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Tony Stewart on the death of Dale Earnhardt at the 2001 Daytona 500 | Undeniable with Dan Patrick

Tony Stewart sits down with Dan Patrick and talks about that fateful Daytona 500 in 2001 that claimed the life of NASCAR legend, Dale Earnhardt.

#NASCAR #daleearnhardt #daytona500

2001 Daytona you end up crashing the
sport lost D Earnhardt Senor in that
race looking back on that what do you
remember about your crash all I remember
I was we were three wide coming off a
turn two I was the car on the very
um I think Robbie Gordon was next to me
and Ward Burton was outside of him or
vice versa but whoever the outside guy
was hit the wall they came off hit the
guy next to him that guy hit me and it
turned me to the right and the wall and
that’s the first thing I remembered
after hitting the wall was the car being
stopped and kind of coming to and not
really knowing what’s going on and Bobby
labani is staring at me through the
window going are you all right I’m like
yeah I’m fine he goes you know if we got
to cut the top off we can cut the top
off and I’m like I I don’t no I don’t
want to do that I don’t want to hurt the
car he goes I don’t think you need to
worry about that I had no idea what had
just happened and what what the status
was but I I I said what happened he goes
you landed on top of
me I was running third he was running
23rd and I landed on top of him so I but
I had no idea I said you’re oh it was
Prett I’ll tell you about it later yeah
that you go to the
hospital uh when you’re in the hospital
when do you find out that D or har Senor
is in an accident uh when they
accidentally rolled me in the same room
he was
in so I I had already been there i’ they
had done all the scans on me uh they
went to put me back in a room and they
had already put Dale in the same room
they accidentally put me in there and I
was only in there a second but I I knew
when I saw Dale it wasn’t
good how’s that affect
you I thought I had a bad day I realized
that my bad day wasn’t a bad day at all
and if you see the
crashes yours is
horrific senior just when he crashes at
the angle that he crashes in that was
you know in that
accident after Dale’s accident sparked a
whole new Revolution in driver safety in
our sport but at that time we didn’t
have soft walls we didn’t have head and
restraints um and like you said my crash
looked a lot worse than his his just he
went and he hit with such force and it
just stopped mine just kept going and
going and going and it dissipated the
energy I had one cut and a bunch of
bruises and his was a lot more dramatic


  1. I was 16 and i remember when the crash happened seeing all the resuce workers around Dale i knew he was dead, then saw it on ESPN an hour later

  2. I will never forget that day – Dale had passed at the race track hence no lights and siren when the ambulance was leaving – I stopped watching NASCAR that day 😢

  3. After I saw pictures of the inside of Dale's car, when Ken and Tony say it didn't look good, the floor of the car had blood all over it. If you Google the type of injury that Dale had, he was most likely bleeding out of his ears, eyes, And maybe nose.

  4. I was at that race, sadly. And this is the first time I've heard this story…Dale was my favorite driver, even though my last name is ironically Stewart.

  5. I've lost count of the number of men I watched die on live TV. It's definitely worn away the shine of the sport for me.

  6. Kinetics in crashes. When I saw Tony's crash wow. The crash that Austin Dillion had at Daytona. They looked so bad. Dales crash looked nasty but not life threatening to me then. I was so wrong.

  7. I was help a friend do his roof listening to the race, I passed out, when I woke up I thought I had dreamed Dale is dead. then realized it was so. Bummer of a day.

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