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FSU ACC Lawsuit | Monday SMASH 4-22-24 | FSU Football Spring Showcase | Warchant TV #FSU

FSU ACC Lawsuit | Monday SMASH 4-22-24 | FSU Football Spring Showcase | Warchant TV #FSU

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Monday Smash LIVE show on April 22nd, 2024 with Tom Lang and Ira Schoffel discusses the latest in FSU football, spring practice, 2025 recruiting class, ACC lawsuit, conference realignment, viewer questions, and more!

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good evening everybody time to smash it
up on a Monday night here on warchant TV
alongside the managing editor of he’s irishell my name is
Tom Lang and you are watching the Monday
smash presented by State Farm agent Russ
vorus here on warchant TV hit the thumbs
up as you enter the stream tonight hope
you all are doing well we’ve got a lot
of things to talk about obviously the
Spring Showcase on Saturday the transfer
portal activity Ira it’s all happening
right now I believe uh first up you’re
going to read word forw uh the
transcript of what happened today in the
courtroom so we’re going to be here
you’re just going to read everything
that judge Cooper had to say everything
the lawyers had to say and however long
that goes that’s how we’re going to go
is that do I have that right yeah I’m
going to say site all the case law that
they brought up and all of the
subsection line 27 of paragraph 34 yeah
now I’m not goingon to do that uh uh but
yeah I we’ll recap that real quick I
talked about a little bit on Jeff’s show
it’s been on the website I’m sure
everybody watching this knows but
basically to kind of the cliff notes is
uh Florida State’s uh lawsuit against
the ACC it’s kind of hit a littleit a
stumbling block uh the judge ruled that
Florida State in their complaint and in
their amending complaint didn’t spell
out properly why leyon county is the
proper jurisdiction for a case that
involves FSU in the ACC which is
obviously located in North Carolina that
was the acc’s contention Florida State
basically didn’t have it spelled out
correctly so the judge is making them go
back and amend their complaint uh they
have seven days to do that and sounds
like it’s formality they just have to
include that language in there it’ll go
back to the well then the the ACC has up
to 20 days to respond uh somebody
pointed this out to me that’s that’s
fair that they could the ACC could at
that point say you know what they met
the burden we complained because it
wasn’t proper before and judge uh C CL
uh excuse me judge Cooper had already
comp um struck stricken one of their
complaints and they basically rescinded
one of their own so there’s not much
left there so if Florida State puts in
the language that’s I guess the ACC
technically could just say you know what
we’re good we we’ll withdraw our uh
notice to uh or our motion to um to uh
dismiss the case I don’t think that’s
gonna happen but it could but anyway
basically this is gonna hold the case up
for about a month or so and while they
go through that process and then come
back before him and then ultimately it
seems like uh the judge is going to rule
in Florida State’s favor he felt it felt
like he wanted to do that anyway he just
wants to be careful because it’s such a
big case I was popping in and out I of
of course of JCS started at 1:00 and you
know there was there was a lot there was
a lot of back and forth between the
lawyers and uh and obviously judge
Cooper but it seemed to me it that it
had the energy of in very simple terms
not a legal mind here if you’re in a
math class and the teacher says you got
to give me the answer and show me show
your work right right exactly and you
bring up just the answer and the teacher
says I can’t accept this you got to go
back and show me your work and I think I
think judge Cooper was trying to get
them over the Finish Line in a sense not
that he’s bi but it just it seemed like
he was giving latitude so here it is uh
if the ACC wants to drag its feet Ira
because there’s a proceeding in North
Carolina that they’d like to finish
first or get closer to the Finish Line
first they can do so now and uh it costs
Florida State about a month that’s a lot
of Bill hours they didn’t have to pay
for I don’t think and there is somebody
mentioned in the on the our thread on
the tribal council a lot of attorneys a
lot of attorneys and a lot of people
that stayed at a hotel last night that
that says that they U make you feel like
you’re an attorney but uh
one of the I think resident legal
experts said you know you’re also
forgetting the fact that that Florida
State’s appealing the ruling earlier in
North Carolina so that case is kind of
in a standstill while they go through
that appeal and you don’t know how long
that’s going to take so it may not we’ll
see we don’t know whether or not it’s
goingon to have an impact the other
thing I want to touch on because I saw
somebody mention in the chat is the
judge did order both sides to to go
through some mediation within 120 days
just wanted to clarify that for people
that weren’t watching the proceeding
because I didn’t really write about it
other than in the mess Message Board
thread but basically any case that comes
before him he sends them to mediation
along with proceeding with the trial he
believes St staunchly and I think it’s
it’s the position of this circuit court
but also him in particular that most
things can be worked out with mediation
before it actually goes through the
whole legal process it’s usually better
for everybody cheaper for everybody so
he’s ordering them to go through
mediation but he can’t order them to
actually do anything like so they’re
going to have to go with the the next
120 days people from the attorneys from
FSU the ACC are going have to go sit
down with
medor some common ground is there a way
to come to an agreement it’s not
arbitration he clarified that where
where you’re ordered to come to an
agreement this is or there’s going to be
an agreement decided for you this is G
he’s giving them a chance to do it we’ll
see whether or not that happens but but
uh the one other note and I’m sorry
we’ll get off this real quick but the
other I thought newsworthy item was uh
the attorney for FSU Peter rush I
believe his name is said you know if it
wasn’t for the grant of right this was
just in conversation he said if it
wasn’t for the grant of rights which
comes with maybe a 450 or $500 million
in media rights cost that if it was just
the exit fee which is $130 to $140
million the Florida state
could sit down at a table right now and
negotiate with the ACC um I think most
of us have kind of always thought that
but this was the first time we’ve heard
them say it that if it was just 140
we’ll sit down right now and we’ll
figure out a way to cut a check so
that’s one one little nugget of news I
guess yeah and and it confirms what the
board had talked about last year which
was they kind of scoffed at the notion
of the exit fee themselves but never in
a legal proceeding never with
representation has Florida State
officially taken that position but yeah
it’s you know there’s a couple of things
that have floated out the last two days
where uh these parties have met
adversarial as they are in leyon County
you know was last time that they
convened you had an ACC lawyer Ira
saying that you know well we could sell
these rights to Florida State to a
different League or do to a different
network I never heard that before and
then Florida State again today saying
that the exit fee is no big deal so I
mean they’re setting the parameters it’s
almost like there’s mediation going on
without mediation going on we’ll see
where it goes obviously it’s a speed
bump today that’s the red tape section
of the Monday smash brought to you by
State Farm agent Russ vores now to the
fun Parts uh we’ll get to the portal in
a little bit uh get your questions ready
for iron I in the chat director Ben
Spicer behind the scenes uh he’ll be
collecting those questions and we’ll
answer whatever you’d like to do towards
the end of the program today but how
about the spring Spring Showcase okay
when it started Ira I’m from afar I’m
taking it in like a lot of people who
are watching right now and I’m seeing
situational drills I’m seeing a lot of
interviews on the sidelines by the ACC
Network I’m worrying then I see special
teams I’m thinking oh boy we’re at 4:15
20 after 4 what are we doing then they
get into a 15minute quarter in a
10-minute quarter I’m curious your
thoughts you’ve seen every practice that
Florida state has rolled out there this
spring uh your thoughts on what it
looked like versus what you thought what
it looked like versus what you’ve seen
as you’ve attended practice and covered
practice this
Camp yeah there’s a lot of distinctions
there I think I’ve got kind of three
viewpoints one is having seen practices
for a month and I know we have a benefit
that the a lot of the viewers don’t but
they’ve heard us talking about this team
for a month um it wasn’t far off from
what we’ve seen there was nothing that
was like oh my goodness I I totally
whiffed on that or I thought this was
totally different from what we expected
I would say though that the the passing
game um and really the offense overall
but definitely the passing game didn’t
feel as as good as we had seen it in the
last couple of weeks part of that was DJ
maybe part of that was the receivers
part of it also was something I didn’t
realize until I went back and watched it
last night um when you watch the replay
of it man the defense look either Adam
Fuller called the Spring Showcase of his
life or those guys know this offense
really well because there’s a lot of
those plays I mean there’s a play one of
the one of the times DJ keeps it uh
because the screen pass isn’t there well
you go back and watch the reason the
screen pass isn’t there literally I
think maybe one guy went in
motion and then the safety I think it
was KJ Kirkland I need to go back and
watch makes a beline I’m telling you 90
mil hour to where that screen is is
supposed to hit and I mean that maybe
that’s great film study maybe it’s a
perfect call into that situation it just
felt like there were several plays like
that the Marvin Jones near interception
it’s third and 10 uh they run a Zone
Blitz which again Adam fer also dialed
up a lot of blitzes so to me this was
not a game where they were really trying
to make DJ look great or the passing
game look great I mean they dotted up a
lot of pressures on that play it’s a
Zone Blitz linebacker comes Marvin Jones
drops back into coverage but he doesn’t
just drop back into coverage man he
darts straight to where that that
receiver is going to be dragging and DJ
never looks to the backside because I
don’t think he I don’t I don’t know for
sure but I don’t know that he’s even
coached to because it’s basically catch
it the drags coming and hit it and
that’s where Marvin Jones comes in front
of him he never saw him and he couldn’t
have seen him um I mean there’s no way
you have time on that play to scan the
whole field so you know I just felt like
there were a lot of things like that
there was there was another play where
uh Justin Cryer looked like he knew
exactly where a pass was going to go and
again I’m not making excuses for DJ but
the defense played really really well
and I think it’s a very very good
defense but I also felt like there were
some signs that maybe they had a feel
for maybe what was coming that’s those
are some of my big picture takeaways
well and and look we can’t give away you
know the things we see in practice but
when when they finally present something
like for example Bryson estd started the
game at at left guard and you know I’m
able to say at that point I feel
comfortable I saw a little bit of that
of practice you know so there there is
you know know um there’s precedent that
wasn’t something that was you know
shocking when he came out there because
we have the benefit of going to practice
you know just from reading a lot of the
updates Ira a lot of the observations
that you put up or Corey puts up over
the practices I didn’t see you know
batted away a screen pass is something
that I read most every day so I feel
like to your point maybe they were very
ready for that it’s almost two years ago
before the season started how many times
that they run a Philly special in in
Fall Camp it was to the point where a
linebacker or a safety would abandon
their responsibilities in a play and
just run to a spot because they know the
two-point play is going to be a Philly
so it’s anticipation because it’s a
habit so I get your point there also I
think the secondary is really good um
and and when you’re talking about wide
receivers getting open we had that
discussion today on on the Cameron show
and we’ll get to Van dravus Jacobs
entering his name into the portal and
we’ll discuss portal in a little bit but
I think you know Ira they they probably
could use some help at wide receiver but
it can’t you can’t have that discussion
without talking about how talented the
defensive back field is right that’s a
great point and that was the other thing
when I went back and watched you know we
can you know it’s easy after the game or
you’re watching it live to think well DJ
that wasn’t a great decision that guy
wasn’t really open and then you go back
and watch and there really wasn’t a
whole lot of people ever open on a lot
of those plays I mean everybody is
covered um now you know again I think
that speaks to both sides these this
defense is really good these DBS are
really good I feel like the the pass
rush was pretty good and then you don’t
have great receivers especially when
Malik Benson went down and and you know
and that position and that to me and I
know we’re going to talk about some of
what we think you know Florida State
should do in the portal that position
wide receiver I went into this really
the spring but even the last week or so
feeling as if wide receiver was a luxury
you know and and if they if if a good
receiver came in that’s where I gotten
to about a week ago if a good receiver
came into the portal and you could get
him go get them because you need another
good really good receiver I hadn’t been
really impressed with a lot of those
guys and the younger guys just aren’t
there yet now after seeing that game I
man I I think they that’s not at the top
of my list I I think they have to go get
a receiver um and you know that’s not
because Malik Benson got hurt think we
think he’s gonna be okay um but but it
just to me you’ve got some guys that
have been here a long time that just if
it hasn’t happened and you’re in your
fourth or fifth year one is it it’s not
going to happen it’s just not to the
point it needs to and those young guys I
just don’t feel get the sense that
they’re ready now there’s four more
months but man this is this team is too
good to not have a couple of really good
weapons at receiver now we don’t know if
Dustin Hill is back then that would
change things maybe a little bit but I
haven’t seen enough from the young guys
or the old guys to feel like they can
just B look at it as a luxury to go get
a receiver it’s funny in the postgame
show the tener Jean and I jean started
it I’m like yeah I’m with with Eugene
about the receiver room and and I for me
it was because Benson went down it’s not
about the severity of what happened
there I I believe you said something
that that you know hints at at okay an
okay outcome with Malik and what
happened on Saturday but when he does go
down IRA and you live in that world
where you have to complete a drive you
know you have to go out there for a
series or two or three and Malik is not
a part of that rotation it feels a
little dire you know like there’s
there’s a whole lot of speed underneath
we really like the running game they
threw Jaylen Lucas out there which is
great in the end round game or the Jet
game whatever but you’re going to need
to be able to run the football if if
Malik is is not available that’s what I
felt like on Saturday you shouldn’t feel
that desperate you know not not a
Florida State and and so we we’ll have
that discussion just a little bit about
the portal but it’s funny even though we
get to see practices when you get into a
setting like that you can walk away with
with a bit of a different a different
takeaway and I think it sounds like most
of us on the staff here believe that
receiver priority is just climbing up
ranks and I think most people that
watched it and and and I and I will say
that I don’t want to you know I’m not
overreacting to just that day because we
do get to watch and I but I feel like
you know early in the spring one of the
things I said I think was on a smash and
I think I said on headlines too was you
know you really notice the difference
not having Keon because you don’t and
Johnny because you’re not seeing
receivers go get the ball like if there
open a lot of these receivers if they’re
open they’ll catch it most of the time
or if they get behind a secondary
they’ll catch it most of the time but
you weren’t seeing a lot of guys win
those contested passes even in one-on
ones or in seven on seven or 11 11
sometimes one-on-one but not a lot in
seven on seven or 11 11 and so I was
lamenting that the last week or two
Malik Benson started winning a lot of
those and and and we saw that in the
game on Saturday so I felt confident
he’s that guy um but you know I’m at the
point now and and as especially because
a couple of those passes that were
completed in that game you know chances
to you know or not completed you know
either dropped or or a chance to make a
play catch it make a play and then that
doesn’t happen you just stumble down I
mean it’s just if it hasn’t happened yet
when’s it ever gonna happen and uh so
and and you know you mentioned vrus
Jacob’s going to the portal and I’m not
gonna bash the kid because it always
sounds like you’re you know running down
a kid after he leaves um but this spring
he could not have been more quiet um I
don’t know if that’s cuz he already knew
he was going to leave I don’t know if
it’s because he wasn’t what we saw last
spring I think we need to go back I want
to I want to go back and try to remember
who actually played DB in that spring
because vrus and KRON look great in that
spring did and I don’t know if either
one of them has looked great since
really no not not trying to kill you
KRON but so I you know again I just it
hasn’t been there so I I know a lot of
people are lamenting vrus Le I don’t
think that’s going to affect this season
at all and I don’t know for sure it was
going to affect anything down the road
yeah I saw a comment from Nico in the
chat and Nico says predicting Elijah
Moore is going to show up and make us
forget who might have left as high
school highlight films go you know high
school highlight tape I I never want to
call it I’ve watched his film it’s his
huddle it’s the best plays of the season
I looked at his film and I it’s not film
it’s a highlight reel but that little
rant aside as far as huddle Clips go
Elijah Boris is very impressive and and
he has some of what you’re talking about
Ira which is contested catchability it’s
a lot to ask from a true freshman but
you never know maybe that’s a player who
can phase in towards the end of uh of
the fall very impressive player coming
in but the portal is probably where we
want to shop a little bit more we’re
going to get to our a couple more story
lines on the spring game in a moment but
first we want to tell you State Farm
agent Russ vores an awesome sponsor of
warchant uh for a long long time before
there was ever a warchant TV Russ vorus
was a supporter of uh he’s
one of uh the long time there there’s a
list of people irz you climb up the list
of Big Time donors and supporters of
Florida State athletics like it shrinks
and the names you know it’s now down to
20 people than 10 Russ vores has been a
staunch supporter of Florida State
athletics for a long long time and you
can find his Services they’re available
to you uh in the State of Florida
Alabama and Georgia so if you want to
talk nolles and you want to support a
null IR ra you you would agree I know
that Russ VES is your guy yeah and I
actually talked to Russ the other day
and he’s been really happy with the the
feedback he’s been getting from uh FSU
fans who’ve heard about him on on the
smash and he’s gotten I think he had a
couple uh New Deals last week where uh
FSU fans were clients of other customer
or other uh insurance agents gave him a
chance they liked what he said and now
they’re switching to his company so yeah
I I definitely encourage you to at least
call and talk to Russ or one of his one
of his people he’s got offices in
Jacksonville Beach and Orange Park but
also they service the Tri-State Florida
Georgia and Alabama and uh you you can
go to and get more information
or you know set up a consultation he’s
the real deal he he supports the nolles
at that level that that we’re implying
here so uh give him your support ask him
some questions too if you’re just
curious um he he knows the business
inside and out uh so Ira I want to give
away my my uh I’ve done this on a couple
of shows but my award for the player
that impressed me the most goes to
running back kaziah Holmes I thought he
was fantastic on the day uh everything
that he did he did well when he had a
chance to break run he did when he had a
chance to break a tackle he ran through
shaheim brown maybe shahe wasn’t fully
square but still that’s an impressive
feat when he had a chance to protect
against a Blitzer Omar Graham coming up
the middle he did lead block he did
that’s such a crowded room that I think
a performance like one that kaziah had
on Saturday in the Spring Showcase might
earn him some credit some Equity as we
go into the offseason as we go into fall
Camp I actually thought the running game
was okay the offensive line got pushed
around for stretches but I didn’t think
the running the running game was that
bad started slow but then they started
to hit on some Roy Dell did kaziah did
Jaylen Lucas hit one up the middle as
time went on in that showcase do you
have a player that stood out for you
that you want to wave the banner for or
is there is there a theme that you’d
rather talk about that you took away
from the day well one thing I want to
say on the running game real quick is
just it was okay it was also very Hit or
Miss like you know you had a few big
runs you had several decent runs and
then you had I think I had 10 10 carries
by the running backs the scholarship
running backs had 10 carries for one
yard or less that’s not great um you
know they got stoned at the line several
times including I mean tofil all of them
they all had carries like that now it’s
not on them necessarily it’s usually on
the the offensive line but um that was a
little you know bothersome I guess but
um as far as a player I you know I
continue to really like Justin Cryer I
thought he looked good um in some of the
some of the the when I went back and
watched it um I think um again I don’t
know if anybody stood out that that I
wasn’t expecting um right Conrad hussy’s
physicality uh you know Corey gets upset
with Conrad hussy because every time he
slams a guy down after a play Cory’s
like what are you doing he’s your
teammate but uh Conrad hussy’s
physicality is noticeable like I think
he’s gonna be a guy that people are GNA
like the way he plays just that
nastiness that used to see from you know
the Jaylen Ramsay and those kinds of
guys um Edwin Joseph I thought played
well the corner the backup Corners I
thought played really well um so I
quendarius Jones uh continues to be
really good that that DB room just
everywhere you look it’s it it impresses
me I thought you know the offensive line
started out with Bryson eses uh at left
guard then they rotated in the two SEC
guys um and hopefully the news is good
obviously on teren TJ Ferguson because
he got rolled up on towards the end of
of those man they were like a drive away
from putting him on on the sideline too
I that pissed me off I did he I mean I
just just from what I’m hearing it
doesn’t sound like anybody that got
injured in that game is a long-term
thing like it’s gonna affect this fall
at least it’s what it sounds like
preliminarily I don’t think anybody that
you saw get hurt in that scrimmage is is
doubt is there status is really in
Jeopardy for the season that would be
huge because when you had Ferguson and
Leonard at your two guards you started
to move guys around they did a good job
and handling as much as anyone can Daryl
Jackson winning some one-on-ones
creating seams things like that
to me it looks like those two transfers
might be your starting guards but again
it’s only one day it’s it’s in the
Spring Showcase um DJ U’s performance
we’ve got a piece right now up on uh Corey Clark wrote it’s
it’s about an up and down day but how
the spring overall went
well what what’s your takeaway Ira was
was Saturday emblematic of what you’ve
seen from dju uh the last month was it a
little better a little worse and where
do you think he stands and where do you
think the the staff uh believes he is in
his growth at being in Florida State you
know when I left the scrimmage and I
left you know again like when I left the
Showcase I I felt I was a little
disappointed that he didn’t hit more
throws because I again I he had really
been coming on the last couple weeks and
I knew that you know the fan base has
not been out of practice so they’re you
know they hear what we say but they
needed to see it for themselves and when
it the passing game didn’t really click
that disappointed me because now I think
that you’re gon to have a lot of people
we see it on our message boards and and
elsewhere where some people are want to
take a wait and see approach but other
people are like okay he he stinks you
know like you you’re hearing some of
that um so that disappointed me but when
I went back and watched it I I felt
better about the way he played um you
know I didn’t again a lot of those plays
where he it felt like he forced
something there were nothing was open um
there also uh you know there was one or
two throws that he’d like to have back
but you Jordan missed a couple throws
here there and one of them obviously was
the one to jakai where where DJ is kind
of rolling and kind of looked like maybe
threw off the wrong foot or something
but anyway the the pass went short jakai
couldn’t make a play on it that would
have been a nice play um there might
have been one other the Deep ball to
Malik I think maybe wasn’t right on
target but for the most part I thought
he was fine I thought he played well and
I think he’s gonna be that’s only after
a month of practice I think four more
months I think they’re going to really
build a plan around him and that was
going up against a good defense I felt
like knew a lot what was coming so I’m
I’m bullish on him and I think they are
as well um I don’t know what to tell you
and I understand anybody that’s watching
this that thinks I’m a homer or I’m full
of it or I don’t know what I’m seeing
and I get it I’m just telling you the
last couple weeks he’s looked really
good and when I went back and watched it
I didn’t put a lot of the blame for what
happened in that scrimmage on him even
the DJ Lundy play I mean that was great
coverage I mean it’s gonna happen and it
just happened the ball went up straight
he didn’t throw a pick he threw a ball
that maybe should have been a little
further out but DJ makes a great play on
it and I think people should be happy
about that DJ Lundy made a play in
coverage and the only reason it looked
like it could have been a pick is
because the ball just happen to go
straight up in the air that’s a fluke it
was a broken up pass but you know again
it wasn’t like uh I don’t know I mean I
feel I feel fine about him I think he’s
gonna be really good I I after seeing
how much he improved over the last two
or three weeks I really can’t wait to
see what he looks like after he next
four months yeah I was glad to see a
couple Thursdays ago when I was in town
he had a good day like a really good day
and uh it was a series of three or four
throws that you know they are vintage if
you will I don’t know if I want to use
vintage on a kid who’s under 25 years
old but like vintage dju throws exactly
what you would think strong arm
unlocking different parts of the field
getting down uh in a space where most
you know members of the secondary
wouldn’t even think they have to defend
and and it’s just there it is it’s over
the top it’s a laser 65 70 yards down
the field um Nico I think again makes a
good point which it’s vanilla offense
against a good defense now he says
awesome it could very well be I don’t
think Mike norvell’s rolling into
Saturday Spring Showcase scheming to
beat the defense the way he would an
opponent in September 100% And I agree
completely and I also thought um you
know there was a practice two practices
ago I think it was where they ran a lot
of Red Zone stuff I think
and um norvel man opened the bag of
tricks dude they ran a bunch of stuff
and the defense was caught unawares I
mean it was it was a reminder that if
Mike wants to scheme it up Mike can
scheme it up and they hit on a lot of
bunch of plays when you watched a lot of
those routes I mean everything it wasn’t
like there weren’t running pick plays I
mean it’s very I do think it was very
vanilla and uh just didn’t do anything
to help him out also I think his day
looks a lot better I know I sound like
an apologist but you know if KRON
catches that ball um the the ball in the
end zone Darion can’t make um it gets
broken up that was his I thought that
was his best throw best throw of the day
that was yeah and I’m not trying to kill
the receiver but you I feel like you
could position your body a little bit
better and shield off that Defender so
anyway it was just and it was a nice
play by the DB I just think a few things
could have gone differently and made his
day look a whole lot better I I think
he’s GNA be good and I and I think he’s
gonna be really good one other thing he
did you know there’s one surprise I
didn’t really I hadn’t noticed in
practice um but he’s really good on the
Zone read stuff like he he knows I mean
not only the one we talked about after
the game Cory mentioned it you know the
the one touchdown run where he really
holds it for a long time for royell um
he had another one he had couple others
where he reads the defensive end
perfectly and he takes it the defense
been crash he takes it around the side
and you know they blow the whistle after
five or six yards but in the game
there’s no way that they’re stopping
that so um that’s a that I knew he could
be a weapon in the the running game I
didn’t realize he runs his Zone Reed as
well I he he looks like he really can
run that yeah he’s got whatever that is
the Split Second decision- making
capability to know what to do with the
football he’s got an IQ when it comes to
running the football we Dominick
Robinson did the breakdown on that you
could see it he’s got an idea of timing
and pacing he’s just not Fleet of foot
he’s got heavy feet but once he gets
motoring and moving Ira he’s a weapon
and I think it was important uh probably
to Mike norell it’s I’m assuming here
that they put that on film you know they
put the Showcase stuff out there for
opponents to consider that no no no
we’re not reluctant to run dju we will
run him and it’s not just in third and
one we’ll run him on First and 10 we’ll
keep you honest and even if that’s gain
a six and he slides Ira in Dublin in
game one like that’s that’s an effective
way to hold a Defender I think they were
cheating last year against Jordan they
they said go ahead run we dare you we
don’t we don’t believe it and most of
the time he didn’t about Florida State
getting better as a football program
they were finally able as of midnight or
1201 uh this morning to start working on
the portal IRA and I are going to talk
about what we think Florida State needs
to do you’ve already heard one position
but we’re going to rank it out and we’re
going to bring that list to you after
this message from from State Farm agent
vorus contact Russ Boris for an auto
today apologies for not bringing the uh
game show music with us but we are I’m
going to play off of the Supermarket
Sweep logo I kind of ripped it off here
director Ben can pull this up but we’re
calling it super portal sweep and this
is Ira’s top three list of needs this is
my top three list of needs or wants it’s
my word I use wants I don’t know they’ve
got a lot of the pieces that they need
Ira but in in a perfect world here’s
where you would go these are our top
threes and I see that we have the same
positions just ranked a little bit
differently um tell us about your list
and why you believe wide receiver has
climbed all the way to the top of what
Florida State needs to do as it hits the
portal this
week yeah I think we should there should
start a game show where like maybe you
have a big supermarket and you put like
transfer players around the the market
and you’ve got a coaches have to race
through to find the the the portal
targets that they need um maybe or it
could be a blind test they they just
pick like a game show and then uh see if
they got the ones they needed but um
yeah I went I mov receiver up I I had it
more as to to me going into the spring
game I thought defensive tackle was one
position where they definitely needed
somebody and again not to start I think
Josh farmer darl Jackson uh you know the
guys they’ve got behind them are really
good but I feel like they just need one
more good defensive tackle in that group
you you lost so many guys from last
season and they brought in a couple but
I think they need more um if you brought
in a defensive end like I feel like
maybe you put toaya to TOA toaya Dura
Jay uh in the um in the middle and then
you you get a defensive end outside so I
feel like that could be an end instead
of a tackle but I’d Pro prefer to be
tackle um but then yeah after watching
the spring game I just feel like they
the receiver moved to the top of my list
um I I think with DJ’s arm it would be a
waste to not have some better receivers
um and I just I haven’t seen enough to
feel super confident in that group I
like Malik B I love Malik Benson I think
he’s gonna be a stud but I think they
need another stud to go with him and I
think that changes your whole team if
they have that I think the running game
is going to be
good um but DJ you know I think Cory and
as we’re talking about on wake up war
chant this morning that these receivers
probably aren’t any worse than the 2022
Florida State offense um which was good
you know it was a good offense but the
difference is that 2022 offense had
Jordan Travis running around and making
plays DJ’s not going to be that guy so
you need another playmaker at receiver
um and I just don’t have confidence
right now in those other guys now if
Mike norell and the staff seees
something differently than that than
they got to act approp appropriately but
I I just I
after this whole spring I just feel like
they need another playmaker receiver and
then um you know and I still think you
need have a need a defensive tackle um
so basically I now have those two
positions of need and then anything
after that is kind of just a want um
whereas before I thought they only they
only had one need and it was defensive
tackle yeah I continue to put safety on
my list you know interested to hear your
answer ARA but when when you didn’t have
a stabilizer like a Keem Den out there
and I know he played better towards the
end of the season but he was at least as
stabilizer in the early part of the
Season it didn’t look uh disjointed it
you know you weren’t worried about
missed tackles bad angles those types of
things it’s a huge difference and I know
they’ve got options that are coming in
the long term but it wouldn’t hurt to
have another player in the short term
that helps you bridge that Gap to where
Conrad hussy takes over or any number of
younger players that they might want to
move over to safety the other the other
position that just made The Cutting Room
floor for me was was offensive line
because if let’s just say that the
receiver option you get let’s say you
grab one out of the portal and he’s a
nice player but he’s not Keon Coleman
very hard to find Keon Coleman’s then
you’re really going to need play action
to work and the only way that play
action works is if your running game is
good and I think they’ve got a core here
probably like four Dudes that that are
definite you know they can advance the
mission it wouldn’t hurt to get another
offensive lineman in there so that’s the
one that just made The Cutting Room
floor for me but I Echo your sentiments
about receiver and defensive tackle your
thoughts on any of that yeah yeah and I
I would say offensive tackle and safety
might be co- threes yeah um on that list
for me you know I think that um I feel a
little bit better about the other
safeties than you do I think I feel like
um I mean I think Conrad’s gonna be good
I think KJ Kirkland has really come on I
like him uh Devonte Brown is is a guy
that can play there that I didn’t expect
um and uh ashon Barker can play so I’m
not as you know again I I think with the
defensive line and what you have at
corner and at nickel corner and the
other safety I feel like you’re you
you’re not going to be too exposed if
you don’t have a great safety and I
think those other guys are adequate but
yeah if you could get a good one it
would help um I just think there’s other
areas that might help more and then
offensive tackle I would for the
offensive line I would just say strictly
a tackle and um you know but you know I
think you guys touched about this on
Jeff’s show today that you know if you
got Darius Washington if Robert Scott
does come back healthy um you know maybe
it’s not a pressing knee but but but you
it would be nice to have some more
quality options if you could promise me
that Robert Scott gives you 12 games
this season then it’s not I mean you’re
going to be fine at that point but I
just I yeah nobody can promise that
unfortunately no that you got to look at
that as a luxury and and if it does
happen then wow what depth you have I
really I again continue to be impressed
by Andre utto IA I mean it it’s probably
too much too soon to ask for
contributions at tackled this year but
man that just I don’t think at least for
me in the two practices that I saw he
did nothing to slow down my personal
hype machine just in in between here in
between my ears this personal hype
machine is going for andreato I think
he’s going to be a really nice player
here uh for at least a couple of seasons
did you take that away from watching The
Trenches all spring I me yeah I like him
a lot I in fact I liked him last year
when he first came in he’s he is uh he’s
much more physical than I expected
because again if people have watched any
interviews we’ve done with Andre since
he’s been State not that there’s any
correlation between how you know how
what your interests are off the field
and what you are on the field plenty of
there’s been plenty you know my role
there’s been plenty of players have done
tremendous things but he’s like when you
talk to Andre the first couple times he
talks about his film interest and he
wants to be a director and super smart
kid he’s from Key West which is not
really a hot bed for football so like
all of the stereotypes for me me to
think he’s not going to be a real
physical kid and was dead wrong yeah man
he puts his head in there his nose in
there he is a physical football player
it’s fun to watch him play man you
saying people from Key West can’t be
tough come
on I’m just saying it’s not known as you
know I mean it’s been a minute since the
Key West con or whatever they are have
uh made a run to the state championships
it’s a new pipeline we’re gonna call it
the Andre Auto pipeline uh so for
Florida State a couple of players at
least at this point as we’re talking out
7:43 p.m. on a Monday night uh van dvus
J Jacobs has entered the portal I
believe David stickle as well entered
the portal um that sence me a little bit
real quick I actually one of his High
School coaches was at practice recently
and I was talking to him I said man I
need to do a story on David stickle I
wanted to do a story on him last fall
just never got around to it and I was
like man I think I’m gonna do a story on
him this Summer um because he’s an
interesting guy came here as a walk- on
tight end and just kept getting bigger
and stronger he they moved him into a
backup center Roll Just because he could
snap they had nobody that could snap
accurately so they needed somebody in
practice when they wanted to limit
Maurice Smith and he could do that but
he’s put on weight put on weight and put
on weight and worked and worked and
worked and he he can play center he’s
not you know he’s not threatening Mory
Smith but he could play a little bit I’m
I’m glad for him that he he feels like
he can get an opportunity somewhere else
and I think he could because he can snap
and he’s big enough at some levels he’s
just not big enough probably for Florida
State and uh so I’m sad to see him go
because I think he’s been a cool story
but I mean hopefully he’ll get a chance
to play some
yeah my thought on that is so you’re
telling me there’s there’s a couple of
Center options here that’s good um for
you know for Florida State behind
morrice hopefully they continue to to in
the offseason cross train and cultivate
some things there and then for D you
know you already addressed van dravus
Jacobs he’d been quieter um you know in
the practice fields this spring he made
some plays here and there um but this
isn’t unexpected it’s not like a whoa
didn’t see that coming kind of moment
correct yeah yeah I mean you know again
I I hate to we all do this in the media
and I hate to do it you know you pile
dirt on kids when they leave um but you
know it just they weren’t happy with him
at times last year and I’m not saying
everybody but you would hear Whispers
from certain people in the program that
weren’t thrilled with some of maybe his
decisions or the you know just the way
he handled himself sometimes and and um
so it wasn’t like a total shock that it
wasn’t working out um but what really
bothered me again is just the lack of
production on the field I mean there was
a you know there was a play last week
this is just kind of a silly thing but
like there’s a play last week you saw
the footage on Twitter of uh the play
with Malik Benson shook the DB I think
it was RS with like that
nasty triple move I was like two double
moves yeah and U I was on the far I was
over by the indoor facility so I just
saw the front of the jersey and I
thought oh good for Van dvus like I
thought he I had not seen Malik Benson
do that I’ve seen van dravus do stuff
like that so I thought it was van dravus
and I actually wrote that that and then
I heard Aon and Corey talking to the
podcast and he says Malik and I’m like
what so I texted a couple other people
on the beat and uh shout out to Chris NE
he told me yeah it was Malik and so um
you know but but then I was just like oh
that’s right I haven’t seen van draus do
much of you know I mean just has not
been a factor much in this camp and
that’s unfortunate so I’m not trying to
bury him but yeah to your point it’s
it’s it’s not going to affect their
plans I don’t think for this fall yeah
it’s um agreed there was there was
promise there because just the way he
got out of his breaks last year I mean I
know what you’re talking about earlier
in the program like who was covering him
again because that they weren’t anywhere
near him there was there was potential
there but Ron Dugan even went on record
you know I I interviewed him at one
point um and asked about van dravis it
might have been the coach’s luncheon
last fall and his answer is I need to
see more consistency I’m like ouch he
just came off a great spring what what
do you mean you need to see more
consistency I thought you know the arrow
was pointing up and coach dugin is not
afraid to challenge his receivers when
the camera’s rolling and the microphone
is on and we’ll see what he does for the
next part of his career uh but we’re
expecting attrition for from Florida
State at the receiver position in that
receiver room that’s something we
expected maybe not a younger player at
being the first off the list but we’ll
see what uh transpires the next couple
of days um in the last 15 or so minutes
that we have here on the Monday smash if
anything breaks newswise we’ll have it
for you but we’re taking your questions
now and director Ben has lined up quite
a few for us if you want to add some
more questions whether you’re on
Facebook or YouTube make sure to hit
that thumbs up we appreciate that and
then director will uh find your
questions star them and we’ll get to
them as best we can before the show is
concluded Greg is there any way to make
the Spring Showcase a better experience
for traveling fans I miss the
traditional spring game that’s not an
easy answer to this one Ira what do you
think yeah I man it’s unfortunate but I
would not travel great distances to go
to the Spring Showcase anymore I mean no
offense to you I mean I’m I’m I’m not
trying to like say this it’s you should
you shouldn’t go but to me like if
you’re GNA go to that anytime as long as
Mike norval’s the head coach and
probably as long as anybody’s the head
coach unless they get a coach who just
decides to go back to the old format um
you know look look at as a chance to you
know maybe you have friends that go to
the game and you want to interact with
your friends in a football environment
or if you’re just so dieh hard to see
like Marvin Jones I do think there was a
lot of guys on this roster that were new
new to you so you could have gotten that
experience that you know what does
Marvin Jones look like what does royell
Williams look like what do you know just
Earl little I mean on and down the list
14 transfers um and a dozen or 14 or 15
freshman so um but in terms of like a
game experience like it’s just not going
to happen um and uh as far as other
activities I mean I guess they could do
more around it I know a lot of people
always want baseball um to be played I
know softball and baseball were both on
the road this this weekend that was
unfortunate um but you know I just I
don’t know I think we all have memories
of what Spring football games used to be
and I just I don’t know it’s still like
that some places but it’s I don’t know
if it’s gonna be here like that again
well I know that you know the scheduling
for the way the coaching staff wants to
lay it out against the Easter holiday
spring break and then you know the way
the ACC schedules it’s it’s bat and Ball
Sports it sometimes it doesn’t line up
they’ve been unlucky uh in that regard
but there’s one thing that I I don’t
think is going to happen again I don’t
think they’re going to schedule the
spring game or the Spring Showcase the
the weekend when the Portal’s opening
like after the man it just seems like a
very inefficient and unlucky thing where
the portal is beginning Mike Norvell
wants to be the first at everything you
think about a lot of the players that
have uh committed to Florida State or or
enrolled in Florida State out of the
portal you usually hear that Florida
State’s one of the first to call now
there were some restrictions this time
around based upon the ACC um or the NCAA
ruling uh but I I don’t think they’re
going to do that again where the portal
opens and and they’re still conducting
spring practice I think you know what I
think what they put a priority on I
think this was one of those situations
where there was no good answer but I
really don’t think they wanted to have
spring break you know spring break is
decided by the university they don’t
have a choice in that and probably to
some degree by the state um and Florida
State doesn’t the football coach doesn’t
get a vote and I really think he did not
want to get start a week what they did
last year was they started a week of
practice had a week off for spring break
and then they came back and practiced
again I think he really wanted to start
after spring break and once they did
that that set everything else in motion
so it just was not a great situation
just didn’t all work out this year
Johnny buckets asks here if you could
set a starting four wide receiver core
right now who would you
choose def Malik Benson yeah yeah um
jaai Douglas yeah jaai I mean look they
haven’t entered the portal kentron
um yeah and I mean maybe split out J or
Lawrence well we don’t know and we don’t
know for sure there’s nothing confirmed
yet about Dustin Hill when he’ll be back
um yeah but if we take him out of the
equation right now um Malik and jakai
Douglas are the two no doubters you know
of what’s available I would say probably
KRON and i’ go with Jaylen Brown is the
other maybe slot guy um I like him a lot
by the way and I I’d have hen probably
come off the bench and Darion Williamson
if he’s still here coming off the bench
um but I think you know that’s a pretty
good group I mean I think you know those
are some talented and jakai jaai and
Malik Benson are proven guys um and I
think you know kron’s close to that and
I like Jaylen Brown a lot I mean again
for anybody that’s worried about van DV
Jacobs I think you’re Jaylen Brown’s an
upgrade from that and the other part of
it is you know like I I know that people
get frustrated with this but at State’s
going to run Bubbles and and they’re
going to use their speed to the edge and
things like that hem can be useful at
least right now as a blocker as he he’s
a great blocker right right very willing
blocker which is awesome I get
frustrated when I say it I understand
you out there saying I want him to catch
the ball Tom I get it I get it but you
know for for what he has right now he’s
very Adept at that they’re going to need
that Ira I don’t think we’re going to be
here a year from now on the Monday smash
after the Showcase saying what what
happened to highe Williams Why didn’t it
ever take I I don’t think that’s going
to be a problem as we go no and I’m yeah
it’s just you know again at practice is
if he’s going up against AAR Thomas or
fentral Cyprus you’re talking about
older dudes who played a lot more
college football I mean isari basically
was a starter last year and the year
before that he played a ton of reps is a
kind of a dime you know extra defensive
back and he’s a year older than hakee
hakee missed half of his first year and
was didn’t come in in great shape when
he first got here so he’s way far behind
from somebody like that so aarya’s got a
year and a half on him and as an elite
defensive back vent trell’s got four
years on him and quind Darius is a
really good Corner uh I mean there’s no
break from their corners and those other
guys are his classmates so no I think he
could play I just don’t think he’s one
of your starters right now Riley asks
and I’m gonna yield to you Ira for most
of this answer because you saw a lot of
the most I mean pretty much all of
spring camp which player had the best
camp and then which player surpris you
the most I’ll answer question two very
quickly that’s Jaylen Lucas I know
that’s old news I’ve seen fast we’ve
seen fast that’s faster I couldn’t
believe it you guys were talking about
I’m like I get it they are fast people
we’ve had some then I get there the
first day I’m there within five plays I
go oh well I see why y’all are bringing
it up um but what do you say about those
two questions yeah he’s definitely the
most surprising um uh as far as player
of the best Camp overall I mean
I I’m gonna say Malik Benson but uh I’m
gonna give a not also to Marvin Jones Jr
man I think that kid’s special um and
Patrick pton was great um he had a good
camp really good camp but I think Marvin
Jones Jr really could be you know what I
liked about Marvin Jones Jr what going
back and watching the video of the
watching the replay of the game when he
doesn’t make the play on the
interception he looks distraught like he
looks like he could not be more upset
that he didn’t intercept that pass and
then I was The Jerk that asked him in
the press conference about not making
the interception and he wasn’t real
thrilled about talking about that
so that was one that was like the thing
I didn’t know about Marvin Jones Jr you
could watch him in practice do pass rush
drills run the I mean run the length of
the field when he’s raced to Norvell I
mean it’s not normal to be that big and
that fast he is a freakish athlete I
didn’t know what he’d be like as a
competitor I love that I loveed his
physicality in that spring game um so he
he might be my guy on defense so that’s
a good surprise it’s a good answer uh
for me as well he surprised me with how
fluid he is an explosive he is I’m not
saying that you know I was thinking that
he wouldn’t do anything um that that the
five-star rating was was bogus Ira but
you know I would assume with a couple
years you might appear on the stat sheet
a little bit more Georgia and when he
got here I’m wondering what gives and
then within one practice it was crazy I
mean just how fluid he is at that size
cuz he does look like Germaine it’s just
it’s like a different type of player and
I don’t know if you caught this on the
rewatch on the uh when when you went
back and looked at the Showcase but
apparently Mike norell told the
broadcast crew that his Ascent as a
defensive lineman is higher and faster
than anyone they brought in out of the
portal in Mike norvell’s time in
Tallahassee which I thought was an
unbelievable nugget of information yeah
no I did not hear that in fact when I
was watching it I was watching something
else with a sound on and I was watching
it on my iPad so I didn’t catch that but
um I missed a lot of I’m sure insle Pete
themo commentary oh but uh although E I
did I did regret not listening because I
I would like to hear what e had say but
no man that’s that’s a huge statement
and I think it’s true dude I mean like
you know again he didn’t even play
handin the dirt defensive end at Florida
State I at Georgia and I mean
he and that that kid and that defensive
Line’s legit I’m I’m excited I thought
Lila played well too and he’s just a
different kind of guy but he played well
James B asking a legal question moving
on could judge Cooper and he said moving
on from earlier he wasn’t bored of us
talking about the Spring Showcase uh
could judge Cooper have ruled on the
motion today without having FSU go back
and amend the motion I mean it seems
like to me that he did us a favor by
pointing out the inadequacy of the
argument and then allowing Flor state to
come back what do you
think uh you could definitely make that
case and what he said was he basically
said he could have approved it but he
knew that the ACC would would would be
licking their chops basically at the
appeal um if they knew that everything
wasn’t buttoned up that he could see
them he could see them looking that at
that as a reason to appeal once it was
all done so he just didn’t want to do
that he thought it was better for them
to get it right so I I think you could
make that argument not that he’s helping
Florida State but he just didn’t he
could have done it yes he could have
approved the he could have denied their
motion and moved forward but I think he
thought it might end up hurting Florida
State down the road Briley asks would we
have felt considerably better if Glenn
would have quarterbacked the side I say
yes if he’s talking about who’s running
with the twos
yeah you think yeah for sure and
probably for sure and I’m sorry if I’m
having interet issues but yeah for sure
and probably croman Haw too I mean you
know like they’re both more ready than
Trevor Jackson I like Trevor Jackson a
lot I think he’s talented kid I think
he’s gonna be really good
um but they’re those two guys are better
Brock clearly he’s been in the system
for a year so yeah the offense would
have looked better overall which might
have helped DJ um so that yeah I I
definitely think I would agree with that
yeah they were throwing a lot of Trevor
it was a crash course before the
Showcase and you could hear it in Mike’s
voice in his post-practice
availabilities they had him on one kind
of plan terms of long-term development
and they were they were FASTT tracking
Luke a little bit more and Brock had yes
so the answer is absolutely yes uh
jamond uh asks how’s the offensive line
looking compared to the last few years
so far beefier I think the guard play
looks better to me Ira than last year
two years ago was pretty good but but
last year was a little lacking I like
what I see there and I see a couple of
options that are younger in Lucas
Simmons but definitely Andre AO so uh I
think better Darius Washington had a
really good camp too at left tackle I
thought what do you think yeah no I
agree with all that um I thought uh I
thought some of the counter stuff worked
better than it did last year you know
just in in a in a Spring Showcase so um
that was exciting to see
it was good to see some of those line
especially those new ones you’re talking
about Richie Leonard and even in
Ferguson getting out to the second level
um you know looking more athletic and so
yeah no I’m I think the line’s goingon
to be better and I think they definitely
think the line’s gonna be better it’s
what part of the reason they’re so
confident in the running game is that
they think this offensive Line’s gonna
definitely be better the season Kurt
asks on the Monday smash presented by
State Farm agent Russ vores was Grady
Kelly at least at the very least
serviceable I say yes yes he was I think
he’s part of the rotation what do you
think for sure for sure yeah and I I
always I didn’t mention him earlier but
yeah so I mean I think let’s just go
through it for people real quick so you
got um Josh farmer and darl Jackson will
probably be your starters then you’ve
got Grady Kelly you’ve got uh KJ Samson
who I think had a really good spring and
look good in the game uh Daniel Lions
who’s now his third year in the program
is a is a is a quality second team type
guy um and then you have
towa how do you say is it towa tomiwa
tomiwa God I always get that wrong sorry
tomiwa I should remember because they
call him Tomy but uh tomiwa and George J
they play sometimes at end or
tackle um and then you know again I
think I think we all think they may go
get a tackle in the portal y but if you
if you get a good one in the portal and
if you’re looking at again just go back
Josh farmer darl Jackson then Grady
Kelly and a kid you get out of the
portal who’s a proven defensive tackle
and then You’ got KJ Samson and uh
Daniel Lions is your third team defens
tackles I think you’re in great shape
another nugget for those of you who
either muted or didn’t watch the the ACC
Network stream Braden Fisk said KJ
Samson is his guy that’s the guy that he
circled that he thinks could emerge from
the defensive tackle room and Braden
would know a thing or two about that and
I’m with Bren I like KJ Samson a lot I
you and I have been pretty high on
Daniel Lions all time but I feel like
I’m more excited about KJ Samson now
yeah I agreed as a as a true dagle I
think Daniel’s more disruptive in the
back field um right now but k is more
complete as a defensive tackle James B
thank you very much for the contribution
we appreciate that thank you thank you
very much for being here on warchant TV
James B is always around Ira good to see
him this weekend yeah we got we could to
see him again recently yeah he was
taking in your panel discussion um on
Friday night at the battles end event uh
as well as every other one of our events
so James B look forward to seeing you
here in the not too distant future um
Nico asks how do you guys feel about
right tackle these are last few
questions before we sign off here Monday
smash uh I call it what’s that emoji you
know what you know what you know what
Gene I didn’t get like what chromosome
or whatever what Gan I didn’t get in the
uh Gan pool is understanding emojis like
At first blush like so many times I’ll
see an emoji I mean I get smiling I get
winking but there’s so many of them that
I’m like what exactly does that mean but
um uh I didn’t yeah Jeremiah buyers I
didn’t think look great um and this was
going to be a Big Spring where thought
he was going to Alex Atkins really said
he would he thought he would take a big
jump this spring after having a full
year in the program I I don’t know I
didn’t see it he looked fine but he’s he
didn’t look great formerly of my top 40
list a year ago ouch um I I call it
concerning I want to see how concerned
the coaches are to see if they target
anybody in the portal I I think it’s
concerning uh that emoji by the way Ira
between my wife Jamie and I we use that
as the uh okay the woozy face we use it
thank you director Ben what does that
mean okay I somebody they need like
instructions for the Boomers out there
when they I mean what what does that
mean as if tired and emotional from
inebriation now that’s funny we don’t
use it for that uh we use it for uh if
you just had a really big nap or you’re
waking up and your and your foggy brain
call it the groggy it’s the groggy Emoji
so if one is groggy that’s what that is
Nico thanks for the contributions
tonight oh I should also note Ira that
James B uh who just provided a Super
Chat was also extremely generous last
week uh when we were raising money for
the Second Harvest of the Big Ben not
only did he support it from the golf
tournament James B dropped a very
sizable donation so James B to your
heart thank you for the support for us
but I’m glad that you’re tenfold
supporting organizations like the second
harvested that they been good stuff yeah
for sure I want to there’s one thing I
want to and I know you may have another
question or two but I want to one thing
I wanted to say to follow up on what I
said before about like when a kid goes
in the portal like I hate to be negative
about them because it sounds like oh
you’re just dogging any kid that leaves
the what I would say to to argue against
that is the two most recent three most
recent guys that left the basketball
team Jaylen warley cam Coran and Boba
Miller all should have stayed all needed
to stay all are bad signs that they’re
leaving so I’m not you know so I’m not
trashing anybody that leaves there have
been some basketball players that left
that I’m like well that’s fine those
three guys I think it’s a bad sign that
they leave and so I just want to use
that as kind of a kind to defend myself
a little bit cuz I don’t want to be that
guy that just piles on guys who transfer
all the time yeah you sucked anyway yeah
no we know that’s what you’re about no
I’m kidding um Matt lir is offering his
Emoji Emoji services in addition to his
work with the portal thank you Matt we
appreciate thanks Matt appreci to the
prb maybe he’ll give us emojis on every
one of the transfer portal targets for
Florida State how he feels he can give
me a quiz after every uh after everyone
it’s like facial recognition technology
uh Connor asks what do you guys think
about the progression of Kevin nolles
okay I loved Kevin nolles The Freshman
the guy who got downhill and made plays
he’s been in non- contct uh for a long
time you you saw him wearing the N7 on
Saturday it’s hard to say I think he’s
more fit for corner but if there’s no
contact it’s hard to assess um you know
the ability which I thought was his
strength getting downhill and making
plays my theory on Kevin nolles is a lot
like Omar Graham I think they were both
hurt last year I think it’s probably not
fair to judge them based on last year so
I think they’re going to be better this
year but I also think Kevin NOS will be
better not playing safety I think that
was not a good experiment get him back
to Nickel Corner get him rotating with
ear little I think he’ll play better
especially if he’s healthy then he may
look like the guy we saw a couple years
ago um on the other side of that though
though though though on the other side
of that though Omar Graham I did not
think played really well in this
showcase so like I’m defending him first
play last year there were a couple of
those runs where it looked like he got
in the wrong Gap or look the linebackers
definitely got in the wrong gaps I don’t
know whose responsibility was kind of
looked like him but um on at least one
of them so uh but the coaches are real
high on Omar so we’ll see how it goes
but but I think Kevin’s gonna have a
much better year this fall okay rapid
fire here at the end how was camed Fri
this spring asked Jamal I’d say ahead of
the curve but I was limited in what I
saw what do you think AR yeah definitely
had some spash Splash plays he had one
catch um two weeks ago probably two and
a half weeks ago on a deep ball that was
phenomenal I mean his his it was I think
it was from Luke um and man it was
contested catch he’s getting grabbed uh
and still makes the catch it was awesome
He’s Got Talent he can play but you know
he physically he’s just got to get
bigger and stronger and fast you know
he’s just early and rolly should be in
high school right now so but I like him
a lot I think he’s gonna be really good
I agree Dale uh where do yall see kaziah
Holmes uh I was very impressed with
Saturday’s performance I think that’s
going to be a back and forth battle for
all parties involved and I don’t know
who’s going to enter the portal if
anybody there’s a path to playing in
Florida State IR they like to rotate
backs there’s not enough of a there’s
only one football and like seven
legitimate players I think kaziah should
be here though because I think they can
rely upon him to to execute details
which are important what do you think
yeah and I agree I like kazah but I you
know I like that I like royell I like
obviously LT and and Jay Lucas Cam Davis
is really talented Sam Singleton had a
couple nice runs on Saturday if I had to
pick a guy then they also are bringing
in maai Dany um this fall a freshman
from Tass who was a speedy running back
um if I had to pick one who feels like
he’s not probably gonna play this year
it would be Sam
Singleton so if he feels like if I’m not
gonna play maybe I you know that’s just
my guess we don’t know exactly what the
coaches think then maybe he would maybe
he’s a guy that just thinks hey if I’m
not gonna play maybe I’ll go somewhere
but I can’t I don’t I can’t see any of
those other guys leaving because I think
they’re all a big part of the plans this
season last one is from Kayon and he
usually likes to ask off thewall
questions and I appreciate that about
Kayon he’s usually on Facebook too iron
Tom boiled peanuts or no that’s a no
from me that’s a no I I that’s a that’s
a New Yorker that’s a New Yorker talking
but but new standed peanuts you give me
the standed peanuts just so I could
crack them sometimes I chew on them I
don’t need the boiled peanuts I just
keep it nice and salty keep it nice and
keep it dry there you go so growing up
in Miami Tom this is going to surprise
you I never heard of boiled peanuts
until I got to college and went on some
road trips across this great Southeast
and I would see these signs for boiled
peanuts I’m like that sounds disgusting
like I don’t even know what that is and
why would you do it and like you what’s
wrong with that perfectly good roasted
peanut why are we why are we boiling it
was working in Thomasville Georgia
covering High School baseball games the
little uh concession stand had boiled
peanuts I don’t know where I got the
nerve because I’m not a big experimental
food guy I’m pretty much standard
vanilla stuff but I was like all right
let me try some boiled peanuts Tom I
love boiled peanuts really I love boiled
peanuts in fact Kim will boil peanuts I
may ask her to go boil some peanuts
tonight they are incredible they are so
good have you tried them I’ve had them
it’s been a long time but we do have
similar pets you and I have similar
pallets so I I would go back to the well
because you have gone to the well but
yes so good we had the out of um the Out
of Towners experience as well because uh
we would drive up drive my sister up to
she was in Oola Hall in the early 90s
and we go through Perry and you’d see
the sign for the roadside stuff and my
dad like peans what the hell are peans
and he keeps driving like what a
peans so you know the assimilation
happen over time but I never got so far
as to embrace the boiled peanut I’ll
give it another
shot next time goad next time next time
you guys are coming over the house we’re
gonna boil some peanuts in the house for
you guys remind me and they’re oh man
they’re so good okay now now Cajun style
I can get down with Cajun style anything
you could put like Cajun seasoning on a
piece of paper and I will eat the piece
of paper I love Cajun seasoning I agree
with James B and somebody else said they
as long as they’re hot uh J or R Wilmer
say as long as they’re hot James B is
like I like them cold yeah man I’ll at
the next day I’ll eat them out of the
fridge I any doesn’t matter dude they’re
phenomenal okay they’re so good and uh
but the cinjun here’s the I’ve only
tried the cinjun one time and it was at
a gas station so and not not like at
this the roadside stand outside of the
gas station inside the Circle K pretty
disgusting so James B I don’t I can’t
vouch for them but I need to try them
from a from a real reputable boil peanut
maker it sounds like I’ve got homework
I’ve got homework to do on the boil of
peanuts you out there have homework to
do as well head over to
right now it’s a dollar to sign up for
your first month if you haven’t given us
a shot now there’s a lot happening just
I mean recap this smash we talked about
legal proceedings we talked about the
Spring Showcase itself the transfer
portal haven’t even gotten into the
recruiting class and what Florida state
did to host 25 and 26 recruits this
weekend you’ll find on Waring
right now there are RPMs Galore
recruiting prediction machine picks for
Florida State to land players and the 25
class and the 26 class from our own
staff from our national writers like
Steve wiltfong we’re loaded up right now
head over to it is $1 to
sign up and remember tomorrow if you are
a warchant subscriber you have a deal
waiting for you 25% off all t-shirts at
garnet and gold 25% off if you’re a
warchant subscriber head over to the
tribal council tomorrow morning Gan
Williams will post your code that helps
you save25 % off all t-shirts that’s the
homework assignments I’m giving you Ira
Professor Ira Don Ira any homework that
you want to issue to the people I did
want to give a shout out is it is it Tom
quitz Mike is that his last name y he
actually stopped by the courtroom today
gave me a little legal insight there
while we were talking and was real
helpful good guy like you know and
obviously was he’s definitely an
interested party so it was cool to see
him in the the courthouse today and I
also just want to give a shout out I’m
sure you guys did on Jeff’s show I’m
sure Corey and nlon did on their show
but uh all the people we saw at the the
battle end again event Friday night then
again at the meet and greet at um uh
Corner Pocket on Friday night and then
the meet and greet at Hotel Duval Hotel
Indigo it’s all right no indig Hotel
Indigo it’s all right one’s close not
the other Hotel yeah one’s close to the
stadium one isn’t it’s that it’s that
simple you know Indo I heard you made an
appearance at the CP after battles is
that right I did I did cuz the moon was
right there and swung by the problem I
have with the CP Tom is it’s I don’t
it’s not really convenient to where I
live but yeah it was right there and a
lot of people were going from the battle
end event which was at the Moon a lot of
people were going there afterwards
including Tom block and many others so
so yeah stopped by there a little bit
and um and then again the thing at Hotel
Indigo on Saturday was was was really
cool too it was a little smaller
Gathering but it’s just cool I mean that
you know so many people like to come out
and and talk FSU football with us that’s
what we do on a daily basis at and here on warchant TV hit
the like button subscribe to the channel
we’re going to have updates Galore in
the transfer portal our own Matt ler is
going to give you updates each day on
the channel till it closes so uh
subscribe now head back over here in the
morning uh there’s going to be news it’s
coming Florida State we’ll have guys on
the way out guys on the way in and we’ll
have you covered here on
until next time enjoy the peans
everybody enjoy all your peans and uh
thanks to Ira thanks to director Ben
behind the scenes and of course to James
B for the contribution good night
everybody we’ll talk to you next time on
warchant TV Monday smash presented by
State Farm agent Russ fores


  1. Seems like everyone is forgetting the Harvard OT that we are getting during the summer. Don’t think we will get another in the portal

  2. It IS ok for passing game to operate on timing routes etc our passes don't need to be a bunch of contested catches

  3. You guys should do a Dominic Robinson breakdown of the spring game. I think it'll calm some people down lol

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