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Portal Impacting Vol Football & Basketball – The Sports Source Full Show (4/21/24)

The Sports Source panel discusses this week on the show the transfer portal impacting Tennessee basketball and football, as well as previewing where VFLs go in this week’s NFL Draft.

since 200 2003 this is the sport
Source East Tennessee’s number one
Sports Talk
Show presented by Hy wrench and by junk
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firm with your host John Pennington
the sports Source Starts
Now good Sunday morning welcome into the
chunk begone Studios for the sports
Source state of Tennessee’s only 90minut
year round live sports show which we
appreciate you making possible you and
the sponsors are the ones who make it
possible for us to sit here for 90
minutes every Sunday all year long uh
and we appreciate that uh we got a lot
to cover today we got football we got
basketball we got portal news from both
we’ve got uh live report from Lexington
for uh UT baseball got a little lady vs
in there got a lot of NFL Draft so let’s
just Dive Right In by talking about who
makes this possible and that would be
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learn more Marcos Garza give them a
shout this week all right let’s welcome
into the guys I called in this week we
have right over here Jimmy Hees we have
Vince Ferrara and Josh Ward right here
both from 991 the Sports Animal and
right there chuck cavalas all right
gentlemen thank you all for being here I
appreciate it uh let’s start with
Tennessee football spring practice is
over but the transfer portal is open so
far only one major departure from The
Falls which is kind of amazing in this
day and age but that was linebacker
Elijah Herring which was a little bit of
a surprise for a lot of people this is
Tennessee’s leading tackler last year
now he got thrown into action when
Keenan peely got hurt but still you see
the leading tackler on a team go okay
that’s a bit of a surprise Josh what I
want to know is I’ve seen two reactions
to that one it’s the leading tackler and
the other side ah Keenan pe’s back who
needs him how big of a deal is this to
lose Elijah herring in the transfer
portal coming out of spring practice
well I would not say it’s a nonissue I
think Tennessee staff wanted Elijah
Herring to stay if the staff wants the
player then if he’s not there that tells
me that it’s some kind of problem uh
Keenan pey coming back though does help
they had Keenan a year ago though and
then they only had him for a game and
Elijah Herring became a much more
important player so uh jeremi Jeremiah
Tander is a year older Arion Carter is a
year older they have real talent so the
position going in I think looks okay but
if they deal with injury and depth all
of a sudden is challenged not having
Elijah Herring could become a big issue
yeah I mean but here you know here’s one
thing guys didn’t he had like the
soldier the shoulder surgery any Miss
spring practice and with some of the
recruits that have been brought in and
you got a new position coach you’re
you’re falling back he might have been
what third on the depth chart so I think
there were several things going on there
and I think it’s a sign of the way
Tennessee maybe’s been recruiting pretty
good cuz uh he was the first signing
class Josh H hyp had a three star
recruit wasn’t really highly recruited
the way I understand it but the pass
coverage thing is what middle linebacker
yeah you should have a lot of tackles
but the pass coverage thing is what I
think they were kind of looking at not
quite good enough for the
SEC I think it’s a minor blow that could
be a bigger
deal Josh said yeah because I think I
think hering looked at it and said I’m
I’m not probably going to be a starter I
won’t be a starter if pe’s healthy and
I’m has he fallen behind Tander does a
new linebacker coach like Tander Moore
or Carter so I think playing time was a
big issue with him now if there is an
injury then it hurts you depthwise so it
just depends on that situation but I do
think Tennessee has enough Talent there
uh to uh to where hering thought I’m not
going to get as much playing time as I
want I’m probably not going to be a
starter I’ll find another destination
and missing spring practice he didn’t
get a chance to really show what he can
do on the field because when coaches
come in it’s a clean slate for them yeah
and that’s unfortunate for him to not be
able to develop that camaraderie and
Tander did have a great spring as good a
spring as anybody on this football team
it sounds like um he’s one he was one of
seven returning linebackers I don’t
think he was going to start in my
opinion maybe Arion Carter and maybe now
Tander would have both been ahead of him
so uh it was tough as unfortunate Edwin
Spilman’s come in has a true freshman
and really made it an impact maybe his
impact isn’t this year but there another
guy that he might see oh man that guy’s
gonna hop over me uh with h Burns as
well another the fourstar coming in the
summer so it’s a better position group
in terms of dep whenever I hear somebody
say I’m not worried about this guy
leaving I always go to the place Josh
went and that is it’s not a big deal
until it is a big deal it’s not a big
deal until three guys get hurt in front
of him I like having death and you also
nailed it where if the coaches wanted to
keep him I think fans should want to
keep it I think media should want to
keep if the coaches look at it and say
we’d be better with him here better with
him here it also shows one thing that’s
a different uh angle of this transfer
portal thing that everyone’s getting
used to used to if a Coach leaves you
wonder okay what’s this do for
recruiting classes down the road because
he’s built relationships now you look at
it and say what’s it do to that entire
room right now because if this guy
leaves how many guys are going to follow
also new guy comes in how many guys are
going to say I don’t want to start from
Ground Zero as we’re saying here with
exact with hering so just another side
angle to this portal stuff that you’re
going to have to start paying attention
to you know oh we don’t like this
assistant coach get him out of here okay
you prepared to lose a bunch of the guys
in that room because that shuffles
everything and who knows what the what
the the ripple effect is going to be
when a coach leaves an assistant coach
leaves that wasn’t a real possibility
before now that you’ve got transfer
portal that makes it free to leave every
year you transfer five times I think
it’s a bigger deal well to your point
and to to Vince’s point if Brian xan
Marie were still here would hearing have
entered the transfer Port right you we
don’t know that but obviously John Marie
liked hearing and so that could have had
an impact as well and I tell you what
the first the first thing that came to
mind for me when I heard about him going
in the portal oh wait what about Caleb
Harry yeah now his younger brother that
is one of those Leo Rush guys that has
maybe even more upside I think so even
more upside than Elijah now it sounds
like they’re they’re keeping things
separate no hints of him hitting the
portal but it’s something you think
about well Al if he goes somewhere and
gets good money and gets a good deal
wouldn’t that wouldn’t you pay attention
to that if you were his brother I would
notice that yeah and I heard one of the
places is maybe a visit’s Colorado right
so we’ll see all right uh well they
they’ve got everybody transferring out
so it would do them good to have
somebody looking in uh very quickly here
Vince last week you said you thought
that the fall should pursue Oregon State
running back Damen Martinez in the
portal he had a visit set up this week
then the visit got canceled and
everybody takes that as Tennessee let
him know he wasn’t going to be a
priority in terms of nil dollars etc etc
I would assume you think that that’s a
mistake that they still need to be going
after if not Martinez somebody in the
portal in terms of talent yeah I think
yeah I think so and look also the last
check they hadn’t contacted Dinan Hayden
uh Aaron’s son uh who played High School
in the Memphis Area who’s hit the
transfer portal from Ohio State so uh
maybe that’s changed here recently but
those are two of the better running
backs that are in the portal that’s
interesting now we don’t know I don’t
know if if it was Tennessee is the one
that initiated it or if he backed out
right but still it’s yeah that’s a
talent that I think you’d want in the D
Hayden thing I was almost I was a little
surprised that Tennessee didn’t go after
didn’t go harder after him out of high
school with with Legacy there I heard
and he said of course you hear this it’s
not about the nil money he’s wanting a
guarantee of playing time he’s wanting
to be the first uh running back taken in
the 2025 NFL Draft so he wanted I think
Tennessee to say you’re going to be the
number one guy and that I think Arizona
is where he’s going to end up they’re
going to be able to do that but I don’t
think Tennessee could have said that
really make a promise like that no with
Dylan Samson plus you wonder about how
much nio money is we talked about it
last week how much the nio money do you
give to Martinez and then what does what
trickle down effect does that have yes
in terms of the rest of your running
back room your thoughts on going after
another running back or Martinez or
anything you like yeah uh well we can
get to the Raiders
if Raiders they do need help at running
back I mean we want to talk about depth
it’s it’s a pretty big question I think
already yeah uh with Cameron seldon’s
injury that’s going to probably linger
over into the season for 2024 Martinez I
think it is a combo of money and then
what kind of role can he be promised if
he can’t be promised rb1 which is going
to affect what he can be promised with
his money well that I think kind of
takes Tennessee out of the equation but
Tennesseee I think needs help at running
back Khalifa Keith pton Lewis who they
like a lot as a freshman but he’s a true
freshman who didn’t get to go through
spring practice either and Deshawn
Bishop who I think impressed it’s just
it’s an unknown and again if you deal
with another injury then you’re in real
maybe you should have just gave Elijah
Herring a chance to be your short
yardage running back wh why does
Martinez need a guaranteed playing time
when he’s an All-American like come in
here and your play will make that
determination and and like it’s not like
they have such a a deep room like Ohio
State you’re running back to where you
might get left behind M and daddies and
Hangers On like to see a kid on the
field they don’t ever like to see they
don’t care who’s out there in front of
them it can be Hershel Walker why isn’t
my kid playing and I think they tell the
kid that and the kids thinking the same
thing just a guess but just guess
usually it goes back to the people
around the kid right so all right uh
very good we got tons of stuff to come
up we got we got basketball we got
transfer portal for the vs uh we’ve got
little lady vs we got NFL draft
just tons of that but next we got a live
report from Lexington Kentucky where
John Wilkerson is we’ll talk to him
about today’s baseball game between
Tennessee it’s a rubber match of that
game we’ll talk about that series we’ll
talk about Tennessee versus Kentucky
next on the sports
source and welcome back to the sports
Source this segment brought to you by AG
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okay now here’s the
thing uh we did have it good to go nice
graphic ready to go but there’s a
connection problem with getting to
Lexington so it’s a good thing that
we’re going to be able to talk V
baseball here with Vince Ferrara hey
sorry about this is the uh this is the
new this is the new paradigm of
Television you know it’s all done with
phones so Kentucky should call Ag hindes
company get a facility built where they
can actually get there that’s right get
the signal at get the phone signal at
that would be great uh Vince uh you had
Blake Burke the other day break a in
game one which the alls lost we’ll spin
it positive and not talk about the loss
let’s talk about Blake Burke
broke the hit streak record of conridge
Holloway which goes all the way back to
1975 so you’re talking about a
50-year-old record yeah he he got it to
27 games he got it to 28 games yesterday
correct or did he is it 29 games 28 bro
and 29 yesterday so he’s 29 now your
thoughts on breaking that record yeah
it’s amazing to be connected to such a
legend like conridge Holloway is
something that you can never take away
from like Burke and the this program
continues to do amazing things under
Tony vitello and um it that’s Blake
Burke has gotten so much better in in
all facets of his game defensively
offensively hitting for average not
chasing pitches um just incredible and
he’s got a little war of the all-time
home run record as well with with
Christian Moore Moore tied him uh to
start the game yesterday in game two and
then Blake Burke back to back hit a home
run retake the lead it’s uh it’s
incredible what those guys are doing
right now in their junior years and
everybody gets uh all obsessed with the
home run records and that kind of stuff
and for good reason that’s impressive
stuff whether it’s College Pro whatever
but I’m always impressed by these hit
streaks because one you don’t see those
that’s not a record you see it’s like
every year somebody else is on a a pace
to break Pete Rose or whoever to get to
27 28 29 straight game that’s a that’s a
level of consistency night in night out
where you’re dialed in enough to get a
hit out I just to me that’s a very
impressive Mark it’s harder for college
kids because one you have midweek games
against lesser
so maybe you’re not that motivated
things like that so and then they’re
just young kids there’s more things kind
of in their ear as as professionals are
dialed in they’re in their routine so I
think that’s why maybe you see it
extended a little bit more in the pr
game won the game yesterday 9 to4 UM and
then today you got the rubber match in
the series what’s who’s on the mound
what’s coming up uh Xander SEC schedule
to start he’s actually been uh so much
more than I think a lot of people
expected used to be their midweek
starter and has done excellent in C play
and they’ve got plenty of arms still
available to them so they they’ll
they’ll combine it it’ll be at least two
guys maybe three but Xander’s given him
good starts and kept a lot of SEC really
good hitters off balance so far okay
very good Vince I appreciate it y uh
that gives us a little extra time to
talk about some other stuff like
Tennessee’s basketball portal let’s talk
about who’s in who’s out should they try
and keep some of the guys who are out
Barnes must have been something on
social media cuz I had 15 people text me
or call me or mention me he’s retiring
you heard this he’s retiring we’ll
discuss that next come back on the
s welcome back into the sports Source
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last week that the volunteers were
pursuing three top transfer targets they
already landed one of them let’s go
ahead and show you in case you haven’t
looked this up already darlingston dubor
dubar started at Iowa State for one year
then transferred to HRA who played three
seasons there he’ll be coming to
Knoxville from hofra you see his numbers
last year 34 minutes a game 53% 54% from
the floor 40% from three-point range I’m
talking about a 68 guard here uh seven
rebounds a game 17 and a half points I
don’t think anybody should put him in
the Dalton connect Zone but at the same
time a good get for Tennessee they are
still in the hunt for eigor
michic uh he played one season at
Virginia then transferred to Charlotte
for two years that’s where he would be
coming from he is looking at Tennessee
Nebraska and Baylor 610 forward you see
his numbers last year 32 minutes a game
48% from the field 38% for a big man
from Three Points uh eight and a half
rebounds 13 points a game uh and
Tennessee still after Kade Tyson though
I think most people believe he’s going
to wind up in North Carolina he’s a
North Carolina native I know he visited
here and was impressed but uh I think
most people still think he’s probably
going to wind up at Chapel Hill um duar
michic the thing that’s interesting to
me is Barnes just keeps humming along
and we got some we got some comments
that we’ll show you in the next segment
and talking about some guys that are
leaving he just kind of lets it roll off
him I look at a lot of coaches who have
been bothered by this and left the game
so that’s it I’m out Nick Sabin it’s
part of the reason he’s I’m out Rick
Barnes is 69 years old and I I always
throw him and Tom ISO who’s also 69 in
the same uh batch together because these
are two guys who have had great success
they’re in an age where you would think
I’m an old dog I don’t want to learn new
tricks and yet he just loses a couple
guys I’ll go get a couple guys are you
surprised that Rick Barnes has adjusted
so well to portal life a little bit
because uh I think if you gave him some
truth serum he would say he’s not a huge
fan of it but he realizes it’s here and
it’s here to stay so I think he’s done a
nice job in dealing with it um I think
that he has also had his assistant
coaches working with him and in terms of
identifying players that they think
would be good fits he also uh makes sure
that the players on his team are
agreable to the transfers coming in
that’s another part of that but I think
he’s done a really good job adjusting to
this and without Dalton KET who knows
what they would have been last year and
now he’s bringing in some players if he
can get one more of these players or
maybe and there’s an Ohio State guard
that’s out there too if they can get one
or two more of those and if they can
come in and just give them 12 to 14
points a game I know it sounds like a
lot but that would really be a huge
boost to this team if they can do that
but I think he’s done a wonderful job uh
adjusting and accepting the transfer
report this isn’t what you were getting
at I don’t think uh but you made a
comment there that somebody made to me
in a negative way ear this way and that
is what would they have been without
Dalton connect somebody threw that to me
as well he’s having to survive with that
it’s like I told that guy what program
isn’t having to survive like that right
now they’re all doing that so that’s not
like well if you didn’t get Dalton
connect all right let me name the team
if Nate oats doesn’t get a whole new
team what do they do so I mean that’s
just part of it um I’ve heard people
this is interesting I don’t know if it
got on a message board maybe a Facebook
group maybe somebody tweeted it but for
the last two weeks I was in I was in
Middlesboro Kentucky recently and
somebody was like so Rick Barnes
retiring huh no I don’t think so and
somebody called me this week somebody
who worked for years in the media gave
me a call and said not in sports but
called from work to the media col said
what are you hearing I keep hearing that
Barnes is going to retire what’s what’s
the word like I I really don’t think he
would leave them in the lurch like this
I think if Rick Barnes retires you’ll
know about it as soon as the season ends
maybe before uh I don’t think he’s going
to do a retirement tour at some point
either so I think it would be clean
break at the end I certainly don’t think
when he’s bringing in players right now
that he’s looking at retiring so I’m a
little surprised this keeps floating
around that said you look at you just
added another kid for uh big man from
Alabama he beat Mississippi State for
Dwayne Brown for the class of 2025 he’s
showing no signs of of slowing down he’s
adjusted to the
portal are you guys surprised at all
that at 69 it doesn’t seem to be any
kind of letup at all I I’m a little
surprised by that anybody I’m a little
I’m a little surprised because I just
think you look at some of the more
established coaches I’m just sitting
here thinking like Jay wot I’m thinking
about some others who said I’m tired of
dealing with will the list goes on and
on uh just like Nick Sabin you had the
portal you had the niil and they’ve
already got demands on their time so
yeah I I think you have to be a little
surprised and and I guess the I would
also use the word impressed you know I I
don’t know if I were in that position if
I had his money I might have just said
I’m going to an island bye I don’t know
that I’m I’m going to buy an island you
surprised or no well I’m really
impressed by the attitude he presents
I’m sure behind the scenes they’re mixed
feelings I think everybody has mixed
feelings at least toward it uh so
everything that Rick Barnes has
presented I think part of that is
probably aided by the staff that he has
in place people behind the scenes who
help uh I think the culture staying the
way that he wants it despite some of the
transition so guys come out but had your
side Jordan James and Santiago vesy who
helped now zakai Zigler and Jami MK I
think that probably helps Rick Barnes
keep the program intact with where he
wants despite moving pieces that are
coming in and out so I’ve been overall
really impressed by The Adjustment that
he’s made because if survival is the
right way that is what everybody is
having to do it is an annual
conversation of what is your roster from
one year to the next because of the free
agency that exists for the players yeah
I think just because he doesn’t maybe
like it or think it’s what’s best for
the sport doesn’t mean that he can’t
still Prosper at it and deal with it and
sometimes coaches look at things as a as
a challenge and he’s got a great staff
that does a lot of the leg work and he
comes in there and and you know gives
his opinion and close is you know who
else and Jimmy you mentioned a little
bit was he wants to bring in players
that the the the the players would would
like and would fit in with them the
players are talking about that this week
in uh about hosting when a guy comes in
there they said they know within minutes
whether they’re going to be a fit in
their culture and their locker room and
M Shack’s one of those key guys right
either talking to him playing like with
kak one on-one uh games on the side yeah
he said they they they will joke hard
with those guys because if they can’t
handle what they get from us they can’t
handle the coaching from Rick Barnes so
that’s kind of another level of the game
to kind of help Rick Barnes out there is
a YouTube video out there oh I think
it’s run your race it’s a podcast and
they recently did an interview within
the last year with Grant Williams
talking about what it’s like to he’s
talking about a lot of things but he
talks about being in Tennessee and what
it’s like to play for Rick Barnes let’s
just say we couldn’t run it here uh let
a lot of editing but it may be worth a
search on YouTube to find that uh
he makes it clear that it is not for
everyone it is not for everyone but all
right when we come back let’s continue
this basketball talk and talk about the
guys who are leaving Adu obviously
caught Barnes off guard so I don’t think
the door is open for a return there it
is open for Tob aaka apparently should
Tennessee make him a priority he’s here
you know what you’ve got you see the
talent should they be making it a
priority to get him back we’ll discuss
that next come on back
welcome back to the sports Source the
segment brought to you by Southeast
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now with Southeast termite and pest
control and I can tell you the hannes
family are fantastic all right the uh vs
had two surprise departures well one a
bigger surprise urised than the other
when asked if he was surprised by Jonas
Adu let’s go ahead and put this up there
when asked if he was surprised by Jonas
Adu departing by the way he’s being
pursued by North Carolina Baylor and
Kentucky when as if he was surprised he
was leaving Barn said yeah because he
had told everybody he was fine when that
happens you just got to realize that
maybe you’ve got a chance to remake a
roster and maybe do it a little bit
different maybe try to find a way to
obviously try to make it better but it’s
a different time right now in college
basketball in terms of this month okay
it sounds like the door’s closed whereas
with Tob aaka there’s a different mood
here when he was asked about a Waka we
respected tobbe a lot and we still do
but often times we’ve had guys tell us
that after they left they’ve made
mistakes and sometimes in a rush in the
moment people can listen to people and
realize that maybe they should have
waited and thought it out a little bit
more but tobay obviously we all respect
him and love him for what he did for us
but if he feels he’s got to go through
that process he needs to do it but with
that said we’re not going to wait
because we’re going to move forward and
build this roster as quickly as we can
it sounds like ad do the door is closed
doesn’t sound like there’s much love
there uh in terms of uh following up on
this u in terms of a WKA seems like
there still may be an opportunity to
throw that door open um my question for
guys should they be pursuing tobbe aaka
as a priority because you still have
five slots available you had six you got
dubar let’s say you get milites all
right so now you got four let’s say you
get Tyson now you got three you you got
all kinds of openings yeah uh so do you
look at a guy who’s been here a guy
whose game you know you see some promise
there do you make him a priority or do
you just close the door and do your own
thing I’d make him a priority I would
want him back now I know that playing
time was an issue with him and I think
that he because yeah with they do
leaving there’s more of an opportunity
now one reason his playing time was
limited a little bit is he kept getting
in foul trouble so that was on him
however I think with another year of
experience uh with his ability he
started showing some more offensive
aggressiveness in some games down the
stretch I think he’s a good fit for this
team I think he should be a priority and
I think Tennessee should try to keep him
they don’t don’t pay him too million a
year okay but but try to keep him go
ahead it’s not my money yeah pay
anything you like then you might have a
cultural problem but yeah I think they
should make him a priority and I think
he’s a good fit for this team right now
what does your your your post players
look like without him I
that I mean you got some your cupboard
is getting close to being bear and has
St John’s ever quit recruiting him
that’s what I’ve heard out there is they
keep showing him the love so he’s 68
he’s improved he can play playing time
he also Jimmy was had the lower leg
injuries right going back to Hawaii
going back in the tournament play so he
needs to stay healthy too but yeah I’d
make him priority number one to get him
back I would want him back if I’m
Tennessee so so I would aggressively
pursue uh but Priority One or priority
two I would probably rather have milic
over tobay with what his offensive game
is more reliability he’s more proven
lower level but in terms of the foul
trouble is something tobbe has to
improve on he’s he’s not getting 25
minutes a game at the rate that he fouls
so he needs to improve there uh but he’s
a guy when we’re talking about culture
and fit and the work ethic it takes to
be a part of the program tob’s a perfect
fit in that regard he needs to improve
as a player but I would think with time
in this program he would be a better
better player next year and would be
really good for Tennessee I agree with
John I would put him behind Milich in
terms of your priority and how does it
time out is another question too what if
you’re showing to the love and then
michic commits to you and then tob’s
like wait a minute what’s going on I
thought I had a chance to come back and
be a starter or the other way around do
you lose milit because you brought tobet
back and he doesn’t see an opportunity
so it is it’s crazy how you have to play
that without tobbe wanting to just
blindly come look if if their feelings
get hurt that easy they probably
shouldn’t be playing major college
basketball in well I got news for you
though with the portal that that doesn’t
work anymore I mean that’s that’s an
Oldtimer type of thought that I would
think as well no I mean I don’t mean
you’re an Oldtimer I mean that’s that’s
the old way of thinking that’s pre-
Portal way of thinking I feel the same
way it’s like do you ever are you ever
going to weather any adversity and
overcome something no I’m leaving
because there’s a bu and now the NCAA
has said you can transfer every year now
wide open so the idea of anybody working
through anything and you hear the
coaches say that a lot of them talk
about it it’s like I don’t know how you
going to raise these these players as
men because they’re not used to sticking
around anywhere and if they have options
and they see the I can play here yeah
they’re hearing the recruiting pitch on
the other side as well yeah I guess my
uh my problem is he’s got five slots
available all right so you can’t take
you can only take aaka or michic what
can you do with the others are they just
useless because somebody’s going to get
mad oh no so you can really only have a
team with five players why would you
cutting into my play he would Barnes
wouldn’t have to worry about make myself
sound like an oldtime yeah I mean that’s
kind of the deal isn’t it I mean you got
five slots these guys are going to play
something yeah for from a number
standpoint I thought even if Adu and
tobay were back I think they should have
added a
post milit and Daka but just talking
yeah oh too go after both and I also
Wonder Could Mill actually play more on
the wing more outside offensively he
plays on the perimeter of line well if
you look at his three-point numbers You’
think so that’s what I was thinking so
could they coexist yeah Batman and Robin
got I I would I would hope that if you
found seven or eight guys they could all
coexist you’d have to have a roster it
can’t just be Five Guys you have to have
somebody who’s on the bench though no
one ever wants to be on the bench
somebody’s going to have to be there at
some point and look this is on the last
year may have been I mean if you think
about it last year you you had two guys
that came in as transfers but you had
three guys who’ been here year after
year two guys that came back for their
fifth year the co you had only two only
transfers there was kind of a selfless
Bunch tons of people I don’t know that
you’re that may have been the last taste
of that it may be we have to get used to
oh well you can’t sign him because he’ll
leave I mean which is kind of pathetic
which is another reason if I Barnes I’d
be on the
island I give him credit for that’s
right that’s right well I wouldn’t want
to go to
that I just got back from pretty good
pretty good all right very good when we
come back we have a lot of football to
come but we play some rapid fire next
Kim cwell Superstar we’ll talk uh
transfer portal nonsense another nail in
the ncaa’s coffin that’s all next Rapid
Fire come on back
welcome back into the sports Source this
segment brought to you by Madisonville
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North in Madisonville all right we have
an extra second here and I’m going to
use it on something I forgot to throw
out in that last segment very quickly
just talking about Ado I thought it was
interesting before we get into rapid
fire the way he left here and the way he
didn’t tell them and the way it sounded
like Barnes didn’t it get on he said
every’s fine you wonder if he getting
back to people they listen to you wonder
if he and his people thought he was
scapegoated for the way he was benched
Purdue I just wonder if that didn’t lead
to oh so you’re not even going to put me
out there in the second half just popped
in my head I was going to ask it now I’m
just going to float it out there and let
you wonder these guys don’t get to
comment because we got to get to four
questions Vince your question number one
let’s go ahead and put up the quote uh
this week Danny White set of new lady
V’s coach Kim cwell Kim is a star we
have a superstar I’m really excited I
think she is the most talented upand
cominging coach in the country she’s
going to be great for us Vince will Lady
V fans buy what Nanny white is selling
that’s some that’s a hard sale right
there that’s some big stuff I think I
think a fair amount of them will because
of the benefit of the doubt Factor so I
mean that that’s pretty that’s pretty
big compliments like it’s hard for a lot
of us that don’t have the background
that Danny White does to to put that
label on but I do think Danny White
deserv deserves the benefit of the doubt
that he’s identified one of the bright
upand cominging uh coaches in the
country he has done it a lot in multiple
Sports and then also that’s part of his
role right he’s the athletic director
the hyp man he’s got to believe in it
he’s got to sell it so I’m not saying he
doesn’t believe in it but you put it in
a way to where it can be digested and
then that can be moved on and uh and
resold for you by the fans we said the
Sunday she was was hired before she was
hired she was going to be the that we
thought hey this is probably her because
she shoots a ton of three-pointers and
he likes that kind of system if it’s her
we give the benefit of the doubt because
of what he’s done so I agree with all
that I just thought this is wow she is a
star have a superstar it’s not a very
big sample size for her coaching career
to be a superstar in my book we have a
superstar that is not I’m trying to
think of the times I’ve heard an ad say
that about a new hire that’s just that’s
stood out to me as a big sell all right
sells tickets yeah it does right Josh
the state of Virginia passed a law last
week that made it legal for schools to
pay players with nil dollars directly
wow meaning the NCAA can’t say a thing
if the school school no longer has to
have a collective go out school could do
it Virginia Virginia Virginia Tech James
Madison uh they can out pay directly the
question for you can the NCAA exist in
this future or will something else have
to be built can the NCAA even can they
even TW weak it and fix it or for the
big schools does it have to go away and
you just have to start from scratch or
something else I mean maybe by name like
there’s some kind of takeover and
somebody else is running whatever the
inbl is going to be in the future when
it comes Van Halen with Sammi ha with uh
with football and men’s basketball it’s
an oldtime comment right there but um no
I mean it’s just the days are the days
are numbered and I think they’re the
number is a lot shorter than we thought
maybe a year ago 5 years ago of okay
things are going to change future of
college sports it’s changing a lot more
quickly than I anticipated yeah and I I
just the idea that well we’re going to
tweak this and work with the NCA and
we’ll make the NCA this new thing that
can work the stuff is changing too fast
and too in too big of ways I don’t know
chance in these fights against the
states yeah and I don’t I don’t see how
the NCAA can even exist for I can see it
existing for everything all the other
sports I could see an existing for
everything but the biggest 50 or so
football programs but the more it goes
down this path I I just looks like
you’re have to create something
completely different I don’t know how
you get the NCAA to become something
else all right Jimmy college football
approved the use of inh helmet
Communications and a two-minute warning
this week is it a good thing or a bad
thing that the line between college and
pro football continues to disappear I
mean we got free agency now basically
you’re paying players and now the rules
are looking more and more identical
every year is that a good thing or a bad
thing that they’re no longer two
separate entities to me it’s not a good
thing I like to separation I like having
a difference in in the rules that of the
game in college versus the pros U and I
used to think it was because you paid
players in the pros but yeah that’s out
that argument out the window no I would
just rather separate I don’t think you I
don’t think you need a two-minute
warning I’m not a big fan of that I do
like the the helmet situation though
where you can communicate that way but
the other parts of it I I would rather
have some separation in the rules that
they have college football versus NFL
next big one you’re going to see is the
NFL’s changed their kickoff rule this
year to match the U the UFL which I
didn’t even realize was playing but my
guess is once the NFL does that this
season or maybe two seasons down the
road you’re going to see college
football do the exact same thing with
their kickoffs as well just a guess all
right Chuck last one is for you on the
first day of the portal let’s go ahead
and put the numbers up on the first day
of the spring portal when it opened 221
scholarship players entered total
scholarship players over the last two
windows the last Academic Year 2100
players that is a 25% increase over the
prior year so a quarter more in the last
year than the previous year 20% of those
entering on day one of the portal this
year had already transferred at least
one time before and we’re talking
football here but we were talking
earlier about the two guys coming here
for basketball both of them this would
be their third stop uh my question for
you true or false the popularity of
college football will decline if the
transfer issue isn’t fixed true true
true true and you’re seeing that more
and more I mean I’m seeing it in social
media Jimmy you know you’re talking
about the line between college and pros
and all that it’s it’s so much more like
that you’re a free agent you know it’s
it’s year-to-year unlimited transfers to
to me there’s too many dates that you
give the chance the kid the chance to
make a decision I mean you got to do
something about how many times they can
say Okay assistant coach made me mad
today I’m out of here I’m on transfer so
yeah it’s turning more and more people
off it really is it’ll be big picture
and I’ll let we got a second here so
I’ll let everybody chime in on that one
um I could see it hurting like Tennessee
or Kentucky or Michigan and people just
saying I’m not going to get as invested
as I have in the past I’m not going to
spend every Saturday over there I don’t
think it’ll hurt the sport on television
because it’s on I think people will
still flip by and watch it and they’ll
sit there and watch and and that’s still
going to make TV money be great but I I
do agree I think a lot of fans if this
doesn’t stop I think you’re going to see
it eat away at attendance in that level
but I think it’s just something that’s
on yeah on television I don’t think
that’ll hurt I I agree with you but the
other part of that too is that betting
is so easy now I think that a lot of
people bet and they’re more invested so
they’ll watch a game they they’ll watch
some of these bowl games that we think
there too many of but I got money on yes
Maine versus Boston you so I do think
that I do think the the betting portion
of it will maintain a certain level of
popularity but I do think attendants
will go down who you got black bears or
the Terriers the Terriers yeah I’m
scared of ter yeah right all right does
anybody else want to jump in on that you
got like 20 seconds I just wonder casual
fans maybe they’re already kind of
checking out this time of year and treat
the transfer portal kind of like
recruiting where like okay if we get a
festar maybe I’ll talk about that but
otherwise I kind of move on for for the
Die Hard fans that care about it 12
months out of the year it’s extra things
to pay attention to so when a a player
a running back Damen Martinez enter
enters the portter whether Tennessee is
going to be in the mix or Not Die Hard
fans think can we get that guy yeah and
it creates the spoken spoken like a
radio talk show host right well let me
ask you that do you think that it is I
mean you can make a case that nothing
can hurt college football do you think
it can or I agree with Chuck that I
think it’ll hurt at some level I don’t
think it’s going to hurt T TV do you
make a case that it doesn’t hurt at all
well I think it can turn off some people
but I think it adds interest for others
it’s kind of like they bad calories but
people are still going for them people
are betting on whether Martinez goes to
Tennessee te Arizona vce has already
lost when we come back Philip Fulmer
would have made a lot more playoffs in
the current format but would the vs have
won a lot more titles as a result let’s
debate that next on the sports
Source welcome back to the sport Source
this segment brought to you by Daniel
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world of AI maybe it will all right
let’s take a look at today’s poll
question I want to get you involved in
this okay some of you already been
online to play along the poll question
today would you like your NFL team to
draft Joe Milton the answers are with
that arm heck yes or sure but as a
project or nope I’ve seen enough and it
looks like right now sure but as a
project is leading only 5% of you say
heck yeah with that arm let’s bring him
into our team uh get your smartphone out
click at that QR code and vote for us
that’s good Chuck uh tell us what your
thoughts are we don’t let him vote uh
tell us what your thoughts are on this
you can also go to sports source.
tvps or just go to sportsource dotv
you’ll see polls at the top click the
polls it’ll take you right there and you
can click on it but let us know because
we like to keep track of that you see
the little Lines Moving already so uh
tell us tell us what you think would you
want Joe Milton a former V on your NFL
team all right uh this week Adam Sparks
the Knoxville new Sentinel who I really
like his stuff by the way just that’s
Kiss of Death to say I like somebody but
he does a great job uh he spoke to
Philip Fulmer this week at his golf
tournament for the boys and girls club
and they raised $3 million so kudos to
coach Fulmer and his players who came in
for that um he was asked about the
playoffs let’s go aead and put up the
graphic here and Fulmer said I wish so
badly now that it had been around as a
coach I wasn’t sure if I was for the
playoff but now I really wish we had it
because we had a better run during that
time than almost anybody in 2001 we
would have probably won it to be honest
if we had a playoff all right well let’s
take a look at those years and what they
did now according to the Sentinel they
would have made the playoffs eight times
in the 12 team format that’s coming up
this doesn’t take into account what
could be a 14 playoff or 14 14 team uh
lineup that that’s coming in a couple
years uh 93 95 96 97 98 99 that’s a heck
of a stretch right there and then 01 and
03 for Philip former would have been his
playoff teams you saw what their record
was their final record and you saw what
happened in the bowl games my question
for you guys is you can look at this two
ways one if they’d been in those
playoffs all those times they’d won more
than one National Title the other way to
look at it is if that had been a playoff
they might not have won their One
National Title would they have won more
would they have won their one what’s
your thoughts and who was getting this
one first I’ll go to
Josh I do think the line would be one
and a half I think they at least get one
I I feel comfortable in that 98 that the
way that team was built something they
they still get it done yeah um I’m I’m
not sure what the other year is I’m
going to Mo excuse me most confidently
say they get it 95 is interesting that
that team was so good at the end of the
season and beat Ohio State an Ohio State
team with a ton of talent uh NFL Talent
as well so that would probably be where
I lean but I kind of just play the
average and I say if they’re going to be
in it pretty much every year in those
years we that you just out on the screen
I’d probably give them another one so
they’d run up to some tough matchups
like Nebraska but maybe somebody that
they’d play in a championship game gets
knocked off before they get there so I I
would give them a second I would give
him a second one also and the 95 team is
one I would point to the most John
Chavis who was a defensive coordinator
Tennessee said that’s the best defense
he had better than 98 which I thought
was pretty interesting 95 they uh lost
to Florida uh Nebraska I think won the
National Championship that year didn’t
they blow out Florida Crush Florida that
would have been
the the tougher game along the way but
just law of averages if you get there
eight times possibly but I thought the
95 team more than 01 I thought Miami an
01 would now that team had like what say
38 38 NFL draft picks on yeah that’s
that’s pretty good right there so I
would I would have said one more and I
would have pointed to 95 as the most
likely I would have kept it right where
it is personally I’ll say and I lived in
Ohio at the time of
98 I could do a whole segment on how
those people freaked out about how they
would have beaten Tennessee you know
beat Michigan State at home and you’ll
get a shot but here’s the thing Philip
former didn’t always win the big game I
mean that’s why they call him a big game
but he had a history spur usually got
him when they had pretty even teams but
spur usually got him that said there’s
one guy that won big game’s less than
Philip former and that’s John Cooper so
if the idea was you wouldn’t have played
Florida State you’d have played Ohio
State and they’d have beat in Ohio State
the same way they did in ’95 I so I
think they would have kept 98 I don’t
know if they would have added another
though but what do you think I would say
two as well so I think they would have
added another there’s plenty of NFL
Talent on on those Tennessee teams as
well and I I also think you’d have to
see what the path is there it wouldn’t
absolutely go all chalk but you want to
see what some of the the pathways I
haven’t seen that but I I do think just
from numbers like the guys mentioned and
uh just from the talent they had and
finishing off strong in their final game
I I I think they would have catched him
one more Super Fan won eight
more didn’t even need the playoff the as
the Oldtimer on this panel I I was
talking about that’s an old time theory
I I believe you win championships with
defense and I like what Jimmy said and I
Josh if you can see this what does that
say right there it says 95 it says 95
and that was that was that was the year
already head down because I believe
old but I really do I I think you yeah I
think out of eight times I think the
dominoes or everything’s going to fall
just right to get one at least okay I
just look at it and think how many times
did you have a team that was equal to or
better than Florida and you won the SEC
twice in that decade so you’re telling
me well couldn’t win the SEC but they’re
going to go right out and beat everybody
else in America they wouldn’t have to
deal with Florida yeah maybe play and
you’re not this isn’t in September it’s
later in a year well here’s another
question I’ve got just for Jimmy because
we got we got to make this fast but I
thought this was interesting I wanted to
go back a little
further if you go back to with the 12
team format into the major years he
would have made the play offs in 85 89
91 if he’s in the playoffs in 89 9091
and has a three loss season by seven
points in 92 does he get fired and does
Fulmer get the
job now there was a lot of personal
stuff behind the scenes that went into
that but if you look at it that way and
if we’re going to do this hypothetical
Majors would have been in three straight
playoffs I don’t know that he gets fired
92 I think that’s a really good point I
would you would think probably not
although he was sharing or winning SEC
championships however getting into the
playoffs and maybe making a run uh I
think that have been a whole lot harder
to to cut bait with John Major yeah
interesting now there was a lot of
personal stuff behind
the and health issues yeah and
knives went into backs when we come back
which led to health issues when we come
back how does the NFL view some former
BS we’ll talk about this week’s NFL
draft next who goes where and uh when
come on
back we are way over so let’s have a
little fun with this one welcome back
this segment brought to you by Safety
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Systems this week safety to
learn more okay uh let’s remind folks of
the poll let’s put that back up there
see where that’s poor Joe isn’t getting
much love there we’ll see if you want to
continue to uh click for us and let us
know we’ll look at how that adjusts over
the next couple of segments uh let’s
take a look at draft grades for
the Tennessee BS that they have listed
as potential draf e uh they got Jaylen
rght as the top guy 6.33 as his grade
and what that grade means in their
language he will eventually be a plus
starter be a good starter in the NFL
that’s what that grade means next is
Kamal Haden and Mallen castles and Joe
Milton and they are all scheduled as
average backup or special teamer that’s
that level of play Jabari small and Ral
Keaton priority undrafted free agent
quick question we’ll catch back up on
this one do you agree with the way
that’s listed there do you agree with
that ranking top to bottom the one that
stood out to me is I’ve thought of Joe
Milton being the third guy as opposed to
the fourth guy behind Mallen castles
obviously it’s going to come down to
which team needs a tight end which team
needs a backup quarterback but I was a
little surprised if there was one thing
that stood out to me it was mil being
behind castles but you guys may be
talking to different draft Nicks on your
various shows been hearing that all
along Josh what are your thoughts on
that it makes a lot of sense to me I
think Castle’s is a really good athlete
and could it say special teamer yeah
yeah there’s a chance to make an impact
quickly which Milton won’t get that
opportunity yeah it doesn’t apply to him
uh same can apply to Haden I could see
him being a starter in the future if he
continues to develop as a coverage guy
he has a lot of ability so uh the order
that you presented makes a lot of sense
Jaylen wght is a no-brainer number one
chck youe with that order would no I
would move Milton up just a little uh
over over being picked on that and I
think there’s more teams looking him
just because everybody’s looking for
that big arm aren’t they and you take a
you roll the dice kind of in the four
fifth round on something like that well
we’ll get to that a little later okay we
now we now know Chuck’s
answer uh gentlemen as as a prospect I
would have Milton rated ahead of castles
as a pro castles will be better than
Milton in fact I think castles is going
to be the second best pro out of that
group behind right yeah yes okay I think
the reason why you look at Milton ahead
of castles is because he with Haden and
Milt and Wright were at the combine so
you there’s a separator for you just in
an image and impression and also
Castle’s tested really well he didn’t
get a chance to go to the combine but
his testing what he did at the pro day
would have been one of the best tight
ends at the combine so that’s why
there’s a little bit of the flip side of
that is not going to the combine or
being invited really motivated Castle
right he even improved even more than he
would have been a lot on a lot of his
numbers and times and everything else um
I want to we’re going to close here but
I do want to put up a stat which I
thought was interesting something to
watch for this week Tennessee has had 10
people drafted in high pool’s first two
seasons uh that’s the v’s
best span since 2006 2007 when they had
11 all right if the vs have four players
drafted this year it will be the Fall’s
best threeyear span since 06 0708 14
picks that’s that’s pretty impressive so
the question is this the new Glory Days
well we’ll see uh but that that is a
that’s a shift from what we’ve been
seeing pre Josh Hyo obviously you want
to have you want to start having more
guys third round second round first
round but multiple ofer years yes
getting people picked that’s a step in
the right direction okay when we come
back let’s see if we agree with some of
the breakdown of the strengths
and weaknesses of Joe Milton that could
be fun come on back on the sports s
welcome back into the sports Source the
segment brought to you by Games and
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it fun get down to games and things all
right in this segment well let’s go
ahead and show you the results of the
poll there we go we didn’t give you a
long time to vote and it just flipped
even as we went there so Joe got a
little love he he ticked from six to
seven there I think as we flipped to it
but 51% say yeah they take him as a
project 42% say nope I’ve said enough
and 7% of you said with that arm heck
yeah put him on my NFL team heck yeah
doesn’t mean immediate starter like just
on the team you know yeah I wouldn’t
want him on my team
though now I hope he does well I hope he
winds up on a team I don’t want him on
my team because I don’t think he has the
processing speed but uh at anyway let’s
talk about that maybe I’m wrong we have
the strengths and weaknesses and I’m
going to read them to you so if you
can’t read the graphic I understand and
then Chuck I’m going to here’s what I
want to do and Chuck you can be the
first to chime in here but as I read
these if anybody sees anything that
stands out to them that you agree with
or disagree there’s an understatement or
an overstatement Just Jump Right In
here’s what it says about Joe Milton
this is this is their Scouts
Elite size and armst strring are both
well beyond positional Norms these are
the strengths obviously throws blazing
heat to beat coverage into Tight
Windows delivers long off platform
throws with the flick of a wrist Florida
will stand his ground and take punishing
hits to make
throw able to keep his eyes downfield
while definely sliding around pocket
pressure I don’t know about that one
that was like a big weakness to me
rolling out outside the pocket we all
kind of we all end on that one all right
posted 32 touchdowns against just five
interceptions over three seasons in
Tennessee There’s no arguing that that’s
legit mhm next strong against potential
sacks and escapes the pocket to extend
play not as often as I would like no no
sometimes didn’t see the rush on the
backside but he does have some
escapeability yeah it’s just not a
consistent like you’d see in some of
these guys not like hook hinden hooker
right right Josh you’re being quiet so
you agree with me yeah on the run I
think um getting out of there and still
being able to extend the play when Nico
came in that was one of the talked about
positives say hey that’s going to
improve yeah I’m a senior to a freshman
and we don’t need to put the graphic
back up you guys read it and you can
just listen to me talk about it
weaknesses disturbing lack of placement
and timing as a deep ball passer kind of
counteracts that whole strong arm thing
disturbing lack of placement the tight
window thing yes exactly he gets into
the Tight Windows fell out of my chair
he waits until it’s tight before he
throws completed completed just 38% of
his throws Beyond 10 yards wow
on those that 80 yard went more than 20
uh struggles with anticipatory throws
running receivers into collisions
oh telegraphs throws between the hashes
giving safeties an easy jump on the ball
which we talked about last week you
noticed they were throwing over the
middlemore in the spring game uh and
thus reluctant to do so in games yeah
Josh Hyo noticed that weakness with the
play call last year desires to throw the
ball through receivers rather than
deliver with touch
Jack yeah I think that’s a funny way of
putting it though he wants to throw the
ball through the receiver inconsistent
tying his feet to eyes and squaring to
targets inconsistent tying his feet to
eyes and squaring to his targets that’s
something that Matt Sims brought up that
sometimes when he gets out of the pocket
it’s like his arm because it’s so strong
it’s disconnected from the rest of his
body which leads to some accuracy Chris
Sims or Matt s Matt Sims he’s an analyst
now yeah uh frequently forces moving
targets to break stride to make the
catch y yeah yeah I think those are all
things we’ve talked about that hopefully
will change with Nico taking over makes
it sound like he’s a terrible
quarterback he’s not a terrible
quarterback I think I think last year’s
record tells you exactly he’s an eight
and four quarterback and I think it’s
interesting you know I follow my pro
team and to listen to fans in other
areas say what about this guy’s got a
big arm let’s go get him it’s funny to
think about you know you just you just
want to say look at the system with hen
hooker and then look at the system with
Joe mil right that that tells you the
difference one of the big differences
there was that processing what’s in
front of you and then being able to
deliver an accurate ball yeah I mean
those two things to me right there are
the big red flags for hope I’m wrong
though hope I’m wrong hope he tears it
up he seemed that he he waited his time
by all accounts he was a pretty good
teammate over there so hope I’m
completely wrong hope he does well
having that position succeeded in the
NFL under Josh whether it’s hooker or
Milton would would do wonders oh yeah
well and it’s one of the problems with
hooker being hurt last year is you it’s
a delay you want to put that myth to bed
that he can’t prepare guys for the NFL
the system yeah or it’s a system and
golf golf also had a really good year
yes now probably going to get a new deal
so it may be a while before and then
wasn’t there the statement from Milton
that he wasn’t a huge fan of the up
Temple the type of offense it was he
likes better a little slow right all
right when we come back let’s do some
prognosticating and we’ll do it with
straight faces somehow uh we’ll tell you
exactly where Joe Milton and Jaylen
Wright when they will be drafted and
also by what teams yes that’s right it’s
going to be highly accurate come on back
on the sports
St welcome back into the sports Source
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Smith this week all right a little bit
of fun to close this out we’re going to
tell you where Joe Milton and Jaylen
Wright will be drafted what round and by
what team and yes we’re we’re going to
make it really accurate I’m sure so uh
let’s start with Bazooka Joe Milton
Chuck show us what round you think he’s
going to go in now why would you why
would you write it that small okay well
I mean I can make it big we’ll make it
way big fifth there you go yeah there
you go man so we’ve got him picked twice
in the fifth round yeah there you go I
think twice the fifth round twice in the
fifth round no I think that’s about
right it’s and if teams you know you
also everybody’s quickly riding it
bigger give you a panel to show make it
big all right that’s where teams are
going to take a flyer on somebody with
this much talent especially like Andy
Reid likes quarterbacks like this with
the big arm the Dolphins could the
Falcons could okay fifth round for
Milton what do you think Joe Joe what do
you think Josh Joe where is Josh uh
sixth round I have Joe Milton in the
sixth round agreed I will go sixth round
as well so okay we do it like that can
we get there you go sixth round Josh and
I say six what you got Vince sixth round
there’s a lot of teams get compensatory
picks uh get multiple picks in that
round so I think that’s where you can
take a flyer if you really feel good
about potentially just an upside type of
pick all right six where you going Jimmy
I got him in the fourth round wow now if
I were to Cavaliers a question he would
not be that would be an X he’s not
getting no I got him in the fourth round
I think that they’ll just fall
somebody’s going to fall in love with
that arm all it takes is one and I think
one will do it okay so we got a fifth a
bunch of sixes and a fourth all right
very good what we didn’t say was which
team so which team I’m going to go with
the what have I got down here I’m going
to go with Falcons okay Falcons now the
Falcons are actually my pick I have the
Jets as a backup okay cuz we’re not
allowing anybody to do the same thing
that’s how that’s how accurate we’re
going to be here six round to the Jets
all right I go six round to the bills
because they’ve already got a big armed
guy in Josh Allen maybe they look at it
and say this guy can throw through these
gale force winds we get in
Buffalo I have the LA Rams they have
steton Bennett is pretty much all they
have as their backup behind Matthew
Stafford’s getting older so I I think
Shawn McBay would would like that armor
if you could combine those two guys
Bennett and Milton wow Milton’s decision
making in Milton I mean put Bennett’s
decision making in Milton’s body go
ahead no question it’s the Raiders they
love doing the long ball
learn go darl Monica and all that group
all right uh and we’ll let you start
with where Jaylen W goes Jimmy what
round Jaylen Wright second round who two
oh uh Cleveland Cleveland okay the
haslams come after another all all right
what you doing third round again I think
there’s a number of teams that have
multiple third round picks uh and I have
the uh Arizona Cardinals the Cardinals
have six picks in the first three rounds
of the draft including three in the
third round so I kind of look to see who
has those extra picks you’re load up on
that by the way I didn’t comment in a
second round that’s the that’s a high
grade for you got all the BS going up
there oh yeah all right why they
call I got Jaylen Wright going the third
round to the New England Patriots
now there’s no way they draft a running
back in the third round but this is just
me wishing and hoping Jaylen wght would
fall to the Patriots so I’ll take him
third round and I’ll say Patriots just
in the hopes that it’ll wind up there
what you doing Josh uh third round to
the New York Giants yeah any reason or
just that’s feeling uh feeling I think
they need running back help and then
play action to set up the Deep ball to
Jaylen H as if the rest of us have
gotten a lot of thought okay uh how
about the third round third third round
thir third third round be the third pick
of the third round ex I think the
Panthers would be a really good pick for
what they need to improve that offense
okay do the balls get four guys drafted
do they match the three-year stretch
from 06 to 08 with 14 picks I’m going to
say three I’m going to say four you
think castle mastle Yeah is there
somebody else that will get I mean do we
does anybody take a shot on Jabari small
or Keaton I don’t think so unless it’s
one of those competitory things late in
the seventh they could just say I don’t
want to wait and sign him as a free a
undrafted and you’re almost better if
you don’t get draft you are better at
that level yeah the free agent routes
you can pick your pick your situation
exactly Jimmy Vince Josh Chuck thanks to
all of you I appreciate it uh thanks for
thanks to John Wilkerson for being in
Lexington sorry we couldn’t connect that
I swear one of these weeks we’ll do that
and get it on uh thank you and thank our
sponsors we’ll see you right back here
next week


  1. Pennington hit on it for a split second…. the 2 most influential people to Tennessee's 98 National Championship…. Clint Stoner and Nick Saban…. one of them opened the door for the vols and the other allowed the vols to walk right thru the door…

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