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FULL RACE: Kubota High Limit Racing at Salina Highbanks Speedway 4/20/2024

Sunday, April 20, 2024
Salina Highbanks Speedway (Pryor, OK)

Capitol Custom Trailers QuickTime – Brad Sweet (11.585 seconds)
TJ Forged Heat One Winner – Brian Brown
DMI Heat Two Winner – Brent Marks
BR Motorsports Heat Three Winner – Rico Abreu
FK Rod Ends Dash Winner – Spencer Bayston
Jake’s Golf Carts Fastest Lap Award – James McFadden (13.130)
Hard Charger – Tyler Courtney +15, 20th-to-5th
Lap Leaders – McFadden 1-8; Sweet 9; McFadden 10; Sweet 11-30.

Kubota A Feature (30 Laps): 1. 49-Brad Sweet[2]; 2. 19-Brent Marks[3]; 3. 24-Rico Abreu[4]; 4. 1A-Jacob Allen[12]; 5. 7BC-Tyler Courtney[20]; 6. 26-Zeb Wise[10]; 7. 13-Justin Peck[5]; 8. 14-Corey Day[19]; 9. 21-Brian Brown[6]; 10. 8-Cory Eliason[17]; 11. 55-Chris Windom[21]; 12. 18T-Tanner Holmes[7]; 13. 5T-Ryan Timms[18]; 14. 9P-Parker Price Miller[11]; 15. 9-Kasey Kahne[14]; 16. 5-Spencer Bayston[15]; 17. 52-Blake Hahn[24]; 18. 45X-Jace Park[23]; 19. 2KS-Chase Randall[22]; 20. 41-Dominic Scelzi[16]; 21. 23-Garet Williamson[13]; 22. 42-Sye Lynch[8]; 23. 1-Brenham Crouch[9]; 24. 83-James McFadden[1]

NEW Championship Standings (After 9/58 Races): 1. 7BC-Tyler Courtney (611 PTS); 2. 49-Brad Sweet (-14 PTS); 3. 19-Brent Marks (-39 PTS); 4. 14-Corey Day (-53 PTS); 5. 1A-Jacob Allen (-103 PTS); 6. 24-Rico Abreu (-111 PTS); 7. 5-Spencer Bayston (-117 PTS); 8. 9P-Parker Price-Miller (-142 PTS); 9. 26-Zeb Wise (-148 PTS); 10. 13-Justin Peck (-164 PTS).

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James mcfaden and Brad s from the front
row then it’s Brett marks and Rico AB in
row number two Justin pek and Brian
Brown in row three Tanner Holmes and
silen in row four renom Crouch and Zeb
wise in row number five there goes the PAC truck into the
infield Sala High Bank Speedway we got
him racked we got him stacked and we’ve
got the grand stands packed let’s go
racing off at turn number four we are
green James mcfat now to the early race
lead Brad swe tries to run the bottom
they did move those tractor tires in
right before this feature event rolled
off swe looks for a big slider to turns
three and four comes up short and James
mcfat will lead lap number one mcfat
leaves his leads his first lap of the
Cota Highland racing 2024 season and the
Roth enterpris is number 83 car sweet
runs in second third spot is ABW fourth
is marks and fifth is Brian
Brown traffic going to come up in a
hurry here in this feature event James
mcfat can already the back of the field
here on the high banks in Salena
Oklahoma bradu just trying to maintain
the pace of the 83 car till he gets to
the back of the field most drivers
finding a home around the top side of
the racetrack here couple towards the
middle of the field running down low
including Ze wise Bren crows Parker chry
Miller and Jacob Allen there is Zeb wise
and now there is James mcfaden now about
to be on the same straightaway as the
back of the field the first car he will
encounter is the 52 of Blake conon
traffic will certainly be the
determining factor in who wins this race
here tonight bradu closing in maybe just
slightly right there off of Turn number
four that time by S about a 10th faster
as far as the lap times go Brad s the
winner the last time 410 race at Sala
High banks in 2018 with the Outlaws
looks down to the inside turns three and
four swe might have found something on
the bottom right there that time
by the last time by it was actually
mcfaden now with the fastest lap of the
top two but Rico in third was faster
than both of your top two drivers abrew
and marks closing in on mcfaden and S
traffic up the road now Chase Park now
the first car that mcfaden will
encounter Here Comes Brad s off the
bottom the bottom of the racetrack in
turn number two looks to be pretty good
mcfaden now hits the deck and turns
three and four tries to hit the inside
of the racetrack and he does mcfaden now
trying to size up to your lap cars here
see what he can do goes to the bottom in
one and two opens up the Top Lane Here
Comes Brad s he takes the lead down the
back straight away bradu takes the lead
on lap number nine and here comes ABW
now abrew looking underneath the mcfaden
for P2 James mcfaden now coming back
after the 49 car back in the turn number
one sweet runs the bottom he gets loose
right there mcfat with a run down the
back stretch back to the outside of the
nap on of Parts 49 Brad swed up the
racetrack mcfaden crosses him up and
mcfaden takes the lead back across the
line James MC faten back to the top spot
hits the bottom real nice right there in
one and two and pulls away a little bit
from Brad s what a quarter right there
from MC fat now sweet he gets into him
they get together MC faten flips out of
the ballpark in turn four the wing flies
off and he is out there in the cow
pasture James mcfaden after contact with
Brad s has flown off the racetrack and
mcfaden is climbing out of the race car
and that is a great sign to see as James
mcfaden has climbed from the Roth
Enterprises number 83 car and is talking
to safety officials outside the
racetrack in turn number
four the for teammates with Casey Kane
racing with Mike cerb get together
Racing for the top spot in turns three
and four and mcfaden is taking a seat
right there on
the banking outside the fourth corner
you see high limit racing officials are
speaking with him and there is what is
left of that Roth Enterprises number 83
car and his stretch of top 10 in a row
will come to an end here tonight at
Salena High Bank Speedway we just hope
that mcfaden is okay we did see him
climb from the
car so now the safety officials will
have to work to get that car up off the
ground and get him back to
trailer so with 10 laps in and 20 to go
your race leader will be Brad sweeten
carnal number 49 and Tony leardo you got
an update for us down there yeah
thankfully I’ve got James James mcfaden
right by me James first of all are you
okay yeah man uh that was a digger had
uh I thought it was over and and then I
hit the ground three or four more time
so uh not ideal but you know luckily we
got really good safety GE and yeah I
don’t know
I just race and deal I guess I don’t
really know so
it all happens pretty quick and um I
don’t know if I cred him or he got a big
run or something I just we’ll see um but
everyone back home zo M I’m all good
we’ll uh live to fight another day that
is the best news possible James thank
you for talking to us he was your poll
sitter after winning the FK Rodin’s Dash
and I don’t know if Nate can show you
guys but chase this car I mean I don’t
know how to say it without over
exaggerating but it’s every bit of 50
yards off the top of the racetrack over
here I mean James mcfaden absolutely
flew off the top of this racetrack but
he is up he is out he is walking back
and according to him he is okay yeah
that car flew in the air for a long time
before it actually touched the ground
when he left the surface over there in
turn number four we’re going to see a
replay here uh from flow racing we’ll
see what exactly happened here mcfaden
with the lead here comes swe with a run
to the inside mcfaden I mean just trying
to run the middle there and maybe Brad
kind of missed the Box him a little bit
but you see what I’m talking about when
mcf Lo leaves the track it takes I mean
what seems like an eternity for him to
hit the ground again just because of the
unbelievable amount of banking that
there is here at Salena High Bank
Speedway when he cleared that uh it went
for a long time until he actually landed
there you see mcfaden uh as he said he’s
all right he’s walking back to the
trailer unfortunately for uh mcfaden his
his wife and child not here in the
states right now they are back home in
Australia and they are definitely
watching tonight on Flow racing so he
let them know that he is okay there’s
Brent ventur the crew chief on the car
they’ve got some work to do before we
come back to action Tuesday at Riverside
International Speedway me West Memphis
Arkansas so with 10 laps complete bradu
is the race leader followed by Rico ABW
in second Brent marks runs in third
fourth is the 21 of Brian Brown and
fifth is the 13 of Justin pek six how
about this Tanner Holmes up to the sixth
position in car number eight 18t seventh
is Zeb wise eighth is Jacob Allen and
Ninth is Casey Kane 10th is s Lynch the
Durst ice roll driver has lost a couple
positions here on the opening laps of
this race Tony you got more for us down
there yeah walking back actually Nate
our wireless camera operator caught a
look at the AT&T’s uh nose wi Tanner
Holmes and he asked me goes does that
look bent to you and we came over to get
a closer look and yes in fact it does
look uh bent not the nose Wing itself
actually the mounting bracket down that
runs into the frame uh not broken at
least not from the vantage point I had
but he uh Tanner actually was able to
explain it to us he said he just was
trying to slow down as quick as he could
and actually got in to the back of
Justin pek who he was parked next to
there during the red flag so I do not
believe that mounting bracket is broken
but it is skewed back quite a bit it’s
that left side mounting bracket Chase so
the nose Wi on the 18t of Tanner Holmes
cocked just a bit back and to the side
on the Left End well we’ll see if that
nose wi can hang on for the rest of this
race obviously they are going very very
fast around here so that down force with
it being twisted like that might ruin it
we’ll see what happens another different
replay from the infield in turn number
three this should be a good look at it
here and you will just see mcfaden leave
stage left bye-bye he’s gone uh he just
leaves the screen right there and just
goes over the side of the racetrack and
looks like sweet does get tight right
there you can see him kind of maybe turn
the wheel straight maybe a little bit
left and he notices that he is going to
get into MC
as he tried to hit the bottom and maybe
just kind of misjudged it a little bit
there he believe the Frozen farmer piint
the banking might be too much I don’t
think the pick pint is going to be able
to stay up until we ran it back into the
infield and so drivers will have to just
do normal uh L normal is that right Tony
yeah that’s exactly what Kabota high
limit racing official Cody Houston just
told me he went up there on the front
straightaway to try to set up the Frozen
farmer pick pint and it just it was it
was toppling over every time he tried to
get it set up so that hopefully shows
folks a bit of a visual representation
as to how banked this place really is
even on the
straightaways no doubt about it here we
go 10 laps complete 20 to go here at
salinaa high Bank Speedway Brad sweet
showing the way Rico abrew now in second
abrew looking for win number one of 2024
he gets a great restart right there
alongside of Brad as they br back into
turn number one sweet runs the middle
gets to the cushion on the exit print
marks momentarily takes second from the
24 Abu we’ll see if marks has the bottom
wired it looks like off a turn number
four it’s very good he pulls up
alongside the 24 car down the front
straightway cannot make the pass he
might have it this time they’re three
wide for the lead off of Turn number two
a three car battle for the top spot here
at salinaa high Bank Speedway and prit
marks no he’s not going to have it now
Rico on the back bumper of Brad swe down
the front straightway Rico Works back to
the outside swe runs the middle and
marks runs the top three different lines
of racing as they work through one and
two great race going on for fourth as
well between Ze wise Tanner Holmes and
Brian Brown Brad s now stretching it out
a little bit here as Brent marks and
Rico try and settle it amongst
themselves for that second position
marks has it down the back straightaway
Brett marks up the second Rico trying to
peek back to the inside and turns one
and two car around and off the track I
believe red flag waving yes I cannot
tell I believe that is Brenham Crouch
the car that is upside down yes that is
the case and he is way out of the
racetrack he is out of the car ladies
and gentlemen Brenham Crouch is okay he
is walking away from the race car as he
has flipped out of the park into turn
one and safety officials are on the
scene over there to make sure that
everything is okay with Brenham you see
him take the helmet off right there but
that car definitely looks a little
crunched over
there so a red flag on lap 10 and now a
red flag three laps later here on lap
number 13
and it sounds like from Kabota high
limit racing officials that we will go
single file restarts for the remainder
of this race single file restarts for
the remainder of this race due to the
conditions as they continue to work to
get Brenham Crouch’s car picked up out
of that area over there and take him
back over to the pits so Brad s shows
the way Brent marks now into the second
position in car number 19 and he looks
extremely good on the very inside of the
speedway Rico ABW is in third Brian
Brown in fourth Zeb wise in fifth and we
talked a lot about Tanner Holmes right
before that green flag run and we were
wondering if that was going to affect
the handling I think it almost made him
look better right there he was in fourth
for a moment uh during that battle so he
looks all right Justin pek in seventh
Casey Kane is eighth Jacob Allen in
ninth and then you got Dominic seli he
is in the 10th position Tyler Court the
Kabota high limit racing points leader
started back in 21st in this race and
now he is up to the 11th spot in car
number 7
BC Cory day the winner of the Winner’s
performance B main is up to 15th after
starting back at 19th so those two
drivers Tyler Courtney and Cory Day
first and third in points trying to make
their way forward Sunshine looks pretty
solid so far in this
one so getting the number one car picked
step off of the RAC trck and Tony I’m
sure you got an update for us down there
yeah uh they’re hoisting that number one
you can see from the Drone shot over
there again how far the car made it off
of the racing service but uh Brenham
Crouch not with his race car anymore he
got picked up by a member I believe of
the Crouch Motorsports team and he
caught the quad back to the pit area so
uh as you said you saw it on the shot he
was up he was out of the car and he’s
already back to the trailer so wanted to
hear more from him in a little bit but
uh bernham Crouch back to the trailer
sounds like we’ve got a replay coming up
here Tony we’ll see what happened to
Brenham Crouch it’s going to be from our
drone shot outside of turn number one so
the Drone is in oh sorry top left or
sorry so the Drone and he’s going to go
off in turn number one I believe this
time by
right oh I missed oh wow I was looking
at the wrong part of the screen there
I’m kind of kind of confused as to where
we were at as far as a drone goes we’ll
we’ll take another look at it I’m sure
the people at home uh probably saw it
but I’m I’m half blind up here I guess
I’ve been looking at my screen too much
a little brighten here so I must have
missed it but we’ll replay it one more
time and and we’ll see what happened to
Brenham Crouch but uh nonetheless he is
out of this race out of the car he is
okay heading back to the
trailer here is that replay once again
so bottom left bottom left of your
screen right here and Brenham
Crouch and here he goes so he just it
looks like he almost forgot to turn or
something I feel like something had to
break right there I mean I brandom
crouch uh was running pretty decent
right there he was in 13th position and
I mean right there just looks like he
forgot to turn and flew off the track I
would have to believe that something
broke there in the steering and did not
allow him to make the corner there and
he goes for a little bit of a ride off
the exit there as Parker price Miller
you take a look at him right there he is
currently in the 14th position after
starting in 11th for this feature
so nearly halfway through this race 13
complete 17 to
go Brad sweet Brent marks Rico abrew
Brian Brown and Zeb wise zeb’s having a
good run he’s up to fifth after starting
back in the 10th position so definitely
a lot of movers here in this
one making sure our lineup is correct
and it is so the
PAC truck will pull off the racetrack
into the the infield we will go green
next time by here at salinaa high Bank
Speedway bradu takes the nap of 49 down
to the inside for this restart and we
are back underway Brent marks a great
restart right there stays within a car
length of now the 49 cars they work back
at the turn number one sweet and marks
run the bottom reill tries the top and
it’s going to cost him as Brian Brown
cirle the bottom real nice right there
one and two he moves into the third spot
the Casey 21 now he gets driven around
on the outside by Rico ABW so Abu was
fourth and then he was third for about a
half a lap there back in the podium
position for Rico and that would be the
first Podium of the season if Rico could
finish right there right now that time
by 15 in and 15 to go for Brad s back in
the field Tyler Courtney and Cory day
going at it right outside of that top 10
position Courtney runs the bottom eight
and D on the top Cory Elias also making
his way towards the front in car number
eight Casey Kane sideways off of Turn
number four gives up two positions Tyler
Courtney and Justin pet go both go by
him Brad s showing the way maybe 10 or
so car lengths over the 19 and Brett
marks and traffic is still quite a ways
away for the car number 49 of Brad
s Justin pek and Tyler Courtney side by
side down the front straightway they are
racing for the eighth position so Tyler
Courtney from 20th up to eighth now in c
number 7 B the next car in his sight
line is the 18t of Tanner Holmes and the
number one a of Jacob Allen Tyler
Courtney underneath the Tanner Holmes
down the front straight away and Tyler
Courtney’s got the seventh spot for a
moment can’t make it past him quite yet
now he knows the head down the back
straightway Tyler courney now up to
seven from
20th a lot of drivers now migrating to
the inside of the racetrack and turns
one and two we’ll see what Brad swe does
now as he has caught some heavy lap
traffic Jace Park and Blake H right in
front of him and Brad s will split
between the two of them gets by J Park
great move right there from the
five-time World of Outlaw
Champion nine laps to go this time by
for Brad SED it looks like Brett marks
has nothing for him here as swe is
making his way through traffic very
easily right now good race going on for
this fourth position Zeb wise and Brian
Brown and Brian Brown trying to put a
move on Zeb wise right there it might
work out for him he tapped the break
getting into the corner they may have
made a little contact right there off of
Turn number two here comes the seven BC
into the picture as well Tyler Courtney
from 20th and now looking for P6 down
the front straightway Tyler Courtney
from way in the back of the field gets
by Jacob Allen gets by Brian Brown and
Tyler Courtney is now into the top five
Tyler Courtney absolutely ripping the
lip off of Turn number four to get by
two cars the last time by the
line Sunshine now working on the 26 of
Zeb wise and he’s going to pass him down
the back straightway it’s Tyler Courtney
now up to Fourth Zeb says no for for now
slides up in front of him takes the air
off the nose Tyler Courtney not able to
cross Underneath Him and Ze y still has
fourth down the front
stretch Z wide still with fourth
Courtney now falls back a couple of car
lengths to that number 26
machine Brad sweet his lead has grown to
a pretty sizable margin right now by
over a straightaway over the 19 Car of
marks four laps to go this time by the
line now swe trying to find a way by the
5T of Ryan Tims and the 9p of Parker
chice Miller sweet loses a lot of ground
that time by off of Turn number two but
I don’t think Brett marks is going to be
close enough for that to really affect
him marks trying to get by Spencer Bas
in and now down to the inside of 2ks a
Chase Rand to get two cars less between
himself and the 49 of bradu car pulling
into the infield the 23 of Garrett
Williamson and I think he hit the
tractor tire because the F the front
ends folded up on the 23 car
White Flag next time by for Brad s Brent
Mars is definitely closing the Gap but
he’s going to need a huge mistake from
Brad s here on the final lap if he wants
any shot of win in this thing White Flag
one to go for Brad
s swe still behind the 5T of Ryan Tims
Brett marks Works to the outside is
going to need a Monster Run it’s not
going to happen as they work down the oh
we got a problem Carr off the pace the
cautions out it looks like Chase Randall
in turn number
two the the TKS Motorsports car I think
he might have blown a right rear tire
there I saw a lot of debris I saw
something fly up in the air right here
by the flag stand I was wondering if it
was mud but it was definitely a tire the
2ks chase Rand there you see some of the
debris right there on the front
straightaway and even some landed right
here next to the flag stand on the grand
stand side of the
fence Chase Randle drawing the caution
this is actually Tony Le this is two
nights in a row with a caution on the
White flag lap grab a green white Jeff
finish to this one cabota high limit
Racing We Know Drama can you believe it
Chase same scenario as last night Brad s
sitting in the cat bird seat I don’t
even know what a cat bird is but he’s
leading he’s staring down a victory his
second and your Trend that you pointed
out of a driver getting his first win of
the season and then immediately doubling
up and getting a victory the very next
race seemed very likely for Brad sweet
up until that yellow but Brent marks
he’s been so fast all night here and
you’ve got Ric Abu Jacob Allen Ze wise
Tyler Courtney this thing is definitely
not over yeah I think Brent marks
definitely has a shot here at Brad swe
and whatever line S goes to here on the
restart to turn number one expect the 19
of marks to go to that opposite lane he
was definitely closing in there those
last couple of laps albe it he was in
traffic both sweet and Mars were in
traffic traffic so it maybe held up the
49 car a little bit there but I would be
willing to bet that the 19 maybe had
similar speed here’s a replay from the
speed shot on the front straightaway oh
man great shot right there from the guys
at flow racing to get that on the
cameras Chase Randle just going down the
front stretch loses the right rear hooer
and his night will come to an end he was
running 17th at the
time we’re going green the next time by
going green the next time by gett
Williamson will stay in the infield
so a green white checkered finish to end
the Salena highbank Speedway race here
with Kabota High
racing can brt marks put a move on Brad
s here to steal the win on a late race
restart green flag comes back out marks
does get a good start where does he go
into turn number one sweet goes to the
bottom and marks immediately to the top
he gets a good run down the back
straightway this time by they’ll come to
the white and Brent marks tries to throw
a slider at Brad sweep for the top spot
comes up short and sweep will lead at
the White Flag Brent marks gave it all
he had right there but came up short a
close call for S as he nearly caught the
right rear tire of the Eminem painting
and construction number 19 off of Turn
number four Brad s two in a row with
Kabota Highland racing Brett Mark second
Rico aw third fourth goes to Jacob Allen
and fifth from 25 first Tyler Courtney
inside the top
five wower good stuff there at the end
Brent marks made it very interesting
tried all he could to get by the
five-time World of Outlaws Champion came
up just a little bit short on that
slider and he will end up with a second
place result here tonight at the Salina
High Bank Speedway whiskey Meyers
Victory Lane is where we find the the
big cat Brad sweet backto back nights
ladies and gentlemen he’s your
winner Brad s climbs on top of the wing
and he’ll make his way down here in
Whiskey Myers Victory Lane to come talk
to us so Brad crazy Trend when you win
with cabota high limit racing it seems
like you’re in a pretty good spot to go
back to back and that’s exactly what
you’ve done first of all tell me about
the pace of that race yeah first thing I
want to say is uh sorry to jameses took
F in there we you never like to run into
a guy when you race him for the lead I
had a good car and honestly just I guess
misjudged him you know cuz I I just flat
ran into him so apologies to him I never
want to race another uh you know
especially a friend of mine but anyway
nap Auto Parts car was was really good I
was honestly biing my time there with
James and and trying to figure out uh
the lines to get through lap traffic it
was just tricky and then the bottom kind
of came in down here in one and two so
uh Brent showed me that and I just kind
of went leader sometimes you just don’t
know where to be so Tred to move around
and and try to find the right lines and
you know two nights in a row the the
yellow comes out on the White Flag I
don’t know if it’s good or bad CU you
never know what the what lead you have
or or whatnot but um yeah these guys
they really turned it around we were
struggling there for a few races and and
right now I feel like the car is
phenomenal and it gets better throughout
the race so uh whatever they figured out
uh I’m excited to looking forward to the
next few races you hit the nail on the
head yellow flag comes out two nights in
a row now while you’re leading and
you’ve seen the White Flag so I got to
ask what goes through your mind how do
you decide where to put your car when
that green white Checker comes out I
just I try to stay really calm and and
just try to really pay attention um you
know I mean you’re you’re racing through
the run so you kind of know where the
lap cars you know had made speed I
definitely knew I was faster you know it
was clear to me that I was faster uh and
three and four on the top I could really
make some speed up there but uh one and
two was a little confusing right you
just you don’t know you know how good
the Bottom’s going to be on the restart
and a guy could build momentum you know
especially for a two-lap run so
um I just try my best I obviously saw
the slider come across me over there and
luckily I I’d entered with enough speed
to to clear it and uh that made me feel
a little better cuz I knew I came to the
the white with some good speed and uh
just try to protect and hit the bottom
the best I could and and make one last
lap so uh just uh like I said it was a a
good win hated we got into James but um
want to say hi to my wife and daughter
back home savvy’s watching so I didn’t
say hi last night got in trouble but
thanks to all the fans for coming out
and supporting us uh it’s a lot of fun
race here at Sala you got a great crowd
here and last question you get to choose
where $1,000 goes as you are a high
roller who scored a victory here in
20124 you told us last night I feel like
you might be sticking with it where’s
that ,000 going tonight yeah I think I’m
going to stick with the Shriner hospital
so uh we we’ll keep donating to them
hopefully all year long well as a fellow
Shriner’s patient that’s pretty cool
Brad ladies and gentlemen backto back
Jacks for the big cat Brad
sweet backto back Jacks for bradu back
toback trips to the Podi
for this driver right here Brett marks I
know you’d rather be standing up there
on the top step of the podium in whiskey
Meers Victory Lane you had a great shot
at it tell me about those last couple
laps battling with Brad yeah I gave it
my all there at the end and uh we just
lost a little bit too much air pressure
in the left rear under those couple red
flags and uh once we got rolling out
just banging the framer off the track
really hard on entry and and I got a run
on them down the back stretch there and
I felt like that was my only opportunity
so I drove it in really hard in the
three but it was just uh cheering across
the track on me there and I just wasn’t
able to get up quick enough to um um you
know get in front of Brad there so um
guys are really good you know and uh you
know to finish second to to Brad is um
definitely you know we’re do we’re doing
something right so I’m really proud of
this whole team they’re just uh working
very hard to get our car better and um
you know we’re not U I feel like we’re
about a fourth to sixth place car and
you know we need to be top three every
night to uh contend for this
championship and uh tonight it was a
step in the right direction and with uh
the changes that we’ve made and I’m just
looking forward to um you know what
what’s U what the future holds so you
know just want to thank all the fans for
coming out tonight and showing the
support for our series and you know it
was great to see um you know packed
house here at salinaa and it’s been a
while since I’ve been here I was here
back in 2018 with the uh The Outlaws and
um you know had a blast here again
tonight so hopefully we get to come back
next year and um just want to thank all
our partners on Murray marks Motorsports
car um MCR Eminem in
construction Allan Murray and his family
BS paints Live Wire Customs
Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel um just you
know everybody that’s uh put pours their
heart and soul into this team I just
really appreciate it third trip to the
podium second second place finish of the
Year Brent marks with another really
good run here tonight at the Sala High
Banks and Rico Abu he comes home in
third now Rico It’s a lazy question cuz
I just asked it to Brent but I got to
ask you that green white Checker battle
you and Jacob we’re going back and forth
with each other how fun is it to race
with a guy like that for the kind of
prestige we’re battling for here
definitely uh you know super respectable
racing with Jake um you know and knowing
that the Lane’s there for you on the
outside you know just um you know really
focus this week on not putting us in bad
positions these guys uh you know Ricky
Zach and Brady have been doing an
amazing job with uh you know my race car
and it’s just fine-tune in things and um
you know it’s this format’s definitely
been unique to us to to to grasp
position in the dashes and get into
those dashes and I feel like we’re just
on the verge of uh of getting in off
qualifying times um you know where where
it allows things to flow a lot easier so
um you know right now we’re being put in
a position where we must win heat races
and um you know that makes the Stars
very very intense but um just hats off
to my partners all you fans man this is
um really really cool to race in
Oklahoma and um you know race on some
really cool tracks unique tracks um I
haven’t been here in in 10 years or so
and this facility is unbelievable you
know world class so we’re very fortunate
to come here and race and um you know
got Ark Zone Suit on um you know thank
you Jim Watson you know for what he does
um you know sending welding material and
Welding product material all over the
country and um to reach out to us and be
a part of our team is is pretty
unbelievable um for these Partners to um
support Spring car racing that um you
know have um a passion for Motorsports
or um you know just a love for the sport
so um you know just like I said it’s
unbelievable to race in front of the
best fans in the world Rico Abu comes
home in third place here tonight and
let’s show these fans off a little bit
as we get ready to wrap up here on the
SL of high Banks Rico said it chase this
place is a world class facility and the
fans showed up here tonight you could
hear him cheering the drivers on during
the interviews you could hear him
cheering them on during that race it was
such good action out there for
$1,000 to win Brad s gets the job done
he continues that Trend you talked about
of going back to back after scoring his
first win of the season


  1. Outlaws fans love to come to this channel and disrupt yet cry when someone even mentions high limit. Soft bunch. Great race at a historic track👍

  2. Pretty pathetic to see all these outlaws fans insinuate sweet hit McFadden on purpose, glad that's not happening here

  3. they just like to bad mouth a bad ass series have to come here to watch a series that isn't worried about missing gravel off go high limit

  4. You could tell McFadden was cautious around Sweet, he knew he was going to probably get crashed as Sweet turned right into him. Is this series a developmental series for WoO (world of outlaw)?

  5. I don’t know if sprint cars are the right type of vehicle for this track. lol they go flyyyying.

  6. Run over whoever you want when you are making millions off being the series owner – F the "big cat" at 5 foot 2 – should be the "little pssy"

  7. Its just a racing incident. Mcfadden came down to close the door. Brad let out and had nowhere to go and made contact. Yall act like youve never watched a race before. Holy shit the crybabies are out

  8. Racing is Racing to me. I love it now we get to watch two different series. Woo and High Limit are more exciting than Nap Car any day 😀

  9. Damn, what’s with the crybabies in the comments?

    I really love both the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series and High Limit Series. When it comes to dirt racing, I’m more of a Sprint Car guy! Both series are enjoyable and fun to watch!

    Imma just enjoy both series because they’re both awesome!

  10. All this about Sweet running over someone. Bet most never been in a race car. You can see Brad lift and it upset the car as McFadden closed the door. It's just racing and if you ever been in the seat, you know that.
    One thing I do know
    Dirt racing is the best. No matter the class or series, dirt is the best show around.

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