This NEW Way To Swing The Club Is So Much Easier

Many of you i’m sure, like me, will have learnt to play golf a number of years ago, and back then the golf swing was coached very differently than it is today.

I grew up watching Nick Faldo win The Masters and whilst his swing clearly worked and he was an incredible player, that style of swing is incredible hard for 99% of the amateur golfers that play the game.

When we look at the more modern day swings we see a very different move, and the good news is that this new style of swing is actually much easer for the majority of golfers.

In this video I’ll show you some simple steps that you can take to ensure you are getting the most out of your golf swing in terms of accuracy, power and consistency.

Hope you enjoy and as always please leave a comment, i’d love to hear from you


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00:00 Introduction
00:40 The Old Swing
02:03 Backswing Turn
02:46 The Towel Drill
05:02 Seperation Drill
07:18 The New Swing

Nick falo has won multiple Majors he was
world number one for a long time so
clearly one of the greats of the game
now I grew up watching Nick falo I
remember him winning the 96 Masters I
even made my dad go and buy me that
shirt and that putter you might be the
same you might remember that tournament
but back then the go s was coached very
differently things have changed and if
you were coached into that style of
swing like I was and like so many have
been it’s probably going to be holding
you back it’s going to be making you
worse so in this video I’m going to show
you the new way to swing the golf club
it’s easier it gives you more power it
gives you more consistency and it’s
actually more fun to swing it that way
as well so kind of what was that swing
that everyone was was coached back in
the day well back then we didn’t really
put the right emphasis on distance and
power we all thought the game was about
accuracy and control and you listen to
Nick falder who was coached by David Leb
at the time and they spoke very much
about from setup sort of holding this
right knee in place holding this right
thigh in place and winding the upper
body up
over this Trail sort of thigh and you
think about Nick falder now what he used
to say is that he’d almost try and keep
the flex in this knee and as you wind up
you create this big stretch across your
kind of midsection and if I do that now
I can really feel that and I even
remember having a lesson as a as a
junior golfer and the coach saying to me
I want you to make a a back swing hold
the right knee hold the right thigh hold
the hips in place and he said as you get
to the top of your back swing you really
should find it difficult to talk because
you’ve created such a big stretch that
it’s difficult to get your words out and
I remember standing there searching for
that feeling now if you’ve ever had
those ideas you’ve ever had that sort of
concept in your gol sing you’re probably
holding yourself back in this video I’m
going to teach you a much simpler way
and the new way to swing the golf club
now we still want that power we still
want that speed in our goal and we still
want that elasticity that gives us that
speed so we’re going to create that but
a slightly different way so going to do
this in kind of three stages the first
thing would be I want you to have more
freedom in your back swing so imagine if
I said to you you know take a setup here
and place your feet into golf poh and
just stand up normally and imagine if I
said keep your feet in same place and
behind me someone shouted my name what
would I do I’d turn around and I would
speak to them that would be a very free
turn I would never at any point kind of
hold my legs and stretch my upper body
to do that I would just turn this way
and when I do that I feel completely
relaxed I feel like there’s no tension
through my body and there’s a fair bit
of movement in my knees and my hips to
enable me to rotate my shoulders and
kind of look behind me that’s how I want
you to think about the golfing so let’s
first of all get away from this idea of
locking everything down making things
stiff so we don’t have too much movement
this is the first little drill you’re
going to take something like a towel it
doesn’t have to be a towel and you’re
best to kind of just fold it over so
it’s not sort of too long and what I’d
love you to do is just take a setup and
obviously got the towel in my hand and
we just going to make a really free back
swingy f your whole body rotates and
this towel should sort of land onto your
Trail shoulder so the more I lock this
the more I lock this I’m going to really
find that difficult to do and you can
see that I can’t really get that up over
my shoulder it’s a fair bit of wind out
here today so it might blow the towel a
little bit as I make this free turn and
swing my hands over my shoulder you see
how the towel sort of hits me on that
trail shoulder so you see how I’m making
this big terb body knees are moving hips
are moving everything is kind of
rotating freely and look at the top of
my goling I’m really not hopefully you
can pick this not struggling to breathe
I’m not struggling to
speak I’m in a really nice position I
feel really relaxed look what’s happened
to my legs this knee has lost some of
its Flex this hip has turned and gone a
little bit higher this knee has
increased in flexion you can probably
see a little bit of daylight between my
legs that’s what I want you to look for
as you doing this so maybe not a bad
idea initially to start and do this
maybe in a mirror or a reflection so you
can actually see what this looks like
and how it might be different from
something where you lock everything down
you’re trying to create that stretch
there’s that stretch where I feel like I
can’t sort of talk I can’t get my words
out this is going to give me a short
back swing now what’s going to happen
when you do that and you want to create
speed and distance we need some length
in the swing so what often happens as I
see this all the time we get this back
swing where everything’s locked down and
then how do the arms go further well
either the right elbow gets pulled
behind the golfer or the left elbow
bends cuz they’re trying to get the golf
club up here and locking this down
actually really changes the structure of
your arms and if you’ve ever looked at
your gol swing and you see your right
elbow flying or maybe you see your left
arm bending it might be because you’re
locking everything down and you’re
trying to do all the work with your
hands and arms just for that back sing
move is going to get you into a much
better position at the top more turn
hands a little bit deeper it’s so much
easier to play the game from there
but we haven’t got any power stored up
so this is how we get it you’re going to
grab two golf clubs I’ve got a seven9
and a 69 it really doesn’t matter what
they are but the the reason we got two
golf clubs is we want the extra weight
okay now you can’t take a a standard
grip but you can take as close as you
can to normal grip and I want you to
kind of set up but you can just be sort
of hovering above above the golf ball
feet really close together now what
you’re going to do is you’re going to
try and make that similar sort of
movement that we’ve just made this nice
free turn where you’re allowing the hips
and the knees to move and you’re feeling
that very little tension but as you get
to around about here with your hands and
we’ll call that kind of chest height
you’re going to take your lead foot and
you’re going to step towards the Target
now naturally what will happen is as you
take that step towards the target your
hips will start to turn
towards where you’re trying to go so
your hips are going to be opening or
rotating towards the Target because
these clubs weigh a little bit they’re
still going to have some momentum going
in this direction which is going to
going to cause your shoulders to still
want to rotate away from the target so
now we’ve got a separation we’ve got the
shoulders turning away from the Target
and the lower body starting to go
towards the target what’s that doing
it’s creating that stretch so similar to
that swing that faler was working on
creating that tension we still want that
but I want you to create it in
transition not halfway into your back
swing so free turn no tension step
across and I tell you what I feel that
and you will feel that as well it’s a
great way to get that sensation I really
want you to feel that through this whole
midsection through your hips through
your torso through your core you’re
really going to feel that stretch and
you’re really going to start to sense
and feel what these great players of
today feel they have so much torque in
their body so the stage from that we to
just continue to swing
through now I don’t want to go full
speed because the weight of the clubs is
going to feel quite noticeable but I
tell you what it’s a great feeling love
you to go ahead and do this you really
get that
sensation of this nice relaxed back
swing but then the transition is where
you create that torque so so key and
then that torque then gets Unwound down
and through the impact which then brings
us on to the final stage which is how
you’re actually going to start to hit
some balls this way so I’m nice and
relaxed I’m expecting lots of movement
that’s the key thing I don’t want you
locked in over the golf ball I’m
expecting lots of movement number two
I’m going to be making this nice free
turn where I’m imagining that towel is
landing on my shoulder but as my hands
get to around about chest height I’m
going to be stepping forward and I’m
just going to swing through and just
clip the ball off the tee now I say I’m
not going to do this at full speed but
we should sort of see these movements
together okay absolutely nowhere near
full speed when that Ball’s carried 95
yards okay so my normal 79 is somewhere
in the region 175 180 so it’s kind of
50% distance 50% speed and
initially that’s where I want you to
live I want you to live at that speed
until you can really find the right
movements the right Sensations and then
you can start to scale up now this
movement will work with your irons your
driver with everything okay so here are
the key points you need to look for
knees should be changing Flex losing
increasing hips should be turning freely
you should be able to get to the top of
your back swing and not feel as if
you’re under any stress and ready talk
you shouldn’t find it difficult to speak
you shouldn’t find it difficult to
breathe you should feel very very
relaxed but then in transition you want
to create that stretch and have that
Propel the body and the club through to
the golf ball that little drill we did
with a step you can scale that up in
terms of speed and then ultimately you
can just go ahead and hit shots where
you’re putting it all together into a
swing and that’s the shotgun start on
the other go of course so that’s the
little exercise we want you to do follow
those steps and you can start swinging
it like the modern player and you’re
going to get so much more out of your


  1. I think we were all taught that back in the day.

    Golf Digest called that “Tiger Woods ‘X’ factor”
    … the difference between the shoulders turn and the hip turn (separation).
    Tiger could do it
    … us mere humans could not.
    Lots of back issues resulted from that 🙄

    Now most encourage turning your hips on the backswing, any way you can (straightening the right leg, left heel off the ground, left knee canted in, etc)

    Love that “step drill” 👍🏻
    Good stuff, Chris

  2. Great vid – nice and simple. This is also how Sam Snead swing, swang, swung the club – forming a K with his legs in the backswing and then the second K on the follow through – the X factor is gimmicky BS. Nicklaus and many more also went K to K with their legs. It works.

  3. I like the video though Nick Faldo is one of the purest strikers of the golf ball in the history of golf. If he wanted to hit it long, he also was able to do that.

  4. I agree with you about Nick Faldo. His swing back in his prime was (and that swing still is) an excellent model for a golfer to build their swing after. While at times him or Leadbetter may have talked about resistance in the backswing at times it wasn't a completely locked up lower body. I remember in his Golf the Winning Formula book he actually talked about the stomach, right shoulder, and right hip rotating behind him over the right heel.

  5. I recently started taking lessons again at GOLFTEC and they are now teaching this method. It is a much more body friendly swing.

  6. Now this is very funny you made this video… I’m 46 and have just started playing golf again after 23 years of not playing … the trail leg being bent is something that I have had the biggest thing taking out of my old swing .. I started playing again 4 months ago and in the first month back I had a knee brace on my right knee .. still working on the knees not being bent 😂

  7. I have been stuck in the old way,was taught(especially irons) to keep the right knee flex. And to be fair you can feel the power built up..But I will certainly try to get more from this way..

  8. Good explanation – but I cannot help noticing your bent lead arm when doing the towel drill and straight lead arm when hitting with clubs. This is a confusing inconsistency and does rather detract from your main points.

  9. Yes, excellent. But, it's more a way of rediscovering the game post modern fundamentals. Bobby Jones tells us in his in video that the right leg should be able to straighten. But, that is the first drill to do, at 04.58, where you stretch and flex your right arm back. And, it is a really great exercise to keep stretching and flexing the arm back when it won't flex back any further. When you do this the arm will straighten and that will certainly straighten the right leg. And, when your arm straightens stretch it behind your back in line with the direction that your right foot points out.

  10. Great lesson Chris! I would only add that it can also be helpful that we understand what not to do with these types of drills. Definitely need to watch out for swaying or weight moving to the outside of the trail foot otherwise all will be lost.

  11. How does this new swing help with consistency? Not convinced this is the best advice for us the amateurs.

  12. Hi Chris, just watched your video “make 1 change and start crushing your 3 wood”. I was wondering when you place the tee in front of the ball, are you looking at the tee or the ball when swinging through? Thanks 🙏🏼

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