3 Basic Steps For Effortless Golf Swing Consistency

I’ve noticed some commonalities across so many golfers. There are a few key tips that apply to about 95% of the people I’ve played with recently. When people ask for a tip or when I’m giving a lesson, I find myself giving pretty much the same pointers most of the time to help build a good foundation for the golf swing.

I’m going to share a couple of those tips with you that can really make golf a little bit easier and your golf swing a bit more simple and efficient. And I know they’re going to help you, too.

We’ll cover three main things, and I’m not going to go into too much detail about why they’re needed. I’ll just give a quick summary of what I commonly see and what to do instead, and you can decide whether it’s applicable for you.

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FREE premium simple golf swing series ▶ golf swing that is also a consistent golf swing must be a reliable one. A Simple golf swing. A golf swing that you can use for many years to come playing, getting a better golf swing and score results. See this video on Core backswing, arms dropping in downswing and getting through to a full golf swing with balance and power. it’s as simple as 1,2,3


simple golf swing 3 steps
Step 1 Core backswing rotation is key
Step 2 Downswing simple feel of arms dropping
Step 3 Core through impact and golf swing release
Plus golf Drills for a better connection


✅ Watch me next
▶ 3 Simple Steps For PURE Strikes Using Effortless Golf Swing
▶ Stop Hitting The Ball And Do This For Effortless Golf Swing
▶ Magic For An Effortless Golf Swing You’re Not Using But Should!

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing


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I’ve been playing quite a bit of golf in
Playing Lessons with students or with
members of the club and there are some
commonalities across so many golfers but
there are a few things a couple of
little Keys tips if you will that apply
to I would say about
95% of people that I’ve played with just
recently and I found myself when people
ask for a tip or when it’s a lesson I
found myself giving pretty much the same
little pointer
most of the time to give a good
foundation of golf swing and I’m going
to give you a couple of those tips that
really do make golf a little bit easier
and the golf swing a bit more simple and
efficient and I know it’s going to help
you too there’s going to be three main
things that we’re going to cover and I’m
not going to go into too much detail
about why they’re needed I’m just going
to give a very quick summary of what I
see and what to do instead and you can
decide whether it’s applicable for you
all right number one is the setup this
is generally okay I’m just talking about
my experience probably in the last 3 4
weeks and I’ve been making notes and
this is what I see whether it’s with a
driver or irons people are setting up to
their shots just a little bit too Square
what I mean is you could almost form a
door frame around me my setup my club
head the orientation my shoulders are
level and square my hips are level and
square my knees are level and square my
eyes are level and square it’s all very
straight and you might think well that’s
good isn’t it generally not because most
people’s goal swings and we’ll get into
a couple of reasons in a minute struggle
when we start from such a straight sort
of position because what happens is it
tends to lean over a little bit more
because we’re trying to sort of get down
and we’re very eager to move that way so
if anything we’re a little bit too
leaning and it doesn’t mean weight
distribution I’m not talking about that
because that’s often very even so we
have this square look that looks very
passive shall we say it doesn’t look
like I have any specific intention of
trying to send something that way and
when I stand over the ball now for me to
get my club into a good place to be able
to launch it over there I sort of have
to feel that I’ve got to move my body
really quite a lot all the way to the
top to sort of form a goal swing because
I feel very static I want you to have a
dynamic setup and that means as I
address the ball it looks athletic it
looks like my intention is to send
something that way I’m not passive I’m
not straight up and down I look like I
can throw my club that I can swing
through and strike this ball to go that
way and some of that starts with a bit
more tilt in the hips in the shoulders
and also my ey line depending on what
your dominant eye is if you’re left eye
dominant you’re going to look through
that way if you’re right eye dominant
you’re going to look a bit more this way
me I’m a little bit more right eye
dominant so my head is going to tilt
just a hair looking that way and by
doing this with this little tilt here
the hands pressed a bit more forward
it’s more Dynamic and from here this is
a much easier position
to start from to wind up in the back
swing so I want you before we proceed to
stand up and set some angles and feel
like you’re tilted a little bit more
you’re seeing the target a little bit
more and you’ve got your right elbow
just a little bit softer and tucked in
instead of being rigid and straight if
you need to a mirror to go and look at
it or your camera do that you’ll be very
surprised that even if you feel like
this you will be just a hair more
Dynamic the next next part is to enable
a better back swing because we got a
setup now that is more Dynamic it’s
going to be easier shorter more
efficient because we have literally less
further to travel I was working with a
golfer on the Range and this was one of
the main things we’re working on because
he would sort of lift his arms up and
almost end up all the way up here and
have to work all the way back down so I
said right let’s just get this setup and
all I want you to do is feel like you’re
winding up your rib cage just a few
inches up that way I’m allow and allow
those hips to sort of wind up and turn
but I’m staying in this Dynamic posture
so with this I’m going to turn the rib
cage to there and that is it that is my
only goal that I want you to have for
the back swing to get about here and
from this placement we can launch
ourselves through now one of the things
that can get a little bit tricky when
we’re trying to feel this wind behind as
it were we can end up just sort of
turning too much and not allowing those
arms to raise because if I just keep
sort of winding that rib cage and keep
the arms low my arms actually stay here
we actually really do want the arms to
elevate a little bit so I’m going to
show you something which is step three
that is really going to create some
freedom and fluid momentum in your swing
but I want you to just rehearse a nice
little feeling you can even do it with
the club upside down here and wind up
that R rib cage wind up that rib cage
just a few inches to about here and you
think well that’s a short swing you will
never stop here I promise you momentum
will take you a lot further so keep
rehearsing that movement just wind up
the rib cage turn the hips back but now
let’s refine it even more and launch
some shots here’s the third step because
we want to really feel like we’re not
getting stuck too much behind the ball
and through so we end up muscling it
with the body or we end up just slapping
it with the hands we need to kind of
activate everything but we need it to
have fluid feelings and we do that by
allowing the lead arm just to Glide okay
and this is where the setup and the back
swing really come into play so let’s
take our good setup I’m going to make my
back swing but now I’m going to have a
sensation that my left my lead arm is
that is not just pinned to my body and
I’m allowing it to fall you know follow
the rib cage I’m going to feel that I’m
actually just allowing it to Glide up
and down it almost feels like I’m going
along my sort of Target line
here but that is the feeling I want and
why is that good because if I allow that
to just Glide up I’m in a placement a
position that gives me room and time to
move back through less manipulation
which is only a good thing right so with
that in mind we want the lead arm to
swing back but here’s the beauty we also
want it to glide through we don’t want
to bother with any of this spinny stuff
or worrying about trying to sh or you
know get extra sharling don’t care about
that for now you just want a good simple
Foundation gol swing right and it’s
going to happen from allowing the lead
arm to swing backwards and forwards but
you can train yourself doing this and
you have to do it correctly I’m not just
using my arms okay I am basically
clearing myself out the way cuz if I
don’t turn my sort of core and wind up
out the way I sort of hit my chest I get
stuck so I have to wind up and get out
of my way likewise if I want my arm to
sort of just fall back and glide through
I’m kind of a little bit stuck here so I
get out of the way I let the arm fall
and get out the way and we can rehearse
this by there that my friends is the
goal swing we got the
setup wind up arm Glides let the arm
full and simply get out of my way keep
rehearsing that sensation you can try it
with the club upside down but that is
about as simple as a Gul swing as you’re
going to get so put it together you get
your Dynamic set up we’re winding up the
back swing we’re taking our time and
we’re allowing that lead arm to Glide
I’m exaggerating a bit the setup here
but that’s what we want a
short precise goal swing that is simple
to execute put those steps in place I
promise you whether you don’t have time
to practice or whether you do it doesn’t
matter this is simplicity at its best
let me know how you get on and until
then check out this lesson because it’s
really going to give you some steps for
better driving


  1. It's funny that YouTube always seems to know exactly what's going on with me in golf. I seem mentally and physically incapable of creating a repeatable swing. This video helps a lot. Thank you.
    How do you coach a player like me who wants to have a nice fluid repeatable swing but is incapable of hitting the seven iron over a hundred yards?

  2. An explanation and demonstration Alex of the 3 basic steps for an effortless golf swing! Something that I will be looking into and trying! Well Done Alex! Always look forward to your videos!

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