Golf Players

Will Buffalo trade up for a Wide Receiver?

Nate Geary from WGR 550 joins us in studio to discuss the crop of wide receivers in the class.

Will Buffalo stand still at 28?
Will Buffalo make a Julio Jones like trade into the top 5? top 10?
Will Buffalo trade back into the 2nd?

Nate also tells the story of Mike Schopp hanging up on Terry Pegula and a story about Buddy Nix at the airport.

the rock pile reports the pettiest
hardest drinking bills
podcast welcome everybody to another
edition of The Rock Bell Report
podcast I’m your host Drew gear Buffalo
Bill season ticket older that’s my
producer Chris Krueger in studio with us
tonight wgr550 is n
Erie wearing a a vest and a hat thinks
he’s going to
drown and we are here talking about the
2024 wide receiver class of the NFL
now I would be remiss if I didn’t say a
word for the mark scoffield who couldn’t
be here tonight God bless him him and
his guys can we have a toast thoughts
and prayers don’t drink that yet but
yeah thoughts and prayers for everybody
out there cheers no Pi pick pick up pick
up your [ __ ] your hand this is the N I
feel like this is Tombstone fill your
hand sir oh so now we’re trying it we’re
doing that right right now yeah okay
this is the Nate giri according to Chris
oldfashioned yeah a little rip to it now
Nate since wow each episode that we’ve
done covering each position group has
been an oldfashioned done in the way of
our guest and where they are from so
this is a field and sound bottled Bon
bourbon uh whenever you come over here
it is your go-to cinnamon
syrup and that’s why I was like that’s
what that is it’s I used a what did I to
Turkish tobacco bitters with a
kicker sure you would know this from
being a a chef is if you’re making a
steak you got to have salt salt brings
out some of the flavors if you’re not
doing a [ __ ] tail with saine solution
you’re doing it wrong not only saine
solution it does open the beverage a
little I made my wife cry so we have
tears in the [ __ ] in the cocktail see I
thought you were going to go somewhere
else I thought you were say your future
child was in here but I’ll I’ll take
tears instead leftist leftist
tears this isn’t terrible it’s fantastic
I thought you said if it was from where
where I’m from I assumed it would have
been like Rusty bits from Bethlehem
Steel or something well that’s say like
this is a lacana lake view yeah no I
don’t I don’t I don’t get bourb you from
the uh so it’s Lake View for you right
no it’s Hamburg but it’s like wait wait
wait what part of Hamburg it’s like part
yeah I grew up off of Bay Road big tree
so like right there like so basically by
the lake basically smack daad between St
Francis and Frontier is right around
where I grew up were you a Fran’s guy I
wish I tried to be I tried to be so
badly and and every time every time I
you know when when I’m in public or I
see old friends and with my with my dad
a lot um I always say you know my dad
just didn’t want me to succeed as an
athlete so uh and then my dad will say
something like no I didn’t want you to
be a fancy boy or something you know and
but I have a lot of friends that went to
St Francis most of the kids I grew up
playing football with all went to St
Francis except for me uh I went to
public school ran triple option and had
a lot of concussions so so what I love
is that he didn’t want you to grow up to
be a fancy boy and yet here you are a
fancy boy you’re a fancy boy Chris
sometimes you can’t unfancy the boy
right that’s what they’ve said that’s
what that’s what they say that’s what
they say
yeah so guys as we sit here and talk
about wide receiver draft there’s a
million podcasts with people much
smarter than me who have already told
you everything you need to know about
all of the particular characters
involved D with the NFL draft I’m not
going to ride their coils or pretend to
be them or Chris that’s just not our Jam
is it no instead and maybe it’s because
we were talking to Bruce Nolan earlier
tonight just the concept like hey I’m
going to be talking to him we’re going
to get into this these philosophical
conversations I want to take a more
philosophical look at how the bills
could and maybe should address the wide
receiver position sure
so with that when you take a look at the
class now I think it was the guys over
at cover one your your friend The Lorax
um Steve ma Steve matthys matthys ma it
doesn’t matter no one it does no one’s
name is Ms it it doesn’t that’s a madeup
name it it doesn’t matter sure um is
that not your boy is is is that like a
you guys have like a foe thing you guys
like no we we’ve had some uh Twitter
beefs before dude Twitter be are stupid
social media well we’ve actually never I
don’t mind we’ve never SP face to face
and when I say face to face I mean Zoom
I’m open to that idea but you should
we’ve getting into it all the time I’ve
had a mute him before well yeah course
you guys do the problem is is that we
don’t do that so then I’m just as
offensive as possible until someone
really gets
upset you digress what I’ll say is that
he had a really good tweet the other day
about the concept that this CL that well
this class is talked about as being
quote unquote historically
deep it’s historically it’s histo it’s
historically deep at the top this is
[ __ ] good dude in the sense that
there’s more wide receivers regarded as
top 60 picks than probably ever have
been before in a draft and if you know
anything about positions it’s like when
you say that these guys are first round
grades and these guys are second round
grades some of those guys will
inevitably because of Jumpy GMS team
what whatever the case may be will
inevitably Shuffle their way up the
board and unfortunately push other
players down the draft Port that’s right
so what we’re talking about here is an
influx of wide receiver talent in the
first two days of the draft that
probably will be unprecedented but
there’s a lot of talent that’ll be there
day three too and this is where it’s
like look the depth of this class is
going to be the same regarded the same
as it has been year after year after
year and yet to say that you can’t find
successful picks there is to to kind of
forget about the khil Shakir of the
world you know he’s just two years into
his NFL career last year he had the
highest catch percentage of any wide
receiver in the NFL qualified for
stats that’s crazy he was quite good uh
Mo Chris we were tracking it week over
what felt like during the season week
over week as we go through the stats it
like and an alarming rate almost 70% of
his catches went for first downs
that’s that’s not a typical trait of a
wide receiver you go oh I have a lot of
numbers but holy [ __ ] that’s weird mhm
and he’s a fifth round pick
why scheme matters you know we just got
done talking to Bruce about how scheme
matters and everything is fluid but at
the same time at the top of the draft
things are going to be fast and furious
with this wide receiver class and that’s
where every Fan’s attention is kind of
focused oh my God like you you you for
some reason still choose to go in there
and put the cans
on and sit there on the radio and sit
there on the radio and listen to Vince
from lacana call in and give you his
opin I yeah they thought the Bills
should really do uh you know trade up
and then go ahead and trade back and uh
Troy Franklin will be there right at at
19 Troy Franklin he’s gonna be there
it’s and it’s always dare it’s never
there yeah dare dare he’ll be there
he’ll be there and you do it with a plum
because I couldn’t do that I enjoy Chris
Chris actually for forbade us from doing
live podcasts when we first started
because he goes I know you you’ll just
slau every single person who has a
stupid opinion which is most R could you
imagine us doing a live call-in Style
Show I would in it would be very very
very entertaining but no I couldn’t
imagine that so with that in mind I love
the fact that you go out there and have
these conversations and what’s even
better is that sometimes I regret it
tonight as I was getting in the truck to
drive over here for tonight’s
recordings you were on WG
gr550 having a conversation about the
wide receiver draft class and it riled
up Jeremy white so much he was like
someone get the Stone Cold Steve Austin
music I can I tell you a funny thing
after I was done with the segment I
walked back into the producer room I had
my backpack and stuff in there and I
walked back into the producer and and
Zach Jones who was the producer yeah
said Jeremy tried to convince me he was
like bribing me convincing me that he I
needed to play The Stone Cold Steve
Austin music let him interrupt the
segment while I was convincing people
not necessarily convincing people but
just saying like hey I don’t think that
this is there’s not just a one way to
get better at receiver like especially
if the draft board Falls the way that it
could that the bills might be the last
you know they there might not be any
seats left and do you just want to reach
to reach and listen do do you have zoom
can you zoom in on with these new
cameras you’re zoomed in so no no more
you can’t zoom in anymore you’re zoomed
in very well this is I just wanted to I
want to send a message to my friend
Jeremy who’s a good friend of mine I
mean he’s I’ve worked with him for a
long time we do Buffalo Bills pregame
together are you guys familiar with uh
Andy Kaufman yeah you’re familiar with
Andy Kaufman of course and you’re
familiar with the story about Jim krey
yep doing and playing Andy Kaufman in a
movie early in Jim Carrey’s career yes
and Man in the Moon Man the mo I love
that movie oh God hold
on oh God something was in the throat
anyway sorry um you’re familiar with the
movie then listeners if you’re not Andy
Coffman was a very interesting comedian
and very Ecentric and crazy and Jim
Carrey played him in a movie called man
on the moon and Jim Carrey became
obsessive and completely immersed in
character where even
after you know cut he was Andy man like
and and literally lost himself in
character and it became a thing like I
heard Dave Chappelle talk about this
like he met Jim Carrey on the set and
all the producers said don’t don’t call
him Jim Carrey call him he’s like this
is the first time I’m meeting Jim Carrey
You’re G to make me call him Andy
Kaufman and they made Dave Chappelle
introduce himself and call him Andy wow
because he was so immersed and obsessed
and into this character that he could
not break he Jim Carrey talks about this
as a defining moment not just in his
life but his career his career but his
life saying that like it took him months
to dispe himself of this character and
where I’m going with this is Jeremy
you’ve lost it you have gone so far that
you are now you are one with the wide
receiver train like he has become Andy
Kaufman he is heing and all of a sudden
he got he like he took a seat and then
was like this is nice he is Jim Carrey
and the wide receiver train is Andy
Kaufman and he has gone full immersed
can’t get himself can’t break his bit he
has gone off the deep end for a bit and
this is why a he is an entertaining
person but B that as your friend I would
like to just tell you
that the first step to you know recovery
is admitting you have a problem and he
you you sir are an addict of the wide
receiver train and I and I this is what
I said today I said this on I said this
afterwards is you know then he started
using golf analogies at me he’s like
it’s like pulling out a six iron and a
280 yard par 4 instead of hitting the
driver and trying to drive the green I
was like but what if I still birdie from
the middle of the Fairway cuz I hit a
six iron he’s like but I eagled and I
was like Jeremy I’ve watched you play
golf bro you did not Eagle I promise you
you don’t Eagle okay but I I I think
that there’s all these saying you could
do you know there’s multiple ways to
skin a cap blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah I am not I I am of the wide
receiver train I am just sitting and
Coach comfortably on a cheap ticket I I
have not gone all in I haven’t spent
thousands of dollars on a first class
ticket with you know corresponding
dining and free drinks I just have
decided that the bills need to get
better at receiver and I’m open to
whatever route the Bills take to do that
whether that’s trading back whether
that’s not taking a receiver because it
is to too much of a reach at 28 and
worthy and AD Mitchell and the bills
have been a victim of runs on wide
receivers for the last two seasons maybe
three but I do one thing I do EX for the
year they traded up for one right but
here’s what I’ll say is I there’s here’s
one area I wholeheartedly agree with
Jeremy and whether I think he’s crazy
and stuck in a bit which he is um he is
right that this scenario this situation
is is a product of their own doing they
have not addressed the position with
enough consistency year after year in
the draft to have stockpiled or have had
a stockpile of players that could
withstand losing a player like Stefan
dig so now they find themselves in a
position where you have to pick at 28 a
wide receiver but I still don’t believe
that they have to pick a player there
because every GM every Scout anybody
that does this for for a living will say
the same thing and whether you think
it’s cliche whether you think it’s the
comp Towing the company line or not is
that when you become a prisoner of a
position when you start drafting out of
need and necessity and Desperation that
is when you start to pick players that
should not be drafted in that position
and if the bills find themselves in
another run of receivers and five six
receivers off the board and that may
sound crazy because of how many other
great positions there are that may sound
crazy I saw a mock draft today of Matt
veram of Si who had five quarterbacks
going in the top 12 six quarterbacks
going in the top 12 holy [ __ ] would that
be fantastic for the bills because that
means some seriously good receivers that
means Brian Thomas Jr might be in the
early 20s where maybe you can bump up a
little bit I am not listen I love Malik
neighbors I Love Roma duni the idea of
the uh the the Julio Jones trade does is
not applicable to me for this team at
this s in this situation because they
are not the Atlanta Falcons when they
did that move no exactly and so there’s
a couple things first of
all I think that there’s this idea that
you you guys who talk about this every
single day I love the relationship you
have with your co-workers and the fact
that you can do this and come out here
and espouse all of this and kind of
clarify your previous
points I just think that that all of you
get way into this and if you’re trying
to be draft agnostic like I am where I
what do you mean draft agnostic you
don’t like the you you I don’t
understand there are multiple drafts
that you you’re just you’re not all in
in the NFL draft I’ve been I’ve been
hurt by the NFL draft so many times that
I prefer to ask people what they think
and then take that and kind of take my
own opinion and go okay where do I feel
but also what do they think and and I’m
going to make my decision right up until
the final day I still don’t have there’s
nothing I’m dug in on I’m not Mac and
always Su inia and I’ll never change I
rock flag and eagle right Charlie dude
Rock flag and eagle so with this in mind
I watch this fluid wide receiver
landscape and I think science is a liar
sometimes sometimes Galileo he was a
[ __ ] I literally gave I I sent that
gift to my wife the other day because
she pointed out something a long time
ago and I don’t forget cuz I’m Patty and
her leftist tears and then it get no no
oh no she’s not a leftist and it got
pointed out that the thing she thought
was wrong and I just sent her thing plus
that gift I was like what you just slaps
it on K and it just says a sticker that
[ __ ] s liar sometimes sometimes
so realistically everybody has these
wants we think we think we
know Vince from lacana thinks he knows
the people who call in Chris you used to
take radio callers you know what it is
to have to sift through that nonsense
well if you’re smart you would when I
don’t know you lie about what you’re
going to talk about well no I don’t know
if your producers do this is so when a
call screener takes a call and says hey
caller caller uh what’s first name first
name where you’re from and then you go
what do you want to talk about and then
as you’re typing what they want to talk
about because they might get long-
winded and then you just go caps lock
don’t take this call oh yeah yeah yeah
that happens a lot yeah that happens a
lot see but that’s if you are a a
veteran caller inner you know that you
give him the you you give him the
company line yeah you know I just wanted
to talk a little bit about Josh Allen
and you know kind of what and then you
go from and then we cut you off and then
he dro the f bomb like you’re like oh n
you’re a [ __ ] loser remember that
time you talked about JV football so so
my thing was my favorite was calling in
the night after we lost to Cincy after
hearing some of the callers that night
and I was like I got to save Nate but I
know how to do it I go I’m calling in
cuz I want to talked to Nate about 12
Personnel usage and I was like just and
then I sent him a text and I said take
the call you C so you know what’s funny
is I get during the postgame show which
again I I I want to just go and tell
everyone that the post game is my
favorite reason and for those of you out
there on YouTube who are look go they’re
not getting to the thing no no no
there’s a reason I’m I’m laying the
groundwork for something so shut the
[ __ ] up yeah like relax we’ve got we’ve
got two
hours Chris just [ __ ] shot himself in
the face um so so there there’s what
happens is especially after a
particularly volatile game let’s talk
about week one let’s talk about the
final game of the year I’ll have buddies
texting me like yo like you know put me
through I just let me just go out for
anyone listening or friends that text me
during a show I have no control over
what my producer will allow or won’t
allow and my buddy uh what’s it what’s
his what’s his
Persona is it Keith from Kaiser toown he
picks one he picks more one you you
hadit him call he Keith from Kaiser
toown I’m pretty sure tell him he should
change it to Drew from North Collins
Drew from North Collins you should call
it is me it’s Drew is Drew from I have
no control what what the producer but um
I used to guilt Ryan Gates into putting
me on the air be like dude remember when
you were hanging out in my backyard you
used to ice skate with me and my
brothers by the way the did you hear
that Ryan Gates won an all-inclusive
trip to the draft yes yeah from the
bills guy is
um let me hold hold on I have to tell
you the story this isn’t a very
important story to just to get get out
of the way and I have just have to tell
it I I’m sure you’ve heard it maybe
you’ve heard it before you guys have
heard when um Mike shop hung up on Terry
no you guys heard the story no no okay
all right let me tell the story let me
tell the story uh this is the last do
you guys remember the hobby on Saturday
mornings when uh when Mike would do
satday mornings okay so this was the
last episode of The Hobby Mike was done
he just didn’t want to do it anymore and
this was my first Saturday morning shift
producer the phone let’s just say at
7:00 a.m. on a Saturday for the hobby
the phone isn’t lighting up okay it’s
not lighting up
so where you are it’s
8:52 or 7 yeah 7:52 we are on the last
two minutes and so for those break we’re
up against the break right and 7:52
lights up answer
okay uh whatever and you know it wasn’t
Terry from actually it might have been
Terry it was like Terry from Buffalo and
it’s like all right Terry from Buffalo
and and so he calls and Mike’s you know
take takes the call and Mike is like
okay Terry listen I got to cut you off I
got to get to break we got to get out of
here thank you hangs up on him whatever
right and mids sentence I mean he’s
mid-sentence talking about something
he’s like Terry I got to hang up on you
bye this has been the hobby it’s been a
good night right all of a sudden Bing
binging all a sudden I’ve got five lines
on my phone first one hello this is wgr
Kevin Sylvester do you know who you just
hung up on I was like whoa uh no I I
don’t know what do you mean he’s like
you just hung up on ter I like I didn’t
hang up on
anyone by the way next call Andrew
Peters do you know who you just hung up
I’m like I didn’t hang up on anybody so
like I didn’t do this literally I had
and this is my first [ __ ]
shift producing Mike’s already gone he’s
out the door n okay I’ll see you later
he’s out the door and I’m dealing with
the backlash of this whole thing so I
just want to say for those of you who
have ever ever had to call in and if you
have a producer say listen I’m not
putting you on or yeah sure whatever the
do not put on it’s you know it’s in
moments like that where I wish I had
been uh more veteran in the radio
industry to know
that I was in mid conversation I was
like yeah Terry from Buffalo what do you
want to talk about Terry yeah I just
want to talk about a card that I used to
get when I was a kid I was like yeah
sure whatever Terry we’ll put you on
right like and and that is sometimes the
radio Biz so you’re welcome for that
gold first first
shift first one the first hour of my
first shift Terry Pula calls in yeah all
right Terry thanks we we appreciate all
right let’s go Terry holy hell get to
point Terry Pula later pay a got to have
him killed oh god dude it Jesus Terry
all right man always have the worst
colors right this is the worst
call so but this is
it fans call the radio station fans have
feelings fans are very vocal about what
they think and everyone
believes as I think our GM and head
coach believe that wide receiver is a
need it’s true it is and then also
there’s this thing about type that comes
under contention and so what I think is
interesting like first of all you look
at their top 30 visits of the wide
receivers they brought in Troy Franklin
Xavier worthy Keon Coleman TZ Walker
Ryan Flor which is interesting because
he’s that like fifth sixth round guy who
has all the measurables but none of the
I mean he’s a small school guy none of
the production TZ Walker day two guy
Carolina six fo two sounds an awful lot
like a shorter Gabe Davis like hey I
have some explosives I have some things
I can do well concentration drops bang
Coleman seems like a really slow wide
almost like
plays fast though plays fast but plays
fast okay game speed it it the 40 time
doesn’t I think encapsulate the player
the explosiveness they bring in Xavier
worthy who’s supposed to be a middle day
one Prospect who is moving by the way
moving up Boards of course he is
significantly 4.21 speed yeah well you
know but a frame that might limit where
you can play him darus Bay all over
again uh Troy Franklin a slightly
heavier I don’t I don’t know slower
worthy oh okay the only person he could
be heavier than is worthy that’s it
Rosco Parish maybe thin hyperfast wide
receivers with
physicality like not withstanding are
okay prospects yeah they’re fine they’re
fine they’re not perfect they’re they’re
going to rely on a scheme that will
allow them to do what they do
uh how about this uh the Keon Coleman TZ
Walker Ryan Flor like that’s interesting
because those are NFL frames it’s just
that those aren’t the names that you
were hoping the bills would be bringing
in to kind of take a look at and there’s
been no conversation about the big
three whether it’s the combine whether
it’s whether it’s it’s of course there’s
no conversation big three Pro days and
Von Miller did tweet about it he did so
we we know might as well take it right
off the board might as well take it sh
idea in the
now there’s a couple different camps
among fans and I where I think I’m
hoping the bills are and I want to pick
your brand on each of them first of all
the trade up for a quote unquote Premier
Talent nope you want me to sell you on
it well no what I want what I want to do
is tell the Watkins story I’m in my
shitty 700t apartment and I have 15
people in there do you know how hard it
is to get 15 people especially with one
of you and 14 other people because I
pace and I stalk sweat sweat yeah sweat
so and swear so the draft so the draft
is happening and I hear from the other
room that the bills have just traded up
for a pick and I go well it must be for
khil Mack cuz that’s the only prospect
in this Draft worth trading up for and
instead they take Sammy Watkins in a
class with Mike Evans
obj and
so Kelvin Benjamin kin Benjamin don’t
don’t you forget it brother don’t you
forget that guy
so first of all ARA po Mac this team
loves to [ __ ] me on pass rushers they
love to just hey there’s a pass rusher
we have an opportunity to get him nah
[ __ ] you you don’t deserve it [ __ ] you
[ __ ] you you don’t deserve it drew
gear but you know they did take care of
you when they drafted Marcel Darius and
uh what’s the one with the knee reer
Ragland yeah well I’ll tell you what
Marcel Darius was great right up until
he made his money and then he drew lost
his mind when we took Ragland I thought
Ragin was the truth he he was it was him
and if there isn’t any other example of
him him he should have his credentials
stripped from him permanently yeah 100%
it’s being excited about the Raglin pick
well we know how much the bills love
content creators so now to your point so
to your point what’s up earlier today on
the radio I came in here expecting you
to sell me on the idea of trading up for
OD dun or Dunes whatever the [ __ ] I
don’t care dun I don’t care how you say
it because o dun o dun o o Toren Cyrus
oh my God na giri naab giri na giri will
live in in I actually so you know you
know how called me Nick like people have
been like yo Nick like they call in hey
Nick how are you somebody in my
full-time job the other day emailed me
after several emails of calling me Nate
in the uh
Hatter I’m I’m saying seven emails back
and forth hey Nick just waiting for you
to send I was I know that’s not your
auto correct you straight up called me
Nick after calling me Nate for seven
emails there was a choice no it’s one of
those things it’s like those narcissists
that like per purposely say your name
they’re like yo what what’s up what’s up
Darren how do I get your hey
Darren hey it’s almost like when uh at
least you don’t well no when someone
somebody calls in for your uh this is
with uh your
favorite National radio host when
somebody calls in and goes oh hey Travis
oh no my first name is
Clay yeah my first name is Clay you you
said my favorite you listen to T Klay
100% why yeah what makes you think I
wouldn’t listen D [ __ ] sucks dude we
could do a whole would that dude sucks
he’s like he is wrong more than me
except he genuinely believes he’s right
I love that we could do a whole podcast
just this the two of them SC each other
about clay Tris clay Travis what you do
you really what what’s do you really
like Jason Whitlock too hey guys The
Rock report the The Rockpile report
Still Waters run de over here so with
that [ __ ] clay Travis give me a break
so I love it now that you’re fired up
the idea of trading up at the in the
first round has been in Vogue amongst
Bills fans for
a months ever since the season ended now
here’s the question talk us all off the
ledge first of all give me a [ __ ]
beer and then I’ll then I’ll consider my
man [ __ ] clay trap break D I told I
told you give another one it’s going to
be all it’s going to be all twisted I
told you that made an old fashion with
my wife’s tears with leftist tears I
know that but why would you think I
listen to Clay Travis because I just
assumed you had better taste in sports I
listen to you I listen to Clay
Travis it’s all [ __ ] you Chris you
listen to me and Clay Travis it’s all
it’s all that’s like saying I really
listen to Jesus and Judas yeah I listen
to yeah I listen to you and Clay tra I
listen to the best
it’s God
it’s iist to the best I listen to you
and Clay Travis God all right so back to
the first round trade-up I want you to
talk about why you don’t like it because
here’s what I’ll say for me I’m cheap
I’m cheap I’ve known that since the
moment I met you yeah look this shirt
I’m wearing right now right my mom gave
it to me it was an $8 purchase from
gabes I would have thought Fanatics yeah
no no $8 purchase $8.99 from
gabes I don’t care give 10 I don’t care
what I know
is I don’t like spending more to get
something that I could get on a bargain
later or I could get the Walmart version
of later and when it comes to football I
find that like yes Stars will win you a
Bowl sometimes and at the same time
science is a liar sometimes sometimes
you could be the San Francisco 49ers who
trade for a Christian McCaffrey and give
him a bunch of money and you could give
him Nick Bosa a bunch of money and you
could go out there and have a Brandon
iuk and you could say you know what we
have the best team in the
NFL and you go we don’t need to invest
in a ton in put a bunch of assets into
defense we don’t need to pay the wide
receiver position right we don’t need to
do that you did with Debo but otherwise
we don’t want to do it with auk the
reason why we’re flirting with this
whole trade
scenario it’s because we believe that we
can make it up in the
Aggregate and yet what are the Super
proof they’re wrong that science is a li
assump times they didn’t have the
quarterback now when you have the
quarterback that the Chiefs do yes you
can make up what was the score of that
game yeah and look at the score of that
game it
was I don’t want to turn this I don’t
want to turn this into uh me me
defending Brock pie but for [ __ ] sake
you’re going to try to what are you clay
Travis no what I’m what I’m defending is
you have a coach who doesn’t know how to
run the goddamn ball if you paay a guy
to do that you [ __ ] clay Travis all
right listen nobody nobody listens to a
show to hear you talk here I’ll I’ll
take over from here
uh I’ll take over from here listen uh
listen clay
um The Bargain Bin I I mean you are you
you’re you’re going too far I bu
discount meat you’re going right have
you ever had discount ribs have you ever
gone to Aldi listen Aldi’s got some good
meat they don’t have good baby back ribs
can I tell can I tell a story here sure
so a couple years ago I’ve never had
since we did a a Memorial Day cookout at
um Mike Collin’s house friend of Drew’s
friend of mine friend of the program
sure he drew did ribs
there I didn’t have how’d you cook them
well I puked over the
ribs and Drew likes to to claim that
it’s oh you had too much to drink no I
didn’t because I drove home I made it
successfully it is the by the way that’s
not a test for that’s what I’m saying
second of all that’s why I’m not all in
defense in defense of him in defense of
Chris is I know for a fact that he has
probably never thrown up because of
alcohol in his life oh no he uh Nate I’d
like to tell you that one time like this
is so when I got divorced the first time
we getting off the wide receiver train I
know well the first time so when I got
divorced divorce the only time yeah
there was a time
where NFL
season every Wild Card division
championship game I’m at
Drews each weekend yeah that’s a problem
I but also every weekend it’s a we
there’s one weekend where I have way too
much to drink and I throw up I left
Drew’s house with too much to drink
nobody stopped me me because I’m not
liked I made it home to my apartment in
South Buffalo oh I remember that place
that thing of beauty I couldn’t get to
the so you remember from walking into my
old apartment to where the bathroom is
to the old apartment to where the
bathroom is was the old apartment I
couldn’t make it to the bathroom fast
enough I took my hoodie off and puked
into the hoodie and I puked into the
hood but that’s how I
know that’s how I know he’s the kind of
guy that doesn’t puke a lot because he’s
got a plan if he does he even mid even
mid blackout or brown out in this case
he knew that there’s no way I’m cleaning
this puke up I’m going to puke in the
hoodie in the hood of my hoodie let me
just say this I don’t have how did you
did you smoke them did you did you grill
them smoked was it overly Smoky I have
no I think that’s I did with the MOs SK
chips and I did a lot of like cuz they
were definitely food safe and he’s the
only one who got sick definitely food
safe when someone has to say that by the
way these are definitely food safe that
means that they’re probably borderline
pork goes 14 145 but for what are we
talking about tenderness but for ribs
you want scale to ribs have to take I I
don’t even remember did you break from
bone did did they leave the bone ribs
you have to take to like 18 tell sming
don’t tell me how to do my inhalence I
know how to do my inhalence you know
more than me I’d love to see this listen
I can sing better I can sing better and
I can make better ribs oh [ __ ] you’re
you’re setting the table for a whole
summer of you getting embarrassed in any
event back to wide
receivers trading up to that top 10
Chris uh we had some interesting audio
today on that topic from Buffalo Bills
GM brain and bean I can’t really tell
you whether we go up go back or draft at
28 I have no idea how it’s going to fall
yeah there’s no rule I can call all the
way to one John think they’ll take my
no no they won’t they won’t take his
call just like I wouldn’t take Klay
Travis’s call so the idea that the bills
can just hey well Madden says I can give
a first next year and I can do this and
that Chris did he also talk about that
today no did he like didn’t he also talk
about the idea that he hates like he
would consider Trad next year’s first
but he doesn’t like it I mean I’m never
going to say no I don’t love trading
future ones you know if you go back to
when I got here what we were trying to
do knowing that we were most likely
going to be in the quarterback Market if
we found the right guy was creating
assets to not have to trade the next
year’s one and so if it makes sense John
I’ll do it um but i’
I don’t love
it now Chris Buffalo yep
Brandon Bean presser go find the full
audio for yourself but when you hear a
GM say things like this he’s setting the
table to try to let everybody know hey
don’t come crucify me or don’t come with
your lit torches don’t come with your
apologist takes don’t come over here
attacking me when the draft ends and the
thing that you all thought needed to
happen didn’t
happen the idea that a future one is
worth a wide receiver in this draft
class if you were going to do it who
would you do it
for the top three either any of the top
three is there one you like in
particular I heard specifically from Tex
Dunes radun Ro radun adun
adun adun adun that’s how you to North
Collins I have the text message you you
said it to me yeah did I I said it in a
voice text no text so so what I’ll say
this everyone needs to kind of forget
this don’t they forget what the idea
that we’re going to trade up into the
pick nine in fact you probably have to
get ahead of the Bears which makes a
pick eight you know I’ve been talking to
EJ Snider bootleg football he’s like the
he’s been saying that the Bears kind of
the way they’ve been positioning
themselves would love nothing
more than to draft Caleb Williams and
then also pair him with romad dun or
dunes or whatever the [ __ ] you want to
call him won’t be my problem because I
won’t have to say his
name you’d have to trade up into eight
seven now that’s what we did when we
drafted Josh Allen and do you remember
what we had to do to get there Nate
it was trading Jason Peters for an extra
pick then packaging those picks moving
our own pick into
12 and then from 12 Jason Peters not
Jason Peters Jesus Christ uh Cy Glenn Cy
Glenn act like you buddy act why don’t
you mixing a [ __ ]
water for I like how you’re the one
telling me this mixing of [ __ ] water
would you I like how you’re the one
telling me this after you got mad of Kay
Travis so [ __ ] clay Travis so so I’m
going to go you know what c Glen Chris’s
wife are going to start our own podcast
Cy GL tears do you need a producer you
need so codyy Glenn gets traded and
that’s how the bills pave their way to
getting to 12 and then they’re like well
we’re in Striking Distance of a
quarterback but we still have to give up
more that’s what it was a classic but
wait there’s more that’s what it takes
to get to that level of the draft and I
don’t think that like and that’s that
that if you go and listen to Brandon
Bean presser from today you will walk
away with an appreciation for how hard
it is to move around the board because
he doesn’t belabor it but he talks about
it and he goes listen it’s a lot you
have to shift things there’s assets
involved and then sometimes there’s
ancillary assets involved and then now
you’re stuck you’ve traded up to get one
guy and if it doesn’t seem like you’re
going to get him or somebody else takes
him now where are
you something happens that’s off script
from what you think is going to happen
and you’re stuck you Trad it all the way
up to number eight and it turns out all
three wide receivers go in the top six
picks now what you’re in the top eight
nothing that doesn’t strike you as a
pragmatic move does it no no and our GM
is painfully pragmatic but it’s what
makes him good at his
job so with it in mind there is the
other alternative which is standing Pat
and maybe a double dip in the top 90 now
he made comments in this same press
conference which you can go find over at
there’s like I’m one of those people who
doesn’t have a stomach for a big swing I
don’t want to invest heavily like the
the Josh Allen thing to me was lunacy it
panned out I don’t want to be on that
roller coaster emotionally again reminds
me of Sammy Watkins if it were looking
to it brings back bad memories for me if
we’re going to look to trade up for some
cuz you know we couldn’t have we could
have just stayed Pat and taken biscuits
so I want to do our original spot but so
but what I want to do with Nate is an
exercise I’m going to give you some
names to illustrate the point that I
want to make about standing pet where
you are and just trying to double dip in
the top 90 you’re talking about planting
your feet in the
ground drawing a Line in the Sand and
saying I’m GNA stay here regardless of
what Klay Travis says yes okay
yes so
[ __ ] now maybe you make a maybe you make
a Dalton cones move move up a couple
spots a couple spots maybe but when you
look at this this stap class that that’s
not a thing this is that that that’s not
I don’t think a couple spots is anything
I I think if you’re going to move up a
couple spots stay at 28 and so this is
where I want to Ill just to illustrate
my point going back year by year over
the draft what the bills have the
ability to do based on where they were
drafted and who was taken it would be
the equivalent of last year adding tank
Dell and Jordan
adderson now did you notice that just
adderson yeah yeah I know bu you the the
niri uh the niri oldfashioned has really
getting again buddy mix it of [ __ ]
water Christian Watson and George
Pickins if you had those two picks in
20122 tell me you wouldn’t have thought
that that was a great haul at wide
receiver now looking back at it in retro
day one you would have been probably
irritated because you go I don’t know
either one of these guys but you would
have been thankful now for who they are
as Pros uh 2021s equivalent would have
been Rashad baitman and Nico Collins now
that’s weak but
still oh get that off of my [ __ ]
screen yeah wait wait scroll up Scroll
up yeah
yep yeah Nate this is I’m done I’m
[ __ ] done that [ __ ] Fedora oh my
God I think you should leave memes is
the best I follow it and Nate he usually
unfollows all the things I do he’s got
to leave that one cuz that’s a great
handle so you got to share that screen
during the the process of this this
podcast so people can see that one so
2020 Brandon iuk or Michael Pitman and
Gabe Davis imagine if wee Davis imagine
if we had taken both one of them late in
the first and then or early like they
were both early second round picks or
Michael Pitman was imagine being able to
say I’m GNA take
one of these guys and one of these guys
later and you walk away with that duo
Debo Samuel and DK metf if you’re
talking about
2019 where the bills just sit and
are I look at the number of wide
receivers that are available 60 through
90 it’s conceivable that you might be
looking at the bills having the ability
to land a player who has a great a great
floor right now can come in and
contribute and then also adding another
wide receiver in the next round or
two that also has a really good floor
and they both have decent
ceilings as long as you don’t do
crazy you can double dip and you can do
these things and Brandon Bean said
something during his press conference
today that really made me think this
might be their thought process
they asked him what they were looking
for and he goes well early on in his
career Josh CU someone asked about step
digs after the trade what Josh needed
and he was like yeah I think that
earlier in his career Josh needed that
guy he needed someone so that he could
learn the confidence to go out there and
learn how to be a quarterback but now
when you’ve become the quarterback that
Josh is you don’t necessarily need just
that one
guy you just need guys who play to their
skill set so if your skill set says you
should be able to win 50/50 balls then
Josh just needs to trust that you can
win 50-50 balls and you go out there and
execute if you’re the guy who can get
rack then you’re the guy who goes out
there and when Josh finds you you get
rack pop it up and so when he’s talking
about not needing a traditional wide
receiver one it makes me think that this
might be the draft approach
right like yeah it’s it’s not hard to
consider when you look at all of these
corollaries I just gave all the names I
just went through year over year who you
could have double dipped on if you had
done with the bills are talking about
doing right
now you could be talking about a draft
class that looks like Edie Mitchell and
Germaine Burton would you consider that
win I would no I listen can I tell you
what I consider win is when I look back
I’m going to use Marv Levy
oh boy wait wait Marv leevy coach Marv
Le GM would like to quote Marv leevy the
coach okay is you can judge your draft
class going into the third year I don’t
know what a win looks like I I’m going
to tell you what I’m on Monday
morning on Friday morning I’m not going
to know whether or not whomever whatever
they did is a win or it’s not a win and
that is why I think the coners ation
around you need to do this you need to
do that you need to take a receiver in
the first round you need to trade up you
need to pick regardless of how many
receivers have been taken take someone
at 28 that’s the problem is to me a
flawed process it is a bad process it
goes against everything we know about
the NFL draft and what good general
managers and what Smart prognosticators
in what great draft people know which is
you don’t draft for need you draft based
on how the board Falls and if ad
Mitchell’s you know at 28 for you and
you stay
there I I I don’t know I don’t know what
to think of AD Mitchell he’s it’s
rough now he does not he does not the
the article over goong with
Scouts diabetes but it starts before
that because people go he’s lazy in his
routes he doesn’t do this he BL and then
everyone goes well yeah but it’s all
because of his diabetes and if you
manage it or as they would say in the
commercial diabetes diabetus or how how
they would say what do they normally say
on Fox News doesn’t exist Chris would
know that
one that phony fouchy disease so so or
as Aaron Rogers would say created by
fouchy so
so I look at this and I say to myself
here’s a guy who’s being baged by the
draft process yeah the draft process is
crushing this guy now does it mean he’ll
be a bad Pro we don’t know you know who
else the draft process crushed nobody
knows DK medcafe I know and that’s the
that’s the problem so again and and this
is that last one Debo Samuel and DK
mataf in 2019 if you had where we were
picking and then also had our third
round pick you could have selected both
of those players or Deontay Johnson if
you weren’t into that good players the
draft process crushes some guys and so
at a in a draft where there’s going to
be I don’t think this is going to be a
hot take a record number of wide
receivers taken in the first a lot of
receivers yeah but with that
said the fit is what matters and so does
your team have the right culture the
right structure to help that guy some
teams might look at ad Mitchell’s
problems and go that’s not we we don’t
want that headache you might think hey
we have a culture that we think we can
bring this guy Under the Tent we can get
him the help he needs yeah if he needs a
personal assistant [ __ ] it we’ll get it
because we like to support our guys then
maybe you’re a team who’s in on him
who’s high on him who might trade up a
couple spots to draft him either way
here are the Duos you could put together
conceivably from just staying Pat and
where the bills are lad makoni and TZ
Walker Xavier worthy and Xavier
Legette like if that were to happen do
we have to get like a DMX themed like X
going give it to X going give it to you
I’m going give it to you although you
know what he’d be cancelled today in a
heartbeat I love how they forgot about
DMX like luckily he well cuz the woke
media the woke media
the woke mind virus the woke mind I love
I love
how Chris it’s always nice having Nate
in studio to be like a counterbalance to
you 100% someone someone needs a leftist
hero he’s stretching over here getting
ready ultimately you’d be fleshing out
the weakest position group on the roster
without giving up other assets because
we have needs you know we just get them
talking to Bruce Nolan about safety and
how it’s like look the sweet The Sweet
Spot second third off [ __ ] Twitter
I’m sick of seeing I think you should
leave memes that are this
good for [ __ ] sake so we Mark is going
to hate that he hates that
show what I do know Mark is that cares
we’ve talked about this concept of fit
and scheme you have the ability to not
have to reach you don’t have to give up
future assets you can have a Rich draft
year and you can sit here and just take
players Germaine Burton watching him
play at Alabama here we go all I’ll say
is what’s his off the field problems
what’s he did what’s he do where does he
go why why he’s falling in the draft
because there’s some concerns about his
character sure what what are those
concerns I I I don’t know I’m asking you
I really don’t know you’ll have to
Google it I’m not willing to speak on
the man’s name here we go yeah here we
go um Let me let me let me ask you a
hypothetical question
sure do you subscribe to the idea that
you like a player and let me use the EJ
manual pick for o okay you really like a
player and you don’t think that where
you’re standing you should take him and
you know for a fact that if you move
back a couple of picks grab some more
assets you could still have the player
you want and also have it’s ALS you can
have your cake and you can eat it too
yeah but but but here’s where I feel
about that I feel like if you like a guy
just take him you take him because
ultimately but what if I can tell you
that not now there’s no guarantees in
life and anything exactly but what if I
could tell you that the bills
love Xavier Legette like that’s their
guy and sure they could sit if if
they’re going to they’re going to field
as many calls as they can at 28 to say
we like we have Legette above ad
Mitchell we have Legette above makoni we
have Legette as a guy if we’re sitting
at 28 we’re just going to [ __ ] take
him but we know that if we drop back to
40 we can still have
him and so this is the other side of
this coin is do you stand Pat or so let
me let me ask the people let me ask the
Jeremy whes of the world who say just
[ __ ] take them at 28 right like just
take them right for the sake of doing it
just do it at
28 what if you could get a third and
if you’re committed to the concept that
you’re doing what we just talked about
which is hey I’m going to double dip
throughout this draft know one of these
of course you can no no sir you drove
all the way over here my trainer said
these are empty calories giri you’re
wait you have a trainer yeah dude mental
and physical trainer you have a physical
trainer you could have a c if you want
to I’m not going to lie I know I’m I’m
just into these I don’t know I’m not
going to lie to you you have a physical
trainer but you have Grinch bod
like you look your your physique is that
of the uh the Grinch you stole Christmas
says you Mr [ __ ] denim yeah denim
yeah but also guys wearing a [ __ ]
denim suit casting shade on me so what
else looks like a sequoia tree what I’ll
say is this you’re going to look at this
no matter how it falls people are going
to be angry whether you traded up stood
Pat traded back there will be people who
are frustrated with your approach
approach realistically in this class I
see too many talented players in the top
60 to not try to grab
two SO trading up seems like a Fool’s
errand you could go get a Jamar Chase
but what if you could set your wide
receiver room up for the next four years
by just drafting two players and just
standing where you are those players
don’t end up being anywhere as good as
Jamar Chase that’s fine because you’re
hoping your quarterback who you paid
millions of dolls talking about
conversation here though so let let me
let me let me let me tell you what
you’re saying let me let let me let me
say this is you’re subscribing to what
the Kansas City Chiefs have believed
that they can be except for the fact
that instead of paying and then trading
and eating all the dead cap on Tyreek
Hill they traded him and said we’re good
the bills signed extended and paid
Stefan Diggs then traded him and now are
sitting in a position where they don’t
have a skymore who good or not they
don’t have him they did not trade for uh
cadarius Tony good or not they didn’t
draft Rashid rice now they’re sitting in
a position where they owe Stefan digs
$30 million and now they have to try to
find his immediate replacement and to
me this is again they are a prisoner of
themselves they’re a prisoner of their
own decisions by not addressing this
sooner and having people in place
however what I will say is what you’re
suggesting is quantity over quality yes
you’re suggesting give me more lottery
tickets than the one that I think is
probably the right lottery ticket number
give me because I’ll tell you what I’ve
seen how that movie ends when you go up
and you get the guy that you’re go you
go oh man he’s amazing I’m going to bet
Scotty sheffler at plus 100 or I could
bet four guys and equal plus 900 and win
except okay all right right all right
right all right right okay and in a way
I’m still on your side but I’m just
trying to the the picture here it’s
never as black and white as just take
the guy at 20 even if you have a second
round grade on him it’s never as black
and white as we’ll just trade back and
go to 40 because you’ll still get him
and you’ll get a third round pick it’s
never as black and white as we all as
simple as we all make it but what I will
say that is the point is there is no
just take a guy at 28 there is no just
trade back get yourself a third round
pick and then still get the same player
that you want I think everyone needs to
be more open to their being other ways
than the way you want to think this
thing’s going to happen this is such a
complex this is such a interesting and
you don’t have to tell people they don’t
know bll because they don’t agree with
your take on this there is so many ways
the bills can make themselves better and
can I tell you that if the bills decided
at 28 to take a center from Oregon or to
take a corner from Alabama and then find
themselves in a position at 60 and say
we really like this guy at 60 we don’t
think he’s going to make it there so
we’re going to move up to 45 and we’re
going to get our guy we’re going to use
one of our fourths this year and maybe a
second next year we’re going to do
something we’re going to move up and the
bills end up with two starters good plus
starters it’s a successful draft it’s a
successful you might be mad about it
right now before it happens but guess
what all you Kool-Aid [ __ ] drinkers
are going to do you’re going to tell me
n but this guy okay that’s that’s all
I’m whatever the bills do you guys are
going to be down for and even if you
pretend to be angry about a scenario
right now today a week before the draft
you’re not going to be angry when it
happens you’re going to sell yourself
like I sell anything else like you sell
anything else we’re all going sell
ourselves that it’s a great idea and the
bills did great regardless unless the
Bills take you know Michael penx Jr or
the third whatever he is the third the
second how with that name how is he the
third there’s multiple pennises that’s
wild it’s wild that with that last name
you’d want to be accentuate it with a
number anyways my point is short of
taking a quarterback
you will be down if the bills decide
Friday morning you might call in gr and
you know Andy Kaufman might be freaking
out about it and you know on his wide
receiver train and I might
say when they pick their wide receiver
in the second round and they go into
training camp and they’ve got two
Bonafide starters at positions they’ve
gotten better at or at least the same at
at wide receiver I don’t know you’re
going to get better but maybe you get
the same or slightly worse everyone’s
going to be happy you’re going to be
happy probably regardless so except the
fact that there is no golden ticket
there is no direct key there is no exact
science to what the bills what you are
going to do what Mack draft is going to
show whether you know or don’t know
football at the end of the day the bills
are going to draft two players probably
in the first and second round and
however they figure out if they can find
a way to get two starters out of that
whether it’s a first round wide receiver
a second round safety a first round
offensive lineman and a second round
wide receiver a first round quarterback
and a second wide wide receiver if they
can find two starters in this draft it
will go a long way for this team to
figure out how to be better and how
about this if they can find a way to
have three starters in the first two
days then everyone will be super happy
that they now have three positions that
they’ve now settled instead of just two
or just one and if the bills decide they
want to trade up for Malik Neighbors at
the number nine pick at the number eight
pick you will say wow they traded a lot
but holy cow we’ve got this great
receiver and now I’m super excited he’s
going to be better than Stefan digs oh
my God is Julio Jones trade all over
again who [ __ ] cares and then you’ll
be like I don’t care that they trade the
second and the first next year and the
second next year and the fourth and a
fifth and the seventh who cares but at
the end of the day if they don’t do that
you’ll also be cool you’re all going to
be cool regardless of what happens stop
selling yourself any other scenario
you’re all going to eat it I’m going to
sell it you’re going to buy it you’re
going to sell it I’m going to sell it
drew is GNA buy it Chris is gonna sell
it and Clay Travis is going to sit on
it that’s why they bring me on and that
was an
aler that was perfect it sounds like you
just talked about Klay Travis’s new new
Coffee Company no I thought he made
adult toy
men the straight way to get off
realistically there are a lot of options
for the bills in the draft wide receiver
is the hot button topic among the fan
base but there are so many options Ryan
floro is the most interesting one out of
every one of these visits to me you want
to know why because he’s a small school
kid probably going to be a late round
pick but he’s got an NFL frame did he
wrestle no but he’s got a solid R score
you look at it NE go oh could this be
the next Khalil Shakir that they get in
like the fourth or fifth round where
everyone’s done with the wide receiver
run and now everyone’s focusing on other
positions and they go well here’s this
guy that we’ve been on since day
one we think he could be a wide receiver
three maybe wide receiver 2 in the NFL
if not a great special teamer he’s a
gunner cuz he’s fast and he’s big and
physical they’re thinking ahead of this
they’re doing the more cerebral work
that we as fans are not doing so for
everybody out there who screams about
the wide receiver position I love that
Brandon Bean was asked so much today
about that position and the fact that he
was joking and laughing about it he
seems loose doesn’t he yeah he seems
loose I like that because it tells me
he’s got a
plan or at least he’s not bothered by
the volatility of the wide receiver
market like Kevin Adams you know I got a
plan well yeah but but but I think one
of them is proven they actually are good
at their
jobs one of them can I can I ask you a
question just as a producer and host of
a show before we close the show sh
that’s what I was going to ask how close
are we to closing the show cuz we
are here I want to end on it so let’s
end on slightly over an
hour let’s end I’ve got two hours in me
I know but let’s let’s end this on your
hot take all right the bill should uh
take Cooper de jeene at 28 and so we
just had this conversation with uh Bruce
Nolan what did Bruce say probably
something pretty similar right cuz he’s
smart guy said that and this is Bruce I
don’t want to try to quote him because
Bruce I can’t well first of all I have
to start off talking like Batman well
first off I uh I don’t want to this is
where Drew tells you he doesn’t remember
what Bruce said the dogs are in the
other room I just don’t I don’t want to
wake the dogs my wife’s sleeping the
idea is Cooper
dein when he got wait question Deon
dejon dein I if he comes here and he
pulls the Tyrod tood
thing [ __ ] kill that guy I am going
to call him Deon as DJ I’m gonna call
him djon like mustard great
palpin so Jason Peters apparently is who
the bills traded for Josh by the way he
was a
safety and then Iowa was like oh [ __ ]
you’re athletic enough to be a
quarterback a cornerback and they made
him a
corner at the next
level he could be your Swiss Army knife
the bills really
need a weapon well this is it whether
it’s offense or defense I don’t give a
[ __ ] now here’s the question give me
Jason seahorn light will you be upset no
if they use the first round pick on a
defensive option I I will not be upset
again the only way I will be upset if
the Bills take take a quarterback it’s
the only way I’ll be upset all right
they couldn’t disappoint me unless they
took a left tackle I think the hard part
for fans to wrap their heads around is
that this team is one in transition I
everything Chang
everything’s that the thing that fans
have a hard time wrapping their heads
around is that we’re
all sucking on the tee of the NFL and
again we’re going to sell it they’re
going to sell it we’re going to buy it
the sooner you can just accept the fact
that you are going to be down for
whatever they do the more just the
happier you’ll be you buy a little you
q42 make yourself some [ __ ]
ribs cuz it’s delicious the coffee rub
is Special by the way it’s how I well
the Casey barbecue is how I would make R
ribs that will beat Drews he’ll use the
same ingredients and I will [ __ ] him up
um and regardless of whether or not they
take a safety a corner a again there’s
middle linebacker quarterback
tackle kicker punter Long Snapper that’s
it there’s five positions that I will
lose my [ __ ] mind over the rest we’re
going to be oh man we’re going to be
writing articles you guys are going to
have podcast I’m going to write an
article be like you know the bills are
so smart they like they’re 21st century
mans cuz they drafted somebody and we’re
all going to be like oh bro oh he’s so
good he’s amazing oh you know and that
cuz that’s what we do because we’re
suckers and regardless of what happens
you’re going to be into it so stop being
so dramatic and uh confrontational about
what they’re going to do because we
don’t know what they’re do going to do
but when they do it we’re going to buy
it and we’re going to love it I don’t
know about that EJ Manuel when we
drafted him I wrote a fan post that got
one of like I Brian galliford it’s the
only did one James Beard award it’s the
only interaction I’ve ever had with
Brian galliford he reached out to me to
let me know that my fan post had more
interaction than most like than anything
else on the website that week and I it
was when you could go to ESP go to and just make a fan
article and people could read it and
mine was about how I was at a a bar that
night and I’ve never been in a room
where the air came out of it and it just
emptied out as fast as when the bills
drafted EJ
Emanuel and so in that way where well
you’re talking about no matter what we
do everyone will buy it I watch what
happens and everyone goes okay well this
is just another one of those choices and
all of the people who are kind of Fringe
who aren’t in it like we are sure go
well I was kind of getting on board now
I see it’s trending back towards that
way so I guess I’ll just
leave you guys want one more St you guys
want one more story before we leave and
so it’s just so I wrote an
about how EJ Manuel was the equivalent
of going to a steakouse and ordering a
baloney sandwich or going to Fri balone
sandwich same concept sure but it was a
fried baloney sandwich from a steakhouse
and everyone loved it and sure enough EJ
Emanuel was the hey we drafted a first-
round quarterback it just turns out you
use that capital on a player that was UN
undeserving of that
selection but quarterback is the one
that matters now that we have that
figured out wide receiver is kind like
these are all satellite positions mhm
you figured out the one that matters
what draft was that 20 that was 201
2012 13 I don’t know I was drunk at Tony
romes I was young that’s all I know ah
where we met um you guys met at Tony
romes yes classic sex story um Let me
let me tell you this quick story and
then we can break we can we can be done
um so I told you great Terry pagul story
let me tell you great buddy Nick’s story
so Sunday Friday Saturday Thursday
Friday Saturday draft Sunday I was in
Florida my dad and I picked up uh we
landed back in Buffalo Sunday evening
landed back in Buffalo walked through
the Buffalo niiger airport go to the
covered parking area we get into our car
it’s me and my dad uh were going to
drive around and pick up my stepmom and
sisters and and we’re driving through if
you now now picture this for me if you
will you’re driving through
the tunnel right near where the rental
cars are in the Niagara Frontier airport
right you’re driving through and my dad
goes oh my God it’s Buddy Nicks like oh
so it rolled on the window buddy buddy
Nick buddy thinks our vehicle is his
ride he walks up to the back door opens
the door sits down yes yes
yes I already love this and quickly
realizes this is not my ride no this is
not my ride and I go EJ yeah I’m
I’m 17 17 years old EJ Manuel what’s up
dog you know like he’s like oh sorry
sorry folks uh uh went to the wrong
vehicle he Fog Horn Leg horns his way
out of the vehicle I’m sorry folks I
walked into the wrong vehicle gets out
walks right back to the door me and my
dad were like what the [ __ ] just
happened so you got real two pretty good
in you got two pretty good St that’s how
we’re all going to feel when this is
done I have a feeling you’re going to
feel like you all of a sudden generate a
weird southern accent like no I just
have a feeling that every Bills fan out
there is going to have a very weird
feeling about this because we’ve done
nothing but talk about wide receiver
being the
thing and just after hearing the presser
today which I urge you to all go check
out at Buffalo
I get the feeling that they’re going to
stay the course and they might even have
something crazier
planned I don’t like it but I’m here for
it do you want the verdict yeah this is
40 minutes ago I sent a text message to
my wife on a scale of 1 to 10 how
annoying are we 7
.5 she can hear us upstairs nothing my
leftist queen yes nothing makes me
happier guys whatever the bills decide
to do a wide receiver they have so many
options it’s
incredible and if they choose as an
organization not to take advantage of it
yes we can all Rail and light
torches the reality is hearing them talk
I think that there’s a plan
I think that the idea is they’re going
to sink into the hey we’re going to let
this come to us rather than go fishing
just like they did with Dalton concade
who you screamed about this idea of like
oh two tight
ends and how many times did they run two
tight ends not that much not that much
no they just put their $8 million tight
end and so I was I was not right but I
wasn’t wrong it was a correcting you
just said the most white girl thing I’ve
ever heard I wasn’t right but also
wrong just said the most white girl
thing I’ve ever
heard the bills have a problem to solve
and their GM seems loose about how he’s
going to attack it that’s all I need to
know that’s it if he’s cool I’m cool
it’s almost like that Diner scene in uh
Paul fiction is that [ __ ] cool tell the
[ __ ] to be cool tell that [ __ ] to be
cool everyone seems cool so with that
said who am I to judge to point they’re
going to they’re going to buy we’re
going to sell you going and buy you
going and buy they’re going to draft
Cooper de Jee and guess what the
bestselling jerse is going to be come
September cooper cooper deine guys
them’s the breaks that’s the way this
goes and I’m sorry for those of you who
are firmly on the wide receiver train
you’ll have to hear Nate giri spar with
the Jeremy white and then later admit
how [ __ ] right I was that you will
buy it and slurp it up like it’s fresh
soup so you hear that over there on
wgr550 you can follow them both on
social media but for tonight we got to
get out of here I’m Drew gear that’s
Chris Krueger that’s sake ERI and this
has Ben your Rockpile report you’re


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