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Ludvig Åberg embracing high expectations (FULL PRESSER) | Live From The Masters | Golf Channel

Ludvig Åberg discusses how he’s handling the pressure that comes with the Masters Tournament, how he plans to break down Augusta National and what he’ll look for in his first time playing at the event. #GolfChannel #LiveFromTheMasters #LudvigAberg
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Ludvig Åberg embracing high expectations (FULL PRESSER) | Live From The Masters | Golf Channel

ludvig welcome to your first Masters and
your first
major uh this time last year you were
still in college but have since had an
impressive rise to the professional
ranks in a very short period of time
what are your first impressions of
Augusta National and the Masters
Tournament um yeah I mean obviously it’s
a it’s a pleasure to be here I think um
I mean Augusta National speaks for
itself it’s it’s a it’s an unbelievable
property and I’m I’m very very fortunate
to be a part of it it um it’s uh it’s a
golf course I love and it’s a golf
course that I’ve watched for for such a
long time and I am uh very very
privileged to be here great all right
we’re going to open up to some questions
which we welcome in English or in
Swedish Daniel this one’s going to be in
English um you’re the highest ranked
debutant second highest behind only
Windom Clark um so how do you balance
you know most guys their first Masters
are trying to take everything in they’re
kindy to soak in the experience but
you’re in a unique position where I’m
sure you believe you can win this
tournament so how are you balancing
those two things this week uh yeah it’s
a tricky balance because obviously I’m
feeling all the first time things that
everyone’s feeling um but I’m also you
know trying to be okay with all those
things coming at me at the same time
because I think once you start fighting
it once you start trying to push it away
I think that’s when it’s becomes tricky
um so I guess all I’m trying to do is
just embrace all the nerves and all the
excitement that I feel um and that at
the same time know my capabilities and
know my qualities and and know that you
know that’s probably going to be good
enough to compete um I can’t make any
promises but I I’ll I’ll definitely make
sure that I’m I’m coming uh coming
Thursday I’ll be prepared as I can
Michael kind of as a followup to Dan’s
question but where was the first place
you went on the property when you got
here ludvic where were you most excited
to see have you got a big shopping list
and merch that you need to to go and buy
for people uh a big shopping list yeah
in in the mer Center have you been asked
to buy lots of stuff for lots of
people um I’m I’m sorry I don’t
understand the
question so would you say that again so
merchandise you know like hats and so on
has anyone asked you to buy anything I
know uh yes I’ve had I’ve had multiple
friends text me and ask me to get some
stuff um I’m trying to get all that done
before the tournament starts and before
it gets really busy but um I’m sure I’m
get myself a hat as
well in terms of the first place you
went on the the property where were you
most excited to go it um I think just
trying to soak it all in we walked the
back nine yesterday um I was here two
weeks ago and we played and and
yesterday when we came in it it it was
very cool obviously you see I think my
favorite my favorite part is when you
hit your second shot off 11 and you’re
walking down the the hill 11 walking
down watching over 12 and seeing all
those um kind of picturing all the
iconic shots has been hit and and that’s
what I really love about this place and
and that’s what I really love about uh
being here brenley was two weeks two
weeks ago the first time over here to
the right was uh two weeks ago the first
time you had played here ever or it was
my second time we went we went my
freshman year of college uh we took a
team trip we had two donors took us out
um uh it was right before covid hit a
couple of weeks prior so we had a great
weekend we got to play the golf course
um and and yeah it was it was really
cool and then who have you leaned on the
most in terms of trying to learn this
golf course for your debut uh my caddy
Joe Joe’s been around here for however
long he’s been here for and he’s he’s
seen the place and um he’s he’s uh he’s
been a very valuable tool for me and
he’s helped me a ton with uh not only
once we got here but also you know
certain shots that you can work on when
you’re home uh make sure that you come
prepared for certain things that might
show up during the tournament round um
but he’s seen it all and and and and I
trust them with everything I have
Brody you know things have gone so
steadily pretty well for you so far in
your first year and you you generally
seem so even keeled what are you kind of
like when things aren’t going well or
when you’re having a really bad round
how would you describe yourself um I get
I don’t get very angry I I get more
frustrated and disappointed with myself
um I don’t toss clubs I don’t get all
these anger tant rooms so um I get more
you know dis disappointed frustrated
with myself can’t really figure it out
and uh sometimes it you know it holds me
back a little bit and I’m working on it
but uh hopefully you know because it’s
you’re not always going to play perfect
golf it’s not always going to be um you
know great all the time so all I try to
do is you know keep my emotions intact
and make sure that it doesn’t happen too
often at least is is there a time in
your career whether it was younger or
recently that like failed is maybe not
the right word but you really kind of
frustrated yourself or didn’t do what
you wanted I think I think it happens
almost every round you play at some
point uh whether it’s a shot or or a
stretch where you’re not playing as good
as you wanted to and that’s what that’s
what golf is about I think it’s it’s not
going to be perfect um it’s not going to
be pretty all the time but if you can
somehow scrape it around and and not get
too high not get too low I think that’s
that’s my take on it and that’s how I
try to do it but um I guess there’s no
right or wrong answer to that James back
L we’ve just heard from Tiger and Rory
and both of them spoke at length about
sort of the benefit of learning this
golf course and knowing your way around
uh I’m wondering what have you learned
and what do you still need to
learn um I think there’s a lot lot left
for me to learn uh but once again I’ll
I’ll Trust Joe my caddy um I’ll trust
him in in terms of the preparation in
terms of course management because he’s
seen it and he’s been there for for a
long time and I think that’s what I have
to do um obviously the golf course is is
very tricky um you got to know your
spots you know your misses um you have
to play a very good golf and and hit the
shots um but uh hopefully we’ll we’ll
use these couple practice days ahead of
us and make sure that come Thursday we
know a little bit more now or know know
a little bit more then than I do now
gentleman here in the blue uh Liv you
closed your collegate career out last
year by winning the H Haskins award I’m
just curious can you talk to perhaps the
foundation that was built for you and
through Texas Tech and how you believe
that’s helped you with your start your
professional career oh yeah definitely I
think um what what I was able to do in
college definitely helped me do this um
because it made me realize that um you
know college is great for for many many
reasons it teaches you a lot of things
not only maturing and growing up and
taking care of your own stuff and not
have your mom tap your shoulder when you
do laundry and do your homework and
those things so I think that taught me a
lot obviously moving away across the
world as well so but on the golf course
too the college golf is great College
the quality is really good and and if
you can play good college golf most
likely you’ll be able to play good
professional golf as well um so I think
that’s what I’ve learned over these last
I guess almost year um since I turned
professional um and I think that’s an
encourage encouraging part for the
amateur that are in the amateur game
right now and in college cuz is you know
the the line is quite thin to be honest
um but obviously I’ve I’ve ow I owe a
lot to Texas Tech and and program and
the opportunity that I got from them Tom
hi ludic can you tell us about how the
Masters is thought about or viewed in
your home country of
Sweden um yeah we were talking about it
the other day I think the Masters is
always it’s always you know a special
week and a special tournament and I
think one of the reasons is because it’s
starting to feel like spring back home
and and golf is kind of coming around
the corner um after a a Long Winter uh
most likely we’re going to have we’ve
had some snow and we’ve had some cold
days but now the master is kind of
kickstarting April and we can you know
the golf courses are opening and we can
go play again and I think that’s what I
really enjoyed and and I remember
watching the Masters when I was younger
and you would always be so excited to go
play golf after you’ve watched it and um
you know I still have that feeling to
this day and and hopefully I’ll never
really lose that I think Ian good VI um
obviously it’s your major debut as well
as your Master’s uh debut so could you
just sort of talk a little bit about
that Vibe obviously at a time when the
majors are the only time when everybody
comes together it’s not as though you
had everybody at the Players
Championship last month MH yeah I mean
obviously um a major is a little bit
different whether you like it or not
it’s a bigger tournament uh there’s a
little bit of a different vibe to it um
and I’m I’m just right now experiencing
it for the first time and uh and like I
touched on before too I’m okay with that
and I’m okay with feeling all the nerves
and and being okay with it being a
little bit different uh to a normal
tournament but obviously it’s uh it’s
cool to see all the best players in the
world together I think that’s what we
all want ultimately but um it’s uh it’s
a pleasure to be here in the back Jordan
uh ever since you turned professional
feels like your world kind of
accelerated contending week to week uh
winning in Switzerland winning see
Island the rider cup I mean how are you
able to manage um you know the
day-to-day exhaustion kind of get
through that how does that contribute to
a week like this uh yeah I mean
definitely I think my my life on the
golf course has changed a lot over the
last couple of months but um my life
hasn’t changed a ton uh off the golf
course which I think is really important
um my my my personality is the same I
don’t try to do anything different from
what I did last year and um I think it’s
very important for me to to stay doing
that uh doing those things um but
obviously it’s uh it’s really cool to
now be able to play these tournaments
and being in the situation that I am
it’s it’s uh it’s very cool and since
you turned professional uh your chipping
has really improved can you talk about
what’s gone into that my what sorry your
chipping uh yeah yeah my my short game
has gotten a lot better um I start
working with Peter Hansen a lot more uh
in terms of my short game and obviously
Peter um he’s he played a lot of good
golf over his career and he uh his short
game is still really good I remember we
we we worked a little bit at players and
he was trying to show me this shot and
he just steps up and he makes it so
that’s the kind of teacher he is and and
um and I’m learning a lot from him Gary
ludvic you you’ve been asked or told
over the last nine months that this is
your first of a lot of stuff um you’re
going to get to a point where you’re not
going to hear that anymore are you
consciously aware of all this stuff
being your first or are you just
adapting to wherever you’re
going um yeah I mean you’re very right
I’ve had a lot of Firsts over the last
couple of months um and and once again
I’m I’m I’m trying to embrace it I’m not
trying to push it away I’m not trying to
fight it um I think that’s that’s one of
the key things and um I mean I remember
back in last year when we played in Rome
that was that was a big first as well
and that was very nerve-wracking but it
was also a very cool experience and and
something that taught me a lot that week
and I think you know a lot of those
experiences that I’ll have in the next
couple months will be very similar and I
think I think I’m just trying to learn
from it try to have fun and um whether
you like it or not it is going to be
different but it’s also just golf and
it’s just me and my 14 clubs I guess
Adam of the four majors which was the
one that when you’re kid growing up
making trying to whole put you know
pretending thinking it’s to win a major
which was the one that you really always
wanted to win uh it was this the Masters
why so um I think one of the reasons was
was what I talked about before and and
because it’s the first tournament the
first major of the year and and spring
is kind of around the corner back home
and we we were so excited to play golf
and that was obviously Augusta is the
most special plays in golf as well so I
think all those things coming together
um just wants you to play good golf here
and then wants you to be uh you know be
a part of the Masters Alice I’m sorry
can I ask one more sure do they sell
pimento cheese in
Sweden I’m not even sure I don’t know I
don’t think so have you had a sandwich
yet what’s that have you had one of the
I haven’t I haven’t I’m sure I’m sure
I’ll have one later this week uh at some
point yeah Alex uh you you talk about
being motivated as a kid to play the
Masters what’s your earliest childhood
memory of watching The Masters and what
about uh I’m sure you remember Peter’s
nice performance here as well I was
going to say uh the one year that I
definitely remember watching a lot of it
was was when Peter was I think it was
2012 when he was playing in the final
group and I mean obviously I didn’t know
him at the time and it’s pretty cool to
that I’ve gotten to know him quite well
over the last couple years and he’s been
telling me stories and that was a year
when Bubba hit it from the trees I think
um so I remember that year watching it
quite intense when he was in the final
group and um but I’ve watched it a ton
since as well CH you yeah you spoke a
little bit about the um the feelings at
the rer up can you compare your the
nerves going into that and this week
obviously such a different environment
team sport there and but the crowd’s
huge everything’s so noisy compared with
this uh yeah it’s it’s a obviously you
still have the nerves and but it’s a
different Dynamic to it I feel like now
I’m I’m I’m still only playing for
myself and me and my team whereas in
Rome you play for so much more and you
play for uh your country your continent
and your teammates and it’s a it’s just
a different Dynamic to it um but you
know this week is is really special as
well and and I try to have fun I try to
embrace it and and see where that takes
joy goodwi one of the stats that is
thrown around a lot at the Masters is
the fact that no none of the first
timers have won since 1979 when fuzzy
did it uh do you pay any attention to
stat like that um I actually didn’t know
that stat up until just now so I guess
not um but yeah I mean I think that
speaks to the um to the difficulty of
the golf course and the difficulty of um
of of some of the things that you might
um you know get thrown at you in the in
the tournament um but um you know I
can’t really do a whole lot about that
lighted what were some of the shots that
Joe um was challenging you to hit kind
of coming into this week and then what
was the shot that Peter did that you
couldn’t couldn’t do um well I think a
few obviously uh the things that I’ve
been working on quite a lot is the
uneven lives that you get here um
obviously you’re going to get a lot of
ball below your feet ball above your
feet um all those sort of things and and
trying to keep it on the correct sides
um so I think we did a lot of those
things and then Peters just helped me a
lot with short game in general and and
try to get a more deeper understanding
of what happens when you do this what
happens when you do that and um because
it’s very very logical and then I think
um with his help I’ve just become more
eager to learn about it I think um and
and you know it’s fun to hit nice bunker
shots it’s fun to hit flop shots and
those things so I think uh he’s just
been an an allaround uh great teacher in


  1. With those stats he's more of a US Open or PGA champion waiting to happen…. Hope he proves me wrong this weekend 🚀

  2. Golf Channel , a pedantic jock sniffing network controlled by gatekeeping PGA boomers. And its sports journalists at best are tabloid writers who would better thrive at Daily Mail.

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