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No Zion for Pelicans Friday | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

The Pelicans learned on Wednesday they’ll be without Zion Williamson when the Sacramento Kings come to town on Friday night. How big of a blow is this for New Orleans?

Plus, Caitlan Clack gets a shoe deal with Nike. How impactful is this for women’s basketball?

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not playing songs on the microphone and
then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t
e e
my genetics it didn’t I I have this
disease if you will with my
fingernails like you see my fingernails
are all they’re they’re very uh short I
mean they’re short as they can be right
you’re looking at them weird wise no I
was just actually I think I have the
tiniest nails because see how they are
like I bite them but like if they grew
from there it would be the not the
what’s the cuticle right is the cuticle
down at the base or the top I the
cuticle was the whole thingy no oh maybe
you’re right like but you know how like
if you grew yours a little bit longer
probably from where they are they’d
start to get probably
like a different coat at the top like a
different col but mine would be from
here and it just it looks weird cuz I’ve
a couple times like okay I’m not going
to bite them and then I go like you know
six weeks it just looks weird to me have
tiny nails tiny nails tiny okay weirdo
party of one I know with uh oh wait real
quick let me pause for a second I
totally forgot that reminded me hey
Chris sorry buddy was thinking about you
thinking about you I watched it I’m sure
you were I did I watched it uh yeah just
a quick aside give me 60 seconds with
Chris here because no one else is going
to care about any of this um they why
why did they pull Holland just he was
tired no they were just sitting back so
the idea of going with the false n was
might have used him could have used him
for penalties yeah yeah okay soccer guy
yeah yeah yeah man city crashed out
yesterday of the Champions League uh
that was huh no relegated to not being
in the Champions League for the rest of
the year um that was just such when you
watch Championship level soccer like I
do a ton and then you switch to
something like that it’s like oh my God
and Manchester City is like watching
them play is like watching a uh it’s
like watching surgery they just it’s
like pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
oh my God he kicked it across the field
but it was a perfect pass pass pass pass
pass pass and they’re just looking for
openings that was the weirdest game dude
because I’m watching it and it’s like
Man City controls the ball pass pass
pass pass pass pass pass shot pass pass
pass pass pass uh Corner pass pass pass
and I think like I think it took to like
the second round of extra
time before the other team even got
their first corner kick I think that’s
right but then like the other team when
they get the ball it was like watching
warp speed yeah and they were crazy
countering but like I that man city at
least ball wise dominated the whole
thing and then they went into uh penalty
kicks goal started out great man city
made theirs and then uh saved the first
one but
then didn’t work out did you have
thoughts I did
yeah they weren’t good thoughts want to
share them they weren’t good out loud
thoughts no they weren’t yeah some
people heard my inside thoughts there
your thoughts I heard turkey sausage
yeah were you screaming turkey sausage
at man I was not singing screaming
turkey sausage no you weren’t well I was
just thinking about yesterday thank you
I just was getting over that this
morning hey I mean thanks for just like
scratching at the scar I know this won’t
help again this is the I lost an armal I
lost two legs thing but um you could be
me waking up
Saturday watching two championship clubs
go at it knowing
you pretty much of the three remaining
games with nine points possible you need
six or you have to go to a whole
different League next year and play them
for a year and hopefully you get to come
back up to where you are right now now
yeah at least I mean you know it’s
champagne problems right you got to
think that way this is a great this is a
great comparison to Kings fans I mean as
long as we’re giving positives to
negatives yes if they do go down there’s
a good chance that they’ll be on the
rexam show on FX next season yes very
good chance because rexam is in the uh
they’re two leagues below huttersfield
town and rexam would move up and hter
shield town would move down and
then yes we’ll get a picture with Ryan
Reynolds that would be the I would
gladly avoid that anyway I mean man city
was like fairly Irrelevant for most of
my life growing up they were like that
other Manchester team and now they
basically win everything now they’re man
when I found about them I said there’s
another team in Manchester huh right
right and if I’m correct I believe you
have a tattoo on your wrist of the time
that they scored their goal that allowed
them to win the Premier League title
correct I on my chest yes so that’s how
hardcore that is I was also on the news
that day and now we’re at a point where
you’re coming off what they call a
treble where you win the FA Cup the
champions league and the Premier
League and you just crashed out of the
quarterfinals I believe of the Champions
League you’re very much you just got
handed a big wrapped gift of the Premier
League title race probably with the two
other teams that were right there with
and both losing at
home and you’re very upset about
yesterday’s match which is okay it’s
your right to do that but also it is
kind of an interesting perspective
here’s the thing because then it’s this
is definitely the younger generation
that you see on social media is that
it’s it’s Warriors fans yesterday like
blow it all up yes what are they doing
it’s just like guys what are you talking
about that’s exactly right all right I
feel like I have things in perspective
I’m bummed out but it’s just not like oh
my God why we deserve this blah blah
blah like yes well that’s because you’re
not English yeah that’s true that is a
big difference all right where were we
Jason we were talking about fingernails
and you were saying the cuticle thingy
yeah I have this oh I left out I think I
left it have a weird disease
gross I’m a very you wouldn’t think this
but I’m a very hygienic person when it
especially when it comes to my hands and
fingernails why am I rocking back and
forth like Scott Marsh that’s weird I
just noticed that it’s kind of relaxing
um if my finger nails
grow like I don’t even know what the
measurement would be I think it’s even
less than a millimeter off of where you
clip them down dude they it’s like Pig
pin they it’s like they magnet dirt from
everywhere and there is nothing any more
disgusting than having fingernails that
are that like greenish t inch with dirt
in them yeah freaks me out so I always
carry Clippers with me just in case you
do and you clip over there sometimes I
do very and I I clip and I’m by the way
I’m very careful with the nails stuff
you’re clip conscious I’m very clip very
this has been going on for a long time
I’ve done I’ve remember this yes I used
to do this on the the night show it’s a
little weird when you do your toes but
I’m I’ve become comfortable you ever you
ever clipped all your toenails and put
them in a pile and then just chew on
them for a while is that weird uh just
gross gross
gross so I don’t know I don’t know what
the solution to that is but I think I I
see some people that they they have
their nails grown out to where like the
white the white part of the nail
whatever that’s called we don’t know the
anatomy yes it’s and it’s like they look
great they’re like the it’s like the
clear part of the nail and then it’s
white that’s what I was saying before
that whatever that’s called mine would
grow from here so I think that would
look weird that might be you should try
it okay summer just take a look and see
what it looks like CU your nails already
your fingernails are already to the end
of your fingers right now yes yours are
like I don’t know how way short they’re
little they yeah I see they’re little
baby nails then do you so you don’t clip
them you bite them pretty much sometimes
I clip them but probably more but if I
greo from here it would be the white
part already and it would just that
would be weird yeah yeah I don’t how do
you get the Clipper all the way down
yeah wow wow I mean baby nails pillow
tiny baby nails
the screen pleas when Lenny dyster had a
kid that’s what they called him baby
nice that’s a good PLL anyways I don’t
know if that’s a thing or not I guess
but you know figure I I ain’t fingernail
hygiene I don’t love the we talk about
everything on this dumb show I think
fingernail hygiene is one of the one of
the more important hygiene things yeah
yeah I agree you know you don’t want to
see somebody dir now look there’s people
that have jobs and stuns like you’re
have dirty fingernails no matter like I
went and got my tire changed at a local
tire changer the other day that’s what
they’re called yeah and uh you guys
would recognize this play and they
always wear like these their uniform is
like this white button-up shirt little
red lettering and like the guy who was
working the regist I think they rotate
like you go no pun intended you go out
and you you’re the tire changer the one
day and then the next day you hey I’m on
cashier day I get to Rel and I’m just
I’m looking at the guy who’s perfectly
you could tell showered nice
upapp uh nice white shirt everything’s
great but then when he went to like go
do the cashier stuff like his hands were
just yeah black smeared oily you know
and this was a very clean person you
could tell but that’s permanent man I
mean not permanent but like I think he I
think he would have to lose that layer
of skin right through time to get rid of
it the kind of thing where if he’s like
here take a complimentary doughnut and
he handed it to you with his hand yeah
good I don’t need a
donut or whatever WD Donut from the 209
do you guys ever talk sports no what’s
what are sports I don’t is that I know
we’re gonna talk about Javelin later I
am huge team Javelin thought it was
Yavin when you’re tired of
sports Yavin Javelin havene Havalina
Havalina how much better would Javelin
be if it was team like five on five but
instead of C see how right like instead
of instead of how far you could throw it
everyone it’s like Dodge
Javelin isn’t that a
car DOD Dodge
Javelin you just I mean you pretty much
I guess maybe they did that in Gladiator
days probably but I think those were
Spears yeah people died hey is that
where the javelin came from the spear
that’s right right that makes sense has
to be has to be would that would be a
tough way to go like a long distance
jab I mean closeup at least there’s
probably some warning but like you’re
not paying attention oh 100% you know
back in Greece yeah where where you
rifle arm Ricky could just oh Josh
Allen Kus or whatever he’s a Greek one
throwing the javelin was incorporated
into the Olympic Games in 708 BC as part
of the pentathlon I covered that
so you had the Olympics of
708 and then to follow that you had the
Summer Olympics of 704 I assume yes and
then and then 700 do you think at any
point the competitors were like why are
we counting
down what is
happening I was 26 and now I’m 22 what
happens at zero what’s going on what are
we coming towards yeah
well if you’re 24 and 708 at some point
15 and did they even know what time is
anyway does anybody really know did they
call it the year six in six and if
somebody said what year is it it’s six
well how old are you I’m 22 I have a
feeling they didn’t count down they
counted up you it was just bringing in
the New Year we’re forgetting everything
before seven eight not wait where do we
end that’s like the old uh I forget
whose bit it was but I I want to give
him credit where he’s like you know if
you look at the battles of religion
Through The Years there’s one argument
for the Christians what year is it what
happened 2024 years ago anything
anything happened we are all as a group
counting forward from what what about
the Chinese what about Chinese New Year
well next time you do your tax and it
has the year put monkey and see what the
IRS does who did oh just missed that
opportunity I just remembered who did it
oh we don’t want to uh different time
would they like to count back they would
yeah they’d like to count back and
initials uh that would be the yes okay
yeah yes I think we all have it I think
we all have it we’ll take a bre you guys
ever talk SP when we come back we’ll
lead it off Kings p skins tomorrow night
fingernails fingernails
Javelin counting
backwards and turkey turkey sausage and
big shoe deal for Caitlyn Clark coming
up uh we have a we have an estimate as
to what that’ll be plus also we didn’t
get in this conversation there’s nothing
people want to hear more than uh two
older white men talk about uh gender
inequality and and possible racial
issues when it comes to marketing and
all that so I think we should dive into
that older I count backwards I was
talking about coming back leading off
his next did you miss any part of our
live shows don’t worry you never have to
miss them again check out sack
podcast Page and Play our shows when you
want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason
Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive
guys plus other podcasts like Return of
the Empire return of the Roar The
Stingers up podcast and Golf to go with
Frank LaRosa they’re all available right
now on sack toown what’s up we’re talking to
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off the three top stories in the morning
huge news this is very important here’s
cut number one well this was a game that
was critical for both teams coming into
this one and it was the Pelicans who
came in and continued to do what they’ve
done all season long against the
Sacramento Kings they spank them 135 123
12o separation that’s your final score
and the Pelicans get their 48th win the
Kings are now 45 and 35 with two games
to go including the Phoenix Suns in this
building tomorrow
night I remember how that went too you
win six in a row over an NBA team
happened before never happened
ever one team lost s you you’ve never no
one’s ever swept somebody sick straight
in this series except for that time one
time yeah hey um here’s something uh
Kings Pelicans that’s what 6:30 6:30
6:30 Pacific
Friday uh J Jason you want to you want
to meet up for a gumbo after the game
yeah you want to go this just happened
to happen uh you and I will both be
there correct we’ll both you’re actually
going you’re full this is getaway day
for you I’m PR I’m leaving now you’re
you’re yes you are I’m not here are you
already packed yes uh I need to be so
you’re flying out today you’ll be doing
the show live on location correct from
uh New Orleans tomorrow and then after
tomorrow’s show I will uh I will join
you out there and we will hopefully
watch you have a fast car I I’m ding
very fast actually here’s a fun story
that we’ll just get through here real
quick I like to title this story Dave’s
just stupid so last night chapter
47 so last night after you and I hang up
actually I’ll do this in third person
Dave calls our boss to inform him that
Dave this boss that boss uh uh our
boss Jose yeah okay so Dave calls our
boss our program director and to inform
him that he’ll be uh at the New Orleans
game at the Kings game on Friday and
that there’s a slight chance that he
might have to leave a few minutes early
Friday um in order to make the flight
right maybe not I’ll find out today
might might have to leave 15 and a half
hour whatever and if he had an issue at
all I I was going to call uh Styles and
Watkins say hey if this happen any
chance you guys to come in early and uh
because I said Jason will be in New
Orleans and he paused and he goes well I
don’t have any issue with that but you
said Jason’s doing the show Friday right
I go yeah he’s doing the show he
go why would you need to call Styles and
Watkins if Jason and Chris are doing the
show wouldn’t they just do the show and
you could leave early and I paused and I
thought about it I
went I don’t know why I did not think
that I don’t know why I called you to
ask you this yes they will both be here
and I don’t need to call Styles and
Walkin so I apologize and hung up the
phone there was literally no reason for
me to call it it did not occur to me at
all that since you were doing the show
yeah it would just be fine for you to
finish the last part of the show if
necessary I thought up this whole
plan that’s why I will not be the
captain of our Javelin
team just a participant just a
participant I’ll be a grunt uh King’s
Pelicans tomorrow 6
let’s go and uh yeah we will have uh
Jason you’ll be actually working and
broadcasting and doing stuff uh and look
win or lose whatever we’ll talk about
that later but as far as I know and I
will take a quick look at this yesterday
the line opened at the Kings favorite in
did I hear this right to and that was
pre official Zion news pre official that
and again that’s why we look at the
lines because here we go as of this
morning Sacramento is favored by by one
and a half and has not moved so that is
why we look at these lines is often
somebody knew Zion was going to be out
or at least guessed it and that’s why
there’s been no movement since the
announcement which was uh towards the
end of our program yesterday uh so we’ll
talk about that we’ll talk about Brandon
Ingram if there’s something wrong with
him did I hear right have the Kings been
favored in every game against New
Orleans this year somebody told me
they’ve been fa they were favored in all
five I did not know that if that’s the
case I did not know that either which
means they would have to have been
favored in three of the road games which
makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
yeah there’s some little there there’s
some weird quirks going on obviously the
Kings the one time they played the
Pelicans this year without Zion lost by
33 Pelicans right now Dave I don’t know
if we feel good about this or bad about
they’ve lost six in a row at home so
you’ve got the Kings have lost five in a
row to the Pelicans you the Pelicans
have lost six in a row at home one of
those things is going to uh stop on
Friday yeah personally do you have a do
you have a one you’d like to see I have
a preference oh that’s weird and coming
up at 6:30 I’ll tell you which
preference I have cut number two wait
what cut number two fires a three Wong
go rebound Heisman fak brings it back
out hero FS his three-pointer it’s up
it’s good onepoint game with three
touchs of a second remaining ball knock
loose and that’ll do
it they need arguing that there should
be time on the clock
talking Tony Brothers says no the game
is over
the let come back it was a great yeah it
was because it sure looked like this is
GNA be another uh Miami heiti thing yeah
and it could be a Philly Boston opening
round could have been could have been
maybe that was a Nicks Sixers opening I
like that yeah I like that and if we get
Boston Miami I mean I guess Chicago
could win and that’s just a yeah it’s
just a fun little thing he yeah you know
what I’m saying like Nicks Sixers
Eastern Conference
1994 let’s go yeah you know um also not
great news for the heat not only do they
lose and they will now host the Bulls uh
in the early game Friday that will be at
4M uh but it looks like Jimmy Butler
will be out multiple weeks which
probably means Jimmy Butler will be out
multiple months cuz tough to imagine
them winning without him although unless
they’re visiting Sacramento earlier in
the season uh he he played the last
three quarters of the game last night
after suffering in the first what is now
feared to be a significant MCL injury so
barring something incredibly
miraculous uh Jimmy Butler’s season is
over in Miami more on that later quick
quick cut number three please number
three with the first pick in the 2024
WNBA draft the Indiana Fever select
Caitlyn Clark University of
Iowa ah they did it they did it sure was
a little shocked yeah so there’s this
thing going on now which actually is
kind of a good thing because now that
the the WNBA and women’s basketball is
getting mainstream of course it’s not
always going to be great conversations
there’s going to be some of the same
issues and problems and and backbiting
and all that stuff that happens uh in
the you know the mainstream men’s sports
now it’s now it’s spreading and now
you’re seeing people you know why is
Caitlyn Clark on SNL why is kitlin clar
getting a a giant shoe deal which I
think the numbers will be announced like
why is this going on but like why wasn’t
the South Carolina team on SNL and why
isn’t uh AIA Wilson who’s the two-time
MVP final why isn’t she you know
these are all very legitimate questions
incredibly legitimate questions and I
think that there’s nothing better than
to just jump into a very highly charged
topic and offer opinions on sports radio
so I think we’ll do that around
7:43 and uh and just have a you know
conversation because I do think there
are some things out there that we need
to include in that conversation and I
think it’s a lot deeper Jason then um
she gets more ratings and is more
visible so none of the other stuff
matters and that’s why I I think that’s
a huge part of it but I see a lot of
people saying well she’s more
marketable maybe but also what’s being
done in that market for you know there’s
a lot it’s a good conversation to have
we’ll do that when we come back though
the Kings will face the Pelican Zion is
out let’s get into it and we’ll get into
it next dear Fox plays here Sten by Fox
Breakaway coming up for dearon and a
simple casual Spike for the left hand
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proud home of the Sacramento Kings
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Sports well if Jimmy Butler played three
quarters why can’t mik monk play on
Friday well cuz is he see oh don’t start
that although this just in
look did you see him leap off the bench
on all those threes that Keegan was
making he looked like he could go Dave
let me tell you something man this is
why it ticks me off when somebody’s like
that’s a jinx I’m like you have no idea
how much in the world of jinx I live I
live in the world of jinx so much that I
believe that you can think a jinx
without saying it so here’s what
happened to me at one point yesterday
afternoon I
and this is just for example purposes
I’m not putting it out
there I found myself by myself playing
Royal match on my phone passing some
time and right when I passed one of the
Royal match levels I started I went I
don’t know why this triggered me but I
was like
hey I wonder if we did beat the Pelicans
Friday what are the chances of Malik
being back like is it even in the realm
of possibility that he would play
whether the entire Thunder series or he
could be back by game four like how
close are we and then I’m in the middle
of like thinking about I’m like well I
should make a call and then in this is
all a conversation in my head I
admonished myself for having these
thoughts and shut up and stop thinking
about it because you’re G to jinx
something and then then they’re gonna
lose for us so stop with that
conversation so I I I don’t know what to
do with that because on one hand we
should do our jobs and find out on the
other hand and I guess I I would like to
trust that our local media that the
people that are there every day asking
questions they’ll ask it and then if if
we lose we can blame them for jinxing it
well ju and just some uh of the facts
behind it too right I mean generally
Mike Brown likes to see a player at
practice first yeah which has not
happened yet well Mike Brown’s got to
relax it’s the playoffs and number two
the initial evaluation let’s remember as
a press release doesn’t mean it can’t
change was four to six weeks
re-evaluation I don’t like that tomorrow
marks three
weeks so gross yeah I don’t like that I
say we move it to three to four weeks
but you know what I would like to see
him play as a king again so I would
suggest that they win tomorrow who and
then I think there’s a chance wow oh my
goodness so you just called your shot
that he is not com no I just said I’d
like to see just so I know for
sure I would too I would like to see
Malik M play as a king again and cap off
the Year by winning a title and then
let’s see and the six no and get slided
for six- man just so he could be mad
yeah because wouldn’t and we’re gonna
have Sam Amicon later today and I think
we should he votes and everything we’ll
run through his Awards yes uh hope make
him be very vulnerable yeah very very
yeah if he goes he now we asked him a
couple weeks ago he said he’s not
falling for the nas Reed banana the
tailpipe situation so I hope he’s not
but got I gotta tell you NZ Reed’s now
the favorite to win six man and it feels
like he’s going to it feels like based
on some early returns that have been
leaked out he’s going to and that’s
stupid ask me if I voted for him did you
vote for Nas Reed
Nas I like legitimately was like as I
was asking you like I didn’t know you
had to vote you do i n
n gu started in his last 12 games
exactly I don’t have anything against n
Reed I know I wanted
same but like come on man not your time
not your time Nas Nas Nas Nas Nas Nas
that’s multiple people saying n yeah oh
there were a lot of Nas over there yay
Nas Z Williamson’s officially out uh so
no Zion great news
wait the Pelicans beat the Kings at gold
one Center by I think 84 points was Zion
out the final total was 33 but I I think
they were down 50 yeah yeah yeah
yeah well gross yeah if that happens try
to do it again
Elin or or don’t or just yeah do you
really want to win no do they they I
don’t think they should I don’t think
they they could tank you already tank
for web Yama you already had five wins
yes thank you Chris you already had your
five wins right that’s enough that that
enough some would say it’s more than
enough yeah there is sh there’s a very
famous restaurant in New Orleans called
Commander’s Palace they sell 25 cent
martinis at the bottom of the menu it
says limit three why because three is
enough yeah they got five and we don’t
need to get to eight as enough no we
don’t which a is enough Sacramento base
there you go we figured it out heard a
leak by the way too for the people that
uh not I me New Jersey but the you know
what the Kings wear they will be wearing
the white ones again and it will be red
Pelican jerseys and the what are they
the white statement jerseys or what the
hell they call are they gonna make a
statement I well I will tell you they
will what are any of our Kings I’m
looking at our no show off The Jersey no
no anybody no we got black blue black
and purple so like that Jersey the fox
one over
there yes okay yes the the can you even
see that no hold on okay this one the
one that Dave’s T oh boy will you
successfully get it back on the wall is
the question
okay all right so here is by the way how
long’s the dog bed going to be here oh I
need to take the dog I left the dog bed
home or I left the dog bed here I need
to take it home okay so this is the
Jersey they’re going to wear does it
feel like a winner
don’t tickle he’s
ticklish um you know it does okay at
least from feeling the glass
yeah yeah it was a little low a little
handsy so yes the the this is the Jersey
they’ll be wearing does this does this
look like a
winning Jersey in New Orleans I hope it
does yeah I hope so
too I hope they don’t
lose gross and they’re going the red the
what Rish yeah color they have okay all
right okay how do you feel about that
now we know now we know what colors to
wear so when you’re packing for your
trip Dave you know to wear your
statement the oh my gosh there’s no
chance you successfully get this
jersey do you yeah no maybe yeah there’s
no Chris how long you think this will
take till the 8m I a couple breaks Sam’s
coming on at 8 Dave just so you know
that is terrible oh my
shut up
crooked uh oh yeah got it no you don’t
great pit yeah I I already regret would
you have been better off opening the
case and taking the Jersey out or yes I
got it you got it who does the handiwork
around the house um Avery oh my
goodness no you don’t that is
terrible wow that’s a jinx no no
yep that’s how I thought it would
go okay
well is that like do we have to get that
we have to get that back up properly
don’t we or does it
matter Jinx Commander this is a question
for you I have no idea the
answer um that’s a great question
because I just took the fox Jersey off
the- wall in the
studio that they will be
wearing in New Orleans yeah now on one
hand you could argue that might be a
good thing we’re we’re we’re displaying
we’re putting it in a place of honor
yeah on the other hand oh my
god did we just jinx them I don’t think
you did I just think we still have time
to fix it yeah we do is it does it need
to stay down does it go up back up I
that’s the question I mean if it does
stay down we should put it somewhere
cool like this is the jersey of the
night also where is engineering how are
they not here to put it back here now
right we can’t even get them to change
the input on hun TV engineering why
aren’t you here at 640 come on
engineering quit playing solitire we’ll
take a break when we come back uh one
more question we got a lot more on the
Kings Pelicans including if if a team
gets uh I even wrote it down this way if
a team gets dog walked five straight how
do you win the sixth because they were
they dog walked or boat raced bat
flapped bat flapped all the above that’s
right bat FL they were turkey sausag how
do we throw the sausage back what safeer
out coming up next uh back to baseball
including uh don’t break up those A’s
don’t actually don’t that is happening
actually stop do not break up the a uh
and more coming up next on the Move got
somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings
basketball with you the sack toown
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Outdoors safe or out it’s time to go
around baseball three pitches three
swings it’s safe or out on the
Carmichael Dave show with Jason
Ross safeer out time again still coming
up later in the show we will hear from
Kelly Brothers Sports
business good at business yeah he’s
coming up in about 45 minutes Sam Amic
at 8:00 from the athletic lots to
discuss with Sam Sam was at the Kings
Warriors game the other day but the
Jimmy Butler news Zion Williamson news
the playin playoffs all of that coming
up with Sam at 8 o’clock but it is that
time each and every day right now yeah
did it did it I say we Chris did it
basically ah well you should have told
me I was downstairs looking for
engineers oh okay how’d that go they’re
not here yet okay safer out question one
sa for out the A’s have won six of 10
and are two and a half games ahead of
hey just found out uh departure tomorrow
at 10:15 uhuh I got a Miss Friday funing
games and you’re already doing it it’s
going to be a New Orleans version guess
I could call it we’re taste
um would I have believed it possible
would you have believed that possible in
spring training yeah
um I certainly wouldn’t have believed it
likely like if you just said to me two
and a half games ahead of the seven time
American League Championship Series team
Houston Astros like will the A’s at any
point be ahead of the AST I think I
think of a safer out question in spring
training would be the Astros have won
seven straight you know whatever thingy
dingies would will the A’s at any point
after let’s say game two right be ahead
of the Astros and I would have said yeah
I think I would have said out that’s out
are you kidding me look nobody’s
nobody’s talking about the A’s being uh
you know World Series contenders here
but they’ve won six of
10 uh they beat the Cardinals 63
yesterday Paul Blackburn is just two
and0 with a buck8 ER so far this
season and lo and behold I want to say
let me bring it up I think they’re two
and a half is that right they’re
two back of the Texas
Rangers and uh their record my birthday
811 hey how about time Hey how about
that they’ve won six to 10 I love the
story give me a give me give me an out
and uh I’ll I’ll eat the crow for that I
wouldn’t have thought that yeah I think
I don’t think you’re alone on that a lot
of people thought this was going to be
an awful year for the A’s and it still
could end up being that but look the
longer you start to play well and
believe in yourself and this is good I
love the the fact that they’re doing
this and um I hope they continue that
would be a really really good story
safer route number two safeer out the
Giants come home having split six in
Florida saer out the road trip was
successful I think so and look the the
Marlins aren’t great uh but the Tampa
Bay Rays are I mean they’re just and the
Marlins did make the playoffs last year
they’re not great this year but they
made it last year you’re right you’re
100% correct I I I think a a road trip
split is just fun especially considering
they’re five and eight on the road small
sample size kind of interesting you know
the Giants have 13 Road games they know
they have just six home games right now
that’s a pretty big disparity especially
when you consider they started out I
think uh two series one Padres and
Dodgers on the road uh so the Giants
eight and 11 same as the A’s uh I will
say safe that was a successful not
overwhelming but a successful road yeah
safe as well come home and then start
getting some wins get this going get it
going to the right direction get that
pitching going get them I mean they just
haven’t really I don’t feel like they’ve
played well yet which is and they’re not
buried by any means as far as the
overall big picture in the National
League but um yeah safe three and three
is just fine yeah check on this I got a
couple of couple of them out there but
uh I might uh I got I got a 100 bones
with Olden polyes that the Giants I’m
saying the Giants will miss the wild
card he that’s right yeah so uh they’re
they’re three back gotta check on that
wonder what you’ll secretly be rooting
for come August and I’m out on the
Giants anyways but I don’t care yeah
only 140 games left you really gotta
yeah keep an eye on it I’ve seen enough
yes you’re right You’ seen enough I’ve
seen enough they’re missing the Wild
Card you don’t want to owe Olden penes
money no
never know what’ll happen Owen Poes Owen
polles number three safer out please the
Nationals blank the Dodgers who are now
12 and N See for out La is
underperforming expectations I I look
again we’re 21 games into the season I
think the Dodgers will be just fine but
yeah I think 12- n is I think 12- n is
the reverse expectation failure of the
A’s being eight and 11 I I think the A’s
are overachieving at a at a rate equal
to the Dodgers underachieving now in
both cases the A’s will almost certainly
be a last place team in their division
and the Dodgers will almost certainly
win the NL West and go on to do whatever
but as much as I wouldn’t have expected
the a to be eight and 11 after 19 I
wouldn’t have expected the Dodgers to be
just 12 and N after 21 so yeah I will
say safe they are under performing
expectations they all can’t beat the New
York Yankees Dave wow oh wait this is a
Dodger question it yeah I would say
they’ve at this point but again this
could all be a failed exercise now and
go look at the Dodgers running away with
it so I think people think they will
there’s still plenty of time for them to
do that but at this point 12 and N yeah
I would say that’s safe they’ve
underperformed and uh it’s always nice
when you’re the Yankees and you just go
oh let’s add a Alex Verdugo who’s not
hitting yet Juan stto Marcus strowman
yeah let just add that to the how’s your
boy allrise doing I haven’t heard much
no no he’s under 200 big hit yesterday
though ninth inning knocked in too beat
the Blue Jays yeah hey you want to be
the voice of the Yankees or John
Sterling retired like on the spot on the
SP yeah that worried me when I saw that
like like I like oh he’s gonna finish
wait he’s done like done done done like
as of that game was done so it makes you
wonder two things either well a number
of things but the main two I’m wondering
is a is it you know you hope it’s not
something health related which he said
it wasn’t but makes you still and then
you got to wonder maybe he had a call
you he he’ been thinking about it and he
went in and started the season and maybe
he had a call and he just missed a bunch
of stuff or whatever something must have
triggered in his head where he said I
don’t I don’t have it yeah I’m I’m lo I
don’t have what I had he meant to
announce that he was gonna keep going
but he was accidentally already it was
already yeah
exactly that’s a deep cut dude four uh
13 that was the best thing about him
retiring is good to see all of his best
ofs uh what was it the 96 title call I
think they say was maybe one of his if
not his best okay um but I mean you know
my favorite is and it is
gone what is happening he’s on
first actually surprised that doesn’t
happen more often too by the way we’ll
take a break uh when we come back let’s
uh look at the other basketball six or
heat BS
Hawks and was just me was Easter
Conference plays Dumb just boring uh
maybe I’m biased we’ll talk about it
next the Sacramento Kings did it they
eliminated the Warriors and kept their
season alive swing it to Keegan going
for another one and he hits it from the
line drive on the right wing that’s the
eighth three-pointer that Keegan Murray
has made in 13 attempts he has 32 point
now they need to do it again on Friday
in New Orleans Kings and Pelicans Friday
at 6:30 on your home of the Kings sack
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Sports the carmichel Dave show he’s on
the microphone when he’s not on the
microphone he’s playing a song and when
he’s not playing a song He’s on the
microphone and then Bo with Jason Ross
no he didn’t yes he did call or text at
916 339 11140 it’s the Carmichael Dave
show with Jason Ross on sack toown
from stepen the show has so many in Jo
inside inside inside Goode inside jokes
it should be illegal love you guys Steve
saage what’s he talking I don’t know uh
Dave what level of level of Royal match
are you on that’s I honestly this could
be this could be
ugly let me see here it’s a can I I was
into this game like a long time ago and
I’m not anymore I would how okay well
me I know that song I just started oh
you did well I started a few months ago
I apologize now let me throw a caveat I
got to the point were it was it got so
hard he purchased things no no well
yeah yeah course Here’s my thought
process I buy video games you know
there’s s some weird thing on the
internet have you over spent for a
regular video game no no but you know a
retail video game will be like 50 60
bucks you haven’t spent that yet no oh
okay no but I would say this I have
played on this you know when it comes to
the internet people get weird like
they’ll pay 15 bucks or 20 bucks for
Netflix and all this stuff they may or
may not use just recurs all the time but
like I’m not paying a dollar for the
paper okay I mean it’s whatever I get it
it there’s something about paying for
things on the internet that you think
should be free it’s a stigma so I’m
sitting here and it’s like I’m almost
done with this level but I need some
hammers it’s $1.99 it’s a $1.99 and I
get four ham hamers two cannons and a
th000 gold coins I I need this and I’m
playing it a lot so I would say I have
gotten far more this is a bargain
compared to some of the video I don’t
like that level I’m done with this video
game so what level are you on okay so
keep in mind before I tell you four
digits this is an important note it got
to the point where it got so hard I was
like this just isn’t fun anymore I just
keep having every level I have to use a
power up and then I got to buy or earn
the power this is garbage so I went
online and I went into a Royal match
Board oh my gosh and I found out that
there’s a contact us where they have to
if you send them a note through there I
know it’s so pathetic if you send them a
note and you say please delete my
account within two to three days they
will delete your account and then you
can start all over at the beginning but
with the skills you already have you
lose all your stuff and I was pretty
much done anyways you start with a new
account and man let me tell you you
remember when uh remember when the big
unkempt Bush was in Edward Scissor Hands
and he first showed off his skills were
like like this is light work that’s how
I was with the Royal match so you’re
just acre all these amazing prizes along
the way dude I saved up everything so at
one point I had like 65,000 gold coins
all the powerups but now anyways so keep
in mind so you’re on round two I’m on
round two and I reset it about a month
and a half ago so what level so reset a
month and a half maybe a month um but
with knowledge previous I’m gonna say
at 420 four level four 420 no days in
the thousands no dude really in a month
oh you did it a month ago I thought you
said months ago geez I’m not living on
this thing so 420
yeah uh I’ll say
666 oh my gosh Chris what is it um I was
not far off if you add 70 and then put
another one in
front 1490 level
1490 I was almost at 2,000 you’re right
you don’t live on it you’re in it I so
live on it you’re in it and here’s the
problem not only do I live on it but I
find myself going this is real we talk
this is real talk well it’s either this
e conference play okay or the jab like I
find my this is bad it’s really bad for
my health because I’m still a smoker and
I find myself like it’s like I wake up
from my nap maybe it’s like 1:30 hi kids
I need a minute Royal match time they’re
not home from school yet okay they get
home from school around 3 3:30 so I go
outside you lock the door I I go into my
gazebo start playing light one up open
up a pack light one up playing Royal
match right I get on this roll next
thing you know the kids are like hey Dad
what’s going on it’s two and a half
hours later I got four cigarettes left
and and I’m shaking yeah and I go oh my
God I got the but you know what I won
the uh the king’s cup man that’s is what
it’s called I won the prize I got
through to the volcano is that where you
were in the third quarter of the Kings
game no it’s fun I will tell you that
well sort of but no I wasn’t playing
Royal match but I was however uh yeah I
I I left and went you’re buying hammers
I watched that sounds like a euphemism
but I was uh no I was watching the third
quarter uh uh with K from from afar yeah
on our little phones anyway so bottom
line is this I need a new
game why you’re not done how many levels
does it go to I don’t know I think it
goes to forever oh are you going to
reset again 100% I’m getting ready uh
not yet but I’ll probably I think I’m
going to get to 2000 what did you get to
last time I I got to um what’ I get to
last time
1670 I think I’m I’m gonna push for 2K
because this time I saved everything up
Roy match 2K Roy match 2K and then I’m
anyways welcome you’re done with the
fish fishies are done cuz my old jackpot
gambling game it just sucks now I I peek
in every once in a while they’re like
hey you haven’t been here in a while
here’s a billion coins and I go sweet
and I six spins oh you’re out of coins
buy some for 5.99 like I’m not gonna do
that but twice yeah I’ll go back to
Royal match and buy hammers
yeah oh Jimmy Butler’s gonna have a lot
of time to play Royal match Chris we
need to come up with a game on an app
for Dave somebody give me you know I
don’t want the Candy Crush and all I’ve
done that and this is kind of like a
bastardized Candy Crush but I I do need
something else um I’m not trying to do
something where I have to like talk to
other people and build teams I don’t
want to do that strategy crap where I’m
defending a castle no give me something
where I can just like you know just a
brain death okay just a slow rotting of
the brain as I like this trip to New
Orleans yeah plenty of time Jason and I
play Domino
yeah I just remembered something I’m
just going to bring it and then we’ll
move on I I I I will neither confirm or
I because I didn’t know you could reset
your account for like before I
researched it so I couldn’t like I was
stuck on my phone I will not confirm or
deny that on Amazon Prime day I will not
confirm or deny that I actually
purchased one of their little tablets
for 20 bucks specifically because it’s
an Amazon account so I could have a
tablet with a reset Royal match game for
when I get on an airplane and I think I
will bring that with me again if I had
it on the trip tomorrow shut up
Chris I actually have a mat
tablet the Royal tablet that’s all I use
it for got a
tablet so you don’t touch the tablet
mobile game it’s a bigger
screen and I got to start at the
beginning with a new account because I
didn’t know it was possible it was like
20 bucks on Prime day hey I could use
this for other things there’s so much
room for activities now I could play so
much Royal
match Sixers 105 heat 104 and it 105 104
but there was like a Tyler hero hit a
three like at the very very end at first
I thought good comeback very good
comeback uh by by uh by the
76ers uh who
outscored who outscored the heat
66 to uh 53 in the second half they went
into the half obviously down a little
bit uh joelan beat his back you know
what joelan beat and he had his game was
look yeah he didn’t look right that’s
what I’m saying right he doesn’t look
235 five assist assists no blocks three
turnovers he wasn’t moving that great to
me that’s what I’m saying man he does
not look he looks those are great those
are fine numbers that’s a gift that you
know it’s like we’ve done that with
sabon it’s like yeah it wasn’t very good
someone who didn’t see the game he had
18 14 and six like yeah but he wouldn’t
he doesn’t look like he looks like 80%
baby of Joel mbid that that that may not
I’m really I don’t know why I’m really
excited for the Sixers next match up
that should be fun um
and then you got the Hawks and the
Bulls hey remember when some of you were
upset when the Bulls came in and beat
the Kings at Golden One
Center 131 116 is your H final and the
Hawks are are are dunsky yeah
um there’s got to be a conversation by
the way maybe the Hawks need another
draft pick I know who can help them yeah
also got there’s going to be some
interesting conversations I think about
Trey young in the offseason like I read
this earlier you know he’s been in the
league now what six seasons something
like that never had an All-Star on his
team that played with him though Murray
was an Allstar which is weird yeah I
mean he’s been one I will I will
maintain again if if there is a way for
Monty to add to jante Murray to this
team like I do really feel like you know
we talk about like uh uh uh miles bridg
not miles uh mikal Bridges not miles
Bridges meal Bridges um and and a few
other dream camp Cates right who’s going
to be the Aaron Gordon ad if you will I
just feel like Deon Murray is a guy that
might that guy might that might be
grabbable yeah and you’re talking about
a 652 guard who’s
27 who averaged 22 and a half points six
and a half assists 5.3
boards who plays or at least when he was
with the Spurs played good defense like
very above average not Keon Ellis
quality but you’d have You’ definitely
have a defensive upgrade from herder
there I love the idea of a fox Murray
back court I really do a a d well Fox
Deonte Murray yeah and then I don’t know
we do that would Moco deante
muray I don’t feel like it fits okay and
then I I still feel like Keegan is
movable three or four oh I was like no
Dave wants to trade Keegan I feel like
he could play the three or the four yeah
um or you
know I don’t know if a I mean that now
you’re getting really if you if you
tried to go like Fox Ellis
sabonis that would be an awfully small
team yeah and you’re and you’re asking a
guy who’s not exactly uh uh I’m looking
at Murray right now by the way here’s
here’s another thing he’s also locked up
for another four years he just signed 25
27 29 and a player option for 31 which I
know that’s not terrible I don’t think
that is for a guy of his caliber and
you’d have him lock that he that would
match everything the Kings have going on
I mean that would match sabonis and fox
all those guys being locked up you now
have a three-person core completely
locked in um if you were if if you’re
some again I don’t know if this is
possible but I think if you were able to
grab a guy like Deonte Murray
and you didn’t have to give up Fox
Keegan or sabonis which I might be
Dreamland but if you have the ability to
do that with like a especially if the
Hawks are looking to build yeah you know
you you just throw them a bunch of picks
and barns and whatever
anyways uh Jason before we break is it
just me or were the East games a lot
more boring well I mean the sixer game
ended up being pretty good but it’s just
I think we’re so invested in the west
and the Kings certainly right in the
first game Lakers and Pelicans came
right down to the end and there was
Intrigue because hey if the Kings win
tonight are they going into the Lakers
they go into New Orleans that was
intriguing and then of course I mean you
could argue the end the Kings game
wasn’t competitive at the very end but
we didn’t care because we on the right
side of that that’s exactly right so you
just enjoy it as a fan watching that
result for Kings fans one minute break
when we come back three for madness how
much does zion being out boost your
confidence for tomorrow plus two more
questions right here on your home of the
king sack toown Sports subscribe to sack
toown Sports on YouTube and watch the
carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross
Styles and Watkins and the drive guys
live Monday through Friday from 6:00 to
6 plus view archive shows and exclusive
content subscribe at actown
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autograph that’s sack autograph three questions three answers
it’s three for mad on the Carmichael
Dave show with Jason Ross here’s
question one all right Kelly Brothers
coming up in 13 minutes good at business
he is good at business we’ll talk
gambling in sports L we’ve seen with
um Michael Porter’s brother
jonte the money that’s Scotty sheffer’s
made has been fantastic but what about
his caddy yeah helps others right yeah
see if we can’t get kitly the a in there
as well three Madness Chris LW question
one how much does zion being out boost
your confidence for
tomorrow it’s
it it boosts it a little yet I
still am old enough to remember when
they beat the holy heck out of us
without they still have Jose Alvarado
who’s a pest they still obviously have
herb Jones and then of course CJ
McCollum uh who kills us every time he
plays us it seems Jonas valent chunis
and sabona seem to cancel each other out
that’s a win for them uh I I’m really
honestly Zion’s out oh you and I were
talking on the phone yesterday Jason I’m
really obsessed with Brandon Ingram I
think that’s that’s the thing we’re not
talking about enough he came back from
injury I think in game 80 after missing
a while
and he played and their lost to the
Lakers but yet sat the
entire I most if not the entire fourth
quarter when you look at
his per and again this is a guy that
again he missed the last Pelicans game
with the Kings at Golden One Center but
Zion played and had a wonderful game
Ingram had 11 points in 25 minutes to go
with four boards and four assists on
four of 12 that is very un Brandon
Ingram like what really threw me though
was the fact that they sat him so much
through the fourth just doesn’t strike
me as a type of player where they’re
just going to sit him yeah and then he
didn’t talk and then he didn’t talk I’m
sure no one’s thrilled but like it’s
tough not to read into that when you
when when you look at his his last game
in fact it was actually they played the
Lakers Sunday that was his first game
back since March 21st so he actually
played in game 81 he had 13 points in 23
minutes now that that probably was like
Hey first game back let’s be but now
they’ve played the Lakers twice in two
very meaningful games and Brandon
Ingram’s been off in both if they’re
missing Zion and Ingram it’s still herb
Jones Valen Jun CJ McCollum Alvarado and
a friends Trey Murphy it’s a very good
team but then now we’re now we’re now
we’re talking a little bit yeah I I
think you know I was really trying to
figure out why has this matchup been so
difficult Dave I think the best answer I
can come up with is this is one of the
few teams that I know of in the league
that has kind of an answer for both
sabonis and fox there’s some that like
man sabonis has trouble against this guy
but daring gets loose like the Lakers
there would be an argument ad I know
sabonis has never lost to him right but
that’s an allconference Defender yes
Lakers can’t guard guards like Fox and
Monk and herder everybody was having
good games against them also sabonis was
ended up doing okay or conversely man
that team really has a lot of people
that could guard Fox but sabonis gets
loose this is the one that I think
between what valent chunis has done and
Herb Jones slash Murphy slash you know
Alvarado see I don’t know they just have
a lot of length and and then the pest
type guys that have done a good job on
both of those two so I think that’s what
one of the factors is but then you go
back to the last game they just played
against the Pelicans here and the kings
were playing okay with them but when it
really got down to it then they went to
Zion you’re like Harrison tried Li tried
I think the one that did the best was
Len but he was a bully and couldn’t stop
him so it doesn’t make me think King’s
got this but I do think it is helpful
that he is out I do Zion is out Ingram
might be off and then you know I
completely forgot the towards the end of
that game Jose Alvarado actually spray
that ankle so you you know maybe a few
days off helps him right you you just
don’t know and that’s an ankle that’s
given him issues in the past too so not
that we’re rooting for injury well of
course not no I mean this stinks for
Zion it does but I’m not rooting for the
injuries but I if it helps Kings get
through I’m not going to look at if they
win I’m not be well no
asterisk all right cut number two please
two seven game series versus app pels or
seven game series versus a one seed
Thunder what’s your
preference so like the fact that this
seems like such an incredibly easy
question to
me gives me pause which is why I wrote
it down because I see that that question
and I go
100% the Thunder which is odd because
it’s the one seed and they’re the one
seed now with you that’s in no way
saying that that would be a cak walker
that the Kings would even Kings wouldn’t
even be favored in that series I don’t
think but after what we’ve saw against
Pelicans I’d far rather take my chances
against OKC yeah I’m with you I think
that lays out better I think it’s a
better matchup and then this is a little
bit reminding the Pelicans game of what
the warriors were like I think my stance
the other day Dave was the when the
kings were playing the Warriors Warriors
playing better they’ve been there
they’re the healthier team if that
game’s played 10 times I think the
Warriors win seven yeah it’s played once
so in this case obviously they’ve
already played five the Pelicans have
won five they’ve been better than the
Kings this year when they played each
other they just have to beat them once
and I like that better than whereas if
they get to the Thunder they’re two and
two but they’ve played them better could
have won the third one probably should
have yeah so I like I would rather see
them in a seven game series with the
Thunder well if the Kings win on Friday
you’ll get your yes they will do that
cut number three question
three if the kings were to lose tomorrow
is a season still a
disappointment um that’s tough says the
guy that wrote this question five hours
ago and has had all this time to think
about it it really is like would it be a
disappointment and I know last
week I think I definitely would have
landed on the side of disappointment man
I and I know this going to sound
terrible like like you know how easy
we’re I’m
pleased I think I’m gonna live off that
look I win has done a lot for you it
really has like I I feel like you got to
be fair like I can be negative I can be
pessimistic I can be all that but like I
can’t just sit there I’m never gonna be
Randy quid Major League I don’t care
they no like I’m really living off that
Warriors win a lot right now and I have
a really hard time saying well if they
go into New Orleans they’re playing this
Pelicans team that’s beat him five now
six straight if they were to lose they I
I guess part of it would be because it’s
GNA be layers Jason like H how would
they lose on Friday do you go in and
just roll over and lose by 40 okay I’m
going to be a little more disappointed
do they give everything they have leave
it all out on the floor and it’s just
they can’t beat that team and they left
it all out there I’m gon have a really
hard time thinking oh I’m disappointed
these guys are terrible yeah I mean look
there’s always more Nuance instead of
the black white in the spirit of the
question I’ll go to what I’ve been
saying like I I my goal I think the
team’s goal was to advance so this by
definition would not be advancing I
think there’s plenty of reasons they are
banged up they’re not healthy but that’s
the the deal so I think in the spirit of
the question I would say yes but I love
the fact that knocked out the Warriors I
love the fact that they got to this spot
and uh we’ll see if they can do it but
yeah I think the the context of the game
will be kind of a big deal at the
beginning of the season if I were to
tell you in March herder is going down
with the season ending injury and then a
few weeks later monk is going down with
an injury and then you found out all
this what would you say they would be
finishing I think my I probably noide
about yeah I think my default answer
would be well I think seven or eight
yeah I would say I think three is out of
the ballpark again sounds like the West
got better they they’ll get in the
playoffs but you know it’ll be seven or
eight I think that would have been the
default answer so then I guess by
definition by Def I think there’s a
difference between being disappointed
and the season being disappointing right
you know say that’s I mean yes that’s it
I I I I I think that’s how it would be
um but you know what in this case I will
say this uh if I’m going to be
disappointed anywhere being disappointed
in New Orleans yeah yeah well and even
to back like let’s say they get through
this and get through the first round get
through the second round and ultimately
lost somewhere like in the Conference
Finals there’s still disappointment let
me take your analogy further because
you’re 100% right dude let’s say we
sweep our way into the finals and lost
and we lose in game five four five six
or seven doesn’t matter when that would
be disappointing not the season that
would be I’ll Jason that would be
crushing yeah in the moments all the
hype and hope and all like PL you know
the mayor announces the possible parade
room and all this stuff going on and
then knowing that uh in some place not
here there’s going to be people wearing
Sacramento Kings Championship you know
shirts and stuff um yes it would be
crushing but also like oh my God what a
year so yeah there are levels uh we’ll
take a break when we come back there’s
levels of sports business Kelly Brothers
is on top of it he’s on the very top he
will join us
next what’s the missing piece for the 49
ners which names will they add during
free agency whether it’s inseason or
offseason the coppage never stops get
the latest 49ers news on sack toown
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here’s Kelly
Brothers Kelly Kelly Kelly
Kelly it is quickly becoming everyone’s
favorite s
yes hey someone stopped me at the Kings
game the other night to say love the on
love love the segment I see Kelly’s
doing a got the king’s momentum going
are we on are We Are we oh there we go
hi yeah I got someone stopped me walking
into the Kings game the other night and
said love the segment on 11:40 yes I
love that especially if they said it
like that love the segment 11 yeah maybe
our turkey sauage
turkey Dave that’s the way all your fans
talk come on I think love yeah exactly
how are you buddy good buddy good how
are you uh doing doing good uh
a lot of high blood pressure uh this
Sacramento Kings team is uh yeah um but
my blood pressure not as high as uh
jonte Porter’s NBA prospects are low
that is a that is an incredibly sad and
also I and I mean sad just in general
like he’s a grown man he knows what he’s
doing um but the situation I read
something where they figured out his
gambling earnings because they had a
record of his bets he made $26,000
gambling he made over $2 million in a
very young NBA SLG League career and now
that’s gone for
life no it is uh you know and he had
tried to place bets there was one I read
about where they tried to do an $80,000
parlay that would have netted them about
1.1 million but that was frozen because
of unusual activity so there was a
little more upside but it’s still
idiotic and uh and as you and I as we
all know it’s probably I’m not saying
it’s it’s rampant but um it’s so
traceable these days that I I I think
the NBA will drop the hammer on any
player ref coach anyone who um puts
their toe over the line it’s going to
get chopped off and rightfully so yeah
and like their Hammer was pretty
decisive but then what Calvin Ridley was
it da of a year you know with some gam
so it’s going it’s happening and I don’t
know what the biggest infraction is
Kelly I guess obviously it’s if you do
anything in a game that you’re involved
in but with the leagues all basically
highlighting and and supporting gambling
for everyone else but their own this is
really a weird kind of dichotomy they
have themselves in no they are
especially when you start to add
gambling to the actual screen that
people are watching the game on so it’s
going to get worse I mean they I think
we talked about last week they’ve let
the elephant into the hospital and now
what um there’s a lot of money there but
it’s going to cause uh boy you’re you’re
in enforcement Division I hope you Beef
It Up four times fourfold I’m sure I was
thinking about this too and I I was
trying to put it in a way that sometimes
sometimes analogies can help you
understand the Ridiculousness of a
situation if the analogy itself is
ridiculous but I’m not going to use our
company because they might get sensitive
so Kelly I’m gonna use yours uh great
let’s just use our partners at KCRA okay
let’s say you’re anchoring and uh let’s
say in my world you’re doing the the new
news with our good friend Lisa gon yes
that’s right okay there we go love Lisa
and it comes in it’s
like well the news comes first it’s the
new news brought to you by Johnson’s
cocaine cocaine snort it today and then
you hey welcome in everybody brought to
you by Johnson’s cocaine and then like
on the the crawl it’s like there’s a
crash on 80 also snort this pile of
cocaine for only 99 Cents today and then
you you’re done with your thing and you
go to break and it shows commercial of
like a couple of a couple that are out
they’re having a good time hey you want
to make the time even better try cocaine
right now we have these amazing deals on
cocaine it shows a guy with a big pile
of cocaine in front of you get where I’m
going right looks like the the you’re
like a baby powder sneezed on him and
then and then it turns out that uh I
won’t use a name one of the weather guys
had a couple of bumps before the before
the program and it’s in case is
regretfully announcing uh that flark
jorn I just want to use real is
suspended uh permanently from weathering
for the cocaine which we take very
seriously and you should not do cocain
interesting analogy right like what are
we Adam Silver can get all serious faced
all he wants but to they’re not in bed
with gambling they’re making love to
gambling and having gambling babies in
front of our faces and yes there is
responsibility but it’s a lot easier to
stray to eat the Oreos when you’re on a
diet when you’re in an Oreo
Factory and that’s my rant for the day
yeah and and I find it amazing that you
were actually describing kovr in 1983
anyway you were ready for that
one yeah
there we go true I was an intern there
and Steve Summers was the sports guy oh
yeah he had quite the history to
him but I but hey D I’ve never seen FLIR
duror ever do a bump but
anyway I know where you’re going going
with this it’s ridiculous it is no it is
and they but they’ve invited it in
because the because a they think it’s
happening anyway whether they’re
involved or not and B Be they see the
profit motive for them and their owners
and their Partners so uh they’re
inviting it in and it’s uh you know at
the same time um you know Pete Rose is
still on the outside of the Hall of Fame
yeah looking in you know think about oh
my gosh think about you know when you
look at that or you look at niil and the
changing I mean the rules that seem to
change overnight and change 180 degrees
when suddenly new you know be what was
once prohibited is now welcomed and
applauded yeah uh Kelly Brothers joining
us talking Sports business so Kelly uh
sticking at least with basketball
flipping into the women’s side Caitlyn
Clark an incredible run gets drafted
number one this week it comes out very
publicly I mean her finances with the
WNBA aren’t going to be that great
that’s just kind of the way the league
cap and the league rules are but Nike
and Caitlyn Clark reaching a deal how’s
she going to do going forward
financially yeah she’s going to do fine
uh two and a half million viewers for
the draft bestselling draft pick card
ever on Fanatics 35,000 just watched her
press conference in Indiana and she’s
lucky obviously Indiana very close to
the state of Iowa where her her star is
even brighter um and and so it’s all
good news for the WNBA it is all good
news for Caitlyn Clark she’s
representing herself well she killed it
on Saturday Night Live um so I I think
she’s gonna she’s going to do just fine
my my fear would be for the college game
and was this a Caitlyn Clark Story and
not an Ascension of all College women’s
basketball but hopefully it provided
enough of a spark that new stars can
kind of jump into that void but boy
she’s yeah that’ll be interesting
that’ll be really interesting to watch
how how that how that plays out and I
think I think all of Indiana’s games are
sold out like all of their nationally
televised games are going to involve the
Indiana Fever so Indiana um getting a
real bump off
Caitlyn speaking speaking of I love it
when the audience gets involved from the
text line I actually forgot this going
back to uh comparing gambling and and
the hypocrisy of the NBA Dave you forgot
in your analogy don’t forget the uh
broadcast after Kelly and Lisa where
they all come on and advise you on
exactly how to do cocaine and the right
ways to do it and then which is so true
cuz Sports Center they got the all the
no okay now it sounds funny they have
all the lines right the betting lines
and then what was it the other day the
the one lady betting expert coming on I
forget I think it was uh it was NCAA
tournament she’s like this is
practically free money you know there’re
so again I mean I don’t want to run back
there but they’re right yeah reminds me
the the old Irish joke about the U the
little card in the hotel room that said
if you have troubl with alcohol called
this number and it was the local liquor
store but that’s where we are with
gaming it is it is and and and that is
much you know look whether it’s booze
whether and that that’s where the you
know in all seriousness that’s where the
analogy comes in there’s nothing funny
about addiction whether it is a cocaine
or an alcohol or a sex addiction or a
gambling add there are all kinds of
addictions and the fact that you know
there’s been gambling for you know
that’s the argument well there’s been
gambling forever yeah there’s G let me
tell you something there’s also been
weed for forever okay but back in my
friend’s day when he would when he would
do weed uh he he would he would tell me
he would say I wanted I I do them I do
marijuana and I would go don’t that’s a
Gateway and he would have to go okay
this is what he had to do he had to go
to Billy’s house where they’d wait for
some dude with long hair that loved to
listen to uh fish you know the band roll
in and and and do his thing then
whatever and then he’d leave and it was
very clandestine type of situation now
well different you go online to you know
what I don’t know what the weed maps
probably or something’s out there I
don’t know and you go online and they’re
like oh hey here’s some gummies here’s
some vapes here’s this here’s pre-rolls
here’s a big sack of whatever the hell
uh we’ll bring it to your house like
door Dash and then people like I wonder
why uh you know marijuana usage is up
well stupid because and again that’s not
me yay or n I’m saying even though
something’s been around a long time it
doesn’t mean that you can’t augment and
increase the usage of something because
of the the periphery of of things
involved Kelly and and here we are and
and Dave the other thing is because
you’re a parent I’m a parent yeah
Jason’s a parent you know parents need
to uh parents need to parent you know in
this world you need you cannot just sit
there and say well it’s legal for you
can’t you have to parent you have to you
have to close the door you can’t be
their best friend um and you know even
now you look at any of the stats
involving social media and your kids
shouldn’t be on social media when
they’re 11 that’s correct boom they just
shouldn’t that is correct and and if
they are at Le you know the consequences
now and you can’t say you did I I would
I you know what you and I both know we
all know living uh in this world where
you have a platform one thing you you
want you really want to step on a third
rail is suggest how people parent their
kids and I have a lot of respect for
that everybody’s got their own situation
by the way some kids don’t have both
parents some kids don’t have one
everyone’s got a different road to walk
absolutely yeah I will say personally
yeah as as somebody who literally has
been named multi- times Sacramento’s
tweeter of the year and I say that to
underline the addiction I have to social
media uh my little girl lost her cell
phone from 14 to
16 uh because she we had one rule no
social media do do not you do not open
an account you don’t do any of that no
Instagram no Tik Tok none of that crap
um it it it is there is no positive that
I I have yet to have a parent say to me
that any positive about having your
child on social media but Kelly it’s out
there you can’t take the toothpaste out
of the two right no my son had a great
line when one year I I was named father
of the year by a local group and he said
is that based on quantity
Dad h you thank you I wanted to commend
you for your your piece on the A’s I
thought it was thoughtful um you know
the one thing I’ll just point out well
first of all the complete Nutter
dysfunction of Oakland I mean that is a
disgrace um they lost three professional
sports teams and they’re only In-N-Out
Burger in a 10-year period which is I
mean to think I don’t know when once you
lose the ra the Warriors and then the
Raiders lead you would think You’ do
everything you could but um and the
other thing I would just point out is
you know we we have short memories if
you go back two years and you ask
Sacramento fans who’s the worst owner in
sports if you go purely by
futility it would have been
vrad if you go back two years the the
team that had not been to the playoffs
in the longest time period in
professional sports was the Sacramento
Kings and look in two years that has
turned around in a significant way and
he’s bringing a pro sports team another
one to Sacramento even for a limited
time so think and you know I think the
other piece is that I I don’t I don’t
think the A’s ownership is anything to
to uh trumpet or celebrate but uh fiser
you’re you’re not going to get a
well-run sports franchise they are
firmly escon where they are they have
good relationships you’re gonna get
you’re gonna get the shaking of the bag
as my dad used to say the Le yes yeah
exactly so anyway but great peace Dave I
appreciate that not everybody’s going to
agree and they don’t need to uh they
just I I’ve been asked to speak my mind
that’s my mind but one thing I don’t
want to do is I’m not gonna shame any
sacramentans for being excited about
baseball it’s just it’s just not the way
I want it Kelly but again that’s that’s
just me being overdramatic probably so
final fact for you before I let you go
because I know you got to go uh Ted
Scott is now 54th on the PGA money list
he is Scotty sheffer’s caddy good work
and because of the Year Scotty’s had
he’s over what 1.2 million he’s made
more money this year than Ricky Fowler
wow good work if you can get it yeah
really except except that’s got to get
you know like the Texas open in July or
whatever yeah get paid for it you got to
carry stuff you got to remember like the
players carry stuff yeah you do you have
to carry all this crap yeah why don’t
they let caddies have the little rolly
carts you know like maybe not a real
cart but why can’t they why can’t they
have the little thingy roll what what
what advantage is that
but here’s a here’s a question for you
what percentage of PGA golfers what
percentage of them their Christmas card
picture is from the par three contest at
the Masters oh I would say it’s got to
be over 50% I think Jack Nicholas is one
for the rest of his life is going to be
when his grandson hit that hit that I go
you know and by the way you know you
have PGA and live golf tour I think we
should start a third golf tour where the
players are required to carry their own
bags there you go now it’s a sport yeah
now it’s an
sport or you play the game we played
when we were younger and that was the
Budweiser open where you uh you you got
an extra shot for every beer you had
during the round oh my God I mean John
Daly would be the Grand Slam one
trillion per. Kelly always great talking
you all right great talk take care
that’s Kelly Brothers we’ll take a break
when we come back speaking of sports
business Caitlyn Clark gets her shoe
deal but it’s deeper than that uh let’s
talk a little bit about that before we
get to Sam amck the Sacramento and his
Awards we’ll see if we can’t pick his
brain on that since he votes at 8: a.m.
we’re all back with that right after
this it took four quarters of locked in
effort intensity and focus to knock out
the Golden State Warriors shakes trying
to create a step back and he scores it
boy you talk about earning a bucket
Steve cerr will take time out now the
Kings headit to Louisiana to see if they
can take another win or go home game
Kings and Pelicans Friday at 6:30
right here on your home for the
Sacramento Kings sack toown
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live waking you up with the best in
local sports they just make it
interesting you know it’s the Carmichael
Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown
Sports is that just me or did I just
hear the tell tail [ __ ] of somebody
logging in I interest oh you’re you’re
in the I’m doing some testing for
tomorrow ah gotcha okay um before we
get before we okay is that annoying
Chris there we go before we get to
Caitlyn Clark you know one cool thing
about doing a job in this town where
you’ve done it a long time is you you
you get regular listeners which is great
and sometimes you get regular listeners
that not that our listeners don’t know
things but
um sometimes you get people that are
actually experts in the uh in in the
field so during the break I’m hearing a
Reverb by the way I know that’s me
that’s all right um during the break I
got a text from somebody in the business
of sports and I’m just going to present
this as a counter you know the analogy
we made with Kelly Brothers about um you
know how sports are so
ined with
gambling and this person sent me the
following on Sports gambling number one
sports gambling is already here and
legalized by the courts it’s legal
the NCAA along with baseball basketball
and football
professional were involved and were
party suing to prohibit sports
betting it was made
legal number two with League
Partnerships players get half the
revenue per the CBA I didn’t know that
players get half the revenue per the CBA
so they’re benefiting from these
Partnerships as well not just the owners
and sports betting is there regardless
of the League Partnerships legal betting
actually helps trace and reduce
potential player
involvement and I think the point there
is rather than the bookie down the
street that we talked about right it’s
documented it’s there you you know and
this is largely how the sh Otani
situation came to light and now the
jonte porter thing now of course the the
immediate counter we all have is well
okay but doesn’t it stand to be for
every jonte Porter and Sh Otani
there’s 70 other guy I don’t know what
the number is that haven’t been caught
that I I don’t know the answer to that
but that would be one of the counters
from somebody in the business saying hey
it’s here it’s gonna happen these people
are betting on players this is an
opportunity for a the players to benefit
from it financially in a in a legal way
and also for us to be able to track and
regulate which I would also offer kind
of branches over a lot of peoples like
for example the not to get too crazy but
the legalization of marijuana one of the
biggest uh um Pro arguments there for a
long time is hey let’s Legalize It And
regulate it let’s get tax money off of
it it’s going it’s happening no matter
what toothpaste is out of the tube so
again I’m not I’m not advocating for
that but I think it’s fair to to to
present that side sure AB Caitlyn Clark
uh she is going to
MC he’s consistent I love him what else
documented what else are they keeping
track of I don’t know dude I kind of
think this yeah we’re all we we all have
cameras in our house now everyone’s
listening you’re all naked on the web
somewhere just get over it it’s happy
yeah Jason you too pal there’s a video
of me singing to my dogs by myself
somewhere they’ve seen my baby
nails not my baby nails we have Sam
up H what do I want to do with this we
went late with Kelly I really want to
have this Caitlyn Clark conversation but
it’s too important to have in 30 seconds
she I’ll say this she signed uh
reportedly according to Sham Sheran I
signed a deal with Nike terms aren’t out
yet the whispers are it’s about $40
million somewhere in the range of 3040
million I don’t know the years on that
obviously the way the salaries are right
now considering she’s going to be making
somewhere in the 70 to 80,000 range for
playing for the Indiana fever next year
that’s her WNBA salary she is going to
make more in this shoe deal uh than than
she will ever make playing basketball
actually on the floor good for her yeah
but it it does set up a conversation
that we’ll either push till later in the
show or Beyond which is but hold on what
about why is she getting all of this why
where where’s the where’s one of the
South Carolina players shoe deal they
just beat them in the finals or in the
championship where’s Asia Wilson’s Giant
shoe deal the two-time MVP Finals MVP
champion champion where’s hers why why
Diane shasi is arguably the greatest
women’s player arguably the greatest
women’s player ever um she certainly has
endorsements nothing like that Sabrina
anesu uh etc etc and I think there’s a
conversation to be had there now Jason
this conversation has become a third
rail it really this is a highly highly
charged subject that involves pay INE
inequity racial overtones racial
undertones like there’s all the Lava
Pits here so if we do have the
conversation i’ like to do it in the way
that we try to do it which is admit who
we are admit who we are not present
questions and be educated if if we miss
something you know I think the big
problem is a lot of people come in and
go this is how it is and you’re stupid
and hot take and that’s always healthy
that’s always super healthy I just want
to honestly have a conversation because
I think I think a certain way and I want
to know you know it’s never going to
have 100% agreement but I’d like to hear
just kind of like the sports betting
thing where we got that text I’d like to
hear other things and share I think
that’s the way these things should go so
we’ll try to do that at some point today
and the meantime we got to get to Sam
AMC and we also not we all of us need to
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toet period we’ll take a break Sam Amic
next the New Orleans Pelicans have
absolutely owned the Sacramento Kings
this season Sacramento seeking its first
win against against New Orleans and
needs it or their season comes to an end
a loss and it’s over a win and they are
the eighth seed and headed to OKC
rebound grabbed by sabonis hammers it
back off the bounds another offensive
rebound and another two points the Kings
have their biggest lead of the ball game
get all the exciting play-by-play action
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Sports the carmichel Dave show he’s on
the microphone when he’s not on the
microphone he’s playing a song and when
he’s not playing the song He’s on the
microphone and then boom with Jason Ross
no he didn’t
yes he did call or text at 9163
39140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with
Jason Ross on sack toown Sports welcome
back hey we’re uh we’re halfway
through halfway through yeah why are we
at all right welcome back Kings Pelicans
National award-winning writer today as a
matter of fact hey this is the second
National award-winning writer I’ve
talked to uh in 48 hours talked to I
told you I talked to Howard Beck the
other day oh that’s right old friend
Howard Beck yes and joining us right now
almost as good the one the only wow Sam
well that’s compliment Sam amch good
morning Sam good morning Dave how are
gentlemen yes Hi Sam how are you I’m
good you’re my good the the funny the
funny thing about that little jab I took
it Sam is it puts him kind of in a
corner this early because he can’t
really crack back because he loves
Howard and is goingon to you know
disrespect Howard back and be like I can
and this now I’m gonna be sending this
segment to Howard I can definitely crack
back on
Howard first of all he went to ucy Davis
ah true that’s a big blow against him
big no no he was just in town and even
though we are very good friends and we
work together as partners on the uh
board for the pro basketball writers
I looked up the other day at the golden
one Center as I stood Courtside across
the floor and I saw Howard Beck came all
the way to town and did not even bother
to tell me that he was whoa unbelievable
big maybe not that good a friend Sam
goes and works for the New York Times
now he’s with the ringer he’s just a
little little Sam Maybe saying a little
too big for his Brites maybe maybe I’m
confirmed okay he just doesn’t like
Hornets I think that’s what it is it
could be uh it’s award season so one of
the things I’d uh promoted with bringing
you on is we’re going to try to delve
now I understand that some content you
need to save because we we want people
to go and read the athletic it’s
fantastic so I will I will give you as
much of a buy as you want but uh any
chance we could uh maybe peek into where
you were either leaning or where you
voted for some of these postseason
Awards yeah that’s fine I don’t know if
I’m going to and and sorry I’m now
looking down on my phone because you’re
asking for this information um I don’t
know if I’m going to write about it um
but I certainly don’t mind being
transparent about it what is your
curiosity my friend well let’s start
with the one that most people here care
about because it’s the one that’s
involved uh that we’re involved in and
we we talked to you a couple weeks ago
uh and and it certainly sounded like you
were definitely leaning hard one way but
in the end where did your Sixth Man of
the Year award shake out
Sam um I did vote for Malik monk yes
well done good man right answer
Integrity yeah I had Nas Reed second and
Bobby poris third Norm pal fourth even
though there is no
fourth so literally that’s actually was
a qu you do vote for three yeah top
three yeah yeah okay is it like
one you know the nas discussion is
interesting because um actually I had a
pretty robust debate with Howard about
this the other night because not to put
his business in the streets I think he
did Nas um you know Nas being a starter
and having this uptick and support in
terms of his candidacy during his time
as a starter I just don’t think honors
the spirit of the award Howard’s
disagreement was that part of being you
know kind of a super six-man is if
somebody goes down that you are capable
of you know playing that part
um and I get it but like those numbers I
don’t think should should really apply
to uh to the award and then conversely
Malik and this part is just not real
sexy didn’t really get that emphasized
when it comes to the Kings and their
promotion of Malik but they went three
and five or I think it was three and
five without him yeah and and just fell
off a cliff and that I think also showed
his value um so yeah I had Malik nice I
like that yeah and I guess you know just
to piggyback on on one of the wins
ultimately that they did get Sam you
were there the other night to see them I
mean was that the best you’ve seen the
Kings play when they beat the Warriors
the other night ever um no no this group
thisp yeah I mean it was it was a pretty
shocking win um it’s funny I go to
Warriors shoot around the day of the
game and none of the stuff we say
actually matters obviously but what did
crack me up was my my own energy um and
I’m just being totally transparent about
this like I go to Warriors shoot around
I have a a nice conversation with Steve
Kerr after his team does its thing and
at the end of the conversation literally
said to him like wow the the king’s
owner’s head is going to explode when
you guys just like when you Pummel them
tonight you know like that’s kind of I
just thought it was gonna happen the
Kings weren’t playing well
the yeah and I do wonder the Warriors I
don’t think really talked about this but
you know when you have a one game Marge
Madness type
situation and you know I think you are a
little prone to having a letdown
especially when you see this king’s team
with no Malik monk um and I mean the
Warriors just never responded and and
you guys I’m preaching to the choir like
to watch the Kings go up big and then of
course be going okay now when do they
give it back because that’s what they do
um and to have them never really give it
back was uh was was strange but great
timing they look fantastic can I do a
thing I know you’ll love where and you
can just choose to not comment can I
just put you in a horrible position here
and ask you about a colleague of yours
yeah that’s fine I hope it’s not one in
particular but go ahead
yeah is John Hollinger okay why what do
you say I just want can someone check on
John well reportedly he voted Bogdan
bogdanovich and Jonathan Isaac for six
man over Malik Monk and it’s not like
it’s the first time Jon has been
contrarian esque with these things it
just it makes me wonder if somebody
should just do a wellness check on the
guy who obviously I mean he worked in a
front office he invented purr like it’s
not like he he’s dumb at basketball but
goodness yeah I haven’t I mean I haven’t
talked to John a little bit so I could
check on him for you yeah check on I
will definitely we we have had a chuckle
in the past about how the city of
Sacramento loves him oh just loves them
and so uh yeah I do think that not to
generalize but like that Community
meaning you mentioned per so that’s the
player efficiency rating that yes it is
one of the better stats to to kind of
encapsulate overall value although it
doesn’t have much of a defensive metric
um you know in that same similar
Community some friends and colleagues
Nate Duncan and Danny laroo had a
podcast a little while back where they
did their Awards and I don’t know if
their views changed but between their
two ballots for six-man um Malik only
got one third place finish
so lack of efficiency is something that
is a a major Mark against a player like
Malik for you know for for some voters
um now it wasn’t I mean this was not I
mean Jamal Crawford had years or you
know Lou Williams had years where the
efficiency was far less what what Malik
had this year but bogdon’s efficiency is
something that you know is a mark for
him if that’s the way you you were you
know prioritizing aspects of the game so
but I’ll check on I’m you
know I do care you’re worried I’m very
worried um Sam uh injuries have hit
obviously at the wrong time we just
talked about Malik he’s him being out
for the Kings but uh the king’s next
opponent is New Orleans and whether it
was last night Jimmy Butler or Zion
Williamson the other day um you know
terrible timing for him because he was
really starting to put it together here
late and trying to make his first
playoff run what do you think the impact
of of really both of those significant
injuries maybe even throw Giannis in
there I mean we got we got some high
level people that are out at the wrong
time no it sucks it really does I know
it’s good for Kings fans because they
want to win this game tomorrow but um
independent of that it it just it’s
really unfortunate the Zion thing I feel
bad for him you know I don’t know Zion
at all in the media really does because
he keeps us at an arms length but
regardless like you go from Midway
through the season just getting
absolutely destroyed publicly for you
know again for your weight for the way
you’re playing for your your kind of
your lost promise and your inability to
maximize your god-given talent then you
put together a pretty special second
half of the Season you evolve um you
know that guy hadn’t been in the
playoffs and and I just I feel terrible
for him’s he’s out there just just you
know dominating a playin game having one
of the best games of his career at the
right time so that is super unfortunate
the Jimmy thing I hate because there’s
just you know he’s on my short list of
fun things to watch this time of year
Jimmy Butler in the postseason stage um
you know I don’t like that Giannis is on
that same list you know Giannis is when
he plays like it’s the playoffs when
it’s late October but in the actual
playoffs not only is one of the elite
competitors but somebody who I
think I mean he’ll be back I don’t know
when but I think you know is going to
have an even bigger chip on his shoulder
than normal because it sounds crazy to
say like Giannis is being very
overlooked right now um so yeah it’s
it’s bad all around did I leave somebody
out Jay who else you um Jimmy you said
Jimmy right yeah yeah no I mean it’s
it’s you know on the one hand it’s that
time of year but it’s this was like a
little flurry right before the actual
playoffs that is you know a big bummer
well speaking of playoffs and speaking
of Giannis his team the Bucks uh did not
Faire too well against the Pacers this
year and it is such an interesting
situation uh developing where you had
the best record in the Eastern
Conference have their coach fired and
Adrien Griffin uh to the point where the
new coach Doc Rivers was coaching the
All-Star team like five minutes after he
took the job and to say that the Bucks
finished the season strong uh is is
largely incorrect the Knicks end up
catching them by a game for the uh the
two seed still 49 and 33 but there is a
world as you know Sam because of the
Pacer success where Indiana uh is able
to knock the Bucks out in the first
round now they just signed Doc Rivers to
a massive contract and I know I’m being
largely specul speculative here but Sam
if Indiana were to knock out the
Bucks is as weird as it is is Doc Rivers
on the hot seat or gone no okay all
right okay I mean that’s if anything I
mean it’s funny the other day um our guy
who covers the Pistons so well James
Edwards he loves Sacramento too he’s
huge here people love him man stop
having your Sacramento
complex he he said uh something like
what what did he say it was out of the
blue he said s a shot he said like
downtown writers don’t like coming here
like bro like can we be real for years
would come and go to Arco Arena and stay
inas like you know now we don’t need to
have this discussion but isn’t that
isn’t that the do I look fat in this
dress of sports journalism like we know
that’s fine but do you have to say it
it’s very very rude it’s rude Sam it’s
2024 everybody says everything all the
time all right what did James say nobody
keeps their thoughts to themselves
anymore true very true um James now I
forgot got what James said I don’t
know oh he uh uh Troy Weaver the head of
the Pistons front office is not going to
be the head of the Pistons front office
much longer he’s gonna be there but
they’re gonna hire somebody above him
James reported about a possible tie in
to John Horst who is the GM of the Bucks
and I only bring this up because it was
a little bit of one of those storylines
where it’s like you know James is good
at his job and you know you connect the
dots and you say like I think John the
head of the Bucks front office is fine
but you know I think if the Bucks had
absolutely sailed through the second
half of the Season nobody would be
speculating about the head of the buck
front office going somewhere else right
um because as great a job as John has
done um the reality of the buck
situation you know he he was on board
all the way back when they drafted
Giannis you know and then since then has
built this Contender and then won the
championship but uh they have not had a
good stretch and he hired Adrien Griffin
after firing Mike buen hoser that was a
disaster um you know you made the trade
for Damen Lillard that everybody thought
was going to be great has not worked out
the way that they thought so in terms of
culpability I would speculate that you
know the spotlight is more on in that
direction than it is on Doc um but yeah
the results have been awful I looked at
it the other day I wrote about it 17 and
19 since doc took over um you know the
net rating offensive rating defensive
rating everything is is on the back end
of the league so uh it’s not good and
then you have like the other day Stephen
A Smith made a random comment about
Damen Lillard being unhappy and and how
he thinks that they should move him saw
that yeah yeah so I think you know um
the Pacers thing can be absolute salt in
the wound for all that that alss the
bucks right now because you know you go
back to the Tyrese Halbert and inseason
tournament stuff where he was tapping is
watch and and making fun of Dame time uh
for me that’s probably the most
interesting first round series that okay
so I was going to ask you that what
other series kind of has your attention
obviously we still have two more to fill
out who will the eight seeds be in the
East and the west but as you look at the
landscape of these playoff series what
else kind of catches your attention yeah
I mean in the East I like that there’s a
bunch of good ones I like um you know
Sixers Knicks is going to be fun it’s
been a long time since those two teams
you know clashed and and Joel embiid
didn’t look like himself last night but
but looked pretty good and and they
pulled that game off um in the west it’s
you know not as sexy in terms of big fan
bases but Clippers Mavs is a really good
series um Clippers were mediocre down
the stretch but showed a few signs late
bunch of Legacy talk within that team
where you have James Harden you know no
rings Paul George no rings you know Ty
trying to get another ring um the Mavs
of course with Luca and Kyrie we’ve
talked about them a lot the past couple
of weeks um I like the Suns t-wolves
series you know there’s a theme this
year that that is interesting and
probably just natural in terms of like
Father Time marching on but like having
the LeBron and the Steph Curry’s and the
Kevin Durants and and all these all-time
greats be fighting for their playoff
lives on the back end of of the pack is
is you know wild to watch because
truthfully Minnesota should be favored
probably is favored in that series and
so you know could we have Kevin Durant
and to a lesser degree Devon Booker and
Bradley Beal saying goodbye in the first
round you know it’s it’s a real
possibility I I love that you said there
is a theme because there is especially
in the west where if you flip-flo these
10 years ago more more than likely
they’d be upside down where you have OKC
is the on seed and Denver and Minnesota
and then as you said that you have the
the Legacy teams uh scratching and
clawing when we get to the Warriors and
the fact that that they’re back I I want
to I want to share something with you
that I said to Jason after that game I
said there there was a point where
weirdly I I’m I’m I’m sitting and
watching the game it’s fourth quarter
game’s wrapped it’s like two minutes
left and I’m looking at Steve Kerr and
Sam I I I felt like I felt bad for him
in a sense I looking at the box score we
talked about how like cavon Looney uh he
had a little bit of foul trouble but
played some very good minutes uh but I
think he only played like eight minutes
and that was their big key to sabonis
last year Moses Moody had 16 and I think
like 14 minutes and was a plus I think
he was the only guy was a Plus on that
team and he had clay play 32 he was 0 of
10 uh obviously Draymond staff Etc I
felt like Steve got thoroughly out
coached by Mike Brown but I also felt
like it almost wasn’t his fault that
Steve was like look I’m gonna stick with
my legacy guys I’m not going to
embarrass them and if that means that we
lose this game I’m going to lose it with
them rather than making adjustments that
maybe my better Angels tell me I should
make because I don’t I don’t want to not
ride with these guys I could be making
that up that could be all in my head but
I felt like he was almost a little bit
handcuffed that night yeah I probably
don’t agree with you on that one only
because um I know I’m not it’s your show
I’m supposed
to so smart
Dave you got the box in front of you
still uh yeah let me bring that up go
ahead kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis
how many minutes uh let’s see kaminga
and why Trace Jackson started the first
seven then didn’t come until very late
again 11 for him kaminga had 28 so fine
my point is only supported by kaminga um
you know I mean kaminga didn’t play very
well right that’s that’s a young guy I
mean the thing is I actually think their
program is fine it’s just you have to
change the expectations you know even
internally they’re not going to
broadcast this like they know that like
it’s not that they’re not trying to win
championships still they are but they
it’s it’s a little analogous to the late
Kobe years with the Lakers and actually
this is a much better version of it um
where you’re gonna win games and maybe
if you know if you get some sort of
unforeseen development of Kingo
absolutely turns into a star then your
back in title contention um they’re
going to be fine it’s it’s made for a
weird conversation already in terms of
is this the end of the dynasty well yeah
but I think and this is not for sure by
any means I wrote this yesterday you
know like I think clay probably resigns
um I I probably think we’re handicapping
that Chris Paul is not back that
financially they just they’ve got to get
off his money um and I also know that
they’re extremely excited about it’s
just not a small thing that kaminga
Brandon Pinsky and Trace Jackson Davis
are really good you know like those are
pieces that it’s a little like the Kings
where your growth is going to come if if
a Keegan Murray takes the next step um
that’s how they’re looking at it as far
as Steve I mean he did get out coached
by Mike I mean he would say that he lost
the game and yeah didn’t find
adjustments you know
sabonis uh and I saw and I wish I could
credit who it was there was a good clip
online talking about the adjustments the
Kings made this year compared to last
year and and some of the actions up top
you know the Kings learned from that
game a year ago and they played really
really well yeah it’s interesting so I I
want to go back to the clay part you you
think they it’s kind of mutual he would
want to be back they would want to keep
him you that’s your your guess well I
mean that that was certainly the strong
sense I got going into that game the
other night and so now the question
becomes uh that as far as the human
component how how tough is this
experience the 0 for 10 showing is not
nothing like Joe leob very much like be
Ron D is and a lot of owners is an
emotional guy and so you know Joe
probably has a number in his head of
like clay I love you and we can bring
you back but like if you ask for more
than this then I just can’t sleep at
night um so you know the feelings
component matters because clay has been
offended really by and he’s not alone
Joe Joe lob has tough negotiating style
even with some of the most beloved
Warriors of all time like he you know he
irritated Steve cerr and Steph Curry to
varying degrees when he was figuring out
their stuff draymond’s different because
draymond’s always been having to you
know kind of apologize to the
organization but with Clay it’s you know
he has to feel respected um so if the
Warriors get that aspect done and they
find a middle ground then uh yeah I
think he’ll be back but Orlando does
Loom as a real threat and then I wrote
about how Dallas you know is is
considered a team that’s worth watching
as well I guess it doesn’t work this way
but is there anything to saying to Clay
um yeah dude the salary cap next year is
million the Golden State Warriors right
now are at 20 and slated without clay to
be at 175 that’s without clay and oh by
the way um we paid you 43.2 Million last
year for 18 points three rebounds and
two assists on 43% shooting so can we
have some of that back what’ he shoot
from three uh he shot 38.7 not bad he I
think he finished top three and threes
made uh
he he had three and a half threes made
down from
44 uh and he also had nine attempts uh
per game I mean I’m not no I hear youy
clay wasn’t severely overpaid this year
no I’m not did you see his press
conference yesterday I did not no we I
texted I texted our guy Anthony Slater
who was there and uh and I just all I
said was wow cranky clay he he doesn’t
like he does not enjoy talking about his
future um that again that human
component I do Wonder like oh boy like
Clay’s really I don’t think in a great
place and I get it he just played
terribly um the other night after the
game he did not talk to the media was
very edgy and he’s not normally that way
he he took a little kind of shot shot
you know a reporter tried to get him and
it wasn’t me but he he was like ah
vultures you know he was he was a little
salty um after that game then he goes to
the press conference and and I only
bring this up because you talk about the
previous contract which is a a very
valid point you know they they took care
of him during a time when he had
multiple serious
injuries Kendra Andrews of ESPN
basically asked him about you know the
idea that the Warriors typically take
care of their guys and how they took
care of him back with that contract
after the injuries and rather than say
no you’re right they did
uh and I wish you would have seen this
guys he literally he kind of
scoffed he and he laughed and he goes
huh he goes can can you imagine if they
didn’t pay me like like oh four four
titles cool good luck you got hurt
something to that effect and it was a
little moment of truth that was like wow
okay so and I do see his point you won
four championships it would have been a
bad look not to pay him but but there
wasn’t any bandwidth left over in his
mind for the idea that that yes that
should be factored in and remembered um
so if he’s that edgy going into free
agency about the relationship then who
the hell knows well we got a break but
screw him man he made sorry he made $68
million over two years that he didn’t
play and I understand he was hurt but
come on you made $68 million plus 42
this year which is about double what
your value was good luck because I don’t
know just that strikes me as weird dude
but and I’ve always liked clay to be
honest but that’s my opinion you can
read Sam’s opinions in the athletic
subscribe it’s like a penny a month or
some crap I pay a lot more I’m happy to
do it for me and my son it’s the best uh
Sports journalism you’re GNA find all
curated both on the app uh and on the
web for you so please do support our
friends and go to Samuel
thank you go yell at Howard Beck and
we’ll talk to you soon thank you guys
have a great day thank you at Sam we’re
way late for a break when we come back
we’ll take a look at the uh other series
let’s see if we get this Caitlyn Clark
conversation in somewhere as well we’ll
do that next it was a beam unlike any
beam we’ve seen as a Warriors Three no
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that will do it you hear the thunderous
light the beam champ in the background
it was a win to remember the hard sounds
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season still has more life left in it
and the kings are off to New Orleans for
another win or go home home game it’s
the Kings and the Pelicans Friday night
at 6:30 right here on your home for
Sacramento Kings basketball sack toown
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samic ISA he’s a he’s a card he’s a fine
chap yes he is the other NBA series that
we don’t care about as much Boston is
waiting for the winner of Miami and
Chicago that’ll be interesting I mean
earlier on when the 78 game was listed
as obviously Philly Miami I thought man
the loser will probably beat the Chicago
Atlanta winner yeah and that’s Boston’s
reward getting Philly or Miami well now
if it ends up being Chicago or Miami and
Miami without Jimmy Butler changes
things a little bit it does could you
imagine if Boston wins all these games
against Joel embiid in the first round
like that doesn’t seem right no not at
all that’s a that’s a weird injury
although we’ve said before andb doesn’t
look right yeah seven and yeah they get
the mick Philly graduates to New York
now they’ll take on the number two seed
Knicks be fun yeah I think so I’m
looking forward to that series as am I
looking forward to the Bucks and uh
Pacers they don’t like each other and
I’m I’m good with that I’m here for it
yeah and it all comes out in the
playoffs you see each other at least
four if not seven straight times uh and
then this kind of a you know you could
argue this is the series really nobody
cares about yeah uh is it like the tree
falling in the woods will anybody see
Cleveland Orlando and it might end up
being great it might yeah often times
that happens but Cavs uh and uh and
magic and the magic kind of on the right
track here yeah getting in five seed
good for them uh and then in the west uh
you got the Clippers in Dallas fun I’m
really really excited for that uh
Minnesota Phoenix is gonna be kind of
fun to look at yeah uh Denver and the
Lakers first round LeBron versus joic I
thought they were supposed to lose on
purpose so they wouldn’t face Denver
which is just ridiculous Darin ham
laughed at that one and then Oklahoma
City waits for the winner of the uh
pelicans and Sacramento let’s go on
Friday let’s go we are we are you and I
will both be there and you will be doing
the show live from New Orleans you’re
taking off here in about three hours
provided there’s no delay you’ll be uh
in New Orleans tonight for dinner yeah
any uh thoughts I don’t know that yet I
mean actually sounds like uh the
connector is a little delayed so it
might be a little bit later late night
yeah does anything stay late open late
New Orleans New Orleans is always open
it’s always open so you
there I will join you tomorrow afternoon
and uh uh we will tomorrow evening and
then uh boom in for the game and yeah
very nervous very nervous and you’ve
been to that Arena already I have I have
I have been to the my uh well I’ve told
you that they have the I haven’t been to
every Arena but of all the Arenas I’ve
been to that is the best popcorn setup
by far I will head over there it’s not
just the popcorn and the movie theater
butter but they have the big industrial
size shakers of like six day cajan
seasoning and garlic powder and this and
that and blahy blue and I’m going to
popcorn my face off I have a lot of
Elbow Room too uh a lot of Elbow Room
yeah why is that pretty cheap uh tickets
oh God yes Chris you were looking at
this tell us about this is Pelicans
Kings uh some of ticket availability
there well I just went on just looking
earlier to see like okay let’s say I was
in New Orleans I want to go to this game
uh if you go to their site or Ticket
Master a lot of $15 tickets available
lot of $16 tickets available of course
these are up in the upper level you want
to the lower level you’re gonna have to
pay $70 to get to the lower level wasn’t
it what didn’t I hear that at one point
I and I apologize if I’m wrong didn’t I
hear at one point the get in price for
King The King was like 272 for Kings
Warriors for Kings Warriors believe that
like what are we and that’s not a shot
at the Kings by the way that’s just you
know I’d love it to be cheaper but
that’s just just uh that’s just the
market yeah I’m looking here right now
on the tickets available oh my God you
could go upper level
305 uh which is the the corner row 15 11
bucks wow well won’t if the Kings
Advance won’t Kings Thunder be less
expensive than Kings Warriors one game
by a good margin yeah buy a good margin
and and part of that you think so I
don’t buy a good margin I think it’ll be
less well Oklahoma City sells games out
don’t get me wrong there no I mean I’m
thinking here oh here oh oh oh I’m sorry
I’m sorry I meant here
gold because the dra I mean look it
ended up being I mean is it the last
game of the Warriors is it the last game
of the Kings it’s the Rivalry it’s here
now you’ve got there’s always people
from the other team in the building but
there will not be that many people from
the Thunder of the Kings Advance no
because you don’t have um you know you
don’t have the geography situation where
uh you don’t have the geography
situation where you have
two of the most rabid fan bases 90 miles
apart for a one-off that’s a you know
that’s a perfect storm if you will and
the best thing about a possible Kings
Thunder matchup no chance anyone from
Seattle is gonna be having anything to
do with it Jesus that’s the best thing
really right the best part about it
nothing wrong with that at
all wouldn’t it be funny if like one
person showed up in like a Kansas City
Kings jersey he was like what about
protest uh just so you know by the way
that’s the Cheap Tickets uh I’m looking
in section 114 now there’s two 114s
there’s 114 in the bowl and then the way
they have things set up at Smoothie King
is you have I think it’s three or four
rows of folding chair seats oh front row
of Life front row of life so you have
the the the floor seats or as they say
Jason on the wood then you have the uh
you have the folding chairs that are
directly behind the benches for example
so you can go row
two right row row three a pair of
tickets Row three which would put you
three rows behind the king’s bench it’d
be enough to turkey sausage right turkey
sausage right you could smell Keon
Ellis’s shampoo okay you’re that
close now I sniffing at this amount of
money but
$355 each which is what a lot of
concerts go for like that’s incredibly
accessible for a lot of people that is
that is th those seats at Golden One
Center would be well over $1,000 well
over ,000 doll so hey hey if you’re in
the New Orleans area and you want to go
see the Sacramento Kings play uh you can
get in the door for
$111 you can get on the floor uh in the
lower bowl for a hundred bucks yeah you
better be in the area because the
problem is now trying to get flights
it’s uh yeah I looked I looked the day
before yesterday cheapest round trip I
found was $910
yeah yeah so when some people are
floating around it’d be cheaper oh man
I’m out of cash to go to New Orleans and
go to the ticket would be not the flight
the T yes yes well the the flight will
cost you well more than the ticket we’ll
take a break when we come back uh let’s
look at who’s hot how about who’s not
okay and I believe we need to go
streaking so let’s streak it take them
clothes off and we’ll be back after this
did you miss any part of our live local
shows don’t worry you never have to miss
them again check out sack
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want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason
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who I’ll just ask it straight out who’s
High Nick Batum Nicholas Batum Off the
Bench for the Sixers he scored 20 points
and was six of 10 from three most of
those coming in the second half the
Sixers 105 to 104 win over the heat he
had this one put back where he’s flying
underneath the basket and simultaneously
grabbed the rebound while in the air and
threw it back up for the score I’m like
thought Nick Batum retired right been
around a long time what is he 50 for him
he’s on celebrity birthdays today oh is
he really no no I guess we uh we would
have found out well good for Nick Batum
and uh a nice advance for the Sixers who
were by the way the sixer fans you think
you think people here get sensitive when
kings fans boo oh my God they were
booing Tobias Harris off the floor oh my
gosh yeah he threw up a brick aroni Oh
my gosh did you uh who was calling here
did you this this is this is a real
freaking thing that that happened Jason
this might be I’m not I only think I’m
overstating it here this is one of the
ridiculous uh one of the most ridiculous
headlines I’ve ever seen oh I know which
one you’re talking about I saw it from
you I it’s the one I’m thinking of yeah
it is here we go our our content part
and by the way this isn’t a knock on our
friends at KC at all I I this you got to
report this it’s just the story itself
is absurd War War Kay Thompson accused
of vandalism
spree by confused artificial
intelligence what
well according to the new AI generating
features on Twitter play Thompson’s
performance against the Kings was
critical the aid driven side of
Twitter’s timeline showed fans a stark
headline quote Klay Thompson accused in
bizarre brick vandalism spree quote in a
bizarre turn of events NBA star Klay
Thompson has been accused of vandalizing
multiple houses with bricks in
Sacramento authorities are investigating
the claims after several individuals
reported their houses being damaged with
Windows shattered Klay Thompson has not
yet issued a statement regarding the
accusations the incidents of left the
community shaken but no injuries were
reported and the motive behind the
alleged vandalism remains unclear now
there is a mean type of post on Twitter
when somebody has a bad night and here’s
basically how it works somebody tweets
out first off I’m okay my house was
vandalized by bricks after my hand
stopped shaking I managed to call the
sheriff they were quick to respond my
window was gone and the police asked if
I knew who did it I said yes it was Klay
Thompson the of course for the four of
you left that don’t get it is that Klay
Thompson was 0 of 10 he threw up so many
bad shots or what are called
bricks that people use that as a joke so
many people tweeted that joke it was a
very popular comment huh that popular to
become a headline that AI that AI caught
Klay Thompson
alert was vandalizing houses with bricks
it’s left the community shaking but no
injuries report pleased which is weird
now you know uh they AI actually came
out and apologized for that did it
really yeah
award what was that again Chris oh man
you’re putting me on the oh man H
cash that’s still terrible what did the
AI say word awward okay awward
now real quick before we move
on in defense of
KC that they aggregated that story the
story actually originated in SFGate by
some Dingle hoofer named Alex Simon why
do I call him a dingle hoofer well
that’s two pieces of garbage in a row
he’s put out this is the same Jabron is
it Matt George No it’s it’s a different
it’s no this is the one where this guy
put out an article the day of the game
uh and the and the headline was Warriors
fans have no embarrassing Kings gimmick
to laugh at oh yeah and the story was
all about the like defensive player of
the game thing and how stupid it is he
conveniently left out that the Warriors
actually stole the whole what is it uh
we believe narrative from us back in the
2000s they had their own beam but it
looked like somebody was peeing on Chase
Center because it was
yellow wait what was the name of that
reporter Alex Simon Okay this is a
different one remember when Matt was
joking around and they say Sacrament
reporter wants to terrorize San
Francisco the bridge right wasn’t he
yeah because that was also SF Gate I
forgot all about that golly so they
double down they Absol that is well
played that they double down what a
wiener schnitzel that guy gets paid Alex
Simon Alex Simon you’re not hot who else
is not hot Chris oh I better finish that
up the NBA 10 seeds ah the 10 seeds have
yet to make it to the playoffs since the
creation of the playing tournament the
10 seed has has yet to make it and they
are two and eight in those games all
time w wow wait oh we’re the nine seat
yeah where’s the highest 10 seat ever
best record fory wow alleging drug use
amongst Warriors yes what do you say
about that AI the
uh just got a high pressure job at REI
it’s so
intense somebody said so in somebody
said so intense but it sounds like so
intense but so
intense let’s go
streaking it’s time to go streaking
we’re going streaking so is the
Nostradamus of
e e
GB we stre we stroke
yes we’ll take a bre when we return the
uh Pelicans without Zion okay no Z on
Friday okay what’s next how have they
done we’ll go back to the 90s for that
one nope they didn’t exist and uh also
coming up a little bit later unless we
have time to sneak it in here could the
king’s secret weapon be hockey huh what
what is that that’s a tease we’ll get to
that next it took four quarters of
locked in effort intensity and focus to
knock out the Golden State Warriors Shak
trying to create a step back and he
scores it boy you talk about earning a
bucket Steve cerr will take time out now
The Kings Head to Louisiana to see if
they can take another win or go home
game Kings and Pelicans Friday at 6:30
right here on your home for the
Sacramento Kings sack toown
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basketball for over 25 Seasons no look
BBY to Weber down the lane flying Jam
there’s your play of the night right
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Sports the car Michael Dave show he’s on
the microphone when he’s not on the
microphone he’s playing a song and when
he’s not playing a song He’s on the
microphone and then boom with Jason Ross
no he didn’t yes he did call or text at
916 339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave
show with Jason Ross on sack toown
Sports sing
Jason I’m I think I’m actually more
excited about visiting New Orleans for
the weekend that I end the game not that
and let me
clarify because I’m also scared and
nervous about the game yeah so then that
makes you want to eat yes and I I can
think of nothing more nothing
better than to a self celebrate a
wonderful King’s Victory and finally
getting over the
hump and then having a you know a day M
we’ll have all day Saturday we’re coming
back Sun Sunday excuse me you’re already
getting excited I’m already getting
uh heart bur no um
or or if I have to be anywhere for the
Heartbreak and and Devastation uh if
things should go the other way it’s one
of your favorite cities it is my I mean
other than obviously my hometown it is
my favorite city in America I love New
Orleans I love every well which is
interesting it’s not it’s not
everybody’s favorite I really enjoy it
but that’s there’s family connections
and different things but yeah there’s a
lot of people that oh it’s dirty and
sticky and lame oh there’s parts of that
for sure yes that’s factual and I guess
the other weird thing is like I don’t
drink yeah with you I’m I’ll go I’ll go
to Bourbon Street and this trip is being
ruined on you guys different experience
we will I I like the people watch oh
it’s a great people watching town it’s
wonderful it’s amazing you you go around
the corner and here’s uh three you know
12y old kids with drumsticks and a uh a
detergent bucket upside down playing
these like amazing drum bits uh then you
go around another Corner oh here’s a guy
a couple guys with a a trumpet and a
clarinet over here they’re doing Voodoo
and reading your pal right yeah oh
here’s Jackson Square they’re putting on
performances all day everything
hey that had nothing to do with Jackson
Jackson did it I okay I never put that
together but because because of the
roots I didn’t know um and then
obviously but we’ve taken many pictures
of Jackson inck Jackson Square named
after Jackson your son yes absolutely
absolutely I don’t know why they have
the guy on the horse there that makes no
sense uh Jackson loves horses yes so
there’s a tie in there um but like you
know the beignet the tour These Are Tour
stuff but for me gumbo jambalaya beignet
pre all that stuff amazing
Inc I I like you ever like in class you
know the people you guys know what
gleeking is yes okay it’s when you can
like do the thing with your tongue and
like a little stream of spit flies out
people would gleak out like what you
never heard of this heard okay so was
this an 80s 90s thing there there are
people in this world kind of like Jason
to do I can do it if I have something
tart in mouth or if I’m thinking of food
like a dog which is where I was going
but just to educate Young Chris over
here yeah to Gleek or a gleer weird
thing it really is and there are people
that like were in school with us that
were like Pro gers yes and long shots
you basically pump your tongue down in
your mouth in this weird way Jason still
trying to do it and from one of your
salival glands a squirt of saliva would
come out and like a little stream so
like it’s like a spitting cobra it
really is kind of like a spitting cobra
it’s not like somebody normally spinning
like it’s not like that it’s squirt and
and you know so some dude go around
gleeking on people why it was called
gleeking but as as I haven’t thought of
ging and guarantee you there’s a bunch
of people in here that know what GLE is
gross 100% yeah but like right got me my
point was I’ve been borderline like I
can feel myself being able to Bleak
because I my mouth is
so GLE I I am you remember that show
with the singers GLE on 40 um I can’t
the muffaletta sandwich is the greatest
sandwich in the history of time if you
don’t agree argue with a wall I don’t
care is is the best and you can and I’ve
never had a good one outside of New
Orleans the I’ve not seen that I’m sure
they are I’m sure they are too but
they’re there the the it’s the bread
that you can’t duplicate out here I I
brought back a jar of the top they have
an olive top aod they put on God knows
how many cold cuts I think I stacks of
them it really is because this the Muff
out of sandwich it’s a meal like two
meals it’s it’s like the when you go to
new if you go to New York and you get
the uh pami like it’s you look at you’re
like $24 for yeah it feeds four
literally feeds like you can feed four
some people pay rent to live in it for
real you’re not eating AMU a lot of
Sandwich by yourself right that being
said screw New Orleans yeah go Kings
because the pelicans and Kings play uh
remember that’s a 6:30 start right here
in the sporty 1140 uh without Zion
Williamson which they will not have on
Friday uh so far this year Jason uh you
had the staff do this research yes they
are seven and five this season without
him yeah but who have they defeated well
let’s take a look a lot of really good
teams like the Pistons by four okay the
Wizards by 20 they’re not good the
Blazers by nine they’re not good the
rockets by 11 11 okay didn’t make the
playoffs though yeah the Mavericks by 10
they’re pretty good the Cavs by 19
they’re they’re also pretty good and the
Kings by 33 you said 33 was it three uh
the Kings by Larry Bird 33 wasn’t he 33
yeah led by
50 now they lost okay seven and five
they lost by the to the Spurs by two H
Timberwolves by one okay Timberwolves by
the Jazz by five which again can I just
reiterate something I don’t even think
they have jazz in Utah they no they’re
not allowed can they they’re not allowed
right it’s it’s illegal like I don’t
know if they have pelicans in Utah but
can we swap name swap how are they not
the New Orleans JB how did that not
happen what would you name
Utah the
salts ladies and gentlemen here come
your salts wait what if you named him
the Utah slicks because SLC SL Salt Lake
City slicks like hey I’m a slick you
like a like the TR the slamson is like a
big old oil like I’m I’m slicky the
Slick he’s like an oil slick snow Utah
snows in former no different snow
the well I mean God they’re known for
honestly they should be the Lakers more
than the Lakers this Salt Lake no you
need multiple
Lakes well Utah
Laker anyways L to Jazz by five and the
Thunder by 24 okay so it can be done it
can be done now who let’s talk about do
yeah and I’m not talking about mourning
yeah or dog okay okay I’m talking due so
who’s do who is
because the Pelicans have lost six
straight home games right now it is it
is a current they have gone streaking
and they are up to six that’s the wrong
time it’s a wrong time well maybe part
of the problem is four people go to
their games yeah can they make it seven
can they make it seven I’d be a fan of
but why am I yelling this but they have
also beaten the Kings five straight yeah
one of those streaks is going down
Friday so the losing streak is what
Boston Phoenix Orlando San Antonio San
Antonio two to the Lakers New York City
yeah two to the
Lakers I one of
them guys please stop coming up with
Utah D oh we’ve got some good
entries I don’t I like even I want to
yet I’m am just
not really comfortable reading rhymes
does with
Utah I’ll just give a peg junk that’s
the junk that’s the hand I’ll just say
you made me laugh let me did I I got to
remember our jobs here so yeah anyways
um this is what happens to the radio
show when I I at least am just really
you’re dreaming of New Orleans I am and
I’m really nervous yeah like I’m really
I’m starting to get like
I’m still booed by the Kings win over
the Warriors just keep remembering that
that feeling
of complete domination of Golden State
but also
like could have beat the lake imagine so
what scenar what team realistically I’m
not saying hey the kings are well no I
could open this
question they have to go somewhere to
play Friday on the
road not I’m not asking you for a local
ation preference a team preference and
you’d feel less nervous
Lakers less less that much less I’d be
ner I would I’m not gonna lie I would
definitely nervous the joke would be oh
Detroit right I mean yes I’d rather than
play them I would rather play the team
we’re four and0 against than the team
we’re 0 and five against that’s
now because I’m just trying to but I’d
have I’d have nerves I it would too they
match up better but all right Jason as
we break I’ll tell you what current play
play off or playing teams in the Western
Conference that I would feel more less
nervous than than playing the the New
Orleans Pelicans okay uh this is a
oneoff on the road right the Thunder
okay the Timberwolves okay the Clippers
so you skipped Denver got it I did Skip
Denver the Suns you skipped the Mavs I
did okay
um no you know what I’d feel honestly
I’d feel less nervous playing the Mavs
on the road I’m not saying we’d win
okay the
Lakers I think only I think
Denver and again maybe D D but here’s
the funny thing I’d rather play the I
would rather honestly I’m not joking
here I would actually rather go play the
Lakers at Staples crypto whatever the
Hell in a one-off than go to Houston and
play the Rockets okay would would you
rather have to go to New Orleans on
Friday and play the Pelicans you haven’t
defeated or have to go back and play The
Warriors on Friday in San
Francisco after what you just did to
them that is the exact two you you’ve
got two opposite questions going on you
just destroyed the Warriors how are they
going to turn around and beat you a
couple nights later versus this team has
destroyed you five straight times in a
record Point differential how are you
you possibly going to find a way to beat
yeah I think considering the injury
situation probably I’d be less nervous
about the Pelicans in that
situation I don’t like this game we’ll
take a break stressing me out when we
come back uh we’re don’t don’t go away
this is like a 30- second break I’m just
going to tell you about a friend of mine
here but uh could the king’s secret
weapon and get into the playoffs be
hockey what the hell am I talking about
you’ll explain will I explain I’ll
explain after I don’t have the energy
you need some energy I do I’m going to
go to my friends in American Energy
heating and air who are right now they
want you they they’ve got an electric
offer for you see what I did there they
have an electric offer for you because
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American Energy making the
comforable 30 second break we’re right
back sa Down Sports the New Orleans
Pelicans have absolutely owned the
Sacramento Kings this season Sacramento
seeking its first win against New
Orleans and needs it or their season
comes to an end a loss and it’s over a
win and they are the eighth seed and
headed to OKC the rebound grabbed by
sabonis hammers it back off the bounds
another offensive rebound and another
two points the Kings have their biggest
lead of the ball game get all the
exciting play-by-play action starting at
6:30 Friday night on sack toown Sports
car Michael Dave has very good sources
and he just kind of tells it as it is
and gets to the point Jason Ross he has
a lot of pretty smart things to say he’s
good at what he does on sack toown
Sports Sixers
might be uh might they might give it an
assist yeah and the Flyers and the
Flyers that’s the Philadelphia Flyers uh
the Broad Street Bullies some call them
yes Boston that’s Philly right I don’t
know either um because of a stadium
conflict between the Sixers and
flyers the kings were actually supposed
to play Wednesday
night but instead Jason they got moved
to Tuesday day yes and now they get an
extra day of rest get ready for the Pam
so I mean the way it would have worked
right is we would have had one wait an
extra day we also would have already
known a full day in advance that oh man
winter gets New Orleans which the
Warriors weren’t happy about either they
were not so instead it was the same
night you just I mean I don’t even think
they officially knew before tip off it
was just game on and go play um but it
would have been last night now today’s
travel day instead it was you know you
win celebrate get some time prep figure
out find out officially that Zion’s out
and I don’t know I don’t know if it’s
truly an advantage but I think it helps
a little bit to know and and having an
extra day to get ready for New Orleans
also sets up a you know not a weird
situation but imagine so you’re the
Kings right now um I imagine this is how
it would go I can’t see how it wouldn’t
they’re packing for like to be gone for
almost a week correct because they
optimistically want to be coming home
Wednesday night after game too right and
and that way they if they beat the
Pelicans they’ll go straight from there
to Oklahoma City Y um about an hour hour
and a half flight and they’ll stay there
for the game one would be I believe
Sunday right yeah game two Tuesday I
think Wednesday Wednesday o yeah and
then probably fly back after Wednesday
night so so they’ll be G you know
they’re leaving today Thursday so they
they’re hoping yeah that they’re gone a
week first round is stretched out game
three if it you know the kings make it
back here their first game back home
wouldn’t be until Saturday a week from
Saturday remember earlier when we were
talking about sports betting and
somebody who knows things texted me some
of the counterpoints I always try to
throw this out there just in case hey if
there’s somebody out there that knows
things that has my cell
number really would love to know an
update on Malik monk I just I just want
to know I know they said they’d evaluate
him in like four weeks which is what
next week you
said but here’s my simple question is
there a chance Malik monk could play
against Oklahoma City is and if so are
is that like if it goes seven and could
he could he be ready to go at the
beginning but I it’ be fun to know and
although that being said if I’m being
honest you know what screw that don’t
tell me here’s why what advantage is
there you know now the Kings would
officially have to designate him right
but here’s here’s the question I
have now you just have to guys got to
appear on the injury
report couldn’t they just put him on the
injury report as like questionable every
day sure it could in theory like I mean
I know they what was it uh the Lakers
had listed LeBron and AD as questionable
for that game 82 and I’m like okay yeah
right they’re playing they’re of course
they’re playing and they played and with
Malik and Malik’s case obviously if if
he’s getting close well then you just
alerted everybody by it because it’d be
a big deal if oh Malik Monk’s on the
injury report is questionable like that
always happens when somebody’s been out
and they show up but if you kept doing
it and he didn’t play I don’t know yeah
they don’t know I mean there’s really no
Advantage into talking about it because
then you let the other team obviously
their schemes change a little bit if Mal
Monk’s not playing so screw it don’t
tell anyone just have him you know what
here’s my vote Kings win against the
Pelicans they go to Oklahoma City he’s
not ready for game one and two and he’s
not even on the bench for game three but
you you list him as questionable for all
the games and then all of a sudden like
I don’t know let’s say out of the tunnel
eight minutes into the first
and then all of a sudden Malik comes out
just was that his signal
yeah it’s like Rocky but yeah for Monk
and then uh he he goes to Center Court
just rips off his warm-ups and The Crowd
Goes insane oh I forgot a question I was
gonna ask you on Wednesday after the
game there was a point during the
Warriors Kings game where Malik or Malik
Keegan hit a three and everyone was like
and then I think it was the next play
Keegan was under the basket on offense
and he was like pump faking a couple
times went up got fouled and and went to
the line and I turned to one of the
people I was with and I was like you
know what would the what would the noise
level be in this place if the following
happened Keegan under the basket
Draymond and Looney or whoever are
jumping trying to block his shot Keegan
goes up gets fouled but dunks it holds
on with both hands and then gets off and
does a huge flex and yell to the crowd
just like he’s like a lot like sabonis
would do every
time that I think that arguably would be
the biggest pop that building has seen
since bogdon bogdanovich’s game-winning
Theory would be stunning because it’s
just out of character people would be
passing out in the seats like if they
just saw the Beetles like I don’t know
what weird I don’t know I know I don’t
know what I right they’re so excited
blood pressure instant Dro if Keegan
ever did that at home
oh my God yeah and just just showed up
like pulled his jersey to the side you
see this like big cobweb tat on his on
his right Peck or something that nobody
knew he
had I had this dream that like every
part of Keegan Murray that isn’t covered
by the Jersey is just all ink yeah it’s
just all tatted out it’s like the
opposite of you know what you think he
just basically has like a tat bikini
he has a tad of his brother
yeah you think by the way any chance you
think they uh they switched uh in the
Blazers game I don’t know so I just
think that’s the one that that’s the one
thing that kind of triggers him because
someone said something I think he smiled
or some little back and forth he had
with his brother in the Portland like
yeah he’s just Anno being annoying just
it’s the one thing that kind of ah he’s
annoying I just honestly wish I feel
like his brother would I don’t think
hegan would but I wish they were
mischievous enough to wear I think it
would just for warm-ups just for
warm-ups dude switch J switch switch
just come out and each others warm-ups
and just warm up with the other team
yeah and see if anyone caught it well
next time we talk to Fox I had that
thought too on that night or that day uh
because I think Chris was the captain or
the Blazers really had nobody right and
fox was out there and whatever the
little small talk they do with the refs
and the basketball or whatever yeah and
fox was looking at him I I in my mind I
was wondering what was in this my like
gosh you really do look like him like
but I just I I wonder what fox thought I
honestly think that would be an
interesting we should this where I wish
I was at the game it’d be an interesting
question to ask each player individually
do you think if Chris and Keegan
switched warm-ups and came out you’ve
been around Keegan long enough and I’d
be really interested in Fox’s answer do
you think you’d be able to pick it off
at some point that it was Chris Marine
if so how long would it take you to
because I feel like there’s I feel like
I feel like if you know them and you’re
around them I feel like you could tell
them apart yes cuz I look at Chris
sometimes I’m like you’re pretty much
Keegan but also it’s like bizar Keegan I
see one of them to grow a mustache
goatee yeah just go for it we’ll take a
break when we come back what to watch
tonight and uh much more as we clean up
the show and your phone calls at 1800
920 1140
next it was a beam unlike any beam we’ve
seen the warrior three no good rebounded
by Kesler Edwards and that will do it
you hear the thunderous light the beam
champ in the background it was a win to
remember the hard sounds from the
Sacramento Kings have won the season
still has more life left in it and the
kings are off to New Orleans for another
win or go home game it’s the Kings and
the Pelicans Friday night at 6:30 right
here on your home for Sacramento Kings
basketball sack toown Sports Sacramento
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great weed black and purple it’s the
Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on
your local sports leader sack toown
Sports says we have have to go
quick title
of Welcome
Back well here we go fine you want to go
quit great what to watch Diamond Backs
and Giants tonight that’s it get
yourself ready we’ll take a
break not really a lot to watch tonight
is there that’s lame we could listen to
Jr though Jr oh Jr thank you Jason good
morning Jr what’s up you pathetic and
Pelicans hey um is the Pelican mascot
the worst mascot in the league or what
um every when they have the scary one uh
remember the scary one jross yeah he was
scary the Clippers yeah the Clippers
paperclip is dumb yeah pretty dumb there
but the Pelican come on I mean I’ll say
this Rocky uh Rocky Denver the Nuggets
mascot once passed out on the way down
from the ceiling that was that was
pretty interesting that’s pretty awesome
though I mean that’s well done and then
of course lson is the greatest of all
pretty two things with uh our boy Keegan
first of all when they were playing Sun
they were there and I just crack up a
brother and brother twin brother
guarding each other I I you know that
level of sports is like phenomenal I be
like a receiver in DB or you know maybe
a forward and a and a back and soccer or
hockey just the thought of sitting there
and watching those two stare each other
down like okay bro let’s
go the professional level blows me away
yeah it do you think they recognize him
though oh I I don’t know NBA’s aren’t
the smartest guys so I don’t know but um
real quick this is something I just
found out from scottm this is for you
Jay I don’t know why more people don’t
do this when you go to any place of
Sacramento and you have to order
something that they call your name out
Starbucks Panera whatever you always say
Keegan and then when they call you out
you look at them you go muray and you
around and you say hey and see who
Smiles that gives you the thumbs up
because everyone loves you except for
your wife when you do it for like the
10th time but other than that everyone
in Sacramento loves you when you do it
we’re bringing home the win on Friday
bye-bye all right I’m gonna do that in
New Orleans exactly get my morning big n
and chery coffee and be like Keegan M
got a question guys yeah if the Kings
win on Friday and I’m saying if not
saying that that’s going to happen but
if it were to happen do you guys just
with the Kings for the rest of the
postseason um oh to keep to keep it
yeah that’s more of a you thing because
I think I am yeah I think Jason
is yeah you know what after the show I’m
gonna go talk to our general manager and
see if he can budget that in I’m sure’ll
say I think you know people in high
places yeah I I let’s see if we can
budget that in that’s where some other
things get
budgeted it’s one or the other Chris
yeah you think what you think I think me
travel I think he could watch I think
people traveling with Team a far higher
priority Rocky the mountain lion clutch
the Rocket Bear in Houston Rocket
Bear there’s stuff the Magic Dragon
Rocket Bear there is stuff the Magic
Dragon I’m gon have Rocket Bear in my
head all stinking day now uh yeah stuff
the Magic Dragon Pierre the who is that
by the way that’s oh the magic derp uh
Pierre the Pelican Hugo The
Hornet Bernie the Heat the I guess
Bernie is just
the who the hell is Franklin the dog oh
that’s the yeah oh speaking of Philly
was watching that game last night and
after the game they have you know they
have their own uh theme song it’s back
from the 70s what there was here’s a
deep dive there was a guy that used to
do odd jobs for the old owner of the
Sixers back in the 70s and you like set
up promotions and do like Simone does a
lot of stuff around here she she does
everything she’s asked and this guy was
like the Simone of the Sixers in the 70s
so the
sexers yes the sexers so the owners find
the owner finds out that he has a uh
like a little Garage Band he plays and
says hey come up with a uh I’d like to
play like a little theme song and so
okay he liked it and then it caught on
and then when they sold the team it went
away and then there was a a sports host
like us uh back in I think the early to
mid 2000s that Unearthed the song again
and now they play it after every single
game uh after every single win I should
say and it’s uh it’s called I think it’s
called one two3 four five Sixers why is
it not playing this is up I’m not
muted all right this is Sixers win song
everybody for
Philadelphia 76 work it’s
the stand up and
cheer number
one Philadelphia
I think it’s a hell of a catchy song
you’re saying that was made in the 70s
because it’s hard to tell so there I but
I also thought that I had heard it
before and at first I thought well wait
a minute it is am I thinking of G love
and Special Sauce which back in 94 did a
song called
i76 which had uh something about the
and that uh G1 Special Sauce okay you
know the song rodeo clowns by Jack
Johnson maybe not no he originally
that’s the original writer of the song G
loves you guys to okay listen to some G
love and Special Sauce anyways thought
it was glove but then I glove and
Special Sauce that’s a whole different
thing uh then I thought wait a minute
this does sound a little familiar not
exact but something that that I had
heard before did I mute this why am I
why am I mute did you mute me Chris no
you didn’t here up in here up in here up
in here up in here let me try this again
man this whole segment’s going to
garbage here um toilet because I think
we should look I found a place your life
is going in the garbage oh that hey when
I say did you mute me Chris I meant did
I mute myself and the answer is yes
anyways I think we should have
e e
and by it’s a band called definitely
enough for me do you know what you shut
Up Randy it’s a band called middle of
the road this came out in
72 they might all be dead but if they’re
not bring them in what are they doing
singing they’re either worm food or
they’re available that’s the song you
want after Kings
wins Chris there’s not a lot of
Sacramento songs out there okay I’m
trying here there’s just not a lot you
can’t see all of golden one Center going
sing singing sing
sing and and then everybody like
everybody kind of sings it but then when
they get to the Sacramento part they all
extra sing it be amazing whatever you
said the demontis CH wouldn’t work when
we come back cross talk with Styles and
Watkins um there’s a lot to pack in
Jason to today’s uh cross talk with
Styles and Watkins you need a little
extra time extra something I would say
we’re gonna need it’s be a very thick
cross talk between all of us yeah it’s
good uh but it’s going to be a
non-surgical thick
and Allan thick Robin
Thick huh yeah Allen Styles is coming in
he’s thick with
muscle he’s Allan’s a girthy dude all
that gym
work that’s compliment but not everybody
can be girthy like that and all the all
the surveys
say that uh that circumference is a is a
big time Big Time thing when it comes to
in Security in the bedroom be
secure flip the script with your partner
well how can I do that Dave well I’ll
tell you my good friend Dr Jack
freedlander in Roseville and Dr
Pash in San
Francisco at upsizes let me
lay it out for you it’s non-surgical
it’s virtually painfree it’s safe it’s
effective it’s longlasting it’s
semi-permanent and these are doctors
okay medical doctors
performing these proced this procedure
doctors now here’s how it works you you
make the discreet phone call you go in
for your very private and discreet
consultation I get it not everybody
wants to be like I’m going to the girth
store no that’s your business you go in
and you could have the pro you go yeah
oh oh my God is that easy okay cool have
the procedure done the same day as your
consultation that’s
it upsize
Jack Dr Pas they’ll take care of you
you’ll walk out of there and be just a
whole new world singing the hills are
alive with the sound of girth for you
upsem upsies hey
get your girth on Cross talk Styles
Watkins next the Sacramento Kings did it
they eliminated the Warriors and kept
their season alive swing it to Keegan
going for another one he hit from the
line drive on the right wing that’s the
eighth three-pointer that kingan Murray
has made in 13 attempts he has 32 points
now they need to do it again on Friday
in New Orleans Kings and Pelicans Friday
at 6:30 on your home of the Kings sack
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really bad the grief was disorienting
for those Left Behind until one choice
changed everything I just remember
writing this letter and it was at me
riding it can a personal decision shape
Generations we’re all falling for this
guy’s trick I’m Emy Donaldson season two
of The Letter ripple effect is available
now follow us at the letter
or wherever you get your podcast it’s
time for the news of the day the latest
headlines the biggest stories
analysis yeah this is none of those
things and now here’s Carmichael Dave
and Jason
Ross the hell was that that’s Bay Area
hey dude and I mean that you know you
are in better shape and far more F heard
I heard it no know that’s not what I’m
talking about I had seen you yet that is
like honestly that is some 90s ass stuff
you’re wear I love love that the color
your shirt you got like the that is a
’90s color scheme going on I was born in
I was I was born 1990 wow that’s great
yeah I started this you started that I
was born in it like I feel like you
should have like that would go good with
like some Reebok Pumps yeah yeah or uh
see I went I went vans today ah you did
because I’m wearing shorts and I can’t
do the Jordans with shorts my legs
aren’t long enough uh you know so I have
to go low tops there’s a procedure for
that yeah it’s expensive you know it’s
like 10,000 an inch I’m talking well
hello any don’t cut that oh too late I’m
sure he won’t say that to Chris and he
won’t hey uh Chris Watkins uh right here
buddy whoa It’s National High Five Day
oh yeah okay yeah ah
yeah has somebody yet put together a
super cut of all of tiger woods’ high
five his career I need that the worst
high fives you will ever see ever high
fives can be awkward have you ever
noticed that Tiger Woods has yet to one
time have a good high five because you
do the hold after whole thing all that
and I’m not talking about Tiger’s
awkwardness like the waste management
when when you hit the hole in one and he
did the one-handed raise the proof he
but he did it like he was spasming kind
of like Tiger’s just
not good with the the I need a super cut
of that how often are you high-f in if
it’s not sports related or kid related
okay so a question I’m glad you asked
does this count because I don’t high
five a lot anymore um but it does it
count when you see someone we’re just
gonna have to demonstrate this I’m sorry
it’s gonna be awkward I can you stand up
sure you and I are friends we haven’t
seen each other in a while okay so I I
oh my God Al haven’t seen you in a while
and I that’s a is that is that a
five a okay so that’s that’s like a
cousin but not in the not not in the
branch okay well then I don’t ever
that’s what I’m saying you don’t really
do you’re high-f five in kiddos or
you’re high five in in a game when was
the last time you did the thing like the
actual like where you put your palms out
do only when I played beach volleyball
Kings game cuz we were sitting in a
different area because of the the
playoffs and all the extra media we were
right we were with the people and
everybody was everybody was high-fiving
but outside of a sporting event okay I
high-fived a bunch of the game you’re
right but but you said other than that
all right by the way tickets to get in
for the Pelicans Kings as low as $1 11
they were 14 yesterday come join us
we’ll both be there uh I kick the tires
good going 900 round trip R for I kicked
the tires and they kick me back uhhuh
celebrity birthdays brought to you by
crumble cookies they’ll kick you back
with yum yum flavor crumble cookies
they’re the ones for me Jason Ross happy
birthday today to Conan O’Brien Conan
O’Brien careful here he’s also a vert be
careful here I’m gonna say why are we 63
is he going to get us I think older than
watch out oh I’m be very I love that
Conan’s back in the news and making
rounds uh I’m gonna say 60
yeah I’ll say
57 um we’ve got a tie
61 nice okay happy birthday Courtney
Kardashian ah which one is she that’s
the one Scott you’re not keeping up I’m
not keeping up with I got that uh
courter Kardashian is uh
32 I think
she’s well Jason’s laughing so I think
she’s 42
43 38 45 jeez 32 happy birthday to um
Miguel Cabrera ah Crown Runner
Tut uh Miguel Cabrera
41 Miguel Cabrera I think he played for
a while so I actually I’m GNA say he’s
42 41 sounds good okay we have a correct
answer I think he’s older 41 correct you
and Chris yeah that’s right he’s 41 guys
and who did you say it was his birthday
today but it’s not earlier in the show
you’re like he’s coming up celebrity
birthdays forgot okay well we’ll take a
break uh Styles Watkins Styles Watkins
going to take over let’s do it let’s do
it Kings talk getting everybody ready
Pelicans how will they win and some
crazy numbers on CJ McCollum crazy
numbers out they honestly okay I’m
sticking around for that then I’m not
even getting in my car I’m gonna stay
right here and listen to Sal and Watkins
the fastest growing Radio Show in the
history of radio thanks to Chris and
everybody like to be byebye now turkey
sausage did you miss any part of our
live local shows don’t worry you never

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