Golf Babe

Trump Double Trouble: Golf, Girls & Supreme Court

Donald Trump and did supreme court case affecting his hush money trial
Supreme Court immunity case Stormy Daniel’s New York hush money trials by the Democrats

um imagine if you will a world where the
president of the United States is on
trial for sleeping with a girl yet he
claims he can’t
possibly be the culprit because he was
in fact playing golf now picture this a
cartoonish Donald Trump is split into
two one half is on the Green Golf Club
in hand eyes squinted in
concentration as he lines up the perfect
the other half is in a courtroom hands
waving dramatically passionately arguing
case how he yes can I be in two places
at once this is the conundrum that our
dear leader finds himself in is he a
golfing Casanova or a courtroom
Gladiator so if our dear president was
busy perfecting his swing who exactly
was supposed to be in court but wait
more while our golfing president was
busy avoiding Court he was also supposed
to be focusing on the presidential
immunity case at the Supreme Court now
you may ask what in the world is a
presidential immunity case well it’s
like a get out of jail free card but
with a fancier name and a whole lot more
paperwork imagine being able to juggle
golf balls court cases and presidential
duties all at once sounds exhausting
right well that’s what our dear
president was up to no wonder he hasn’t
hit the golf course in a while the
presidential immunity case is a legal
mindfield a battlefield of words and a
test of patience it’s like trying to
play chess while riding a roller coaster
thrilling but you’re bound to lose a few
pieces along the way
so what’s the punchline here well it’s
the absurdity of it all the president
the most powerful man in the country
juggling golf clubs lawsuits and legal
paperwork like a circus
performer it’s a sight to behold and one
that’s worthy of a few
Chuckles who knew being
president involved such
multitasking maybe it’s time time to
trade the golf clubs for a gavl now you
might be asking yourself why all these
lawsuits well according to our dear
president it’s all just tactics used by
the Democrats picture this a Grand
Theater the Democrats as Puppet Masters
pulling the strings on lawsuits like
marionet in a grand performance it’s
like watching a full-fledged Broadway
show show but instead of singing cats or
dancing news boys we have legal
documents in courtrooms it’s a spectacle
really and uh why you ask well the
theory is it’s all about
distraction um keep the present busy
with legal woes and um he won’t have
time for golf let alone running the
country it’s a Sly game of chess each
lawsuit another Pawn moved on the board
and so we watch the grand performance
unfold lawsuits flying Democrats
smirking and the president well just
wishing he could get back to his nine
iron so there you have it folks a
golfing president multiple lawsuits and
puppeteering Democrats just another day
in the world of politics

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