with a front five can
he keep it going we’ll see it when we
return on
Fox and Bill O’Neal riding the front
five against that man right there EJ
tacka the reigning PBA Player of the
Year P US Open champion he had this
unbelievable 2023 season even incredibly
better than Anthony Simonson it’s time
for EJ tacket in the
pocket EJ T incredible 2023 was an
absolute incredible year the best year
I’ve ever had on tour to date so many
special things happened 300 games
especially the US Open I finally got my
win in the state of Indiana which is you
know a goal I had tack it a Triple Crown
winner winning the Triple Crown had all
my family and friends there culmination
of so many things and and a lot of
emotion came out after that win wow the
triple ground the World Championships
where Jason and I faced off and Jason
got up in the T through all three
strikes big bre belte in this moment it
all came together it he’s got it it will
be an event that sticks in my mind for
the rest of my
career I have another player of the year
s years later it’s unbelievable there’s
very few people that have ever been
Player of the Year and there’s an even
shorter list that have ever won it
twice a good look at EJ right there deep
in thought no doubt and wondering how
much that second frame is going to cost
him because right now Bill O’Neal now of
course we’ talked about this a million
times the hardest shot in bowling is the
one coming out of a long
well O’Neal had not gone front six on
this pattern in the tournament until
now how about that
accuracy there it is right over that
middle Arrow
again and right out of the break just
perfection for Bill O’Neal and these are
all flush shots too there’s no cheapes
there’s no Messengers there’s no
anything this is absolute dead solid
perfect so
far he doesn’t like it and he should
yeah big whip right in here look at your
now position at the arrows was pretty
close but down
Lane about five
right come on Bill let’s take a look at
his release on Bill he hated it right
out of his hand he missed it at the
bottom n oh wow that’s really going to
hurt you’d think he’d at least get three
there uh but instead that’s going to be
a hole and all of a sudden he’s invited
EJ tacket back into the match that’s
like two open frames in one frame y
because it’s an open plus he loses
count and with two strikes here in the
seventh and eighth for tacket we have a
one pin match and tacket after a poor
start has seemingly found what he needs
do yeah you really want to give that guy
another chance I don’t think you
do and attack it jumping right
this is how you can tell when a player
really likes it and when he Aces a shot
I want you to watch his finishing
position right here watch
this he knew he aced it now one more he
cuts the deficit to one how big is that
Miss spare the 3610 in the second frame
mhm going to play a part in the outcome
as this match nears the end he takes a
here if anybody knows where the pins
belong in the center it’s going to be EJ
tacket oh no I thought that was
perfect just a half a hair
off well I thought he grabbed this one a
little bit as well and that caused the
ball to check and
overhook the good news is he just left
the four pin
but it’s all O’Neal now nothing tack it
can do O’Neal can still strike out for
257 Max score for EJ attack at
235 well Bill’s got to get it back here
after a surprising
mistake oh a little back trip on the
four hello yeah a little four ey trip
yeah that was the hit EJ tacken was
looking for instead it goes to O’Neal
and now O’Neal can set up the 10th Frame
with a strike here in the ninth and also
increase his lead to
22 right-hander’s best break I think is
that trip four see the nine pin fall
late what a strange looking score card
for bill with that 5-1 just sitting
there yeah no spares just the 5-1
Miss he hates this one and it’s the same
shot it’s the same
leave on that
lane what the hell was that man the left
lane was troubled yesterday in the PBA
Elite League event and perhaps it’s
getting to be a factor in this
match couple of different ways to shoot
this you can try to slide the headpin
over into the
610 or right side of the headpin
Ricochet into the
unbelievable how is that
possible two times when he does miss it
he misses it the exact same
way and now the ball’s in tacket
court same exact leave chops the head
pin back
again and look at the lead now tack it
by six
well that one he lost it so it had a lot
of hand in it but he gave it some air
time which delayed the
hook check this out there’s the air
time remember the ball can’t hook in the
air no not even he’s that not even he’s
that good right so EJ tack it now
remember he had choice of starting Lane
which determines where he finishes he’s
going to finish on the left lane and on
the left lane he opened left to 3610
struck struck and then nine
spare he needs a double and six to lock
O’Neal and believe it or not after
everything that’s happened to
O’Neal he still has a chance to win the
good news is Bill doesn’t have to ball
in the left lane
again but is his frame going going to
matter now there’s one for EJ what a
gorgeous shot under pressure and he put
that one in the air a little bit too
yeah that one was aggressive that that
had a little aggression behind it that
was a little
nasty that was nearly 20 mph I think
that would have been his hardest shot of
the day so far 20 M an hour with a ton
of hand look at the
revolutions one more and T gets in a
really good
position he’s not in a very good
position holy smokes these Miss are
disasters oops that’s four through the
middle dang it EJ you’re good EJ good ah
well oh EJ count is going to matter here
is that’s ain’t the hard
way O’Neal needs two
strikes but again tacket had a
chance going back to the second frame if
he makes the
3610 he would have moved on he would
have been in the two 20s you said a few
minutes ago that that could be the key
frame in the entire match even with Bill
having two 51s but he is off of that
lane must strike all
right how
improbable is this after 51 5-1 backto
back shots on the left lane O’Neal one
strike away from moving
on and knocking out the defending
Champion he stands up he hates it and
he’s not going to get it the defending
Champion survives one of the Wilder
matches you’re ever going to see in any
bowling event on television EJ tacket
survives by three pins over Bill
O’Neal bill will finish Fifth and EJ tet
will take on Kyle troop in the next
match what a crazy
match no way you could see the that
ending coming the last three or four
frames were unscript it’ll be true and
Tack it next belmo awaits the winner and
then at the very top of course Anthony
Simonson so many majors so many US opens
and Kimberly standing by with the
defending Champion right now EJ you were
able to pull through on this one sitting
down over in the chair walk us through
that match uh a lot of emotion um got
off to a rough start bill I I didn’t
expect any of this from him he got off
to such a hot start there and you know
had a chance to to put me away he threw
a good shot you know and that’s
it’s that’s what the US Open is right
there it’s so demanding and every little
thing matters all right good luck to you
thank you so
much Kimberly and EJ thank you very much
we’ve got another match coming up Kyle
troop he’s got a few fans here he’s got
his dad here the legend guppy troop is
in the house guppy’s here oh yeah oh man
get that man some camera time right
what a tremendous tremendous crowd we’ve
had all weekend long here the US Open
presented by go bowling yesterday for
the PBA Elite league and today for this
major championship in the sport we love
him here at Royal pin Woodland take a
look at our bold TV highlights we’ll
talk about 17-year-old Landon Jordan
remember this
moment with EJ tacket look at that Marty
Gro style shirt for at Landa there he’s
17 years old from Sycamore Illinois won
that 2022 EBA Junior title at Bolero
Ulus in Texas beat Eric Jones 257 to 225
and finished 15th overall he beat his
age absolutely amazing you take a look
at the top 10 Marshall Canan n Andrew
Anderson had a solid B there Landing
right there right after Tom dhy who
couldn’t believe the age difference
between the two of them Sanders the
Manders the Lefty from Indiana in the
19th position the unsinkable Tom
Smallwood 16th Graham fine tournament
Richie t Shawn rash and another
youngster in Spencer robar
so EJ tacket survives against Bill
O’Neal in a match with unbelievable
unpredictability to it now the
two-hander Kyle troop is next looking
for his first US Open title to go with a
major he already has a big moment for a
man who is very aware of what he needs
to continue to fill out what is a
couple of more practice shots here Randy
what do you think his strategy is going
to be well I think he’s going to play
off of where
the where EJ and Bill O’Neal played he’s
probably going to get just a little bit
left of that or maybe even mirror where
EJ is it looks like the players broke
this oil pattern down to where they can
play in they’ve created some friction to
the right and they know that as they
migrate farther and farther towards the
middle part of the lane and farther left
they’re going to find a little bit of
oil to help feed the ball to the right
that’s what I he’s going to do I have
not yet seen him throw urethane ball in
practice everything he’s thrown has been
reacted which tells me he’s going to be
in the inside part of the
lane take one last look at
Kyle that’s the final practice shot
good and there are Kyle troop fans
everywhere he had a bunch of them in the
PBA Elite League
so last second maybe quick conversation
looks like he’s got Tim Mac with
him EJ will start Kyle has a lane
Choice let’s see where he sticks tack
it okay good luck
brother well EJ will St start which
means he’ll finish this match on the
lane all right here we go EJ tacket in
an insanely unscripted unpredictable
kind of match ends up Surviving against
O’Neal both players had a chance to lock
the other out and Bill just couldn’t
quite get it done at the
end and EJ going to be a little patient
with the three fans there here soon as
they Park him I think we’re going to go
well I love you Pete Weber but it’s a
good thing Pete wasn’t up on the
approach he’d have given him a tongue
lashing and then throwing a
strike and hooks right into the pocket
for EJ T to get things
started he has 10 titles on the PBA tour
with one major the 2021 PBA Player of
the Year Kyle
troop May beloved figure in the sport
Personality yeah I talked to a lot of
players that said the same thing about
Kyle this week they said man he was
bowling his good as they’ve seen him
bowling uh quite some time he is on
point as we take a look at his Arsenal
and it looks like he’s going with
virtual energy blackout to
start okay then both shots are perfect
to get things going as he takes a good
long look at that monitor yeah he’s
looking over at strike track the same
numbers that you folks at home see on
the right side of our screen he wants to
see what the location is which is
22.8 and this is going to turn
into a very deep inside contest for the
players they’re going to play very very
deep and I would expect by the time Bel
mon gets to the lanes as well as
Simonson we may even see a lot of
lofting over the left gutter
cap okay tap 710 at least it’s broken up
710 is gone the 10 pin
remains this was the final last year the
Open you didn’t have to remind Kyle of
that we did of course but you don’t have
to how about 48 out of 48 for 10 pins
for Kyle yeah those great Stats come to
us from our great friends at Lane talk
for more information visit Lan it’s good sta to have have when
your right-hander perfect on the 10 pins
over 56 games well he says he’s already
missed his single pin for the
year whoa yeah that was a vicious
Slinger right
there that was pretty good yeah I think
EJ pretty good
anytime players have to play this deep
on the
lanes power will always reign
supreme you got to cross so many boards
and you got to get the ball back and
then you still have to get it to
hit oh EJ is okay that was hay see that
that’s that’s the one where you don’t
say anything right and it’s like it’s
like where you know you’re you got like
a five-footer for birdie and you think
you shove it and you say something
before the ball actually goes in the
hole and your partner hate you for it
part’s like you know what you’re a
jerk it’s never happened to me Randy cuz
I can’t make a five-footer
they bll twice and Tack it has one
twice in match play including the
round wide wide right yeah and it
wiggled you got it too far to the right
as you see by our numbers right
here and the ball just picked up speed
in hydrop
inside a fourth Arrow now remember game
one he
was just a little bit inside good three
boards left starting game
two oh well did everything right so it
seemed as far as the way he attacked
that so once again an early open frame
for EJ tacket a much tougher shot but
still an early open frame so he got away
with it once can he get away with it
guppy he’s hard to see he’s right behind
Kyle right
now the glasses yep in the pink shirt
it’s always good to seek
up Hook is a winner for truth yeah check
these numbers out
folks accur accuracy there’s there’s gpp
where’s his oh that’s what threw me off
there was somebody with guppy glasses in
front of him there he
is growing out the hair a little bit
guppy looks like he could he could have
been like an ex biker by the way I asked
him because we’ve been talking about
this so much has he ever seen a final
like this a step letter like this and he
said no
he likes it he should he likes
it and that’s the way you take advantage
of an opening given to you by your
opponent you step up and you go Bam Bam
right in your face and that’s a double
for Kyle troop after leaving a 10 pin in
the second frame all you got to do is
watch The Player’s
posture that’s one of the easiest things
to watch about bowling if a player
doesn’t like a shot he or she will just
stand straight up it’s just an almost a
universal sign of unhappiness with the
shot like that why is he
unhappy he didn’t expect that ball to
line it’s a win for fans and a win for
football as the usfl and the XFL merger
is official United Football League will
begin play March 30th with the usfl
champion Birmingham stallions taking on
the XFL Champion Arlington Renegade the
United Football League this spring on
ABC ESPN Fox and FS1 spring just got
stronger I love football it’s a good
sport so
this oh no no that’s going to drop off
that’s got a
strike that one has to
strike yeah that would have been nice to
especially after the open in the third
EJ working on a strike he could have
up 40 for 40 for EJ on that 10 pin this
week There’s his parents right
there he’s got a lot of folks here of
course his wife Natalie is here with
their beautiful son
son who is probably the most popular
person at the center this week young
trip oh
my let me get that one 20 excuse me d
23rd boarded the arrows out to the six
board down Lane at the break
point that’s covering a lot of
territory six pin second to the
right up and around the
10 right you know every shot makes
somebody happy right yeah yeah that made
EJ happy because now he you know he’s
all right well he didn’t troop could
have increased his lead to 43 three if
he struck there and then the this next
shot coming up on the left lane instead
is still just 23 well Kyle have been
talking about how he likes his spare
shooting so far in the early part of
this PBA tour season and he is number
five this week in clean
frames EJ
well the look if you look to the left
side of your screen you saw the tension
on Kyle’s face when he threw
that big Miss left and he
pays the
price loses count because he was on a
spare and it’s first time he’s left this
all week
long Three 6 7
10 by that three he yeah wow how about
you how about you
Andy I called it I did too when I walked
off was that EJ’s mom that just gave him
a high 10 I you know what Kyle is so
charismatic you got to root for him even
if you’re trying to beat
him slide it and
celebrate after a little bit of
well naturally we support all the
bowling centers around the United States
that support this great game but this
place seven times a royal pin Woodland
has hosted a US Open Bolero North
Brunswick it was a memorable one there I
seem to recall in 2012 and also our
friends in California and MSG in New
York and there’s Jimmy Clapper and Terry
Powell this is their house and they do a
staggeringly wonderful job for the
players for the spectators we’ve had two
soldout days here cannot get in here you
cannot get a seat there were people on
our crew who tried to get tickets and
could not all I know is when I rolled up
five hours prior to the start of The
Telecast they were already lined up
outside yep I got here three half hours
ahead of time and there had to be 100
people waiting outside and it’s
40° oh EJ don’t wait for us
buddy and again yeah just an issue with
people who are not getting back to their
seats just quite fast enough but EJ’s
cool about
it h two-time High average Award winner
and I got to believe he’s going to be a
contender for that this
year damn four pin man God I’m as
frustrated as he is right now what’s
going on well the Lane’s transition and
if you don’t stay ahead of it even when
you make a good shot the ball’s going to
creep high so you got to anticipate that
maybe make a small move maybe a little
slower on that shot by about a half a
mile an
hour might stuck a little bit uh let’s
go back to the 2023 Us open because
Royal pin Woodland was your host EJ
instead of being in the number four
position was the number one seed and he
Kyle troop face to face a year ago match
was tied after nine Kyle troop in the
10th he strikes and then his second shot
is a big
four tack it going for the killer blow
he knows it two strikes for the win wins
the match by 13 pins ninth player in PBA
history to catch the triple
no and by the way there was his third
career Major in 17 much better I can
throw it on that way all right so you’ve
had those feelings when you played you
think you’re throwing it Like A Champion
and the results are not there how do you
get over that uh well sometimes you
don’t I mean you just got to keep trying
Ace each and every shot remember it’s a
demanding oil pattern and even when you
do make great
shots you don’t always strike a lot of
it has to do with the entry angle of the
bowling ball as it’s entering that
pocket the sharper that starts to get a
lot of times you can run into some carry
trouble you see the max scores Kyle with
the advantage there if he can go off the
sheet that’s Brett Spangler EJ’s ball
rep Kyle had that massive
2021 now he did it right there yeah
that’s an ace right there look at these
numbers so you’re saying that’s
consistency saying yeah that’s pretty
good hey let’s go down to Brett Spangler
the tour rep for EJ tacket and Brent if
you can hear Randy what kind of advice
are you giving EJ the next time he steps
up in the eighth frame you know what we
uh what we talked about was kind of
dependent on what Kyle does we we may
have to make a ball change on the left
lane just because he’s he’s throwing
good shots and man it’s it’s really
close but it’s got to see the lane a
little bit different all right thanks
Brett appreciate it Brett thank you so
much by the way a great follow on social
media is
on and Kyle troop stalking the pins
after that rerack he took I wonder Kyle
since he’s such sorry Randy your hair is
somewhat different than Kyle’s he’s such
an emotional player I wonder what a
boost he got from making that very
spare you won
it he he’s really good at riding that
emotional roller coaster right like you
can see how Jack he gets but he’s also
very good at bringing himself back
down you heard that deep breath right
there yeah you heard it you saw
it and EJ tet pounding pins trying to
make the
comeback has yet to double here in game
two all right one more good one come on
the only
chance EJ tag has is he has to strike
here in the ninth frame down by
31 his max score
214 you can see troop at
must boy perfect I mean just crushing
the back half there the eight of n pins
exploding yeah ball goes right between
the eight and the nine pin he just
splits him in half
and he still has life but there is zero
defense in this sport as you know my
friend he has to get some help from Kyle
troop not sure that’s going to
happen troop can win it right
here Jason Belmonte is next then Anthony
whoa pretty shot did not get the
break well this is getting very
interesting so we’ll give Kyle troop the
spare if he strikes spars in the 10th he
will shoot
214 that’s exactly what EJ tacken can
shoot if he Stripes
out all right no trouble at all for Kyle
a double in one and Troop will move on
face the winningest player in major
championship history Jason
Bonte remember Kyle 10th Frame a year
ago ended up needing a couple of strikes
and big forward on the second after a
strike in the first I doubt he’s
thinking about it
now but
was a bad bad memory he can erase it or
at least shove it way down the gutter
here my goodness well
EJ you got a
shot last time up on this left lane Kyle
troop did make a move he moved a couple
of boards left
this time gets it inside a Target half
the big
four and this ends up being a really big
here well if he strikes Tak would need a
double in
nine all right better shot that let’s
go should already had this game one
here remember in match number one
tacket was left for
dead and then 251 5-1 frames for Bill
O’Neal and tacket ends up winning by
three pins just
three absolutely perfect shot by Kyle
troop and he’s thrown it right back and
EJ tacket and let’s see what the
defending Champion can
do well with the exception of the six
frame and that first ball in the
10th KY troop threw some great shots for
212 has a chance for the second straight
game to overcome an early open
he was into that shot the second that
left his hand there’s one he needs
one has to have
you see his father there in the distance
he can’t look now he Peaks up but he is
having a hard time right now his
dad got to go it’s wide right Kyle tro
Kyle troop has knocked out the defending
champion last year’s final has been
Avenged just a bad shot by EJ T your R
player of the year he just whipped it
and threw it dead
right and he knows it disappointing way
to finish when he had a chance to beat
tro well this day has been nothing but
unpredictable and now you’ve got Jason
Bonte the number two seed against Kyle
troo love you too and then Anthony
Simonson meets the winner we are down to
three all of them well of course they’re
all major Champions on this show but the
biggest major winner of all time is also
trying for an
unprecedented second Super Slam no one’s
ever done what belo’s done in this Sport
and he’s trying to add to his legacy
he’s got to take on Kyle troop
next shall we
we must we must we must we must bring
you our flashback go
bowling p Weber winning the
20202 US Open one of the most memorable
Moments in Sports history that gets
Revisited every year nationally 69th US
Open he beats Mike Fagan by one for his
fifth career US Open title he still has
the most of any bowler in history yeah
who Do You Think You Are I Am when it
came to us soap it’s Pete Weber knew how
to win those and by the way his name is
on the board here as we take a look at
some uping PBA events the PBA Illinois
Classic Saturday night at 8 Eastern on
FS1 then the PDW Missouri classic that’s
what I’m going to call it uh Sunday
February the 18th at 1 Saturday the
pilgrims PBA Indiana classic and then
off to Delaware that wonderful place
there in early March midcounty lanes and
entertainment in Middletown great great
house love those people there and
that’ll be also on FS1 well listen uh
through two matches our High game is 212
uh Jason bel’s coming up he’s got as
many major victories as Tiger Woods and
then you’ve got Simonson the tournament
leader who absolutely dominated this
event it’s going to take more than 212
to get past either Bel Monte or Simonson
to win this thing and you know what
we’ve also seen some really good players
have a hard time closing at the end yeah
a lot of open frames some bad shots
being thrown in crucial moments um so
again you got the Heavy Hitters coming
up right now uh well we’ve had Heavy
Hitters throughout the telecast but B
Monte know knows how to win majors and
Simonson knows how to win majors and
these guys are positioned to do exactly
what they do best and that’s win the big
ones that leads us to our edition of
pressing questions brought to you by go
bowling with Kimberly Pressler and the
subject this week it’s not your first US
Open it’s not my first US Open but what
about you all out there on the Bowling
Lanes py how was your first experience
ever at a US Open ooh
intimidating yeah intimidating is there
anything that you took away from your
first experience at a US Open share your
experience my first ever US Open was in
2005 and was at carer Lanes in uh in New
Jersey and I was by Bal as an amateur
and I I I finished Sixth and it was like
the coolest experience in my life to
have all my like family and friends and
everybody rooting for me and uh just
missed the show and it was it was
awesome I’ll never forget it Graham do
you remember your first ever US Open
experience I do I do vaguely it did not
go well it was scary
how was the experience for you for your
first ever US Open first one was the
best one really yeah why so I I made the
cut so that’s my most memorable US Open
moment so far and I’m also on a
7year missing the cut street so this is
my year Kevin do you recall your first
ever US Open and how was that experience
I don’t recall it cuz it was probably so
bad I don’t want to recall it so no
don’t have a clue it was awful probably
I sucked EJ you are are the defending US
Open Champion but do you recall your
first ever US Open experience I do uh
2010 I believe was the first time I ever
bought the US Open it was it was in
Indianapolis yeah I really had no idea
what I was doing junior in high school I
was there just trying to compete against
the best players in the world star
struck I was in the cash number with one
round to go and barely missed the
following year in 2011 I actually
finished 20th as a senior in high school
so my my experience at the US Open has
been pretty deep decent over the course
of my career and my life uh and winning
last year was just so cool for it to
come full circle and to win in
Indianapolis where I bow my first US
Open thank you Kimberly very much and
thanks to all the players but now that
man he has several us opens most
recently 2020 Jason bonti and Kyle troop
are coming at you right now the US Open
presented by go
bowling and we are back inside the 2024
US Open presented by Gold bowling here
at Royal pin Woodland incredible crowd
soldout events this weekend and Kimberly
presler is standing by with Jason
Belmonte thanks Dave so four years ago
you had won the US Open and your first
Super Slam today you have a chance at
making history earning a second Super
Slam how do you get that
done yeah it’s not going to be easy
Kimberly the the lanes are are not
they’re not lovely
uh so you’re going to have to make a lot
of good shots um and look Carl is a
momentum player so the idea is you you
just don’t give him an opportunity once
he gets a little momentum and he starts
picking it out uh he gets a little
harder to beat so we got to keep that
pick in his pocket for a while all right
good luck to you yeah it’s easier said
than done some days belmo we take a look
at number two versus number
three bman became the second player in
PBA history to win that superlam Mike
Alby who we happened to see last night
yeah uh was the first yeah we saw him at
a dinner last night you and I had dinner
with a couple of friends George brandham
the third joined us bowling Legend yeah
George Lo here in Indianapolis it was
great to see Georgie again five time
titlist grew up with George you know
back in Southern California ruined with
George for many years on tour so it was
great to see Georgie but yeah also the
great Mike Alby as
and I love what belmo said about Kyle TR
I concur 1,000% about Kyle being a
guy the alltime PBA tour major title
King with 15 the 2020 US Open champion
and seven time PBA Player of the Year
Belmonte yeah 15 Majors 31 titles I mean
he’s there when it comes almost half
half of his titles are Majors it will be
if he pulls it off today it will be
50% oh no it’s a quiet 10 for belmo
that’s something you don’t see very
often from two-handers especially Jason
Belmonte with a High Rev rate the flat
10 the six pin goes to the sidewall and
just kind of lays their
well waiting around waiting around for
his turn to bowl waiting through a
couple of games and belmo with an
Gaff really not even that
close well he’s struggled with the
approaches all week long and he’s missed
a ton of spares this
week and still managed to qualify second
as we take a look at his
Arsenal I’ll put the single pin Miss in
brains not going to see it again and
getting back to his Aral he’s using the
it’s funny how we talked about Kyle’s
first match right where he left the 10
pin he made it he’s been perfect all
week on his 10 pins and then B Monte
gets up and whs a 10 pin Robin William
once said irony can be very
ironic I have no idea what that means I
think it’s pretty
bam and speaking of
deep that was pretty deep in the pocket
deep on the lane you can see he’s
approaching fifth
24.7 watch
this that looked like it went right over
Arrow Seven Arrows on the lane he still
has some
room picking it out oh that hair that’s
beautiful I love
it yeah if Kyle ever wants to go in cut
needo he just doesn’t blow up the hair
he just let it go flat he can go
anywhere nobody you know once he blows
it up though forget about
it can’t walk can’t walk to the airport
looking like this he will get
mobbed maybe no that’s going to spin
away unfortunately I was like almost one
of them over there she about came way
back yeah look at it right there coming
back from that fourth board as you see
the breakpoint board 4.1 and still gets
back to the pocket he’s moved a couple
more boards left from the last game and
look at that thing get
back right so belte who missed the 10
pin in the first frame on this Lane then
came back and struck in the second see
his record for this
week that sounded
terrible the big and a big four for
belmo and it looked left all the
way right through the nose pays for big
for only made
once on television on the PBA tour that
was way back when by Walter R Williams
Junior just outside of
Atlanta so he takes his Ms that’s a sour
taste for
belmo okay pressures of the US
Open they can get even to the
but look what he does when it’s time to
recover that’s astonishing
61% and that’s the difference between a
great player and a guy who scuffles is
you can break bad
momentum like
remember last shot on the left lane
where Kyle got it out to the fourth
board down Lane and still got it back to
the pocket that was an arrow inside of
where Kyle’s ball got back
kylepp a registration with the 2024 PBA
LBC national championships is now open
to Boulders of all skill levels and from
all centers the PBA LBC national
championships is heading to a new
location outside Chicago and includes
two new Junior divisions you can compete
in singles and optional doubles in team
events even combine your scores with the
pros enter today at PBA
tournament okay and you can hear Kyle
yelling over the crowd he’s so pumped
up tag yeah big double there increases
the lead to 44 do tag bowling for you
all right let’s head down to the floor
and talk to tour rep for both Jason
Bonte and K troop Tim Mack Hall of Famer
what is happening with belte what does
he need to do to get back in this yeah
listen he’s got to get the ball to the
right on the right lane and if he gets
it to the right on the right lane he
should be fine but um he’s obviously
struggling a little bit on the right
lane left Lane’s been pretty easy for
him so you don’t figure out the right
lane in a hurry he’s going to be in
trouble Kyle’s got great ball reaction
real comfortable and like Jason said if
he get it if he doesn’t get it if he
lets Kyle get the momentum it’s going to
be a problem and Kyle has the momentum
right now well he got both shot or two
out of three shots right on that right
Landing flat 10 both
times yeah it’s probably a ball change
after the commercial
here we see we’ll see what we discuss in
commerci see what happens thank
you buo a little sarcastic verbal pat on
the back there after he made that 10 pin
he’s in a hole partly of his own
doing partly because of Kyle troop and
you see he’s never lost to him when the
hot lights are
on well he’s three for three on that
lane but it’s the right lane that’s been
his Nemesis you know what so is Kyle
troo Kyle troo does have the momentum he
is bowling beautifully in search of his
first US Open title he’s getting closer
so close he can pick it
out and the PBA is proud to have Bowlers
to Veterans link as the official charity
of the PBA tour and today’s bbll salute
to Veterans we welcome US Navy E5 petty
officer second class Randy Park Hurst
who served for 5 years Randy thank you
for your
service all right well Randy was
eavesdropping on Jason Belmont’s
conversation with Tim Mack we’ll get to
that in a moment but first Kyle troop is
we did see one big comeback earlier
today by EJ tacket over Bill
O’Neal oo snap left at a 3610 now for
Kyle corn Miss
left right here you can see that number
at the break
looked a little slower as
well don’t chop it all
dangerous you have to pay the 3610
respect on any pattern and it you know
most players use a a plastic ball Dr
dead straight at the 36 and the ball you
know kind of takes SC all three pins but
you still have to pay that that leave
respect very easy to miss very easy to
chop Kyle converts
perfectly Kyle 10 titles and that one
major his first title going all the way
back to
2015 won the PBA tour finals last year
in the state of
Washington oh and probably EJ tacket had
a few times or some four pins remember
the last shot he threw on that that left
lane where he got it to the fourth board
to the
right this time it’s a good four and a
half inside of that and he only leaves
the four pin which tells me that he’s
got a little bit of wiggle room he’s got
some room to the right he’s got some
room to the
left and it’s also the same Lane that
Jason banti struck every time on all
right let’s go back you ‘ve dropped on
the conversation between Tim and Jason
what did you get out of that what I got
was there’s going to be a ball change on
the right lane and sure enough he’s
going to a different piece of
equipment seven time Chris Shankle PBA
Player of the Year tied with Walter for
the most all time he’s actually going to
a virtual energy blackout you can see
unreal the right lane is not not working
Jason I liked it good one I thought it
was going to you know they talked about
the ball change and also Jason moving
farther left yes because it’s a stronger
ball that ball never came around the
24810 turns around looks at to rep Tim
Mack oh my oh my all but over now Kyle
troop’s going to bow for the title once
again backto back years Kyle troop’s
going to have a shot at winning the US
Open this time it’s going to be against
Anthony Simonson we want to take a
moment uh to acknowledge our colleague
John Fanta who had a death in his family
a few days ago and John we are all
thinking about you and uh wish you and
your family the all of our condolences
and uh we certainly understand losing a
loved one like that can be is a very
difficult experience but we wish you the
best we’re thinking of
it yeah thoughts and prayers go out to
you John and and your entire
family y f troops moving
on last year it was EJ tacket who beat
him in the finals this year he’s going
to get a shot and Anthony
Simonson yeah mean I’m literally shocked
with this performance and I mean I know
that it’s
difficult you know when you’re you’re
coming on
you’re fresh you don’t really know
exactly what the lanes are doing yes you
do get some practice but it’s not like
Kyle troop he’s got a game under his
belt he knows exactly what his Ball’s
going to do he makes the moves he knows
if he moves in he find a little oil he
knows how far right he can throw it but
B Monty’s execution and shot making has
not been at a premium in this
game and Kyle tro on the other hand has
never looked better
today this is his best game by far it
would have been hard for belmo to beat
him even if Jason was on
four and it could
be the highest game we’ve had on The
today remember that’s standing at
212 TCH had 212 against O’Neal in our
first match and then last game troop 212
to tacket
200 dam look at that nothing on the deck
to clean
up there it is pick it
out this is the just right strike
brought to you by just bear the mindful
choice for highquality protein with no
antibiotics ever just right just bear
picked just a solid game but he was
pushed I can
still yeah an oddly flat game for Jason
in a major championship step ladder uh
but Kyle troop again was going to be a
act any way you look
at I mean he can strike out for 177 like
flat that left
lane had been his buddy and even that’s
turned its back on him now and troops
making the the oil pattern look pretty
nice and did he mess up Bel Monte let me
interrupt you did he me did Kyle mess up
Bel Mon’s look at all no in fact if
anything I thought it would have helped
Jason because I think Jason has a
stronger more powerful bowling ball more
revs he could have moved left of Kyle
troop and created turbulence for Kyle he
would have been left of him right and he
would have had pretty much fresh part of
the lane to himself and then start
shaping it kind of like Kyle was doing
but it it just never materialized you
know the flat TS on the right lane he
gets it up the lane it goes through the
nose here’s another ball change see I
thought he would have tried to shape it
a little bit more like that shot and
again it’s so easy when you’re sitting
back here watching it of course you step
up on the lane and you have to go with a
decision and you have to be committed to
it it was the wrong decision and then
there were two the number one seed
Anthony Simonson taking on Kyle Troop B
troop looking for his first US Open
title all he has to do is beat the human
toolbox the Swiss army knife for
professional bowling and maybe the best
in the world Anthony
Simonson next
Fox the PBA on Fox is sponsored by
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well here he is what will he do what can
he do the answer that’s everything Randy
Anthony Simonson stepping up now with a
chance to pick up another major
championship most recently the USBC
Masters in 2023 what is he looking at as
he looks down the lane um well I think
what he’s looking at is going to be very
interesting it looks like he’s playing
way right on this oil pattern and you
know Anthony is a very creative guy this
guy he’s he’s a savant when it comes to
this sport Swiss army knife as I like to
call him can do anything and he was
looking at a part of the lane that we
haven’t seen any player play
today I might even be a little firmer
than I wanted
to Rob
gotel with storm standing there with
Simonson we’re ready to roll man can
Kyle troop break through as a US Open
champion and get a second major and
further enhance his Hall of Fame chances
case resum or is that man Anthony
Simonson going to remain number
a Phenom waiting at the end of the line
two great Champions who Thrive under
these pressure
moments a confrontation with bowling’s
greatest test this is a final Act worth
the price of
admission the 2024 PBA US Open final
Starts Now on
well it’s tension time now that trophy
right there in the foreground is going
to be held by one of these men will it
be Anthony Simonson again or will it be
Kyle troop for the first time in the US
Open will he double his major total to
two and some interesting strategy of
course from Simonson apparently is
planned here and we’ll get to that right
after Kyle’s opening shot Simonson with
the higher seed is going to start Kyle
on the left lane
this is going to be an uninterrupted
final well the momentum continues in the
positive side for Kyle
troop a 13 time PBA Champion with five
Majors the 2022 US Open Champion Anthony
Simonson say this about Anthony simenson
there’s never a dull
moment look where he’s
wow and look out 481 that is a bizarre
4810 playing right of second arrow with
reactive ball we have not seen the
entire day we out make
it here’s the tail of the tape with
these two super
talents good buddies too 5 years age
difference obviously same the pros
titles belong to Simonson and the majors
belong to Simonson as
well and so we got a little equipment
issue here Anthony Anthony it’s the
second time I called you a player’s name
today Randy you call me whatever you
want Oh My Goodness boy yeah so Simonson
using a gem on the right lane and an
idle on the left
lane on the PBA tour this bow ball here
is not approved but this is a USBC event
and therefore it is
legal so can he Slide the four over no
and so backto back open frames for the
number one seed to start this match
after Kyle CP opened with a solid strike
and the reason for the ball not being
approved on the PBA tours that ball
was been manufactured over over two
years ago okay there have been some
adjustments over the last year or two in
equipment news and
noise double double double
double and Kyle Troop
this is a Sunday stroll for him right
now I mean this is starting to take the
same kind of shape isn’t
it who would have thought who would have
thought that Jason Bel Monte winner of
15 Majors would shoot 157 I get I get it
they’re hard it is the US Open I
that but you would never in your life
believe that would think that Jason
would shoot 157 and then Simon step
Simonson steps up and goes back to back
open frames to start the title match
Kyle has some very close friends here in
addition to his
dad bang you can call that 5T before it
hit the
pins along with Kimberly presler I’m
Dave Lamont and the man celebrating his
silver anniversary as the signature
voice of the PBA Randy Peterson is here
congratulations on that 25th my friend
thank you to have been a small part of
that well yeah we’ve it’s been an honor
to work with great people like yourself
over the years it’s just been truly an
honor there you go simonon kick saveing
a beauty on the 10
pit six pin sidewall snaps the 10 out
it’s exactly what Simonson needs he
needs a lot more of those to get back
into this and it’s only through three
frames there’s his match play record 18
six but I mean he completely dominated
event and suddenly he’s found the right
way to do
it since round three he never
relinquished the number one spot
just right a second
Arrow all right we gave away a couple of
frames the problem is the guy he’s
bowling isn’t giving anything out right
now this guy is the
Grinch not quite Grinch green there but
I’m sure he’s got that in the closet
well even that shot was near perfect for
Kyle he just got a terrible
break good shot bad break six pin around
the the
10 remember Kyle has not not missed a 10
pin the entire
tournament there
you and this being his 60th G that’s
right he told this again for those of
you missed it earlier he missed a single
pin early in the year I think it was at
witch he said I’m done with it now
that’s my Miss for the year those were
his words it’s my Miss for the year got
it out of the
so I’m being told that he had a shot
clock violation on his first shot
mhm but this being a USBC event the rule
on that is different it is just like
okay buddy give us some money it’s going
to come out of your check there’s no
deduction for any other rule problems
PBA is different and that messenger
dropping off right before
contact now what would the PBA
punishment be so it’s a warning of those
and then after warning yourself second
violation is zero it’s it’s almost like
a foul you get zero for the
shot I think it’s a great rule a lot
more it’s a lot more penal right I mean
guys can just you know stroke a couple
hundred bucks here and there for some
shot clock violations and now you can’t
do that I think it’s a fantastic idea
the winner of this by the way is going
to get $100,000 and if it’s Kyle that’s
going to be a very small bite on his
but do you know what there’s no
guarantee it’s
Kyle very little difference now between
these two after those two nine
right oh my the look on his face he
knows he didn’t get the liken to have
gotten away with that
well another ring and 10 that’s three in
a row for both players
but now one the other one for Kyle was a
messenger all right I get that but you
know I think that that shot there was
good enough to strike for Simo and and
when he throws it there it needs to
strike and you heard him say I thought I
got away with that
31 halfway through the title
pch in the background you saw Kyle most
likely communicating with his ball
rep couple of hand signals that’s a
pretty shot yes
Y come on pretty good
there look at the break point board and
the position at the
arrows just a half an inch ride to
Second arrow and he’s piping it again an
area of the lane we haven’t seen any
player attempt everybody’s been kind of
shaping it arcing it K’s been doing it
the best thus far today quick reminder
this match is going without any
Interruption and pilot tro just
continues to split
PS and the fans here in Indie loving it
this Center just so iconic the only
Center in the history of the PBA tour to
host all five
Majors you won here I won here in ’99
you know there so many great people over
the years the late great Jim Dodie was
responsible for so much of what went on
here and um the fans just absolutely
fantastic we always look forward to
coming to
Indie sellouts both day
days people were standing outside 3 and
a half 4 hours waiting to get in today
for this show in 40° temperatures which
for them is probably very like shorts
and t-shirt
weather Great look at that another
perfect throw for Kyle
troo you know we talked about kle
finishing runner up last year to EJ
tacket his father was a runner up to
markk Roth in 1984 at the US Open Kyle
would like to kind of undo
that if this works out maybe he’ll give
Dad a a few minutes with the trophy bet
does he’s tight with his dad who’s a
guy oh
no yeah I’d like to say oh no and then
have that
happen you listen to some of the players
this week when talking about Anthony
Simonson and they’re like you know he he
just does things that nobody else can do
with a bowling ball and it’s incredible
parts of the lane that he can play he
can throw it straight he can throw it
sideways he can shape it he can change
his axis rotation he can change his ball
roll he can change his
tilt speeds you can also pretty mean
backup ball messenger goes underneath
well with the exception of frame one he
got unlucky in frame two leaving both
the four and the nine
uh-oh and then a 10 pin in the fifth and
that Kyle troop’s heart rate probably
just jumped about
5% bring it down to stay
cool it’s like it’s like having five out
of six winning lottery numbers and then
realizing you looked at the ticket wrong
you got all
six let me know when that happens would
you and he continues to
dominate that’s how you do it 54 pin
lead two frames to go all but over Kyle
troop looking
for his second major and 11th win on the
tour there’s his dad he
knows it’s all but over Kyle’s fiance is
here they were just engaged within the
last two months on a Cruz her children
are here in fact if you’ve seen the shot
of the adorable young lady with a troop
wig that’s one one of Kyle’s fiance’s
daughters uh he’s got a few folks here
but think guppy is the proud man right
come everyone around here doing the
math don’t squash the throw Kyle well
Kyle if he doesn’t convert still going
to be in the 220s with one frame to go
it’s all but mathematically over
Simonson’s Max score is
204 and all right open frame for Troth
but I guess if you’re going to get away
with one this is the time to do it as
you can see he’s going to need two I
like his chances two pins to win in the
10th Frame is all uh K troop needs
that’s if Simonson strikes out take a
look right
there that’s it’s all you need to see
it’s over yeah it’s been
over Kyle knows it Simonson knows it
this crowd knows
it what a performance by Kyle
troop just hung in there made shot after
shot grinded his rear end off and earned
a US Open well the best part about this
is he’s going to get a 10th Frame
lap to get his
the satisfying moment of the match is
sponsored by Snickers
nothing I’m getting choked up nothing
satisfies like his
well I remember the story about when
guppy would take Kyle to the bowling
centers when he was little
and Kyle walking around buming Quarters
off of all of guppy’s friends to play
video games and that’s how it all
started guppy’s been there every step of
the way through
this brilliant Journey with his son Kyle
and the step he will never forget is
this one that his son took here
today title number 11 major number two
US Open number one for Kyle
TR he’s going to get the Victory lap he
deserves 56 games of exhausting
qualifying on four different
patterns he had to beat Jason
Bonte he had to beat EJ
tacket before Bal Monte and now he’s
defeated Anthony Simonson a Murderers
Row and perhaps the greatest step ladder
in the history of the sport
and at the top of that ladder will be
Kyle troop I’ve always felt that the US
Open was the hardest tournament to ever
win on the PBA
tour oil patterns amount of gains the
field just brutally brutally tough and
when you win a US Open man does it feel
good you it’s always run again to man
you know that love worth of grinding and
grinding and grinding than
congratulations thank
you well Kyle remember you’ve seen those
highlights of other people picking up
the US Open trophy now you get to be the
highlight we did it
girl incredible field some some crazy
shots thrown some scores I
never thought I would have
seen But Kyle chup was able to keep it
together and now for the presentation of
the trophy in the check and the green
jacket here is Kimberly with our
champion Kyle troop Kyle you waited a
long time for this but let’s start with
that jacket right there Jay Derman USBC
board of directors please do the honors
congratulations over half USD
the DPA
congratulations good and then we have
Jimmy Clapper the general manager of the
royal pin entertainment with your
trophy and then we have one more Frank
dooo the executive director of the bpaa
with that check I know you’re GNA want
that right
Kyle what a few matches this was uh
let’s talk about the fact that you have
green on did you put this to an
existence put it in the universe out
there that you wanted this US Open win I
sure did camberly I’m a firm believer in
speaking things into existence I believe
I wore this outfit on practice day and I
said I was going to wear green for
Sunday to get my green jacket and uh you
know it’s hard to believe but I know I B
very well today and uh you know feel
like I one of my reps he told me take
what you want you know the winners they
take what they want and the losers they
they wait for it so uh thank you Jim we
took what we wanted today you absolutely
did and you bowled very well just like
you said but at any point did you feel
like you were actually being tested
because you made it look almost easy out
there um I didn’t quite catch your whole
question but I felt confident I felt
like I was seeing the picture from the
first shot of the first match uh my reps
my storm team here you know I was kind
of committed to the thing but you know
the lanes were a little tricky I guess
and they were like hey you’re going to
hook it and I’m like all right you know
we make good decisions and we trust in
one another and uh you know I kept
telling myself Quiet Mind quiet body
slow feet just like that and that seemed
to work out for you but let’s talk about
the fact that this crowd is super
excited that you walk away with this Us
open and then your dad guppy over there
I saw him over there crying what’s it
mean to you to win in front of your dad
and your new fiance congratulations on
that uh to win in front of guppy is a
blessing every time uh this also means I
did something else that he didn’t do uh
he did finish second to Mark Roth in the
US Open in 84 but got we got an eagle
coming home now and Brianna Caleb Aubrey
I love you guys uh some other friends
here darl Lynn Mike Liz uh this is
amazing and then the fans of Indie I
love you guys and one final question
Kyle how’s it sound you are a US Open
winner that sounds amazing Kimberly one
last thing I’ve got to thank my sponsors
storm bolfa Vice raise eyewear Lane talk
bowler X all you guys we do this for one
another thank y’all nicest guy in
congratulations 2024 US Open winner Kyle
troop and Kimberly thank you very
much no way you can’t feel nothing but
joy here Randy yeah I mean he handled it
with such
class at the end and he says all the
right things but you know what he BS
today he didn’t seem to have any of the
problems that anybody else had he fought
right through it he earned it yeah 100%
he took advantage of the mistakes that
were left on the deck by others and
plowed right through them our 2024 PBA
tour coverage continues Saturday Night
Live at 8 Eastern on FS1 it’s the PBA
Illinois Classic from Bolero Mount
Prospect and Mount Prospect
Illinois I want to thank our crew it is
the best in the business period and what
a treat to be around these incredible
people for Randy Peterson I love you man
Kimberly presler and our entire crew I’m
Dave Lamont you have been watching Kyle
troop win the US Open the PBA on


  1. 57:44. I hate seeing players of this calibre miss single pin spares. Its like seeing a world class Scrabble player misspell a 2 letter word.

  2. I am way better than any of these bowlers at the bowling VIDEO GAME. I once got a seven ten split playing that.

  3. You guys just need pay planet bowling to come run your YouTube channel. Stop playing around like you know what you're doing.

  4. The PBA is going to be the death of the sport of bowling. Pull your heads out of your asses. YOU ARE NOT POPULAR ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY COPYRIGHT STRIKES. ALL YOU DID BY DEPLATFORMING BOWLING PLANET AND BOSAURES IS PUT ANOTHER NAIL IN YOUR OWN COFFIN. Bowling needs as much exposure as possible and you're over here striking others down for what? Because they "stole your views"?? PATHETIC. you aren't the NFL. You aren't the NBA. You arent MLS. Hell, you aren't even the MLB. You're arguably the least popular sports telecast in all of America, you have zero justification for taking exposure away from anyone on any level. There's only one word to describe the actions taken by the PBA and FOX. PATHETIC.

  5. How’s no one talking about the commentary and the kid in the corner every time the camera is pointed that way? Great games of bowling but most I’ve laughed watching replays in a while LOL

  6. 19:50 what are the chances of not only leaving the same split again but also missing the spare conversion the exact same way as before? bizzare

  7. Bowling has been such a huge part of my life since the age of 7.
    I have never lost an ounce love that I get playing from this sport. I am going on 32 now. Still bowling 4 times a week.
    Watch you all, playing the best ball you can at every step, every board, every arrow
    Every stupid 7 pin or 10 pin left ringing
    You guys are keeping bowling alive

  8. Troup will always been known as the guy in the pba with the ugliest pants everytime he’s on tv

  9. Troup could pick any woman he wants and he picks one with kids from another man?
    What an idiot. 😂🤣🤣

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