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LIVE: April 19th, 2024 – Padres Get Set To Host The Blue Jays | Mike Shildt Joins The Show!

e e
well happy Friday Friday to everybody
out there my Lord my camera is way up
close in my face holy smokes good to uh
be here with you that is way too close
what in the world oh boy we’re going to
have to fix that aren’t we yeah we are I
got to I’m going to turn it around or
something nobody wants to see that like
look right at my nose we just I’ll put
it on Ben here yeah put it on Ben solo
handsome Ben looks today looking good hi
Benjamin every it’s good to be here with
you guys on a Friday Friday and uh the
mood is light and Airy and fun in here
this morning certainly mostly because
there was no uh I missed having a game
last night certainly but you know no
crushing defeat or Xander Bogart’s off
the hook for another day at least man we
spent a lot of time talking about that
guy yesterday more than I would have
liked uh to be honest with all of you
but it’s great to be here with you on a
Friday last show of the week for us uh
I’m woodsy Paul Ryle is literally
hovering over my shoulder trying to get
the uh the camera dialed in because it
we are also on YouTube you may be
listening on your rad radio going I
don’t know what you’re talking about
we’re also on YouTube you can watch it
there a lot of people in the chat
already which is incredible thank you
guys for being here and uh Ben Higgins
is your friendly neighborhood Sports
Anchor he joins us as well good morning
to you good morning I woke up today and
you know grab phone to see what happened
in the 5 hours I was asleep as and
usually it’s not that much but there was
so much Taylor Swift talk on my timeline
this morning yeah like an insane amount
of Taylor Swift talk apparently she
dropped a new album last night but then
yeah double album then she dropped
another album essentially nice to be two
two times the number of songs nice to be
so prolific that you just have like just
loads of songs that are done and ready
to go and then you’re like here’s an
album and then you’re like here’s
another album it’s like it’s incredible
actually she’s uh she’s a very talented
human being I was talking to Paulie
about it uh off the other morning I I
saw the same thing that you did when I
woke up Ben and I got in the car and I
said I’m going to listen to some of it
and I listened to the first track she
did with post Malone and I said it’s
pretty good it’s pretty good and I told
Paul go she sounds a little bit like
Lana Del Reay and I said I like I really
like female singers a lot and I I really
like when they Jam a bunch of words into
their L like like I was standing on the
street next to the spotlight and looking
and I’m like I like that I I like they
it’s very poetic to me you’re very Ben
likee this morning I have a lot of likes
yeah but there’s you wish Bernie toen
wrote all the uh the lyrics for the
women he loves to jam lots of words and
I just thought to myself uh I said I
like the
um the Cadence of it and words are very
important to me they are and I so I I
just was like it’s pretty good it was
pretty good so I listened to it coming
in and PA I talked about how she’s a
little bit caught in
between having to not having to but
catering to a very young crowd but also
an older crowd of of 40-year old women
45y old and men too whatever like she’s
kind of in between so she she can do the
love songs the yearning songs but she
also needs to be you know has to stay
keep her pop sensil at this point I
think she’s just catering to human
beings now on the planet Earth who seem
to be kind of the the her fan base seems
to be the 8 billion people on planet
Earth right now crazy man CRA and she’s
pretty much captured them all and I I I
so I listen to some of it I’ll probably
listen to some more uh later but a
prolific uh artist certainly I mean just
no shortage of of material I’m not you
know you’re the music uh expert in the
in the crew but anytime I’ve ever heard
a artist talk they say like writing a
song so very difficult if you to do a
good one yeah to a good one and yet
she’s kind how many did she drop
yesterday 30 right know the final count
and you got to think too there’s 60 that
she went to choose from you know what I
mean like they’re done and I those are
the 30 her standards I think are pretty
high she’s not going to she’s not going
to put something out if she doesn’t feel
good about it like this is terrible but
I just need to fill out the last song or
two she must feel pretty good about all
of them yet seems like she’s also a busy
person doing lots of other things as
well like touring and you know dating
Travis Kelsey flying to Chief’s games
yet I feel like she Bales it well yes I
she’s an overachiever well she’s an
overachiever you think about that life
that she has and that many people you
know nobody’s at her level really as far
as stardom goes that’s I think it’s a
fair statement um no one’s really at
that level and you think about how many
people have their handout you think
about how many people she has
to worry about make sure you know and
she’s really good about that too I I
respect her a lot it’s not for a
48-year-old man it’s really not the
music is really not made for me but she
has her head on straight in my opinion
and like I’ve I’ve said it before what
she did for record stores during the
pandemic to help keep them Al float is
something to be laed admired the the
most I mean you can walk into the the
seediest record store and the guy is
behind the counter and he’s like he’s in
his descendant shirt and he’s punk rock
till he dies and they were all so
effusive with their Praise of Taylor
Swift for sending them signed copies of
records that they could sell during to
keep them them afloat and I just thought
that was the coolest most thoughtful
thing to do and how she takes care of
her people employees and people who work
on her tours it’s pretty amazing and Roo
in the chat says stick to sports for
real please I do think there’s a lesson
here for everybody including super star
athletes you know who what are we
supposed to talk about right now
somebody tells me to stick to sports
again I’m going to yesterday but let’s
get into the NHL what is also amazing is
you hear the stories you know when she
shows up at a Chiefs game or something
and how down to earth she still is
sports despite being the biggest star on
Earth despite being the biggest star on
planet Earth that she’s remained a
fairly down to earth normal person she
hasn’t gotten weird like so many pop
stars tend to do when they’re you know
and I can understand when you’re
constantly in the spotlight and it’s a
little contradictory because I am not a
fan of Travis Kelce never have been yeah
not yeah you don’t like him my opinion
hasn’t changed because they started
dating not a fan but if she’s happy
great power to her and it’s been cool to
see her who somebody who has like for
all the reasons you just listed how her
stardom how big it is she’s going to
Coachella she’s going to football games
yeah she’s sitting in luxury boxes but
like she’s living a not normal but she’s
living more out of her hidden cave than
she was I complain about having to do
stuff I can’t even imagine what that
life’s like you’re just like you don’t
want that level I got to do what where
do I have to go what she is she a
billionaire like it’s not worth it yeah
it’s it’s good it’s good I mean it’s
good I listened to like I said I listen
to a few track this morning and also saw
a couple of tweets coming out people
that we know our buddy Eno sarus who we
had on yesterday he didn’t even mention
he was in Las Vegas uh yesterday when we
had him on and he was he was in Las
Vegas for the
fish spear residency and I saw some
video come out of that and I went holy
cow now the I went to the you one the
visuals for that were stupid good the
best night of my life I mean truly it
was like the best other than my kids
being born and all that garbage it was
the best night of my life being at that
show seeing what I saw feeling like I
felt it was there was nothing like it I
saw these visuals last night I go I
don’t even like fish and I want to go
staggering staggeringly incredible
knowing everyone in that place is like
eyes just bed out of their I completely
that was this weekend that they were
launching The Residency I went you said
something I went and pulled it up on
YouTube this morning before the show it
looked unbelievable stupid stupid like I
felt like I was tripping just by
watching you’re going to Vegas Henderson
30 minutes it’s a 30 minute drive Ben at
fish Ben at fish would be the greatest
thing of all time if I was going to copy
Eno at all he also tweeted that he went
to emerals Del Monaco steakouse for
dinner which i’ I’ve said before Shelly
one of our favorite restaurants of all
time that we went to at least three or
four times when we went to Vegas early
in our early in our uh romance and it
was just it’s always fantastic so fun
it’s uh it the the the place looks
incredible so if you get to if you get
to the chance to go to that have have
fun and and really uh drink it in we had
a great day yesterday um we had a great
day yesterday we had the uh the round
table and you’ve heard it a couple of
times uh on the station since if you
missed it you can go back and watch it I
like that’s the thing is I know I I like
tongue and cheek kind of complain about
it but I actually have a good time doing
the round I’m just tired but I really
like getting to hang with Tony gwy Jr
and Craig and Annie and L we had a good
time we had a good conversation
yesterday uh Joselyn said somebody
somebody assault somebody was commenting
on me talking about my family during the
round table yesterday I didn’t see that
because I don’t have access to the chat
Joselyn says she took care of it so
thank you for that I think I mentioned I
mentioned my son one time I said Bo
Woods likes Bo bashet I think that’s all
I said dare how dare you so tired of
people that I can’t even I can’t even
impart to you Paulie how tired I am of
that garbage so I’ll say it just I
needed to hear for the 69th time your
thoughts on Xander
B where the load off a load off I like
that hit load off today um it’s just
like it’s just like I said before I’m
going to talk about my family it and if
that’s the worst thing you can say about
me put it on my Tombstone at the end of
the day
I love them they’re great and they’re
hysterical so talk about them all you
want I don’t understand that bit talk
about stop worrying about it just talk
about them whenever you feel like
talking about just stab somebody though
that says it but you can talk about it
whenever you want I thought the
highlight of the round table was Tony
Jr’s absolute Hardline stance against
Superstition don’t know that I’ve ever
seen a baseball player take a harder
line stance it’s so ni we were talking
about no you know can you mention the no
hitter and Tony Gwyn
Jr absolutely like went into he was
almost angry at people who would even
give it any Credence at all yeah and he
said I was it was tough I was in the
booth with Bob he was kind of dancing
around it and I had to I wanted to be
respectful but I don’t believe in any of
that you should be always saying it I he
said what stunned me even the the very
common Superstition like you get a hit
you know that bat you’re going to keep
using that bat it’s it’s got some hits
in it you’re going to keep doing it he
goes never cared I used a different bat
every every at bat even if I just hit a
double with it the time before that is
the which by the way and I I I let him
know that in and of itself is a
Superstition you switching your bat
after you Barrel a double in the Gap is
a Superstition straight up like that’s a
Superstition you may not look at it that
way but it absolutely is a it’s a
process that you go through just to
You’re So anti-superstition that you
develop a Superstition what would be
nons superstitious like you’ve got a you
got like seven or eight bats in there
and you truly just grab one without ever
thinking about which one it is correct
every time that’s that’s no Superstition
that’s non superstitious yeah and I I
thought it was funny we asked him about
jumping over the white line and he said
no no I dragged my toe across it and we
said no you didn’t he goes now I jumped
over it why cuz everybody else
did you know like and that was my whole
point yesterday on superstitions you
don’t want to be the guy like if you
want to be the guy that that people
think jinst it then that’s on you that’s
not necessarily Superstition that’s just
keeping a low profile keeping a low Pro
I love it I love it yeah we really had a
great time it’s it’s exhausting it’s
exhausting but it’s it’s really a fun uh
thing that we do so hope you guys
enjoyed that we’ll have another one for
you next Thursday now that one’s going
to be a little different Benny’s going
to be out Tony’s not going to be there
so Annie’s hosting so me Annie po Annie
me Annie and L yeah boy who’s going to
have a more difficult
job Annie wrangling all of you clowns
next Thursday or Ernie Johnson having to
Corral Shaq Charles Barkley on a weekly
basis I mean that show gets off the
rails and Ernie has I think Ernie yeah I
think Ernie I modeled myself a little
bit after Ernie you do a good job he
does such a good job always respect her
Hannah’s going to come co-host with us
on Thursday I think hang out sweet can
she be part of the round table as well
she just said I can if you want and I’m
okay again you I have to host that day
and then do the round table I’m done H
your boy is just toast Ben’s goingon to
be in Vegas hopefully you get a chance
to go out Henderson Henderson he keeps
reminding me that it’s Henderson because
he doesn’t where is Henderson 30 minutes
from Las Vegas suburb in Las Vegas okay
there we go I want you and Scott to go
to fish or not going to fish please go
to fish why neither of us are fish
people at all it doesn’t matter have you
seen the sphere I’m begging you I’m
begging you do something fine he’s
already been to the sphere he went to
you too oh he did yeah he did he’s been
to the sphere all right fine all right
we’ll set the menu when we come back uh
gotay we got a shout out to his family
coming up and a very early shout out to
his family on a Friday uh it’s all
coming up next glad to have you with us
end of the week is here Ben Woods Paul
in studio uh getting you ready for the
weekend let’s see see how the traffic
looks with Kelly danic early on this
Friday on San Diego’s number one sports
station 973 the
e e
rest in peace it’s the great great Dicky
bats one of the last two REM uh
remaining members of the Almond Brothers
Band passed away yesterday 80 years old
Benjamin passed away in Florida
surrounded by uh friends and family was
in no pain uh when he went so they say
nobody really knows oh it was so it was
so peaceful you have no idea thanks a
lot for that encouraging you don’t know
what’s going on inside somebody no he
was fine he was good just drifted off
and it was all all fine that’s a big
that’s a big assumption it’s a big leap
to make in my opinion but Dicky Betts
one of the uh one of the guys that you
watch play guitar and you go I’m not
going to
practice anymore what’s the point of
practice I’m good like why would I that
was a fun dream for a minute yeah like
I’m I’m not going to try to do that he
can’t I can’t do that right and it’s
like watching Scotty Sheffer play golf
and go you’re like I’m done it’s
pointless this is stupid this is stupid
uh Dicky Betts was just incredible and
uh you know responsible for some of the
Almond Brothers biggest hits Jessica
Ramblin Man heard both of them yesterday
blue sky and uh just just a great great
guitar player one of the scariest dudes
in Rock Rock and Roll history from what
I understand you know he had some drug
and alcohol issues and was pretty Surly
I guess to be around for a while got
booted out of the band and um but yeah
80 years old when he passed I I that’s a
that’s a hell of a run for Dicky Betts
they gave him credit at least the who I
was listening to talking yesterday for
basically Paving the way for for bands
like Leonard skinnard southern rockn
rock yeah southern rock so you know how
we do it on this show for the family of
Dicky Betts and I really hope we can see
more unity and more
peace when already things are so
difficult so shout out to his family you
know who uh would have hated David G
Dicky bats would absolutely hated Davida
and all that that would implied him on
the rooftop of that bar I could that I
promise you that I can say I don’t know
if he died peacefully I can’t say he
probably would have hated David geta and
I rest I rest pretty easy
uh thinking that man what a yeah he was
the Ben it was him and Dwayne alond were
the the kind of they would go back and
forth and then Dwayne almond passed away
and so he’s like oh cool now I’m the guy
and he had to learn all of Dwayne’s
parts and all of you know his parts that
he already did incredible incredible
band I don’t listen to enough Alman
Brothers um like if you passed away I’d
have to learn how to talk about your
kids the time you talk about and Taylor
constantly and do your part show as well
it’s really all I contribute it’s just
kid talk to the show some guy dm’ me the
other night and he was on Instagram we
had played a little clip throwback
Thursday clip last week and he go and it
was at 9:48 or something we’re done I
mean we’re cash we’re we’re out of
material went to the throwback Thursday
well and it was the one where the bird
flew in the window and we were laughing
about it was a funny moment and this guy
lost his mind and he’s like get back to
sports man A Bird in a window really I
just rot back no right at the time and
then he proceeds to go on about how I’m
an idiot and I’m a buffoon and he said
this quote Ben has a a brilliant Sports
mind and I went all right so I asked Ben
yester do you think you have a brilliant
Sports mind what was your answer yes yes
said so good I make insightful points
yes you do spot on on my analysis always
always always brilliant Sports mind God
I hate people sometimes but the good
news is that I’m just comparing myself
to the rest of this industry and the bar
is very low that’s true it’s true that’s
good very very Joselyn thinks it might
have been you on your burner account on
Instagram that would be a that would be
a real Scandal they all thought it was
Woods it’s actually me and I enjoy
tormenting Woods most of
all it wouldn’t surprise me in this
business I’ve seen it all it wouldn’t
surprise me to find that Ben has been
torturing with me stop talking talk
about your kids
man so good I like my brilliant mind
says Ben uh yeah the uh the menu is you
know it’s a it’s um it’s a little light
today all right Friday menu uh obviously
we’ve got uh we had no game yesterday to
talk about we do have one coming up
tonight as the Padre’s return home for a
three- game series against the Toronto
Blue Jays and see a lot of people
pointing it out so we will wish a happy
birthday Jackson Merill turning
21 to this is Jackson Merill hey Jackson
he uh his quote about his birthday they
did a story on him in the UT it’s just a
day I like that kid man just a day he
just wants to go play baseball and have
a good night he does not care about the
birthday does not care about 21 going
and you know having some legal beers or
anything it’s just a day he says fine I
hope and pray that the teammates around
him are not going to let him think it’s
just a day force him to have some fun
going to go out and get that dub tonight
and then they are going to rage I like I
like that kid so much man I really do he
is a a really really good kid and his
head is on straight and that’s something
that you have to you have to you know
say and you have to have that mentality
I mean he that’s what he loves to do how
cool is that that what he did last night
what you see what he did what Jackson
Merill did last night no went out to the
uh storm game yeah I saw he did oh I
said J and profar went down to a Tijana
Toros game everyone’s going to games on
their off day and then Sammy levit was
there yeah Sammy L he actually called
the action we got some uh we’ll get some
audio Sammy uh last night called the
middle it was a walk-off win for Dylan
ahead at the end of the night on on a on
a blooper down the line so uh we will
talk about the padr I no one’s ever
accused us I don’t think of being too
negative about the team no we’ve been
accused of being too positive to cheer
leaders raah ra Morning Show on the
flagship station is it possible though
we are not optimistic enough about the
San Diego padr a new piece in fan graphs
is making the argument that we may need
to be a little bit more optimistic about
your San Diego pondre we’ll talk about
that coming up that was an interesting
article that really was it it was an
interesting article and definitely
something we can uh bite down on today
at 7 o’clock we’ll play take on Woods
try to qualify a tier one for a trip to
Las Vegas or if you want to visit
Henderson it’s very close it is yeah
while you’re in Vegas uh don’t do this
as well uh in the second half of the
show we got our guests coming in it’s a
sesus family Barbecue Friday brought to
you by Grand Old barbecue Jake Mintz
will be with us at 8:00 and then at 8:30
we’ll do an early R uh rle report so we
can set the stage for our weekly
conversation with the skipper Mike schil
our manager’s report at 9 a.m. this
morning as they return home with an 11
and 10 record in second place in the
National League West to open the three-
game series against the Blue Jays
tonight at Petco Park now that’s one
thing I don’t know that we should like I
don’t know that we should do the the
standings for a while right doesn’t
really matter right now do you agree it
doesn’t matter but not really but
there’s no reason you can’t keep track
of it that’s true it’s that’s the sports
caster in you maybe yeah yeah your
second Place San Diego Padres the fact
that I noticed since last night the the
giant call them fourth place Padres if
they’ stumbled a little bit fourth place
on April 19th I don’t think so I think
it’s if it’s positive maybe you say it
positive is yeah that makes sense Giants
beat the Diamond max 5 nothing last
night they’re both 9 and 11 now got it
so the padr are solidly in second place
now and only a game out of first place
behind the LA Dodgers I watch the
scoreboard like a mad man I do and I I
checked that score last night but I
really don’t watch the standings yet I’m
not a big standings Watcher yet but
there really is no point that’s why
you’re a brilliant you don’t even know
who to cheer for or against at this
point I know I know you’re hoping they
go 20 do I want the Dodgers to do poorly
but the Dodgers could lose and in the
end that could bite you in the butt
because those wins that the teams got
when they beat the Dodgers could
actually be the teams you’re competing
against if if they’re if the Dodgers are
taking on like the Brewers and the Cubs
and teams that you feel like maybe in
that wild card hunt down the road you
just don’t know you don’t know yet so uh
you got to let it materialize a little
bit more but yeah we’ll have some fun
today it’s a Friday it’s loose loose
today all right we’ll get we’ll get into
the Padres the optimism of surrounding
this baseball team early in the season
when we come back with Ben and woods
don’t go anywhere on a Friday on San
Diego’s number one sports station 973
e e
perhaps it’s just the mentality of being
a s San Diego Sports Fan for so long but
you always feel like you’re trying to
defend your team
against the national perception of how
bad your team must really be and I
understand I do understand why the
national perception of the padr going
into this season was pretty low yeah
after a disappointing year they slashed
payroll they lost a ton of good pitching
including the sa Young Award winner
arguably the best closer in the game and
and maybe the best hitter in the game as
well if I if that’s the those are my
bullet points and I’m somewhere in you
know Nashville or Connecticut and I am a
baseball fan and that’s all I know about
the Padres well they weren’t that good
last year and they lost three critical
players that’s going to be one of worst
teams in baseball right they’re going to
be awful well I mean and you’re not even
mentioning Lugo wak and Martinez you had
to rebuild your entire rotation so if
you have those notes in front of you you
go oh yeah this team’s winning 60 games
they’re starting who in center field
right yeah rookie I fully understand the
national perception this time about the
San Diego as do I now I was hoping that
they might surprise some people but what
surprised me is that already here 20
games in you’re starting to see some of
the national perception change and I
want to get into this piece that that
came out in fanr yesterday about what
truly the 2024 San Diego Padre are and
may end up being this year and we’ll get
to that right after a check of traffic
here at 973 the fan from the 973 the fan
traffic center here’s Kelly d well the
only problem I’m seeing at this time is
a little bit of volume on the Coronado
Bridge heading over to the island but
yeah no incidents no accidents getting
your way so far I’m Kelly donck with Ben
and woods San Diego’s number one sports
station 973 the fan this hour at 973 the
fan is brought to you by the farmer dog
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SL radio so Leo Morgan Stern one of the
writers at Fan graphs and if you don’t
know fan graphs there are a number of
analytical baseball sites that are out
there I think fan graphs may be one of
the best if not the best for following
the sport they constantly are putting
out interesting wellth thought out well
researched and argued pieces about major
league baseball teams and the headline
on this one is hey these Padres are
still pretty good and what actually even
surprised me because they went through
the whole oh yeah they lost a lot in the
off season there’s no doubt about that
and it was going to be tough to replace
what they lost however then they went
through the additions the you know the
WAN stto trade the pictures they picked
up and some of the other moves that that
AJ made and what really surprised me in
the end is the analysis that the Padres
when you know at full strength and that
includes by the way Donovan Solano
coming up at some point here after he
finishes his extended spring training
and maybe joining the team as a
designated hitter fan graphs now
projecting that every player in the
Padre’s lineup will be above average
offensively this season based on WRC
plus weighted runs created plus that
they will have a lineup of nine above
hitters on the team essentially except
Jackson Merill but they also make the
point that they working on a pretty
small sample size and everything has
been really encouraging about Jackson
Merill and they have him just a tick
under but they say absolutely based on
the start he could be an above average
player now they make the argument of
course that jerx and profar is probably
not going to keep up his Torrid Pace
from early in the season however he’s
off to such a hot start that even if he
comes back to Earth he could still end
up being an above average offensive
player this year they also say Xander
Bogarts has been well below average
offensively this this year but they
still project him to bounce back and and
have a decent season and finish above
average offensively and if all their
projections do come to bear that the
Padres will actually be really one of
the better offenses in the league and it
will come down to pitching in terms of
you know whether or not this team can
can make the playoffs at the end of the
season and the the note too about Xander
that was interesting he said uh the
newly minted second baseman hitting an
abysmal 200 uh right now 60 WRC plus
again average on WRC plus is 100 so if
you’re at 60 that’s not good you want to
be above 100 100 is average so um he
said if if proar inevitably regresses by
about 50 points which is what they’re
projecting right now you can expect
Bogarts to increase by the same amount
therefore you know in a in a perfect
world of projections Ben a wash
essentially like he one comes down to
earth one gets back going um and I think
all of us would sign up for that I My
Hope Is that jerks and profar just never
lets his foot off the gas and again no
one’s going to continue on on the pace
that he’s in that he’s on right now but
holy smokes man like like why not shoot
for a very consistent above average
season which I I don’t know that I
thought he was capable of until I
actually watched him play this year and
now I I think yeah okay I can see that
happening and Xander yeah Xander needs
to get it going and if he can get his
back up to where it needs to be for sure
man it’s a it’s a more complete balance
lineup all the way through now Fang
graphs says here and I’ll I’ll read this
directly our playoff odds currently give
the Padres a
46.2% chance to make the postseason and
they have the third highest odds 35.3%
to secure a national league Wild Card
birth trailing only the Phillies and
Diamondbacks the race remains wide open
with the Mets Giants and whoever doesn’t
win the NL Central also in the running
San Diego is only one game above 500 but
at this point in the season that’s an 85
win Pace there’s a lot of season left to
play but as things stand the Padres are
in pretty good shape and that’s from fan
graphs uh
46.2% that’s basically a coin flip toss
it in the air heads or
tails about whether the Padres make the
playoffs and if it does come up uh you
know heads for your San Diego Padre’s
this season and things continue to go
fairly well I think everybody everybody
in the Padre’s fan base will be pretty
happy to see a playoff appearance this
year from the San Diego pandr yeah and
and like everything obviously it’s
Health dependent and you know the injury
the injury bug is is rearing his head a
little bit right now with u darish being
on the iil and of course Jake
cronenworth I I’m you know we’re talking
to Mike Shelton about 2 hours and 14
minutes uh and I want to ask him you
know about the health of those guys when
you can expect them back uh Jake back in
the lineup certainly CU he’s not on the
ilil he’s he’s hopefully ready to go
tonight for this series and uh just a
big big part of this lineup and and you
know want to ask him too about about
Xander and getting him going and
thinking about changing the lineup and
all of that uh as well but yeah it’s
always nice to see an encouraging
article and there were there were I I’ll
be honest there were plenty of people in
the media that did say yes you lose all
those great players you lose all those
Innings but we’ve seen this before you
know we’ve seen this before I don’t want
to do the addition by subtraction thing
but you’ve added some decent pieces if
we stay healthy Ben we have as good of a
shot at making the playoffs as anybody
because I do feel like we do have the
guns to get us there and I think it it
starts with and they start with this in
the article the guy that we really
needed to
be himself was Fernando tatis Jr uh
after a pretty dismal second half last
year his his WRC plus right now is 148
and that’s that’s where you need him to
be he is a star and he needs to do star
things now just because fan graphs says
something or projects something doesn’t
automatically make it true and they know
that as well but one thing that they
don’t know and that none of us know is
the Thinking Inside the organization now
they believe that Donovan Solano is
going to be a pretty decent hitter when
they bring him up not great Fielding
although they can play multiple
positions they said the only position
where he’s really above average is
probably first base but as a designated
hitter they believe that Donovan Solano
is more than an adequate solution for
the San Diego ponre going forward Woods
do you
believe that that is the plan for the
pontre they signed him they haven’t
really said much about him other than
sending him to Arizona to you know get
get locked in at this point but do you
think that in uh a week a day two weeks
whatever it takes that we’re going to
start seeing when Manny Machado is back
playing third that Donovan salano is
going to be some a somewhat everyday
player for the San Diego P was that why
they signed him for that purpose
I would imagine uh he barrels the
baseball and that’s that’s what you’re
really looking for and and they’ve
really you know we’re maybe we’re too
stuck in our ways of traditional
thinking and and but I mean we’ve seen
Mike schil play matchups plenty this
year we’ve absolutely seen him play
matchups and they’re throwing kind of
that out of the window you know we have
plenty of right-handed hitters and
that’s why we all kind of were
lampooning and or uh uh calling for
Brandon Belt you know a lefty hitter
that that can can hit the ball in the
gaps and I they just said they like
whatever they like about Solano probably
the price is probably a little bit
better than Brandon Belt right now too
but he also Barrels the baseball I don’t
know what his splits are or whatever
righty Lefty but you’ve got eggy Rosario
who can hit lefties if if Solano can’t
uh and is better for right-handed hitter
right-handed pitching I don’t know but I
I do like that pickup it was a sneaky
good it’s just funny we spent so much
time talking about a member of the late
2010’s Giants as possibly being the P’s
answer a designated hitter and yet it
was never the right one we kept talking
talking about Brandon Belt and
apparently AJ PR always seemed to have
his eye on Donovan Solano as the guy who
could be the answer for him from that
that same team that we remember you know
playing against in the National League
West for uh for multiple seasons and and
I don’t know again what the plan is we
can ask uh we can ask the skipper will
we see Donovan Solano in the lineup
tonight you know could could happen
right I mean theoretically they could
activate him and he could be there
tonight they have not made any moves as
of yet as far as I know he remains in
Arizona still getting work in but if he
had been uh you know St sharp during the
off season there’s no reason a veteran
going to need more than a you know week
or or two to to really get totally ready
for the season it it was a week ago that
yeah was it a week ago he’s had some
time um I’m sure they’re evaluating on a
daily basis to see where he’s at if
they’re anticipating bringing him up so
yeah we can we can definitely ask Mike
schil about the Donovan Solano play he
may defer a little bit Yeah well you
know when when they send him to me we
will that’s when we’ll put him in the
lineup we’ll put him in theine in the
lineup until then I you know we got we
got guys we like and we’re we’re going
to continue to roll those guys out there
but we can ask and see what they have to
say about it but pretty pretty
encouraging piece for someone who’s
already optimistic about San Diego PES
just naturally yesterday was your Super
Bowl yeah yes Ser I was like oh wow this
is I may be underselling this team just
a a tad this season what did they say
the Padre’s had the best record in
baseball since August 31st of last year
which is funny was that was the note
that they had since August 31st of last
year crazy Padre have the best record in
baseball and the second best run
differential in all of baseball yeah
very exciting day for you the second
best run differential they’re scoring
plenty of runs which I of course took to
mean had had they invited the padr to
the playoffs last year they would have
won the World Series correct they just
they lost their invitation in the mail
that exactly right not have the best
team in baseball even part of your
postseason what are you thinking yeah
MLB what an oversight on your part
correct yeah and and it it’s what makes
last season so tough to stomach uh
thinking about all the ones that got
away you know the Kansas City series the
Cincinnati series the ones that totally
totally got yeah the Pirates just
murdered you murdered you and that’s
what makes it so hard to stomach like
you you guys couldn’t win those games
right and that’s what you know that’s
what you look at this year and
especially right now with a three- game
against the Blue Jays and then four
against the Rockies I was glad to see
that you know you were downplaying the
Rockies a little bit yesterday Tony GW
Jr is with me he it’s a house of horrors
it’s a house of horrors there that’s the
that’s the series I’m most nervous about
so far this year next week Monday Monday
through Thursday down a starting
pitcher no I mean there’s certainly an
argument to be worried about that Ser
Place hate it hate watching games there
had a just a couple of games last last
night uh Giants as I said beat the
diamond Banks 5 nothing Logan web was uh
was really good seven Innings two hits
five strikeouts nasty uh Jack ligher
made his major league debut for the
Texas Rangers the second overall pick in
2021 the he’s the nephew of Al ligher
and the son of Mark lighter right looks
just like him except throwing from the
opposite side of the mound I thought he
was all lighter’s son oh marer is Mark
lier Jr I think Mark ligher Jr is Mark
glider’s son that makes a lot of sense
that makes a lot more sense yeah it’d be
weird if alter’s son was J that would
that would be that wouldn’t add up odd
naming could be wrong though uh anyway
he kind of struggled he had one really
bad inning three and two3 eight hits
seven earned runs but the Rangers did
win the game nine to7 like the Texas
Rangers who of course won the World
Series last year the Padres at some
point are hoping to bring up a couple of
these top pitching prospects I don’t
think they want to rush them Robbie
Snelling is a name we certainly had our
eye on in in spring training the guy
who’s off to the best start though and
pitched again last night is Adam merer
and he has really thrown well think he’s
given up like one run in 16 Innings or
something like that so far in the minor
leagues and and while he may not have
the best stuff stuff so our friend Kevin
charity from Mad frier tweeting about
him and said I think the person I’ve
most wrong about is Adam merer he has
got the best command and best like
intellect for pitching in the ponre
minor leagues and I think he said I
think he lookso very close to ready if
the Padre’s need a pitcher soon that
that he might be the one that gets the
first opportunity from The Young wave of
pitchers coming up for the Padres yeah
excited to see it you know and and what
you hope though is you don’t need them a
ton this year right if you need those
guys if you’re calling on those guys uh
a lot this year that means that you’re
you’re suffering a lot of injuries to
your starting pitching rotation and uh
Jeremiah Str I think had another good
outing last night as well uh throwing
hard man 98 miles an hour and getting K
swinging Miss and and all that so there
there should be some some transactions
here in the next few days and again as I
belabor the point when you go to
Colorado you need all the arms that you
can have you can you just can’t have too
many too much pitching when you go there
just get away from you quick that’s true
you got to have it that’s true I
wouldn’t be surprised if they they
sometimes make a mids series move in
Colorado just so they can cycle in a
couple of extra Bullpen arms and just
make sure you’re never left shorts in a
game series at Co field you know and I I
I do there’s something to be said too if
you’re going to bring up one of these
guys is that the best place to do it but
then again they’re the tripa guys may be
used to it I I mean I they have done it
before I remember in the past but I
don’t I don’t was it who was was it
lower it might have been and it was like
oh my God I’m it’s like watching I know
i’ bring a Snelling or a maer but you
can cycle in some of your other Bullpen
options in Colorado just to just to get
through the series so uh first though of
course it’s the Toronto Blue Jays three
games tonight’s matchup is yiel
Rodriguez uh who’s been he’s been good
on the mound for the Blue Jays this
season Matt Waldren has been very good
his last couple of outings for the
Padre’s as well after that first shaky
inning essentially he’s been he’s been
good he’s been good as that fifth
starter for the Padre’s he’ll get an
opportunity tonight the one that pitched
for Cuba think yeah I liked him man oo
boy 40 E water SoCal pregame show with
Sammy L tonight so we’ll come back take
on Woods is ahead it was also it was a
quiet night in sports except for stevenh
Woods who actually had a better amazing
who’s more into the sports watching than
anyone else in the country will explain
why coming up next to you’re on the
e e
well most of us really really around the
country last night were kind of in uh
Sports limbo as it was there was very
few baseball games there was no
basketball games I don’t even think
there was a UFL game on last night there
there’s like gymnastics was the only
thing I could find college
gymnastics we were all kind of in the
sports torture chamber
however my co-host here was into it
really into it tell everybody Woody what
what sporting event you were watching
last night
I had a um it was a long day you know I
woke up early as balls
1:5 we did the you know did the normal
rig roll of the show did the round table
came home went to get the kids and and
and all that and then went to pick my
car up at about 5:00 finished dinner and
I looked at Hannah and I go I need a I
need a moment and I was I was depleted
the tank was empty I just needed I was
just cashed so I went back to my room
shut the door which I never do and I
just laid down and I put on the TV and I
go I don’t need to hear this what oh no
it didn’t go there I was too
tired couldn’t if I wanted to I was
exhausted so I put on the TV and I go
I’m flipping through and I go oh all
right NHL playoffs are on hell yeah the
Kraken against the Minnesota Wild one-1
game I’m like all right bro every you
know I like I I playoff hockey’s killer
I’m going to watch
I’m watching and I’m look in and I’m
like there I don’t see
any graphics they’re not doing a great
job promoting how exciting these NHL
playoffs are probably because the ball
yeah probably because it wasn’t the
playoffs okay probably because it was
the regular season finale Not only was
it not the playoffs you were watching
two teams that had already been
eliminated from
play playing the string at the end of
the year I didn’t know
that just there so they don’t get fine
it’s just they had sold tickets they
have to show up and play the game
probably probably some of their young
prospects called up just to give them a
little ice time at the end of the
season and I’m watching it I’m into it
I’m into it and I’m like yes boy these
teams are going to battle it out for
what five games seven games whatever it
is in the the opening round of the NHL
playoffs I don’t even know I have a uh I
have a small confession to make as well
first we need a contestant for take on
Woods that’s uh it’s a couple minutes
away but if you want to join us 833 288
0973 833 288 0973 our musical trivia
game qualify for Las Vegas coming up I
was all set to watch the the Western
Conference playin Tournament final game
yeah the Sacramento Kings and the New
Orleans Pelicans last night and I kept
turning on I thought I thought it was on
te and I go to 34 and it’s like one of
those it’s like one of those reruns and
I go maybe if it’s on TBS then why would
they put it on TVs no it must be on ESPN
I went to ESPN and it was like college
gymnastics and I’m
going what what am I missing here why is
the game not on why can I not is on NBA
TV it’s like that doesn’t even come in
in my my work TV channel why can I not
find this playoff game it’s Tuesday
Wednesday then Thursday is back to the
Western Conference and Friday is the
Eastern Conference game and I could not
figure out
where the NBA playin tournament was you
know I I was kind of thinking now Kings
Pelicans this is going to be a good game
the winner gets the thunder in the first
round finally I I just go to the
computer and go I got to look this up
where am I missing this games today not
yesterday they’re both they’re playing
both of them today Western and Eastern
Conference eighth seed elimination games
tonight so there was no basket ball and
I did not realize that I just assumed
that they were just going every other
day like I don’t I’m just an idiot yeah
when you assume me settling in for some
playoff hockey on a Thursday night
abandoning my family at crunch time I
call at 5:00 I’m just abandoning them
fully like hn you got it I I need I need
a I need a blow for a minute and so I
watched some of the game and I texted
Ben I go am I watching the playoffs he
goes are these the NHL playoffs I’m
watching or is this still the regular
season cuz there no fanf fair none
whatsoever you think that they’d be like
oh man playoff hockey here you think
there’d be a graphic you think they’d be
promoting the other series like series
tied z00 at this point something like
that I well it was on ESPN so I’m
assuming it’s a big game I know they
have they do a lot of NHL they have the
the thing I think so no no just settling
in on abandoning my family again for
a meaningless meaningless game with
teams that aren’t going to the playoffs
I wasn’t even getting like a good pre
well at least I can see what the Kraken
are doing see how they’re moving the
puck no nothing completely a a waste of
time Ben goes no man that’s a regular
season close though it’s Saturday
tomorrow the NHL playoffs get underway
the NBA Playoffs get underway tomorrow
as well I just I felt like a big dummy
and I it’s which is fine you know how
long did you keep watching I watched I
watched like a whole period D I did I
watched a whole period Well I watched a
whole period until I asked and then when
you asked and realized you were watching
regular season finales playoffs that’s
when I got up got the kids out of the
bath and like started doing some
fatherly duties put them to bed and then
I came back in Hannah was watching Shark
Tank and I said okay I’m just going to
read so I read any good products they
were pitching on Shark Tank I read a I
read a book instead to try to you know
get tired and it was great I slept much
much better but uh you know I to get
rest I’ve got a uh now this is
interesting I have a seals game tonight
speaking of and I think it’s meaningless
for us now the Vancouver Warriors you
clinched a a home playoff game no matter
what next weekend but the interesting
thing is Vancouver who’s coming in right
there’s a couple of interesting parts to
this story even if you don’t even know
what we’re talking about seals are our
nlll national league National Lacrosse
League box Lacrosse team I do PA for
them if you didn’t
know they’re RedHot the Warriors and I
think they’re still fighting for a
playoff spot that being said their head
coach if you guys remember last year he
was the head coach for the Calgary Ruck
and he is the guy that wrote on a
whiteboard cheater and held it up and
stared at me like Charles Manson
remember this remember this he wrote
cheater and was like had this death like
these big ey he’s a scary D Kurt
milowski he’s now the head coach of the
Vancouver Warriors they’re coming in red
hot I think they need this win what did
he think you were doing so remember this
um it was one of those games now
Pachanga arena San Diego is an older
Arena there’s to my right in the Penalty
Box there’s a guy on my left my boy LL
and he does all the clock clock
management he does the shot clock he
does the game clock he handles the horns
everything I’m in the middle with just a
handheld microphone that’s all I have
then to my right is our uh production
director right he’s got the replay thing
in front of him there’s another ref in
there that turns the the the light on
and the shot clock he does a shot clock
reset actually so I’m harmless in this
I’m just hey let’s go seals come on
defense def that’s my job they thought I
was manipulating the replay and or the
shot clock and or the game clock and I
have no control zero but because you
stand in the middle of all of it it
looks like you’re orchestrating you’re
the Puppet Master yeah the puppet master
and they thought there was some sort of
Houston Astros level conspiracy going on
with the seals not only did their coach
hold up a sign on a whiteboard that said
cheater and looked at me again like he
wanted to murder me the Calgary rough
neck players were walking over to the
glass pointing at me going you’re horse
ass you’re horse I almost soiled myself
I lacrosse players by the way are tough
as nails
Nails I was terrified of them and
they’re pointing in the booth you horses
and I’m like I just do PA I’m like
piping up the crowd so he’s coming back
tonight he did apologize to the media
after the game he said it let he let it
his emotions get the better of but he
never apologized to me did did anyone
ever like no like clear it up for him
like you’re not you’re not involved in
any way I have cheater there’s YouTube
stream there’s the picture no way you
found it Paulie found the picture uh
Josh tweeted it in I was trying to find
I was like directed at you remember
there was a picture of this look at that
serial killer he does I mean I hate to
judge a book by its cover but that guy
does look like a criminal he like like
I’ll be honest he looks like a murderer
and he was holding that up and and again
those players looks like he’s played by
alpacino huh yeah yeah cheetah it was
terrifying so he’s so he’s coming in
back tonight okay
I’m this like I said this game doesn’t
mean much for us but I’m like I kind of
want to beat the ever I’m going to get
hyped tonight you hype him up that’s
your job hype everybody up wi win one
for woods tonight yeah he uh Adam Adam
in the chat says he’s got an odd smile
while making the accusation yeah that’s
what serial killers do as they murder
you they’re smiling so that’s he’s he’s
here he’s in town Hannah goes do you
think he’ll apologize before the game I
go I don’t think so I don’t think he’ll
walk you make the first move do I make
the first move up how I’m like What’s Up
Chief hey bro just so you should do I
give him that hey man can we clear the
air here I just want you to know my
responsibilities please don’t send your
I think you you talk like down on him oh
do you how you do guy oh he would kick
my ass you see him n you got
this well so if you needed an excuse to
come to the seals game tonight
going to be should be interesting James
in the chat says he really wants to take
on Woods let’s do
it now we got Joe in the uh in the in
the waiting room here to take on Woods
which is brought to you by valine
Instant Oil Change it only takes 15
minutes you don’t have to get out of
your car for directions and discounts go
to SoCal oil that’s SoCal oil Good morning Joe good morning
all right let’s see if we can get you
qualified for Las Vegas two nights at
the Westgate you can check out their $70
million in room Renovations and going to
throw in some tickets to cool in the
gang for their residency at the stage of
the Westgate get them now at all right here are your
categories we still have Royal titles
British royal titles appearing in all
answers Fire and Ice those are musical
artist bands with either fire or ice in
their name and our new category no lefts
all right Five song titles that include
the word or phrase all right so of those
three Joe Royal titles Fire and Ice or
no lefts all right what would you like
play Let’s Go With Fire and Ice Fire and
Ice okay Joe we’ve got five questions
they are all different musical artists
or bands and they will have either fire
in their name you’ll have 60 seconds to
get as many of the five as possible then
Woods will go if you beat her tie him
we’ll put you into the drawing for lost
Vegas first questions the 2 second song
Paulie is queuing it up right now you
need to give me both the title of that
song and the artist with fire or ice in
their name to score that point Joe are
you ready to
play yeah let’s do it Paul are you good
all right 60 seconds on the clock your
time begins when Paul plays the music
the category Fire and Ice good luck Joe
let’s take on
Woods born Robert vanwinkle which rapper
was accused of copyright infringement
and had to give co-writing credit for
his biggest hit to David Bowie and
Queen which band is best known for an
English language 1982 cover version of
Falco d commsar
H which Canadian indie rock band won a
2011 album of the Year Grammy for the
suburbs man I Ain got it today born in
the Bronx in 2000 which female rapper
gamed early Fame on Tik Tok for her song
Munch and has collaborated with artists
including Taylor Swift and Nicki
Minaj oh had a big Goose EG today oh no
let me just ask you Joe do do you have
do you know any bands with fire or ice
in their name can you think of one maybe
you picked the category wrong house
Firehouse no that’s not one of them uh
let’s just leave it there we’ll bring
Woods in and give everyone another
chance to go through the
answers all right can I tell you how
committed I am to the uh sanctity of
this game walk out into there uh out in
the the little hallway and I here your
beautiful find somewhere that was
playing it and turn it down and there’s
a q speaker out there but that one was
off and I’m like where’s it coming from
so I ran down two studios in two speaker
on was listening you had to turn it down
turned it off just so you know do matter
too much today we’ll see all right 60
seconds back on the
clock your time begins when Paul plays
the music good luck Woods hope you’re
ready let’s take on
Joe I don’t know Steely Dan incorrect
all right Born Robert vanwinkle which
rapper was accused of copyright
infringement and had to get correct
which band is best known for an English
language 1982 cover version of Falco’s
derasar don’t turn around uh
oh what is
the pass which Canadian indie rock band
won a 2011 album of the Year Grammy for
the suburbs oh Arcade Fire correct born
in the Bronx in 2000 which female rapper
gained early Fame on Tik Tok for her
sung Munch in collaborated with artists
including Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj
did you say Munch
Munch pass which band is best known for
an English language 1982 cover version
of Falco’s derasar all I can think of is
Falco uh uh I don’t know the category
I’m out all right two which is a win it
was a tough category maybe Joe doesn’t
feel as bad for his goose egg today that
was tough what’s the C category was Fire
and Ice bands with fire or ice so the
first one was earthwind and fire yeah
September by earthwind and Fire Steely
Dan you got vanilla ice after the fire
is their commsar you got Arcade Fire and
Ice spice ice spice got is your Tik Tock
Munch collaborator with Taylor Swift and
Nicki Minaj that was tough all right
tough one today uh don’t uh do this is
coming up next Paulie we have some well
pre-nfl draft press
conference as uh as pointless of a press
conference as you’re ever going to get
from one of the NFL head coaches cuz
they never never tell you anything about
what they’re going to do in the draft so
why on Earth would it make it don’t do
this you’ll have to wait and find out
one of my favorite things that we do
with Bena Woods After traffic on 973 the
e e
tun in every Thursday at 10: a.m. for
our 973 the fan commercial free Padres
Roundtable featuring woods and myself
Annie and Elston Gwyn and Chris
presented by San Diego Roundtable Pizza
for takeout or delivery go to Roundtable the last
honest Pizza had a really really good
Round Table yesterday enjoyed that Annie
he’s going to step in to my hosting role
next week when I’m on vacation right now
though it’s time for don’t do this and
uh woodsy has been anticipating this on
audio all morning you know usually when
there’s a uh fartgate situation somebody
will be talking and then you they’re
talking they’re talking and then in the
background you hear it you’re like did
he just
well jaguar Jaguars GM is balky TR bulky
he uh he didn’t want there to be any
misconceptions about what he actually
did at a press conference and I again I
got to imagine if you’re a uh a GM of an
NFL team you probably want to control
yourself a little bit a little bit more
let’s all listen in let’s listen in you
tell me still got a couple of days of
going through coaching I haven’t sat
down and go excuse me gone through the
final board yet what excuse
me let’s listen one more time and
determine whether or not that really was
still got a couple of days of going
through coaching I haven’t sat down and
go excuse me gone through the final
board yet Fu he ripped one right right
in the middle of his you can’t hold it
Trent for five more minutes could it
have been it sounded a little bit like
my my throat noise maybe it wasn’t a
could have guttural do do you have my
throat noise for comparison can find it
because it seemed like it was somewhat
similar I didn’t see like he didn’t like
lift yeah anything wait hold on I mean
that would really be bold in front of a
room full of people on television with a
microphone in front of you could have
been guttural but he did say ex he did
say excuse me he did uh there was a bit
of like a pause for a sniff as well
which was odd I don’t know if you
noticed that he maybe did the sniff
cover up like oh this one’s coming out
the to try to cover then he apologized
like excuse me well he realized it came
out louder here’s Ben you thought that
was good news yesterday yeah I did not
now Trent
balky buy going through coach and I
haven’t sat down and go excuse me gone
through the final board
yet I think it’s fart I think it’s fart
boom that’s a fart see that’s a
different sound though that’s a fart he
farted for gate well now nobody
knows when yeah nobody in the chat says
that Ben noise just kills him every time
me too every
time yeah that’s a gut roll Trent valky
was a he he
toed my kids say and he says excuse me
excuse like that’s excuse me excuse me
yeah he
toed all right go ahead I’m done now my
my story kind of pales in comparison
sorry that sorry very interesting one
though um so uh a
criminal charges have been filed against
39-year-old Robert globensky from
Augusta Georgia who is alleged to have
moved quote millions of dollars worth of
Master’s golf tournament merchandise and
historical memorabilia from the club
from 2009 to 2022 he’s charged with
taking it over state lines to Tampa
Florida what is not clear yet in this
story is exactly where
he is getting all of his stolen goods
what kind of we talking is he going is
he just shoplifting every year at the
masters from the merchandise tent I mean
they also say historical memorabilia is
he going into the clubhouse taking
things off the walls yeah here’s Rory’s
or uh here’s Phil Mickelson’s old wedge
that we have on dis stealing like Green
Jackets here but I mean millions of
dollars of merchandise over a 14-year
period guy is like an inside job every
yeah that he’s from Augusta so maybe
like some sort of inside job and he’s
like the black market
of you know fell off we talking golf sh
like make deliveries to the club for
merchandise and it somehow it never
makes it in and he just has been
waylaying it or something there’s uh
they’re kind of light on the overall
details it’s just that it’s been going
on for 13 years it’s a total of millions
of dollars of memorabilia he’s been
driving it from Georgia to Florida when
he gets it where that’s the best place
to fence
Master’s is that is that was that well
known yeah it’s Florida um if found
guilty it just says here this is kind of
funny globensky would have to return all
the stolen goods or money made from them
really found guilty just doesn’t get to
keep it all got you got me you should I
give it back no it’s fine you know you
got I I fenced it in Florida as you guys
know all right let’s get to some do do
this d d Mega doo do so the San Diego
Road club uh honored Peter seidler with
the Mr San Diego award yesterday uh it
is the most prestigious award Ben
according to Allison Edmonds that can be
granted to a San Diego pretty cool he
was notified of this honor before he
passed and his wife sheal was there to
accept and
again strap in I mean it just it just is
so sweet this is a wonderful picture of
Peter right here so thank you for that
Peter he was a businessman and um but he
never thought of himself that way
sometimes I’d be filling out forms for
you know various things for the
children’s activities and they’d ask for
his occupation and he’d be peering over
my shoulder and he’d be like put
artist cuz that’s how he saw himself and
um he never needed the spotlight as some
of the speakers have mentioned but he
also wasn’t afraid to use his platform
for those without a voice or those who
could truly benefit like Dan mentioned
his passing was um sudden and
tragic I don’t think that’s always been
conveyed in the Press but um it was a
shock to me and the children and the
family and the past few months the shock
acceptance you know all the feelings and
with that all the memories come up like
schy was saying I I also talked to Peter
all the time I don’t know what anyone
thinks about that but it works for me
and I asked him you know what should I
tell everyone honey and um I think one
observation I have of of how we did
um that you can always afford to be kind
matter what conversation you’re having
having or who it’s
with such a good reminder as usual you
can always afford to be kind I’m not
guilty of that uh and at every chance
but I do feel guilty now after hearing
that that message uh from from sheal
Sidler and that was amazing it was
incredible great obviously we’ve seen
sheal and the kids at at some of the
events the memorial and everything but
but she didn’t speak and I totally
understand why it’s very emotional but I
loved what she had to say about Peter
artist just put artist put artist and I
loved the the statement it it’s you can
always afford to be kind I did not know
and she said that one thing that had
hadn’t been portrayed in the media and I
I’ll say I think we’re all as guilty as
this as anyone else I I think because we
had heard you know Peter was ill for
some months and had stepped away a
little bit from the team and the dayto
day of course his history that we kind
of assumed that well obviously he must
they must have known things weren’t
going bad and he was he was kind of
getting sick over a period of time and
it wasn’t as
unexpected and to find out that no it
really was quite unexpected that they
were fully I know I I assume like fully
expecting him to get better and then it
just didn’t happen that that is somehow
makes it even more sad a little bit to
me not that it wasn’t incredibly sad to
begin with but I did not realize that
and I apologize for ever insinuating
that I did think just kind of assume
that because he had backed away and had
been ill that that it wasn’t as
unexpected as it was so I did not know
that yeah great great message you know
it’s just a great message you can always
afford to be kind I will try my very
hardest it’s okay if you fail sometimes
but as long as you’re trying yeah just
try it so that’s all you need to do
that’s an important don’t and do do this
for a Friday that was don’t do this with
Ben and woods on 973 the fan all right
let’s take your time out uh if you want
to join us our phone lines are open 8332
288 0973 want to talk about the padr as
they come back home this weekend the fan
graphs piece we were discussing earlier
the uh maybe a a newfound optimism
through three weeks of the Season about
the San Diego Padre please join us this
morning 833 288 973 we got more benett
Woods on the way in just a moment on San
Diego’s number one sports station 973
e e
had some pretty significant news
yesterday if you you’re a longtime San
Diego Sports
Watcher and uh wanted to give my best
wishes to Uncle Teddy Ted Lightner who
is great Uncle Teddy the great Uncle
Teddy who is uh down to one last season
San Diego State announced that he’s
stepping away from the uh the football
broadcast he will do one more season of
San Diego State basketball and then he
will call it a career uh decades long
San Diego Sports casting Legend Ted
Lightner and um I I brought back some of
we’ve done some pieces over the years
with Ted on television of course we’ve
had him on our show many times I pulled
my dip thong in college over the years
called not just Padres but Chargers
Clippers Aztecs of many talent for it’s
25 years at Channel 8 had his own
morning radio show at the same time as
well an absolute legend in the business
we pulled some clips the last time we
interviewed him I think he was when he
had his book came out remember and I
love this one he said every year they
would do the the poll in the San Diego
magazine in the UT and I would always
win best sports caster and I would
always win worst sports caster as well
every single year I won both best and
worst sports caster in San Diego you
loved him you hated him but you listened
all the time we got a broadcast here and
you’re worried about a suitcase
unbelievable I love him I absolutely
these people are unbelievable in this
Arena they got security guard think
they’re guarding Pent the Pentagon
coming over here interrupting me during
a broadcast to worry about a suitcase
unbelievable absolutely incredible
incredible audio an incredible human
I’ve gotten the chance we’ve all gotten
the chance to talk to him so many times
um yeah I I I hate to see uh I hate when
a a guy like ver lanquist right like I
hate that he’s not doing the Masters
anymore I’m going to not like that Uncle
Teddy’s not working uh in in sports
casting anymore anym I love that dude
and he was for me when I moved here such
an acquired taste cuz I had never heard
anything like him ever and I’ll never
here’s the concept bite me I remember
the first time it was 2010 and I was
driving back from I think the first pad
R’s game I ever went to and I was
listening to the game I was like who is
this clown like he’s a clown and I
listen to the next one and I listen to
the next one I then I started to you
know learn about who he was and I went
oh I love this dude this guy’s fantastic
and uh all the stories and the Legends
and you know my father-in-law worked
with Uncle Teddy as well great picture
of them from back in the day Uncle Teddy
with a full head of dark hair I mean
just incredible an incredible career
this ball Game Belongs to my San Diego
Padres a total total Class Act I was all
the way I was talking to Kimberly hunt
about Ted last night she never worked
with him directly but she she known him
for a long time as well East County
Chris says Uncle Teddy’s segment on
Channel 8 news was much was much must
watch TVs in the must watch TV in the
80s and 90s there we go and what was
always amazing about Uncle
Teddy he never used a prompter he never
flubbed three times he never would never
have done that no he wouldn’t either but
he never used a prompter he’d walk in
and he had he had good producers and
they’d set up like the video and
everything and they here’s here’s what
you got you know and and he’d go for
like five minutes they gave him more
time than I’ve ever had on on a sports
segment uh on channel 10 and he’d just
sit down and he’d just go just off the
cuff you know and he would be funny and
witty and insightful and angry and he
could just muster it all in a five
minute Sports cast every single night
controversial could you imagine winging
it like that I mean we do for four hours
essentially every morning but with the
pictures and everything it’s not easy to
do no I mean winging it on television
navigating a television broadcast
than this I mean this if you if we screw
up we screw up I mean who
cares clearly obviously I mean look what
we’re talking about here I uh I have a
tremendous tremendous amount of respect
for Teddy Lightner and the way he
handles everything and um just been such
a pleasure and honor to get to know him
and I wish him nothing but the best in
health and uh whatever he decides to do
he is he’s a fascinating character his
what was his bit with hockey he hated
hockey he would only show fights when he
did highlights he would never show
actual highlights only the fights and I
last night I I did a little story on Ted
and I went right into a hockey story
because I said because everyone knows
hockey was always Teddy’s favorite sport
I love it man he’s like me like I’m he
wasn’t afraid to say he didn’t like I
don’t really watch the NBA just like if
Uncle if it works for Uncle Teddy oh it
drove people crazy too who wanted real
hockey highlights he would he wouldn’t
give them to them there’s two stories
about him one he told me that his kids
started stopped telling like they’d go
you and they’ go Noom that’s not my dad
which is gnarly right because he goes he
goes other like the the kids of dads
that hated me hated my kids and that was
unfair and I think about that with my
kids and then the other one was he told
us this on the air somebody had gotten
traded here from the Dodgers and the guy
whoever got traded here like sought out
Uncle Teddy and walked up to him and was
like hey bro they hate
you the former we they hate you all the
players hate you the fans want you dead
and I’m going I’m nodding along going
this is the way you know so that’s this
is the way that’s very interesting
because obviously you can make a lot of
comparisons between me and Uncle Teddy
I’ve Channel 10 for 20 years morning
radio show host you know similar careers
but in many ways you’re the Uncle Teddy
group he was always unafraid to talk
about his personal life and kind of
failings as well I me famous for
Ex-Wives and he would joke about
constantly about you know just the the
many EX light I’m not famous for XY but
you’re you do you’re more than willing
to talk about your life and the things
that are less than perfect sometimes in
your life and Ted would always do that
as well San Diego’s new Ted
Lightner that what was that
from I don’t know that’s the thing we
never know the context of any of these
things I actually don’t know I doubt I
was just bragging about it that was from
2021 I’m San Diego’s new Ted
Lightner there definitely some some
irony somewhere in my tone but I don’t
remember that comment either all right
let’s uh let’s check oh by the way Teddy
did say I will miss everything about it
but he also said
that it gets to the point where you
still love the work but the road gets
very wearing tired of the road and
Mountain West travel is awful you know
Wyoming Colorado Springs and Fort
Collins and those those trips that he
won’t have to take during a football
season anymore but I’m glad he’s going
to do one more hoop season I’m really
glad that in these last couple of years
he got to go to a final four something
that you know probably never imagined
he’d get to do calling San Diego State
basketball so that is really cool that
he got that opportunity to to do that
and call a national championship game a
little over a year ago love that dude
wish you well Uncle Teddy love you if
you want to join us 833 2880 973 get
some phone calls after a check traffic
here on 973 the fan from the 973 the fan
traffic center here’s Kelly d traffic is
sponsored by the AOS Casino and Resort
just one accident to mention here guys
this is uh actually right outside of our
Studios North down 15 before Arrow Drive
if one of you wouldn’t mind going to the
window and maybe see what lanes are
blocked cuz I can’t can’t see it here
but yeah watch out for a little slowing
there guys northbound 15 right before
Arrow Drive fortunately no other problem
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Dan with Ben and woods San Diego’s
number one sports station 973 the fan
it’s always a it’s always a bit of a
roulette wheel when we go out to the
phone since we don’t have a scre reer so
let’s just go to line one is this Alex
good morning hey how you doing can you
hear me great hear you loud and clear
good hey I’m really excited to get out
to Petco for another little mini home
stand uh coming up this weekend and I
wanted to bring up something that has
been bugging me I called in a couple
weeks ago you was something else Petco
wise that was bugging me sure this time
I’m wondering if you guys want to uh use
the platform that you guys have to
affect some positive change in the world
here and this has something to do with
uh our beloved DJ EJ and The Vibes that
we’re feeling at Petco and I’m wondering
why are we still listening to Spoon Man
riff for the every strikeout that we
hear right Woods I know you’re from the
90s I’m from the 90s too you know I love
I love sound garden I love bad motor
finger and you know Chris Cornell shout
out to his family and everything but
it’s just it’s just a strange thing that
I’ve been wondering and my sister
actually uh maybe a year ago took to
Twitter and tried to talk to like Bobby
and DJ EJ about like what is this and
like DJ EJ didn’t really have a great
explanation about why it was even you
know implemented in the first place a
and so now that like you know it’s years
later and The Vibes have become so much
different than they were like 10 years
ago it seems like we could we could pick
something a little more Vibe friendly
the likeing r what’s the Riff they play
and I can hear it it’s just is it just
the yeah it’s been playing for years I I
want to say it goes back to like the
Qualcomm Stadium days when a pitcher
would get a strike out and I don’t know
the the real answer for you Alex other
than good dude I can promise you this if
you took it away you get more complaints
than you can imagine cuz people get used
to things that that’s maybe used to
things and you try to take away and even
though you could you could replace it
with something that’s 10 times better
you’d have a large segment of people who
were going what happened I love when you
would play spoon man after a strikeout I
mean same thing on a walk I does Ric
Flair always we have to do the woo after
every single walk but they do every
single time a p race player walks and I
can’t how many seasons do you think it’s
been that every walk yeah has been
accompanied by the Ric Flair woo and
everyone does the woo if you stop doing
it though people would lose their
minds there it is strike out my only
fear is that it would be replaced by
something I hated even more right like
something I’d be like oh no you
know like sound sound garden
Never Never Fails me but I can see his
it doesn’t make any sense like it
logically Spoon Man after a k doesn’t
make no one’s ever said oh that guy just
served you a spoon you’re out like if it
was a thing man man they I never really
understood why they did it but I like
sound garden a lot uh I like the woo I
do like the woo woo I like that you
don’t like that I did I I didn’t say I
didn’t like it but it’s been going on a
long time and if the you know if Alex
says you need to freshen things up I
replace the bumper music here a few
times a year you get tired of things I
get tired of things quickly um I don’t
go I don’t go to enough games for it to
affect me really but I I I that’s an
interesting like thing to bring up and I
don’t know the rules behind it and or
the impetus for doing it there’s
probably something you have to don’t you
have to get licensing for to use that
stuff I don’t know how it works at
ballpark I assume that they have to get
something that’s so funny but like what
what if you took away Sweet Caroline
from Boston Red Sox fans at some point
it becomes a tradition just that’s just
expected go to the game we got really
bored at uh during the pandemic and we
were trying to get them to change up
some of the you know some of the music
like like the Broham thing was like I
think they’re Dodger fans you know maybe
we don’t use that um there was you know
we we had some fun with it but I don’t
think too much about that but that is an
interesting call and I I really would be
curious as to why they did that in the
first place the origination of the spoon
man like you didn’t you just threw him a
spoon no I’ve never heard that before
maybe I’m missing something it’s not a
thing I’ve been around a lot of ball
players oh man guys you served them up I
mean it might be just like Trevor’s
Hell’s Bells could be as random as
anything just got played one day and
people responded well to it so well
let’s do it again tomorrow and then
tomorrow became 20 years of tomorrow’s
where they just kept doing it you know
through inertia never changes yeah it
just you get kind of locked in it’s an
interesting point though um that he
makes that was a fun call I like that
let’s get one more in here Greg’s called
in Greg good morning welcome to Ben and
woods good morning hey the the spoon man
has nothing to do it’s just an iconic
Rift a good RI yeah yeah um I want to
talk about Joe musgrow anybody else
noticed how down his fastball velocity
yes sir last year and how low his arm
slot is yes sir we talked to youo sarus
about it yesterday we talked about it
when was his last start uh the way he
gutted out that one last start was onay
on trip and and you know yeah I think
he’s probably concerned about it as well
you know and it it could be lingering
from the the capsule um injury capsule
his capsule injury that’s not a capsule
capsule capsule capu
capsule uh it could be lingering from
that I again you can’t you’re it’s not
sustainable to continue to give up early
runs and then hope your offense bails
you out he did give you six he got the
win and figured something out his
sweeper and his slider I mean the tilt
on them the the spin on them looks good
it just they weren’t Landing so I I
think he’s still just working through
some stuff I’m I’m I’m going to continue
to kind of believe in in Joe musgrow
because um the way he finished last
season and coming in I guess semi
healthy you know we’ll figure it out but
he he needs to get it going too yeah you
think with
Joe if there is a guy who can figure out
how to make it work without his best
stuff you know the the kind the dog that
is he will he will come up with
something it may not be instantly but he
will figure out a way to make it work
and hopefully he’ll get that mile hour
back it’s not it’s not like Joe is
really old right how old is Joe 31
32 I mean he should still have a couple
of more Prime 31 yeah yeah should
still you know injury if he’s healthy if
he’s healthy shouldn’t see that dip
quite yet now UD Darvish is definitely
on that age where you watch for it a
little bit now uh but he’s got so much
Spin and movement that that and he still
gets it up to like 97 humps it when he
but you got to watch for more injuries
as you get later in his career things
like stiff necks and things that us
elderly people have to deal with all the
time you is finding out yes that does
not uh it kind of sucks getting older
I’m going to start taking 15 days every
time my neck is stiff you guys would
never see me well you can just take a
take a Tylenol do you take a tablet or
you take a capsule a capsule take a I
take a capsule
capsule all right uh we’ll come back uh
it is a sesus family Barbecue Friday we
got Jake from sesus family Barbecue
checking in we’ll talk some baseball
with him hour number three of benett
Woods next on San Diego’s number one
sports station 973 the
e e
halfway home on a Friday Ben and woods
uh Edition great to be here with all of
you guys looking very uh looking very
active and alive in the the YouTube chat
you can watch us there certainly thank
you for listening on your radio The
Odyssey app how ever you consume us we
really really appreciate that I’m woodsy
that’s Paul Ryle the executive producer
and Ben Higgins the brilliant brilliant
Sports mind that he is and your friendly
neighborhood Sports Anchor I’ve thrown
on my grand old barbecue hat because it
is time uh to talk a little baseball
with Jake Mintz from sesus family
Barbecue on a Friday morning his uh his
screen name is irrelevant proar oh
that’s spicy how spicy that Jake is very
relevant to us in the San Diego pond ra
of course
now yeah how funny was that though it
was amazing to me that is the best burn
is that you are irrelevant yes that is
the best it hurts like and for it to
come from Will Smith who has the spice
level of stick of butter milk yeah I was
impressed like I think you actually have
to tip your capat to Will Smith oh we
did until of course the next day got it
shoved right in his face yeah yeah but I
understand profar is very relevant to
you and your listeners and I I’m not
trying to throw a shade I apologize good
morning everybody morning buddy I I
thought again chippy baseball is truly
amazing it’s the best kind of baseball
and I’m not talking head hunting
throwing 99 at somebody’s back or neck
but chippy baseball just a little bit of
drawing firing the team up um I thought
it was cool I mean the next day they
asked Pro far he’s like yeah I screwed
that up sorry I kind of misinterpreted
it and then gets that big knock and the
baseball Gods as I said Jake they rarely
Smite the Dodgers for what they say and
it was fun to see them get smited uh for
once yeah I mean it’s there’s nothing
like a little comeuppence to sooth
soothes the soul yes it does we love
come up and we got ours last year with
our very high payroll and and all that
and you know we kicked it around the
last couple of days cuz the potteries
were off last night and you know I mean
I’ve SE I see a lot of LA Dodgers fans
flipping out right now and I I don’t
think they have much cause for concern
being that they have you know six guys
coming off the ilil that could be pretty
good rotations for a lot of teams so yes
but the Outfield sucks it does it does
it’s a bad Outfield it’s a bad Outfield
and it’s it’s being covered up covered
up is not fair it it’s being papered
over by the fact that they have uh like
MVP candidates at first base short stop
designated hitter Will Smith is an
incredible catcher yeah uh Max m still
good at third B like the the infields
amazing but boy that Outfield pu James
Alman has looks horrible Chris Taylor
looks like he’s in a Space Jam baseball
remake and Kik Hernandez’s return home
has not been So Glorious and if there’s
a reason to doubt the Dodgers it is that
the Outfield is kind of butt and the
bottom of the order similarly so you
know uh we discussed this on our Round
Table yesterday with Antony Gwyn Jr said
yeah they’re still going to win the NL
West and and we we all tended to agree
but there’s different levels of winning
I mean if they if they win 94 games and
win the NL West that’s a pretty
disastrously bad season for what was
expected for the Dodgers this year
disastrously I think it’s disaster you
win yeah you win the if they win in the
playoffs it doesn’t matter like this fan
base has seen that team win
178 games in the regular season and then
poop their pants in October and so if
they win 90 in the regular season and
they win the World Series like no one’s
going to be complaining entering the
playoffs like if if everyone is healthy
and ready to go for Los Angeles in the
playoffs they’re just as formidable as
Atlanta is um so am I worried a little
am I panicking if I’m a Dodgers fan no
but I doubt anybody who’s listening to
this is no no
we definitely have Dodgers fans
listening no doubt about they do can I
bring up a topic do you guys see this
Colorado Rockies FAA story
yeah 20 minutes ago I just filled them
in on the the story that I saw and uh if
you guys haven’t seen it yet the FAA is
investigating the Colorado Rockies who
we will we’ll head to Colorado and play
them on Monday for four game set don’t
go in the cockpit when you head there on
Monday okay yeah seriously so tell tell
everybody kind of what happened but
they’re under investigation right now
and again people love to post their
crimes I guess on social media which is
part of the problem this is like the
hardest I’ve laughed at a long time
Hensley Mullins who’s the um hitting
coach for the Rockies posted a video of
himself sitting in the cockpit of the
plane like pretending to fly it uh and
you you can’t you can’t do that you
can’t do that and the FAA is
investigating uh United Airlines and
it’s pretty open and shut case actually
here know there’s so many funny things
about this right like this doesn’t
happen this could happen to any
organization right it’s just like one
person breaking a rule in the pilot
letting them in but that it is happening
to the Rockies who are a jumalia of
disorganization is just the most fitting
thing ever and that it happened at
altitude and it’s the Rockies like I
can’t stop laughing at this story it’s
all so good now Jay you’re a younger guy
but back in the day like when woods and
I were kids sometimes they’d let kids
come up and come see the cockpit the
plane the pilot would be nice hey would
you like to come up and and see the
controls and they’ invite you there FL
it was during a flight it
was before 911 things were very
different in this world I never flew a
plane when I was a kid I got the airline
wings and all that but I never got to
sit and fly it when I was a kid I used
to be able to do tax evasion on a plane
nowadays you can’t do anything world’s
chage uh don’t don’t do this if if who
on the Padre’s is the most likely
accidentally get in trouble for this
this a conversation who who’s like let
me into the cockpit I think Musgrove
like I just SE that in he’s the one who
would be able to like Swoon or convince
the pilot to like let him in to try it
out because would surprise me Joe knew
how to like knew yeah that’s amazing
yeah that’s true that’s funny I wanted
to ask you we’re talking to our pal uh
Jake from sesp his family Barbecue on a
Grand Old Friday want to ask you about
Paul SK because every time this dude
pitches I am am I’m enamored with marvel
at um his raw stuff he’s down in tripa a
and just continues to be you know
striking guys out at a pretty Torrid
Pace right now uh looks pretty unhitable
looks like he’s filled with all the
confidence in the world now the ranger
Texas Rangers you know more careful with
uh Jack lider came up didn’t have the
best debut yesterday he still has really
good stuff but when do you expect a Paul
skin to make his for The Pirates Who are
a fun team so let’s let’s do this first
comparing Jack ligher and Paul SK is at
one point in time would have been
responsible now responsible now they are
two different they are two different
species of pitchers because Jack ligher
drafted second overall famous last name
has backed up since he was drafted the
fastball commands all over the place the
secondary stuff hasn’t progressed and at
this point he’s like looks like a
backend guy unfortunately for the
Rangers he debuted yesterday and you
could see the issues with his pitch mix
right away Paulin nasty is a moose I
mean this guy on a physicality
perspective is unlike any pitcher I’ve
really seen it’s just like there’s a
thickness to him that is remarkably
jarring he looks like a tight end and
not in a way where he’s not like ripped
he’s just like he’s a moose man he’s a
moose when do I expect get called up uh
uh I would say in the month or so he’s
amazing the fastball velocity is a joke
he really knows how a pitch I will say
this though if you clamoring for skines
totally get it go watch Jared Jones who
the Pirates already have who they
already called up I did he face the
Padre’s am I mistak no we haven’t seen
him yet no you haven’t seen him yet okay
I saw him in person this week against
Mets I I can’t it’s unbelievable like if
SK SK comes up and is Jared Jones that’s
a win Jared Jones is thring 100 miles an
hour he’s 22 years old he’s getting
swings and misses in the strike zone I
think he had 16 swings and misses
against the Mets a team that makes a ton
of contact he threw 59 pitches to get
through five innings and they pulled him
and then they BW the game Jared Jones I
think is already one of the best 15
pitchers in baseball and if Paul skins
comes up and does three quarters of what
Jones has accomplished everyone will be
thrown drones already here in that game
that you saw this is staggering
22-year-old 85% of his pitches were
strikes 85% strikes against like you
said a team that makes a lot of good
contact future uh very bright in
Pittsburgh and and really really good
young position players as well uh coming
up through that system it’s fun reminds
me a little bit uh Jake of of your
Orioles and uh it’s just got to be fun
to watch these guys on a daily basis I
know Jackson holiday has has struggled a
little bit it you know it’s to be
expected a little bit surprising that
our Jackson has gotten off to such a hot
start uh but what are you seeing out of
your Orioles right now early in the
season dude they bang they just bang
everyone bangs everyone on the team
rakes except for Jackson holiday for
right now um and it’s not just that the
guys who were top prospects have come up
and been good right like gunar Henderson
and adley rushman it’s the like Ryan
oarn yeah who they snatched off the
scrap Heap from the royals after he was
but there for a couple years has been I
think he has the Third best hard hit
rate in baseball I think it’s like Otani
Bobby Whit Jr Ryan oarn and and sure
great Cedric Mullin has gotten hot
Anthony Santander is starting to hit but
what’s been very interesting watching
the lineup with holiday in it so he hits
ninth and Henderson hits first so what’s
been happening is like holiday strikes
out on a fastball in the strike zone
because he’s learning how to play
baseball still and then the lineup turns
around to and he gets the exact same
pitch and hits it like a thousand miles
an hour somewhere in the field and
you’re like oh I can’t complain about
Jackson holiday like we have a a
different one who’s already amazing
right and so things are it is the part
in the movie this is what being an oral
fanas like right now the part of the
movie where everything is so good it’s
about to go wrong right like that is the
energy everyone is happy and Whimsical
and smiling and it just feels like
there’s another shoe to drop but that’s
just fandom trauma that’s just baseball
fandom yeah that’s exactly right uh Jake
mens from cesp family Barbecue is with
us and on your Yahoo sports platform
this week Jake you wrote about Marlin’s
manager skip shoeer now we are not
objective when it comes to skip in fact
there’s a better than average chance
he’s listening right now in his office
in Miami somewhere with his coaching
staff but I want to get your perspective
a little more
neutral objective outside Viewpoint of
what’s going on with the Miami Marlins
coming off an incredibly exciting
surprising great season manager of the
Year there should have been a lot of a
momentum and excitement and somehow
they’ve all just killed that in Miami as
fast as possible like they were trying
to like they tried they’re like it feels
like they’re the major league franchise
in Cleveland that was trying to move to
Miami except they’re already in
Miami what’s going on it’s a very move
to Cleveland
actually oh it’s it’s a complicated
situation okay I know that you all love
skip we love skip is a singular presence
in the sport like I in talking around
with people and Reporting this article
out I did not hear a single negative
thing about Skip like at all from
anybody honor off the record I was
floored by the reputation this guy has
earned for himself okay so that’s
important to understand skip almost
certainly is not going to be managing
the Miami Marlin next season that is a
given he asked the front office or the
ownership group to void his option for
next year so that he can and my
understanding explore the market right
now how did we get to this point I
actually think that most of the people
in this scenario are are operating
rationally the ownership group Bruce
Sherman led by Bruce Sherman who has
been pretty Frugal looked at the
organization that Kim Ang was leading
and saw success of the major league
level and very little else the
infrastructure that the Marlins had in
placed under Kim under under Kim Ang was
not great okay that that should not take
away from what she accomplished at the
big league level to build the team that
made the playoffs last year like that’s
awesome too so what Sherman tried to do
was go in and hire someone above Kim to
like build the infrastructure up and
that’s where the big mistake was because
Kim totally reasonably said I’m not
gonna stick around and have you hire
someone over me I just took you to the
playoffs with like
$25 okay so she leaves that pisses skip
off understandably because they had a
good relationship new guy comes in Peter
Bendix who I like and I think is is
going to do a good job there and he
looks at the situation and goes this is
not a good baseball team I don’t think
we can win and so they don’t spend and
then once they have injuries to Yuri
Perez um who’s like a big big piece for
them and sanal Contra is missing all
year like this is not a good team that
can compete and so they don’t sign
anybody and now we’re at a point where
they’re like you know one in 75 to start
the year and skip has become a lamb duck
manager and it’s all very bizarre it’s
all very
uncomfortable I just have so much faith
that skip is going to
maintain his skipness yes throughout it
all and show up at the yard every day
and have good process and help the
players around him get better even if he
knows he will not be managing the next
good Marlin team but what’s really
interesting one more thing is what skip
does from here right because he is
pretty much accepted as one of the best
five to 10 managers in the game already
which is amazing considering it’s just a
second year and so he’s going to hit the
managerial free agent Market this year
and probably get pretty good pay to lead
a team and it’s going to be interesting
to see what jobs open up and which jobs
skip is gonna want to take and you know
we’d have no idea what he wants and what
sense there is there but it’s just a
really interesting storyline to keep an
eye on I think Jake kind of nailed that
pretty well too I did too very good he
nailed that on the uh the good stuff on
on skip Schumacher in the uh the Miami
Marlins thank you buddy go read that I
actually you know I did a lot of
reporting for that good I I can tell
jokes guys but I also do a little
reporting yeah no you’re you’re
reporting from from what our sources
us it’s fairly
accurate we’ve got a good one we got a
good one thank you buddy appreciate you
take care Jake have a good weekend uh
our weekly segment with uh the sesus
family Barbecue guys Jake and Jordan
brought you by Grand Old barbecue e
Asado if you go up to the the Flynn
Springs location also in North Park and
at the Ballpark you can check him out
this weekend while you’re at PCO Park I
was just telling the uh the misses we
need to make the Trek out to Grand Old
pretty soon as with the family fun fun
place I I drove to pick up some barbecue
on a Sunday cuz I had to get out of my
house um and it was it was delightful
but I want to go sit and eat and enjoy
myself uh out there so that’s going to
happen in the next few weeks for sure
when we uh come back want to uh do we
have some audio of our beloved Sammy
levit yes from last night does anyone
know what Sammy was up to last night
should have been an off day no bro just
take a day Sam Le he’s such a he’s just
showing us all up you’ll find out what
he was up to coming up next after a
check of traffic here on 973 the
e e
I think we made the point a couple of
times that the baseball season is a
grind not just for players and coaches
and staff members but for people who
have to cover the team on a daily basis
like broadcasters and pre- and postgame
show hosts Tammy Lev’s going to be
working what like 162 out of 18 80 Days
the rest of the year so those days that
are truly off are rare and special and
appreciate it and you certainly wouldn’t
expect him to go out of his way to go
work another baseball game on the days
that he actually does have off but where
was Sammy levit last night none went
nowhere else than lake elen or
California with Jackson Merill too who
was also just sitting there and taking
in the game right never had been to the
diamond before before he said and had a
chance to go up but no not just as a fan
he was invited into the broadcast Booth
of the lake Elenor storm as a guest
announcer calling play byplay in the
middle Innings and doing a color
commentary the rest of the time and I I
clicked in just to listen to the online
stream for an inning or two in the
middle of the game and he was
outstanding of course Sammy did sod
poodles and uh what Corpus Christie did
some uh Minor League Baseball play
byplay in the past a lot of it he’s done
a lot of it was quite quite good quite
sharp sounded outstanding uh doing doing
the game and he actually got a pretty
cool game last night against the velia
rawh hides uh Sammy called as the storm
came back to tie the game at six in the
middle innings was still 66 in the
bottom of the ninth uh the storm had the
winning run on base and Dylan head who
is probably almost certainly the top
prospect that the Padres have currently
at the lake Elenor storm at the plate
back in there from the left side and
here’s how it sounded new delivery that
one’s going to be flared to left field
and drop in for a base hit are you not
entertain the as Dylan head wins it for
elor what a moment and what a nice piece
of hitting for Dylan
head serves one to left field against a
hard throwing
eaya and Dylan head with a wonderful
early moment this season in Lake Elenor
what an ending what a pro guy sounds
fantastic he can do it all he can do it
all he is the best I love that
guy I’m not I’m not surprised that he
went out and did that because he loves
doing play-by-play that’s what his
passion is and so when given the
opportunity you’re going to
on a day off he’s also young and has no
children so when you’re young and have
no children you’re you have Boundless
Energy boundless and you don’t work
mornings right you have boundless you
can do you went I used to go to work 8
hour days and go to happy hour and go
out and play thing softball during the
week all kinds of fun stuff sami’s young
he’s spry he’s going to be just fine and
what a great great job he did um yeah
he’s he’s
what an elite fine for this radio so
according to Samy’s Twitter feed uh the
other guy in the booth was Robbie Loya
calling storm games also the according
to his Twitter bio the uh Cal State
University Fullerton uh play-by-play
broadcaster good for him Robbie a lot I
see people going oh Samy’s I mean Samy’s
voice is going to be pretty solid
compared to anyone’s I thought Robbie
did a nice job on that uh that winning
call there it was fun it was it was you
know minorly exactly what you’d want to
hear in a situation like that that had
all the particulars in place but that
was uh it was fun to hear Sammy doing
some play-by-play always fun Sammi is
the goat great but he’ll be back uh
he’ll be back at Petco park tonight in
the Western Metal Supply Company
building in The Loft for the Eco Water
SoCal pregame show beginning at 5:40
this evening as the Padres take on the
Toronto Blue Jays in the first of a
quick three- game series and it’s right
back on the road again for your padrs
next week as they head to C’s field uh
Monday through Thursday for a four game
series against the Rockies first inter
league series of the season for the pad
R uh last year they went to Toronto so
this year uh they get to see Toronto and
this is the uh the new the second year
of the New Balance schedule which Tony
Gwyn Jr was not a big fan of during our
Round Table yesterday you like you like
the balance schedule I did I mean I it
literally does not affect my life in any
way shape or form none what doesn’t
affect me not with travel it doesn’t
affect me one bit I like seeing new
players it affects your mental State
when you don’t have to face the Rockies
19 times a year it’s so yes it’s and the
Dodgers a year Giants and the Dodgers I
mean Chris ell said yesterday I I want
to be playing the Giants and
Diamondbacks and I can see his point
there it’s you know but again I do enjoy
seeing other players from other teams
come to Petco Park also always a nice
little recruiting trip for some of these
guys maybe that have never played in San
Diego you know what I mean honestly like
this isn’t the worst place to show show
off to a uh a player that’s going to be
hitting his AR years in a couple years
and like oh yeah I would play here for
me I think it’s just a more fair way to
do it because when you’re competing for
a wildcard spot against teams in other
divisions you really want the schedules
to be as similar as possible and while
you’re always going to play more games
against your division Rivals when you
were playing close to 80 games against
your division Rivals like 18 to 20 games
against the Dodgers Giants Rockies and
Diamond Banks that’s a completely
different schedule than the teams in the
central that were playing those same
number of games against the 100% the
Reds and the Pirates it’s just going to
be way easier for a decent team in the
central in an unbalanced schedule you’re
so right to make the playoffs as a wild
card and you shouldn’t just be kept out
of the playoffs even though you had a
really good team because you just had to
play a much tougher schedule yeah every
year and balancing it out a little bit
to me is just the most Fair way to
handle it
and when it comes to a league that’s
going to have wild card spots for a
postseason I couldn’t agree more and
it’s a it’s a great point you make you
know I’m on board with that but I just
hearing Tony I I listened to that part
of the round table and I just hadn’t
really considered or remembered the way
it used to be and how you do control
your own destiny in a sense that you
have 85 games against your division get
take care of business in those gam but
it’s very mon so in the old days when
the only way to make the playoffs was
winning your division of course that
makes a lot more sense but now that
there’s wild cards and there’s really
one big standings of the entire national
league and that’s the one that is often
the most important it it makes less
sense to play so many games against your
own division Rivals yeah it does it does
and I I’m I’m in favor of it it’s again
for me as a baseball fan it’s fun seeing
new teams come in it’s it’s fun to see
vatti Jr it’s fun to see Bo bashet fun
to see these guys and and again the the
arms they’re bringing in I mean good if
you like baseball these are three good
arms bring it in and and it’s going to
test this team’s medal which is also
what you want right you want them let’s
go against the best need realignment
it’s from everything I’ve heard it’s
coming as soon as they get to 32 it’ll
look like the NFL with four four team
divisions in each league but while
they’re still at 15 and 15 in the
American and the national league I don’t
think there’s going to be a change
coming yet all right we’ll come back
Paulie’s got some headlines with an
early rle report then don’t forget top
of the hour it’s the manager’s Report
with Mike schil brought to you by SDCCU
we’ll talk with the skipper at 9:00 a.m.
all coming up still this morning with
Ben Woods on San Diego’s number one
sports station 973 the
e e
that was a chaotic break who was little
bit uh give me a second and we’ll update
you on everything that’s happening in
our in our studio momentarily we also
have a rle report coming up and don’t
forget Mike schil the manager of the San
Diego Padres just back from their road
trip will Jo join us coming up at the
top of the hour in our manager’s report
right now let’s get a quick check of
traffic here on 973 the fan from the 973
the fan traffic center here’s Kelly d
traffic is sponsored by Valene instant
drive through oil change your 15-minute
instant driveth through oil change we
guys got this overturn crash on East
down 54 past the 805 it’s blocking the
right lane big rig involved in this one
so it looks like they may have to shut
that transition round East 54 down to
help clear that the Cordell and Cordell
traffic cam shows that crash has cleared
on North 15 just before AO Drive Valene
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oil change it only takes 15 minutes and
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with all the rain lately Valene is also
offering replacement wiper blades for
directions and discounts go to SoCal oil SoCal oil I’m
Kelly danik with Ben and wood San
Diego’s number one sports station 973
the fan and get things started here with
our Edition today’s edition of the Ryle
report now tuned to the
greatest welcome to the reyle report
with Paul reyle hi Paul all right two
stories from the World of Sports that we
haven’t gotten to yet we’ll start off in
Major League Baseball and one story that
you didn’t know you needed now you
laughing Bach it’s the Ryle report hey
Paul how you doing okay how are you on
973 the fan are you ready to bless the
mood I need some help please that was
good can I
oh yeah all right all right all right
gentlemen how we doing fantastic good
good start off I got a note in college
basketball here that pertains to the
local San Diego State Aztec saw that
yesterday uh it was announced that the
2024 Acure classic Acure
Acure get it today no idea I don’t know
what it means I think it’s
insurance company Acure yeah Insurance
compan call your doctor if it lasts more
than 4 hours oily stool no insurance
diarrhea Insurance Acure the 2024 Acure
classic is the Palm Springs college
basketball tournament taking place in
November San Diego State was Acure Arena
at Acure Arena figure San Diego State
was going to be playing in that along
with USC Arizona State St Mary’s
but when it was announced yesterday San
dieo state was not on the list in fact
uh New Mexico Lobos were on the list and
we talked about this uh a couple of
weeks ago maybe maybe a month ago now I
was telling you guys about this new nil
tournament that is rumored to be H not
rumored I mean it’s happening in Las
Vegas sometime in November where teams
are basically playing for money for nil
money the winning team I think it’s a
it’s a million
million the runner up gets a milon in
the tournament and uh divy it up amongst
all their players and it’s a fantastic
idea and San Diego State was rumored to
be one of those teams and with them not
listed on the Acer classic which was at
the same weekend it’s time to get Ben’s
tea leaves out to read them these on are
pretty these ones are pretty clear
actually you have not read the te Lees
in a while so you’re only allowed to
play in one multi team event at mte in
the preseason uh the Aztecs have had a
fairly regular schedule they do the Maui
Invitational every four years they do
the wooden classic or whatever that one
is in Orange County they do the one the
other one in Hawaii and now uh the
Continental Tire Arena ONE in Vegas
which they did last year it seems like
they were switching it out though when
they were going to do this Palm Springs
one but now that they’re pulling out of
that it sounds like they got a better
opportunity for this uh this nil
tournament I asked around and my sources
are telling me it is in fact because San
Diego State pulled out of the Palm
Springs tournament so they can play in
the Las Vegas tournament that’s not
officially announced but that is that’s
what’s happening good San State it’s a
it’s a sign again of Brian ducher being
creative knowing that San Diego State’s
never going to have the the kind of nil
money that duke or Connecticut or some
of the the you know Kies of the world
have but they still need to be able to
provide some of the nil opportunities
for their players if they want to keep
getting good players and not losing them
to the transfer portal you got to
provide something and while you know
they have the Aztec link and the Mesa
foundation and they were getting players
you know nice five figed nil
deals to get some real money they’re
going to have to get creative and this
tournament is one way where I mean think
about that if if you were giving your
players 20 to 40,000 in a year if they
can get $2 million in one tournament and
spread that among a 12 13 person roster
that that absolutely skyrockets the nil
money for San Diego State in just one
season right there that helps with
recruiting too yeah I mean hey we’re
playing in this tournament the chance to
win some real money that’s pretty cool
so one more time that nil tournament
that San die state will in fact be
playing in It’s called The Players era
is what they’re calling the tournament
it’s going to be at MGM arena in Las
Vegas and they’re starting with eight
teams this year and then next year it’ll
be uh 16 teams every team participating
gets a million bucks the winning team
gets another million so that’s awesome
and then you know we’re not too far
removed from the NCAA tournament
everybody filled out their brackets so
you recognize some of these names that
were also rumored to be a part of that
Alabama Duke FAU Houston Kansas Oregon
St John Syracuse Virginia some good ass
company that’s what it boil down want
it’s some good company that’s where you
want to be and uh I think one of the
starters on FAU entered the transfer
portal and their point guard and San
Diego State is one of the teams he’s
looking at to to switch to nice which
would be a nice pick up for for Brian
Dutcher here if they can land that guy
uh this is good this is a good point
from Satan blov you want to keep your
player sharp in the offseason can’t
think of a better motivator than a cash
turny 100% man 100% really Co I what’s
do the math what’s 2 million if you win
the tournament what’s 2 million divided
by call it 13 players I mean that’s
that’s some good money right there what
do you got Benny uh according to the
calculator 2 million divided by 13
players is about 150 Grand each not to
not too shabby like even if you spread
that out you can’t probably plan it
every single year but even if you spread
that out over you know three or four
seasons that’s still could be an extra
30 40 Grand per player for like four
years worth of nil that’s more than
they’re getting like for one season this
is a huge million split up was 150 Grand
so just for playing in the tournament
everybody’s get 75 grand pretty solid no
problem with that whatsoever now uh
early in our 7 o00 hour woodsy you
admitted you were watching NH playoffs
last night correct except it wasn’t the
playoff no last wasn’t even the playin
tournament they don’t have one neither
team uh was is going to the playoffs you
were you were watching the Marlins
taking on the Rockies at the end of the
season essentially that’s exactly what I
was watching Big hockey night for you so
you’re a big hockey guy you remember
Gordy how of course right yeah Harford
Whalers for a time so Gordy how he uh
one of his many Milestones was that he
was the oldest player to play
professional hockey uh he was 52 years
and 11 days old when he played his final
NHL game back in 1980 he looked every he
looked every bit of 52 also I mean he
looked like your grand everyone always
older back then we’ve we’ve talked about
this 52 years old well that record has
gone away now remember Wilford Brimley
was our age when he was in cocoon
everyone just looked older back
then years this was not in the NHL but
yaromir yogger played professional
hockey last night for the first time
since he turned 52 and he scored and he
surpassed Gordy how to become the oldest
player to take regular you know regular
playing time in a professional hockey
match yeah but Gordy how played in the
freaking NHL this was uh he rejoined the
clad no Knights a top team from the
Czech Republic okay where he’s from yeah
I mean gord’s still your champ in the
NHL I mean it was unbelievable 52 years
old the oldest it was jogger’s 16th game
team his 36th season professional Haws
amazing the oldest baseball player
technically was Satchel pagee he came
back at age 59 but he had wasn’t playing
regularly he just came and appeared in a
um modern wise Jamie Moyer was the like
modern player who lasted the longest he
pitched until he was uh 49 and a half in
Major League Baseball feel like he was
still effective the oldest player right
now is Justin Verlander at 41 years old
when he comes wow back and gets started
interesting I didn’t think he would be
the oldest but sense I guess it does
they’re not even they’re not even
signing 34 year olds anymore right now
in Major League Baseball all right and
then finally we uh open the show talking
about some new music from One Taylor
Swift You guys heard of her new music
Friday new music Friday it’s a big day
uh Pearl she’s country artist right I
remember yeah she’s uh dating some
football player she uh so she released
her new album last night at midnight
albums yeah it was so she I she did it
with her last album midnights came out
at midnight and then at 3:00 a.m. 3
hours later the 3: a.m. Edition came out
with like twice as many songs she did it
again last night with the new album with
a 2 A.M version with like it’s got 34
total songs or something bananas but I
was wondering if you uh listened to any
of the Pearl Jam album that came out
last night as well which was a you know
dark uh Dark Matters Dark Matters as a
longtime Pearl Jam fan uh I did and I
like it I like it a lot the single Dark
Matters is really good uh and then they
put out a couple songs yesterday and I
listened to them and I liked those a lot
I was texting with a buddy we discovered
Pearl Jam together many many many many
you discovered Pearl Jam you signed them
no we were together when we discovered
Pearl Jam then and uh other people had
already discovered them before you did
though and I got it was a like a Sound
Warehouse and I had a gift card and I
went into Sound Warehouse and I bought
some you know is that is that different
than the warehouse I remember w h e r e
h o the video and the store right you’re
talking about s Warehouse yeah I didn’t
we didn’t have those down there we just
had the warehouse okay we had Sound
Warehouse Sound Warehouse that’s where
we went okay we walked in I don’t know
so we walked in and I I had this money
to spend I bought a couple things and I
asked the guy for a recommendation and
it was sitting on like a display it was
Pearl Jam 10 he goes this one and I go
oh cool where can I get it he goes where
we don’t have anymore I go I’ll buy that
one he goes all right fine so he sold me
the one that had already been open and I
went in we put it in the car and we went
oh my God this is unbelievable it was
great and um I like the new sound uh and
it’s when a band gets older they not
grunge anymore or they different grunge
is dead that’s it’s not typical grungy
Pearl it’s just
like get used to it does like when
you’re when your band from your youth
gets old it’s just a it’s a weird
feeling like very few are able to keep
it riding where you’re like I can’t wait
for the new record like I know it’s
going to be good so I’m into it so far I
really want to see them in concert again
uh cuz they put on I mean they’ll play
for three hours and they’ll play a
different set every night I’m really
hoping for a sphere residency where I
can go and do that again because that
was you literally just want every band
you’ve ever loved to play the sphere now
much in one day you can do a 24-hour
concert of all my favor spere Festival
start working on that uh no it it’s so
it’s so far so good uh I’m going to
listen to the whole thing today for sure
would uh would the tier one support us
if we did a Ben and woods live as the
sphere no Adam will call me later today
hey it’s not a bad idea and I’m going to
go are you guys serious honesty we’re
going to need $58 million to set that up
just to get started way way more he will
call me should we do a music festival
problemo please please just just let me
enjoy my Friday thank you Paulie thank
you Paulie all right so we had some
chaos here and it involved a couple of
food drops while we were in our last
uh first of all I want to uh thank the
guys at SDCCU came by and brought some
Donut Bar Donuts to remind everyone
don’t not forget to vote for SDCCU in
the San Diego’s best poll in the Union
Tribune which is up now it’s their
annual like readers favorites Awards
where you go online and you can vote for
the next few weeks for your favorite
restaurants and servers and and all
different kinds of yes all different
kinds of good and like they they’re in
the banking category we’re in the media
category and you can actually vote for
Ben and woods for best radio show best
Morning Show and best drive time show in
that poll as well so don’t not forget
thanks to SDCCU to vote for them and us
in the UT readers poll and if you’re at
it you can also vote for best San Diego
television sports cter which I am also
nominated for if you’d like to uh includ
who are the nominees do you remember see
the nominees are I’ve got them right
here Ben Higgins kgtv Channel 10 ABC
Brandon Stone kosi Channel 951
independent darn trip KSD Channel 739
Derek togerson KSD Channel 739 John
Howard kfmb Channel 8 CVS and Troy
Hirsch kswb Channel 5 Fox you got six
choices EAS easiest decision I’ve ever
made thank you darn trip and it’s not
even close dar it’s not even
particularly close he just crushes it he
crushes it huge darn Troy is very
offended right now I love Troy too I’ve
played ball with him at Fantasy Camp but
he’s no darn nobody is darn
trip that’s my
guy is he are you serious really it’s an
easy Choice it’s like a moronically easy
choice and I’m looking at this logically
and and dar is great but he and Derek
they’re the same station they’re both
nominated they’re going to True they’re
going to cancel some of their votes out
which I think leaves me now as as the
favorite you think you’re the favorite
well I’m listed
first believe it’s alphabetical by first
name but I am listed first there that’s
got to be a good sign that’s got to be a
very good sign Ben comes before Brandon
comes before darn comes before Derek
that’s right John and then poor Troy T
near the end of the alphabet He’s listed
last really can’t go wrong with all
those selections they’re all great dudes
and and talented in their own right but
yeah it’s far and above darn trip it’s
easy that’s an easy one uh and then we
also have home state coming in with some
breakfast tacos so we are fully loaded
for breakfast this morning roll me out
of here today had the Trinity Taco
little of the the green the tomao salsas
fantastic every time Oceanside go get
some in you incredible incredible
breakfast tacos right there vist away
you just head West and it says before
you hit the ocean at the the 101 you’re
going to see home state right there out
standing so we are now full and we still
have an hour to go and we got the
manager coming up next Mike schil will
join us for the manager’s report when we
return with Ben and woods on San Diego’s
number one sports station 973 the fans
stay tuned for the skipper coming up
e e
final hour of men and woods Padre’s very
successful road trip going 4- two
through Los Angeles and Milwaukee uh two
very talented teams we think we all
would have signed up for that but then
you get greedy and you want the sweep at
the end and you wish that they could
have just played it a couple of runs and
and stolen that last game yeah that’s
baseball though they they had to feel
pretty good uh coming back the Padres
open the three-game series against the
Toronto Blue Jays tonight and joining us
right now on our manager’s report
brought to you by San Diego County
Credit Union it’s not big Bank banking
it’s better the skipper of the San Diego
pontre Mike schil is back with us here
on a Friday Mike good morning to you
congratulations on the the road
trip hey good morning guys yeah good
road trip always wanted better but
pretty darn good yeah I think everyone
was you know once you once you take a
step back right like Ben just said we
every everybody wanted to plate plate
that run especially with the way Michael
King pitched uh skip he was he was
unbelievable that day and and you want
to win that for him and uh it’s got to
be tough you know we’ve never been in
the the locker room after a game like
that but he’s got to feel pretty proud
of the way he
pitched yeah I won’t speak for him but
yeah he threw the ball very very well
and you know I mean had no hit stuff
through seven and uh you know was able
to hit his spots and had all the pitches
working and in control what he was doing
commanding the B basball was well pitch
game we’d obviously like to scratch
couple for him you know you as a manager
when you have a pitcher like Michael
King and and every pitcher is different
right back in in in the St Louis days
you probably had guys that said no no if
he gets there and it’s the eighth I’m
letting him finish but Michael King’s a
guy that you know you guys are expecting
a lot more Innings than he’s used to
throwing you get a little nervous when
he’s throwing that well in seventh
inning and you’re like oh boy you’re I’m
going to have to make a decision here
soon well that’s the job um and you know
you just evaluate as it goes he’s had an
extra day prior extra day post um yeah I
had I’ve had a lot of those decisions a
lot of different guys with a lot of
different places where they’re at in
their careers and um relative to Innings
and experience so um you know you judge
you weigh it and um you recognize he’s
working pretty efficiently and you know
the eighth was was starting to be a
little bit of a push for him to go back
out um and then have a longer bat and
then the terrain ball that um you know
came out the battle taken out but just
you know found a spot in th territory
based on positioning which positioning
was fine just you know it’s like okay
and then you know a couple six three six
pitched bats and he had done his job yep
100% now of course uh you’re going to
need all of your starting pitchers to
step up even a little bit more while U
darish is on the injured list with the
sore neck can you tell us uh anything
about kind of the plan to to cover here
while you’s going to be out the next
couple of weeks
well we have planned clearly um it’ll
come out as we
go um maybe it’s not clear um I mean
it’s good to know that you’ve got one
it’s good to know you have and I
understand why you won’t necessarily
specify it out for us Mike I do
understand that but I have to ask the
question absolutely good B man good
try yeah yeah we’ll figure it out I mean
um you know he’s going to miss two to
three starts you know um and we’ll just
evaluate it definitely two um and you
know we’re going to stay on rotation
that I can tell you um and then we’ll
we’ll um you know we’ll declare a
started for tomorrow that we’ve got in
mind okay that is interesting because
you could have with the day off
yesterday you could have moved a couple
of guys up and pushed some guys back but
so you’re going to stay on rotation and
I I saw the Milwaukee Brewers they they
like extra rest they they kept Freddy
Peralta back a day which we’re all
excited about and then their Bullpen
guys coming in and throw really really
well d That’s baseball um what’s what is
your thought on in terms of getting guys
rest early in the season and you know
just trying to You Know cover all those
Innings and maximize the effectiveness
of your pitchers throughout the
year yeah I’ve done that historically
it’s U voted well um going to continue
to do it you know you mentioned Michael
you know there’s some there some comfort
level and being able to you know even
Dyan the day before and being able to
allow guys to go a little bit deeper in
games if if a of course they’re throwing
well B they’re not working too hard and
part of the calculus also is the extra
rest which both Dylan and and Michael
will have you know had the day prior and
will have the start next extra day so
you know I think it’s important that
look at the big picture of this thing
over still you know a longer season um
remaining and recognize that we trust
guys to come up and help us out um and
then also you know be able to give those
guys that extra day talking to the
skipper Mike schelton here on Ben Woods
this morning and you know if you’re not
going to tell us your pitching plans uh
skip I I I’m I’m reluctant to ask about
a potential lineup switch but people are
talking about uh Xander Bogarts I know
he’s not off to the best start and I
know he’s not happy about not being off
to the best start in the leadoff spot
he’s going to get probably the most ABS
not probably he’s going to get the most
abs of anybody uh in the lineup have you
guys considered moving him down taking
pressure off him kind of where do you
guys stand on
that uh there’s a consideration for sure
uh continue to look at it um you know
it’s uh you know as far as take the
pressure off of them still pressure yeah
could be bases loaded right yeah I mean
there’s always some pressure to the game
but you know it’s also relative how
people have handled it in their
experiences you are talking about a guy
that’s been been through in onew World
Series so um and he’s had a 10 plus year
proven career that you know we’re
comfortable and confident he’s going to
be the player that he’s been um even
more recently the guy started the season
pretty well for us he’s also been the
part of the lineup that’s um done some
pretty good things do recognize that um
you know there’s a period lately that
he’s not you know been his his best self
and and that’s part of it and um now
recognizing you know what we need to do
for him and for us and um but you know
regardless of what move we make relative
where he hits in the lineup um when he
walks up to the plate I feel pretty darn
good we had our Padres Round Table
yesterday every Thursday if you if you
ever have a day off at home you want to
want to join us you’re always listen
always welcome not listen I want to come
in studio come in studio yeah yeah
that’d be great like last week we had
the same conversation about Manny
Machado and we all said now we look
silly cuz Manny look absolutely fine is
when you look at
Xander how as coaches do you evaluate
and decide the normal ups and downs of
baseballs and struggles versus okay yeah
we really actually do need to work on
and change some things like things are
not going well how do you make that
determination between whether one is
just the normal you know struggles it’s
hard to hit a baseball and yeah this guy
actually could use some changes in his
swing or different some sort of
philosophy needs to be changed somewhere
well a couple things in fact there I
like them all because the first one
about and I’m glad you admitted it you
know you go through and you have these
conversations um some weeks it’s nobody
some weeks it’s a one or two players um
because the game’s hard and and
rightfully you’re going to talk about
the club and its best self and you know
so last week you’re getting fielded
questions about Manny you can feel the
inuendo what are we doing the brags and
down and it’s like and in my head I’m
going that’s that’s Manny he’s he’s fine
um and you’re starting to see some some
good good swings and next thing you know
he’s you know driving balls all over the
place and usually hear anything else
that yeah that’s fair that’s fair
exactly right you know hey yeah last
week scy was falling on Manny and it
clearly wasn’t but I get that’s part of
the gig now specific to the question I
think it’s another good one you know
what is the what is kind of
the parameters that you look at in
evaluating it
um it’s it’s a probably a bigger Fair
unfair I think it’s more than fair
actually when you look at a player like
a bogy who I’ve already alluded to
that’s got um a tremendous amount of
History um of production and hitting um
and the thing about hitting is is
sometimes again you mentioned it it’s
super hard hard thing doing all SPS I
wouldn’t even argue that but that’s
another time for another day but um and
then you go
okay those typically those guys they can
have something click and it’s like boom
here they go I.E Manny last week um so
you’re right around the corner with
experienced guys that have gone through
similar things then the next layer to
that is okay how’s the player mentally
that you alluded to you mentioned the
physical part the combination um and
there’s a lot of variables not a lot
there’s variables to it there’s
conversation there’s a feel um and
there’s a belief system in it as well so
you know you evaluate all those things
and you you deal with what uh you think
is the best for the club at the not only
the moment but also more of a little bit
of a longer term because you know if
you’re constantly kneejerk every time
somebody doesn’t perform again I’ve said
this my always say it um you know you
never want to
underreact and and just let things go
and Kumbaya but you also don’t want to
overreact because I think that can be
knee-jerk and I I can tell you from
experience observing it and and even you
know doing it early in my career it just
it does doesn’t work you know long term
when there’s a con oh he’s not doing
well boom you bounce and nobody ever
feels like they’re comfortable or hurt
you have confidence in them no it’s good
to hear that it’s good to hear that
explanation talking to the skipper Mike
schil on Ben and woods and you know one
of the guys it’s great that you guys
were able to win a couple games without
without Jak cronenworth I know how
valuable uh he’s been this season
offensively and defensively you got to
credit Matthew baton for one of the
nicest place down the line I think I’ve
seen in years uh getting his opportunity
hits a triple that was fantastic um but
Jakey is a big big part uh of this
lineup how is he feeling can we expect
to see him uh mashing against the Blue
Jays this
weekend I I would expect him to be back
in the lineup whether I mean he’s going
to come in today had a good day
yesterday again um yeah Mat Baton fied
in very admirably made nice play the
triple um and but yeah crony’s gosh I
mean clearly stating the captain obvious
how valuable he’s been not of our lineup
but our club our defense the whole
shooting match um how he runs a base is
just his presence and how he competes
but um yeah I expect him to be back in
and at some point during the series and
you know we’ll evaluate um here in a
couple hours see how he’s feeling
relative to when that’ll look like Mike
schel is with us and and Mike I know
you’re about winning and and I know your
guys are about winning and it’s it’s
serious it’s baseball and and every game
is important but a baseball team is also
a family that spends a lot of time
together and families uh celebrate
Milestones I’m just curious so I’m sure
you know today is Jackson Merrill’s 21st
birthday he’s already said it’s just a
day he doesn’t care that kid bu it will
that be true for all of you or do you
that is there anything special planned
for Jackson tonight do you need me to
jump out of a cake in the clubhouse
because I can do it for you if you need
it oh um pass that’s fine yeah we may
take you up on that I want to see what
that looks like no you don’t but maybe I
don’t um yeah I don’t know um yeah I
we’re going to celebrate it you know
we’re going to acknowledge it um you
know I’m sure there’ll be something that
U I’m not sure but you know there likely
something that it’ll be a cake and guys
will you know celebrate and there’ll be
some good natured fun with it um to what
degree some of the guys take it to
remains to be seen but you know we we’ll
uh we’ll celebrate with him at some
point today 21 that’s incredible I mean
crazy he’s already he’s already up he’s
20 turning 21 he’s already a big leager
and playing center field and really well
out there too it’s it’s amazing playing
great he really is yeah remember to be
21 oh man I was a different person at 21
than Jackson Merill is uh certainly
that’s it for uh I got got one more yeah
and uh thanks to the beef in the chat
for reminding me um we wanted to ask you
about Donovan Salon signing about a week
ago we saw a couple of videos of him in
Arizona not someone who was on our raid
r at all but uh has a good good track
record they call him Donnie barrels
because he he hits the ball is are we
expecting to see him and is he kind of
in your plans going forward potentially
as a DH at some point or you can move
him around a little bit uh from what we
understand yeah I mean I know time will
tell on that one um some of that’s a
little bit you know the timing of that
you know more of a front office question
but I go back to Donovan you talked
about youth in the game um so I was with
Donovan when he was 16 years old um in
the New York Pen league for the New
Jersey Cardinal um this was like 20
years ago wow this is yeah this is this
is not yeah this is like 20 years ago um
and so I’ve had a long you know
relationship with Donovan um you know he
can always hit you know he could always
hit and you know find the barrel as you
said had just a real professional
approach and um so you know relative to
the timing I’m not sure the the um you
know DH will be on the table um you know
at some point um perhaps for him and
maybe some other spots but real Pro and
just um you know takes a takes a quality
of bat for sure all right uh good luck
against the Toronto Blue Jays this
weekend then right back out on the road
but that that is the life uh we’ll talk
to you again next Friday thank you so
much skip all right guys have a good
week apprciate he is manager of the San
Diego Pond ra Mike schil our manager’s
report brought to you by San Diego
County Credit Union it’s not big Bank
banking it is better thank you to the be
for reminding me to ask about Donovan
Solano kind of got the answer uh we
expected I didn’t realize his history
with Donovan Solano went so far back uh
20 years when uh Mike was still first
coming up in the coaching in the Deep
minor leagues and Donovan was a
16-year-old what international signing
out of um Colombia is that where he’s
from I I don’t ask either Columbia or
Venezuela I think Colombia um and has
made his way and and had a pretty decent
if under the radar Big League career for
Donovan Solano and and could be as he
said an option at designated hitter once
uh Manny is back on the field but the
timing he said is more of a front office
question which I knew we have a fake AJ
PR in the chat he says he gives consent
to bring him up so Mike schil if he
needs him he can bring him up according
to fake AJ preller what if what if it
was it was the real AJ PR thinking no
one’s going to believe it’s me so I can
say whatever I want that’s true that’s
true in the chat that’s exactly right
we’re all so skeptical nowadays
especially online I liked to I liked
what he said you know and and I do it is
I I think refreshing to hear you know I
mean he knows he knows that that
Xander’s getting the most ABS a night
and not swinging the bat well and
they’ve considered you know moving the
lineup around a little bit and um you
know hopefully that works hopefully that
that Sparks yeah taking pressure off
Somebody by moving them to the five hole
it’s a different AB certainly but you
could come up and leave if you’re not
swinging it well you come up and leave
12 guys on you know feasibly in a night
that’s not good yeah we can react to
that uh when we come back we get a
couple more segments before Annie and
Elston talk about what we just heard
from Mike schil after a check of traffic
more Ben Woods on the way on San Diego’s
number one sports station 973 the
e e
our thanks again to PO ra manager Mike
schil I hope uh I hope the tier ones are
enjoying the regularity of those
conversations as much as uh I know I am
it’s everything it’s everything period
the end you know it really is and having
a manager on every six weeks and be like
what happened in that game and what
happened in that game and why did you do
this this is week to week you know and
and that’s it’s everything and it just
makes it so much more enjoyable in my
opinion that’s just my opinion though
and I do see a lot of people in the chat
saying that was great you know he seems
you know seems great and he’s a very
thoughtful baseball man I I somebody
said in the chat and I I I’d love to sit
on a porch and drink beer with him and
talk about baseball I go yeah that’s the
that’s the dream and he loves PF Changs
or PFS he is a he’s a baseball rap man
that guy loves loves talking ball and I
I like how candid you know he is now
look there’s not he’s not going to be
able to tell you things like somebody
said somebody said um you mean preller
you know when he said about salano you
know and they’re like a non- and I’m
like well yeah I mean that’s not
uncommon that the manager the manager
doesn’t typically do call UPS and send
Downs that’s usually the general manager
so now I’m sure they talk about it
absolutely you know what possible usage
they’re going to have for a guy but you
never want to specifically oh yeah he’s
coming up on Monday like that’s a plan
because things change and then when it
doesn’t happen then you you sound you
sound like you lied or something and and
you don’t ever want to set yourself up
for those those circumstances but you
don’t have to it’s an unforced error
he’s great basically to give away
information that you don’t have and same
when you you know we asked about I asked
about you darish and you know filling in
you don’t need to tell the Toronto Blue
Jays exactly what your plan is he gave
he actually gave a lot saying we’re
going to stay on rotation which means
after uh tonight’s game when Matt
Waldren pitches tomorrow’s game is going
to require some sort of plan whether
they call up a pitcher from the minor
leagues to start or they set up a
bullpen game whether it’s a a burrito
Mor hone and get as many innings as you
can out of your bullpen but they’re not
going to move up Joe Musgrove to to
Saturday and then Dylan CE to Sunday and
Michael King to Monday they want to make
sure those guys have that extra day from
the day off so they have five days in
between starts instead of four they want
that extra rest that’s valuable just
like it it was for Pat Murphy and the
Brewers when they wanted to make sure
Freddy Peralta got some extra rest so
they’re not going to do that it’s not
like a must win game where they feel
like they need their best starter on
Saturday they’ll figure something out
tomorrow that be fun to see and for
possibly another start or two after that
until you darish is back it’ll be fun to
see and they may do three separate
things in all three they could go
Bullpen day Saturday call some the one
yeah 100% And you know the thing is is
it all baseball always looks so easy on
the surface to say well it’s simple you
call up whoever’s throwing the best and
at Triple A and he gets that spot start
what if he goes an in what if he goes a
third of an inning gives up six runs
it’s a bullpen day then you’re in a
bullpen day so the decisions you make
affect everything else because I know
that he won’t tell you that he is but
he’s absolutely thinking in the back of
his mind I got four games coming up in
Colorado too I’ve got to be very careful
about what I do he has to and you have
to you’ve got a game plan for you know
not only a week down the road a month
down the road you know it’s hard to do
and they say one inning at a time one AB
at a time and that’s fine for the
players manager of the GM they got to be
thinking he always talks about long term
well we got to be thinking long term you
know we’re only 21 games into this
there’s 140 games to go so um it it is
going to be interesting to see how they
deploy what they have and how and that’s
what Tony Gwyn Jr said yesterday this is
what good teams do they figure out a way
to make it work and even if you call up
a let’s say you call up a guy Ben from
Triple A and he doesn’t really have the
best stuff but he gives you six Innings
five innings that’s good that’s a that’s
a win in the organization’s eyes and
look at what the Rangers did yesterday
they called up a a prospect to make
start wasn’t particularly good gave him
three Innings but you know they won the
game anyway they figured out a way to
win the game it was with the offense and
sometimes your offense is going to need
to step up on days when you’re not at
full strength in your pitching rotation
there are multiple ways to win a
baseball game and you’re going to have
to win them all sorts of ways uh with
dominant pitching performances just by
slug outs slugging another team 12 to 11
you’ll have those games throughout the
course of the Season you just have to
find out ways to win them I also for the
I do agree with him for the most part
when it comes to Xander Bogarts and
because he has established such a track
record not not for a few months or a
season or two but over the course of
many years of being a very good
player you just have to write it out now
it doesn’t mean he has to bat lead off
but you do have to just continue to play
him until he figures out whatever’s not
going well until he gets that moment
that he gets locked in like Manny did
looks like about a week ago and there’s
not yeah there’s not much else you can
do when it comes to Xander boggards he’s
not going to get locked in by sitting on
the bench for three days no it’s not
he’s not a high school kid that got
caught drinking no you know like it’s
it’s you’re going to ride the bench and
watch your teammates uh play and you’re
going to sit here and wear it you know
you don’t punish they punish a guy for
having production he’s punishing himself
enough I’m sure I’m sure in his own mind
yeah he you know again I I I would I
thought you you phrased it well though
the leadoff guy gets the most ad bats
did you want Xander getting the most at
bats of anyone right now even goes I
mean we’ve talked about it obviously you
can’t ignore that aspect of it now you
can’t stop him from coming up in clutch
situations you don’t know where they’re
going to come up the game the most
important at batter of the game could be
the eight hitter or the six hitter or
the nine hitter on any given day but you
do know that the number one one hitter
is on in whole going to get more at bats
than anyone else and do you want Xander
Bogarts getting more at bats than anyone
else on your team right now when there
are eight other guys right now who are
hotter than him in the lineup and I
would argue that the answer to that is a
clear no I agree I agree 100% And I’d be
I’d be surprised you know I’d be
surprised uh if if he was still leading
off tonight so you drop him down to
seven and he has three good days I have
no problem moving right back up once he
gets going y i just for now i’ i’ move
him down at least five six deeper into
the order than where he is encouraging
news about Jake Cronin yeah very and if
you read between the lines a little bit
he did talk
about what’s best for him what’s best
for the team right and he did and he it
it sounds like that’s
something that they may have potentially
addressed with this team after last
season when I think they definitely I
think they addressed it as well and I
think that that was addressed by
by not only management but I think it
was addressed by maybe some of the
leaders in the room too of saying hey
man your numbers are your numbers you’re
going to get them you’re good B
everyone’s good baseball players we have
to do what’s right for the San Diego I
do believe that from our conversations
with Manny in spring training whether it
was Manny just deciding on his own or
whether someone Mike Shel or someone
kind of got in his ear a little bit
Manny clearly came at the at the this
season with a different perspective in
terms of of just production and attitude
and he did he does get his numbers but
it’s a different and it he sets the tone
and it’s a different vibe this year no
doubt about it all right we’ve got some
tickets to give away another four pack
for the San Diego Mojo they San Diego’s
new Pro volleyball team if you want to
check him out at Vance Arena on April
23rd they’ll be taking on the Omaha
supernovas and we’re giving away a four
pack of tickets right now to the third
caller at 833 288 973 third caller 833
288 80973 Mojo Supernova tickets Vos
Arena you can get your own tickets to
check them out at Pro very simple website URL
for you all right final segment of men
and woods of the week Paulie has uh put
together the extended mix oh my of
things Ben likes so we’ll get the whole
package to wrap up our week before Annie
and ston coming up next on San Diego’s
number one sports station 973 the fan
e e
what’s everybody got this
weekend well we’ll talk about that here
coming out aners what don’t yeah it is a
busy weekend for all of us we will uh
lay that out and get you to things Ben
likes and Annie and Elston coming up at
10:00 this morning at course pondre
baseball 10 tonight Eco Water SOC count
pregame show with Sam Lev at 540 pandre
and Toronto Blue Jays at 6:40 tonight
we’ll talk about all of it after a check
of traffic here on 973 the fan from the
973 the fan traffic center here’s Kelly
d we still have this traffic alert on
the eastbound 54 at the 805 overturned
big rig blocking the right lane looks
like they may have had to shut down the
South 805 to the eastbound 54 transition
to clear that but I’m not showing a lot
of slowing in the area so can’t confirm
anything also Collision in the north
county westbound 1 78 this is right
before Rancho Santa Fe got the slow lane
block couple Vehicles involved tow
trucks rolling up I’m Killy danik with
Benner Woods San Diego’s number one
sports station 973 the fan you know what
I’m doing this afternoon golfing yes but
it’s business golf oh boy I’ve never
really done business golf I know a lot
of people do like here’s the thing here
we go business golf like get try to get
some stuff done while you’re on the golf
course I’ve always just played golf to
play golf you are it’s fun for me I
don’t want I want to tell you what you
can and can’t do put limitations on you
you’re incapable of playing business
I I’m very Paulie’s very good you canoo
and and I get locked into the golf like
I’ll forget doing any of the business
whatsoever Paulie and I have planned
entire weeks on the golf course of
content and ideas and then we like Ben
what do you think about this idea is
like I actually I had a seven iron there
I probably should have switched balls
there because this one’s a low spinball
and I need a high spin ball and my
puting was just a little bit up and I’m
like why did I ask why did I ask why did
I ask so you are actually maybe you
should be
playing I probably should no just we’re
going to be discussing the the vom woods
open which we’re still working on and
hopefully have the announcements soon
but it’s incredible playing a little
business golf this afternoon business I
and then I would do anything to just
have a a camera on you the whole time
see how much business I feel like after
you putt out on 18 you’re going to be
like ah I forgot to ask you about the uh
whole business part of golf thing the
business thing that’s fair that’s
actually fair I got a uh I got a seals
game tonight all right at uh pong San
Diego with the coach who hates you the
coach who hates me if you missed that
story uh earlier we told it but there
was a game he was coaching for another
team and the replay thing was screwed up
all night the shot clock was off and he
was Furious and he wrote on a whiteboard
cheater and held it up and stared at me
like a serial killer and there we have a
picture of it and I tweeted it this
morning I don’t have any control over
clocks or replay or anything I believe
you I don’t think you’re a cheater if
you did have control over the replay
though I couldn’t bring myself to do it
because I wouldn’t get I didn’t want to
get caught like you knew the they was
the seals scored a goal you knew it was
going to be
overturned so you just like pulled the
plug on the re replay machine and they
weren’t able to to overturn the call at
the last second the funny thing about
the nlll is they can’t move on with the
game until they see two replays you
can’t move on with the game so if the
replay thing’s broken and it was that
night you have to sit there and rot
until they figure it out it’s the and
usually so I’m in the sorry we’re in our
second hour of a replay delay tonight
I’m in the booth and you know me what do
I have to do every 20
minutes p PE and I just want to get out
I would never delay the game one second
longer than it had to be because every
time you see me at the seals game there
was a game a point where I would like I
have to like hold with my hand like my
kids do I’m holding it going please end
this game I’m begging you I there’s
nowhere to go I’m in The Penalty Box so
the Vancouver Warriors coming tonight
he’s now their head coach should be a
good game I mean we’re not playing for a
whole hell of a lot other than like the
Integrity of the league right you still
have to still have to run your best yeah
for all the other team have to give your
best efforts that’s exactly right and uh
but I’m going to be you know I’m going
to be me banging on the glass having fun
F you can get your tickets at
if you’ve never been to a game it’s so
much fun and then tomorrow night I’m
doing uh I’m mcing a little charity work
on the side Ben uh at asmith our beloved
asmith for the Anvil of hope uh 80s
party and it’s uh we’re raising money
it’s Anvil of tickets are still
available 6 to1 p.m. 21 and over food
raffle live music I am uh dressing up
it’s an0 tuxedo dressing up no it’s
bless you Paulie it’s an 80s party so
I’m dressing up as
like can’t wait as like is like one of
the Beasty Boys so I have like a Run DMC
shirt I’ve got a chain I’ve got a bucket
hat what’s a Run DMC shirt a shirt from
the band Run DMC just like a t-shirt
yeah okay yeah not they didn’t wear like
specific shirts pirate shirts or
something no no no I wasn’t sure if
there was like a
was missing like a tracksuit shirt or
something or what we going here I’m
doing that any pictures of that please
okay I’ll send you guys pictures I have
no problem embarrassing myself as you
know but I’m excited about that um you
know try to raise some money and and do
some good things I think shell and are
going to go to the game tomorrow night
just for fun uh game two of the series
and then uh Paul you got anything before
Sunday we’re all going to be at the game
on Sunday the game on Sunday yeah
uh don’t have a whole lot of plans
actually this weekend not going any
games oh Sunday Sunday Sunday yeah
Sunday’s a long day it’s going to be a
long day we have a tier one game
baseball in the morning if you’d like to
come to that Padres baseball in the
afternoon and then I get to play a radio
show at night if you’re just a huge
Woods fan I’ll see you at the game
tonight and then I’ll see you at the
Anvil of Hope tomorrow and then at the
tier one baseball game on Sunday at
Vista sports complex at 9. by that point
you’ll have the restraining order
correct correct my wife who loves me is
she is coming to this I was going say
she’s not coming to any of those she is
coming to the seals game with the kidss
tonight so um which will be fun and uh
but no it’s it’s a busy weekend so and
then you’re out a couple days next week
I have to so I have to actually start my
vacation prep this weekend because I
don’t I work Monday all day Monday and
Tuesday and then I’m leaving right after
the not even after the show during the
show on Wednesday so I really have to
kind of have have my clothes clean and
packed for the most part by the time the
weekend’s over because I don’t have much
of a time to do it so I’ll have to do
some vacation prep this weekend as well
and like you mean washing your clothes
yeah just having the right I want to
have the right clothes like ready for
golf and everything I have never packed
suitcase more than 12 hours ahead of my
really never never a couple days before
you just want to make sure before you
don’t want before but you don’t want to
then you wear something you realize oh I
shouldn’t have worn that I wanted to
take that on the trip that I’ll plan in
my head do that in your head CU I’ll
just pull out the things okay don’t wear
these cuz I need to take these and I
want them to be dirty I don’t want to
have to do laundry again at the last
minute yeah so pull out the which I get
important stuff so you’re going to
you’re going on a golf trip all you’re
going to have to do is just some
collared shirts and can’t wear shorts I
bet where you’re playing I think we can
it’s it’s deserts hot I think they are
okay with shorts although uh I don’t
think it’s going to be hotter than like
85 which is not bad at all and so you
leave on not bad Thursday you live on
Wednesday uh you’re leaving like an hour
early no 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday so you
might as well just not come in on
Wednesday no no I’m we’re doing we’re
doing mock the draft on Wednesday we are
but the pro when you go on vacation you
it’s it’s not only you missing the days
that you’re actually off it’s the day
before right the day of which is fine if
you don’t want to come in on Wednesday
then I’ll just be bad on Tuesday but so
then don’t come in on Tuesday be on
Monday so just we’ll see you next
week yeah I was going to say we’ll just
see you in two weeks we were driving
home Ben drive me home yesterday he goes
just like this out of
nowhere eight more works until vacation
and I went oh we’re dead we’re
absolutely dead next week Ben it’s going
to be uh checked out uh most of next
week so it’s going to be a long weekend
followed by a very very long
week true very excited maybe I should
have checked out already just right now
I could be completely checked out and
this last segment could just be a
disaster like it always is it always is
we could have to apologize for this
segment right now that 948
4ish for he didn’t have it about I even
texted him I said Pete Fairbanks we need
Pete Fairbanks here in our last segment
we got we need to set our alarms or
something just to make sure we get our
Pete Fairbanks fixed now every day at
9:44 Calvin says part for the course I
get it I it totally is I’m exhausted I’m
exhausted I want to be here for you for
4 I’ll give you 3:30 okay I’ll give you
3:30 is my best effort on Friday that’s
all I got for you man thought you were
queuing up for things Ben live no no I
wanted the Peete Fairbank talking about
yeah I I check my phone cuz I’m locked
into the show
play it one more time find it and play
it because it was the highlight we need
to we need to make this a habit at 9:44
at 9:44 every day I don’t want to be
forgetting this I want this to be a
regular thing at 9:44 every day so badly
we’re so bad at this too but I really
want it to be our regular 940 no matter
what we’re doing you stop down right
there and boom play Pete
Fairbanks not going to let it beat me up
for uh you know I maybe give it till
10:00 it’s 9:44 right now I’ll give it
16 minutes of of salt and then we’ll you
know get back on the bump and and figure
it out so good dude I love it I love it
so much 16 more minutes of silk here we
go long version long version I like good
juicy sweet strawberries I like a good
marching band I like a good thin pancake
I like a nickel bag song or to I like a
barbecue chicken pizza I really like
those seeds I like a midnight Buffet I
kind of like the smell of soft scrub I
like more of a small derri a I like cake
I like
I like both a hamburger and a
cheeseburger I like clocks I like how
I’ve kind of set up my life I like
grasshopper pie oh no I like it creamy I
like good firm banana I like just
looking out at the sea I like eating I
like moist I like Curry I like big butts
I like fried brussel sprouts I like more
of a firm filling I like corn I like
Nordstrom I do like musicals and I like
pepperoni I like nice hotels I like Nick
getting a start today I like nuts I like
Steph Curry do I like that song I like
squirt I like saki I like San Diego
State I like uh straight up Paul Abdul I
like the beef and broccoli I like to mix
it up I like science experiments I like
that song I like the crispiness of the
waffle I really like cheese I like the
little lunch meat I like very straight
lines I like calone I like a
well-crafted headline I like brown sugar
I like Maps I’ll say I like Justin
Turner I like going to golf games I like
diving into chores like sugar how do you
like Butterfinger I like blue and silver
and not bad colors I like the time
change I like Major League Baseball’s
new rule I like the radio I like
geography I like the knuckle method I
like Skippy and I like pie and I like
Bob Melvin I really do I like Jay
Tingler too I like this day I like being
right I still do like movie scores I
like good food I like Maps I like when
interviews can turn into organic
conversation I do like a sofer’s French
pizza I like having the wind go through
my hair I think I like shows that the
characters have an arc I like the full
lettuce tomato onion experience as well
I like those kind of burgers I like that
big overflowing bag of fries I like
those little Smarties rolls I liked what
I saw from Seth Lugo I like just
competitive fire I like walking around
between the different lands Steve CER
though I like that I like living on the
coast I like watching tiger still I like
the idea of that match up I liked what I
saw in the preseason I like the
aloneness sometimes of Texas hold I like
watching San Diego State basketball I
like those cashew buttered cashews I
like cold clear sake I like a lot of
things I like Chick-fil-A sauce I just
like rankings I like Steve Winwood I
like P gal poker I like to be informed
on subjects I like Chicago I like Tom
Petty I like the idea of another
left-handed bad in the lineup for sure I
do like a good Matt Damon film I like
being on the same page I like broccoli I
like brussel sprouts I like a lot of
things I like this shirt I like wipe out
I liked my omelette I like San Diego
State at home I like when a baseball
player can be more than just a baseball
player I like vanilla I like the
atmosphere I like the felt on a poker
table just kind of how it feels under
your fingers when you’re there I like
rhubarb pie I like the window seat
changing subject I like that I like just
the standard yellow peep I like how San
Diego State is playing right now I like
Finer Things I like calling a game I
like Fiction more than non-fiction just
like the cream I actually like playing
ball with other people I’ve liked
everything I’ve seen so far from Mike sh
I like Mexican food I like just the
solar system I do like steak I like
specifics I like going to S mile Casino
during the day I like that people are
there having a good time I like my new
eating schedule I liked what I was
eating yeah I like the variety of the
menu at Sammy I do like a good midnight
Buffet holy cow let me just say if you
uh if you did hear you your name
mentioned at this point you probably
should start to worry seriously holy cow
wow what was what felt longer that or
Bob Dylan’s 14-minute Opa much more
enjoyable yeah I enjoyed that very much
I did not I was sweating profusely the
entire 17 minutes Ben is out Thursday
and Friday I’m ready for the next Bob
bit okay have fun with that I’m going to
something I’ll cook something up it’ll
be different oh man man that was long
and awesome thank you V for liking so
many things all right everybody have a
uh really good weekend I hope you like
your weekend out there I hope too Annie
and ston are coming up next for our
executive producer and imaging director
Paul Ryle for stepen Woods I’m Ben
Higgins have a great rest of your Friday
all weekend long we’ll talk to you again
Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. right here
on San Diego’s number one sports station
973 the fans so long everybody okay

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