Golf Players

Why Grant Horvat Left Good Good FINALLY Revealed!?

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have we found out why Grant left good
good is this the official official we’re
going to talk about it there’s a lot
actually to cover around Grant so
welcome back to the channel ladies and
gentlemen hit that subscribe button if
you appreciate the content um my post
long weekend peanut brain I just got to
quickly put out a disclaimer here
they’re doing renovations upstairs above
us right now and we kindly asked the
people if they could take a break so I
could record the video and they said yes
and they took a break and I recorded a
10-minute video in that window and then
I just went to edit it and input it and
I realized I forgot to put the turn the
mic on so
now I’m sorry anyways all right this
still going to be a good video I promise
stay with me it won’t be every second of
the whole video hopefully uh really
quick before we dive into the topic
quick message from the sponsor of
today’s video my friends over at Fairway
field ladies and gentlemen quick break
from today’s video as you can see I’m in
the simulator grinding we’re almost done
winter golf here in Vancouver but I got
to give a shout out to the sponsor of
today’s video my homies over at Fairway
this is the peanut butter and jam bar
one of my absolute favorites listen I’ve
been in here for 2 and 1/2 hours I need
sustenance this thing is balanced
complete protein fat and carbs all
natural great ingredients things that
are good for you way better than walking
outside and grabbing some from the local
fast food stand take one of these on the
golf course with you you won’t regret it
linked down below you can use my code
for an extra 10% off you can get 10 bars
for 20 bucks and an extra 10% off with
code Nate at checkout link down below
thank you so much a fairway fuel for
sponsoring today’s video let’s get back
into it all right welcome back so listen
we want to talk about this I’m going to
keep this one as quick into the Bor as
possible so hopefully we minimize the
amount of drilling noise that’s going on
Grand horback Golf has been an absolute
tital wave in the space recently
obviously I mean you look at his last 10
videos he has what more than 10 videos
you look at his last 15 videos he has
one video at less than 400,000 views
like that is absolutely incredible
literally every other video has over 400
,000 views he is the only solo Creator
right now that has done that in the last
15 videos in his last five videos
there’s nothing under 400,000 in his
last 10 videos there’s nothing under
400,000 he has a couple 700,000 view
bangers he has 605 with Joey but what
really gets me is videos like this the
junior golfer video like this is such a
cool idea because none of us knew who
this kid was like other than maybe if
you follow junior golf I guess but for
the most part us as YouTube golf fans
did not know who this guy was and Grant
sought out someone who didn’t even know
what YouTube golf was like this kid
wasn’t even aware of YouTube golf before
Grant reached out to him he had to go
through some back channels to get to him
like he wasn’t even online like all this
crazy stuff so and this ended up being
an Incredible video like this kid was
really cool to watch but my point is is
that Grant is really in my opinion doing
what not anyone else is doing at the
moment obviously he is you know we
report on YouTube golfers like pro
golfers that’s what we do here and you
know Scotty is on a run right now where
it’s like it’s not taking away from
other uh you know professional golers
They’re all playing great but Scotty is
just playing at a level that is just
hasn’t been seen before and I feel like
Grant is on a run rate now that I don’t
know if we’ve seen before like it is
actually insane what this guy is doing
every single video but I’m not here to
just give him a straight Gluck luuck
9000 for his view count I want to talk
about some huge news that Grant
announced I’ll be it 4 days ago but it
was Easter so we didn’t talk about it
over Easter weekend because people
weren’t doing it Grant has announced
that he had let me just read I’m excited
to announce that I’m officially an owner
of Primo golf having an ownership in an
apparel company has been a dream of mine
for a long time and it’s finally come
true Primo took a chance on me and what
we’ve been able to accomplish together
over the last year is truly incredible
I’m thankful to be part of such an
incredible team and can’t wait to dive
into the design process and product
development feeling incredibly blessed
and grateful for this opportunity let’s
do it now those you don’t know obviously
when he left good good one of the first
deals he announced was signing with
Primo Golf and he’s been with them for a
little over a year now Peril deals
usually first time you sign with the
company it’s not going to be longer than
12 months usually it’ll have 12 months
and then a renegotiation period likely
so I’m assuming he came up onto that
renegotiation period but instead of
renegotiating for another apparel
sponsorship he is now an owner he signed
on as a part owner of the company which
is cool and it’s cool for a couple
different reasons number one it’s a
puzzle piece in the YouTube gol World
anything that moves our space forward
and increases the opportunities for you
know General creators but also future
creators and just grow the space that’s
something I want to see Brian Bros
buying a golf course and having
essentially a YouTube golf golf Grand
horth becoming an owner in Primo good
good partnering with NBC having a
broadcast deal on peacock these are all
like bigger picture things that are good
for the space and so this one really
excites me because this is not I this is
I don’t think this is a short-term play
this is Grant looking long term this is
Grant like if Grant doesn’t want to make
YouTube videos anymore or he wants to
make class or whatever like this is a
future proofing plan for Grant horbath
he obviously believes in the company you
know I think Primo is still a relatively
young company but from everything I’ve
seen from the outside and the people
they’ve worked with I think obviously
they’re doing all right and I think
Grant obviously knows more and believes
in them and believes in the future with
them and I think he wouldn’t be doing
this if he didn’t think this was going
to be setting him up for the future so
that’s really cool and it’s really cool
because I guarantee you short term this
is probably less good for Grant like I
think Grant probably if he just
renegotiated 12 the contract the biggest
Solo YouTube offer right now he could
have asked for the moon like I from
again I know I haven’t talked to Grant I
haven’t talked to Primo this is not
inside information this is pure
speculation let me just brief that
really quick but from everything I know
from my time in this space but also my
background in CrossFit and looking at
you know knowing athletes apparel deals
in that space like dude mid mid low to
mid six figures is so reasonable for
Grant to be getting paid annually from a
company like this like anywhere from
like a quarter million to half a million
dollars I know that sounds insane I
could be way off but like from my past
knowledge and and seeing what you know
top tier athletes in CrossFit get paid
this dude is so much bigger than a
CrossFit athlete and golf is so much
bigger and there’s so much more money in
golf I can only imagine so listen that’s
just the generalization but just to tell
you that you know that it’s I don’t
think I’m that far off and him doing
this is likely not going to result in
him getting that much in annual
dividends I wouldn’t think but I know he
could have a fee attached to being an
owner or salary attached to it for sure
but I really do think that this is much
more of a future play for Grant but
obviously the line that had a lot of
people talking is having ownership in an
apparel company has been a dream of mine
for a long time and it’s finally come
true that’s obviously the line that got
people going that’s why I’m saying is
this why he left good good because
obviously you know that line would and
this is something I’ll be honest I don’t
know the facts on because I don’t ask
for information that I can’t share with
you because I don’t want it to cloud my
ability to be open and honest with you I
don’t want to have to hide things from
you and like rank things in my brain of
like I know this but I can’t share this
so like truly I I don’t ask for stuff
I’m not allowed to share so I don’t know
for sure if Grant had ownership in good
good or not or good good apparel I don’t
think but again that’s just I don’t know
and I don’t want to know I don’t want to
know because if I know then I but that’s
what I think so and in his statement
here that’s what we would all assume
having own chimp her companies has been
a dream of mind for a long time and it’s
finally come true so you know it
probably wouldn’t have however I don’t
necessarily think that a he would have
left good just cuz he wanted to own an
parel company like he could have
probably renegotiated with good to
become an owner I’m sure the kitchen
sink offer if you guys all remember that
that they threw at him to keep him there
I think that would have included
ownership in good good and the good good
apparel company so I think the leaving
is much more about just wanting to be
the solo Creator and not part of the
group and I think the more we see you
get grow and the more we see them having
to travel all the time like it’s so hard
for those guys to keep up with
individual channels and I think Grant
who really wanted to run an individual
Channel that’s more to do with it I
think for I don’t want to say for sure
but I think almost for sure the kitchen
syn offer would have included ownership
stake and good get apparel so anyways it
is still cool though because you know
now able to do and he’s doing it on his
own and whatever but it is it is
something that I think a lot of people
were messaging me about and be like is
this it is this the reason I don’t think
it’s the reason I think it could be part
of it but regardless listen it’s cool
news it’s cool for YouTube golf it’s
cool for Grand Horath who’s doing things
that again I just don’t think we’ve ever
seen the guy is charisma out the Wazoo
he’s very entertaining to watch he’s an
incredible golfer he’s got it all going
he’s got a smile of gold and absolute
chicklets in that mouthpiece and I’m a
big fan of this so anyways guys let me
know your thoughts on all in the
comments below I wanted to cover this
for you happy end of Easter have a great
week I’ll see you in the next one


  1. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like a conflict of interest to be a reporter and take a sponsorship from the main channel you cover. It’s stopping you from speaking on a lot it seems.

  2. Scottie on a run that hasn't been seen before ?????? You obviously didn't watch golf before Scottie came along. Might want to check a guy out named Tiger Woods. Vijay Singh says hello aswell

  3. It’s a great move for Grant and we will probably see more people signing with primo don’t be surprised if we see Bryan bros and busts Jack with primo when their rhoback deals are up

  4. Good for grant! If you put in the work things pay off in the long run! Nothing makes me happier then seeing someone succeed

  5. Hasn’t Grant said he wanted to be closer to his dad in Florida? Between that and getting married you would figure his travel is scaled differently and it’s more flexible to travel on his schedule than be on demand of Good Good’s….

  6. For the GG fanboys, yes they helped Grant gain traction in this space. But Grant outgrew them in 12 months. It shows Grant is a serious YT contributor whilst GG are stuck in the general Gen Z celebrity worshipping demographic.

  7. Scottie has won 8 of his last 48 events.
    Tiger had a stretch where he won 33 times in 100 starts.
    Scottie needs to win 26 more times in his next 52 starts to beat that.
    To say we’ve never seen golf like this is wild. I get you’re newer to the sport, but gotta do better with the data if you gonna say it.

  8. I love this, I just started putting out golf videos more seriously and I know it’s gonna take a lot of time and hard work to see any sort of success. But I’m excited for it

  9. Grant was an altar boy amongst frat boys with Good Good. His “awwwshucks” demeanor meant he was always going to be the foil, not the feature player of that crew. He appeals to a different core audience, and certainly to a wider demographic. I’m absolutely positive that an agent, or a very savvy businessperson in the very least, broke down the potential value and reach of his individual brand for him before he left good good, because that gig was a helluva bird in the hand. And Grant made a very good bet on himself – his Q score is off the charts. Brands are dying to be associated with him.

  10. That Glock glockn 9,000 joke definitely make more r rated jokes more often let’s be honest everyone leave the good good group cause they want more money that simple

  11. If you’re a reporter, you need to ask the hard questions and share otherwise these are just rumors and feels like YouTube golf TMZ.

  12. Primo has total sales of <5 million. Even at 5 million with 15% margins that would mean total profit of $750K. No way they are paying Grant $250K-500K per year. Unlikely he was even getting $100K.

  13. I don’t understand why anyone has an issue with this kid doing his i on in thing . Living his life how he wants . Let the kid do his thing . I’m sorrr I would own anything with gg on it undoubtedly the dumbest name in golf . Sounds like something you buy at Disney land not for golf

  14. I’ll never be a Grant fan again. Poor character guy. The way he treated the company and his friends was very poor. Will not be a promo person either. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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