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The Ultimate MMA GOAT LIST! Re-Ranking The Top 15 Best Fighters In History

In this video I rank the best MMA fighters of all time using a top 15 ranking system. I rank these fighters based off of dominance, longevity, and quality of opposition. I discuss names like Jon Jones, George St-Pierre, Anderson Silva, Alex Pereira, Khabib, Alexander Volkanovski & many more.

it’s time for us to update our top 15
fighters of all time that’s right we’re
getting into more MMA goat conversation
and especially after this past weekend
where we had a lot of great results a
lot of Fighters move up on that goat
list some Fighters didn’t even fight and
the resume was aging well or aging like
milk either way I figured it would be a
time to give you guys the definitive top
15 not a lazy top 15 not just
nonchalantly putting this guy here or
this guy here oh well you you got to
have him in the top five you’re not
going to hear any you got to have him
here you got to have him there okay like
there’s going to be a good explanation
as to why everyone is where they’re at
it’s not going to be random [ __ ] you
aren’t going to hear well you know vula
at the number eight spot and Ronda
Rousey at the number two spot just
because she was big for the sport and
we’re not going to have different
criterias for every fighter no no pity
parties no this guy changed the sport
quite a lot so we got to give him the
tip of the Hat no tip of the hats okay
were you good enough or were you not who
did you lose to we’re counting losses
we’re not doing any of the pity party
[ __ ] as I said yeah but he also was
the BMF and showed up every time it
doesn’t matter do you have L’s how many
who to and how many wins do you have and
if you got the wins who’ you beat okay
are they aging well that’s what we are
going to be
discussing okay so without further Ado
let’s get into this top 15 starting with
Fedor M Yan Fedor M Yan yeah you’re
right Fedor
mileno sorry man but Fedor mileno he’s
just barely hanging on and although he’s
up there he’s definitely one of the best
old heads to ever do it I’m not going to
lie it is kind of a Pity placement like
I’m not exactly sure which other fighter
would be past him but all I have to say
is well Islam AKA is going to be higher
you know I love how people say things
like whoa whoa whoa dude you have a be
up there but not Fedor what did Fedor
do what the [ __ ] did Fedor do to be
higher than naib let me guess let me
guess he beat Mark hunt and Matt lenland
Tim Sylvia he beat Tim Sylvia and merco
filipovic merco croop’s not even in the
top 50 all time Marco crop’s probably
floating out there at around the 98
spot you know know so at the end of the
day I just think that Fedor is so
overrated just because everyone back in
the pride
days everyone back in the pride days was
just seen as like the toughest grittiest
most skilled guy on the on the earth
just because they’re big tough looking
heavyweights like it’s basically if you
look like one of the tough guys from the
SpongeBob bar that rifles
the if you look like you’re one of the
the tough guys that hangs out in the bar
that SpongeBob gets kicked out of and
sent to the [ __ ] Weenie Hut Juniors
for then you’re a goat Mark Coleman
shout out to Mark Coleman he’s a hero I
love Mark Coleman but again you look at
Mark Coleman big roed out delts um you
look at a guy like Kevin randelman Kevin
randman was he really that good or was
he just unbelievably jacked and because
of that people were like dude look at
this big slam from Kevin randomman you
must have been the man it’s like dude
those guys were like 500 level Fighters
they were win one lose one win one lose
one type of guy and fair enough Fedor
Milenko stood Out Among the pack he was
actually consistently winning but the
thing is he was basically beating up
bodybuilders that’s basically the
competition that there was back in the
day it was bodybuilders it was wrestlers
with the the skill of Ben asran on the
feet just with a little bit of extra
athleticism so they weren’t technically
Ben asan horrible but they were still
horrible so I just think it’s hilarious
how yeah yeah yeah uh yeah for sure
khabib that beat Conor McGregor Dustin
porier Justin gagei Edson Barosa RDA
khabib’s nowhere near the goat list but
Fedor is he is barely hanging on I got
him at the 15 spot but let’s relax
because you I posted a poll today I put
out a poll today that said who’s better
who’s better on the alltime list Max
Holloway or fade or Millian
and you have people that have the
[ __ ] nerve to comment recency bias oh
recency bias dude come on Hall we got to
win that doesn’t mean he’s better than
Fedor really who is Fedor beat Max
Holloway is beating Justin gagei who is
like a consistent title Challenger in
the modern era Hollow is going out there
and beating guys like Arnold Allen who
is a modern era featherweight skilled
level Contender so let’s relax with this
[ __ ] he beat Jose Aldo twice that’s
what okay he was able to go out there
and beat a guy like tkz and yaaya
Rodriguez and Ricardo L and Anthony
Pettis and Charles Oliva back in the day
and you’re asking to oh he’s not higher
than [ __ ]
Fedor oh yeah I guess in order for Max
Holloway to reach Fedor status he just
needs to get koed a couple of times and
he needs to subtract all the wins he has
over featherweights in the modern era
and just replace them with big Juiced up
bodybuilders with striking skill sets of
B Ben asran sure okay but shout out to
Fedor I got him in my number 15 spot
because because I I you know listen I’m
I’m kind of falling into that you know
he’s an old head and you kind of have to
put him on the list I’m kind of falling
into that you kind of have to put him in
the list mindset but this is the last
time the jig is up for Fedor Milenko
this is the last time you’re going to
see him on any of my goat
lists yeah I don’t mean to be
disrespectful but I’m just being honest
I’m just being honest okay so he still
went out there and got good wins over
guys like Andre rovski that’s one he got
wins over guys like Mark hunt which to
be honest again Mark Hunt is just one of
the tough guys that hangs out at the bar
across the street from ween
Juniors he’s not actually that great he
has a couple of walk-off Kos over fat
bums okay so like can we just relax with
the marun stuff uh Mark Coleman
onedimensional wrestler onedimensional
wrestler but still a good win merco
crocop he was pretty decent he was a
pretty decent guy but other than that
are we really going to rate a win over
Kevin randomman that high dude yes Kevin
randomman got big slam
takedowns I don’t care I don’t give a
[ __ ] if you got big slam takedowns I
don’t think he’s in the goat
conversation who else is there oh of
course Antonio noera oh well now we can
kind of catapult him to the top I guess
fedor’s in the top five now can you
believe it can you believe it some
people put Fedor in the top five because
he has a win over
noera and Kevin
randelman just stop cut the [ __ ]
also Fedor got knocked out by Dan
Henderson Antonio Silva and Fabricio
verdum he got subbed by by all in his
early 30s so sorry but when he actually
started to fight the modern era guys in
his early 30s and we know for
heavyweight you’re supposed to be good
up until your late
30s he couldn’t stand he couldn’t get
past him he literally couldn’t stand
they subbed him and knocked him out on
to the next one we’re at the number 14
spot and this is where it gets
interesting this is where it gets really
interesting I’ve got Alex poon Pereira
at my number 14 spot I think that this
win that he got last weekend against
Jamal Hill the fifth UFC champion that
he’s beat I think that warrants him a
place in the top 15 now the reason why I
I have him in my list now but I didn’t
have him prior just because of one win
over Jamal Hill because some people are
going to say dude he beat Jamal Hill and
now he’s in your list he was already on
the list bro he’s already been on that
no you got to have like a decent balance
of quantity and quality and Alex had all
the quality he was just lacking some
extra quantity and now we got a win that
was not only a quality win but it gave
him some extra quantity so now he’s got
five UFC Champions beat he’s only had
one L in the UFC and he’s one for one
with that guy is he and as far as I’m
concerned that’s a clean slate you lost
to him but hey at least you beat him too
and you knocked him out and at least you
outstruck him in those fights too so at
the end of the day now that he’s beat
Yan bovich former UFC champion Jamal
Hill aisna who else Yuri
prasa okay Shan Strickland and he’s got
a win over the the the great Andreas
madus and the excellent Bruno Silva
who’s in my opinion I actually have
Bruno Silva in my top five I’m joking
but you get the point these are really
phenomenal Fighters now does Alex
Pereira have any wins against top five
fighters of all time does he have a win
over a guy like DC or Jon Jones
obviously not because he has a father
them but those are the type of wins that
he would need to really catapult him up
there is a win over maged and KV going
to put this man in the top five no but a
win over Aspen would or like three more
title defenses that light heavyweight
either way I I have to say it at this
point his quality is off the charts and
yeah you probably won’t see adna on this
list and I know there’s a constant
rivalry between them but I’ll just
explain the quick difference before
before we get on to the next one the
difference between Izzy and Alex Pereira
even though they have a clean slate one
in one is that Alex has beat Strickland
Izzy hasn’t okay Alex beat yam bovich is
he hasn’t Alex been a UFC world champion
in two-way classes is he hasn’t and Alex
has had more consistent wins whereas
zagna it’s more of the win one and lose
one type of situation over the past
couple of well I I should say 10 the
past 10 fights Alex hasn’t had that
issue so it’s it’s not as simple as what
are you saying Alex is a top 15 goata
desna we’re counting robberies and
that’s just not the case Okay uh but
yeah Alex Pereira the quality is off the
charts another thing that I want to
discuss is the lack of title defenses
for Pereira because I feel like a lot of
people if there’s not a title strapped
to a win they think that automatically
that win is less impressive than
anything that has a title that comes
along with it and I couldn’t disagree
more I think think that for example a
title win over someone like Vulcan o
deir for Daniel Cormier is much less
impressive than for example Alex
pereira’s win over sha Strickland when
it wasn’t for a title before Strickland
had ever became a champion because
number one Strickland went on to become
a champion he still at the time was on a
great win streak and overall has a
better resume than Vulcan o deir so like
all of these wins that we’re to be
discussing they age well or they age
poorly okay it’s very rare that a win is
just going to be looked at in a vacuum
as this is what it was on the night and
that’s all that matters so although he
only has three title wins it doesn’t
really matter to me Theon bovich fight
that’s basically a championship level
opponent the Shan Strickland fight that
is a championship level opponent so I
look at them in the same way most people
would look at like a title win okay
let’s get on to the next one at the
number 133 spot stie miic who has slid
down since my last top 15 video because
some of these other guys have been
winning Alex wasn’t even on my list
wasn’t even on my radar for a top 15
fighter of all time a couple of years
ago Stipe was though Stipe was higher
back then now since Alex is climbing and
he’s putting together a resume that
honestly is starting to rival the likes
of some of these old heads let’s be
honest I mean the old heads are going to
start to come into competition and
that’s what’s happening now Stipe is
still in the mix I got him at the number
13 spot he’s got the most title defenses
in the UFC heavyweight division’s
history and I believe in total he has
six title wins now that sounds really
impressive but the issue for Stipe is
the best wins that he’s had he’s also
lost to those guys as well and he hasn’t
always pulled out ahead of them he’s
kind of had like a clean slate with a
few of them for example he’s one inone
with with then ganu okay one in one with
Francis and ganu and to be fair you
could say that Stipe was a little old
when he fought Francis the second time
well yeah well Francis and ganu was a
little young when he fought stie the
first time he wasn’t in his prime either
and stpe was so they’re pretty much even
as far as I’m concerned in that little
rivalry right I obviously think Stipe
has the better resume overall but just
hear me out he’s got to win over Junior
dos Santos that’s a former UFC champion
but the thing is Junior dos Santos has a
win over him him that STP Avenged I know
people are always going to be high on
the yeah but he Avenged it thing okay
but just because you were the one that
got the second win does not necessarily
mean you have moved past them and proved
100% that you’re better than them that
you got to have a best out of three to
determine that so he’s got two wins over
DC though so he has kind of moved past
DC and some of you are going to say it
was an old-head DC but at the end of the
day that’s a DC that is a champion
without Steve B miotic in that division
even at his old age where he was
fighting Stipe in the trilogy there’s an
argument maybe Francis at the time who
was really climbing the ranks may have
been a champion but it could have also
have been DC DC looked decent in those
final fights with stie mioi so I really
do rate those wins very highly and of
course he’s got wins over verdum he’s
got wins over guys like aliser oim um
and there’s a loss to Stephen stru which
is a little bit embarrassing but I don’t
really look too deeply into that because
he got brutally ey poked before he got
tko’ed uh but he’s also got wins over
former Champions like Andre rovski who
wasn’t in his prime at the time but was
crafty orlovski and orlovski these days
is still giving guys fits at the bottom
of the heavyweight level so imagine how
decent he was in 2016 okay he’s got Mark
hunt Mark hunt yeah imagine people
calling Fedor Milenko third best win
ever Mark hunt um and saying he’s the
top five fighter of all time but stie
miotic is 50th best win was Mark hon
yeah he’s not top five no one would ever
consider him top five um but yeah DPE
has a really decent resume very decent
resume the issue is though that he
hasn’t necessarily pulled past a bunch
of these guys like Francis okay like
Stephan stro I don’t even think he got
that one back like JDS he’s also lost to
DC so I mean there are some L’s and the
people that have beat him don’t have the
most insane resumes ever Francis Gano I
believe lost to gone so stipe’s loss
didn’t age that well when Francis went
on to lose to gone right after and I
know people are going to say you didn’t
lose to gone yes he did he lost three
out of the five rounds to gone let’s get
on to the next one at the number 12 spot
we’ve got none other than Dominic Cruz
that’s right the bantamweight goat and
the thing is it’s kind of crazy how the
bantamweight goat is so low on this list
but that’s just because it’s really hard
to pull away from the pack at
bantamweight they’re so competitive in
that division it’s hard to set yourself
apart all right but Dominick Cruz has to
be mentioned now although he has one of
the most embarrassing losses in UFC
history for anyone that’s on this list
losing in his prime to Cody garbrandt
and we know garbrandt has just never
been able to be an elite competitor ever
since that fight the Stars aligned for
him he does have some good wins too he’s
got a great win over Demetrius Johnson
who’s an alltime fighter if you’re
wondering what alltime fighter means it
means if you’re a top 15 fighter of all
time Demetrius Johnson is Cruz beat him
a young Demetrius Johnson but we’re
still going to count that he beat a
prime TJ Dillashaw though which I rate
pretty highly he also has a good win
over Pedro Munoz who’s the classic tough
out in the bantamweight division not
necessarily the best not you know the
hardest guy to beat but he had a
rallying back win against Pedro after
Pedro dropped him and I think that’s
pretty gritty that’s pretty crafty from
Dominick Cruz but a loss to Marin Cheeto
Vera who’s let’s be honest nothing that
special Cruz has a really good resume
okay he’s got wins over guys like Joseph
Ben aidz and he’s got Uriah Faber but
let’s not get too crazy and act like
Uriah Faber is the best thing since
sliced bread I know the old heads love
Uriah Faber and when the The California
Kid came on and the song came on people
went nuts but come on guys this is not
the lagona beach in SpongeBob all right
this is not you know oh this guy looks
cool and he’s the ultimate I mean youri
Faber wasn’t even that good so let’s not
get too hyped with it all
right you know let’s let’s relax and
also this idea of Joseph benov is one of
the greatest fighters of all time he was
all right like don’t get me wrong he was
pretty good but I wouldn’t necessarily
say he was on yoel Romero’s level of
best fighters to never win a belt but
either way Cruz has a really good resume
and once you get to this level things
are really close and competitive I mean
again we’re talking about the number 12
best MMA fighter to ever do it he’s not
that far far off from number 11 he’s not
that far off from number 13 let’s get on
to the next one we’ve got none other
than the brother brother himself Islam
makev at the number 11 spot that’s right
I had him at number 12 I’m switching his
spot with Dominic Cruz now this is why
Islam makev he has two all-time wins one
really close he’s got a win over Charles
Oliva remember he hasn’t fought any the
lightweights huh well what what do you
what do you call that against Charles
domination against Charles Oliva outside
of just the ground game but on the feet
Total Domination he has a legit win over
Alexander volkanovski in the first fight
which is as legit as it comes in fact
that was not the best version of makev I
know there’s this idea that listen he
was weight trained and I’m not going to
go and and say that he was a horrible
version of himself I mean MF doesn’t
need a two-month vacation to fully fill
up after the weigh-ins he doesn’t need a
Manny Petty or whatever but either way
Islam makev has a win over featherweight
skill Prime Alexander volkanovski by
decision where volkanovski never gasses
out has some of the highest fight IQ
ever has crazy volume was coming on
strong in the later rounds very close
fight though not a dominant fight but
still I rate that pretty highly getting
a decision over a featherweight skill
primed featherweight goat is pretty
[ __ ] good and I know that at the time
it didn’t look amazing but now that
you’re going to compare Aslam mf’s
performance to pipsqueak porier and
Charles Oliva little Charles Oliva push
over Oliva you guys will see that wind
will age really well featherweight skill
is prevailing and this is something
that’s really important to bring up
because I know that people have already
dropped their comment by now I just went
on a one minute rant people have already
dropped their hate comment because I
said that mv’s higher than Cruz higher
than Alex Pereira you know how all the
pr fans are saying he’s higher than the
be already they would have a heart
attack if I say that he’s lower than MF
let me explain this there’s this idea
that Islam makev has one good win or two
good wins Charles and Vulcan offski by
the way those are two all-time wins he
has head kick KO vulk in the rematch
fair enough fat vulk on short notice
it’s still a win and he still shut him
down skillfully in the first round where
the gas tank didn’t really come into the
equation and we got to count it as a win
so I don’t want to hear any [ __ ]
about this guy not defending against
Real lightweights oh yeah he needs to
fight Dustin porier that’s a real tough
test for him right yeah sure um but
listen Islam makev has a bunch of decent
wins before he got the belt and you guys
will sit here and you’ll hype up Jose
Aldo for beating up people in the we and
beating a bunch of nobodies to defend
his belt you’ll hype up Demetrius
Johnson for beating Tim Elliott who was
coming off of three losses in the UFC
and had just gotten back into the UFC
after scraping by the the The Ultimate
Fighter TV TV show and he walked right
into a title shot you guys will hype up
those type of wins but Islam mv’s win
over Drew Dober I guess people forget
Islam makv running through Dan hooker
within a minute people forget him
beating Davey Ramos that’s a decent win
him beating Arman serukan let’s not act
like he doesn’t have that on his resume
he did beat Arman stukan who since then
hasn’t lost to anybody and has done
nothing but dominate which is in my
opinion a similar style of Aging win to
Dominic Cruz beating a guy like
Demetrius Johnson and of course he’s not
on Demetrius Johnson’s level that’s not
why I put Islam makv ahead of Dominic
Cruz but the point is that win is aged
really well all right since then Arman
is dominated and he’s about to fight
again for the belt and I believe that is
lamaka getting that win I mean it looks
really good in hindsight so he’s got a
bunch of good ones you guys will rate
any lightweights win over Drew Dober as
pretty decent but Islam gets it and you
act like it doesn’t exist I’m not saying
these are wins that that really get you
high up on the goat list but you’ll rate
Justin gagei destroying Edson Barbosa
and you’ll raid him destroying James Vic
but again not Islam running through Dan
hooker or Bobby green or what’s his name
who’s the guy that Beno St Denise ran
through with these uh the grappler tiako
Mo he’s got a winner Moes but that’s not
ultimately why it’s it’s the quantity of
wins he had before he fought for the
belt which I believe was like a 10-fight
win streak in the UFC and he has a
volkanovski win who is literally one of
the goats and he has a Charles Oliva
dominant performance who is in my
opinion the third best lightweight of
all time and he’s got a second win over
fat vulk which is still a better win
than you know one of these Schmucks like
Dan hooker or one of these Schmucks like
Tim Elliott all right still good wins so
yeah I have Islam Mev right outside of
my top 10 because I really favor the
strength of the quality and he’s also
got some decent quantity okay as I said
Drew Dober Dan hooker these are much
better wins than for example Alex
pereira’s wins over a guy like Andreas
malladus or Bruno Silva right they’re
not at the Shan Strickland level they’re
not at the Jamal Hill level but they’re
better than those guys so they’re like
decent ranked guys at right outside of
the top 10 and unlike Pereira Mev has
alltime wins whereas Pereira doesn’t
Okay MV has a win over vul he’s got two
actually which is really good and I
believe that Charles ol’s resume is
better than anyone Alex per ever beat as
well so let’s get on to the next one at
the number 10 spot who do we got at
number 10 none other than big Potbelly
Daniel Cormier that’s right I’ve got
Daniel Cormier at my number 10 spot I
think he’s starting to slip just a
little bit because it’s the nature of
the game that’s how it goes DC has a win
over Stipe he’s also lost to Stipe twice
it’s not like he’s going to be at the
number two spot now unlike is LAM makv
DC’s only lost to the best fighters
though okay he’s only lost to Jones and
Stipe whereas Mo have lost to whatever
the [ __ ] that guy’s name is I literally
forget his name Martin Adrian Martin’s
right which I can kind of look past but
it’s still an ugly look DC was never
losing to any Adriano Martins DC only
lost to Jon Jones when Jones was SED to
the gills and you can’t even count that
because it was considered a no contest
after he lost to Jones by decision and
stay twice TKO in decision but other
than that he’s beat the likes of Rumble
Johnson multiple times who did Rumble
Johnson beat Rumble Johnson was legit
Rumble Johnson knocked out Alexander Gus
Rumble Johnson koed Glover too who went
on to become a champ DC beat those guys
and he beat Rumble twice okay he ran
through o deir when DC would take a step
down in competition and fight guys like
oir he would treat him as such he would
dominate them when he fought Dan
Henderson he dominated him he Ragdoll
him he dominates Josh Barnett I mean
Daniel Cormier runs through fat Dereck
Lewis we think about jilton Almeida as a
decent Grappler right well DC ran threw
him jilton almea stunk it up um so I
really do rate DC highly he’s got I
believe six title wins in total and he
even won a second belt in the
division so you got to put him up there
high but it’s not the best look when you
were never able to be the best in your
division necessarily um at any point Jon
Jones I believe always was a little bit
better than him and as far as the win
over Stipe Stipe got back and then some
more okay so it’s not necessarily even a
clean slate but I still rate DC high the
one thing that’s also going to hold them
back at the number 10 spot instead of
putting him higher is that although he’s
got good wins over guys like Gus and
Rumble he’s got Vulcan o deir in the mix
once you get past those guys and Dan
Henderson you kind of come crashing down
like you’re getting to the strike force
cans and the guys in the UFC that just
aren’t really worth a damn like an old
Josh Barnett or whatever and it’s just
not you know like crazy skilled guys so
let’s get on to the next one let’s get
on to the next one the number nine spot
the guy that lost to DC but again I can
look past it it’s Anderson Silva now I
know I get it there’s going to be a
rebellion in the comments people are
going to be rebelling they’re not going
to like this they’re going to say dude
what the hell man number nine are you
kidding me this guy had a 16 fight win
streak against who who did he have a 16
fight win streak against let me guess
Patrick cot tyus lates Boris Griffin oh
yeah the big bad Boris Griffin how about
you go and watch an Anderson Silva fight
do me a favor if you think that this is
a bad placement go out there and
actually watch an Anderson Silva fight
and you will be greatly disappointed at
the level of competition that he was up
against okay this guy was fighting
absolute Milkman he was fighting
plumbers he was fighting guys that may
have done a little bit of the heavy bag
in their garage on the weekends but he
was not fighting people that are in any
way shaper form people that could even
be in the UFC all right let’s be honest
Anderson Sila take the his prime version
put him in the UFC today I don’t even
think he’s a champion but you know he’d
at least be able to cut it in the
rankings Forest Griffin though I don’t
know if Forest Griffin makes it off at
the Dana White Contender series I’m
being honest I don’t know if Patrick
makes it off at the Dana White Contender
series I don’t know if James Irvin or a
guy like Travis lutter Travis lutter
makes it off at the Dana White Contender
series I mean we’re really talking about
the biggest skill gap on this entire
list these were the guys that Anderson
Silva was beating in title fights now
out of the bunch of cans that he fought
he did have a couple of decent wins here
and there and they add up to a few so
he’s still going to make the list and
Anderson Silva is a perfect example of
why I do not rate a title win just
because it’s strapped up next to a belt
as something that’s that amazing
automatically like it it just matters
who the [ __ ] are you beating has that
win age dwell did those guys go on to do
great things did they go on to become a
Max holay of your division Anderson
Silva’s best wins are guys that are
floating around the 60th spot the 70th
spot all time right we’re talking about
guys like vtor Belford and I know you’re
going to say what do you mean vtor
Belford’s at the 50 spot he’s at number
10 no he’s not Peter Belford’s not even
close all right Dan Henderson maybe
you’re going to put him somewhere around
the 38 spot that’s probably the best guy
he’s ever beat he’s got wins over Dan
Henderson vtor bford Derek Brunson
unironically is literally his third best
win ever the fact that he beat derck
Brunson as an old head that’s a decent
one but he’s lost to
bisbing and I know that he was old and I
know that the losses to Chris widman for
example don’t look great but Weidman was
whooping him up and the 38-year-old
Anderson Silva was still very capable
Anderson Silva Michael bisbing was an
old head when he beat Anderson Silva
that’s not necessarily just something we
can totally look past so it’s just a
tremendous lack of quality as I said
Alex Pereira can get a nice solid
non-title win over sha Strickland and I
rate that just about as high as I do
Anderson Silva’s best wins okay just
about there so the whole 16 wins in a
row thing actually there’s guys that
have 13 wins in a row that were able to
put on some much better performances
against much better opponents that are
not that far off that I have way ahead
of him and we’ll talk about them later
on in this video but it’s because people
look at the past with rose tinted
glasses the old heads that is and they
can’t stand to see Anderson Silva who
was the goat at one time in the early
2010s you could have made the argument
that Silva’s the goat and then he
dropped down to the three spot and since
then what he’s not been dropping down
man get out of here or you have people
that literally haven’t even watch
watched his fights that’ll just say
because everyone else says it that yeah
you kind of got to put him in the top
five 16 title wins 16 title defenses no
one will ever get 16 title defenses ever
again okay I know he doesn’t have 16
defenses but he has like 13 12 defenses
no one’s ever going to come close to
that again because the UFC is just too
competitive when Anderson Silva was
fighting he was 10 leagues above these
guys you just don’t have that in champ
ship skilled fights anymore the skill
Gap is a lot closer he was fighting guys
that like to hit the bag on the weekend
okay that just happened to want to show
up for uh you know $1,500 check and a TV
dinner they showed up for a Ley old
steak and a beer the dominance of
Anderson Silva was the thing that made
him special at least he was treating
these guys like cans for the most part
okay so let’s get on to the number eight
spot which is I’m going to go with
kamaru Usman he’s the second best
welterweight to ever do it six title
wins and I honestly think that kamaru
Usman and the draw that he got against
ham Zach chamv is actually something
that does good for his legacy and what I
mean is because we expected hamzat to
run over him because we expected hamzat
to beat him and Usman did take two out
of the three rounds in a way in a very
minor way I think Usman got the better
of that fight and hamzat jayv is someone
that we had a lot of hype for all right
but let’s talk about usman’s resume he’s
got six total title wins one of the most
dominant champions ever and I really do
rate the dominance very highly but the
Colby Covington wins are not aging that
well okay back in the day people would
say things like kobby Covington is like
the max Holloway of the welterweight
Division and if it wasn’t for kamaru
Kobe would be the most dominant
Welterweight Champion ever and at this
point it’s just clear that that’s not
the [ __ ] case Okay Kobe Covington’s
best win of his whole career was against
RDA and he barely beat him Kobe’s lost
to every single young fighter that he’s
fought and actually RDA wasn’t even
young RDA was like 35 years old Kobe
beat everyone coming off of two losses
they were all old heads and so I just
don’t think you can kind of group him
into the same category as Robert
Whitaker or Max Holloway that
consistently have taken out people in
their Prime young Fighters
okay that have fought the best that
haven’t ducked that haven’t fought
people coming off of tons of L’s so I I
think that those wins haven’t aged so
well but he still has a good win over
Gilbert Burns he still has a great win
over Tyron Woodley who at the time was
coming off of a whole Title reign I
think kamaru has to be mentioned he also
had an incredibly long win streak which
in my opinion is kind of like silvas
Silva gets a lot of hype for 16 fight
win streak I’d argue that Kamar Usman
had better wins over all than Anderson
Silva and yes he lost to Leon Edwards
twice Leon Edwards I think he’s going to
go on to do great things I think that
loss for kamaru is going to age all
right it’s not like you’re losing to a
bum and he also has a win over Leon
Edwards as well so I rate that pretty
highly does he have an all-time win he
doesn’t but he’s got a bunch of decent
ones RDA as well he beat RDA before he
fought for the belt he beat Sean
Strickland that’s something that
happened as well that’s kind of like Max
losing to Connor in the beginning of his
career Sean Strickland went on to do
great things so that win is aged really
well for Usman that’s also something
that I’m going to look at and make it so
that his resume is it’s rising the stock
is rising for kamaru Usman even though
in some ways it’s plummeting so for
Usman it’s a bit hectic on one hand the
kobby Covington [ __ ] that’s not looking
that great anymore on the other hand
Strickland goes on to become a world
champion and he then goes on to have a
draw with Hamza Tay which is not an L
it’s not a win but he won two of the
three rounds and when you’re the guy
that wins the majority of those rounds
that’s actually a good look so let’s get
on to the next one at the number seven
spot we’ve got Jose Aldo he’s got a
great resume he absolutely does but I
just cannot put Aldo ahead of some of
these other guys that happen to have
really good resumes too all right like I
count L’s and the worst part about
Aldo’s resume which is so unfortunate
but it just has to be mentioned right
now he got beat in his prime multiple
times he got beat by Max Holloway twice
he got beat by Vulcan offski and he got
beat by Conor McGregor all in his prime
let me just repeat this a few times for
the people that were saying what do you
mean he was in his prime Aldo was in his
early 30s I repeat early 30s when he got
beat by all three of those guys mcgreger
vul and Max he does have a bunch of L’s
when he was in his prime of course we’re
going to get into all the great and all
the great records we may as well just
say it right now I mean Jose Aldo has 11
title wins which is really good but
let’s actually read the title wins he’s
got Korean zombie he’s got Chad Mendes
he’s got Frankie Edgar he’s got Pedro
Munoz he’s got Rob font Cheo Vera ronato
moano Jeremy Stevens Uriah Faber Kenny
floran he’s got good wins but I’m not
going to sit here and act like Kenny
floran or Mike Brown were like the most
impressive impressive wins ever okay the
issue with Aldo and why he is not higher
than he is is because he lost in his
prime to Max twice dominated by vul
schooled shut down and by Connor and
there’s no excuse that man he was old no
because he went on he went on to do
great things against renat moano who is
still winning rat moano is doing well
and so you may say well Lucas all these
wins are aging well absolutely they are
but like the losses in his early 30s
late 20s late 20 meaning Conor McGregor
he was 29 the losses that he took to
guys like Yan Peter Yan and morab deales
V where he actually looked good he was
at the same age that vulcanos was when
he lost to ilot Toria you know the old
35 curse old man vulk old man vulk but
vul still looks really good okay 35
although it’s a little bit old older
it’s not like you’re cooked it’s not
like being 40 years old in the
middleweight or light heavyweight
division 35y old Jose Aldo wasn’t cooked
he wasn’t done he was literally on the
verge of a title shot against marab
deales V he went on a three-fight win
streak after losing to Peter Yan so he
was still good not prime I’m not going
to sit here and say that was Prime Aldo
but still good Aldo therefore I’m
counting those losses as they kind of
hold him back a tiny bit from being
higher up but either way Aldo’s a legend
one of the best to ever do it if he wins
against Jonathan Martinez we’re going to
have to put him up let’s get on to the
guy that passed him though the guy that
whooped his ass twice the guy that won
this past weekend that’s Max blessed
hallway at this point I think it’s fair
to say that the guy that kicked Aldo’s
ass twice has finally passed him and
it’s not always the case where if you
beat this one guy you’re higher up on
the alltime list than them that’s not
always the case right then we would say
the guy that beat MV back in the day is
higher than him Max had to put in the
work I think at this point he’s put in
the work and he has separated himself
from Aldo by just a little bit now yes
Holloway does have some L’s he lost to
Conor McGregor he lost to Dustin porier
twice the second loss not that bad it
was on short notice still six weeks
notice it’s still something that we got
to count as an l and he got subbed by
Dustin back in the day too but you know
outside of those losses and I believe he
also lost to Dennis Bermuda is Max
Holloway has proven to be the second or
or I would say the best second best
fighter in a weight class to ever do it
okay now listen what I mean by that is
this is he the second best featherweight
of all time I don’t think the win over
Justin gagei pushes him over Aldo as far
as featherweight goat status goes but
the win over Justin gagei pushes him
over Aldo in General on the alltime list
because Max Holloway has consistently
proven that when he’s not fighting a guy
like volkanovski who is the other loss
that Max has and volkanovski is on this
list it’s not like he’s losing to uh you
know some number 30 guy on the alltime
list three times although we lost to
Dustin pory a couple times outside of
those losses Holloway has done nothing
but win and it’s been over really solid
levels of competition we talk about Aldo
and all the great wins he has Max
Holloway has Jose Aldo twice that’s an
time win two times he’s got Justin gagei
now and he schooled him that’s also
important it’s the kind of performance
that he had over Justin gagei that was
so impressive I might not have Aldo
ahead I might not have Max I mean ahead
of Jose Aldo if that was a war a dirty
fight very close I might not do it but
because he schooled Justin gagei and is
the only man to ever make it look clean
on the feet against gagei and he put him
out and gagei was on a win streak and
gagei was arguably the best he ever was
going into that fight I rate it really
highly he’s also got really solid
contenders that were young like Arnold
Allen Calvin Kar Yer Rodriguez he took
out Anthony Pettis when Anthony Pettis
was still really good he beat Brian
Ortega when Ortega was undefeated okay
and he’s got wins over Charles Oliva and
he’s got a win over Frankie Edgar who at
the time was decent as an old head and
was on a win streak too Ricardo llas
Jeremy Stevens tkz not amazing but you
know it’s still a good win for Max
there’s just so much quantity of quality
wins that I can’t ignore him and he was
a champion and I think that there’s no
stronger argument for anyone that’s ever
had people say things like if it wasn’t
for this guy this would be like a top
three fighter all time if it wasn’t for
Alexander volkanovski I honestly think
that Max Holloway the only losses that
he has is to McGregor and Dustin porier
twice and Dennis Bermudez fair enough
not a great look but Max Holloway would
have over 10 plus title wins and he’d be
the only modern era fighter you can say
Jon Jones has 10 plus title wins but
either way Max Holloway has been more
active in the modern era he’d be the
only modern era fighter to have a
dominant Title reign like that and uh if
he beats Ilia Toria and he does
something that vul couldn’t do honestly
we might have to start talking about him
being neck and neck with vul but either
way Max Holloway I think because he
kicked all those ass twice and he’s
still winning against the best of the
best in the modern era I got to put him
up there and I think that his wins over
guys like Arnold Allen yaer Rodriguez
Justin gagei are a little bit more solid
than Alo wins over guys like Pedro Munoz
Rob vont Cheeto Vera either way Max
Holloway number six on my alltime list
to the next one the number five spot the
most controversial one the brother
brother khabib nag medov guys listen to
me I understand there’s going to be a
rebellion I get there’s going to be a
rebellion in the comment section but you
can talk about Anderson Silva’s 16 fight
win streak how many lves does he have
seven okay fair enough he took them when
he was old give me his best wins none of
them are better than a Conor McGregor
win none of them are better than a
Dustin pory win we just talked about Max
Hollow I guess who beat him twice Dustin
porier Dustin porier is arguably a top
20 top 25 fighter of all time I rate
those higher than any of Anderson’s wins
Justin gagei that is a consistent solid
title win in the modern era and he beat
RDA who went on to become a champion
after khabib beat him he beat Edson
Barbosa and yes outside of that nothing
crazy Michael Johnson Alli Quinta guys
like that Abel tro nothing amazing you
know he did arguably lose to GLE and
toal but I honestly think he won two
rounds but either way he’s
13-0 and you may talk about he just
didn’t do enough he didn’t do enough
most of the fighters that people will
compare him with have only about the
same amount of decent wins like RDA
Connor Justin gagei Edson Barbosa and
porier most Fighters that are on our
goat list do not have more solid wins
than that outside of five good ones they
usually drop off and then you may say
Alex perea what about Pereira okay let’s
think about that for a second is sha
Strickland more accomplished than Conor
McGregor no is he more accomplished than
Dustin no uh is Yuri pahasa with his
three UFC wins or I should say four UFC
wins with a 4- in1 record is he more
accomplished than Justin gagei or Dustin
porier or Conor McGregor or even RDA I
don’t think so so who else are we going
to talk about are we really going to sit
here and say the Jamal Hill is he more
accomplished than RDA I don’t know I
don’t think so he’s got two L’s now
former Champion but so is RDA and for
Alex perea he’s got five of these wins
over former Champs I think that Dustin
por is a better leg Legacy than yam
bovich I think that Conor McGregor
arguably has a better Legacy than yam
bovich osanna you could bring him up
he’s not even on this list and also osna
has a win over him so I just think that
this idea that Alex Pereira is not even
you know he’s not even the same
conversation as Habib Habib is passed
him up uh he has an L he’s seven- one
khabib’s 13-0 okay and outside of those
big wins for Alex it drops off to
Andreas madus just like khabib’s drop
off to Daryl hercher so I think there’s
something to be said about the Min an I
think there’s something to be said about
having a perfect record in the UFC of
13-0 where you could talk about guys
with 15 and three records in the UFC
crazy but 13 and0 oh no no those were
against a bunch of bums it’s like okay
Anderson Silva outside of his big three
over guys that aren’t even better than
khabib’s big three who did he beat you
know what I mean so I honestly still
think khabib is at the five spot but
he’s holding on for dear life if
Holloway wins against Iliad torei I put
him above if Jose Aldo wins against
Jonathan Martinez I put him above if a
guy like Alex Pereira moves up right now
and and beats a guy like Tom Aspen I put
him above khabib is not going to be here
forever and yes he retired too early
that’s why within a couple years he’s
probably not even going to be in this
conversation Mev gets one more win I
might put him real close neck and neck
two more wins for makf I put him above
but right now I still have the perfect
record of khabib because you could say
he didn’t stick around well guess what
he didn’t have a bad moment guess what
he didn’t go into the UFC and lose to
Dennis Bermudez Conor MC and Dustin
porier and then lose three times Habib
proved that he was the best fighter in
his Division and that’s that there’s
something to be said about that let’s
get on to the next one on none other
than Mighty Mouse Johnson I think that
this is a really fair placement for him
and the first thing that we got to get
out of the way is the longevity for
Mighty Mouse is what makes him so
impressive to me he’s got crazy
longevity even when he left the UFC he
continued to win in 1 FC he got knocked
out over there against a guy that you
know we’re not really considering the
best in the world but he’s at least a
decent opponent in Adriano morice and he
got that one back and then some more by
beating him twice the longevity is
really impressive okay the dominance is
pretty impressive but he lost to Brad
picket okay yeah he lost to Dominic Cruz
when he was a tadpole not that bad but
losing to Brad picket is not a good look
all right his best win Henry cejudo he
also lost to him so it’s one and one and
then other than that he got knocked out
by adri morce fair enough Henry shudo is
his best win though he’s one and one
with them and I don’t think Henry
cejudo’s Legacy is that great I don’t
give a [ __ ] about the gold medal you
don’t need to bring it up it’s not
relevant at all to this conversation his
best win is over a weight drained TJ
Dillashaw who’s already got an overrated
Legacy too because he beat Cody
garbrandt twice take those wins away not
the craziest resume to be honest who
else does he have Pillow hands Dominick
Cruz coming off of a four-year layoff
injured off of the couch out of shape I
don’t really rate that that highly I
don’t care if it’s for a second belt I’d
rather beat someone like Steven ersc
than Dominick Cruz coming off for the
couch after a four-year long layoff on
one week’s notice I think that’s more
impressive so again just because he won
a second belt and defended it doesn’t
mean the defense in the second weight
class was like the craziest thing ever
for Henry and he’s got to win over Marin
morice decent but it’s Marlin morice
what are we talking John Dodson I mean
we’re really stretching here to give him
something crazy we got Adrian morice all
right that’s pretty decent but that’s
like a regular ranked opponent in the
UFC that’s like a reg regular ranked
opponent caliber I understand people are
going to sit there and they’re going to
Rebel in the comments and they’re going
to say come on come on dude DJ’s the
best he is really good but you got to
think about who he fighting they were
giving this man absolute no buies to
fight for [ __ ] belts so this whole
like 10 title defense things listen I
know it’s flyweight and the flyweight
skill is there but he’s a flyweight
we’re got to we’re going to judge him as
a flyweight it’s not like he was beating
guys like Davidson figuro or a guy in
Brandon Moreno or manell cap his average
win was over Tim Elliott a worse version
of Tim Elliott than the one we know now
Tim Elliott had just scraped his way
through tough The Ultimate Fighter TV
show and had got a title shot what did
he do before tough he lost three times
in a row and got cut from the UFC that’s
the type of guy that DJ was being fed no
alltime wins there’s no hose Aldo up
there I just think that there is a
little bit of a lack of that crazy
quality for this guy and I think that
you know because people love him so much
and because there’s this whole UFC tried
to erase him come on he’s the goat thing
people tend to like put him a little bit
higher than he should be I know it
sounds like I’m being very critical
which I am but I guess you could say
that because he lost to Henry and it’s a
clean slate at least the loss that he
has to Henry is not a bad loss okay it
was a very competitive fight some people
even think it could have gone either way
and it it may have literally been one of
those that could have gone either way so
it’s not like he got dominated by cejudo
and when he lost to muras he got it back
and then some more and right he was a
little bit older at that time and the
longevity is insane I mean this guy is
just someone that can continue to rake
up victories in another decent promotion
where the lighter weight classes are
actually pretty good so I still think
pretty highly of him at the number three
spot we have Alexander
volkanovski who since getting ko’ed
twice has moved up the list credit to
Max Holloway continuing to win Holloway
since then since vul has been KO twice
who I had at my four spot in my last
video he’s gone on there to beat Justin
gagei and just passing up Jose Aldo now
that we got Max in the top 10 I’m
starting to feel good about V
climbing I’m starting to feel good about
V climbing up the rankings okay now now
hear me out let’s be serious for a
second first off there’s no bullshitting
around about Hollow
Holloway is up there vul has three wins
over him three alltime wins he’s got a
win over Aldo who’s also in the top 10
okay yeah he has a loss to makev but the
first one was competitive and I kind of
respect that I think that’s pretty good
and he beat up MV on the ground but sure
enough he’s he’s got a loss the second
loss though we talk about pillow hands
Dominic Cruz losing to Henry sudo and
now that’s not impressive this was fat V
coming off of the couch with an injury
with an arm injury but still he lost on
a week’s notice to Islam makev before he
fought Islam makev this man had only
lost four rounds in his entire career
three of them being to Max two rounds in
the second fight that they had
volkanovski came back from a two- round
deficit and came back to win three
rounds to two amazing clutch performance
for vul that’s the stuff of Legends and
you also have one lost round to Darren
Elkins when he had like a horrible rib
injury but he still beat Darren Elkins
and Darren Elkins at the time I believe
was on like a six-fight win streak kind
of an underrated win either way only
four rounds lost in his entire career
before fighting Islan makev then he
dropped three to him seven rounds
throughout his whole career pretty
[ __ ] dominant and yes you could talk
about him losing who’s he losing to okay
is he losing to [ __ ] whatever that
guy’s name is the DJ lost to vul ain’t
losing to Brad picket he’s not losing to
Matt Sarah all right he’s losing to
build different Islam makev who is like
a perfect fighter at lightweight who
looks Unstoppable and he’s losing to
ilot Toria who is honestly probably got
goat potential as well he’s not losing
to a guy like pillow hands Cruz I mean
Dominic Cruz is not a bad loss but you
get my point all right volkanovski he
might drop down I understand that but
right now he’s one of the most dominant
fighters ever he has four alltime wins
you guys are going to Hype up Fighters
like Anderson Silva for beating Rich
Franklin and vtor bford how about
volkanovski beating Max Holloway three
[ __ ] times and schooling him in two
of those fights how about him shutting
down Jose Aldo skillfully when Aldo was
in his early 30s okay not just knocking
him out with one big shot schooling him
and of course you got the other title
wins you got the other title defenses
and you got decent wins before he ever
fought Aldo before he was a champion he
beat Aldo Mendes Darren Elkins good wins
Chad Mendes people act like he was old
then actually Chad Mendes was in his
early 30s so I wouldn’t really consider
him an old head when he fought
volkanovski and he’s not losing to bums
and he’s not losing in the beginning of
his career like Holloway losing to
Dennis Bermudez and and Connor and
Dustin he’s losing to guys that are
basically going to become goats and
there’s not many of them so yeah I rate
volkanovski higher than DJ I don’t think
there’s a good argument um the next guy
that I have on this list is only higher
than vul because he’s got enough
quantity to make up for the lack of
quality and he doesn’t have that many
L’s and he has better quality than DJ
which would be George St Pierre all
right we’re rocking with GSP at the
number two spot now I’ve thought about
this for a while and I thought about
maybe vul is higher than him but vul has
13 wins and I feel like seven title wins
for George St Pierre kind of makes up
for that you know lack of quality and we
were talking about DJ not necessarily
having like the craziest resume George
St Pierre doesn’t either but BJ pen at
the time was a beast okay two wins over
Matt Hughes he lost to Hughes fair
enough but two wins over him no longer a
clean slate Matt Hughes was on this goat
list the last time I made this video he
was one of the all-time best fighters
for a while and still is a top 20
fighter of all time it’s a really good
win for George St Pierre and he’s got
two of them and he’s got some other
really good wins like Carlos Condit John
Fitch you’ve got guys in there like uh I
guess Michael bisbing listen I know
Michael bisbing is not that amazing and
I feel like if it wasn’t for Michael
bisbing people would not necessarily be
as gho about gsp’s resume because of
course that win was for his second belt
in another weight class and that was
impressive in and of itself he took a
long layoff but it’s bisbing kind of a
weaker Champion still a champion though
so I’ll add that to the list but let’s
not get out of hand and say dude he was
a champion in two8 classes bisbing is
one of the weakest champions in UFC
history it’s not like bisbing was a
dominant middleweight champion he was a
weaker champion in a worse division
compared to welterweight I believe that
he’s a little bit overhyped for wins
over guys like Michael bisbing for
example and actually now that I think of
it now that I think of it DJ and and GSP
might be a little bit closer than Vulcan
GSP I might have to B at the number two
spot but here hold on hold on hold on
let’s think about it for a
GSP beat bisbing which is overrated as
[ __ ] there’s a skill gap between
welterweight and middleweight this whole
idea of he moved up and it was David
versus Goliath uh if anything when a
Fighter moves up to middleweight it’s
the opposite it’s like you’re the one
who’s [ __ ] Goliath that’s the
pipsqueak at middleweight without skill
that’s the the old head Michael bisbing
that fluked to win over Luke rockold and
that’s like his most famous win of all
time I don’t know GSP is a bit of an
oddball now that I think about it ever
okay so he’s also got guys like as I
said Nick Diaz John Fitch he’s got
Carlos Condit he has a ton of quantity
and you know he was on top for a while
but he also lost to Johnny Hendricks so
him and volkanovski are actually not
that far off again we talk about vul
losing to Ayah Toria Islam shev I think
those are better losses to have than
Johnny Hendrick let’s be honest okay
Johnny Hendricks was decent at the time
he was Sauced up but guess what a lot of
people are Sauced up they just weren’t
popping they weren’t getting caught it’s
still not a great loss to have but I’ll
give GSP the benefit of the doubt as I
said he still has a lot of quantity
decent quality although the all-time
wins are starting to slip right but it
is what it is let’s get on to the next
one Jon Jones it is what it is I know
this is going to be controversial I’m
joking it shouldn’t be controversial at
all Jon Jones although he has had some
robberies although he has had moments
where he popped for steroids and his
best win doesn’t even [ __ ] count over
DC he still has a good win over DC by
decision which he also won four rounds
out of the five against him and that’s
an all-time win okay Jones outside of
the Reyes fight still has a bunch of
good wins over guys like Thiago Santos
and I know Santos at the end of his
career was and anything special but he
got severely injured in the Jones fight
and he was never the same okay close
fight fair enough very close fight but
Jones won and Jones also just beat gone
who had a win over Francis and ganu and
I know that people aren’t going to like
that but it’s true sirl Gan beat Francis
and ganu I don’t care if Jones Jones
didn’t beat the man though he beat the
guy that beat enanu three rounds to two
people act like enanu just easily got
passed gone he got out struck in the
first two rounds and then lost the fifth
so the beginning and the end of the
fight he lost okay the two middle rounds
in ganu won by neck breathing it was not
by any means an enanu win s Gan going
into that fight was undefeated in my
opinion and Jones beat him one round
dominated him got him out of there Jones
also beat a bunch of ex- Champions all
while they were in their early to
mid-30s people act like he beat
dinosaurs that were 50 years old he beat
dinosaurs in the dinosaur days but not
when they were 50 years old and it
wasn’t the 2000s Anderson Silva dinosaur
days it was the 2010s okay he had a
couple of good wins on the come up too
over guys like Ryan Bader who went on to
become Bellator Champions and I know
that it’s Bellator but that basically
means you’re like a you’re like a number
nine or number eight ranked light
heavyweight okay in the UFC if you’re a
Bellator champ Jones beating guys like
Shogun him beating Quinton Jackson him
beating Glover toer that wi aged well
him beating guses twice him smoking
Anthony Smith I mean I know it’s Anthony
Smith but he [ __ ] smoked him I like
it I think Jones is the best fighter to
ever do it resume wise he’s only got
what one legit L to Dominic Reyes and
that was like a star aligning moment for
Reyes it’s not the best look that’s kind
of like Dominick Cruz losing to Cody
garbrandt but it’s not enough it’s not
enough of a bad look to surpass all of
the legit legal title wins that Jones
has and I think that that gone win
really does great stuff for his legacy
and if he beats one more person I mean
he’s still in the same spot but yeah
Jones just by virtue of having tons of
quantity decent quality I got him up
there I got him at the number one spot I
hope you guys enjoyed the video until
next time


  1. Your recent bias is gross. You think fedor is 15, but Alex 14 you don’t know shit about mma

  2. You put cheating roid head jones as the best know he has advantages with picograms lol

  3. Ngannou didn't lose to gane,there was 3 rounds control for Ngannou,he only looked tired,gane throw nothing to Ngannou and Ngannou the same,but Ngannou smashed gane to the ground and control him 3 rounds,max what can gane get was 2 rounds,that was a clear win for Ngannou

  4. The Anderson Silva speech is the most ridiculous ever. Silva is the most dominant champion in UFC history and prime Silva is the undisputed GOAT.

  5. If you count Reyes and Hendricks as robberies then you have to count the second Max vs Volk fight as a robbery. Comparing to Jon Jones the first fight was Santos and the second was Reyes. That is almost universally agreed upon.

  6. "Sean Strickland is not more accomplished than Dustin Poirier." Holy shit people this is delusion on another level. Flukas Glazy can't keep getting away with these types of statements 😂

  7. No Izzy but Alex just shows this is the biggest idc casual out there, I damn near called for YouTube to demonize ts for offensive content

  8. Anyone who’s caught cheating in their sport (especially when it’s proven to be repeatedly) should be disqualified from goat talk.

  9. Lucas “Fedor hasn’t beaten anyone”



  10. Hey bro keep making content man. I really enjoy your videos / banter you take time to make for us. Whether I agree or not , it creates engagement. Good job young fella

  11. DJ’s resume deserves more respect. Kyoji Horiguchi has an argument as a GOAT in BW and FLW, and DJ beat him.

    DJ beat Miguel Torres, the BW GOAT at the time. Ali Baugotinov had a storied career before coming into the UFC.

    DJ also beat Kid Yamamoto. And Tim Elliot literally won a Tournament of Flyweight Champions to fight DJ. And DJ beat him. John Dodson is STILL Nuling ppl in Bareknuckle (and KO’d Dillashaw!).

    Dk beat him.

  12. anderson silva was way better than his genaration, but thats should be something good on his resume, he suposed to be higher, and by the way DC is kind of overated, he has poor wins !

  13. Rags on Anderson Silva for fighting cans then lists Usman’s win over Masvidal like it’s GOAT worthy accomplishment smh

  14. Fedor beat Mousasi ??? Where ? In exibition ? They were sparring partners for years !!!

    How about Nogueira ? How about Semmy Schilt , the greatest K1 champion of all time ?

    Like i understand ur watching MMA for 5 years … but like cmon … the disrespect is crazy..

    Fedor was the first complete MMA fighter with everything on the highest level …

    Thats why hes the goat for 90 percent of MMA fighters .

  15. the way u rate anderson silva so low cus he was so much better the. his opponents is so backwards to me

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