Golf Players

The future of the PGA Tour didn’t get much clearer ๐Ÿง #shorts

PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan finally speaks and ducks the one question golf fans want an answer on.

#pgatour #golf

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I do know everyone is curious about the
status of our negotiations with the
pif as I’ve said on a number of
occasions you can’t negotiate a deal
like this in public so I will be
brief I recently met with the governor
of the PF yaser Al ramayan and our
negotiations are accelerating as we
spend time
together while we have several key
issues that we still need to work
through we have a shared Vision to quiet
and unlock golf’s worldwide
potential it’s going to take time but I
reiterate what I said at the Tour
Championship in August I see a positive
outcome for the PGA Tour and the sport
as a whole most importantly I see a
positive outcome for our great


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