Jeff talks about everything with Stitch’s famous polos and why you should try them and what makes their secrets so, so good.

no sponsored, and unbiased as always!

hey guys welcome back to Modern golf
hope you guys are having a great day and
even better week today we’re talking
about I think some of the best polos in
the industry but they have two secrets
that most people have no idea stay tuned
to find out what these secrets
are so if you haven’t heard Stitch golf
started off really with golf bags uh
head covers uh that’s when I met them
years ago was buying head covers from
them and they slowly have kind of
progressed into a clothing company that
also kind of does golf bags um they may
tell you they’re a golf bag manufacturer
I think their clothing is really good
but these polos have two
secrets that most brands don’t have uh
and predominantly I would say 99% of
golf Brands don’t have um but let’s get
into what I like about um Stitch golfs I
love their patterns this is a little
again two of the I have a few of them
that I purchased back around I think it
was Black Friday um the details are
really good I’ll get into that as we go
polyester blend I find these very very
comfortable to wear um I’ve done reviews
for other brands obviously this is not
sponsored not paid for um but I wanted
to explain why I like these so longer
and length um so if you’re a guy who
wants to tuck your shirt in great for
that um very stretchy super comfortable
super moisture wicking um and what I
love about this and the only logo on
this entire any of their shirts is just
this little s uh for super golfer as I
tell myself um on the back really really
high quality um price point wines
they’re not the cheapest they have some
great promotions and that’s obviously
when the time is ideal to buy these but
the two SE secrets that I want to get
into that I love and the first one is
what they do with their collars so I’ll
show you here and I put pictures up they
actually have button- down collars but
it’s hidden so you never get those
flyaways or as they say those bacon
collars I love that but the more
important thing for me and the reason I
purchased these with my own um was their
sizing so traditionally depending on the
brand I can be a medium if it’s on the
bigger side just being real or a large
if it’s on the smaller side like a
Travis Matthew those type of Slimmer
shirts with these guys they do sizing
very differently they actually have and
that’s what these two are
medium/large so if you’re a guy like me
who’s in between sizes and say man a
large looks like I’m wearing a tent and
the medium is looks like I’m wearing a
schmedium these are the golf shirts to
get I love these and they’re one of the
I can’t get into all my details but I
had a meeting years ago with a very
large um athletic brand that’s in
Portland OR in that area you can Google
and figure out who it was and this is
something we talked about two decades
ago is why don’t Brands like you guys
have specific sizing that’s in between
and it was starting to be discussed they
were going to the
talls uh but they weren’t going to the
in between sizes so
I’ve worn these and washed these I would
say my God 15 20 times each I love these
I have a few different styles uh Stitch
does a really nice job with their shirts
but what I want to let you guys know is
just the sizing and the button- down
collar so if you’ve seen any my other
reviews and what I love about golf
specific Brands and really since covid I
was a guy who was in a sport coat and
tie every day of my life or a suit I
mean back if I go back two decades ago I
was in a power suit and power tie every
day and so since Co my
entire Tire uh has really become relaxed
so I wear more of this and sweaters and
quarter Zips and that kind of stuff on
an everyday basis so I like again as
I’ve discussed a million times I love a
preppy put together look um I just think
you don’t have to wear a sport coat as
much um but if you put together with the
right patterns and the right look um I
think you can pull off really any of
these so I like the more conservative
looks for polos um and again I’ll wear
this with the Navy or gray sweater same
with this one um and I like it put
together but very few brands have sizing
like stit does and I again I when I
realized it last year I thought boy this
is a neat thing I’m going to try it see
how these wear quality has been great um
the fit is really really good again the
sleeve length this is I would say more
of a conservative fitting shirt um I
don’t think these are the most slim
fitting shirts sleeve length is a little
longer I think it’s 9 and 1 half or 10
in long so not the most conservative or
not the most um Cutting Edge looking
golf shirt but overall really really
like what Stitch is doing again these
guys don’t even know I’m doing this
review but I just want to let you guys
know for those who are like us I just
thought about this this morning too
before I was doing all these um was I
have to laugh I’ve always in my life has
been in between sizes and and the reason
I say this I was looking for shorts uh
yesterday and a particular brand only
sells them in 32 or 34 and guess what I
am a 33 predominantly um sometimes a 32
like Dunning I’ll wear a 32 um but same
with golf shirts um Sun Sun some Brands
easy for me to say um I know I’m an
automatic medium uh FootJoy Dunning who
I love FootJoy who I love um and and
some other brands I don’t know I’m
always guessing and it makes me crazy
get a shirt you like oh my God it’s so
small it doesn’t even fit or it’s fits
me like a tent which is even worse um
these guys I love the medium large they
have other sizing like that as well but
if you hadn’t have a chance if you
haven’t had a chance to check out um
Stitch golf uh it’s great they have some
really cool golf bags we’ve done one a
review last year some really neat
details with the buttons and the
stitching and all that stuff with these
guys but overall like I said really like
it just want to kind of let you guys
know if you’re unaware what Stitch golf
kind of what their little secrets are
with their golf shirts so anyway guys if
you’re new here or ladies if you’re new
here uh please do us a huge favor and
subscribe if you’re are returning from
yesterday or a year ago um or a 100
years ago thank you we appreciate you
guys um if there’s anything else you
want to see uh golf shirt wise Golf Club
wise um fragrance wise whatever it is uh
let us know like I said and we will um
see what we can do to get it reviewed
for you so anyway guys thanks for
watching and we will see
you next time thanks guys

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