Golf Players

Miss Peaches Joins The Family | Mostly Sports EP 143 | 4.10.24

Mark Titus and Brandon Walker talking sports… mostly.

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bar stool
sports bar
TI Brandon
Walker mostly
sport welcome to mostly Sports I’m Mark
Titus he is Brandon Walker today is
Wednesday April 10th we are live from
Chicago we are presented by Jagermeister
and we want to talk to you about
Jagermeister we want to talk to you
about when you’re out with your friends
drinking having a good time and you
order shots of Jagermeister what do you
tell the uh what do you tell the
bartender ice cold shots you tell them
ice cold shots you say damn that’s cold
ice cold shots you say I want my Jagger
Meister delivered to me at a what’s the
what’s uh what’s the of piping hot
what’s the direct opposite ice cold
probably piping cold piping cold piping
cold I want it delivered piping cold pip
pipes can be hot or cold that’s true
yeah I wanted a a piping 0 degrees MH
Fahrenheit almost a frozen pipe ice give
me the pipe cold wherever you’re at if
you’re hanging with friends or at the
bar what happened those noise was that
give him the pipe
okay or maybe you’re doing all the
sports stuff for just most sports stuff
call the shots cheers with ice cold
Jagermeister remember to check
Jagermeister out at barol X drink responsibly
Jagermeister the cre 35% alcohol by
volume imported by mass Jagermeister us
white PLS New York hello everybody what
what do you want to talk about Brandon
we have uh first of all it’s good to be
back am I in your seat Conor should we
do you want to sit I’m sorry I I am I
imposing by I do think he thought he was
a better Mark Titus than Mark Titus no
we we don’t have to do this I didn’t I
didn’t even ask I walked I I just now
realized how rude that was me I walked I
walked into the studio and just sat down
here I didn’t even I didn’t even think
to ask Conor am I allowed to sit your
seat I only sit in that seat when I am
asked or told
to how much push back did he give when
you’re like Conor you want to sit in the
seat how oh no it was you ever um you
ever see stunt
doubles when when a guy an actor is
walking along perfectly and then all of
a sudden there’s a double flip into a
spin in a roll he double flipped his
stunt double landed there and then all a
sudden it was just him in my face yeah I
just I I think overall the entire energy
of the show is better when we have two
people at the desk and when Brandon said
which two people though doesn’t matter
well it could be whoever I think when
Brandon’s out uh I kind of I I leave
that chair empty sometimes yeah
sometimes yeah because I don’t because
it’s like it’s out of respect to Brandon
I asked it just out of uh you know I was
being professionally courteous yesterday
I was like hey does anybody want sit in
Mark chair and every body of course
would it’s on you to say no that’s his
chair but you jumped and then you went
into rock mode he went into rock mode I
saw that I saw that if some oh I love
it know I have something I have
something very important to talk about
let’s talk about it and it happened to
me and I think it’s something I know
there’s a lot of people watching mini
golf right now but the ones that are
watching are truly family so I
appreciate it and if you don’t go watch
mini golf please because that’s also
sponsor content
anyway sorry see if I can through this
yesterday I tweeted out I needed help
getting my Pier installed and then you
very very helpfully
replied I don’t I’m not in that business
I don’t do that yeah so I can’t help you
at all well I mean like there was a
there was a world where like you’re
sitting around scratching your head
you’re like I wonder if Titus actually
knows how to install pier and I I wasn’t
but in case I had I like I’m want to
remove all doubt and let you know no I I
I’m not in this business but that tweet
devolved into because I know when I
tweet hey does somebody do this it’s
going to going to have 300 smartass
answers and then four people trying to
help you uh anyway it devolved into a
peer versus Doc
discussion and I always thought they
were the same thing no my God so no I
have a peer in my house no you don’t you
have a doc no I have a peer I have a
pier water flows underneath it through
it like a pier the pier juts out into
the water whereas a dock is a fixed or
floating near the bank so boats can come
dock to
it and so what do you use your Pier for
I dock my boat there yes I do I I park
my boat
there you have a you have a dock I have
a pier so what’s the difference why why
do you want to have a pier so badly know
a do I feel like peers sound more
worldly P that’s my Pier I thought a
pier is you just my understanding of a
pier and it’s not it’s a limited
understanding uh I only live by the
beach for a little while it was just a
brief stent in Chicago and no it was in
Los Angeles uh it was just a very brief
stent but uh you didn’t see anybody out
there I met mini Piers I met there were
some of the most famous peers in
Southern California um I thought peers
where you don’t dock your boats there
you you walk out you hold hands with
Your Best gal and look at the Sun and
maybe get a get a an ice cream cone but
you can and try to try try to spot a
dolphin can you get can you buy an ice
cream cone can I hold hands with my Best
gal yes yes you can do that on my Pier
you can have an ice cream cone uh I
haven’t set up the I haven’t gotten the
permits to sell the ice cream cones on
the pier yet I to my knowledge you
cannot see a dolphin okay but you don’t
see dolphins in every Pier anyway okay
because there’s peers in Lake Michigan
right it’s hard to say well Navy Pier
but do you dock boats at Navy
Pier it’s got a ferris wheel on like Pi
my understanding of peers is like mine
has a ferris wheel you’re yours say a f
uh but if I if I don’t park my boat
there if the boat is not docked there is
it then a pier does it become a dock I
think my again I could be wrong my
understanding is peers are parts of land
that go out into water well they’re not
land but the activity going on or the
parts of the dry you stay dry yeah
you’re extending the land by building
the pier so you just said parts of I
just said but that’s what my Pier is no
you hold on let me finish it is it is a
part of be most show folks it is a part
of dry [ __ ] that you can walk on but the
activities that are done on that part of
dry [ __ ] yeah are not Maritime
activities they are land activities that
I have extended over the water extended
over to the water you are you are doing
Carnival activities you are doing ice
cream cones name a land activity uh go
to hold hands with Your Best gal and
watch the sun I can do that I can do
that on my Pier you do that on a pier
now when you start introducing Maritime
activities when you start introducing
Let’s uh let’s dock a boat let’s uh
let’s jump off and go swimming let’s
jump off and go swimming you now have a
dock where do you guys stand on my dock
or Pier
I immediately go to the movie La La Land
that’s a peer in la la land and if
whatever you have is not like La La Land
then it’s not a
pier your your point
of your point of reference to what a
appear is is the movie La La Land yes
that’s pretty much
it um Evo um you how oh yeah on yeah I
don’t think I have to say for that
matters at
all what what Conor what I I we can’t
watch the scene or anything but there’s
Ryan Gosling I’m looking at it right now
he’s just walking down the pier with a
hat in his hand and then he does a
little dance routine that is a pier so
if you can’t do a dance routine like
Ryan Gosling on whatever you have then
I’m sorry but it’s not I’ll tell you
what if I once I get it installed I have
a guy coming
Friday if I can copy the Ryan Gosling
dance routine on my piece of wood will
we call it up here yes you also have to
get an elderly couple this kind of goes
back to what Titus was saying where he
was like can I hold hands my best Cal
they’re they’re just kind of slow dance
and on the pier as Ryan Gosling walks by
so you need an elderly couple and you
need to do a little dance routine with a
hat can I have my kids stand in for the
elderly couple that’s going to be a
no-go yeah we’re going to need an
elderly couple have an elderly couple
I’m going to need you to find an elderly
couple okay I don’t know if I’m going to
be able to find an elderly couple all my
elders are dead can you fit a dip and do
on there or can you purchase a Dipping
Dots to put on I do need I do need an
ice cream vendor on your all right if
you have a peer you have an ice cream
all right so so what I need to do to
gain peer status is I need to have a
functioning business selling ice cream
yes and I need Ryan Gosling or someone
standing in for Ryan Gosling and an
elderly couple no no no you can be Ryan
Gosling right that would be someone
standing in for Ryan Gosling yeah I I
want you looking in the mirror and
saying I am Ryan Gosling and tell your
yourself that now no just in
general for self-esteem you might be
trickling into Boardwalk territory which
no that goes side that goes parallel
that goes parallel that never go
Boardwalk never goes over the water do
you have a RI can you get a rigged
basketball game that you put can you
just hold on real quick I got to do
something I am Ryan
Goslin I am Ryan
Goslin I am Ryan
Gosling that was good all
right so ice cream business Gosling old
folks right yeah anything
else are you are you getting a new boat
no I have a boat and you’ve been in my
boat and I don’t like when you my boat
this is hysterical the idea that you’re
building out like this big old Pier for
a boat that you just like hold over your
head and throw into the water time it’s
and then when late fall comes around and
the the Lake’s about to freeze up you
just pick it up and tuck it under your
arm you stood on Myer garage you stood
on my Pier so you need this big Pier for
that [ __ ]
thing so I have a pier and I’m putting
it in Friday all right awesome um since
it’s a mostly show do do y’all want to
decide if I have the authority to kick
Tate out of the
family yeah I don’t know the specifics
of this you told me right before we came
on air um I was I must have been driving
in as as all this went down I didn’t see
it we’re having the sounds bad the bar
mini golf today I’m competing uh you
somehow finessed your way out you
tricked him by saying you were going on
vacation how well uh yeah Hank said Hank
snub me um and then I asked him what
happened he said you were going on
vacation and I was like I’m right here
well well yeah I’m obviously not I’m
here doing the show and he’s like well
damn and then I said but since you
brought it up you know since I guess I’m
not playing and since you’re going to
think I’m on vacation uh I decided yeah
I’m going to I’m going to go ahead and
take a vacation flight this morning I’m
I’m going to take the next week off um
no yeah it’s it’s a two-day thing and I
wasn’t going to be here tomorrow so I
said and I was going to win so like what
what would what would have how would it
have worked if I killed it
today and then tomorrow I’m like I kind
of would have ruined the Integrity the
second day because we would have all
been wondering if somebody else won yeah
is this fake yeah if tiger if you go
into Saturday at the Masters and Tiger
Woods has a fourstroke lead on the field
and and then he leaves for Barbados yeah
and he’s like I got to go on vacation it
everyone would be very upset and that’s
what I would have done I remember that
happened in 200 three Tiger Tiger was
leading by four now speaking of tiger
are you and you are participating in
this uh you told me that in the same
vein as tiger not having sex in
preparation for the Masters you haven’t
gotten laid in six months for this thing
that’s incredible dedication Brandon
that’s what it is dedication it’s not a
coincidence at all it’s just uh laser
focused on winning this this mini golf
thing yeah in fact I haven’t been
allowed to sleep in the same bed I I
mean I haven’t slept in the same bed as
my dedic
uh so I got here this morning at 600 and
I went out there the course was there I
started hitting balls on number one I
hit like three and number two I hit like
three and number three I hit like 30 um
I was just hitting and seeing which way
to go and where to go and I thought that
was what a practice round was that’s I
I’m with you there that’s my
understanding that’s what a golfer does
they go out and they they they get on
the green they drop a couple balls and
they just they putt every angle I
thought that’s what we could do and Tate
tweeted this morning and uh I’m not a
snitch oh now now what’s the problem it
says right there I’m not a snitch I’m
not a snitch that’s a I but I thought
one practice round per person meant you
play the course one time at least he did
yesterday not pointing fingers oh he’s
not pointing fingers either he started
both Thoughts with the word not and then
did exactly what he was not
doing oh I I see the rest of the Tweet
now yeah he is a snitch we’ve got he is
pointing Brandon hitting 100 Balls for
whole before everyone gets here so I’ve
been assessed a two-stroke penalty which
I can really yeah I who who did that uh
Hank he’s
not Hank doesn’t know what he’s doing
Hank Hank gave you practice rounds are
practice rounds Hank gave you a
two-stroke penalty yes and Dan using
Jerry as his caddy uh when Jerry took I
think Dan also every single I think Dan
also received a two-stroke penalty for
that oh did he yeah okay but not from
Hank from Dave uh I think he sucked the
rules officials dick or something yeah
it was it was it was a lot anyway I
don’t want to get into that but the
question is
can I kick Tate out of the family cuz we
can’t in this room we can’t be snitching
on each
other yeah I that’s that’s a tough look
that’s a tough that’s that’s that’s very
tough yeah
um I think I think we have to do
something yeah I think you I think you
have to kick him out I think I think you
have I don’t know if it’s permanent but
like he’s got to be did you guys talk at
all this morning
Brandon um I I didn’t like what he did I
I I I said it was [ __ ] made and he was
he was a snitch and uh yeah and I I yeah
I’m I’m I’m Tate’s biggest Advocate
probably in this room and uh I’m about
to leave for a week so I don’t he’s
gonna have to deal with the Fallout not
much you can do because you’re vacation
yeah uh so good luck to him and trying
to put these pieces back together I
don’t know how that’s going to work for
him um yeah I think he’s got to be
banned from the family I don’t maybe
temporarily permanent brand temporar
temporary cuz if you if you give him a
temporary ban he know he’s he’s not
going to take it seriously and he’s
going to know that like whatever it’ll
be a week and then so I think aorus will
come back and then I’ll just be back in
in the mix and everything will be fine
um a permanent band feels very harsh
because I think he was trying to I think
what he thought this was was just like a
little ball busting a little you know
just a just we’re all family and let’s
just be like brothers and just kind of I
got and I think he he doesn’t really
realiz the extent of of what he did so I
think we we land in the middle and we
give him a temporary permanent ban what
about a it’s a permanent band but it is
temporary what okay so a permanent
temporary he’s permanently banned from
the family tempor temporarily yeah what
if he’s twice
removed oh he’s he’s like not actually
family he’s like
a I mean I you know he had a choice to
do that this morning and he chose not to
do it so I I I I don’t I don’t know I
will say I put out a I put out a poll is
family uh 2,000 votes 61% say yes you
know what I think he has to do is you
know what family does family fights yes
family whatever we have our
disagreements family also maybe we put
together a list of things that family
does do for each other in terms of like
family picks each other up from the
airport yeah or takes them to the
airport in case they have vacation
you know how early my flight is
too oh God you think family knows how to
put a peer in yeah family family helps
you move
uh huh family helps you pack your [ __ ]
when you’re moving houses yeah family
you yeah like what what are some [ __ ]
that you would only ask your family
members I like how you’re using this for
you am I am he stabbed you in the back
and like how can I how can I here oh
[ __ ] um when I got here this morning we
are all wearing our family bracelets
Conor Griffin who who made these um
there was actually no from there was no
letter in in there that said who it was
from so they s thank you if you want to
D by the way Aaron Aaron from Grand
Rapids sent this in I assume it’s gonna
be gr Rapids is a beautiful T I love I
absolutely love uh South
Dakota Grand Rapids uh they got some
businesses there right I feel like you
get a lot of get a lot of a lot of
headquartered oh you know what I I think
I I think late at night when you’re
watching and they’re trying to sell you
something and they tell you the address
at the end it’s always in Grand Rapid
Grand Rapid Michigan
yeah they can’t but but the Rapids can’t
be that grand right those are two pickle
ball wait did he [ __ ] around put our
logo on a pickle ball panel no oh well
that would have been sorry he just send
us pickle ball p just send us a normal
ass pickle
ball got just send us a so I guess we’re
just pickle Ballers now oh wait there’s
a letter is there like a cash price
explaining why we have a pickle ball
that’s on card stock crushing it at
mostly Sports from thanks oh it just
says Mark just wanted to send a pickle
ball paddle your way in case you wanted
to play at the office keep up the good
work Aon oh all right guess we need he
work for the company maybe you could
have sent us a pickle ball court it says
please send to Mark Titus I yeah this is
awesome I do I do enjoy playing every so
often it’s just weird cuz I mean yeah
thank you this is awesome uh Aaron Aaron
again thank you I’m right here thank you
uh I’m I’m I’m right over here there’s
two of us on the desk I mean I think he
was being realistic about I could play
pickle ball that’s the one sport I could
play I could play pickle ball I played
it before I played it in LA at the Super
Bowl you would be or Phoenix one of the
super you would be huffing and puffing
of course I’m going to huff and puff but
I could I could I could get through
pickle ball is this his company cuz Nora
is airing
backwards who whoa holy [ __ ] it might be
and oh my God are they are they
headquartered in Grand Rapids it’s come
full circle I just said every [ __ ]
company’s headquartered in Grand Rapids
do you think Aaron Aaron’s from Grand
Rapids I think his I think his company
is headquartered in Grand Rapids all
right anyway thanks for the pickle ball
pad designed and headquartered in
Michigan my question is this when it
comes to sports
do you care how many people watch the um
the NCAA tournament Championship women
only when it benefits my argument okay
yeah cuz that’s what a lot of people are
doing right now yeah oh my God see that
now I think this should be a celebration
of the women getting the largest
viewership they’ve ever gotten MH I
don’t think it should be a celebration
of the women getting the largest
celebration they’ve ever gotten or the
largest viewership they’ve ever gotten
and A condem A condemnation of the men’s
game yeah the men’s game was on TBS the
men’s game like did it to themselves now
you know are the what I like to I don’t
care how many people watch this what I’m
trying to say yeah I I I said this
before that uh basketball has a problem
of it’s It’s a crabs in the bucket
mentality it’s foot football rules
everything yeah Bas like NFL is one a
college football is one B massive
massive Gap and it’s every other sport
every other Sport and we’re all fighting
each other to to get the the love and
attention of America when football’s not
on Tel basketball fights itself and
basketball fights itself and it’s crabs
in the bucket and instead of men’s
college basketball and women’s college
basketball and the NBA and whatever [ __ ]
they’re pumping out of Europe and feba
and all of it and whatever like three
onree type [ __ ] iterations exist out
there and all of it instead of all of it
coming together and just like pulling in
One Direction as a sport and lifting it
all up it is crabs in a bucket and the
second one starts like you know cuz it
it works the same way is like the
women’s have a monster rating and you’ll
see people that are there are men’s
college basketball fans that are like
who gives a [ __ ] dude that’s going to go
away when Kaylin Clark leaves and and
and we got to tear that down so now now
you’re up there I’m going to pull you
back down here and then the men’s men’s
next year next year the men’s will be
back on CBS yeah I’m sure Cooper flag
will will make college basketball uh a
thing for a lot of people I can’t wait
to hate him yeah I the the ratings in
college basketball this year this coming
next year I should say are are going to
be probably better um the tournament
will probably reflect that and because
it’ll be on CBS it’ll do a bigger number
and then the men’s college basketball
will start puffing our chest and
everyone will tear it down and be like
that’s only because of this and this I
don’t know it’s stupid go ahead Brandon
I’ve never
lived on the beach in La okay we can
establish that it shows we we all kind
of already knew that you looking at you
you have I believe explain the crabs in
bucket parallel crabs okay oh where are
they let me finish Brandon you keep
cutting me off and it’s really pissing
me off cuz where are the crabs cuz I was
about to say they’re in a
bucket now how the crab when you put
crabs in a bucket okay crabs want to get
out of the bucket do they know they’re
in a bucket I think the crabs
know they they don’t belong in that
bucket okay all right they belong yeah
uh on a beach somewhere right not in a
bucket not in a bucket so they start
climbing out of a bucket and what
happens as one crab starts to get
halfway up he’s gonna make it he’s going
to make it uhhuh and in an ideal
situation in a utopian crab world the
rest of the crabs would be going yeah
all right go Jeff all right
Jeff we we were all hoping for this day
that you would get out of this bucket
yeah please come back and visit someday
tell us about what’s what’s on the other
side what instead happens you’ll find in
the crabbing world and a lot of the
krabbers out there I know we have a lot
of krabbers uh watching the show they
they know this uh this is crab
101 the crabs will instead in fact reach
up for Jeff and they say Jeff get your
[ __ ] ass back here what the [ __ ] you
going Jeff dumb [ __ ] and they pull Jeff
back down right and so what ends up
happening is none of these crabs escape
the bucket and then some human being
comes takes the bucket throws them all
into like a boiling hot and they all
die so nobody gets out of the bucket I
don’t know how you prepare crap you
throw it in a Boiling Pot oh yeah you do
that with lobster cook them alive right
you cook them alive I crabs I I don’t
know I know you do smash them with a
hammer you could do you I I don’t I
don’t know how you know what you’re
right I did see a guy one time you smash
with the hammer and then you rip it out
and then you eat like
the have you ever seen that you eat the
muck out of it you eat the ship you eat
the ship first find that video I need to
see how to eat a CRA you go straight to
the [ __ ] you skip all the good meat and
go right to the feces I think it’s
genuinely one of one of his best works
because it’s a how to eat crab and it’s
just not how to eat
crab even if you don’t know how to eat
crap if you open an animal up and saw
that part your mind should stop you
don’t eat that part yeah there should be
something evolutionary in our our human
brains it’s like that’s not good I think
Evolution skipped I don’t want to eat
that um Lucas did fine in your stad
yesterday TJ good hopefully he didn’t
what uh yeah how he he did okay he was
he doing a bit with the Mr Ed Stu yeah
he was doing some bits okay all right
will you not catching on to that he was
pretending like he didn’t know any very
good at appearing to be stupid I don’t
like bits not a bit this isn’t a bit
show yeah no you’re right you’re right
this isn’t a this is uh Brick by Brick
not stick by stick as they as he’s out
there arguing that Dan should be
assessed a two stroke penalty because
something yeah it’s not stick by stick
be sure to follow Miss Peaches on Tik
Tok and where she talks about her papa I
met Miss peaches are we getting saw her
I didn’t me her we getting her in here
it would be good for the show oh dude
that would be I’m sure she’s she’s busy
I wouldn’t want to bother her dude if
you want to I mean I’m not okay I want I
want to tow the line carefully because I
I am not uh picking sides in the Dave
forto Brandon Walker ongoing War um I on
the one hand I do a show with you I I I
like to think that we’ve become close
friends some might even say family um on
the other hand Dave forite signs my
paychecks right so because of that those
things are [ __ ] big and boy I like
those paychecks he actually signs you
like a comically large check every yeah
every two weeks I get it
massive congratulations you’ve won like
I’ve won a golf
tournament uh so I don’t I don’t want to
pick sides here but I will say
objectively I’m not I’m not condoning
this idea I’m just throwing it out there
if you get Miss peaches to come into the
studio and say the words in plain
English family
mic that would be a massive [ __ ] you to
Dave that would be a big time W if we
can if we can get Miss peaches to speak
I’m not saying I want it to happen Dave
for the record I did not say I want this
to happen I think she might be upstairs
I was just objectively saying if it did
happen that would be a W for Brandon in
the war so
we’ll we could send somebody
look we just need her for the
thumbnail we do just need her for the
thumb we could just put a picture of her
in the thumbnail without her ever being
on the true you want me to take my
camera my phone I I could go up yeah
yeah go go up con tal yeah well Connor
is too Connor oh you know what I’ll go
up I’ll go up Conor take my seat Conor
I’ll I’ll go up you stay there you stay
there you take my seat conter all right
do you think she can con Conor real
quick so help me God if you walk back in
here without that dog or a picture of
that dog I got
you but we have to we have to get her on
the show somehow yeah and and do you
think she can she FaceTime no that’s not
going to be do you think she can say
family into the microphone I’m worried
about that
that does she speak English she’s from
right is that where she’s from she’s
from the south oh yeah so she probably
has an
accent well family family does Atlanta
really have oh now yeah Atlanta’s
Georgia yeah yeah but I I wasn’t sure if
it was one of those like things like
Charlotte is at not really North
Carolina Atlanta’s not the South I love
the Atlanta’s the very I got I got
caught in the conversation with Big T
not too long ago about that um yeah and
I made I made the mistake of engaging
cuz he was like I don’t know how
Southern Big T
is he said he said something like
uh yeah North Carolina wasn’t the South
that at some point he said North
Carolina wasn’t the South and I don’t
know if he was talking to me and I was
just like all right well now I’m going
to I’m going to take the bait North
Carolina’s very the South I like what
yeah and he’s like no no no Charlotte’s
not the South uh I don’t think and then
my brain just kind of shut off here’s
south Mississippi Louisiana Alabama
Georgia all of Tennessee all of South
Carolina all of North Carolina the north
half of Florida the South stops at
Orlando there’s nothing nothing south of
Orlando is the South okay um parts of
Kentucky parts of Virginia that’s the
South and maybe Arkansas Arkansas is
also the South okay um that’s the South
oh what that was
fast I kid you not miss peaches is in a
meeting right
now I swear she’s in a meeting I
couldn’t I couldn’t get her she’s she’s
in the main conference
room on her dog bed in the center of the
room and there’s just a bunch of people
I’ve never seen before in like sport
jackets at the table I don’t know what
they’re talking about but I couldn’t go
in there she’s in a meeting well now we
have to do like a I got to I got got to
go check it out can we how do you do the
yak live cam I could zoom can we do that
we can cuz now I have to see this I and
like brand and I both have to see this
and we can’t stop the show to see it but
also you gotta go with your live K got
we got to do the live K there’s not a
single person in that room who I
recognize um yeah okay you got to we got
to get a sneak peek of this now because
I Conor just turn your Wi-Fi off and
then don’t show you don’t think this is
supposed to be a secret do you it’s a
it’s a top meeting with a dog yeah I
don’t know if it’s like a Miss Peach’s
like brand meeting or anything like that
I think it’s something to do with maybe
like a pot I don’t know who it is I
that’s why I’d be hesitant to show it
yeah it’s probably a client who’s
interested sponsor Miss spe don’t show
it’s ever on like the TV or whatever all
right I forget it don’t worry about yeah
I I’ll go back up in a little bit go
check you can go check in a minute yeah
um check it was it was a bizarre site I
was like who the [ __ ] are these people I
like to imagine she’s leading the
meeting they’re just waiting for her to
talk like I understand I understand why
Miss peaches has meetings about her why
is she in the
meeting the the funny part was I’m
walking by the glass and Miss peaches
did like turn around and look at me and
then once she looked at me then
everybody in the room looked at me and I
was like okay I got to get the [ __ ] out
of here I have an idea now I have an
idea um it’s a dog it’s a I have an idea
it’s a spin-off comic after bringing
home the bacon yep becomes a massive hit
okay or maybe this is maybe this is a
character this is you know what this is
I got it I got it all right Carl ham all
right here we go here we go the juices
are everybody buckle up Carl ham Works
in an off so we’ve established Carl ham
is the only animal in this world right
right he’s he’s a pig in a human world
he works in an office there no there’s
no other animals turns out we’re the
pigs but there is a top dog at his
company all right and the and the and
and he’s work and throughout the course
of the comic strip Carl ham is
interacting with all the humans he’s
just like God I need a cup of mud you
know that’s the punch line that’s his
catchphrase um but then every so often
the top dog comes in yeah and when the
top dog comes in um the top dog’s thing
is it never talks it’s like a power move
the top dog walks into the room yeah and
just shuts the door and everyone just
gets nervous and they start talking
first cuz like the dog is just sitting
there in silence they’re trying to
impress the top dog uh sir uh yeah so
sir uh I I know you’re probably
wondering where those reports are sir uh
so what what happened is Sir uh ah and
then they they kill themselves and then
like the next guy goes he’s like ah sir
so uh and the dog never talks yeah and
we do and we run this bit for like three
years of the comic strip uhhuh and then
somewhere along the line we find out the
dog doesn’t talk because it’s a dog and
the dog could never talk and it somehow
just became the top dog but it’s because
it’s like everybody’s intimidated by
this is Carl ham also intimidated by the
dog or is he comfortable around the dog
no Carl ham is the one person that
realizes it’s a [ __ ] dog okay and
Carl Ham’s losing his mind he’s like why
it’s it’s a
dog how are we liting a
dog I think we got lexs I think we got
something Carl ham just is going crazy
and everyone’s like Carl you’re such a
hater we needed some life for the Carl
ham Universe we we’ve we’ve kind of yeah
we’ve kind of slacked on Carl ham lately
did you see they’re bringing home the
bacon calendar we got no show me that I
got to show I got to show y’all
something y’all don’t know about that I
didn’t I didn’t notice
yesterday you revealed this on the show
yesterday yeah well they they we had two
packages uh yesterday so we got to bring
it home the bacon calendar and uh first
all shout out to the guy that sent it
he’s awesome he DM me um not really a
functioning calendar CU you can’t you
can’t have oh he printed he printed
can’t have the days and the uh anyway um
he did he did write certain days on the
calendar uh August 31st day Creed
release take me high
oh this is awesome um calendar starts in
August um I don’t know why I started
there September September 9th is Mr Ed’s
birthday oh and September 12th is one
year for mostly Sports H you’re right I
didn’t look at uh January I’ll never
forget I’ll never forget what day we
started the show um because we were
going to start it on Monday we’re going
to start on a Monday yeah you know y’all
joking it the calendar starts in
March I guess he he punted on the first
two months he probably sent it in March
yeah that’s fine yeah well why would
need a January 2024 calendar at this
point uh he marked opening day as March
28th okay all right uh for April he
marked um Arbor Day for the 30th and my
dog Caesar’s
birthday nice notice he didn’t didn’t
mark my birthday which is in April
that’s interesting or Connor’s birthday
which is in June your birthday’s in
April it is oh mhm it’s it’s April now
that’s interesting it probably already
came and
went we don’t need to talk about it I
don’t know why Spock’s birthday is here
because started oh May 4th yes okay May
4th sp’s birthday yeah Spock I I got hit
with this question be with you I got hit
with this question yesterday that I
wanted to present to you okay you love
Star Wars indeed don’t don’t don’t talk
like that okay indeed indeed you are in
you love star
yet when I bring up whenever I bring up
Star Trek your face gets serious and you
get mad you don’t like Star Trek even a
little bit you tried Star Trek so so my
question is why do you love and embrace
and absolutely fallen over one space
related fiction that has created a world
and yet you turn your nose up at the
other mainly because it is somewhat of a
rivalry in the nerd commun
I did watch the JJ Abrams reboot I think
it came out in 2009 it was good of Star
Trek yeah I watched that with my friends
Josh and Matt for Josh’s birthday party
when he was nine oh um I love Josh and
Matt yeah yeah good dudes but that was
the only time I ever saw it I don’t
remember the movie at all it was just
more so I was going to appease yeah you
have now veered off the answer why do
you not like Star Trek because it’s a i
it was there was a reason why I didn’t
watch Harry Potter for years because I
didn’t want to give in to Harry Potter
because there were people saying oh
Harry Potter is better than Wars yes
it’s why I didn’t watch comic book hero
movies for a while he he grew up going
to church camp and now he’s he didn’t
want to go to college and be handed a
pamphlet uhuh and so every he’s walking
around a college campus and they’re like
exactly right they’re like check out
this pamphlet he’s like no Mom and Dad
wouldn’t like
this you know and he just didn’t want to
he didn’t want to expand his Horizons he
he knew what he he knew what he was so
you are loyal to a a franchise that has
made a trillion
you’re loyal to that franchise to the
point you won’t watch other franchises
now I’ve started to get a little bit
better with that I I would watch Star
Trek now real quick that not a big deal
that’s [ __ ] crazy sorry it’s okay I I
I I I love Star Wars and I want to do
anything in my power to support
it Jackson holiday got called up it’s
young cord day we have uh we have
delayed talking about it and ebo has
done a hell of a job as he always does
with not talking over there mhm Evo the
floor is yours but the floor is now
yours EO uh yeah this is uh a great day
it definitely doesn’t have to do with
the fact that this is the last day they
could manipulate his service time um but
yeah really excited this is the third
number one Prospect the team has called
up in the last three years so adley now
now it’s time like adley rman who was
the second one gunar Henderson gun
Henderson and now Jackson Hol yeah if
you remember the picture we looked at in
the fall he was one of the blonde ones
the Cadence and the Jackson who’s the
or’s manager Brandon Hyde Brandon Hyde
so is he is he now like the the John
caliper of of MLB that’s true I I think
got he’s got the number one he’s got a
bunch of number one recruits yeah so if
he you can’t get it done yeah I mean
like you guys did kind of [ __ ] it up and
yeah but he has the advantage of you
know his players will graduate you know
he’ll have them for at least four years
not he’s not like one in DS you know
yeah but yeah interesting I’m excited
the contract thing so
what did they get by calling him up
yesterday and not today they get extra
an extra year of they delay his service
Time by a year but if he wins rookie the
year it doesn’t even matter that they
delay the because they waited until
April 10th or because they caught him up
before April 11th because they waited
the two weeks they had to wait two weeks
worth to delay service time be so stupid
yeah uh so how yeah how big of a deal is
this to you would you say ma massive I
had to watch like two for some reason
like I don’t I I know reason was M late
service time but they put pull pulled in
Tony Kemp who should not be playing
Major League Baseball for anybody the
best young core
ever How would how would you measure
young I’m not talking about baseball is
this the best young core of all time how
would you measure young core well how
young they are cor I can think of Hansen
Hansen back in the 90s was an incredible
young core uh the Muppet Babies Brad Pit
and Fight Club had a great young core
yeah that was that was um fight very
tight dude he was in awesome shape the
Earth at the beginning of the universe
probably had a great height well we
don’t know the Earth might still be
young we don’t know how long this
motherfucker’s going to go yeah true
this could be early we’re done whoa oh
we’re done yeah I think we got like 200
years huh I thought we were supposed to
be done the other day during the eclipse
was was that a thing did the Rapture
happen uh no what did it yeah I don’t
know that’s what if what if the Rapture
is only just like five dudes what like
like the Rapture did happen like
everyone thought it was going to be like
a Thanos deal where like half the world
gets called up to the big leagues yeah
but but really who here would have got
really like really like God looked
around he’s like honestly pass honestly
pass on most of you I’ll take like you
two I guess and he like just he picked
like he picked like two dudes in and
like [ __ ] Brazil or something I mean
there’s only so many scholarships yeah
two dudes in Brazil and like two dudes
in Brazil got called up and like the
rest of us are left here to I don’t as
long as dabo’s still with us I think
they announced today the Brazil game
this year is going to be a Friday night
that yeah yeah did we already know that
it was we knew we were going to get a
Friday night game we knew we were going
get a Brazil game but we didn’t know it
was going to be Friday night in Brazil
right we didn’t know it was going to be
Packers oh okay that’s what we did it
was long speculated that it was going to
be the Browns um but yeah we knew it was
going to be Friday no idea what you’re
talking about when you said Brazil G I
thought you were talking about NFL has a
Brazil game this US soccer or something
uh that’s awful before what a Friday
night game in Brazil I’m okay week one
throw a game on Friday night why not now
they are coming after high school
football which I don’t like but uh me
and the uh first they came for college
football you said nothing you said
nothing then they yeah what’s next they
GNA they’re G to come for eighth grade
football yeah they might yeah well they
already have Thursdays most eighth
grader most Junior highs in Mississippi
play on Thursday
um I uh anyway back to Jackson holiday I
couldn’t help but notice Evo a certain
tweet that you liked what did you
um would be very family to send EVO to
the game since real Conor Griffin but by
the way how did I just now notice that
you do real CJ C Griff as your real C
Griff yeah yeah as just I’m in case
anyone thought yeah it was I’m coming to
the I’m coming to the realization I hate
everything about Conor
there there are some fake SE griffs out
there I just wanted people to know how
many fake SE griffs are there uh about a
dozen would be very family to send ebo
to the game since real C Griff got to go
to liiv Rodrigo and then Brandon and I
were both tagged on this it has one like
Evo the one like Evo would you like to
tell us something like is there is there
a rift in the family like are you that
guy had a good point I do have to work
tonight so unfortunately where are they
playing make it in
Boston why would we send ol Rodrigo was
in Chicago we didn’t send him to Boston
to see Olivia
Rodrigo what uh when when does he get
home next that would be the game to go
to right uh you mean in Baltimore I
think they’re they’re on a 10 game
stretch right now so not till probably
after like April 15th or something like
that I I’m I’m I’m kidding you but I
know when they I know when they’re in
Baltimore next why don’t you go ahead
and look under your
seat there’s a body
armor don’t you go ahead no under the
seat no the the the cushion yeah just
look under the yeah look under the
yeah no under the do you need me to get
up here yeah get up look under the I’m
being lifted is this a ticket no look
under no look under behind I think it
was behind right look behind the couch
oh oh this yeah thanks guys
yep nice let’s
go uh let’s see no I didn’t get you
tickets as [ __ ] but I would I want to
talk about it we’re talking about we
want to talk it out I just I just wanted
I wanted the the dramatic moment there
how was that [ __ ] up you did that to
us Connor did that very thing who sure
did do that to us piece of [ __ ] you did
that to us did that same thing to us he
said look under look under the frame
[ __ ] Wild Goose CH he said you’re
going to Creed there were no tickets
there no tickets do we have those yet
yes there was the whole reveal when I
revealed the tickets on the show I know
but no I uh okay all right listen I want
to we want to send we’re going to send
EVO to oral May 23rd 24th 25th they’re
at the white
sock that that doesn’t have the same
impact no that’s Memorial Day weekend
when do they oh they play Friday at
home that’s the Jackson holiday
debut could you go to that we gonna fly
him out
there you spent $1,000 on Olivia Rodrigo
yeah we just one on [ __ ] he got a
shirt for his half of one we’ll get you
the shirt that’s an awful lot of oh yeah
I’ll if you can get me the shirt that’s
cool yeah I mean I I do want to do
something for Evo but also the ask what
if we can just get him Jackson holiday
the ask of sending him to Baltimore
versus just letting
Connor I got it just go down the road I
mean the concert was right over there
got part of the you ready go ahead we
send him to Olivia
Rodrigo she’s going to Ireland soon
[ __ ] hold on I’ve never been to Ireland
yeah I guess there’s nothing we can do
yeah [ __ ] it some you win some you lose
some you know what I understand yeah uh
the Angels broke out a home run Halo
that glows that it’s a it’s a Halo that
they put around um that’s awesome I put
someone booed this last night they booed
the Halo someone booed this last why can
you Boo the Halo I think Titus gave the
throwing up emoji
uh was I throwing up did he did he
complete the throw up or was he nauseous
what I did I did I did a completed throw
up I I I go back and forth on both of
those what’s the Emoji I don’t know if I
did green face or if I did full throw up
which one are you doing no that guy’s
vomiting man that vomit I did I did full
throw okay yeah that so that what that
means is that I really didn’t like it
okay all right um it’s not a Halo that’s
why I don’t one I don’t like this is
this is played out in general like the
the turnover chain [ __ ] is is so played
out number two that’s not a Halo that’s
a headband a Halo levitates above your
head that we don’t have the technology
Ty exact oh we absolutely do dude well
how do we have the technology you seen
floating baseball where’s floating
Baseball look up the floating baseball
desk toy I have a floating Rucker helmet
we don’t have we don’t have technology
to carry around a floating halo that we
can go from head to head but big cat had
a floating thing on the yak on
mhm we have floating BAS why don’t
flating if the angels are going to do
Halos I think it opens up for other
teams to do stuff with their
oh what what would be the best team to
lean into their the Padre should have a
home run MRE the Cubs should have a live
Bear live bear you become a live bear mm
the Dodgers should have to not go to war
if you’re draft
is that what the Dodgers means no it was
trolley Dodgers in Brooklyn oh the
Mariners should have to go on a around
the world Cruise mhm the Yankees should
have to
colonize I guess oh a brave could could
just scalp his opponent just take an
actual Tomahawk out
and no uh is that
problematic it’s their name it’s not
mine I didn’t dude [ __ ] that [ __ ] Tampa
you have to you have to get stab you
have to kill one of the Irwin
family [ __ ] off camera though you think
you have to get rid of the footage after
dude like you’re on the Tampa Bay race
you hit a home run and you’re rounding
third and you’re just like oh no God
damn it no B the earns at the
play they’re around you just take the
bat and beat the [ __ ] out of her like I
have to do this I’m so sorry this is
it’s now 4 to one Tampa yeah I’m so
sorry bendy uh I don’t know why that’s
so [ __ ] funny all right uh boys
family I have Lu we we’re pulling for
you are we pulling for Brandon Sam
Decker did juster out of your peer tweet
by the way oh really yeah he sure did is
he a peer guy uh he said on Lake
Michigan or an inland Lake uh it’s an in
I mean come on Sam you think you think
Brandon Walker’s got property on Lake
Michigan all right Sam just where we
should get Sam on the show I’m sure he’s
around during the summer I can’t uh it’s
an inland like Mr Decker it is Inland I
like how this is going to change
his I hope he just keeps replying
wanting more information well what kind
of how muddy is the shoreline
oh almost made a really bad dad joke
okay thank God you didn’t do that that I
hard know
her good luck Brandon good luck Brandon
brand than you go kill it out there go
beat the [ __ ] out of Tate start a fight
there’s not enough golf fights yeah
who’s uh what’s the what’s the bench
clearing golf brawl actually hold that
thought I’m want to talk about
DraftKings and then we’ll um I don’t
know why I have I’ve got into a habit of
saying hold that thought before I do ad
reads and I’m saying it to other people
in the room when really I’m saying it to
myself very stupid I’m tell I just told
TJ to hold that thought and TJ looked at
me like buddy I’ve been holding it oh
no oh no that’s
bad that’s bad I that’s bad that’s bad
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the crown is yours uh what yeah what is
UFC uh GNA be awesome UFC 300 hell yeah
we have
MLB um Masters people around here bet on
baseball like
that um yes certain people yeah you’re a
certain type like there’s a certain type
of person that likes baseball gambling
like clemmer loves it yeah I’m trying to
think of like what we shift like now
that college basketball’s over what do
we shift into in terms of uh G like
Masters obviously golf becomes a a big
one right Masters is big and then
there’s like Cinco de Mayo weekend
always L where you have Derby you have a
fight you have baseball going you have
Bas that’s like the Equinox weekend yeah
basketball playoffs that weekend rough
yeah UFC 300 will will will walk as well
walk Francis 12 under already oh Francis
is 16 there’s some low scores out there
wow do you think uh Jerry showed
everybody the optimal way to attack
every single hole and just completely
took away the Mystique and Intrigue
of how to attack a p hole no cuz he’s
going for H hold in
okay what I don’t think I don’t think
the strategy in the actual Pua
tournament is to go for a hole in one
every single time Jerry was going for a
hole in one every single time and it
went out of bounds a [ __ ] ton so yeah I
I don’t think it was that but then he
honed in on like the line on which line
take I don’t know again to get a hole in
one which after dozens of reps it’s the
lowest score you can get yes but it was
after dozens of reps and in this you’re
not going to get dozens of reps okay
that’s my side unless you’re Brandon
Walker in the practice round yeah then
you do get your dozen to reps in yeah uh
Evo I uh I did mostly Sports uh with
Jeffy low in Arizona on Monday um and we
were talking a little bit and I I really
wanted you there to have this
conversation and now you’re here so I
want to have the conversation with you
um hold
on H never mind um we were talking about
the pitcher’s arms falling off uh what’s
going on
there first question why uh we were
trying to figure out like what’s the
what’s the what’s the solution for this
like what because the the mlbpa is like
we need to get rid of the pitch clock
which might help but I I I don’t know
how pitchers are going to how how can
you get to a point where pitchers are
going to go on the mound with the
mindset of like I shouldn’t throw as
hard as I can and also torque my arm as
hard as I can to generate spin rate I
should I should dial it back a little
bit that’s not going to you can’t do
that right the pitcher might be going
the way of the running back where yeah
you just just just throw any schmuck out
there and yeah who cares we’ll have like
five guys our entire organization will
throw 100 one gets hurt will bring up
another one yeah this is all I mean this
is all the nerd’s fault I don’t want to
we can blame the pitch clock all we want
but I think we should just blame the
Nerds and it’s the Nerds fault I I agree
it it’s completely the nerd’s fault uh
but also how and why is it the nerd’s
fault um
because uh analytics was meant to like
Leverage um market inefficiencies like
that’s the whole point of Money Ball
it’s not about like walks and stuff and
so they’re like people aren’t throwing
hard enough like you can get more here
because there’s an inefficient Market in
pitching development so now everybody
throws they closed that gap down
everyone throws 99 but they didn’t
really consider the fact that throw
everyone throw a 99 no one should no one
should your AR your arm is not designed
to throw 99 miles an hour yeah yeah just
because you can stretch the physical
limits of your body to do it doesn’t you
should now there are things where it’s
like yes like your muscles do need time
to recover like that is a real thing but
also like no one should be no one should
be throwing a 100 yeah like a ress
Chapman came into the league throwing
like a 100 and we were all like holy
[ __ ] this is the CRA guess like 10 of
those guys how does ralis Chapman is he
still pitching by the way M he’s on the
Pirates mhm yeah yeah he bounced around
a lot after the he’s throwing hard again
that’s what I like I I don’t that guy’s
been throwing over a 100 for how many
years now how is his arm not just
completely he threw it kind of did he
threw 105 when he came up and everybody
was like oh my [ __ ] God he’s the best
pitcher of all time and then as soon as
his speed started to decline a little
bit he was getting destroyed destroyed
yeah and then he got hurt and then he
was horrendous when he came back had
like more blown saves than saves
and then now he’s bouncing around the
league and also grabbing his grandma’s
boobs yeah that was uh maybe that’s
what’s wrong with baseball we
need we need more we’re grabbing too
many boobs or we need more boobs grab
more gra I’m not sure I think it’s
something we need to test BPM
yeah going
TJ some people are saying it’s Shor
Bower’s fault which Speaking like the
invention of Drive Line baseball is well
you you say these things you need to dve
elaborate you’re just like like using
NDS using plyometric balls and weighted
balls to try to like up your exit
velocity like really stretching limits
of how far your arm can stretch
backwards yeah Trevor balor’s analytic
breakdowns of his own pitching it’s like
the nerdiest stuff ever and it makes
sense why like a pitcher would want to
know this sort of stuff but it’s like
some guys just throw the ball yes he
like analyzes like every single possible
rotational angle of everything
sinking ASP to it I think yeah th strike
I as a nerd I I do want to say the Nerds
have ruin sports like
baseball baseball was just like grab
your nuts and throw it it’s hard you can
and it wasn’t like all right if we get
an extra angle here whatever so now we
have an issue a growing issue in
baseball with longevity of pitching and
what are we going to do with pitchers
long term because it’s not sustainable
for everyone to throw 100 yeah
basketball nerds are like just shoot
just shoot threes more than twos and now
you have an issue in the NBA where it’s
like everyone’s scoring 30 so if
everyone’s scoring 30 no one’s scoring
30 no one’s special so like there’s
almost too much parody in the NBA now
where everyone is like having these like
monster numbers and it’s like oh no
one’s playing defense it’s a it’s a solv
game yeah yeah everyone figured it out
so there’s no I don’t know like there’s
no differences like there’s no one that
stands out from the rest I I’ve used
this uh this way of framing it a million
times um I it’s it’s a it’s a debate of
like do you see or uh Sports as an art
or a science and for me and for the way
Sports have worked forever is that it is
more of an art and yes you’re trying to
win the game but like what made Sports
so fun to watch is that you put a
problem in front of a team which is win
this baseball game win this football
game win this basketball game um and
it’s like putting like a puzzle or it’s
like dumping a bunch of like tools onto
a table and it’s like we have to turn
this screw but you can only use like all
of these things and then like now
everyone has to put their brains
together and figure out the best way to
do it and over time everybody figured
out like the optimal way to do it and
now you don’t get to see like the
brainstorming aspect of sports where
like dudes are just like here’s how I
think you do it is I think you do it
this way and and I think the best way to
throw a pitch is to submarine style and
[ __ ] just just [ __ ] throw it from
down here and other dudes are like no
dude the way to do it is you you’re up
appear from the top and you you got to
throw some junk dude and it’s like no
dude don’t throw junk just [ __ ] throw
it right by him and uh that’s what
sports were it was just a bunch of dudes
that were like here’s how I’m going to
go about it you do you I’m going to do
me and then somewhere along the line the
Nerds got introduced and they’re like
you’re all doing it wrong you should do
it this way and this way only and
they’re kind of right but it it at what
cost it’s become a science and it’s like
yeah instead of instead of watching
people figure out how to solve the
problem sports are now I’m going to hand
you the solution and then I’m going to
put you into this position and now you
follow this the solution to the problem
that I’ve already given you and let me
watch you who can be the best robot
basically here’s the solution now go out
and be a robot which one of you is the
best robot and I don’t want to be the
soccer defender on here but that I think
is something that people love about
soccer is it’s it is more art than
analytic right now you can’t really you
can’t really make it analytic like how
do you yeah you you can trying there are
strategy that are they’re sure but like
um yeah they are trying but like you can
only do it to a certain extent at least
so far I’m sure they’ll find a way but
like every country like if you watch the
World Cup plays like a completely not a
completely different style but a
different style of soccer yeah yeah some
teams just park the bus and so that that
is one of the cooler things about the
World Cup is that like every country
does have their identity yeah that like
when you you know you know right now
that in a 100 years when the World Cup
happens and Brazil takes the field field
you kind of have an idea of what you’re
going to see from the Brazil soccer team
and you kind of have an idea of what the
Greek soccer team is going to look like
just a bunch of just [ __ ] bulky dudes
that are physical and you know not
trying to score goals they’re just
trying to fight people and park the bus
um yeah nerd are in sports I agree I
completely agree uh one last thing on
this did you see what Verlander had to
say basically on this no he was talking
creating incentive tied to Pitchers
going deeper in games or recording like
a certain number of outs basically your
DH is tied to your pitcher if your
pitcher doesn’t get through the sixth
inning you lose your DH pretty much
whoa how but hold on would that be a
good thing because then you’re going to
ride your pitcher’s arms even more yeah
right then you’re you’re going to burn
these guys out even more right he was
basically saying like all right
disincentivize throwing hard and
incentivize yeah but that’s what I I
think like that you can’t you can’t
can’t um put the toothpaste back in the
bottle you can’t put the genie back
bottle in the tube yeah what else is
what’s another one you can’t you can’t
undo crackers in the sleeve yeah you
can’t put the crackers back that’s a
great one Conor you can’t put the
crackers back in the sleeve once uh like
you can’t un uncondition a pitcher’s
mind once once they’ve been conditioned
to like step on the mound and and
[ __ ] bring the heat like I I don’t
you can’t like you can’t tell a guy like
take a little bit off of this one I
don’t I don’t know how that’s going to
work you know like I I don’t know
how you can you can’t as a team you can
like if you’re managing the team you can
theoretically tell your guy like hey
let’s we want you to go seven so dial it
back a little bit but the second you
throw if you’re a guy who’s like
normally touching 99 with your fast ball
and you throw 95 mph fast ball and just
get [ __ ] rocked you’re immediately
just going to go [ __ ] that dude and just
start throwing hard again yeah cuz I I
said that to Jeff too which I’m curious
your thoughts EO because you are the
nerd here and the baseball guy um is it
better for a pitcher to have your arm
completely fall off and you you’re like
a Steven strawber where it’s like you
you’re you’re hurt all the time but uh
when you’re on like you are very good
and everyone knows it or dial it back
and just get shelled but you’re never
really hurt it’s better to like get hurt
right yeah yeah it’s definitely better
to push the it’s better it’s better to
demonstrate in small windows that you
have talent but then you’re put on the
shelf for a long time than it is to like
say like listen man I kind of suck but
like I can I if you guys ever need me
I’ll be here like that’s not so like
pitchers are always going to be like
dude I’m gonna if I’m on the mound I
have to do whatever I can to get these
outs because like the idea of dialing it
back and getting rocked is then you get
the stink on you that you can’t get out
and your ra is like 7.4 or something and
that’s just what you become it’s better
to be the guy that’s like yeah his arm
fell off and we only got him for like
four games this season but um God damn
was he good when he was out there I
know I don’t know um how was it out
there in Arizona by the way you doing
the show with Jeff and then obviously on
the court with Jake Marsh and everything
and I don’t know was all right I got
food poisoning I went and got
wings uh and they hurt my tummy I had a
tummy ache I had a really bad tummy ache
and I don’t want to get too graphic cuz
like it’s it’s one of those deals where
it’s like it is TMI and I think there
are a lot of people people that might be
eating an early lunch um maybe on you’re
on the west coast you’re eating
breakfast like I don’t want to I don’t
want to ruin the meal you’re having um
and it is TMI it’s like very disgusting
uh but I dude the amount of [ __ ] that
was coming out of my ass and and the
puke I’m puking and I’m [ __ ] and I’m
[ __ ] while I’m puking and I’m the
toilet is just like I’m just a
disgusting mess of puke and [ __ ]
everywhere and uh yeah I had that going
on for like a full 36 hours of uh I
actually true story I
I was hugging a this is how bad it was I
was on the floor of a public restroom
hugging a toilet it was a public
restroom and people were coming in and
out as I was in a stall Hing a toilet
puking and I’m puking and I’m [ __ ]
and I’m puking and then I’m puking again
and I’m and I’m coming I don’t know how
that happened I’m [ __ ] snotting and
I’m spitting and I’m bleeding um yeah I
was I was I was puking and then I had to
[ __ ] so I stopped puking and I started
started [ __ ] and it was crazy so on
Saturday at the Barto live
show at at the barow bar yeah I noticed
you were doing the headphones off lock
in yeah how close how soon after you
walked off camera did disaster oh I
puked I puked within 10 seconds really
yeah yeah I I I thought I had to [ __ ]
when I was on air but then I actually
had to puke and then um and then I went
straight to the hotel and just like yeah
that was my entire Saturday was just
getting the poison out I don’t know what
happened yeah and then I was like
shivering in my bed all night
just so is that is that what you meant
when you asked how
was no so I I dealt with that like
basically all day Saturday um Sunday was
fun I don’t know it was it’s like really
spread out we were staying in Scottsdale
which I like Scottsdale a lot but it’s
just like when when there are events
when there are events in Phoenix the
idea of it seems way more fun than the
execution cuz they they put the the the
football stadium where the Super Bowl
was and where the final four was is in
Glendale people generally stay in
Scotsdale and even if you don’t stay in
Scotsdale you stay in Phoenix which is
not particularly close to Glendale and
it just becomes like a whole a whole
pain in the ass to get out there the the
Uber to get from where we were staying
and we were staying in like a prime
location where a lot of the college
basketball media types were there were a
lot of final four people around um so it
wasn’t like we were purposely staying
away from everything we were staying
where people were staying um on on on
Monday night when I took the Uber to to
go to the game it took over an hour to
get there and it wasn’t I mean traffic
was kind of bad but it was like fine it
was just so far away um and I I hate
that because you know the the best final
four is like next year it’s in San
Antonio uh which say what you want about
San Antonio as a city um I don’t really
have a problem with it but some people
are like yeah San Antonio why not have
it in a cool spot like Miami or
something get your camera Miss oh [ __ ]
oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get her
in the room get her in here um
Miss Peach is coming yeah San Antonio
though is San Antonio New Orleans and
India are the three cities that they
have the final four where it’s Dan talks
about this all the time you you you you
land you take the Uber downtown or where
the where the event is you get out of
your Uber and and you’re done until it’s
time to go back to the to the and Vegas
will be that way too um so yeah I’m
excited I I like it when it’s in those
places where it’s like every like when
when when someone you know like in the
college basketball World texts you what
are you doing tonight I don’t want to
think like all right where are you
staying like how far is that Uber how
expensive is that I want to be able to
just like walk over and do that so um
that kind of sucked about Phoenix but
otherwise it was I now I’m now answering
a question that none of you had Connor
asked the question that he left the room
so [ __ ] it you uh you throw up guy am I
a throw up guy yeah like are you are you
throwing up a lot like once a year twice
year uh I I don’t have the some people
have a problem with like P like they
feel like they need to puke and they
can’t I if I need to puke I can puke
right away yeah I actually I realized
I’m a I am a bodily function on command
guy cuz I was I realized that with the F
the far Eliminator situation on the ACT
which are you are are we doing that oh
you haven’t been here either you’ve been
big cat game time decision I think maybe
today maybe tomorrow maybe cuz I’m about
to leave dude I want to do the fart
Eliminator you you keep saying you want
to do it but you realize after you fart
you’re supposed to
leave I thought you can leave I I didn’t
know you have to leave right you can’t
leave until I’m trying to break records
dude I’m trying to I’m trying to have a
far Eliminator performance holy [ __ ]
that no one’s ever seen before holy
[ __ ] holy
[ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what’s
happening Miss
peaches put her in Brandon’s seat or the
yeah put on the
folks dog on the show folks oh we got
the baseball oh she got the baseball she
picked up the
baseball Miss Peach Peach e holy [ __ ]
all right and now she’s out what an
appearance what an appear oh my God P
just that easy we just got a million
views holy [ __ ] I got her to say f
too kicked up your ass had a boy hebo
that was awesome she did she did she
kind of just robbed us didn’t she she
did take the Bas kind just like walked
in and took a baseball and walked out um
woman that knows what she wants what
else is going on in the Sports World now
did did I miss anything when I was stuck
in the college basketball Vortex is
anything going else going like baseball
does feel like it’s sort of falling
apart but I hate that uh I
I is is is baseball actually falling
apart or is that just like I hate when
people get when there feels like there’s
a perception that like because this
happens with college basketball too it
feels like there’s a perception that
like the sport is not good right now and
then you just kind of pile onto
everything um but it does feel weird
that like every baseball headline right
now seems to be the arms are falling off
uniforms are are are bad again um I I
saw this you put this on the sheet that
the the Riley green shredded his pants
slide in home
did you see the video video is shocking
it just feels like everything coming out
of baseball’s bad and then I throw on
Cubs games every so often this season
and I’m like I don’t know this feels
like baseball to me didn’t the Cubs the
Cubs point they up like eight to nothing
and then they lost shut the [ __ ] up
Conor no one asked no did I ask you if
the Cubs were up eight to nothing and
blew an eight-run lead against the
Padres the other night oh that’s
bad that’s insane that’s not even a
that’s not even an unusual slide that’s
a very standard play yeah that’s routine
oh my
God is he wearing full length tights
it’s probably a little chilly yeah
yeah they have to do something about
this they can’t they won’t someone’s
dick is going to be seen so we’re going
to see dick maybe that’s yeah that’s the
Long play they know sex cells they’re
trying to get more dick in baseball no
more ass and dick on cam get more ass
and Dick um
what else what else is going on hold on
second hang on I’m working on
something um let them cook let me cook I
have someone working on something for me
and I’m trying to see what they’re
reporting back Connor what’s that
yeah this is a mostly sports hat 47
Brand it is
unbelievable and I TJ I that’s all I can
really say about it I don’t know much
else about it it was delivered to our
studio and who knows when it’ll be
available to the public hopefully
sometime soon we’re also taking back Red
Hats we are taking back red a red one
we’re Red Hats now Red Hat Thing most of
sports I love this hat oh are there more
oh [ __ ] there’s another one you think
Red Hat
oh alternate
logo yeah the alternate
logo this one
rocks both of them do but this one oh
that’s great this one plays I love it we
we we’re selling these now no we have to
talk about when we want to sell them
perfect I think maybe Monday might make
the most sense because today and
tomorrow are overwhelmed by many golf
promotion we’re going to get lost in the
flood and then Fridays I don’t love
because less people watch and also it’s
into the weekend and then it gets lost
in the weekend okay maybe Monday I don’t
know we can talk about it I like Monday
all right I hate Mondays yeah girl
personally I hate Mondays um is that how
you also after uh paydays usually sells
better you doing that on
purpose it’s over’s headphones brother
what is that how we should be wearing
them is it oh is this offensive is this
a bad
look unbelievable I I heard you had a an
all-time horrendous performance at the
bar watching basketball over the weekend
what that’s what are saying the streets
are saying malis I heard I heard you put
up uh a just a disgusting performance at
bar would you like to address this
before I tell you what I heard specifics
yeah I I’ll tell it we’re out at a pizza
bar we’re all ordering pizza me I like
to get just plain cheese pizza but this
place didn’t have plain cheese pizza on
the menu because it’s not a
Chuck-E-Cheese maybe they only had um oh
my God I’m BL Margarita they only had
Margarita so I asked I asked the
waitress when she came around I was I
preface it I was like this might be a
dumb question but could I get a plain
cheese pizza and would it be possibly
cheaper than the margarita and she said
well you can get one but it would
actually be more expensive and I said
okay then I’ll just get the margarita
and Malice was there and he was like
ashamed of me and I was like I don’t get
what the problem with that is he’s like
dude like you’re trying to save like $2
you’re trying to save $3 he’s like would
you want the plain cheese pizza and I
said no because the margarita is cheaper
and he’s okay well then that’s just a
stupid answer and so we had this whole
back and forth and then there was
another point where I did I I brought
out I had ear yeah I care less about the
pizza and I care more about this one go
ahead I I always carry earbuds in my
pocket because if there’s a situation
where I need to post something or
there’s a video I need to watch and I’m
out in public I plug in my earbuds so
there was there was a point in the night
it was dead you know we would been there
for hours and we’re all just kind of
like on our phones chilling waiting for
the game to come back on it was when it
was Iowa and Yukon and uh a video
dropped of Olivia Rodrigo on stage with
Noah Khan who were two of my favorite
artists and they were singing together
and I was like I kind of want to watch
it so it was just a quick 20 second so
you pulled out wired headphones at the
bar with the boys watching basketball
plugged them into your phone it was a
co-ed table and you watched an Olivia
Rodrigo video no I I didn’t even get a
chance to because malc was like I swear
to God if you put those earbuds in I’m
going to kill you uh because this was
after the pizza thing and the so yeah if
you want to say it was a a bad
performance at the bar sure go ahead
what they’re that’s what we’re saying
yeah it’s a bad performance that’s I
don’t know I I still like to think I
brought some energy to the table I was
mingling with the the tables around us I
was giving high fives and you know we
were all locked in on the game this was
at a a break in the action and I was
like yeah [ __ ] it I’ll I’ll bring out my
headphones Conor at the bar is fun
listen I I enjoy being at the bar with
the fellas I enjoy you know having a
drink maybe two but sometimes yeah I do
weird stuff and I apologize Titus you’ve
never come out with us to the bar have
you no I’ve never been asked I have to
be asked to go out the bars there there
will never really be a situation
I’ll go out I’ll go I’ll I’ll I’ll set
up dinners with you guys we we can do
dinner and stuff but like there will
never be a situation where you will get
a text for me like what you what you
boys doing Saturday you want to go get
[ __ ] upt uh what’s the move yeah yeah
what’s the what’s the move guys where
where’s the party at tonight um but
there will be situations every so often
at this point in my life where if you if
you ask me I might be in the right head
space where I’m like yeah [ __ ] it I’ll
go out with the boys tonight but I’m
never I’m never going to be the one
that’s like let’s do this what we doing
Saturday yeah I’m G to be on a
beach chilling you’re G to miss out on
shopping day brother oh shopping day
Saturday yeah I probably would have gone
to that yeah Micha GRE grey will be here
today oh really yeah maybe we have him
on tomorrow or TH or Friday whatever
yeah I mean I’m not he would fit in well
career co-host yeah in this I’ve never
met him and and he’s going to leave by
the time I get back huh you cross paths
today yeah if he’s I’ll text him and try
and set something up I mean I’m leaving
this office in the office I’m leaving
this office in like 15 minutes oh and
I’m going to I’m on vacation right now
I’m just working I’m working because
Brandon said he had to go golf today so
he’s like I can’t I can’t do the show
today because I’m gonna have to do the
mini golf so I was like all right well
I’ll cut my vacation a day short and
come in here I had to move my flight um
you know it’s a whole thing yeah it’s
it’s crazy um I’m gonna miss you mark
thanks Gunner you’re welcome and I
definitely think when we come back or
when you come back and we’re all back
together if there is a situation where
we would drink as a as a group out at
the bar I think the best way to do it
would be to tie it into a trip to
Wrigley let’s go to Wrigley I’ll go to
Wrigley Wrigley and then bars afterward
I’ll go to Wrigley is actually Wrigley
might be the one situation where I’d say
you guys want to get [ __ ] up today
yeah I would do that I would I I I will
reach out to yeah we can do that all
summer I will gladly I’ll play hookie
all that that’s yeah that’s we should do
a show from the bleachers I would I was
about to say that I would love to
attempt to do that yeah that would be
awesome I don’t know
how we would just do it later on a
Saturday or something okay going live
from from rley in some capacity yeah we
set it up with the Cubs maybe like we
we’re obviously not going to go during a
game because yeah or or maybe or do do
you mean go live on a Saturday during a
game yeah yeah well I thought because
when Evo said we should do the show from
the bleachers I thought well they don’t
play this early in the
morning um but yeah we could do
something else we could go live from
that would be fun do a a N9 n and n
Challenge from the bleachers ofy that
would be so
fun God that would be crazy have you
actually ever tried to do that 999 no I
I I ate how many hot dogs did I eat on
the yed miny like four and I was I was
toast nine hot dogs had so many hot I
ate four hot dogs and I was like God
damn a lot of hot dogs yeah two hot dogs
is kind of too many yeah when I when I
go to like a a backyard Barbie people
get upset about that I almost call it a
barbecue a backyard grilling situation
whatever you know what I’m you know the
scene people have dogs and burgers on
the gr cookout thank you that’s the word
I was looking for um I I always put two
on my two items on my plate and uh I eat
them both and then I feel like [ __ ] I’m
like why did I eat two hot dogs I eat
like one Burger one hot dog or whatever
you got to space them out I don’t know
like two two feels like too many two
burgers is too many say some would say
that two hot dogs is actually the ideal
amount and you could have them pretty
much at any point of the day and I I
feel like that would be totally fine how
how are you eating two hot dogs you
eating them like this or
like yeah what angle do you those two
hot dogs from let’s let’s C down you
holding like one here yeah you do double
you ever eat a foot long how would you
attack a foot long hot dog
never actually you know I’ve never had
foot long uh you did eat two hot dogs
for lunch yeah two dogs One Bun you you
ever seen Blades of Glory no I haven’t
is that a line from the movie there’s a
a scene where they’re talking about the
public perception of male ice skating a
male ice skating Duo and they go to the
concession stand guy and he puts two hot
dogs in one bunny he goes does this this
look right to
you uh all right last thing I want to do
before I get out of here Evo you want to
go to the game Friday in Baltimore I’ll
pay for your flight and take uh this
Friday yeah if you want to see Jackson
debut sure that’s what I was working on
I was working looking up flights and
hotels and seeing how feasible this
actually would be I’ll do that for you
I’m serious I yeah yeah I go all right
you’re going cool I’ll get you tickets
we’ll make it happen amazing sweet thank
you this show is the best yeah yeah this
is a great show I was I was trying to
like not that I was not I was just like
I didn’t know if tickets were going to
be like $10,000 or some [ __ ] that I was
just making sure so I was that’s what I
was working on I was over here looking
cool we can hit up game time
too yeah we’ll hit up game time um I’ll
F now now I’m going to spend the rest of
the day trying to figure out how I don’t
have to actually pay for any of this um
but yeah go on Friday right would that
be something you’d be interest like
Could you actually do that yeah I think
so yeah I don’t think I have any
obligations Friday
yeah yeah uh just miss the show even fly
in Friday morning and what time is a
game Friday it’s got to be a night game
right it’s not an afternoon game it’s an
game it would just be uh seven yeah
seven we can get you in by yeah like one
or two yeah go to get you a
hotel fly back Sunday you have to get
one of these shirts though okay
yeah me and rdt now do you want to take
Kaitlin Walker as well
or um if she wants to go to the game she
can come have did did I miss that by the
way you you broke up that’s dead it’s
over I I did address it on the show
yesterday yeah yeah I didn’t I I I
really didn’t watch much of this I I I
turned on the show as I was getting
ready to go to the airport and I saw you
sitting in the chair breaking down the
national championship game and then
that’s why I called in yeah um that was
more reading through my notes I didn’t
really watch much else it was uh it was
Friday when I was putting up the
historically bad performance at the bar
maybe it was tied into the fact that I
was also fighting a battle with Nikki
smokes and Nikki smokes is posting about
Caitlyn and oh you know we’re oh so so
Caitlyn left you for Nicki smokes
because you were you she she saw you try
to order a cheese pizza she wasn’t there
and and she was like I can’t do this I
can’t do it with this guy anymore no
they were at a they were at a different
spot but anyway it’s over
that’s that’s done with damn I was
working myself into a shoot there was
only so much more I mean we would have
had to have gotten married that that was
it yeah that was the next move huh mhm
all right uh I guess that’s it um enjoy
the rest of the week guys
wall no did bra sealed
it advertisement yeah I mean I don’t
have it in front of me so someone threw
out the the papers earlier I read
everything you put in front of me what I
yeah I don’t know if you gave Brandon
one you didn’t read it that that would
be on
brand on brand
on yeah yeah just printed it
again we got to talk do you have uh yeah
we got to talk wall do you have um
filibustering material here uh grinding
your gears these days no uh because
again I can’t stress enough that I
should be on vacation right now
um I do not want to be here and yet I’m
here uh talking about wall cutting your
hair at home isn’t as hard as you think
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cordless color Pro today uh what What’s
the mini golf situation looking like um
where we at now who Francis and Marty
tied 11 under Francis and Marty are
killing it um oh Whitney’s 14 under
through 16 wow how does this affect dude
what a if
Whitney that’s that’s a little on the
nose to have a hockey guy
transition to golf like that be good
it’s like we’ve seen this story before
doesn’t he have some sort of like am or
amateur status or something that he like
couldn’t play Dave in a money match
because it would jeopard oh really would
wouldn’t he’s like like
thatl he played in like a yeah big
amateur termin in mass that you can like
qualify for events and stuff oh damn but
he didn’t want to give up his status as
an amateur because who makes the best
golfers uh other sport other I almost
did an EO other sports players other
athletes Hockey baseball hockey and then
I think pitchers because they have
nothing else to do they turn into good
yeah yeah golf quarterbacks feel like
they’re good
golfers yeah because they’re just kind
of like the dudes have been good at
everything forever yeah they just kind
of and they’re also like the they’re
cerebral they have good touch because
they have the you know the passes they
throw and everything else they can um
and also they’re not they’re they’re the
football players that aren’t overly
jacked because I feel like that might be
a problem for a lot of football players
like a fluid swing when you’re that big
and strong um basketball feels hard cuz
you’re so you’re so tall you’re so tall
tall people are not good golfers swing I
think Steph I think Steph is the reason
people think basketball but yeah the
reality is Steph is the anomaly the
point the point guards yeah are good at
basketball yeah and Charles Barkley
obviously is great but um I guess Jordan
golf’s is Jordan good at golf though we
know Jordan golf’s all the time but I
don’t I haven’t actually heard of
stories of heard stor of how much he
like bets on holes of golf yeah per hole
he’ll bet yeah I’ve never actually seen
him swing I guess in two
um why call it soon Squad Space Jam
Space Jam he plays in Space Jam right
yeah he he hit a hole in one in Space
Jam that’s true yeah the mag circled the
circle the hole like 12 times and then
trickled in for him people forget yeah
um any what’s on the silly part of the
show uh I just locked in your game time
is going to provide the tickets oh hell
yeah oh sweet Shout Out game
time yeah that’s good that’s a good
thing I kind of wanted credit you know
kind of a shut up kind of a nice thing I
was going to do like I was kind of
hoping Evo would come back and we don’t
have a flight want to kiss my feet and
say thank you so much Mark for get him
get him first class flights
um [ __ ] all
right uh what’s uh Kentucky man admits
to faking his own death to avoid paying
over $100,000 in child support um yeah
uh no
[ __ ]
good uh faking his own death to avoid
paying $100,000 outstanding child
support his ex-wife according to a plea
um yeah I don’t know I need to know more
details like is
is it’s a the the the the child support
and divorce type stuff is it’s hard
because it’s like you know there are
dead beats out there but also like maybe
this guy’s just like you know sometimes
you just got to sometimes you just got
to fight the system man sometimes you
got to fake your own death I I’m Pro
faking your own death generally so like
anytime I hear faking your own death
stories I think I think my brain just
reverts back to when I was like 13 and I
thought that was the coolest thing you
can do and I became obsessed with it for
a little while like how would I do it
and um I think I think the move is is
car off a cliff right is that that’s it
Connor like what what is the fake you
know death Community have to say about
this but then I there’s got to be a body
in the car what is r fake what is r/
fake your own death I think you tell
everyone you’re going to
Yellowstone oh you get lost in
Yellowstone yeah because a lot of people
get lost in Yellowstone I think yeah you
you you got to get lost in a natur
national park what about the uh what
about those like
uh uh the thermal pools that uh you know
that you hear like the stories of like a
is that Yellowstone like the like a dog
like runs into the pool and then a guy
jumps in to save his dog and they both
just like it’s like so acidic and hot
that it just like Burns everything that
gets in there yeah um maybe you like
drop a you go on one of those hikes and
you like drop some of your belongings by
a thermal pool and everyone just assumes
you went in there and you know there’s
no remains of you I don’t know I think
car off the cliff is the move I think
car off the cliff I think you put a lot
of um but do cars like EXP exp when they
go off the cliff cuz in my head you put
like a like a pig carcass in the front
seat you push it off a cliff it just
explodes and then there’s kind of
nothing left and then they just see a
lot of blood but they would probably
sample the blood and stuff how much do
they investigate this [ __ ] um that’s the
other thing is like how
much yeah go ahead Connor I I’m on R
fake your own death does it really exist
no no but there is a Reddit there is a
Reddit that somebody asks I guess it’s
ask Reddit whatever and they’re like hey
how would you fake your own death
somebody pointed out instead of going
off a
cliff just run your car straight into a
wall or a building at a very very fast
speed and then jump out of the car
before you get to the to the wall and
then that would be a better way it
probably wouldn’t explode it would be
much easier to
but everyone’s going to see you jump out
of the car or at the very least I guess
I think this was in an episode of Sunny
in Philadelphia yeah it was yeah oh
that’s so there that’s just a reference
to so they’re just so what you’re so
what you’re reading is a joke response
reference Conor what I did was I
approached you with a very serious topic
how would you fake your own death and
you brought to me a [ __ ] meme answer
from Reddit like a joke that is a
reference to always sunny now I love
always sunny it’s a funny show it’s a
this is not a time for jokes we are
trying to hone in on the best way to
fake your own death and you just simply
provided a reference to a sitcom I I was
trying to think of a solution to the
explosion problem well the cliff the
cliff thing is that in in in the
standard in like the routine way of of
killing your faking your own death um
and you’re driving the car off the cliff
you are in like a secluded part of a
cliff and and so how you got your car
there I’m not really sure it’s like
you’re shooting Jeep commercial or
something and you were you were taking
your Jeep to places that nobody ever
takes their Jeeps um and then you
accidentally turned left when you should
have turned right and it just fell off
the cliff but the idea is that no one’s
around to see it that you weren’t
actually in the car now what you’re
describing if you jump out of the car
and you’re driving into a building
surely someone on the street would just
see you tuck and roll and just be like
yeah I mean I I saw the guy jump out
right there yeah and also yeah you’re
right yeah I don’t know there was also
somebody else who said get lost at sea
lost at lost to se is a good one yeah
lost to se is a good one okay there you
go is a really good one all right uh I
think that’s it I think that’s the show
um Good Luck to the rest of the week
boys can you take these hats on vacation
yeah I’ll pass them out to people in the
Caribbean just uh I’ll try to just buy
everything with do you guys take
American they’re like yeah I’m like
American hats there’s the the mostly
Sports let me finished I didn’t say
American legal tender I said
American uh American YouTube Show
podcast hats um um those those are the
two we have do we have another color
sorry I was missing that I was looking
up flights for Evo I that was going on
those are the I think this is it right
yep we should when these go on sale we
should do some sort of like uh incentive
based sales thing you know maybe with
the family we sell X yeah you know what
we should do is like a like a little
league fundraiser like a Girl Scout type
thing where all of us have to go door
Todo you know like when you’re were
playing like little league baseball and
they would give you like a you have your
your parents would have to buy the box
of chocolate from the Little League
organiz gation then you’d have to go
sell candy bars for like a dollar a
pop and then You’ take that money to
finance your travel League jerseys or
whatever yeah we do that with the hats
where we all have like 15 hats and we
have to sell them door too which is an
idea that sounds better than my head but
in in in reality Brandon and I would
really all of it Conor would be the only
one that would go try to sell door to
door we would all just come back the
next day and be like sold them sold them
here’s the money and just take out cash
of our own door door sales I did that
one one summer worst job worst job you
it sucks I I hated it how old were you
uh I was a freshman in college my
buddy’s Uncle ran like a a construction
company and we would go door to door
like looking for selling constru jobs
like withing Windows Roofing and the
amount of times people just want to know
part of me yeah made me want to just
like end it it’s the worst just like n
coupon book was good though yeah I mean
I know the my only experience with was
we were playing High School football
we’d have the uh like the coupon book
thing we had like the $20 gold card or
whatever that like all the the local
pizza place and the auto shop and
everyone like opts in and then on the
back it has like a certain discount or a
buy one get one free or whatever else at
all the local places and those were
actually very like people in the people
in my neighborhood wanted them badly and
I knew that and by the time I’m a senior
I’ve done this a few years I know who
wants them and I know they actually are
they would ask asked me before we would
get them when when do when do when do
you get the cards when do you get the
cards when do you get the cards and
still when we would get the cards and
I’d have to go knock on their door and
sell them these cards I was like this
[ __ ] sucks dude I don’t want to do
this so I can’t imagine like cold
knocking on people’s door are you
interested in construction equipment
yeah or like do you do you need your
sighting redone what’s your attic
installation like how many inches is in
there six Better Business uh Bureau
recommends uh thank God about the amount
thank God for ring doorbells now by the
way you like get the my doorbell rings I
just immediately look to see who it is
and if it’s some doofus I don’t know I
just don’t even answer it that suck back
in the day you you just open the door
now you’re stuck in a conversation with
a siding salesman yeah
g um all right that’s it I’m gonna miss
you guys I’ll be back uh when am I
back um let me see
here July yeah July I’ll be back in
July I’ll be back I’m back next
Wednesday I’ll be back on the show next
Wednesday next Wednesday morning I’ll be
I’ll be back uh seven days from now I’ll
be I’ll be back in this chair so amazing
um all right good luck to Brand how’s
Brandon doing let’s get a Brandon update
and then we can he had a massive [ __ ] up
on one of the holes I know that sounds
about right where he he hit it out of
bounds he was trying to go over one of
the ramps and it did not work out for
him but aside from that I don’t know how
doing okay stay locked in good update
watch all the things thanks for the
update uh yeah watch all the things you
do you guys doing a yak today yep yeah I
don’t know how that’s going to work but
how but yeah watch the yak watch the
mini golf watch watch everything at
barcol uh I’ll see you guys next week
everyone else we’ll see you tomorrow
goodbye everybody that’s how ball is
yeah family family family family family
family family family family family
family family family


  1. Does every show have to become The Yak now? Can't there be one show that is a little smarter than the 7th grade lunch room?

  2. We all have family with snitches in it, mostly sports included. 1 village idiot per village. Mintz and Tate are still family even if they don't get invited to the reunion

  3. 2 best shows for barstool are mostly sports and is unnecessary roughness,colle football show all with in the business with a great producer in TJ

  4. Conner n ebo are great…wish bwalk still did picks central because it is unwatchable cause doogs talks to much and bwalk would tell him to shut up

  5. Other than The Yak this is my favorite show on Barstool. Have a great vacation Mark, I'm sure it will be a nice one after the house flip!

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