Golf Babe

The EST Hangout – Craig MacTavish, Shawn Belle – 04-17-24

Craig MacTavish and Shawn Belle hangout with Matt Iwanyk and Tom Gazzola.

Shawn Belle and Craig MacTavish share a ton of stories from their playing days!

The EST Hangout is presented by White Claw Hard Seltzer!

#NHL #Hockey #HallofFame #Pro #Oiler #Oilers #EdmontonOilers #Edmonton #Alberta #Canada #Sport #Sports #SportsTalk

e e
welcome to the EST hangout this is the
EST hangout and today’s guests are
a happy Wednesday morning to Welcome to
the EST hangout which is presented by
white claw heart Seltzer the difference
is clear uh we are live on Eman Sports
Talk iHeart radio tune in Eman Sports with the EST hango mwan Tom
gazola with you here and joining us very
excited to have Craig McTavish in studio
Craig thanks for coming by and joining
us today it’s oh you’re welcome pleasure
to have you here today and sea Bell’s
supposed to join us um to is a little
lcy but he’s late yeah I remember Shawn
was late a lot when he played
too he’s not here to defend himself well
that’s don’t be late yeah he was uh you
know he it’s everybody’s late once in a
while but I used to always give the uh
before I started the year when I was uh
delivering a little message to the
players there are two types of people
that are chronically
late um you know there ‘s uh there’s uh
dumb guys that
can’t map out the time to get there you
know the traffic and Factor all that
stuff in and then there’s
padis and neither one of those is a
great characterization of anybody so
everybody’s late once in a while but
don’t be a dumb guy or a primadonna and
uh I remember I was at the Spangler cup
and uh uh D Alexander
was there so I gave the guys the same
story first day at practice DS late and
uh you know I lose it on him a bit and
uh he comes then after he comes in and
he says hey Craig you know sorry I was
late but uh you know if I had to choose
between being a dumb guy and a padon I’m
I’m going to take
Primadonna not Alexander dig so that was
pretty fun he kind of broke the broke
the ice there but uh yeah belly is
neither dumb nor Primadonna but uh it’ll
be interesting to see why he was late
this morning oh he’s going to use the
weather as an excuse he probably will
well here I’m sure he’s going to defend
himself is that him hey look we all had
to take the same roads like well not the
exact same but we had to take roads
we’re down yeah but we had to drive yeah
we all had we all made it we figured it
out Sean C oh you piling on of course po
of course poor
B he’s listening right now be like I’m
going to get my my revenge when he gets
in here that’s partly what you get when
you’re not here in time is that like
we’ve even left even left right now the
camera on this empty chair that was
supposed to be Shawn not zoomed it in
tighter on us because now people need to
know that Sean’s not here he subjected
himself to this whole story exactly
that’s a fair point um there was the one
day Walken was late for his regularly
scheduled Thursday appearance on the
hangout and we just put his mask in the
seat until he got here we have his old
mask yeah yeah and uh gager yeah he’s a
he’s a great guy we love him yeah a lot
of fun hasn’t had too many bad days
gager no he’s uh how was he as a as a
player when you coached
him ah you know I don’t remember him too
much I don’t think I had him for too
long but uh you know he was a talented
goalie yeah I mean but I I don’t know
why he couldn’t sustain it but uh he he
he was talented even today you know when
he gets in the net and plays at the
Alzheimer’s and stuff like that I mean
he’s hard to beat I mean he’s a real
athletic guy um but I don’t I don’t uh I
I did a roast for gager I remember that
a few years ago and uh I had to research
whether did I play with this guy or did
I coach
him well you got Teran sandwith pretty
good too poor Sandy remembered a story
and and he told it and he was
referencing you something you said as
his coach and then you’re like I don’t
know if I coached you yeah well I didn’t
much I was with him the other night
again Teran and we were kind of going
over it he came back into the
organization when I coached and he came
back with a guy uh by the name of Scott
Ferguson they to the American Hockey
League and Fergie ended up coming up and
playing quite a while for us as a real
good uh you know bottom pairing depth
defenseman I remember Scott Ferguson
Teran a beauty though anyway I just I
remember remember that beauty roast of
walking Gage too we’re we’re laughing it
was a good night I can’t remember I
think it was Dusty hosted that one and
then Gregor did the roast of Kevin low
the year after but I remember looking at
you and all the the roers are doing
their thing and you’re in the second
wave of Roasters and you’re watching the
video I think it was uh uh Terry Ryan’s
video and I looked at you and you’re
kind of like what the I could you could
tell you got that look on your face like
what’s going on right now and I said ma
are you are you ready for this and
you’re like Tommy what did I get myself
into well it was were way yeah our rated
let’s a roast it’s got to be irrated you
know I was like Wow and I was sitting
beside uh Kathleen McGee remember her
she was she was she was on she was funny
she her and I were having a conversation
kind of sidebar and I was like wow I
can’t wait to hear what’s coming out of
her mouth when she gets up there and it
was uh pretty pretty uh pretty funny she
was she was really good and uh you know
a great lady lot a lot of fun yeah she
is actually hilarious but like no holds
bar no holds bar yeah Terry Terry Ryan
went at Kevin pretty well you know it
was what am I doing up here roasting
Kevin low do you not have any more
friends I don’t even barely even know
you I kind of felt like walk was one
thing but Kevin I I was like I don’t
know how he’s going to take this but he
seemed to be all right with it was wow
the only way you could get Kevin to
agree to do that is uh his son-in-law
was uh uh Sports Central he was head of
so son-in-law and the only way you could
get me back was if Kevin asked me
you so I had to go back but I think I’m
retiring from The Roasting business oh
that’s too bad Ma was way too nice way
too I think you’re a little little more
uh vicious than the second one but the
first one I’m like way too nice but uh
yeah any no I the first one was funny
though yes it gager was I mean Kevin
such a he’s he’s he’s got as I said that
night like he’s got way more material on
me than I have on him so I got to be
careful but uh he he’s he’s such a
pillar in the community and a great
person is hard to a good point get to uh
to too uh negative with Kevin but gager
now that guy yeah what has he done for
the community we take out our first
String Goalie uh Tommy Salo and uh you
know start working on high slot
deflections and one-timers and you just
about his wife Megan was saying I don’t
she said to him I don’t care how much it
hurts honey uh they’re paying us
for it was pretty funny oh get just the
guy that just he’ll he’ll smile he’ll
laugh he’ll take it he knows he knows he
just posted a it’s from like a year ago
or something with his insurance company
he works with they did a little
commercial where he’s in net but he
keeps getting lit up and he acts as this
like full Primadonna it’s hilarious yeah
I’d like to see it yeah oh it’s great
I’ll have to repost it and stuff for
people out there like he he played it so
I was dying laughing in the office when
I was playing it just cuz he’s that good
of a dude yeah he is he’s great he
coaches one of the teams we have a
little tournament for nine-year-olds in
the summer oh yeah at West Edmonton Mall
and I have an NHL guy coach one of five
teams and uh so gager has coached uh the
last couple years and the first year I
take the best kid cuz it’s my tournament
you know and I win shocking so the
second year I go I’ll give Bucky the
best kid and uh and those kids go on to
play for the brick the next year uh the
kid was whaling was really good last
year too as well and uh so normally the
coach that gets the best kid wins and uh
so Becky Bucky got the best kid last
year and he won Charlie Hut he coached
the team too uh but this year we’re
going to give gager the best kid so
we’ll and G Gage gager coaches with my
son Sean and uh they have a few laughs
but this year we got a gager been beat
up a little bit the first two years hey
did was it Keith Gretzky or lty Schmid
that got tossed out of that one was it
last year yeah no no uh Keith coached
too A Team Keith Gretzky and latty was
there uh but no lad didn’t get kicked
out of that but uh there were some
complaints but the checks I mean that
that’s that’s their culture yeah like
remember Frankie muel used to hang over
the glass and yell at David and Adam you
know when they were just young kids and
he got he got asked to leave the arena
um but it’s kind of the you know at
least certainly was the old school
cheuck way of uh parenting lots of
yelling and uh they’re wonderful kids so
you know maybe it
worked okay before belyy gets here we
got okay you golfed with Tiger Woods you
said that before we jumped on the air
yeah what was it like golfing with tiger
oh it was a fantastic experience we were
in Vegas and uh Wayne grety set it up
and Kevin low was there we used to go to
Vegas every year Kevin and I and a
couple other guy lifelong buddies of
mine and uh so gret said you know you
guys want to come and play golf with
tiger and
yeah yeah we’d love to so we went out to
Rio SEO in uh in Vegas and met tiger
when he was working with then Coach uh
Butch Harman mhm and so they were
working out of a makeshift garage there
where they hit balls and film tiger and
stuff like that and Butch gives him
instruction but butch was a real funny
guy too as well and he was showing us
outakes of some of the lessons more
comedic lessons that he’s had out in uh
at Rio SEO and then we played golf with
tiger and it the first t uh Kevin who
can hit the ball along way uh and there
a left he pounded it and and tiger gets
up and he hits it and so Kevin and I get
in the cart and Kevin’s going I think I
uh hit one by tager like what
so we get out there and of course tagger
was uh about 40 yards ahead of him you
know but he
really and uh the thing that stands out
to me about him was just how well he
could see the ball like I mean I knew I
wasn’t surprised at how well he hit it
but man he I mean he hits a
350 yards and you know you know he’s
going go left a little go you know what
I mean but I think it’s calm
that great athletes have incredible
eyesight yes and uh Ryan Smith had
unbelievable eyesight talk about a ball
Hawk I mean golfing with Ryan Smith he
could see everything too uh but tiger I
mean I couldn’t believe how well he saw
the ball Ma I mean you get to golf with
tiger once which is amazing but are
there correlations between like the
greatest outside of eyesight like the
way they approach their respective game
like obviously you played with Wayne you
played with Mark are there things that
are kind of that permeate between sports
that all these like the best of the best
have I think so I mean
uh you look at McDavid too I mean it’s a
god-given gift you can’t train that yeah
uh to that level and but I mean tiger to
from a very I mean he started he was I
remember Sports Illustrated had that se
at the end faces in the crowd you guys
are maybe too young to remember that but
they had they had uh uh every issue and
tiger was in faces in the crowd at about
uh four years old for for shooting an
unbelievable round of golf obviously his
dad was instrumental as Wall-E was too
so I think uh you know you have to have
the support from uh from your parents
for sure and then the god-given talent
but I remember it was so cold out that
day that we only really played nine
holes and it was packed out there so
we’re going from tigers’s impatient
that’s maybe another quality that great
athletes have and uh so we’re passing
people and going to another hole and
just the look on people’s faces as tiger
and gret’s blow by him in a golf cart
you know it was pretty what a golf cart
that’s a onew punch and I I think that’s
Craig McTavish behind them and that
might be Kevin low is what they were
saying I mean Kevin and I definitely had
more fun than other we didn’t play as
good a golf but we we had a lot of fun
that would have been cool uh Butch
Harman I just watched the episode with
Ricky Fowler of well there he is hey
Primadonna or really dumb guy look
showed up Sean Bell is now here yeah hi
Maddie did did you miss the first 15
minutes were you listening on your no I
wasn’t even listening I was too busy
looking in the rear mirror so I wouldn’t
get run
over pounded on you a little bit B did
you yeah for being
late yeah is it late when the the like
the road is so bad that I couldn’t do
9:22 I left extra I left early too yeah
is it late so’
we He Lives downtown to we all do you
all live downtown yeah but that’s fine
see like I live in the Dirty South yeah
so you had a plan to leave even earlier
I did even earlier clearly well how
early do you want me to leave so you’re
here on time about 25 minutes early b
yeah is this what you would have told
the coach if you came in late no what I
what I would have done would I would
have snuck in the back door I would have
got undressed I would have got into my
gch and then I would act like I was in
the bathroom
and he knows that that’s happened before
sure yeah my two things you know there’s
two qualities these people that are
chronically late yeah you either got to
hide it or just admit
it dumb guys are prad
100% oh so good good to see B good to
see I’m safe alive thank you thank you
for asking yeah it was a little there it
slippery was really good it was nice
yeah yeah I had a guy reading a book
behind me tailing me pretty hard reading
the book I don’t think he paid attention
to the road what book you know NOP I was
watching him I was like oh man please
don’t hit me brilliant but yeah here we
are we were talking about Mac when he
golfed with Tiger Woods oh yeah yeah how
was it yeah it was yeah it was an
amazing experience he was uh he was
interested in uh contracts how do the
contracts work in the NHL and I I was
telling him about the concept of two-way
contracts which belley knows yeah those
crazy you get I get so much here and so
much there uh but yeah he was he was
pretty interested and it was you know
before his Fall From Grace and then he’s
obviously built himself back up and uh
you know had an amazing weekend at the
Masters but yeah it was interesting were
you nervous at all when your first shot
with well it was a little bit cuz it was
like uh our third day in Vegas you know
so we yeah we were a little fatigued but
we we had we we got through it had some
fun what do you usually shoot I’m
probably about a 12 handicap that’s
pretty nice that’s not bad that’s really
nice yeah do you golf so Tiger’s got to
give me
20 but somebody was telling me a story
the other day I can’t remember who it
was about uh he was talking to another
PG a Tour golfer uh remember the
blond-haired guy that had a bit of a uh
a mullet uh he shaved it off cam Smith
he no he’s still before that he’s still
playing today but he was um it’ll come
to me but uh he was saying that you know
all golfers at our level are his level
and he he’s won PGA tournaments before
not duffner uh no okay no
uh I saw him in uh in Palm Springs once
at uh the reserve he was there but I I’m
getting older and I’m getting more
forgetful but he was saying that you
know every golfer has you know normally
six good weeks where you’re on your game
and you just have to hope that during
those six weeks Tiger’s not in the field
oh man because if he’s if he’s in the
field you can’t you’re not winning and
uh that type of I mean you’re seeing
that level dominance now but can he keep
it there for 20
years uh but he he to me he’s at that
level right now that he he’s I mean you
he’s hard to beat but back in the day I
mean you just couldn’t beat this guy I
mean didn’t he make like aund and some
Cuts in a
row something crazy like something crazy
with that he was the world number one
for a ridiculous long period of time
that no one I don’t think’s ever going
to cut touch that one like just how from
like 998 to like we could find 2008
where everything happened with his
ex-wife and that was a whole mess in
itself like you just knew he was going
to be in one of the last two
pairings basically every weekend and
every major he was right there too like
it was just and the people he’d be
paired with in that final one would
always crumble yeah it was just it was
just a pressure like of him knowing like
he’s just going to be almost perfect
like I’ve got to try to be perfect and
they would just disintegrate I don’t
think he ever lost going into a Sunday
with the lead or something like like it
that was a ridiculous stat too where if
he was in that final pairing he’d go out
and he’d win that next the next day 142
straight cuts the boys 142 Sunday red
and they just nope I’m good yeah well
Tony feno I mean he played with that
amateur this year in the final round
remember and uh he was more
conversational with this guy and Tony
Fen said I played with him when when I
was uh the amateur at the Masters and
all you know I asked him how his family
was and he just said good and that’s the
last he ever talked to him 18 holes just
eviscerated him with a golf club well he
he completely changed he’s before he
wasn’t friendly on the golf course no
one ever he wasn’t friends with anyone
and since over the last few years he’s I
think kind of realized he’s the softened
a bit softened he’s the Statesman he’s
the guy that everyone’s looking to and
everyone’s talking with him and he’s
having fun with the guys on the golf
course and he’s kid out there all the
time he’s he’s having some chats but no
one would ever probably think of wanting
to chat with him longer on a golf course
CU he never would be the time of the day
he’s too focused and and the results
were there totally it was just that was
incredible to watch but yeah he had the
ability as Nicholas did to keep his game
together even when he didn’t have his
best stuff they could just mentally
grind it out I remember listening to
Nicholas say I go to to the driving
range before I play and I just go with
whatever I have whether I’m drawing the
ball or fading the ball I’m going to
play that isn’t that crazy day yeah I
mean but we’ve all been there you know
like you go to the range you got
something different every day and a lot
of a lot of dumb guys like me try and
fight it you know or you have the slice
and you start playing your slice then
all you hit it straight and it’s right
into the bushes you that is me never
know what you’re going to get long and
right yeah just what a hook yeah and
then that one time you hit it straight
yeah it’s gone and you’re like well that
that’s not what I wanted yeah it’s not
good really really hurts your golf game
you know like you just the confidence is
all gone yeah I never had confidence on
the golf course anyway so that’s why I
just try to drink my My Wo you don’t
play a lot of golf though do you uh not
as much as I want to yeah you got yeah
I’m pretty busy responsibilities jobs
and hockey camps and kids and way too
much stuff going on now so once you get
to my age you can play a little bit more
golf yeah that sounds nice sounds really
nice uh Mac we got a text that came in
asking for you to uh talk about the
brawl I think it’s the was it not Terry
O’Reilly but was it Mike Milbury that
grabbed the shoe were you in that game
yeah yeah uh Pro amberry is asking if
you can recount your memory of that one
I I I remember seeing the highlights in
the shoe
you get beaten by your own shoe that’s
just so
emasculating yeah but it’s got to be the
most embarrassing thing how did that go
sideways where was that well it was at
uh Madison Square Garden Oh and it was
an unbelievable game between the Bruins
and the Rangers and Phil Esposito was on
the Rangers and uh you know they it it
we were the Bruins were up by a goal
late in the game and Al Secord was on
the Bruins and remember this sweds uh UL
neelon Andrew Hedberg oh the guys that
used to be with the Jets in W they were
playing for the Rangers and cord was
abusing them uh L Secord was a tough guy
uh back he still is I saw him in Dallas
a month ago so he’s still a bit scary
but uh so Phil Esposito had a breakaway
on Jerry chers right it in the last 30
seconds of the game to tie it and Jerry
chevers made a save
and then uh the buzzer went and John
Davidson was in the net for the Rangers
and he skated all the way down uh to to
the Bruins end and was giving it to L
Secord you know kind of standing up for
the abuse that he was directing at the
the sweds and uh I saw this guy walk
down uh the the seats and that was back
in the days where the glass was not as
high right I mean they raised the
elevation of the G glass because of this
and this guy leaned over the glass and
suckered Stan johathan as hard as he
could uh and I mean Stan I thought
Stan’s going to kill him and he really
didn’t do anything like Stan just kind
of you know he wasn’t going to respond
to it wow and then Terry O’Reilly I saw
him skate by and he scaled the glass in
about two seconds and he was in the
stands after this guy
and uh then everybody went up there so
there Brad McMan uh wow was there and
Mike milbery myself Peter
McNab uh and I knew the I saw the guy
that did it yeah so I kind of had him
down between the seats and yeah I gave
him a couple shots sure uh but nothing
that was going to really hurt him but uh
Mike Milbury had another guy and then
grabbed his shoe and started ping him in
the head with the shoe and uh so we
those guys got suspended I got a fine
and uh you know there was a picture on
the Boston Herald the next day where the
journalist came down and wanted to take
a picture we’re all pretty naive yeah
and surprisingly the organization was to
cuz they let it happen and wanted us to
have a picture and uh but we couldn’t
smile or anything so it was like mug
shot and that was on the so so you know
we played the Islanders that year in the
playoffs that was the first year the
Islanders won their Stanley Cup but
Boston finished ahead of them Boston won
the President’s trophy then and uh the
guy one of the guys there were a couple
brothers that uh were responsible for
the altercation they came to Long Island
to serve papers to some of the players
because they were uing the players and
uh Harry sindon at that point was the
coach of the team he had fired Fred
kraton and Harry sindon was the coach of
the team and we stopped the bus and
we’re getting on the bus and this guy
approaches Harry sindon and says I’ve
got papers to
serve Terry O’Reilly and Mike milbery
and ter and Harry just said yeah go
ahead go on that bus and serve those
papers if you want good luck yeah no
kidding so he he thought better of it
and uh but I I don’t think anything
other than that really occurred but it
was really that guy that uh inited the
whole thing and John Davidson who skated
down and started it looked like it was
going to be a bit of a brawl damn until
uh and then getting out of there I mean
you can imagine the Ranger fans were
going down that ramp going down that
ramp to the bus and that exit yeah
getting out of there there were all
kinds of fans around it was a bit scary
but I mean uh it it yeah a memory for
sure and that’s New York in the 70s like
it was rough back then too wasn’t it
yeah that was New York in 7980 yeah yeah
cuz it’s uh 7980 season how much pride
do you got to lose to get to pick a
fight get beat up get beat up with your
own shoe that’s the best part and then
go out and try to Sue that same guy yeah
like o it’s a tough one yeah good luck
so Mac I’ve been meaning to ask you this
stuff for a long time so obviously we’ve
known each other for quite some time and
the players that you had uh here in
Edmonton um Lorac ban all those guys I
know them because I would skate with
them I’m a little bit younger than those
guys and the one story that I keep
hearing that keeps getting regurgitated
was that you had to consistently make
guys way in but
George’s was too heavy for the scale
that you guys used so he had to go get
weight on a meat in the meat
locker I think that’s FAL thank God cuz
I was
like not good there’s a couple boys that
would tell me that story all the time
and I’m like yeah that sounds
interesting he always battled with his
weight yeah and uh we held him pretty
accountable to that I remember one time
I said I mean you know you you can’t you
can’t play if you exceeded this weight
and I remember one morning skate he came
in and he was over and we we sent him
home and uh I
mean that he he he did a lot of great
things for us so I mean but uh he got
the point then and uh but he he he he he
was he was good player for us and uh you
know I I always marveled cuz I’ve played
with a lot of tough guys uh over the
years and coached a lot of tough guys
but he most guys like when he dropped
the gloves his heartbeat never got above
60 yeah you know he just looked at you
like he’s going to destroy you and it
was I’m sure terrifying to the person
that he was fighting Dave Brown was
another guy that really I don’t think he
got too nervous about dropping the
gloves but you know which is interesting
because if you ask George and once again
me and George have been buddies for a
long time he used to say like in his
first couple years he’d be he’d be
terrified and I’m like you were
terrified in those fights he’s like yeah
yeah that’s interesting yeah cuz he sure
didn’t show it he didn’t show it at all
but he was like his first couple years
for sure he was like yeah I was
terrified like fighting Pro birts of the
world and Tony twists and yeah he’s like
yeah I was very very scared and I didn’t
want to do it but you know I started to
overcome that I’m like wow for a guy
that uh is saying that wow yeah like you
didn’t look like that at all no he was
he he was he he was a real honorable guy
too out there he wasn’t a dirty guy I
mean we were always having the
conversation to try and you know uh when
when the other team’s tougher guys would
be taking runs at H or Doug Wade or
whatever yeah trying to get him going a
little bit more yeah trying trying to
get him but it just wasn’t his nature
and he was like M I can’t do that only
time he got really upset was uh with
brand Myers an exhibition I that’s the
one basically ended Brand’s career right
y I was watching that one last week we
all skated together and so I knew Brandt
as well and so I think Brandt came out
recently and started talking about how
uh one of the journalists here in the
city um basically put an article saying
that brand was com for George and then
George saw it and was pissed off and
then an exhibition I think he started
certain line kind of went through the
cycle the next shift they’re out
together and then he caught him and he’s
like I picked him back up yeah and hit
him again I’m like there’s video of it
hocky fights has it yeah that was the
only time Geor who the journalist was
but I I I seem to remember the story
yeah yeah yeah but the only time that he
really truly got like excited or and
animated and it didn’t end well very
well for brand but yeah
yesterday uh it’s not really like tough
guy related but just like going back to
those days I finally finished the Mark
Messier book I think I told you about it
like a year ago and you asking me how it
was and I was like ah I’m struggling
through it so I finished it yesterday
and he was talking about those 90s teams
and how good they could have been with
the Rangers and you won it with the
Rangers like were they really that good
or did they just kind of get not lucky
the year you guys won it but it all kind
of came together and then Mike Keenan
left and he said there was like a
contract brief where his bonus was due
the next day and or it was a day late
and he said he was done because it was a
breach of contract yeah like there was
there’s all these things that Mark
talked about in the book and I was like
why didn’t the Rangers get better
because I know the lockout happened in
’94 95 then they signed Wayne in
96 but like I always wondered about
those rangers teams and why they
couldn’t sustain that really well Legion
of Doom was one reason well and you went
to Philly after that too that was yeah
that’s right yeah Philly bob Clark made
that trade where he traded Mark Ry to
Montreal and got John lir and Eric de
jard and who who who who was a
unbelievable defens remember and the
team just took off and Lindros lir and
then renberg was on the right side of
that line they I mean they were a
handful and uh you know Eric was a
decent m match up to mark because Mark
would always overpower whoever he was
playing against and of course couldn’t
do that with Eric because Eric was much
bigger and uh definitely as strong as
Mark but I mean not that was uh one of
the reasons they couldn’t Mike I think
uh Keenan he he uh I mean he ended up
running the whole operation in St Louis
and and Mike I mean Mike was uh had a
lot of success as a coach but I mean he
was a bit of a mercenary too I mean he
he there were a lot of times he was
getting paid by two or three teams and
uh but I I I I like Mike a lot and uh
away from the game like at the game
during the games and I mean he could run
a great practice too I mean he he was uh
good in that respect but he just I mean
he was he went
through uh the Scotty Bowman uh School
of coaching and I mean that’s the way he
was taught how you maximize performance
from players in the group and uh you do
it by
intimidation and uh I mean there’s no
arguing with his his
record um but uh I think he he he saw
and at that point he and Neil Smith were
like apparently like they weren’t uh on
the same page but uh so he ended up in
St Louis and I signed in uh in Philly
after we won the cup in New York because
I mean I saw it’s not that I dislike
Mike but I saw Greg Gilbert Eddie old
Chuck those guys I mean they were on the
fifth line and they were completely out
of the
realm of any thought of putting him in
the lineup and I didn’t want to be in
that position and I was approaching that
stage of my career so I ran uh from from
Mike at that point to to to Philly and
then uh a year and a half after I was in
Philly Mike traded for me to get me back
to St Louis St Louis yeah cuz he traded
like he basically went after the whole
Oilers team more
he got Charlie huie and gretz cuz wasn’t
that year the year that like maybe the
most trades from a team in one single
season St Louis that year
yeah and he traded uh Brendon Shanahan
too cuz I just saw um I think I just
watched a documentary of it or whatever
that was but I I I rewatched it and I
was like oh man that was crazy cuz that
was the same year that that iconic
Eisman goal right that slap shot from
the blue but triple overtime but St
Louis like they started off with certain
team and obviously you can you can uh
share way more on that but they start
started off with their original team he
made a bunch of Trades and then right at
the deadline he basically traded half
his team away and brought in all you
guys more or less and then went on that
run and then lost in triple OT that’s
right yeah and that that was the year
that Nick kiios went into Fury yeah and
then John Casey took over but yeah I was
I mean I look back at that time as being
one of my uh favorite times in hockey
because we were all there was gretz
Charlie huie myself Glenny Anders and we
all got there close to the deadline I
mean I was a little bit before that um
and we all stayed at gret had a suite at
the uh Ritz Carlton in Clayton and we
were somewhere else and gretz went to
Mike he said hey let’s bring these guys
uh let’s all stay together and Keenan
was like ah whatever we’re M we’re
Millions over budget anyways so we all
went to we all went and stayed at the
Ritz and uh we had young families then
and our wives were not with us and so we
were we were we we went out of the game
the way we went into it you know awesome
and so we’d go back to the rits after
the games and hang out there a little
bit and I remember one time that uh Mike
was going around the dressing room and
then he he stopped and he was giving
Wayne [ __ ] and uh I’m thinking this
might not go too well and uh so he’s
going in gretz when’s the last time
anybody gave you [ __ ] and went on to say
a few more things and that gret’s being
as witty as he is uh turned to me and
said actually uh Janet this
morning and he was but then I knew Wayne
was out then then so Wayne was gone so
we went back to the rits and we’re
having a bite to eat and then Wayne gets
up and he’s going I’m I’m I’m leaving
you know we’re all going where you going
he’s going well he’s coming here
tonight what are you talking about well
Mike’s going to come here today so it
was an afternoon game and uh so it was
around dinner time and I’m standing
outside and Mike’s walking into the
richz Carlton and Mike’s like where is
he up in his room Mike so he went up
there for a bit of damage control uh but
then after the season ended Wayne I mean
we had a nice uh time night but the team
met a day or two later and Wayne was
gone and uh you knew he wasn’t coming
back back after you know not not that
Wayne never got [ __ ] he did occasionally
in in Edmonton 2o as well Glenn I mean
he he did it once in a while to he and
Mark but uh not too often yeah uh the
amount of Oilers connections on this
team is ridiculous as as you know Mac
okay so
Anderson uh Corson Jeff courel Donald
defrain of all people Dallas Akin Grant
fur Wayne Uh amazing d power Chu was on
that team that’s a great that’s who I
got traded for jeez Charlie huie uh what
else do we have here eigor kravchuk was
on the team yeah uh you obviously Jeff
Norton who played for the Oilers Chris
Pronger and then Ken Sutton I think
spent some time with the Oilers Essa
in man like that’s just Oiler Oiler
Oiler Oiler Oiler future Oiler future
Oiler so yeah well he had success with
the Oilers in 94 so he was trying to and
we were pretty close I mean Detroit had
an unbelievable season yeah and we had a
chance we were up 3-2 going back to St
Louis and they beat us in St Louis and
then that iconic iserman go yeah put us
out in uh in game seven in triple
overtime if Grant didn’t get hurt you
win no I I wouldn’t say that because
John Casey played really good I mean he
surprised everybody he went in there and
he he really played well and it would
really be a disservice to the way that
he played to say that we would have won
with Grant cuz he was excellent cuz
would have that been the start of kind
of the Detroit Dynasty like right at the
early beginnings of it w yeah yeah I
think a couple years they were a really
good team but uh yeah they they were
loaded yeah there for years with I mean
it was all you know it was all you know
they thought it was a cultural thing
that you know you put players into the
miners and uh you overbake them there
you make sure they’re ready but it’s an
easy philosophy to follow when you’re so
loaded that nobody can make your team
yeah and you’re drafting late and you’ve
got you know Zetterberg uh
datuk uh
Lidstrom and and great role players and
great characters and you know it it they
they probably should have won
more uh than they did they were that
dominant we go in there and I mean it
was like they they’d out shoot you 20
to2 in the first period and outscore you
uh you know they’d score more goals than
you had shots like they were
just that dominant that you would think
that uh you know and it wouldn’t matter
who was out there like they would beat
you in any way so if it wasn’t like the
Top Line scoring then it was a grind
line H just like Holstrom like I I still
remember Draper McCarthy Lindstrom
walking the blue line was like
absolutely unbelievable like we’re I’m
battling with hom in front of the
net and lindstrom’s like looking me in
the eyes he’s like okay which way you
going to go buddy you can go to the left
Kate well I’m going to shoot right you
go to the right I’m shoot left yeah I’m
just like there’s you can’t stop him and
then you got homom that’s just basically
taking all of your energy and then he’s
just going to tip the puck in or he’s
going to bout it home like he they were
just unbelievable those guyss and they
had those Lively boards off the back
remember they shoot it off the shoot
right out and then H was just there
popping it in and fransen’s around and
like just yeah great he was so good e
that L man that guy was he never touched
anybody but he didn’t have to he just
take the puck from you the other guy
that was like that too was Zub off
yeah remember zubie when I was in Dallas
he I’ve never seen a guy that could just
like hold a puck fake with his eyes or
like give you just a shoulder drop and
guys would skate away and you’re like H
I’m going to try the same thing oh 15th
row of the building it’s like wait a
second like how’ you do that and he was
like just so patient with the puck
Lindstrom was so patient with the puck
and they just they could beat you by
just like being more patient than you
right cuz at that time like four check
was yeah like you for check hard and
you’re getting hit as a defenseman but
for whatever reason those two guys it
was okay when I’m look there you’re
somehow going to peel off and then I’m
going to keep the puck skate and then
I’m going to pass to that same person I
was just looking at frustrating yeah you
had zubov he was your teammate in 9 yeah
right yeah yeah he was uh Belle as he
describes him perfectly he was uh an
unbelievable Talent looking people off
could shoot it and like the smoke he on
the dark in the showers yeah y yeah that
94 okay so just because with the news of
last week of OJ’s passing the parade
happened the same days as the car chase
did you guys hear anything about what
was going on with OJ and the car like
did it get to you guys and all that yeah
oh yeah everybody was watching that I
mean that was that was an amazing
story but uh
it we we didn’t disrupt our enjoyment of
the parade didn’t get there for you guys
like you guys were able to they didn’t
get fully to you guys or anything no no
we were we we no we it was an
amazing uh experience yeah people are
sitting 50 floors up with their feet
hanging over the windows and I mean it
was crazy tick or t parade yeah yeah was
there’s no parades like that like that
in a lot of other places well there’s no
places like that exactly like you get to
New York that you win there it’s
something else Mac when you go back to
New York do people still recognize you
from that team I I remember yeah once in
a while like there are so many Avid
Ranger fans like people like they I hear
stories over and over again that I was
at that game with my father and you know
yeah like it was uh it I mean the
Rangers hadn’t won the cup since 1940
right so it was 54 years later and I
mean the the the the Ranger fans are
real DieHard fans there there was a
documentary I watched uh that was done
really well about the Rangers that year
and uh it was from the perspective of a
lifelong Ranger fan and uh you know just
the passion that he had and the ups and
downs emotional mod swings yeah that uh
he the the ranger faithful would have
that you know the players would even get
to that state that that is a crazy fan
base that is a Rangers town like I feel
bad for the devils and Islanders when we
would go out there when I travel with
the team and you guys like I didn’t get
to see you interacting cuz we don’t you
know we’d always be on the bus and then
right to the rink and you go up the ramp
you’re not really seeing interaction or
there wasn’t a lot of that but you
wouldn’t like I I didn’t think of that
area and go oh yeah New Jersey Devils
right across the river or oh yeah that’s
Islanders territory like it just it was
all Rangers it felt like I feel bad for
those two other franchises in the
area yeah but um I mean the the the
Rivalry is there for sure yeah I mean
when you when you go to New Jersey and
the island it’s I mean you’re right
though there’s a lot of Ranger fans that
go to those games it’s like the Habs and
the Leafs here in Edmonton it’s it’s uh
it’s Ranger territory but Rangers they
won the President’s Cup this year yeah
and uh
I mean it’ll be interesting to
see and they play Washington in the
first round that’ll be uh I mean I think
that’s probably a pretty good matchup
for the Rangers but that lingren played
really well and the that for them a bit
unlucky did you see the goal last night
the went way up in the
air called sent it to me he’s like I’m
refs is probably losing his mind because
of that yeah
tough I know what’ you think of the
goalie poll pretty early three minutes
well I I understood why he did it yeah
but like you got to have somebody up top
eye in the sky having that game right in
front of you so that you know what the
situation is like I think they
mismanaged it is what I think yeah
you’re talking about that what’s
happening with Detroit and all that yeah
well but does it matter well they needed
to win they needed to win yeah
you still got to know what’s going on in
that and if you don’t then that’s
mismanagement yeah I think for me they
they had to win the game or they were
done and uh that was their
mandate um but three
minutes I I don’t know they I I think
that’s I mean the the tendency now is to
pull the goalie really early but I think
it’s not a one strategy fits all teams
either like for me Philly doesn’t have
the dominance of the Edmonton Oilers
where you can uh the extra man is such
it’s almost like a GU predict predict
their Puck management I mean they have
guys that they have to put out there
that are vulnerable to turn the puck
over and uh to me that mandates that you
you don’t pull the goalie quite as early
yeah and maybe you know a minute and a
half or maybe minutes but 3 minutes you
they were still getting a few chances
too later in the later in the game CU
even if you if you you have eyes on the
other game and you find out that the
result happens that does well maybe drag
it to overtime and then try to do it
there right like so we talk about
pulling the goalen but they wi in
regulation and if they didn’t it doesn’t
matter matter all but then it doesn’t
matter at all Washington got a point
they Philly was done put it do it in a
minute left right cuz at least now
you’re you’re giving yourself a better
opportunity cuz now it’s just like 3
minutes is a gimme you’re going to score
yeah yeah or yeah yeah I agree I thought
it was too early but I mean I remember
Murray back when I was coaching he he
was the first guy that really would pull
the goalie early if you we were up by a
couple goals and I remember hating it
you know when he pulled them because it
was I mean they they they were pretty
talented but I mean I think he got
a and then the Oilers pulled the goalie
the other night and they’ve just shot it
right in the net like yeah there’s
probably not a lot of discussion
between uh Dustin Schwarz and maybe
there is uh about the responsibility on
the goalie when he gets pulled I mean
you still I think in my mind you have to
have an eye on the play and you’re going
You’re but a lot of guys they just
Sprint as fast they can to to the bench
and uh I mean that was a that that was
unfortunate but I mean that’s that’s a
good lesson uh cuz that that situation
obviously will occur again in the
playoffs and maybe they handle it a bit
better yeah that was a weird one cuz
Perry took it into the zone and then
like stopped on the wall and kind of
tried to take a shot mhm he
gotap yeah it kind of got blocked
steered to the corner and it was just a
regroup and the go was gone that he
could have maybe recovered and got back
to the net but yeah I mean it’s yeah
pulling the goalie is an inexact science
but there there is a strategy behind it
so then with that being
said teams are now starting to pull
their goal tender in three on three
what’s your thoughts on
that well that’s out of necessity
playoff races and stuff like that that
you have to I mean you’d never do it
unless you absolutely had to win the
game if the team that you’re chasing is
ahead of you by five points and you have
to get two points and
then I can see it I mean
uh who did it Philly did it right was it
did it worked for many on and then they
they got the first teams that I saw do
it were actually in the KHL I think it
was um uh
and then I think magnor followed it and
won both games uh and then the next week
I saw it happen with Minnesota and they
won yeah and then they tried it again
and then they lost yeah so it’s yeah
interesting just interesting thoughts on
it yeah if you’re so far behind you have
to win and uh you have to get two points
then I can see it happening but other
than that you would never do it um you
guys scored the you guys that when that
rule was introduced were the first team
to score and take away the point from I
think it was Vancouver do you remember
that I think it they pulled the goalie
yeah it was like 05 or 06 yeah I can’t
and they they pulled cuz they I think
they were in a playoff Chase and you
guys scored into the empty net and it
took away their really their the the
point yeah I kind of remember but I
don’t have a vivid memory of it yeah I
remember them talking about on the
broadcast I’m like oh they just lost
their point how and it was one of those
quirks of the new format coming out of
the lock so I think you guys were the
first to make that happen Rarity yeah
rare yeah uh this is the EST angle
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9999 and it begins the inbox is just
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99999 this guy knows the phone number he
perfect so there you go you text that in
and if if Z happens to call you I oh man
that would be amazing SE we’ll call the
next person on that one not going to lie
uh so yeah just a couple more minutes
lock to 780 21899 99 uh this just coming
from the National Hockey League um Mark
Andre flurry signing a one-year deal
with the wild returning for his 21st
season in the National Hockey League
good for him like good yeah he’s a he’s
a great uh I don’t know him but uh you
hear unbelievable things about him and
he’s got he just has a passion for
hockey it’s good uh that’s that’s uh
good to see him and price Mack are like
the last like Great Canadian
goenda with uh our next wave of national
goalies well I mean h Skinner Stu has
fought himself into the mix I mean the
the playoff run will go a long way to
determining not but I mean uh uh it’s
it’s uh doesn’t seem to be a complete uh
a real depth position yeah for Canada
but Hill I mean he he he won a cup so
he’s I mean he’s uh he’s a guy that’s
definitely in the in the mix who do you
like I don’t know we talked to Jim nil
last Saturday mentioned Skinner
obviously Hill I think uh benon I think
they’re the top two yeah Bennington was
in the mix yeah
Bennington would say he he yeah
bennington’s a very good goalie yeah I
would say he’s in in that mix for sure
yeah maybe at the top of that when he
doesn’t want to get in a fight yeah he
was actually trying to run around and be
an idiot but yeah the other one
surprised he he he’s a real sharp guy
yeah yeah yeah like I I I liked him a
lot and I mean there’s a there’s a
snapping point I mean the the blues when
I was there was a tough year right for
the blues and people used to and he’s a
super competitive guy and we could have
used more of that throughout the lineup
and uh we didn’t need him doing it but
no nobody was really doing it right and
guys were Taking Liberties and flying
through his uh crease yeah and uh
eventually he just snapped I I mean it
wasn’t that popular with the
organization but I really didn’t didn’t
mind it and I I found him to be a real
sharp guy and and uh I mean I think it’s
misperception on him that he’s a
hotthead and he he’s a loose cannon
I mean he did it at the appropriate
times in my mind well you had him yeah
you had him last year you went back in
his assistant how was that year
obviously the success on the ice wasn’t
there the the changing and of the guard
and uh guys are being traded and it
seemed like the the
2019 Legacy kind of dissipated what what
was that year tough year yeah yeah
really tough year high
expectations and uh low performance and
when that Gap gets big it’s it’s no fun
for anybody and uh you know I I it’s it
it was harder for me to go back and be
an assistant than I thought it would be
it it took me a long time to gain
credibility with with the players you
know like you have an old
school uh perception right uh and with
the younger players and it took a while
to try and be able to build the bonds of
trust where you can pass on information
that’s readily
accepted um and you know you
really you I’m used to kind of having
control uh but but uh so it was it it
was it was difficult for me uh to try
and figure out where I could try and
influence uh the players and the
organization was it easy for you to
slide in when Nelly took over but
remember there was that like six or
seven game window where you you were
with the coach and Todd was kind of just
getting his feet wet that was an
interesting time I remember that I’m
like holy crap mt’s coaching this team
again but Todd’s right there was that
like more of a natural kind of yeah I
enjoyed that yeah I I liked it but there
I mean I just transition Todd into it
yeah and uh I thought it made sense at
the time and Todd did a great job I mean
he won the American League again last
year I mean he’s just a bad
interview but he’s such a good guy like
and he he gets a lot out of the players
and uh players like to play for him and
he doesn’t complicate things with a
bunch of head games and stuff like that
and he’s very clear in his messaging and
you know the worst mistake he can make
in coaching I think is to over
complicate a simple message and there’s
a lot of
coaches I think that the delivery of the
presentation is more important in the
absorption of the presentation you know
you the coach wants to be articulate and
you know but you have to you Billy Moors
was a fantastic uh educator teacher and
coach and uh most most ex teachers
George Kings was a was a teacher but
it’s about you know the the absorption
of the message and the comprehension of
the message rather than the brilliant
coach speak and how quick you can
deliver your message it’s
simple uh simple is is it works best I
think yeah Nelly was you had Nelly in
City yep I really enjoyed him yeah yeah
he was uh simple to the point Didn’t
over complicate things just like like
you said and was a legitimate players
coach legitimate players coach yeah he
was uh yeah not a bad thing I could say
about that guy and the team executed
yeah we were good I mean yeah they you
go down there I’d watch the I’d be up
here watching our guys and you go down
there and everybody was in the right
spots and you know good coordination and
what are they connected on
defense which is really important and I
mean when he came up here he uh he he he
did well yeah yeah the best line I heard
uh I’m I’m not saying who said it but uh
it was the day cuz we were flying to
Phoenix that day when you finally
decided to move on from Dallas um it was
Justin Schultz I think he had a big [ __ ]
eating grin that day and someone’s like
you did cartwheels all the way from Rex
all place to the airport didn’t you oh
boy he he liked that comment so but
Nelly helped breed that ease into guys
like that I thought for the rest of that
season Yeah well yeah schultzy he was uh
I mean he he led the American League in
scoring that year during the lock out
ahead of EBS and those guys I mean I
thought this guy was going to be Norris
Trophy winner yeah uh because who does
that nobody does that nope you recruited
him too right yeah yeah that’s right we
did a a he was that was heavily competed
yeah and we ended up getting him and it
was a
huge coup for the organization at the
time to be able to land him and he
looked like he was going to
be a Norris Trophy uh winner but I mean
his weakness was he he was a poor
Defender right and our team was so bad
that we were defending the whole time so
he was you know would have he excelled
with this Oiler team would this
this would have been the time you have
to come to the Oilers yeah he would have
been like Evan yeah yeah like I think I
mean Evan’s got a better shot and a bit
better uh passing skill and uh sees the
ice better uh but he schultzy would have
had great success with this team I think
and I always use the example of uh um
who was the defenseman that was in
Toronto and then went to Detroit uh
older defenseman has a lot of Records
right-handed shot Larry Murphy Larry
Murphy oh yeah when he was in Toronto I
mean he was when when Toronto was bad he
couldn’t play and uh I mean he was
terrible for the same reason because
they they he was defending the whole
time then he got traded to Detroit he
was an Allstar won three cups right two
or three cups and uh you know he just
the power of the team is important when
you’re on a good team it hides weakness
yep and uh you know when you’re on a bad
team every weakness that you have is
fully exposed but team strength hides
the weakness and Detroit was so strong
that all the mistakes went away with
Larry Murphy and I mean I remember Jason
Smith here played was struggling Pronger
came in and said give them to me really
yeah and okay yeah and Jason had a lot
of great qualities he was a warrior he
was tough block all kinds of shots and I
loved him he was a captain of the team
yeah and when I put him with Pronger the
mistakes just went away Pronger had the
puck and would draw all the
opposition pass it over to Jason right
on the tape Jason and you know have time
and space and be able to execute a play
and he he I mean he’s a great I mean
Pronger was a hell of a player and but
so was Jason but they complimented each
other well yeah no Jason Smith that was
that was a scary pairing if you’re going
down against them two giants that were
mean beat the [ __ ] out of you I’ll just
uh quickly uh we’ve got our qualifier
for the Flyway so I’ll get them on the
air and then we can continue our
conversation this is the EST Hangouts uh
Zack who do we got on the air for the
EST Fly Away Today Andrew Andrew
congratulations you are into the mix for
the draw to Vegas have you ever been to
before yes yes yeah how long ago have uh
has it been since you’ve been in Vegas
and what’s your favorite thing to do
when you’re in
Vegas uh it’s been a couple years and uh
hopefully if I win I hit up some strip
clubs and have a good time awesome and H
if you win who are you taking with you
I’m intrigued by this
answer uh probably one of my boys uh
we’ll see how it goes sounds good well
Andrew you’re in the draw keep your
phone on April 26th for the grand you’re
on the morning show if you’re the winner
the boys we’ll give you a call let you
know they off to
Vegas all right thank you best of luck
and your next chance to qualify during
the lock shop hus will give away the
keyword I will speak to somebody on the
air and then uh Tommy and I will have
another keyword today on the oil stream
also oil stream pregame show 630 6:30
tonight here on Sports Talk uh he wants
to go he likes stri the strip clubs in
Vegas well they are pretty good we had
uh we’ve had a lot of people say they
take their like their significant other
or something and I was in he would take
one of his boys I don’t so that’s that’s
what we’ got don’t go up to the sky boox
unless you’re willing to pay a lot of
money at those places uh Norman a
combine and the nasty chat that’s a boy
Andrew instant nasty so right there uh
when it comes mattana Craig McTavish Tom
gazola sha Bell having a coughing fit
outside the Studio’s okay uh needed to
get water and he’ll be back shortly here
uh here on the EST hango uh let’s get to
hangout headlines which is brought to
you by the ranch golf and country club
Premier conditions top-notch service
unmatched value the home of the estd
classic uh great choice for your golf
rounds this season book your tea time by
visiting the ranch golf you okay
Sean I don’t
man just shambles right now late
Ian what is going on um Oilers two games
left player coach GM you’ve been a
player what are these days like when
there’s nothing really to play for
ah they’re just waiting for the playoffs
to start I’d be surprised if
uh uh they don’t rest a lot of guys for
the last couple games atol I think could
use a a break I mean he’s played great I
don’t see any reason Conor plays but
maybe he wants to play tonight but I I
would think for sure that he doesn’t
play or Leon doesn’t play in uh Colorado
it’s a good opportunity to give some
other guys some MCE time broberg will
obviously play the last two games I
would imagine and uh you know it didn’t
looked like Conor suffered from a
three-game uh lay off layoff when he
blew by blew by that guy in the first 10
seconds of his shift first shift so I
think he’ll be fine and just make sure
everybody’s rested I hope that the
playoffs start Monday rather than Sunday
I think Sunday’s a quick turnaround for
the team and the coaches to
prepare uh they’re coming back from
Colorado Friday I think if they start
Monday they can take Friday off if they
start Sunday they’ll probably come in
and start the preparation for uh I’m
thinking it’s going to be Vegas but I
might be wrong um and start the
preparation Friday night if they if they
play Sunday then come to the rink
Saturday continue that have a nice
tightener and a little morning skate and
they’ll be ready to go but it’d be nice
to see them be able to take Friday off
and then start that process Saturday and
Sunday yeah you just want to make sure
that they’re healthy right like last
last year they they battled some some
health uh there’s lots of injuries and
you could see it in their performance as
as the series went on against Vegas
because Vegas is such a big heavy team
that they wear on you and if you’re
already banged up going into that season
or into that series excuse me you know
you’re behind the eightball so it it’ll
be good to get them rest did obviously
we we know we both know or we all know
that broberg is going to play um so
it’ll be it’ll be interesting to see
where this goes and uh I actually kind
of look forward to that match up against
Vegas if they can and so so Vegas they
got the Blackhawk or uh they get the
Ducks and then get and the Kings get the
Blackhawks like I’m pretty sure it’s
going to happen it should yeah um unless
the golden knights just don’t care and
and rest their own guys for that game
cuz they don’t care where they’re
heading to um but then it’ll be Vegas
Oilers first round
and the rematch of last year if Mark
Stone shows up that first how quickly
boiler fans are going to lose it but how
quickly is he going rightfully so okay
like I I
mean that that to me is uh really
becoming a a a problem and uh whether
it’s cheating or timing or coincidence
it’s a gigantic competitive advantage to
be able to dress a cap a lineup that has
a 12 million overage in the cap and I
just I I I I don’t think it’s right for
the fans our fans I mean
it’s you know like Mark stone is a uh
reputable guy for sure and I don’t
question the validity of the injury but
even if it’s a coincidence h how why
can’t you as Kenny Holland has said many
times you you can’t dress a lineup in
the you can have a lineup available for
whatever you want 95 million 97 million
but you can’t dress that lineup that’s
non uh c cap compliant you in the
playoffs you have to be whatever lineup
if stones in it somebody’s got to come
out and so they’re cap complying and I
think that’s that’s fair and I mean
Tampa did the same thing you guys all
remember that coocher off shows up to
the uh postgame Stanley Cup press
conference with a t-shirt that rubs the
face what it say uh 10 million over or
something t-t called to write full
attention to it 100% yeah and that’s
embarrassing to the to to to the league
and I mean to me it’s just your fans pay
good money you should have an equal
ability to compete and I I really think
it’s it’s it’s a problem right now it’s
a big problem and it’s too bad it’s gone
on this long but you know when the
golden kns were here Mac obviously I was
talking to Lawless and a few others from
their organization they see nothing
wrong with it
conveniently but the other thing that
came out of this and talk to other
people peers in
the uh media world and they go well
every team can do it so go ahead and try
like and and it sounds like that there
doesn’t seem to be a desire to change it
from the the other what’s that statement
mean it’s not good does that mean that
you can everybody can cheat it or yeah I
mean yeah you can do it if you get the
circumstances um but I mean I think the
Integrity of the people in this game is
too high that you don’t want to you know
manufacture those circumstances because
if the league ever finds out that you’re
cheating I mean we can suspect it all we
want and regardless I don’t care about
the cheating it’s just it it it it
shouldn’t happen you shouldn’t be able
to dress that lineup and but now you’re
forcing people and managers to try and
consider uh cheating basically keep up
for just to level the competitive
disadvantage that you have and to me
when managers are thinking that way
there’s a problem and uh you know you
almost have to think that way otherwise
you look foolish y uh when Vegas comes
in and I mean it just to me it’s it’s
such an easy fix that uh I mean
obviously the PA would doesn’t mind uh
the the cap them playing with a $97
million but I’ve heard as well that uh
you know Vegas has paid
out10 million in salary this year
they’ve got Robin leoner yep I mean he’s
I don’t know I mean apparently he can’t
play anymore yeah and uh they’re they’re
paying you know that’s to me that’s it’s
I feel bad for uh uh the players
not on Las Vegas that have to uh compete
in an unlevel playing field okay so
we’re going to see an unlevel playing
field here next week uh if you are the
Oilers and you do get the golden lights
like how do you strategize against them
because like you said if Stone comes
back that just elevates the rest of the
lineup but he’s got to his legs under
him still how long does that take right
team not looks strong as of late right
now he wasn’t like that same thing last
year he came out and he was like 100% so
like there’s enough there there’s enough
right now behind the scenes with
strength and conditioning the way that
they do things you get on the ice you
get skated by the strength and
conditioning coach like you are game
ready by the time you step foot on that
ice yeah I agree 100% so it wouldn’t
matter but hurdle hasn’t looked great as
of yet and Hill hasn’t been there yet
let’s look back to uh when Tampa won the
Stanley Cup do you remember who the km
winner was
which year are we talking about the
first or the second we’re not going back
till four but
like most kusher off yeah and he missed
the whole year and he was game ready he
like they also got a really good
Advantage too because if that’s an 82
Game season I don’t think they get away
with that it was a 56 Game season so
it’s but he had a year I know but I
don’t know if they would have been able
to have done that if it was an 82 game
cuz I don’t think they could have held
him for another to be the to be the best
player in the playoffs like I can okay
I’d understand your point if it was okay
he came back he was he was average he
figured his way through it he got a
couple points here there he was the best
in the
playoffs like that the level that you
have to get to for playoff hockey is one
thing to be the best in playoff hockey
that’s a whole another thing
conversation and so the fact that he
missed an entire year put his skates on
and said okay I’m the best guy here like
that’s crazy to me but that’s that lends
itself to the fact that you’re doing so
much behind the scenes that there is no
I got to feel my way into it you’re
ready game ready like you watch these
guys when they when they come out and
they’re injured and they have to go back
whether that’s through conditioning
stints whether that’s the fact that
they’re getting skated before practice
even starts then they’re getting into
practice so if it’s a hour and a half
practice like you might actually be
skating for 2 hours
so like you’re really getting back into
it quickly so it’s uh I don’t see that
rust coming off and I didn’t see it last
year was Stone either like he stepped
right back into it and guys were taking
shots at his back they’re they were
doing all sorts of things to him he was
it was that was good he’s also a giant
just this yeah that level of player I
mean he’s he’s going to be fine I
remember when I played we uh Messier was
out and we won the first game like five
nothing and then uh he he was out for
the next 10 games too we lost every game
and uh we were in Montreal and slatz
called him he was in Edmonton hadn’t
practiced and said we need you to play
tonight so he flew all the way to
Montreal for the game against the
Canadians and we won the game he had a
couple goals he was the first star of
the game I mean those guys are I mean
they’re just at a different level yep
and stone to me he’s the St the straw
that stirs that drink in Vegas when they
were here they I mean Peter Angelo was
out too it’s tough the leadership group
was out they looked you know
directionless and when Stone gets in
there they’ll be dialed back up and
they’ll be formidable so how do you go
after them if you’re the
Oilers well what are the lessons that he
learned from uh from the uh last series
that where we got uh eliminated last
year bad penalties bad penalties for
sure can hold on to a lead yeah yeah
mistakes at in opportune times right
yeah we have more depth we’re a better
team we have more experience Perry is
going to make a significant uh
contribution to the overall mentality of
the team and he I mean because he’s been
there uh he’s got the pedigree he’s been
the MVP of the league he’s going to have
influence over everybody in that room
including Connor and Leon and uh he’s a
winner Y and he’s gonna have a good and
he’s gonna go after Stone I would
guess I like how you’re laughing about
that but I en I enjoy that too because
that’s the gamesmanship that you need in
the playoffs you have to have toughness
yeah and you got to you I mean nobody
likes to do it but nobody to lose either
and especially Cory Perry I would
imagine that he goes after him pretty
good and uh you know they’re in the same
weight category and I mean Stone will
probably be tough to draw into that but
Perry will be pretty Relentless and
he’ll have a big impact I think how does
a Vander Kane fit into all this if you
had him and you running the bench how do
you get his assing gear kind of thing
well I mean he he’s going to be a he’s
going to be a big factor because he’s
going to be you just hope he can walk
the line without taking penalties and
the thing is he going to be good yeah I
believe he’s going to be really good uh
because that’s his brand of hockey and
he’s going to W to everybody wants
especially a guy like Evander is
everybody wants to be known as a winner
and uh a leader and uh he’s he’s going
to want to lead and I mean when Connor
was out for the three games he’s he’s he
he stepped up his game I mean he was he
was really good in the three games that
uh Connor was out and uh you know can
you play that brand of hockey for 82
games where you play a reckless physical
hard in yourf face game it’s hard to do
but he’s going to be playing it for sure
and is going to be a valuable uh
valuable member of the team for sure you
just H that he doesn’t take the
penalties right and and I don’t think he
will uh because I’m
sure Corey Perry Leon
trial Conor McDavid uh Glenn glixon
noblock and everybody suddenly had that
conversation with him uh but you want
him on the edge but you don’t want him
over the
edge and he still I mean he had a good
year he had what he have 22 goals 23 I
think now he took I mean there was a lot
of white noise around him there for a
while but uh again I think Perry did a
good job in uh in communicating to him
what what uh needs to be done and I mean
yeah that that those conversations
happen all the time he he’s he was wck
you don’t want to play with guys that
turn the puck over right and especially
Corey period you think he wants to skate
200 ft and go back to the defensive Zone
and then skate another
no way I mean he wants those and he’s so
good at it you know he keeps the play
alive and a Vander you know was careless
with the pocket times and it’s a 400
foot mistake yeah and uh you know that’s
and I I thought the last few games
Evander was making more plays you just
can’t turn the puck over and I think
that’s part of the way that you beat
Vegas right like if you have those
careless plays where they’re able to now
use that transition and and get on the
for check and get on the offense they
become really good that way but if
you’re able to just continue to cycle
that puck keep it down low like you’re
going to give yourself a better
opportunity to win that game because
when you look at the depth chart your
high-end skill is better than their
high-end skill but it’s those little
factors like where you know now you
allow that fourth line that third line
that they have to
become become factors in the game in the
series well then that probably swings it
in Vegas’s Direction but if you can you
know force them to play in the defensive
Zone well you might uh you might be
looking pretty at the end of the day
because of the fact that you’ve limited
mistakes you don’t allow them to use
that transition you don’t allow them to
get on the for check as much as as they
they would like to that’s how you play
against Vegas yeah they had that big
year right the depth is they had Roy
carrier and uh Kar Kar yeah I mean those
guys they they’re they’re not turning
into Puck over very often they had a
couple of great nights against Dallas in
that third round last year where they
they took over the game exactly and
that’s those are the guys that you don’t
want them to get going and what do they
love to do is like well they pray on
turnovers they want to for check you
they want to hit you so that by game
four defenseman are sitting there saying
okay well I don’t want to go back for
this Puck because my lips are going to
touch the glass again and that that be
that’s a factor like guys hate that when
you get hit over and over and over again
like doesn’t matter if it was back in
his era or my era the new era it matters
and it’s just all kind of here’s a
deposit here’s another deposit and
that’s how those guys get life do you
like this a of hockey right now that
we’re in I like a little bit more
violent game but
uh I mean there’s plenty to like about
the game I mean uh but I still like the
altercations and the the uh the the the
the the tough hard brand I mean the
first round is I like that brand of
hockey it’s it’s always just ripped the
cover off I mean everyone goes at it
everybody goes at it and then you wear
down a little bit and a little bit more
as the playoffs progress but the first
round is going to
be well and the W so strong who’s
everyone’s favorite right now in the
west like is it the Oilers or do you
like is it the Stars who’s the team that
you look at right now that has to be
viewed as cuz it’s I I’ll take the Kings
out of this just I don’t think they
could get through this West PRS but the
PRS maybe take them out so you but I
think you could make the case for the
other SE yeah I do I agree so who would
be the team though that the team I would
least like to play right now would be
Dallas yeah if I if I was Edmonton we
had this conversation when the playing
what is the whole Dallas has right now
yeah I don’t think they have one no cuz
we were trying to figure that out too
they have youth they have energy they
have goal tending they have unbelievable
defense they picked up tanv who’s never
going to make a meth mistake never and
uh you know they’ve they’ve they’ve got
offense I mean they’re they’re they’re
they’re going to be a tough out in seven
games can the Oilers beat him for sure
they can but it’s going to be they’re
going to have to play at a level they
haven’t been at yet yep is uh has there
been any word on Landis COG
uh I remember talking to an ABS reporter
a while ago and it’s like what I was
told was 100% doesn’t look likely this
year okay because that that would be the
only thing i’ would say if he’s coming
back to Colorado that’s kind of a wildc
card team now like that’s a dark horse
candidate do I think they’re good enough
right now to challenge Dallas not
necessarily but they still have the
horses I just think in a seven game
series like Dallas is just too
deep I just love kard though yeah
Colorado got the horses like marar
Difference Maker McKinnon Difference
Maker if you play Colorado do you just
hit them every opportunity you get him
and Taves marar and Taves you have to
you have to try good luck I know good
luck yeah yeah you got to try if you get
a chance to finish on them you gota yeah
without losing your kneecaps yeah yeah
you try to go hit ma he’s going to put
that thing through your legs dance
around you and you got to try to somehow
figure out not bail into the wall he is
hard he’s slippery yeah he’s
slippery um this is one because it is we
have the pregame show at 6:30 tonight
myself Matty Cassian and YouTube Trev um
and just to reminder tomorrow you’re
live at Hudson’s white watch party for
the watch party watch party yes uh Matt
end of an era in Arizona tonight against
Edmonton I weird and kind of fitting in
a way that it’s the old Jets going out
against the Oilers I don’t know if it’s
just the way the universe works but till
they come back I don’t think they’re
coming back like what do you make of
this I think I think this is all just to
get Mor to let the league take the team
away from him but what do you make of
this Arizona experience I mean your last
year was their first year in the NHL as
a player and then obviously you coached
against them for years and years and
years and here we are everybody every
player or coach or trainer they love to
go to Phoenix but I love it you know
it’s we all wanted it to work but it
became a bit of an embarrassment for the
league um I mean it’s and the team is
starting to come I mean they’ve got some
Talent they’ve got a bunch of draft
choices I mean they’re they’re small and
they’re talented they’ve got to augment
that with some size otherwise you can’t
win as belley talked about in the
playoffs it’s it’s a tough game yeah you
got to win the battles but I mean I’m
sorry to see them go but I
certainly uh
appreciate the time that bman gave them
to sort their issues out but it it was
that that time was up almost 30 years
yeah almost 30 years I I love it’s been
a long time I mean I love going down
there we had a family home down there
it’s my second it’s my home away from
home but like we go to those games Mac I
I don’t know what it was like at the old
building downtown but we’d go to those
games it’ be like 8,000 people and n and
90% of them were Oiler
fans yeah there there’d be I mean a lot
of times it’d be a good crowd there I
remember going down there
socially and playing some golf and the
Oilers were or the Flames were playing
uh Arizona that night in Glendale yeah
and uh I’m going we’re we’re going to
the game we’ll go watch the game went up
to the ticket
counter and the story were sold out all
Alberta right Alberta if they played
Edmonton and uh calary all the time they
they would have stayed there but it it
was you know it was all kind of a weird
era there yeah but they never
really got to the level where people
really wanted to go see them because
they just didn’t have that level of
success never won yeah that’s and that’s
the thing i’ I wish we could have seen
that there this is same with Columbus
like I’d like to see what Columbus could
eventually become if the Blue Jackets
could be consistently good for a 3 four
year period but that Market’s good
people are always there that those but
it’s like how much better could it
potentially be if they actually had a
winning product true cuz Columbus really
hasn’t had anything in this time yeah
it’d be wild there they’re winning a bit
now col too little too late but yeah my
good time for that I’m sure it it feels
a lot better for their management and
stuff like that whatever that’s going to
be going forward no kidding uh I just do
want to throw this out there this is
coming from basketball uh Toronto
Raptors for jonte Porter receives a
lifetime ban from the NBA for violating
lean gambling regulations this comes in
relation to a story that came out a
couple weeks ago where there was two
games of his player props that there was
some weird action on and he came in
under the under and he left the game
with some sort of injuries um he gets
the full lifetime ban jeez I’ll say two
parts of this with this one get used to
seeing this more I think now that
gambling is becoming more prevalent and
welcomed by all these leagues and two
also it’s better this way too because
we’re able to find these things we’re
able to like when if everything’s done
through your bookie on the side it’d be
hard to regulate this or faultless if
you’re a league the fact that they
actually in with these companies they
could see these betting irregularities
and spot them and go okay that’s not
right and then deal with it so um but
jonte Porter receiving a lifetime ban
from the NBA that coming today that just
that just dropped just dropped yeah last
uh 20 minutes ago wow so I was curious
as what was going to happen with that
situation that’s brutal I don’t think
you can do anything else if you are
betting on yourself in a game and you
betting on your under hopefully bet a
lot he’s need he walked away from a lot
of yes but cuz he was just starting to
make like make his way with the Raptors
he’s only 24 he appeared in 37 career
games over two seasons his brother plays
for Denver yeah we’re going to lose to
the Lakers right away in the best of
seven series are you a Laker guy uh on
it off okay um we are going to take down
the Nuggets you like that him and your
we what number do you wear again Michael
por is going to be relying on his
brother to pay for some bills now moving
forward I would say yeah that one’s
super disappointing because I I I am a
raptor fan so I I try to pay attention
to them and they signed them before they
made the trade for Al linck and he
started to come in and he was actually
doing well right like they needed a big
that could uh that could be a protector
of the rim because Koko was out um he
was doing a good job and he was starting
to really build upon it and then all of
a sudden it’s like he’s out the lineup
why well here it is H tough very very
tough there’s no other way yeah it’s
just if you’re going to bet on your
sport especially and then if you’re
going to bet on yourself and the under
and you’re going to pull yourself from a
game yeah you got to go you can’t play
anymore yep and like I said though I
think this we’ll be able to spot this
more as leagues moving forward if you’re
watching these irregularities as before
this probably has happened before but
there’s a there’s a documentary called
bad sport and they actually talked about
in the uh NC AA tournament this actually
happened to yeah Arizona yeah they were
shaving and then the kids were coming
driving new cars and gold chains and you
Rolexes they showed the money too soon
they showed the money there was
something that’s the uh what is it the
Good Fellas where they’re all in the the
guy has the fur coat for his wife and
stuff and they me like why I told you
not to spend your money and yeah yeah
Jeff from GP Texans said wge tweeted
saying Porter told the sports better he
wouldn’t play and the better bet is his
under props and the guy won 1.2
mil well cuz and the thing is he walked
he went into the game and like the under
of his like three points like he was
over under like a five three uh three
points made and he was on the under he
missed them all and then he left with an
injury like so he played all the games a
couple of those props came under and
then left because if he doesn’t play in
those games too yeah the prop just gets
voided or the the bet he gets everyone
gets their money back cuz he doesn’t
play MH but the fact that he then goes
in the lineup and pulls himself out and
gets the under that’s where so he better
get a cut from that well he’s not I I
think he did make a cut from he’d have
to otherwise why would you do that if
you’re not getting anything cuz I think
he made what was it one he made1 1.2
yeah crazy to
zero to zero for yikes but there goes
your career mhm now what do you
do if you’re him well the only way he
plays is if he goes overseas right I
guess but who’s really going to take him
overseas now’ll be someone taking
overseas taking overse why wouldn’t you
yeah so that’s the only way he’s going
to do it yikes but now you you come back
over here and your legacy is forever
tarnished what Legacy there’s that like
this is the Legacy legy now you are the
lifetime ban of the NBA yeah that’s your
legacy good job you are now well without
being as high as him but the Pete
yikes it’s too bad who should be in the
Hall of Fame by the way pet
Rose he should I agree yeah he never bet
on his team we we I bet he did you think
he did well I bet he never bet against
his team see and then that’s where I do
find like if you’re betting for your
yeah I could I could accept that cuz
you’re still trying to win like you’re
not messing with the Integrity of the
game in a sense at that point unless
you’re doing the over
under that’s where you’re messing with
the Integrity you’re walking a fine line
no but know we we welcome the steroid
people into the Hall of Fame they’ve
messed with the entire game of baseball
they they messed with the Integrity of
the game of entirely baseball did they
yeah they made it because baseball’s
never been more interest interesting
when Sosa Maguire Bond
Bonds were were hitting absolute
missiles that going for
700t and then all of a sudden it tanked
because you because there was no more
steroids out there and guys couldn’t
destroy the ball so you’re saying let’s
just go full
steroids baseball let’s go 100% let’s
bring it back let’s see if we can rip
the hide off the ball when we hit it the
balls were juice two years
ago ju like yeah there’s baseball just
let it go it’s
fine okay B then you got to do it all
sports uh yeah football players let’s
let them have the PDS go all
out what would what would Eric lindross
do in this era of
hockey he he was dominant I mean
physically just he could shoot that Pock
was you know like me shooting a marble
like he could just he was so strong I
mean he he was an unbelievable player
should have should should have done more
I think in my mind then uh but there’s
no denying the talent but injury and you
know kind of forced him out before he
could really establish himself as one of
the all-time greats but I mean the
physical package was one of the all-time
grades yeah so that’s what you’d have in
hockey so yeah open it up Jesus p and
you’re coaching kids oh too much your
team oh man no I I I still will fight
I’ll be the naive one I still want my
sports to be as clean as possible yeah
as as like but you can’t deny you can’t
deny that when baseball had those guys
news that was like the best baseball’s
been cuz that was the biggest story like
every day okay well Sosa just hit his
the best baseballs Banners are the most
like most exciting but we only focused
on the Home Run part of it but did was
the game exciting was a nine ining game
fully exciting 100% I was a little cuz
at every single time I turned that game
on I was expecting at some point
somebody’s going to launch this
ball into utter
space so yeah I was like
captivated the game was
exciting but then there was a stretch
after it all happened where it was just
like oh boy because we started getting
rid of steroids from baseball from Peds
and then like and trying to make it more
Kanas City Royals were the best team and
small ball like get out of here I love
small it is good though did you cross
paths with a lot of baseball players
back in the day or even when you were
coaching not really yeah kind of a weird
Bunch like the Kansas I’m not a huge
baseball fan what are other sports I I I
love most sports baseball’s kind of
lower on my thing football’s my favorite
sport Andy
soccer love
basketball um F1 golf throw on a golf
and I’m happy yeah you watched the
baseball Lots I mean it’s good to go to
a game it’s great going basball if you
want to have a nap it’s good to watch
yes that’s exactly what I do every
summer golf to me is still the best
napping sport baseball golf just goes
right because then you can wake up and
you catch up on the leaderboard and they
really didn’t miss much and you can
finish the rest of the round sure um
baseball to me it’s playoffs that’s when
it’s best where it matters so much every
more drama they play 182 games there’s
not a ton of drama like I’m not going to
I’m a Yankee fan they’re take on the J
so I could kind of watch them this
series because they’re on TV but I’m not
looking for them in May to watch on TV
I’ll follow on my phone to see what
they’re doing see he’s just making my
point but it went you’re literally
making my point well there’s other
things going on I got the NBA Playoffs
got the NHL playoffs going on and it’s
spring in Edmonton when those guys were
Juiced I want to be was Juiced you take
that away and we’re all talking about
how it’s a napping sport I’m telling I
love golf but golf is a napping sport to
me too because of the quiet voices as
the announcers
speak but we’ve never we’ve never argued
the fact that it was like you know tiger
obviously brought uh electricity to golf
where it was must SE right so we get
where he is but in and guys are still
doing that now like there’s a bit of
electricity there’s a bit of a buzz you
go to the waist management it’s awesome
you go to live baseball games that’s the
only time people legitimately want to
say k I’m going to the baseball game
when it’s live when you’re sitting back
and you’re watching it on TV I’m
obviously going to get accosted in the
group chat in the CH 162 games though
that’s the thing that’s a lot I agree
but it’s still it’s one of those things
where it’s like do I want to catch the
baseball game today no I don’t that can
happen in a hockey or basketball season
82 games way l yes is hockey too long 82
games of a season I think it is yeah I
think it’d be better if it was shorter
but it never will
be because of the Rue the
obvious Revenue you know and that’s
where I I I always throw this one out
there the soccer model is you build an
inseason tournament and you could lower
your regular season for
playoffs but they did it with the it was
same as regular season they counted for
both whereas if you separate the two it
would completely change the way North
americ does Sports I don’t know how
North America still would fully handle
this would be able to handle it I think
have I convinced you a little bit on it
have IED I like it yeah I liked it very
what’s the problem play 6 games of the
regular season and then you play the
other games are tournament games but
what’s the problem with having the
tournament games count towards your
record because then what’s the point of
having that extra tournament that TR
Championship the flip side is like the
way I guess soccer would look at it is
when you have the turn either you could
go for a great season and win both where
you go all in for them or if you’re like
the Oilers this season you could have
went and said we’ll play hard in the 60
games for the the regular season and
those other games we’ll maybe play Phil
broberg a little bit more we’ll play
Dylan hallway a bit more and play our
youth to see what we can develop with
them at an NHL level because we’re
focused on the Stanley cup and then
teams that are closer to the middle of
the pack like maybe the wild this year
or something going you know I don’t know
if we’re going to win the Stanley Cup
this year but we’re going to go all in
on the ncon tournament and they’re going
to play their full lineups and there’s
like a but if they count if they count
for both that takes that out adds more
Intrigue because now it’s like you’ve
made these players go hard again right
because what’s the big the biggest issue
amongst professional sports maybe
outside of football is that all of our
seasons are too long so then there’s a
certain point in the season where guys
are kind of like but you haven’t shrunk
it then that’s the thing but you add the
Intrigue to it right because if you add
that Championship to it well then guys
are like well yeah I want to win this
go right so now you’re taking out that
those the dog days as they call them
that’s usually when you see your worst
hockey your worst
baseball worst basketball whatever but
now because they have the inseason uh
tournament in basketball well Allon
teams are going hard again well they did
year one what’s wrong with a Tuesday
night in February when it’s minus 30
against Columbus what’s the problem
there I don’t know you answer that
question Tom it’s the worst it’s the
worst Columbus is in town it’s Tuesday
Vitus 30 great I hate that yeah yeah
it’s tough I know I know being you got
to win I mean you got to it’s look it I
mean it came down to the wire I mean it
was an unbelievable playoff race Yep
this year you can’t
you can’t uh deny the parody and the
importance of every game now I mean
Philly probably has the most regret and
remorse o they kind of you know it was
great that they made a run to get in I
mean they exceeded everybody’s
expectations but then once they got
there they dropped the ball a bit
yeah uh we had a texter ask a question
for you from the Glory Days so I’ll I’ll
let it out uh who was the unsung hero of
the Oilers of the80s in your opinion was
the text I can’t remember who it was it
was before we threw out the keyword so
that Tex is lost Charlie huie hey good
day long nice all right yeah maybe the
most underrated guy uh definitely the
most underrated person I ever played
with I mean he was good yeah and he got
no notoriety whatsoever for how good he
was and I mean he played with cough for
a lot of years and coughs offensive
Brilliance overshadowed him but Charlie
huie was a hell of a defenseman yeah and
he did it wearing the worst helmet ever
jofa yeah didn’t you try to wear a
helmet for a bit I I tried yeah one one
year I wore one yeah had a career year w
a cup and then took it
off yeah I love
it uh that’s it for the sto presented by
whiteclaw for this Wednesday Wednesday
uh Craig was it was great having you in
and it was a wonderful couple of hours
spent with you here thanks Matt enjoyed
it B always good to see belly yep when
was in the seat in
the OR up and down your car Tommy always
a pleasure thanks for coming in uh yes
thanks for coming in to Sean coming up
next it is the laotop hus I can’t
remember which boy from cool bet is
going to be on with is it what was that
Zach Pat greguar will be on with a hus
and then noon Tommy and I are back on
with the oil stream as we get you set
for oils coyotes uh and then oil stream
pregame show later tonight the GCL
Diesel oil stream pregame show 6:30
right here on emont Sports Talk uh and
then we’re back with the hangout
tomorrow gager and hernand Salis with us
here on the hangout tomorrow another
chance to qualify for the estd Flyway
also coming up during the lock shop and
the oil stream on behalf of Tom Mt belyy
I’m Matt thanks for tuning in to the EST
hango presented by whiteclaw Lock Shop
starting in just a few minutes right
here on Emon Sports
Talk there you go right in front of the
camera First Time guest longtime
listener fan of the original draft
commissioner welcome to the EST hango
presented by whiteclaw hard Selter the
difference is clear Matana Tom Z with
here joining us today


  1. Unreal. Mac T is such a beauty. Too bad Gager couldn't have been a part of this one, but rad anyway. 👍

  2. This guy was a legend when I was growing up. Thanks for having him on the show. Wishing Mac-T good health and happiness.

  3. From someone in the south, the traffic was unreal yesterday. My regular 20 minute commute took an hour and a half.

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