Golf Players

Crossover: Gu’s Golf Swing and the Giants’ Bats

Willard and Dibs join Steiny and Guru (who were out at Stonetree Golf Course in Novato) for a Monday edition of The Crossover. The guys react to Guru’s ceremonial first drive, discuss the Giants’ frustrating start to the season, and more.

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he’s addressing the ball he takes a
swing I don’t see what happened we’re a
little we’re on the
oh oh boy now back to steiny and Guru on
957 the
wel uh dibs and Willard we’re at Stone
Tree Golf Club in nevado these guys are
in San Francisco what’s up J how’s it
going out there yeah going well yeah
action yeah sun shining oh yeah it’s
about 73 here in Nevada love Stone tree
yeah it’s beautiful out there it’s a
nice nice atmosphere for sure for sure
what’s up guys well I mean now we’re
doing the Atco portion of this you guys
are at the Atco tournament so we do
probably need to put the rat on the
table and talk about what uh what we
were brought in with with this segment
uh goo was what was the post uh swing
interview like and uh you know how you
feeling about your your two hacks at the
ball as the ceremonial first uh first
starter well you know what dibs I
appreciate the question but I just found
out sources told me that the first ball
would not have went anywhere it was
going to blow up in my face with what
was it Tim a substance so the golf gods
made me miss it and they got a different
ball and I I felt good about that swing
the one I hit now we we there are
conflicting reports because that what
the the report that you just gave is
exactly what I’ve been cruising around
for the last 4 hours of my life assuming
because I was listening live when when
that all happened and it sounded
wonderful and uh and and uh you know you
went through the the Mental Health
crisis that happened right away but then
you got through it and so that was great
and then I came in and and immediately
Lucas and dibs and everybody’s like did
you see it did you see it I’m like I
haven’t seen it I heard it and uh and
and they claim that the second ball was
the same ball so I’m trying to figure
out why that one didn’t explode and then
they just showed me video of it and it
does appear that the same ball is picked
up and put back on the te is that now
your understanding were there two balls
it’s kind of like was there an alternate
right a shooter like right is right no I
got it there were two balls are you sure
Mark I’m just looking at the video again
and I don’t know who the gentleman is
who hustles out to retrieve help me out
dude good hustle ball that Guru did not
strike it was actually struck by the the
Titanic divot that he created large with
his Miss so it’s Club Earth Earth to the
ball the ball dribble dribble dribble
Earth to the ball the guy runs in from
screen left and he picks up the ball but
he might have had another ball in his
hand and put the ball that he carried
out onto the te and carded the trick
ball away you can’t really see what was
in his hand so unless we can get that
man and and really uh debrief him we’ll
never know but real quick dibs I was
there I think he felt so embarrassed for
me because there were a lot of people
rooting me on that it went that way he
put the new ball there and that was the
one I hit now Guru I’m going to ask you
like a judge or a lawyer would can you
confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt oh
boy that that was a new ball I said what
I said all right you sound you sound
like John Lynch being asked if he’s
going to trade Bron iuk I I mean that
story works for me there were two balls
Mark that’s all I can say yeah okay and
we also I I also found out firsthand
some of the challenges that they had
broadcasting during Co when you had a
broadcast from the screen you’re not
actually at the live event oh right so
Guru was about 30 yards away so I had to
go to the video to do my call and it
wasn’t nearly let’s say what the call
was at the the Great American shootout
uh that he lost knock right off the bat
yeah your your voice did not match with
the the crowd was re yeah yeah no but
but you handled it you handled it yeah
it it uh it
yeah the second ball I only have I only
have one more well no one more question
go ahead and and that is it’s one when
you’re watching a digital screen and
someone hitting a golf ball let’s not
act like we have any idea where that
ball went all we can do is here that you
hit it where where did it go goo where
did it go I’m going be honest over some
water and straight I was proud of the
shot M and the hegan could back that up
that thing went straight and like I said
I Jordan said about 150 yard is that
what you say Tim I didn’t see it so no
I’m telling we’ll take his word for it
the ask the dib I wouldn’t front dibs it
was it went straight I was of it I can I
can appreciate that I unfortunately we
did not have the shot Tracer technology
in Play Because with my amateur eye it
looked like that baby might have been
heading right oh no oh no it that was
straight Center over the water people
gave you some love okay that’s great
wonder why I don’t know why your head
was looking right then but that’s okay
it’s okay we know why that’s too funny
anyway I’m glad you guys had a good time
oh yeah yeah uh we got we got three
things to hit real quick I was thinking
you know we could touch on the Warriors
they’re off season we could touch on the
uh 49ers John Lynch talking to the media
today about Brandon auker talk about the
Giants splitting a four game series with
the Diamondbacks
and why was how was Jung hul Lee
stealing right after the four pitch walk
yesterday why not yeah I would you got
to make that pitcher throw a strike when
he throw he walks watch you on four
pitches I I would have lik to seen him
dance around a little bit there
interesting that that is your uh your
headline St that bugged you forget the
17 to1
shellacking man that got this whole
thing going yeah and you know forget the
uh the umpires all but stealing one from
him yesterday with the uh the Phantom
foul tip but yeah Jung Huli one of the
only guys who’s actually playing well
like on my list of things that bother me
about the Giants J did not make it Jung
Huli might be the best thing that that’s
going on right now for the Giants we’ve
talked about fan connection and they
have have somebody who’s going to be
there for a while he’s Young and the
crowd is chanting his name every time he
comes to the plate speaking of crowd
Mark let me throw this at you uh steiny
hit me with this out of the blue why was
Jack Peterson booed I said it was
because he was the ring leader of the
pooy gang yeah yeah that did that didn’t
help I you know I jock ends up being
sort of a symbol
more than anything else and jock uh is a
symbol of analytics he is a symbol of
like a beer league softball type of an
attitude and uh and he’s a symbol of
somebody who swings for the fences and
plays no defense and these are things
that Giants fans grew to to to be tired
of over the last couple of years um but
I wouldn’t have booed I don’t know why
you’d boo jock Peterson that seems a
little excessive I do think you’re right
it’s symbolic of the things that didn’t
go right last year and the year before
and also there is that still that part
of it that he is a Dodger right he’s a
guy who you begrudgingly loved when he
was a giant and then when he goes on to
play Elsewhere for another division
rival maybe he reverts in your mind back
to being a Dodger Dodger jock as opposed
to the kid from paloalto yeah kid from
paloalto I don’t know I don’t know Logan
Webb went on and on about how it was one
of his favorite teammates um which which
I I don’t know if that was to try to
sort of plate that whole situation cuz
Logan web seems like he might be one of
the only year in and year out game in
and game out intense about winning
Giants so why would you have jock
Peterson is one of your favorite
teammates if the perception is is that
he’s in the clubhouse and doesn’t care I
don’t know I don’t know but that’s kind
of the issue for the Giants for me right
now is I’m having a hard time like we
talk about urgency in sports the NFL
works so well every game is such a big
deal there’s 162 of these and the Giants
have played poorly and are only 2 and a
half games out so I’m not I’m not
suggesting that everybody should be
pulling fire alarms but I love that Bob
Melvin got thrown out of a game
yesterday because there was something
and I’ll just use it as an example there
are others but Blake Snell’s sound after
Friday night I didn’t love because he
was very very dismissive he was was very
blasé it was very just like shrug
shoulders I’ll figure it out and I don’t
think that that sits well with with with
this whole thing right now I would love
to feel some urgency the Giants have not
had a winning streak or a losing streak
of note it’s just Meandering and I would
love for someone after the last two
years in that Clubhouse to sound
like right like press the gas and and
and make it sound like you know like
tonight matters like tonight matters
you’ve got to go win this game win this
series do like something something to
get a jolt going on here because it just
feels that’s the best word I can come up
with right now the whole thing feels
like it’s
Meandering W well uh I mean the two guys
that you you signed in the off season
are both
struggling right now Matt Chapman and
Blake Snell and you know now it’s
something where if you look you say
maybe we should have expected them to
get off to slow starts because they were
signed so late so you know I’m I’m
listen I I know people didn’t like
kapler I know um they didn’t like the
platooning but on the other hand
sometimes you got to live with the pain
of guys fighting out of of dry spells
and right now the the Giants have some
guys that aren’t hitting but this is why
you don’t platoon them is you you let
them work through it and you put the
same lineup or as close to the same
lineup out as possible every day yeah
and see if they can turn it around I’m
not sure so much of if um if if we can
like give them that excuse anymore and
this that’s not even about the Giants I
heard a couple stats about this is the
worst team in baseball but I don’t know
if you’ve all watched a White Socks game
yet this year the White Soxs yesterday
put out a lineup where eight of the nine
players were hitting below 180 man and I
was listening to Fox Sports Radio over
the weekend and JP morosi was on the air
they were asking him about why home runs
are are are down again for another year
in a row home runs across the league are
weigh down and marosi said he’s being
told by coaches that right now it’s
harder to hit than at any point in the
history of the game because of this idea
of not asking
pitchers to go seven Innings not asking
too much of pitchers everyone’s maxing
out so everyone’s willing to throw 98
plus and it’s impossible to hit and they
also can’t locate it anymore so we’re
turning the big leagues into what we all
watched when our kids were eight years
old which is walk strike out strike out
walk walk strike out change field and
it’s just yeah it’s a difficult watch I
don’t know if you know you said
Chapman’s struggling he’s hitting 225 I
don’t know if that’s struggling anymore
in The Bigs and you know what Willard it
sounds like what you just described is
every time I sit in and watch the Giants
and it’s my fault they’re not doing it
on purpose but they’ll be it’s the new
baseball there’ll be a runner on second
no outs and you’re assuming the Run dibs
you get the runner over sack fly at the
worst but it’s just KKK this K left K
right but if that’s the reason why then
it’s not just the white socks where is
the game going and you know as a guy
likes to bet the ponies I saw that white
sock record and I’m just like man let me
take the Phillies whoever they’re
playing Willard but moving forward if if
that’s the reason that’s kind of that
has me if I’m a fan of a certain team
feeling like they may not get out of
this rut because it’s not a r rut is
just a new Norm yeah and you look at
yesterday and I just was looking at the
scoreboard cuz Mark and I were talking
in the Green Room about this very thing
and eight teams yesterday scored zero or
one run that’s fourth of the league and
across baseball yesterday all 32 teams
in action there was 118 runs an average
of 3.6 per team and that includes some
some teams that went up above 10 so it’s
not just endemic to the Giants and their
hitting woes Mark is right and this
something I said a few years back as you
see more and more these guys throwing 99
with movement think about just Jordan
Hicks in and of himself the guy throws a
100 his sinker is like 97 with downward
movement and then these guys are going
to throw a change up at 84 you’ve got no
chance to hit anymore so before oh go
ahead Mark say going to say I with all
the big rule changes of last year I
wonder if we’re not a few years away
from some even even bigger ones okay
where’s the mound going to be yeah I I
ITN I was just going to tell you are the
Dodgers disappointing at 21 and 19 but
after hearing you guys go through it
it’s like n goo it’s they’re not immune
what we’re saying is L in the sport
there there’s very few players who can
hit consistently Muki Betts is one of
them sh Otani might be another so
they’re better off than everyone else
but like if you’re a Giants fan does it
feel like they’ve been struggling at the
plate it does man right okay so listen
to this they’ve scored 95 runs this year
have you looked up and down the league
okay if the Giants have scored 95 and
that feels like a struggle struggling
the have scored
76 okay what about the Pirates they got
the A’s have scored
65 the twins have scored 67 the white
socks have scored
45 runs in 21
games umow the Giants are middle of the
pack and it feels like they can’t hit
and they’re middle of the pack you’re
listening to 957 the game kgmz FM and
ht1 San Francisco always like live on
the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube
powered by first NorCal credit real
quick I just got to ask you through this
what do you think Will Clark would say
to this conversation or some of the
great hitters will do you think they
would be like give me a break get up
there and hit the ball or do where this
thing could get out of hand and it’s not
good for the sport well it’s a
combination of what Mark’s talking about
more fresh pitchers throwing a 100 and
also the approach like Will Clark was a
guy who had an approach where if guy’s
throwing 97 and he’s locating outside
you’re going to go the other way with it
and just try to shoot one between short
and third we don’t do that anymore now
it’s you know you get paid to to swing
for the fences you don’t move guys up
you don’t hit and run you don’t bunt as
much as he used to Mark was talking
about the overall outage and I just
looked as a comparison this year in
Major League Baseball The League average
for Ops is 698 oh God that’s terrible
last year it was 734 I was going to say
750 is usually what I consider like if
you’re at 750 you’re doing that that’s
where it starts to be like what I would
consider solid this is League wide last
year for the whole season 734 was the
average and this year the average is 698
so you’re talking about 36 points on on
base plus slugging and a lot of that
comes from the slugging and I’ll tell
you what what’s quiet on the set is the
balls are juice you ain’t hearing any of
that anymore they’re about to be though
if this keeps up I mean that’s what
baseball no you’re right man a just won
two nothing today in New York on the
hidden Yankee the power they’re supposed
to have zero runs you’ve seen Aaron
judge’s average right man you know I
mean he’s he’s one of them he’s getting
booed they’re booing Aaron judge in uh
in in New York yeah 174 did you see what
happened to Aaron Boon steiny today in
that game he got ejected didn’t he he
got ejected uh two batters in a fan
behind Aaron Boon starts ragging the UMP
the UMP takes off his mask uses
expletives and you can see it on Twitter
shouting at Boon one more word out of
you and you’re gone and the very next
pitch the same fan the camera’s on Aaron
Boon and he’s clearly not talking and
all of a sudden you hear the Umpire off
screen you’re out of here Aaron Boon got
thrown out because a fan was heckling
the Umpire and he thought it was Aaron
Boon yes how’s that now how’s that not
reviewable yeah if you got video how’s
that like and literally Aaron Boone is
like you know this is BS I didn’t say
anything and uh the audio the onfield
audio captured all of it so here’s
here’s what I would love I’m down on
umpires me too I always have been um you
too no like here’s what I think wouldn’t
you love this it’s not I don’t want we
don’t have to fire someone after every
game but like where’s the discipline for
that sure like you know this will go
away you’ll never hear well will we
freak out for 3 hours you’ll never hear
another word John Boy will come do an 8
minute video and it’ll be funny that’s
the bid is they actually somebody
tweeted that we don’t need John Boy for
this because there was a mic that
captured all of it and we’ll move on and
we’ll move on in life and like come on
there has to be a penalty yeah That’s
embarassing for tossing the manager of
the Yankees who just sat there with with
his arms folded right I like but there
that’s we there won’t be no I’m with you
and you know I’ve been a big defender of
umps refs zebras and all the rest of it
but when you see something like this it
makes you wonder and it’s the thing
you’ve always talked about Mark about
umpires why why are umpires so agitated
and so activated they got OS power yeah
too much though but it’s baseball more
than the others everybody does and NBA
ref does too but Baseball umpires for
some reason there’s this and so much of
baseball’s problem is based on the the
sort of the unwritten way that it’s
always been and umpires they treat the
whole game and everyone in it like their
kids wow man not cool at all right
exactly like everybody takes the field
and the Umpire looks at them as if
they’re a seven-year-old who just came
to the dinner table and didn’t wash
their hands wow and they look at them
like don’t you dare talk back to me it’s
like why not like why why why can a 35
year old ball player not have a
conversation with an Umpire yeah that’s
weak I don’t get it I mean yeah I’m I’m
going get in the car on the ride home I
mean this guys cuz I was trying to tell
stany I’m proud of myself I wasn’t going
to overreact on the lack of offense from
the Giants and I’ve been in denial
because the NFL is King and I know the
draft is Thursday and it’s king I know
why it’s king and it it it is who it is
pretty much every year we complain about
the NBA what do we say maybe too many
threes something’s going on with with
foul gate and them swallowing the
whistle but other than that everything’s
kind of copesthetic but for the Major
League Baseball we went through the
three true outcomes and that was the new
thing everybody swinging for the fences
if you strike out four times in the game
it’s cool now you could come back to the
Dugout it doesn’t matter chicks dig the
long Ball but what you guys have Jarred
me with if these pitchers are stronger
longer and that’s why it’s down across
the league I mean they got to break out
the humidor balls or or are the I mean
this is not good yeah it’s not even I
hav thought of it at all on it being
down across the board and maybe why
Willard to the to the arms being
stronger longer that’s I think that’s
what some coaches think which is and and
and again um everybody gets bigger
stronger faster but think about it these
are just all they are is human beings
and at a certain point if a pitcher you
know 60 ft 6 in is throwing 105 miles
hour you can’t hit that there’s I don’t
care who you are you can’t do it like
that’s you can’t even see it yeah let
alone hit it do yourself a favor and
look up the uh Mason Miller appearance
today the a closer and uh he’s throwing
yeah he he threw in by SoDo at
103 I put on Twitter last week he had
one 103 and I didn’t want him to get
hurt but the fans took it that I was
wishing for Tommy John I wasn’t I was
like the arm shouldn’t be able to do
that often at like that Willard so I
erased a tweet but that dude is throwing
gas man I think before they move the
mound back they should think about
lowering it because you know the the
mound being so high right now that so
high you’ve got too much of an
opportunity to create leverage and
downforce off the bump hey steiny are
you there I’m sure here okay yeah like I
just I’m looking on YouTube and I wasn’t
sure if you were awake you look like do
you have a migraine you look like you’re
holding your eyebrow there no I just was
curious what what is the perfect amount
of runs for a baseball game what would
be ideal 10 runs six to four I like a
six to four baseball game think four to
three yeah I’m with you dibs well even
four to three is about where they’re at
right I mean this as 36 yeah the Asia so
two nothing today a Yankees right with
three hits for the Yankees four hits for
the A’s and the Run came on a two run
Homer in the ninth and that’s it that’s
your ball game so you got two hours of
strikeouts and ground outs how long was
the game dibs I’m looking here in the
ESPN it doesn’t have it but probably
about two hours and
seven a tiny Affair yeah okay okay um
hey before you guys go uh I have a
question for everybody this got thrown
at us uh early this morning by Lucas and
it it got me thinking something because
this is a pretty great weekend right did
everybody have a good weekend no doubt
okay did you had a good St you had a
good weekend sure okay did you get out a
little bit little bit yeah beautiful
weather right like yeah absolutely
sparkling days and Lucas goes that was
like the greatest weekend of the year
and what went through my head was well
yeah it was beautiful out I’m sure like
I’m glad you had a good weekend and he
goes no I think it it might have been
because we have been
grinding on the Warriors and to a degree
the journey and the drama so much every
week for 7 months or more that it just
felt great to not have anything to worry
about for a couple of days how’s that
grab you guys I’ll tell you this it
doesn’t grab me because I told sty and
the listeners Willard and dibs and I
mean this every I watched all the games
get a life but every game I thought
about why the Warriors aren’t in this
game and when will they get back to this
stage so the pain still was there for me
it might have got
worse what do you think steiny I think
there’s something to that to tell you
the truth uh the Warriors not playing
was different um but I watched a bunch
of games and then you kind of had to
think about the Warriors man and um you
know I I thought differently than Guru
Guru said we we had action against
Oklahoma City well I still believe
Oklahoma City did their part they won
guys but they’re young and you could
kind of see it Pelicans almost did it
they didn’t but the Warriors didn’t do
their part my point was you could tell
dibs this was their first run they’re
losing their playoff virginity Y and uh
you know the Pelicans don’t exactly have
a long track record either so that’s
going to be an interesting series but
watching those games particularly that
game it did make me feel a little
Bittersweet about the Warriors not being
in it but then I had to step back and
kind of slap myself and realize that you
couldn’t even Sacramento a depleted
Sacramento and as stey said earlier you
were 5 and 21 against the good teams
this year so for me I I don’t have any
sense of the Warriors should have been
here if they should have been there they
would have done about 17 things
differently well and with if they were
there they would be down 01 oh wow and
and and like the Warriors what were they
going to have to do if they made the
playoffs I know they were good on the
road but what were they going to have to
do everything was obviously going to
have to be on the road yeah outside of
the Lakers winning the playin tournament
is some total of zero Road victories in
the entire NBA that Happ since the
Lakers won in New Orleans not a one not
a one so yeah the Warriors weren’t going
to they I mean I got to all right jet
we’ll have a great
show we listen on the way are you guys
going to go hit more golf balls now or
what happens well I’m here I got to give
some awards out so St he’s I think he I
don’t know what he’s got going but I got
to hang around a little bit I can see
what he’s got going he’s got a bag on
bag I have to do do you really want to
know I have to go home and do some FAFSA
957 the game that’s the

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