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Building Your REACTIONARY Golf swing

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Thanks for watching!

this isn’t just not as good as these top
players it’s in the opposite
direction hey guys thanks for watching
really really excited to be joined today
from Australia with Martin SS who’s a
golf instructor that I’ve been following
for gosh it’s 2024 now so over 15 years
he’s been in the online Golf Community
and he really has a very interesting
concept of how people are going about
the golf swing may be totally backwards
so uh thanks for joining us on New
better maybe no def definitely yeah it’s
great to be here uh Brendan nice to meet
you obviously today this is the first
time we’ve talked but we’ve we’ve uh
bandied messages back and forth what is
your history in golf and then how did
you get into actually
teaching well I think like most teachers
I’m a failed player um you know I would
say very few people get involved in golf
teaching who didn’t play a lot of golf
when they were younger and many people
people like myself who I was a tour
player in Australia for five or six
years from 96 till 2001 to that type of
error I’m I’m for reference I’m 51 years
old as of last week
so I I got worse every year after I
turned Pro and it was because everything
I tried to do to make myself better had
the opposite effect you kind of peaked
in your goling ability when like as a
rookie yeah I would say as a rookie or
even maybe my sophomore year as a pro
was probably my my Peak Performance I’d
see players I’d play with i’ go well
he’s better than me at this he’s better
than me at that right and I’m sure that
the PJ tours players are dealing with
this all the time they’re looking at
other guys they come out on tour with a
certain skill set and they feel
inadequate in certain areas so they go
and they seek out help in these areas
well I was in the same position I didn’t
feel that I got done in by instruction
which I know a lot of people have been
done in by
instruction it was more my own beliefs
at the time what I thought I had to do
was just wrong so everything I tried to
do to make myself better had the
opposite effect and I know that there’s
lots of your viewers who would feel that
way as an amateur it’s like every every
rain they pull as the horse going the
other way and they’re like oh I don’t
understand this right what’s going on so
that was kind of where I where I got to
in my mid to late 20s like I said I’m 51
now at about 35 I kind of figured
something really important out okay so
which is when you started to I mean
you’ve been obviously following my stuff
since the very beginning since you said
15 years because that’s when I started
to I’d had an
epiphany um about the dire nature the
first thing that made people magnetic to
you is just like the look of the swing
and the sound of the shots seems like
another level like I’ve seen a lot of
good Players Tour players Ball but it
would seem just from the look and the
sound of the shots that you should be
right there or better than than most Tor
right well I I was it’s funny when I had
the had the swing Epiphany I i’ I’d
always been a decent ball Striker as a
player and so on but I would say that
that was actually my ball striking that
was the problem
I never lost my card or lost my game
because my short game and putting fell
apart it was in fact they kept getting
better every year right as my as my long
so it was more of a long game issue it
was a swing uh perception issue was what
it was I had the wrong idea of a go
swing and I believe that everybody’s got
the wrong idea of a gol swing
practically so but you know I’m not
sitting here on everybody for
having the wrong idea cuz I had the
wrong idea so I
understand I understand where that comes
from if that makes sense I thought it’s
very obvious what I need to do right and
it it turned out that the obvious thing
to do was completely the wrong thing to
do it actually sent me down the spiral I
learned from Tiger I don’t I can’t
really explain how I started to see the
swing the way I started to see it but I
could see tiger going one way one way
from the moment he begun the swing
until the ball was long gone he didn’t
change direction and I could see it in
his motion and that’s a whole other
story about what Tiger Woods does on the
practice range and in practice rounds he
works at about 40% effort like that’s a
whole hour I could go into and that’s
ridiculous what he was doing but search
any Tiger Woods practice from the 2000s
2005 and he’s like just
leisurely right so you could see famous
video on YouTube of him in Thailand in
2000 right and then I saw him in
2007 or five at his tournament and uh it
was the most difficult thing I saw a
golfer do but he took a seven iron and
he hit it with a full swing all the way
back to here and through 50 yards then
70 yards then 80 yards but always a full
swing all the way to 210 yards with a
seven ey so it was like body control
that was like and every everyone was
just like took the littlest bit of extra
Turf and was so it was really wild it’s
like the Hogan concentration drill so
yeah so here’s the interesting thing I I
would never have been able to do that I
would never ever have been able to do
that but then I could suddenly I could
do that in fact I used to make videos
for my online group called concentration
drill and I could swing it at at almost
static pace and just flush the ball
every time and it’s because I wasn’t
changing in Direction and that’s what I
saw in Tiger it was the fact that he he
went from in in his body and you can’t
look at this obviously the camera
looking at the player clearly sees a
back swing and a down swing obviously
right yeah but but from within him
looking at what he was doing in terms of
intention he looked like he was going in
Direction all the way to me and it it it
struck me it just it hit me in the face
and I was like okay I think I understand
what’s going on there and I I was in
Japan ironically and I couldn’t I didn’t
have any clubs with me I was on a
holiday with my in-laws so I got home
and as soon as I went to the driving R
just like instant got it Sam can you say
One Direction because this like I don’t
want people to come away from this
conversation thinking that this is like
esoteric or like woo woo or whatever
because we look at the golf swing and we
see it there’s the club goes back it
stops her it goes down that way but in
reality like how is it going All in One
Direction okay let me let me this is
it’s a really good question because if
and and actually the things that I want
the one thing that I wanted to mention
today was what Lee um and I don’t know
Lee uh obviously the first time I ever
saw Lee was on your video oh right did
yeah yeah so but what Lee helped you
with in understanding my video speaks
really the first seven minutes of that
video what Lee
was extracting from the video and
passing on to you was the One Direction
okay okay and then you actually alluded
to that later in the video you you
alluded to that um you and Lee you know
talked about the fact that I talk about
it in One Direction was like it was
quite funny because when you just for
example he had you you know turning the
the weight and he said when you go you
go this way and then
don’t go that way don’t go out okay what
he said was you know that stays there
let’s say and this works on well that’s
this appears to be One Direction and
this appears to be another yeah right
and yet and yet to to create that change
shape it’s continued to go away from the
golf ball it’s just continued to go away
and so it’s gone in the same direction
to change Direction apparently and
that’s what again jumped out to me with
tiger I was like oh I understand now
because my biggest problem um when I
played I didn’t know it at the time but
my biggest problem was I would turn away
from the ball with such effort and force
and move away from the golf ball that I
had to stop doing
that at some arbitrary point in other
words time the stopping of that and the
beginning of a second effort to get back
to the Golf Tiger didn’t have that
problem that’s why he could do it at 40%
effort 20% effort 80% effort he wasn’t
anywhere he was somewhere moving in a
Direction that’s the if I could say
someone said me what’s the fundamental
fundamental of the GOL swing it’s that a
really good player is
somewhere going in some Direction
remaining where they are so they’re
they’re in Motion in a direction
returning to where they
began and you might say well how is it
possible for the human body to do that
well we have we have two sides here and
if I keep going in One Direction you’re
like hang on you’re changing direction
here with your hands it’s like well not
really they’re changing relationship to
each other but they’re both going
this way yeah so if you if you hold your
hands out to me brenon push them towards
me and then yeah towards me and then
yeah like that so they’re both neither
of those hands is changing direction are
they no they’re staying in the same
direction they’re continuing this kind
of circle correct exactly like an orbit
so the Earth doesn’t change direction
around the Sun thank God we rely Our
Lives rely on the fact that the Earth
just keeps going around the Sun
okay if that somehow changed Direction
we’d be in trouble okay but it’s
continuous it’s in One Direction now if
someone was far enough away to observe
the earth going around the Sun they’d go
oh there’s the earth going to the right
and now the Earth’s going to the left
around the other side of the sun now
it’s going to the right again and to the
left and to the right so is it changing
direction no are you saying like if his
hand are relative to relative to his
sternum in front of him here then in the
back swing if my sternum didn’t move his
hand start to go this way and then all
the way by impact they’ve continued to
to keep going this way and no no no but
that’s that’s I mean that’s what the
club does you see so now here’s the
interesting thing people say well the
club goes to the right and it goes to
the left but does it really great
question by the way toally cow we now
we’re really deep into the weeds here
but this is great so you know those
videos with the two colored arcs of
players like you you did one with in the
video you where you and um Lee were uh
talking about my video you had Matt wolf
doing his two ARS pull any player up I
can explain what that is given what you
just said in other words the club head
traverses an
orbit okay there’s no one’s Club head
goes to a point and then Returns on the
same Arc that it begun
that would be a two- directional swing
it it’s an orbit now however elliptical
and narrow that orbit is doesn’t matter
it’s still an
orbit but that’s what the club does now
what you talked about was what does the
player do okay and these are very
separate things and and we can get into
this in detail later but the club head
travels a lot further than the
hand okay and a lot further than the
arms now if you could imagine that
you’re doing that thing with your hands
again and you notice that as you’re
doing that it’s almost like a bicycle
okay and what that means is is that
there’s there’s a space between your
hands there’s a gap and that Gap is time
and space they’re going in complete
opposition to each
other they are in opposite motion aren’t
they now they’re both going the same way
yeah they would both basically be doing
this but the the cling of it is
different exact and it’s and it’s the
that’s the thing because as one goes out
the other comes in and vice
versa and so that’s how you achieve a
goal swing while going in One Direction
because if you just did it like this
with two hat sorry if you did it like
this you’re not doing this okay we’re
not holding the club and moving this is
how typically this is one Le about the
the idea people have a go of a goal
swing is is fundamentally wrong because
this is what it is and it’s your
two uh your
two symmetrical sides are working
opposite each other to produce a motion
that tracks and balances the club’s
motion of the orbit now and so this you
don’t have to change direction you look
at it like I’m going in this
direction the whole way now you can feel
right now that you’re going in two
simultaneously two directions within
you at one point in space so you do that
now just do that with bicycle again so
yeah you’re doing you’re doing the two
directions within you toward and Away a
point correct yeah so you could look
anywhere say a golf
ball right and you could just work
toward and away
spot in perfect
opposition some parts of my body are
going towards It While others are
equally going away from it correct and
if you if you did it equally then that
would that would cover off the fact that
you’re not actually moving you’re in
motion right because for each movement
towards you have a corresponding
away now why would you move to hit a
ball that’s not moving
that doesn’t make any logical
set yeah to make it go far right well I
mean you have to have motion to make it
go far but you don’t have to
move and what I’m saying is the best
players move the least with the most
motion that’s all we have I’m not saying
they don’t move at at all like zero but
it’s like man don’t don’t try to
move yeah that’s something I I I won a
contest before I did better golf I won a
contest and I got to play around of golf
with Patrick Harrington about uh years
ago or or something yeah and when I
played golf with him this is something
you don’t see on video but when I played
golf with him and if your eyes are not
totally focused but you’re looking at
his torso it looks like he’s not moving
at all yeah and you start to think like
oh well that’s how he can be you know
Hit The Sweet Spot this big like he’s
not moving correct and it was like you
saw his extremities and stuff moving but
like within his torso like if you just
kind of like SL I remember a couple
times I would slightly like put my eyes
out of focus and just look at his torso
and it was just like there you know what
you know why it looked like he wasn’t
moving because perfect but
he okay the point that I would say in a
great player that’s not
moving it’s not even really a part of
themselves okay now I had to figure fig
this out because I was wondering what
was going on and if you look at the
hammer thrower for example a hammer
thrower there’s a center of their
rotation the center of mass balance of
rotation is a spot just outside them
like this yeah right that similar to how
the center of a golf club is not within
the golf right exactly precisely so you
we can just leave it there and just say
look that it’s more that I want the
student or the aler to understand that
trying to move is a
loser having Motion in one place is a
winner okay whether you achieve it to to
be in exactly one place or not is
actually not that relevant because the
more you achieve it the better right and
the more you’re moving
around the less likely you’re going to
be a very good
player so that’s it’s just a simple way
to to view things these players are some
of the longest and straightest players
in the game some of them are big Lads
they routinely turn long par fours and
shorter par fivs into mere driver wedge
holes going to talk today about the
trail side strike you could make the
Assumption from this view that Cameron
is driving his hands ahead of the ball
and his arms in front of his body to get
to impact this look is deceiving and
harmfully so most golfers believe they
have to get the arms and Club in front
of them Drive their hands ahead of the
ball and square the face to get maximum
compression from where we are looking at
this picture it’s not crazy to think
that that’s what you need to do but
here’s the key point you never hit the
ball from where you are looking at
Cameron Champ from this is where false
perceptions come from you hit it from
where he’s looking but often form
perceptions of what you need to do from
perspectives I plan to make the case why
these false perceptions are so harmful
to you it’s not that you need to get
better at getting your arms in front
your hands ahead you should be sensing
the opposite his left arm is as far to
the trail side of his torso as it could
be that’s the opposite of getting it in
front of him at this point watch this
focus on the left arm and Club It’s a
combination of him leaving this up and
back relative to him and also how he
stays inside and under that so don’t
think in terms of plane lines and the
target line with this you want your left
arm up and out relative to you get this
relationship and then figure out the
rest with this here’s a pretty good Amer
swing he has all the speed needed but at
The crucial moment of transitioning then
into delivery and through the ball this
guy has stood up he’s gone out and the
arms and Club relative to him have
dropped like a
stone this isn’t just not as good as
these top players it’s in the opposite
direction they are working in their left
arm staying up


  1. It’s useful to understand that the club moves in a kind of a loop over the course of the entire swing, that it’s not just traveling in one direction in the backswing and reversing that in the downswing. Rope drills and continuous swings illustrate this concept and feeling very well. A nice insight, but this alone won’t create a great swing and he uselessly complicates or obfuscates the principle.

  2. If you’ve followed Martin since the Secret in the Dirt days with Steve Elkington, then you know what this is about

  3. I checked out his channel and I think I understand his basic principles but I don’t feel like I fully grasp all the concepts. He needs to learn to communicate like a teacher and not like a philosopher. “The mark of a good teacher is the ability to explain the difficult in simple terms” – Mark Twain – I look forward to you doing a video with him as I know you will probe for clarity.

  4. Chuck Quinton from @Rotaryswing also talks about the golf swing being in one direction. He teaches this via his AXIOM system

  5. I think Elite Golf school touched on this exact same concept when they where talking to Milo. The concept of the club moving in a constant elliptical rotation driving by a body turn. I might be wrong, but I think they are on the same page here.

  6. There comes a point of wanting to solve the golf swing or wanting to play great golf. An athlete is an athlete. Give them the basic understanding and they will react. I feel we avid golfers can harm our own pursuit by wanting to know more. Knowing the golf swing does not translate most times* Maybe MORAD was the only example of knowing and being able to produce a swing that is in his head. For most too much I think can cause more harm than good.

  7. Ok, I liked the video, but only because he needs to demonstrate his claims, not just talk about it. He's saying some pretty wild obscure stuff, with that MUST come a visual demonstration.

  8. This is all about centrifugal force and feeling the cub head throughout the whole swing. Creating large amount of speed without unnecessary body movement. I was taught something similar to this from another Australian pro about 10 years ago. It definitely works. This is just a crazy complex way of explaining it. a similar reference would be shaun clement when he demonstrates moving very slightly up and down but the club is obviously firing through the ball. It feels like a sling and the club head flies through impact. I believe he is trying to get across that your not having to manipulate by moving excessively in two different directions or forcefully to get great club head speed. Reminds me of ben lexcen explaining the winged keel 😂

  9. I play off 2 as well and, although I can see what’s he getting at, the language isn’t clear enough for us to use. My coach will say things like “finish your turn before your hands get above your head”. I can work with that but I can’t find something useable here. For example, tell us how the body moves. Can you help?

  10. I have thought about this previously. When looking at my swing with one of the club head tracers, I noticed that my arc is the reverse direction of everyone on tour. Club head loops "over" rather than "under. The only pros that I could find that do it this way were Phil Mickelson and Ernie Els. Even faders like Morikawa loop it over, which is mind blowing.

  11. I saw Martin on you tube years ago, but his description to me is hard to understand, why not do a video on what he’s talking about?

  12. its funny – when i used to go to the womans pro tournaments in the 1970's and 1980's – at the dupont country club in wilmington delaware – i used to say even back then – that "they dont even look like they are moving" yet the woman would hit the ball so elegantly . There is something to say about motion when its is contained and not all over the place.

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