Visio Mi Putting Template

This video discusses the VISIO Putting Mat designed by the world’s leading Putting Coach, Phil Kenyon.

This is my favourite training aid for Putting as it helps players develop sound technique, whilst allowing for additional skill training on START LINE, PATH and DISTANCE CONTROL.

It can be used indoors and outdoors, and is easy to carry around in your golf bag. I would recommend all golfers to get themselves one of these training aids, and watch how your putting improves significantly. If you wish to purchase one of these putting templates, please click on the following links (depending on where you are located in the world)



If you have any future questions about the product and its uses, please comment below. Please also comment if you already own and use one of these templates, and tell me how this has helped your putting.

Please consider “liking” and sharing this video if you found it helpful.

Music by Billy Irvine: