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Katt Williams Opens Up About ALL Victims Diddy Gr00med?!

Katt Williams Opens Up About ALL Victims Diddy Gr00med?!

The whole crazy drama around Diddy just got weirder! Katt Williams is now dropping some wild claims, saying Diddy and Jermaine Dupri were up to some sketchy stuff, especially with young male artists like Kris Kross. You remember Kris Kross, right? Well, now there’s talk that Chris ‘McDaddy’ Kelly’s overdose in 2013 might be linked to messed-up stuff from his child star days.

Even though rumors about Diddy’s shady dealings have been around, a new video of Katt Williams straight-up calling them out has fans going nuts. Seriously, what’s the deal with this boy band?

#diddy #jermainedupri #krisskross #rizzle

what’s happening
puff I’ll be back to you if JD ain’t had
yeah Jermain depri King of the
pedophiles if you ask me baby the whole
crazy drama around Diddy just got
weirder Cat Williams is now dropping
some wild claims saying Diddy and
Germaine dpri were up to some sketchy
stuff especially with young male artist
like Chris Cross you remember Chris
Cross right well now there’s talk that
Chris mcdaddy Kelly’s overdose in 2013
might be linked to messed up stuff from
his child star days even though rumors
about Diddy’s Shady dealings have been
around a new video of Cat Williams
straight up calling them out has fans
going nuts seriously what’s the deal
with this boy band back in the early 90s
hip hop went on a wild ride with Chris
Cross that awesome duo Making Waves in
the music scene so you got Chris mcdaddy
Kelly and Chris daddy Max Smith bringing
crazy energy and a style totally their
own but before they hit the big time
their Journey started in the Lively city
of Atlanta Georgia Chris Kelly born on
August 11th 1978 and Chris Smith born on
January 10th 1979 soaked up the musical
Vibes of Atlanta now imagine this fate
steps in and in 1991 these dudes catch
the eye of the legendary producer
Germaine Dupri while they’re rocking it
at Lynx Mall in Atlanta what did you see
in those guys when when when you first
saw them at the mall what did you see
something that I still haven’t seen
today um you know um they was in the
mall they were stars before I even came
around and they was in the mall they was
ghetto Stars yeah you know like for real
they was in the mall walking around it
was girls at the Cookie Company giving
them free
cookies they was they
was I’m telling you I was standing in
the middle of them Mall looking at this
like who the is
this and I thought like I thought you
know cuzz I wasn’t really big on
Nickelodeon and all that when I was
younger so I thought this was like some
kids from Nickelodeon or something
people were actually you know girls was
acting wild about these little boys yeah
Dupri with his Eagle Eye for talent sees
their potential and waste no time
signing them to his record label so so
deaf under Dupri’s Wing Cris cross kicks
off their journey to startom fast
forward to 1992 and boom their debut
album totally crossed out drops and
blows up big time selling over 4 million
copies their standout single jump is
everywhere topping the Billboard Hot 100
chart for a solid 8 weeks the beat the
lyrics and their killer chemistry have
everyone hooked but it’s not just their
music Turning Heads these guys flip the
script on fashion by rocking their
clothes backward yeah you heard it right
that bold move becomes their trademark
and suddenly everyone’s doing it criss
cross became a cultural phenomenon and
their music videos especially the high
energy jump vid are on constant replay
on MTV and check this out in 1992 at the
peak of their Fame they hit the road
with none other than the King of Pop
Michael Jackson on his European tour
talk about a dream come true sharing the
stage with MJ solidifies their place in
music history but wait there’s more they
even dip their toes into the gaming
world with a video game called
crisscross make my video okay it doesn’t
break sales records but it shows how far
their influence reaches these guys
aren’t just music Sensations they become
icons inspiring a whole generation with
their style and talent criss cross opens
doors for other young artists and leaves
its mark on ’90s hip hop after the crazy
success of jump the world’s hungry for
more from crisscross this hit single not
only rules the airwaves but also makes
history staying on top of the Billboard
Hot 100 for a whopping 8 weeks in 1993
the duo won the favorite new rap hip hop
artist at the amas and completely
changed the musical
landscape hey yo first of all we want to
thank God for making all this
happen next we want to thank our
fans cuz we wouldn’t be here
today we’re selling 5 million records
too next we want to think our record
label Ruff House
yo check this out uh first of all I want
to thank our man Jermaine dpri our
producer TJ NAB their infectious energy
strikes a chord with fans of all ages
and suddenly criss cross is a household
name and don’t even get me started on
their backward pants that becomes a
nationwide fashion craze after their
massive hit jump crisc cross is in the
hot seat facing the challenge of keeping
the vibe alive and spicing up their
sound while staying true to their unique
style in 93 they dropped the bomb
literally with their highly awaited
second album dah bomb this bad boy not
only shows off their artistic growth but
also locks in their spot in the music
game dah bomb snags a platinum
certification proving that crisscross
isn’t a one- hit wonder but a legit
force in hip-hop the album has bangers
like all right and I’m real that keep
the energy high and show off crisc
cross’s knack for creating tracks that
stick with their fans this success
shouts loud and clear criss cross is
here to stay but as their music evolves
so does their look they make a bold move
by ditching their signature backward
clothing style marking a new chapter for
the duo they’re all about showing off
their growth as artists and Breaking
Free from the old image now not everyone
was vibing with this change fans and
critics had mixed feelings but criss
cross wasn’t sweating it they were all
about that artistic exploration and
growth showing the world they were more
than just a throwback Style they were
the real deal so in ’96 criss cross
threw down their third and final studio
album Young Rich and dangerous this one
had a more grown-up Vibe spilling the
beans on the duo Journey Through the
music Biz and their own life
experiences Young Rich and dangerous
snagged the gold certification making it
crystal clear that criss cross had a
solid spot in the industry the album
dropped some killer hits like tonight’s
the night and live and die for hip hop
proving these guys could handle all
kinds of them and styles they were
flexing their versatility as artists no
doubt but you know how it goes despite
their ongoing success Chris Cross had to
face some hurdles Within the Music Scene
hip-hop was evolving new trends were
popping up and these guys had to roll
with the changes while keeping their
unique sound intact some folks threw
shade thinking they couldn’t adapt to
the new wave but criss cross didn’t let
it get to them they stayed strong kept
true to their roots and kept making
music that hit home with their DieHard
fans now now let’s rewind a bit Cris
cross shot up like a rocket from the
chance meet up at Greenbrier Mall to
signing with Ruff House Records totally
crossed out their debut album blew up
big time and with the Smash Hit jump
they carved their names into music
history but as we’re about to find out
their Journey wasn’t all smooth sailing
challenges and heartbreak were on the
horizon as the ’90s kept rolling criss
cross hit some bumps in the road that
messed with their groove the scene was
changing and they struggled to keep up
and stay cool in an industry always
hunting for the next big thing their
early success wrode on their unique
style and catchy Tunes But as time went
on the novelty wore off and the whole
backward pants thing started feeling
played out to add to the mix their
voices matured making it tricky to keep
that high pitch sound that made them
Stars despite these challenges they kept
dropping music and hitting the road but
the hype wasn’t the same packed Arenas
and Chart top ERS turned into less than
Stellar album sales and half empty
concert venues internal drama and
outside pressures threw more curveballs
their way the pressure to live up to
their early success weighed heavy
putting a strain on relationships and
sparking some creative struggles in
1995 they made One Last Splash with the
gold certified album Young Rich and
dangerous showing off a more grown-up
image after this success criss cross
decided to call it quits following the
path of other early ’90s groups
interestingly they got into this intense
rap beef with Another Bad Creation ABC a
clash of Egos and musical styles that
fueled the kitty rap Wars fans took
sides and the media ate up every bit of
the drama both groups had their moment
in the Sun but as music Trends shifted
staying in the Limelight got tough ABC
had their struggles and criss cross
faced a dip in Fortune attempts to
revive their careers fell short and the
ch changing music scene proved hard to
navigate after the decline criss cross
made a bit of Noise with a 2013 reunion
for the 20th anniversary of Soo def fans
were hoping for a big comeback but it
turned out to be a one-time gig to dip
their toes back in the water the reunion
was a nostalgic trip for fans but it
didn’t lead to a longlasting
comeback both Chris Kelly and Chris
Smith moved on to new chapters in their
lives pursuing individual passions and
growth the music industry took a back
seat but their bond stayed strong Chris
Kelly won half of the 1990s hip-hop Duo
crisscross died at an Atlanta hospital
on Thursday at the age of 34 fton County
Police say that Kelly was taken to the
hospital after suffering from what is
believed to be a drug overdose at his
home an official cause of death has yet
to be determined however pending an
autopsy there were reports that Kelly
had been diagnosed with cancer in 2009
but these reports have since been
discredited rolled on the duo had to
face the US ual challenges that come
with growing up in the spotlight
navigating the everchanging music
industry turned out to be a tricky
journey and for Chris Kelly the
pressures and temptations took a toll in
2009 Whispers started when photos came
out showing Kelly with bald spots on his
head rumors spread like wildfire
guessing a battle against cancer but
Kelly set the record straight in an
interview revealing he suffered from
alopecia a condition causing hair loss
oh I mean it’s as far as with my health
I’m not I do not have cancer I have a
thing that you call alopecia where you
lose your hair but behind the glitz and
glamour of Chris Kelly’s rise with criss
cross a darker battle was raging within
Kelly’s success was overshadowed by a
long and painful struggle with drug
addiction a battle that would tragically
claim his life today we dig into the
heartbreaking details of Chris Kelly’s
history of drug abuse and the similar
episodes he experienced in the past
according to authorities Kelly’s mother
Donna Kelly Pratt and his uncle Lamar
Williams spilled the beans that he had a
history of substance abuse Kelly fought
addiction for years facing numerous
challenges along the way the exact
details of his struggle stayed mostly
hidden from the public eye but those
close to him knew the extent of his
battle and the toll it took on his life
Chris Kelly’s addiction not only messed
up his personal life but also had a
messed up impact on his career the once
promising rap star found it increasingly
difficult to keep up his creative output
and meet the expectations of his fans
and the industry the toll of addiction
had its consequences on his physical and
mental well-being leading to a decline
in his musical Endeavors the challenges
and struggles Chris Kelly faced stand as
a stark reminder of the dangers of
substance abuse and the devastating
consequences it can have on one’s life
despite his undeniable talent and early
success he couldn’t break free from the
grip of of addiction ultimately leading
to his untimely
demise but there’s sad news to report
Chris Kelly one half of that duo has
died of a possible drug overdose at the
age of only 34 Kelly and partner Chris
Smith were discovered in 1991 by
producer Germaine Dupri the events
leading up to Chris Kelly’s untimely
death unfolded in tragedy and shock
according to the police report obtained
by TMZ Kelly’s mother revealed that he
had been mixing cocaine and heroin the
night before his passing this deadly
combo proved fatal abruptly ending the
life of a talented artist on May 1st
2013 just hours before his death a
disturbing video popped up offering a
glimpse into the troubled state of Chris
Kelly shot in his Atlanta home the
footage shows Chris struggling and in a
fight for his life hours after the video
was recorded a distressing call was made
from Kelly’s home to
911 the caller reported that the rapper
had passed passed out and was
unresponsive medical professionals
arrived but their efforts to revive him
were in vain Chris Kelly was pronounced
dead at approximately 5:00 p.m. leaving
the world in shock and mourning the loss
of a talented artist Germaine Dupri the
man who discovered criss cross and
played a crucial role in their success
poured his heart out in an open letter
to fans he referred to Chris Kelly as a
son he never had praising him as an
artist a career collaborator and a dear
devastated by the loss Chris Smith also
shared his heartfelt sentiments he wrote
about their friendship the memories they
shared and expressed How Deeply he would
Miss Kelly the bond they formed as young
boys had endured through the years and
now Smith was left to navigate a world
without his partner by his
side this morning when I woke up this
peace came over
me cuz I know I know Chris is in
heaven would I Heavenly Father
the cause of Chris Kelly’s death sent
shock waves through the industry a
toxicology report revealed that he had
died from an overdose with a mixture of
substances in his system contributing to
his tragic demise paramedics who had
attended to Kelly disclosed that a
friend had informed them he had consumed
a combination of hard drugs the night
before the revelation of Chris Kelly’s
struggles with substance abuse shed
light on the demons he had battled
behind closed doors
it was a painful reminder of the
challenges many artists face in the
music industry with rappers battling
drug abuse and tragically succumbing to
overdose as we delve into the tumultuous
journey of Chris Kelly it’s crucial to
connect the dots between his personal
struggles and the unsettling allegations
brought to light by Cat
Williams while Chris battled the Demons
of addiction behind the scenes Cat
Williams stirred the pot by suggesting
that Diddy and Germaine Dupri may have
played a role in causing trauma to Chris
Kelly and other young male artists The
Whispers of inappropriate actions and
violations resurfaced putting a new lens
on the tragic events surrounding criss
cross so as we navigate the ups and
downs of Chris Kelly’s life the plot
thickens with Cat Williams shining a
spotlight on potential dark Corners
Within the Music Industry what’s
happened I’ll be back to you if JD ain’t
had enough yeah Germaine depri K of
pedophiles if you ask me baby as we
navigate the web of rumors and
allegations surrounding Germaine Dupri
it’s crucial to connect the dots between
cat Williams’s bold statements and the
Intriguing twist added by Bo
wow despite the lack of concrete
evidence Cat Williams didn’t hold back
publicly labeling Germaine with a
derogatory term in a 2011 video where he
took shots at various personalities
including Diddy and Steve
Harvey back then many brushed off cat’s
claims attributing them to potential
intoxication recent comments that
emerged on the video tell you everything
that you need to know about cat in his
forecast cat was trying to tell us 12
years ago and the way this video has
aged is insane everything is really
being exposed now they tried to dismiss
cat as being crazy dude was telling us
the truth all
along surprisingly Germaine didn’t
respond or take legal action against the
comedian leaving fans wondering about
the truth behind the accusations the
plot thickened in 2018 when Bo wow also
mentored by Germaine teased cryptic
tweets that hinted at undisclosed
secrets with the recent Spotlight on
allegations against influential figures
like Diddy fans are now casting a
skeptical eye on Germaine and others in
industry it’s a tangled tale of rumors
unanswered questions and a grow growing
sense of skepticism surrounding the once
glamorous world of mentorship in the
industry remember watching P at the
Beverly Hills Hotel I’m filming this and
it’s a pool party that is ridiculous M
and I look up and I see Dr Ruth I don’t
know if you know who that is the the sex
the sex lady the sex lady I see Dr I
said Miss Ruth could you please come
over here to gu by name is Sean pet I
need you to come meet him I need this
for my camera Dr rof and puff at the
Beverly Hills Hotel pool dancing doing
their thing right now if the mere
mention of puffy flavor Camp doesn’t
send chills down your spine the
jaw-dropping story shared by celebrities
about their time in this Camp will
undoubtedly leave you in
shock one of the stars who lived through
the puffy flavor experience was none
other than Usher from a tender age Usher
was groomed to become an R and B
sensation and in 2016 he spilled the
beans to Howard Stern about the eye
opening year he spent living with Puff
Daddy at just 14 Usher didn’t hold back
as he shared I got a chance to see some
things I went there to see the lifestyle
and I saw it during his first Stern Show
interview the revelations about what
went down behind the scenes at puffy
flavor Camp are enough to make anyone do
a double take it’s a peak into the Stark
reality of the price of Fame as
witnessed by a young Usher navigating
the glitzy yet complex world of the
music industry under the guidance of
Puff Daddy now now let’s unravel the
fascinating Saga of Usher’s unique
education in the infamous puffy flavor
Camp the story kicks off when a teenage
Usher wowed music bigwig LA Reid with
his musical prowess earning himself a
ticket to New York to live with none
other than Puff Daddy during the peak of
Bad Boy Records Usher spilled the tea
saying in order to experience what it
meant to really make it big in music it
was pretty wild it was crazy as he
shared the stage with hip-hop
heavyweights like notorious big Lil Kim
Faith Evans Mary J blig and Craig Mack a
constant Presence at Puffy’s house Usher
humorously recalled being the little
brother affectionately called Baby Boo
by the
crew when Howard Stern probed about any
rules for the young Usher living with
Puff Daddy the surprising Revelation
came Diddy wasn’t the disciplinarian
type he was letting me be a young man
Usher spilled even without traditional
schooling Usher had a tutor and just
enough cash to tow the line without
getting into too much trouble when it
came time for Usher’s debut album Diddy
took on the role of producer however
after the album didn’t meet commercial
expectations Puff Daddy distanced
himself from Usher’s second album my way
which went platinum six times in the
late ’90s as if that isn’t enough to
digest Jean Deal’s recent bombshell
about his ex- boss takes the shock
Factor up a notch in a resurface clip
deal alleges that Diddy’s intentions
with the popular all female group Danity
Kane weren’t entirely pure according to
deal Diddy allegedly declared in a
studio session that he planned to get
them hooked on substances and then in
his own words pee them out the
revelations add another layer of
complexity to the already intricate
world of puffy flavor Camp showcasing
the darker side behind the scenes of the
music industry it appears that Diddy is
facing more heat for allegedly
exploiting young stars and another celeb
shedding light on the matter is Cassie
Ventura who has taken legal action
against the rapper the lawsuit claims
that over a span of more than a decade
Diddy subjected Cassie to coercive
control substance use physical abuse and
forced engagement in Intimate activities
with male escorts all recorded without
her consent Diddy vehemently denied
these allegations calling them offensive
and outrageous and accused Cassie of
attempting to shake him down for a
whopping $30 million the legal documents
delve into to disturbing incidents known
as freak offs where Cassie reportedly
endured unsettling circumstances in one
episode from March 2016 Diddy allegedly
physically abused her resulting in a
black eye fearing for her safety Cassie
tried to leave the hotel room but faced
aggression hotel security witnessing the
alleged assault on security footage
reportedly urged her to leave shockingly
the lawsuit claims Diddy insisted on
these encounters regularly dubbing them
our thing and our secret
Cassie also accused Diddy of pressuring
her to carry a firearm and supplying her
with illicit substances the lawsuit
alleges that the abuse was never
reported due to fear of further harm the
plot thickens as the lawsuit claims
Diddy was involved in the destruction of
kid Cy’s car in February 2012 fueled by
rage upon discovering cti’s relationship
with Cassie supposedly Diddy found
emails between Cassie and kid cue
triggering the destructive
act in the aftermath of the lawsuit
aubre o day seemingly celebrated her
past grievances with Diddy expressing
support for Cassie on social media the
former Danity Kane singer who had
previously worked extensively with Diddy
shouted out Cassie stating been telling
y’all for years OD day later reiterated
her full support for Cassie in a
statement to Rolling Stone the lawsuit
unfolds with shocking revelations
shining a harsh light on the tumultuous
Dynamics Within the Music Industry Diddy
took the range in forming Danity Kane on
MTV’s Making the Band in 2005 and Aubrey
OD day found herself removed from the
group in 2008 later making a comeback in
2013 in a candid December 2022 episode
of the call her daddy podcast Aubrey
claimed Diddy ousted her because she
didn’t comply with expectations
emphasizing it wasn’t about Talent Aubry
didn’t hold back on criticizing Diddy
for finally allowing his former artists
to regain their publishing rights
alleging that he had them sign ndas as
part of the deal
Aubrey asserted she was offered her own
publishing rights but refused to sign
the alleged NDA attached expressing her
feelings of vindication Aubrey pointed
out that Cassie settled with Diddy
shortly after filing her lawsuit fans
were left bewildered by Cassie’s
decision to settle prompting Aubrey to
call out the justice system emphasizing
money over accountability in an
Instagram post alongside an article
about the
settlement as speculation swirls around
Germaine Dupri’s role in the crisscross
Saga drawing parallels to Usher’s
experiences in puffy flavor Camp
unsettling facts emerge about J pinket
Smith allegedly taking advantage of
Chris Kelly when he was a minor Daz
Dillinger discussed an entanglement
between pinket Smith and Chris Kelly
highlighting their age difference of 22
and 15 respectively in the blink of
fame’s eye Cris cross left an indelible
mark on the music industry stretching
beyond their fleeting Limelight the
dynamic duo pioneer in their own right
infused the scene with a distinctive
style infectious youthfulness and
undeniable Talent echoing Through the
Ages yet behind the scenes The Narrative
of crisscross unravels into more than
just a musical Milestone it unveils a
compelling Saga a stark reminder of the
hurdles faced by those thrust into the
spotlight at a tender age the innocent
camaraderie of childhood friends
transforms into a journey Laden with the
burdens of public public scrutiny and
Industry demand the abrupt conclusion of
Criss cross’s story prompts a necessary
dialogue about the toll early Fame
extracts from the well-being of young
talent in Hollywood the struggles of
child celebrities unfold in a unique
tapestry of challenges navigating the
Relentless pressure to conform to
Industry Norms while battling to
maintain an authentic sense of self
Chris Cross like predecessors and
successors grapples with the daunting
task of outgrowing their teen image
under the relenting Gaze of the public
eye their tale though tragic serves as a
poignant call for compassion
understanding and protective measures
within the entertainment realm Criss
cross’s Journey isn’t merely a footnote
in the annals of music history it’s a
profound reflection on the fragility of
Dreams the sacrifices of Fame and the
Urgent imperative to prioritize the
well-being of those who contribute to
the Symphony of the entertainment


  1. Krisskross Icons?? Come on now. They were successful very talented young men but Icon?? Not even close.5:37 What did they come up with the line “Two in the pi*k,and one in the stink” No they didn’t. Now that would of been iconic.

  2. Everybody in Hollywood knew Diddy was a pedo for decades. Come on now. Talk to some black gay guys and they'll tell you whats up.

  3. Can we talk about the parents and how willing they are to give up their kids to this evil exposure? No chaperones, no demands . Money and fame is a powerful thing

  4. Doesn't sound like mentorship . We need to stop these men from killing our kids' spirits. Even some of their music is destructive much less their lifestyles. How is his daughter’s really doing? These kids bribed by money to b quiet

  5. Why am I only just thinking about the fact of wearing pants backwards: opens a different access side if you know what I mean. SMH, it is sad.

  6. There seems to be a lot of grooming the young boys with sexual gestures. That must have been sooooo uncomfortable. I can see how older females may have been encouraged by their boss to drink and do sexual acts. Children are so vulnerable and those wolves know exactly what they're doing. Sickos

  7. The first time I heard about Chris being an addict years before he died, I immediately said "Somebody got to him". He could never reconcile it and understandably so. It's something how people value having power over people over people themselves. That boy DIED trying to forget what he was subjected to while his groomer prospered more and more right in his face.

  8. One thing I’ve learned. People turn to drugs when they are very traumatized and see no way out of the trauma. On top of the stress of what these boys had to live through daily. The elites that fund this are predators. I’m not surprised he turned to drugs and his hair was falling out. Can you imagine the demons you’d be fighting? I feel so bad for these talented people that elitist take advantage of

  9. All of these adults in the music industry that knew these pedophiles and sexual abusers existed and witnessed these crimes ARE complicit. What the hell happened to their moral compasses? Money and power was the root of their evils.

  10. Dude you talk like people actually jumped on the backwards pants bandwagon. I was around for that era. Nobody actually wore their pants backwards. ONE kid at my school tried it once and he got clowned into oblivion. It wasn’t a trend.

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