Lab Golf DF 2.1 Broom Handle Putter

There is a buzz on the Tour ATM regarding LAB golf broom handle putters with notable players that have been struggling with their putting having huge turnarounds.

Can the Buzzman become a great putter by switching to the broom?

hi everyone thanks for checking the
video out Steve buzzer here and today we
are talking about the lab golf broom
handle poter so I have the last few
weeks been trying this this I’m actually
just borrowing this putter um someone
was very kind to let me borrow it for a
few weeks um I have used it on the
potting green I have used it out on the
course and last week I actually played a
27 whole tour tournament with it so I’ve
kind of been experimenting and asking
the question that we all want to answer
will this help my performance and if
you’ve watched my um YouTube in the past
especially the early days of when I was
on YouTube I’m very reflective of how I
used to put as a kid uh in my amateur
career and then when I first turned Pro
I used to struggle putting and me didn’t
go together I was willing to hold putts
but was something that would not happen
and one of the biggest issues I used to
have with my golf game is I would miss a
three four-footer literally every round
at least one maybe two and can you see
then that total momentum killer and then
your scores don’t really feel reflective
of how you’ve played so my parting was
definitely an issue over the last few
years um definitely got better went from
really poor to kind of I could sustain
my putting I would say my part in was
not necessarily helping but it it wasn’t
hindering anymore you know it was it was
just stable um give me an opportunity if
I hit it well you know I could I could I
could post the score um one of the big
things I found was um uh I’m left eye
dominant so I needed to kind of learn um
I use aimo aimo um not only helped me
with the reads but I used to be
uncommitted to the reads I wasn’t 100%
they were right so I found it actually
very hard to commit so aim Point gave me
a monkey see monkey do just hit it there
so um my Ping’s definitely got better
the last few years but I want to go from
average to just kind of sustaining to
being great and you go look is this
going to be the way to do it so I feel
like this has a lot of potential for me
um I have used lab golf in the past um I
used their blade version I’ve used their
MZ one and then this is the D Force the
2.1 um I’ve used them all um in the
short putter I actually preferred the MZ
one I think the MZ one looks really nice
um I poed really well with the blade um
this one the bigger one um I actually
didn’t putt as well and I’m not saying I
putted bad but just relative to the
other Putters um I felt like this one
needed kind of a smoother stroke whereas
I’ve got a bit more hit to it so I found
the other two resonated a bit more with
that um something that I found out over
the years through you know where I was
lucky is I was a very poor putter but
because I coach fulltime I was Finding
solutions for my students and I stumbled
across solutions for myself you know so
I was very lucky in that way one thing
that has been very helpful for me is I
need the part very upright because we
all have different points in which we
kind of turn around um for me that point
is quite high so I need need my stroke
to almost if you think of a plane I need
it to be kind of off of my shoulders a
bit more um some people are a bit lower
um I think that’s one reason why I’ve
started to resonate with this one well
is it’s pointing up
towards kind of my shoulders where I
think my natural plane is so it’s kind
of resonated with me very quickly um I
tried the MZ one and I I tried it and I
just in one of the Superstores um I
didn’t like it that much I’ll be honest
I tried something slightly longer this
one is
43.5 and for me and one of the big
differences and if you look at Lucas
Glover and Adam Scott in particular um
they look athletic over the ball because
you’re not allowed to Anchor anymore you
know you can get into like an athletic
posture even though you’re using the
broom handle I think that for me is
really really helped um I tried like I
said tried one slightly longer didn’t
really resonate this length has felt
really good and then um last week I
asked I asked for questions for this
video on my Instagram one of the
questions was is it just hype or and is
it worth the money um I tried this one
with the standard shaft and just to put
it into context I have the standard
shaft in my um normal length MZ one and
really liked it but the TPT shaft in
this broom
um definitely feels different um for me
it felt a little heavier um they do do
different head weights but it was this
is the standard head weight feels a
little more heavy a little more stable
feels a little bit better um and and
noticeably so to answer that question
yes I have the TP shf I appreciate it’s
an upcharge but for me I I notice a
difference and the other one was okay
but I wasn’t like raving about it this
one with the TPT shaft all of a sudden
you know I got excited and went I think
this could become the gamer um I said
I’ve used it on the course so first
things first I said I used to miss a lot
of short putts and if I’m missing short
putts it kind of is a loss of a full
shot so even when I hold one from
distance all I’m doing is countering a
mistake rather than gaining ground on
the field or feeling like my performance
is being helped by my puttting
so I felt really secure short range I
felt really secure on The Parting green
when I was practicing when I got out
into the course didn’t feel like there
was any change and then when I was
playing in the tournament didn’t feel
like there was any change um a question
I was asked 10 to 15t I think a lot of
people are very interested in that how
good is it from 10 15 20
feet simply Sensational biggest change
I’ve ever seen and again I I can’t speak
for everyone but from my personal
experience I have
played multiple Nines in practice and
then I played 27 holes so three nines in
competition and every single one of
those nines I have hold a 15f footer and
that isn’t normal for me that isn’t
normal for everybody um and it’s not
that I was holding puts cuz it’s cool to
hold puts don’t get me wrong what I’m
more excited about is every ball I’m
rolling looks like it has a chance to go
in I had a bunch that lipped out um
showing how close I’m getting and that
is the exciting bit because please
appreciate um and let’s use 8 ft as the
example on tour 8 feet the tour Pros
hold 50% of the time but please don’t
take that stat and go they only roll the
ball well 50% of the time cuz that’s not
true they roll the ball very well almost
all the time there’s external factors
that stop them going in every time but
if you roll the ball well 50% of the
time I promise you you’re not going to
hold 50% of the time your your stats are
going to be significantly lower so what
I’ve Loved from 10 15 ft is I’m hitting
a bunch of putts that look like they’re
in few lip outs a few hold um really
really good I’m re that’s what I’m most
excited about um like I said I use aim
point I feel like I can really if I just
keep focusing on my aim Point getting
good start lines take the putter let’s
get it rolling um I just feel like I can
be dangerous so I said can I get from
mediocre to great that is one area that
I can do stop missing the short ones
that’s going to be another one other
question you can appreciate I was asked
about the short the medium of course I
was asked about the long the long I
would be lying if I said I felt like I
was really good from length but I felt
that this was a new skill and each time
I practice I feel like it’s getting
better the first couple nines I played
um I got to test if I was good from 6
to8 feet and I I did hold them all but
it was parting them to 6 to 8 ft you
know from distance had a couple I rolled
short um
try to then overcompensate hit them long
so I wasn’t rolling the ones from
distance particularly well it was great
that I was holding them but again I
don’t want that pressure but as even in
this short amount of time you got
appreciate I’ve only been doing this for
a few weeks um I’ve seen each time that
it’s progressing and I do feel like um I
will be able to be competent um from
distance with this putter um so it’s not
perfect yet but I feel like it is
definitely improving um I had a question
what’s it like with the split um I
actually like it because um this hand
now feels like it’s not doing anything
sometimes um we talk about like the
right hand being active but obviously
the right and the left will sometimes
fight so by being here I feel like there
is no fight it almost becomes right hand
only one of my issues was my right hand
used to get too dominant but by being
here not having the ability to fight
with the hands I’ve actually been using
a standard grip or standard for me I was
using the claw I think because the club
is more up um I’m able to do that this
feels like it’s doing nothing and now
whereas I’m usually having to suppress
the right hand and the claw is a very
good way to let it kind of get involved
without feeling like it’s being
detrimental but this I just feel like
like I’m kind of very natural just kind
of throwing throwing the ball rolling
the ball at the hole just with my right
hand um I know we talk a lot about
shoulders but if you think if the ball
was in your hand you’d be it it’s it’s
not robotic in how a good putter moves
it is a bit more down here no wrists but
almost in forearm bit of the upper arm
you can just kind of feel it in there I
feel like I can do that with this one so
uh I’m
I’m I’m really excited I have one on
order so I will be I will be converting
into the broom in a few months time
hopefully they will be talking about the
great Lucas Glover winning on tour W
alatus looking great with the Mes onean
in the broom Adam Scott looking great
and then little old me will enter the
conversation oh I can’t believe how many
putts he’s holding so uh I’m excited um
get some comments down below are you
somebody that was not a naturally good
putter but has found a solution to
putting well or they’ve taken control of
their putting whether that is using a
broom handle maybe another technique
whether it’s changing the grip maybe
you’re using an arm lock maybe it’s
something far simpler than that you know
I’d love to hear what you’ve got to say
um I think we too often we’re naturally
not good at something and then we just
accept oh I’m I’m great with a driver
pting is not for me um I think I have
shown through the years that
I I was not a natural let’s just leave
it at that I was not a natural at
putting was terrible at ping but I found
ways to improve through the years and I
genuinely this is a huge statement
through my progression with putting I’ve
gone from being terrible to taking
control of it being very competent
I do feel like with a bit of practice
and I’m excited to practice as well
that’s the nice thing about having
something new a bit of
practice honing in my aim Point keeping
those things in check this season I do
feel like I can be great I know huge
statement um I will do follow-ups I said
get those questions down below and as
always stay happy stay safe and I hope
to catch you soon

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