DRIVER TIPS FOR SENIOR GOLFERS – How to Increase Swing Speed

Aussie Golf Pros has 3 simple golf swing tips for increasing distance you hit the driver for senior golfers. It’s important to develop a specific golf swing for senior golfers, as you lose strength and flexibility.

It is still possible to increase golf swing speed with this easy golf swing and through swing speed training and good footwork. Glen Haynes demonstrates the simple senior golf swing and we have borrowed some excellent golf drills from Padraig Harrington to help you swing more freely and more powerfully.

We also have a super case study, of a senior golfer who can drive the golf ball 300 yards……and he’s over 70 years old!

As you get older, it’s inevitable that you will lose some strength and flexibility. That doesn’t mean that you can’t make some slight adjustments to your setup and golf swing, to maintain your distance from the tee.


For your convenience, we have composed a FREE PDF Training Guide, which you can download to your smartphone, tablet or pc for printing. The guide includes lesson notes, images from this lesson and details of all the drills included. For instant access, so you can take the Guide to the practice tee, click here:

Free Download – Training Guide

In this video, Glen uses and recommends:

Red Belly Active Polo ~
Srixon ZX-7 Driver ~
Srixon Z-Star Series Golf Balls ~

00:00 – Driver Tips for Senior Golfers
00:51 – Driver Footwork
02:10 – Turning, not Swaying
03:05 – Commit to a Full Finish
04:05 – 70yo Hits 300yard Drive
04:39 – Swing Speed Drill
06:29 – Stretching Exercises for Senior Golfers

#seniorgolf #golfdriver #swingspeed


▶️ Easy Golf Swing For Seniors ~
▶️ The Lead [LEFT] Arm in the Golf Swing ~
▶️ Fix Tension in the Golf Swing ~
▶️ Stop Chunking Pitches ~
▶️ How To Strike The Ball First (Easy Drill) ~


Steve Gannon and Glen Haynes created Aussie Golf Pros to provide a learning platform for golfers of all levels. They post content regularly on social media accounts. Their website,, includes blogposts, golf coaching series and links to great programs. New content, videos and downloads are added regularly.

Golf Coaches, Not Teachers

The Aussie Golf Pros are holistic coaches in every sense of the word. Steve and Glen are both fully qualified members of the PGA of Australia and are avid students of the Sports Sciences. Together, they are certified in Advanced Golf Coaching, Golf Psychology, TPI (Body-Swing Connection), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Personal Development and Skill Acquisition.

Steve and Glen are not ‘Method’ coaches. They recognise that there are literally 1000’s of ways to swing a golf club! Rather than try to ‘change’ your swing, their goal is to help You Be The Best Golfer You Can Be!

Skill Development vs Technical Changes

Although technique is an important factor in improving a golfer’s performance, Skill Development is largely neglected in golf coaching today. Skill is something that can be tangibly improved with proper understanding of the golf impact laws and effective practice towards improved performance.

External Focus of Attention

Most golf teaching involves an internal focus. Common suggestions might include increased hip turn, a still head or improved hand path. These are all factors of the golf swing, which many golfers and teachers consider important. However, as they are focused internally, on movements of the body, golfers find changes extremely difficult to process.

we’re losing distance as we get older
we’re losing some strength and
flexibility and that’s inevitable but we
shouldn’t be losing as much distance as
these golfers are we’re going to study
these swings and work out where the
power leaks are and there are three
distinct areas that these golfers can
really improve and we can do something
about it and I’m not talking about going
to the gym although that’s of course
going to help we’ve also got a swing
that we’re going to study from a guy
that’s over 70 years old hasn’t got
these power leaks that typical sceny
golfer does have so we’ve got three
simple tips for senior golfers to help
you to increase your swing speed for
golf let’s stick around we’ve got an
extra drill that’s really going to get
you hitting those drives further than
you ever have good day golfers I’m Glenn
Haynes welcome to Aussie golf pros where
we help you be the best golfer you can
be let’s have a look at these senior
golfers hit their drivers the first
thing we noticed is their feet are very
stuck they’re very static there’s not a
lot of footwork going on there I don’t
believe believe this is a flexibility
issue I believe this is a balance issue
we don’t want the STS too wide shoulder
width apart is plenty but here we really
need to get used to being on one foot at
a time so just a little motion like that
just to get used to having your balance
on one foot at a time is really going to
get you used to moving your feet a lot
better during the golf swing especially
with the driver so I’ve got a n99 teed
the ball up we just want to make this
nice and easy and we’re going to do a
little step drill we’ve seen Podrick
Harrington do this loads of times so set
up to the golf ball as normal as I said
just got a n iron step back
and step into it let’s get the feet
moving by starting back here and then
getting used to actually stepping then
you’re going to shift a lot better
weight in the shot be more mobile and
that’s really going to help you increase
your swing speed with much less effort
if our feet are stuck wide here and
we’re playing like we’ve got 8 in Nails
in our feet then the arms and shoulders
are going to be doing all the work and
that’s going to really cost us a lot of
Club head speed especially as we start
to lose strength the second thing that
we notice about some of these golfers is
they sway a lot they’re trying to
generate some Power by transferring
their weight but it’s all upper body
sway that’s a really slow motion that’s
going to cost a lot of Club head speed
in the golf swing we want to rotate
backwards and forwards here’s a little
motion to help you get the feeling of
turning get into golfing posture put
your arms out in front of you and get
into the back swing pull your Trail arm
behind you and then return the other way
get into that follow through so by
getting your arms going backwards and
forwards behind you here make sure
you’re rotating your hips and your trunk
into the back swing into the follow
through see there’s no sway going on so
centered behind the golf ball and
backwards and forwards get that feeling
of rotating generating some coil so that
we can and spring forward and that’s
where we can generate some really easy
Club head speed our third power leak
here is a short swing and I’m not
necessarily talking about a back swing
of course that’s to do with Mobility I’m
talking about this follow through this
stopping finish position here it’s like
there’s a tree in the follow through
we’ve got to complete the follow through
and I don’t blame a lack of Mobility for
this a BL a lack of commitment so what
we want to do is get through here and I
want you to touch your lead shoulder so
your left shoulder for a right-hander
with your hands or your Club so have
some swings and even if you just get to
through here to stop even if it’s an
afterthought get through and touch your
shoulder this real commitment to the
golf shot is going to help you to
generate some Club head speed through
the ball and free the swing up get rid
of this stopping position it’s costing
you height it’s costing your Club speed
and it’s costing you consistency see how
I finish through nice and fluid
and touch that shoulder that’s really
going to help you with your commitment
and your freedom through the golf swing
let’s now take a look at our model golf
swing Jim is over 70 years old and this
is a 300 yard drive so let’s compare
this swing to the power leaks that we
were witnessing earlier Jim STS is
fairly narrow which means that he can
move his feet and rotate more easily
he’s allowing his left heel to just come
off the ground a little into the back
swing so he’s turning not swaying into
the back swing and as he gets into the
follow through he’s shifting his weight
forward moving those feet rotating again
not swaying and swinging through to a
full and committed finish over his lead
shoulder and these motions make it
possible to maintain that swing speed
even for senior golfers our bonus tip
for senior golfers to drive the ball
further and really for anyone who wants
to drive the ball further is to swing
faster in your practice practice swings
in your garden or on the driving range
or even before a golf shot what we want
to do is learn how to generate more Club
head speed and it’s not just about
strength and flex
ability swinging faster is more mental
than anything so we’re going to do a
little bit of over speed training so
that you’re actually used to swinging
faster so that means swinging something
a little bit lighter if you’ve got a
removable weight in your driver you can
get the wrench and take that out
obviously you’re not going to do that in
the game but you can do it at home and
that makes the club lighter and you can
swing faster or even more simply than
that I’m going to hold down the bottom
of the grip now the club’s going to feel
really light from there and we’re going
to swing faster so I’m going to have 10
swings or so just gradually building up
speed moving the feet rotating rather
than swaying and finishing the follow
through and each swing is going to be
faster than the
previous and you can do this left-handed
as well if you’re a right-handed golfer
so you just turn the club up the other
and we’re still training those muscles
to get used to swinging faster you’ll be
a little bit slower that way now that
over speed training that’s really going
to help you to generate more Club head
speed it’s something that all of the
long drivers do these days and it’s
something that we can do at home for any
golfer it’s non- taxing take your time
doing it and even just a couple of
sessions of that you’re going to really
notice a difference and an increase in
your Club head
speed guaranteed we’ve mentioned
flexibility and Mobility for senior
golfers and it’s definitely a huge part
of maintaining swing speed and playing
without injury so here are our favorite
stretching exercises for senior golfers
so watch that video next and down there
is your free training guide with all of
the notes from today’s lesson thank you
so much for watching we look forward to
company next week are you the best
golfer you can be


  1. Hey Glen and Steve,
    Excellent video, guys. Great information and as always well explained and demonstrated.

  2. I'm definitely guilty of a short follow through and stopping. You're spot on when you say it's a commitment issue, too concerned about the outcome.

  3. I will be trying those tips. I have set up a hitting area in the backyard so it will be easy to practice and to see what happens. I’m 70 and still drive pretty well but would love to get a few more yards.

  4. I like the idea of a 70 years old with 300 yards drive. But like to see his swing on a Launch Monitor to be more believable.

  5. Your third tip is on the money. I’ll be 70 this year and while I don’t drive it 300 yards, I see 250 pretty regularly. When I look at my contemporaries, the issue is often not their lack of flexibility, it’s their lack of commitment to the shot. They’ve lost confidence, they are worried about mishits and looking foolish, so they shorten up and try to steer it instead of going after it. Counterproductive.

  6. I don't care how this guy gives these tips. The senior body just can't generate club head speed fast enough to hit it 300 yards. Maybe you can get 15 or 20 extra yards but 300 seems far fetched. You can't beat Father Time on the human body. Watch great old pros like Langer and Watson and Jerry Kelley. A lot of them aren't even 70 yet and they can't hit it 300. And they were and still are great pros.

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