Golf Players

#220 Please Beat a Central Division Team (with Wild forward Jake Lucchini)

Let’s meet Jake Lucchini. The former Michigan Tech Husky and current mainstay on the Minnesota Wild third line joins us to talk spaghetti, haircuts and dress code, and his brother’s jersey request.

Plus, I take a look at the Wild week ahead while also figuring out – can the Wild really make the playoffs?

All in this week’s episode, created by new voice studios, presented by SotaStick, brought to you by Talk North, Jim Beam, Livea, Grain Belt and Royal Credit Union this is season 5 episode 220.


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let’s meet Jake Luchini the former
Michigan Tech Husky and current
mainstate on the Minnesota Wild third
line joins us to talk spaghetti haircuts
and dress code and his brother’s Jersey
request plus I take a look at the wild
week ahead while also figuring out can
Minnesota actually maybe kind of sort of
really make the NHL playoffs as always
were’re created by new Voice studios
brought to you by sodas stick presented
by talk North grain Bel Royal Credit
Union Jim Beam and Livia this this is
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hello everybody what’s up bardown
Beauties episode 220 I’m Jesse Pierce
writer for she’s Kirsten croll
the face of the Minnesota Wild and
joining us another face of the Minnesota
Wild that we don’t get to chat with to
often Mr Jake Luchini uh Jake what’s
going on buddy thanks for coming on yeah
no not a whole lot thanks for having me
guys I uh I appreciate it I’m excited
you know this is a man taking time on
his day off practi is cancelled so round
of applause extra for Jake we we
appreciate you friend thank you thank
you thank you I appreciate you said
you’re relaxing on your day off what
does that entail like when you get a
free day to do nothing do you genuinely
do nothing or like do you find just some
things you like to do around the city to
have fun yeah usually I’m I’m staying
right by I don’t know if you guys are
familiar with like hope
breakfast yeah but it is phenomenal so
usually every day off I usually I’m
usually there um I I I got to sleep in a
little bit today which is always nice on
a day off take uh um a little bit of
time to sleep in but no for me just kind
of try to get some stuff done little
things done um I don’t have a lot of
clothes here so I like to do laundry
every s um but yeah no get outside go on
a walk I I actually know quite a few
people from Minnesota um just being
going to school in Michigan we had a lot
of people from Minnesota so like today
I’m going for coffee with an old um you
know teammate I I haven’t seen in a
while so just kind of little things try
to get outside as much as I can and
obviously Becky’s here too so him and I
spend a decent amount of time together
with for for days off real quick
followup question too you mentioned you
didn’t bring many clothes up did you
bring more t-shirts at least Than Jake
Middleton did when he came to Minnesota
originally that’s a good question
because like when I so when I the last
time I got called up we were in
Henderson which was Vegas and I got
called right before we were flying back
to De Mo and our flight got in at like
9:30 so it was
like off the plane to my place in De Mo
packed like a small bag and literally so
like I have not a lot of clothes so I’m
trying to do as much laundry as I can
but to your question I don’t know how
many he had but I don’t have too many
myself I think he had like three or four
like legit maybe five at most cuz he was
like and they were yeah gray white and
maybe a black one he’s like just to be
fancy once in a while which is so midy
right like it just makes sense yeah
that’s yeah that’s true I I have a few
more than that but like for example I
brought one suit and I’m like I need to
buy a suit like I can’t just wear the
same suit every single game so and I
went to the mall a couple weeks ago and
I just tried to get like I was going
around store to store and there was nice
suits but I needed one like that I could
literally take off the rack and bring
home instead of getting tailored and
stuff so I like I had to go buy a su for
example but no it’s it’s funny well the
suit game’s important now too with the
Walkins and the style rankings how do
you feel you’re doing with your style
game who’s the best on the team and and
who’s the worst on the team of course we
have some answers of our own but I want
to get your take um so for me I’m not
much of a Style guy um I yeah I just I’m
very simple um like I have like the suit
I brought was like black it’s just like
a simple black suit which is fine but a
lot of things you see now guys are
wearing you know a lot of different
suits and um they’re obviously super
cool but uh best on the team JoJo’s got
some good style he wears wears a lot of
nice things um I don’t know not stylish
guy on the team um that’s honestly I’m
not really sure like I feel like in in
you know from being here you you have
guys who wear like the not the same suit
but they only you kind of met notice
that they have maybe one or two of them
and then you get you know the guys like
Jojo or the guys who’ve been around for
a little longer flurry’s got great style
they you never see them wear the same
suit and if you see where see them
wearing the same suit it’s like I don’t
know maybe once every 10 15 games it’s
like oh okay I kind of recognize that
but like me I’m wearing the same suit
one of two suits kind of every single
day and I mean they’re a lot different
so I think like I mean last night I wore
my the one that I just bought and
someone’s like oh new suit because it’s
I so
no well you know okay you can say juwel
Eric neck has the worst style on the
team he’s been chirped before is that
what guys are saying yeah I believe one
of them last year had said that when we
had someone on I forget who but his name
was dropped it’s hard because I haven’t
been here for like a full year so it’s
like I haven’t gotten that I don’t
really know to be like to be honest like
it’s just hard for me to I I I can’t
throw someone under the bus when I don’t
know Fair well now you and now you’re
going to be paying more attention you’re
going to be at the game like all right
taking notes we can you can help us
analyze you know flurry rotates his
suits a little bit like you know his
superstitions right every goalie has
them but flurry’s is so bad he’s told me
that he’s like if there was a bad game
or a really bad loss it goes to the very
back of the closet and he probably never
wears it again because he just believes
that that gu guu is on everything and if
it’s a good suit where he’s had a really
good game in then he keeps it kind of in
this continuous rotation that’s you know
that’s a flurry thing I wish I had as I
wish I had like as many suits him
because I would probably do something
like that but
I you know speaking of style I did catch
a glimpse of your Michigan Tech head
shot and the hair was a little bit
different why did we decide to chop off
the main and go with the classy you know
shorter look or do you miss the locks
are you going to grow them back at any
point um I I do miss it sometimes so
when I was a kid I always like I don’t
know why I always just grew my hair out
for hockey season and then I would just
like cut it like maybe maybe a few times
in the summer but I would just like grow
my hair out and then when I got to
college my aunt’s a hairdresser so my
haircut I mean it was probably it’s
probably not great but my haircut
routine would be I’d get a haircut when
I got home in the summer from college
I’d get a haircut when I left in
September and then when I came home for
Christmas I would get a haircut so I
would just like grow my hair out my
roommate and I um my college year we
only had one well there was two two of
us or three of us in the class actually
Four but there was only two of us that
were like I was only with one guy for
all four years the other two guys were
um fifth years so my roommate roommate
and I decided that for our Jun our
junior year we decided for our senior
pictures we were just going to grow our
hair out for fun just like something to
I don’t know why um so yeah that’s why
it was that long I think it was like a
year and a half almost and I don’t know
if you could see but like I had missing
teeth too it was just yeah it was a
whole look like I had to be like is this
him like I just from what I’ve seen in
locker room I’m like this can’t be and
I’m just so intrigued it’s a Night and
Day image I know yeah I I would like to
grow it back uh my dad doesn’t have any
hair my grandfather it’s kind of like
one of those things where it’s like grow
it while you have it because G it um but
yeah I I don’t know I’m getting married
this summer so I can’t be growing it out
too far too long right now but no it’s
uh something I think about doing because
it is I had it long last year too but
not even close to as long as that but
one year I’ll just let it go well first
congratulations on engagement getting
married this Summer um also you
mentioned headshot didn’t have teeth you
must have a good orthodontist or dentist
then because it looks like you got a
full set right
now I got it all fixed which is nice
because it was like it it was like a
four year I wouldn’t say four probably
two and a half three year process I my
growing up I never had braces um and
then I got my three front teeth knocked
out and I needed braces um to like I’m
not sure I don’t know exactly what the
terminology would be but like to bring
my roots down or something like that um
yeah two missing teeth with braces and
then a wire across the it was it was it
was a tough look but it’s fun I met my
fiance it was my War year college and
that’s when I had the braces and I
looked I didn’t look good it was it was
look but I mean I she I don’t know how
she kept she stayed around but no it was
H It’s Kind of a Funny Story that’s true
love right there yeah she’s a keeper
although I think M’s uh wife said that
he she also likes she likes the mustache
she doesn’t like it without the mustache
but that also is because it covers his
no his missing teeth she’s not a big fan
of the missing teeth but the mustache
helps hide that yeah that’s good that’s
a good point well Jake we had Grace on
for this week’s episode I did not do my
due diligence and people in the comments
took notice I did not do my due
diligence and asking the same question I
ask every single week so here it is to
you right now what are your thoughts on
Swift um I like Taylor Swift I’ve always
liked her music uh just like some of her
songs are so like Poppy and just kind of
I I kind of like that stuff I it’s my
favorite um but I do like a lot of her
songs and then I think it’s cool with
the whole Travis Kelce thing like I’m a
big Travis Kelce guy and Jason Kelce
they’re like their podcast there their
cool family and um it’s just kind of one
of those things where it just brings
more you know publicity or whatever it
may be and just kind of an athlete and
and a superstar kind of getting together
I think it’s cool and um no I I I like
her music I don’t follow her a ton I’ve
never seen her live or anything but yeah
like I said I don’t mind I like I like
the music you passed the test solid
answer which song would be your goal
song If you were to pick one goal song
has to be a Taylor Swift Go song which
ER like that that’s a new one um like
like when I was a kid like I remember
when I was in probably Elementary School
and like beginning High School like uh
love story was out and those things yes
I used to love that those songs probably
when I was a kid like or like that age I
probably wouldn’t tell a lot of people
that just because it’s just like I don’t
know like that’s one love story but um
no I like
22 um there’s some like I I see a lot of
them where they’re like techno remixes
like a lot of like people are starting
to do that she’s getting popular well
like not that before but she’s like
they’re playing more like pop or like
club like mixing it with club music and
those remixes are actually quite good
that could be fun Love Story add it to
the wedding playlist also suggestion for
me to you lover uh sounds like you’re in
your lover era getting married so if you
need any other wedding songs there’s a
lot of hits on there to take into your
consideration so no we’re GNA have a
couple Taylor Swift uh songs on the
playlist Love Story Probably will be one
of them the one there’s one like remix
it’s love story and it’s it’s like a
tech one it’s really good actually to
look into that like that if you can’t
tell Kirsten is our resident Swifty on
this podcast just just so you know just
heads up I some would say my
professional title is Minnesota Wild in
Arena host I say Minnesota Wild
entertain correspondent because this is
what I do hence why Brock thinks I’m
crazy this was the type of stuff I was
asking him
SOA in the last like couple of
years what was that has she been to
Minnesota she played a show here in the
like in the last while like couple years
well I’m so glad you asked Jake she did
over the summer her AAS tour I was there
night to it was the best night of my
life I peaked then and nothing has been
the same since was it at the uh the
football stadium I’m drawing a blank US
US Bank
oh yeah it was fantastic I
bet speaking of goals how uh how hard
are you going to Sally the next goal
that you score because it’ll hopefully
count because you kind of had some bad
luck as of late with these recalls some
of the fellas owe you a little extra for
being off sides or goalie interference
for instance last night how frustrating
is that how kind of funny is it too yeah
it’s funny I yeah I mean I when I scored
last night it was one of those things
where I kind of figured maybe it was
goal interference so I put my hands up
and I looked around like looked what the
ref was doing uh but it’s kind of funny
because so I scored in uh in Chicago and
I didn’t know it went like I didn’t
celebrate because I didn’t know in and
then the
onea I celebrated but it didn’t count so
it’s just two opposites um and then
obviously last night was just kind of
one of those ones where it was I didn’t
really know but um yeah I mean hopefully
I’ll catch a break sometime it’ll come
I’ll just keep keep trying my best and
hopefully count hey it happens to the
best of them Marco Rossi had his fair
share at I think it was to start the
year there was like two that got waved
off and then he picked it up from there
so it your time is due I hope so hope so
well and it doesn’t matter how you score
I think uh feno’s first one in Minnesota
was off his butt I feel like there’s
been a lot of pucks off butts for
Minnesota Wild players as their first
goal with Minnesota not that it’d be
your first but you you know if they
don’t ask how just how many right I know
and it’s funny cuz last night we had
like a maybe a little bit of a three on
two and Vinnie shot it from the point
and it hit me in the butt and it it
almost went in like like the goalie
didn’t even see it hit me and then was
like going in it just hit his Pad it was
just like one of those things where his
Pad was just sitting there and it hit it
and yeah or the Whole Net was like open
but it was yeah it was funny it’s giving
like Philadelphia Eagles how they have
the brotherly shove except Minnesota
wild it’s like shoot a puck off somebody
and hope it rebounds off their butt I
know at that point like I might as well
just try to do that try to get something
to go in because it’s yeah I’m not
they’re getting dis out so maybe I’ll
just stand in front of the net and
hopefully one hits me and goes in that’s
what I do that if I could recommend any
hockey play to you as a non-player
myself just cherry pick and stand there
it seems to work well I had a hattrick
on my first debut of hockey it was great
nice and I’m also going to keep her
humble here she also win a and like
first time in net like blew out her knee
so ble out my knee it’s this and this
was just like a month ago if you ever
see me hobbling in the locker room
that’s why it still hurts I apologized
immediately to flower and Gus for ever
being critical of them because that’s
not an easy thing to do is to be a
hockey goalie apparently imagine I don’t
think i’ I don’t I’ve never put I mean
maybe when I was a little little kid
I’ve never put a pair of pads on and I
don’t think I ever well I had had enough
uh liquid courage from throughout the
course of the day that I was like this
seems like a a good good idea and what
Kirsten’s forgetting to mention I did
make the toe save I kicked it up high
enough and I made the save I got scored
on like all of your highlights somebody
has to keep you humble and that is my
job so I’m happy to bring you back down
to reality to really just balance things
out so that’s true see this is what we
do on this podcast Jake you had
mentioned uh Vinnie John Hines has been
so complimentary of your line how has
that chemistry worked I know especially
you two as a pair because you certainly
have had some other players in and out
now with injuries and and whatnot and
and recalls And Trades but especially
with Vinnie how has that been it’s kind
of like the Italian line I think fans
are calling it right because you’ve got
larian Luchini and a little something
there yeah it’s been it’s been good um
obviously I didn’t know Vinnie before
this year but being in Iowa we played
together um I mean he hasn’t spent a lot
of time there um but like probably
played together four three or four games
um so then coming here with him um we’ve
kind of had like a little bit of
chemistry I think we play similar um you
know we know our roles obviously try to
create offense but you know take care of
our own end and and play you know a
really good defensive game um but he’s
he’s really smart player he’s really
good he works hard um and that’s kind of
why I think things are kind of going
well for us is you know we play play a
similar game where you know we just
ultimately just try to you know outwork
teams create uh you know turnovers um
and then kind of let our skill take over
when when the opportunity kind of
presents itself but um yeah like you
said there’s been a lot of uh a lot of
different guys obviously we we’ve been
with shazi for the past maybe five or
six games but um you know I think we had
a couple games with Freddy played with
Marco a little bit and then obviously
when uh derer was here um he was with us
too but um no it’s it’s been good and um
yeah just like I said I think you know
we just kind of compliment each other
because we play play a similar game I’m
I this came to my mind when we were
talking about
Italians they this is kind of what my
Twitter feed is as well so forgive me
for the randomness but somebody last
week I was like on a deep dive just
doing whatever somebody took the time to
make an entire thread of NHL players
they thought would be good at making
spaghetti players they would trust and
they literally ranked them so there was
like pasta from B you yeah yeah from
Boston whatnot um people that they
wouldn’t like Adam fantell they were
like I don’t trust him in his air fryer
so where would you rank on that list
like do you think you would be how’s
how’s your pasta cooking skills um not
bad I I do enjo really enjoy cooking
um I don’t know where I’d rank because I
know guys like I’m pretty sure Vinnie’s
like a big he I know Vinnie lik loves to
cook but I think he he would be high up
there um but I don’t know where I’d rank
but I know that like you know for me
like I love like every pregame in in De
Mo um I cook I make pasta uh and then I
make like a chicken parm just like my
dad always did it um we always did it
like he would always make it for us so
um that’s kind of my game day ritual is
I all every single game day in De Mo
I’ll make like a chicken parmesan and
then I’ll have just like pasta and sauce
or whatnot but um I’d like to think I’d
be in the top half um because I I do
like to cook um but I mean I don’t know
it’s tough I’m sure there’s a lot of
good a lot of Italians that are good
Cooks out there I think You’ probably
best a lot of the guys in the room
though cuz I know fa said he never Cooks
bolds doesn’t really cook right a lot of
the younger guys are still on that end
of the spectrum where they’re not
cooking too much I would definitely not
trust those two you just named just
based on The Vibes true I like I think
know going to college and then like I my
dad always cooked my mom likes to cook
it’s just like one of those things where
it’s like something throughout my day
where I kind of look for it like I
rarely eat out I mean now being in the
hotel I eat out all the time which is
unfortunate um but like when I’m when I
have a place and stuff like that I It
cooking’s great I love it’s it’s fun
it’s burns like Burns time for me so
it’s good I feel like I would trust you
based on just how you pronounce pasta
calling it pasta like it’s just it’s
authentic it’s genuine so that alone I’d
put you in the top half okay I
appreciate that I appreciate well you
mentioned Vinnie too you know his family
has like uh I you don’t call it a food
truck maybe it’s like a food truck but
at the State Fair they have their whole
Spiel have you heard that or i’ I I saw
a video of it um in the summer I I I
much about it um I didn’t watch the full
video but I I did see something about it
uh I’ll have to ask him about it because
that’s that’s cool that’s really
interesting it’s it’s nummy I go there
pretty much every year back it’s at the
State Fair you’ll have to come back for
the State Fair because I’m sure you’re
going to go home where’s the wedding in
Canada is your is fiance from Wisconsin
so we met um in Michigan and then uh
she’s from a little town little shot
Wisconsin it’s about uh it’s kind of
Appleton um minutes from Green Bay um
but yeah we’re getting married in
Madison that’s kind of where our home
base is oh nice we’ll see that’ll be
pretty we’ll we’ll allow it as
minnesotans I guess we allow it it’s it
is what it is uh you know in general for
the season since we’ll talk a little bit
of hockey too for the fans out there um
how has it been for you from a players’s
perspective I know from the outside
whether it’s Media or fans it’s been a
roller coaster a lot of inconsistency a
lot of up and downs certainly No Lack of
excitement what’s it like for a player
especially when you did get recalled and
now you’ve really found your way onto
this team with a pretty important role
yeah it’s been uh it’s been a really
good year um you know for me personally
I think you know spending some time in
deor and then being up here for um you
know I’d say Pro I mean I’ve been here
for just over a month probably but you
know for the last three months I’ve been
you know most of my time here but it’s
been uh like you said roller coaster I
think for us you know I think we know
how good of a team we have um you know
we’re capable of beating kind of anybody
in the league we kind of prove that um
but I think for us it’s just you know
right now we’re on a bit of a run and I
think just continue to to grow um you
know as a team and I think you know I
know we’re kind of on the outside
looking in right now you know with
points wise but I think we feel like
we’re in a pretty good spot with how
we’re playing um and I think if we just
continue to kind of push um you know
anything can really happen I know the
belief in in the locker room is that we
you know believe and know that we can
give ourselves a chance to you know get
in the playoffs and you know anything
can really happen too you know you see
like teams like um I don’t know this
100% but I think you know Detroit was
you know six seven points in the
playoffs couple weeks ago and now I
think you know I think the Islanders
kind of made a push so just kind of
proves that you know anything can happen
um you know if you put you know stretch
of games together to um you know to get
back in the mix and you know we feel
like we’re there um but just you know
put a couple you know six seven game
stretch together where you kind of you
know play well and get some points I
think you kind of put yourself right
back in there and whenever we just kind
of continue to you know grow and try to
make a push and um you know like I said
we’re the belief is that you know we can
we can get in um and we just got to
continue to um keep playing well and I
want to ask about this because it’s
still fairly recent and it seems like
it’s a game that wild fans aren’t going
to forget about anytime soon the game
against Nashville it’s overtime John
Hines pulls flurry from the net pulls
out the other man just getting that win
when baly scored what was it like to be
a player down on the ice on the bench
when that happened it was cool it was
like uh it’s kind of hard to explain
like it’s one of those things where it
if you really think about it like it’s a
good idea right like four you don’t
really when you when you’re the team
that’s has four it’s like you know the
other team doesn’t really touch the puck
a lot um but then it’s kind of one of
those things where it’s like it’s you
know they just shoot it down and it can
go in um but it was cool I mean when the
when we scored or when B scored it was I
was blown away it was one of those
things where it’s like holy that was
that was crazy it was it was funny
because when we pulled them I was kind
of like you know obviously watching the
the play and stuff but you you hear the
crowd and everyone was kind it wasn’t
like a cheer it wasn’t like a boo it
just everyone was like what’s like no
one knew on
um but it was it was cool I mean you put
those four guys on the ice um you know
in a four on three situation you got to
kind of figure something Good’s going to
happen um they’re unbelievable but um no
it was crazy obviously never been a part
of something like that but um it was it
was cool did you know the rule like hiny
said he was actually he preferred that
most of you guys didn’t know the rule
because then there been would have been
maybe a little bit more hesitation
although he said guys like zuk and
heartsy were like let’s go let’s get it
they want to pull flower like right away
into the overtime he’s like no there’s a
strategy to this but did you know you
guys could have forfeited the point if
uh if naville scored no I I had no idea
I yeah it was I I honestly didn’t
believe the rule after I’m like that
makes no sense there’s no way that’s a
rule that when you go into overtime you
automatically get a point like that’s
just and then guys are like no like if
they score you don’t get a point I’m
like well and then and then it like it
makes sense right cuz then why wouldn’t
you just pull your goalie and be on the
power play right like you’re kind of
thinking it that way and then what was
the other thing that Hy had said he was
like you want to not plus you want to
make sure that they don’t have their
pkers out there right like you don’t
want Ryan O’Reilly mcdna out there at
the same time but then there was the
other element where I think flurry would
have had to stay off too in some
instances so you would have still had to
it was it’s a whole another element too
like it just it’s crazy was my I had to
Now read the real rule book like I’ve
been covering the league for eight years
and I’m like I now I have to read the
rule book I have no idea I think they
like Nashville was kind of like they
didn’t know what to do because like you
you going to four and three probably
want two defenseman out there um but in
overtime you never put two defenseman on
the ice forwards and one defenseman so
it was kind of like it was interesting
to see kind of how they were like I kind
of looked over at their bench and like
they didn’t really know what what they
put like guys who maybe don’t play on
overtime but would kill a penalty four
on three and then it’s like you know who
do we put on the or who do they like put
on the ice they penalty Killers or maybe
their top players that wouldn’t play on
the penalty kill so it was kind of it
was an interesting Dynamic but it was it
was unbelievable it was cool it was do
it again but like don’t do it again I
hate overtime games I have to rewrite my
story there’s no consideration for me in
the Press Box um little rude Jake little
rude so you said Minnesota Wild playoffs
think it’s achievable I mean your
schedule coming up ahead I mean any
given night right it’s just focusing on
one game at a time but you guys have to
do a lot of winning to close out the
regular season how are how’s the room
feeling I know being in there last night
it seems like you guys all have the
right mindset you guys have had all
season but uh feeling pretty confident
that that is an achievable and
attainable goal for you guys yeah I
think so I think you know a big thing is
we play a lot of teams like you know we
play La I think we play St Louis three
or two or three times the next little
bit um so we’re playing teams in our
division that we we need to catch I
think we have Vegas once or twice more
um so I think you know we definitely
believe that we can do it I think we’re
playing like we can do it um you know I
think obviously with the trade deadline
and stuff like that you know things are
kind of up in the air but I think after
the fact you know we’ve done a really
good job of kind of putting that behind
us and just kind of you know trying to
achieve you know that goal of you know
making the playoffs and we’re playing
good hockey right now and you know just
continue to try to you know grow grow
grow our game um and yeah just make that
that late push and try to string a bunch
of wins together and just kind of see
where see where everything uh Falls
you’re a young guy what’s it been like
to play with Mark Andre flurry it’s cool
really cool it’s uh you know for me like
looking back about like even last year
like with Ottawa it’s just kind of like
you play with guys like Claud jaru who’s
I mean still a really cool player but
just like little things like that where
you can look back and be like oh I
played on played with him um is cool
he’s such a good guy um you know he’s
such such a good teammate he uh I got uh
I got I bought a flurry Jersey and got
him to sign it for me because it’s just
like one of those things where I would
beat myself up you know later in my life
if I didn’t if I didn’t do that um it
was funny my brother texted me this was
probably like a month ago and he asked
for a jersey and I’m like yeah no
problem like I’ll get your jersey like
whatever expecting him to want like a
Luchini 27 yours yeah and I’m like yeah
no problem I’ll get your jersey like and
he goes can you get flurry Jersey not I
don’t want I take flurry Jersey and like
it’s just like it doesn’t bother me at
all but it’s just kind of funny how it
just I was like yeah no problem look at
your jersey and he’s like I’m a flurry
and I’m like that’s incredible I love no
I I love that move that’s what I would
do to my brothers too actually my
brothers do chir me on that way they’re
like no can you do this well we don’t
need you to do it I’m like well you do I
have the access you don’t have this
access who are you like it’s just it’s
too fun final question before we let you
go Jake and enjoy the rest of your day
off I heard you’re a golfer and Cur and
I are in the midst of rallying up our
golf teams for all the tournaments that
we’re playing in this year uh so far
we’ve got bolds we’ve got fav we’ve got
Grace zumwinkle Kelly panck Taylor heisy
um they’re all on the hook would you
like to be a part of our golf team
Kirsten and I bring the Vibes mostly um
and the beer mostly the beer and the
Vibes once in a while we can contribute
a drive but we’re also going to leave
that to Grace and and Kelly Panic do you
want to be a part of this I can be a
part of your golf team yes I don’t have
my CL but eventually I’ll get them here
and I’ll yeah perfect we’re locking and
load in a really goodlooking squad for
some of these tournaments well I’ve
never played golf with uh with BS um but
I heard he’s quite a quite a player he
uh he got to golf in the Canadian open
he was an exemption this year and we got
to follow him around although it was
kind of funny no offense to him he
realized very quickly that he will not
be a professional golfer and how
different it is is okay because he’s got
a pretty good gig going right now yeah
right well that I joked with him and
Billy at the start of the season because
was like right as preseason was getting
going in Camp and I’m like what happens
if he makes the cut like do you let him
continue on and like keep going or like
what do we do and then after uh the
first dat it was pretty evident that
that probably wasn’t going to be a
concern anymore but uh it was still a
pretty cool experience I heard heartsy
is just as good if not better than BS I
didn’t know that I haven’t golfed uh I
haven’t golfed with a lot of guys on the
team actually um I golf with a few guys
in De Mo but not not in not with
Minnesota so I think are going to go
golfing sometime soon I think so we’ll
uh I’ll have to see uh I’ll have to
report back with who’s players who are
the players I mean definitely let us
know because there’s a certain threshold
like what you know your handicap has to
be just right we have to make sure we’re
recruiting the best players it’s a
Cutthroat League out there meanwhile I’m
just out here saying bring people who
are good for The
Vibes that’s that’s all I care about
yeah better the the golf the the players
of the or yeah the golf players you want
right yes exactly she’s to hang out with
me because I’m the type of person that
people I take too long soz I keep
missing the ball and they’re just like
just pick up your ball and Drop It where
all of us are at
please that’s the way that’s the way to
do it my fiance doesn’t golf much but
she’ll go come with me once in a while
and that’s what she does she’ll just
like swing once uh hit it pick it up
bring it over Drop It where mine is hit
it again just to kind of get out and
have fun there you go well she’s invited
too she can
and we we’ll have a good time awesome
exactly well Jake thank you so much it
was so great to finally get to know you
catch up a little bit and uh best of
luck to the rest of the way here awesome
thanks for having me guys I appreciate
it yeah all right we’re going to take a
quick break we’ll be right
back hey guys Jesse Pierce here for
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Jesse Pierce and the Bardon Beauty sent
you thank you to Jake Luchini and Aaron
sikman uh Jackson ribel and Dylan Daniel
for their help and assisting and getting
us him super fun guy great to get to
know him um excited to see what he
continues to do here with the Minnesota
Wild Kirsten is on vacation yes we’re
jealous um she’s actually going to be
catching a Minnesota Wild game in
California so good for her so I’m solo
I’m flying solo just for this little bit
we had enough of a good conversation
with Drake that I’m not going to do too
much but I’m gonna get an updated look
at your Minnesota Wild to close this
week’s episode out for you if you don’t
mind first things first Mark Andre FLIR
you guys named the NHL’s third star of
the week after he helps the wild go 20
and one in their stretch which just so
we know was an accurate prediction by
Yours Truly to a te I said they would
lose an overtime to St Louis and we all
know how much I love being right so uh
Mark Andre flurry he’s your number one
golender there is no question he went uh
097 goals against average 0.961 save
percentage and one shut out in those
three games so he’s it he’s he’s
everything I’m sure Philip gipson’s in
his own head a little bit about it and
as we’ve discussed before previous
episodes I think you take a real good
hard look at that contract and figure
out especially depending on what Mark
Andre flurry wants to do so congrats to
him you love to see him shining and and
really stepping up and it does seem like
Mark Andre flurry hits the stride you
know I asked him after that Anaheim game
uh the other night in St Paul I said how
do you T tackle this situation you’re
not only playing more games which of
course he loves right but you’re also in
this position that usually he’s not
found himself in he’s usually playoff
bound he usually kind of has a good idea
and he said you know it’s actually kind
of fun fighting for your spot it makes
you feel a little bit more reliable you
know he said he wants to be the guy that
helps them win the games and certainly
he’s been doing just that so another
round of applause for my number one
goenda flurry would love to see that um
in general Minnesota still in that
playoff push they are now just Five
Points back from Vegas for that second
Wild Card uh Vegas does have one game in
and it’s going to be another kind of Me
Maybe kind of week it is back toback in
California as i’ mentioned LA Kings in
Anaheim starting Tuesday Wednesday and
then they come back home for a Mata one
o’clock puck drop in St Paul against the
St Louis Blues now the concern and it’s
been the overall concern all freaking
season long you guys is the way that
Minnesota plays against Central Division
opponents 81 and2 vers the central this
year and you’ve got four more verse
Central Division opponents to Colorado
games one against Winnipeg and another
one against St Louis as I mentioned
Saturday and then you’re closing out
basically the season with the West uh
they are 196 and two against Western
teams so again not that great so it
sucks right it’s it’s it’s going to be
they are playing teams that they are
chasing they are playing teams that are
in better positions than them coming up
to close out the year minus Anaheim and
San Jose so you get some of those I
think Seattle as well uh to to wrap
things up and and obviously Ottawa but
it’s going to be tough this week alone I
think Minnesota goes 10 and two I’m
giving them two points I’m giving them
those otls probably to LA and probably
to St Louis they’re going to get a
victory against Anaheim in Anaheim but I
think it’s one and two um I hope they
prove me wrong but again in in addition
to the struggles that I watch them make
against Central Division opponents games
that matter games that they need to show
up a full 64 they don’t we saw it again
in St Louis on Saturday like great you
got a point great you get to the
shootout Freddy GD we have to change
your name from Freddy shootout to Freddy
do nothing I’m sorry I know I can’t got
people came at me on Twitter for calling
him out when nobody really showed up
that game but also come on Fred like
it’s just been a bad down andout year
for him um but you know there is truth
to that nobody showed up in that game
against St Louis and they did this again
in a must-win against Nashville they’ve
done it numerous times this year where
they put themselves in a good position
heading into those Road games and maybe
they can do it look at they’re hot
they’ve been heating up and and they
kind of come out flat and they blow a
tire or they blow a lead like it’s just
it’s so frustrating the level of
inconsistencies and the mental mindset
that they’re kind of it’s kind of a
mental mind F if you will right because
you’re like all right we’re feeling good
and yes they have points in in point
streak extended but you need two again
you need to and you need to against your
St louises you need two against your
Colorado your Winnipeg you need these
freaking points like I don’t know I’m
going to have to go in I’m going to have
to give a pregame locker room speech at
some point in time here because that
just might be what it takes obviously
they’re forgetting that they need to go
and win these games you need to
basically win out again the prediction
would be that Vegas finishes somewhere
around 89 points Minnesota currently
sitting at 74 they still got some work
to do 68 games in their pocket as of
today Monday uh again kicking off a
three game dead here coming up so woo
that’s going to do it uh like I said
short sweet Minnesota they’re going to
get three points just it’s going to be
kind of ugly we’ll see hopefully they
can change my mind uh let us know what
you think let us know what you think
about Jake Luchini if there are any
questions you want to ask him uh we are
also obviously on the cooking train the
golf train all of those things um
because the season might be over sooner
than later and we still need things to
talk about so let us know drop your
comments as always subscribe share like
and rate on behalf of Kirsten and Fred
um thank you very much for listening you
guys are the best see you later this
week uh go while


  1. Why do you think this team can go anywhere when your entire bottom 6 has less than 2 point average in the last 20, maybe even 25 games? It tells you they are only getting a cardio workout for exorbitant pay!!! The biscuit in the basket is what gets the job done and these loligaggers are NOT PUTTING THE PUCK IN THE NET!!!

  2. The Wild are 33-35 with 14 games to go. In terms of points, you need to ursurp the teams ahead of you, NOT tie them. The Wild currently have a 14.2% chance of making playoffs. They would need to be lights out and get a ton of help from other teams to make playoffs.

  3. Jake looked like he was having a lot of fun in the interview. It was surprising to hear the degree to which he was a Swiftie. Did not expect that 🙂 You guys gave him luck because he scored tonight.

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