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TONY SCHIAVONE reacts to the CM PUNK interview with Ariel Helwani

Tony Schiavone reacts to CM Punk’s Ariel Helwani interview on the Jack Perry backstage incident at AEW.



#tonyschiavone #cmpunk #aew

now Tony without further Ado I say we uh
we like this dude up this is going to be
fun I love watching old school ECW I’m
excited to watch it with you I want you
to go to Peacock and watch along with us
let’s do a two- screen experience you’ll
get the full effect from this podcast
it’s season 4 of Hardcore TV so when you
pull up peacock go to WWE type in your
search bar hardcore TV season 4 episode
12 it aired on March 19th 1996 so right
around WrestleMania 12 or that really
bad uncensored pay-per-view from
WCW uh so well here we go Tony you’ve
got a uh a little countdown for us let’s
do it Daddy I’m not ready not ready to
watch ECW I mean I’m ready to watch it
but uh you know what while you’re trying
to get ready let me address one of the
elephants in the room I didn’t want this
to touch the bug conversation but okay
as you and I are recording this on a
Tuesday Morning yesterday on April
Fool’s Day yeah April 1st Ariel helwani
hosts a fabulous show called the MMA
hour and normally it’s all about mixed
martial arts but they had a special
guest yesterday a former MMA artist and
we know him in professional wrestling as
CM Punk and he told a couple of Shor a
couple of Shani stories it included your
name and I wanted to give you a chance
to uh respond to anything that Mr Brooks
may have said did he uh did he have a
couple of stories about me well it was
referencing uh jungle boy right yeah I’m
not sure what we’re supposed to talk
about or not talk about on your side of
the fence but he told the story that he
was in catering and you came to see him
and well you know the rest of the story
but he retold that story and uh you know
your name was was bandied about a little
bit not in a negative way he was just
explaining that you went to him looking
for a little bit of help because the
narrative was certainly out there that
Collision was quote unquote his show
right and then he just sort of told the
whole story but there was a lot of aew
discussion and with your name mentioned
I felt like I needed to at least mention
it to you and give you a chance to
respond yeah well you know what I I
really don’t give a [ __ ] about it uh and
uh I I’m not going to get into this I I
know what he said and
uh let him uh continue to talk if he
once that’s all I
got yeah I mean listen look it okay okay
um I
uh no I don’t give a [ __ ] that’s all I
can say I I can’t get into that it it
would be stupid for me to get into that
I have no idea I have no idea what he
said with the exception of someone told
me oh he brought up your name and here’s
what he said I like so what right so
[ __ ] what no no he wasn’t critical of
you at all no I know that that’s why I’m
saying so what
why if he was critical of me people
would say oh shovan on his podcast is
going to defend himself I have nothing
to defend no no not at all I unless
you’re defending aw and he was critical
of aw as you might imagine and he wasn’t
even super negative at times about Tony
KH I mean right we don’t have to
relitigate it all and punk was even sort
of cautious about saying man I just
really don’t want to talk about any of
this I’m not interested in Rel
litigating it it looks like he’s moved
on aw’s moved on that’s good but I know
that if I don’t mention it to you then
all the comments are going to say why
didn’t you mention anything but I said
to myself self zero chance shovan watch
this and even lower of a chance that he
gives a [ __ ] he’s trying to work on
today’s show this week’s show like what
I understand about your schedule is
you’re on the road every Wednesday doing
TV you’re on the road every Saturday
doing TV and now this weekend oh by the
way we got a big Wednesday show and then
Ring of Honor pay-per-view on Friday and
meet and greets all weekend then you’ll
be doing another show next week like The
Beat Goes On yep there’s not time to
look back and say well eight months
ago who cares we’re working on the next
show yeah you know
what let’s move on let’s move on March
1996 it’s hardcore TV we are excited to
watch this with you season 4 episode 12
Tony let’s do the countdown here we go
okay uh my countdown goes uh something
this Oho
CCO Quattro but okay Quattro cinko
already pressed play
so yeah yeah back it up here we go sorry
okay three [ __ ] two [ __ ] one
[ __ ] play there we go so it’s a recap
from last week we see Brian pilman in
the front row we’ve got Joey Styles on
this side of the barricade can’t wait to
see Joey do some stuff in the wrestling
space again and there’s Shane Douglas
who has a fun podcast these days and man
they’re going back and forth and teasing
a little bit of violence and you can see
pilman is really getting that Shane
Douglas’s goat and Shane looks like he’s
ready to haul off and punch him but
pilman pulls a woman and child right in
front wow Douglas isn’t going to punch a
baby pillman’s a hell a heel man wasn’t
he he was
just just so great of a heel let me ask
you said uh is Joey Styles coming back
to wrestling oh no he’s okay I thought
you can’t wait to I I he will eventually
[ __ ] everybody comes back eventually
yeah you’re right you’re right I mean
you thought there was no chance you’d
ever be back in this [ __ ] now look at
you man I gotta tell you I just love ECW
but what’s funny to me what stands out
watching it back well two things
watching this back on peacock with the
sound you appreciate what a big deal and
what a big part of the presentation the
music was it was unlicensed music of
course right and now WWE’s had to
replace it with uh well [ __ ] that
doesn’t really work right and it’s not
the same it doesn’t feel the same it
doesn’t have the same Vibe but even like
the building we’re looking at here this
is a small building like this would have
been considered like a spot show if this
was Jim Crockett promotions like right a
real really small building and I just
think as cool as this was and as beloved
as this was if social media existed the
way it does now back then boy there’d be
all kinds of tribalism just people
tearing it down about how small it was
and uh look at the tiny crowd and oh
they’re using bad language and they’re
using unlicensed music I mean I think
the narrative on ECW would be different
but because it didn’t exist social media
didn’t exist I think people were just
watching what they enjoyed and I for one
loved this [ __ ] right here yeah and so
did our boss Tony KH absolutely loved it
and talks about it all the time and hey
hey it’s Conrad Thompson here to tell
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  1. You say move on to Punk, they why did AEW AIR THE ALL IN PUNK FOOTAGE ON DYNAMITE LAST WEDNESDAY!?!?!?!?!?!
    Pot calling the kettle black.

  2. Do these two hate their audience?? Why every single time I hear them mention the audience they use an angry voice to immitate them. And this miserable fart Tony, why does he have a podcast with such a moody personality, and wtf is with the clickbaits? 3 times in 2 days??

  3. Right coming from someone who works with a mark who has no clue what he’s doing. How’s the footage release go for y’all?

  4. He didn't want to say anything because, what can he say. It's nothing against him and he doesn't want to get into a topic that can get him in to trouble with his company and Tony Khan acting immature by saying things like why did you say that, why did you defend him, why didn't you defend us ? Are trying to be a traitor? Something only a kid would say to someone. It's a business, who the effin f#@k cares, if you're to offended in this business then you certainly shouldn't be on it. Tony Schiovane knows that, but I don't think Tony Khan understands that.

  5. Tony S. knows Punk is right. He can’t talk since he works for Tony Klown. Tony S. says “let’s move one”.

    One week later, AEW plays that lame ass Wembley video. 😂😂😂😂

  6. Only way for AEW to fix this if for Tony to publicly apologize to the loker room and fans for airing that and to move on as a company from the past.

  7. Let's move on, can't be focused on the past…now let's cue up that 1996 ppv! Guys, it' a retro f***ing podcast. If you don't want to talk, don't, but don't say we've got to be focused on the future.

  8. I watched Tony Schiavone for 30 years and he was and still is an incredible color commentator. But he used to not be afraid to speak his mind. So as he gets older, he smart enough to watch what he says and that’s good. However, he is not honest with the audience and with himself. When he came back, he’s changed a lot maybe due to his past professional and personal experience learning from his mistakes. I don’t know. I love Tony S. always. Keep being yourself.

  9. Schiavone desperately wanting to keep his job on a sinking ship must be a bizarre Deja vu experience 😂

  10. Tony just acted exactly like the AEW team defensive AF and bitter sounding and contradicting himself immediately.. ‘ i know what he said then I don’t know what he said’ hahaha OMG.. ‘let him run his mouth weve moved on’ wait did AEW not just air it and look back 8 months ago CONRAD holly molly whats with all the podcasters that have never been in the business beenin such fanboys of AEW, is it purely because TK lets them on there TV when WWE can see through them or what???

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