Golf Players

PGA Pro Andrew Putnam Shares His Journey of Faith and Resilience

PGA Pro Andrew Putnam shares his journey of faith and resilience 🙏⛳️

Discover how PGA Pro Andrew Putnam found strength in faith during tough times. In this exclusive clip from our Tales From The Tour event, Andrew shares his inspiring story of finding identity in Christ and trusting God’s goodness, even in the midst of challenges. 🏌️‍♂️✝️ #faithinsports #OvercomingAdversity #Inspiration #PGA #Golf #ChristianAthlete #trustinGod #TalesFromTheTour #SportsFaith #encouragement

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deep down you know do you truly believe
he’s good when the the bad times hit and
and I think some of those moments where
you where you struggle and you fail it
really makes you
reassess um where you’re putting your
belief in God and how you see God and so
that was one thing I really had to had
to work through and then the next thing
was you know how do I get my worth how
do I how do I get my value and and uh in
golf it’s so easy to get your value from
your scorecard how you’re playing um you
know every week you’ll see the winner
from the previous week he’s walking
around with the strut you know he’s
feeling pretty good because uh you know
he won he’s on top of the world and and
it’s it’s only natural to see yourself
as you know I’m I’m the best or my
game’s going good Life’s good you know
and when it goes bad it’s easy to have
the opposite reaction you know I you
know I can’t hit a fairway I’m supposed
to be a professional and I feel like I’m
worse than some of the guys I play with
you know on the weekend and and um and
so those two things are are extremely
important as as Christians to really you
know how do you see who God is to you
and how do you see yourself in relation
with him

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