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A final look at the quarterbacks the Patriots could select | 6 Rings & Football Things

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ye weary good people of Patriots Nation
the Foxboro faithful take heart because
there are actually now more people on
this podcast than there are days until
the NFL drift oh sweet sassy molassie I
think the ultimate decision we have been
waiting a full half year is upon us and
we promise this won’t be the final six
rings in football things podcast before
the draft I’ve been told that there’s
still one more of those to come tomorrow
on oneoff
however we promis this is our final
pre-draft mock draft edition of the six
rings in football things podcast coming
at you today your old Pal’s Nick Fitzy
Stevens you got the great Mike kadlick
uh pickle pizza party himself over there
and of course the maniac hasht Drake
leader movement Andy jumbohart in the
house for today’s edition we are
launching straight from Mike kadlick
posting his final draft at that will be our launch point
today for the first half of the Pod and
then the back half we’ll get to some
Pats perie some other swirling thoughts
rumors and more we’ve got rousin we’ve
got scouted we’ve got shefter we’ve got
so many people to reference here today
so Mike why don’t you kick things off
walk us hand in hand down the lane of
your final mock draft and how you got to
what seems like a pretty obvious choice
early on but then some bold trade
oriented moves as the mock
progresses yeah uh one round one pick
three nice and easy and we said it
before we started recording we’ve been
here since December we’ve jumped through
the Hoops the combines the pro days the
meetings the rumors it’s Drake May it’s
always been Drake may it always will
Drake be Drake May he’s gonna come here
he’s gonna be their third overall pick
um it just makes too much sense I think
that with all of the smoking mirrors
around Washington and if they’ll take
Daniels and if you know Daniels doesn’t
want to be there and all that nonsense
like it makes more sense for him to go
to Washington and it makes more sense
for Dr May to be here so that’s where
we’re rolling here um I think he fits
what Alex vanpelt wants to do on offense
um the one thing I will say on the Drake
May pick is that um Alex vel’s offense
is very footwork oriented Drake May
right now isn’t very footwork or the
criticisms have been levied by one in a
many of the uh the Curt bankerts the
orlovski and and even I believe was it
Merill Hodge who was critical of the
footwork as well oh Merl hodj hates what
did Andy what did what did Drake may do
to Merl Hodge did he like did he like d
like not drive his daughter home from
the prom did he like what the hell
happened there yeah I think all these
guys have gotten to the point where they
just do it on purpose um much like
people like Mike swap things out in
their mock drafts a few times to kind of
make them readable get attention get
clicks and I’m not questioning it I
think you should do that right I think
these guys realized over the years that
if you take a hard stance that is
counter to the commonly held thought and
you’re right it can be something you
live off of for three years five years
and if you’re wrong it just kind of goes
away and it fades Into The Ether and I
think they’re choosing that to stay
relevant to stay you know get radio
stations and podcast to call them and
and continue to we all know it’s a tough
media Market there’s a lot of people out
there and fewer jobs by the day
literally so um I think it’s intentional
I really do and just to get to the
footwork thing two things here yeah Alex
vel’s job is to coach
correct I I mostly think he I truly
believe when we were all stunned like
wait a second they hired an offensive
coordinator Alex Van Pelt the guy that
used to that old Buffalo quarterback I
had no idea I truly believe he’s almost
here not even to be the offensive
coordinator I mean I know that’s his
title I honestly think he’s here to just
groom whatever the whatever quarterback
they choose so therefore the footwork
issues don’t bother me because I mean I
don’t think Drake May is like a two left
feet 12 toes [ __ ] like I feel like he’s
a pretty good athlete who if the right
coach tells him what to do and refines
it and oh by the way there’s no longer
any limitations on how much time you’re
investing in this you become a fulltime
quarterback the second you are drafted
to the National Football League no more
classes no more limit NCAA hourly
limitations get your ass in there and
figure out the footwork my second thing
here is and I’m going to rant from a
column I wrote earlier this week on I was gonna mention this I hate
to pull the you know Albert Breer Peter
King thing I be like as I wrote earlier
in the week on the website I worked for
um this stupid idea that they can take
Drake May because they have some sort of
a stable bridge in jacobe brassette I’m
gonna say this as kindly as I can
jacobe Brett blows he’s not an NFL
quarterback he’s not a that wasn’t that
wasn’t very kind I could say it was
swears and more meanly but he’s a great
professional great teammate great worker
and I agree wholly with the first part
of Elliot Wolf’s answer where he said
jacobe brasset is gonna support the
quarterback we might draft dot dot dot
oh and compete with him the Inc compete
part is an afterthought it he is not
this as I wrote in the column this is
not the chiefs with Alex Smith where you
have a Pro Bowl fing quarterback so you
can bring in a guy and let him sit for a
year two years no one wants to see
jacobe brassette play No One benefits
from jacobe brasset playing Drake May if
he’s the guy should play because I use
the examples of Josh Allen as raw as raw
can be other than Trey Lance maybe the
rawest of quarterbacks to come into the
National Football League in the last I
don’t know five years 10 years whatever
what was he coming what didn’t he come
in with like a 52 or 56% completion
percentage like he was wild watch his
low lights his low lights look like a
guy that should never play the
quarterback position at any level
whether it’s Wyoming or Buffalo and by
week two he was starting and he never
looked back like that’s just the reality
and guess what he evolved he developed
he grew he learned he made mistakes over
the back throws in playoff games things
of that nature and now he rolls out of
bed and he’s one of the top five
quarterbacks in the National you know
why he’s athletically special he’s a
hard worker he’s gifted in terms of
competitive nature and all of that and
if you don’t think Drake May if you
think Drake May is breakable then don’t
draft Drake May because if he’s
breakable he’s not a true franchise QB
he’s not the guy and that leads exactly
into the next question I wanted to ask
you guys and I think this has sort of
been overlooked a little bit in the
10,000 different discussions we have had
here you’ve probably had on TV there I
got the mention in by seven minutes Andy
you’re welcome on my socials on the rich
Keef show wherever we’ve been where who
uh you know when when kadlick talks with
bar and does other yeah every every
waiting for pizza in line exactly yeah
hanging hanging out having too many
beers with Fitzy in the garage wherever
however any which way the one thing that
they keep talking about that I keep
hearing analysts and football fans talk
about that that is the ultimate uh the
ultimate Allure to JJ McCarthy is the
fact that the kid is a winner the fact
that he’s got the int they believe that
he has the Savage Instinct that he’s got
a little bit of a psycho killer whoa
don’t do that again very if you’re not
watching on YouTube and you just turned
a w into Fu Fitzy it’s not me maybe that
was more on I don’t think we’re allowed
to put we might not even be allowed to
put it on now we have to hire a effects
artist or AI to blur that out geeeez God
why are you always making work for me
anyway so that’s the big thing about JJ
McCarthy is they believe that he has the
it factor that he’s an ultimate
competitor that winning matters that
much to him so I I like Drake May’s
response to uh the Kevin Clark
question on the this is football podcast
about you know he didn’t mind going to
the top golf with everybody he actually
loved hanging out with JJ McCarthy and
Jaden Daniels whereas Jaden Daniels was
off-put by that which gives me those
Diva Vibes that make me think I don’t
know if I really he could be a star but
he could also be a pain in the ass it’s
fine hey whatever if you throw more
touchdowns than interceptions you win
football games I don’t care just make
football fun again in Foxboro but do we
think Drake may like is he gonna hang
his head after the win is he gonna have
that PSY go Brady look on the sideline
or is he just you know is he just end it
for a good time and he’s just going to
go out and you know Crush some hard
selters and listen to hoody after the
game no matter what
happens well he does kind of seem like a
you know fun Southern goofball who is
like you know win or lose we still boo
definitely has I think he’s got Charisma
and charm to spare for sure but does he
care does he care that
much I mean I think so I don’t get the
vibe that he doesn’t care I just think
that I also kind I kind of get the vibe
that he has like you know the memory of
of a goldfish we like good or bad
straight focused move forward I’m fine
I’m confident myself I can play football
any which way and I kind of see that in
Josh Allen too like does Josh Allen
really you know have the the fire that
Brady ever did no not really but he’s
still a very good quarterback who’s like
you said Andy a freak athlete um and I
almost like that attitude better than
like what we talked about with Jaden
Daniels were like I’m better than you I
don’t like the top golf thing because
this is supposed to be my franchise blah
blah blah and Drake is just like yeah
take it and run roll with the punches
I’m going to go wherever I want to go
and I’m going to try and win football
games because I’m really good at playing
football yeah I all this stuff is um
warranted this type of discussion
because we always talk about like
checking all the boxes and the closer
you get to number one you got to check
pretty much all the boxes because you’re
making a franchise altering potentially
you know I keep throwing this out there
by the time these guys that you hope to
sign to a second contract get to
contract you’re making more than a half
a billion dollar decision right like
we’re getting in that world and that’s
how you should treat it how important
you should treat it for you know Robert
Kraft like oh his franchise is worth
seven eight billion dollar yeah well
this is a pretty big decision even for a
guy that has eight billion dollar or
Jonathan who we’ll get into later um so
all but but all of this too is
so um it’s more inexact than the inexact
sign of the draft I guess I would put it
right like it’s just nobody knows how
people deal with change and adversity
and money and success and highs and look
like you know the comparison the wins
all he does is win I saw the thing today
making the rounds like High School win
High School win High School win pro win
pro I mean College win what is he like
60 61 and three or something from high
school through college like just like
Trevor Lawrence was 84 and four or
whatever and now is like he was 20 and
30 in the pros right so and he’s fine
Mac Jones has a better
record um just so and a burgeoning rap
burgeoning burining festering festering
perhaps dying yeah um so yeah this is
all but it’s all you have to trust the
vibe of your coaches that’s why I
thought it was interesting Elliot wolf
talking about in the building and
interacting with people and like that’s
part of it now you could misread that
right like you there’s a fine line
between you know motivated in maniacal
a-hole and you know wound too tight how
many times we talk about that early on
in M Jones’s careers he wound too tight
and by all appearances now when bich had
to like literally walk him off the field
because he was gonna like and I think we
now know he was probably wound too tight
and so and so the circumstances that the
extenuating circumstances and bad
decisions that were made of not giv him
a good line not giving him a wide
receiver one ultimately giving him a
defensive coordinator yeah it did it
broke him 100% right you tightened it
and you tightened it and you tightened
it and all of a sudden something’s got
to give and it was him and his mentality
and his heart and his focus and all of
those things so is Drake May a question
yep is JJ McCarthy absolutely is anyone
more safer than the other not in my
opinion having not hung out with either
of them and that’s always my caveat I
would love to have had the opportunity
to play six hours of top golf and have
some beers and see how they are sober
see how they are a little liquored up
see how they are you know with teammates
see how they are in the corner is he
pointing at the other guy and be like at
this tool over here like you get a read
off we don’t have that so we just have
to take the superficial um stance
they’re all huge risks all massive risks
it almost does make you wonder and I
agree that when when the Patriots and I
think it’s going to be Drake May at 3 as
well um and I’ll get to the other guy
that has sort of like bubbled to the top
or near the top in the last week to week
and a half or so in a minute and why he
has displayed some of the things or the
unquantifiable that I believe teams have
questioned about him that would make me
and as seems to have made a lot of other
football fans like him more in recent
day as well but with Drake may you are
investing in the Raw Prospect he’s got a
230 230 something bills 6 foot4 can
throw the football over them their
mountains like he’s got it he’s got it
all so if if he comes to the right set
of circumstances and they take the time
to groom him properly and hell yes he
does beat out jacobe brette you can two
things can be true at once you can still
play him so he gets valuable experience
in the now but also be constantly
working working with him so that you can
hopefully get to that second half of
Josh Allen’s year two jump remember he
was terrible the first three times he
played the Patriots terrible but then by
that final game in 2019 where the Pats
won on a Saturday
247 uh Josh Allen was good Josh Allen
finally got there like he saw through
the Matrix all that time that day ball
spent with him and hopefully Van Pelt
will be the day ball for Drake May will
ultimately round him into a quality
quarterback and it does make me wonder
well too I want to can I push back and
give a little like a a yeah there’s Andy
with a little head tilt just give
another with push back well to the jaob
veret stuff right like is he a great
quarterback on the field no he’s not no
he’s not as Andy said he blows but plus
level backup having does having him on
the roster make you more inclined to
draft Drake may also no you’re gonna
bring him in anyway but is having him on
the roster a benefit to Drake May when
he gets here absolutely even I agree
with that because he’s the perfect guy
because I don’t think he’s you know I
had this discussion with somebody where
they when they were thinking of the
veterans to bring in they swiftly
eliminated a lot of people because they
believed those people still see
themselves as starters and truly
competing and I don’t think jacobe
brasset is doing that I think he’s still
competing because you’re always going to
be but I think he’s also understanding
of who he is where he is what he is and
yes I do not think he’ll be undercutting
Drake May’s development or trying to
question I think he’s perfect for Drake
May’s development I think he’s seen it
all he’s seen the highs with a Tom Brady
Super Bowl team he’s seen the lows with
a des wat year n coming in for him as
coming in as well Andy you’ve said
before when we first when we first heard
about brassette being signed and we we
all speculated like coming from
Cleveland this is a no-brainer
experience with Van Pelt that just in
terms of having a mentor a gentleman a
winner some like all of his intangibles
and human human
unquantifiable are off the charts for a
good locker room a firste coach who
needs to get everyone on the same page a
disciplined team now of course we have
Matthew Slater as Mayo’s right-hand man
so I think this team is going to be well
behaved likable they’re going to put
their best foot forward tons of effort
like a bunch of all yeah
guys but what and I also think Bridge
quarterback sorry has kind of like a
frankly like it’s there’s kind of a
stupid negative connotation on it
because like you think that he’s there
to try and win you some games where we
don’t need to win games we just need you
to literally be the bridge from all the
old bad stuff last season to the
eventual coming of Drake and hopefully
that bridge hope that bridge is not in
Baltimore and is still standing we’re
making oh come on please now who has
made us edit that drop that cut that
seriously that’s fine that’s nothing
nothing’s too soon don’t wor don’t worry
about it every see it’s a you can do
anything on a podcast legally anything
anything’s allowed it’s fine it’s
totally this is the wild west still of
the broadcast medium um I did want to
get to real quick yesterday that would
be Monday of course three days before
the draft as we record this two days
prior to the draft it’s just a little
over two days until NFL Draft time and
we see the commissioner take the stage
in front of a rumored and reported
300,000 expected attendees for the draft
in Detroit this is going to be big we
are talking rolling out people the Henry
Ford automobile big people love hang out
with exactly like I have no interest in
that like it’s super fun it is super fun
it’s having been to a ton just be
because you’re out in public you’re in
the free open air you’re hanging out
with football fans you get to see it
live and in person uh there’s food and
drink it’s like a giant it’s really like
a giant sponsored tailgate like you
can’t actually pull up your rig and put
on your music and do a proper tailgate
um of which there’ll probably be tens of
thousands this coming Saturday at
Gillette for the Messi game and then
more in June for Tom Brady day but it’s
it is a lot of fun and it’s sort of one
of those things you’d go to it’s like
it’s the Burning Man of football just a
little just a little more controlled and
stylized but I will say I did enjoy um
and I don’t generally enjoy a lot that
Roger Goodell does his uh commercial
with Eminem made me laugh out loud that
was a funny commercial that well done by
the writers them even Eminem delivered
it like he wasn’t high or effed up over
years usage of drugs so um well done oh
good so Eminem just just passed Andy’s
drug test for the commercial the eyeball
test I’m not saying he was not on
something I’m just saying eyeball test
what are you talking about gez Louise
what is Eminem When has he ever been
like a report for God’s sakes I’m not
going to Def I’m not going to defend one
of the finest exports of Detroit Andor
his demeanor Eminem is an outstanding
upright citizen who produces Quality
Music and is representing for the city
of Detroit I person
fell in love with him all over again
when he was in San Francisco back in
January for the NFC championship and
from his Luxury Box he gave the double
Birds to all the 49ers I thought we
couldn’t do
that you already set the I learn I
learned it from you Dad
Jesus clean it up um so on Monday uh
Michael Pennock Jr who has been I won’t
say mocked but at least he has been
rumored to be of potential backup
interest as in and we’ll get to the
Tweets in a moment there was the Diana
Rini tweet on Monday the New England
Patriots are listening and taking calls
from teams looking to move into number
three while Elliot Rolf is running point
I’m told Patriots president Jonathan
Craft is heavily involved in the
decision-making we’ll break that down in
just a second and what that could mean
for everybody out there but then
following that up was a tweet from at
scouted NFL s c u t dnfl now you might
say like why do I care about somebody
who has 9 and a half thousand
followers doesn’t follow anybody and
shefer follows at scouted
NFL okay so he he tweets out he she
whoever whoever’s burner this is uh
report if Drake May is available at 3 we
could see Chaos on Thursday the Patriots
have received quote shocking Bryce type
offers I I’ll put I’ll contextualize
that would be Bryce young offers for
last year when the Bears and the
Panthers traded Bryce type offers for
the pick per Source the Vikings and
Giants are willing to sell the farm this
is contingent on pick two a tough
decision for New England question mark
So this means that the Patriots may be
getting the Godfather offer they could
be getting the mother of all offers from
either the Vikings or the Giants for
Drake May makes sense day ball sees his
next Josh Allen the Vikings with the
Josh maccau connection to Drake may as
well um scouted did follow that up later
on by also saying he couldn’t believe
HEI whoever it is couldn’t believe the
size of the offer that they had heard po
per a reputable Source now if the
Patriots do get that offer and if they
were to trade back do we a think that
they would actually select Michael pennx
in the first round be it in the middle
of the round later in the round and
B uh do you do you think that this would
be palatable because he wrote Monday in
the players Tribune I hear it all the
time he’s been injured what happens if
he gets injured this is Penn’s P he
wrote haven’t I shown you what it looks
like haven’t I put almost 2,000 plays on
tape since my last injury since my quote
fourth season ending injury in four
years it’s constantly mentioned whenever
my name is brought up truth is I’d be
more worried if I had never been injured
we don’t all come back the same I can’t
speak for those that have never gone
through anything but I can speak on me
I’ve seen how deep my Foundation is I
know the storms I’m prepared to weather
for most people that would be the end of
their story but there’s more to my story
and I own every page of it d i I don’t
know if he hired a ghost riter or who he
was working with but like that’s the
kind of thing that if I’m a GM and I’m
wondering if I go to my fallback
quarterback in the first round cuz
someone just gave me four first round
picks I don’t know just saying so um
this sort of flies in the face of
everything I’ve heard um that they
haven’t gotten any really good offers um
words like laughable have been thrown
out there um so this is interesting
somebody’s lying or somebody’s making
stuff up um at this time of year in the
Silly Season uh I do believe they are
open to trade and I do believe they’ve
been honest that if they get the bag
they make take the bag and run with it
um yes I am a maniac yes I want them to
stick and pick at three because I think
that’s all that really matters is that
quarterback position and nailing that
pick but you know the old caveat that
everybody if you’re not sold on the guy
at three listen to the offers see if you
can take advantage of your opportunity
don’t just stick and pick if you don’t
feel it if it’s not if it’s not the
right move um so but let’s play along
and say that you know everything you
know this Source on some guy whoever the
hell this is is right right and they are
getting four first round picks or my
dream deal of three first round picks
and a left tackle or a wide receiver or
some player
um to me then JJ McCarthy becomes the
next guy in line I don’t think pennx is
the next guy in line I’m it’s funny use
the word you use the word backup plan
Fitzy I agree completely he’s an NFL
backup I think description of him and I
not because of the injuries I love his
heart and like this fire and you’re
right he handled that nicely but I just
think there are some limitations in his
game um and I’ve seen a little bit more
of this that’s always bothered me you
know kind of he throws the fast ball and
then you tell him to throw a change up
and he shakes you off and he throws the
fast ballow another fast yeah I know
because that arm can sling it but does
he have the touch and control necessary
to compete not just compete but win at
this next level and there are um times
you see where prior two or somewhere
surrounding one of those awe inspiring
deep balls where you’re like dime if
you’re watch the game you’re like H that
was not a dime on the play before that
was not a very good throw and I always
say this and it was third it’s third and
nine because of you know two Miss passes
or whatever right and that’s the Bal
like this the game is about we always
fixate on ceilings and upside and like
consistency is a huge part of being a
quarterback in the NFL like consistently
playing at a good level to Great level
El and I know there’s all the game
Gunslingers and game guys that you know
at the biggest of moments come up big
and that’s huge that can be the
difference but sometimes consistency is
really really key um and I’m just not
sold that penck is a consistent thrower
of the football at the National Football
League level now you wantan to I I’ve
said this a million times you want to
just do that old uh what’s that TV show
where the guy flings out the lawn chair
and sits down um oh east side yeah
Eastbound and Down yeah you want to
Eastbound and Down somebody to watch
them throw give me penics all day long
give me six Miller lights a little
bucket of ice and I’ll watch him for a
nice period of time but I want to win
football games I want accuracy I want
the ability to manage a game in an
offense and I’m not sure he has all that
and Mike last week when we T talk uh
Andy and I spoke with Brian baldinger it
was a great podcast if you missed it go
back and check it out on the six rings
feed Baldi said he was his second
quarterback of his rankings he had Drake
May ranked fourth of all the
quarterbacks coming into the first round
of this draft okay and his thing about
penck and you can go both ways with
this yes Michael penck had three good
receivers yes he had a highly underrated
offensive line yes he had a really good
head coach in bloom so good that the guy
is now the head coach of Alabama since
Nick Sabin retired but so was he the
product of all that over two years but
baldinger pointed out that after he came
back from the four seasons of injuries
he didn’t hang him hang him up or just
go lay low somewhere he went to a larger
program transferred to Washington and as
McMillan and Odun and pul were all ready
to transfer out he convinced them to
stay and said let’s make something
special here and in two years didn’t
miss a start guy yeah guy made it all
the way to the Natty all three of those
guys are going to be drafted within the
first three rounds of this coming draft
as well you’ll have what you’ll have
lineman taken in the first two rounds
dor gets the Alabama job pennx is now a
first round quarterback I think he’s got
more winning Spirit about him than
people are giving him credit for so do I
spirit is there no no no like just real
quick like the spirit is definitely
there it’s the ability because everybody
has the spirit when they are a winner at
some level like and I always said like
there’s no shame in having a winning
Spirit as a high school guy who can’t
transition to the college level or can’t
transition to the pro level and you’re
right Fitzy he deserves more props for
that I feel like JJ McCarthy gets all
that spirit in tangibles winning like
give pennx his share there too that well
said Fitzgerald and and like Rarity I
feel like this compliment from Andy Mark
the tape Jesus yeah the uh 2619 on April
TW and uh but M McCarthy really took
this massive jump right over the um
over the last you know call it three
months two months of the the draft
season because yeah because they won
because they won and into that top four
but like Michael penx was pretty much
always above him until this latest push
of intangibles and off platform throwing
I guess and then really good interviews
and we all just kind of took it and like
I remember I saw it me and Andy in real
time both were kind of just like okay
yeah maybe we do like JJ McCarthy over
Michael penx but it was pretty close and
all of a sudden now it’s just gospel and
it’s like I still don’t 100% buy it I
like Michael penck I think he can play I
like the fact that you know you just
talked about if fzy the thing he wrote
for the players Tribune that he’s like
no yes I’ve been hurt but yes I’ve came
back from it and yes I’m here and even
though I’m 25 I still have a lot of
football left in front of me I’ve
cleared my Medicals I showed that I can
win games I showed that I can he got
this that this is good and he’s ALS and
he’s also got this and he’s got 10 half
inch hands and he ran a 446 and he can
leap 37 inches in the air and he can
Chuck the ball 75 yards and um we’ve
talked about a million different guys
that break down tape and everyone trying
to be like the next orlovski right you
know it’s been Kurt Banker it’s this
quarterback that quarterback Chase
Daniel I was unfamiliar with the fact
that chase Daniel who made a mint as a
backup in the NFL over a decade and a
half oh but to just have one or two of
the zeros and decimals in his bank
account for all the work he put in he’s
got a he’s doing a ton of work now for
the Third third team NFL Network he’s
doing breakdowns Galore his love affair
for Michael penx he said he should be
the first QB off the board diagnoses a
lot of the throws his first yes he
thinks he absolutely needs to be he’s
his favorite quarterback in this should
take him I think the the discourse and
the volatility between of Michael penck
Jr at this point might be larger than
the JJ McCarthy discourse right some
people think pennx is A1 like Johnny
Manzel now take his opinion for what
it’s worth but he’s been doing some work
too now uh with I forget where he’s he’s
doing stuff but he’s back on the media
Trail he’s he’s he’s on the uh he’s the
he’s the host of the behind the Circle K
podcast that’s where he works back at
the gas station yeah right but uh but no
he’s high on Michael penck too but then
other guys and Andy mentioned it too
think of him as just a backup and can’t
really do it so like I don’t know it’s
it’s going to be hit or miss and so is
JJ McCarthy and that’s what this is all
about it’s Dart throws but but um I’m
starting to see that he has a lot more
ceiling versus floor even more so than
JJ McCarthy does all right so before we
get to the back half of this podcast and
in the Pats perie we will lead off with
our discussion of the purported Andor
alleged Jonathan Craft
involvement uh in the draft selections
let me just run through cadx you could
also read this at but in case you
don’t have a chance to because you are
very busy making up your own mock drafts
or just living a normal humans life in
round one Mike and his final mock and I
know a lot of times you’re not allowed
to as Andy pointed out earlier you’re
not allowed to repeat picks so that’s
why people keep changing things over
here’s a fresh mock here’s here’s Mike’s
final one I could we’ll see round one
May third
overall his second pick round two pick
34 the New England Patriots trade pick
34 the second pick of the second round
to the Eagles for wide receiver AJ Brown
finally giving him the homecoming The
Landing in Foxboro he so richly deserves
and has wanted his RI his rationale
let’s get
nuts um and Accord you said you cited
that Brier has said Philadelphia has
been receiving calls about the receiver
did we or did we not have rumored Andor
alleged like did any one of us here
finally Source out whether or not the
Patriots did actually call Brier had
said it like five minutes after defitely
Brier said that New England was one of
the teams he also said that hoe Roseman
is laughing the calls off but there’s
still listen they’re still taking them
if the Patriots want them and you know
AJ Brown is another one of those I don’t
want to call him a diva but kind of is
sometimes happy sometimes not where he
is he loves the Patriots if Philly wants
to get rid of him wants to take pick 34
why not they could get desperate right
like you know everyone says that this
guy’s not on the Block but then they
ends up getting traded I see the same
thing with AJ Brown and Philly and he
did we had one of those um stupid social
media alerts at some point where he I
don’t know scrubbed the Eagles followed
Patriots blah blah blah put up Tom Tom
Brady as his Avatar yeah I mean and then
he tweeted out he tweeted out no this is
stupid this is nonsense I just love Tom
Brady stop reading into it and then he
deleted the Tweet then he deleted that
as well yeah so so he tried to cover up
with a tweet and then he deleted the
cover up tweet or the rationale tweet as
well social media everyone just shut up
just like you know everyone just stop
saying things and just let the draft
come to all of us but that said we’d all
take it correct 100% okay all right
excuse me let me ask you between no no
between trading pick two for AJ brown or
drafting someone who could have AJ Brown
upside in like a Xavier Legette which
one would you go AJ Brown AJ Brown in
there done that can do it will do it
loves you wants to yes okay Binky for
the quarterback right away proven
veteran La wolf talked about backside St
there you go that’s a good point that’s
your step digs for this Josh Wilson j
yep AJ Brown for Jaylen Herz a few years
ago there’s no for CJ St now there’s no
saying you can’t also draft a wide
receiver Xavier Legette might be
available at top the third round so you
may have AJ Brown and Xavier Legette and
OK playing left
tackle and a dead quarterback your boy
Andy that’s the end of his wide
receivers all the way to the seventh
round uh in round two Mike also has the
Patriots trading up for offensive tackle
Patrick Paul and a trade with
that could give you a mountain of
humanity which could you
with uh oh boy yes you know me round
four pick 103 Kyrie Jackson cornerback
out of Oregon I think that’s a smart
move I also like the kid out of Notre
Dame if he’s still available at that
point could go a little bit
earlier name but uh then there’s a trade
down the Patriots uh send 180 to New
Orleans for 190 and 239 love this pick
if he’s still around at 190 Dylan La the
running back hybrid receiver do out of
unh I think that would be a great Pats
pick might not fall that far but the
running backs in this class kind of
stink so who knows I’m disappointed in
you cadc yeah we did this on our you’re
like serving up the masses here like
giving those people what they want lot
of clicks baby 193 we go with tight end
Tanner mclaughin out of Arizona and then
in the round seven the final two picks
pick 231 should he last that long one of
the allame Selections in this Draft wide
receiver bub means out of Pittsburgh
61 to12 not the fastest guy but he’s a
compet for the football as well and
again who doesn’t love them a little Bub
means and finally I like what’s that
Edelman will love that pick I think bubs
oh well done Andy work with tawon
Thorton tawon Underwood rather at pit oh
okay I was gonna say if you worked with
tawon Thorton he’s immediately off cross
him off the list sorry taon
Underwood wide I bet he’s going to sell
him in the room good job that I wouldn’t
be surprised if they actually go for him
around earlier in that case and finally
Mike’s last pick 239 Joshua cardi kicker
out of Stanford I like it you want to
know why because Chad Ryland needs
competition because I don’t know if Chad
Ryland got it and also I don’t want this
Administration I don’t I think we can
all agree I don’t want this
Administration be Holden to regime
whatever you want to call it Andy the uh
this this iteration of the Patriots
coaching executive capacities whatever I
don’t want this regime be Holden to any
previous draft picks like oh well they
spent a four on them last year all right
that’s not my problem if I have to if I
have to pull this part out if I want uh
a different dining room table if I want
the living room a different color damn
it I’ll paint it a different color even
if that sets us back a pick and um based
on something that the Adept ear of Mike
kadlick picked up in the pre-draft press
conference from Elliot wolf I’m not sure
they are beholden to past picks Andor
mistakes because in Elliot Wolf’s
um overzealous uh positive description
of his offensive line there was
something that was seriously lacking and
that was two words Cole and strange he
talked about the tackles and Andrews and
the rookies from last year made no
mention of Cole strange a pick that many
of us hated the time it was made me many
of us still kind of hate the pick uh and
so to you know sort of prove your
example I’m not sure Cole strange is uh
necessarily standing on the same footing
he once did in New
England that’s a very good I see I if
they’re like no I don’t think this guy
he doesn’t fit what we’re going to try
to do maybe he competes
for why not make him a like half serious
here he’s a big athletic dude let’s make
him the fullback what’s his name in
Baltimore his
three rard yeah why don’t we make cole
strange a fullback and then can tell you
straight up G tell me you put him in
front of R Andre Stevenson you don’t
have a freaking train moving yeah you
bring your boy James develin up to work
with him for three weeks coming off of
the ACL no less I will say this so last
year I was at the stadium and I hosted a
little watch party for the season ticket
holders of the Patriots Raiders game oh
good times Devonte Parker did it hit
your thumbs oh one off your fingertips I
forgot that’s right just the tip just
the tips just to see how it feels uh and
Cole strange was our current player
guest because he was rehabbing an a
different injury at the time he stepped
up on stage I it just same height as me
like not much bigger than me just like
he had 100 pounds on me that’s it like
he’s not I I didn’t see this guy and
just think like line hos you know what I
mean like sh oh gez Trent Brown oh gee
like like Cole strange like oh that’s
your big buddy right perfect fullback
there we go there you go folks all right
there is your first half of today’s six
rings podcast our final mock draft
Edition do you like our rationale for
the quarterbacks do you like Mike’s mock
anything else you can always holler at
us he’s at M
I’m at I’m at F gfy and he is jumbo
heart stick around for a little Pats
perie where we will cover everything
else circulating around the wide world
of Pats Nation two days before the draft
and of course the six to midnight Rich
Keef show draft spectacular with catalic
Hart a little splash of me Keith on the
com and of course Chris shim talking
about how sexy he looks now that he lost
all that weight from awaken 180 all
right Pats Peri it up yo here we go the
back half of today’s six rings in
football thanks podcast let’s get right
to it we mentioned earlier in the first
half talking quarterbacks in the final
mock draft the Dian rosini tweet forget
about the Patriots listen into Andor
taking calls from number three we’ve
heard they have we heard they haven’t be
that as it Drake May the second half is
what really set a fire a blaze Monday in
Pat’s Nation while Elliot wolf is
running point I’m told Patriots
president Jonathan Craft is heavily
involved in the decision making yikes
yikers Island oh boy no
Bueno now our pal Nick cattles tweeted
out last night um per Diana rini’s
report about Jonathan Craft being quote
heavily involved both Tom Curran and
Phil Perry said on early addition Monday
ownership wants to be quote in the loop
but won’t make the final call also yet
there has also there has yet to be an
offer worth truly considering what have
you heard
Andy uh well definitely the same thing
about an offer worth truly considering
has not manifested yet
um some pot shots at maybe some new
people who are in GM positions or
positions sort of to make trades I’ve
heard um about sort of the style and the
league needs more deal makers um and
there’s not enough of those right now
and sort of a new regimes across the
league in some places um and then in
terms of the the craft level stuff I
mean they’ve been quite open on the
record that they are not they’re staying
out of football decisions right that
they are sort of doing business the way
it’s always been done I’ve been told the
same thing the only change I’ve heard is
that they are asking more questions than
they did of belich at certain times
which makes sense because belich earned
a certain degree of latitude right like
with his win and success right like he
earned that right and guess what in five
years eight years 10 years Elliot wolf
might earn that right along the way with
what he does and the proof is in the
pudding um but I’ve been told it’s it’s
really that that is just not true that
is just flat out not true now maybe
they’re all lying and maybe Jonathan is
the puppet master and pulling all these
strings behind the the the scenes but I
um I think the football people wolf and
Mayo are being given the latitude to do
what football thinks is right so you’re
talking about maybe more a little more
helicopter parenting than japing if you
will yeah just and and I isn’t that like
expected it is their team yeah I mean it
is their also new youthful leadership
like right you you have no track record
of these guys making decisions the work
they do I think in any business any
world like until you see that people
below you do the job the right way you
have questions You observe doesn’t mean
you tell them what to do you may even
like huh I wouldn’t have done it that
way but let’s it’s an interesting angle
let’s see if this works and then go from
there but this this idea that Jonathan
is heavily involved I just have heard no
wind of it publicly or privately and
until I have reason to doubt this I’m
gonna believe what people are telling me
this is now the second instance though
with you know a Jonathan Craft football
operations report right because we had
the and we talked about it a few uh last
week Andy with the Wicker sham stuff
about when has Seth Wickersham really
been wrong like everyone thinks he’s now
we have conflicting when has Seth
Wickersham been wrong and how often is
Rini right that’s true I know I was
going to get to that too because it’s
okay when has wicker Shan been wrong
everyone hates him everyone think he’s
wicker scan but when you look back at
all the you know the Deep Dives he’s
done they’ve been pretty much correct he
does have his journalistic and you know
creative writing spin on it but at the
end of the day it’s really true he also
mentioned Jonathan Craft Robin Glazer
being you know having Hands-On in
football now russini has this so that’s
two sort of flares of smoke but it could
also be something they hear and then
turn it into something it’s not right
because we had Rini thing with Mike Vel
and how he came in and was really scary
and fought people off he’s too he’s too
big and then she sort of had to talk
that back after putting that out there
and blowing it into something it wasn’t
so you got to kind of take it for what
it is with both wicker sham and rine but
I do think two flares if there’s smoke
there could be fire but they could also
just hear like you said that they are
asking more questions because it’s a new
regime and they don’t want to just
completely hand the Reigns over they
want to make sure that things are going
you know in a sense the way they want
them to it could be a supervising
capacity Andy go ahead please well and
it always has been and you know even the
idea that Robert revealed Bill didn’t
have full power until after the third
Super Bowl where I think some people
including myself thought there was a
little more yoke before that that was
interesting and they’ve always had
highlevel um low number of attendees
meetings that were like Robert Jonathan
Bill and only a couple other people and
so they are in that inner circle like
that high high level planning always
have been and that was before they had
the number three pick in the draft like
we talked about it there’s billions of
dollars on the line here billions of
dollars so that’s why I’ve never
understood this push back against oh
Josh Harris is in the meeting room I
don’t care he owns the goddamn he’s
managing his he’s managing his this it’s
his he’s managing his asset as well
right now if Adam Peters writes down
Jaden Daniels on a card and Josh go give
me that and Crosses it out and puts
something else okay now we get an issue
now we get problems but you could get
also into the terer verse if you will
where like he forces Frank reich’s hand
and it’s funny Houston actually wanted
Bryce young and it sounds like Frank
Reich in his first and only year didn’t
even make it through the whole damn year
wanted Bryce young imagine the sliding
doors you know flip that reverse it
world we could be living in like total
upside down allice and Wonderland
routine that would go those two teams so
you don’t want to be so heavy-handed and
so so dactic that you tell him like no
this is it well then why am I here in
the first place am I just preparing a
bunch of TPS reports and draft analysis
for you or he this is what got the
Patriots in trouble this was what
bellich reportedly did so often over the
years at the next level down like Scouts
those people are putting together grades
and lists and he ignored them that’s
right he’s like I know you gave him a
grade I’m crossing it out putting my own
grade I know you think this guy’s better
I’m taking the guy I want that’s Edwards
nil Harry come here and the other guy
that coached him out there as well I
just want to also add for contextual
purposes our pal Andrew Callahan uh put
out yesterday if Jonathan Craft is
indeed Jonathan Craft is indeed heavily
involved the Patriots have major
explaining to do Robert Craft quote
January 17th Jonathan’s not involved in
the day-to-day operations Robert Craft
also on January 17th ownership’s input
will be the same input that we’ve had
for the last three decades Elliot wolf
February 27th ultimately football making
decision comes down to Gerard and I
Gerard Mayo March 25th they meaning
ownership don’t want to be involved in
football decisions and finally uh Doug
kaai adds to that Robert Craft on March
26th in the end I’ll let the team make
the decision with what they think is
best now that is a could be potentially
nebulous because who’s the team well but
also like this this idea that it’s some
um Wizard of Oz behind the curtain thing
Robert’s also been very open somehow
someway at the end of the day I’d like
to see us get a quarterback like he said
that publicly I think multiple times
they’re taking one at some point it’s
just a matter of who and when so if
they’re behind the scenes saying the
same thing is that some like dark secret
puppeteering like he said it publicly in
front of reporters they want a damn
quarterback we all want a damn
quarterback they need a damn quarterback
so like there’s just a lot here and the
reality is I think there are some people
that a don’t like Jonathan Craft he can
be a abrasive he can be bombastic he can
be incendiary like there’s controversial
take and I think some of that feeds into
some of these reports and some of these
quotes and comments and sourcing and
different things and the reality is
right now the craft name is um a little
bit U marred by the Dynasty and and
things that are going on so then you’re
getting clicks and you know you’re
getting clicks you know that’s going to
get read and reported
so I
just again until I have reason to either
not believe what the crafts are saying
publicly Jonathan uh gerro is saying
publicly and wolf saying and what people
are telling me behind the scenes until I
have reason to believe that they’re
lying to me I’m gonna believe what they
have to say just like Seth Wickersham
and reporters like Seth Wickersham has
earned the right that I believe what he
has to say Diana Rini has not she’s
wrong too often
sorry what happens when you tell
everyone that the Patriots love Jared
STM that’s what happens not even love
them love speaking of Jarrett didum how
about that new quarterback room in
Denver where they got those new fancy
uniforms and a piece of branded content
with the Ford Moto company oh it’s awful
I love the old lway level Throwbacks
that they’ll bring back but the new
uniforms are terrible I don’t hate the
new uniforms all right I’m gonna go I’m
on the uh I’m on I just muted Mike CAD
for a second I just sent him to timeout
Corner nope that’s terrible yep he’s
actually out of video feed now he’s in
the background in black and white just
going like you g to do that to me yeah I
can because I still control M all right
here we go I’ll bring him back into the
podcast now Mike you actually like those
they’re not that bad they’re terrible
they’re not that bad
I every everything everybody hates every
new uniform now and I think everyone
just hates them now just to hate them
because they want people love the
throwback Jags they like the new
altro stuff yeah no that’s that’s a good
point they do actually like
those are those are those are nice and
clean I like CAD what do you
hate oh man broccoli cheddar
soup that was very specific that is so
highly specific who when’s the last time
you even went to the store and you’re
like oh I got to get it I I it’s a cold
rainy day I need a soup oh broccoli
cheddar disgusting it smells awful it
smells up a whole room broccoli stinks I
like cheese but the cheddar it’s just
disgusting broccoli so good for you
you’re so 25 oh God bless I love
broccoli but um I ha it every day I just
think and this is this is admirable I
wish I was a little bit more like this
and I wish a lot more people on Twitter
were like this like you react positively
to most things and I know I paint it as
a homer Patriots thing I don’t think
it’s just a homer Patriots thing I think
in general you air on the side of liking
something as opposed to disliking it
whereas most of the world airs on the
side especially on social
media manyy people just like yes just
love to be mad so I take the opposite
approach it’s like well until you give
me reason to actually be upset about
something let’s just look at it as a
cool new uniform I like the 5280 a shout
out to Mile High people are mad about
the Le like the sleeve it’s like it’s
just supposed to look like a mountain
like the elevation stuff the triangles
everyone’s like why are there triangles
and the numbers it’s like just let it
happen people everyone just gets so I
appreciate all of the a all of the
Aesthetics the touches the flourishes I
just don’t like them as much I I don’t
particularly like the Broncos uniforms
of the last 20 years either I do love
their Throwbacks in a like the the Big D
with the horse steaming like that all of
that Andy the D on the side of the
helmet stop
itop God what are we doing you said it
not me what are we doing say I like the
lway era uniforms okay put it that way
everybody does and just to um put Mike
click’s uh liking the even ready for
this we’re supposed to be talking about
Zack Wilson being trained into the
Broncos for God’s sakes kadlick liked
Juju Smith shoer and Mike Kiki too so
just you know than you thank you did wow
that’s quite that much like JuJu’s
Snapchat is very revealing Andy good job
on that one you like that Big D too jeez
Louise what are we doing tag Zack Wilson
huh Zack Wilson’s the Bronco baby I feel
bad of Denver watch out Zack Wilson what
is it also by the way every quarterback
from 2020 one gets traded for a sixth or
seventh round pick how bad was that
class draft class they stink they all
stink and they’ve shown their stink I
feel bad for Jared STM who I’ve always
kind of liked and he’s gonna lose a job
or denucci oh speaking of Luchi he’s out
there competing with denucci like I just
everybody raved about his throwing of
the football I remember Jim Nei and
everything he can sling it but he’s had
so many places with so many
opportunities and it’s like everybody
tries to replace him or pass him up or
find another guy in a league where in a
league where everyone gets a chance poor
Jarrett stum because they might draft a
quarterback too they’re definitely going
to draft a quarterback too DUI where do
they go now do they come up do they
trade up are the Broncos interested in
trying to trade up for uh McCarthy or
even Bo Nicks trying to F fancy him into
a mile high version of Drew Brees or do
they wait for like a Spencer Rattler or
something I could see Bo Knicks being
their guy I could see Bo Knicks being
you know he doesn’t have the greatest of
arms he throws a lot of short passes he
tries to win with accuracy he’s more
athletic than Drew Brees but in my head
I’m kind of doing the the Drew Brees
comparison now the one issue there is
there’s a difference between playing all
your games in a nice dome in the
Southeast and playing your games in
Denver where can be 90 on January
whatever and then a week later it can be
snow covered and blowing like hell so
they do get 300 days of sunshine so
there’s a reason why the disposition out
there is largely positive maybe that’s
should live Mike reading reading way too
into uh to mock drafts too which I also
uh tend to do among um other things
including being positive about just
about everything um
for when there’s like such a consensus
on one player on on a certain pick I
feel like it tends to be right at least
I’ve seen this with we talked about a
few weeks ago Andy like the Steelers
right the Steelers picked it pick 20 and
25 two years in a row every single mock
draft had them taking Naji Harris and
every single mock draft had them taking
Kenny picket they didn’t trade up they
just sat there those players fell to
them and it was the right fit I see that
with Bon Knicks and the Denver Broncos
every single mock draft basically I’ve
seen has Denver sitting there and just
taking the quarterback that falls to
them in B Knicks something tells me
somebody knows that they have a love for
Bon Knicks Shawn Payton works pretty
well with quarterbacks that aren’t named
Russell Wilson and he’s just going to
bring them there and be able to fit him
into his offense Zack Wilson Jared stum
Ben denucci it doesn’t matter when you
draft the first round quarterback those
guys are all susceptible to being cut so
I do think B Nicks is probably probably
the pick at number 12 to Denver and I
think you would have to put a hell lot
more respect on the name of Shawn pton
if he can not if he not only picks B
Knicks and he wins the job but he has to
beat out uh a resurgent Zack Wilson if
he’s able if he’s able to actually get
something out of Zack Wilson and make
him look like a half decent Pro Prospect
then damn Shawn pyton good on you I um I
didn’t double check this so I’m just
telling you I’m assuming it’s right I
don’t know if you guys saw this making
the rounds on Twitter last night but
that Zack Wilson’s first three years
numbers are actually better than Drew
Brees’s first three years numbers in San
Diego and I was like really that is eye
openingly strange of a comparison um uh
hold on and you know maybe that’s what
Shawn Payton is seeing like you know I
took Drew Brees after he was done in San
Diego and I turned him into a 5,000 yard
passing machine and what if they don’t
draft what if they don’t Mike just real
quick what if they don’t take it’s a
good Dove tailing off Andy’s Point here
if this is true what if they don’t take
B Knicks at 12 figuring you know what
I’m GNA take a shot I’ll get back in the
quarterback Market next year or I’ll
take a late round flyer on somebody what
if they just get maybe not a really good
quarterback maybe they just grab a big
bad like what if fashan was there at 12
they’re like oh smokes we can just get a
potential Pro you know all pro level
tackle and we’re going to see if we can
rehabilitate Zack Wilson Andy I’m
looking at this yeah Drew Brees sucked
the first three years in San Diego so
interesting and along those lines if
Sean pton sees a Reclamation project
could he have an insurance policy in a
quarterback in the state of Colorado
that seems to indicate he is going to
decide exactly where he goes next year
could he have an inside track to shador
Sanders if Zack Wilson doesn’t work out
yes dude this is Andy he was so he he uh
he played one game his rookie season
then in 2002 Drew Brees played all 16
games played only 11 in 2003 never had a
completion percentage above 60 60
60.8 uh 2002 17 touchdowns 16 Picks 2003
11 touchdowns 15 picks massive leap in
year four in 2004 he goes 11 and4 65 a.
half% completion percentage 32 100 yards
27 touchdowns only seven picks so I
you’re right I this could very well be a
no no no I’m going to take this
distressed gem I’m gonna bring him out
here I’m gonna buff him up work it real
good and I may actually turn him into oh
I don’t hate that that would be fun I’m
gonna miss having he sucks let’s be
honest I know here we go I actually
really like had this now back to back to
the like Drew Brees had this Drew Brees
had the heart what is Zack Wilson how
much does Zach Wilson care maybe bone he
has that really cool Pro Day throw yeah
still that in his Arsenal all right
we’re almost near an hour guys we got to
wrap this up um uh the Chiefs have
extended their president their general
manager and their coach that’s what you
do when you draft well and win hopefully
we’ll actually get back to that point at
sometime and Mike kadlick you strike me
as the only guy in the world who may
actually know who the hell Mitchell
Willcox is uh uh frankly not really I
saw Reese said he had them in um he’s
another he signed yeah he signed he’s a
camp body he’s a tight end who can block
who can not really catch the ball I
don’t see it they’re probably gonna
draft a tight end why’d we let Pharaoh
Brown go if we’re gonna sign Mitchell
Wilcox well because Pharaoh Brown
probably caught I think he definitely
costs more has more upside and they
don’t you know they went with Austin
Hooper instead I don’t see Mitchell
Wilcox having I don’t see Mitchell
Wilcox being on the 53 man roster at all
but wow we found something that cadic
doesn’t like apparently it’s Willcox
it’s it’s Mitchell will Cox and broccoli
cheddar soup those are the two things I
can’t stand in this world poor Mitchell
Willcox do sure’s a great guy I just
don’t see him making the roster I’m
sorry I’m sure he enjoys a Friday night
pizza party as much as the next tight
end that can’t catch a fraking ball all
right and there you go just like we
promised a nice tight short quick
addition of six just when you haven’t
been able to hear enough Football Talk
leading up to the NFL draft 20124 once
again everybody he is at Mike
kadlick uh the other guy over there
that’s at jumbohart the maniac the
leader of the hasht Drake movement and
of course I Am The penic Party Guy I’ll
see you down the stadium on Thursday
night if you’re a season ticket member
your old pal Nick Fitzy Stevens don’t
forget 6 to midnight Thursday on Wei The
Odyssey app and everywhere awesome
football and Sports Talk can be found
the rich Keef show six to midnight draft
spectacular with cathic with Hart with
shine with Keef and me chiming in from
the stadium as well you are not going to
want to miss it the boys will have one
more podcast for a one-off Wednesday
tomorrow content and topic entitled to
be determined but they’ve got time for
that what’s it going to
be got to tune in to find out yeah oh
now that’s called a big Market tease
right there folks Amateur hour be gone
the Six Ring boys have done it once
again for kadlick for heart for everyone
involved we thank everyone at Wei
Odyssey and 2400 sports for having us
just like we do you smashing that
subscribe button and tell your friends
the best Patriots talk in town is found
at six rings have a great day everyone
happy draft season and as always God
bless and let’s go Pats


  1. What makes me laughs is that everyone has their QB favorites and the others suck. Maybe they are all gonna be ok. Not great, not bad, just decent.

  2. RIDICULOUS to pick a player at third overall that CAN'T EVEN START! Huge Maye-stake if the Patriots FOOLISHLY pick him.. You guy don't watch enough tape, go back and stop getting starstruck by his hero ball and watch how LOW HIS FLOOR IS!!!

    Dude also plays video games a lot. Like the AZ QB.

  3. 4:50
    And that is why when Kraft butted in and demanded Bill get rid of Jimmy G and all that he learned under Brady was sent packing away to the 49ers, you lost everything. That's why Bill was pissed off. That is why the team sucks. that is why Bill couldn't just turn Mac Jones into Tom Brady. because what they had with Jimmy was coming along nicely. it was the ideal conditions actually.

  4. The dumbest idea I ever heard was making your roster really good before drafting a QB…so in 2/3 years time when your picking in the 20's you wanna then give up 3 first round picks to go up to 3 and take a 50/50 shot on the 3rd best QB in the draft 😂

  5. The title Franchise QB is thrusts upon these guys due to the lack of quality qbs available for the 20plus teams who are trying to become relevant. It doesn't make the 2nd or 3rd pick that type of player in any draft their play dictates that not the number called with their name. You are listening to offers because you know that there is a better way for you to excel with more than less. IMO

  6. Josh allen too many interceptions and hasn't won when it matters. Jj mcarthy is a winner and fearless. Brady likes him. Unbreakable

  7. JJ lost the championship and had the brady eyes. He came back and won the very next year. He's a dawg go get him

  8. andy is such a typical example of a spoiled patriots fan. the hate on brissett is unreal and doesn't make any sense.

    show me stats within the last two years where brissett played bad? He didn't play bad and all of his stats are better than any QB that we have on the roster. It is not a bad thing to draft a QB and then let brissett start next season. is he going to get you 20 tds? No, but he is consistent, doesn't turn the ball over often, and can move the chains. rookie QBs fail more often than not now because they are immediately thrown into the fire.

    Brissett is a solid bridge player and is not trash at all. What scale is this guy using? Oh right, Brissett isn't Brady so he must be bad….

    Also, the stats for Maye are not that impressive. Keep your expectations low.

  9. Don't over think this. Draft JJ McCarthy and move forward. The only thing Maye has over JJ is that he is 1 inch taller…

    All the things u claim Maye can do in the future with coaching, JJ already does them…

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