Golf Players

Gurgaon Open 2024 powered by Amrutanjan, Classic Golf & Country Club, Nuh, Haryana, Round 4

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Gurgaon Open 2024 powered by Amrutanjan, Classic Golf & Country Club, Nuh, Haryana, Round 4

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a lot of people very close to him in
pursuit of him and this title that is up
for grabs this week with a price Burse
of one CR which is um a lot of money
it’s um it’s much more than we used to
play in earlier times it’s a crisp
morning wind is a bit it’s a bit more
wind than it was at this time yesterday
it’s on our screen is Rajiv Kumar
jaal Rajiv Kumar jaal going along pretty
well this week at 10 underpar probably
his best uh showing on pgti after three
days I can’t remember the last time that
we saw him this deep in a tournament
contending for the win and seems to have
gotten off to a good start and pulled it
a bit I think it’s in the bunker on that
Fairway bunker that’s comes on your left
it’s about 230 yards of the
te a downhill t- shot it’s a dog right
to left and then it leads to an uphill
shot it’s a it’s a good CH it’s not a
very challenging first hole but it’s got
it’s got its own uh challenge if you
want to take it on then it becomes a
little more challenging playing
alongside him is gurug gr’s Arjun
Prasad coming into a stride this year
having some good finishes even
performing well in the international
events that were played
here yeah he’s been playing well this
year he he started off well with the
season opener
um and his form has been steady this
year so
far really nice call swing good lines
good Rhythm generates a lot of lag as
well on that
swing and uh exactly where he hit it
last yesterday sh he was up that slope
it’s if you get a little bit up that
slope you get a little bit of a launch
pad to hit it a little bit higher and
stop it AIT a bit
faster third member of this group is
guy he’s from this is uh his home cost
most of the time he’s uh shifted to dlf
now but he used to play of classic for a
long time what a rotation of that
shoulder you see how that right shoulder
came through yeah it just uh was a
little late on it so I guess you had a
little cover up uh on that D
but it’s in a good
position anything on The
Fairway uh is good because it’s the
second sh is the more demanding sh on
this on this
hole Yeah you want to be in the short
stuff it’s a narrow strip of a grain not
too deep so that makes a difference that
if you’re coming out of the rough it’s
pretty difficult to get on the correct
sort of level with the PIN
there we saw Rashid
Khan very deliberate na with
call good player Young player lost his
game for a while good to see him back in
the thick of things
there yeah this is some of the t-shots
from earlier today this is uh the 741
group and
that’s uh un
Capal good transition and this boy can
pack a punch you know he’s I played uh I
saw him h a ball on in one of the
tournaments and he can fly his three
would about
280 M Jamal yeah from Bangladesh this is
a group of unol Jamal and
anur team of earlier today in the first
h anur a very controlled
swing good ball do his brother still
coach him or is he uh I’m not quite sure
if he coaches but I see him um I see
them together he’s always on his bag
helping him out not quite certain who
his coach is but I know that his brother
is deeply invested in his game yeah
they’ve been uh
good pair for a long time
you know the the common thing between
him and sap talwar is both their dads
started a junior tour in
the the early 2000 it was called the
Alber cross junior golf tour and just to
to get give their kids little more
exposure to Junior Golf and quite
actually waren Fark really strong ball
Striker is waron
Park you know waron is a really good
badminton player player he’s got a lot
of lag in his go
swing Von par playing with dianu baj and
him sing R
today theanu healing from
Kolkata he’s not steadily become better
on yeah probably one of the few players
you see that whose growth has been
linear yeah it’s there he’s always been
on this slow
ascendency we have youngster
sanit yeah sanit has is playing
alongside Yash majar and khin today this
we are back into live with Arjun
Prasad hitting his approach short into
one couldn’t have placed it in a better
position right bang in the center
absolutely now the pin is took a sizable
divot there should back left today so
he’s uh it’s it’s it’s one of the that’s
the toughest pin position on this on
green Ah that’s good to see it’s a
welcome change from yesterday you want
to see uh pin positions a little more
difficult the good thing is most of the
time people are going to going to get an
uphill putt on that hole that’s the
because it’s so far back but the thing
you don’t see many money past the hole
if you’re going for that flag and if you
miss Q it you might just miss it a yard
or so off and we saw what happened in
hole number 13 to Rajiv those those
chips are pretty difficult here there is
some rough on the left hand side of this
scen so that would definitely definely
playing at least a club a club and a
half longer today for uh the
players uh
so hey beautiful view from that drone
now almost puts you in a trance if you
look at that it’s very nice I think
that’s one of the things about golf is
you have that access to greeny and you
can be at one with nature while still
being u in a city yeah there’s no game
like golf I think it’s it’s a it’s a
game that is brings you one with nature
also you can play it at any age you want
any level two people of any caliber can
play together it’s it’s such a a and
it’s just it’s like a microcosm of life
it’s it gives you these highs and lows
those within 18
holes so it’s a beautiful
game he’s spoken a lot of Truth there it
indeed well similar to what uh Rajiv is
um is in the beach right now he’s he’s
found the right greenside bunker he’s
that’s a really tough bunker shot um sh
he’s got he’s got about
one square foot to land that ball not
much space for him to land it and also
he has to fly a good 20 yards it seems
yeah he was in the he’s gone from Beach
to beach he was in the Fairway bunker
and he’s found the green side bunkers so
not the best place to miss it on this
flag it’s downhill he’s actually facing
a shot which is going to have a change
in levels as well it’s a little uphill
where he’ll pitch it and then down from
there on so I would think getting it
within about 12 ft is a good shot yeah
very good and if I if I was him I would
just play it out a bit more to the left
so give yourself an easier part coming
up that’s difficult to start like this
you want to make par and give yourself a
shot and you can drop two shots in the
blink of an eye if you get too
aggressive on this one so maybe just uh
take your medicon you had two bad shots
he’s a good bunker shot player though
from what I remember I played with him a
few times he he’s he’s good out of the
sand One landed Maybe
really nice shot that’s that’s a nine on
10 that’s a very good shot came out with
a lot of control yeah and gave himself
uh seems like it’s within 10 ft it’s a
it’s really good effort you called it
Amit yeah no played with him he’s he’s
he’s pretty good from the bunker he’s
very accurate he he generally gets his
landing spot
correct tapy we saw him hit some really
nice chips yesterday and this is
probably one very similar to the one he
had on number four which he holded out
it seems a little more nestled down and
uh that would cause a degree of
difficulty add a degree of difficulty to
the shot he’s got a he’s got a decision
to make here he he can go the aerial
route or take a few slopes out of play
or go a little low I think he’s going
the aial way yeah I think he’s feeling a
little adventurous early in the morning
let’s see if he’s able to pull this off
it’s definitely the more difficult shot
to try and execute yeah he’s miss his
far yeah I don’t think that this is H
maybe that was not necessary to open the
club that was a tougher Choice yeah that
was a much tougher choice no room for
error there might have been better just
to keep it back at the foot and get it
on its way this is something I I
um learned from JY he want you know you
don’t want to try too too much in the
first fuel you need to find your your
Rhythm and your feet first and then once
you feel good then you can let loose or
if you want to if you feel good then you
can go for those more adventurous chips
you know so it’s early in early days you
just want to get nice footing if you
make a few birdies all good but M seems
to have some sort of of wood it seems uh
maybe a three wood uh it looks like one
of these uh
hybrids little one of those mix hybrid
uh yeah deeper
face hybrids he h the same Club of the
this T yesterday as well so yeah he’s a
ball striking machine he’s at so many
about ball doesn’t really give it much
so he obviously lost a little bit of
distance over the years you know what
he’s he’s he’s put a draw on this uh sh
he generally like used to play only left
to right and there was no draw in his
game at all unless he it was a maybe a
pitching wge or something but now that
one had a little bit of right to left on
it Asawa
I don’t know him very well though but
yesterday he pulled off some really nice
chips and he held himself together very
well got a good looking hairstyle as
well yeah that was that picture seems to
bit be a bit old he’s got rid of most of
that very narrow STS is something that I
noticed if you see someone like that it
generally wants to hit it low you know
so maybe just planning to hit a like a
low Stinger as they say
right I too much sting to the left MD
Akbar Hussein now had a good round
um 66 yesterday he has he’s had rounds
of 69 70 and
66 home course the kurmitola golf club
really beautiful Golf Club there Kola
pristine conditions
as far as green speed and other elements
are concerned he’ll feel pretty much at
home yeah a little strong left hand grip
so see a lot of low trajectory shots
today little bit of Nick price in him
that was a very quick swing even the
back swing yeah I think that’s going to
it might be just short of the that right
Fe Bank maybe in it he’s looking eager
eagerly where where that Ball’s finished
so this the fair is between these two
bunkers like you can see in your screen
right now you want to start it at the
right one and just bring it in a bit
Chase it up the slope get yourself
uphill eye into this elevated
tappy not the start he wanted him you
know he was uh probably chose the
chip that is um The Genius of this spin
position to be honest with you it uh
makes players uh think of some difficult
choices you know but you know five is
not too bad you know it’s uh it’s it’s
not good at all but yeah but starting
off on this whole players really don’t
want to make a five just what it is
unfortunately might see a few birdies
also from the Fairway but uh all all I
think um full marks to tournament
committee and and Mr Ji and and all the
other referees for putting this flag P
friend of mine is referee today as for
this tournament Dr nagat you see high
numbers in hold number one dianu himat
anur Chad badel Hussein rahil ganji so
it’s not that we sadistic but you want a
little bit of challenge you want the
golf course to Bear its fangs as well
yeah that’s was J this is steel and this
is an idea what happens when we join
them something
fantastic like Pro St that never age
that save our forests or customizable
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personality and are redefining modern
homes tomorrow is shaped by imagination
and steel tataa steel we also make
tomorrow smart pin position I would say
so ladies and gentlemen I would suggest
that you stay tuned to your television
or your phones and CU today is going to
be interesting it’s it’s going to have a
lot of intrigue this
day so what do you think uh if you were
predicting our score yesterday and you
were like holding on 18 18 19 what do
you say to I um I for one don’t feel
that uh you have to pull that back a bit
I’m thinking maybe
16 from from what um the first couple of
uh the pin positions what they Aur is is
maybe we we going that way it’s going to
be a low scoring high scoring day my
apologies you know I think this is right
up mesh Kumar’s sleeve this is exactly
what he loves tight pins where 23 under
is a good score he you know his game is
not what it used to be he’s not a 8 n
under player due to lack of distance
as he was
earlier so this is playing into his
hands actually so it would be nice to
see him when again I can’t quite
remember what was the last tournament
what year rather the last tournament won
but uh it will be really something I
think it’ll be a record on the pgti yeah
absolutely it’s
uh certain not many people will be able
to uh try and uh one up that recod
yeah it’s been a while since he’s um one
from just just going to give our viewers
his last victory bit uh went for the
flag came on a little shy but that’s
still a fair straight forward chip off
yeah straight straight up here with
Mukesh is chipping he might just hold
out from
there had a few top 15 finishes last
year pretty lackluster year by his high
standards uh 2022 he had a few top 25s
but uh
in uh in the extended WRA around season
2020 and 2021 he had a fourth place
finish at the Bengal Open golf
championship that was the best for that
year as we go further
behind a victory at uh the 2019 Tata
steel PGT Players Championship 2019
presented by puncha was his uh he’s been
a half victory since 5 years ago so
53 that’s U it’s quite a while to go
without a victory for a player like him
probably the longest that he’s gone
without a victory in his career yeah and
you know he’s he’s not he’s had a few
top fives between then and now it’s not
like he’s not been playing well he’s not
being playing as well as as he used to
but had a pretty strong season in 2019
19 he had uh two run out of finishes a
seventh a victory so a sixth place
finish pretty strong All Things
Considered two runner
ups and you know 13 that the Tour
Championship is actually pretty good
that that’s a low scoring week
be interesting to see where Rajiv has
hit this so his last victory was also in
the state of
harana maybe that’s going to be a good
luck charm
tappy high so he coming off the rails a
little bit of bogey on one and then he
really he really has his work cut out in
order to make that is a really difficult
bunker shot um Shia it is uh probably
the toughest one you’ll get on this go
of course he has to land it right on
the of the spine which is left he goes
left right he goes right over pitches
over pitches he’ll go 15 ft past so
similar in degree of difficulty the
similar kind of shot that Rajiv had on
whole number one even the characteristic
of the shot is pretty similar maybe this
one is a bit tougher what would be the
length the overall length of the WKA
shot distance would be similar or we
would have to fly at about 12 10 12
yards and then get it to stop within two
three yards
yeah none of them really getting their
Mark right on this ho we’ve seen uh I
think that’s Arjun coming out of the
bunker on hole number
one it looks like today is starting off
a bit slower compared to yesterday yes
the players really did hit the ground
running yesterday and that
uh we have a look at
ucker if I’m not too wrong yeah he’s
pitched really well this week so all not
not not too bad like like six what a
difference a pin position can make it
can change the entire complexion of a
round I mean you start off with a bogey
it changes everything you start off with
two you just so defensive for the entire
round and and if you’re making
birdies it makes the world of a
difference as we have a look at tapy
who’s done really well but coming back
to your point that looked good he
pitched it in the correct place but
still has maybe all of 12 feet coming
you know that’s pretty good from there
it’s uh he’s left himself the easiest
part on the on the green so that’s not
bad he can can still walk away with
three Sak
chba had a really good round yesterday
64 moved up 20 OD Sports 23 years old
Ling out of Delhi Golf
Club so you would think that accuracy
would not uh be an issue for
saruk playing at
the tree line the bush line D Golf Club
the wable institutions
so and really Golf Course
is you either love it or you hate it you
know it’s it’s one of those tracks that
um it can wear you down yeah it’s you
know I don’t want to play on on that
Golf Course every
day looks like he’s just up and out of
bit to the right yeah that just made the
hole a bit longer
I think on a flag stick like this you
want to ensure that you are um in the
Fairway it’s going to be very difficult
if you miss the Fairway with this flag
to try and get
anywhere he’s leaked it right off the
te sain with his t-shot on number one
I I really like sain’s chances he he’s
uh he’s he looked completely in control
the whole day yest he had no
blemishes blemish free
66 now the leader the man of are M
Dharma rest up like Gary Player
today playing out of uh KJ bangaluru
two victories under his belt will this
be number
three yeah exactly where I he it
yesterday so it’s perfect position in
Fairway so generally has a different CAD
but this week seems he seems to have
taken a local CAD
now uh back to Hole number one mes he
would have kipped up from that
uh front
left of the green yeah normally used to
sit down and look at this line he’s not
sitting down anymore
so yeah so as I say the sands of
time he still handled it pretty well
though I mean this is a little longer
than his uh waterl
distance so this one he’s going to be
smooth with really risty though look at
that that requires a lot of coordination
and uh he’s taking a spot maybe 6 8
inches ahead and he’s going to just oh
look I mean he the way he ped these you
can see there’s a lot of ner nous energy
there’s a lot of peing and it just about
went in but they do manage to go it you
know I I they find the back door the
side door they do fall I mean it’s it’s
you know the thing is from that distance
if you take the right line and hit it at
the right
speed even if you miss hit a bit it’ll
still go in and he does that it just
about mix it to the hole he’s taking he
takes his pain taking he slow taking the
line so that he’s sure okay this is the
line that will hit the center of the
hole you know
so yeah definitely not uh easy on the
eyes the way he Ted from that distance
and I always thought he’s going to miss
it but he never he never misses it it it
looks like he going to
miss and I’m like don’t look at him
don’t do
that that’s not a visually appealing s
uh I mean it works but you don’t quite
see top level um world players do that
and U just to tell our viewers we’re
live at the GGO open 2024 powered by
amrutanjan it’s a big event offering a
price fund of one
CR and a big thank you to ranan to make
this possible have a strong Legacy and
they Maring that Legacy with the
professional golf tour of India and the
sport is better for it as we have a look
M might be a difficult flag for him left
right he he he’s going to finish it
short and right he’s not going to he’s
not even thinking about hitting it
anywhere else yeah but coming back to my
point can you really think of any
International golfer who’s that
deliberate and
uh I don’t L of
other you words how how to describe that
and fting he’s he’s very exhibiting that
nervous energy from that short distance
you know when he sting it up he’ll tear
it up then he’ll take a few things and
he he’ll stand behind put his Club down
he R it up then he r one more time he’s
just you know he just like he’s
uh trying to find this space where he
gets really comfortable yeah but maybe
off the tea he’s still he’s still really
quick All Things Considered sometime
maybe not this this time so much but
inside that distance of two and a half
three feet which seems to be a there no
there’s no practice swings there’s one
one practicing it’s more about him his
eyes his body getting comfortable you
call that you know you call that but
that one that’s half a club too much
that is going to be a really tough part
though he’s going to have to put it over
The Fringe but that’s how he plans his
round you already knew where he’s going
to hit it he has a sideway there was no
way he’s going to miss it hit it left of
the flag like I would have bet anything
on it I’ve played enough golf with him
that he’s not going to miss shorts side
himself ever unless he’s made a really
bad swing you know
which he doesn’t do plays golf more like
chess and has the ability to execute
it this
is Akbar Hussein Muhammad Akbar Hussein
Bangladesh it’s probably the best of the
day that we’ve seen so far probably
where he’s that’s probably where he
wanted to start it brilliant short
though uphill part um very makeable you
know you can see from our view right now
how much of Fringe mes has to contend
with before his but ball hits the
putting surface which is the so the only
thing I think he’s hit it too far for
that you know where he wanted to finish
it now you have prar Asawa on the tea
there a lot of Bogies on number one
today prar boing it as well we saw him
coming up a bit short with this pitch
think he’s working that from right to
left and has fled out and that’s that’s
going to be a really difficult shot
that’s almost if he gets it within 10
feed I’ll be I’ll be very
surprised that’s the effect these flags
can have you know golf is a game of
Misses uh Shia you need to miss small
and Miss in the right places you know so
if for the viewers how do I decide the
right place so you look at a pin instead
of looking at the Target which is your
PIN you make a gold post where you want
to finish it 197 yards this this what
today playing is in the entirety of its
length we playing the back te today and
and the pin being way on the you know
the center left is playing golf course
is already playing 40 yards longer than
yesterday in the first two holes it’s
yeah so it’s uh that’s the highest
scoring so you see if I if I was that’s
the pin you make a gold post where that
pin is actually on the left corner of
the gold post and then say okay this is
my gold Pur on the right and whether I
want to draw it in or fade it in into
that gold Pur is my choice which is my
that’s my my go to shot but that is
where I want to hit it when you look at
that so if you do that you tend to miss
it at the right
places this swing vision is
really I like his I like his swing till
he till impact then he gets a little his
his lower body just collapses a bit
maybe he needs to work a little bit on
on those that glute strength and glute
stability it’s really good back swing
lot of extension there you see yeah good
rotation again just little more
need he he draws it so you can see that
his arms accelerate a little extra
through the Impact Zone and you can see
this one he he holds his position very
well and he’s much more to so when you
have see somebody do that you actually
be rest assured he’s not going to have
many misses to the
left let’s have a look at this Chip Shot
here at hold number two
my apologies hole number one very
similar looking flag pin positions and
they look really like they look like the
same hole
Yeah well you see a lot of people uh
trying to playing the percentage play
trying to miss it the right place and
uh when you have tight pins even
sometime the misses also are very
demanding that’s our leader group Sak
chiber M Dharma and
sain basya playing number
one prar Asawa with
his pitch shot on number two he’s missed
the green on the right he’s limed
himself a really tough angle to get
close to this pin
yeah probably try to get too cute there
prar and then that’s uh such an really
good lag part on number
one you can see mes is trying to figure
out he’s playing at least 8 8 10 ft of
break on his but on number two he’s just
off the
green on the right
Muhammad abbar husin plays perfectly
he’s probably got the easiest spot on
number two that you can
get almost no break straight up the hill
M tharma with his birdie part on number
one our leader at 14
under his closest pursuer is sain basya
at 12 under and then a trio of players
at 11 under which includes Sak chiber
Mukesh Kumar and Arjun
Prasad sorry Muhammad Akbar Hussein
Arjun Prasad a further Short Stroke
back Anda with his birdie part on number
one coming up a bit
short uh four is not a bad score on
number one today it’s playing
a bit over it SP it’s we’ve got a really
tough pin position on number one today
with top
left the T has gone back the the pin is
gone back playing a good 30 yards longer
today Sak with his Bart on number one in
life on life feet one prar with his
papart on number two on life Feet Two
yeah he’s going off to
a not the start he would love he’s going
Bogi Bogi prar s with a good cleanup on
one sain basya with his powerart on
number one on Life feed one
and Muhammad Akbar Hussein for his
Birdie on number two on live feed
two good bar by
sainan coming up a bit
short but two three is a good score on
number three on number two today it’s uh
playing over it’s SP again
car cleaning
up one number
two okay doing his usual gardening on
the green that’s a really good uh first
part he was he had a really really
difficult part after his t-shot and he’s
he’s done brilliantly
there left
in it’s going to
uphill three footer for p
after to a good start Papa first two
holes for
mesh staying at 11 under three shots
behind our leader M Dharma
and 50 with the hole in one hole the
hole in one prize being uh Nissan
magnite this
week is sanit bishnoi
whole remaining in in that bowl in the
front of the
green a bit more to the left today than
it was yesterday
this is one hole that the golfers are
not thinking about playing a percentage
shot they’re going to take dead aim
playing alongside s today is jash jash
majumdar and khin
Joi that was suchin with his t-shot on
two yeah again people are over clubbing
this a bit this
is left himself a really difficult ship
Sak safely on the pting
surface on the te is our
leader M
Dharma bying the we’ve had had a lot of
Bogies on number one Chia and just just
one solitary birdie today by Udan man
yeah probably because Udan man has that
height in compression to maybe pitch the
ball and stop it closer to the flag and
uh I I for one I’m happy to see these
kind of pin positions for the final day
really so the cream Rises to the top so
as to
speak yeah really test the medal of the
playersa is probably that’s a really
easy part from there maybe just got a
little extra roll landed on the down
slope there but uh he’s hit he’s he hit
the center of the green on number one
had a really easy look at birdie came up
short he’s hit it probably where the
easiest two part strong on number
two uphill not much break in that but
that’s uh the ball of sarak chiber and
then that’s such an easy I would think
it’s probably one of the most difficult
pin positions on hold number two right
on the spine absolutely it’s you know
you you can’t is it right left or over
short or long either maybe just there’s
not much space short of the pin either
so it’s so straight off the back the
first two holes are going to test you
today yeah AB be seeing cheda on number
four he’s practicing his spting stroke
doesn’t seem to be happy with it the way
it’s going with his spting yeah has a
really belted long drive here which is
uh uh pretty usual for him but that’s
still even by by his CH that’s a good
drive maybe all of 330 yards doesn’t
have seem to shot by a country mile
there it seems to be about good 50 60
yards beyond that bunker maybe only have
a flip wedge coming
in p on number four
is right in the center 19 and just over
that slope which comes in the middle so
you idly want to hit it just past the
pin that will leave yourself and give
yourself a uphill
part all smiles here Rashid
Khan yeah he’s one aggressive player
yeah I’m surprised he’s not playing on
the on the Asian tour this week short
he’s we have we have an event this week
as well at the the international
Series so not sure why he hasn’t he’s
not playing there this week
rash I’m not quite sure if he does have
an exemption for that particular event
yeah the last few years I think the the
case of near Miss for near misses for
Rashid Khan yeah he’s he’s um had a
couple of niggles with his wrist and
stuff also
so um not sure what’s going on with
him suchin with his jip on number two
he’s short siding himself there
but pretty pretty well done from
there this is our leader group M Dharma
Sak chiber and sain basya playing the
part three second Hall
his last tournament on
uh was the international series maau
maybe he’s just opting to not play it
I’m not quite certain what the reason
would be for him not to go and he also
played the international series Oman
very what a great shot
but he looks
tired and that’s a drinks break but
what’s the plus sign for
amarma with his bird part on number two
let’s see if we can get the pace correct
that’s a really good part by m d yeah
just shows you that his his nerves are
intact pace is the first thing to go
when you get you start getting tight
Fashions are rather long putting grip on
his putter that goes on almost High
halfway down to the
shaft his given putt would be really
small you know when you play with and
your friends you say okay with the
butter grip is given and his butter is
really money having a really good day
today fought under in his first uh I
predicted yesterday maybe he’s you know
the two said eight days this might be
another swash buckling day
for yeah coming up a bit short on number
two he’s probably one of the he and
abar probably the better t-shots that
we’ve seen on number two in his
interview after day one maniam had
stated that
he’s fairly pleased with his ball
striking and I think that is holding
through even today because he’s made par
on hole number one and two so that that
um is a leading indicator that he is in
control of his
ions yeah is’s but the short
three 38 and
nine yeah good he must be U maybe
another 61 today 63 he’s he’s on a
birdie Trail right now so if you can
keep it going post a really low
number you never know I feel even if you
can post an 11 underpar yeah at least
there a score that that you can get to
clubhouse then he has an out side shot
brilliant part really good three by such
and he had put himself in a really tough
there after his t- shot so when you make
a par after being in a tough position on
the final round and you’re in the final
group gives you a lot of
confidence that’s abijit T you can see
that the pin is just over the slope on
four it’s not the easiest either so yeah
Yash Chandra Ms I wonder what Ms stands
for you saw him play at uh the national
games and and were quite impressed by
the way that he sings the club so you
know I just didn’t see very many of his
shots a t t- shot on number one which he
hit really well and he hit a t- shot on
number 17 and was playing into the wind
right to left
and the pin was on the top right and he
started at
about two yards left of the
flag it faded about one yard left
himself like a twoot up part for birdie
that’s when I thought okay then there
was no hurry in that swing it had the
the flight was really good really good
trajectory got the movement correct so
that’s that’s only that’s that’s the one
thing that impressed me because that’s
not a flag you actually aim for also
unless you’re you’re you know that you
can pull it
off hole number nine with the flag all
the way towards the top left
probably another difficult flag it might
look from for the players who are going
for it and for it looks like it’s in the
bunker itself even if you’re going for
it in three there’s not much room right
in front of the flag the bunker is there
so it’s it’s it’s you have to work it
from the right hand side you know there
those two bunkers that one comes just
short of the green on the right and then
there’s the green side bunk on the and
there’s what 30 yards between them
that’s probably where you want to hit
your second
shot so that will leave you a really
simple pitch into that flag that’s would
be the IDE or if you are going for R and
you can carry it to the to the part of
the bunker where it’s close to closest
to the hole because that if you have
uphill line at Bunker that bunker short
is very easy there two places where you
want to be unless you’re on the green
which will be deal a look at the updated
leaderboard a good mix this week um
Dharma experienced player sain
besya younger mesh
Kumar old
veteran and we have MD Akbar adding the
international flavor sik ch ch another
youngster odan man
experienced really good have khen Joi
also showcasing his
talent I like the way khen
plays and he’s he’s really
aggressive so you know if somebody from
behind uh was to win they need to shoot
at least something like a 66 or a 64 and
khen and odan are very very capable of
score they’ve done it in the past so
they they know they can do
it I’ll look at hole number
four Cen right now at 9 under Udan at 10
maniam 4 under after nine now 7even
under our first round
leader generally everybody’s hovering
around PA one over one under
so that would be at least a stroke more
for the first six holes than we had
yesterday you can see what a difference
pin positions can make on the on the
scoring average it’ll be interesting to
note U how this whole
unfolds with that wonderful car the
Nissan magnet they got in the same bowl
today as well so it’s just gone a bit
more left than it was so now it’s closer
to the
left side of that ball I think must
really give a shout out to Nan they
doing everything to give this car
away they really do they really do want
to see a hole in one you know actually
because there’s so much slope around the
hole I don’t see it going in I see them
coming really
close I mean I can’t really think of any
other flag where the ball will sort of
Feed close to the hole and then it is
just a case of Russian Roulette
but you have to get it at least in that
so should now with call playing better
this week he hasn’t had the best start
to the
year a leader still M
Dharma still where he started at 14
under he’s gone he SP the first two
holes which have actually played more
than their part today
Raji off to
a a bad start he’s toour after this
first three
holes he was our Midway leader yeah he’s
uh not having the ideal start seems to
capitulating and doesn’t want to do that
on the final day will undo all the hard
work that he’s put in needs to get get
things together try and shoot at least a
par yeah he’s not see he’s he’s it’s
it’s a much longer Golf Course for him
you can see his he’s hit that Fairway
bunker on the right he’s found a lot of
bunkers yeah that makes all the
difference so he he probably Carri about
260 he was on The Fairway bunker on
number one then he was hit the green
side bunker for his second shot then he
hit that uh you know uh so if you’re not
if you’re not a long hitter then
accuracy has to be a given yes you can’t
be short and crooked that will make life
difficult tap Arun both of them long
hitters pretty similar vicinity to where
uh cha was you can see that he’s trying
to he’s played for some
release he’s had that abbreviated follow
through coming from the first cut pin is
just over the slope on number four
another tricky pin
bit Singh Chada with his birdie part on
number five the part
three with the Nissan magnite as whole
in run
prize I look at some of the other scores
did point out that maniam is the low
golfer for the day four underpar so far
and then you have JJ Singh Sandhu the
South Pole three underp for the day then
you have Brar pal Singh and
orani I don’t know if I pronounced it
right I always
umani the first I don’t correct Michelle
so he’s a playing in a lovely golf is
too under parday so it’s good my
apologies for the stereotype as we as we
go lower down we see Wasim Khan at one
underpar and Har gang warar also one
underpar for the day yes put a really
good rooll on that ball uh Shia good
putt there yeah so definitely has a long
game figure out if he can have good
putting days he’s always in for a good
yeah that’s the he left himself a lot of
work on that short part
35th just even part so
far you know what I’m really uh enjoying
is the the social media feeds of pgti
and it was it’s improved so much and you
know the team is doing really well on
with all the social media you know it’s
it’s important to get people to see
what’s happening not just on regular TV
but you know the feeds are really
good also that uh B metal compound that
that butter is uh really catching
on I think that’s the stock shaft on
that butter yeah I I I have the same one
as well it’s it’s for I think it’s it’s
you know those those I think you know
it’s probably something which is uh the
it’s the USB for selling that
pter one of the
USBs I think the most important part
thing about a pter is the length of the
Putter and the design whether it suits
the way you stroke the but also
important is the Loft that you have
because some people tend to hit more
downwards and some people tend to hit
more upwards on their part that’s a good
part on live feed too I also feel that
it’s one of those things as I say those
many epidemics that catch on in golf
something is working you see the other
player emulated and then then it becomes
the fat I remember when uh we were
playing U you know the bigger driver the
ERC and so on so forth it came on
everybody wanted so it’s uh if something
butc used to go really far really far
yeah they had it had a very
high CO which then they you know had a
limit later on a limit came to it the co
is the coefficient of
restitution so that club used to go
really far and then remember when the
first time the prov1 came out and
somebody the fat was you if you put it
on the seam it goes really fast so
people were you know putting it on the
seam using this ERC driver and hitting a
country mine not quite certain if that
was a Raji Kumar’s birdie part or was it
his bar part if it was indeed his birdie
part then that would have been quite the
sh from that bunker yeah that’s if it
was it’s brilliant so we’ll get a quick
update on that
soon on your screen is tappy guy on live
feed 2 and yashash Chandra Ms on Life
feed one on the par three fifth hole
for his
PA I haven’t seen him do that before
that was
really he missed it uh that couldn’t
have been more than a foot and foot and
a half yeah so yeah he’s surprised that
the ball turned
actually he’s got a longer one coming up
that’s where mukesh’s routine comes in
handy where you try and uh yeah he makes
sure all the he makes sure that he’s
taking the right he’s never blind
he might make a bad stroke but he’ll
never be blindsided yeah he won’t make
mistakes like
that he’s he’s looking at the he’s
surprised that the ball
turned and uh he’s got more coming back
than he had but the good thing that’s an
uphill part
though yeah maybe should have asked K
the line before he hit
it yeah so that’s going to be a bogey
for jash and
Ms not very many people underp in the
last three
pairings yeah par is not too bad either
getting off to even par after three
given where the flags are today we’ve
seen quite a few birdies on hold number
though and number three is a power five
so the poweres are very very reachable
this week here the balls rolling out a
bit I somehow like the par fives here
they’re reachable for I would say almost
everyone mhm all the holes like third
hole play downhill so even a medium
hitter can get there into with a driver
and a
three-wood you know bearing exception
the ninth hole the rest are uh very
friendly even the ninth you can probably
get there two Lusty blows to the front
edge uh most of the other Kumar got it
on home to yesterday yeah he got it home
to so it’s definitely playing reachable
as we have a look at hole number
five the Nissan magnite waits for its
owner got uh we got very few people left
no actually the the people who started
on the back nine also have to play the
song we have a two t start today half
the field starts from number one half
the field starts from team number 10
the te number 10 on the on the Classic
Golf and Country Club is known as a
valley course and we are playing the
front line is known as a ridge
course capy that’s a big Miss with a
iron yeah unexpected tapy guy going
birdie birdie bogy bogy sorry bogy bogy
birdie birdie so
little bit of roller coaster going on
yeah needs to steady the ship
somewhat if he to add to that tally of
Victories rather
Victory have a look at AR
here Arjun
Prasad playing alongside tapy guy
people are taking a lot of time on this
T box because I guess it’s the car that
makes them do a lot of things usually
do yeah you seeing two sort of shots
either you’re seeing a really good shot
or or a Miss we saw those flare outs to
the right hand side and um there’s
pretty much No Man’s Land normally you
never see anyone hitting the right
bunker here on hole number five
especially where the flag is maybe that
comes into play on a right pin position
let’s see how Arjun is able to deal with
uh this
flag see like a shot like that that is
symptomatic of being aggressive he he’s
probably tried to push a shorter
Club going for the flag on the contrary
maybe if he was not aiming for the flag
he would have played 15 feet ahead and
you know maybe see if that feeds back
and doesn’t yeah absolutely that hole in
one that does change the way that play
do approach it’s more exciting for us to
watch though not for the let’s see Rajiv
can do something
here we can he’s made power on four so
he would have hit a really nice shot
coming out of that
bunker abbar Hussein from Bangladesh
playing number four from the center of
the Fairway
he’s playing alongside mesh Kumar and
Sawa mesh even PA through three holding
his ground at 11 under three shots back
of our leader M
Dharma just half a club too much
there fourth for the longer hit as is
just a
Drive in a in a wedge like like a half
lob wedge or something like
that once you can pitch the ball on on
top of the plateau you get a lot of uh
roll on your t-shot but it does play
uphill so uh doesn’t tend to roll too
much unless you hit one of those speed
Pockets or those Baron sort of patches
where it runs more a car from the
perfect angle to this flag and number
four show that one finish up that’s
about 15 ft behind you saw that coming
into our view thanks to that Back Spin
that he imported he’s got a he’s got a
good look at bird it’s uphill part one
of the easier Parts you would get on
number four from 15
ft coling birding number six now he’s
two under and 10 under for the
tournament so he’s off to a good start
khen Joi good to see him on top of the
again the the Drone
view is it the Calm before the storm
maybe the wind picks up on the back line
yeah things are very calm right now
there’s hardly or no
wind D has got a good round going as
well D Chiron is three under after his
ninth hole he’s lies at 6 under
presently mes
actually might be right short I’m
looking at like 16 maybe 17 under right
yeah it sure seems that
way um for it to go deeper you’d also
need some of the players within the top
10 to get off to a hot start and um
nobody seems to be moving and forward
they’re holding their ground exactly so
if anything they some have lost ground
the lead presently with M Dharma the
overnight leader
this group seems to be taking a long
time to uh put out
Shia yeah that
uh probably not the best way to hold
Parts Long parts for sure but maybe for
shorter Parts I’m still confused the
jurry is out what’s the way to hold them
Amit you see M with that impeccable
record from 3
fet what whichever whatever works for
you there’s no set but if you look at I
just wanted to discuss this with you and
maybe food for thought as well as we
have a look at this part Breaking from
the left which looks
good oh oh that’s um just got robbed off
one there you see the PJ tour you don’t
see players too deliberate from inside
two two and a half three feet in fact on
the contrary they’re really quick yeah
you know uh they’re on the PJ to they
supposed to be really good from 3 feet
the the the whole percentage from three
feet is almost 100% on the pj2 but how
is that it can’t be just down to the
conditions I mean if you look at a golf
course like this maybe grain might be a
factor but still uh they’re really the
level of uh
skill I mean putting skill from three
feet I’m sure that there wouldn’t be
much to separate the players here and
there is that something in the way they
read the lines because they seem very
confident and quick but there are
instances of players four parting five
putting as well on the P always that
always happens somebody’s having a bad
beak putting but uh let me give you a
percentage let me go back three feet
percentage is 95% on the PJ tour and
three feet mind you is not a short
distance to be honest it sounds doesn’t
sound like much the 50/50 Mark is
7t 10 in yeah so they part really well
I’m just thinking a poter is your poter
is around 3 ft or maybe 30 4 in
somewhere around 3 ft right P length
yeah generally PUD at 30 between 34 and
36 in so you can see from that length if
you have a sloping partt it’s not easy
so these numbers are mindboggling to be
honesta so for our viewers who he has
about 12 ft a whole percentage on the
pg2 is 30% from
here actually more like 15
ft that was really well hold by
God getting off to a slow start today he
he Bo the first two holds and he had
power on three and that was a birdie on
number four so he’s back to one over for
the day and
uh 10 under for the
tournament mes with his birdie put on
four this group has had one lip power
and one good hole out so looks like this
group likes the fourth hole
okay she with a very easy uphill part
considerably easier line on this green
compared to the last two parts that
seen straightish up the hill just coming
up a we bit
short that had all passed so far
he’s holding his position
at tied for third place at 11 under
three shots behind our leader M Dharma
who is
also held his score he started at 14 as
still 14 under
that’s the familiar pause of Amar deep
Singh Malik with
his wife watching
rahill always Jo on the first
day JRA s Santo so you you seeing
that golfer with
Partners sometimes wife sometimes
girlfriend on their
back that looks like niati from if I’m
not wrong she’s a professional golfer
herself and that’s one of our referees
nelani Singh
played a bit of professional golf
herself it’s a very handson job to be
part of
the referee team for a pgti
event that’s the group
of odan
Mane abijit Singh cheda playing number
six then
then one to days so far 10 under for the
tournament coming up a bit
very unusual for him to come up short
he’s a good
P he’s
uh was part of the Indian team at the
Tokyo Olympics
alongside abig s
cheda a little bit of a long drive
contest going on out there between and
odan both long
hitters jat Singh Sandu having a great
day today she’s 4 today and 600 for the
tournament abijit s Chada finally making
a part he’s had a few narrow misses that
seen to
beautiful magnite be celebrated with the
big bold beautiful Nissan
magnite lead now just one between sain
Dharma it’s getting tight here at
Classic Golf
Resort and uh we are live from
gurug bringing you the gurug open 2024
powered by amanin being played at the
Classic Golf and Country Club gurugram
as it’s now called and uh this
tournament has a prize fund of one CR
with approximately 15 lakh and then some
going to the winner so a lot of money to
play for uh there’s a lot of Pride world
ranking point and also ho in one uh
prize which is Nissan
magnite SUV
M Dharma with the from the center of the
Fairway on number
colen 200 under
today 10 under for the
tournament mes has had all pass so far
he’s 11 under in fourth position this is
a perfect goal zone for Dharma look for
this to be really close to the
flag maybe spoke too soon not quite sure
where that ended up yeah he’s just half
a club shot he’s just between the front
of the green and the and the
flag leing himself a uphill putt for
birdie such coming from the right rough
on number
four going to be it’s going to be tough
to stop this uh ball close uh sh but
yeah I mean the good thing is just short
the green the area is hard so you can
actually pitch it a little shorter and
run it
up and the ball’s a bit above his feet
and the pin’s a bit to the right side
it’s it’s you don’t you all you’re never
comfortable aiming outside the green but
at him he’s uh I can take my words back
there yeah generating a lot of spin from
L you can see that the the rough is
scanty in
places and thir third member of this
group is Sak chiber he’s was in the left
Fairway bunker with his t-shot
this is the group of tapy
guy seems to
Beal he’s he’s not very he’s a little
animated Raj there’s somebody searching
for something in the hazard there’s a
caddy there not quite certain what think
he’s raking the bunker if I’m not
mistaken that fa
bunker un live fe2 we
have Dharma
trying to figure out his line left
himself a little bit more than you would
have wanted for
birdie Chiron three under after his nine
holes today he starting on from the 10
te yeah these conditions will be really
conducive for D he he really does like
to hit the ball flat almost like a DOT
and it gets a lot of rooll as well so
won’t be surprised if he goes ready low
he’s he’s the kind of player that can
drives in the vicinity of 350 with r so
it’s ideal for him I’ve played with him
yeah he has this
low like a running kind of a ball flight
on his driver gets a lot of role on
it he has a game that is suited to play
on the DP world
to yeah it’s um he can he’ll do well in
conditions I’m not sure about his
approach uh game I haven’t hav didn’t
see too much of his approach shs what do
you does he like to can he change his
trajectory easily or or does he that
those also low I mean he he prefers to
on the whole when you see him he does
hit them low but he puts a lot of
compression on them so I’m certain that
if he would need
to maybe he might he would have the
ability of hitting them higher but on
the whole I’ve always seen him hitting
those flat uh shots with a lot of
compression that that come out so so
generally you know when you see someone
who’s low running and penetrating but
with compression generally indicates a
little bit the club face is a best shut
at some point in the the swing that’s
what’s delofting the club and that’s
what’s bringing it in lower I’m sure his
b he has a good his body action through
the shot is really good I’ve played with
him and uh just after the pandemic we
had these Pro pools and I played with
him in Golden
Greens on live feied one that’s a good
part right there
and that was Sak on life to on number
four sain with a
really good look at bird on number four
that will take him to 14 and I
would and join our
leader m dma
he’s got about 6 feet what do you say
left to right yeah give a
take yeah he’s a good butter so and he
he knows how to handle
pressure I eagerly await the update for
moneyam score
oh he’s
uh it’s the commentator’s curse he’s
made a B on hold number 11 so moves back
to three underpar almost like a power
four for him so yeah yeah today it’s
would be playing its uh entire length
and and where what flag pin position are
they looking at for whole number 11 Alex
let’s have a
look number 11 is
10 and five from the left so it’s going
to be that uh a pretty treacherous flag
not much green to work with it’s just
over the bunker just over the bunker
just over the
bunker it’s difficult for
him dma with his PO on number
four such a narrowly missing out
there that shows that he’s his emotions
and his anxiety are intact so
far very confident with that stroke of
his see at the bottom of your screen
this is um as things
stand we have the leaders have finishing
their fourth hole
SP hole number six now yeah this is uh I
like this hole though
you can it’s asking you to take it on
but then you you have that it’s but
never quite seen never quite seen
anybody hitting driver here
maybe going up till the three-wood
three-wood will get them about 50 55
yards if you can um carry that bunk on
the right you might want to take it on
but it’s not there’s no advantage to it
I think you’re going to hit a wedge
anyway so at most you’ll get about 20
yards in and if you’re in the rough you
sort of out of position it’s you better
off being a little behind and having on
the middle right just over the bunker so
you want to come be on The Fairway
preferably on the on the left half of
the Fairway you have a good look at the
at the pin that’s uh Muhammad Akbar
Hussein with his t-shot on number
six I think rescue would uh be the
choice of club for all the players today
majority at least longer it as maybe a
four and of the three
mesh going on along steadily he’s had
all pass so
far yes I think you just need to be
patient today Mel you know do go through
your process make make good swings hit
good parts and just you know things will
unfold we’ve seen some good scores on
the back line though so we’ seen four
under three under so so that’s gol
course is there still for the taking
even though that means the the back n is
uh the scoring is lower and so we might
get to that 17 under Mark
then yeah let’s see all depend on the
top five top six
players but looking rather unlikely
it looks like it’s U ho number 10
Shia good call Amit it’s a top right
pin that’s not too difficult a flag pin
position on this
hole ball seems to be nestled down there
and still going with a butter
that uh came out a little hot for him
have that three footer coming back for
par it’s a it’s a it’s a good pin on
number 10 it’s it’s tucked in the corner
this is a group of uh Aman
Raj aay nanan and shiage na with be so a
using the pter out of the
rough yeah it’s good to see sh playing
well cleaning up for his SP on number 10
Jamal Hussein is having having a good
run today he’s 4 under 9 under for the
tournament this part A seems to be
giving it due thought it’s got a little
bit of movement from left to right quite
a lot actually at least a ball outside
the hole what distance are we looking at
about 3 feet it’s like a for fo he’s got
a lot of break on it that’s a really um
I was going to say bad part but I was
trying to find some some other way to
describe it he was he was not sure of
his lines you normally a golfer when
he’s not sure he’s kind of you kind of
see the misses are bigger because it’s
generally people stroke the butt well
and you only the only time you don’t
stroke it well is when you’re not sure
of what
yeah yeah he missed it by a good couple
inches it just comes back to my point
that 95% make rate just seems a little
incredulous to be honest
Amit 95% from 3 ft but even from 4 feet
what are we looking at like 80 um give
you those
numbers as we have a look at hole number
six from 4 ft it’s 86% 86 is really high
that’s more more than four out of five
so I don’t know how they get that done
well they’re the best in the world so
these are Baseline numbers and also
there’s another thing that their greens
don’t have that much grain so there’s
not that much mystery I feed from three
and a half four feet is that a fact
that’s not true they they they play the
Florida swing and in North Carolina they
they have Bermuda
grass it’s the South Carolina North
Carolina Florida that that stretch has
the other side has bent so they play
grasses maybe player should spend a
little bit more time on that range
within 5
ft 5 ft is 75% whole percentage which is
so this is these are your average this
is not the
best the best would be actually more
this this is probably the
the one side you don’t want to miss your
t-shot on number
six not too bad a position I think he’s
missed the bunker he’s in the rough we
have a look at MES this is going to come
really close this is his range his right
pin position he’s really good at right
pin position so he just double crossed
that a
bit yeah he’s long and left I
guess no character for mesh the Mukesh
of yesterday year would have just hit
just within five feet yeah no thought he
was devastating when he was uh you know
in in the peak of his powers I would
think maybe early 2000s and used to have
this really small head for iron I think
it was and he still H like he could hit
any distance he wanted anything ranging
from 230 to 200 he could hit a really
soft one he could hit this low running
so on those tight golf CES like bpgc and
all the the uh it’s very
effective Veron
parik shaving the
cup this is the ninth whole bar five and
for those of you who are joining us uh
right now we’d like to tell you that
you’re never too late to join a good
party that’s what it is it’s the final
day here at the GG open 2024 powered by
Aman I’m your host shya Singh joined
alongside my co-host Amit du we bring to
you this tournament from Classic Golf
and Country Club the leader is M Dharma
player based out of Bengaluru mind you
the top five players do get world
ranking points as well so there’s a lot
to play
for which is rible because you
know that’s one thing which helps you to
take a
step upwards towards the bigger tours
talking about the world ranking points
um the Olympics um around the corner
Udan man was the Olympian the previous
time thanks to in in large part I he got
there from the pgti itself his five
victories that year really catapulted
him so let’s see who it’s going to be
time I’m not sure what’s going to I
think it’s going to be shanka and gagan
jit I’m not I’m not sure about how they
will equate Anan with him going to live
I I would think he I mean he would need
it’s eventually going to ball down to
the world ranking points yeah so those
are your two highest ranking ranked
Indians right
now it could be Weir also we having but
gagan has one on the asan tour
so mamad is H has hit the flag quite a
few times
mes with his putt on number
six the highest ranked Indian at this
point in time is shanka
Sharma with a world ranking of
190 followed by gagan Buller at
230 V La 374 so that’s quite a Chasm not
quite sure he’ll be able to cover that
up quite a few rankings too sure was I
was right about it I I didn’t know what
it was I was just guessing that this is
what how I think it is right now yeah
Ani at 441 karand coacher 424 Kar
coacher a little bit under the radar and
climbing up
om prash Chan chikar rangappa Rashid
Khan and manuganda rahil ganji at 690 so
I think the
competition is definitely between shanka
gagan and
V yeah because you have a few weeks uh
still right yeah we had a with his
Indian open must have jumped a few spots
but both Shankar and gagan jit are in
form you always see SSP chasia up here
but um he’s he’s dropped quite a bit
down he hasn’t played well in the last
couple of years
his form is really taking a hit as
SSP I don’t think he 1220 so obviously
a not the form that he was known for
obviously but he is on the other side I
think on the other side of 40 is he he
he yeah he should be around 45 now he’s
a bit a few years younger to
me the game is getting younger so that
does make it difficult you know he it
was wasn’t the longest hit he’s probably
the among the the shortest five on the
European tour and then with age I think
probably the shortest European tour I
saw the statistics maybe four five years
ago he was the shortest on European tour
so that has a toll as you age you get
even shorter and now it gets even more
difficult to hit
those approach shorts closer and as a
result you take more parts as a result
your score is a little high you know
what I feel people talk a lot lot about
longevity in golf and U golf is a game
that you can play till till your
Twilight years that’s true but if you
talk about purely professional game you
see players who have
who have longer careers have normally
started out as long hitters you look at
JY randawa who just W the
senior uh on on the European
senior the Legends tour so because he’s
a long hitter he still is able to play
that game with ease even in his later
years so if you started out as a shorter
hitter you see that the the careers
don’t last that long because it becomes
the game becomes unplayable as you get
into a late um you know your late 40s
and so on so forth I think it’s all how
you condition yourself and how you keep
yourself it’s it’s a choice you’ve seen
Phil Mickelson he’s um he’s he’s hitting
it as far actually further than he used
to hit
earlier and uh you’ll see Sergio Garcia
very comparative still he’s he’s should
be around 45 6 47 Phil Mickelson is 52
53 and he’s it’s you know if you if you
decide that you want to stay competitive
you need to do that much more work as
you get older you need to actually work
much harder yes so the thing see you
can’t fight biology it’s just how it is
you’ll get you’ll get slower uh you but
but you’ll have to work a lot harder to
keep up you you’re more prone to
injuries as well so there are exceptions
the likes of fail and and Sergio but on
the whole it does become tougher as you
grow older it’s never going to be easy
anyway that’s the way the game has been
designed it’s never going to be easy
you’re never comfortable playing this
game you can’t depend on anybody but
yourself here so you know if you know
this is what’s going to happen and you
prepare for it and you can actually
stall it for a long time I’m I don’t hit
it shorter than I used to I can tell you
that I don’t I the other day I right
after the NOA tournament I went to play
a round of golf and I hit a seven iron
into number
so so the other guys Seven’s pretty
impressive yeah so over the other guys
and I okay I hit a good one but if I had
the average one it would been 5
right so it’s not like you if 7 is 79 is
really impressive I I played the Monday
qualifying there as well and at the
first year
off I probably hit the best Drive I was
surprised I had a five and and I was
surprised first 7 in the morning 5:00 I
mean 7:00 and then you get a five answer
you know it’s okay it’s it’s not like
I’m h a fairway metal I’m hitting iron
if he’s if some the longer one is
hitting an eight iron I’m hitting a six
iron it’s I don’t think that dispersion
is that much it’s couldn’t be my appr
proximity could be maximum five six feet
more than him which is doable you know
the the proximity to the whole with each
Club keeps
increasing and uh if you have the
shorter the club The Closer your misses
um you can see dhma has birdied number
five the PA three and surge the head
again his two shots clear of his playing
companion sain basya and three clear of
good to see Rajiv making a birdie on
hole number seven and uh that’s a good
effort in in order to stem the
rot yeah he was heading in the wrong
direction and seventh is is one of the
tougher Halles at
uh Classic Golf and Country
Club yeah seventh is is uh plays a
little uphill for him he’s not able to
take advantage of um a lot of the
landing areas where the ball does go
further so it it really does change he a
short hitter um probably similar
distance to maniam maybe five yards
more yeah I agree with you um it’s it’s
he needs to be on song for him to play
the scores that he he played he was 11
under in two rounds yeah my my feeling
was that he did find it difficult to
hang on after the first two days but I
think he’s he’s done fairly all right
he’s at nine underpar if he can get to
that number of 11 I think he should be
really proud of himself yeah if you
asked him in the beginning of the week
I’ll give you 11 under he would have
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work on what they feel they need for the
rest of the
year tharma with his approach on number
overcooked a little bit yeah maybe half
a club too much
Sak with
the about 120 yards before that there’ll
be sain playing from the left side he’s
got the best angle at that at this
flag looks like he’s really going after
this one
and the
wind got him full there saruk with his
approach into number six
now and’s see if he can get the yardage
really good shot there by sarak chipper
the closest we’ve
seen today
and tharma is going to a really good
read on that part as
well we are bringing you life coverage
of the guram open
2024 powered by amrutanjan this is an
tournament uh and we
are one3 through our final day
coverage and leaders are on number six
and Lead presently with M Dharma who’s
one under today and 15 under for the
event two shorts clear of Sachin basya
and three clear of sarak CH
chiber a further shorter drift
is Muhammad abbar Hussein and mesh Kumar
at 11 under really
good drone view of the classic God Golf
and Country Club in New in
harana with the Majestic Grand bat
Hotel adjoining
it and
see suchin
maybe got it move a little too much
right to left he likes to draw it so
that right pin doesn’t suit his eye that
much it’s a good view of the hotel it’s
Majestic that’s the water hazard on the
number on hole number nine the PA five
on left of your screen
that’s in your screen is the tbox of
one it’s a truly Majestic Hotel
M thura sizing up what he has left after
that approach on number
six maybe misjudge the wind just over
the back pretty
straightforward electing to putt
trying to
assess the way the ball’s going to run
out I like that he’s taking his time
he’s he’s he’s not hurrying the whole
process he’s
being diligent as ever with his
routine he hard all holes and birded
five let’s see if we
can get it to reach the hole we’ve seen
a few parts come up short from
here yeah also coming up
short the the speed of this of the green
has got
the golf is Fox today this
looks faster than it
is after getting a good read on how the
ball’s going to turn coming on the same
line as
Dharma such in with his birdie part on
six the closest pursuer to M
Dharma suchin also all PS in a birdie he
birdied the power five third
hole sits at 33 under two shorts behind
start with his body part on number
six we have a eagle
today the 18th hole was eagled by our
friend himat Singh
R the he has uh still has decent length
maybe carries the driver about
280 280 282
maybe a little
more yeah
it’s he’s a very well-rounded golfer him
so surprised he hasn’t no I I was
wondering where he was for a few years
so yeah he actually did a Sports
Management course uh back in UK I think
it took some time off S can get the
speed right this one has got everybody
fooled everybody everybody’s coming up
short here took some time off from the
game played the local French tour some
tournaments in England secondary Europe
tours and took some time off he’s been
playing golf for the better part of his
life said he needed that reset so I
think took a few years off and uh as I
say absence makes the heart grow fond so
he realized that what is what he really
loves is golf so you know and what he’s
actually good at it is the game of golf
and uh spark a little bit of passion for
the game once again and that hunger
drives you so wants to play a lot more
yeah dma got a really good read on this
part he um had to move his marker was
coming in Sak’s line so he knows which
way this
moves it always
helps for parting for a spar
he’s he’s been very good with these two
three four Footers you know which is
you’re going to get a whole bunch of
them and you’ll have to make them under
the gun I feel if a if a player is
confident from within four five feet
then he can really putt well cuz that’s
what matters if you you can be
aggressive you can free a lot more yeah
absolutely it allows you
to to be free here with your uh as far
as putting on the greens you know it’s 5
ft I’m going to make the return if it
goes past so always Greg Norman was a
big proponent of that I remember I’ve
read his book and uh he used to like
banging them you know hitting the back
of the cup and and holding them that way
so he’s very aggressive with his putting
especially in his Heyday and Uno uh in
the world I remember once I was watching
I was watching he had gone 93 Holes
without making a
b I’m not I’m not sure if it’s a record
on the PGA tour but 93 holes is a long
time before making his first move he was
a ball striking machine and he’s a good
part actually good bunker shots overall
game was really good and the funny thing
is that you know traveled to Australia a
few times he draws mixed reactions and
that’s to put it
politely so
well he’s one of those people
who I guess you love him or hate
him as we have a look at sth on hole
nine yeah looks like that was for birdie
and that small fist pump going he’s
playing well today got of started with
the Boogie but then he’s come back with
a few birdies
alongside Yash majar
yeah well U not very well versed with
where J comes from but um had his uh had
a different version of the
claw and
broomstick unusual pting technique but
effective Rashid has Eagle number 14 so
he’s 200 today 600 for the
tournament anua going well as well he’s
today 7 under for the tournament
so now you can see a lot of people are
scoring at the scores on the back line
are at least a couple Strokes less
compared to the front
so the
demanding part 3 11th
that was the trio of himat Singh Ray
Varun parik and dianu baj waiting for
the green to clear
and on our screen
is the trio of
rahil ganji bad
and Indian
open wienner
cppa number 10 the power four pin the
10th is
also positioned in a corner as are some
others today we have really tight pins
as a result the scoring is been a bit
10th hole is 23 Paces in and four from
the right and then so just for your
viewers the proximity of the edges
determined how tough the pins are so
it’s the tenth is four from the right
length is five from the left six from
the right four from the left six from
the right left three from the left five
from the right five from the left so
it’s and all the corners
today just two Center prints one on
number four and one on number
16 B Len with his birdie part on number
B 100 today so
far he’s red beautifully though
coming up a bit
short playing alongside Rahel
Genji who’s one under
today after his front
nine Ry hasn’t got his turn yet looks
like he’s hit it quite
close on number
10 the low round today thus far is JJ
Singh kandu
he’s 4 under after his 12 holes
was very uncharacteristic of
miappa normally quite reliable from that
length see that he’s um very upset with
r with his birdie p on number
10 up and out of it
quickly just a little indecisive about
the line there
you know that’s why
he’s not on top of the pack he’s not
probably not putting as well as we’ve
used to seen him
putt lovely view of the Classic Golf and
Club in New
harana this is the GR G open 2024
powered by
ranjan and we
are one third through our final days
coverage the leaders are making their
way towards the 7th te the lead
presently held by m Dharma our overnight
leader he’s 15 under one under
today close Pursuit is sain basya at 13
under and shorter drift further drift is
chiber odan man with a little bit
of stance trouble on number nine the PA
the looks like he’s
uh bladed it over the
green playing
with Jas Chandra Ms and abijit sing
cheda isa’s fun over
today looks like um dma is doing all the
things yeah he’s uh he’s keeping his
composure for sure you can see that he’s
made all those you know KNE knockers so
far Rashid K Rashid Khan coming in with
an eagle on hold number 14
moved himself to six underp for the
tournament maniam unfortunately running
out of steam making a B on hole number
13 and now moving to two under for the
day and has three holes to go still
nevertheless a good round uh being
together asash Chandra Ms with his
birdie attemp on number
nine should gather speed now a good good
part that’s a fantastic part that’s a
really good birdie by Yas on number
nine Jamal Hussein is 400 today
after his nine
holes interesting Chip Shot coming
up yeah he was on that
face bunker face on the right bladed his
chip over the green and now he’s got his
work cut out to make par on number
nine with with
length it’s more like a short par off
and long Par Four for him the number the
PA 59th tole yeah it’s got a lot of Bly
strength in him
Hasan so there’s not much of altitude
difference between these two gentlemen
on your
screen man though now this year uh the
world ranking points really far down in
so shows you the difference um few years
make yeah but shanka and gagan would
make a really good actually V is playing
well also so I see two out of these
three going for the
Olympics how many tournaments do we have
uh to the
Olympics not very many not on the pgti
so so many before they go
but we does play on the Asian tour as
well so yeah you know no the the Asian
tour and the European tour have events
so gagan jit and V and shanka will be
playing quite a few before the the
decision is made so I I
see two out of those three going
missing that part is CH
up we missed the cut this week uh
unfortunately at the Saudi
Open yeah I was watching some videos he
po it was really windy out there
sidik rman 33rd
position was uh very dominant at one
point time especially at the dgc
probably hits it shorter than Jes also
yeah he’s shorter than Jia chiff
kapo did he make it uh just having a
look as
he shf kapor made the cut and at 46th
position a santu also making the cut as
well as gagan
buer the other Indians who missed it
Weir Kik Sharma chikar
Rapa SSP
Chia karand coacher yat Singh Sandu and
honey bis retired
so yes that put a little more Daylight
between ganit and V
John Catlin that’s a that’s a that’s a
he won two tournaments on the European
two on the same year and then he had two
really bad layers and lost his card went
back to qualifying school and got it
back so if he had won those two
tournaments in two different years he
would continue for a longer time
yeah not many tournaments uh for we on
the Asian door just two three
tournaments I think up till the Olympics
and not even sure what cut off dates
they have so Olympics is stated from
26th July to 11th August so not many
opportunities for
him mesh with
his birdie
attempt on number eight
giving himself more work than he would
have desired
and we just going
through what our players have left
before they go to the Olympics and who’s
going to make it but right now let’s get
back to the action at Classic the car
finding the hole on number another thing
that will come into play is the players
who get to play events on the DP World
Tour such as Shankar and I think gagan
jit also gets a few quite a few events
there so they get more opportunities to
accumulate world ranking points pgti is
off after this week for a while at least
until the Olympics
uh uh so that would make it quite
difficult for somebody like we he would
have to see where he can get exemptions
and starts to try and accumulate some
world ranking points what’s your take on
that where are the places that he could
actually get those sort of
starts get it on the join sanction event
no they don’t have any with the as
anymore so I’m not sure you’ll have to
ask for some
starts I’m missing that he’s played well
at the Indian open so he will get a few
yeah that second uh yeah top 10 allows
you start the next week so maybe he can
uh yes sh having a good run
so he’s
uh see how he’s gone today he’s he’s
gone birdy birdy Eagle last four three
holes of the front
line and he’s 12 under now just three
behind yeah but M Dharma is not letting
up either he’s made another birdie and
moved to 16 underp power with a three
shot lead so
he knows how to win oh look at
that you is going to say that’s
something that you don’t see Mukesh to
maybe they can pull a leaf out of his
book he’s got the similar distance com
now let’s let’s have a look at the
preparation that mesh puts in okay let’s
have a look at this pre-shot routine he
has all of three feet uh Amit maybe
three and a half maybe four feet yeah
he’s going to do his gardening first
he’s going to find a few pitch marks
find the one that he wants to roll it
over he’s going to make sure that he you
know he’s it’s correct so he’s seen that
point he hasn’t taken much time so means
he’s he’s comfortable over this one
because it’s uphill yeah he’s going to
give it a few swashes like that and now
he he’s just looking at that spot he’s
chosen he’s been fairly quick on this
one to be honest but ah he misses the
commentator’s curse yeah is that’s a
three part bogy which is very unlike m
is wasn’t that really gingerly the way
he hits the parts and I mean it is yeah
but you know it looks like he’s he’s
he’s bogey seven and eight now so that’s
takes him back to 900 that’s now it’s
too far ahead probably yeah I think
that’s a bridge too far for him now
karma doesn’t look like he’s going to
his pedal off the Metal He’s uh in
control right now he’s in
cruising well I hope I don’t have a
commentator curse like my friend out
here but uh he looks like he’s in
control right now yeah he’s he’s uh and
and the good thing is not too many
difficult holes now he maybe just needs
to navigate the 11th and then it’s
fairly straightforward from here on in
and then 11th is not playing fullard
it’s it’s a tight pin but it’s it’s it’s
it’s easier than yesterday
spin yeah and the good thing is it’s
it’s probably a rescue for him from that
back te so a rescue is still easier to
hit than than probably a four and not
the things if he misses it in the front
bunker which he did yesterday it’s a
much easier shot today he had a really
long bunker short
yesterday I’ll look at some of the other
players out on the golf
course sh bachara one under par anima 3
under going along well
nobody really shooting the lights out
today it’s a different sort of a day yes
this life has been injected into yashash
Chandra over the last three holes though
he’s gone birdie birdie eagle J suu four
under for the day I think it’s n triar
on the back yeah yeah I think that’s
Niha on the back she good golfer in her
own right
a very good golfer you know you know
right and helping her friend out that’s
nice to see as he have a look at shamim
KH strong girl also you know I i’ I
watched her play wga AI event shamim KH
showing us the the you utility
wedge yeah
he’s a really good wge player
though would love to see a sequence Ang
go see steady stays on top of it that’s
a secret to hitting it straight there’s
very little Center change of all the
players who you would think would be the
career money leaders you would never
really if if you don’t know the game and
you would put shamim Khan in front of
somebody who’s never played the game of
golf you would not really think that he
would be the money leader but it’s U he
has that game from inside 100 yards he’s
devastating and and he’s oh Raj oh Rajiv
yes you’re doing the right thing my
friend that should be a birdie I don’t
think you would have been there in you
never know he was there yesterday but
beyond the bunker there and two is very
unlikely a good sh’s first ever Pro
tournament I was playing with him he had
come he’ won the qualifying school he
had come to Chennai we were playing at
gindy and I’m like looking at him I said
this guy is pretty tiny you know I said
and then he he played really well that
week you I don’t know what he finished
but I know he played well that week he
was solid around the green didn’t make a
bogey and another thing that he doesn’t
get much credit for he’s very good with
his irons as well he has that consistent
draw and really it’s a straight uh I
mean the ball maybe carries about 250
with the driver has that dipping draw
but he’s always in control and uh it
looks always never looks flustered even
from the rough or whatever just hacks it
out and I like his you know Center being
that steady that that makes the misses
small anyone who can keep the center
study is generally straight off the we
see a lot of parts being hold from that
side Arjun as well ninth green has been
very generous to yeah our last few
groups we seen a lot of parts going
we’ve seen a lot of birdies on the hold
number n
yesha eagled it we got a whole bunch of
birdies that we’ve seen yeah surprising
You’ barely seen any parts it’s just
yielded birdies Eagles and
uh what What’s that maybe the flag pin
position maybe the wind’s also right to
left because it’s allowing them to get
closer if he’s playing right to left
down then it’s it’s a cake walk you know
you’re just going to head out there it
goes on most it’s easier to move it then
because you don’t want to start it over
the bunker and bring
right tappy with his putt on number nine
let’s see if hold is been generous to
him just missing out a bit by it tapy
guy presently even PA for his
round 10 under for the tournament
he’s got to at 16 we were thinking 17 18
right so it’s very close to that 17
number M
tharma you’re what a great shot but he
tired and that’s a drinks break but
what’s the plus sign for electr
plus you can see uh uh the Grain on
number eight grows from T to Green so if
you pitch it you the ball tends to
release more you see a lot of shots
coming to the back of the
green unless you pitch it on the front
side of the green where the green is the
other way around so the front of the
green has the grein into you and then
it’s away from you yeah this is a long
hitter flag you get closer to uh the
green then you can put a lot more spin
on it otherwise you’ll find yourself uh
going over the green
and it’s not the easiest Chip Shot from
here the grain grows into you as you
stated let’s see how these players
navigate that Zak electing to put he’s
one under today and 12 under for the
tournament he’s
tied for third alongside yashas
presently it’s a really good lag part
there SP that so far he’s had quite a
few opportunities hasn’t capitalized on
them except for the power five third
hole you can see a split screen here we
have odan Mane on live F2 playing number
10 yeah come short here with his second
shot coming out of that rough to this
flag always reminds me of uh
anel cabera the way he kind of walks and
loose the duck
yes I used to you know I’ve seen him hit
a ball and he was long that’s a good
shot that’s really
good brilliant
touch he’s uh he’s extremely long
there’s a there’s a plaque on at Sosa
where he is drive on number 18 people
don’t even get within 20 yards of that
now he I don’t know if you know of the
hole it’s about almost 600 yards he hit
a seven eyon for a second
shot he’s again one of those big Burly
strong golfers I remember remember when
he won the so he’s won he’s he’s a two
time major champ he’s won a US Open he’s
won U the Masters and he won the US Open
on the last only he was getting he
overtook tiger in that tournament so and
remember the last holy this 360 yard
drive right down the center under the
gun so he he knew he he was a really
player a little bit like John Dy pretty
similar you know you you don’t you
didn’t never realize how big he was when
till I saw him in person he was two JIS
in one yeah yeah he was same height
double the width
and long arms really like like a you
know really long levers so loose and but
is really strong through the
ball never held
Dharma continues to putw it’s good to
him Perform This Way
these are like my fellow
commentator described him the real
journeyman Pro yeah it’s uh it’s good to
him in the lead once
again he one of the few affable
characters that I think no one has
anything bad to say about his he’s uh
does all the right things and says all
the right things and it’s a really
pleasing person to be around as well I
play junior golf with him as well and
you’ve seen him comes from a very humble
background and that’s what you know he’s
a typical Cinderella story and that’s
why I think Golf and all sports
especially golf as an individual sport
provides these opportunities where
people can actually make something out
of their life it’s not just players we
seeing you know who come from maybe
slightly privileged backgrounds it’s
some of the better best players have
been those from Humble
background it um yeah
you know professional golf in India has
done a lot for the social fabric of the
country as well you’ve seen you know
mesh Kumar Ashok Kumar Rashid Khan I
mean the list goes on and on people who
have start have had humble beginnings
and for and have been rewarded for the
Love of the Game and you know the Rashid
Khan Ashok Kumar they products of the
golf Foundation actually and Amit lutra
was a colleague of mine who runs that is
you know hats off to him he’s he’s uh
he’s done a lot for uplifting that
segment as far as golf is concerned yeah
you need that you need benefactors who
who look out uh for uh these hidden gems
in the
rough well on good part there by
yeses yeah the wind is picking up
now maybe this is the missing ingredient
this is what we needed to add
more drama and Intrigue to The Back N so
Mukesh has left himself the easiest
pitch that you can leave yourself in
this hole Yeah he would be smarting from
that three part on the previous hole
so I think he needs to put some kind of
move on he’s he’s backtracked quite a
lot he’s he’s now find himself
in tight 12th at nine
under I think winning is is pretty much
out of the question to be honest but he
would be looking to have a good finish
here I’m not sure what that butt was for
as far as our leader tharma is
concerned that was for Birdie on number
eight short so he’s gone birdie birdie
seven and eight he’s 17 under now he’s
four shots clear of his
closest rival sain basya
sh also 300 but at 12 under total
so our bird sorry our leader has made
three bird in the last four whole
sh that miscalculated his approach on
number six is the only hole that he’s
sped in the last four
holes shades of the Masters here opening
up a big lead a last SC shifler being
pulled by m Dharma four shots now
separate him and sain
besya that shows you that you never
content with one short you want to keep
uh that Chasm and relief from out there
on the just off the Fairway on number 10
that’s a really big Drive they really
narrowed down this Fairway though huh sh
that’s what I told you they’ve done that
to almost all the fairways this Fairway
now it’s a small chicken neck maybe all
of 14 or 15 yards at most where the I
like that I like that it was otherwise I
classic plays that’s how you’ve seen the
scoring is um you know it’s it’s stifled
the scoring somewhat and that’s a
sign now Jal jaal has had a couple of
birdies himself yeah he’s back to 10
under you know would love to see him
have a really good week coming from the
left R to that right flag is not the
worst place he has enough green to work
with he can actually pitch it on the
center and then it’ll work its way so uh
if you have to miss it somewhere this is
a place to miss it
so no uh something we have observed over
the last two days watching him he’s not
the most accurate of the team though
he’s not long but he’s not very accurate
of the te he’s wavered as well yeah so
he it’s it’s he’s put himself in some
tight spots you know normally somebody
who’s not the longest of the tea
generally is very accurate he it a
really good approach there yeah
fantastic so he’s been able to utilize
the lay of the land and that’s really
well done by
Rajiv we have a look at Arjun now this
would be a lot more tougher coming out
from the right hand side shortsighted
himself and
uh not sure short sided himself yet but
on on the wrong side it’s very easy to
shorts side himself from here yeah it’s
it’s it makes getting close that much
more difficult I would think you know
being being on the green and right of
the flag is almost impossible from here
let’s see yeah we land in line with the
flag it’ll be tough for him to hold the
putting surface because it’s going to
release the wind is with him you know
it’s downwind for him he pished it right
at the flag and gone over the flag so
that’s why I think this is a genius move
putting the flag there and and narrowing
the fav down just gives the players see
I told you that’s the the the wind is
right to left on number nine that’s why
we see so many shots com in close
because it’s helping the golfers get
closer let’s see what tapy can do after
that uh that monstrous drive that’s a
really big drive but happy yeah this
part here to get close he has to land
this between the start of the green and
the flag so and
the wind is from behind it’s going to
shove the ball it’s going to get the
lower so can’t quite spot the ball yet I
think Rajiv is the closest though from
that Fairway
bunker this is prar with
his putt on number nine the P
five mes having a really good look at
the way the ball traveled so he so he
has an idea what his part is going to
do the group of prakar Asawa mesh
Kumar on the ninth green playing
alongside Mohammad Akbar Hussein who’s
had a decimal eighth hole he’s just made
there Fallen back to 900 two over for
today inally he and mesh are the only
golfers who have uh not made Birdie on
the front line
yet yet to open their
account yeah he’s giving himself outside
chances he hasn’t hit it close enough
so low of probability comes into play
there the closer you are the better your
chance of holding
aart so proximity to the hole with your
approach does
matter to scoring
well Muhammad abbar Hussein with his
part on number nine the Fring is going
to come going to bother his back swing a
bit though you can see that’s bothering
the the back swing is come a bit short
okay sizing up what he’s got left it’s
pretty average for for him from that
length as far as pitching is concerned
he’s he’s a really good picture of the
ball in in yester years this would have
been within 4 feet and it would have
touched the whole one thing that you
don’t realize is the old you get nerves
also tend to get fra a lot more
unfortunate for him your short game also
does take a hit
yeah had a brilliant round yesterday
though did
mes it’s good to see him at least in
contention he’s got uh you can see he
put a spring back into his step he’s
he’s got a little more you know can see
desire or what you know to perform
earlier you know when sometimes when
you’re in you’re on the way
you know everything that goes up has to
come down so when you’re on your on your
downward spiral you you need to things
like this happening to you know keep the
enthusiasm as far as practices is
concerned and your routines and your you
know all the thing that are required for
you to perform well so this is going to
put a spring life back into him I I
would say yeah you need those uh the
spurts of uh lightning I don’t think
anybody can hear within 10 15 ft of this
flag today yeah it’s a pretty tight
flag not sure if it’s
um so abijit sing cheda from the bunker
over the green playing back it’s a very
good bunker shot by bunker shot by
him is one of those bunker shots you
know it’s downhill downg grain so you
know the the green does a lot of the
work for you otherwise you if you have
the same length buka short when it’s up
you need to do a lot of work you know
you need to pitch it up all the way and
you go to but when you downhill downg
you can let the terrain do a lot of work
you yeah definitely executed it to
almost Perfection there at abig
chat and uh you know a change from from
the past is what I see is that longer
hitters now also possess good short game
that wasn’t the case previously the long
hitters quite often um would would give
short game practice a Miss they would
not be putting or chipping they would
just be happy hitting it long and flush
and you know the the thing is that these
days there’s so many things to help you
improve is you have all
these stats you can keep your stats and
you can know okay this is where I need
to work more on as far as everything is
concerned so it makes uh the practice
sessions much more productive than in
than in yester years earlier you used to
say okay I need to hit some balls and
okay it tells you okay this is the
distance you’re not good enough from you
and strokes gained and this is the
length of part that you need to improve
on this is the kind of pitch that you’re
not getting close enough on B everything
you know Udan would have gone to school
on after abig Gate’s bunker shot that
would have given him some idea how this
green is going to roll from here yeah
right to left grain’s right to right to
left slow a bit right to left you know
this if you make three on uh 11 today
you might G gain 25 Strokes to the field
you’ll see a lot of uh uh they you won’t
see any very few birdies today have you
got any birdie so far one bird one
birdie by V must have hold out from the
bunker or something because he with his
flight I don’t think he’s getting the
ball to stop
close so that’s one birdie a bunch of
Bogies and a double bogy as well by
Jamal so you can see it’s playing like a
3.5 and if you make three yeah half
almost half a short
game this is a very straight part though
you want to hit it left I have a feeling
this is going in the hole cuz he’s seen
two balls from that
side you you you might think it’s going
to turn from left to right but it’s
actually very
straight he’s got it uh he’s got right
it’s a very straight part look at that
it’s it’s a lot about feelings you can
feel that this part was going to go in
because he’s seen odan man’s part he’s
got the speed speed he’s seen how it’s
moving but he’s a good pupil it tells
you a lot he he went to school on that
it’s not that easy he was cognizant of
what’s Happening that takes him to uh 1
under sh he’s he’s got a good round
going he comes in with a flurry what I
really like look at the speed it was a
Perfection all around a good read by
Kalo there yeah so his man Friday is
definitely on the money she said okay
just from the right edge of that dark
green patch and oh look at it bouncing
three that may be a little bit of a
glitch but looked rather
funny a sing with his popart this one
again doesn’t turn as much as you think
it will because the grains actually left
a bit from the left this is a difficult
one because you end up missing it on the
right um I played this hole and we had a
similar pin position on that Monday
qualifying it actually goes the other
way yeah you think it was a little more
away from where our camera situated
actually it would go left to right this
one I think right in uh this would
actually be right center so it’s it’s a
very easy part to miss if you just flare
it out a little bit to the
right look at that see it’s it’s it’s
one of those things where it’s just not
perceptible to the naked even if your C
even if your C tells you that it’s you
believe it you won’t believe it because
it actually very there’s a subtle break
and the problem is if you start left
it’ll go on the left hand side it’s one
of those parts which is on like a spine
yeah it’s on a fall line those are the
toughest parts to get
right Rajiv Kumar jaal has
birdied another hole so he’s one under
11 under for the tournament so oh he’s a
man on fire is going to make some bucks
here that’s why his name was Bon bu used
to gamble a lot on the golf
pass well it sure is paying off today
it’s exciting to see him make three
birdies let’s hope he makes
more odan man with a mere
formality his butterhead is as big as
him yeah that’s a nazzy looking putter
like a
spacecraft reminds me of the Star Wars
movies of the yester
years asid Khan with an eagle today
himat Ry with an eagle today Jas Chandra
with an eagle today we’ve
had we have had four Eagles today sh we
sh bachara with one on number
18 himat on number
uh sorry Rashid KH number
14 and justas number
Anda not sure what this is for
meticulous as ever M Dharma is
uh a real grinder
dma putting a really good rooll on that
ball chorya narrowly missing out good
for Speed he’s not letting he’s not
giving away
anything he says okay catch me if you
can I’m going to just play my game
that’s actually a good attitude you
mustn’t take anything for granted
because this course has opportunities
for birdies and Eagles and if if you
leave it
if you you know take your foot of the
gas somebody could Eagle the 18th and
maybe shoot three under on the last four
holes and catch up with you Unos so it’s
important that he keep taking his
opportunities and uh not let up
yeah some key stretch coming up for him
with uh 11 10 11 10 is all right 11 is a
is a hole which could lend some trouble
but he he shapes it from right to left
so if any I think it it’s actually suits
eye he likes to get that high looping
draw I’m more worried about the distance
aspect on that home because it’s a white
green so it’s a white green but he he’ll
probably go with a rescue with where the
flag is so and he’s really good with
that club or maybe four and depending on
the wind conditions and the wind
actually is from the back right so maybe
a four or a five and for him because the
10th is also playing downwind
suchin with
his part one number
nine oh I think he just hit it too hard
for the break he had
taken you got to be a little more
patient my
friend sometimes you try to force the
issue and it just goes the other
way that was looked like some part like
he was trying to force the
issue the wind did pick up for a little
while but now it’s died down again I
think it’s uh
I think it’s going to be fairly
benign I would think this is the season
for the lowest scor this kind of weather
and how the golf course plays a little
hard hard greens are receptive still
yeah but do you think for a longer
hitters maybe Monsoon easier because
they can just drop the ball on a number
this is this gets the medium and the
shorter hitters more uh more
competitive well horses for course is
always so you you some condition will
suit some people and some
not I for one never really enjoyed mons
go the ball would just pitch and not go
anywhere luckily you didn’t play in
Malaysia that much then that is just
Back Spin driver Back
Spin Singapore yeah just you get minus
half a yard of rone so it comes back
half a yard all about fly yeah was
playing I remember Glen M it’s almost
every t-shot is uphill and it’s it’s
coming back on the
like so you know when you play in
Malaysia when you come back to India
after that and he’s like God I’m getting
a little bit of roll now I was just you
start doubting whether you putting too
much spin on the
ball I a tricky little Chip Shot
car just over the back on number
10 falling pre to that flag stick it’s
it’s what you call a suckerin it lures
in he loves to hit these row low chips
you know and sometimes you need to give
it a little more air like that one was
more that that would not be the correct
trajectory to it’s downhill down grain
it it’s very few players who can
actually hit the high Chip Shot
consistently well um if you think about
it that’s the Hallmark what separates a
great short
game hitting that shot I would say like
90% of players can actually hit that
shot but very few have the ability of
flighting it and pitching it on the
green you know this uh because you you
see someone with a lot of sha lean at a
dress you know that person is tending to
hit the wall he prefers the low
trajectory and then with a more neutral
sha lean at dress you know they they
they going to put a little more air time
on the chips this is me Amit du and this
is my fellow commentator Shia saying um
it’s not early morning it’s almost
afternoon now Amit and um we we’ve
reached the business end of things only
nine holes to go and I think this is a
good time that we can actually think of
who is going to be the person who’s
going to win the tournament who do you
think is your pick uh for well I I I
think Dharma is is in the driver’s seat
right now and he’s he’s
been come close to dropping a stroke
he’s he’s been in regulation and he’s
you know hit his long Parts have been
good so I think I think Dharma is well
and truly in control as of right now
unless somebody has a really blistering
back nine I think yashas might be the
only one that I can think of um from all
the players we can
actually Sak chiber is there but as I
would favor yashas more at this point in
time he’s made a birdie birdy Eagle
maybe if he shoots another four or three
under on the back and get to about that
15 16 but anyways it’s it’s dhas onment
to lose from here on I don’t think he’s
going to give it back to the field they
if they need to do something spectacular
to get to where he is you know it’s too
much I think nine holes he’s already has
a four short lead of such in
so it’s his tournament to lose from here
on yeah and you can see that a little
bit of impatience from sain basya on on
on number nine he hit that four-footer
really hard and um resulted in a lip out
and you know it might come back to bite
him he’s that would have got him within
three of of dma but now he’s four
back that’s
uh four is a is a big number to catch up
in nine holes if I gave you four if you
gave me four strokes in 9 on would you
beat me most likely right four strokes
is very difficult yeah so this is how
you can equate it if if sain basya gives
M Dharma right now four shorts and nine
holes who would win yes probably
probability says but the thing is how it
becomes different is because you have
players playing in different groups and
that’s what causes uh if everybody is
playing together and and he had a that’s
where yashas comes in he’s not playing
in this group them yeah so he they don’t
know what’s happening ahead as in Dharma
doesn’t know what’s happening ahead with
jash oh tapy guy using the whole hole
he’s uh gone around his house drunk and
in Muhammad abbar
Hussein little bit of work left on
10 on live feed one and then we have
Arjun Prasad on number 11 on life Fe
2 how’s Arjun playing
today Arjun is one under for the day
just one birdie yeah on number nine nine
yes not too bad not too bad decent quite
a few birdie holes on the back nine that
he can capitalize on you know the worst
score today is that this group of mammad
Akbar Hussein and
uh and mesh there there’s hardly any
energy in that group there everybody
Spar and prar is what what’s prar for
today he’s in that group with them he’s
he’s Spar and the other two are is
there’s no inspiration out there right
now they need a few birdies in that in
that group somebody needs to do
something to allow the others to feed
him show me the
sunset you make me
happy we want to go
there it’s
beautiful let’s
go magnite be celebrated with the big
bold beautiful Nissan
magnite hole number 13
I think that you miss judg where the
hole was or did it move back while you
hit it so that’s a let that’s a huge uh
misjudgment by Rahel
who’s very un
unexpected from
him and he got so you know bogged up
with the line that he forgot that he had
to hit it up that up the H yeah that
happens if
uh he’s playing alongside chin Swami
mppa it’s quite a group it’s a good
group L of uh golf Heritage and Legacy
between them lot of big Victor is back
in shape though it’s good to see he’s
he’s back in like physical shape like he
let go for a bit but uh he’s back in
good shape that will uh really help his
cause on not quite certain how how his
back is doing that was something that
has been ailing him for well over a
decade K now you can see he’s he’s so
tied up in getting the line correct that
he’s forgotten to hit it and he just
it okay don’t forget to hit this one R
and you still haven’t reached the hole
oh this is uh compounding errors and Ry
is uh one under so that gets him back to
even power for today
very famous dialog from movie you could
apply to him being in the sugar bus
business he for got the taste of real
honey got to hit it till the hole my
friend he won’t go in
otherwise let’s see if uh China Swami
Mana seems to have changed his spotting
grip if I’m not wrong a lot of claw
grips on tour these days you know it’s U
it’s the yeah you could make out the
moment hear it he he looked a little
nervous he looked
on little
impatiently and mppa today is
PA on a little bit of a spending spee
making bogy
on 10 and 11 and then paring 12 and then
this is another drop shot on number
13 a little bit of peak there as well so
you know maybe he’s just still anxious
about the
Baden third member in this group he’s
seen two really not the parts that he
would like to see before he has his own
part but lucky for him yeah very little
work left
and birdie number 12 so he’s moved to 11
under he’s having a good run
today I would love to see what your Shas
is up to
see the group walking up whole number
10 yeah
Dharma in the driver’s seat as of now
his closest pursuers Four Shorts of
he’s left uh himself a fair distance
maybe yeah I don’t think he should
change his uh game plan or
mindset his uh these
long uh parts are not the easiest under
the only drawback of having an event
here if if there is any this is a
fantastic facility it’s a little far out
so you don’t have too many patrons and
gallery is always
a uh is is difficult for people to come
this far but also being a weekday
otherwise you do have quite a few uh
members here who are very passionate
about uh the game
you know there’s so many
new you know Apartments which have come
up on the closer to Classic is it’s
surprising you know from yesterday years
there’s so much more inhabitants there
yeah we remember back in the day this
used to be in The Boondocks it was uh
it’s like about 10 20 kilometers of
nothing yeah and then you know the the
the approach road is so good now earlier
there were times where the the approach
Road was uh you know not the best and it
would take us it takes uh from from nor
it takes me like an hour and 5 10
minutes early in the morning and not not
driving very fast either
so not getting any speeding tickets that
is that’s that’s the important point so
without any speeding tickets it takes me
a hour and 5 10 minutes yeah that’s
another change now you you can’t quite
speed so as to speak you always have to
leave in time so no G Pratap these days
yeah these days I’m sure that he’d have
quite a few speeding tickets under his
belt I would love to know how many
though there no speeding tickets for
flying low is there
yeah I think I think he was a pilot in
his previous life unfortunately in this
time of the human form he he has to make
do with a car only trajectory sees that
is that of a golf ball but he really has
very aggressive mindset especially on
the final days of tournaments and and
really believes that even if he’s 15
shots behind he can win a tournament and
laces a few expletives in there as well
and says that I can do it yeah just
missed a few parts but um let’s see how
he’s doing today can we just give us a
quick update on that
Shia GPS so prap Singh uh not really
flying low uh he’s trolling he’s
hovering yeah he is at even par for the
day and one under for the
tournament he joined by har gang gang
war at one under
par Ain sharma’s having a pretty steady
day today one birdie all pass one
under that’s um these are few of the
names from this side of town and S
Sharma two over today even power for the
tournament so 50th Place Singh In 55th
position who got into this tournament uh
kind courtesy the Monday qualifier where
he played two under parts so shot two
underp and three under the first round
three over made the cut on the line and
uh he and my my good friend bikramjit
sing Sandu both shot to wonder to make
it stepan dank for having the best of
days at six over par I must be thinking
of getting back to the Czech Republic he
this is he’s got a big break coming up
on our tour so he might be on tonight’s
flight back to Czech Republic well we
have a program tomorrow so maybe
not M Dharma left him s with a little
bit of work here um
Shia yeah it’s uh this is going to be
FAL yeah this is like a momentum keep I
feel this might be the tournament
winning part because if he misses this
then things can yeah then then he’s
taking the and then you have the 11th
coming up but if you make this part then
it’s uh pretty much done and
dusted that’s why he’s taking his time
left himself a lot of work sure
yeah8 ft
left that’s the hold between both the
caddies no that’s oh
fantastic sorry that was not the whole
that was
sa s chip proving his metal there is uh
Mar yeah
these this length of PL the they are
they pivotal to winning a tournament
they if you if you if you make all these
parts you can
uh you can bre
the bit more
and so
he’s taking a step backwards
there we haven’t the only one who we’ve
seen here close on this hole is Rajiv
Kumar chal and that also from the
Fairway bunker so people are not getting
very close to this 10th ho pin now
nobody will because this is our final
group and yashas has birdied
11 and 12 so now he’s five under today
14 under the he’s the closest pursuer
to he’s letting his presence known yeah
M Dharma he’s uh 600 the last six
holes it was one hour after six and he’s
that’s a way to get somebody’s attention
you know I was watching the the valer
Texas open that one that AKA bhia won
and he didn’t take his pedal of the
metal he he shot two under the back nine
but Denny MTI shot eight or nine under
the back nine and they went into a
playoff so you know it’s never over till
it’s over
so hopefully Yas keeps us I mean he’s
keeping us entertained yeah six under in
the last six it’s a really rarified a
fantastic golf by yesha it’s shows he
that the fundamentals of the go swing do
matter it’s not just about hitting it
far it’s he was he was he was leading
till three holes to go at the no event
as well then he made bogy
on made bogy
on 16 and
17 both so that derailed
him uh let’s speak the heat with Aman
electr plus yes let’s see you can uh
gulp it down first all right Bud on
three yeah 1 three 2 1
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we have a look at whole number five Anga
Chima having a go at the Nissan magnite
will it be his day
the car eagerly
awaits its owner it’s a good shot by Ang
maybe just about a yard off and that
have trickled back
anima playing alongside a besya and
besya let’s see where this one ends up
forit seems to be going a little left
yeah long and left
so uh none from the group uh making a
hole in
one I was thinking this is probably the
most uh friendly flag and we’ve not seen
any good shots on all number five uh for
the last two days I can’t quite recall
anybody getting the number right you’ve
seen either somebody short or long
and yeah it’s um it’s surprising
actually and it’s it’s a just a nine or
eight High into that flag on number five
I’m surprised that they’re not many
birdies as well if you look at hold
number five how bir
five far surprising to be
honest you could have a friendly
yeah very surprised with
that the scoring on number five this
week I thought there would be a ho in
one by the way cuz that did I I’m really
surprised to be honest it’s maybe it’s
between clubs or I’m not quite certain
what it is the landing area is really
small you’re not team of uh like not
everybody’s hitting the same Club so
it’s not definitely between clubs right
but what could it be maybe the landing
area that bowl is really small or I’m a
little surprised you’ve not even seen
any shots actually in that
bow not even uh like somebody getting
the yardage and and getting it within
that 5 to 10 ft uh sort of brilliant
shot there by yashas in number 13 yeah
he’s not letting
go he’s making it really exciting for
us CaRu has a spring in his step
now you know he’ll be whispering all the
right things to his
player or maybe just keep out of the way
when you know when when somebody’s on
song let them do their thing
and he he still has birdie holes 14 15
18 coming up
so even 16 with his length he could be
hitting a rescue and then maybe a eight
an I think he’s uh he’s found something
he’s watch out that
but dma is not making any mistakes he’s
he’s really up close there on the tough
part three 11 for PA
back to the split screen view
very important part will be coming up
yeses prior of that AB
cha will aim to make his as
well we also urge our viewers to head on
over to www. PGT ofindia you can get a
treasure Trove of information there
statistics about your favorite players
uh the tour schedule although the tour
will be on a brief High it is for a few
months the summer months traditionally
when uh you don’t have too many
tournaments and you can also go on over
to our social media pages on either ABP
or even PGT of India and there you can
let us know um about this broadcast what
do you like like to hear more of if
there are any players that you’d want us
to follow or just any information about
the game of golf we’d be more than happy
to answer your
questions as you have a look at Dharma
on hole number
11 yeah he’s got about 2 ft for power so
I could give him that one right now
nicely done by tharma still have his
three short
lead depending on what happens here with
this is a yes
spot crucial part as far as the result
of this tournament is concerned we
could this is very makeable but it turns
a lot listen that small bowl on the left
middle of the green on number 13 has a
lot of borrow in it sh and he’s ready to
oh my God that was that was a really
good part yeah he just got robbed
there was a good part by yes should be
proud of that when you hear a good part
doesn’t go in you you can’t get too down
on yourself maybe a roll off distance
speed wise it had needed at one or two
more inches of speed on it it would have
found the hole just broke away from the
front of the hole let’s have a really
another look at that yeah it looked good
it looked like is going to go in here
just one or two rolls of speed lacking
in that
part this one is considerably easier as
far as the line is
concerned it moves left to right but
it’s very marginal
manone Oh missing it on the lower side
well like you saw just now on our screen
and you put his pter on the ground it’s
so big the parts of the butter there
were not on the ground
right because the it’s being a downhill
part look like the front part of his
part was in the air
Tiding up hudan on number
13 Haram Fox that uh looks like he
misread that one
Anda still leading the tournament at 17
underpar Yasha
trailing by three shots at 14
underpar familiar
pause of amardip Singh Malik that’s his
wife looking
on looks like she spotted the ball
that’s rill with his wife starting off
she’s not caring this week is
she that’s Niar helping out
J good player herself plays on the
WG I think also on some of the
international tours as well she Ventures
on the L I think she she’s feel a little
bit there as
well that’s one of the referees nalani
Singh she’s uh she played a little bit
of pro golf
herself married to a professional golfer
Basim Australian yeah
Australian he’s uh now taken to teaching
like myself he had he teaches in in
Mumbai he is his uh part of his family
is from
Mumbai and these are really nice view of
what the golfers are faced on the p with
on the power
59 that’s a quick look at our
leaderboard we have M
Dharma firmly on top at 17
under three shots drift
is yashas Chandra Ms and 12 wonder is
Sachin basya 11 khin sanit Udan Arjun
prash Sak there’s a lot of people at at
in fourth
position and Rajiv Kumar jaal bringing
up the top and at
900 some brilliant camera work there
yeah that was uh the approach into
13 by sunit
Rajiv Kumar
jaal made a birdie on 10 but
unfortunately made
five on hole number 11 we saw him make
that but maybe he hit it out of bounds I
think because we saw him that was tppy
Guy sorry I take my words by that sty
guy Rajiv Kumar Jal with a double b in
hole number 11 not quite sure how that
happened yes that just took him six
spots back because there’s six people
tied at
under he’s joined at 9 under
by veteran mesh Kumar
and Muhammad Akbar Hussein who are
playing together
maniam finishes the day with a one under
4 under total not the back nine that he
would have been hoping for a three over
on the back nine to give him a total of
four underparts so good week not uh the
end he would have expected after getting
off to that blistering nine under pass
start so yeah he just had a little bit
of a the second day he got he he teed
off in the afternoon it was quite Gusty
that day and it scoring average was uh
at least two or three Strokes more than
the first uh first day so and then then
he got off to a really slow start
yesterday and now today he got to a fast
lry drink it
J jum
mes birdless
today two over two
Bogies one of
them was a
three-part One Number
Eight Rajiv Kumar jaal with his biry
attempt on number
13 you know I sometimes it’s surprises
me that you know he puts that well
because he’s got this yippy acceleration
to impact and you know like you you want
almost like a you makes you stop your
breath forget about his and I hope that
he can he can hold on he’s at nine under
power and normally see that for players
who are playing beyond their capacity uh
the final nine holes are the ones where
they tend to you know give The Strokes
back to the golf course so he needs to
even if he’s made a double he shouldn’t
quite lose his head should try and play
each hole and stroke on its Merit and
try and uh consolidate his
finish shouldn’t think of what was and
what could have been must focus on what
is yeah you know it’s your mind that
tells you okay this
is what you you kind of play what you
you feel is your at the end what you are
capable of playing sometimes and you
know if you you mind you feel allow your
mind to get ahead and you say okay it’s
better than I ever played so you know
it’s all right if I don’t play well
today but that’s probably didn’t wasn’t
his mindset when he shot those first two
rounds he was trying to you know
maximize himself so it’s all a mindset
and he needs
to get back
that but you think about it also might
be the weight of expectations he shot 11
underpar in much more difficult
conditions the last two days were
comparatively easier yeah uh and he’s
just not being able to produce that that
often happens with players who’ve uh
sort of played outside their comfort
zone so as to
speak you know it uh form and capability
are two words that come to my mind you
know sometimes your form is what
you’re you’re playing capability is the
best score you’ve
played so your cap your now he realizing
that he is capable what he can take back
is he’s capable of doing this now that’s
a new found that his capability and
so it’s always something you learn you
learn every day every short you learned
something in
golf and you you should always take
back the narrative you tell yourself at
the end of an activity is very important
on how you see yourself
Arjun tiing up on number 13 he’s one
under today one solitary Birdie on
number nine all pass other than that
look for Yas to make Birdie on 14 should
be unless he hits that right bunker get
a little difficult from there to hit the
green with an
iron but if he’s able to hit a good
drive there he could be coming with a
five iron if he hits the Fairway I would
put three past him so he he would
probably come in with a five iron driver
five1 at his length
this is
the group of mesh Kumar Muhammad Akbar
Hussein and mes is well behind
hiswa Okay is well behind his co-
players he wasn’t a long hitter even in
his Heyday he wasn’t long he was always
a controlled hitter of the ball he used
to put so much of left to right movement
on it so that took a lot took away a lot
of distance his irons surprisingly were
very long but he’s one who you know
consciously cut back on the driver in
order to hit straight he was a little
bit like Nick falo in that aspect he
really optimized his game for accuracy
he could hit like maybe 12 13 Fairways
around this big left to right movement
them but it was
consistent and it was you know he was
always in play and he always backed
himself hitting good approach shots you
know so looking at him now I can tell
you he’s hitting it as an at an average
10 ft further than than he used to hit
earlier at an average you know whatever
Club he’s
hitting maybe he has a longer Club also
so that’s amounting that
dispersion is amounting from the yard I
think anything he’s getting now he must
also know is is is gravy you know this
is the end of the career and
everything else is just cherry on the
now I must have got such really good
memories from his golf he’s been a
prolific winner he’s won
125 pro
events not I I don’t think we should
actually do this uh Google search who is
won the maximum number of tournaments
pro professional golf tournaments in the
world I would be really interested to
know who’s who’s who’s one more than
him good approach by
prar Asawa on number 13 leaving himself
probably the easier parts for birdie
that we’ve seen
we do the search and tiger they’re only
showing PJ to Tiger Woods is at
82 I don’t know if if there are any
domestic tour record might be difficult
to find how you can just Google uh how
many events that tiger win outside the
PJ to and that you can add those two
up might most wins on maybe something
like the all th tour or something there
might be players who won a lot T
tournaments there no not 125 because Tha
there there’s a lot of depth in the
field also they us to be you know P
J ton vachan ponu
rankit there’s so many of
them prad
maren so if you look at list of golf
with most Japan tour wins sir 94 wins
from M Mahi oaki Jo oaki yeah
yeah that’s that’s pretty close and
Japanese to is really competitive
so is saw AI 51 so maybe U haki comes
close to mesh Kumar pretty similar in 94
and 125 has 31 between them that’s like
25% less you can check the other ones
out also I I don’t see anybody Beyond
him yeah I’m certain I think he must
have a world record for how many
tournaments has Gary player won because
he won worldwide quite a few that’s what
like cuz he traveled a lot in his 159
see yeah because he traveled a lot and
he played all over the world and he’s uh
that’s a lot of Victories
yeah that’s what I thought he’s he was
he was one person who came to my
mind 24 on the p tour four on the
European Tour 20 on the sunshine tour
two on austral Asian tour PJ TOUR
Championship Champions 22 and other 63
tournaments I’m not quite sure what
are other would be like um Asian tour
and you know uh
Korean the Korean tour and the Japan
golf tour and all those
um you know the Canadian
tour Arnold Palmer that way also could
come close he also traveled and played a
lot Nicholas compared to them travel
lesser yeah he’s won tournaments in
Japan he’s one uh other European uh Wis
like the uh the country specific tours
in Europe he’s one
there he’s one other South African WIS
France France fall open East brand open
obviously that’s the South African local
yeah Skins game and so on so
forth lot of austral Asian victories
maybe maybe the three-day tournaments in
Australia that those proam that you had
K Nagel Kellin Nagel is a prolific ball
Striker Kelvin Nagel he’s probably he’s
U he’s a major
Champion he has he he would probably
have the world record I think for most
wins yeah
yeah so okay is a little shy of that
maybe he’s 30 shy of that but 159 is
champions of golf he’s won a lot of
tournaments European Senior
Tour you know we should uh Start a
senior tour in India then mesh will
catch up very fast yeah I I heard there
was some talk so maybe that’s what
Mukesh is waiting
for then he can apply his trade on both
the domestic and the CIA so R ganji
after that three which we saw him
animated with has eagled 14 and birdied
15 so he’s uh 10 under fantastic that’s
how Champions bounce back and Dharma has
birdied 12 he’s he’s he’s unfaced with
what yashas is
doing whatever you can do I can also to
do right probably better he’s thinking
at this point in time so he’s made four
birdies in the last seven
holes well the Monday qualifying is
really good and you know uh is something
which I I played my first Indian open as
a junior on a Monday qualifier they had
it that time as well and I remember
there was only one or two spots and um I
birdied 16 and 18 to make it on the
number or something and I got to play
with some a professional golfer from I
can’t remember his name but he was from
America and the other pro golfer playing
with me was Fel kesi from Pakistan yeah
so I got to play and I think this whole
Monday qualifier and you know I was
talking to vikramjit Sandu and he says
he goes in that plays a lot of Monday
qualifiers you know which is it’s it’s a
tough thing to do you know it’s a it’s a
it’s a it’s a lottery it’s one round
it’s like a IPL compared to but you know
I I I have a take on that that if you’re
a if you’re a good player who has this
game if you play three four of them
you’ll definitely it’s a law of averages
you you’ll make a few it’s eventually
the players who are playing well no I’m
surprised that some traveled to a
further destination to do it I remember
him traveling to Amad to play a Monday
qualifier I said why would you travel to
Amad to play a Monday qualifier
vikramjit he said no you know my game is
trending in the right way and he
generally is a good player what kind of
tournaments are we referring to that
would have these Monday qualifiers even
PJ tour confer tour events they have
Monday qualifiers in in in no no I’m
talking about bikramjit Sandu traveling
to Amad to play a Monday qualifier last
year oh okay you know so from Delhi to
Amad and back and you don’t know he’s
going to make it or not it’s just one
spot or two spots or whatever it is and
you know uh it’s um it’s a lot of you
know if you’re from Ahmedabad or
thereabouts it’s it’s all right you know
yeah but as a professional then you you
have to sort of take your chances if
you’re getting a Monday qualifier two
sports are not too bad out of the 21
players normally they go at about one or
two under pars if you’re certain um you
should be able to make them if if you’re
going to play a Monday qualifier like
this time at NOA Golf Club I think it uh
could oh just about missing it on the
lower side it went at one under part so
if if you’re if you know your game is on
you should be able to be somewhere
around that
score actually I was thinking about
playing the noo of course Monday
qualifier but I was in Thailand that
week so I couldn’t get back in time for
that for me I I find it really a great
opportunity and U it’s really
interesting it gives you that gets your
competitive juices flowing once again if
you’re not getting to play the bigger
toy that gives you such a unique insight
into what the players face that week and
it really helps you understand like I I
I played classic and I realized that how
this golf course is playing oh nice spin
on 15 uh Shia it is right in front on
the left it’s going to be I don’t think
if you can’t hit it in the green side
bunker you should lay it up forther back
yeah that’s a difficult shot from 30 40
yards and from down hill side Hill 30 40
y that’s an interesting pin position
really liking how what they’ve done
today with the
flags you want to tempt the players into
making some mistakes or or making
birdies like it you have to give them
option give them something to think
uh charge um I hope it charges a little
more making it make it interesting for
us but Dharma is answering all the
questions right now that are being asked
of him which is
uh birdie for birdie yeah he’s uh
answering the Clarion call he’s not
back but it’s good on yashas to push him
that’s what makes the tournament
interesting khin now so yashas is on the
T on 15 whatever he’s done on 14 if he’s
the first to te off then it means that
he has indeed at least made birdie or is
he teeing up no he’s he’s standing to
the side I think cuz he’s wearing
blue if I am not wrong so yeah yeah it’s
he’s wearing blue today but he made
Boogie so maybe the others have made
birdies as well so only time will tell
Cen cleaning up well on number 15
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on the golf
course yeah we just saw Dharma giving it
too much steam there on number 13 with
chip Cen having a good run as well he’s
birdied 14 and
uh sh with his T-shirt he’s got the
honor but he’s had the honor for a while
so we’re not sure about that part of it
but he dropped uh he missed that no he
made par there so he has the owner so
he’s if if if he wouldn’t have made
Bernie birdie then he would have lost
the owner so but that’s is that him I
don’t think so no he’s already hit his
T-shirt so he would have made
birdie yeah because somebody from the
group would have made Birdie the only
bogey he’s made today is that one and a
half footer he missed on five that
probably spurred him
on sometimes you need that little bit of
anger to kick
him r gji a good two holes he’s gone
Eagle birdie 14 and 15 culted himself
into 10
under he’s uh in a tie for the eighth
place right now and on your screen on
live feed one is
13 that’s looking good but everyone that
we’ve seen has missed it on the lower
side yeah so not a single player has
missed it from the they see they not
seeing things that we are seeing could
have it was be so so easy for us to oh
this is this you seen so many putts Miss
on the lower
side I don’t think I’ve seen a single
putt Miss on the higher side on this
hole whether it’s right to left left to
right whatever it
be bma’s got a tester coming up he’s got
six seven feet left for his bar now will
keep him at 18 under
basya one birdie one
bit so far today he’s even part today 12
under for the
tournament not the round that he would
want to have today he was two shots
behind dhma starting the
day finds
himself 66 like I we had mentioned
earlier everybody missing it on the
lower side
it’s like yesterday on 18 we could see
that the the but’s coming up from just
short and left of the hole were not
turning as much as golfers misre it
missed it on the higher
side and you know by the end after two
or three of them we could actually tell
you whether it’s going to go in it’s uh
it’s the privilege we get to watch so
many parts yeah it’s something when when
you’re out uh in the battlefield so as
to speak you don’t have that vantage
point that that view so it’s quite
different at ground level I guess when
you’re dealing with it and and we
obviously have the benefit of you know
seeing reruns and seeing which way it’s
breaking so you know I can it’s not that
we we we we get it right on the first
try either if I were to say one thing to
tharma right now
just try to miss it on the higher side
because everybody missed it on the lower
side so far and probably then you’ll get
the line line correct
let’s see if he’s the one who gets it
correct on this
hole it’s from a different line though
but the ones that we seen from this side
is also missed on the lower side and you
see he’s also missed on the Lower
Side that’s his first bogy
today that’s uh maybe yeses can smell
blood in the water now so he would move
to 17 and uh if yashas has indeed made
birdie on 14 which I I think he would
have then the lead lead gets uh dwindled
to a mere
shots Two Strokes could be uh an
exchange on in One Hole uh
Shia on this golf course
yeah yes uh there have been probably
almost as many Eagles today as there
have been double Bogies um maybe it
would be a close fight I would say yeah
it’s uh you had about 10 odd doubles and
five eagles so it’s the one is
ratio as we have a look at Chada
here that’s a very difficult shot but
he’s um executed it to per has hited
right up the neck of the green that’s a
monstrous drive by ASAS
and and if he’s in the bunker it’s a
to what wind are we playing on this hole
right to
left uh right to left yes so would it be
down or would it be helping hurting flag
flag shows like it’s not hurting right
now that’s a big drive by
ASAS it’s playing alongside two hulks
abijit Singh
cheda and Udan man two guys who can who
that’s a brilliant shot who can hit it a
country mile and I guess he’s at few
muscles of his himself today man even
further this is just
incred this shows you the advantage of
power you turn par fours into par 3s
he’s in the I think he’s in the green
side bunker it’s the best place to be
you can spin it it’s
um let’s see what he
does thank you that was a better view
what of what odan has
left yeah he’s in the bunker see bunker
is the best place to be look at that
sh it’s almost like a tap in for him
brilliant sh though yeah has a touch of
a surgeon and if you like Power of a
blacksmith that mid zone is is a No
Man’s Land you will not be able to stop
it next to this flag you end up probably
putting it 20 ft by or into in that in
green side bunker but if you can hit it
till the bunker then it is wor in this
wi even a medium hitter if you because
he’ll carry everybody carry those
bunkers M from there is down because
those bunkers are 270 right left down
when they’re playing about 255 260 carry
you need to get to the front of the
green that much that 20 yards going to
make a lot of difference because that
will be the difference between you be
able to stop on this Spin and not being
able to stop on this
spin so you know you saw he was left and
he was almost pin High left right yeah
that’s Jas was maybe a yard or two short
of the bunker pretty decent you know
he’s got a nice flop shot coming up he
can almost can feels like he can throw
it close from there so and
then with then in the green side
bunker this will
he’s just waiting for an update on what
yashas has made on 14 if he’s made
birdie and then he’s got this for birdie
that’s going to set the cat amongst the
pigeons for sure it’s um going to make
an interesting viewers viewership for
viewers Abit s cheda with
his bu part on number 15
having driven it pin High
left makes one makes that good part so
yes has seen one go in it’s always good
to see your but go in before you hit
your part and almost um from a similar
Sim Sim direction as well
absolutely we are still to get an update
on his score on the 14th
the fact that he got the honor gets me
thinking and are the one honor over Udan
and Abed who can easily make it on so
who would have made a birdie and yesha
made power on 13 so he’s at at the worst
he’s made a birdie yeah and you saw how
he quickly came in to have a Peak at
what the ball was doing towards the end
so he’s got a nice idea of what this
part is going to do towards the end
which is where it really matters
you know his routine is exactly the same
since N I think he’s misread this one oh
he’s left it on the Lower Side that’s a
bit tentative you know you saw him
peeking at it he’s looking at the result
before hitting
it he’s down in Left Right Parts aren
the easiest either I for one I’m always
confused do you leave it out do you let
it hang on the left hand side and let
gravity take his course or do you hit a
firm one inside I never have understood
am I I mean eventually just stand there
and just nudge at all puts are straight
Parts by the way you choose your
starting line and you left right fo you
have to to you know you can still leave
a right left fo so the down downhill
left to right part you generally your
acceleration is a little less so the
gravity grabs the ball faster you know
it takes grabs hold of the ball faster
so you need to make sure that you’re you
have a nice Excel ation through the part
then it will hold its line the moment
you decelerate a little bit it’s going
to miss on the lower side so on and when
when for a right-handed play right left
part if I’m aligned outside I’m still
confident that I leave it outside it’ll
come back in do you like draw the ball
or fade the ball draw so that’s actually
your eyes are more comfortable hitting
seeing things moving right to left but
for a right hand player when you have a
left right part somehow when you leave
it out to the left the quality of the
stroke also determines if the ball will
come back or go stra straight often you
end up breaking going through the line
why does that happen I think you see so
many balls moving from right to left
that you are wondering whether this is
going to move left to right or not it’s
your second guessing yourself so you
kind of make it turn instead of letting
turn Okay so because you’re seeing
things you know going right to left
you’re hitting a shot and on fa is going
right to left you you know you’ve seen
so much right to left and I can tell you
if you’re if you like right to left
Parts if you’re going to parting GRE you
want to practice right to left only
because you want to see things go in so
you won’t see
yourself purposely practicing more left
R which you should or practice more
Fades which you should also to
neutralize your flight but you’ll
because you’ve seen so much and now when
you take the line to the left you’re
thinking whether you know it is going to
come left to right because you’ve seen
everything going right to left what hole
are we looking at this is
our that’s n that’s 14 this is the 14th
power five that’s the 15 this is the
14th on the right and on the left no
sorry this the first the first yeah very
though I thought there was a hazard of
the 16th Ho by the way very similar
haard also right so this
uh oh now called penalty Zone
we still waiting for an update on yash’s
score on pole
14 we saw him narrowly miss his Birdie
on number
15 Cen Joshi having a really good run
he’s 4 under today he’s um in a tie for
third alongside Sachin basya who is even
today Dharma making his first Bogi of
the day on number 13 drop dropping him
back to 1
under three shots ahead of his
pursuer Yash Chandra Ms from myo
this is the group
of Baden
gji and CIAA playing the PA 3 17th
hole yes we got a quick update on that
Yas has par 13 14 15 so he’s still at 14
under three shots behind Dharma
who’s yet to play the PA five 14th
Baden with the tricky one coming down
this the hill on number
17 this one actually looks like it might
break left red but holds
on well readed by
botle a couple of Asian tour victories
in this group with mppa having won the
Indian open and riy wning having won the
Volkswagen Beijing open
was quite a while ago
though rill three under
today 10 under for the
tournament we saw him to
that make a three part on 13 from
and surprised us
all from a very short
Mona third member of this
mppa 200 today having
birdied 14 and 15
so surprisingly the the group of none in
the group of Oden Mane abijit Singh
chadda and uh yashash Chandra made
Birdie on the reachable PA five 14th so
that’s pretty surprising Shia they long
hitters it’s just a made Iron for them
yeah I won’t have guessed
that this is the group of tapy guy Arjun
Prasad and Rajiv Kumar chatal our Midway
leader he’s birded number 14 with which
is good it’s um after biring 10 he
doubled 11 that’s Rajiv and then couple
of passs and he came back with another
Birdie on 14 so that’s good he’s hanging
in there he’s hanging in there it’s good
to see him he’s P for the day 10 under
for the
tournament couple of birdies will um do
him a word of good especially in keeping
that U card for next year Jia yeah this
will uh you need a couple of good weeks
a year to you know at least a couple of
good weeks a year to keep your card yeah
I think with the prize money going up
one or good week is not going to be is
not going to cut it but a week like this
where he can if he can somehow creep
into the top five then that makes life
pretty simple maybe get to that four
four lakh sort of uh paycheck three lakh
three three and a half then the rest of
the year is a lot easier yeah you can
you know breathe a s of relief if you do
that especially because I know that
Rajiv been back to to qualifying school
last year he’s he’s he’s got his card
from the qualifying school I don’t think
he’s ever kept top six I mean I might be
wrong but for what I remember um maybe
when he started out but since I’ve known
him I played a lot of golf with him he
maybe one or time he’s been top 60 I
think he’s just chipped it in he’s
picked up the ball from the hole on
number 15 so that would be another you
see it yeah he was out out of us uh
cameras view on 15 but I saw him walk in
and pick up the wall from the hole so
that should be a birdie I don’t think
he’d be driving it flag
High look at and man playing
16 yeah it’s a it’s a good hole it’s
probably the longest hole on the course
as far as the PA fours are concerned
maybe not the longest but yes the
toughest for sure amongst the PA fours
it’s a demanding approach shot it’s the
green is is
quite far above the players where
they’re hitting it from at least about
you can add four five yards and uh you
can’t hit a driver off the te because
you might it might reach the water
hazard so you hit a Hybrid or a fa plays
only 430 but plays longer because you’re
getting a rescue or a three of the so
then you hit like a mid iron in to this
elevated green and uh it doesn’t hold
very easily because it’s quite elevated
and and the shape is such that it’s
quite difficult to hit the yeah there’s
there’s a lot of width but hardly any
depth to this
green it’s kidney shaped green and
yes uh just not B back on number 16 he’s
got a lot of it’s a fast chip from there
yeah yeah but if you want to win a golf
tournament you need to do everything and
including up and downs like that yeah so
he’s uh made a lot of birdies but then
missed out on the obvious ones missing
that part on 13 missing Birdie on 14
then so maybe the p is going
cold that
Kai will be interesting to watch these
t-shots now
this is the group of prar
Sawa Muhammad Akbar Hussein and mesh
15 car’s lagging behind his
so you know this there you see the
difference in color of grass on the
green this is actually them trying to
extend make add more depth to the
putting surface it had become so uh
that was difficult to hold the green
with the especially with the club club
golfers they they come in with much
longer clubs you know so if you don’t
have enough depth in the green you won’t
see so many balls in The Parting surface
and it just
uh adds another stroke which more time
which leads to longer rounds of golf and
this these days it’s all about making
sure that we not spending too much more
time than required on on the golf
course I think one thing that is
definitely uh make things a little
quicker is is the rangefinder is it’s
you don’t need to walk up and down I
think you know the golf cart quite
frankly you have a golf cart you can
finish it in no time but then I mean you
can’t have golf carts in in professional
events no I’m just talking about Club
golfers I think fact whenever I go to
the to the to Southeast Asia it’s you
know nobody walks and plays everybody’s
on a golf cart and it’s three hours it’s
over I think that’s that’s definitely
one thing that you can have but the
problem is if there’s there are many
groups in a golf cart and there’s one in
between that’s not using a golf cart
that it’s not
allowed you need to be on a golf card
okay yeah it’s
mandatory cuz they want people people do
they they need to maximize their
facility all especially the private golf
courses and they’re mostly private
abroad this is uh khen josi on number 17
the part
three up and out of it real quickly now
sure he read that correctly
misreading it a bit quite a bit
actually Jas over the back on
number 16 electing to
putt yeah he spotted well so you know if
it’s a good choice because when you you
know when you’re putting well you this
is one stick you can really rely on
on it’s more about getting the pace
correct leaving yourself little or no
work uh for your
PA the whole percentage is so low from
you that you’re not thinking of holding
exactly I also like the choice that he’s
going with the putter here
should if if you’re if you’re putting
well it’s uh but it would always be
especially when you know you can lag it
close it’s on its
way I need to hit that a little more now
we’ll have that test for par maybe all
of about 8 ft yeah this
um this much more work than what he
would have desired it’s U especially at
juncture he’s trying to make up ground
he can’t take a step backwards look at
the birdie leaders it’s Manu gandas
who’s at number one with 135 Ang Chima
JRA sing Sandu with 122
birdies then you have odan Mane 121 AE
Sharma 119 D Sheron ril
gji Aman Raj 115 so G Pratap Singh also
in there 103 birdies so see that he
makes a lot of birdies but drops quite a
few shots as well let’s have a look at
the Eagle
leaders have pukat sing Gil not too Sur
Khan should be there somewhere pukat
sing Gil with his length prodigious
length of the tree he at seven Eagles
sain B Shu Arjun Prasad five eagles s
chibber MD Sanju Rashid Khan four Eagles
yes you’re
right abijit Singh cha with this chip on
16 Cen cleaning up on 17 from
faras leaving himself a lot of
work on number 16 for part he was over
the back and he’s come up wul short with
his first part
money on number
16 this shirt seems to be matching the
tree in the
background yeah just up and out of it
coming coming up a bit
short well um Shia Rajiv Kumar jaal has
birdied 15 as well so now he’s at 15
under sorry 11 under in sixth position
fantastic so give us a tell us if he
were to
finish 12 under and let’s say finishes
third or fourth how much will you make
you have to see the breakup but I would
approximately six lakh I think it’ll be
a third fourth fifth tie so should be
around five I think maybe there
thereabouts it’s just some interesting
facts for our viewers on how prize money
split amongst the golfers the total
prize money is one CR but then it’s uh
split percentage wise
mes my apologies that’s
yeses dealing with the ball keeper now
dropping a shot
yeah so just getting you telling you
more about the price B so fourth
position is going to get 4 l98
99,8 and fifth position will get
399,900 just a one L difference between
fourth and fifth so you can imagine how
expensive if those last few holes are
going to be for rajin Kumar Jau who’s
who’s I think if he finishes in the top
five he’ll be extremely pleased with
himself to be honest I’m I’m I’m really
impressed with how he’s bounced back I
didn’t quite expect that he birdie 14 15
but uh he showing us that it’s not a
flash in the
pan good go swing uh there by Yas I like
the way he he double hinges his back so
if you see somebody who can actually
tilt his back away from the target
without moving his Center in the back
swing he’s going to hit it
far that is like you’ve basically got a
lot of load onto your right side similar
to what a discus thrower or a hammer
thrower does and then you saw how steady
his Center is so you can see that his
starting line is going to be very steady
the ball’s generally going to start very
Zing mesh Kumar
still hasn’t been able to make a birdie
yet today really yeah
wow I’m pretty certain that in his life
he wouldn’t have had a single round at
Classic where he wouldn’t have made a
birdie I remember coming up short to him
in one of these uh abbreviated St staple
foot tournaments here in ITC you want it
and I finished second or third I can’t
remember what I finished but we were
quite close going into the into the last
round prakar Sawa with his birdie part
15 prar sa also one over for the day
this group is uh got has lacked energy
today this nobody’s made enough birdies
so everybody body is par or over par
what is akar saying for today par right
saying is par so par one over two over
yeah well um we’re getting into the
money end of things here every stroke
counts amongst the top 10 and our leader
is Dharma is birdied 14 he made he’s
extended that Gap to four strokes and
he’s got four holes to
go and
um yashas his closest pursuer is at just
mid Bogi on 16 so that’s going to drop
him back to 13 so it’s going to be five
shots zma is cruising at this point in
time yeah I think he’s got to that 18
Mark we were thing is 18 is confirmed 17
is a play off so he’s got to the hour
mark and U he can actually relish these
last few holes
yeah and it’s
so these are these are not the toughest
holes coming in they’re actually quite
easy the the 15 is an easy hole 16 might
ask you if a few questions but you know
it’s if you if you have to par it you
can you can par two two hybrids will get
home Max not two hybrid I think a hybrid
and a six hybrid and a six I’m saying
even if it’s into the wind not more than
and even if you chooses to hit an iron
of the te you can to so and then 17 is a
79 off the te and he’s hitting the ball
so beautifully today so and 18’s a power
five so I don’t see him dropping any
Strokes to P the way he’s been playing
but go a funny game
was a c costly
two putts on 16 and 17
by yes he he missed that short birdie
part on 15 and then he miss yeah the
part has gone cold then he three part at
16 and we going to call three party was
off the back so it’s he used the pter
from off the green
I think mes finally Buried one hole
there about
time prar with his PA cleaning up on
number 15 Arjun from the green side
bunker 11 16 it’s a deep bunker
and and uh colen can easily finish uh
second if they have a good run at it
with ad is a very reachable power five
for both of
them s chubber on your screen this is
tapy guy Rajiv Kumar
jaal playing
16 this long birdie part for Rajiv
coming up a bit shy but not should be
able to make
that let’s have a look at some of the
other scores
today the top draw is definitely yashas
Chandra with a five
underpar and the second best round
belongs to harindra Gupta Brar pal
Singh um JRA Sandu as well in with a
five underpar today and our leader M
Dharma going WR really well with a four
underpar he’s delivering when required
so performing under the
gun but you’ve not seen the same sort of
outlandish low andar scores as we saw
yesterday it’s been a lot more subdued
today yeah probably from uh the pin
positions being a bit more difficult
also the winds BS up a little more than
it was yesterday it’s not very much but
it’s still there and
uh especially you know when if you get
off to a slow start short it’s it’s an
uphill task from one and two both had
tough pins
today so you know people starting on
number one and uh had
it’s if you start on number 10 and you
play them as your 10th and 11th hole
they you’re generally warmed up and you
know you have a a field going and
probably then becomes a bit easier but
those two tough pin yielded a lot
especially number one yielded a lot of
boogies you can see on on the scorecard
there’s a lot of Blues there number one
one solitary Birdie on number one today
let let see how many people bird number
one I I think if you look at it it might
have the highest uh scoring average
today actually yeah there are so many
Bogies and barely any birdies yeah three
birdies and about 15
Bogies yeah that’s surprising maybe even
more than
15 seven eight 16 17 Bogies that’s
really surprising so I think it has
highest scoring average and four birdies
so it has the highest scoring average
let’s look at
11 in fact yeah um the average on 11
would be uh better than number better
than number one which is really
surprising to me absolutely so you know
you can see how how much a difference so
the players have been lured in by that
pain I think if you go into number one
throughout the day people have made so
many Bogies there yeah whether you’re
starting on the back nine or the first
nine so that’s it’s rather surprising to
me yep yes Shas with his part on
number 17 the
three it’s another interesting flag pin
position right at the back but a little
easier because the players can be a
little more aggressive and yeah actually
I would say the toughest one to get
close to is that front left pin it’s got
a very narrow because if you miss miss
it in the bunker you can’t get up and
down from and you can easily miss it
left it’s the ball
the it’s like a false side to that
green yesha’s putting a good role on
this oh
not to be yeah you know the grains left
to right so you know we thought it might
might turn a bit
less riy gji buring the last hole to
finish at 11 under 4 under today
Dharma playing
15 looks like he’s uh going to put it on
cruise control yeah he’s played it safe
he’s hit it to the far beyond the flag
man would have gotten a good read look
for him to make this
one and he’s he’s on yash’s Heels right
now he’s he’s 12as is 13
and he was up and out of it he’s did a
lot of up and out of he’s come out of a
lot of putts today
probably not sure about the
line Dharma with his birdie part long
birdie part on number
15 it’s a good part really good lag
there giving himself a two footer a
abijit sedra sizing up his body part on
17 let’s see if you can read this one
correctly not too bad look at AB cha
here at 17 he’s one of the more athletic
U setups on putting that we’ve seen
otherwise we’ve seen almost all the
players crane over hunched when they’re
fting yeah he’s uh he’s athletically
built he’s a strong boy he’s
um he he he comes to uh to practice at
uh NOA sometimes he’s his in-laws have a
house close to where my gym is I’ve seen
him at my gym a couple of
times 2 ft
for bar on number
17 s
chiber finally getting one to drop
15 so he’s birded 14 and 15
now and moves him 23 under so the race
for number two is is quite
uh it’s got a lot of players at 1213 a
total of 44 players under power this
week Cen with his chip number 18 the
five good work there by
Dharma just leaving himself a little
more than he would have
wanted on 18 for
playing jash majumdar
it’s on your
screen and S
santh one under today 10 under for the
tournament yes one over today six under
for the tournament
this one this pitch is um it’s kind of
he’s lucky that he’s coming from the
first cut so he can get a little more
Loft on this shot because you want to
hit it a little high because if you if
it comes on a bit low it’s going to
chase up over the green miscued it a bit
Yeah Kim Kim little softer than
expected I was just thinking about these
PA eyes like there’s not much risk on
them when going for the green like hole
number 18
14 uh three see only ninth hole gives
you a little bit uh to think about but
if you look at these PA they’re not they
they don’t really pose any danger when
going for the green which is which is
rare otherwise you have paries which are
Frau with some some or the other
yeah completely agree with you these are
they’re very scorable po fives this is
if if you you should be able to make
four budies every day on these PA
because even if you miss it it’s there’s
nothing around like if you play at some
of the other golf courses there are
water bodies around the green if you are
going for the green and two you can
actually end up making bogy as
well and you know the if you’re a good
bunker sh player and the sand out here
the bunkers are really good in night in
golf and country club because uh they uh
it’s very consistent with the the grains
are the same size so you you know how
the ball’s going to react how it’s going
to come out and
uh the only the only source of only
obstacle is the bunker out
there Sun it
himself a good 20 ft away for
bird Ang Chima making a few Bogies on
his front
line one under for the day
s using the aim Point technique to read
line what do you
reckon what do you reckon these players
do in the offseason there so many months
they also go play tournament on other
tours are there any um other Middle East
tours and so on so forth where these
players can Venture off in these months
or I think they have a lot of prop pools
from what I remember last
year and uh you can actually go and play
in Thailand there’s quite a few
tournaments happening out there I’m not
sure how what the price money is like
good part right there well done lot of
different ways of making bir one of them
is which is what you just saw s doing
two good shots
uh chip which was below his standard and
then a good
Cen this is these are expensive because
is is 12
Wonder fourth position and third
position is one shot ahead of him and
this would actually put him in a tie for
but coming up for Cen josi
from just
show me the
sunset you make me
happy we want to go
there it’s
go magnite be celebrated with the big
bold beautiful Nissan
magnite see if you can read this one
correctly just narrowly missing
out so current finishing up with the
pa the total of 12 under
is our penultimate group playing 16 mesh
Kumar prar Asawa
and Muhammad Akbar Hussein from
Bangladesh yeah this has been a sedate
group did mesh finally make a birdie I
just trying to look for the same on on
15 M no he did not make a birdie on uh
15 in fact he made a
bogie really yes it shows here that he
actually dropped a shot on
15 he’s three over today which is uh
very unlike him I thought he would have
a really good chance
today abar hin on number 16
finally he’s he’s come back he was was
had become too over after eight and then
he’s had a few birdies coming in three
on the Trot three on the Trot so he’s to
under now and yeah that’s you know that
fight for second is tight is that a
birdie or a power for
mes seems to be a fair distance about 10
or feet might well be a birdie but yeah
could be
so khin is at 13 He joins sarak at 13
under yes is 14 and then it’s th at 18
leader come on oh yes M finally did you
make a birdie or not I think he
did yeah it looks like he has the
Caddy’s body language tells you a little
bit there was a spring in his step
that’s a short part I would definitely
uh get the flag out for this
one feels like the flag just comes in
prawa one over today
that’s the group of hudan man yashash
Chandra Ms and abijit Singh Chada
playing the power five 18th their final
hole for the
tournament Oden standing at 12 under Yas
14 abijit Singh Chada
at 9 under
you see this updated Leaderboard on your
screen our leader by four presently M
Dharma he was also a leader after the
third round
and second position yashash Chandra Ms
from myo and khen josi sik chiber at 13
then we have Udan Muhammad abbar Hussein
sain B at 12 R ganji Rajiv Kumar
jaal at 11 you know I’m rooting for him
I hope he finishes
strong makes a good paycheck and um you
know helps him keep card for next year a
while back it was seeming like 12 under
might be good enough third position but
uh as of now it’s uh not looking like
that we’ve seen quite a few
birdies on whole number 15
16 man now
looks like he was in a spot a b of the
he’s left himself a VIN for his third
shot oh that’s a brilliant shot right
there byan perfectly judged for
distance should be another birdie for
the I and should move him to 13 Anda
which presently is good enough for a tie
for third
place Yasha now coming out the
bunker let’s see if he can make one
final birdie this is a long bunker shot
though yeah you know I saw him hit a
bunker shot on the last hole in the n
off and he’s got he’s got good technique
in the
bunkers oh he just taken I spoke a bit
too soon but that was a difficult shot a
lot of fly
yeah that up and down is going to be
really expensive for Yas
I think uh from the looks of it Dharma
is going to run away with this he’s over
the back on 16 but he’s left him giv
himself enough of a buffer four shots
presently Dharma currently at 4 lak 53
and this win would get him up to
approximately 20 OD laac and that should
move him into the top
10 rahil gji will move up a little bit
more on that
leaderboard still be short of Manu
though good chip by ASAS number
18 would make a part and that would keep
him at 14 under power it seems like it’s
good enough I’m not sure about that s i
I think he Bing 16 from the remember he
had hit his second shot yes so he’ll
move to 13 yeah this is for him to stay
and that but that maybe odan has uh he
he can actually move to 14 he’s 13
already Raj has made par on 17 which is
good news mhm let’s see what he can do
on 18 make a birdie and get in for a tie
for fifth
position which is 3999
lcks 3 lakh
99,900 that
is so if you look at uh the top 60
position for last
year went
at um 10 lakh 24 including the final
event of the year so maybe you can
remove another lakh so 9 and a half n
lakh maybe is the number
mhm there and there about N lakh is a
number to he’s halfway there
almost which is pretty good it’s gone up
considerably I remember at one point in
time the year that I played it used to
be two and a half lakh or you know three
lakh used to be the number playing for
much lesser and there are fewer events
also I can tell you yes yeah so now it’s
it’s good you can make a good living and
that’s thanks in large part to our U you
know supporters and the associates to
and and the companies there are
associated the establishments and and
also the our team so it’s good golf is
trending in the right direction
then with a very expensive partt on 18
this will take him to 40 and under that
probably put him in second
position and really well hold by the big
there you can see
it meant something to him put up finally
put up his hands to
celebrate had a strong finish here with
then he uh
look at abijit chat here at hole number
18 for his
birdie mix that
we go through Oden’s score
card then made four birdies today it
seems like he’s a blemish
free he’s but he’s bird 16 I saw him bir
16 then he part 17 he’s birded
18 so he’s been four under three under
the last four holes so that means he
would move to 14 under par in alongside
Yasha so one ahead of yes yeah because I
think yes has Bogi
16 have a look at Dharma
here dma for his par on o number
16 makes bogy there drops him back to 17
under he’s still three shots ahead of
his closest
puru Zak
chiber one number 16
well hold there young man uh so our
final group making their
way to the par 31 17th hole at the
Classic Golf and Country Club in New
harana for the gura open 2024
powered by
ranan Mukesh Kumar on number 17 cleaning
up mes Kumar not having the best of days
today he’s um three over
see odan
khen sorry Cen and Jas finishing at
13 Sak still on the course at 13 then
uh Muhammad Akbar husin sain basya at
and rahil gji and Udan man at
11 we
got not sure what happened on number 17
with Oden or 16 because we had him at a
score so I think we we didn’t
have him as 54 we had him as 33
so Bing
five 16 and 17
then coming back with the birdie on
18 Rajiv Kumar jaal has one hole left be
rooting over him he be hoping that he
makes birdie
and takes himself into a top
five finish here he was our Midway
leader at 11 under he still stands at
score shot 73 yesterday
our leader
is M Dharma by four
Arjun spot of B here on number 18 is in
the left rough and this a top left pin
so short hided himself a
bit tough to get it close from
there even part today one birdie one
bogy so
far he bir number nine and Bogi number
yeah coming up a bit short
there in the
bunker this is the group of Arjun Prasad
tapy guy and Rajiv Kumar jaal
playing their last hole the par five
tapy guy even par today 10 under for the
tournament bird here would take him into
the top
10 not sure whether it’s Rajiv is there
in two or
three if he’s there in two it’s two Good
Hits if he’s there in
three so a lot of work cut out to make
birdie first to come though will be
Arjun from the
bunker I sure you actually we we got our
numbers wrong Udin had made bogy on 16
and 17 so
that one was to actually finish in the
top 10 oh
okay and uh Cen is with his Arjun with a
lot easier with a lot easier bunker
short than what yashas was
facing he’s
he’s got a very short bunker shots it’s
this one is so much easier than what
yesha said has done well there and that
should move him to 11 underpar
in a TI seventh
alongside rahil odan Rajiv Kumar jaal
and prar
Asawa it’s not sure what Rajiv is fting
for he’s he’s got he’s got 30 35 ft
left he’s given a good run Oh narrowly
missing out out there I have a feeling
that could have been an eagle part
because if he was able to get on nine
two might as well have gotten there into
know yeah not we’ll get we’ll wait for a
confirmation on that but nevertheless
part tappy guy presently at 10
under this would take him into the top
if you were to hold
it Muhammad Akbar coming back strongly
in the back nine yeah those three
birdies in stretch of four holes really
did help his
cause one of the rare birdies we’ve seen
today on 17 prar Sawa birding
17 to come into the top 10 see if you
see any other tools on 17 today
Shia happy with his birdie part on
18 just grazing the hole
I think uh we have seen any there’s one
how many birdies on number no three or
four of them parar being one of them we
just also want to take this opportunity
to mention all the who Partners T Steel
Nissan bis electr plus Rolex Golf Plus
athletic drive and golf design
India and we live from Classic Golf and
Country Club here in gurugram for the
gam open 2020 4 presented by
amrutanjan this tournament course of a
price fund of rupees 1
CR and we’re almost at the end of
proceedings Your Leader is M Dharma he
has a handsome four shot lead over khin
josi yashas Chandra and sarak
chiber he’s ideally placed to win this
championship and on your screens on the
left hand side is Arjun Prasad from
gurugram he’s currently in at 11th
position and he has successfully made
birdie yeah just one under today for
Arjun not the Finish he was looking
forward to or sorry even part
today I would love to see what Rajiv
Kumar chaal did on 18 Shia since we’ve
been rooting for him for the past hour
so L drink it up
jum just coming up a bit short there on
17 so power for sain Keeps him at 12
under Dharma with a really small part
for his part on number 17 to stay four
ahead with one hole to
go it’s almost a mere formality for him
picking up the
inaugural gurug gura
open the first time we’ve this event is
being held it’s
from scoring has been low this week but
we were hoping that we were thinking it
would go much lower than what is it’s
today largely due to the pin positions
that we’ve seen in the corners very
inaccessible I think on the whole it’s
It’s Made A Difference by the narrowing
down like a prime example is whole
number 10 you’ve seen people from 60 70
yards 80 yards missing the green and
then having to just uh ensure they make
part instead of going for birdie so
that’s being the big difference from
years past it say that rough and I think
that’s actually a welcome change on this
call of course
Muhammad abbar Hussein from Bangladesh
playing his last
hole he’s currently
at 12
under need a few more yards on that yeah
just G the top left pin little bit too
much of
respect probably he’s com from the first
cut he thought he might catch a jumper
so there’s no sight of wind the
entire part of the last two days is been
in perfect conditions in order for the
players to go
mesh leaving himself a little bit of
work to get close on 18 he’s in the left
rough putting in all the preparation
walking up all the way to the flag to
see how much space he has available for
this shot he’s got to drop it just about
on the green and give it he can’t get
spin on it but he can only stop it with
height so he’s going to come in really
high him sing Ray with a good finish
three underpar today to get to eight
underpar so game is still there even
though he’s not played uh too much with
u showing uh did he play last week yeah
he missed the cut last week by a short I
think um short or two I’m not too sure
about that but he did Miss and how did
you in uh in
chandigar I think there he missed it by
one he B the last three holes to miss
it when it comes to asking getting to
know anything about himat Singh R shya
Singh is the perfect person very good
so we can have a look at him
season thus
far so he’s
uh he’s missed the
cut at NCR open as well as the chandigar
open finally found some form this week
yeah he’s missed he’s just made one cut
so far which is uh the the first one we
at to guns and he’s missed the cut but
it’s not a big there’ve been small
misses yes dream Valley but a shter two
same thing and Glade one then at
chandigar so maybe he’s just a little
rusty he’s uh he’ll get around he’ll
up wow he’s just 36 years old man he’s
been around for a while though huh yeah
and uh
has had some memorable finish he must be
36 then W I’m a lot older I’m 39 he’s
two years older is 39 Lord holder is 50
that’s me him has his birthday in May so
he’s would be turning 37 next month he’s
had some fantastic finishes on the Asian
t with that victory that six-man playoff
and then he went Toe totoe with Sergio
Garcia remember the whole tram open if
I’m not wrong yeah yeah yeah I remember
that but um I mean I I was always
expecting him to take off from there but
uh something or the other was you know
he kept changing a lot of coaches in the
middle I remember do you know this phas
that he was going here and there you
know sometimes golf is you need
consistency you know you you you can’t
it’s not about change it’s being
consistent which leads to a a refinement
I would call it and he was hopping from
here to there and it’s changing his
thoughts and in techniques so that
doesn’t work yeah and he extremely
hardworking I would say maybe a little
too hardworking beat a lot of golf balls
in in the younger days which actually
might have helped him but uh so I mean
you can always nitpick and find
something here or there but I think also
impatient to I thought you know that’s
what I thought about him he’s he he has
that kind of U personalities he he
doesn’t wait around for things to happen
unfold but he he tries to push the push
the issue if it’s not happening in two
months and it’s not good enough let me
try something else then let me try
something else and after that after 5
years you’re just trying and you haven’t
found anything basically there’s nothing
to find consistency is what you need to
find right and and in a technique which
you can repeat Under Pressure that’s
about it somebody else that comes to
mind is who is also a very good strong
ball Striker the panker he also blows
hot and
cold well um he’s got a new swing
thought every day sh if you ask me he is
he’s probably one probably more one of
the most uh fickle-minded people I’ve
seen on the golf was he changes every
day I I keep telling him that you know
you need to be that was Muhammad Akbar
Hussein with his buy part on number 18
that’s a multicolored ball looked like a
football to me as the the Cala Chrome
soft comes with that soccer thing on it
or it could be the uh TP five they have
that pick I’ve not seen anybody U
sporting a yellow golf ball used to see
quite a bit of that on the US store
somebody playing with a pink ball and so
yeah malti plays with the yellow
Titleist prar
Sawa sizing up what he’s got left for
Birdie on
his last hole you now that hoping it’s
last stroke of the tournament should
break a little from it’s very difficult
to read this to be H from his right
looks like
uh that’s the way that it should might
actually be a double double
break you know in years pass a onec
event uh yeah it should break now to the
left ni it’s got to hit it though you
know making cut in one CR and getting a
top 20 finish used to be big because he
would really look forward to this sort
of a check now these events have become
common place it the the built open was
the biggest right at one CR for for the
longest time yeah so this one at at one
CR uh the gurug open powered by amanin
is really I remember once uh we had used
to have 10 lack events and we playing a
28 lacker at n gol course at my home
cost I was leading it after two rounds
also and I was like sh man this got so
much money is coming in this p and blew
blew up next two rounds so for somebody
like prar Asawa this is a big week lot
of money as well as we have a look at
Mukesh for
jaal let’s see if Mukesh can finally
break the Jinx and make a
birdy he’s wearing red he needs a red
number it’s about time mes he hasn’t had
a single red on his card today it’s not
to be it’s uh it’s one of those day of
Misses but but you know all in all if he
starting the week if we told him you
going to shoot eight under he would
might have taken it yeah that’s a good
uh week for the legend capping off uh
good week he’s 56 years old short 58 58
years old beg your
pardon he he he’s played well for a 58
year old it’s commendable to shoot 8
under par at that age it’s it’s really
something you know I always want to do
one thing is break my age
playing golf that’s one of my you
know goals which when I’m let’s say 70 I
shoot 69 that would be I don’t think
very many people on the planet have done
that so that’s one of my
goals yeah it’s one one of those also
depend Cal chrom soft
soccer uh kind of golf balls you know it
also depends how early you are able to
break your age
yeah could be early also that’s that’s
the most important thing not just about
breaking a rage yeah and my coach has
broken it quite a few times so he keeps
bragging about it so it’s one of my as a
result I also want to do
it good part good week for the youngster
yeah you know he’s had a good we he’s
had a Gooding he’s he going to have a
long break he should you know
start back where he’s finished when he
comes back on
tour setting the stage for the leader
now I just feel that he um you know he
needs to improve his chipping has have a
little more variety in
it he’s always hitting these low you
know running
ones jestic view of the golf course and
the resort the grand bat
ITC you know every room has its own
swimming pool every room has its own
swimming pool every room
fantastic well so after a day’s golf
seems like the perfect thing to do jump
in the
water fortunately for Dharma no water
here on 18 to trouble him he I’m sure
somebody’s going to put water on him
though yeah he can just W there not many
very many people around the 18 green so
we might not see any water coming on him
unless is playing partners for something
him nice wide Fairway the
18th impediment near the green can just
course to Victory and uh make another
bird probably if you were to choose the
18th hole with a four shot victory in in
on a tour he would choose ITC right yeah
that makes
sense sain
basya on number
18 that’s a good shot yeah he’s left
himself in the front left right of the
green leaving the
hole pretty easy up and down from there
he’s at 12 under he’s he’s playing for
some serious cash right now
thir under will take him for a into a
tie for second position with uh and
sarak on the other hand can break this
lock Jam at 13 and be
in second by himself Rajiv has finished
the day at one underp of the day 11
under for the week fantastic final round
I would say that you know all things
considered he really showed a lot of
metal on that back nine after that
double Bing making those he I’m
thoroughly impressed and would like to
congratulate him on his absolutely you
know it’s uh good to see him play well
he gave lot of people a lot of
motivation I can tell you there a lot of
people looking at him and say if he can
you know he’s he’s we can do this and we
can also do
this it’s like when Phil Mickelson won
the PGA Championship not many people
remember that Phil actually finished
second in the Masters last year that
somehow goes uh he died he died with
Brooks yes yeah that goes unnoticed but
he finished second at 51 or 52 whatever
he how he one of very few people who won
has won three
Masters you know the the M Augusta
favors the left-hander more than the
right-hander a lot of left-handers who
have won the master like you have Mike
Weir who is won babba Watson who’s won
Phil mikkelson who’s
won and uh
sarak and
Dharma talking about
something Dharma not leaving his routine
he wants to finish strong we have
actually on the 178 number right now sh
so we were good with our prediction on
the winning
score as I thought 7 would be playoff
and 18 would definitely make
it look like he’s got a really
straightforward pitch on
18 all three of them
actually and he’s he’s pitching
with the grain which makes that pitch
midrange midf flight put a bit of check
on it let it then walk up the slope
slowly almost little bit from the right
not much in
it well played actually is going to
leave himself four three fo for
birdies and he could have easily just
you know hit it 10 12 ft two put it and
walked out of then you still would have
won comfortably but you know I just love
his attitude he he’s a grinder he’s he’s
made sure that he optimizes himself on
this hole as
well that’s good you you want a victory
by as large a margin as possible you can
Sak into the grain a bit so you know the
club’s going to get stuck a bit so you
know you can see when you your chipping
and a ball is flying and you going to
hit chip into the grain it grabs that
club a little bit more than what th my
head sain can
he’s birdie out here would bring him
into a tie for
second kind of currently in a tire for
fifth alongside Muhammad abbar
Hussein just G too much air time there I
would have thought he would bring it in
lower yeah actually put it it closer
there he’s left himself a fair bit of
work s for so looking at some of the
highlights of the day the low round
belongs to khen Joi alongside actually
might belong to khen and Dharma and and
uh Arjun Sharma J Singh Sandu also is
shot 67 from what I remember Arjun
Sharma and JJ finished with a five under
as well
in addition we also have Dharma if you
were to make this no Dharma dropped a
shot 16 so he would at best shoot a four
under pass so all in all a pretty
exciting day for us here uh at the
Classic Golf in Country Club and this
inaugural gur open 2024 powered byanjan
has really lived up to the
hype has seen a lot of low scores
it’s a it’s a it’s a good venue for to
see some exciting scoring you know
there’s a lot of Birdie opportunities
this is what you want to see if you’re
watching a golf tournament lots of
birdies and lot Eagles and birdies is
what you want to see
and Classic Golf and Country Club
provides you with ample opportunity to
score yeah um and also thanks to the
changes the 20 underpar Mark has not
been breached otherwise you’d expect the
winning score to be around 23 24 25 on
par as well yeah some of the big names
missed the cut actually you know so
quite surprised with that Manu gandas
being one of
them such an missing out on his budy on
18 that will keep him at 12 under at TI
fifth Sak’s got a expensive butt coming
up he’s in that tie for second alongside
yashas and Cen presently a birdie here
will take him to 14 under in Soul second
good week for Sak also sh yeah Sak also
good ball strike a
very strong hit on the ball as Sak
chipper oh oh that was a that was
robbery anyway all in all good week for
sarak that’s going to keep him in a tie
for a second with the khin and Jas the
prize money would be uh they would be
getting the prize money the average of
second third and fourth so I would think
somewhere in the vicin of maybe six and
a half seven lakh yeah and now this part
might have been worth about a couple of
laaks yes because uh solo second is
about 10 lakh and uh now he might walk
away with
third and fourth maybe about six lakh so
this part might have been for about
three or lakh
yeah that half inch was worth three laks
uh was it that movie The Longest Yard he
says it’s a game of inches okay so
second third fourth tide would make
it 19 divided by yeah 6 and A2 and then
10 yeah about 3 and A2 lakh rupees worth
that is indeed
expensive Dharma with
uh how many parts you got to win uh I
would say about four more parts five
more parts you can take six actually he
still win and I don’t think you’ll need
more than one here which and ladies and
gentlemen you have your
Champion Dharma look at that ecstatic
Victory number three for M Dharma yeah
it’s it’s you know some it’s he’s well
deserved uh of this Victory he I told
you this probably the only people left
on the golf course to put water on him
will be no we have some bangaloreans
coming in to drench
him khen making sure there’s not
as that’s for friends part of his
T-shirt which is not wet this a whole
bottle of water man that’s what good
golf cader is you know celebrating Mona
is uh also congratulating him
that’s what makes a champion an Indian
open Champion congratulating
you yeah make sure you SC sign that
score card correctly
Dharma so ver is last victory dharma’s
last victory I would be interesting to
know that
it’s I think it’s been a long wait for
our coo utam Singh Mundi congratulating
winner a good tournament good field good
venue good golf good low
scoring all in all really good event ITC
is always Classic golf and country club
is always a really good
venue for the players very
staff Majestic
Clubhouse this so the winner of the
inaugural guro open 2024 is M Dharma
from Bangalore he’s with a total of 18
under that’s
uh it’s so important after the week of
hard work you have to ensure that the
scorecard is signed exactly uh correct
you can’t have any blemishes or mistakes
in the scorecard even if your total is
correct but if you’ve made a mistake on
a certain role and if you under recorded
the score you get disqualified so that
happened to a player in the Masters once
Roberto dzo he signed for a for a par
where he had made birdie and he would
have gone into a playoff but since he
signed for a wrong scorecard the highest
score stood and he did not go into a
playoff for the Masters so anyway so
this is a very important part of the
round you got to make sure it’s not just
the total which has to be correct whole
by whole whole by whole it has to be
so um very important part of the round
is checking your scorecard so if you
look at the scorecard it’s got a leaf on
top which where the player is a is given
a space to write his score he’s going to
match it with his what the marker has
written for him so that’s why you see at
this point in time the golf golfers are
still very focused on the task at hand
they want to ensure tally each hole up
and you see the markers score is at the
bottom and the the players score is on
top and two signatures are
needed that of the player and the
marker any overriding has to be
initialed Dharma going through he must
be freezing that Clubhouse is so cold
and he’s got this cold water on him I’m
pretty certain that he won’t be thinking
about he’ll be thinking about this
Victory and what it does means for him
it’s it’s really nice that I think
Dharma played a little bit of golf on
the Asian tour also last year or year
before last when was the last victory
Shia might want to just check in
it’ be interesting to see I think he’s
been at least a couple of years since he
last won yeah I think at least three I
remember he won uh I remember him
leading at uh jaur with backto back in
the pass when I was commentating a few
years ago did he win that event I don’t
think so I don’t remember now clearly
I’ll just have a
look he hasn’t won 23
so we just coming back to our viewers
with when was a the duration between his
two victories his last one that is M
dharma’s last victory
was couple of seconds in
2021 so almost five years ago we looking
at 2019 and still have no clear answers
2019 he had a runner of finish and then
20 that’s what I thought I I was
thinking half a decade at least since he
won we going back year by year and we
still not able to find it yeah so it’s
been a long wait for him so I can
imagine how how much he must be
cherishing this what is the conversation
that that you think they’re having at
this point in time oh finally found it
it is the Crum CG Crompton gaves 2017
2017 so it’s been 7 years since he last
won he’s waited a long time for
this you know sometimes when you’re
taking so long between two victories you
you wonder whether you ever going to get
it again you know it’s the mind has
playing these
tricks I’m sure he’s getting a lot of
calls from a lot of people very close to
him he’s a
very affable character he’s got a
everybody’s got good things to say about
hardworking professional golfer it’s so
the gentleman in the black
congratulating Sak is the CEO utam Singh
Mundi he’s uh one of the very few PE gol
professional golfers to have made a
double eagle on the Asian tour which is
he made it on the 18th hole and got that
engraved watch as well he got the Double
Eagle watch from he got that watch as
well fantastic double eagle and there
you see congratulations pouring in Man
of the r he really held his nerve and
displayed what he’s made of um was able
to save off challenges from yashas
Chandra who’s really breeding down his
neck he was very close till the 16th
until Jas bogit uh number 16 but you
know that that was not quite known to
Dharma at that point in time he went
about his game plan made Birdie on 12
and 14 and was able to the inaugural G
trophy powered
byanjan the winner also gets a paycheck
lacks that’s a wonderful trophy to keep
on your mtle case as well this just
looks endid doesn’t it you know the
trophies also have changed over time
remember we used to have that yeah St St
that either it was that uh that’s that
you know round cup or it was the glass
trophy slender glass trophy some kind of
pyramid or something like that
yeah these are highlights from earlier
today please do with us we’ll also bring
to you uh the prize ceremony in just a
moment some of the highlights from
today Ry
Hill I
mean a good finish at the
end finishing at at 11 under
Raji Arjun with his t-shot on number
one dappy Kai
chibber first whole plate far above it
SP today it had a really tough pin
Mohammad akar
Oran number
six sunet number
nine Raj number nine
Yas that long budy on number
11 Ry coming up wul shot on number
13 just narly missing his bird on number
that was probably a turning
point cin with the the low round of the
days along with JJ sing Sandu 67
today Rajiv having a really good
week finishing a tie for
sixth well uh it was a Bangalore
Bangalore Mur top three uh this
week another look at the final
scores finally winning by a margin of
shots the 4 round Agate of 270
Yas having another good week he finished
third at NOA a week
earlier rill all always finds himself in
contention in most of the events he
plays here at on the PGT check audio
testing check check
Rajiv having a splendid
week so we welcome you all to the priz
setar jaal M Dharma Sachin basya and
sarak chibar and at the end we had the
most deserving Champion to start
proceeding I’d now like to invite Mr
utam Singh Mandi CEO pgti Mr Rajesh
sriwastav head marketing and
Communications Nissan Motor India and Mr
kesab Kumar GM Classic golf and country
club before we
start rest the
Gathering a very good afternoon
everyone uh well I would say a great
Golf Course little hot I know what you
guys have been through but uh a
fantastic week uh to end off
with congratulations to Dharma Dharma
where are you well done my
friend a long time waiting 7 years but
well uh as long as you tick the box now
I’m sure that you’ll have rapid ones
closing in now uh this
week has uh been special for us where we
had amanin as uh our partner for this
particular event of course they are a to
a partner but they were a partner of
ours this uh is the last event that we
have in the first half of the Season we
of course uh will conclude uh soon after
the summer break but till that point of
time we’ve seen some fantastic golf some
great winners uh the scoring that has
been amazing 18 under winning this week
uh 13 under finishing second and there’s
a whole bunch of guys between 13 and 10
I think there are almost about nine
other players as well so I mean that
goes to show the the the level of
competition that there is and uh of
course the conditions have not been that
easy it’s a windy golf
course this uh I’d like to thank uh
Nissan and uh B Larry for their
partnership Nissan has been very very
kind of course uh I was joking with
rajes G this morning saying that since
the last couple of weeks that they have
put up the cars for a hole-in-one we
haven’t had a single hole in-one
otherwise normally we end up having one
or two every week and I was joking with
him that uh in the second half of the
Season probably if you don’t have anym
they should probably put one car on
either nine each
nine but no thank you very much for your
partnership it means a lot to to the
pgti and
uh I’d like to thank uh Classic golf uh
Resort for this golf course I mean uh
Kesha thank you very much for playing
host for partnering with us and giving
us this fantastic Golf Course to play on
uh at this time of the year I know the
uh in spite of the weather conditions
the course has been in Immaculate shape
that’s what I’ve got to hear from the
players not that I was on the golf
course but thank you very much I’d like
to thank you and your your entire team
who’ve actually uh done a fantastic job
giving us this course in such fine
condition and uh till we meet again I
guess uh enjoy the rest of the season
your summer break work hard Party hard
and see you guys when we resume play
again in beginning August thank you very
much thank you
sir we’ll now be announcing the joint
Runners up there were three of them
today and I’d request Mr utam Singh MTI
and Mr Kev Kumar to kindly jointly
present the prizes to the three joint
Runners up khin josi yashas Chandra and
sarak chibar totals of 13 under 275 for
them with total prize money that they
take away is rupees 6 lak
99,8 66 each
it’s a career best for
sarak it’s now time to announce the
winner and I’d request Mr utam Singh
Mandi and Mr Rajesh sriwastav head
marketing and Communications missan Mot
India to kindly jointly present the
winning professional with the giant
check and the trophy the winning
professional winning his third Title
First in seven years M Dharma the scores
of 66 69 67 and 68 for a total of 18
272 18 under 270
sorry he takes away a prize money check
rupees 15
lakh long awaited win his first in seven
years and his third
title I’d now request the winner to
kindly say a few
words good afternoon
everybody so it’s been long time 7
years lot of struggle lot of hard work
this thank you for the Classic Golf
course it was in great shape
uh I think better than challenge tour it
was conditioned this week yeah it was
very good
condition and thanks to kga supporting
me thanks thanks to my
Healthcare uh
CH and uh Sunil basar andar Air India
Express and all my friends supporting me
all my KJ support members all of
also all pgti staffs all my friends
mutam s and Biser and Nishan and uh am
Aman thank you for all the sponsors
thank you so much see you again next
year oh this year following year
following year
thank you so much my my family thank you
for my family my wife everybody so thank
you thank you see you again
bye many congratulations to the champion
once again before we wrap up we’d like
to thank our powered by partner
amrutanjan electr plus the Classic Golf
and Country Club Mr Rishi matu head
Classic Golf and Country Club Mr KV
Kumar chef alok rogi Mr Deepak manager
operations co-staff led by Mr vikas and
Mr Raj Kamal FNB staff led by Mr Rohit
all players referees and officials and
of course our tour Partners Rolex Tata
steel Nissan Nissan bis Larry amrutanjan
electr plus golf plus monthly athletic
Drive ABP live Eurosport for the
wonderful coverage over the last two
days and golf design India thank you and
look forward to seeing you in the second
half of the Season thank you

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