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Hawks vs Bulls Preview, Trae Young Olympic Snub, X Factors, and more

Chris Tip Moore and special guest breakdown the Hawks vs Bulls Play In Game. #atlantahawks #nbaplayin #hawksvsbulls #a1foreversports #nba

yeah truly
cool yes sir yes sir welcome back to the
show that’s cool in fly to A1 forever
Sports I am he Chris tip Moore and be
generational because it’s always time to
be and don’t you dare settle for less
because you always can have more with
the vision and with that in mind what we
have in our sits right now talking about
the Atlanta Hawks of course as they play
the Chicago Bulls tonight and I had to
bring in some Heavy Hitters man to talk
about our Atlanta team and of course we
got we Hawks TV demand in here we also
got Bryce Lewis in here man you already
know um also we have some more guests
coming in just waiting for them to catch
up and uh get back into it but outside
of that man how you fellas doing man how
y’all feeling about these Atlanta hwks
tonight taking on these Chicago
Bulls you want to go first Bryce yeah I
can go first man yeah I listen I I
really don’t know how it feel I feel
good in terms of just you know this
isn’t like a world beater team we
playing tonight but you know you never
know what’s gonna happen you know ending
whitne City uh you know we’ve done this
before best uh playing team in franch in
the entire NBA hey
man if we keep that up we should be in
good shape moving forward man but
overall man I’m feeling good hopefully
I’ll be feeling better at the end of the
night indeed indeed hey I’m feeling the
same way Bryce is man I’m feeling the
same way Bryce is I’m feeling confident
tonight man this a team we can beat we
can beat this team so you know I think
that’s what’s gonna happen tonight think
we gonna go in there we gonna handle our
business indeed indeed I indeed uh feel
confident as well and there’s a few
reasons why and I’m G get into it but
you know the Bulls and the Hawks they
meet for the final time regardless um of
the outcome tonight they meet and
Chicago is I believe two and one against
the Hawks this season of course we know
guys like Vic C he will not be able to
play and not he’s ineligible he’s
ineligible and uh don’t know how
everyone feels about that I feel like it
sucks and uh we definitely need him on
both ends of the floor you know that’s
just one thing about it and you know
double O Jaylen Johnson Sadiq Bay of
course all out of the out out of this
game and of course the on the bull side
Drummond most likely not going to play I
know he twisted his ankle or something
like that had to be helped off the floor
but AO dumo uh that guy right there if I
know he has a quad injury and I would
love I would love it if he didn’t play
tonight why because he’s a part of a
defensive Coalition with Caruso and
Carter uh Kobe white those guys right
there they put pressure on the point
guards so if he’s out I like the CH
Hawks chances even more uh Andre
Drummond averaged seven offensive
rebounds against Atlanta that’s crazy
numbers but I know he’s a good offensive
rebounder anyway but the average seven
against Atlanta is just absolutely crazy
and we already know it’s about matchups
fellas and Chicago has been a thorn in
Atlanta side five and four since uh 2022
you know Hawks are still up but still
been going back and Fourth Kind of
seesaw and of course we already know
that the Hawks rake 27 against the def
def uh defensive rating 27 and the Bulls
are 22 overall though I believe it’s
going to come down to matchups and it’s
going to also come down to our point
guard Trey young guys like he’s coming
back but we need to uh play off Trey I
believe more than ever at this point in
time right now as he has not shot the
ball the best against Chicago but you
gotta credit the defense to Chicago I
believe as
well yeah what you guys I definitely
agree with that I definitely agree with
that Chicago we know what they bring to
the table uh they you know they try to
be a defensive first team uh but you
know obviously their offense sometimes
isn’t the best unless you know the
biggest piece of offense is demard Rosen
so that’s obviously the Big Challenge
tonight and like you said matchups uh
DeAndre Hunter probably you would assume
would be guarding him tonight um it’s
GNA be interesting probably Wesley
Matthews as well uh since he’s probably
our second best Wing Defender right now
with the injuries that we have so um
they’re definitely going to have to you
know come out there and really um know
grind against them and obviously fou
trouble hopefully no foul trouble
tonight because like I said we’re pretty
weak at that spot especially that three
spot so um you know I think you know we
got to make sure we we play smart
basketball and you know we we able to do
what we can and overall aside of that
like you said Trey young gota do what
you gotta do Deon gota do what he got to
do they’ve both uh shown up in big
moments before so do that tonight and
you know you’ll be able to get like I
said a good win against Chicago and and
keep your season
alive indeed coming to the stage coming
to the stage we have straight out the
bird cage Ryan the historian coming in
talking some Atlanta Hawks with us thank
you for coming on Ryan man how you
feeling about these Hawks tonight and
want to get your thoughts real quick um
just because we talked about it already
uh just how you feel about tonight you
feeling confident you worried you scared
I mean what’s going on man let me know
first off it ain’t never no fear over
here so what’s going on fellas but um
for me it’s like all right we already
got one we already got one Victory
earlier with the Braves let’s go ahead
and let’s do this with the Hawks tonight
because at the end of the day it it
doesn’t matter how you get here you’re
here that’s all that matters now it’s
just like the NCAA tournament they would
say once you’re in it Anything Could
Happen you never know so at this point
de jante and Trey have to figure out a
way how to mesch tonight
um Quinn has to stop Quinn Quinn has to
stop pulling a bran Snicker you if
somebody is hot let him keep going let
him keep rolling with it you cannot do
what snit does snit does that with the
pitching all the time he’ll take the
ball out of somebody’s hand when they’re
hot but when they’re supposed to get
pulled he’ll let them stay which you
you’ve got to do better about
um we got to see a little bit more v um
viit KY tonight got to see him doing a
little bit more can’t see him can’t see
him that’s right that’s right they they
didn’t sign him I’m sorry they signed
they signed Trent Forest right yeah yeah
they signed Trent fors uh somebody told
me that deand told him to sign them no
de no de man I’mma tell you this here I
can tell you full of it because dear I
gotta stick up for my man dear I was on
the show when dear was sitting here
going in that’s Matt that said that
Landry Fields I just had to mess with
listen like you sign Trent Forest dog
the man has been straight cheeks I’m
keeping it PG on your show because it’s
a lot more than I would love to say but
the man mind out here let’s just put it
this way man that man has been cheeks
with hot oil getting slapped with a
leather whip been getting his
ass literally but I’m just keeping it
I’m just keeping it a buck though really
tonight right it it’s got to be it’s
it’s got to be more than just Trey and
dejon that bench has got to come through
Bogie’s got to be consistent tonight and
we’ve gotta play defense like we’ve been
playing uh when Trey was down that’s how
they got to play defense period because
at the end of the day we’ve got a win no
doubt about it we’ve gota win because if
we don’t we home you see Golden State
got sent
home oh yeah it’s time hey man you gotta
come through all year through
that’s all it is to at this point you
got to come through or you through man
as far as like we was talking about
matchups as well before you came in Ryan
and you know on the defensive side I was
saying about how Trey has had his
struggles you know saying with that
defensive Coalition that they got of
Caruso and Javon Carter and um but dumu
he may be out and he’s a defensive
minded guard and I believe that that may
favor the Hawks if he’s not playing cuz
we need playoff Trey we need Trey to be
who we normally see him to be the
highlight re guy the guy that makes the
right passes and everything we don’t
necessarily need hero ball so that’s why
it can’t come down to Trey and de Jon
because I mean he’s shooting 21% from
three against the Bulls and that’s got
to go up tremendously that’s go up
tremendously it’s winner go home it’s
good check time it’s time to see what
you got and the Hawks I mean for what
it’s worth they are undefeated in the
play in and we got to keep that keep
that continuing y’all we got to keep
continuing facts man facts and we G we
gonna do that tonight we gonna do that
tonight man let me tell y’all something
man if I’m sitting that lock room right
now if I’m in that locker room right now
right and I’m Trey I’m Deon they need to
be looking at each other because this
could be the last time they play ball
okay last time you see this back court
and watching Trey’s podcast with deante
it seems like like they’re really good
friends right so I mean that gota hold
some you got to look at your partner and
be like hey bro we got to go out guns
blazing tonight okay um now let me say
something about um the
bus um
Caruso yeah they’re good defensive uh
they got some good defensive guards okay
not going to sit here in front right but
right I like when Caruso’s on the court
because guess what Caruso don’t look to
score the ball at all so that’s somebody
you could put Trey on and you ain’t gota
worry about Trey chasing AO because or
Kobe white because Kobe white yall know
he’s in the running for a most improved
player of the year very
deserving so it’s not like uh this not
the old Kobe white who you know go out
there play 30 minutes and give you six
points like last time we played he was
aggressive I missed that
Kobe hey so I mean I think I think I
think um Quin
Snider an advantage we have right now
and and I’ve said this plenty of times
with the injury the Trey with the injury
to jayen Johnson with the injury when
Hunter went out you get a lot of our
guys who normally wouldn’t get a lot of
minutes they got some experience now so
right my opinion Quinn can go he can go
different way he could I know when it’s
playoff time you that rotation get short
I understand that but you got other you
got tools you can use now you got you
got Garris Matthews you know you got uh
I’m looking at Mo now since you don’t
have Jaylen Johnson and you didn’t keep
Vic kety so right
just just Mo being 610 gives you
somebody you can use on the defensive
end so I mean I think we and last thing
I’ll say is I looked at the I went back
and looked at the stats Chicago even
though Drummond had a big
game still was plus nine on the boards
last game we was plus six on the
offensive glass if I’m not mistaken so I
mean and we did that by group
rebounding indeed rebounders so I mean
I’m not uh and I know I sound cocky but
I’m not not concerned about going in
Chicago and playing these guys this
ain’t Michael Jordan and the Bulls
man is Roan he can have his he can have
it let’s main let’s control vich let’s
contain uh Kobe white let’s contain uh
if AO playing you gotta contain him
let’s let’s control them because and
I’mma shut up after this with Hunter on
D Roan right watching these games hunter
gets in foul foul trouble but a lot of
those fouls is [ __ ]
yeah and it’s because he’s
guarding good players who get whistles
right right so Quin gotta be careful
about that tonight and that’s why I like
what Bryce said that’s where your boy
Wesley Matthews come in at you saw when
we played the Celtics what he was doing
he was harassing Tatum yes he was
the referees so like I say Quinn got a
lot of ways to play this man but I’m
telling you guys I feel confident
tonight man I feel
confident yes I feel confident as well
man we know d d r Ro a’t gonna get those
whistles he get more whistles than long
legs on a hot summer day so it’s just
gonna happen it’s just gonna happen for
him do I saying look at his career this
guy it’s just it’s the truth man so he
gonna get that he’s gonna get his just
like Deon said but we have to conin the
others um and the thing about I do like
about excuse me not C about vuich about
him playing I feel like that pick and
roll is going to be there all game long
and you gotta take advantage of it you
gotta take advantage of you know they
gonna hunt for Trey jeante DeAndre you
know saying bogie those we have Shooters
we don’t have the the height like that
because between what 65 well 64 65 and
like let’s say
69ine outside of capella man we only got
like DeAndre Hunter so to De man’s point
even though he’s raw you probably gonna
have to play Some Mo gay you know I’m
saying some you know you probably gonna
have to because we we’re short and we
need to take advantage of as many
advantages we have against Chicago no
matter who’s out there if Drummond is
not out there that’s big because yeah
because they they only they’re going to
have to go smaller and again that’s why
I go back to that pick and rooll
that can be there for Atlanta rolling
with capella I really wish we had Jaylen
Johnson because I feel like um that’s
another reason why uh the Pacers went
scorched Earth on us as well because the
matchup Bruno Bruno couldn’t do nothing
with Miles Turner we we already knew
that and we know we should see some
Bruno tonight as well I love that energy
and that effort um we’re coming in you
know not the not the strongest right now
but we definitely can make some moves we
definitely can come into Chicago and
pretty much get our second win on these
guys for the season and put them on out
in their season they’re gonna be trying
to figure out what’s next uh for them as
we’re going on to have to play whoever
wins between the first game as well man
and um it also leads into something else
too I heard you guys earlier Dean on
your show and I actually want to uh
bring that conversation to this platform
as well and I want to get you guys like
as far as rotations for Quinn Snider
tonight uh what guys do you think is
going to go with it and Bryce I’m G
start with you and we’re gonna swing
around uh I mean I feel like the in
terms of just like starting lineup what
you saw in the regular season was
probably what he’s gonna go with uh just
because again with the with Vic not
playing and Jaylen out you know he
probably feels like well might as well
just you know put all my cards on the
table especially like I said in the
playoffs where you play starts a lot of
minutes too you know they’re going to
get the bulk of the minutes anyway but
in terms of the bench I mean I feel like
you know obviously you know Bruno moay
definitely has to play I feel like I
mean he’s in an interesting situation
because we’re already seeing the flashes
and why I’ve said that I think he has
the most potential out of every rookie
we’ve drafted this past year because he
he really can do it on both ends and so
you know he’s gonna have to play some
big minutes for us and he’s gonna have
to trust him to play some big minutes
for him because it’s not like he has
other death that he can rely on I mean
you don’t I mean obviously you’re gonna
play DeAndre a lot but you don’t want to
play him like 40 like three plus minutes
and things like that because you gotta
also think about foul trouble issues and
things like that and then obviously
Garrison you know for shooting and then
um and then after that it’s kind of like
you would you would assume Wesley would
be the next guy just in terms of just
because of that defensive matchup like
said guardar so that would probably be
where you go with that for the most part
and that probably be your nine I could
see him going nine tonight uh would not
be shocked if he went eight but I could
definitely see him going nine tonight
for show if he went 10 then obviously
that probably be like may maybe just
some small Kobe buffkin minutes or um
maybe he may surpris especially like I
said hunter gets into foul trouble and
you know he doesn’t want to put too much
on Wesley might even see AJ Griffin
tonight in some capacity so um you know
he he has options because even before
the injuries I said I feel like what
we’ve seen he he can go deeper into his
bench he needs to he doesn’t have to
shorten his rotation because it’s not
like you you don’t got guys who have
shown they can play so but it just
depends on the match up and who you’re
playing like I said tonight you know the
strength for their offense is pretty
much theor you get like I said you got
DeAndre you got Wesley you get them out
there and then you know you just kind of
go from there and luckily tonight too
last time we played the Bulls Clint
capella was it pretty much I would say
he he dominated the match up against Vic
Vic struggle that’s had a really good
game that game so uh if if Clint you
know I know some people don’t want to
you know trust Clint but Clint get
you get you double double 10 15 rebounds
uh like four five offensive rebounds
solid yeah I mean hey Clint’s been
getting those double doubles lately I I
gotta give it to him I know we cuss him
out and boy rightfully so sometimes
because my most times my goodness
because sometimes Clinton just be
killing me but
again he’s serviceable man and he has
been doing his thing lately so I will
give um I will give him his credit I
will give him his credit on that man hey
man the hwks gotta take advantage of
that three-point uh situation too but
before we even get into that I want to
get to demand and I want to know who he
feels like is going to be in the
rotation especially after he has some
time to think about it and we get closer
to the
game I I agree with uh I agree with
Bryce I mean you gonna see the same on
the lineup obviously I mean if JJ was
here he would have been starting if Vic
was here he would have been starting but
they’re not so you’re running like you
said Trey Murray bogy
um would like to
see uh my issue is not an issue but what
I’m looking for is who are the first
substitutions at that 6307 minute mark
because he always subs out
Murray excuse me Trey and and jayen
usually come out at that first quarter
what I want to see is with this being a
wi to go home
situation does he change his uh
rotation depending on how the flow of
the game is going okay say say we come
out hot Trey and Murray Diamond scoring
does he still make any substitutions at
that 637 minute Mark or or does he say
you know what let me ride these guys
because he also thinking on the on the
back side is if we win we gotta play
Friday so I mean that’s what come in
about you know the
minutes uh is he gonna run our starters
all over is he gonna run them all 30
plus minutes tonight to try to win the
game um or is he going to coach going on
the flow um
I think Bruno gonna be a big player
tonight especially without a Drummond
why do I say that cause who was they
backup big after drumming who the backup
after the
backup so I expect to see some type of I
wouldn’t be surprised to see a double
double effort from a Bruno because right
what I started to notice now it could he
could have just been doing it because it
was the end of the season Bruno starting
to get a little bit more minutes now you
know what I’m saying um why let’s be
honest you can have him on the floor in
the fourth quarter because he can shoot
free throws yeah you can you can
definitely do that he’s and he’s a
Defender unlike I mean unlike Clint
capella when it comes to free throw he a
liability on the offensive side of the
ball right flip Co at that free throw
line yeah that’s I call him one for two
man one for two um don’t let foot hit
you saying that
well already know I’ve been trying to
get rid of Clint for two years Man Clint
me has and I would give him a little bit
of credit not credit but uh I’m G give
him a little leeway he has been playing
hurt this year you could tell by that
like he has no lift yeah yeah I’ve been
saying that too what John say you can
slide you can’t even slide
a yeah I said Deon you can’t slide a
dollar bill under the man’s foot to
change a light bulb come
on yeah come on man you gotta get the
man you got to get the man off the bench
that can jump but the thing Clint does
bring know is if we could get uh a flash
of that of that Eastern Conference Final
Clint back meaning say say he gets say
Clint get 10
shots if he’s shooting
65% off 10 shots and giving me 15 boards
I can take that I can take that all day
long yeah AG
um last thing I’ll say is you know with
young I didn’t like Now understand he
was coming off injury I didn’t maybe I
I’m just not used to it I did not like
the way he came out kind of passive now
right he wasn’t as as aggressive as he
used to be now I don’t know if was do he
just trying to get back into the
flow um but we need him to be aggressive
he’s our best
finisher at The Rim finisher gets to the
free throw line more anybody on the team
yep and he’s the only one who
consistently attacks the basket whether
it’s through a pick and roll l no one
else on the team does that and we’re
going to need that especially when vich
come out the game that lane will be wide
Murray uh maybe
like yeah he’s sometime but everybody
know if we was bet money right now
everybody would put their money on he
gonna stop at that free throw line and
he gonna pull up that M right right so
um I would like to see a aggressive Trey
young but yeah like like Bryce said the
same starting F like him but like I said
I just want to see what’s the first
rotations and and all the substitutions
gonna be based off his minutes that he
been running all year or is it gonna go
flow with a
game indeed Mr historian what you got
for us well for me me as I got to Echo
in what fell said for me tonight it’s
all about defense you know we’re all
talking about scoring but I got to see
the defense because we ended up seeing
Quinn actually coach defense heavy when
Trey was down this is the thing I’m
sticking to if we can keep somebody
under 120 points a game we generally get
wins period if we play reg if we play
defense that bench has to come through
tonight because is we’re limited with
the starters JJ’s you know JJ’s not
playing so you have a big piece of your
scoring is not there you know that’s a
player that can do it all and he’s
missing double O should be getting exper
getting more experience right now in the
playoffs but he’s not g to be here so
that hurts as well so for me I’m looking
at can these guys that that uh Quinn has
on his roster and a few of these guys
that Landry Fields decided to keep
around that shouldn’t be here are you
guys going to step up to the challenge
because right now you’re under you’re
under a microscope right now at this
point because some of the moves have
been questionable as Deon said earlier
the man that’s up behind me right now
might not be here or trade might not be
here one of those guys might not be here
if we lo you know if we lose tonight
this might be the last game so from here
on out it’s got to be like look man long
as we in here we going to have to play
we going to have to pretty much play
play to the play to the whistle sound
every night no exceptions no you can’t
we can’t take off the gas we cannot
surrender a double digit lead if we get
one that is something else we can’t do
if we end up getting hot and getting and
jumping out in front of them we’ve gota
pretty much when you have your hand
around the throat go ahead and crush it
that’s what you got to do you cannot
give them hope because as you said Kobe
white is more is um rightfully so for
the most improved player outside of D
rozan the last thing you want to do is
get him going and whether he’s driving
to the paint or whether he’s shooting on
the outside D Roan’s gonna get his as
you said before D roosan gonna get it
it’s it’s pretty much a chair it’s
pretty much a donation of whistles to
that man every game he’s gonna get
donated it but as for as for Kobe white
and um everyone else you stop his role
players you pretty much win the game
that’s why that defense comes in very
that’s why this defense has to be on
point tonight if they’re trying to win
this ball game because it’s it’s wi to
go home it’s do or die because now you
come into you come into the playoffs
with one of the worst records in history
you come into the playoffs with one of
the worst records in history 29 and 53
horrible yeah or as Charles Barkley
would say terrible terrible as he would
say and now it’s like look if you get in
here we’re not supposed to be here
technically but the playing allowed us
to get in so hey it’ be nice to it’d be
nice to mess up somebody season because
ours damn shows been messed up with
injuries and bad decisions on keeping
certain players that shouldn’t be here
still so I I just I like I said I I
expect defense tonight Quin got a coach
defense and he cannot pull a Brian
Snicker tonight do not take away the hot
hand tonight please don’t do that yeah I
I can’t stand that that irks my nerves
more than anything and I even came on
Deon show and was talking about the same
thing that night that deante went for 44
and it just like man he had the hot hand
people complaining about the shot
selections and how many shots man first
of all we won the game let’s start there
it was only one person who complained
about that man that was mad that was mad
well I mean hey at the end of the day it
it’s I seen other places too I can’t
just put it all on Matt but I do know
what you’re saying I do know what you’re
saying but yeah it just at the end of
the day he had the hot hand the team was
giving him the ball saying shoot it’s
kind of like that um that highlight that
you seen when DLo was going off and he
gave the ball to LeBron and LeBron was
like uhuh pass it right back to him it’s
the same thing it’s the same thing the
man is hot stay with the hot hand I
can’t stand when we do that and speaking
of hot hands we’re going to have to get
those three-point attempts up game the
Bulls they give them up they give up
them attempts over 40 a game and against
the the Bulls in these three games we’ve
averaged over 40 attempts a game it’s
just about making them we got to make
them uh the game that we did win we had
19 against them that we hit you know
what I’m saying so that’s we have to
have a high percentage because the
previous percentages have been extremely
low um if I’m not mistaken let me see
28% uh on back in December and back in
February 32% from three but in our win
you know on the 1 April Fool’s Day
47.5% I’m just saying like the
three-point percentage and the Hawks are
there ninth n ninth in the NBA in
three-point percentage we’re going to
have to get our shots we’re going to
have to move the ball get the extra pass
we’re going to have to get open threes
we’re going to have to get them open and
early and often and we got to convert on
them I
believe on that three-point shooting
what you’ll notice is right the game we
won where we shot
47% Trey didn’t play that game yeah
that’s the elephant in the room my
brother the game before that he was
three for 13 from
three yep that’s why that’s why AO is
that’s why people bring up a
AO gives Trey a hard
time bro since he’s been I’ve seen Trey
argue with this guy that’s how this dude
be harassing Trey that’s why you know
you gotta we G have to run some screen
we gonna have to get this dude off Trey
young because let’s be honest
here uh an aggressive Trey young is the
TR young we need tonight we don’t but we
also don’t need him cuz sometimes if you
watching the game you can see he’ll kind
of get caught up in that trash talk back
and forth especially with guys like AO
he’ll get caught up talking that trash
that’s when you’ll see him us he’ll come
down and just fire one of these deep
threes and you be like bro it’s like 18
seconds on the clock why you shooting
that so you know we we we got to make
sure we can get Trey get that guy off
try but if he
injured we might as well go at him you
know it depend it depends man depends on
that but Trey Trey always has uh I can’t
I’m trying to remember off top of my
head I I don’t know maybe Bryson I can’t
even know I don’t even know if Trey had
a good game going against AO since AO
been in the league no he has that since
in the last seven games Trey is shooting
35% from the field against
Chicago and a
play y yeah it’d be great if he’s not
there because I mean yeah Javon Carter
okay but at the same time he still
averages at least 25 points per game
against Javon Carter and Javon Carter
has played with some offensive guys he’s
played with Durant Giannis you know he’s
played on some good teams uh to his
Advantage so don’t want to read too much
into that against you know I’m saying
against Trey versus Javon but if AO is
not in there that’s big even if he is in
there if he’s not 100% that’s still big
yeah run through some screen man get
coming off some man like if his leg is
hurting make him use that leg make him
run around on that leg all day you know
he gonna break down sooner or later it’s
like uh it’s like in football right what
they what y’all be saying in football
hey run the ball yeah because guess what
in the
full hey same thing about AO man same
thing if his leg hurt run around the
court indeed indeed shout out to on De
Mark man he came through
uh checking us out said what’s up fellas
man shout out to him content creator um
knowledgeable about the Falcons good
good person to really just talk to and
listen to all together man shout out to
you and your channel man that’s on the
mark on YouTube just check them out man
hey I’m subscribed you should be too so
just just one shout out to the brother
man uh shout out to my other brother
let’s get it g my brother Sean uh said
what’s going on fellas uh we’re going
we’re going home guys what oh Lord all
right I personally feel Andrew Fields
might as well see what you can get for
Trey and build around DJ and Jaylen
hey hey heyy I’m just saying don’t wor
hey don’t worry A1 cause here come my
boy Kareem and I’m waiting for Dwayne P
they gonna tell you the same
thing oh they go young Lazy Lazy Lazy ah
that ain’t running nowhere
oh man I’m talking about hey it’s it’s
mixed feelings about Trey young in
Atlanta already know He I already know
man it’s it’s mixed feelings about Trey
and Atlanta um I’m not saying Trey is
perfect I’m just saying he’s our guy
right now uh I’m definitely for him I’ve
been for him I I was excited when we
made the trade between him and Luca
because I knew we needed an actual point
guard at the time you know people didn’t
know exactly what Luca was going to be I
feel like both teams got what they
needed at that time and um shoot they
really in the same boat as far as
careers I know the stats and everything
may be different in different categories
but as far as achievements they’re
really neck and neck and you already
know they’re going to be linked
but speaking about Trey young uh I I
gotta I gotta ask you guys I got
to Trey young man what does this man got
to do what does this man what does this
man man got to do who he got to pay like
to try to get on any kind of any kind of
Olympics man first the the allstar snub
and he had to get be a injury
replacement and we already know that was
Bull and now once again we read months
ago that you know he was one of the
people being consider one of the players
being considered to be on the Olympic
team and then of course it came out and
they’re keeping one roster spot open and
I believe they should go to Trey young
man I know there other guys out there
but just this is pass they filled it up
already who is it uh
um no Kawai Kawai got Ka got my bad was
kawh I could have sworn this Joker had a
knee injury or something he were dealing
with what yeah he does but they he gonna
beat he he coming they took him man see
that’s that crap right there well even
more reason why I want to know like what
does this man have to do fellas like I
mean only he gotta leave it he gota
leave Atlanta because apparently I’m
just being real because if he’ played in
New York or somewhere like that he would
have gotten a spot but it seems like
he’s the problem so even if he was
playing for San Antonio wouldn’t he run
into the same problems if he’s the
problem well you know what I I I I’mma
throw some old school in there because
you know nickname historian I’ll say
this one of one of the requirements back
in the day for the Dream Team if you
remember was winning championships and
being a top player in the league Isaiah
Thomas got snubbed it wasn’t just
because of him walking off the court not
shaking hands with Jordan it was because
he rubbed a lot of people in the media
the wrong way as well right and let’s be
real I Zeke had two chips at the time
finals MVP had already had you know had
been a multiple time Allstar and he
knocked off bird Jordan and Magic during
that time and pissed a lot of people off
during that Trey think about it when
Trey had his playoff run and a lot of
people trying to send him home he pissed
off a lot of people in the media during
that playoff run he pissed off a lot he
rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and
Trey I I feel like this I’m not
comparing Trey to Zeke because Trey
don’t play defense like Zeke I never
I’ll never put him in that category
sorry but when you talk about skill-wise
being able to score the basketball being
able to pass I can say that’s one thing
that those two have in common because
Zeke was a killer Trey is a killer and
they’re both they were both small point
guards but you pretty much see well they
took kawhai kawai’s got chips kawai’s
also kawhai also plays defense that’s
something else kaai does so you can hang
that over his head I’m just saying right
now he’s hurt my like I’m with you with
that like if the guy’s got a knee injury
why are you sitting here trying to put
him on the squad if he’s gonna be hurt
that’s my question if he’s hurt you got
an able-body Trey that’s comeing that
just came off an injury he’s going to
knock off the r that is a guy that could
get you Bucky and that guy can actually
help distribute the ball to a lot of
those Stars that’s on that
team so I I I just I I’ll never I’ll
never I’ll never understand that but
maybe because he took on as as Gerald
said it maybe because he took on the
villain role and he pissed off a lot of
media members and people behind closed
doors the higher powers that may be
might not like what he brings to the
table he’s saying that he did not take
up the villain role and I’m like I think
he Embrace yeah about say I think did
Embrace that he did embrace the villain
role bro and and that’s kind of like the
reason why it’s not going as well as it
should the thing about it if we were
winning more as a team as a team if we
were winning more I believe it’s winning
shuts a lot of people up even when they
want to talk so if we won more I feel
like if we won more as a team it’d be
sometimes to where you just can’t deny
it you really just can’t deny even if
you want to because it’s a few times
where Trey did get you know on the all
our team because of things he was doing
in the season or previous uh previous
experiences so I tell you like this A1
this my
issue Trey didn’t make it because people
don’t like him okay why do I say
that I’ve been talking to myself all day
trying to figure
out why would you take
halberton over Trey young okay right
I’ve been going back and forth only
thing I can think of what does Hal
Burton have over Trey the only two
things I can think
of he’s taller what height I say yeah
what height he’s
taller and players like him Coach that’s
all I can think of halberton bro he’s
had let I’m not even being a hater he’s
had one good half of basketball let me
say it like this one good Elite half of
basketball he ain’t been since the
break I Tre young I got six years of 25
10 consistent
years I don’t understand why you look at
halberg without you but the the PE
whoever picked the team why they look at
Halbert and say this dude is he deserved
to be an Olympian he he don’t even
deserve it over
Bronson right I agree that I would i’
have been fine with Brunson getting I
can deal with I can I can
deal I’m not gonna sit here in front
he’s he’s on another
level and and I’m sure you and Bri I
know y’all probably got the numbers bro
the dude after the allstar break he’s
tanked yeah he went down at least at
least I could look at Brunson and say
hey the dude got his team number two in
the East he’s the best I at least I
could say that but I’m looking at Trey
25 and 10 for five years and they bro
and I told people I don’t know if y’all
remember was it a year or two ago they
did old little player poll right they
ranked Trey young like the 10th best
guard in the East and that’s crazy I
seen that CP and almost threw my phone
they had people who was injured the
whole year like Melo ahead I’m like he
ain’t even playing
bro it’s an agenda and I’mma tell you
what I this just my opinion yall call me
crazy historians said it it’s because
he’s in Atlanta hwk bro yep you take 25
and 10 and put that in New York for six
years you telling me Trey ain’t got a
whole different uh media Market it’s
it’s the whole listen exactly La the
funniest thing about Trey the media and
fans they’ll talk so much trash but
every every trade scenario those fans
want him on their team in Chicago in
Chicago he definitely would get that
because think about it you
look these dudes want Trey young and
I’ll be like y’all y’all keep tell
telling me he’s short y’all keep telling
me he trash but you want him to be your
point guard bro it’s an agenda out there
and I’m G say this and I’mma shut up I
don’t want Trey to embrace no villain
Road right if that’s not who you who you
are don’t do it because it come off his
phony if you not a villain type dude
don’t don’t don’t take some type of
label because the media want you to do
it now if he now if he if he B it like
that sure go ahead and do that but don’t
don’t be something you’re not because it
come off as
phony and and you know I I I just don’t
like it but yeah I don’t have no problem
with the olymp roster it’s just I don’t
know why holla buron up there
I got his numbers for you you said you
wanted his numbers I got them for you he
went 20 he had 20 point he’s averaging
20.1 points a game three rebounds 10
assists and he’s 47% in field goals so
he’s first in assist but he’s he’s 70th
in field goals and he’s 37th in points a
game you break it down yeah he yeah go
ahead I had to bring that up for you he
did he did all that before the allstar
break right right go to stat news put it
put in halberton numbers after the
allstar break Sho you can just probably
put in like the last what 10 15 games
come talk to me like I have no idea pull
up his whole career what is did Trey is
a 25 and 10 guy for six five years in
the NBA that’s crazy to me that’s crazy
that they took how Burton he’s had one
good Elite half a bad he has zero
wins zero until this until this season
zero playoff appearances that’s crazy
they like you said man they like him man
and then you know of course he started
out in
Sacramento okay for his
career for
Hiser am I am I crazy Bryce am I crazy
but his career 39% from the three um
what 47 uh 8% but uh let me see what see
he got Smitty on that Maxi should have
got the spot before halberton got put
anybody in all reading that’s before the
allar break bro he ain’t nothing that’s
why I say he has one El half of
basketball that’s it after the allstar
break I think his numbers is like
somewhere like around 15 eight he shoot
he was at one point shoot like 30 some
per he been
horrible I got you right homeboy agenda
on Twitter because he been on halberton
hey every time get on on his helmet
right huh I said been on his helmet
right yeah and I’m like that that’s and
then here’s my last thing I’m G shut up
real I hate it and it could just be me
because I’m G Die Hard Grant Hill
running around giving out Trey Young
jersey number and he he part of
ownership of the
hulks why one of our owner man I’m being
petty right now I’m being petty I know
but come on you a ownership of the Hawks
and you giving out trade number to MB
you should be up there fighting to get
Trey up there and I put in there I said
I wonder what gr Hill told Trey when
they picked uh halberton over I would be
asking that type of question no
seriously I want to know like what is it
about this guy over me and my
consistency and I got those numbers for
you too Deon last 20 games for tyres
halberton 185 N nine assists 4.3
rebounds in his last 20 games but that
field goal percentage though that field
goal percentage yeah it has definitely
took a drop it’s definitely took a drop
yeah P up his I puled up his career
numbers for you uh Chris because he said
he wanted to see those or whatnot okay
so I put it it’s on the bottom of the
screen or whatnot so you should be able
to see
it that that Olympics that’s crazy man
that’s crazy bro that is crazy
Z yeah this is pretty this is pretty
much his career it’s pretty much his
career right here when you actually look
at it last five games like you said he’s
got less than he’s got less than 20
points out of that and less than his
assist total that he’s been making his
whole career so it’s not good look at
that three-point percentage too that’s
dip yeah it took a major he and he won’t
he own the team that lost in the fee
world cup yep and everybody was like and
everybody everybody was like they need a
guard but you go go back and get the
same dude man the only the only reason
I’m G watch that crap is because I know
halber ain’t gonna really get no minutes
right because LeBron and them gonna
really be the the guards yeah KD and all
them gonna get the Stars it’s star
the the the the uh just the blatant
disrespect but I always tell people if
he if his jersey didn’t have this on the
front bro if it didn’t have a land on
the front bro he’d be on every ad
everywhere that crazy but it’s true lead
points and assist this man on Breaking
the records he don’t broke what the
three-point record for mooki Block
assist records he’s getting close to
doing everything just about except for
rebounds of course but he’s doing just
about everything for Atlanta and going
to break so many records for franchise
records for Atlanta and it’s just
Overlook after Overlook after Overlook
it’s just
AB he hasn’t been a media darling and
then like I said pretty much ever I mean
Tyrese halberton was a media darling
this year they love everybody
lber remember greatest point guard ever
and then it’s like this man’s never made
the poies and this man was watching the
games like us yes last year and yet you
know he he gets credit for that and you
know I’m not saying he’s a bad player or
anything like that I just feel like he
just we just have a more consistent
player over here I’m sorry exactly and
so he gets that credit that you know
Trey has to work twice as hard to get
you know like you said because he is in
Atlanta because the media doesn’t
necessarily respect Atlanta we’ve seen I
don’t know y’all guys probably seen the
ESPN panel everybody guys Los to the
Bulls tonight I mean that’s just that’s
that’s just yeah that’s what we we Face
being Atlanta is just no one’s going to
believe till it happen no one’s going to
think something’s goingon to happen till
it happen that’s why we’re push that’s
why everybody’s pushing the Trey young
um Trey narrative because I I’ve always
said because I I remember Trey earlier
this year talked about just him being
Atlanta while he likes playing Atlanta
things like that and I said I mean like
I said they have similar stories I mean
Atlanta’s not really respected from a
basketball perspective and you know
people just sleep on the city and things
of that nature Trey young even with all
the stats he had even coming out of
Oklahoma he was still doubt it people
were like are we sure he’s going to be
good he’s
small and he he’s overcame you know he
he’s had 25 and 10 he I think he had
almost a 30 in 10 season his second or
third year in the league people don’t
talk about that he was doing that you
know and you know he had the the playoff
run you know where he was the lead guy
for that and you know he’s the guy who
we have seen clutch performances
game-winning shots we’ve seen him
against the best teams we remember the
four games against Boston last year
games three through six that man was one
of the best fourth quarter players in
the the entire playoffs and and and that
stuff for people just just goes over
their head like they like you say
they’ll be like oh well he can’t play
defense well he can’t do this so he
can’t ever be a winner but then at the
same time when Trey talks oh man we get
Trey young we’re we’re going to the top
man he’s gonna set us over the top so
Bryce I’mma get I’mma give you one
because you just pointed out something
that just made me think about
it Giannis doesn’t get a ring if Trey
hurt if doesn’t hurt his ankle from that
stand let me let me go ahead let me
out here because let’s be real trey
owned New York in that first series in
in in the playoff run that we had his
first one New York is still mad about
randomly random now think about this
most people most ballers they go up into
the Dyan if you ever been in New York
and you know about the Dyan over in
Brooklyn that’s a rough area and they
let hoopers come over there but you got
to be about your game they’ve already
said he come up in there it’s bad things
that are happen that’s why he’ll never
go up in there but there and I mean
you’ve never heard a city hate on a guy
like that like seriously hate on a dude
like that but let’s get back to it Trey
literally owned the moment in that
Milwaukee series he owned it because
when everybody else was trying to figure
it out bogy was starting to get into a
rhythm you know Clint was actually
scoring points but then when Trey took
over you look at how far look how far we
push the world champions to the edge
Yiannis you know and at that time Trey
doesn’t hurt his ankle cuz Tre was
rolling in that game right before he
heard his an had a lead and everything
yeah and and the crazy part about it was
I keep telling people he doesn’t get
hurt we already know what happens we
send Milwaukee home when we won game one
bro on the road you couldn’t tell Trey
came in there and did his thing hey when
you when you see hey when you see that
shim before he goese and thr it up it’s
it’s a done deal I was talking cash
trash bro when you get Reggie Miller
talking about saying oh no he didn’t he
literally shim it before he shot I mean
just I mean just think about it though
we we add DJ you know we’ve had lemon
Peppa L Williams who definitely was one
of the biggest helps when we got him
during that playoff run as well because
he took over in that game uh six in
Philly when we were down 21 but all I’m
saying is Trey literally has Carro hwks
now as much as much grief as we give him
we got to give him flowers for being
able to carry this organization as well
when nobody else would indeed and he
embraced it he like he’s like he said in
his interview it was a match made in
heaven we haven’t won anything he’s the
small guy the underdog nobody believes
in him they they said Dante DAV jenzo
would have a better career than Trey
young see how that is that going how’s
that going right now so it’s just it’s
it’s crazy this man has been slept on
for for years and he’s not perfect he
does need to improve in different areas
and um better decision making even more
leadership I’m not I’m not saying that
the man doesn’t need to improve but you
can’t act imagine if we didn’t have it
imagine if our point guard was I don’t
know somebody just trash somebody that
we just dides not facilitate the ball as
often and as uh efficient as Trey and
somebody who couldn’t put up points as
well like if we didn’t have
ACW huh AC law oh see you feel me you
want to go back AC law days no is that
what you want because I don’t want that
or Josh CH or Josh children’s Speedy
Claxton I’m good
okay Speedy Clon probably played I don’t
think he played 30 Games bro and we gave
him a boatload of money at that time I
did 30k but shout out Speedy Claxton
because when when I first got on
Instagram when it first popped up hey
hey he gave me a shout out so I ain’t
hating on the man hey man shout out to
Speedy man you know I mean he played for
the Hulk so still shout out to him I’m
just don’t want to go couple games for
the that’s about
it I Ain to go back to the flip Murray
days none of
that man look those is dark days for us
man don’t even I’m just letting you know
I don’t been through it man but but
here’s the thing though man most of us
have been through dark times you know we
like me I’m a 90s I’m an 80s baby so you
know I caught Nick at the end of his
tail when we got rid of him for Danny
Manning that still is a sore spot for me
you know I watched the Hawks you know in
97 998 couldn’t get through the Bulls
but had a very good season but we
already know nobody was beating no those
Jordan lead Bulls at that time we know
that and then going you know going
through that period after that to just
Med just being mediocre and then we get
to the playoffs U with teag and those
boys and we lose to the Celtics you know
what I’m saying that you know that was
painful to watch so when you look at it
a lot of us Hawks fans and there’s some
lifelong Hawks fans that have gone
through much more than we have you know
my grandfather been a Hawks fan since
they came to the city you know he still
to this day is sick about how they got
rid of Dr J and they had him and Pete
would have been in the same on the same
flow my granddaddy still is hot about
that to this day he probably probably
upset we got we uh uh we drafted Bill
Russell too and got well you know they
went but here’s the thing listen they
was in St Louis at that time and at that
time they were not letting black players
play for the Hawks at that time that was
the reason why they traded him over to
Boston but I tell one of their players I
tell y this a lot of our younger fans
what they did
Miss um they miss with because we used
to be a Powerhouse
with tree Rollins Moses Malone we was a
Mike forell was the coach wasn’t mik
illustrator Mike forell we was a
Powerhouse so like for
me I think about those times you know
when while we winning 13 games I think
about those times when uh you wasting
these pcks on Williams and the
landlord and all these dudes who don’t
pan out Josh CH just taking this butt de
grease to get paid boy um but and that’s
why that’s why I be like on Twitter
that’s why I don’t be listening people
tell me I need to have patience like I I
don’t have no
that’s wait a minute you know we could
have had um leading us as a head coach
but he ended up going to Orlando he was
on the staff with Mike forell that was
Brian Hill who coached for the Orlando
Magic a lot of people forget he went to
the finals with the magic a young team
took those guys I believe he could have
got us to the finals with the with the
squads that we had here in Atlanta hey
but he had he had they got Shaq though a
young true they had you had a young sha
and you had penny at that time too Nick
Anderson Dennis Scott three yep like I’m
saying they they they had some people
down there though now but they pcks but
think about it though they actually had
a smart you got to remember the owner
I’m sorry the general manager at that
time uh Pat Smith was the GM up here in
Philly when they won the 83 when they
got Moses Malone so this man was in an
organization to where he understood how
to how to build a team and that was why
they were able to build we have people
that’s in our front office that don’t
understand basketball let’s just be real
on that man we had a guy that was
running it and helped us get to the
playoffs but
giving the job to Landry fields and they
don’t spend money thank you we ain’t
spending no cash man Jokers squee hey
the only way that they keep ketchup in
the ketchup bottle they take ketchup
packet and they squeeze them in there
with that and that’s cheap they are
since the year 2000 can y’all name me
anytime name me one time this for the
chat too name me one time when the
season started you thought we was a
championship Contender since 2000 2000
oh since 20
the close oh you said the start of the
season y’ start of the Season you was
like we Championship contenders all
right all right the
verbage the
verbage start of the Season probably
would be the year we had 60 games that
would be the closest I could get to it
and even then I had what you got
Bryce BR I
mean I guess yeah the the 60 game year I
guess I
mean unless we wna unless we want to
talk about the middle of the 10 straight
years of playoffs with Joe Johnson and
them maybe the middle of them years when
they were like yeah we’re trying to get
home trying to get fourth seed it’s like
at one at some point we’ll break through
right that never happened
so reason I as y that is this the reason
I ask y’all that is this that goes to
show you that 24 years the best we could
come up with and even in the chat is one
year that you thought we had a roster
that could compete for a championship
now you see when I tell people I’m
impatient that’s fact now you see when I
tell look at us now the Orlando Magic
they just had the number one Pao two
years ago they was picking number one
they what what’s their seed now third
fourth fifth well they better than us
right right and that’s why I be so
frustrated that’s why like I I get so
angry and mad that we’re don’t that we
don’t win because it’s been a lot our
younger fans don’t understand I know
Larry does because Larry me and Larry
around the same age and I just started
in 2000 right 24 years and we all come
up with even the chat one one
year and and guess what like Bryce and
like and like he1 y’all had to think
real hard about that one no for real
really had to really just go through it
because there a lot of dark days now you
see why I be impatient and Larry you
just in time brother you just in time
because now we got this starting five
and I want to know uh before we get up
out of here man you guys X factors man
the the one player for the Atlanta Hawks
or or Chicago Bulls that we need to stop
or for Atlanta Hawks that needs to step
up tonight and have a great game to lead
help get us to the win I ain’t gonna say
lead us but help get us to the
win uh what’s going on guys appreciate
you letting me come in tell in U good
content as always guys before we move
forward everybody on everybody platform
please smash that like button bro pleas
indeed please smash the like button it
helps us get in the algorithm you know
what I’m saying helps us get those you
know basically say hey these guys doing
a good job
yeah we you know direct more people to
him so please and make sure you’re subed
out to each one of these guys content
man great content all the way around all
right um X Factor well the X Factor is
out so that’s why I call JJ so another X
Factor on this team will have to be
coach Quinn because
ultimately his play calling his
substitutions his you know calling
timeouts when needed is ultimately going
to be what I think will decide this game
cuz the players going to play but can we
out Coast somebody for once can I can I
get that is is that too much to ask can
we get in a playoff SL playay in SL
extra game whatever you want to call it
the um Hawks
Invitational can we get in the Hawks
Invitational and out coach someone can
we have the decided Factor on the
sideline that
my expect that’s how we gonna
win we CA we’re we’re still hurt we
don’t have a yaka kle we don’t have the
real xfactor in JJ I’m saying we got
Trey coming back maybe 75% you know what
I’m saying
uh yeah we don’t have V who’s a good key
we don’t get me start on that
yeah I was on there earlier Larry so I
understand what you mean bro Ryan what
you got man
expect I I told you what my expect is I
got to see that bench come through
that’s what my x fact is because as we
said before if we can hold him to under
120 I think we got a shot because again
we already know that Trey de jeante and
those boys are gonna be doing that thing
but my thing is quin’s got to figure out
how to get his bench involved and how to
get those guys not just defensively but
also able to give some good minutes and
give some give some points off the bench
because if we can at least give up if we
can at least get 25 to 30 Off the Bench
I believe that’s going to help out that
starting five right off the bat maybe we
can get more but I’m not gonna sit there
and hold my breath that’s the reason I
say 25 to 30 because at the end of the
day we don’t have dudes that’s gonna be
that’s gonna score like that I that’s
why I said defense has got to be key and
Quinn’s got to be able to manage that
and put us in a position to win
that’s all I got facts
Deon uh my X Factor is uh more team
based so uh one is the team defense you
know Trey came back we didn’t gave up a
lot of points obviously the PAC of game
they they weren’t really trying to win
that but um Team defense meaning let’s
allow a random to have a career night
tonight let’s not do that please okay
let’s not have Jon Carter come off bench
and scor it for 25
okay that a lot this year and the and on
the offensive side
um we got to be good we we got to shoot
30 probably 36 40% from three tonight
you know Quinn want us to launch him so
we have to hit these threes once again
go back to what you said A1 the game we
won we shot now we I mean our chances of
shooting 47% from three again is Slim
can we shoot 40 can we shoot 38 that’s
is that’s
doable and that’s my x fact on the
end Bryce what you got for
us um X Factor KN for me man is a guy
who I have absolutely no idea how much
he’s gonna play I think he gonna play I
think the X Factor night is is more gay
me Rey
Reon is because of what he can do like
you say he’s 610 you know he has long
arms he can defend multiple positions a
guy who if they needed if if something
happened to Clint and Bruno he could
play backup center if he needed to
somebody who could play four and could
even play three and could help with
demard Rosen uh could help with
rebounding a guy who can stretch the
floor we’ve seen him be able to hit the
three uh you know we we know what he can
do in the fast break and I think that’s
one reason why you know I think you know
realistically you would want a guy like
Trey with someone like that because of
his passing ability can help maximize a
player like that so I think you know
depending on how much he plays because
he could you know especially if Hunter
get in the foul trouble Mo could play a
good amount of minutes tonight and even
though he’s wrong he’s gonna make some
mistakes because he’s learning it’s like
Jaylen was last year at this time
playing in the playoffs playing in
playing just didn’t have the experience
you saw him make mistakes but you also
saw the flashes and I think that’s where
m is right now where he can make an
impact on the game get some stops
defensively help on the boards with
Clint capella like I said they can win
that rebounding battle that’ll be big
for them you know also you know like I
said help with dear so it’s not just a
strict uh DeAndre hunter or Wesley
Matthew situation it could be something
that it just can help the entire team
and the whole rotation because listen
he’s a guy who will be a part of this
future it looks like um we’ll see what
you know everybody has different ideas
of what his ceiling could be but he’ll
be part of his future he is the
prototypical wing in today’s NBA who can
play multiple positions shoot three tall
everything under the Sun so I think if
moay moay gets a good amount of time
tonight I think if he if he really has
like strong minutes he I think that
could be definitely a deciding factor in
this game for for the
Hawks hey can I ask something what Bryce
said what’s
that y’all remember last year the reason
Jaylen didn’t get all those minutes in
the playoff because he couldn’t shoot
Boston was sagging off of and daring him
to shoot and the thing that Bryce
brought up the only difference well
ain’t only but it’s a big difference
like Bryce said moay can shoot the three
right now he
can hey Bryce might be on the money
right there he might on something I like
see jayen couldn’t shoot that three last
year he could not he couldn’t last year
Boston played off of him and that’s why
you see I think the most minutes he
played in that playoff series I think
one game he played 12 minutes the rest
of them was like 10 eight eight and
eight because Boston was daring the ball
yeah daring him to shoot I got one
question for the I got one question for
the panel because I know we all I know
we all gonna either flock we gonna watch
Larry’s commentary tonight and also
check out check in some of Dean’s
commentary tonight you know two of the
best in the game by
the way y’all make sure y’all hit those
like and subscribes for those guys but
what if and this is just for us just for
just for shits and giggles you already
know even if we win this game you know
don’t find something to say tonight if
even if we win this
game oh no no no I gotta throw that out
there because everybody everybody’s
looking to that’s the black skip bis
right there shout out to M Man black
skip bis um like I said if if they win
tonight I’m just waiting to hear what
the commentary is now we know you know
if we lose this game tonight we know he
getting ready to get on a roll and bury
this whole whole team but mainly The Man
Behind me even if he dropped that he
gonna find a reason to
bury shoot hey so I’m just waiting to
see what he got to say tonight that’s
what that’s who I’m interested in
hearing tonight we gonna see we gonna
see my quick X Factor though man I’m
going with a guy that I’ve been going
with ever since really had Trey went
down and injury start happening that’s
DeAndre Hunter uh DeAndre Hunter I need
you in the worst way on both ends of the
floor tonight I need your I need your
mind more than really probably anything
too I need your basketball IQ I need you
to stay stay out of foul trouble I know
D Roan going to get his I know you’re
going to be on him do the best that you
can to stay on that floor and maybe on
the defensive end we should try to get D
rozan and possibly Kobe white into more
foul trouble pretty early you know
saying get some switches maybe put them
in the post you know what I’m saying got
him going against capella something they
don’t want to do you know regardless
because he’s a big man get them into
foul trouble don’t let them get us into
foul trouble DeAndre Hunter I need your
offense uh you’ve been averaging more
than 12 points per game you you it’s
been between 15 and 18 and that’s cool
I’m going need at least 18 points from
you tonight um I need you don’t have to
have a career high in rebounds but a
solid six or seven rebounds from you
would be great um I need DeAndre Hunter
man on both ends of the floor we already
know Trey we already know um bogy we
already know um also Murray but DeAndre
Hunter on both ends of the floor I’mma
need you tonight and that’s my X Factor
I got a question for the panel what’s
that so obviously we got the first
playing game going on right now Sixers
and heat uh so I guess my question is do
you do any of y’all have a preference on
who you’d want to face if the Hawks get
through Chicago tonight I made mention
earlier that from a travel perspective
you probably want Philly because it’s
gonna be tough going to Chicago to Miami
then you beat Miami back to Boston and
then obvious but at the same time the
Sixers are playing the best basketball
right now I think they came into the
playoffs like seven seven in a row eight
in a row the teams built to be good with
embiid they were at top three seed with
embiid beid was hurt they dropped now
he’s back and they’re winning so clearly
if they go against the Sixers you’re not
going against the Sixers that was bad
you’re going against the Sixers that was
good so who do you guys prefer to face
in the next playing game if the Hawks
get through tonight
Ry who you got it don’t matter you got a
bring ass hold on you got a bring ass to
get ass so whoever’s in front that’s who
I want to see I went
down woo
what but here’s the thing but here’s the
thing though regardless but regard All
I’m gonna say is this regardless of
whoever plays or what we play it don’t
matter because guess what we got to
bring it regardless so whoever’s in
front of us that’s who I
want right right right what you think
Warriors baby
um I think it’ll be a foolish game how
we played all season to look ahead of
any game except for the one that’s at
9:30 9:30 not
9:30 um I really don’t have a preference
to be honest because people screaming in
chat Jimmy Butler down but we lost to
them three times without Jimmy Butler so
I mean I’ve done all the games so yeah
say I’ve seen it happen
that’s exactly so it a
even so right now man I’m not ain’t
worried about anyone except for the
Chicago Bulls right now uh thank you
they beat us when we needed to beat them
you know what I’m saying and then we
beat them when JJ was there now we
I again The X Factor has to be coach
Quinn the coach Quinn is predictable
with his sets with his substitutions you
know what I’m saying with everything
then there’s a high probability that
we’re going to have to 10 pick in draft
yeah my preference is of
course anybody it don’t matter man it
really don’t because regardless we’re on
the road regardless we’re on the road it
don’t matter who we play we’re still
going to be at a disadvantage it’s still
gonna be people trying to come after
Trey young fans screaming at the Hulk
the Hulk’s gonna be in hostile territory
honestly they win this game they go into
another hostile territory whether it’s
Philly or Miami it don’t even matter
it’s still gonna be hostile Miami and is
hostile is Philly though I tell it’s not
envir yeah EnV for the Hawks then let
say we get past both both of those games
you’re still on the road because you got
to go two games to Boston be a long time
for Atlanta would even get back to
Atlanta even you know what I’m saying so
regardless of who it is I’m coach Quinn
I told them to pack for five days I told
them to pack for a week I would have
told them that would have been my
message for the team yeah when I left
when I went on the road trip and I
played Indiana you know what I’m saying
when I played those two Road games I
would have told him pack four week bro
we ain’t coming back
home tell your wife tell your child
everybody kiss him on the forehead we’ll
see y’all in a week we’ll see y’all in
the week and a half when we come back to
Atlanta in game three
that would have been my mindset and I
would had all them uh ESPN POS listed up
all them uh exactly so-called analysts
oh yeah all that you you use whatever
you possibly can right now NBA today
they didn’t even talk about the Chicago
Atlanta series that’s fine that’s fine
don’t let I mean they did not talk about
it like literally only time they talked
about it was like yeah they get I
understand it’s not coming on ESPN oh
yes it is it is coming on ESP which make
it worse doubly worse that they didn’t
even talk about it but again it is what
it is man let’s go ahead that’s going in
there handle business win this game win
who whoever we play against upset the AL
apple cart and then let’s have cuz I
promise you man if we play like we
played against the Boston Celtics
against any team we got a chance to be
anybody you know what I’m saying can we
duplicate that though is it is can you
put in the bottle can can the coach get
that out of everyone you know what I’m
saying uh those are the questions one of
the players that help defensively is not
even on the roster right schematically
we can’t even do what we did there
because Vick crer is not there I know oh
he’s just a g leager just man whatever
man people they that manid defense
yeah long as he come in and do his job
tonight I don’t care his D that’s all
that matter yeah that’s what I’m
saying he’s not not I’m talking no I’m
sorry I’m thinking about Bruno my bad oh
and here’s the thing got here’s the
thing and then you got Trent Forest
here’s my thing Trent this is my message
to you and I gotta step out of here and
whatnot I gotta get some stuff pre for
tomorrow show y know here yes sir
um Trent we all know that you are ass
cheeks bro pretty much you get slapped
you you get slapped around moding cheeks
in an x-rated film dog it’s just real
Lord have mercy but I’mma tell you just
this this is your time to shut me and
everybody else up that’s been talking
bad about you because you’re on a stage
now where it’s a one and done when you
get in this game let’s see if you going
let’s see if you GNA score let’s see if
you gonna play defense because right now
you are the weakest link
I and I’m just gonna keep it a bu with
you you are the weakest link because Vic
crashy should have been in this lineup
instead of you but because you’re a
Landry Fields guy or whatnot you got the
favoritism and you got the N you got the
nepotism as we would say nepotism so I’m
at this point I’m on your throat tonight
dog if you don’t show up I’m on your
throat just like I’m on Matt’s throat
every time on WE Hawks TV and I’m
telling you right now going for J think
going to play much I mean
but line Larry Larry we don’t know
that’s the whole problem we don’t qu
tennesses Quin Tendencies Ryan what have
we seen once people heal people that
he’s normal comfortable with doing he’s
going to put him there DeAndre Hunter
was playing Better Off the Bench what
does he do I know it’s out a necessity
but he still inserts him to the starting
lineup now instead of being the fourth
option he’s going to be the third option
now in the starting lineup but again
we’re gonna see guys like I said man
coach Quinn is gonna be the MVP
or you whatever he gonna be the butt of
the joke one of the two well he well he
already the butt we just waiting for the
joke to come out if
he I’ve already said give him a chance
we got y we you know how many chance we
didn’t gave this Joker tonight like put
up and shut up this is that’s what I was
about to get to tonight is about put you
many try to figure it out yes sir I’m
sorry mean to cut you off CHR no I just
saying it just win and it’s over win or
it’s over straight up let get my butt up
out of here because I gotta get the
stuff situated for The Tomorrow Show man
y’all check us out the bird cage LLC um
we’re gonna talk a little Falcons
football tomorrow but we also not only
are gonna talk Falcons football we have
an H we have an all corn State Legend
HBCU by the way because we support HBCU
up in this Camp um his name is Arnold
Walker local kid out of Mcnair High
School if you know about him he was a
hell of a running back in the city did
his thing he’s the number six ranked
player out of 150 players that have come
out of all corn State and that’s
including with Steve McNair the legend
God Rest his soul so if you rank if you
ranked in the top 10 you got to be
special with all them Legends that’s
that come up out of that school to go to
the league so we got him coming on he’s
going to talk about his experiences
playing over in Germany and also having
a out for the Falcons and whatnot so
y’all come check us out tomorrow thanks
for having me on fellas and Deon I’m
looking for your show afterwards and
Larry I will be tuning in man I’m
turning the TV off I’m listening to the
Dixon way commentary and checking in the
we Hawks TV commentary as well I love
y’all boys man peace appreciate peace
peace sir yes sir guys let let everybody
know where they can find you before we
slide on up out of here uh Larry you can
go ahead and start with it okay man um
appreciate y’all let me be in your
platform um
again guys if you have not hit that like
button subscribe hit the notification
Bell what are you doing this is some
great content all right support your
local uh content creators you’re putting
in great work to give you guys great
content we hopefully you guys appreciate
it and show your appreciation by hitting
that like and that sub button um you
know my name is Larry one half of the
Dixon way my beautiful wife Shand is the
other half man we bring you adulterated
fire commentary to get upon this mic
right here uh and we do the bravs the H
up out is the Bulldog e my white Gators
we appreciate everyone that be a part of
the dent way trying to go this thing um
one one follow and one sub at a time man
so if you guys like good you know online
commentary come check us out check out
my man de man right there in the P hat
right there and uh yeah he he covers all
the hwks I cover you know dang on near
all Atlanta Sports so there’s a
beautiful Shonda right there just waking
up but uh game time yeah uh yeah we
about to get ready we’ll be starting
live so if you guys want to you know
look at one of us on your laptop than
the other on the phone do that you feel
me yeah man thank you guys U for having
me on and let’s go Hawks let’s go Hawks
buddy come on let them know what’s
happening hey what’s good family hey
same thing like Larry said first of all
thank you for having me on the platform
no problem I know I know I can get a
little long winded to be running my
mouth hey man it’s all good
talk uh salute to uh and it’s like Larry
said and y’all know my motto man support
content creators who are actually fans
of the team facts not like cats from
like 929 the game okay they don’t care
about the Hawks I’mma keep it a buck
with you okay um y’all know where we at
man we talk hwks TV watch along bam we
gonna be there tonight turned up post
game live show Hey listen come tap into
the postgame live show man if you’re
brave enough come on the panel you know
hey it’s it’s for the fans by the fans
Co the the the uh the barber shop part
of it is unmoderated so listen if you a
low talker you might not want to come to
that part you might want to come to
the when you get your I get people two
minutes you come up there spit your
facts about the game and then you could
and then you and you could jet you feel
me uh and like Larry say you know I do
hawks content uh salute to my guy Larry
we’ve been going back and forth all year
man Larry better than me because he
cover everything Atlanta everything Joy
I can’t do it bro I’m [ __ ] this season
got me stressed out already so
doing braids but Larry and his wife be
holding it down tap in with my guy Bryce
up there I don’t know Bryce on YouTube
but I know Bryce got a podcast so y’all
make sure y’all tapped in to him up
there um I think Bryce is an actual real
journalist too
huh yeah man real
offal I’m surprised what what a press
credential yeah I’m surprised Bryce up
on her with us man
might put
AA I’m just I’m just another guy trying
to make it out here man be like
disclaimer these dudes do not represent
me or my company this for real this this
is separate this is a separate insti
anything that is said has nothing has
not reflect my company’s
views man because I be like bro I want
hey you come up there and they sayy we
seen you on weah HW that’s how you feel
that’s how you feel hey we gonna have to
we gonna have to replace you but uh no
oh serious no serious not come tap in
watch along tonight we be turned up post
game live show tap in with us if you
can’t get in with me get in with Larry
um salute to A1 getting it in hit them
like buttons let’s get the subscriber
hey we always complain no one support
Atlanta Sports the media don’t support
Atlanta Sports you got content creators
right here who fans of the team support
us so that way we are the voice of the
fans and not cats who not even fans of
the team that they covering you feel me
right so salute to you A1 thanks for
having me on my guy I appreciate you
thank you man thank you thank you for
coming on man Bryce let them know where
they can find you as well real quickly
yes sir appreciate y’all letting me come
on having this platform talking to you
guys uh meeting some of you for the
first time nice meeting you man for show
uh yeah so follow me uh all my socials
uh Bryce _ 2K b r i Yore 2K that’s my
YouTube Twitter uh for all my Hawks and
Falcons tick I do some Falcons coverage
as well um and then like I’ll sprinkle
in some random videos with some other
sports I do watch a lot of other things
it’s just like you said it’s a lot
covering a lot of lot of sports so shout
out to Larry for
sure not
veteran but yeah definitely follow me on
there man like I said we’ll probably get
a podt up after the game that’s my
expectation tonight um just obviously
we’re talking about and season we
talking about next game so hopefully
it’s the it’s it’s the lad um and then
obviously you know with with the draft
coming up next week for the NFL hoping
to get some stuff out for that and then
afterwards as well so very kind of a
busy surge coming right now especially
if the Hawks continue to go further and
going on so forth but like I said really
appreciate you guys letting me come up
here man talk to y’all about Atlanta
Hawks and like I said support content
creators man because you know we all in
this chying to give give y’all some of
the best content that we we feel like
our our national media and our local
media does not give so we can provide
that to you then I feel like we feel
like we’re doing our job and you know
just like I say just good conversations
man just good discussion good talk yeah
man that’s what it’s all about I want to
like to thank every last gentleman that
Grace the platform today and just giving
us just insight and their thoughts about
the Atlanta Hawks our Atlanta Hawks who
are taking on the Chicago Bulls and this
has been the pregame the preview of um
what’s going to happen later on tonight
9:30 be there ESPN Atlanta Hawks rep
your city rep your town uh be
generational because it’s always time to
be don’t you settle for less because you
can always have more with the vision he
man support these Atlanta hwks support
the content creators make sure you
subscribe to everybody make sure you
liking and helping us all get out there
in the algorithm so people can see
exactly what’s going on and see that
it’s Atlanta fans that have real
opinions and really care about this team
man so for myself for Bryce Deon and
Larry hey man and for my boy uh Ryan as
he say you either get with it or you get
left and we
hey1 yeah truly cooler and

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