Golf Babe

Condensed Round 4 | The Chevron Championship 2024

Watch the Round Highlights from The Chevron Championship Round 4, 04/21/2024
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make sure she’s over that bunker on the
left that was about 159 and a
half yeah 146 and she’s plenty far back
from the lip that this shouldn’t be a
problem for her to reach the
green clipped
it should spin what a Beauty from Nelly
Corda a great look for a birdie and with
you over the back of the green maybe an
early opportunity in a two- shot swing
yet you may have the least expectations
of anybody in the final
Trio right on line and a great look for
her own opening birdie here at the first
she just at that mercy of that Fringe
and trying to predict how it’s going to
bounce through
it you know the girls that played this
event last year had very similar
um conditions uh played kind of easier
first couple of days and then the wind
really picked up and it played
completely different at the end of the
day it’s just going to be trying to
minimize your mistakes and make as many
putts as possible uh you know that the
girls are not going to be hitting it
super close so taking advantage of the
the green light holes is going to be
important Brook Henderson left of the
here needs to Giddy up a little
bit here’s you back at two
that’s exactly what Jess was saying just
nothing from that
bunker and now here’s Maya Stark
did it yes that
club just like
amazing that was really well
done about five Ines of break right to
yes routine
par was so nice at the fourth use all of
her power to be right here in this
short-sided bunker shot in two and just
so you doesn’t make her putt for birdie
her next bunker shot out to
here and just I mean green side and two
and walk away with the double bogey is
is very rattling as a player for a
player who posted a 64 yesterday which
the championship Jin he M the rookie
here second at the fifth she was in
contention yesterday but had a tough
start to the restart this morning of
round three it’s on fire so
far cogin dis at six to get to seven
under and the overnight lead after the
opening round with a 66 held it together
on day two stayed right there and now
seven under about to take a three shot
lead here with this short birdie putt
wow to 12 under up by three here on the
final day of a major championship
needed that one chance to bounce back
after that double bogey on the previous
hole but she’s got a work cut out for
her hair been tough car to generate spin
out of these
bunkers very coarse heavy sand even made
even more so with the which is why she’s
so good from this
spot should be
four but just looks down at the contact
there so it’s going to be three Bogies
in the first five holes for hyan Yu
having had the lead coming into this
fourth and final round of the Chevron
Championship so she’s falling away and I
think it will say a lot for her
mentality too Morgan if she was to go
ahead and bounce back
yeah she does she had 10 one puts in a
row yesterday just 23 putts in her round
of 64 saw that Approach at the par five
for Lydia Co this for
Eagle so just like that to five
under yeah she looks so comfortable
doesn’t she Tom in all aspects of her
game right now
yeah it’s been that way for the last
well pretty much all season hit this
ball once it gets up at the airs like a
lot of Club Karen yeah it’s just quite
strong wind right now
Morgan this week she’s hit some Beauties
here another one
yep really good short and back swing
there stopped this for
Birdie on bag this week played great
early on and still right there just four
stayed right
there it was a good looking roll though
it’s kind of every putt that we’ve seen
from Nelly either goes in or or just
barely misses but I mean she’s playing
some incredible golf this is Lauren
cogin flag today just over little Ridge
on the right side of the
green oh that is majestic from cogin and
she’s going to have a a good chance here
I think she can be really aggressive
here but has to watch not to go
underneath it too
much came out pretty
hot on the flatter
yes nine under par C and fourth on her
own can be aggressive here putting back
up at it and I think you know when you
in a group with Nelly you you know that
she’s the likely of her making a mistake
is very slim so you immediately it puts
pressure on you to try and make
something happen which is not the ideal
state to play
golf yeah good save in the
end yeah I don’t see too much in this
Tom pretty
straightforward work
little bit of a discussion on the team
maybe not 100% comfortable with the
there she’s going to have to negotiate
that something you see very often Melly
with two clubs out hitting a chip like
this a little
indecision could have taken it a couple
ways hard to stop with the sand yeah
well she tried to get a little bit too
cute on the one on the fourth hole which
led to her leaving trying to do
something different it wasn’t working
the way
that we were doing it let’s see if we
can mix it up and change the Mojo a
bit it certainly has
worked so far this
week par five is always a key obviously
and you got a couple on the back n to 13
and then 18 where the it’s under 500
band I’m lucky that stopped so quickly I
think that’s a indication of how well it
lying right around that Ridge there good
look at birdie for quarter
downhill all the way to the hole the
wind is on her
back it’s good Pace this one oh look at
this gets one one of those Bogies back
with a long range birdie at
nine well done and maybe that’s part of
the early the the tough start for hit on
you in this final group at 11 under the
Bogies it’s going to be a really cool
place to be if you’re n quarter look at
this look at this come on now
talk about not not opening the door an
inch wow what a shot only the six birdie
of the day we talked about how hard this
green is to hit and just you know she
had a beautiful shot in there
take this is
knuckled down see the ball that’s what’s
going to happen in her mut of grass it’s
very tough to judge how much shot like
that would carry just a little
controlled swing here know into the wind
should startop very
quickly to get down you she knows that
it PS away after the hole
but okay
ho in one ho in
one that far away from another $110,000
charity a third of the par five
13th made an eagle at the fourth today
that was bang online for another one
there she’s a couple under for the
day this is this is how Brook prefers to
play it though with the poter
we saw her do it the other day almost
made a chipping motion with the Potter
from off the
green convince you that you did the work
for that $100,000 right
off she’s taking it
on Wow Wow
sharing second place how about that
tough location to get it close to today
on the right side over this
bunker that’s a good
leave different story this time
around but still playing as the hardest
hole on the golf course today and all
week safely aboard I this is massive for
going to be below the hole should be
cting uphill to the
birdie they went back to the hotel in
between took about a 20 minute nap it’s
still even though they actually had less
golf to play it’s still a really long
day for all of these players who had to
restart this morning she had so much
momentum yesterday she had that run
birdy Eagle birdy birdy birdy from
nice touch again from n good leave but
not an easy up and down has a knob about
10 ft in front of the hole she’s got to
get up and over that and let it release
down trying to run it all the way not
going to get
there a little bit of a downhill lie
here and I think the the ideal play is
just a little bit long of this hole
this is just a smoo
left no
problem pretty much all you can do
there pushed right very quickly on her
out of that Fringe
great read a that’s a huge
putt confidence Builder what a wa to and
it is incredibly difficult she’s got a
very small area she can land it and let
it release to this
hole Yeah that gotten away from her yes
Tom t-shot was just in the wrong spot
wasn’t it
this is going towards the front left of
green safe
y tendency is to want to try and make up
the ground for for for losing one into
the penalty area but it’s such a
dangerous Hall
location doesn’t like it does she no
it’s going towards the
flag she doesn’t like it she will
now my word continually talking to her
he’s still talking to her now it’s just
so important for her going
forward you from a great spot on The
Fairway 136 to the
hole just one point away from the LPGA
Hall of Fame you get two points for a
win here not going to win obviously but
finishing up in
style this was just a moment ago
this is how you get it close at this PA
wonderful this one seems a little boring
from the
Fairway trying to fade this towards the
hole from
113 you to see a birdie at 16 that
little Ridge that
runs across the center of the screen
touch this is on a little drawer this is
a really good line
too oh it’s fabulous watch out oh it
hits the flag would you believe it what
a shot
from a player who has proved she is a
Champion didn’t quite get it to the hole
so just a three for
and that much more oh what an effort
what an effort she knows it
well this is coming in a little lower
need takes a hop though I mean that did
not clear by much and that bank is it
would come right back into the
water nearly did might have caught a
piece maybe just one Groove low cushion
is just
one the incredible winning streak
continues it’s five in a row as Nelly
pora captures the Chevron
championship and she just refuses to
lose right now


  1. interesting observation @ the end of the championship,ive been watching LPGA weekly goin on 5 years now,not 1 player there and congratulat Nelly,not 1 ,what does that tell you ? i dont know but i have never seen a a winner not be congratulated with a water or champagne shower ,this was the 1st time,not 1 american player more pointedly,the oseas players are close n support one another unconditionally so i found that vision of not 1 american player let alone any player approaching nelly after winning a major truly startling

  2. whoever is responsible for the highlight reels this week should be fired. key shots missing lousy edits the whole thing is sloppy. bush league work

  3. Who ever is in charge of creating these highlights need to be fired. WTF, I can't see any of Korda birdies and such. I'm watching till the 9th hole and I saw like one of Nelly's birdie before making this comment.

  4. what's with the choppy and low res videos? it's not a live vid and coming from the official LPGA channel… it's weird…

  5. Scottie and Nelly Belle are the King and Queen of GOLF so CALL IT OFF cuz it's NLC…No Longer Competitive!

  6. What a great achievement of Nelly! She is restored completely! A bit sad over the bad video quality though, perhaps due to the weater?

  7. What's wrong with linn grants form ,she's dropping so many shots! Needs to get back to basics fairways and greens. The aggressive approach isn't working needs to change her strategy to be more competitive. She certainly has the talent!

  8. Her swing being so geometrically perfect for her frame really sells golf as a sport like, if you do the right things, you get the results. When your mechanics are that good, your bad shots aren't that bad…. Inspiring to athletes everywhere

  9. Talk about being in the zone… we're still 2 months away from the official start of summer, and Nelly seems to have already put a strangle-hold on the 2024 Player of the Yr award!

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