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Mike Weir sees positive momentum for International Presidents Cup team | Golf Today | Golf Channel

International Presidents Cup team captain Mike Weir is interviewed on his possible roster and their chances to win. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #PresidentsCup #MikeWeir
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Mike Weir sees positive momentum for International Presidents Cup team | Golf Today | Golf Channel

we’re back on golf today oh we we 2024
president cup will take place September
26th through the 29th Royal Montreal
Golf Club in Canada International side
looking to win the President’s Cup for
the first time since 1998 to do so have
to upend Jim furick Squad six automatics
six captains picks look at that top six
Sheffer Clark shafley hom morawa and
and the international team is currently
led by Hideki matama four countries
represented in that top six right now
including the host nation hero Nick
Taylor and the team that Mike weer will
have in the back room alongside him also
has a lot of familiar faces today he
announced his four assistant captains
including two former captains Ernie ell
and Trevor imman alongside Australia’s
Jeff Ogie and Camilo
vjas and the president’s Cup Captain
Mike we joins us now from Montreal Mike
we often hear captains say that they set
a tone and they set a management style
with their assistant Captain’s picks and
that’s the first evidence that we get of
that what can we deduce about your
management sidey approaching This
president’s cup from the names you
today well they’re I I feel like they’re
uh also great leaders and great match
play players you know if I start with
Ernie and Jeff their match play record
is is incredible um and the young guys
on our team can lean on those guys for
some of their experience playing match
play as we know it’s so different than
regular stroke play uh tournament so um
I think that’s a big big thing I think
continuity um of what uh what’s been
going on with our team the last few
president cups and and keeping that
going was important to me um so those
are two the big things that led to the
decisions of the captains today Mike
some say that Quail Hollow was a turning
point the 17 A2 12 and a half loss not
withstanding was it a turning point in
some ways is the President’s Cup closer
and closer than maybe the viewer would
think yeah I think so I mean obviously
Australia was was super close um we had
a great chance to win there we didn’t
quite get it done I really think that we
had we had some great momentum Trevor
obviously had to deal with a lot there
and uh in Charlotte uh we you know we
lost some players very close to the
event uh the last minute so
um I thought the guys performed very
well I felt like the uh the energy of
our team and the cohesiveness of our
team really started to to jail and you
can see that that’s transferred the last
couple years the guys look for each
other a lot more they play practice
rounds together a lot more they’re
talking about the president scup they’re
talking about our team a lot more that’s
all positive signs and in a different uh
thing from maybe my era and maybe it
wasn’t on the guys Forefront of their
mind and now it is only one of your
assistant captains my Camilo Vas is
still playing much on the pator on a on
a pretty regular basis is there any
concern for you that your guys aren’t in
the weeds in the locker room with these
guys week in week
out um yeah but I think that you know
with Trevor being out there and being
the lead analyst and being connected to
the game so closely uh that’s why I
chose Camilo because he is you know he’s
also in the Winner’s category so he’s
he’s actually being paired with the guys
quite a bit um and he’s a real energetic
guy and the guys love him and really
gravitate towards him so um Jeff’s
playing a little bit out there um as
well and and Ernie’s down in Florida he
he plays a lot with the guys he’s even
though he’s on the champions tour with
me he’s connected to the guys so um I
don’t I don’t personally don’t see it as
a problem I think we’re I think we have
a good balance of uh of Youth and uh and
experience and guys are still connected
Mike some would say one of the biggest
moments of 2023 was Nick Taylor becoming
the first Canadian in 69 years to win
the RBC Canadian open can you capitalize
on that moment in any way as captain of
the President’s Cup
team well yeah that was that was
exciting super exciting for Nick for
Canadian Golf and he’s uh put himself in
a great position I believe he’s fourth
on our list right now um and you know
heading into the major season here just
getting through the Masters and now with
the some other Majors uh coming up the
other Majors coming up um there’s a real
opportunity for you know some of the
other guys to move up the list and um
other Canadians to move up the list to
your point Damon to to capitalize on the
momentum the momentum of Canadian Gulf
right now um and really creating an
energy around you know the Canadian open
that’s coming up in a month and creating
keeping that buzz going right through
the President’s Cup in September so yeah
we want to capitalize on that you’d
probably have at least a couple of
Canadians on your team Mike but in
general your team has barriers that the
US team just doesn’t face you have
language you have culture you have
geography are those getting any easier
to surmount with each president cup or
do you think it’s still a fresh
challenge every
time yeah no doubt Amon it’s it’s always
been a challenge for our team uh but I
think we’ve we’ve galvanized the last
few years we’re we’re really uh feeling
like a team now I think the guys um the
Koreans just don’t stay to themselves
and and the South Africans or the
Australians everybody’s kind of together
now and uh I think it started you know I
I think you know with Ernie kind of
starting to create some dinners I’m I’m
going to Dallas here next week early in
the week and I’ll see some guys on the
course and then we’ll have another team
dinner Tuesday night um so all those
things behind the scenes to to Galvanize
our team and get our guys familiar with
each other and um so so there’s a real
Bond because that that week you you hit
the ground running you you wna you want
to get to the event at in September and
have all those um we want to have our
team cohesive by the time we get there
and not try to do it that week we we
want our team cohesive and uh that’s
starting to happen and getting a little
easier we’re we uh simple thing like
food the culture of our food around all
the International Players having having
the things they’re used to a lot of guys
aren’t used to you know baking and eggs
for breakfast you know um different
cultures they they want their things and
and uh we’ve got a great chef up here in
Montreal that’s uh helping our team out
I had bacon and eggs this morning
speaking of which hey Mike listen
Alejandro toasty imagine a player that’s
kind of leapt onto your radar currently
24th in the international standings I
followed him very close
in Houston he’s a fighter pugnacious
tough what are your thoughts on
Alejandro toasty potentially making your
team yeah yeah I don’t mind that at all
I don’t mind that kind of fiery
atmosphere that uh and that mindset I
would say is conducive to good play and
match play can be um so yeah he’s jumped
on my radar and uh yeah I’m keeping a
close eye on Al Alejandro and um
hopefully he keeps up the great play do
you feel as though you’ve got more
clarity on your team Mike cuz Trevor was
kind of hobbled by a lot of guys
defecting to live during the entire
tenure of his captaincy do you feel as
though that’s less of a concern for you
or is it still in the back of your mind
that it could
happen um I feel like it’s less I I feel
uh you know Trevor like I said earlier I
think he he had to deal with that a lot
greater level than I do um you know
still possibility someone someone could
go uh over there and play but um I think
the core of our team is is pretty clear
and pretty set and I think they’re you
know they know how important the
President’s Cup is and and it’s
important to them they’ve made it clear
to me that’s very important to them so I
think uh it’s not as much as a factor as
a couple years ago Mike what kind of
leader of men do you want to be for your
squad yeah I I’ve been asked that before
I think you know I just want to be
myself you know I want to be myself and
be authentic to to the guys and and
that’s I present myself I am who I am um
you know I might be a little bit more
reserved and quiet but you know you put
me between the ropes you know the the
old hockey player comes out in me and I
can be as competitive and and want to
play anybody and and desire to play
anybody in my day as I as I could and I
want to convey that to our guys that to
be ready to play anybody and um I
believe in our guys when I look down the
list at our top 20 guys I’m very
confident in our guys and uh I want to
show that confidence to our players
because I I really truly believe in them
and so do our assistant captains Mike
you don’t need any reminding that it’s
been 25 years since the international
team has won the president cup although
there have been some close matches with
such a lopsided history it’s probably
not surprising to you that you tend to
hear this narrative that the format
needs to change or something has to
adjust in the same way the writer cup
did back in 1979 when it became Europe
does that bother you in any respect that
kind of story that maybe it should
become a coed event or do do you feel as
though it undermines the event or your
team in any
respect yeah I mean that’s a great
question I think it it does it it hits
me wrong I I do feel like our team gets
disrespected when those things are
brought up and I understand the I
understand the question because it has
been lopsided but we have a we have a
really good team like I said even though
we haven’t crossed quite qu crossed the
line uh we feel like we have a great
chance to this time the matches have
been anybody who’s really paid close
attention and watch the matches see that
they’re super competitive matches and
that uh it could swing either way with
key putt here and there little chip in
went the went the other way for us in in
Charlotte little small things it’s not
that far off so you know when I hear
those things I’m like well you’re not
watching closely these matches are tight
and um I suspect it’ll be the same in in
Montreal and September Mike great to see
you great to see the shield emblazened
on the chest as well we will speak to
you soon

1 Comment

  1. Int'l winning in Quebec, especially, is more than possible considering the current state of American golf. the fan support will be quite a shock to many. i'd like to see Ryan Fox play his way onto the team as well.

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